#pre accident! Otto
verysmolnerd · 1 year
Double-shift Drowsiness
Drabble: You're ten minutes from closing and your former professor comes in asking for directions.
I think it’s blatantly obvious that I don’t like working minimum-wage jobs. Hell, my very first fic posted on the internet was because I was treated like shit at a retail store. Now, it’s a little better but that doesn’t mean I’m still not getting the butt end of a stick. This be a vent drable… my bad. 
Cw: Swearing
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God fucking dammit. 
You’re here again, for another summer, to take a ludicrous amount of bullshit from your coworkers just to shell in a few more dollars towards your college tuition. 
Normally, the shifts are bearable and you can come home fine, but when you’re there all day sunrise to sunset, it isn’t ideal coming home with so much grease on you. When you shower, you don’t even feel the water on you for a minute because of how much grease had gotten in your skin. 
As for the coworkers part, it’s mainly just one blonde bitch in particular. Specifically, a carhop that’s more entitled than the angry customers here and has the audacity to be a douche to anybody and everybody. When she speaks it always sounds like she cops some sort of attitude when she comes back into the kitchen. 
The only time -as of recently- when she isn’t acting like a punchable brat, is when the general manager of the kitchen staff is around. You had pointed out to them that she was only doing this to be in their good graces, and they agreed; explaining to you that they’ve already talked with her numerous times but she still refuses to listen. You could only hope that one day she’ll get the boot like someone that everyone else in the kitchen even refuses to talk about. 
It always feels like when one problem from the kitchen gets extinguished, three more pop up. With whom that shall not be named is gone, all the kitchen staff are comfortable with talking with each other and making jokes without someone coming in to ruin the mood or harass you. Now, the problem is the one carhop acting like the next cockroach of the damn place and new hires refusing to do work. May you be reminded that you’re only here for the summer and ONLY HERE TO MAKE MONEY FOR THE UPCOMING SCHOOL YEAR.
Why do you care so much? It’s just who you are, sadly. 
Now you’re here, still at the restaurant ten minutes to close. You were calmly wiping down the countertops while the general manager had some nostalgic slow songs from the 2000s playing on a Bluetooth speaker that somehow is still working after months of straight abuse and constant use. 
Your other coworkers in the kitchen -you guys just call each other comrades at this point with how tight you are with all the workers that have those strong skills back here- were sweeping and restocking the fridges for the deep fryer or grill. It’s peaceful, well, as peaceful as a food service kitchen could be. 
Everyone was just as tired as you were because it was really late and a long day for those who didn’t work a double shift like you. You needed the hours, what else could you say? Unfortunately, the amount of tiring work doesn’t dawn on you until you’re working over forty hours a week. 
You could see the silhouette of two cars pull in from the packing window, and you sighed. Late stragglers. Somehow, the most desperate people to get to a cheap chain restaurant are also the people who order half of the menu, it infuriates you to no end. 
One car pulled right up in the spot in front go the building, and the other pulled in at a farther spot. You close your eyes and exhale, this is a common thing to happen so you’re not surprised. You are, however, annoyed that everyone in the building is bitching about it. 
What you weren’t expecting, was the person who parked so close to the building to come inside. It’s not like you truly cared anyway, you were just upfront to refill your drink; you haven’t done so in hours and you were beyond parched. 
Your back was to the counter as you waited for the machine to finish pouring your drink, not expecting your name to be called. You turn around, thinking it’s some sort of coworker calling you….
But it was Otto. Your former professor of all people. Dressed in those turtlenecks that hug his figure with dress pants and completing shoes that shine under the restaurant lobby’s lights. 
You lock eyes with him and freeze, both of you staring at each other in shock. “What are you doing here?” You ask him, you’d never thought that you’d see him again…period. “I could say the same about you,” he responded, fumbling with his hands. 
You can feel a few of your coworkers peer through the small window to look at you and the front staff watch the conversations from the blind spots of the counter. You sighed, “This is my hometown. I work here in the summer.” Otto glanced over the counter and noticed the nosy staff, they quickly retreated to the backrooms when they were discovered. 
“I just came to ask for directions since my phone died.” Otto held up the dead device. You nodded, setting your cup down on the counter, “Where are you headed?.. Or where do you think you’re headed?” This isn’t a common thing when people want to go somewhere in this part of the state but end up getting lost, the maps are outdated when you’re this rural, so you’ve had to point a few people the right way. “A retreat where some of my colleagues are, it’s supposed to be more up north..” He paused, you know Otto very well; he hates making mistakes, to be seen as an idiot when he genuinely didn’t know something, “but I think I took a wrong turn- ” he told you the name of the camp with a few descriptors of the place, and you nodded. 
You walked up near the front of the store and picked up a pamphlet, “I think this is the camp you’re talking about,” You handed the advertisement to Otto. He smiled brightly, “Yes it is.” You can see the relief across his face. 
“Good news then. You’ve only got two more hours worth of driving on the main road.” Otto’s face fell, it seemed that the urban convenience he’d had his whole life might’ve been a stunt to his patience. Though you don’t blame him, night driving in the countryside can be quite nerve-wracking.  Deer are the most ruthless to people from the city. 
