#possibly undead-ish
existential-turnip · 1 year
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have le windy boi
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deconstructthesoup · 6 months
I think the reason that Dimension 20 really scratches all those itches in my brain is that it really shows what you can do with D&D---and TTRPGs as a whole.
Fantasy High, by itself, is an incredibly compelling concept. What would D&D look like in a semi-modern setting? What would a high school that's all about teaching teens how to be adventurers look like? And the way it's done is beyond inventive, especially if you look at all the encounters in the first season---we've got a literal food fight, a high-speed road chase with tiefling greasers, a nightclub brawl with zombies, vampires, and werewolves, a skating match with a bunch of dwarven middle schoolers and a concrete golem, a high-stakes game of football (ish) with undead jocks that give off major teen slasher vibes, a fight done in an arcade where characters can get trapped in the consoles, and the final battle is done at prom. PROM! How cool is that?
And then we get to the Unsleeping City, which takes the urban fantasy elements that Fantasy High already had and elevates it. The way the D&D lore and magic is interpreted in a modern New York setting is excellent, as is the whole take on the "American Dream," magic literally coming from dreams, ideas, and the imagination. I know that I need to actually finish the UC saga, but from what I've seen and experienced, it is truly fantastic.
And the same energy carries through to the other seasons---my personal favorite outside of Fantasy High being A Court of Fey and Flowers, just because I'm a sucker for any Fey Realm content and I've been raised on Jane Austen---where the genre mashups shine through in the best way possible. I'll admit, I haven't seen A Crown of Candy, purely because I know how heartbreaking and devastating it is and I don't think I can physically handle it, but the concept of Candyland Game of Thrones is so beautifully bizarre that I totally get why people love it so much. Escape from the Bloodkeep hitting that workplace comedy vibe that we love to see in villains. Misfits & Magic being a love letter to the "magical boarding school" genre while also calling out all the weird contradictions inherent in it. A Starstruck Odyssey literally being an homage to Brennan's mom and exactly the kind of madcap and unhinged energy I need from my sci-fi. Neverafter perfectly encapsulating the true horror of fairy tales. Mentopolis hitting my noir-loving heart and personifying hyperfixation in the best way possible.
I'm not even kidding when I say that, if it weren't for Dimension 20... I probably wouldn't have even started my own campaign. I'd had snippets and ideas ever since officially getting into D&D and joining a game with some old friends (and getting back in touch with them in the process), but after I saw the Mentopolis trailer, I realized just how much variety TTRGPs had to offer. I could do a time-blending, history-meets-future campaign. I could go out-of-the-box. I could have endless amounts of options available to my friends and still tell the story that I wanted to tell. And when I sat down and watched Fantasy High---and when I got that Dropout subscription so I could consume whatever I wanted---it felt like the show was actually giving me advice. It's fantastic.
Also it helps that the episodes are usually only roughly a couple hours instead of being, like, an entire afternoon long. And that each season is 20 episodes, tops. No offense to Critical Role, but the sheer amount of content literally makes it impossible for me to get into it.
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m0llygunn · 18 days
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After a much needed hair cut and a very pleasurable scalp massage, you find out something new about your undead friend! wc: 600
The first night at your house— the undead has a name!
─── † ཐི❤︎ཋྀ † ───
“You’re lucky fashion always loops back around. Long hair on guys is in its… third?” you pause, doing quick decade math. “Yeah, third wave since your time, at least… actually, maybe it’s at its fourth loop around?”
“Hm,” Eddie hmphs, slouching in his seat. The sectioned part of his hair slides out from between your fingers right as soon as you go to snip it, and you’re quick to scold him. 
“It’s just a trim! Your ends are dead! More dead than the rest of you! It’s a bad look, Eddie, I won’t be seen with someone who has split ends up to their ears, I just won’t!”
“Nuuh,” he moans— his new favourite word, his best version of ‘no’.
“Yes. And if you don’t sit up, I’m going to mess up, and then we’ll have to shave it all off— and who knows if it’ll even grow back?”
“Well, Eddie. Sit up.”
He complies with gurgles and mumbles and you part his hair again, sectioning out what hasn’t been trimmed, finishing the job. 
By the end, he looks magnificent, not a split end in sight. You run your fingers through his hair, shaking it out, starting from the scalp.
“Mmm,” Eddie moans quietly.
“You like that?” you tease. He meets your gaze through the mirror reflection and rolls his eyes, but his demeanor shifts— he definitely likes it.
You do it again, this time focusing more on the root of his hair, letting your fingers rub at his scalp. You get a quiet gasp from him as his eyes widen. 
“Relax, Eddie. It’s just a massage,” you laugh as you run your fingers through his hair. 
As your fingers work against his scalp, he lets out a content sigh. Pulling a hand from his hair, you pat his shoulder, encouraging him to sit back further and slouch like he so badly wanted to before. With hesitancy, catching your gaze in the mirror with a subtle scowl, he eventually scoots his hips forward, letting his head rest back against your stomach. You hum happily and return to massaging his scalp. 
After a few minutes of your hands in his hair, with the occasional gentle pulls from the root, you can’t help but notice something in your periphery. 
You can see Eddie’s face in the mirror. His eyes are closed and he looks truly relaxed. If you didn’t know any better, and if he didn’t have the pale complexion of someone who’s been in the ground for the last hundred years, you’d think that, well, he wasn’t in the ground for the last hundred years. He's got a youthfulness to him, both in looks and attitude. 
Eventually, your gaze shifts downwards, traveling south, to see… something else. Something you didn’t know was even biologically possible for him— something tenting the crotch of his pants. You can’t help but smile to yourself— dead or alive a guy is a guy, you suppose. 
“Well, it’s good to know that still works,” you laugh. “Good for you.” 
Eddie’s eyes blink open, immediately looking for your gaze in the mirror. You pat him on the cheek before emptying your hair supplies out of your borrowed-from-the-kitchen apron pockets, sitting the big mismatched hair clips and silver shears down on your vanity. 
“I have to go get the vacuum for the floor. You can get up now,” you instruct him as you catch his gaze in the mirror once again. “Huh,” you pause, seeing the pink flush to his usually grey-ish cheeks. “I didn’t know you could blush either. Interesting.” 
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untitled5071 · 4 months
Hi! here’s a oneshot request. I would love a fic of them going out on a cute date! They unfortunately didn’t get to do that in the movie and it makes me sad, they deserve a cute date 🩵🪡⚡️
Sneaking into drive-in movies was almost laughably easy. 
Lisa snuck ahead to try to scope out the scene, delighted to find that there were very few cars to block their view, and even fewer people to spot them on the little hill just to the left of the field the screen was in. Cult films were hardly the kind that drew the Brookside crowd in, which is exactly what Lisa was banking on. With a self-satisfied smile, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and strutted back into the woods where her undead boyfriend was waiting. 
She found him exactly where she left him, a picnic basket dangling from one hand and a folded blanket clasped in the other. He was wearing one of her dad’s sweaters; it hung slightly large on his thin frame, but the black and purple really brought out the dark circles around his eyes, and his regular pants. When she came into view, his sunken eyes locked onto her and his pale lips spread in a sickeningly fond smile, one that only widened when she took both of his hands and pulled him towards the spot they would be watching the movie from, spreading her eyes wide and presenting the site of their date with all the bravado a ringmaster would a circus. 
“Here we are! The best date sight in all of Brookside for people who can’t be seen in public because of their growing criminal record!”
The still-nameless creature surveyed the area approvingly, dropping his burdens at the spots Lisa pointed to. Together, they unfurled the large crocheted afghan that Lisa’s mother had made and placed it over the fallen leaves and slightly damp grass, Lisa bending down to smooth it out while the creature lugged over the picnic basket and laid it on top. The two of them crawled on top of the afghan and settled in the middle, sides pressed together while Lisa started to pull things out of the basket and the creature watched fondly. 
She laid out two cans of Pepsi Free, some Doritos, popcorn, some various Hostess snack cakes, peach rings, licorice, Milk Duds and any other slightly appealing movie food she could have possibly grabbed from the convenience store downtown. Along with them, she produced some napkins, a small portable radio, and a set of travel pillows. She spread the items out accordingly; the snacks and napkins in front of them within easy reach, the pillows behind them The radio she laid between them at their feet, and she fiddled with the dial until she landed on the station that was tuned into the movie while her lover started at the dancing cartoon food on the giant screen, entranced by the wonders of the future. 
“I always felt like they were trying to trap you, ya know? Cute singing popcorn and soda, telling everyone to go to one specific place in a dark field, seems like they’re either about to murder you or brainwash you into buying way more food than you could ever comfortably eat in the span of two-ish hours and then you;re stuck lugging it all home or throwing away enough popcorn to feed a small family.”
As he always did when she got going, the creature sat back and listened to her go, watching her lips moving a million miles a minute with a lovestruck grin on his, utterly lost in the speed and passion with which she spoke about things he hardly understood. It didn’t matter though; he would listen to her talk about whatever for as long as she wanted. 
Eventually, the few meager previews rolled past and eventually ended, and the main feature began. Lisa opened a can of Pepsi Free with a small crack and tore the bag of peach rings unevenly down the side, sliding a few onto her fingers as the creature opened his arm to her, and she snuggled into his side, feeling the slow rise and fall of his chest (she was still so fascinated by the fact that he was breathing, regardless of how much air he actually required) as the Geffen Company logo faded out and the dramatic narrator began his spiel. 
The living and not-really-entirely living couple rested their heads against each other as the story of a meek flower shop worker and his unfortunate entanglement with a killer plant began to unfold, Lisa’s thoughts spilling out of her mouth as soon as they landed in her brain and the creature nodding along, expertly dividing his attention between his girlfriend and the film.
 He was a bit startled by the movie’s iconic puppet, gesturing frantically at the screen and then the woods around them, but Lisa just gently grabbed his hands to calm him before explaining that no, giant plants like that don’t exist, it was just a puppet, and then a five minute long rant about the benefits of practical effects versus the relatively new marvel of computer animation. He listened fondly, rubbing a hand up and down her arm and rubbing small circles into her flesh. 
When the main character’s conscience started to catch up with him and he went to confront his horticultural demons, Lisa shivered, and the creature noticed the goosebumps that had suddenly appeared on her skin. He tilted his head her way and grunted inquisitively, miming a shiver when she locked eyes with him. 
