#posting this one first because its the closest holiday
mrdizzy · 3 months
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Official wallpapers part 1/?
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aloesarchives · 5 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Lore Headcanons for "Toji Lives/Megumi Cock Blocks Toji" AU
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Warning: Female/Afab! Reader, Author(me) being a really fucking annoying narrator, Swearing, Inaccuracy to the anime and manga, Things that don't make sense but are trying to, Switching between reader and you, Mentions of OCs but reader is not one, Reader is highkey a marysue/OP
!!Disclaimer!!: These are my PERSONAL headcanons, thoughts, and opinions on how Toji would be like if he was alive and would act after the Hidden Inventory arc. Or how the events of Jujutsu Kaisen would be different b/c of reader and Toji being alive. These headcanons also explain Reader’s role and place in this AU how her presence changes many things.
Series: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Toji x Mama!/Fem!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 5.5k words
Summary: Headcanons for the “Toji lives”/”Megumi cock blocks Toji” AU, and Mom!Reader being a part of and affects each timeline.
(A/N: I will have a separate post that will further explain the Shibuya arc and post Shibuya onwards with the “Toji lives” AU very soon! I know I said I'll have some posts ready after my lastest one but I was having fun and enjoying myself with the holidays that I kinda forgot about them. I promise I'll upload those posts within January! I apologize for my inconsistency!) [!!Unedited and not proof-read as of December 31 2023 12:05am!!]
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General Reader Headcanons:
Reader is roughly around 33-34 during the Plasma Star Vessel arc(Year: 2006). Reader is also around her mid 40s (45-46) in present day Jujutsu Kaisen. Toji is roughly around the same age.
Reader’s technique is exclusive towards her, but the only time someone shared a technique like hers was during the Heian Era/Time Period where one of her ancestors is said to have the exact technique like hers but with personal different methods.
Reader hates the Jujutsu elders and higher ups for the schemes they have brewed. One which ultimately caused the Japanese faction of her clan to dwindle in size when she was around 8 years old. Reader is a certified hater of the elders and higher ups of Jujutsu Society, it runs in the family.
Reader's sorcerer grade is officially recognized to be around Semi-grade 1 to Grade 1 sorcerer. But in actuality, Reader is classified as a Special Grade sorcerer b/c of the rarity, nature, power, and versatility of the technique itself.
Reader is a mentor/motherly figure to Satoru. You are the closest thing Satoru has to a parent/guardian so Satoru favors you over many adults/older people.
Reader is considered a part-time sorcerer as she holds down a full time job in the real world after graduating. This is mostly due to her not wanting to be at the beck and call of the higher ups and Jujutsu Elders doing their bidding, but occasionally does help and do favors for certain people like Yaga. She only became a part-time Jujutsu High teacher shortly before the Hidden Inventory Arc.
Reader met Toji around her early 20s when he freshly exiled himself from the Zen’in clan. She ran into him during a favor she was doing for Yaga. She was on a retrieval mission to get a curse tool for Jujutsu High’s inventory. On her way to the location, she was ambushed by a curse. Before she could exorcize it, the curse sputtered and coughed up its blood as a blade pierced its chest and it dropped dead. With no curse energy, Reader was prepared to fight only to see a strongly built man with a small scar on his lips. She meets Toji, and funny enough he had the curse weapon she was looking for. She was trying to negotiate with him to get the weapon. She didn’t have to for long as Toji just straight up gave it to her and said, “You’re a feisty one, aren’t you? I’ll give it to you because you’re cute. Until I see you again, Ms. Sorcerer~.”
Then Reader randomly runs into Toji both on assignments and in real life. It was at random but in a consistent way. Eventually, Toji starts living with Reader because he is lowkey homeless. Reader first fell for Toji but Toji fell HARD for Reader. Always accompanying her when she has to run errands. Always watching out for her and in the shadows. Hell, he started asking Shui for information on certain people to make sure you’re not getting yourself into trouble. He also starts asking Shui for better paying jobs that he could do in a day then take a few days to complete.
Toji falls hard because of Reader’s understanding and compassion towards him and his past, which she was more than understanding of his feelings towards the Zen’in clan for their god awful mistreatment and ostracized Toji from Jujutsu Society. Yet he couldn’t understand why you had tears in your eyes when you pulled him in for a hug, saying that you’ll be his family now and he can rely on you. Thus, that’s when Toji said, “I need to fucking marry this woman or I swear to God I will assassinate every sorcerer in the world.”
After a few years, Reader and Toji get married and Toji takes Reader’s two last names: (L/N) Fushiguro. Fushiguro wasn’t originally a part of Reader’s last name, but decided to take it up as an alias when Reader briefly left Jujutsu society to live among non-sorcerers. The last name came from a distant relative a few generations back that was married into the family.
After around 29, Toji and Reader had Tsumiki. Then a year later, they had Megumi at 30. 
Though your place is small, it was homey and cozy for your little family. Life was good until the year where Tsumiki turns 4 and Megumi turns 3. Toji started having missions where he was coming home less and less frequently. It was starting to bother you because he was starting to miss out on Tsumiki and Megumi growing up. More so, it was devastating to you when Megumi told you he could barely remember anything of Toji, he even faintly describes Toji’s looks but it is starting to get foggy. 
It was becoming hard to support your daughter and son on your own, so when Toji came home one night you told him your thoughts. Then an argument happened, not a loud one to wake up the kids, but you were putting Toji in his place. Toji was trying to justify that it was his work and they have been demanding him recently, that it was the good of your family as they were paying him more money to do them. This was when you started questioning Toji’s occupation and what he does. Toji gets irritated about you questioning his line of work and tries to repeat again that it was for the sake of your family and nothing more. 
However, Reader is unaware that Toji made a deal with the Zen’in clan to sell off Megumi when he’s around 5-6. He couldn’t tell you this because he knew how you would react so he was going to keep it a secret for the time being. However, he would never tell after the argument the two of you had.
The next thing you know, Toji drops an envelope on the kitchen table and grabs his packed duffle bag as he heads towards the door. You tried to stop him but he says that he needs to leave for a while but he promises he will be back. Kisses reader on the lips and forehead before leaving their apartment. 
Reader is hurt and confused until she opens the envelope to see a check that’s already signed. It has $5000 dollars in it. It would last you at most 5 weeks for you and your children. Yet, that was the only check received from Toji as he went completely off the grid. No amount of resources would amount in a helpful way to finding what happened to your husband. 
That was when reader was assigned an important mission for the first time in years. Where you and another teacher, Maho(JJK OC) would act as guardians/chaperones to Gojo and Geto. Your jobs were to oversee and supervise the two students and report anything about the mission.
“Toji lives”/ “Megumi cockblocks Toji” AU:
So basically in this AU, not only does Toji live. But mostly everyone else does live, or somewhere along the lines of dead and alive. Well, minus Junpei and Mai. But that’s just me being blissfully ignorant of the canon timeline and canceling most of the events out and just changing them. 
So everything in the Plasma Star Vessel arc happens but the only thing that changes is Riko and Kuroi being alive. The way that it happens is you were sent ahead to do some investigating of the Jujutsu High area to see if it’s safe. Then out of nowhere, you were asked to speak to Tengen themself. Unbeknownst to you, you were unaware that Toji, your estranged husband, had attacked Gojo which forced Geto, Riko, Kuroi, and Maho(JJK OC) to run and leave Gojo to fight him.
You were basically told by Tengen to respect the last wishes of Riko Amanai before they merged. But they popped that statement out, you responded with, “what if her last wish is to continue on living and not merge?” At first, Tengen opposed you for your question. Saying it would throw off the balance of their stabilization and balance of Jujutsu Society. However, you countered by saying it’s respecting Riko’s wish and the girl's wish to keep on living. Meaning that technically you’re honoring her wish and you believed that she deserved to live her life.
Plus you argued that there are few Plasma Star Vessels out there, like Yuki Tsukumo, who didn’t merge with Tengen are completely fine. And Tengen didn’t suffer from not merging with her or the other vessels. So after some thought, Tengen briefly allowed Riko to live and not merge with her. However, in exchange, you would have to find a substitute host in place of Riko. While it wouldn’t be the same, Tengen said it would be easier to merge with another host that had curse energy or was a Jujutsu Sorcerer. 
Meanwhile, Geto, Kuroi, and Maho escort Riko in front of Tengen’s chamber. For a bit, Geto offers Riko a choice to leave with Maho and him. To not merge and live her life out. Riko expresses this but before she could allow Geto to take her hand, Maho gets shot in the throat. The bullet was meant for Riko but Maho’s change in positioning took the hit for her instead unintentionally. Toji reveals himself from the shadows and says he’ll take Riko dead or alive. Geto tells Riko and Kuroi to run while Geto fights Toji with Maho supporting him the best that she can after learning Toji killed Satoru.
Suguru and Maho get defeated while Kuroi is knocked out by Toji and takes Riko to the Time Vessel association. You come out of the chamber to only find Geto and Maho bleeding out, you take them to the infirmary and have Shoko heal them. Suguru tells you that a man with no curse energy ambushed them, killed Satoru, and took Riko.  ‘Wait, a curseless man? But. . . that can’t be’ You snapped out of it and left Suguru to find Gojo’s body to take back. You found where you assumed you would find his body but all you would find was a large blood smear on the pavement. So you went to find Riko in the association. What you didn’t know is that Gojo beat you to it. You snuck in and when they were about to kill Riko, you snatched her away and brought her back to Jujutsu High. However, you asked Riko about Gojo’s whereabouts. She said she last saw him fight a tall man with a small scar on his right lip. Your blood runs cold as you continue to drag her towards the school. She didn’t understand why you stopped talking, but the look of fear on your face told her something.
As Gojo and Toji duke it out for the second time, it was Suguru that caused Satoru to misfire his Hollow Purple at Toji and narrowly missed him. Toji knew that he lost the fight because he would’ve died if he got hit. Let alone, get defeated one-way or another. Since Suguru told Gojo that Riko’s retrieval was a success, Toji knew he wouldn’t get paid for the job and just gave up. He, surprisingly, surrendered himself to the two and was taken to an underground bunker where Toji was heavily sealed and chained up. Doesn’t even bother fighting back at all. Though the mission was a technical success, Tengen didn’t merge with the chosen vessel and there was a sorcerer killer on the premises of the school.
Since you were in charge of the mission and the only one uninjured, you were held accountable and take full responsibility for what has happened. The Higher-ups and Elders were not happy, to say the least, with the results. But specifically that you allowed the rest to get hurt and let Tengen’s vessel free, ceasing the merging. However, they weren’t on Reader’s ass for the first two. They were mostly on her ass because they discovered the identity of the sorcerer killer is Toji. And somehow figured out Reader’s marriage with him. Because of this, they were going to execute Toji and put Reader on trial.
This was also the moment reader’s suspicions were right with Toji doing all of this. She was going through the ringer of emotions when revealed the information in the same room with the very people she despised. So she kept to herself and remained calm. She proposed a deal to them that she knew they would consider. In exchange for Toji’s life and freedom, the reader gave these conditions:
Toji’s weapons would be heavily sealed and hidden away where no one can obtain them. Their whereabouts will be unknown and Reader and a select few would know about the location. 
Toji cannot enter Jujutsu Society/High without Reader. For at least a year, Toji can’t be near any sorcerer or enter any Jujutsu building. Reader is essentially Toji’s handler and responsibility. Toji has to be with Reader at all times when on Jujutsu Premises.
If Toji acts out of line, he will be immediately executed. Reader will also be executed or exiled from Jujutsu Society. However, if Reader dies, Toji will be executed. If Toji somehow dies, Reader would be somewhat safe. But if Reader dies, Toji will die with her. Reader’s life is in the hands of Toji’s behavior and actions. While Reader’s entire life and existence is the reason why Toji lives and her dying means he dies too.
These conditions were simple enough but the higher ups were still doubtful. But Reader also adds that after a year, Toji could go on missions if it involved a reward. Mentioning that Toji would be a vital asset to them and keeping him on house arrest wouldn’t be ideal. Reader tells the higher ups that Toji was exiled from the Zen’in clan years ago and would only listen to her. She implies that Toji could wreak havoc on Jujutsu society if it wasn’t for her.
With reluctance, the higher ups agreed to Reader’s terms but warned she would be on a watchlist. Reader just waves it off. Yet after she leaves the room and goes outside, the weight of her emotions get the best of her and she cracks under it all. This was a lot of process and bear but she was the only one to do this. 
Strangely enough, a distant relative of reader’s contacted her about moving into an old home of theirs. No prices or charges, they just needed to give the house to her since they were moving back into the clan’s main residence. Reader was like okay, thanks for the free house. Since there wasn’t much at the old apartment, they didn’t need to pack much.
Once Satoru and Suguru were healed up, Reader tasked the two of them to bring Megumi and Tsumiki to the dorms temporarily until the house was ready and Reader dealt with Toji. Satoru may or may not have slipped about Megumi’s true heritage, causing Suguru to bonk him on the head. Megumi doesn’t want to go with the two men but after telling him and his sister that Raeder sent for them, he and his sister followed them.
Reader basically was taken to where her husband was held. She only had less than an hour to talk to him so she had to speedrun their talk and leave some things out. It was strange to her to see her husband, the notorious sorcerer killer, chained up and not fighting his restraints. It looked like he hadn’t eaten in days and the color in his eyes was dulled out. But when you entered the chamber and made your presence known, he perked up because he recognized your footsteps.
As much you wanted to comfort and coddle him, you were furious and beyond disappointed with him. Toji admits his faults and was okay with dying. During which he reluctantly revealed to Reader that he sold Megumi to the Zen’in clan for his technique. With this newfound information, Reader is heartbroken and slaps Toji square in the face. Though she didn’t want to, he did deserve it. So Reader explains the conditions she made to grant Toji his freedom and life back, if he so chooses. Or he can get executed, the choice is his.
Toji doesn’t deserve a second chance but Reader offered one to him. While putting herself and life at risk for a bum who ended up abandoning his family. Reader said he can clean himself up, to step up as a husband and father. The only term she was willing to give Toji if he chooses to come back. In a way, Reader was giving signals to Toji that she still needs him and doesn’t want him to die. Toji thinks about it. He would be restricted to being at home and the outside world, while being on a leash by Reader when entering Jujutsu Society which he doesn’t mind the thought of.