You let out an airy chuckle, “Is it bound to get dark soon,” You eyed the electronic clock, it displayed the time 9:00 pm, “Are you sure that you want to drive when it’s dark out?” Otto looked like he wanted to say yes, but he stopped himself. 
“You’ll crash at my place tonight.” Otto opened his mouth to protest, but the carhop of your nightmares entered the restaurant and walked right up to him. “Hi! How can I help ya?” You clenched your jaw at the sickly-sweet tone she uses. Otto waved her off, “Ah, no thanks I’m just asking for directions from a friend of mine.” Otto gestured to you with those huge hands of his. You felt yourself heat up with pride, he sees you as more than a student; well, you do have his number…
You can see that the source of your dismay clenched her teeth with a customer service smile before walking away. Otto cleared his throat, “About earlier-“ “Yeah, you can just follow my car home.” You gave him zero room to say no.
“Ah, just a sec,” You walked into the kitchen to see if it was okay, but the team lead already waved you off and said, “Go.” 
Well shit.. alright then..
You grabbed the stuff you brought with you and you clocked out on an outdated machine up front. You waved to Otto to follow you, to the parking lot. You got in your car, and he got into his, and now you’re leading him to your place. 
It wasn’t that far of a drive, the longest part was making a left turn from one of the main roads, there always seemed to be cars there when you wanted to make a turn.
You pulled into your driveway and were now getting your keys out to unlock the front door. You felt the warmth of your previous professor at your back fighting the chilly night air. It was about time that the nights got cooler again, it’s nearly September after all…
You open the front door and hold it for Otto, but he uses his height to keep it open; his hand is high above your head to keep the door open, “No, it’s fine you can go in first.” You thanked him and went inside.
You were in the process of putting your things away in their respective spots when the front door shut behind Otto, he was watching you move around your house with ease; like clockwork. “You keep yourself on quite the schedule.” He watched you move around your kitchen, but then you stopped to look at him after he said that. “Oh, don’t let me stop you.” He moved his hands in a manner to tell you to keep moving. “No, I was just wondering if you’ve already eaten dinner? I can whip something up if you’d like.” You explained yourself, Otto nodded and you swore his face was a bit pink, “I did, thank you for asking, but about staying here-“ You cut him off again, “What kind of person would I be if I didn’t let the person I care about stay here for the night,” You turned to shut off the kitchen lights and show him to your bedroom, but you stopped yourself to relay that information to him, “You can stay in my bedroom, what kind of host would I be if you’re not comfortable?” 
“I was just going to say that I can sleep on the couch,” Otto protested, but you weren’t having it. 
“No, I’ll be fine. I have tomorrow off, you need the rest so you can drive.” “You need the rest so you can have a nice day off.” Otto folded his arms.
“Let’s not-“ 
You both cut each other off in the argument..
You and Otto are now both dressed down in bed, looking at each other completely flushed and in partial shock from the stubbornness you both share. 
You click off the night, and Otto speaks, “Well, good night.” “Love you.” You automatically responded. You froze and Otto laughed. 
“Love you too.” 
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vvaspoppie · 11 months
Doc Ock x Symbiote!Reader
→ Author’s Note: Requested this from another writer (that’s also really cool), and decided to also write my own version. No specified version of Ock, pre and post evil versions are mentioned.
→⚠ Warnings ⚠: unethical science,
→ Fandom: Unspecified
→ Genre: Headcanons
→  Pronouns: They/Them
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The Backstory:
You were a scientist who worked on studying the organic matter samples Colonel Jameson had brought to earth. Unfortunately, one of those samples was capable of a lot more movement than originally believed.
Long story short: Some of it bonded with you, you quit soon after due to not wanting anyone to get suspicious then started working at Oscorp.
Pre Tentacles:
He, and almost every other co-worker, is a little bit curious about the fact that you quit your last job to work at Oscorp but drops the subject after the mention of an NDA (which wasn’t true)
Notices you talking to yourself a lot, but doesn’t question it much. Most of the scientists he works with have an odd habit or two.
You totally slip up and call yourself 'we' in a conversation, which he does bring up
"There's a perfectly reasonable explanation if you give me enough time to think of a lie."
On to the actual dating
You guys keep it on the down low and by that I mean absolutely nobody knows. He likes privacy
His love language is talking about his experiments and asking you about yours (and physical touch but that takes a while)
The symbiote makes the relationship difficult, especially because he doesn't know about it
You don’t ever tell him about the symbiote, the symbiote speaks for itself (literally, and to a disastrous extent)
He takes a while to process it, but once he does he shares his work on his tentacles
He tries not to think of the moral implications of the whole situation because he loves you and knows you wouldn't do harm intentionally (he is wrong)
Post Tentacles:
Ok so in most versions Otto goes missing for a brief time after the accident™
So what happens in this brief time?
