#posting them together cause they're both silly
crazys-art · 1 year
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
@lesharl-eclair here is the vettonso timeline I mentioned at some point!! I was gonna make a more refined version but ah, the original is fine so I'm posting it for you <3
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Its written so its as if their careers began at the same time. There's obviously some parts where they deviate from each other(I blame Fernando), but they're pretty similar, no??
Here's some notes I have:
They both started at technically the same team(if you ignore that Seb raced one race for Sauber): Minardi/STR. And they spent 3 seasons either racing for that team or testing(Fernando for Renault, Seb for BMW teams), before being promoted to the team where they won their respective WDCS.
They both spent six seasons with their WDC team. And both won their WDCs using Renault engines. Both were pretty much the golden boys of their teams, beloved by their team principal and team in general. Unfortunately both aren't consecutive because Fernando tried out McLaren lol.
They spent a similar amount of years at Ferrari(five and six respectively.) Neither could win a WDC with Ferrai(😔) And both joined Ferrari in a very similar way. When Fernando joined, he ousted Kimi and it was very uncertain where Kimi was going. I think the commentators in 2009 predicted McLaren? (But he ended up taking a sabbatical obv.) But pretty messy, right? The literal same exact thing happened with Fernando and Seb in 2014-2015. They finally announced at the end of the season, even though it was pretty obvious, that Seb would be replacing Fernando. And where did Fernando go? McLaren! The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself. I guess I find it funny that Fernando replaced his former rival under somewhat messy circumstances, only for his other rival to do the exact same thing to him years later.
Okay McHonda and Alpine blah blah blah. Anyways they're probably going to have both end up competing their careers after two years with Aston Martin. This honestly is my favorite parallel. Because it's very sweet to me that Seb replaced Fernando, in an aforementioned messy way, only for Fernando to take Seb's seat in a very peaceful, almost "passing the torch" type exchange 🥰
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
The thing with RPF
Okay, I don't tend to engage much with RPF. I have read it, but only when recommended by someone whose taste I trust (I think it's all supernatural aus that I've read, to-date), and my intention is not to write it. Not really my scene.
However, I really think this fandom could stand to stop treating RPF like it is the devil.
If you engage only with someone in the form of like an hour a week of video of them performing for an audience, particularly if that video is edited, like, when you start mentally rotating characters to create with, your brain isn't gonna draw a huge difference between the guy from the scripted thing you watched, and the person from, idk, mythbusters. Love to see my guy make a big explosion.
In both situations, you don't know them as people, you know them as like, personas, characters. You are essentially engaging with them as fictional characters, cause you only see the small segment of their lives that they put into the video, and whatever story they're telling with that. You don't know them as people, because how could you? So your brain going "hehe what if hunger games au" is just one of the ways brains work.
And idk, as long as you know you're doing that, I think that's fine.
It's fiction. You're writing/reading fiction. It's in the name. You know that it's not true, you're dealing with fictionalized versions of like, stage personas, or teaching methodologies, or historical records, and you can make your little fictions, and you show it to the eight people who are also really into *spins wheel* Ancient Egyptian RPF or *spins other wheel* Taskmaster UK TV RPF or *continues to spin the wheel* Polygon (web series) RPF. You all shake each other's hands and go "man I really like [person/character] and I think about them a lot" and someone else goes "I also think about [person/character] a lot and I think that if he was a warrior cat he would be a kittypet" and someone else goes "I think if [peson/character] would boil an egg the egg would explode cause he's really bad at boiling eggs" and you go "go on". You are all silly together, and you are all doing fiction, and you go on your merry way.
Like that is A Thing People Do On The Internet, and that stays in its its designated space, and that's fine. Might not be your jam but it's fine. That is not more weird than inventing an elaborate imaginary religion for a minecraft world, or working out the emotional nuance of an arranged marrige au between fictional detectives, or carefully making an elaborate interlocking series of stories where someone from a children's cartoon is horribly tortured, rescued, recovers, and gets their vengance. All of that looks weird from the outside, and is a fine and honourable thing to do in your little circles on the internet.
The part where this becomes a problem is when you take your fiction (lies we tell recreationally) out of the designated circle of people enjoying the fictions, and you shove it in the face of the person it's based on, and go "do you like this" or "is this okay" or "I found this and I think it's bad is it bad".
When you are doing the fiction you are engaging with the person as a character which is like, fine, and a truthful reflection of how much you actually know them (not at all, you don't know them), but in shoving it in their face you are going "I don't know you but I want you to react to this for my entertainment/justification, because I think this reflects on you, and apparently I think I deserve your time and attention, and also I think I already know how you're gonna react and I'm gonna use it for my callout posts", which is like, so much ruder than just making fictions about people you don't actually know.
Like writing a superhero au about the person you watch video game speedrun— based. Love the imagination. That is making something from nothing, a great creative act. I could not do that at all but I salute you.
Telling the speedrunner about it? No were you raised in a barn. You are not writing it for the person to approve of— they don"t know you— you are writing it for fun and the enjoyment of other speedrunner enjoyers. Keep it locked down.
As long as we're all aware that RPF is fiction, and we keep it in circles where we're circulating it as fiction— ao3 archive locks exist for a reason! this is not something you want to show up on a google search!— this is just a thing people do for entertainment. Don't bring it up to the person it's about, and you're fine.
And I've been thinking about this because like, I don't think what I'm writing is RPF, but BOY from the outside people seem to think it is! Including the creators! Which means that even while I'm doing my best to adhere to character beats from the story and not just streamer personas, and differentiate between the dude in england and the dude in 3rd life, also I should be aware that if the creator hits it, he's probably gonna think that I'm just writing this about him.
Things go SO MUCH BETTER if the creator only finds it if he goes "huh I wonder what people are writing about me" and deliberately goes to look for it, not if he's just going along thinking about disney movies and someone comes screaming into his field of view like "people are writing about you on the internet". And then he's gotta deal with the ways he's percieved, and whatever weird warrior cat situation people were putting him in, and the fact that people don't know him but think he can't boil an egg, and the 3rd life cannibalism aus, and and and— it's a mess. Please don't do that.
All of this to say A) RPF is fine actually that's just like one of the ways storytelling works— we're not writing RPF but it isn't the devil either. B) STOP TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT FANFICTION.
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snek-eyes · 8 months
Good Omens fic recs
Hello all! Wanted to share a few of my longtime faves. These are all pre-s2, might do another with my post-s2 recs? Narrowed it down to 10, since that's the max links tumbl lets you have in a post.
Any Way You Want It
Author: Justkeeptrekkin Words: 27,500 Chapters: 5/5 Rating: Mature Mood: Vacation, soft but introspective After finally getting heaven and hell off their backs (at a cost) Crowley and Aziraphale go on holiday to a cottage in Scotland. Fluffy with fun snappy dialogue, the two really feel like best friends here! Aziraphale struggles with his tendency to go slower than even he wants.
Instructions Not Included
Author: Atalan Words: 68,000 Chapters: 13/13 Rating: Teen Mood: Detective / Gen (There are feelings but it earns that slowburn tag) My "if season 2 isn't good, this is my season 2" fic. Now, I liked season 2, but this is still SO good. After the notpocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley start a detective agency investigating supernatural happenings together. New characters include Raphael (who totally missed the apocalypse haha whoops), and a big spooky dog (whomst I adore). Note that while this fic stands just fine on its own, there is an unfinished sequel that imo doesn't leave off anywhere stressful.
When in Rome
Author: Kedreeva Words: 4,000 Rating: General Mood: The liminal space of nighttime conversations What happens after Aziraphale invites Crowley to oysters: Wings and reading. Tentative and innocent in those early days.
the deft, sweet gesture of your hand
Author: deadgreeks Words: 12,000 Rating: Explicit Mood: Hurt/Comfort, introspection A few years after the failed apocalypse Crowley shows up badly injured at the bookshop. Aziraphale has to help heal Crowley and save them both, and still finds the time to knit his feelings.
Author: Twilightcitysky Words: 122,000 Chapters: 19/19 Rating: Explicit Mood: Y'ever want a side of learning something with your romcom? After realizing they might need their own corporations to heal themselves now that they're not working for heaven and hell, Aziraphale and Crowley turn on all their bodily functions. All of them. What could be a silly premise is played out very satisfyingly, the actual biology of hormones at play here is fascinating. (this is not really at all related but: has anyone else read Peeps by Scott Westerfeld? Because the format reminded me of this in that it did a similar thing of playing straight the concept of "what could cause vampires to be real" that drew on inspiration from real life parasites interspersed between the chapters. I dig it. Anyway!)
Author: AnnetheCatDetective Words: 10,000 Chapters: 3/? (Technically unfinished, but leaves off in a satisfying spot) Rating: Not Rated Mood: Meta (Character study as story) “There's some competition for Aziraphale and Crowley's usual table at the Ritz…” A couple of miracles bend reality and, well… you ever been like, “The boys need therapy, but who could possibly give it to them?” I love crossovers where the TV boys meet other versions of themselves, this one is my favorite.
i can't say the words, so i wrote you into my verse
Author: mygalfriday (BrinneyFriday) Words: 5,000 Rating: Teen Mood: Snapshots through history "Crowley has tattoos and every few centuries, Aziraphale discovers a new one." Simple and paints a lovely picture.