Toji makes his decision by agreeing to the conditions while also promising to pull himself up. Although it made you smile, it disappeared when you remember how your children would react to seeing their absent father again and trying to adjust to his constant presence. Toji said he’ll try his best, but he wouldn’t guarantee Megumi and Tsumiki’s approval. But it didn’t matter to him because his family needs him and he would damn to waste his second chance knowing many don’t get any.
So it was settled. Toji is freed because of Reader with the somewhat of an approval from the Higher-ups, the house was ready to move with the kiddos, and everything was starting to set in motion. It was a hard adjustment for the kids in this new chapter of their life. Moving into a new, nicer, and bigger home than the previous smaller apartment was a big change. Another big change was seeing their father for the first time in almost months. Tsumiki was a little happy to see Toji back at home with them but Megumi was different. In fact, he was indifferent about Toji’s return and tried to completely ignore him. You and Toji completely understand Megumi’s feelings about his dad suddenly popping up again out of nowhere after months of not coming home. You reassured your son that Toji’s staying for good and that it’s okay for him to not accept his dad's presence right away or force himself to.
It wasn’t what it used to be but Reader didn’t mind it. Since Toji was on house arrest in the meantime, he was on house-husband duty. Since you were now working as a full-time Jujutsu teacher(2nd-3rd year teacher) and Sorcerer, you were away from home a lot during the morning and afternoons. Toji struggled in the beginning but he really managed and became good at it. He was an excellent cook, cleaner, errand runner, and even handyman. You still handled the money but Toji never asked you for more than what was needed. He started picking up Megumi and Tsumiki from school, making the other parents drool over him. He honestly likes the domestic aspect of this part of his life, something he never imagined when he was younger.
You knew it was bad but you asked Satoru a big favor. Since Megumi’s sale to the Zen’in clan was still up, you asked Satoru to postpone it or intervene in a way. Reader would have the power but her clan faction isn’t what it used to be and the Zen’in clan hates her guts for marrying Toji. Satoru agrees to help but it would mean that he would have partial guardianship over Megumi. That was fine with you but explaining this to your young son would be hard, considering he will be training and spending some of his time with one of his mother’s student.
Satoru and Suguru become older brother figures to the kids and Shoko being a big sister. They would come to your house to visit just to see the kids. It was challenging at the start since Toji was there and a constant reminder of their weakness. But you talked with them about it, saying that they don’t have to care for your husband and hate him all they want. But never hate the children. This was helpful to Suguru since Riko and Kuroi were living on Jujutsu Tech grounds as a safety precaution since there were still hits on Riko. You also noticed Suguru's depression while soul-searching. You always told him that you considered him family and let him know to come to you for help when he needs it.
Reader is the sole reason Suguru hasn’t fallen to the dark-side and became a curse user. However, he and Satoru almost became one a year later. 
A year after the Hidden Inventory incident, Nanami and Haibara were sent on a mission to exorcize a grade 2 curse. You accompanied them because you knew the area better and felt the need to watch the students. However, the information was completely wrong as the curse they were facing was a grade 1 curse that manipulated the earth and surroundings. While Nanami and Haibara had minimal to mild injuries, you were badly injured and bleeding everywhere. While you were able to exorcize the curse, you were hanging on by a thread because your main priority was the safety of the two students. Though you were healed, you did have a faint scar and you were out from doing missions for about a couple of months. Highkey traumatized the two students because their teacher was about to be murdered and they couldn’t do anything about it.
What they didn’t know was that the mission was a ploy to have Reader be assassinated while carelessly adding kids to the mix. All done by the Higher-ups and encouragement of the Zen’in clan. The only reason this information was spilled out was Toji was visiting you in the infirmary and his super hearing heard a low grade Zen’in sorcerer spill it out. He, along with Satoru and Suguru, forced the sorcerer to spill anything they knew. The sorcerer revealed that Reader had been on a watchlist and knew she was dangerous to them so they tried making her death a tragic accident. Surprisingly, Toji and Satoru had this moment of truce between each other. It was interesting to Suguru because both of the two men hate each other’s guts but decided to work together if it involved you. They would’ve stormed in and decimated the Higher-ups and Zen’in clan, which Suguru didn’t mind. 
It was Shoko that retrieved them, saying that you were awake and wanted to talk to them. The three begrudgingly made their way to your room. Reader essentially argues that going on a killing spree would make them curse users, they are just tools for the higher-ups and would turn on them at any given chance. She reminds them that if Toji kills in Jujutsu Society, she would die or be completely exiled and Toji would be immediately executed. Leaving her children all alone with both parents gone and possibly dead. Reader admits she wants to change Jujutsu society and take down the current higher-ups and dismantle the old system. But she doesn’t want to drag Tsumiki and Megumi into the mix, especially since Megumi possesses a technique that has been sought after for centuries.
This weighed on the four of them as Reader continued to talk. It doesn’t help that if they do succeed in killing the higher-ups, not many people would follow behind them, like the big three families. She advises that they need to wait, which she is aware that time won’t change anything. But something needs to happen in order for the change to happen and work in their favor. Suguru understands but doesn’t really agree because keeping them around for longer will just continue what’s happening. Reader points out that if they kill the current higher-ups now, possibly the worst people would take their place. A greater evil replacing a mild evil, pick your poison.
The men don’t go through with the killing but are on legit bad terms with the higher-ups. Toji couldn’t give two fucks about them and the Zen’in clan, but he loves you so he’ll abide to your rules. Similar to Toji, Satoru is the same. He does have the power to do all of this, he knows it would put many people at risk. Suguru was the only one who was conflicted about it, they could do it now so why wait for later? But Suguru is only doing this for his friend and you, not for Jujutsu Society.
Reader is aware of Suguru’s breaking point with what’s been going on. She tries to help but knows Suguru has to make that choice to reach out for help as well. He has been sent on mission after mission, breaking him down even more. One night when you were still on mission leave, there was a knock on the door. Opening it revealed Suguru holding two twin girls in his arms. After dragging him inside, giving the girls Tsumiki’s old clothes, patching him up, and making him tea, you asked what on Earth happened? Anxiety gnawing away as you assumed the worst. Then Suguru explained the situation, his latest mission in a village where he found the mistreated twins by the villagers. He didn’t kill them, to your relief, but he was mad and angry how non-sorcerer people could be more cruel than them. These are the people they were supposed to protect and save but they pull off the most heinous crimes, putting a hit on Riko then torturing these innocent girls. 
You didn’t deny Suguru was right, why protect non-sorcerers when they have the ability to be as cruel as the curse spirits they fight? But it was not about being the better person and letting them get away with it, no. It was about would it be worth it in the end for Suguru to kill off random humans who they’ll never see again? The village was remote as it is. So for torturing the girls, Jujutsu tech and other Jujutsu sorcerers weren’t allowed to do assignments for the village. Leaving the villagers vulnerable to curse attacks and incidents. While it still was a bad decision to leave them to fend for themselves, you couldn’t let Suguru go on a killing spree. 
So Reader helps Suguru take care of the twins along with Satoru and Shoko. The twins had a hard time adjusting but got used to living with Suguru as their guardian/dad. The Twins grow up with Tsumiki and Megumi as they would have play dates and hangout with each other whenever they were at Reader’s home or Reader brings Megumi and Tsumiki to Jujutsu Tech. 
With that, Suguru and Gojo become teachers at Jujutsu High. Shoko became a doctor, Yaga became the principal of the school, Haibara is a full-time sorcerer while Nanami left the Jujutsu World after he graduated but eventually returned a couple years later. You still teach at the school but more of a substitute teacher and only going on retrieval and investigating missions. 
During this time, you tried your best with your children to mend their relationship with Toji. While Megumi took a little longer than Tsumiki, they recognized that their father was staying and not leaving anytime soon. The household was a lot healthier because of that, putting Tsumiki and Megumi in a better mental state. With Megumi having developed his curse technique, Satoru trains him and spends time with him after school to help him better understand his technique. Though you do help your son, it seems like Satoru had teachings that stick with him more. Megumi recognizes Satoru’s presence, though annoyed for the most part, and sees him as an older brother figure but he’ll never admit it. Toji is more involved with his kids' lives as they get older, making up for their earlier years. They have good figures in their lives, making their lives better. While Megumi still has that surface-level brooding antisocial personality, it’s credited to him being an introvert and picking up bits of Toji’s personality.
Though Toji and Megumi’s relationship got better over the years, they have their little banter moments here and there. It was more for annoyance and teasing between the two. You allow it to happen only if it’s meant to be a joke and not a cruel insult disguised as a joke. Sometimes Tsumiki intervenes but you tell her that’s how Megumi and Toji show their love for each other. Especially when Megumi gets older and doesn’t show his vulnerability as much compared to when he was younger. Megumi grew to appreciate his dad more and Toji values from what his two children have taught him.
With the events of JJK 0, since Geto is alive and a non-curse user, let’s just say that the villain who attacked Jujutsu High was Kenjaku but in a different body of a powerful person. So Reader meets Yuta and the other first years and is shocked to see a Zen’in with no technique. She makes personal note of this while also helping Satoru and Suguru teach them. Reader was also there for the attack that took place on Christmas Eve, which pissed her off because she was supposed to be at home with her family but some powerful bozo wanted to conquer and see the whole world in shambles. Nanami and Haibara were serving on the battlefield. Gojo was literally giving hands to Miguel while Suguru was helping in exorcizing and stockpiling curses. 
Kenjaku gets heavily injured and flees the scene, proclaiming that this wouldn’t be the last time they would see him. So after convincing forcing Miguel to come to your side, Reader and Satoru sent Yuta with him to Africa in hopes of finding more of the curse rope Miguel’s clan makes.
Meanwhile sometime later, Megumi was of age to go to Jujutsu Tech. He had a lot of resistance from you to not go there, let alone be a sorcerer. But Gojo talked with you and convinced you that Megumi would become a better sorcerer if he went. Yet it meant dorming at the school and Reader was reluctant about it. But when Megumi showed interest and talked to you about it, you agreed to it but it meant that Satoru would be responsible for his well-being during school hours. Toji also was on Megumi’s side, saying the boy needs to spread his wings and kick ass. Plus Tsumiki will be home too. He’s becoming a young man and you hate to admit it but your husband has a point.
Also in this AU, Tsumiki doesn’t get cursed and goes into a coma. Long story short, you had a gut feeling that something bad was gonna happen. But it wasn't like the air shifted or felt different. Nah, you had this impending doom and you felt so sick that Toji was concerned for you. When Tsumiki left for the bridge, Toji secretly followed after her and saved her just in time. However, one of her friends ended up getting cursed instead. Tsumiki feels guilty but Toji explained about your concern for her safety which is why he went.
Everything still happens as per usual. Megumi meets Yuji, Yuji eats Sukuna’s fingers, Yuuji becomes Sukuna’s vessel, Megumi, Nobara, and Yuuji become a team, etc.
Megumi never really mentions Reader/You, his dad, or sister to Yuji and Nobara because they never asked him. But also, he still is a well-reserved person and doesn’t let information like that slip, especially what he knows about Reader’s status in the Jujutsu Society.
Yuji and Nobara don’t meet Reader/you until after the Kyoto exchange event because Reader/You were in Hokkaido for a bit. But let’s say Reader/You were not pleased with the treatment of Yuji and the Jujutsu Tech students from Kyoto. Todo gets a pass but he’s the only one, Miwa does but she’s a different story.
Reader brings up Maki to Toji and Toji seems interested to see another person that’s very similar to him. Reader brings Toji to school and this is one of the times he is actually well-behaved and watches from afar as he sees the second-years train. He observes Maki quietly as you await his response. Toji just stands up, saying there’s another foil to the Zen’in clan’s plans before leaving the school grounds with you.
Toji does go on missions for Jujutsu Tech but he’s not considered a sorcerer. He’s very similar to Mei Mei in terms of only doing a job if it bleeds money. Due to his Celestial Restriction, he is sent on more dangerous missions. But he doesn’t mind because the paycheck he gets is a fat one that could provide for a year for your household.
Now with the Shibuya Arc, it will be completely different with Toji being alive and an ally. Though tragedy and destruction will occur in Shibuya and afterwards, Toji’s being alive does change the tides against Kenjaku and his evil plan. This is also where Reader starts doing her own thing and pulls some strings that’ll help the main cast. Even if it’s not on legal terms.
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tis-the-marmot · 8 months
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Editing this and resharing because of some life updates
When I first opened my commissions I talked about the tough situation we were in, including my uncle and his serious health conditions.
It's extremely painful for me to say this but my uncle died just a few hours before writing this. I'm absolutely shattered, he was one of the closest family members I had and I can't even describe the emptiness I feel inside right now but I'm not here to talk about my grief, because dealing with it IRL is already hard enough as it is.
I'm here because my uncle's death also means my grandma just lost another one of her children and is now completely alone
We live in another country thousands and thousands kilometres away from her and it kills us to know we can't be by her side as she's grieving. That's why we'd like to visit my grandma during Christmas time, so she can have some company at least for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately plane tickets are much more expensive during holiday season, especially with such short notice so...yeah.
I'm almost ashamed to ask for this, but please consider commissioning me or sharing the post if you can. It would help a lot.
I'm also changing the number of slots from 3 to 6 but work will be a little slower, please be understanding about it if you plan on commissioning me
Prices and details are shown in the pics and down here 👇👇
● Lineart only
• Bust - 4€
• Half-body - 8€
• Full-body - 12€
● Flat colour
• Bust - 10€
• Half-body - 15€
• Full-body - 20€
● Shading
• Bust - 16€
• Half-body - 22€
• Full-body - 28€
◇ Due to time limitations I will only do simple, flat colour or blurred backgrounds for free
◇ Each additional character costs +50% of base price
◇ I will try and draw anything as best as I can EXCEPT for:
- Complex mecha, armor, animals, monsters and poses
- Explicit NSFW
- Hate art of any kind
- Anything I might be uncomfortable with
◇ Full payment is made upfront via Paypal. I will only start your commission after I receive the payment
◇ I will keep you updated about the state of your commissioned drawing periodically
◇ If you want to cancel your commission before it's finished for any reason, you will get a full refund only if my work is below 50% of its total progress
If you're interested you can DM me on:
Instagram: tisthemarmot
Tumblr: tis-the-marmot
Discord: tisthemarmot
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admirableadmiranda · 1 year
Hi, I have a question, if you are able to answer. Is WWX actually beholden to the Jiang family? I know the whole loyalty to your sect and stuff. I just want to know if he actually owed them such a big debt or if it was a way to ensure his continued servitude? JFM went out of his way to find WWX (which I wonder about sometimes, because 5 years is a long time to find a child), of his own free will and whims. Is charity supposed to incur debt? Or am I putting my modern western thoughts in places it doesn't fit?