“Yeah, I’m a little chilly. It’s my fault for not watching the forecast for tonight, but I can’t manage to make it past the evening news report before I get too bummed out, you know? Especially since most of the local reports nowadays are about the ‘disappearances’ around town and I’m trying not to give myself away, right? I guess tulle was also a bad choice of sleeves but you have to admit this top looks amazing on me, right?”
The creature chuckled silently, nodding in agreement at her assessment of her outfit before holding up a finger, telling her to wait before leaning back, arranging the pillows behind them to his liking before laying down, beckoning Lisa with his stitched-on hand. She complied immediately, snuggling into his side while his arms wrapped around her, the movie almost entirely forgotten in front of them. 
They laid like that, Lisa’s head buried in her boyfriend’s neck while he played tenderly with her curls as the songs continued to play, and as a romantic ballad started up, Lisa shifted to lay her head on the creature’s chest, his hold adjusting accordingly so she never left the protective circle of his arms. She sighed, and at his answering warble, she tilted her head so she was looking up at him with wonderstruck eyes. 
“How can you be so warm?” 
Her undead lover looked at her adoringly before reaching over and booping her on the nose, making her scrunch it teasingly. 
The creature nodded, and Lisa exhaled softly, eyes soft and dreamy. Carefully, the creature leaned his head forward and gave her a gentle peck on the forehead, making her smile widen. When he went for the next one, she leaned up herself and met him in the middle, their lips connecting once, twice, three times as the movie’s soundtrack swelled behind them. They stayed that way, locked in each other's arms as the credits rolled and the headlights of the cars below flicked to life and departed. As the screen was turned off for the night, they laid together on their blanket and watched the stars, silent but content in their chosen company. 
They would have to do this again tomorrow night. 
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frenchfrywrites · 11 months
CODE y69
Warnings: amab gn top dom(ish) living human reader, trans man bottom zombie Vil Schoenheit, monster(fucker) au, monsterfucking, medical play, roleplay, breeding kink, lots of drool, vil goes nonverbal, slight dumbification
Words used for Vil: pussy, cunt, tits, hole, clit. Mention of him having a period and getting pregnant
The sound of the door to Vil's bedroom opening softly tears his attention away from his vanity.
"Ah, sorry," he stares through the mirror at his door, where the doctor– he gathers from the white coat and stethoscope– he arranged a house visit with stands awkwardly in the doorway. "Am I interrupting something?" You ask, setting down your bag of medical devices and instruments on Vil’s bed.
"No," he’s quick to answer, capping the tube of lipstick he'd been applying and standing to greet you. Both of you size one another up as Vil sluggishly crosses the room. You’re handsome in the long white lab coat, undoubtedly so, and if he had the blood to do so, Vil thinks he might feel flushed. The mild anxiety he typically finds himself having when he’s among the living settles in, and he feels the urge to preen and reapply his makeup.  
The two of you exchange introductions, and Vil notes that your hand feels so nice and warm when it shakes his, before you ask him to make himself comfortable on his bed. Vil sits himself down as gracefully as possible as you open your bag “I almost thought I had the wrong patient,” you offer him a bashful smile, applying hand sanitizer to your hands, then tugging on some gloves. “You looked so alive,” and your admission earns you a soft laugh from Vil. 
“Thank you,” he mumbles quietly. After his untimely demise Vil's tried his best to cover his dead skin, the chunks of missing flesh, and his vacant eyes. He appreciates his efforts being recognized. 
“Alright, let’s just jump right in, yeah?!” you give him a wide smile, “can you tell me your first and last name? And your date of birth?” Vil tells you the information easily. “And when did you become undead?”
“A couple of months ago,” he hopes you don’t pry much more than that. It’s not something he likes to dwell on.
“Great! Do you remember the last physical you had when you were alive?” you ask carefully, rummaging around in your bag.
Vil doesn’t remember much from before his death. He has people he knows- or knew- tell him things about himself, but most of what they tell him feels blurry and out of reach.
“It’s okay if you don’t,” you say when he hasn’t responded in a while. He hums- and it sounds a bit too close to the sluggish groan he’s heard from older zombies for his liking- and anxiously flattens the wrinkles on his skirt. 
“This will be a bit different from an exam that an alive person might experience, but that’s why you called me in the first place,” you ramble as you put on a pair of gloves. 
“I’m going to skip over taking your blood pressure and checking your heart, for obvious reasons,” you tell him, standing next to where he’s seated. Suddenly, you press yourself into Vil’s personal space, 
“Can I touch you Mr. Schoenheit?” and logically Vil knows his heart has stopped beating for a long time, but he feels like it flutters in his chest all the same.
“Yes,” he consents, trying his best to not sound breathless. You take his head in your hands, feeling around his skull. 
“You have lovely hair Mr. Schoenheit,” it’s an offhand comment, but it makes Vil feel like he’s on cloud nine. 
“Thank you,” he practically whispers as you gently touch the back of his neck. 
“Good,” you step back and Vil tries not to follow your touch, “looking great! I’m going to ask you to make some facial expressions with me now, so I can see how your muscles are working.”
Vil nods, folding his hands in his lap. 
“Could you frown for me?” he does as he’s told, “then smile? Then puff your cheeks?” distantly, Vil remembers that people have told him he was in movies when he was alive; a memory of acting exercises comes back to him faintly as he moves his face through various expressions.
“Hm, I can see that the muscles on the right side of your face are still quite stiff,” Vil’s face falls at the news, “hey, it’s alright!” you caress his right cheek gently, massaging the muscle by his jaw gently. Even though your hand is gloved, Vil can still feel the heat radiating off your flesh all the same. He feels hungry. “Anyone who is not specifically looking for it would not notice, I promise,” you reassure. “Now can you open your mouth for me?” 
Vil drops his jaw and it cracks a bit, leaving his mouth open just a bit wider than a living being would be capable of. That’s not true, he corrects himself, knowing that the naga can open their mouths nearly twice as more as he can. 
“Oh Mr. Schoenheit what lovely teeth you have!” you joke, and despite himself, Vil laughs. “Seriously, you have a full set! Many of my clients would dream of having your mouth,” you muse, running your fingers along his teeth. The urge to wrap his lips around your fingers and suck is overwhelming, but somehow Vil finds it in himself to resist it. He thinks you must be a little stupid, even if you are a doctor, for putting your fingers in a flesh-eaters mouth. Slipping your fingers from his mouth you reach into your bag and grab a wooden depressor. 
With your free hand you grab a small flashlight from your breast pocket, and press the wooden stick against his tongue. 
“Say ahhh,” you instruct. The noise that comes out of Vil is closer to that of a moan, but you don’t comment on that. You press the depressor further back and he gags. With a look of surprise you pull away from him, removing the depressor from his mouth as you do. 
“Sorry, did that hurt?” you ask curiously. He clears his throat, trying to regain his composure. 
“It wasn’t so bad,” he confesses. Your eyes widen just a fraction, but Vil takes note of it. Turning back to your bag you take out an otoscope, “We’re going to check your eyes and ears next, you haven’t noticed any vision or hearing loss, have you?” Vil shakes his head, thankful that so much of his body continues to function.
“Can you look at…” you trail off, glancing behind you at his wall, “the calendar back there for me?” He looks at it as you flash the light into his eyes. “Ah, are you wearing contacts?” you ask after a moment. Vil hesitates to answer, but eventually nods, “I’m sorry Mr. Schoenheit, but I need you to take those out.”
With a sigh Vil makes quick work of removing the colored contacts- or as quick as he can be with the body he inhabits now. Trying his best not to pout he lets you take a good look at his glossed over, foggy eyes. 
“You’ve got very pretty eyes Mr. Schoenheit,” you say as you pull away, “pretty and they're doing everything that eyes should be doing!” Vil huffs, 
“Flattery will get you everywhere doctor.” You manuver Vil's head so you can look into his ear, brushing his hair back to get a better look and further exposing his expression. 
“I’m already alone in your room with you Mr. Schoenheit,” you whisper, moving to look at the other ear, “how much more will flattery get me?” you muse. Vil is so glad his body can no longer blush, because he thinks he’d be as red as a tomato if he were living. 
“Ah,” he goes to say something but before he can come up with anything, you’re moving onto the next thing. Feeling a little dumbstruck he watches you take off the stethoscope around your neck, and put it on. 
“I’m going to take a listen to your lungs now, is that alright?” Vil nods, so you continue. “Would you please lift your shirt a bit?” With slightly shaking hands (the excitement of having you so close is having an apparent effect on him) he lifts his blouse for you. Sliding your hand under the fabric, you press the cold metal to his chest, and Vil gasps. 
“Sorry,” you whisper in his ear, not sounding very apologetic. “Can you take a deep breath for me?” Vil does his best, trying to sound relaxed and calm, even when he feels the opposite. “Sounds good!” and within a blink of an eye you’re gone. 
After stuffing away your stethoscope you turn to Vil, “right, so next we’re going to- oh,” you stop mid sentence, staring at his chest. Vil looks down, trying to see what you could be looking at, only to find that his nipples are hard. Shame washes over him, and he tries his best to cover himself, but you stop him, sitting next to him on the bed.
“It’s okay! I’m sorry I had such an unprofessional reaction, it’s just I don’t see that often with my patients,” you rub his shoulder comfortingly and Vil slowly drops his arms. 
“Can I take a look?” You ask after a moment. Vil tucks his hair behind his ear, nodding slowly. Your hand falls from Vil’s shoulder to the hem of his shirt. As you tug it upwards you expose more of his skin. 
There are small patches of decay, some skin that’s been stitched back together, and on his left side some of his ribs are exposed. With your other hand you thumb over one of his nipples, and Vil lets out a soft gasp. He feels so good having you touch him that any insecurity he’d normally have about the rotting, peeling flesh previously covered by his shirt is flung out the window.
“Did that hurt?” and Vil feels tingly all over at the quiet rumbling sound of your voice.
“No doctor,” he breathes, his breath hitching when you rub your thumb over it again. 
“Feels good, Mr. Schoenheit?” you check, not giving Vil any relief as you continue to rub circles around his nipple.  
Not trusting his voice, Vil nods, blinking slowly as waves of pleasure work their way through his body. 
And as quickly as it started, it’s over. You pull back, and much to Vil’s humiliation, he can’t help but lean forward and try to chase your touch. 
“Ah,” he makes a soft noise as his brain catches up. Part of him wishes to beg for more, but his pride stops him.