By Definition
Author: idiopathicsmile Words: 3,000 Rating: Explicit Mood: Smutty but fond A night together after the Ritz fic where Aziraphale is asexual and Crowley isn’t and how that works for them. The dialogue here is positively delightful.
Bark Dust
Author: rfsmiley Words: 8,000 Rating: Mature (mostly for injuries) Mood: Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Historical Crowley is very badly injured in a battle, and Aziraphale has to figure out how to save his life.
Tell Me A Story
Author: brilliant_or_insane Words: 5,000 Rating: Teen Mood: Soft and warm Aziraphale likes telling stories and Crowley likes to listen. But when the demon is dissatisfied by sad endings and can't relate to the happy ones, Aziraphale decides to move them forward by telling a new story. (Of course, Crowley isn't entirely satisfied with the angel's perspective on that one either.)
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withered--s0uls · 2 months
OKAY, I think I'm done for now.
@electrozeistyking and I a little while ago talked about how GD!N would react to DAS!Cyn. They went on about in a reblog but basically he would be extremely happy bc DAS!Cyn is a separate entity to the Absolute Solver, therefore meaning she's not the one behind everything.
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So at first they probably both would be extremely happy. DAS!Cyn in her own AU upon meeting N first is absolutely terrified that he might hate her after everything the AS made her do. So the fact GD!N would react very positively to her presence would be a huge a relief to her.
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Now, the issue is that the "Dormant" in "Dormant" Absolute Solver is in quotations for a reason. It simply lost interest in her as a main host / had no need for her anymore. It still has admin rights over DAS!Cyn and she still has a Solver Form. Though she doesn't use it by choice bc of PTSD triggers (until possibly a specific point in Ep7 but I'm waiting for ep8 to decide).
So yeah I think that would make both GD!N and DAS!Cyn kinda anxious to put it lightly.
(More Art and stuff under cut because this crossover has been living RENT FREE IN MY HEAD)
Also fun fact
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@electrozeistyking has mentioned and shown Beanie finding comfort in the sound of her fathers core.
Well funny story.
DAS!Cyn always was comforted by her brothers core back at the manor, when they first reuite at the start of Ep6 and she sees DAS!Uzi summon her Solver wings and tail, her instinct is pressing closer to DAS!Ns chest for comfort. Her memories of the Solver features are very very blurry, but she is triggered by seeing them regardless.
I thought It was cute the girls have that in common, so I decided to draw them and GD!N sleeping with the girls having their heads close to his core :3
I didn't feel like fully making these so they're sketchy doodles :"
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The first two are based on Zeisty saying GD!N would probably pick DAS!Cyn up and spin her around. Also you probably noticed between this doodle, the first drawing & the Tiny!N & DAS crossover post, but DAS!Cyn displays flowers on her visor to emote happiness!
The 3rd and 4th are just random interactions between the kiddos lol. I feel like Beanie probably would be happy to have another Auntie, not to mention one closer to her age so they can do silly kid stuff together. DAS!Cyn... oh boy
She would feel a whole range of emotions; grief about missing so much of her brothers life (like he has a kid ffs), guilt and self blame after finding out what happened to Uzi (she blames herself for everything the AS caused, even tho she never agreed to it) which might end up in a "slight" breakdown, anger at the AS for causing GD!N that kind of pain and eventually once she processed all those emotions she probably would be excited to get to know Beanie. Like!! Imagine finding out you have a little Niece!!
She probably would struggle to easily keep up with Beanie bc she still has motor issues like in canonverse so she's a little slower, so it'd be mostly her trying not to fall over her own feet whilst being dragged around by an excited toddler who probably even with child lock is stronger than her lmao.
Also I drew DAS!Cyn in an alternate outfit bc I wanted to actually kinda show the oil reserve canister,,,
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Ok wanting to respond to the hashtags specifically bc :)) yay
Also ig this is some DAS lore fact drops lol
Yeah, DAS!Cyn kinda didn't take it well either when she first realized the AS technically can still take over if it really wanted to after she transferred bodies in an attempt to escape. Imagine getting your core nearly crushed in an attempt to flee from robo satan just to find out entity STILL can use you for their bidding. Like!!! Damn that's not fair the kid nearly fucking died trying to break free!!!
DAS!Cyn definitely would want to spare Beanie the horrors too. DAS!Cyn herself is mentally like 7-10/11 at best 6-9 at worst -- despite kids usually just saying whatever comes to mind, she repressed most AS related stuff for a reason, she definitely wouldn't share what she knows with her newfound niece
I feel things would be either super great and happy or super traumatizing depending on when in the timeline we throw DAS!Cyn at them. If she's there during ep 6-7? Oh boy. Oh no. DAS!Cyn & DAS!N have an exchange during Ep7 that would not go over so well if it was GD!N in DAS!Ns place, because it would be awfully similar to GD!Uzis death -- she doesn't die, because DAS!N can't get himself to shoot with her being so close to the AS, despite her literally shouting at him to do it and that she won't be angry, that'll be fine. -- yeah I don't think GD!N would handle that well 😭 Zeisty feel free to get the angst train rolling if you wanna add your two cents on how that'd go over -- any point before that? Probably fine. Post S1? I'd imagine also fine depending on what Ep8 throws at us (except like... look at ideas list for more info*)
I'll assume that'd be Beanie reacting to seeing DAS!Cyn having the Solver tail and possibly the glitching Solver symbol in her visor. Yeah she definitely would try to play it off and go try and hide somewhere until she can get it under control again. High stress or negative emotions causes her Solver to act up (unrelated to the AS, just her own Solver form without the entity controlling anything!!) So what I said above to her reaction to the news of GD!Uzi being dead? And possibly finding out the reason why? Yeah that might trigger her tail and wings to pop out and her to basically be reduced to a hyperventilating ball on the floor because of proceeding to blame herself for all of GD!Ns suffering due to thinking the AS actions & it being a danger are her fault
Other things I kinda wanted to doodle but didn't for now, might do at a later point;
Cyn still has a Solver Core, which is the same as a DD core (except smaller lol). So I was playing with the idea of Beanie noticing that her core sounds different from GD!Ns due to hers being severely damaged and actively leaking after the AS attempted to crush it during the body transfer. DAS!Cyn then trying to play it off
Some kind of acknowledgement of the Oil reserve canister on DAS!Cyns back, it was made by Tessa before the AS did the medurder and stuff. It's supposed to help keep the Solver in check by preventing overheating, hence why its directly connected to her chest where her core is
There was something else but it slipped my mind
Smth I'm not gonna say publicly for now until Zeisty posts something about it and/or eventually posts the chapters bc I don't want to spoil esp not bc it isn't my place to :" (if you're curious, Zeisty, lmk I can tell you in VC or DMs lol) but it partly would possibly be related to the 1st idea listed
* I have an idea for what happens to Cyns original body (the one the AS uses & that wears Tessa) post Ep8 IF Ep8 let's me do it that is. I think it could be fun to crossover that idea bc of GD!Ns ghost sight.... tho it definitely also would be fucking stressful and trauma inducing bc Solver stuff sooo yeah rip (again, if you want I could elaborate in vc or DMs on this bc I want to first wait and see what the season finale brings before I do anything "official" with this)
GD!N reacting to the information that DAS!Cyn canonly shot "Tessas" gun at the AS (well technically at its tentacles. Point being that kid fired a gun/knows how to use one) -- which again could be very interesting if we were to toss them into the same Ep7 bc that's when she does it
Possibly GD!N finding out ab the scars/cracks surrounding DAS!Cyns core bc,,, yeah
Anyways uuuhh heightbsheet bc I'm 99% sure I drew stuff inaccurate
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These were actually so fun to draw and think & talk about. I'll post the GD x IC crossover once I'm done with that (yes, yes there is more than what you already saw Zeisty. Not much more but more nonetheless)
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whipped-cheese · 3 months
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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berensteinsmonster · 2 months
They're friends 5ever ok
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I like to think that if each hv au counterpart met their thsc selves they would try to strangle eachother because they're on opposing sides of good and evil morals. but not Henry Ventriloquest or Henry Stickmin, they're literally just eachothers reflections. and would be friends yay they like to cause mischief and get a little silly
Rose Ellisha and Ellie Rose would also just be chill meeting their mirrored selves fr fr. Rose is more reserved when meeting new people but would warm up to Ellie cuz she's super awesome like that.
This is both Henry V celebrating the anniversary of Escaping The Prison and just me wanting to draw them together
(reblogs help my posts be seen :) (click for better qualityz)
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maochira · 1 year
Hello! Can I request hanging out at the beach with Blik boys in NEL series ?
Like how they would react to the reader in swimming trunks, them just fighting to be beside the reader in the bus (yes, again) and you can had other stuff…
"Again"? Ahh I think you're confusing me with @haikyuul0ver ahahah 😭 they recently wrote something about the boys fighting about who gets to sit next to their manager on the bus!! (check out their writing btw!!) But I'll gladly write your request! Only doing Bastard München for this because I don't want to put every team in one post, but I'll do the others separately!
Requests open! - NEL assistants masterlist
Beach day with Bastard München!
Tags: gn!reader, basing this on the simping headcanons, so your simps are Kaiser, Isagi, Ness and Hiori!!, Igaguri gets bullied😁, didn't write them reacting to reader in swimming clothes part but............. this was very silly and fun
Series synopsis: You, Claire (@deerangle3) and Mao (me) are assistants in the Neo Egoist League
-Kaiser and Isagi were fighting about which of them gets to sit next to you the entire time before getting on the bus. Ness really wanted to sit next to you as well, but he kept argumenting why Kaiser should get to sit next to you
-instead of fighting about it, Hiori asked you very nicely so he got to sit next to you!!