A follow-up question that you can answer in my first. Was WWX's father actually a servant? I know YZY called him a 'son of a servant', but she also accused his mother of being unfaithful, so I take her word with a grain of salt. Plus, I can see her thinking everyone below her is a servant. We know he was a cultivator and if I'm not mistaken, he went to the Lan lectures too. So was he just a disciple that was close to JFM or was he a servant in the way that YZY's two hand-maidens were servants. I am asking because I've seen people try to say that WWX took on his dad's servitude for the Jiangs. But, as far as I know, WC left the Jiangs and so was free as a rogue cultivator. Some also say, that even though he left the Jiangs, they would hold authority over WWX because that is the sect his father was a part of at one point. I haven't read the book in a long time and on top of that I binged-read it so it is a mess in my memory. So any insight would be appreciated. Thank you!
Hi! Thank you for your patience in me getting back to you, I know it was a while there; blame the holidays. Since we have two long questions, I'll cut the post here.
So the short answer is no; Wei Wuxian is not beholden to the Jiang Clan and does have the freedom to leave as he does. It's even pretty clear in universe that leaving your own clan especially to start a sect of your own is not that unusual, Su She does it himself! In addition, taking in orphans to train them as disciples is not that unusual in wuxia/xianxia, and while the closest that we get in Modaozushi of strong confirmation on how it works is Lan Sizhui and Xue Yang, both of whom are directly taken in off screen, but are definitely parts of their clans despite not being born into it.
With Jiang Fengmian, it's tricky because we don't know how much he knew when Wei Changze and Cangse-sanren died. We only know that he found Wei Wuxian later and knew his name and description well enough to recognize him on the street. It's entirely possible that he didn't even hear about his friends dying for a while since Yiling is known to be closed off and suspicious of outsiders, and even then finding where Wei Wuxian was specifically was probably its own challenge. But one of the things not covered in universe but in interviews is that there was a nighthunt that Wei Changze, Jiang Fengmian and Lan Qiren went on that went wrong at least in part due to Lan Qiren being stubborn and rigid, and Cangse-sanren saved all of their lives. So they all owe her a life debt for that and that alone would wipe out any debt Wei Wuxian could owe to the clan.
But Yu Ziyuan is the bigger problem here and Yu Ziyuan very much pushes Wei Wuxian into the idea that he owes them for everything in what we get on screen, something that is reiterated in Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan's last scenes where she pushes the idea that he owes them and needs to protect and help Jiang Cheng and whether knowingly or not, here Jiang Fengmian confirms in just telling Wei Wuxian to take care of Jiang Cheng.
Now here's the thing on your question about debts; is that the answer is yes and no. The ideal that MXTX posits forwards is that of course you should actually honor your debts when you have them, but you should not do actions for the sake of gaining debts. "Let the self judge right and wrong, let others decide whether to praise or to blame, let gains and losses go uncommented on." People know when you are someone that can be trusted in the give and take of society. You can't just call debts out, but refuse to pay your own. Eventually no one will deal with you because they know that you can't be trusted solely from your own actions. Charity can incur debts, but in the sense that it is up to the people involved and the actions taken.
When Wen Qing comes to Wei Wuxian for help, it is Jiang Cheng's debt too. The things that she and Wen Ning did for the two of them are not an easy debt to return, and he knows this. He knows that the two of them sheltered Jiang Cheng after the fall of his clan at great personal risk and allowed him to maintain his honor to his family by getting him the ashes of his parents so they could be laid to rest with their parents. This is not a light debt, this is the sort of thing that is remembered and judged at the end of his life. Yet he refuses to pay it when it is his debt and punishes Wei Wuxian for following through.
He knows he owes it, but refuses to pay it, all the while demanding that Wei Wuxian follow through on a debt that he does not have and has more than repaid in full. A golden core for a golden core, one that Jiang Cheng knows he has because of Wei Wuxian, even if he doesn't know that it is Wei Wuxian's own core. A debt repaid in full, yet he keeps demanding it. A debt that he owes, but refuses to pay it.
I hope that clarifies on the charity question. I know I went a little off topic, but it's a lot easier to explain from that side.
As for Wei Changze being a servant, I'm pretty sure he actually was before he left the Jiang Clan. He was a rogue cultivator, but is consistently even by the omniscient narrator referred to as a servant long before Yu Ziyuan was a part of the clan, and while she's certainly the loudest about it, she's far from the only one to call Wei Wuxian son of a servant and he even acknowledges this himself by asking Jiang Cheng what's wrong with being a servant, he's the son of a servant himself. The text is just too consistent on this front to not make it clear that in universe, Wei Changze was a servant who learned to cultivate, left his clan to marry his rogue cultivator wife and died as a rogue cultivator, but due to the classism of society and the Jiang Clan, was always remembered as a servant. I have a whole meta on how the classism was in Yunmeng Jiang long before she ever got there, she just was the loudest one about it.
But he did actually leave and Wei Wuxian was not born in the clan. In addition, the way that the posts that talk about it as if Wei Wuxian is supposed to inherit his position despite neither of them being a part of the clan at the time of his birth makes it sound less like being a servant and more like being a slave. It's not supposed to be a position that's passed down from father to son with no one allowed to ever leave it and the fact that some JC stans act like that's all Wei Wuxian was ever allowed to have... is uncomfortable in many ways.
Does that answer all your questions well enough? Thanks again for your patience in me getting back to you.
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ham1lton · 2 months
who does o/s drive for? what are her relationships with everyone on the grid? what’s nps!reader’s relationships like?
ooooh! i love questions like this!
in my head, o/s drives for a team not necessarily on the grid rn. maybe audi? her teammate is mick schumacher. they grew up together and are very close friends. the only friend she has on the grid.
she doesn’t like interacting with anyone more than necessary which is why she gets a lot of dating rumours with mick. closest besides mick is lewis because he mentored her. the two are close in a mentor/mentee way as they are the only two black drivers and he feels more protective over her.
her favourite driver ever is sebastian but he obviously retired and she was so upset about it. her favourite person is gav, who’s her race engineer. this man is grumpy asf but the only one who can understand her even when she’s in her non-verbal time, or when she’s annoyed or overly excitable. he’s like a replacement father and she loves him. when she wins, he’s the first person she hugs and thanks.
i headcanon that her and mick’s team is the most popular among younger people as they’re funny and relatable. also she wins. a lot.
she doesn’t have a great relationship with a lot of the other teams. with a certain team refusing to sign her because they didn’t ‘want to have all the issues’ that came with having the first female driver. her current team, being new, allegedly only signed her so they’d get the eyes on them. they were happy with points and shocked she won.
nps!reader never comes to races. like ever. she is not a racing girlie. she thinks its just o/s’s job as o/s’s hobby lies in holidaying, reading and fashion. nps!reader comes in occasionally and hates it because the camera always focuses on her and people question how she is related to o/s and that annoys her. she also once got into a heated verbal argument with a certain someone’s dad because they said ‘o/s is a talented driver, too bad she’s a woman’.
yeah so nps!reader was banned for a little bit….. but we move 😝
also in the first post where nps!reader drags lando. she genuinely knew fuck all about him. she had to research who he was so she could drag him. she was like ‘no wins? same age as my sister? rich family? has everything going for them but flopping? crazy…’ but now she’s his biggest advocate even if she lightly bullies him from time to time. that’s just who she is.
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sillspore · 7 months
im in my warrior cats era BUT BUT BUT !!!
i have some Ideas for kitty cat holidays bc i saw multiple people post abt how holidays would just Help with tension and also??? holidays and traditions are just my FAVORITE part of worldbuilding like theyre so cool an interesting and ajgsjdhfkfbdkfmgng
so first i definitely want a daylight gathering time kitty olympics, yearly on the summer solstice >:)
daylight gathering just makes SO MUCH SENSE, and definitely would help as an outlet for all the clan brand nationalism and violent urges
as motive to compete/to give the winner a reward i’d prob say like three days rest :33 here you go winner kitty sleep in for three days no work for you yes eat all the food you want
making it on the summer solstice is just bc i love solstice holidays + it’s the longest day of the year, more time to compete duh!!!
next, to parallel, something on the winter solstice for sure. maybe like every cat is forbidden from sleeping — on the longest night of the year, starclan honors them by staying visible for so long, the clans must honor them im return by honoring and celebrating them where they can see!
so feasts, kitty dancing, praying, cats burying prey to offer to starclan, and the next day is a day of rest :) every tired cat sleeps all day and no one works, eating from the feast’s leftovers
i think after a cat dies, each clan should have a specific way of putting them to rest. in general, the elders and family bury them, yes, but MORE. maybe after a cat dies, their family and closest companions are given seven days away from work to honor the dead cat and do the rituals to make sure the dead cat can make their way to starclan — perhaps the explanation for ghosts that uuuhhh the fuckin tree guy (i have no read recent arcs leave me Alone) can see is because no one did their rites :( so they couldnt find starclan/the afterlife
riverclan’s definitely has to do with water, perhaps covering the cat with willow or long flowing herbs before burial, and taking one whisker and herb before covering the cat up. these could be tied together, put in the river, and followed by family on the bank until the herb is past riverclan territory. or maybe riverclan don’t bury their dead at all, but float them into the river, and follow THAT until it’s passed territory, something like that idk
i think thunderclan would include rites of planting flowers and herbs representing the dead cat above their resting place, so that their body becomes one with the forest and their spirit can go to starclan :)
shadowclan, windclan, and skyclan are left with nothing bc i have no ideas :(
BRING BACK APPRENTICES VISITING THE MOONSTONE/POOL !!!! it was so interesting and a neat cultural thing for the battle cats :(
i understand it was boring to write about but ughhhhhh cmoonnnnn it was coooooool
maybe after the dark forest Fiasco, there’s a holiday of remembrance for the dead / the cats who fought and protected the clans from Certain Doom
idea: mothers don’t name their kits until they’re a moon old, bc its bad if they’re named and die young. currently workshopping but what if named kits who die are forced to go to starclan and stay eternally as a kit, but unnamed kits have no identity so they can “recycle” like kinda try again and be born again to a new queen and have a new chance at life??? anyway not being named until 1 moon helps ensure that a name will not be wasted and lets parents know their kits personalities and traits before naming so names can realistically reflect a cat’s character instead of JUST appearance
aaaaa okay that’s all for now but maybe more will come !
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siren-darkocean · 9 months
Oh hey not Mata Kids AU time but New Atera Headcanons!
Yeah I had a thing with celebrations that would happen in New Atera post Journey's End events so I thought to share it with the Bionicle community on Tumblr for those who wanna use any of them too!
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Around the time the unity between the Agori and the Matoran occurred in the past, every year there's a "holiday" ig you'd call it where everyone in New Atera have a week long celebration in honor of that unity and the defeat of the Makuta
The week consists of seven different events that happen during each day of the week
I don't know the actual canon months, seasons and years system of Bionicle let alone Spherus Magna so I'ma just run with the Earth version bc yeah
First Day: The Day of Remembrance
The first event that happens is at night (kinda a baby ref from the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies festival in Stardew Valley bc its honestly my favorite festival in game, it's soo good even with Visible Fish and Reflections mods installed) by the shores closest to the village
Everyone gathers by/in the waves as the village leader (which my opinion I always associated with the old village leader of Bara Magna villages and the Turaga Metru(with Ackar and (maybe) Mata Nui) in their council) give a speech
The festival is to remember those who were lost due to either the Brotherhood Crisis, before Spherus Magna was reformed of the struggle or before the shattering and that their spirits (mediphorcally speaking) shall join them during the festivities in celebration of the unity
They then after a moment of silence release floating lanterns into the waves (the lanterns are bio degradable don't worry, one of their first ideas with the week long holiday, they literally got their planet more livable you think the Agori gonna polute it immediately? They may be organic but they aren't humans)
Honestly every year this always makes the stars seem to shine brighter, Mata Nui does admit he has nothing to do with that (he's honestly surprised by it every year) so everyone assumes now it's the spirits of the lost officially joining in
Day Two: The Day of Harvest of the Plentiful
The second day is where any Bo-Toa and even Mata Nui use their power to grow any if not all crops to their harvest state (idk how accurate this is bc can I roll with it please) to where a huge harvest for both the celebrations and the days to come can happen
Ik it feels wasteful of the energy for even Mata Nui but how the Agori literally struggled for food after the shattering it feels kinda natural to add this(literally I feel like even for a couple of centuries the Agori from post reforming Spherus Magna would still be antsy of low food and water due to being so used to it)
Day Three: The Day of Reminisce
During this day especially young Agori and Glatorian would gather in the village square by a bonfire as stories of events of the Toa Nuva's adventures, tales of the island and Metru Nui and even the events of rising against the Bone Hunters and Skrall United army and the final battle between Mata Nui and Makuta are told
The Turaga love this day especially because they get to put their good storytelling to good use (their good storytellers yeah, listeners? Not so much) while keeping the memories of the past alive in newer generations
When it gets to the Agori and Glatorian adventures though usually the Agori leaders take place in this but at times the younger Agori and Glatorian ask for Mata Nui and or Ackar to do the story telling (personal headcanon Mata Nui is a good storyteller like the Turaga but also is a good listener, Ackar's the same bc good green flag dad energy), they usually roll with it honestly due to how the little ones are more entranced into the story telling from the Great Spirit and Veteran Glatorian themselves
Day Four: The Day of Embers
This celebration is where people come together to put on their own performances, like a talent show but you don't need talent for it
Tahu uses this day to show off his Toa powers in more flashy ways
Takanuva always manages to drag Jaller and Halhi into either a Kohli match reenactment(when they were still Matoran of MOL Kohli match, and also making sure it's safe) or some comedy skit
Lewa always takes the opportunity to join his Le-Matoran bands (I always imagine Lewa playing the drums but you can tweak this for whatever instrument headcanon you have for him)
Day Five: The Day of Sports(bad title Ik)
Basically this day there's two events that happen in one
First is two Kohli matches, one Matoran(and Agori join as well) based one and the other a Toa based one), the Toa Kohli match does have special measurements so no one in the audience doesn't get hurt
While the second is a Glatorian fight, they do keep monitors on this one so there's no Strakk incident again like before with Ackar and no Thornraxx Launchers user
Tahu and Kopaka are banned from fighting against each other in Glatorian matches tho due to how violent they would get between the two (Both Onua and Mata Nui would have to step in to pull the two apart)
Ackar occasionally joins in on these fights but most of the time he watches, it's not he doesn't like the fighting it's just he's actually curious how good the rookie Glatorians are training and learning, this being a habit from his mentoring
There isn't a single Toa Kohli match Pohatu would be in and you bet your ass he'll try to bring Kopaka into it
Day Six: The Day of Joy
The second last day is basically a huge party with music, dancing, food and all kinds of fun
The dances are completely random they'll either be fun ones you can drag friends in for shits and giggles or they can be romantic type ones
You're not required to dance it's entirely optional, just being there is a requirement (to the dismay of Kopaka's anti social self)
Personal Headcanons I tie with this(you can ignore these bc these also include shipping ones as well):
Pohatu is always trying to get Kopaka to dance but manages to get at least one dance out of him
Lewa, Takanuva, Terix and Vastus would be dancing with the young Agori and Glatorian children (Lewa especially and would drag Onua into this as well for the fun) as Lewa would also be keeping them occupied with his Toa powers
If there's a romantic dance going on you will definitely find Mata Nui and Ackar (bc I love this ship, they're so gay for each other) dancing together and the same with Kiina and Gresh (there is no platonic explanation for these two I am sorry)
Any dance Takanuva would literally try to pull both Halhi and Jaller into (This can be taken Platonically and Romantically, polymorphous relationships for the win as a Polysexual woman, accurate polymorphous relationships representation is always welcome in my book)
Despite the state of his body, Matau will definitely be dancing (this is so him I'm sorry)
Nuju and Whenua will definitely be dancing romantic dances together (they were so married, my immediate thought when I first saw them together on screen with Legends of Metru Nui, I immediately thought they were married. I had a similar thing with Duncan Bulk and Jimi Stringer when I was 6-7 years old first watching LEGO Hero Factory), don't even try to separate them it won't work
Day Seven: The Day of Farewells
The final day is similar to the first day where they gather and release lanterns but this time to say farewell and see you next years to the spirits who joined them during the festivities
This time they gather in a huge plateau/field to release (ofc biodegradable) lanterns into the sky
Any Glatorian who have weapons do keep their weapons on them during both the first and last festivities in case of any threats that may happen
After another speech, everyone lights their lanterns, says their farewells or "see you next years" and then on the count of three they release the lanterns into the night sky
It's a moment of silence, or as silent you can get with children and even adults aweing at the sight of all the lanterns flying away
Personal Headcanons I have of this:
Mata Nui always finds himself when the lanterns release looking between the Toa Nuva and his friends, he knew it's been a long time since both the Agori and his Matoran have had peace and joy like during the festivities of the week and is grateful for their unity and glad to have the Toa help protect the Matoran and to have his friends that helped him
Vakama always finds himself looking amongst his fellow Turaga as he remembers their adventures as Toa and ofc the Hordika Venom, they've come a long way yes and had many difficulties but despite their issues he's grateful to have them around
Hot damn took two damn hours to finish this post, or a hour idk I was not focused on the time despite how late in the night it is
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fandomoniumflurry · 1 year
My Padabear
For my SPNFanFicPond Secret Santa Fic Exchange to @ellen-reincarnated1967
Jared Padalecki x Reader
No warnings just Christmas fluff. Unbetad. Not my best work but hope you still like it. It's been a while since I've written anything. Posted on mobile so please be kind.