“Are you having other reactions, Mr. Schoenheit?” you ask softly. Vil rubs his legs together as he focuses,
“Yes doctor,” he answers honestly. Your smile widens at that,
“Amazing,” you praise, “can I see?” Vil lets out a low groan at that. Instead of using his words, Vil takes the hem of his skirt, and lifts it so you can see his soaked panties. Vil can’t help but grin when your warm touch returns to his chilled body as you gently run your fingers from his clit to his hole. 
“Such a responsive, functional body,” you hum in his ear, and Vil clumsily jerks his hips into your touch, clutching desperately at his skirt. 
“May I take a closer look Mr. Schoenheit?” 
“Yes please, doctor,” Vil moans, his words slurring together. You slide off the bed, and between Vil’s decayed thighs. Your hands tug at the top of his panties, and with some combined effort, the two of you manage to take them off him. 
“Oh look at you,” you coo, using two gloved fingers to peel apart his pussy lips. The heat from your body, even with a layer of gloves between the two of you, feels scalding against his frigid skin. It makes him want to melt into you. He clutches tightly at the fabric of his skirt, putting all his energy there so he doesn’t reach out to touch you. 
"Ah," Vil gasps softly when your finger begins to slowly rub circles onto his clit. 
“I bet that feels good, doesn’t it,” he can hear the smirk in your voice, but he doesn’t seem to care, and instead nods dumbly. Looking up at him, you take note of how Vil’s eyes go in and out of focus as he watches you play with his cunt.
It takes a while for him to notice, but Vil eventually sees the hard to ignore tent in your pants. Within the moment that he notices your hard-on, you slip a finger inside of him, and he jerks violently, letting out a long, guttural moan. 
“I want to see if the muscles here are working correctly,” you explain, though you doubt he’s even listening to you.
Vil opens up nicely around your fingers, producing more than enough slick to accommodate the intrusions. His clit took a while to get erect, but it now stands proudly, twitching and aching for attention. While fucking him slowly with two fingers, you use your thumb to play with it. This draws a groan from out of Vil. You doubt he’d appreciate being told so, but it’s the kind of groan that’s classic of his zombie kind. 
“Unnngh,” he moans, “g’nna uhmm,” and there’s just enough consonants and vowels for you to put together what he’s trying to say. You pull back, refusing him of the orgasm that was so steadily approaching. 
“Wuh?” he blinks slowly, and you watch as his pussy attempts to clench around nothing. “Huh, please,” Vil groans breathlessly when he finally processes that you’re no longer touching him. 
“It looks like your ability to self lubricate is working perfectly. I wonder though, Mr. Schoenheit, do you still get your period?” you ask, removing your white coat and gloves.
“No, doctor,” Vil replies after a moment, entranced with watching you undress. 
“Then I suppose the only way we’d be able to tell if you’re able to get pregnant or not is by having me fuck your womb full of cum,” Vil nods along, though he questions your logic. He’ll agree with whatever you say if it means you’ll fuck him. 
You reach into your bag, and after a moment of rustling around, pull out a vial of lube.
Laying back, he spreads his legs wider, making room for you to join him on the bed. He makes a pretty picture, with his skirt bunched around his hips, and his shirt pulled up to show off his tits. You tell him as much,
“You look so good,” you praise, and Vil preens, smiling and spreading his legs wider. You make yourself comfortable between his thighs, massaging his stiff muscles gently. Fumbling a bit, you open the lube, and lather your cock. Vil doesn’t mind the slight lull in action, instead focusing his energy on reaching up and linking his arms around your neck to pull you close. 
He moans when he feels the tip of your cock press against his hole. Vil feels like he’s never been more alive as he feels your tip press into him. He knocks his head back against his pillow, arching his back as you slowly push yourself into him. 
“There we go,” you coo, rubbing his hips and thighs lovingly when you’re balls deep inside of him. “How’re you feeling Mr. Schoenheit? Any pain? Any discomfort?” you check in, because Vil looks fucked dumb already. 
“Guh-” he groans, then mumbles to himself. You wait patiently, and finally he forms a coherent sentence, “good, you feel- good,” he whines, his mascaraed lashes squeezing shut. His words divulge into mumbles and groans as he tries to tell you about how deep your cock is inside of him, and how hot you feel.
Slowly, you start to move your hips, fucking him nice and deep to make sure he’s properly adjusted to the intrusion before you take it up a notch. Vil practically melts into the bed beneath him, weakly holding onto you, his pussy clenching and twitching around you every so often. 
“You feel so good,” you tell him softly, “ah, so tight,” you groan. Vil keens, and then instead of using his words- which he seems to have lost already- he tries his best to work his hips back against yours. You let out a breathless laugh, “faster already?” and Vil nods, letting out a pathetic whine.
“I’ve got you darling,” you coo, easily picking up the pace. He lets out a pleased moan, settling back down and returning to laying like a corpse under you. 
“Just- ah- lay back and let me fuck you baby, you don’t ngh have to think at all, let me do all the work, sweet thing,” he nods dumbly at your instructions. 
“Shit,” you breathe, fucking him so hard that his tits bounce with each thrust. Your hand fumbles around for a second before coming in contact with Vil’s clit. When you begin to rub at it as you fuck him, Vil cries out, his mouth falling open with a loud click, and his clouded eyes rolling into his skull. He clenches like a vice around you, and if you didn’t know any better you’d think he may have cum.
Drool begins to pool from his mouth as you play with his clit, and he lets out weak groans when you thrust him particularly hard or deep. 
“I’m close,” you strain, because god you think you could get off just from looking at him, and the way he’s fluttering and clenching around you only gets you closer and closer to climax. Vil babbles something incomprehensible, drool continuing to fall from his mouth, puddling on the pillow and sheets beneath him, and thoroughly slicking his chin. 
One of his hands falls from where it’s been wrapped around your neck, and rubs at his belly. Your hips stutter as you catch his drift, 
“Fuck, yeah, ‘m gonna cum inside you Vil, gonna get you pregnant, gonna fill your womb, ungh, you want that?” he nods, his clit twitching under your fingers. 
“Cum with me- Vil- c’mon baby,” you feel like you’re teetering on a cliff edge, just moments away from coming face to face with your orgasm. 
He falls first, his groan of your name getting stifled as he slaps an arm over his mouth, squirting on your cock as you fuck him through it. You cum not long after, keeping your promise and snapping your hips flush against his as you pump him full of your cum. 
You stay seated inside Vil until he weakly pinches your skin with his other hand, a nonverbal cue that your fingers on his clit and your cock inside him are making him sore with overstimulation. Pulling out you take a second to watch your cum ooze out of his pussy. If he hadn’t communicated that he was sore, you wouldn’t hesitate to get your head between his thighs and clean him up with your mouth. 
Instead you flop down next to him, and take his cold body into your warm embrace. Vil removes his arm from covering his messy mouth, and snaps his jaw back into place. His eyes go unfocused as he looks at you next to him, and moving on instinct, he goes for your neck. His teeth just barely graze your skin before he realizes what he’s doing and resists the urge to devour you. Instead, Vil kisses your neck as an apology before pulling back.
Now that there's a bit of space between the two of you, you can get a good look at him. Vil looks properly fucked, his lipstick smudged, his mouth slick and sticky with drool, his mascara running slightly, his hair all out of place.
You can’t help but lean in and give him a loving kiss. Vil kisses back weakly, humming a tad mournfully against your lips. You think he’s probably still upset about nearly letting his monstrous inclinations take over. Through the kiss you try to convey that you trust him and love him. When you pull back there's a comfortable silence between the two of you for a brief second.
“Next time, I want to be the doctor,” Vil finally speaks, his voice rough and fried. You laugh, nuzzling into him, and pulling the comforter over the two of you. 
“Ooh I like that, can you be all fascinated and awed with my living body?” you prompt, causing Vil to crack a smile. 
“I think I could, at the very least, act like I would be “fascinated and awed”” he mimics you playfully. You laugh loudly, kissing him between giggles. 
“Whatever you say, Dr. Shoenheit,” you tease, kissing him again before he can get the last word in.
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The queen herself!
design notes under the cut
alright, let's get started with the outfit-
The thing is that Ravens outfit is really cool, but it is a PAIN to draw, at least for me. There are some small details that come from them having to fit doll molds that drive me crazy, like the fact that Ravens shoes don't have heels but she walks like they do
I also had gotten really, really bored of drawing skirts, so pants it is
Ravens look is majority black with purple and silver accents, but I tweaked it a bit so that purple is the primary color, just for fun
The feathers were cool, but I wanted to save them for fancier looks, so instead I went with dragon wing style clamps on her jacket. It always bugged me that she was the first character with a dragon and that she didn't have any draconic features on her
Alright, so this is my explanation for the way she dresses in this interpretation- she doesn't want to be seen as evil, but her wardrobe is literally cursed to make any and all clothes she tries on as much like her mother's as possible. So she has to try and mold it to her own style, like "ok what's the most normal thing in here" but she's going through Goth Skeletor's closet and this is what she's managed to put together. I'd say she did pretty good! Cravat is a little much though
Yes she only wears one glove, that's on purpose. It was gonna be that the gloved hand is her primary spellcasting hand, but I immediately ruined that, so now I guess that's just something Raven thinks looks cool
Ok now the more character lore stuff
That weird little skull nightmare next to her is Prince! I don't have and have never read the books, but I have spent a lot of time going over wiki pages to try and find details I can incorporate into these designs. Apparently when Raven was a little kid her dad got her a puppy which she called Prince. At some point her mom decided it was unfitting for an evil princess and transformed him into whatever the hell a bone rat is. Needless to say, traumatizing. I can't stand a single even vaguely negative thing happening to a dog, so I'm deciding that Prince is alive, kind of immortal since he's undead-ish, and maintains the same memory and personality. He lives with Raven's dad when she's at school and he's a very good boy, he's just really, really weird.
Yeah I don't know where I'm gonna fit Nevermore in, I think she's just gonna have to join the canon with the rest of them in Dragon Games, cause I like Prince way more conceptually tbh
Evil Raven cause why not. I actually have some ideas on how the queen lineage would work, especially because Raven seems to completely control every aspect of her powers after signing in Way Too Wonderland. I really like the idea that as the next queen grows they gain more magic, but because they siphon it from the previous generation. Raven had a natural affinity for basic spells her whole life, but after a certain age she started to take her mom's powers, which are the new ones she can't control. Plus, I like that angle on the whole jealousy thing. The Queen isn't just bitter that Snow White is more fair than her, it's the double whammy of knowing that no matter what she does, her power will be drained away and made pointless by both Snow and her own family. Usurping based angst
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
Wow vampire bllk has me feeling some type of way.... can you elaborate more on it, with any character(s)?