-Kaiser and Isagi were both very disappointed. Also, Claire and Mao kept making fun of them for being massive simps
-once you're at the beach, Kaiser offers to put sunscreen on you. Isagi does the same. They end up getting lost in ANOTHER fight so you just end up doing it by yourself
-they always get so lost in their fights about who gets to be close to you and Ness always joins to help Kaiser, so you end up being with Hiori most of the time. Unless Kaiser and Isagi get themselves together and act like normal people for once
-Kaiser is SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN. Complains about how hot it is and requires Ness to remind him when it's time to reapply sunscreen
-Kaiser gets water in his eyes ONCE and makes a really big deal out of it
-you have to calm him down and comfort him until his eyes stop burning. Then he starts using that as an advantage and gets water in his eyes multiple times because he knows you'll come to comfort him when he does
-Hiori doesn't go into the water most of the time. He's just sitting under a parasol to hide from the burning sun. He's either napping or watching you and the others
-you do convince him to join a little, though. Just swimming around and having a nice time!!!
-also Noa avoids being in the sun at all costs because as much sunscreen as he applies, he gets sunburnt VERY easily
-Kunigami doesn't go swimming either. He's just waiting for the day to be over
-Kurona acts as if he's a shark and tries to attack you many times. It turns into a fun game between the two of you!! You simps get jealous, tho
-Mao hates the beach, sand and saltwater, so she's either carried by Raichi or sitting on Gagamaru's shoulders the entire time. Raichi throws her into the water once tho. After that, she stays on Gagamaru's shoulders the entire time (probably getting an awful sunburn on the back as well)
-Claire is busy bullying Igaguri half of the time. The other half she's busy simping for Yukimiya
-Claire pushes Igaguri under the water and then she complains about how she "had to touch him"
-usually, Raichi and Claire don't like each other but when it comes to bullying Igaguri, they're happily working together
-you join to the Igaguri bullying as well. Cause. He kinda deserves it. Also, it's funny. Noa isn't that amazed by it, though
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maddipoof · 2 years
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JJ's got a little family and they're just having a day on the town. CWs:Mean old ladies, protective dad jj, mom reader, preschooler daughter, taking a pregnancy test, implied smut, I think he calls her momma once or twice, no grammar, I avoided y/n but I don't know if I did it well; let me know if I missed anything Wc:3.9k
Well this was an incredibly self indulgent fic because the scenario was brewing in my lil noggin for at least two months and then I was like well it's doing no good in there and the only reason I even watched obx was for this man, and this man alone. And so here you go. I haven't read this since I wrote it I just wanted to post something before I start posting my long fic.
 "Babe, are you even listening?" JJ finally caught his wife's attention from the ring on her left hand. 
"Yes, but look." She held her hand up to let the diamond catch the light, sending rainbows flying across the ceiling of the car as she shifted it back and forth. "It's so shiny."
"I know, love." He took her hand and kissed her fingers. "That's why I picked it, but enough of that we have things to do! A list to check off! You ready Tiny?" He called to the back seat.
"Mhm, all ready," his 4 year old daughter, Iris, giggled from the back seat. 
"Let's go then. I'll get her, you get a cart, ok?" 
"Sounds good to me," JJ answered, then left on his assigned mission with a salute.
Iris laughed with her mom, "Daddy's so silly."
"Yes he is baby, you have no idea." She finally got all the clips undone just as JJ was bringing the cart over, so all she had to do was lift her up and into the cart.
"Weeeee," Iris cheered as she landed in the seat. "Again, again."
"We can do it again when we get back, we gotta get the stuff first, silly." JJ made a face at her while the three of them walked into the store.
He went through all the pockets in his shorts until he found the list. "Divide and conquer?" he suggested
"Absolutely not, I'm not leaving you two alone together and I'm definitely not letting you off on your own. Let's go." She led them down the produce aisle and took the list from JJ. "You got a pen?"
JJ handed her one and she crossed the first item off the list putting a bag of grapes in the cart. Iris made grabby hands towards it and she gave in, setting the bag in her lap.
Halfway down the list and a third of the way through the store JJ and Iris started tossing grapes in each other's mouths. 
"You want one, baby?" He asked, offering her a grape while she scanned the shelves for the right brand of flour.
"No, I'm ok." She looked around like she was trying to remember something. "Ummm, I'm gonna go grab something. I forgot it when we were over there 'cause it's not on the list. I'll be right back. Don't eat them all!" She pecked JJ on the cheek before disappearing down the aisle.  
 Iris crossed her arms on the handle bar and laid her forehead on it, "I'm booored."
"Me too but we gotta stay here till your mama gets back, ok kid?" He copied her posture and tilted his head so he could look at her better. She had his hair and eyes but besides that she looked exactly like her mother. 
"Fine," she groaned and he offered his fist out for her. 
"Ready?" he asked and she nodded.
"Rock, paper, scissors," they both said at the same time. JJ put up scissors and she put up rocks. "Awww you got me, again?"
"Yeah." They played for a few more rounds until JJ saw his wife coming back down the aisle with her hands behind her back. She was walking quickly with her hair swishing behind her. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at what she could be rushing from. He worried something had happened in the 5 minutes she was away. 
She threw the small boxes in the cart behind the other bags and nodded her head behind her at an old lady giving them dirty looks. "Don't say anything, just keep walking ok?" she whispered to him while trying to act natural. She wasn't quiet enough because Iris still heard and asked what was wrong. "Nothing baby, don't worry about it." She stroked her daughter's golden hair back from her face and kissed her forehead, taking control of the cart. JJ put a comforting hand on her back as they passed the old lady still giving them the stink eye.
She said something under her breath. "Excuse me?" JJ said defensively. 
"I just think irresponsible children like you can't make responsible parents."
"And what makes you say that?" He put his hands on his hips and stared the old woman down.
"JJ please." She rubbed her thumb over Iris's hand.
"No, I'd like to know, what makes you think my wife and I are irresponsible parents?"
She squared up to him, "You're far too young, too young to be married. You don't know what real life is yet how can you raise a child?"
"And you know all this after what? Following my wife for however many aisles?!" Iris took the phone with her favorite game offered to her, her mother knowing JJ wouldn't let up once he started.
"From the way she looked at the ! I knew she was unfit just after one look!" JJ looked back at his wife with a look of surprised confusion. She only replied with a shrug and nodded from Iris to the end of the aisle. He nodded yes back and she took the cart back up the aisle, not wanting to involve her daughter in this argument. She stopped a quarter of the way up when the man that was with the old woman before walked down to where she and JJ were arguing. "Just look at that outfit what kind of mother would walk around like that?!" The 'unfit' mother in question looked at her outfit, cutoff shorts of a reasonable length and one of JJ's faded old shirts cut into a crop top, and cocked an eyebrow. Not her most fashionable look but she just thought she was going to the grocery store with her family, not being ambushed by an impromptu episode of What Not to Wear. "Then I come here and find her already with a child. And you? So disrespectful!"
The man walked past their cart and nodded to Iris and her mother, before stopping in front of the woman and JJ. He was taller than JJ and much bigger. Despite his overbearing stature he put a hand on the woman's arm and sternly said, "Let's go, leave this nice family alone."
"No! I was just doing my shopping when I saw this- this hussy walk past." JJ's nostrils flared once and he dug his nails into his palms. The other man put a hand on her shoulder and stopped her right there.
"What is wrong with you? What have these people ever done to you to speak to her that way?"
She sputtered for an answer and JJ just shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. Never speak to any one like that again, especially my wife." He turned back to his family and he took his wife's hand. "Let's go momma."
She blushed hard, "What did I say about calling me that when we're out?" she said with a glare.
"Nothing? I always call you that when Tiny's around." He shrugged, not knowing what she was referring to.
"Not that, you know how I feel when you call me your wife."
He finally understood her message. "Oh, but you are my wife, I just want everyone to know it." He kissed her jaw before turning to the freezers filled with ice cream. He noticed she went right for the ice cream she ate nonstop just under five years ago. "Hm, haven't had that one in a while." She shrugged with a nod. "You needa tell me something?"
She looked at him and he half expected her to look like a deer in headlights but she just calmly smiled. "When we get home."
"She's getting tired, why don't you take her to the car and I'll finish here?" She handed the empty bag of grapes to the cashier and quickly explained they ate them all but she's not going to leave without paying. There was still a bit in the cart, including the second bag of grapes.
"Are you sure? We can stay and help."
"Jay, she's falling asleep. I'll be fine, you go ahead."
"I don't know, that cart looks pretty heavy." He put his hands in his pockets and rocked up on his feet. Her only answer was to raise her eyebrows. 
"You're a mess," She kissed Iris's head, "You're gonna go to the car with daddy, baby ok?"
Iris nodded a little and when JJ picked her up she whispered the tiredest little "weeee" she could muster.
She and the cashier both smiled at the little girl half way asleep in her father's arms.
He put her down in her car seat then went to the trunk to look for a blanket when he heard a painfully nasal voice behind him. He tried his best to ignore it and give Iris her blanket even though a part of him was just itching to ask her who she thinks she is that she can speak to his wife that way. He brushed Iris's hair out of her face and made sure her blanket was tucked in. He shut the door and walked just ahead of the car to see if his wife made it out of the store yet. 