Chaos. Pure chaos and fear
Not only are you distraught and angry but your symbiote also formed an emotional attachment
Absolutely no one gets a break. Criminals, civilians, co workers, Norman even Spider-Man
The streets are filled with nothing but fear and it stays like that until you get your Otto back
At which point:
Yay, evil power-couple time!
I mean what did you expect, you’re the host to a symbiote that eats people to survive and likes to commit crimes; there is almost nothing he could do that you either 1) haven’t already done or 2) had to literally fight yourself not to do
He changed after the accident, and it reminds you of when you first bonded with your symbiote. You try and be patient, knowing that he's still the same person, just with a different attitude and outlook on life.
With some communication skills being flexed, the relationship works out well
He also gains a new thing to be mad at the world about (Tabloids keep calling him a monsterfucker and so does your Symbiote)
It's that whole Roger and Jessica Rabbit thing except no one knows who's Roger or Jessica at any given moment.
You keep working at Oscorp to keep suspicions low and provide insider information
Yes, the suit makes you look very good - now do you want to be part of the Insidious Sinister Six or not?
You don’t want to fight Spider-Man head-on most of the time (much to the Symbiote's chagrin) so you agree to work with them, but not be on the team.
Anyway you end up kicking ass and now half the team is scared of you (Much to the Symbiote’s delight) (remember that episode in the 90s show were Venom Spider-Man almost kills Rhino and Shocker? Yeah you do something like that)
His ego may be nearing the size of the sun, but even then he’s slightly scared of what would happen if your symbiote gained full control. (Your symbiote likes him so his nerves are good, but still makes sure nothing happens that affects your memories)
Speaking of which he wants to do some - totally not evil because he loves you- experiments revolving around the Symbiote
Overall, the relationship is wholesome, if not unconventional.
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igucci · 10 months
Any TSSM Otto/Adrian headcanons?
okay! i can give you some 'cause i think about them... a lot.
-otto feels completely comfortable about being himself around adrian. even if otto despises his old self for being 'weak', i cant help but think he still retains a few of the meeker qualities he displayed back then.
-their friendship must have started while they were both employed at tricorp. assuming otto was as timid as he was working under osborn, i think adrian managing to get someone like pre-accident octavius to warm up to him is impressive.
-just looking at adrian, you can assume he might get cold easily. otto wears a large trenchcoat, so its also safe to assume that adrian might borrow it when he wants to. not only that...but otto seems a bit warm and cuddly-looking even without the trenchcoat, so... ^^''
-when theyre not doing supervillain things, they like to play board games and watch nature documentaries together, though adrian tends to fall asleep watching them. LOL
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crabonfire · 1 year
Pre and post octofication? If possible?
I wanted to request but didn’t get the confidence until you started demanding TSSM requests :)
Hope this is ok!
Taller!S/O flustering TSSM Doc Ock!
character: pre and post accident TSSM Otto Octavius
note: babe don’t be nervous!! I’ve been into spider-man and tssm related shit for years now, I just never thought anybody would be interested in my work. I’d love more tssm requests!! It’s my main interest now anyways :)
anyway, request away!!! hehe :)
ALSO I love pre accident otto he’s so cute :(
last note, I wanted to add some uh, tiny, tiny TINY bits of lore between the two of you in the pre octofication, just to make it more interesting :D!
warnings: none, fluff :)
♡Otto Octavius♡
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- He was always a pretty insecure man in terms of how he’d look, (and his personality too aw man) he always saw his body as something he wasn’t proud of. People under minded him for it, especially at work. Which is why he was surprised to find out you really liked him. When you had asked him out he asked multiple times with a red face, “Y-You’re joking!” or “Did someone put you up to this?”
But when you smiled at him so genuinely, shaking your head no and telling him you liked him…he felt like he was going to burst.
- When you two started dating, he found it a bit hard to make eye contact for very long. For he found that he’d get lost in your eyes, mesmerized by you completely. He was a shy man, and he never spoke his mind much when it came to how you made him feel. He was always quite flustered with you.
When you realized this, you started to use it to your advantage.
- On one occasion, he was in his office, typing away and sorting through files on his latest project. After hours of working he had finally stepped out to get a drink from the kitchen. You decided to try and stall him a little, maybe convince him to take a break. You had him backed up to a wall, hand resting beside his head, as you leaned down to his face. His cheeks are as red as tomatoes, looking at you mouth agape and eyes widened. You can’t help the smirk that forms on your face, eyes gazing at him intensely.
You tilted your head a bit, blinking, still staring at him. The tension is killing him, your so close he can feel you breathing.
“Take a break hon, you’ve been cooped up in that desk for so long…”
He huffed, looking awkwardly at the floor. “Oh, I mustn’t…it’s I-important I finish this..” you took your hand, taking his chin to face you again. You frowned slightly, “But I miss you. Just one break, please?” He blinks, his lips quivering trying to find the voice to deny you. He swallows, “W-Well…I guess one break w-wouldn’t hurt.” He mutters. You smile at him, leaning in to kiss him, which he immediately returns. When you pull back you can see the slightly disappointed look on his face. You quickly step back with a whole different mood, grinning at him. “Great! Come sit with me, I was watching a movie.” You walk over to the couch, leaving him speechless as his heart doesn’t stop its pounding.