૮ ͈>◡< ͈ა warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up to 20s, suggestive, vampires, descriptions of blood, blood drinking, stockholm syndrome, manipulation, dub-con-ish, slight!yandere (just in case), vampire!isagi, gn!reader — not beta read !
⭑ notes — i hope it’s okay that i used isagi for this… he consumes my brain fully !!! pls feel free to ask me about the others !!
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vampire!isagi is probably the ring leader of their anicent little hoard. though some of the other members like rin and shidou hardly ever listen to them — he has the most influence over the decisions they make as a pack as well. he takes anyone in, whether he turned them himself or he was giving them a better chance and a new way of life with the changing times as a vampire. isagi is basically the sire of most of the blue lock boys, most of the time they follow his lead.
since vampire!isagi is the one who found you, he’s definitely most possessive and protective of you for sure. after all, he’s was human once before — he understands why you screamed, why you cried and begged for him to go home the first time you came to the manor. you were scared. he knows that  emotion better than anyone. 
if vampire!isagi were to subject you to the hungry mouths of his peers now, there’s no way you’d make it through the first night — let alone the ones after. his vampires are bloodthirsty creatures, they could drain an entire town at their own will… if he let them. besides, you’re too pretty to be torn apart, even when your eyes are big and watery and pleading. you can’t die just yet. not when he’s so fond of the way you tearily say his name. 
he has a lot of choices to make. weighing up all the possible options — he can’t let you go. otherwise they’ll starve and he can’t keep you here without making you want to be here. vampire!isagi has to make you understand just how important you are to them. to him. 
maybe it’s a little manipulative of him to keep you locked up in one of the rooms on his floor — promising you protection whenever he visits you with food and company. isagi let’s you curl up against him even though he’s dead cold, rubs soothing circles into your back when you let him get close and charms his way into making you trust him. his eyes stay blue and deep and oddly safe while you ask him questions about what it’s like to be part of the undead. to be a vampire. 
“is it true, that you can’t go out in the sunlight?” you ask him on one of his visits to your prison quarters, perched on isagi’s lap— craving human contact even though he’s far from it. “does it hurt?”
“far from it,” the dark-haired vampire coos, taking your wrist in his hand as he fights back the urge to sink his fangs into it and drink you dry. he’s had centuries to practise his patience, but something about the scent of you and your blood makes his fangs ache with need. vampire!isagi noses up your arm, let’s his supple lips brush against the warmth of your flesh before he looks at you with a devilish smile. “we’ve adapted to walk amongst man-kind. you wouldn’t even know i was a vampire, had i not told you. precious. i can go anywhere i please.” 
“oh…i see,” you’re so cute when you’re solem, your face falls into a pout when you’re reminded of who you really are and what isagi really is and how you’re nothing but a hunk of meat to him. it’s as if you’re his pretty little songbird trapped in a cage and he wants nothing but to devour you.
vampire!isagi cocks his head to the side as if he doesn’t know what he’s cost you. sacrificing you like a lamp to keep his clan of vampires alive, throwing away whatever life you had before. “you can come outside with me, if you behave—“ he speaks and you perk up like a pet being rewarded. you want a taste of freedom. “you still have to meet the others. be nice to them like you are for me.” 
“but…i don’t want to meet the others.” 
“then i’m afraid you can’t come outside with me—“ 
“n-no! it’s okay, i’ll do whatever you want yoichi. i just…please take me with you next time…” 
it is most definitely manipulative, what vampire!isagi has done to you in the weeks that he’s had you in his clutches. but it earns your trust, it makes you happy enough to comply with his wishes. to make you the perfect little blood bank and mould you into what’s right for him and the others.
your final test is when vampire!isagi pushes himself off the edge of insanity, to the point of ultimate hunger where he feels as if his insides might curl in on themselves and he really might just die. if it were possible. all in the name of making sure you’re willing enough to walk the line of death in order to keep himself and his fellow vampires sedated — stopping them from killing others who might not be so fortunate as you. you pick up on it instantly, how weak and pale (even more so) he looks when he visits your room at his usual time. and you’re so scared, because you know exactly what yoichi needs as he weakly takes you into his lap like he always does.  
“blood,” you choke out. “you need blood.” you don’t even know why you’re crying for him. a monster who had ripped you away from your friends, school and family. he’d taken everything from you and now you were going to let him have more. “drink from me, yoichi. it’s okay…i-i know you need it. please, take it.” you feel him pulse with life (again, if that were even possible) as you tilt your head back and expose the expanse of your neck — the way your throat bobs and your pulse races because you’re afraid of who and what you might be subjected to if you lose isagi. “take from me.” 
and that’s all vampire!isagi needs to hear before he’s latching onto the junction between your neck and shoulders, the sharp edge of his fangs puncturing your skin as he milks your veins, takes your life force. his calloused hands run up the expanse of your back, tying you down to him, to his clan for an eternity. you taste like heaven to him. feel like a sun against him — whimpering and whining from both pain and pleasure in his lap. he sucks on you happily, red swirling with the cerulean in his eyes while his instincts take over and he feeds on you like his life depends on it.
but then when he looks up, his blood smeared across his bruising lips — vampire!isagi sees tears and feels guilt. you’re crying because your human decency was all you had left, and now you’re nothing but the shell of a person you once more. you’re his. nothing but a doggy bag of blood to vampires that can no longer hunt or kill. you’ve given up fighting for freedom, for the life that you actually have and deep down isagi knows he’ll have to find some way to fix that.
to make this arrangement better.
but for now vampire!isagi can’t help but feel a little bit horrible, however. knowing what it’s like to leave a human life behind and never look back — to have loved and lost innocence. he decides then and there, that after his crimes he won’t take any more from you until he absolutely has to. he doesn’t want to hurt you anymore, but instead preserve what’s left of his precious human.
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brothebro · 1 year
Any dp/dc fic recs?
of course! Honestly, i love so many of them and I'll try to include as many as i can in my list here! The Undead Lockpicking series by Milaley: In which Danny has a lockpicking youtube channel and he lockpicks the Watchtower. Hilarious, excellent 10/10
The Bat Trap by Threee: Honestly a good ol twin switcheroo with many funny moments but also a lot of delicious angst! (a Damian & Danny twins au) Just, chef's kiss!
GLXY:PSSNGR by socraticat: Danny takes the place of his alternate universe self who lives with vlad in Gotham after vlad killed his parents. Muchas angst, lots of worldbuilding and fantastic action!
A second life by Die_Erlkonigin6083:Kid Danny who has memories from a past life and currently is Dick Grayson's clone baby (and a bunch of others but mostly Dick's) Adorable 100/10 recommend>
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by halfagone (milkywxy): Epic. Dad!Lex and and dimensional travel son!Danny. Sweet and super well-executed Cass/Danny. 10/10 i need to catch up with the latest chappies but it's so freaking good I am aaaaaa
Rooftop Express by EmeraldsAndAmethyst: Danny/Jason. Awesome af. Crime lord Jason ftw! Danny is a (supernatural)delivery boy and professional enigma in Gotham
Our Empty Graves by suomifae: Hazmat Suit, no one knows au! Danny/Jason in which Danny finds himself helping out in Jason's gang. Very cool story building, ideas and execution. Im literally screaming in every chapter. so so good!
bloodlines by halfagone (milkywxy): Danny is Diana's and Bruce's son. He of course doesn't know that. There's a prophesy involved that says Danny will end the world, Diana finds out accidentally about it and finds out she has a son (memory wipe shenanigans) and GOSH. There's so much awesome stuff happening and it's a pleasure to see them piece together the facts. 10/10 Diana rocks
Summons by DizzlyPuzzled: Ghost king Danny in which because he's underage his father gets summoned in his stead. Bruce would very much like to know why he keeps getting yote through summoning circles. Just the right amount of funny, family fluff and angst.
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire: BOI I HAVE NO WORDS. the plot in this is thiccc and juicy and delicious and the mystery is the cherry on top! Danny lives in Gotham, does some ghostly sigil stuff around to protect Gothamites from bad ghosts, it backfires, we don't know why. Red duck candles are involved. The Batkids are chaos. and im here eating popcorn because it's all super entertaining to watch unfold. 100/10 jessica's duck candle
Friendly neighborhood vigilante by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt: Jazz/Jason THE FIC. honestly one of the best Anger Management fics i've ever read. Love the way Communication between partners is portrayed here and how they overcome the hurdles despite the shitshow that is both their lives (affectionate). 10/10 would read again
Danny Fenton: Dead and Loving It by HyperKid: You need an ao3 account for this one, go go go go make one because it's super worth it! Jason/Danny. They meet at the graveyard, your honour! They actively mess with Bruce and the rest of the Batkids! Gala Shenanigans! What else can i say? Go read!
Worm Off the String by TourettesDog: I am licherally dying of laughter. Peak comedy. Danny/Tim ft little baby man Danny who Tim thinks is Danny's weird af pet. Honestly, so GOOD. 100/10 comedy gold.
Press Heart to Subscribe by Die_Erlkonigin6083: A Danny/Damian fic in which Danny is a streamer and Damian watches his stream. Super cute, well executed, 100/10 sweetness scale
Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy: Babes i dunno what to tell you. I've done fanart of this fic. De-aged baby Danny and DadHood. Human-ish Fright Knight and Excellent friend Roy. Guys seriously. SO SO SO SO GOOD. 100/10 I wanna see the kid reveal to the batfam and am vibrating out of existence imagining scenarios. - There are more but I can't possibly list them all in one go, I'll make another fic rec list later 💙
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corruflood · 8 months
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Choking (On Grave Dirt)
Revived GN!Darling x Necromancer M!Yandere x Knight M!Yandere x King M!Yandere
Summary: You were murdered years ago, soul never put to rest waiting for retribution that will never come. That is until a necromancer finds your body, chaos, love and obsession ensues.
TW / CW: Gore, Death, Blood
If you want to use the idea -> TERMS OF USE [basically tag me so I can read it and if your okay with it I'd love to add the link to this post! Also have fun and change whatever you want to]
Up to chap 5 complete will be finishing soon.
------ Plot outline ------
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ೃ⁀➷ 01 : REVIVED
Dead, buried and suffering. Soul slamming into the dirt above over and over again clawing and begging for some sort or reprieve.
You died unjustly and painful, phantom pains of death ricochet against the confines of your nearly faded spirit.