Summary: this Christmas with his best friend is different than all the others. But why?
WC: 1.4K
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Christmas time was one of his favorites times of the year. Not because of the decorations or the gifts but because this was the time he got to have all his favorite people in one place. His closest friends and his dearest family all gathered in Austin for Christmas, eating and drinking, being merry together.
His fame had allowed him to have a house big enough to hold a feast and money enough to fly out and put up all his friends and family. It had become a tradition over the past few years. He was lucky and thankful to be so blessed. Being famous definitely had its perks.
There was something different about this yar though. He was looking forward to one special person in particular to arrive. It wasn’t the first time he had spent Christmas with her. As a matter of fact, there had plenty plenty of holidays that she was there for. They had grown up together after all. Childhood best friends and neighbors. He considered her one of his closest friends even today even though they didn’t see each other but once a year anymore.
This year something had changed between the two of them. He wasn’t sure when it had happened or how but he found himself developing feelings. They talked frequently, texted constantly and video chatted often. Somewhere along the way, he fell for her. He wasn’t sure if she felt it too but this Christmas was going to be different, he just knew it. This Christmas, Jared wasn’t going to be single anymore. At least if things went according to his plan.
But when do things ever go to plan? She had missed her flight and Jared hadn’t heard from her since she was trying to book a new one. He was starting to get worried when a few hours passed without a word. It surely couldn’t take that long to find a new flight. He was to the point of making a few calls when she finally phoned him.
“Get your ass to the airport. I just landed.”She said, a smile in her voice.
He gave a sigh of relief before a smile of his own spread across his features. He didn’t even tell the rest of the room where he was going, simply grabbing his things and heading out the door without a word. A knight on the way to rescue his princess.
Nerves suddenly kicked in while he was driving. They hadn’t seen each other in person since last year. How was he supposed to greet her? What would he say? His palms were sweaty as they gripped the steering wheel. It wasn’t a long enough drive for him to properly work through his thoughts and feelings.
Whether fortunately or unfortunately, she was waiting at the curb, waving him down with her luggage in hand by the time he pulled up. The moment he stopped, she opened the back door of his truck and tossed her bags in. She wore the brightest smile he had ever seen and he thought to himself that she had never looked more beautiful. He was in a daze as he watched her climb into the truck and before he knew what was happening, she had her arms thrown around his neck and pulled him into a vice grip hug.
“Missed you, Padabear.” She muttered into his shoulder with a grin and he coughed from the intense strength behind her hug.
“Need to breathe, Y/N.” He finally jogged himself out of his trance, only one arm able to wrap around her. Not the hug he had been hoping for when he pictured meeting her for the first time.
She laughed and pulled back, tucking her hair behind her ear and dropping her gaze. He could have sworn he saw her blush but maybe that was just his imagination because just like that, it was gone. To break the tension that suddenly fell over the cab, she punched him in the shoulder and adjusted herself in her seat. He smiled fondly and pulled the truck off the curb.
Silence fell for only a moment as they both seemed to compose themselves. But it wasn't long before she was rambling on about her flight and her reason for missing the first one. Jared laughed warmly as she regaled the story dramatically. When they fell quiet once more, it was more weighted and he could feel her eyes on him every now and then. He didn't have time to think about it because it wasn't long before he was pulling into his driveway.
She got out as quickly as she could, moving to the back to get her luggage before he could be a gentleman and get it himself. His eyes rolled as he walked around the front of the truck to find her ready to roll into the front door. She gave him a broad smile and he couldn't help but laugh, a bubble of warmth in his gut.
They stood there a moment, basking in each other's close proximity but neither spoke a word. It was clear they both had something to say but neither had the nerve to be the first to speak. Of course, they wouldn't get the chance before Jared's mother burst out the front door, squealing with excitement when she saw Y/N. Both turned to look at the older woman and Y/N squealed in reply before running into her arms. Jared smiled, his eyes twinkling with the love he felt for the two women.
They all went inside where they were greeted by a slew of friends and family. Y/N had to take a moment greeting everyone, giving everyone her breathtaking smile and soul warming hugs. Jared found himself watching her, catching the attention of Jensen. The older man gave him a knowing grin and Jared's cheeks heated up under the emerald gaze.
Once she was done making her way around the room, she returned to Jareds side. Her arms wrapped around one of his and she looked up at him with a soft smile. His heart raced and his own features broke into a smile. She'd always had that effect on him. Her smile was infectious and it was enough to set off a herd of butterflies in his stomach.
She tugged on his arm, backing up and dragging him out of the room. His brows wrinkled in confusion, pulling back for only a moment. But when she tilted her head at him with a playful sneer, he gave in and let her pull him out of the room. He wasn't sure what it was she wanted but he'd go anywhere with her.
Dragging them out the back door, she led them hand in hand into the backyard only stopping when she came into the patio. She let go of him and hugged her arms around herself to keep off the chill of the winter Austin breeze. Jared watched her carefully, trying to read her body language because she turned her back to him.
He saw her shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath and heard it pass loudly through her mouth. With a quick spin on her heels, she was facing Jared again, nearly startling him at the speed. "I like you." She blurted out and the taller man's eyes grew wide. "And I know you like me too." He blinked at her a few times, stunned into silence.
In the time that he had known her, she had never been this bold, this forward. She was always the quiet and timid one, the thoughtful and rational one. This was a new side to her that he got to experience.
There was silence as they just stood there staring at one another. It was clear she was growing concerned that perhaps she was wrong. She shivered and her eyes dropped to her feet. She wouldn't show it but he knew she was near tears.
Taking a step forward, a hand reached out to grip her chin and lift her head to look up at him. "You're right." He whispered and for a moment he thought she hadn't heard him because she just stared up at him. His mouth opened to say it again but he didn't have time. She threw her arms around his neck and dove in for a kiss that he wasn't prepared for. They banged heads, both groaning at the collision before they both burst out laughing.
Staring at each other once again, this time they were smiling. "Can we try that again?" She asked shyly. He smirked at her and nodded his head. She came up on her tiptoes and he leaned down to meet her halfway. It was slow and sweet and neither wanted to part until they couldn't breathe.
"Merry Christmas." He cooed against her lips.
Her smile brightened. "Merry Christmas, my Padabear." This was just another reason Christmas was his favorite time of year.
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 6 months
"About the Blogger" Meme by @razielim
Haven't seen one of these in forever; I'm being the change I want to see. (You're encouraged to adapt/remove questions or add new ones to better suit yourself.)
Favorite Pseud: Cosmic is the new hotness but my indecisive ass has had a billion! Alas-poor-yorick! is an old one I'm still fond of because my child self really went and saw Hamlet and thought: "YES! THE SKULL OF THE DEAD JESTER! THAT'S WHO I WANNA BE!"
Time Zone: GMT
Star Sign(s): the one that's a COSMIC RAM! 🐏🌠✨
Favorite Holidays: every holiday is always tinged with just a tad of existential dread, a pang reminding me of the time that's already gone by, that I'm one day closer to death , I guess the ones during Spring and Summer, just because of the weather and that the days are longer
Last Meal: Soup and a piece of bread with olive oil (and olives)
Current Favorite Musician: my dear friend who plays the piano^^ (whom I hope never finds out about this blog and reads this or I'll never hear the end of it). Not sure if current, but I've listened to a lot of it regularly so, shout-out to Jordi Savall and his Hespèrion XXI group *gnaws on their many variations of the spanish Folías*
Last Music Listened To: Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) · Kenny Rogers & The First Edition
Last Movie Watched: Saw X and The Lobster
Last TV Show Watched: The Bear
Last Book/Fic Finished: Can't remember what was the last book so I'm going with: One of only two in existence A Field In England fics on AO3 😳
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: Kafka's The Trial (not abandoned, I just wanted to finish the ones I had started first before continuing because I know this one's gonna hurt for sure)
Currently Reading: Solaris by Stanisław Lem
Books/Shows/Movies/etc. You Want to Get Around To: For Films I have some listed on this ask. For books I got some Strugatskys to get to, some Terry Pratchett, some Kafka, some Horus Heresy, my sister got me Foundation *looks at bookshelf and ignores the dozens of others that have been sitting there for years, waiting for me*
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Wild boars! Boarzinhos if you will.
Last Eureka, Breakthrough, or Neat Fact/Concept Learned: Have learned nothing and remain a fool.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: I don't think I've ever been in a Fandom™ per se. It's usually just, sitting in my dark lair and enjoying a thing with a handful of other people. But, if it counts since it's the closest to interacting with Fandom I've had: these past (4?) years on tumblr in general. From the months-long (sometimes years-long) discussions about this or that piece of media and the insightful observations traded, the juicy meta, the joy and privilege of people sending you unfinished pieces of their art and writing through DMs (the trust and intimacy of it all!!!), sending each other memes and posts we think the other might enjoy, the nice messages, etc... all of it really.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: Am baby and haven't really experienced this yet.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: I literally can't choose because almost everything I love is some flavour of weird-ass-obscure thing! But uhmmm, *flips through enormous tome of interests* : Here! Rule of Rose ! I was starving for psychological horror games after the Silent Hill series and this is the closest I've ever seen to them while also not being just a rip off/clone of SH, and telling its own beautifully tragic story (the combat is broken and there's other issues but everything else, maaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn).
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I will draw Rumata and Budach's Conversation™ from chapter 8 in full, in comic form, skill to pull it off and do it justice or not, EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!
Tempting Project You're 100% Going to Undertake: It involves sandcastles and the joys of creation... but it needs to *gasp!* actually be written and not just daydreamed about.
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bryan360 · 1 year
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
What’s up to my good friends and OCs alike? It’s finally time for a very 🎄🎅🏻Merry Christmas of 2022 something to give; including at DA that I posted in the morning. Link Here
Now that’s settled though, it time I’ve promised to one of my closest friends after making such Christmas gifts to their beloved OCs. Thankfully one of my OCs got them delivered just in time for the holidays, but hoping this is far I’m going for of making it through. What that being said, let’s get started for the Speedster family as giving by the Rabbits family and Mikey.
🐰🖌Maxwell: For Spot and Riya, an each Nintendo Switch OLED systems for the first time you two earned. This is our idea after knowing your creator friend really hopes if he can get his own system.
🐰👊💥May: We know about that it’ll be a cost a lot to afford, but we actually did save a lot of money to order online….with our mom and dad’s help though. Hope you two enjoying your system, but make sure to take care of it.
🐰🎤Windy: Same goes for their parents as we giving their gifts as well. Don’t leave them hanging as I giving Rita her VR headset. That’s right, a VR headset that I originally saved it from few years ago than you think. You luckily that we still had some money to afford two Switch system this year.
🐰📚🍌Scottie: Not bad thinking, honey. As for mine when giving to Bonn though, it’s actually my DK boxing gloves that I previously own during school years. I do like this gloves as much for a video game fan, but I think it’ll fits on him when doing boxing practices. Hope he can take care of them.
🦊⚽️Sam: It’s okay, dad. At least giving your gift is better than to buying a new one sometimes. However me and Brown had something for Murukir and Cude to give.