2 seconds later she stepped out with the cart full of brown paper bags. He watched her look both ways, and the way her hair moved with her long strides and the soft breeze. He was too focused on her to notice the old woman make her way over and intercept the cart on his way over to her. 
"My son finally left so I can say whatever I want now! You aren't fit to be a mother at your age! Look at what you're feeding your poor daughter! You children don't understand how to properly raise children. Letting her pick out everything she wants, shoving the phone in her face as soon as it gets too hard. I bet you're some of those "gentle parents" too, aren't you?" The young woman just looked bored out of her mind, which looking back probably only encouraged the old woman. 
JJ was worried he'd have to intervene but he didn't want to leave their daughter alone in the car, so he stood at the car but out far enough so he could watch. He knew how she gets with confrontation like this, especially with getting yelled at and strangers. But she held her own.
"Is that all, I'd really like to just get home with my family if you don't mind." She kept eye contact and spoke calmly. "I honestly don't know what you think gives you the right to yell at me and my husband, especially right in front of our daughter, when you've only see us do what? Make her a respectful, happy kid? Buy some lube? Swear? Fuckin' Christ lady leave me and my family alone." The old woman was obviously shell shocked so she just pushed the cart right past and started loading the trunk with JJ's help.
He noticed her shaky hands and unsteady breathing. "Hey, hey, hey, I got this, ok? You go wait with her inside ok?" He quickly wiped underneath her eyes and she nodded her head. 
Once he finished and got into the drivers seat, she'd had a chance to calm down. "I'm so proud of you," when she finally looked at him he swiped the sparkles lining her water line away. "I love you, so much. Tiny loves you way more than I can even describe. You did so good baby, so good." He stroked the side of her head as he spoke and kissed her head, "You ready to go?"
She swallowed the shrinking lump in her throat, "Yeah," she breathed out with a nod.
They laughed the whole ride home but were careful not to wake Iris. JJ did whatever he could to brighten the mood and he wasn't sure if she was laughing at his dumb jokes to stroke his ego or fake-it-till-you-make-it, or she actually thought he was funny. Any way, it worked for him. 
"Should I wake her up?" JJ asked.
"No, I'll just bring her in."
"No you will not!"
"What? Why?" She cocked an eyebrow at him.
"Because, I have a sneaking suspicion at what your little..." he wiggled his finger in the air. "surprise is, and so, I will be taking care of everything you will let me take care of." He said with a pointed finger wagging at her.
"You're ridiculous," she laughed while getting the smallest two bags and walking up to unlock the door so JJ could bring Iris in.
"But I'm right!"
"Shhhhhh," she giggled while setting the bags on the counter. "Maybe, maybe not. We shall see, very soon."
"How soon?"
"How soon can you take care of all the groceries?"
"So fuckin' soon." He kissed the side of her head before speed walking Iris into her room and tucking her in. He made sure all the curtains were all the way shut before he ran down the hall and out to the car, taking as many bags as he could carry at a time. She thought he was like the Flash with how fast he put everything away. When he put the last bottle in the door of the refrigerator and rushed to stand right in front of her.
"Is it soon yet?" He was excited as a little puppy and she nodded while her lips were still on her water bottle. He pulled it away and put it on the counter.
"What the fuck Jay?!" She stared at him wide eyed and he just looked right at her before walking down the hall.
"Chop chop!"
"You're the worst," she mumbled under her breath while grabbing the three rectangular boxes off the counter.
She set the timer on her phone and they both sat with their backs against the bathtub. She lazily slung her head to face him, he did the same.
"I'm not even sure, I just think maybe."
He grabbed her hand and rested them on the small, soft rug. "Whatever it says, I'll be happy. It doesn't have to happen right now, there's loooads of time. No matter what it says, I won't be dissapointed, ok?" He kissed the back of her hand still connected to his and she nodded.
They sat like that for a few more minutes until the timer went off. "Ready?" he asked when he set her phone back down.
"Mhm, I'll flip one, you flip the other and we both flip the last?"
"Mhm." They counted down together "3,2,1" clack.
Two lines.
Two lines.
They both stared at each other for a few moments before he lifted her in a tight hug. She kicked her feet behind herself before wrapping her legs around his waist. They stayed like that for a few more minutes, just being near each other, feeling each other, breathing each other in.
"I want ice cream," she said through a wet whisper into his neck.
"Allow me, m'darlin'." He carried her into the kitchen while she giggled the whole way. He sat her on the counter top while he got the ice cream out for her.
"You're not gonna let me do anythin, are you?"
"No, I will not. For the next 9-odd months you won't have to lift a finger."
"But what if I want to?"
"As long as it's less than Tiny."
Her face dropped as she stuck the spoon back in the ice cream. "I can't hold my baby?" She pouted.
"She's gonna have to be promoted from baby." He laughed.
"But she's my baby."
"You'll have a new baby."
"Why can't they both be my babies?" She laid down on the counter, holding the ice cream on her stomach, savoring the final few weeks of not having a mound in the way.
"Hmm, I don't see why not."
"Yayyy." She smiled around the spoon.
"When can we tell her?" He sat with his chin laying on his arms next to her head.
"I think after the first scan and all that, so she can have a picture."
"Yay," he cheered and held his tongue out so she would give him some ice cream.
He gagged and ran to the sink to spit it out the second the spoon touched his tongue. She just shrugged and licked it off herself.
"I forgot how disgusting that is. How can you eat that?"
"I can't, unless I'm pregnant." She sat up on her elbows and set the ice cream down next to her. "You remember I tried it after Tiny was born and we had some left over and I almost threw up. Fuckin' revolting. I don't even know."
2 weeks later
"Hey Tiny! Where you at?" JJ yelled through the Chateau.
"Daddy!" Iris yelled back, running into the kitchen to meet her parents. Sarah and John B watched her but they spent most of the time outside since most of the interior was being renovated before the wedding. 
Sarah walked inside and made her way over to the other young woman, "Sooo? How was it? Any fun and exciting news?"
"It went very very well, but unfortunately I am sworn to secrecy at the moment. At the request of JJ, he wants to wait until we're all together to avoid any favoritism."
""Cause you don't want it to go like last time?"
"Exactly, what a disaster that was." She slapped a hand over her mouth at what she just admitted and pushed Sarah into the other room. She shut the door and held Sarah by her shoulders. "You cannot tell anyone. JJ will have a fit," she whisper yelled.
"You have my word," Sarah crossed her heart and they pinky promised. "If I can have yours that I get exclusive godmother rights." 
"I can't promise anything yet but I will see what I can do."
"How's the forecast look though?"
"I will say, pretty good, but you didn't hear it from me. And you cannot tell John B. JJ has to or we'll have to keep having more until he finally gets the chance. And I personally would like to keep it at a solid 2 because I don't think I could handle being outnumbered by more mini JJs."
When they finally got home they sat Iris down at the kitchen table and they sat across from her.
"We have some news for you, Tiny," JJ started.
"A surprise?" She stood on her chair.
"Yes baby, a surprise. But you have to sit down to get it." Her mom said, soft at first but the second in her sweet mom voice. Gentle but laced with authority, like hidden vegetables. 
JJ pulled out the row of ultrasound pictures and slid them across the table to her.
"What is it?"
"What do you think it is?" She asked while JJ just watched his daughter try to piece everything together.
"A bean...in a dark room. A bean x-ray?"
"That's actually pretty close, but it's not quite an x-ray. It's an ultrasound, and that's what the doctor used to look in my belly."
"To look at that."
"What's that then?" She pointed to the little blob in the center.
They both looked at JJ so he could answer. He was caught a little off guard but composed himself quickly. "Uh it's a baby, or well it will be soon, eventually."
"You're having a baby?" She looked at her mother who was beaming back at her.
"Where?" Not a very specific question but she's known her daughter long enough to know what she means so she pointed to her lower abdomen.
"Here, and this is where you used to be."
"Can I touch?" She nodded and Iris came over and stood between her legs. She lifted her mother's shirt and put her hand on her stomach.
"A little lower baby," She moved her hand down to the right spot. "Right there." She looked from her daughter back to JJ who was almost crying. She took his hand while their daughter spoke to the baby. 
"Hi baby," she used the same tone her mother used with her. "I'm Iris, you're inside momma right now, that's why it's so dark. You're a little bean." She giggled but her head whipped around at the sound of JJ's sniffle. "Bye baby, I have to go talk to daddy now." She kissed the spot where her hand was and climbed up JJ's chair to hug him properly.
She was only 4 but she knew better than to ask why he was crying, her mom explained it once. Sometimes people just cry, there doesn't have to be a reason, but sometimes they feel so much it just overflows. She explained it with a glass of water after Iris had a bad day and had to get picked up early. She sat her on the counter and got a glass from the cabinet,  "Sometimes when we feel a lot of things, or a lot of one thing it's just too much and we cry to let it out." The water started spilling over the sides. "Then we feel better." She dumped out the extra and handed her the glass while whipping the glossy streaks off her blotchy face.
She was proud of her daughter and rubbed her back before clearing the table. When she finished she stood behind JJ and kissed the top of his head. "Let's go lay down baby."
"I'm not tired," he laughed while making fun of Iris a little. 