Magic courses through the ground similar to lightning in water, scouring the earth in search of something, panic and delirium threatening to fracture your remains you desperately cling onto a stray bolt tugging it towards you.
Buck was anti - social. He didn't like talking to anyone and became uncomfortable around any living sentient thing.
It's why he chose to become a necromancer most undead were barely coherent and just did what he said. It was perfect well it was until he needed help with something that needs more of a delicate touch.
Honestly it was just his luck that the new tome he found specified a sentient, coherent person with the ability to memorize and adjust according to the spell itself. He hated chaos magic almost as much as he loved it.
It's why he's trudging through the forest resource gathering so he didn't have to go out and find a poor sod with okay ish understanding of magic to drag back to his home and force to do a powerful and deadly ritual because that would be so fucking easy.
What he didn't expect to find was something latching onto his magic like a lifeline, following the pull lead him to a patch of vibrant flowers and moss, the feeling of dread curls around Bucks spine a tell tale of a body near by. A body underneath his feet.
Well if he had to choose between a desperate soon-to-be revenant and talking to a person well he might of been too eager in the resurrection process.
You didn't need to breathe anymore, being dead does that to a person if only your body understood that, instead it insists on heaving on dirt and worms.
There's a man passed out beside you, all choppy hair and the beginning of scruff on his chin, he's passed out, brows furrowed. You can smell the magic on him were it pools in his skin and how it stretches still beyond him. Apart of you wanders if that's normal to just know when magic is afoot. The other apart of you groans at what must be done. He saved you after all.
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Darling drags Buck back to his cove in the mountain, they found it by following the magic back. Darling can't remember anything except that they died and it hurt beyond death.
Darling takes care of Buck for days and cleans the place up a bit, they go hunting at some point and find themselves dangerously well acquainted with a bow and arrow, the weight of a dagger firm on their side a comfort with a fuzzy memory.
Buck wakes up in a panic and tries to attack Darling who finds themselves dodging before their brain catches up with it. Darling explains that they are the one that took care of him after he was passed out for atleast 7 moons.
Buck is shocked downright flabbergasted at the situation. A dead with no memories and a level of humanity he's never seen before and him passing out and slipping into an impromptu coma for over a week as his body tried to fix himself.
Expirements and research is in order immediately, Buck throws out boundaries and anxiousness. Darling is a shiny new thing and he needs to understand it as soon as possible.
Another week goes by Buck wrotes down everything, they try a few things out making Darling do exercises, math, poetry eventually they try magic and it's stunning.
It flows from his darlings arms in crashing waves breaking on shorelines. He doesn't even realize when he started considering Darling his.
Another week passes Darling remembers faint things, while eating they get a memory of a dining hall, they hear faint laughter some times. There's a whole life just underneath the surface and Darling wants to know who they were.
Buck isn't as happy about it. He starts keeping Darling closer and closer, a hand always resting on them, grabbing them to cuddle, relishing in the fact that no one is around and it's just them away from everyone. This is good this is great! There's a knock on the door. This is bad.
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Regretfully opening the door stands none other than Kures one of the knights of King Likin both of which unfortunalty call Buck a friend. He doesn't mind them. He likes them far more than any other people but this is his place and his darling is right there and this is really annoying until the glass shatters.
"Y/n?" The knight speaks almost afraid they would dissappear if he blinks.
"Kures?" Darling asks confused, pain tinged their face as much as shock does, despite knowing the knights name it seems they can't remember anything else.
This is troubling.
Kures rushes inside and everything is explained, MC can't remember shit, Kures came because Buck missed a meet up explains MC went missing years ago, MC still looked pretty much exactly the same as the last day he saw them.
Kures talks about life before. Buck continues to get more upset by the end of the convo Buck is practically wrapped around MC extremely displeased.
They talk and chat for a long time and settle on a plan to make there way into the castle so more people can figure out what is happening. Buck attempts to deny everything but Darling is barreling through. They want to know what happened.
Buck and MC pack and MC promises it will be okay and makes sure to stay close to Buck.
They travel a week together comradery pulling them all into a tight knit group and as they make it into a town MC finds out first hand how much Buck doesn't play nice with anyone else.
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One of the staff at the inn tries to flirt with you laughing it off and head to bed, I'm the morning you here some of the other staff complain about him bunking work again.
A stall owner berates you after you bump into there crate, later in the day Kures comes to you with a couple of (insert thing that was in the crate)
Both Buck and Kures barely leave your side at least one of them is on you at all times, it's usually you and Buck in the inn room as you wait til dusk to head onwards, being subtle is key here.
You brush off the clinginess as nerves of being around people, Buck is severely anti social and Kures is a knight who is tasked in getting people back alive it's not his fault for being overly cautious.
Except the edge never dwindles ever when you all are way out of town with no one able to touch you, they stick as close as they physically can, Buck always has a hand on you, Kures is within touching distance more likely to follow you around than direct contact.
It leaves you on edge but it's fine, there nice and Buck helped you. He saved you and Kures someone you regretfully don't remember but most definelty know is risking everything to help you. You can only imagine how much it would tank reputation if they knew to be helping a random undead because that's what you were now and it's painfully obvious in the right light. So you stay close for them.
As soon as you cross the cities borders, memories twirl and spin out of reach. Your from here, not born but defiantly spent most of your life. Your feet unconciously carry you to a small bakery. The owner looks like theve seen a ghost before giving you the biggest hug.
It's the same story. Fine one day. Missing the next.
Mc thanks them and leaves with a fresh loaf of bread.
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aikoiya · 1 month
LoZ - The Master Sword of the Goddess
Ya'll... I am so flippin' proud of how well this came out. Cause it's beautiful! ❤️
Now, my theory is that the Master Sword isn't truly complete. Not yet anyway.
Like, it isn't in its intended form. The one it was designed for.
And this is what I think it'd look like:
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Like, dude! This is amazing!
Though, I feel like the wings of the guard are too big for a longsword. Would be better suited to a claymore.
I also loved both gems I made, but I think this version is the winner because it means that I can use this one for something special to help the wielder.
You may not have noticed, but the gem is actually 2 fused together.
Anyway, I've been thinkin' about the materials that this version of the sword might be made of & I think I have a decent list.
To start off:
2 Goddess Plumes (which appear to be crystalline) for the guard.
Timeshift Stones, which the original sword's guard was primarily made of, so it'll be melted down to make a new one. (The Timeshift Stone of the guard & the Ocarina of Time resonated, which is what sent Time's mind forward into the future.)
Star Fragments from New Hyrule.
The above items melted down & made into an alloy with iridium & other materials (possibly even Dusk Relics, which might just be Mexican Blue Amber) to create the wings.
The 3 Sacred Flames. Used to kindle a new flame. A white-gold one.
Green Chalcedony to inspire strength, courage, & insight. It also has connections to love. (Every type of love, not just romantic.) Then magically infused to draw out those traits.
Aqua Chalcedony symbolizes tranquility & harmony. Has a soothing, gentle energy, & promotes emotional balance, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, & negativity. It encourages inner peace & provides protection, making it well-suited to being the companion to heroes who may need a bit of extra support in trying times. Then magically infused to draw out those traits.
This would allow Fi to better aid her wielders emotionally even as she sleeps.
As for the metal itself:
* will appear beside alloys that I made up.
Chromium from chromite ore.
Star Pieces for the gold & whetstone. (Something to keep in mind is that there are 3 different colors of Star Fragment: the ones from the Era of the Wild, Gold & Red, & the ones from New Hyrule, which are Purple.)
*Mourniron = Typically found deep underground where fierce battles had taken place.
- *Allaysteel = Mourniron made into steel. Was once used by the Sheikah to make weapons that would help them in dispatching with enemy Poes & laying their souls to rest. The practice of creating it has long since been forgotten by the time of Wild's Era. Which is partly why there were so many Poe Souls in the Depths. Wild was the first to begin ferrying them to the Bargainer's Statues in 15,000 years. It is effective against Poes, Undead, & other such enemies.
Light Dragon Horn to melt down & fold into the metal to make the blade.
1 claw from one blessed by twilight. (A claw from Twi's wolf form.)
4 Master Ore from Lorule.
Iridium = A metal in the platinum group. Alloying it with other metals imparts durability & heat resistance. It's also nearly gold-tier in non-reactivity. Can only be found from comets, meteorites, & asteroids. Essentially, it's a space metal & would be heavily associated with stars. And while Iridium is a silvery-white color with a slight yellow-ish cast, under certain magically induced circumstances, it's cast instead changes to something in the range of lavender, purple, a/o indigo. Also, above the melting point, ignition results in a violet flame.
Stellite = Cobalt-chromium alloys. A very tough, as well as wear, corrosion, & heat resistant material.
*Grieving Steellite = A cobalt-chromium-Allaysteel alloy.
*Remembrance Corundite = A grieving steellite & diamond alloy.
Ferrochromium = An iron-chromium alloy.
*Mourningstar Corundite = Corundite & iridium alloy with Light Dragon Horn & Twilight's Claw.
*Master Corundite = Master Ore & Mourningstar Corundite alloy.
Anyway, it'd likely need to be reforged in an actual forge as, in ancient times, the forge was considered a holy place. If nothing else, the blade might get blessed.
At the same time, I see it needing to be made in lava due to the high melting point of a few of the ingredients.
I think that I'd have it to where Clove (LU's Four) & Legend switch between using the FD mask. This would automatically elevate their own bladesmithing abilities by quite a decent degree. Though, I can definitely tell that Legend would still have things to learn.
Like, things that might necessitate a 3 Oracles game. One where Farore is the Oracle of Secrets, her book being the gateway for Legend, gaining a more intimate understanding of Runic magic, which could lead to infusion magic.
As an aside, I get the feeling that in this state, it'd change forms depending on the Link. Like, it'd become most suited to their particular size & fighting style.
As in, for Time, it'd become a two-handed sword. Legend, it'd take on runes that could channel that magic into the blade, turning him into something of a spellsword.
Similarly, if there were a Link who were Sheikah & trained as such, it'd take on a more katana or ninjatō-like shape. And Gerudo? A scimitar.
Hell, for Wind, it might turn more into a cutlass.
For the most part, it will stick to the shape of a sword of some sort.
Ergo, Clove (LU Four) would have zero reasons to avoid using it.
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for keeping secrets from my coworkers?