🥜Brown: We went to a plushie store not while back if there any dolls for them to enjoy. So here they are holding Mario and Chowder plushies. Hope this is something to take care as well and during sleep time. It happens where I snuggle things. (In thoughts: with my tail at least.)
🐱Mikey: Cool, man. Though what they wanted really want to have; while snuggling around is have them to listen through chill vibes music. Thankfully for Miya that I’ve picked up ordered Brookstone Cat Ear Headphones. Same way from our creator friend if you remember back in 2017, but had some problems that show its age. Let’s see if her own headphones can hold it up well.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Mhm. Now as a continuation on giving gifts is Baco and his hamburger pillow; because why not? At least knowing he likes hamburgers, right? However is saving for Shadow R and Lisa that me and Emme can agree on….if it’s alright. 😅
🦌🌻Emme: Sure does! Thought that we can give away our clothes to them like the way you’ve do with your Speedster friends and so on. There’s plenty more inside their boxes to open up, but we would’ve brought our A/W clothes if I would to reveal mine. I’ll remember that the next time I can give you guys. It’s a promise. 👍
🐰🖌Maxwell: Mhm. And finally goes for Alex (his OCself) and Sammir when giving away a PS5 from Jumbo and a soccer ball from Sam.
🐘🎮🧹Jumbo: That’s right; especially after working hard with my dad when getting such earnings. Though in Christmas time, I thought it’ll be okay if giving one of our friends as much I was. No worries. 👍
🦊⚽️Sam: Good for you, then. Hope he understand after receiving his gift from yours. As for mine is having our next HTF friend playing his soccer ball that themed colored of a Kickety-Kick Ball. Hope he like this gift I got for him; especially for being a “Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!” fan.
Looks like that all the gifts giving to our friends we’ve work hard saving and spending. Here’s to our closest creator friends have a good festive day of Christmas this year. However you may wait for a bit of revealing my own gifts because it didn’t arrived just yet. Sorry if it takes time after convincing my mom which gifts I’m getting this year. Hope everyone understand. Anyways, have a good Christmas Day of 2022 and ahead for new year!
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The Speedster Family, Cude, and Murukir created by my P-Pal; @murumokirby360
Shadow R created by @carmenramcat
Lisa created by LadyFeliz (formerly known as LisaDots123)
Alex (his OCself) and Baco created by @alexander1301
Sammir created by @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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i’ve reached a level of basic crochet understanding that means i’m still forever working on larger projects, but also able to find little cute things to whip up just for the fun of learning how to make something new.
i haven’t posted photos yet because i made so many things for the holidays (and since then) that just sharing them will be its own project. but while i plan to post them here, because i live here, i’m also seriously considering putting them on the instagram i never use, f i can figure out how to tidy it up first. 
because while i’m sure it’s a terrible idea, when i never know how long any interest of mine will last, and throwing myself too much into any one thing means i can’t also do all the other things i love...the more i make little crochet things for fun, the more i kind of want to create a patreon for crochet. 
i checked to see if some people do that (just to make sure it’s not a completely bizarre idea) and and they do--but what i find interesting is that my first thought about how i could reward ‘patrons’ was by sending out the sorts of small fun things i’m making, just a little treat every month as a thanks. and as far as i can tell, nobody does that! 
the closest i saw was one person whose highest ‘tier’ included exclusive access to buy crocheted things, or to get early access to buy them. which i guess makes sense when these are people with websites, who crochet as a business...but i know better than to make any creativity that brings me joy into pure work. i just really like making stuff. and sharing it.
i already give away everything i make, mostly to @actuallylukedanes, who always appreciates them. i wouldn’t know what to do with my creations if i had to keep them, since i don��t make things to display them. and now that i’m better at crochet, and small things are pretty quick and easy once i’ve done them before, i can’t help loving the idea of making some extra money in exchange for brightening people’s days with cuteness. 
(and whenever i think about bringing in extra money now it reminds me of today’s economy of gig work and hustle culture and all the discourse around that. but i’ve literally been like this my whole life: by age seven i was selling coasters i made out of yarn to neighbors, and cleaning rocks from my school playground to sell to other kids. poverty sharpened all my skills.)
anyway, i have a lot to work on before that would even be a possibility, but it’s in my head now, because it just sounds so fun. in the meantime, i can’t wait to share all my pictures with you guys, cuz my creations have gotten cooler and less flawed over time. i’m really proud of what i’ve made so far. :)
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So, I just posted a new chapter. What is your closest ready-to-be-posted chapter, and what can you say about it? If you want to talk about it, that is.
bestie this sounds suspiciously like you just want to talk about posting a new chapter.... /lh
well, as you know I work on multiple WIPs at a time, so I've got two that are near posting right now
Heartstrings: Jasper gets called in for an extra shift when the hospital gets swamped, foiling Kyle's plans for a dinner date. But it's alright, a little revision of plans never hurt anyone, and a movie night is just as fun! Jasper's been meaning to introduce him to the Rocky Horror Picture Show anyway. And if they're a little tired and end up falling asleep on his shoulder...
Bolts and Blasters: less to say about this one, it's the epilogue to the story. It takes place two years after the end of The Rise of Skywalker, where Indigo has found her quiet life on the far side of the galaxy. And it might be open-ended enough for a sequel...
And y'know what, because I want to talk more about my writing, I'll talk about the two chapters I just posted recently too
A Love Once New: Rae and Warren arrive in Scotland, soon to meet Rae's family for the holiday reunion. But on the way, Warren comes to a bit of a revelation: the closer they get to Lochcarron, a town known for its mutant population, the more he can feel his cells coming to life, like a magnet pulling him forward. What if mutants have a sense of internal migration, drawing them to places of safety, places of other mutants so they can pass on the gene?
Desert Song (Previously Unreleased): the first stage of the mission has come: steal a watch to access its digital keycard, the key and catalyst to the mission at large. Quinn is sent into the field, in disguise, to swipe the smartwatch... but things don't quite go the way they're supposed to.
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springfallendeer · 1 year
Just a general thanks
To everyone who started following/interacting recently. I really appreciate the interactions that I do get here.
The holidays tend to be a rough time of the year as is, and some years the seasonal depression hits harder than others. Even now, six hours to new years where I’m at. Its hitting pretty rough. Honestly guys, just don’t bother reading beneath the cut. Its depressing and I don’t want to be dragging anyone down. This is just something to try and process some emotions.
I’ve been on tumblr for years. I met some of my closest friends here, years ago. One of which eventually went on to save me from homelessness after a long, long string of horrible life events.
I’m one of those examples of how horrible life can be. My mother was horribly abusive to myself and my siblings, physically and mentally. I grew up isolated and never really having friends. I was the weird kid that couldn’t really form bonds with people. Because I was one of those kids that got fucked over by the medical system, I spent the first 12 years of my life drugged out of my mind on ADHD meds that did weird shit to me.
Life has been a process. The holiday season always sucked, because it just made me more aware of how bad off I was compared to everyone else. My mother was the black sheep, and I was her spawn. In the rare event that we went to a family event, we were excluded. So my early Christmases were spent watching everyone else gets presents. Because they were family events, everyone had to sit around and watch as everyone opened gifts. One by one.
My mother was stingy and she cared more about herself than about providing comforts to her children. There were always money issues. By the time I was in my teenage years, I learned never to expect gifts. Not real gifts. The best I could ask for was to go out to eat on my birthday. Any time I was given a real gift - something like a game console, or a laptop - there were strings attached. I was made to feel guilty every time I wanted something.
I still struggle to come up with any sort of an idea for what I’d want when asked what I’d like for Christmas/my birthday. So right now I am struggling. And its a struggle that tends to mix and mingle with other emotional distresses in my life.
I genuinely have a tough time most days, because even though I’m living with and often around friends, I feel alone. And its one of those things where I feel guilty for being lonely. Because its not really anyone’s fault. I just don’t enjoy a lot of the content that my friends enjoy. And by the time I get around to getting interest in something they do enjoy, they’ve moved on to something else.
So even though I enjoy writing and roleplaying and playing games, I just don’t get too. Because my interests never get to line up with the group, I’m the odd one out. The one left out of everything. And by now I’ve just stopped trying to be included, because it just led to additional hurt feelings. It always kinda sucks to finally get someone to roleplay with you, only for you to stop getting responses after 2-3 goes. Meanwhile the friends you were roleplaying with are just, busy with each other. Constantly.
And it is constant. Its a daily thing. Often all day. And while I’ve tried to nicely bring up that I’m feeling left out, its never led to much. You can’t force someone to want to engage in something if they aren’t interested in. And this has been going on for a few years, unfortunately.
In November I caught covid. While I was sick with covid, I somehow discovered the DCA in security breach. And for whatever reason, I just kinda fell in love with them. Again, there were attempts at getting involved in the friend group. But again, I’d developed my interest in something just a little too late. They were back into Pokemon, thanks to the recent release. And I’ve already gotten into Pokemon, only to be swiftly left behind a few days after. More than once.
So I started writing a personal project. And I started to post it. But everywhere I’d ever been active has been dead for years, and the audience I had, existed for a fandom that I can no longer stand to associate with. On pretty much every platform, interactions are dead silent.
Then I start looking into it and I realized that nothing I was posting was even turning up in the tumblr search option. And I’m still trying to get that sorted. And I was just sat here getting more emotionally frustrated. Because God, it really fucking sucks to feel alone all the fucking time. It really fucking sucks to enjoy something only for that love to slowly get sucked out of you because nothing ever seems to give you a break.
Then suddenly, someone took notice. And while I’m not getting a lot of traction on anything, its the most I’ve had in YEARS. And its great. And I feel stupid that it makes me so happy. And it upsets me, because after years of these interactions in personal friends groups - where I finally get involved with something and get to enjoy it, only to be left behind to my own devices. Alone with nothing by my own thoughts for entertainment.
And I know it can happen here. And it sucks. Because its nice to be able to just sit around doing silly shit and being able to enjoy stupid, silly interactions with other people. Especially after horrible days at work or just horrible days with my own thoughts. So I’m excited but I’m scared. I want to sit here and hope things will just continue. That I’ll have those 2-3 people that I might get lucky and be able to maintain a consistent interest with. All the while its just going to eat at the back of my head that in the near future, its all going to be gone and I’m going to be alone again.
And I just don’t really know what to do about it. So I’m trying to enjoy it while it lasts, but its hard. Early life fucked me up and ruined me. Adult life is harder to process. And regardless of whatever might happen, I don’t really have any sort of control over it.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Tumblr Fic Masterlist
Ratings system reflects that used on AO3:
G - General Audience - A kid could read this, but it doesn't mean they'd enjoy it.
T - Teen - Roughly PG-13.
M - Mature - What it says on the tin: This is a maturity call.  Sometimes may be sexual content (non-explicit; fade-to-black), sometimes graphic violence, often we're just dealing with some literally dark themes here.
Where a fic is labeled as Mature, the reasoning will be included.      Sexual content means definitely they make out but in vague-ish terms.      Graphic sexual content means someone is literally touching boobies.           It does not mean smut.  I do not write smut.      Either one can mean fade-to-black situations, but not always.           Sometimes it's honestly just heavy making out, vague terms or not.
THERE ARE NO EXPLICIT FICS ON THIS BLOG.      I do not write explicit sexual content.      I do not write smut.      All sexual situations eventually fade to black.           Some just take longer than others. Triggers are not mentioned on this page but are found in the fic proper.      Some chapters of fics are more triggering than others, etc.
Finding Family Universe:
Finding Family When America begins universe-hopping again to try and find her moms, she realizes that’s too much scope for her, and instead she finds Wanda. Post-DSMOM fix-it fic Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez; Wanda Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff variants; Wanda Maximoff & Agatha Harkness; Wendy Maximoff/America Chavez Rating: T until Part 5; M in Part 5 due to adult themes, violence, sexual content, and vague/implied nudity. Complete
The Finding Family Holiday Special! In which 616!Wanda hosts a New Year’s Eve party, and there are not nearly enough party shenanigans, but there’s a whole lot of talking. Goes between Parts Four and Five of Finding Family, so obviously contains spoilers for that. (Does show up in Finding Family tag in the proper place; this is just for separate reading purposes.) Post-DSMOM fix-it fic Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez; Wanda Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff variants; Wendy Maximoff/America Chavez Rating: T. Complete
Multiversal Variants Basically a What If…? for Finding Family - scenes that could have gone a different way than what happened in the fic, some with more drastic results than others. Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez; Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness Rating: M for graphic sexual content and nudity. Incomplete
The Thrall of Decades:
Kisses Through The Decades The world is full of various shades of grey - charcoal, smoke, silver, ash, pewter, steel, iron, and so on.  For all the black and white, there is relatively little of that.  Agnes’s hair trends as dark a grey as the world allows, but even it isn’t a pure black.  The closest to that is the ribbon tied tight around her waist, accenting the narrowness of it, the hourglass shape of her.  Wanda’s hands have found that waist far too many times to count at this point, if only to usher her out of the kitchen when she’s stayed - not past her welcome, because that sounds rude, but…well, past her welcome. Problem being, of course, that the more Wanda guides her by the waist out of the kitchen and through the back door, the more her hands find a proper place there. WandaVision; Five Times Kissed; Canon-Compliant Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness Rating: M for sexual content. Complete start here
The Thrall of Magic Being an accomplished witch is all about manipulation. Or love. But only a fool would fall in love with magic. (Agatha Harkness is a three hundred year old imbecile who has been in love with magic since she first felt its gentlest touch and who has forgotten that some magic can be just as manipulative as the one who twisted it.) WandaVision; Five Times Kissed; Canon-Compliant Agatha Harkness/Wanda Maximoff Rating: M for upcoming sexual content. Incomplete start here
The First Snowfall Wanda loses Agatha and finds her outside in the snow. WandaVision; Holiday Fic; Canon-Compliant Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness Rating: T.
Soulmates Universe:      Rating: M for adult themes and graphic sexual content.
The Nature of Soulmates You remember the faintest flickering of flame. There’s a shimmer to it, soft, in the middle of your chest - a wholly lavender glow, threaded through with a deeper, darker violet, and when it flicks here and there, as flames are wont to do, the tips turn a thick, clotted black.  If you concentrate just past the bright lavender in the center of it, you can almost make out the shape of an open hand, fingers that same inky blackness sketching webbing in your skin, and beyond that, the image of a face with features that you can’t make out, with haunted eyes with deep ashen bags beneath them, and with hair of a much warmer shade flickering, like flame, in a faint breeze that you cannot feel. For a moment, you consider that the face, though determined and sad, seems beautiful. Then you wake. Agatha Harkness/Reader Wanda Maximoff/Reader Soulmate AU Incomplete start here
Reader’s Previous Lives: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Agave (Agatha Harkness/Eve Fletcher) Stuff:      Rating: M for adult themes, graphic sexual content, and nudity.      Buddy, if you can't see Mrs. Fletcher, then you shouldn't be reading these.
