#prayers about nature
fierysword · 8 months
1 Shaddai, how beautiful You are in all the earth! Your glory shines in the heavens! 2 Little children give witness to Your greatness, and Your adversary is silenced. 3 When I gaze in awe at the vast heavens You made, the moon and the stars which are the work of Your fingers, 4 What are women that You are mindful of them, or their daughters, that You visit them? 5 Yet You have made woman in Your image, and crowned her with glory and honor! 6 You have given her dominion over the works of Your hands. You have put all things in her keeping and care - 7 all sheep and cattle, and the wild beasts of the field and forest, 8 the birds of the air and the creatures of the sea. 9 Shaddai, how beautiful is Your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8 (feminine translation from Swallow's Nest: A Feminine Reading of the Psalms by Marchiene Rienstra)
Some possible uses of this psalm:
Bring customers to business (pray psalm while burning Prosperity Incense each day before opening the shop)
Improve self-esteem and sense of worthiness (repeat v5-6 until reassured of its message)
Bless oils
Prayer of praise
1-2 are sourced from Power of the Psalms by Anna Riva, 3 from My New Everyday Prayer Book by Brother ADA
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definitelynotshouting · 6 months
A Kemetic prayer to Bast for Jellie
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Hail to You, O' Bast, Who guards the Two Lands! Hail to You, Iryt Ra! You who are swift and cunning, You who strike down enemies and nurture children. I ask that You protect and nurture the cat Jellie as she crosses into Your domain, through the Duat and into Your Hour. I ask that she is kept from harm and given safety and shelter in the cradle of Your arms. Hail to You, O' Bast, Devouring Lady, Mother of my Soul! I offer sweet cheese and fruits. I offer spiced tea and toasted nuts. I offer the ring of my sistrum. May Jellie only know warmth and good food with You, the comfort of the sun. May she hunt on under Your guidance. May she find peace and joy within Your company. Hail to You, O' Bast, Lady of the Ointments, the Knowledge through which death cannot approach too closely! I light this candle and ask that all those who have called this cat family find comfort and peace in this time of her absence. I ask that Your Light guides her to You, and that she remains safely within Your domain. May her name be forever remembered. May her ba be forever nourished through the shrines and images made in her honor. Thus it is done. Dua Bast!
this is free to reblog if you so choose, and i hope whoever reads it can find even a small measure of comfort in it❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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fictionadventurer · 4 months
The worst part about reading in a genre where you have low expectations (in this case, Christian historical fiction) is that when a book impresses you, you have no idea if it's actually good or if you're just overly impressed because it was a fraction of a degree better than the usual garbage.
#basically lately anytime i read a christian fiction book that isn't romance-based i find myself surprised by the quality#i do think that some christian publishers are getting better#and trying to tell stories that dig deeper into real faith and messy issues#instead of making only vapid squeaky clean prayer-filled tropefests#but i'm not sure *how much* better#because anything above the low bar feels like great literature#the most recent is 'in a far-off land' by stephanie landsem#and let me tell you setting the prodigal son in 1930s hollywood is a genius concept#i have some issues with the history and the mystery#but the characters!#it has been a long time since i cried this hard over a book#several chapters of solid waterworks#(and i also have the issue of figuring out if it's actually that moving or if i'm just hormonal/sleep-deprived)#i keep thinking about this book but also i worry about recommending because what if it's actually terrible by normal book standards?#(also the author DOES NOT understand the seal of confession and i was SHOCKED to find that she's actually catholic)#but also looking at the reviews makes it clear that if most of christian fiction is vapid garbage it's these reviewers' fault#here you have something that's digging into sin and darkness and justice and mercy and these people are just#'how can it call itself christian fiction if it only mentions god at the end?'#are we reading the same book this WHOLE THING is about god! and humanity and our fallen nature and how this breaks relationships!#your pearl-clutching anytime someone tries to get even a tiny bit realistic is destroying this genre#i'm gonna run out of tags so i'll stop now
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anonymocha · 3 months
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leonieanderson · 2 months
I do the small thing I know how to do to care for myself. I am trying to notice joy, which means survive. I do this all day, and then the next.