"Then we'll watch a movie," She rubbed his shoulder and they all went into their room, the bed was big enough and Iris was small enough so they all fit comfortably. They turned on Iris's favorite movie and snuggled together with Iris laying on him and his wife's head on his chest, cuddled into his side. He had an arm around each of them and Iris dozed off quickly. He smiled down at both of them, so blissfully content at the life he built for himself he never even thought possible.
"My two best girls," he whispered and leaned down to kiss both of their heads.  
"You're forgetting one." A voice groggily whispered into his chest. 
"I thought you were sleeping and we don't know that yet."
"I was. And yes we do, it's definitely a girl. I feel it."
"You do?"
"You don't?" she asked cockily and he sat with it for a moment.
"I do," he whispered back and she giggled before burying herself deeper into him and the blankets.
"Goodnight, I love you, and our family, so much." She kissed him goodnight before adjusting the blankets over all three (four) of them. 
"I love you, and Tiny, and Teeny Tiny, so much."
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flightlessangelwings · 8 months
Ktober 2023 Day 26- Face Sitting
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Frankie Morales x fem!reader x Benny Miller (Messy Pile of Affection universe)
Word count- 1.4k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), mmf threesome, m/m action, anal sex, oral (f receiving), face sitting, feelings, established relationship, no use of y/n
Notes- I labeled this as MPoA-verse but it can be read on its own. I have been wanting to write this one for so long and this was soooo much fun to write!! I love this thruple so much they're always a joy to come back to! Fun and silly sex is just so great! And it seems must of my favorite are neat the end of the month cause this is another top one for me lol! Prompt list made by me! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is myupdate blog so please follow that too and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on my new fics!
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“You ready for this, babe?” Frankie asked as he positioned himself.
“I’m so fuckin’ ready,” Benny eagerly replied as he watched Frankie between his parted legs. He then looked up at you, who hovered right behind him, “Are you ready, baby?”
You smirked down, the excitement already rushed through your veins, “I’m ready,” you looked up at Frankie and your chest warmed. You and Frankie locked eyes and exchanged a knowing look and a nod; words weren’t needed.
Clothes were long forgotten. Benny laid out on his back while Frankie stood between his spread legs, his fully hard cock ready to take his boyfriend. While you were positioned at Benny’s head, ready to “smother him with your delicious pussy.” Benny’s words exactly.
“Put it in me, big man,” Benny exhaled as he wiggled his hips slightly, “And give it to me, baby girl. Don’t keep a guy waiting!”
All three of you burst into laughter at Benny’s words, and you and Frankie both leaned forward and covered Benny’s skin with kisses wherever you could reach. As he did so, Frankie wrapped a hand around Benny's cock and pumped it lazily as he started to push himself in. Not wanting to move too harshly at first, he forced himself to take it slow, groaning as he felt Benny’s tightness engulf him inch by slow inch.
You watched with awe as Frankie’s cock disappeared inside Benny. Mesmirized, you wondered if this was how they felt when the other watched them fuck you. But, Benny's loud moan broke you of that trance, and a rush of wetness went right to your cunt.
“Fuck,” you breathed as your eyes trailed all over each of your boy’s figures. As they connected together, you felt your heart pound in your chest as it swelled with emotions. Neither of them noticed the way you watched them for several moments, both lost in the feeling of the other.
Frankie was the first to open his eyes, and his soft smile made you melt. He murmured your name before he turned his attention to Benny, “You ok there, Ben?”
“Never fuckin’ better,” Benny huffed, his eyes slowly blinking open as he adjusted to Frankie’s cock, “Shit man you’re even bigger than I thought!”
That made Frankie chuckle softly as he looked down in embarrassment.
Benny turned his gaze to you, “Alright babe,” he grabbed your thighs, “Come on,” his tone dropped as he guided your hips to his face.
“You know your signal if you need it, right?” Frankie turned serious for a moment.
“I know,” Benny said before he tapped your thigh three times.
“Good boy,” you purred.
Benny’s cock twitch, “Shit call me that again and I’ll do anything you fuckin’ want me to,” he laughed before he yanked your body down onto his face.
The scream you let out echoed in the room when your pussy made contact with Benny’s lips. He wasted no time in licking and sucking your folds, eagerly devouring you. While still mindful of his boyfriend’s cock inside him, Benny bucked his hips in a silent plea for Frankie to move.
“Fuck you both are so hot,” Frankie breathed before he slowly thrust his hips into Benny.
All you could do was moan as you lost yourself in the bliss that was Benny’s tongue. You rocked your hips unconsciously, dragging your pussy along his face. His grip on your hips tightened as he moaned into you, feeling both your warmth on his face and Frankie’s cock deep inside him.
You leaned forward, losing the strength to keep yourself up, and collapsed into Frankie’s shoulder. He leaned into you, supporting you as best he could while his hands stayed on Benny while he rocked into him over and over again.
“Fuck you’re both so beautiful,” Frankie murmured as he picked up his pace. His own groans were drowned out by your cries, and faintly he could hear Benny’s muffled sounds while his lips stayed on your cunt.
“Frankie,” you moaned as you placed one hand on his chest and one on Benny’s. Feeling both their heartbeats under your hands, it sent a pulse through your veins. At the same time, Benny’s tongue hit your clit at the perfect spot and you let out an even louder cry.
“That’s it baby,” Frankie cooed as he tightened his grip on Benny’s cock, pumping him harder as he thrust into him even faster, “My babes,” he stuttered as heat ran through his veins.
Benny let out a muffled cry as his hips bucked under Frankie’s touch. As Frankie fucked him harder, his body quickly warmed and his skin tingled as he felt his orgasm quickly approach. But, he lacked the ability to warn either of you since he wasn’t willing to break away from your pussy for even a second. The mix of your taste and Frankie’s cock was intoxicating and it quickly sent him spiraling over the edge.
Without warning, Benny groaned loudly, reverberating in your body as he came hard. You moaned and a shiver ran up your spine as you watched Benny’s cock burst, splashing you both with his cum. Frankie growled with satisfaction as he watched the display, pumping him harder, determined to pull every ounce of climax from his body. He thrust his hips faster, hitting spots deep within Benny as his own cock pulsed with need. 
Frankie pushed himself as deep as he possibly could inside Benny, causing both men to groan loudly. Benny’s cock twitched in his hand as he gushed once more. You let out a low whine as you watched Benny fall apart underneath you.
“Fuck that was so hot,” you breathed as you momentarily forgot about his lips on your cunt.
Keeping himself still, Frankie let out a heavy exhale before meeting your gaze, “Your turn, baby,” he rumbled in a low voice.
Benny heard his boyfriend’s words and took it as his queue to resume his attack on your pussy. He groaned into you as he licked and sucked even harder, savoring the loud scream you let out. Frankie let go of Benny to wrap his arms around you, holding you close while Benny devoured you.
You rocked your hips back and forth along Benny’s nose and tongue, “Fuck!” you screamed as you felt your body trembled in both your boy’s grips. Benny’s hands dug into your flesh hard, pinning you in place over his head so he could hit your clit with precision.
“That’s our girl,” Frankie purred for both of them as you let out a scream.
Tears filled your eyes as you completely fell into Frankie’s embrace as you came hard on Benny’s tongue. Your moans filled the room as you rode out your orgasm on Benny’s face. Just like how Frankie kept going with him, Benny never let up while you quirted right onto his face, soaking him.
Watching both his partners lose themselves in pure bliss did something to Frankie. As you came on Benny’s face, he rutted his hips into him until his own orgasm hit as well. While you still were coming down from your high, the aftershocks pulsing through your system, Frankie came with a low groan. He filled Benny to the brim as he pushed himself into both your bodies, desperate to feel as much of both of you as he possibly could. 
Benny whimpered underneath you as he flopped his limbs down flat, collapsing completely. You gasped as his lips broke from your pussy for the first time, and you almost fell forward if it weren’t for Frankie there to keep you up. Knowing he had to take care of both of you, Frankie held you close while he carefully and slowly pulled out of Benny.
“Shit,” Benny breathed as he let out a gasp of his own.
“Hang on Ben,” Frankie murmured as he pulled you with him and gently laid you down next to Benny.
You sighed contently as you wrapped yourself into Benny’s open arms, and then into Frankie’s as well when he crashed down on the other side of Benny and held you both as close as he could.
“We all good?” Frankie asked in a raspy voice.
“Fuckin’ better than good,” Benny laughed.
“Fucking amazing,” you added with a giggle of your own.
Together, the three of you laid like that for some time. None of you were bothered by the mess you all made, at least not yet. No, laying together wrapped in each other’s arms, legs all tangled together was all you needed for now. And everything was perfect.
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beekeeperspicnic · 1 year
What a nice day to reconceptualise my entire game
Last night I reblogged this lovely post from @inkonice-main talking about Holmes and Watson's relationship as a great love story (whether romantic or platonic), and it's been clanging around in my brain ever since.
Just in case you stumbled across this post randomly, I'm currently making a cosy mystery Sherlock Holmes game set in Sussex, which has Holmes trying to put together a picnic for Watson. My plan is to write them in a close platonic friendship or queerplatonic partnership because that interpretation means a lot to me, but to keep it shipper friendly and leave the possibility open that they are a romantic couple.
The problem I've been toying over for the entire six months of development so far is WHY Holmes has decided to drop everything and make this ultimate picnic for Watson. What's his motivation, dah-ling?