A Beginning
Agatha Should Probably Take Eve on a Date
We Take A Break So Eve and Agatha Can Discuss Claire
Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 1
Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 2
Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 3
Business Trip (Agatha)
Post-Business Trip (Agatha)
Ted Fucking Sucks
Handcuffs and Fireworks
Creepers Gonna Creep
Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt.4
Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 5
Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 6
Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt.7
Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 8
Agatha Buys A Birthday Present
Agatha Buys A Birthday Present Pt. 2
Christmas Traditions
A Sea Psalm for a Penitent Soul:      Rating: M for adult themes.
Prelude Agnes was never supposed to exist. Even in those first few seconds, feeling your jaw move despite your trying to clench it shut, feeling it snap the bones of your concept of self while maintaining the physical presence of them, as Agnes calls Wanda hot stuff– You reach up to fiddle with your brooch except you don’t reach up to fiddle with your brooch no matter how much you try to make your arm move because Agnes doesn’t want to fiddle with your brooch so you can’t fiddle with your brooch. You scratch and claw at the imperceptible– You can’t even do that because whatever the essence of you is in this moment has no hands, has no mouth, cannot scream. Wanda’s grief weighs you with every nothing you have, your only anchor when waves of worth come to you, ripping them one by one until you remember how worthless you are. It’s hard to maintain panic when you realize that maybe this is what you deserve. Being the Prologue - the Framing Device - for a series meant to explore Agatha Harkness, who she is, who she was, and how she came to Westview.
Stanza One: Paved with Good Intentions When Agatha Harkness is barely ten years old, she witnesses the trial - and execution - of a woman who’d looked after her since she was a baby.  As accusations from outsiders fly and as Agatha struggles with controlling her own dark magic, the world she knows and depends on is ripped out from under her.
Glass Onion Fam Fluff:
Birdie Dresses Claire Because someone has to get Claire out of all that beige, and who better than the fam’s fantastic fashionista? Rating: T for brief (non-sexual) nudity.
Essence Something in the center of Claire’s chest tightens.  Maybe she was wrong.  When he said people like us, he must have just thought she was gay, not like him.  Maybe she shouldn’t have– He smiles.  “Hey, Claire.  Nice to finally meet you.”  Then he leans up, brushes a hand through her too short hair, and, without hesitation, kisses her. It’s the first time she’s ever been kissed in her life.  None of the others count, because they weren’t kissing her. This is the first one that does. Rating: T.
Happy? Birthday? Claire? Claire doesn’t want a birthday party and tells Birdie so. Rating: T.
Multichapter Fics:
Fragments of Color If the world is black and white, Agnes sticks out like a thorn-pricked thumb, blood pricking scarlet from skin otherwise drained of life, and Wanda aches to suck the venom from her veins, unaware that it would be useless to try. WandaVision rewrite Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness; Wanda Maximoff/Vision Rating: T. Incomplete
Be Mine, Valentine The first time Claire Valentine laid eyes on Eve Mackie, she knew she was in love. Of course, the first time Claire saw Eve, she was all of six years old, a tiny little scrap of a thing in a body that didn’t feel quite so uncomfortable yet, in skin that didn’t feel quite so stretched thin.   She wasn’t even Claire yet; sometimes she took her mother’s name out and tried it on the same way that you or I might pull out fine china for special occasions (or our most favorite hoodie on rainy days when we just want to crawl back into bed and cover our head), but it never fit just right. Over the years, Claire expected that Eve forgot about her.  Forgot that they’d almost been married, forgot that she’d promised to be Mrs. Valentine.  She tried to forget about her, too, just like she tried to be anyone other than Claire, to fit into the skin that her father sketched out for her.  But the more she tried, the thinner it grew, until she felt like she was splitting. Then her parents died, and everything changed. Agave Stuff AU Claire Debella/Eve Fletcher Rating: Undetermined; likely T or above. start here
Stolen Agatha said that Wanda's spell was flawed.  If she'd been a better witch, if she'd known her craft, then she could have created the boys - recreated Vision - separate from the spell that maintained the Hex.  After everything, Wanda is willing to let Vision rest, but she wants her boys back. But when Wanda finishes the spell, there's something else missing: a certain nosy next-door neighbor who had become what she'd considered her best friend before everything fell apart. She won't let the spell be flawed this time. Everything will be perfect. Even Agnes. Canon-Compliant/Post-Canon to WandaVision; Ignores DSMOM. Slow burn, enemies to lovers Agatha Harkness/Wanda Maximoff Rating: M for adult themes, particularly regarding loss of bodily autonomy. start here
don’t fret precious, i’m here / step away from the window / and go / back to sleep What if Wanda won? Post-DSMOM Wanda Maximoff & Billy Kaplan & Tommy Shepherd Rating: T.
Canon!Agatha Meets Pregnant!Eve Exactly what it says on the tin. Agatha Harkness/Eve Fletcher Rating: T.
Consumption Continuation of To Be Devoured. Agatha Harkness/Wanda Maximoff Rating: M for adult themes and non-sexual nudity.
Clubbing Amanda convinces Eve to go to a club for the first time, and Eve meets you. Eve Fletcher/Reader Rating: M for graphic sexual content.
Holiday Fics 2022:
Letters to Santa (Agave Edition) Rating: G.
Letters to Santa (Glass Onion Fam Edition) Rating: T.
Catching Snowflakes feat. Glass Onion Fam Rating: T.
The First Snowfall feat. Harximoff Rating: T.
To Be Devoured feat. Harximoff Rating: M for adult themes, graphic sexual content, and nudity.
Christmas Traditions feat. Agave Rating: T.
Agatha Has A Dream feat. Agave Rating: G.
Fulfilled Prompts:
Agnes/Agatha Angst Rating: M for adult themes.
Harximoff Angst + Roisa Angst Rating: T.
Glass Onion Fam Angst (THIS HAS SPOILERS) Rating: T.
Roisa Jealousy Rating: T.
Harximoff Jealousy (featuring Fietro) Rating: T.
Harximoff Jealousy (featuring Dennis) Rating: T.
Glass Onion Spoilers Fic:
Take A Sad Song and Make It Better Miles almost hit Duke when he left Andi’s place.  He didn’t stay to make sure that Andi actually died.  What if, in all of the attempts to get into the house, one of them heard the car still rumbling in the garage?  What if Andi didn’t die? Glass Onion fix-it fic Rating: T. Incomplete start here
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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21/06/2022-Thornwick Bay
Following on my previous post on a gorgeous hot and sunny day we went to Thornwick Bay this afternoon after my Mum and her partner had got back from the boat trip. It was quite a relaxed afternoon at the seaside at a place we came so briefly at the end of our Yorkshire trip in 2018 but one that certainly left an impression on us. It was lovely to take in the stunning coastal scenery especially the distinctive rock formation which stands out all along the local coast we have learnt this time and arch as well as the seaweed covered rocks from different perspectives and bright cliffs and ground it is a beautiful place and it was nice to see many others enjoying it. I took the first, fourth, sixth and final two pictures in this photoset of views here today.
It was a brilliant walk for birds as we looked for Puffins we had some of our closest Puffin views of the holiday when here last in 2018, and did find them standing out like shining jewels against the white cliff. It was a joy to see a handful of them here and also some flying in and out which looked so sweet. It was exceptional to see these birds I love so much again. I found it quite magical seeing them here today because in a nice way this is quite an unassuming place to see Puffins. I associate seeing Puffins with nature reserves like Bempton Cliffs and South Stack and offshore island reserves like Skomer Island and the Farne Islands which is amazing and places like these are true sanctuaries for this precious species and others. But whilst obviously just around the corner from Bempton on Thornwick Bay you’re walking on the beach and look up and see Puffins, and I find that quite surreal. I took the fifth and eighth pictures in this photoset of Puffins here today among others which I tweeted on Dans_Pictures tonight.  I also saw Guillemots, Razorbills, Fulmars with one gliding sensationally close over head at the car before leaving, Gannets and heard and saw Kittiwakes well here.
Around the cliffs also we saw smart marked House Martins flying around which was breathtaking to see and excitedly made out their mud nests on the cliff. Also on the cliff was a Herring Gull with an adorable chick which was great to see.
Just as we left there was much excitement when we spotted a group of birds rafting on the clear and excellently two toned in places water, and we could make out with their tail feathers upturned and colour and build seeing them fly off too that they were Common Scoters. An amazing bird to see always, and it was my first time seeing any this year so was a big bonus of another tick this week away to take my year list to 181, level with my entire total in 2016 to make my year list my joint sixth highest ever now and it still remains the highest a year list of mine had been at on this date some way ahead of my past year lists at this stage.
On national insect week today I enjoyed seeing butterflies again with Large Skipper a top species to see I took the third picture in this photoset of one with a bit of its wing and one antennae missing, Small Tortoiseshell in a great run of seeing them with many about lately and a white one seen this afternoon. I also had the joyful moment of seeing a Grey Seal in the water a smashing animal to see at the coast always and one of my favourite mammals, meaning I’ve seen Grey Seals in Pembrokeshire and Yorkshire on holidays this year as well as at home in Hampshire which feels amazing what a year I’ve had for them. I also liked delving into the rock pools here a little seeing a sea anemone I believe which the seventh picture I took today in this photoset shows which was lovely and limpets too, fascinating to see.
Flowers/plants I enjoyed seeing on the walk were a type of loosestrife I believe a lot of it in one area which the second picture in this photoset shows, possible common vetchling or meadow vetchling which was nice, oxeye daisy or chamomile, large bits of bindweed and lots of it which looked great, white clover, broad-leaved clover, lovely bird’s-foot trefoil seen well, sorrel I believe, possible ragwort coming through, arrow grass looking nice again, I seem to recall red campion and hogweed. I hope you all had a nice day.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Common Scoters of the year, six of my favourite birds the Guillemot, Razorbill, Puffin, Kittiwake, Gannet and Fulmar, two of my favourite butterflies the Large Skipper and Small Tortoiseshell, one of my favourite moths the Five-spot Burnet, one of my favourite mammals the Grey Seal, Herring Gull, Stonechat, Dunnock, House Martin, Rock Pipit and Pied Wagtail well, Magpie and Jackdaw well, the white butterfly I couldn’t quite tell which, sea anemone and limpets.
It was great to see a Yellowhammer in a bush on the way here a key bird for this quite rural area.
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saintsir4n · 2 months
5. Hope stinks
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
GOOD afternoon, followers! Gossip Girl here, your one and only, etcetera, amen. Oscar Wilde once said, "Give a man a mask, and he will tell you the truth," which is why I love Halloween. Because what was once created to honour the dead tends to leave bodies in its wake. For when you don your disguise, the false sense of security it provides... But I don't wanna spoil the fun. After all, the biggest scares are the ones you never see coming. See you on the other side, dead or alive.
"Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy," Winnie stated.
"You have always looked good in green," Ginny teased, leaning on their courtyard table.
"And you have always mastered insanity."
"You're jealous because I do it better than you."
The duo's snickering ceased when they were raided. Correction, Julian, Zoya, Monet and Luna all flocked over.
"What the fuck happening?" Winnie flinched back in disgust when the sisters sat opposite them.
Ginny shrieked, "Don't sit down."
Monet stood behind them with folded arms, "I've told them that this would be a problem. I was talking, right? Those weren't just voices in my head."
"Oh no because that voice in your head is probably screaming now," Luna muttered, annoyed that this was happening.
"Move," Winnie repeated a few times, grabbing her things away from the centre as if they were to be tainted by the older sister.
Zoya thought they were being over dramatic as did Julian.
"We come in peace," The Calloway influencer spoke up, just as her friends reluctantly sat down.
Luna first, then Monet who was the closest to Winnie.
The Dubois heiress scoffed, "Peace is a dirty word."  she then stared at Zoya, disregarding their offended looks, "I thought I taught you that or did you suddenly forget all of your teachings now you've discarded me for the older model."
Julian jumped in before her sister could, "One. I'm sure you're birthday comes before mine –"
"-- you know it doesn't –"
"– And two. We're here to discuss Halloween."
Winnie scoffed, "I discuss matters with friends."
"Singular," Luna interrupted.
Ginny appeared disgusted, gagging as she grabbed some wipes out of her bag and cleaned the table around her, earning eye rolls all across the table, debar Winnie.
The Dubois heiress's eyes twitched when Audrey sauntered over and cooly took her place next to Zoya.
"Oh great now Stalin's at the table too."
Luna huffed out a laugh, which earned her a nudge from Julian.
"You made up that rumour," Audrey glared.
Ginny craned her neck to the side, "Did she?"
"You know she did."
"I have proof of your affirmative action," Winnie's words had Monet smirking. She held up her phone mockinging, "Aryan Audrey is still trending."
The Hope girl scowled.
Julian huffed, gently setting her hands on the table, "Fuck the argument. Just this once can we talk peacefully about an international holiday."
"You obviously don't pay attention to history," Ginny said, making a face.
Winnie deadpanned, "It's a holiday originated from a Celtic festival... over 2000 years ago. and its only major in America because of the immigration of the Irish and Scots."
"They're right, Jules," Zoya nodded in agreement despite herself.
"When are we not?" The duo chorused, then Ginny added after tossing the wipes, "We have 8 minutes until we have to do another sponsored post."
Monet groaned, shooting a look at Julian, "At least you have a sponsored post. where's the broach that we said we'd shoot you wearing?"
"Oh, do you mean the Burmese ruby?" The Calloway influencer questioned. "Do you know they're called genocide gems?"
Ginny tossed her head back in annoyance as her friend picked up her phone.
Audrey squinted "Hmm. Who told you that?"
Everyone knew the answer, even if Zoya didn't inch back.
"If Z had done her research, she would know that Cartier doesn't use Burmese rubies," Monet sassed. "So there goes that spondered post."
Winnie let out a pronounced sigh, "And once again I don't care. Hurry up and state your claim to whatever dowry costume you'll no doubt wear for Hulaween."
"This year's theme isn't New York Legends anymore. It's Iconic duos," Luna remarked, mildly offended by her statement.
"We're aware and have our costumes decided."