It’s a bit complex, but I’ll try to keep this as short as possible. Basically my coworkers have like this found family thing together (I’m kinda part of it but try to keep my distance) and we do organized crime together. Before the current boss took over, it was a much more formal thing and I was a human back then. The org got busted though and everyone scattered and stuff. I had no idea anyone kept the thing going after that and my buddy gave me some work to help his sketchy project to bring his wife back to life. He wound up using some kid in an experiment though and I couldn’t stand for that, so I stole her and gave her a more proper-ish burial (she was kinda dead… kinda not… it’s complicated). He found out and killed me for tampering with stuff and I’m just a sentient hand now.
Some time later I find out the old org I worked at was still a thing (although barely) and rejoined under my now current boss. I didn’t tell him it’s me though. Seeing as he knew me before as a human, he doesn’t know we knew each other. A while after that, he brings some kid back to the base saying he doesn’t know where she came from but we gotta keep her safe until we can get her home (and we can’t give her to the cops cuz she’s undead and the government doesn’t like that). So me being the computer guy, he tells me to see if I can find any like files or records of her. Problem is though, I already know who she is. She’s the kid I freaking burried and got killed for. I freak out and don’t want any news of any of this to reach the guy who killed me because then we’re all going down. He’s gonna think my coworkers worked with me to ruin his work again and he’s gonna take us all out. Even if we do return her to her family, he might catch word and take her again and ruin all our lives while he’s at it. So I lied and said there was absolutely nothing (which wasn’t really a lie. There were no files on her, but I still knew other things that I didn’t say).
Years later my boss has basically adopted her as his daughter and she’s grown up now and the whole coworker/family group thinks I’m 100% trustworthy when they don’t even know who I am and I’ve lied this whole time about not knowing anything about the boss’ daughter. I’m pretty sure she also has some insecurities she’s hiding due to the whole knowing nothing about where she came from. She hides it, but I can tell not everything’s right. I feel horrible, but the thought of my old buddy coming and harming everyone here terrifies me. Maybe I’m just overreacting though. I mean, we are professional criminals, so I’m sure we could handle one guy, right? I really just don’t know and need another opinion. AITA?
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could you make a concept for Fluffy AU! Golden Freddy based on the ideas you made with some anons?
Sure! I'll see what I remember for this... my memory is so poor lol. If I forgot something I'm sorry cause I know it was SOMETHING.
There was a whole lot of rambling in this, Sorry if that ruined things but you have more Fluffy AU lore now-
Here's the fic that had some of the ideas in it.
Yandere-ish! Fluffy AU! Golden Freddy/Fredbear Concept
(Mostly just explains his role)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Experimentation, Death, Undead animals, Overprotective behavior, Occult themes, Murder, Split personality, Trauma, Implied sadism, Trust issues.
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The origin of Fluffy AU! Fredbear and Springbonnie are entwined together.
They were created together and were the first successful attempts in Afton's twisted experiments.
Like his compatriot, Fredbear is very friendly and loves to befriend his handlers.
You are most likely assigned as one of the bear's handlers and that's how you meet him.
Fredbear is very affectionate towards you once he thinks of you as a friend.
He's large and furry, often giving you "bear hugs" to show his affection.
Fredbear is always seen in a purple hat and tie, looking like a living anthropomorphic bear.
He has claws and sharp teeth although would never want to hurt anyone.
Towards his darling he's obsessive and protective.
You often feel the bear nuzzle into you and call you his friend.
You couldn't blame yourself for getting attached.
Fredbear really did begin to feel like your friend after awhile.
You nearly forgot he was meant to be an experiment until Afton announced the next stage of his plan.
Afton now knew how to complete his experiments correctly thanks to Fredbear and Springbonnie.
He already had a new bear, bunny, chicken, and fox planned.
But what was he to do with the prototypes?
Experiments of a different kind... what would happen if you tampered with the undead?
Afton is an ambitious man
When you had left work after hugging Fredbear goodbye for the day, you were alerted he had passed away.
You were never told why.
The whole situation felt strange to you as you thought Fredbear was in perfect health.
You have a feeling Afton is behind it... but it is not your place to ask.
It's after the death of Fredbear that Golden Freddy is "born".
Afton is a man who likes to tinker with the paranormal.
He likes to play god.
His experiments with the killed by undisclosed means deceased Fredbear and Springbonnie are paranormal in nature.
Which results in Golden Freddy gaining supernatural powers.
Powers such as... teleportation.
Golden Freddy used to be friends with the undead rabbit Springtrap.
After a gorey fight between the two due to Springtrap's sudden aggression, that stopped quickly.
Especially when it ended in the golden bear's eyes being gouged by the rabbit.
You're told to stay away from the two prototypes due to the experiments becoming unstable.
You were instead sent to keep an eye on the newer experiments and their growth.
Golden Freddy and Springtrap were locked away in a lab until they could be properly disposed of.
Unfortunately there was no proper way to contain the undead bear.
The isolation from all his supposed friends and his damaged eyesight made Golden Freddy go insane.
He remembers you and misses you... making it a goal to find you.
For the most part Golden Freddy would be overprotective of his darling, scared they'll be hurt too.
But there's another more sadistic persona in him that wants to cause revenge against all that's hurt him.
Which may or may not include you.
Golden Freddy is partially blind.
His eyes have rotted into a seemingly black void... but he can still see due to being enhanced.
When Golden Freddy breaches his containment area due to his newfound powers, he hunts down his darling.
He's not as violent or aggressive as Springtrap, but can retaliate if threatened.
He's missing an ear... making him a bit deaf too.
The reintroduction to Springtrap had damaged him... but he's determined to live.
However... Golden Freddy happens to have a good sense of smell.
When Golden Freddy finds you again he isn't really mad at you.
He blames Afton and his scientists for what's happened to him.
By the time he teleports to your location... he's already singlehandedly thrown the facility into chaos.
Experiments are released and infected... scientists die left and right...
... and the culprit of it all stands in front of you.
Like Springtrap, Golden Freddy reeks of death.
He is no feral animal, however...
Golden Freddy is intelligent and, when it comes to you, merciful.
Golden Freddy has already made his decision when he lets all the experiments out.
Afton will die with his creations and the facility shall fall.
It's like his own little rebellion... but he doesn't stay long.
Golden Freddy would teleport you away from the carnage with him alone.
He wants peace after what he's been subjected to....
Golden Freddy still sees you as his handler once he tastes freedom.
He does not resent you for it.
In fact he still adores you.
Fluffy AU! Golden Freddy as a whole is Overprotective, Manipulative, Caring, Slightly sadistic/Possessive.
His mind is a mess after what he went through and he's just happy he was given the power to get away from it.
He's happy to take you away from it.
The facility is left to rot after this event (Which is kinda where this fic takes place) and most of Golden Freddy's obsession peaks at this point.
He's overprotective and refuses to let you go anywhere that isn't with him.
He can't tell if he wants to love you or hurt you at times.
Golden Freddy acts like a protective guardian over you as he feels he has no other purpose.
Despite how much he cares for you... you know you can't keep him with you.
The smell makes you ill and there's nowhere for you to get home.
Golden Freddy's trust is breached once you decide you have to kill him.
He understands... but part of him doesn't want this.
You may think this'll solve his pain yet it probably won't.
He may just come back.
Golden Freddy can handle your betrayal of him in a few ways.
He could isolate you somewhere far away with no weapons...
He could kill you and make you like him...
Or he could accept his fate for the chance he may stop suffering.
Golden Freddy is a freak of nature who shouldn't even exist.
But the bear persists all due to one man who wished to play god...
You are the only thing that makes it... bear-able-
Golden Freddy himself isn't sure what he wants... yet he knows it involves you.
Whatever his fate may be doesn't matter to him anymore... as long as it has you.
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shuitsuki · 12 days
I hate when people refer to Valkyrie as The Visual Kei unit. This is extremely tired discourse, but Valkyrie and UNDEAD can both co-exist as visual kei units. There are many subtypes of visual kei. Though it started with elaborate hairstyles and androgyny, the style is considered broad and harbors a lack of rules.
Tanbi Kei seems to be the only one people know, likely due to the popularity of groups like Malice Mizer which is credited by some to be who started the style, as well as Kaya, LAREINE, Versailles… All groups/performers I love! It is most definitely an inspiration for Valkyrie’s more european and gothic style, primarily in it’s French rococo and Victorian influences, steampunk aside, which I love so much.
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UNDEAD is directly referred to as a Visual Kei group in the !! main story by Hajime, although he seems uncertain of his claim. They don’t exactly utilize the style that one usually correlates to it since the visuals are what play a big part of it, hence the name itself, but they fit the less extravagant vkei group styles quite well. Although sometimes I do wish they would lean into it with things such as the makeup which plays a big part of what you expect from vkei when you know less, it seems obvious that UNDEAD is most reminiscent of if not directly inspired by “casual visual kei.” Such as Alice Nine. Look at the hairstyles and silhouettes! They’re very UNDEAD. If UNDEAD & Valkyrie were the same, what would be the point?
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UNDEAD use the darker colour schemes one would use in vkei settings. Black, purple, red... Although they’re known for monochrome, neon colours can also be used; this reminds me of the UNDEAD climax outfits with their neon purple-ish pink (?) against black. Their shoes and accessores are more often than not Vkei-like. They also say they do not want to be shoved into one box which reflects in the many genres of music they perform, mentioned in !! era. They also lean into goth influences when given the chance, as seen in the second album cover here!
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I don’t know where Buck-Tick would fall, if even possible to be categorized…? I’m uninformed in this regard. Their style feels more casual than Tanbi, but not as casual as Alice Nine became later into their lifespan. Either way, rest in peace, Atsushi Sakurai.
I understand people wanting to see UNDEAD more purposefully unkempt, as vkei often tries to pull off, with their makeup choices and teased hair and ragged clothes… but I digress.
Massun believed one of the songs gave a vkei feeling while recording it, melody in the dark, I believe. Unrelatedly, until reading an interview, I had no idea Kaoru was Kei Hosogai’s first voice acting experience…
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chronotsr · 22 days
No. 6 - D3, Vault of the Drow (August 1978)
Author(s): Gary Gygax Artist(s): David C. Sutherland III (Cover), David A. Trampier Level range: Average of 10, preferably party size 7+ players Theme: Underground exploration Major re-releases: GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders; Dragon #298 and #300 (kind of), Drow of the Underdark (even less so)
Fuck I love old module covers. Again the later revision (the blue one) changes the art to be less gloriously trash, which is a shame. The cartoony sketch era is not long for this world, C1 (Tamoachan) represents a pretty noticeable change in art style towards the kind of THIN YOUR PAINTS looking characters in color. We have another year of modules before they make the art less silly.