And I've cycled through a few ideas:
He doesn't need a reason, elaborate theatre is how he shows affection. Perhaps true, but that doesn't give much of an emotional base for the game.
It's all sparked off by Watson writing and publishing the Creeping Man, the story with all the "The relations between us in those latter days were peculiar" content. But it never quite flowed for me. If Watson is happy with Holmes in Sussex, why is he writing so discontentedly? It also felt like telling-not-showing for players.
I thought perhaps it could be spurred on by Holmes having a nightmare where he's back on a case everything goes wrong. He realises that both he and Watson are in the twilight of their lives and if he doesn't tell Watson plainly how he feels, he may lose the chance. This is closer to working for me, but I think a dream being a character's primary motivation is silly and lazy, and this anxiety Holmes has doesn't seem reflected in the fact that they're living together happily. To the player it's obvious Watson already knows Holmes loves him, so there's no tension.
Then I read that post, and it all clicked. Because let's look at the Canon: it is a love story, but like most love stories of glorious intensity, things have not always run smoothly.
Holmes has withheld truths. He pretended to be dead for years. He constantly toys with his health and causes Watson pain and anxiety. All the paths Watson laid out for his life have been disrupted by his adoration of this brilliant but challenging man. Years of living together at this frantic, breakneck, head-over-heels pace seem to have taken their toll: Holmes suddenly wants to retreat from the world and take up his beekeeping, and Watson remarries and doesn't follow him, as he needs to live his own life. By His Last Bow, it seems they haven't seen each other for years.
"We heard of you as living the life of a hermit among your bees and your books in a small farm upon the South Downs," says Watson, suggesting he's never visited. But they reconnect, and thankfully the spark between them is still there. War is looming on the horizon, and both fear it may take their lives - "Stand with me here upon the terrace, for it may be the last quiet talk that we shall ever have," says Holmes.
That's where we leave them, looking out over a moonlit sea waiting for the dawn, exchanging words that they fear will be parting ones.
But the reader is left with the hope that perhaps they won't be parted again this time. War can't separate these two, surely? Nothing can.
So. That's where the picnic comes in, as a last coda in this great love story.
The War is over. Holmes and Watson have reunited. Perhaps Watson visits Holmes more often now, widowed once again. And Holmes realises that what both of them need now is to be together.
Except how does he say that, as someone who does not share his innermost thoughts easily?
The picnic represents the one chance that Holmes feels he has to say, I've treated you badly. I've made mistakes. But we can get through them, because we love each other. Let's not be parted ever again. Come and stay with me here.
The picnic isn't just a picnic.
It's a proposal.
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So like, no pressure, players. :P
Just to clarify because I think my wording confused some folks - My plan is still to write them in a close platonic friendship or queerplatonic partnership and to keep it shipper friendly and leave the possibility open that they are a romantic couple.
The change is just that in my original storyline Watson had been living with Holmes for years, and now I'm playing with the idea of exploring the picnic being the moment when they commit to living together for the rest of their lives.
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stars-n-spice · 28 days
Silly Squad 2nd Gen WIPS!
started on a little something something because I can't afford therapy to fix what s3 caused so-
Silly Squad families 10 years or so into the future :)
Find out more about the 'Silly Squad' here!
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Star Wars said, "oh no sorry, the interracial poc couple can't be together" so I said fuck that!!! and made all of them poc/inter-species couples with mixed kids!! no i'm not biased at all.
Also, let's pretend that the clone aging thing isn't a,,, isn't a thing because 1) too much math and 2) too much angst potential.
Though it is funny to think about the clones with their fast aging and then their partners are all notoriously slow aging people ("black don't crack" and "asian don't raisin" sort of deal). You got this super old dude and then you look at their partner and they don't look a day over like 30.
No, I didn't cry while drawing this what the fuck are you talking about? Aha,, aha...ha...
Additional info about the families under the cut!
Starburst Family!
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ok so since I've had Khea the longest, her family is the most thought out at this point
In order, from top, left to right: Itri (14/15), Marama 'Mara', Maia 'Mai' (both 10, 23 min apart), and Elio Nultez (7)
I made a post about them earlier so for more detailed info on their kids you can find it here!
Khea found Itri when she was about 4/5 years old and decided to take her in as a Foundling (she's also trans)
When Khea brought Itri back and showed her to Wrecker he was in complete shock (he thought she was Khea's biological daughter) but immediately took to the role as being a dad
Twins were an accident (oops) and an absolute handful but Khea and Wrecker wouldn't have it any other way
I saw a lot of people say that Wrecker would have a lot of kids and I agree, he's be a great dad (and he is!)
But pair that up with a Mandalorian wife? I'm sure both of them would adopt any and all kids that come their way
Not pictured is the twenty-something pets that their kids have adopted over the years - they could have a farm at this point
Sharpshooters Family!
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I don't know where the idea came from but one day it randomly hit me how I wanted their family to be - but essentially after finishing s3 I knew Cross was just a girl dad through and through so I gave him a daughter
That's Akona and she's half Nautolan and half Pantoran! Oh and a HUGE menace!
Akon is eight and Cross found her when she was six
Since Pantorans have the yellow tattoos to mark their clans, Akona and Tay both got tattoos to represent Crosshair's, well, Crosshair tattoo since they're their own little clan
Tay also capped off his lethorns to prevent Akon from hurting herself and getting poked because she loves to climb all over him
Idk how they came across her but I'm thinking Cross decided to go out on a mission with Echo just this once and found her (and Tay was probably sick at home or something, idk)
Tay was super unsure about it (he's terrible with kids) but Crosshair assured him that things would be fine
And things are fine and better than ever :)
Scompscope Family!
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I don't have names for these kiddos yet but I know I want them to be in tribute to Fives and Hevy!
So like,, I know technically Echo probably can't have kids and originally I was going to have them just adopt some clone cadets or something but uh,, me being biased I wanted biracial kids so-
BOOM! He can have kids in this AU.
They probably took some time to decide on the decision to have kids though since Echo and Viram are both dedicated to the cause of helping clones but eventually they do decide to settle down
Like all the Sec Gen kids, these two are absolute trouble makers and never back down from a challenge
They're a little less than a year apart, but they're 8 and 7!
TechPhee Family!
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wow, I can't believe that this is actually canon guys!!! :D Isn't that amazing????
Anyways, Techphee kids don't have names yet but I am open to suggestions!!
Also,, these kids are an absolute THREAT. They're smart as hell, they're witty, they can fly a plane like it's nobody's fucking business, they're skilled with pistols and a vibroblade, there is NOTHING these kids can't do.
Except have 20/20 vision. Whomp whomp.
Hey, nobody is perfect.
Daughter is far-sighted and son is near-sighted!
Daughter is 11 and son is 8!
Guardians Family!
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not pictured is the ten to twenty other kids that Hunter and Jung have adopted over the years
the super lovely and wonderful @taraneen and I were talking about this timeskip and she mentioned that she thinks that Hunter would eventually go back and adopt some kids after Omega leaves and I couldn't agree more
Him and Jung probably run some kind of orphanage or something where they talk in kids and if they so happen to be Force-sensitive, Jung helps them out with it
Look at these three, they're like,,, having a "who can grow out their hair the longest?" competition (Jung is winning)
Of course Omega loves all her new cousins and siblings as well :)
Omega is around 24 years old here so she's also like a big sister to all of them and they all look up to her and admire her deeply
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snickerdoodlles · 4 months
finally posting some background notes for red line fic under the cut !! i meant to do this [checks wrist] an embarrassingly long time ago, except i get shy talking about my writing hjgfjhfj. so!! reading thru red line here and dumping out some thoughts as we go!! for @the-cookie-of-doom <333
red line started with this post. (me, every time i say i'm not going to write something: *grabs clown nose*) i wanted a fic where Chay watched Kim fight because 1) Chay deserves this, ep14 bar fight my BELOVED, but also 2) Kim's put a lot of effort into sectioning parts of his life off from each other, so it's SUPER FUN from a writing perspective to throw them all together and watch him flounder.
planning out red line, it was either going to be Kim pov if it was pre-mafia reveal, or Chay pov post-reveal. both of which are really fun!! but i wound up going for a pre-reveal scenario mostly because this was supposed to be sHORT and a Chay pov didn't feel right without a reconciliation or a lot of setup otherwise. so Kim pov it was! then it was a little bit of rolling ideas around for why goons would be present period. i landed on Arthee's fuck-ups causing problems before Chay's first kidnapping mostly because i didn't want too many guns involved (there was just. no way Kim could've easily protected Chay in that without sending him away for real, which defeats the purpose) but i wound up really loving that premise and committing for a few other reasons:
Kim never brought any of the mafia into Chay's life in canon. all of the mafia bullshit Chay gets dragged thru is related to his own family being involved in the mafia (none of which Chay knows about!), which is very crunchy to me.
loan sharks breaking down Chay's door was his normal. like. i feel like this goes largely ignored by a lot of fandom, but Chay's normal is gang thugs destroying his stuff and him needing to patch up his loved ones. the fucking things that does to a kid.