"Fictional or non-fictional?" Zoya questioned leaning forward.
"Fictional, but their influence has certainly made a dent in history," Winnie remarked.
Audrey rolled her eyes, "And no doubt I'll be severely underwhelmed."
"Like my opinion on your presence," Winnie snarled, turning to her in disdain. "Hardly a bombshell blonde, just a lacklustre poser. Put down those books Hope. We all know you're as dull as that box of hair dye no doubt stored in your closet."
"Damn," Zoya breathed out, amidst the bickering that commenced.
Monet settled her hand down on Winnie's thigh, drawing a long sigh, luckily no one apart from the Wellington blonde heard.
"Ladies. Hulaween obviously has got us all tense," Julian sent an apologetic look to her closest friend who was adamant that she didn't dye her hair.
"Hardly, I'm like this all the time," Winnie exclaimed, tired of all the pleasantries.
They were battling. Fuck that, they've been at war since before they could remember and all of a sudden peace was an option? No, it never was, and she doubted she ever wanted it to be.
"We know," They all chorused.
"So expect nothing different. Why be fake with people I don't like," Winnie paused when Monet's hand itched up her thigh, "or cast aside my mentoring."
"That programme was fake," Luna said in a bored tone as she went through her socials.
Zoya discovered the truth shortly after her first week but wasn't bothered by it, because her studies weren't interrupted, no, in fact, all the lessons she missed didn't show up on her file.
Winnie countered, "And yet my words were real. And you know that if I wanted to, we could all get into college on the back of my name."
Ginny hummed, "Or De Haan's. Maybe you two could collaborate."
Winnie and Monet both narrowed their eyes at the Wellington blonde who snickered to herself.
"4 minutes by the way." Ginny added before her previous words could be analyzed, "If you truly want to make an impact this year, which you should. It's the first Halloween post covid."
"So Julain's still defined by that humiliating loss to Pippa Sykes and Bianca Breer from the year before." Monet turned to her friend.
Zoya crunched up her face in confusion, "Who?"
"Two bland girls from another school that want what JC has, except they're always too busy fսcking each other's boyfriends and pushing each other into fountains..." Luna trailed off, earning laughter," ...to get after it and honestly, it's so basic. They might as well be bots."
Winnie couldn't disagree with that.
"But we still have to beat them," Luna demanded.
"A couples contest? Isn't that kinda middle school? Like, what, do you get a trophy or something?" Zoya didn't understand why it was a big deal.
Monet scoffed, "A trophy? No, try your photo on the landing pages of the holy trifecta: Vogue, Harper's, and WWD.
Luna hummed, "Add Miss GG to that mix."
"Obie never said anything about a couple's costume," Zoya murmured, thoughts roaring with insecurities.
Ginny used her phone to conceal her amusement. 
Audrey smiled, "Well, no need to worry, 'cause, uh, Aki and I are gonna win."
Winnie raised a brow, "Oh he's forgiven you for grinding on the twink?"
"You knew he was gay?!" Audrey's mouth gaped.
"Helen Keller would know that guy was gay." Winnie shrugged off the glare she received, "What, are your bangs too overgrown for you to have queer sight?"
Monet squeezed her thigh before it was slapped off with a wry smile.
It was Luna's turn to catch the subtle interaction.
Audrey decided to ignore the Dubois heiress' comment, "We have picked the perfect New York legends, Greta and Noah, yes. "
Julian marvelled, "Ooh."
Luna cringed, "Ew."
"And unlike them at the Oscars, we will not be going home empty-handed," Audrey continued, disregarding the looks that she was sent.
Julian started, "So you and Aki... "
"We are figuring things out, slowly but surely, and, uh, with no interference, and that's what counts. "
Ginny pretended to hold a gun up to her head and shoot, making Luna smile, Winnie snigger and Monet smirk.
Monet pursed her lips, "Yeah. You need to think of something great, JC because you can't lose again.
"Well, how am I supposed to do a couple's costumes by myself?" Julian asked.
"Couples are a dead binary. Be Rihanna or Oprah. They don't even need last names, let alone a partner to do anything," Monet stated.
Winnie's eyes beamed when she saw the notification pop up on her phone.
"Holy shit," Ginny gawked at her device.
"Why is everyone on their phones?" Audrey questioned just as she followed everyone's actions. "Some kid brought a gun to school"
Monet groaned, " Oh, my God! Of course, it's Pippa and Bianca's school. Now they're gonna get the sympathy vote."
Winnie argued, "Not if we have Zoya's bland boyfriend bring a gun to school. He won't get shot or anything."
"No, just a pass and more exposure," Luna bitterly spoke.
Zoya rolled her eyes, "Not happening. But watch this."
Most of them sighed at Pippa's voice.
"Can you believe it? My entire life flashed before my eyes. Like, all 16 years."
Bianca came into view, "Right in front of us. I didn't wake up today thinking I would be a hero, but when I screamed and everyone ran–"
Pippa jumped in, "Love each other. Life is precious. Join us on Clubhouse where we talk trauma. Invite only."
"You need to take those barely sentient succubi down before they wind up on This American Life because you can't compete with that," Monet expressed.
Julian slumped, "So, what are you gonna do?"
"You guys, a kid brought a gun to school. Doesn't that make a costume contest seem a little frivolous?" Zoya frowned.
Ginny waved her off, "People walk around with guns all the time."
"And no one was shot because the gun dropped near them. They're fine. Caesar has literally taken a bullet for me," Winnie said absentmindedly.
"Wait what?" Zoya was shocked, she hadn't heard of that before and the lack of reaction from the others made her realize she was the only one who didn't know. "Are you serious?"
"It was like 2 years ago and I didn't use it to my advantage," Winnie cursed herself before Zoya threw her hands up in disbelief.
"Maybe you should've," Luna would've advised her too.
Monet agreed but held back a frown at the memory. She remembered when it happened and back then she didn't know what to do. But now she wanted to cast Winnie a sympathetic look, despite knowing it would be shrugged off, perpetuating Winnie's unbothered nature.
When in fact she was very bothered by it.
Ginny nodded in agreement, "Facts."
Zoya gulped, "Well, unlike Winnie, maybe they need time to process.."
"Do they know why they brought a gun to school?" Julian suddenly asked.
"Gossip Girl, of course, boosting followers in the hope people would perceive him as misunderstood and not dangerous," Luna had to state the obvious.
There were two minutes until they had to take their sponsored post and Ginny let Winnie know. So the pair got up, ignoring the questioning loons they received as Max, Obie and Aki came over.
"So... should we bring a bomb to school to ensure our win?" Winnie asked aloud as they strolled away, leaving their rivals to scarily wonder...
"I'm almost certain they're sociopaths," Luna mumbled.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Spotted: A modern-day treaty of Versailles. My my who would've thought? Were rules and regulations really being set to follow or terms of war being given? Who can tell, but what I do know, is that there's a contest and there will only be one set of winners, so we'll be able to see who the victors of this battle truly are and if the odds were in their favour.
Winnie and Ginny strutted through the entrance of Dumbo Hall, the high ceilings didn't compensate for the packed venue. The latter didn't mind the thick aroma chasing them and decided it would be a good time to plant some seeds. 
"I can't believe I'm here," she muttered, turning her nose up at everyone who brushed past her.
It wasn't nearly as packed as she believed it it be and yet she couldn't stand it.
Ginny sighed, "You wanted to come."
"Not wanted. Just decided. They hijacked our table during our break, so I wanted to colonize their land."
Ginny smirked, "Great choice of words really."
"And maybe you'll be able to see your bed warmer if he hasn't been poached again," Winnie remarked, giving over her jacket to the coat check.
Ginny did the same, though a frown made its way onto her face, "Haven't you heard? He fucked bland fringe and rich boar?"
Winnie abruptly stopped walking, "You're only telling me this now, why?"
"Do your worst," Ginny practically insisted but her tone said otherwise.
Whether she actually liked Max or not she wasn't sure. She liked spending time with him and even occasionally confided in him, but she knew he couldn't entirely be trusted as he slipped some information to her about his so-called friends.
"Aren't you still fucking? Or is he still caught in that predator's web?" Winnie reached out and grabbed her hand.
An uncharacteristically warm gesture.
"The latter. But we talk, mainly about him. It's exhausting."
Winnie breathed out, "I can tell. But are you... you know?"
Ginny was highly amused by her attempt at comfort, "Okay? God, do you care about me now?"
"Just answer the question."
"I'm fine," Ginny reassured, as they kept walking, "I prefer to channel any vexation into the Castaways over there."
"Now you're talking."
The duo saw Julian and the rest of her friends, sitting in the centre of the main room, some drinking, others expressing their contempt for certain topics. The moment Audrey and Aki caught them headed their way they scoffed, getting attention from the rest of the group, some who shared the same reaction.
Luna squinted her eyes, "You're here. Why?"
Winnie planted her hands behind Zoya's seat, "You joined us at lunch so why can't we return the gesture? Three's a party but 8 is a fucking parade."
"You know that's not a saying right?" Audrey snided.
"It is what I say it is." Winnie replied with an equal amount of attitude, "Still deciding what duo you're going with Zoya? The Insta activist or the average influencer? If you ask me, you're better off alone."
Julian made a face, "Or with you guessing?"
"No. As I've said before, I'm not a freshman fiddler, but that's right up Obie Street."
Money and Luna exchanged a smirk.
"Definitely staying in his lane for that," Ginny chuckled alongside her friend.
Obie rolled his eyes, "And what's your lane, Ginny? Kissing Winnie's ass?"
Julian and Audrey laughed at that.
Ginny cocked her head to the side, eyeing the boy, "No. Even though it's a pretty one. But speaking of asses, how long will it be until your Micropenis is stuffed back up Julian's? I'll give it until Thanksgiving."
"Do you like causing shit?" Zoya wondered aloud.
"Oh please this is a retaliation. You raided our land at lunch, and were returning the gesture," Winnie explained, leaning back and looping arms with her friend again.
"You're that possessive over a lunch spot? There's bigger issues than where you sit."
"Actually... no," Luna disagreed, their focus should be on Hulaween.
"For sponsored post and great lighting no," Monet paused, suppressing the urge to stare into Winnie's eyes. "But you would've known that if you listened. And on the subject of bigger issues. We were speaking about ways for Jules to win the costume contest."
"Mone!" Julian hissed.
Money playfully shrugged, "Oops."
Winnie cast her a small look of appreciation that only two others caught.
"Don't worry Darling, as I said before we've got our ideas sorted, paid for and resized."
"Oh I'm not worried, Z and I have something great planned," Julian pointed out and Zoya confidently nodded.
"Leaving Obie to stew in the back no doubt," Ginny's retort. "He can keep himself busy looking at ways to save the world, earth, and civilization."
"Funny," Obie mumbled.
"But don't worry, when we win the contest, how juvenile it may be, at least you'll get second or third, right after them," Winnie's words push them all to turn around to see the most recent 'victims' of the day.
Pippa feigns shock at the big group, "Ooh."
"Ugh, God," Monet scoffed.
"Wow! I didn't know people from Constance even knew about this place."
"You don't know anything unless your frenemy's boyfriend's dick is all over it," Winnie mockingly smiled at the two as some of the group chuckled.
Pippa and Bianca had nothing to say to that jab.
"Has anyone told you two, you're better when you're mute?" Ginny wondered aloud, flipping off Bianca who went to retort, instead her best friend said.
"Did you hear what happened to me?" Pippa smugly turned towards Julian.
"Us," Bianca corrected, much to Ginny's amusement.
Julian narrowed her eyes, "Do you mean what happened near you?"
Pippa tutted, "Do you know what else will be happening near me? The press crowning me winner when I show up to Hulaween –"
"– We – " Bianca reiterated.
"– with the perfect costume –"
"That'll pale in comparison with ours. Because we have a better story. Blood is thicker than Franzia, after all." Zoya's retort earned various reactions, the majority carried a sense of pride. "I'll see you from the dais," she eyed the frenemies, "...whoever you are."
Thankfully Pippa and Bianca left swiftly, narrowingly avoiding the glare of Ginny as they did.
(@gossipgirl posted)
Spotted: We never could have predicted this, but looks like JC and Z...really have buried the hatchet. Too bad Z buried it in Obie's back.
The next day, Winnie had to isolate herself, spending time with those she despised for more than several eyes proved to be a mission that she couldn't stand and yet she did, for the greater good... her greater good, so after she made her way to the tennis court, with Caesar by her side, and various thoughts made it through her mind, one of which was proof, pictures to be exact.
She had evidence of Max and the school's version of Humbert Humbert. She apprehended information from Monet that they've had sex, disgusting in her opinion but Milo being a weasel sent her a link to Max's iCloud and seconds after what she found was enough to turn off her phone.
Sex tapes had never been an issue for her, however the drastic age and power difference involved made her itch. She never usually felt bad or even empathetic for people so she was uncomfortable and that pissed her off.
And so she channelled the foreign feeling into hitting the ball over the net.
Her father wasn't present today, which made her more irritated. Why come one day and then disappear the next? Relying on parents was pointless, and they didn't even check in about the brief gun scare, so she decided she would get them back somehow.
She grunted when she smacked the ball just before the baseline, rendering her opposition huffing before the ball boy threw another to her.
She bounced it a few times, finding a rhythm before glancing up and readying her racket, but as she did, she heard the familiar heels hitting the court and walking towards the bleachers.
Monet attempted to make herself comfortable as she watched Winnie train, she was impressed, to say the least, turned on, but impressed nonetheless. She told Luna when she made her way over to the tennis court that she was simply spying, but Luna didn't believe her.
Monet leaned forward biting down on her lip as Winnie dominated the session. She turned back to see Caesar at the entrance, she walked past him before and he didn't put up a fuss when she did.
He never did.
It was nice contrasting Margaux Dubois' attitude towards her.
With the final point of the game, the ball boy called out,  "Game, Set, Match."
Monet wore a gentle yet proud smile and clapped excitedly then she remembered the eyes all around, making her hands drop to her sides, but not before Winnie's eyes beamed up at her.
They both felt warmth spread around their chests.
Winnie told herself to keep a hold of that feeling, considering that the moment she got home, it would blow away along with the autumn breeze.
"So you're selling your leader out. Apologies, your friend," Winnie sassed on the phone whilst sitting in front of Ginny's vast vanity table.
Monet rolled her eyes, "It's not selling out, I'm looking out for my future. Julian doesn't care that the decisions she's made affect others."
"I could've told you that," Winnie replied, passing Ginny her heels to put on.