Excerpt from Tea by Leila Chatti
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#but actually can you guys say a prayer about teaching for me?#I know it’s mostly because it’s the end of the year#but a lot of stuff is just forcing its way to the surface#and basically it’s just me struggling with my natural strengths as a teacher and the boundaries of appropriateness that are necessary#to maintain it#like first of all. the beast that is my anxiety compounds everything and makes it so scary and terrible#secondly I thought I had. Like. A total handle on all of it#Teaching and boundaries I mean#and of course I do not#and part of it is that the anxiety that always kept me within the right lines is just shifting and changing#and I’m just distanced from some of the stuff that used to keep me grounded#like my family right now!#the new adulthood is adulting!#anyway like. I am not doing anything inappropriate or close to it (sounds like I am when I deny it lol)#but I am aware in a new and newly exhausted way of the absolute dangers#of being the kind of teacher who uses all of my personality etc. to wake kids up#And make them respond#but then still have to want to need to keep certain boundaries up#And I’m trying to figure it out but of course I CAN’t Do it perfectly#and then it’s so hard when your personal life is so hard and you’ve just gone through so much change in such a fast period of time#And it just feels like everything is spinning#and your heart aches and you’re tired and you just feel like you’re right at the center of all this emotional chaos#and all these people who wanna pull you off course and get you to cross certain lines#and some of the lines are just weird and arbitrary boundaries you put up to protect yourself when you started teaching at 23#Because you HAD to#So you can take some of them down and it’s fine but then there are some boundaries you know you need to keep up#And it’s more subtle than the black and white stuff re: appropriateness#Just the stuff that protects you and makes it easier to be the kind of teacher and influence that you want to be#and just trying to figure it all out while you’re exhausted and it’s the end of the school year#it’s just a LOT. A lot a lot
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
I think it's really funny when fundies are also super into the crunchy lifestyle like bestie your whole system is based on a dude with magical powers born from a virgin you can take a tylenol and stop feeding your infant raw milk now
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fiendishartist2 · 3 months
guys what if i want to make my own apollo justice game.
#i need to write a prequel to aa4 pls pls pls pls pls#okay get this: so phoenix isnt disbarred yet and he doesnt have trucy. hes still taking and winning cases#one day he gets a call from edgeworth and hes all like ''wright i need your assistance'' and hes like what for and edgeworth goes#''ive been given the most ridiculous case and i think youre the only man in law who can take care of it''#so phoenix bikes his ass to the detention center and boom. child behind bars#and phoenix is like ??? hey kid what are doing here. and this kid is the most surly mfer on the planet like you couldnt get-#-a word out of him if you tried. hes kinda giving phoenix the stink eye too but hes just the littlest guy on earth#and phoenix feels bad for him so he tries to get a rundown of the case (maybe edgeworth gave him an autopsy report or smth beforehand)#but get this. the kid still wont speak. he hasnt even moved a muscle. and after some prodding you find out this little dude-#-doesnt speak english (i dont love aa6 but i think apollos tragic backstory can be interesting so we're going w that but taking it seriousl#anyways so maya is like omg this kid is speaking khurainese but hers is kinda broken bc shes not from the mainland and only knows it-#-from like prayers#so you only get bits and pieces of the kids testimony. plus he still doesnt wanna talk bc ''dhurk told me not to talk to you''#so you start following the new lead but you ask too many questions and apollos like oh shit i said too much and wont talk to you anymore#but now you have two leads: khur'ain and a man named ''dhurk'' plus the fact that this is kid might be new to america since-#-he cant speak english but is smack dab in the middle of california. its all v curious and phoenix wants to get to the bottom of it#for the rest of the case i feel like it would go in the direction of ''we dont know exactly whats up w this dhurk guy or where this kid-#-came from but we do get him acquitted and phoenix is able to save him from the dark path he was heading towards'' thus steering apollo-#-in the direction of law and giving him a wayyyy better reason than aa6 gave him <3#i kind of like the interlinked nature of ace attorney's storytelling. like everything leads into smth else and everyone is impacted-#-by another person before they even become properly entangled w each other's lives#like how mia faced dahlia years before she met phoenix but dahlia was the one to connect them#or how trucy gave phoenix the diary paper but she's also the one who ropes apollo into the waa. even before they know they're siblings#or how lamoire left apollo and trucy as children and when they reunite as adults they cant recognise each other but they all find each-#-other anyways#i could go on but i think this could be cool yknow esp bc i think the most interesting thing about apollo's aa6 backstory is his life-#-post dhurk. like where did he stay? was he a foster kid? was he put into the system? how did that affect him? what kind of ppl took him in#i just wanna know how that whole thing would have effected him bc like when yiu think about it how did he even get to america?? his dad's#-considered a terrorist. idk man i think its interesting and apollo and dhurks interactions are one of the only good parts of aa6
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vio1315 · 4 months
It is not in vain x50