i just really like Arthee as a plot device. he kinda got left off to the side by canon (which!! fair!! they were juggling a lot of balls there and i'm glad they dropped him in favor of other characters/plots), but you can also see how much i loved the "Chay gets kidnapped because of Arthee's debts" kimchay premises from the early fic days in here XD
writing Kim and Chay in a Tutoring Session, No Really, It Looks Like A Date But This Is Tutoring Honest date was ridiculously fun. i love putting boys in situations. but i also just??? really like them being friends??? well, flirty friends here, but it's so important to me how much Kim and Chay just like spending time together. they're two very lonely boys and i'm very happy they found each other <333
also, Kim telling himself he's not flirting while flirting and encouraging Chay to flirt with him. disaster boy <33333
i spent probably a silly amount of time thinking about what weapons to give Kim (originally, i wasn't going to give him any). i didn't want it to be knives because while that's very hot of him, knife fights are…very, very rough. far more like that one mission impossible movie than elliot from leverage or literally any other movie knife fight, and while patching up knife fight wounds is excellent, i already have that for a different WIP. i also just don't see Kim carrying outright weapons in with his university gear? maybe his first year, but not at the end of it, too much risk for things to go badly. hence, mace and brass knuckles-- the mace is one of those little keychain mace things you can buy in a pack (Kim's was a gift from a friend nearly a year prior, he was very startled and very confused by the offering lol). he got brass knuckles because i think Kim is all for something that helps minimize how hard/often he has to punch someone, but mainly because when i was looking at the keychain mace, i remembered those stupid 3D-printed keychain brass knuckles things also existed and amused myself thinking about how much they'd offend Kim. thanks to that thought train, Kim got a proper set to better break a dude's nose <3
Chay and Kim trying to shove the other behind them as the loan shark's thugs break down Chay's door still makes me laugh. i'm easy to please like that, i love that meme y'all.
Kim's running commentary on how stupid Gold Jim is was SO MUCH FUN to write. i like that Kim's irritation making Gold Jim comical didn't take away from how threatening the situation was either? like, obviously, it was less intense, that was the point, but i'm still really happy with how serious Kim feels through all of this because there is danger in the fact the idiots are looking for a fight, even if they haven't realized how outclassed they are yet.
also, i just really like the level of Kim's violence in his head. i like that it's just a stream of conscious he's not putting a lot of thought into. i just don't see Kim's relationship with violence as being a dramatic thing-- it's just that Kim's first thought any time he sees someone is how to break them, just incase.
Kim naming the thugs One thru Five was 100% for my writing convenience, i am SO delighted people loved that for him XD
Chay hitting a thug with the frying pan for interrupting his date was the first thing i knew would happen in this fic. Chay deserved to hit at least one(1) person with a frying pan in canon, so he got to do it twice here. Kim is DESPERATELY trying not to swoon, he's going to be so horny about this after the shock of everything wears off.
man, i cried a lot thru writing the action for this scene, but i'm really satisfied with how it came out actually!! WORTH IT
i am still ridiculously tickled by this particular "Oh" / Oh moment. KimChay making hearteyes at each other while the goons feel superfluous my beloved <333
Kim making a hot grunt sound while manhandling a guy twice his size into position for Chay to whack with his pan is going to fuel conservatively 83% of Chay's spank bank fantasies from here on btws.
writing Kim tell Gold Jim who he is was so much fun.
in that line of thought, if Kinn ever learned Kim threatened some thug with his name, he'd beam like a puppy. doubly-so if he realized the specific wording Kim used. his metaphorical tail would be wagging up a hurricane if he ever realized how much Kim associates him with safety and protection.
also very fun to me was Kim accidentally calling Chay his boyfriend and immediately swallowing his tongue about it. i didn't plan that, it just fell out of my brain like it did Kim's mouth and i went "okay!! we'll roll with this!!!"
"is the safety on" was Chay holding himself back by the barest skin of his teeth. he is going to get his mouth on Kim asap but he is NOT going to let some stupid emergency room trip ruin their first kiss. meanwhile, Kim's about to enter an angst spiral, lmao. (in my head, there's a dent in the floorboards from where Chay threw his frying pan away. it's amazing it didn't shock them out of their kiss, but Chay is not to be deterred dammit!!)
u all know me and how much i love my kiss fic, but ending this one with Chay having an adrenaline crash was delightful to write, i'm gonna need to do this more often XD Chay's 100% of the mindset he's either going to be horny or cry, and he'd much prefer to be kissed, tyvm!! unfortunately for him, i prefer tears. also, Kim keeps trying to use his mouth for pesky things like words, it is very unproductive towards Chay's current goal >:T
speaking of Chay's wild emotions-- i very much do not see Chay liking violence for violence's sake. he's had enough of people throwing their weight around him for a lifetime. he does, however, have the biggest thing for a hot boy coming to protect him, esp if the boy is Wik shaped. don't tell me Wik was part of Chay's gay revelation and tell me he DIDN'T have so many fantasies of Wik protecting him from the shitty loan sharks.
that said tho! reality =/= fantasy. Chay was terrified Kim was going to get hurt because of him, half his adrenaline crash was just worry for Kim :(
i'm not sure what to say about this next bit transitioning to the ending of this fic except that it was definitely the trickiest and the longest to write. Chay's drilling Kim for answers because Porsche has been absent for months, but Chay's not upset with Kim. (Kim's the one here with him! he's the one answering Chay's questions!) i wrote myself into a corner a few times with dialogue that was too accusatory for what i wanted. but also, this was the part when i was like "oh!! i know what the summary should be!!" because six thugs have nothing on the intimidation factor of Chay Has Questions XD
Kim saying he can go and Chay going "why tho????" made me laugh out loud writing this. i love Chay's terrible priorities so much. you will never be able to convince me that Chay wasn't 100% ready to accept Kim as part of the mafia so long as Kim cared about him, this boy is so ride-or-die for his whole two(2) important people. Kim trying to convince mr. obstinate he doesn't want him is even more futile than Kim trying to deny himself what he wants. esp as Chay calls Kim out for all his flirting <3
on a more serious note tho, i really like how Chay comes across during this part of the story. it's kinda like Kim's violence thing-- i see the core of Chay being very, very lonely. he really only has his brother in the world, who's not able to be home too much due to circumstance, and now isn't home at all. and then here comes Kim, reaching out to Chay and asking all about him and just plain being a friend to him-- of course Chay latched on. of course he's going to cling if he thinks Kim likes him back. he's too lonely not to.
Kim's little whispered "stay" was my driving force every time i got stuck on this fic, i love when Kim tries to tell himself all the reasons he's not allowed to want something and then ask for it anyways. that's what we in the business call character growth XD
to wrap up this very messy fic ramble, some lines i really, really love in this fic:
Kim's never wished for a gun before. Kim doesn’t like guns. They’re too fast. Too clean.
Gold Jim chuckles menacingly. It’s like he’s following a theatre script. Kim’s going to break every bone in his body before he sets him on fire and applauds.
i'm not sure if anyone noticed??? but the specific items of torture are based on theatre/performance idioms-- "break a leg" and "you're on fire"-- hence Kim applauding at the end.
Kim reminding himself not to scare Chay by killing the idiots, light maiming ONLY
cleaning up blood is so annoying, anyone with a period can concur 😭
Chay stands over Three, wielding a frying pan with two hands and looking just as surprised with himself as the rest of them.
i'm just. so, so fond for the image of Chay staring with complete surprise between his frying pan and a guy he just gave a concussion. he just did that! he just did that???
“How’s that going for you?” Chay asks, warm and soft where he’s still pressed up against Kim, “Felt a lot like tutoring to me.”
listen. LISTEN. Kim's investiagation excuses to hang out with a cute boy he likes are so cute. Chay agrees with me. we are both so correct for this. Chay's going to tease Kim so much about this but also encourage it past this point, he loves Kim being obsessed with him too <3
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Even More TF2 Ships
Soldier x Sniper / American Aviators
Took me a little bit to figure out which two these were based on ship name alone, but this is very silly to me. Soldier and Sniper are opposites to me: Soldier is loud and impatient, while sniper is, by definition, neither of those things. They do, however, have a shared love of psychologically scarring their opponents (Sniper with his Jarate and Solly with the honey thing) and blowing people's heads off with big guns, so there's definitely a connection there. After some research and reflection on this ship, I have concluded that they are both big time freaks. Weirdos. They're a couple that you look at and slowly back away from, because something is about to go horribly wrong. They are, however, professionals. They're not flirting on the battlefield (mostly because of how different their positions are) (also I'm not entirely sure if Soldier's fighting advice counts as flirting or not but I almost wanna say it does), they're there to do their job and do it well, but afterward… I don't know what these weirdos are gonna do. I don't know if I want to know. I also don't think that Sniper would tell his team that they're together, he doesn't seem like the type to talk about his personal life with his work colleagues. Soldier, however, has no such reservations, and his team will know about it. I like thinking about Sniper teasing Solly just a little bit, enough to make him blush, even though Solly is typically depicted as being more of a nuisance between the two. I also like thinking about Solly needing a step stool to kiss Sniper even though he is canonically only about 2 or 3 inches taller but shh let me dream.