Monet huffed, "Don't say I told you so. The plan is already set."
"And if they don't fail like you've said? If you get exposed?"
"You almost sound worried, do you doubt me?"
Winnie grumbled out, "WhoLian and Little Z have that disgusting Disney 'everything will work out in the end' aura, well not that Castaway bitch, she's somehow trying to be better despite her past that we all know about, hell she even stated on socials that she was a bully and managed to bounce back, I'd admire her if she wasn't Riverdale personified."
"Calm your pretty little head, I'm never wrong."
Winnie scoffed, "No I'm never wrong, bye."
Ginny snickered as she came over, now adoring her Harley Quinn wig and nearly completed make-up, she just needed to smudge her lipstick and they were good to go.
"Lover's tiff?"
"She's straying from her group," Winnie informed, ignoring her question.
Their costumes were beautifully crafted, light forest green vines wrapped around Winnie's arms, complimenting her amber-coloured wig. Her Poison Ivy makeup was heavily exaggerated for a reason, similar to Ginny's.
They were a mess, an alluring one that would be on show for all to see.
"You don't seem happy about that," Ginny noted her hesitant expression.
Winnie shook her head, "What if she does the same to me – to us."
Ginny smirked at her haste correction, "Then do what you tell me. Have leverage. Always have leverage."
Winnie stiffened, "But... what if she doesn't stray from us?"
Ginny's blue eyes almost doubled in size at the question. For the many years she's known her friend, Winnie had always been certain and strict on what should and could be done to elevate their status, in school and in society. Feelings were rarely a factor, which was why the blonde was so stunned.
And so she said, "Be real, everyone has a motive, an angle, sure you like each other –"
"-- I never said that," Winnie held up her hands after receiving a stern look,  "but sure. I like her."
"Just that?" Ginny teased, coming over, to stare into her illuminated vanity mirror.
"Continue with what you were saying before," Winnie gritted out, watching her smudge her lipstick.
Ginny turned to her, "You like Monet, she likes you. But that's now. Her loyalty seems fickle, you know that or you wouldn't be so apprehensive if you didn't. And if you weren't I would've slapped you... on live so everyone else can tell you how idiotic you're being. Girl, having leverage is smart, she would do the same. She might have already. So get real."
Winnie begrudgingly retorted, "Fine."
"Fine?" Ginny smiled, leaning back.
"Yes, fine," Winnie nodded, turning to face her, "take a picture of her and me at Hulaween. I'll make sure it appears we were 'caught in a moment of passion'. And that what we have is undeniable."
Ginny giggled, "Good. It'll cause some friction with her friends when she eventually runs back to them after her hiatus."
"Do you think that'll happen? She'll run back? How are you sure they'll accept her?"
"Because she's dangerous, just like you."
"A perfect match," Winnie suggested, sounding surprisingly ecstatic.
Ginny pondered, "Or the abominable twosome."
Winnie couldn't help but agree, "Touché."
Ginny pulled her up from the seat, "So are you ready to win, no matter the cost?"
Shortly after filming several TikTok's to post later, they left the Wellington estate, to present to the world their iconic costumes.
Approaching the Hulaween venue was more confusing than they thought because Gossipgirl hadn't tweeted all day. Usually, that would be a good thing, the anonymous user going dark should make everyone happy or at least peaceful, but no, it created dread, anticipation, and maybe even fear.
So when they arrived and sauntered into the foyer, they plastered on their signature smiles and embraced the flashes that descended onto them, suppressing their grins when they saw Pippa and Bianca wearing the same costumes as Julian and Zoya; Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russel.
In the corner of Winnie's eye, they caught Luna dragging the sister's away before they could be seen.
"Help, I'm dying," Ginny spoke through her teeth.
"Let's hope it lasts," Winnie murmured, getting into character as she blew a poisonous kiss to the cameras, whilst Ginny mimicked swinging a bat like Harley.
"The Twitter gays and they's better eat this shit up."
"They have to, we're icons."
The pair shared a lighthearted laugh.
"Let's go in and enjoy the spectacle," Winnie grabbed her friend's hand and they strutted into the hall. "Isn't that?" she noticed Max by the bar.
"Give me a second," Ginny excused herself and made her way over.
Max drunkenly smirked at her, "Need a bat for you to grip, I can give you one Miss Quinn."
"I don't suck anyone who needs a breathalyzer test," lie, but she wasn't in the mood for his candour, not when she enjoyed being around him before.
He pouted, "No fun, you used to be fun."
"No, what I am to you is a therapist and I didn't sign up for that Wolfe, nor did I realize that I would be replaced by Batman and Catwoman over there," she nodded to Audrey moping around with a bottle in her hand as Aki stumbled behind her.
"I didn't replace you," Max breathily smiled, fluttering his eyelashes as neared her, "no, I wouldn't."
"But you're fucking our classics teacher right?"
Max's body recoiled like he'd been shot, "How do you know, have you been spying on me?"
"No need to spy when I have eyes everywhere," Ginny remarked, but her smug smile faltered when she saw the pain in his eyes.
"Pooh Bear tell you?" he hiccuped.
"I have eyes and senses. Just know it won't end well."
"You don't believe in poly relationships? Come join us," he teased, pulling her closer, eyes darting between her and the couple he craved also.
Ginny gently shoved him back, "You know what I mean and who I mean. That perv –"
"He's not a perv." He cares about me, he wants to help me, his mouth twitched.
"Oh Maxy, you're a victim," Ginny reiterated, pressing a kiss to his lips, then smudging the stain so it mirrored hers. "But don't say I didn't warn you."
Max's face was the depiction of bewilderment as she strutted away, joining hands with Winnie who pointed to the cameras, so they saw Julian and Zoya return now expressing that they're dressed as New York's finest; Blair and Serena, the muses for the original gossip girl much to their chagrin.
"Your girl was wrong."
"I know," Wnnie angrily gritted.
"But we can't be, come," Ginny pulled them over to where the four situated. "Ladies, ladies, how could you leave us out of this foursome, girl power never dies right?"
They all reluctantly posed for the cameras as they hatefully muttered to each other.
"Really, you're claiming feminism?" Zoya whispered.
"Like you care, you're fucking your sister's boyfriend, and Pippa and Bianca love to screw each other over, girl power is a myth, at least we've dressed accurately, " Winnie fake smile.
Julian quietly scoffed, "Serena and Blair hated each other."
Zoya added, "Just as much as they loved each other."
"Same as Marylin and Jane," Pippa piped up.
"Face it, Serena and Blair aren't relevant, and one married a predator, so at least Zoya's costume works," Winnie winked at Zoya's attire, "but you know what doesn't? Four winners."
Her closest friend agreed, "There can only be 2."
So Winnie and Ginny using their height to their advantage towered over the girls and shoved them aside, causing them to stumble and trip onto the floor, just as they feigned shock before channeling their inner characters.
Ignoring the screams and bickering from below, Winnie turned to the cameras, "Can't be a winner without stepping on some toes right? And like Miss Poison Ivy said, 'What? I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it."
And the Paparazzi soaked it all up until Julian and the others rose and attempted to do the same but the best friends took that as their sign to leave, giggling as they hastily strutted away.
Winnie blew a kiss at Monet who wore a proud and angry expression.
"You can't be mad, I made sure me and my girl won," Winnie was pulled aside away from leering eyes by Monet.
Winnie and Ginny won the contest and their stunt ensured their pictures would land in the holy trifecta: Vogue, Harper's, and WWD and it was only time before it would be all over Gossip Girl.
Monet's tongue swiped across her teeth, "You sabotaged them."
Winnie cupped her face as she spoke softly, "Just like you, but Pippa and Bianca came in second, gossip girl will talk about them and I got in touch with GQ, they'll get their interview."
Monet's face lit up, "Really?"
That would be great for her portfolio.
"Yes really, I made sure you eat too," Winnie would extend more favours if she got more in return, "Now, I want my lady kisses."
Monet was blissfully unaware of the camera recording in the distance, as they shared another intimate display of affection.
"Did you get it?" Winnie rejoined her favourite blonde by the side.
They'll have to do some interviews soon, but they rather enjoy the music.
"You question me?" Ginny pulled out her phone to show the various pictures and even a video of the angle of the passionate kiss that almost turned it much more.
"Girl look, the spectacle begins," Ginny excitedly pointed to Monet who appeared to be in a heated argument with Julian and Luna. "Eavesdrop?"
"I thought we agreed that's what middle-class fools do?"
"Let's stoop just once," Ginny pouted, which ultimately made her concede.
They kept their distance but overheard the end of the argument.
"Well, good luck on being better without me," Monet snapped, earning a disappointed look from Luna.
Julian hummed, "Good luck to you too. I wish you the best."
Just as they turned around, Julian and Luna were annoyingly met by the two best friends.
"Ugh, let me guess you're involved?" Julian groaned.
Winnie's eyes followed Monet's retreating figure as she said, "With the selling out? No, but that God-awful display you put on in front of the cameras only weakened your chances to go up against us."
"Just wait," Julian warned.
"No, you wait, this isn't the first time I've won against you."
"And it won't be the last," Ginny giggled, forcing them to storm off, "bye posers."
(@WinnerD posted)
(tagged @g.wells )
liked by @monetdehaan and 93,876 others
winning just tastes better!
@g.wells it certainly does
↳@winnerd 🤍
@maxtheewolfe i know what else tastes good
↳@g.wells are you sure it's not those boorish whores you've been sucking and fucking
↳@wellingtonpage I hope you're okay ginny!
↳@ginforthewin praying for you🙏🏼
@winniesbiggestfan always comes out on top
↳@duboisfanpage can always rely on her to win, she's everything
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves they both are #richlivesmatter
(@winners liked this comment)
(@g.wells liked this comment)
limited comments.
Winnie's glee faded the moment she was escorted home.
Sure, a day or two had passed since the mishap at her rival school, but she still hadn't spoken to her parents, no not a word. So after taking off her costume and bathing, she searched her mother's office to find her smoking gun. Margaux was out on business for another hour so she had time, whereas her father was buried in his work to hear her footsteps.
Winnie paid one of the maids to turn off the cameras so she could go unseen and Caesar wasn't going to say a thing, therefore she turned through the files that progressively went through the years.
23 years Margaux and Luc were CEO and COO of Velocity Inc, so there were 20 years of crimes, white collar and others that were bound to be around, here or elsewhere, she just needed one, just one.
But as her fingers flicked through the 98' file, it was mainly filled with balance sheets and financial statements but huge amounts of figures were sent to one name, for an entire month.
B. Bass.
There was an explosion on an oil rig during that year, Winnie could remember that much from the tabloids; there were many casualties, 208 to be exact, but everything was sorted out.
Winnie heard several cars pull up in the front of the house, making her curse and quickly take pictures of a few files, before rushing to put them all away, neatly so nothing looked out of place.
She tried to be light on her feet when she sprinted upstairs, narrowingly avoiding her mother and father who just came from his study. 
"Fuck," she muttered, gently shutting her bedroom door and panting against it.
Why was she shocked? Why did she care? For leverage or to see if her parents were truly the monster she believed them to be? The confusion and torment aggravated her and so she did what anyone else would do whenever they were burdened, she picked up a drink.
One that she hid beneath her bed.
She sipped on the bottle of champagne, cringing at the taste that one day she needed to tolerate and she sipped some more.
She hadn't realized she called Monet until the girl came over 30 minutes later.
"Your phone call was unnerving and I know these mind games we play are foreplay, but God did you sound like you wanted to kill yourself," Monet joked as she softly shut the door. "makes sense, your mom let me in, before trying to force me out." she finally saw the bottle on Winnie's bed and the way the Dubois' heiress try to sit up, with a drunken smile, "Give me the bottle."
Winnie shook her head, "No." and instead she held it to her chest.
"You don't drink," Monet tentatively took a step closer.
"Then what's this in my hand?" Winnie said smugly.
Monet came closer, "Give me the bottle."
Winnie whined, "There you go, trying to change me."
"I'm not. I don't want you to hurt yourself."
"And why is that?" Winnie tried scooting away in her bed, but Monet joined her.
"Give me the bottle, please," ignoring the feeling pounding in her chest, Monet gently took the champagne from her hands and set it on the bedside table. "Why?"
She never saw the girl drink an ounce before so what made it start?
"I hate my parents," Winnie started, "they're so... I hate them and they tolerate me, but dismiss me and my... sexuality," she said with a forced smile, "they always have. But it's okay. It's fine."
Monet grimaced, "It's not."'
She was grateful that her parents accepted her -- her sexuality to be exact.
So she hugged Winnie, who sniffled and accepted the embrace.
Monet smiled against her head, gently stroking her head, "You better not puke on me, this is Saint Laurent," her smile broadened when Winnie chuckled against her.
They stayed in that for a while, Monet knew there was more to Winnie's mood than her parents especially when she caught some paper resting underneath a pillow and messy handwriting covering most of it.
It was Winnie's, rushed and written in French.
The Dubois' were fluent in French, Spanish and Latin, they had to be or judgment would plummet their way.
Monet recognised a few words that made her stare narrow.
1998, oil rig, Mexico, 208.
Monet snapped her gaze to the door which opened to reveal Margaux Dubois, making her shuffle the paper further under the pillow.
Winnie noted her mother wasn't her normal stoic self as she scoured the room.
Margaux didn't care for the bottle of Champagne, or the tears staining her daughter's face, but their proximity provoked her to say,
"Keep your door open."
And with that warning she walked off, leaving Monet with a scowl, until she saw Winnie's pained expression.
So Monet held her and pulled them against the pillows.
Winnie shakily grabbed her hand and interlinked their fingers until sleep took over them.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
turns out Winifred Dubois' halloween costume isn't the only thing that is poisonous, her venom might've coursed through the harsh veins of one of Julian's own. Keep your friends close and enemies much closer. xoxo gossip girl
yes, i had to incorporate some more legacies into the story. we knew bart bass was a menace and had been throughout his life. i wasn't sure who to use as the name on the payments made in 1998, so i picked him, just so the shady dealings made sense. so what do you think the dubois' have done? and what will monet do now she's seen some clues?
and i think out of all the original cast, apart from blair and nate, winnie would've gotten along with dan to an extent. they would have honest conversations and discussions. sure dan would be disgusted and appalled by winnie's views but as allies they might work.
btw all these small remarks about winnie and ginny's past, like winnie having a stalker or being shot at, or ginny being harassed will be passing comments because that's how they treat most of their issues.
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