#Vio's Personal#Having it repeat would have communicated my feeling better but I will spare you#My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness -pensive-#Everything seems to be in vain. I don't trust anyone you see. And I don't trust thusly that anything will get better#You see. There is nothing that makes things getting better necessary (in this life)#Expecting that to me feels dangerous. If I required it then it isn't love#There is thus a degree of expendability I consider myself and everything with#I don't remotely mind considering myself expendable#But I'm losing the thread when it comes to others#If my life is only for failure and being forgotten then whatever#But everyone in my life is dying#so to speak. But that's kind of what it is#Everyone is gone and everyone is dying y'know?#Naturally I am too lawful to question it#Not in terms of fairness etc#But the thread in my mind unravels#It is the product of a sin cursed Earth and so I am witnessing what death is#Of course#I understand#But idk. When I asked about it in prayer#'why is nobody freed' I could had been lead to Job or anything like that#To my memory that answer started with like 'who are you oh man to question God' or something#Which is generally how I live#But kind of what I was lead to for this was like#that song... which bit was it#a part of it mentions 'You heal and I've witnessed it'#And I recalled very well that God did heal me (again and again)#And it's kind of....#I don't think that I'm wrong in how a lot of my thinking is geared per se#There's really hard realities in life and you have to be able to accept them
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helshound · 1 year
regarding the prayer I was talking about, let me show you the original first, so you have an idea of what I was working with:
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very beautiful, very goth, flows off the lips quite nicely imo. This is the rework that I settled on, and that I think I'm quite happy with:
I pray that Helheim is protected forever. I pray its halls remain welcoming. I pray that Hel's rule will continue, unending, providing for our ancestors with grace and compassion. I pray for her flesh, I pray for her bones… I pray for the needs of the nine realms, and the people therein. I pray for Ásgarð, for Vanaheim, for Álfheim, for Miðgarð, for Jötunheim, for Múspellheim, for Svartálfaheim, and for Niflheim. I pray for Helheim, and I pray for it to be steadfast. I pray for the living and the dead, and I pray for my own life to be long and content. Let it be so.
edit: after using the prayer frequently for months, I've taken out the listing of the other realms when I say the prayer, since it improves the flow for me. the realms always made my tongue and adhd brain stumble. so now I say:
"[...] I pray for the needs of the nine realms, and the people therein. I pray for Helheim, and I pray for it to be steadfast. [...]"
Since I care for Helheim most of all, it works for me like this. just thought I'd put this as an addendum.
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221bornottobe · 10 months
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Chame, Nepal (8600 ft elevation) to Upper Pisang, Nepal (11000 ft elevation)
Hiking Annapurna Circuit Trek Day 1
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flecks-of-stardust · 10 months
¡¡Hola, Stardust!! Esta pregunta es opcional, te la envío en caso de que quieras escribir algo en chino hoy.
Cuando escribes alguna historia, ¿te gusta pensar en qué patrones de habla tus personajes tendrían si los escribieses en tu idioma? ¿Qué personajes te imaginas que usan mucho "slang"?
Que tengas un lindo día c:
hi fran
finally getting around to answering this but! i am using this to share more about the characters of IWSY! because yes.
i've actually,, never really thought about my characters speaking cantonese before, bar one character? but i specifically made her because i wanted to see myself and my origin in a story, and she's for a very different story i haven't talked about on this blog. for the IWSY characters i've never done it before, but tbh it's comforting to think about it. i'm gonna put the rest under a cut because this is pretty long.
the baby group is the easiest to answer for. they're all intended to be kids (or, well, 'kids.' relatively speaking.), so slang is going to be pretty common for them, especially slang that's currently used. anything vulgar is free game, but really it's just about like. modernity, i guess? my classmates were very crass when talking to each other LMAO and that's kind of how i think the baby group would be. loud, chatty, every three words a slang term is thrown in, etc. des and prayer i think are the ones to use the most slang as well. des because... des. i don't know how to explain that, it's just right, and prayer because it will Absorb whatever it hears into its vocabulary. so in a way it's des' fault i guess FKJGS
i don't actually have examples of the slang they'd use because i myself don't know jackshit about the slang because i live under a rock 👍 but that's how innocence is as well. they and moth use slang the least, but they don't Not use it. these two are just generally the quietest, and cantonese is. ah. loud. :D it depends obviously! but cantonese is definitely part of those languages where if you're talking cheerfully and excitedly someone that doesn't know the language might go 'hey why are you arguing?' and that's definitely a thing that des and prayer and grace, sometimes, will run into, but usually innocence and moth are quiet enough that it never comes up for them.
silver is the one who uses the ~fancy~ words because he's a fucking nerd. everyone makes fun of him for it. they love him but they dunk on him for it fJKNJKSD but he'll fire back readily, it's all in good fun. second place for fanciness would be grace, but silver definitely wins on this front. they're both pretty eloquent for sure, and would just know more literature and so more, like, idioms than the rest of the baby group. silver just does it more, and grace does it when he's being dramatic. though granted, he's dramatic pretty often.