Soldier x Engineer / Helmet Party
In my last post, I said that Engie would gift Heavy some monstrous artillery that he made, and I think the same is true here. Engineer would make Soldier some of the finest explosive weaponry that has ever been made, and I don't know if he'd use it. He'd want to use the true American classics, not this newfangled fancy nonsense… maybe he'd still blow shit up for fun, or to help Engie test his creation (which is also for fun). (I understand this may be contradictory to what I said about soldier/demo, but these two are fundamentally different. stupid x stupid doesn't work the same as stupid x smart. ) I hc Engineer as one of the 3 most capable and Normal of the mercs, but he's still a little bit… maniacal. Engie may or may not have replaced his own arm with a robotic one, what more is there to say? I imagine Solly's presence would not only encourage Engineer's crazier ideas, but also his dumber ideas. This is all to say that Fourth of July with these two would be wild, and there would be no survivors. I have seen what engineers irl do to fireworks, and Engie is no exception. I would not trust him not to wire together 7 mortars, and I wouldn't trust Soldier not to try and light them off by firing a roman candle in their direction. I think Engie would be super sweet with his partner(s), and that would cause Solly to absolutely melt. I don't know if Solly could handle being called Darlin' without combusting and/or mentally bluescreening.
Heavy x Spy / Spoovy
First off, Spoovy? Delightful, 10/10, no notes. Second, no one on their team(s) knows that they're together. At all. Months after they get together, one of them mentions having a partner and the rest of the team goes "???? Huh????" and he goes "Oh. I figured you knew already. Anyway--" These two do not talk, especially not about personal life and especially not to their coworkers. Maybe Heavy mentions something, but it really depends on who he's close to. Spy doesn't say shit to anyone, but you know what? I think he'd talk shit about the team to Heavy, and he'd learn Russian to do it too. Spy would learn to speak Russian decently I think, and Heavy would make the effort to learn some French. It would be difficult for Heavy to speak the language, but Spy would be endlessly endeared by the gesture. Recent findings suggests that Heavy does know French, but further research is required and I'm not rewriting this post. Learning a whole language for your loved one is one of the most wonderful ways to show affection and you can pry it from my cold dead fingers. With that in mind, I do think that Heavy and Spy would be one of the more tender and loving couples. They'd be cuddling on the couch, they'd be happily chatting over morning coffee (they both strike me as morning people), they'd be gross and coupley (on their own, not at work) and adorable.
Demoman x Pyro / Molotov Cocktail
Holy fuck these two would level the map. Pyro would like Demo purely because he always has the most wonderful confetti (explosives), and Demo would like Pyro because hey, it's damn good at what it does. Also because Pyro is just a genuinely nice and upbeat guy to hang out with ignore the comic where it cut soldier's hand off in the car, he's fine. This friendship would lead to Pyro learning how to use a detonator and while I do support women's wrongs, I also would like there to be any survivors. I feel like most of the pairs with Pyro are going to be a lot of the same, but this pair does have the added possibility of Pyro drinking. I don't think they'd drink enough to actually get wasted, since most alcohol is gross and bitter and yucky and yes I am projecting, but I think tipsy Pyro would get extra cuddly and talkative. Demo wouldn't be able to understand a damn thing they say but they'd be saying it, and he'd agree.
Thanks everyone for the notes, I really enjoy making these and it means a lot! I hope you enjoy, Soldier Anon, sorry for taking a million years and I promise there'll be more of him in the next part o7
Part 2 - - Part 4 (soon)
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
comp of your favorite jason panels maybe?? or maybe an octavian doodle?? i was hit with the silly beam and now i need more blonde roman boys content. mayhaps add any other blonde romans boys you have crafted. i desperately need rick to flesh out camp jupiter the potential is insane - @argoii-official's mod erratum 🤭
MOD ERRATUM!!!!!!! i blow a little kiss to your askblog one mun to another. Tumblr decided it absolutely hated me putting images on this post so I will make a separate one for the favorite deadangelos Jason panels later. A little tiny Octavian for you though (he's grumpy):
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and i will dig through my romans to see if there's any other interesting blond boys in there (i still have like two and a half cohorts to design plus messengers and medics, so there is still plenty of opportunity). let's see... oh yes I do indeed have some funky lil blond boys.
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Lore for them below the cut:
okay, starting with the canon boys: Jacob i've made a son of Venus and i've decided is best friends with Terrel and Bobby. He's a shy and quiet kind of guy but he's doing his best. Also insert my hc about 5th cohort being more likely to be direct descendants versus legacies here (cause something something lack of letters of recommendation). Also because of a mistranslation about his job title my group chat has decided his demigod weapon is a gun. Julius i made a legacy of Indiges (deified Aeneas) based on his name. I haven't decided too much for him other than I think it would be interesting if Jason used to have a crush on him at some point.
VES okay Ves is fun. So first things first: scene kid my beloved. Scene kid with a bee theme. The joke is the hair stripes. His lore is that he's a legacy of Mellona (goddess of honey/bees) and he has a big ol' crush on Gerard, because Gerard is emo and they have similar music tastes.
Gerard i am going to be completely honest is 100% themed on MCR. I like listening to music when I design characters and I thought it'd be funny also i realized the name Gerard works thematically for a Mars kid. It all came together. Anyways he's emo, he's an MCR fan, no he does not know Ves has a big ol' crush on him. Ves is dying, squirtle.
Edgar is a son of Lua, a goddess to whom weapon spoils of war were sacrificed to. He's just kind of a cool edgy guy. Not pictured is his bestie, a girl named Felicity Pace, who is a legacy of Abundantia and Pax, and is also in 4th cohort. They're opposites-attract thematically (war vs peace, low energy vs high energy) but also they're both fashionistas and extremely dramatic.
Anton is my extremely self-indulgent pointing at Mars and how to the Romans he was also a god of civilization and ideal Roman life, which included him being an agricultural god, so legacy of Mars and child of Ceres. He's grumpy but he's very passionate about plants.
They're all mostly just meant to be background characters fleshing out Camp Jupiter for Deadangelos so they don't have a ton of meat to them, but I like to try and give them all at least something. At the very least a hobby, theme, interest, or relationships. Something along those lines.
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ginasbaby · 2 months
hii! I was thinking on something like
R and towa are besties, they're in love with eachother (both very oblivious about that) but after the rumours of towa and renee dating, r starts to avoid towa, towa is sad cause r is avoiding her and happy ending with renee being sort of the cupid
I couldn't find the request rules post so I hope this doesn't break any!
I love you
Part 1
Towa bird x fem!reader
Part 2
Warnings; slight angst, tooth rotting fluff.
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3rd person POV:
It was a very normal day, Y/n had been performing at many places the past few days. She was a talented singer, she had performed on broadway 4 times- mainly for mean girls, but she's done Hamilton before aswell. On the mean girls set, she met Renee Rapp- who was playing as Regina, they both found out they would be together for most of the musical because Y/n was playing Cady. This is where the off-screen friendship started. The two were inseperable- they couldn't live without eachother if they tried.
Around the end of her Mean Girls era, Y/n met Towa Bird. They immediately clicked together, like two peas in a pea pod. Over time their friendship grew stronger. Over a couple of months, they had known each other almost like they had been together for their whole lives. Towa was not famous at this moment; hell, barely anyone knew her. But Y/n was known very well, so paparazzi and fans were always around her. It was hard to keep her private life private; well, most of it. And so if we skip a few years, here to the present. This is where Towa, Renee, and Y/n stand now: 'Vanity Fair'.
It was obvious that Y/n was pining over Towa, yet Towa was too oblivious to notice, yet Renee wasn't. The blonde was going to play the cupid part of their trio, it was clear that all three of them had a close relationship. However, some of Renee's (and Towa's) fans thought that they had something more going on. This made Y/n's heartache- she was head over heels for Towa, yet no one had noticed, but again we're in the present. Y/n had to deal with it.
There was a lot of photography and flashes, which is exactly why y/n wasn't keen on coming. She was photosensitive, not a good aspect for an actor/singer, she always carried a pair of black glasses with her, the only problem right now was that she forgot to bring them with them.
"Towa," she murmured. "Towa, I forgot my glasses." She grabbed the curly head's arm. Towa turned around with a soft look on her face. She reached into her pocket and handed the y/h/c girl a pair of sunglasses.
"Here sweets, take these." Y/n smiled her heart full of love.
"Why do you eat so many sweets," Towa looked up from her guitar.
"Well, they taste nice, and, uh," she also paused, looking up from her computer. "I don't know, I guess I just enjoy them." Towa smiled in understanding, she looked back down at her guitar before putting it down and picking up her phone. She clicked on Y/n's contact, editing the name to 'Sweets'. Y/n stood up from her desk and moved behind Towa.
"Sweets?" She chuckled sweetly," You're so corny. Hm... Curls! That's your nickname, curls." The Filipino girl chuckled.
"Alright then".
"Oh yeah!" the y/na girl chuckled nervously, "pictures, yay... Thanks".
Time skip
Renee and Towa had an arm around Y/n as she stumbled and wobbled. She hiccupped and burped, her breath invaded by the stench of alcohol. "Y/n did you really think downing that bottle of red wine was a good idea?" Renee asked, stopping to breathe.
"Don't answer that question," Towa intervened. "Renee can you go get the car, please".
"Are you sure you're going to be alright carrying her?"
"Yeah, y-yeah I'm sure." Towa finished by picking her up bridal style. Y/n let out a squeak and pulled herself closer to Towa's body.
"You know-" She hiccuped, "I love you." Towa pauses walking.
"You silly little curls," she sneezed. "I said: I love you."
"I love you too, silly, we're best friends. Obviously, I would love you." Towa said, awkwardly smirking. Y/n's smile dropped a little but she smiled again, this time fake.
"Yeah, friends." She frowned but she was close enough to Towa that she didn't see it.
If only they knew.
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