He’s flustered, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stands there wondering what the fuck just happened to him.
- He found himself in this situation many times, pinned to a wall or how your head rested on-top of his with arms wrapped around him, engulfing him in a hug.
And every single time he couldn’t help the red that’d seep to his cheeks, the racing of his heart and and the wanting to drop everything he was doing to look up at you all day.
Oh yeah, he has to look up when he talks to you. It’s adorable 😭
♡Doctor Octopus♡
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- No longer has he have to suffer the neck pain of looking up at you, because now… HE HAS HIS OCTOPUS ARMS!!
- But on the rare occasion where he’s just standing like a normal guy, you always take your chance to try and fluster you like you did before. This time, he’s not so shy about his feelings.
- You’d have him pinned against a wall just like before, it was difficult to get into this position but you did.
“Hey doc.”
He smirks, “What’s this, Y/N?”
You mirror his smirk, “What ever do you mean, Doc? I’m just, having a conversation with you.”
He chuckles, shaking his head and looking up at you with tinted cheeks. “I see. My apologies, I just never considered being pinned to a wall was a way to talk to somebody.”
“Oh, so this your first time?” You snickered at your own dumb joke, he found that cute.
“No, I’m very well experienced actually.”
You laughed. You rested your other hand to the other side of his head, trapping him in as you leaned down to kiss him. He kissed you back, passionately and slow. One of his hands had cupped your cheek, the other firm against your chest as his receptors pulled you in. He felt himself melt whenever he’d kiss you, even with his newfound confidence he still never got rid of that sweet ache in his chest. When you pulled back, before you could say anything, he flipped you over.
Now you were the one pinned to he wall, his receptors lifted him slightly to be eye level with you, a hand over your head as he leaned while the other had held your chin pinched between his pointer index and his thumb. He had an obnoxious smile on his face when he saw how your face reddened, eyes wide in surprise. He chuckled, whispering in a low tone;
“What about you Y/N, is this yours?”
spot the harness your hopes refrence and I'll give u a cookie :)♡
HOPE U ENJOYEDDD request more tssm shit I love them
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Bored in French class because I don't understand shit so here you have not any specific dimension Pre-accident Otto
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He looks like he sells popcorn and I can't figure out why
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
Paper Rings
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Aegon Targaryen ii x lowborn reader
Summary: Aegon Targaryen was a wealthy prince, you'd still marry him with only paper rings
Word count: 1k
Warnings: non explicit sex
The moon is high Like you were the night that we first met
It was no secret that prince Aegon Targaryen was a frequenter of the streets of silk. Drunkenly working his way through every pleasure and ale house within his sights. It was how you'd met the boy, dishevelled and out of his mind, begging you for another drink.
Against your better judgement, you complied with his request. The wine was cold, like the shoulder that you gave him in the street. Somehow the prince had deluded himself into thinking you were interested in becoming his next quick fuck. You had laughed in his face, turning to leave with a condescending pat on the shoulder. With your back turned you didn't notice the look of wonderment on his face at your blatant dismissal.
From there your interactions with the prince became a game of cat and mouse for a month or two or three. You weren't entirely sure why but he would hunt you down every few nights without fail, never even breathing in the direction of another when in your presence.
Rumour had it that the prince hadn't even been seen anywhere near a whore since the night he'd stumbled into your life. And by the third month you had to admit you'd seen a considerable difference in his behaviour, even if you still didn't trust to would stay that way.
He'd been completely sober the first time you'd let him into your bed. You expected to never see him again now that he'd gotten what he wanted, but to your surprise, he was waiting for you once more the very next night. It'd taken a while but now you woke up in the night to watch him breathe.
You wouldn't allow Aegon to sneak you into the Keep no matter how much he begged, and as such he had to come to you. He'd grace your bed with a pout demanding that you "kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night." You'd kiss him twice to prove it was gonna be alright, then three times cause you'd waited your whole life for one another.
The first time he had tried to present you with a gift, a resplendent necklace decorated with emerald's you had refused to accept. He had been upset at your refusal but you had been even more upset at the gesture. Yelling that you didn't need payment to be with him, didn't desire him for his wealth as he seemed to think.
The night had ended in tears from the both of you as you sank yourself slowly down onto his lap, kissing away the tears as his breath shuddered against your neck.
"You know, I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings" you'd whispered into his ear as he lay against your chest. Watching in delight as he glanced up at you like you'd just offered him the entire world.
"Really?" his voice cracked, tears building in his eyes once more.
"Darling, you're the one I want" you promised, fingers gently threading through his hair.
Aegon hated accidents, though he would make an exception for the night that he went from strangers with you to... this. From the moment he had laid eyes upon you, you were the one he wanted. To hear you finally say the same was one of the best moments of his life.
In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams Oh, you're the one I want.
You'd repeatedly remind him that it wasn't his wealth or status you loved. It was him, just him. Aegon Targaryen, a boy that nobody had truly ever loved.