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In re-release news, again we get a very lightly altered treatment in GDQ Queen of the Spiders. Less well known though is a section in Dragon #298 (immediately after Paizo took over) on the Vault of the Drow, although it is…almost entirely setting material, which makes it actually somewhat faithful to D3. What makes it unfaithful to D3 is that it takes place after the events of 1e/2e DND and doesn't contain any of the pre-Vault materials of D3 or the Egg of Lolth section.
Drow of the Underdark is a similar situation, but curiously uses totally distinct materials (like yet another map of the city), but contains even less information about the non-city parts of the Vault. Still, it's interesting seeing 3e-style treatments of D3, and if nothing else it gives you some damn visuals of what Erelhei-Cinlu actually looks like.
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The module starts with a recap, and also a brief note as to how to get to the titular Vault of the Drow. Apparently you are now avowed nemeses to Drow, despite plenty of routes to the contrary. We'll also find out later that we're actually enemies to only one bloc of Erehlei-Cinlu Drow. We get the same list of warnings as the previous 2 modules, which themselves contained a lot of warnings from the G series, so this is our 6th time reading some of these bulletpoints. Strangely, apparently "because of the chaotic nature of the dark elves", active raiding parts of the town won't rouse organized resistance to the party, Light spells don't work right here (they go dark and brownish), and Drow resent even the slightest natural-ish light. The upshot is that you can get away with a lot of bullshit.
Our random encounter tables have been updated to reflect being past the main Depths foes of kuo-toa and the like, it's mostly Drows and monsters from this point on. Well, and undead. And bugbears. And trogs. And trolls. And slaves, of course. So mostly just that Kuo-Toa are gone? Svirfneblin are listed with the random encounters despite not actually being on the random encounter list? Anyway.
We have a few canned encounters.
The first one is, suspiciously similar to the Drow checkpoint in D1. It's basically the same. I'm not going to cover it again, it's just the D1 checkpoint but with the weird Battle of the Sexes angle removed.
The second one is a bizarre encounter -- a succubus is pretending to be a statue, a Drow vampire is glamored to look like a songbird, and the whole cavern is glamored to look like a beautiful grove. The vampire is, obviously, named Belugos, because fuck it why not name the vampire Bela Lugosi? They're gonna do their level best to make the players turn around without fighting, but the odds of the whole party failing the charm person AND not finding this suspicious is 0%. Their mesmerized gnome servant completes the Dracula reference.
It's passingly mentioned in their treasure notes that, Bela Lugosi lead-lined a box to hide magic items from magic detection. So that's our newest data point in the "we have to have rational explanations for magic" series.
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I guess she always goes nude. She's also nude on the revised edition back cover, which I'm sure got someone in trouble with their parents in 1985. This is one of your two possible routes into the Vault, by the way.
The other way is through a giant spider trap. The only thing of note is the idol of Lolth you can find that gives you a variety of neat powers (but slowly turns you into a giant spider).
In the vault proper, we have some fun special qualities. Everything is simply a different color here, for starters -- modified by your vision type. The ceiling is literally a kind of radioactive parody of the heavens, complete with "stars" and "moons" being played by particular types of rocks and lichens. Everything's got a vague red hue, except the roads which are enchanted to be lightly blue to drowish eyes -- that's what those magical glasses from a few modules ago do, they help you see drow-enchanted markers.
The place is lit with growing shrooms, for all the light that'll give you. A lot of the random encounters give us little glimpses into drowish life, from the lumberjacks clearing fungi for food, leather, et c., to drow nobles on a hunting party, to merchants feuding, to kuo-toan spies lurking in the river.. A good amount of love went into these tables, which I really wish was the norm. "There are bugbears, they have these items and this leader" is a pretty lame encounter good only for punishing slow moving. That being said, this adventure loosely implies Bugbears are Polish? What?
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D3 is actually super sparse on artwork, and this is the best one we're going to get all module. This is the Black Tower, which overwatches a chokepoint to everywhere in and out of the Vault. If you have a drowish medallion, you can just saunter on in, enjoy your Evil Elf TSA checkpoint experience, then go about your business in the Vault. The medallions are coded by noble/merchant house, which means that your party just automatically became affiliated in a highly partisan city! Woe betide you, sucker that approached the tower openly hostile, cus they're guarding it with the GDQ series' perennial favorite: hand ballistae, and if you linger around the tower when the alarm goes off Gary straight up tells you to declare Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies because 300 drow troopss show up. Very cool, Gary!
So this is when D3 gets Complicated.
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The best part of the Drow are is how much they plot. The worst part of the Drow is how much work that plotting is to run. 24 different families are all circling around each other, looking for weaknesses, allying and warring with one another. I think you would literally need multiple relationship maps to keep them all straight. The above list is actually only about two-thirds of the total relationships between houses, the rest come later with the noble house keys.
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So, this tiny picture is the only visual we get of Erelhei-Cinlu. Well, that sucks. OK, well, let's presume you don't go in through the front gate, because that's obviously suicide, what then?
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I'm sorry, what? The doors automatically sense your race and summon a demon with no ability to disarm? Fuck off, Gary. You have to go through the Black Tower. You have to get a medallion. You have to go through the Front Gate. You have to fight Lolth instead of the Elder Elemental God. Fine, I go through the front door.
E-C's description is exhausting to read because it's one of those times Gary just vents his orientalist, misogynist biases. Women are in charge? The men aren't buff?? There's sex workers??? Get me my fainting couch!
A lot of ink is spilled on the treatment of slaves, half-drow, non-drow, et c. Tragically the actual appearance of the city is not commented on very much beyond "it's very mazey" and "it's dark". E-C is perpetually 5 seconds from collapse at all times, but also hilariously stable. RIP to anyone dumb enough to rebel here.
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E-C's section is a fairly rote "city that sucks" so let's move on.
Ah, the Noble Houses section. There is no way to put this gently, so let's rip the bandaid off. This is so much information that it's overwhelming (8 noble house houses with equipped npcs, special magic items, motivations, room counts, et c.) but also so little information about each individual house that you're going to have to heavily homebrew huge chunks of content.
For example, the first listed House is Tormtor. We know they're:
Rank 7 in the Nobility Hierarchy
They've bought off the head of the Male Fighters' Society.
Allied with Eliservs House, the unnamed Prism and Chain Clans, & indirectly to the unnamed Coiled Whip, Bars, Star, and Bone clans
They on the up and therefore unpopular with the other nobles
Have 6 unnamed nobles ruling the house
Have 6 named and 7 unnamed magic items.
But…what is special about this house? Why are they so ahead? What does their palace look like? Why would you go to it? How could you possibly interact with the alliance and enemy system, as a non-drow?
These descriptions are just not useful, and by the time you have written out enough information on all 24 families you have made the actual module into a footnote. Those later write-ups of E-C can't save you either, because the timeline advanced.
By reading the whole thing and taking notes you reveal that there are two blocs (the Tormtor-Eilservs bloc and the Despana-Kilsek-Noquarto bloc) and a handful of neutrals waiting for a clear winner to back.
The Eliservs are the first rank house, headed by Eclavdra, and their big plot was pivoting from Lolth worship to Elder Elemental God worship because the Lolth priestesshood didn't back Eclavdra's claim for Queenship. Remember Eclavdra? The text explicitly says that if she died in G3 she was cloned (eyeroll) by her consort. Why organize the events of the G series? To get more EEG converts and attain Queenship. An extremely risky plan that we will discover in T1-2 and A1-4 is more plotholes than plot.
Eclavdra's house is about to fall before you showed up.
She's in charge of the Giants
Eclavdra's fall would signal an end to the Giant incursions
There is no longer a reason to deal with the Giants
There is no longer a reason to deal with the Drow
There was no reason to do any of this
The EEG temple is actually the one from G3, so you've even already punished the Drow before D1 even started! And also, how exactly is that possible? The route to the G3 temple and the route to D1 are 51 miles apart?
I have read quite a few suggestions on how to un-fuck GDQ, and my personal preference is this:
Flip every House's religions, EEG to Lolth and vice-veras
The Giant plot is Lolth's, and Eclavdra's sister is acting for her
Regardless of G1-3, Eclavdra is about to win the secret war for Queenship via the Lolth cult.
A unified Erelhei-Cinlu is a threat and must be stopped
Anyway, having now shredded the politics in here, we move onto the dungeon-dungeon.
First, the Egg of Lolth, which is the broader Lolth zone in Erelhei-Cinlu. Yada yada yada spider sacrifices, orgies, et c. It's all very rote. The head priestess of the lesser temple (not the greater temple!) has a lot of money but not so much magical items -- a weird quirk of D1-3 is that there are basically no magical weapons, so your fighter is probably livid by now. Then, we enter the Great Fane of Lolth, which is to say the greater temple. And we will go into keyed mode:
The temple itself is pagoda-themed, in case you haven't guessed that the Drow are supposed to be vaguely China-themed yet. Naturally trying to climb around and not dungeoncrawl properly promptly punishes you by being suddenly attacked by a giant pile of gargoyles and shadows.
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Every depiction of Lolth, even from this second-release copy I'm using, is just….truly sad. Why was "monster but animal head" so common for so long? It's not scary or weird or funny, it's just lame?
The walls are decorated with fake halloween spiderwebs, so this whole place feels like Spirit Halloween. The actual Fane itself is weirdly empty?
Like an evil confessional, all the council chambers have secret spying rooms.
You run into a fake Lolth illusion who pranks the party, which is really not helping the Spirit Halloween vibes
If you walk into a painting of the Demonweb Pits, you just instantly die (or skip directly to Q1 if your GM hates you -- general consensus is that Q1 is bad and that you should just use the pre-planned D3 version of the Lolth fight)
Finally, as you enter the dungeon part of the dungeon (which is actually pretty small by late-game dungeon standards), there is a passive fear aura and all the spiderwebs are now made of onyx and silver, which means your party is going to have a field day with the chisel.
To my great shock and happiness, there is a drow dissident here! And he's good! And won't backstab you! He is neutrally aligned and wants to reform drow society. Good for him! There's a messed up enchanted silver cage which essentially magically webs a victim in a sort of metaphorical representation of a true spider enwebbing their prey. It's a cool visual!