night is just chill, as it usually is. it and innocence are just chill vibes generally, with moth usually in that corner as well. night isn't quiet though, that's something else. just chill. probably has the nastiest mouth though actually. night would curse your family out in a very mellow tone and not bat an eye :D
as for day, she's much, much older, so her speech patterns are going to be more reminiscent of someone who's approximately in their 60s. her pronunciation will be different, with less 'lazy' sounds, so like there's a more clear separation of /l/ and /n/ phonemes and also the nasals are more distinguished. she also, by default of being older, sounds a bit more fancy, like she's sometimes. less direct about what she means i guess? but it's also because of how much she knows and the experience she has. she's easy to talk to still, she just markedly talks Different because she communicates with what is common in her generation. it's basically like talking to your grandparents. i guess. actually idk if that's applicable generally, but for me talking to my grandparents was always a little different. something something chinese culture i guess, idk. also regarding slang, idk she probably uses slang from her generation. no idea what it'd be though.
for reference, the approximate human ages i'm working with here have innocence as around 19, the triplets (des, silver, and night) being 18, grace and prayer being 17, and moth being 20, almost 21. these are Very rough approximations that don't match up to the actual age difference between these seven. day is somewhere in her... early 60s i guess? mid 60s maybe? to compare with the timescale in rain world:
unparalleled innocence — first came online in late 1515 clandestine question, nine silver linings, no mournful night — came online in mid 1522, in that age order. they were turned on only a few cycles apart each, so they consider each other to be the same age mist on the horizon — came online in 1503 gracious mercy — came online in early 1529 one final prayer — came online in late 1528 delight of day — powered on in 808
for reference, pebbles came online in 1509. these 8 are all part of the final generation, while day is part of gen 1. also, my generations are probably pretty different compared to a lot of other people's headcanons. moon and wind are gen 18, sig is gen 19, and suns is gen 10. there's more generations and different generation cut offs. the point here is that day is Very, very old, and the baby group are really really young.
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buckynats · 11 months
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Absolutely making shit up as I go. Still finishing the other one and then I have to figure out how to attach them without ruining it all. I actually made my own pattern and cut fabric out to it without crying or panicking this time. So that's progress.
(Ignore how uneven those look, that's my abysmal posture at work. They do actually match in length when I'm standing still. And despite the lighting weirdness, it all matches.)
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felidaefatigue · 2 years
i want dig my hands into small faith and folklore and gods and craft and worship like its damp loamy soil and roll in it iTS SO GOOD.
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
starting to think that life is all about love
#actually though#I’ve been thinking so much about the way that I am#(or honesty the way that all human beings are. i don’t know that it’s particular to me)#but my heart is cold so much of the time. and there’s just this big distance between me and the things I should care about#and some of that is my analytical side and some of that is sometimes depression and sometimes it’s just human nature I suspect!#but i think so much about love as a choice. and it IS and it has to be when love isn’t something you can feel at will#and I’ve been thinking about the cold and rules-based relationship I have with God#the daily check-ins. the checked boxes. the given offering. and the lack of warmth behind it#and sometimes it’s just. man. that’s what conversion IS#the transforming of that into love. love that is warm and giving and that is my motive for moving forward#and I know those steps and check-ins and prayers and offerings are important#but I know they’re not the heart#and sometimes I see that I can’t create the warmth in me that I need#i can’t generate it#and then it all just sort of HITS#that I need to be thawed! that I am cold and distanced and uninterested and forgetful#and that I’ll never be any different until God draws closer and closer. until I can feel and understand the warmth#with which I am already loved! and held in being#and I know and believe it intellectually and most of the time I have nothing to give in return#definitely nothing emotionally#but if I WERE to. it would only be because I was thawed. because I was cracked open like an egg to use another metaphor#it would only be because Love that was greater than me would thaw out my cold cold little heart#and idk. I’m rambling and also missing big connecting pieces between these thoughts#but sometimes it hits me that the POINT of life is for that Love to change me so that I can love in response#and the actions are important because they keep me on the path. but it’s only about keeping myself in the place where the warmth of the love#of God can blast through me and change me#and that HASN’t happened. I am still cold and selfish and forgetful#but sometimes I know that that is what it is supposed to be#and it’ll probably take my whole life#but the point is: it isn’t about a scorecard or my analysis. it’s about love. it’s about love!
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fierysword · 2 years
O Eternal One, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.
Psalm 104:24
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