He wanted to marry you, truly, not just discuss it as a far away dream. Though he knew it would never be possible, and if his mother ever found out like he suspected Otto did he knew you'd be disposed of.
It was that realisation that had him distancing himself. Aegon couldn't stomach the thought of losing himself in whores once more, but as much as he didn't wish to he could still lose himself in drink.
Not even three days passed of him reverting to his old ways, the pre you ways before you hunted him down with a vengeance. He should have known you wouldn't allow his self-sabotage though. You had dragged him back to your hovel, glaring bloody murder at any that got in your way. You hadn't spoken to him, simply sighed before throwing him down on your bed and turning away.
"Why?" you eventually whispered, still refusing to face him.
"My mother, I fear what she'll do to you" he confessed, voice cracking slightly as he moved to embrace you from behind, burying his face into your back. "I want to marry you, more than anything" he promised, "but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened. I can't give you anything except a life looking over your shoulder, you deserve better."
You finally turned at that, fire in your eyes as you hissed at him. "I don't care! I want your complications. I want your dreary Mondays!"
Aegon crumpled under your stare, clutching desperately at your form in an almost bruising grip.
"You're the one I want" he whispered into your skin before dropping to his knees. "Run away with me. Braavos, Pentos, I don't care. Anywhere but here, and I'll marry you. I won't be a prince, and we can be together. Please." He begged, watching as your eyes widened in complete shock.
"Ok." you whispered back, dropping to your own knees as you nodded rapidly. "You're the one I want" you repeated against his lips, mind whirring as you planned for your upcoming escape. The details would come later, all that mattered was that you had Aegon, he was all you needed.
Taglist: @etherily @psychwardsiren @mihrimahsultan03 @bbyaemond @krispold @hyperfixated-freak @eudximoniakr @deadstarkblacksoull @weepingwitchofthewest @thelittleswanao3 @targeryenmoony
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hollowsart · 8 months
@ Marvel/Sony: Please consider cashing in on some TSSM merch again.. do you have any idea how much money the fans would be willing to spend on bigger and better TSSM action figures?
Do you have any idea how rabidly depraved the Mysterio fans are and how much we'd give to have a TSSM Mysterio figure?
I, for one, would do ANYTHING for a tssm Mysterio figure, complete with removable dome to see his cute face. Bonus if he came with a 2nd body with the suit-- I'm a sucker for him--
tssm Chameleon with 2 different bodies.. Norman & Connors, like in the show itself, to reference that! ..or, perhaps Chameleon comes as a bonus head option within a double package of Norman & Dr Connors? ..lost of ideas.
LISTEN. WRITE THIS DOWN: tssm Doc Ock & tssm Otto Octavius figures. pre and post accident. Listen to me-- you are sitting on an untapped gold mine.
Sort out your legalities and junk and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Man.. could you imagine the Green Goblin figure?? It would be near impossible to find one along with the speed in which Doc Ock would sell out after entering stores or online markets.
special bonus: A few select characters get slightly larger and more pricey figures that light up, like Doc Ock (actuators), Electro (everything), Green Goblin (pumpkin & glider), Mysterio (his dome, clasps, and smoke)
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emodialisse · 1 year
Seeing all those dozen of fanarts inspired by a Spot pre-accident concept art, reminded me of Otto in his grad school days. Where's his thirsty fans, huh? I can't be the only bitch grilling the burgers here.
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bumblebee-art-blog · 3 months
It’s my first year on ART FIGHT YIPPEE and, since I really do love their art, my very first art fight was for @year2000electronics
Can also be classified as my first fanart of Earth-1961 and ofc it had to be of my favorite Spider-Man villain:
Dr. Octopus/Otto Octavius
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Dr. Otto Octavius - pre accident
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docockschest · 2 years
Otto Octavius is just a man who loves his wife. Pre and post accident. Case closed.
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verysmolnerd · 6 months
Dating Pre!Accident Otto Hcs
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When this man says he got lucky with love, he MEANS it.
He grew up in an environment that wasn't entirely supportive of him, so to have someone at his beck and call is a completely new experience for him. It takes a bit for him to come out of his shell.
Don't be mistaken by him being flustered, he normally oozes out confidence, but love is a whole different ball park for him. That being, you get to see a whole new side of him.
He's extremely professional at work, but behind closed doors anything goes (wink wonk)
Hugging at work? *gasp* How scandalous!
Regardless, his colleagues and assistants know about you. They're glad that you drag him from his office when he starts to work at the ungodly hours of the night and morning.
That does go both ways too, he's hoisted you over his shoulder when you glued yourself to your desk.
He's a sucker for physical contact, the second you sit on the couch he's already got you in his trap. He's already put on an awful movie on screen and you're trapped in his arms for and indefinite embrace.
On the rare days where you both don't have to work, he's taking you on walks all throughout Central Park or some museum's special exhibit.
He LOVES museums. One time he dragged you to Washington DC to visit all the Smithsonian's. Even with sore legs, he was so interested that it might as well been overwhelming. You had to sit down on a bench for awhile, but you were an active listener to his entire experience.