Lolth just kind of, hangs out in room D5. She isn't doing anything. If you kill her, she drops an egg with plot items for Q1, and geases you to walk through that one painting. No save, of course. Lolth herself is a "hard to hit, high resistances, low HP" affair, but also she can heal herself for 50% three times a day, so she is triple dipping on difficulty (in this biz we call this "deeply unsportsmanlike" but I'll give a pass for a demon queen being bullshit)
There's no real reason to go up. Lolth is down and you have no reason to believe good shit should be up, but if you do anyway you will find a variety of random people wandering around with magical goodies, like the high priestess and the commander. It's implied the priestess has been fucking a demon?
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Your taste is a lot different than mine, ma'am.
Naturally the treasure room for the fane is hilariously trapped in like three different ways, including with permanent dust of disappearance. Inexplicably, there is a talisman of lawfulness that, if combined with some diamonds, tells you how to reach Lolth. Why was there a talisman of lawfulness in the treasury? Why does it tell you how to get to the demonweb pits? Why does it write in drowish runes?
Finally, you find a wharf with a boat in it. It's trapped with the previously mentioned sentient statue, but hey -- you now have a galley that you can only use on the Pitchy Flow, Svartjet, and Sunless Sea (in an unexplained way). Good luck with the 66 ghouls, 6 ghosts, and type 2 demon!
That's, that's it? Again, D3 reads like a tiny setting book larping with an obligatory dungeon at the end. The Fane is the blandest dungeon thusfar, and G2 was already pretty lame. Still, it is not lost on me that you could form an entire campaign in the Vault's materials, and it might even be good if you relax the "Drow are ontologically evil" quite a bit and allow your party into the factional fighting.
Next time, Tomb of Horrors! Possibly the most over-discussed module is actually a quite early one. See you then!
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quirkwizard · 2 months
Now that we have 10 mythic skins in Overwatch, I was wondering if a list could be compiled for Quirks that could cover each one. Cyberdemon Genji, Zeus Junker Queen, Amaterasu Kiriko, Galactic Emperor Sigma, Adventurer Knight Tracer, Null Sector Wargod Ana, Onryō Hanzo, Grand Beast Orisa, Ancient Caller Moira, and Vengeance Mercy. I'm looking for Quirks tying to the appearances of the mythic skins more than to the abilities of the characters.
If this works, do you have any ideas for an Avatar quirk? Like the ability to just manipulate the 4 elements similar to the Avatar?
Have you got any ideas for a quirk based on the INTJ personality?
Helloo! I was wondering if you could write a quirk for my OC she has a temperature quirk so whatever she touches she can raise and lower the temperature of but I can think of any drawbacks
How would you revise Projection Sorcery to work as a quirk?
Any Quirks for the characters of Jumanji? I'm thinking either peak physical form or fearlessness for Smolder, cartography or geometry sight for Shelly, either pocket dimension or omnilingualism for Mouse, idk for Ruby or Seaplane, a good lock picking Quirk for Ming, wings for Cyclone, idk for Nigel or Van Pelt (though VP should have an eviler version of Anivoice probably), and some sort of rage empowerment Quirk for Jurgen
Would it be possible to ask for Quirks for each of the 13 main characters in Camp Camp? Max, Neil, Nikki, David, Gwen, Nurf, Nerris, Harrison, Ered, Space Kid, Preston, Dolph, and Quartermaster.
Zenyatta Quirk Idea: Harmony & Discord. The user has two metallic orbs that they can apply to themself or others. One increases a person's healing ability greatly, letting them recover from attacks within less than a minute. The other, however, decreases a person's healing ability, making them much more susceptible to being hurt. The drawback is that only one of each exists and if one is active, so too must the other be. If the user wants to heal someone, someone else has to be weakened.
Heyy!! Could i please get a few dependent quirk ideas??? Thank youu!!!
Any chance of a Quirk based on the Look-Away-Inator? It's from the PnF episode Split Personality, and I figured that was more doable as a Quirk than the Molecular Separator.
So that Denki and Shoto marriage is perfect for Virgil, I'm sure you've made a teleportation Quirk that works for Ed, and for Tye you literally made the Tokoyami and Takeyama QM his name, but what about for Asami? This is the Runaways from Season 2 of Young Justice fyi.
I wanna hear about a quirk based on crayon eating
Any quirks based on Jin's side effect from World Trigger? since Foresight exists I think this is a possibility. One I'm kinda thinking about is a quirk that just foresees how you die with little to no context.
Could you help me out with this quirk idea please! My idea is a cloning quirk based on fission. The clones bodies would kind of split off from the user. Each of the clones are capable of independent thought, feeling and action, although they have a mental link, and if one gets hurt, they all feel it. I’d say the clones have half the durability as the user and they can only create 35.
It’s either I go with that idea or have the user create only one clone that has half the durability, and that clone can do the same thing. The clones would have their own autonomy and they would share a mental link.
Idk which idea I should go with, so could you help me decide which I should go for, and if you have any suggestions for the one you pick I’m willing to improve!
Could you make a quirk based on thestrals?
Can you make a quirk based on Unrepair from undead unluck !?!?! Thank you
Flipping the script on the Ben 10 alien asks you get, how about a Quirk for Dr Aloysius Animo? A constant thorn in Ben's side, up until recently I thought his name was pronounced alloy-see-us rather than aloe-ish-us. I think a build-a-beast Quirk or one that mutates and hybridizes animals would be cool!
hello! would you have any ideas for a drawback of a quirk user that can spawn limbs on any surface? the user can use them (and see through them if they were an eye, for example) but they can only be spawned if the user is nearby. i imagine that one of the drawbacks could be that they can feel pain from those limbs, but i can't think of anything else. thank you for all the quirk stuff you do! your brain is very big :D
So I got this idea for a luck based power.
Good luck bad luck is an emitter quirk that allows the user to grant a person they make direct skin contact with to get a bout of good luck such as getting a perfect score on a hard test, scoring a lot of points in a sports event, winning a lottery ticket, etc. However, the bad luck will kick in and undermine the good luck. Going by the examples, they forgot to put their name down and lost a single point, they pulled a muscle after they scored and had to sit out the rest of the game, the wind blew the ticket out of their hand into a puddle. After the bad luck, the effect wears off. The bad luck won’t do anything life threatening, a minor injury is the worst thing that would happen and it only undermines the good luck. User can only affect one person at a time and can only use it again once the bad luck happens and they don’t know when
Dragon and either dark shadow or black whip
Could you do Voyance and Hardening. No idea how this will work but I’m sure you’ll come up with something.
Not sure if you did this before but...Copy X Clones?
Gyrate and Springlike Limbs
Meatball + Incite ?
Black and Storage QM?
Storage and Water Creation?
Decay and Larceny, Twin Impact, or Muscle Augmentation?
What do you think about a qm between decay and electrification?
meatball and stress, fat absorption and somnambulist, or Blood curdle and Whitelime
QM between Incite and Anthropomorph?
Could you do a quirk marriage between Solid Air and Dark Shadow?
Navel Laser x Comic QM?
Hi, Could you make a quirk marriage between Love and Cloud ✨Thanks✨
Glamour + Voice?
It just occurred to me! a quick marriage between Vibration and muscle gain or overhaul, thank you very much!
If you decide to do quirk marriages again could you do glamour and comic?
Solid Air x Dark Shadow QM?
I would like to remind people that I am not taking any kind of requests right now. That means no Quirk Reviews, no Original Quirks, and no Quirk Marriages. So if you see your ask here or sent me anything like that in the past month or so, I will not be covering it and it is currently removed from the ask box.
If you do not see your ask here, I do not have it and I apologize for the inconvenience on that part. You will have to send it again when I open the ask box. Otherwise, I would suggest you take your ask and write it down somewhere so you can send it when the ask box is open. It will still take some time before it is open and I ask for and appreciate your patience during this time.
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tokiro07 · 3 months
Undead Unluck ep.22 thoughts
[If I Was Green, I Would Die]
(Contents: praise)
That said there were a few cuts here and there, like we didn't actually get to see Fuuko jumping ahead through the book as Victor killed her, and Victor sadly didn't start insulting Fuuko when she asked how she and Juiz were alike, but if it meant we didn't have to spill over into another episodes, I'm perfectly satisfied with what we got
The fact that we started the episode with Victor's conversation with Juiz about reincarnation was an interesting choice which I assume was there to save space for the second half, but even more interesting was the reveal that Juiz was the one who put the card in Victor's head! That's not supposed to be revealed until the 120's! I guess that would be around...episode 60-ish, at the current pace? Though if we were getting 4 chapters per episode like this, even my original estimate of episode 44 would have been a bit slow...
As for the scene where Victor was killing Fuuko, the way they interpreted it was really interesting; not only were they showing it in a shockingly subtle manner, using ripples in water (which has been a symbol of Andy's consciousness this whole adaptation) instead of loud bangs, but they had Fuuko defiantly take the shot rather than being blindsided by it repeatedly and crying as she ran through a crowded Shinjuku. Now I do think that taking the people out of the equation was...a bit deflating, but whatever. Seeing Fuuko stand up to Victor makes for an interesting take on where the director feels she should be mentally (I'm not sure if this was Yuki Yase or someone else), and kind of makes up for not letting her point a gun at the Shueisha lady
The bulk and main attraction of the episode was of course Andy vs. Victor, which was sick as hell! It really helped that it didn't have a glaring red gel over it this time, though the green was a little distracting at points. That said, if they were going to pick a color to filter the whole fight through, green was a great choice! The blood popped off the screen with that contrast! I have to imagine they put the filter over everything but the blood, as otherwise the blood would have come out a really muddy and unattractive brown.
The bit right at the end with the book closing was a little drawn out for my taste, I think they could have used some of that time for Victor being mean to Fuuko (my wife was so excited for that part, just like I was for the gun) but I imagine that that was a pretty expensive sequence to make, and aside from it feeling ridiculously slow, it was executed very well
Two episodes left, and six chapters to go. Now that we've covered four at once here, I think we could swing three each and be fine. It certainly makes the throughlines for each episode a lot clearer! Without spoiling anything, 23 should get all of the remaining preamble for Autumn out of the way, and 24 should be made up entirely of the Autumn fight, maybe with a little extra thrown in to tease season 2 or, if we're lucky, the entirety of ch.53 to give us some falling action. It's clearly possible to get four chapters without cutting the theme songs, so if we do cut them, then a dialogue-heavy chapter like 53 would be easy!
We'll find out soon for sure, and if the last two episodes are nearly as good as this one, I think we're in for a good time!
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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