He may be a man of science, but he's known to have interests of other kinds. If he finds intrigue in a subject that you know quite well, it makes it all the more better.
He loves a good info dump, any subject that you have recently hopped on; you won't be the only one on board.
Turns out, he's also quite the fan of mystery novels.
The bookshelf in his loft over the lab is full of physics textbooks he's had since college, books written by colleagues, and an impressive collection of Agatha Christie novels.
He leaves the novels all over the place, dog-eared on the kitchen island or buried under mail. Sometimes he's a bit helpless, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
When he starts to work on his lifelong project, his magnum opus, you are there every step of the way.
He shows you the progress every single day; and you're astounded every single time. Any progress made, big or small, meant the same to you. He is amazing.
You got lucky with love.
You are his, always. As you watch him put on his metal harness, watching him get ready to show off a manmade sun off to the world.
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writings-by-fairy · 7 months
Show Me
Fandom: American Housewife
Pairing(s): Oliver Otto x Cooper Bradford with background relationships
Words: 1,823
Rating: M
Warnings: sexual content
Summary: On college break, Oliver and Cooper relieve some tension after being so busy.
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Fall break, finally. Despite going to the same school and seeing each other every day, Cooper and Oliver were so excited to be home together. Midterms had kicked their asses and they both were working so hard every day. It was Friday night when they got back from college. The Otto’s swarmed the two boys showering them with love and fake annoyance that they were back, Oliver could not stop smiling. He hadn’t realized how much he missed his family until they started the journey back home.
Because it was so late, the greetings were short lived. “Look, I’m glad you two are back but mama needs her beauty rest.” Oliver and Cooper giggled at classic Katie Otto before they retreated downstairs to the basement. They changed into their cheesy, matching pajamas (Cooper’s idea) and put on some music in the background. They laughed in hush as they recalled the memories their first semester gave them: Cooper joining a frat by accident and liking it (then being asked to move in by the president because he liked Cooper so much), the LGBT club approaching Oliver and saying its obvious, Oliver crying because he saw a squirrel eat a piece of popcorn (the stress of midterms was getting to him…hard).
As Oliver was rambling on about some guy in his pre-law club who kept saying “do you know who my dad is?”, Cooper couldn’t help his eyes from wondering down to Oliver’s lips. He listened intently even responding with an occasional gasp or “you’re so right”. Eventually, Cooper looked back up at Oliver’s eyes.
Cooper leaned in and softly kissed Oliver. They stayed like that for a few minutes, kissing softly, letting the music wrap its warm sounds around them, gentle hands resting upon different parts of the body.
“Gosh, you have no idea how much I missed this. Everyday I thought about you.” Oliver groaned; he truly did miss this. With everything going on at school: studying, joining one of the most active clubs on campus, going to Cooper’s frat parties even when he has an 8am the next day, and so much more, he did not have time to really hang out one on one with him. They still had to be careful in the frat, Cooper was new and barely knew these guys and also did not want to hear “Just so you know, I’m not into you but I am okay with the whole being gay thing.” Sigh.
“Yeah…well, what did you think about, hmm?” He slowly pushed Oliver back on the couch until he had him pinned; he held Oliver’s hands by his head as he laid a couple kisses along his jawline. “Go on, Babyboy, tell me everything.”
Oliver blinked hard and slowly, trying to clear his mind but couldn’t. “I-I would uhm…” He trailed off but soon felt his cheeks go hot when he started to think about what he used to think and do. Cooper’s grip got tighter on his wrists, and he knew that meant hurry up. “I would think of you.”
“Well, I would sure hope so.”
“I would think about you on top of me.”
“Like this?” Coope rolled his hips slightly making Oliver moan and arch his back up. He did this for a little while before sucking marks onto Oliver’s neck. “Go on.” He continued a trail down the visible neck.
“Yeah uhm, then I would…ohhhh.”
Cooper pulled away completely staring down at Oliver with faux disappointment, but it felt real in the moment. “Do I have to stop or are you going to finish what you were saying?” Cooper sat up and beside Oliver as he asked the question, he looked away “uninterested” as if we get up and walk away at any moment.
Oliver scrambled up and onto his knees beside Cooper, his nimble fingers clinging to Cooper’s arm.
“No, please, no, no, no, I’ll be good. I will tell you every though I had, everything I did to myself, oh please!” By the end, Oliver was basically crying but it seemed Cooper could not care less (though he did, greatly. He wanted nothing more than to reach over and caress his face and wipe away the few tears that escaped.
Cooper looked as though he was pondering something significant, he turned towards Oliver and pushed the disheveled boy to lay back on the couch. Oliver fell back with obedience: he propped himself up on his elbows and legs spread so he could look at Cooper. His brain tried to think of what was going to come next: was Cooper going to crawl up between his legs and fuck him like no tomorrow? Was he going to give Oliver a blow job? Was he going to leave him there high and dry and see how long it takes Oliver to start actually begging? God, he hoped anything but that.
Cooper could see the ongoing battle of anxiety of what was to come war on in Oliver’s head. “I have a better idea than you just telling me what you did and thought.” Oliver looked into Cooper’s eyes, not a coherent thought could be formed, what was he going on about? “How about you show me?”
Oliver’s mind went blank. Show him…how do…I can’t…but I really could. They stayed there in silence for a moment, Oliver couldn’t help but feel exposed about this idea; touching himself in front of his boyfriend while he just watched but oh did the vulnerability feel so good.
“Yes, so uhm, typically it would start after I got off the phone with you or I would just be laying in my bed at night, alone. Then I would start thinking.”
“Go on. Tell me what you would think about.”
Oliver started to push his shirt up to his chin exposing his torso. “I would think about how you touch me. How you would trail hickeys down my neck and chest and thighs, how you were marking me as your own. I would think about how well you take care of me.” Oliver looked down sheepishly, he didn’t know why that last part felt so intimate for even his boyfriend but it was true. He would think about how Cooper protected him from the rumors at the frat, how he would walk Oliver to class when get possible, how he would only let Oliver walk on the inside of the sidewalk, just every little thing Cooper did to make Oliver feel safe and well cared for.
Cooper couldn’t help but feel his chest puffed up with love and somewhat pride that he could make his boyfriend feel so loved and protected. Call him cocky.
Oliver started to lightly trace down his neck and go down to his nipples. “Then I would think about how you would tease my nipple softly.” He finally brought his hand down softly to his right nipple and started rubbing roughly. “Then usually you would start to leave hickeys on the other one so I had to improvise.” Cooper was a little confused by what he meant but soon found out exactly what he meant; Oliver brought his other hand down so now he was pinching and twisting roughly. Oliver was rolling his hips up and down hoping for friction but got nothing.
Cooper felt his mouth water and hand twitch with the need to just touch the angelic boy in front of him. Instead, he turned completely towards Oliver resting his back against the arm rest and started to palm himself. He groaned softly.
Oliver kept this up for a few minutes before finally reaching his hands down to his plaid pajama pants. He lifted his hips up to push them to his thighs before reaching down to start touching himself. Cooper did not like his view being abstracted so he leaned over and pulled the pants the rest of the way off. Oliver gasped and his eyes flew open: he hadn’t even thought about his pants being in the way, he was just doing muscle memory.
“Good boy.”
Oliver moaned, loudly; he realized his mistake when he saw Cooper’s worried face. He calmed his breather before he reached down and started to jerk himself off. He soon became extremely aware of the situation: Oliver almost completely naked touching himself while his boyfriend watching his every move completely clothed. Feeling displayed made the whole situation hotter.
Oliver continued to slowly jerk himself off while twisting his nipple. He was trying so hard not to make a noise, but it was so hard. There was so much pleasure coursing through Oliver: the physical pleasure, the pleasure of looking up at Cooper who was moaning slightly, just the pleasure of finally being with Cooper one on one, just everything was too much but not enough. “Oh fuck Cooper.” Oliver hissed out and twitched his legs.
“Not yet.” Cooper knew the infamous leg twitch, he was close as well but want to watch Oliver whine and huff. Oliver went to pull his arm away to help himself from coming. Suddenly a sharp pain formed on the inner side of his thigh, he looked up at Cooper and registered that he slapped Oliver’s thigh.
“Did I say you could stop?”
Oliver blinked a few times then opened his mouth to respond but let out a quiet sorry and continued what he was doing. It was slightly painful now but it still felt so good. He looked up to Cooper with pleading eyes but was ignored. He almost started crying.
Cooper started to pick up his hand movements and panting. Oliver looked down and say a dark spot start to grow, that’s when he started whining more with tears falling softly down his face. Not fair. Not fair. Not fair!
Oliver’s eyes rolled back as the edging was beginning to cross the line to overstimulation. “Keep you eyes on me.” Oliver groaned as he forced his eyes to Cooper’s, Cooper decided to take pity on his boy when he saw the red cheeks and tears streaming down his face. “Go ahead.”
Oliver let out a yell but he couldn’t care less, it felt so good. He started breathing heavy after he came, he couldn’t help his eyes from falling shut. He could hear Cooper shuffle around the basement and him change his pants. He heard his footprints walk away but could not open his eyes to see where his boyfriend was off to.
Oliver was jerked awake from his sleep (he didn’t even know he fell asleep) when a cold washcloth wiped across his torso to clean up the cum. Oliver smiled gently, he felt so loved. Cooper threw the washcloth somewhere on the floor near the couch and maneuvered Oliver to big spoon him. He leaned up and kissed Oliver’s temple the snuggled into Oliver’s back.
Oliver felt warm all over before sleep took over the both of them.
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I am on AO3 as the same username if you want to check out my other works. This is on there :P Requests are open so please message me
XOXO Fairy
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weebiemcweebington · 1 year
I love how Otto looks before and after his accident and what it symbolizes.
Switching his white (innocent/pure) lab coat for the brown trench coat. This might have been unintentional because every scientist wears a lab coat and the cartoon creators apparently had to make callbacks to movies, so if they it was up to them they might have not used the coat like in the Spider-Man 2. (Apologize if I'm wrong.)
Changing his glasses which exaggerated his eyes aka his cuteness/innocence to goggles which makes him look like he's squinting aka is angry all the time. The reason why people don't like other people wearing glasses and instinctively jump to conclusions like ''He/She is fake.'' is because we can't read their emotions as we normally could. But thanks to the magic of animation he's still expressive when need be.
Also, I love his bow tie! It serves basically the same purpose as a ribbon on a child or a puppy. They could have made him wear a regular tie but that wouldn't stand out as much. And it wouldn't be as cute.
While writing this I noticed his regular clothing has similar colors as his most popular comic version. And after his accident, he wears a green jumpsuit underneath his coat.
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What do you think? Did I miss some detail you would like to talk about?
First of all; props to you bro because you obviously spent some TIME pontificating on this subject.
And I Agree! I did sort of notice what they did with his clothing colors, paying homage and all that. But you hit the nail on the head with the rest of it I’d say. His pre-accident design in this cartoon is very.. impeccant? (Had to legitimately pull out the thesaurus for that one) he’s innocent; doesn’t want any trouble. I love that the animators went that route, because it’s probably the only time (to my recollection) that they’ve gone that route with him pre-accident.
Good thought my friend. Thanks for sharing
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cemeteryladycass · 9 months
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TSSM OTTO/OCK and "Cassie" (Self Insert ) Lore. Coming soon :)
Okay uh!! I think I have a somewhat backstory/lore with TSSM Otto ( pre accident and post.) and Cassie!
I will definitely be typing it up somewheres and posting it! I'm hoping to recover from my sickness before New Years eve at the very least, so I can both draw more little pieces and actually type it up on my laptop.
I'll definitely say it's going to have angst, romantic stuff and some dark themes. :)
I can't wait to type it up and share it with ya'll :') <3
Gif Warning.
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I love this variant of Otto/Ockie sm.... <33
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spider-xan · 3 months
My unpopular Spider-Man opinion is that I do like Raimi!Otto, but I wish people were more willing to critique the writing for him bc while I'm not against a softer version of Otto and Otto as written in the film works as a narrative foil to Peter in terms of the responsibility and sacrifice themes, he does lack agency and flaws beyond a reasonable level of arrogance that is mostly justified until the one mistake he makes under pressure in a crisis, so as cool as he looks and as sympathetic as he is, he's not necessarily the most compelling or involved villain, and the only critique I have really read comes from Jack Elving, who wrote a really thoughtful retrospective critique of Raimi Spider-Man 2 that examines the film with a more critical eye than usual, and he has a great point about how Otto's role as the antagonist is mostly incidental to the main plot with Peter until the climax and there is this weird characterization going on where it's like the film wants both a super sympathetic Otto who did nothing wrong maliciously bc he was manipulated by the AI of the arms AND the 1980s gangster Doc Ock who was a cool and villainous mob boss, and the film doesn't quite reconcile the two bc where did the old timey gangster traits suddenly come from when pre-accident Otto was nothing like that, and that probably could have been fixed by making Otto before the accident more flawed than arrogance that is really more like a lifetime of justified confidence, especially when the only person questioning his calculations is a college student in undergrad, as much of a genius as Peter is supposed to be.
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tssm-my-beloved · 2 years
TSSM Height Masterlist:
Main characters in blue, supporting characters in green, side characters in pink, villains in red
If character’s height has a decimal, their true height will be in parenthesis. For the ‘official’ height, it will either be rounded up or down.
Some heights are estimated, which will be indicated by ‘est.’ before the height itself.
Some characters have multiple heights.
I will add more heights as I find them.
Dr. Otto Octavius / Doc Ock: 5’0
Fancy Dan / Ricochet: 5’2
Silver Manfredi / Silvermane: 5’4 (under review, might not be correct)
Gwen Stacy: 5’5 (5’5.5)
Liz Allan: 5’6 (5’5.75)
Harry Osborn: 5’6
Hammerhead: 5’6
Aunt May: 5’6
Peter Parker / Spider-Man: 5’6 (.5)
Betty Brant: est. 5’7
Black Cat: 5’7
Montana / Shocker: 5’8
Dr. Curt Connors: 5’8
Maxwell Dillon / Pre-Accident Electro: 5’8 (.5)
Flash Thompson: 5’9
Quentin Beck / Mysterio: est. 5’9
JJJ: 5’10
Donald Menken: 5’10
Pre-Venom Eddie Brock: 5’10
Alex O’Hirn / Pre-Experiment Rhino: 6’0
Norman Osborn: 6’1
Green Goblin: 6’1
Flint Marko / Sandman: 6’1
Adrian Toomes / Vulture: 6’3
Ox: 6’3 (.5)
Kraven (without hair): 6’4 (.5)
Tombstone: 6’8 (needs to be double checked)
Post-Accident Electro: can get up to 6’9 with electric hair
Kraven (with hair): 6’9
Post-Experiment Rhino: 7’6
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