aer1ths · 1 year
FFXV Fic Recommendations
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Hello! I thought I’d share some of my favorite fics from my most favorite game. Will update with more when I read more. Thank you!
Set Thy Hidden Stars On Fire by MYuzuki (16k words)
This time, when Prompto wakes up to start a new loop, it’s raining.
Normally, this wouldn’t be a cause for concern (or even a blip on his radar, really) but this time he wakes up outside for some reason, which means he’s in the rain.
And as his luck would have it, it’s something of a downpour.
If you love Prompto, you’ll love this fic. It’s relatively short, but managed to have me still think about it nearly a year after reading. MYuzuki is a great author!
Salvation by cassisluna (11k words)
Nyx Ulric lives and accompanies Lunafreya across Lucis to wake the six. Written for the 2021 FFXV Reverse Bang.
As she travels to wake Titan and Ramuh, Luna is grateful for the time given to her to see the land of Lucis with her own eyes and feet.
Nyx promised the King that he would see Princess Lunafreya to Altissia, and it seems easy enough—until he learns the Oracle's price for forging the covenants. After that, it's just a matter of... maybe going off-route for a while to let the princess sight-see for a bit.
I love anything that expands upon Lunafreya’s character or Kingsglaive. This fic did not disappoint with that at all.
Worth The Risk by Asidian (6k words)
It's captivating. Prompto's probably going to have thirty-eight photos of it for them to relive the experience, in vivid detail, later on.
But Prompto's not taking pictures anymore, Noct realizes. The camera's stopped.
And when Noctis looks over to see what the matter is, Prompto's just staring through the view-finder, head angled up. He's gone absolutely sheet-white – looks like he might pass out. He says, "Noct," very softly, like it's a plea.
Then the world explodes, and something slams into Noctis with the force of a subway train, and everything goes dark.
I adore Asidian’s writing, especially for Prompto. This, and any of their other fics you should absolutely check out!
Honor Bound by The_Asset6 (125k words)
It’s still hard for Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto to believe that Noctis has been gone for a year. However, when an old ally appears to tell them that what is gone might not be lost after all, that spark of hope they kept alive during their ten years apart is rekindled. Their only question: what will they have to sacrifice this time in order to bring their brother back alive?
This fic focuses more on the bros rather than Noctis himself, and it was really nice to see from their POV how far they’d go to get Noct back. A longer read but didn’t drag, great fic!
Somnus Ultima by The_Asset6 (349k words)
King Regis and Queen Aulea’s desire for a child has finally been fulfilled, as well as their kingdom’s need for an heir to the throne. However, when a dark mage with a vendetta against Lucis blesses the young prince with a deadly curse, they realize that no sacrifice is too much when it comes to someone you love.
But too much, it turns out, is never enough.
A sleeping beauty AU! I won’t lie, this one is long, but it’s so worth it. I don’t typically like AU fics, preferring canon-compliant work, but I gave this one a chance and didn’t regret it. The author made great use of the characters and created a lengthy but not hard to read story that was very enjoyable.
Reliance, Resolve by Gnine (13k words)
"Where are you?"
Noct. Voice controlled, each word precise and even. In other words, pissed off to the point of seething. Prompto had obviously screwed up. Again. Seemed about all he was capable of doing lately when it came to Noct—and just about everything else.
Prompto's self-reliant streak kicks into overdrive, sending his life into a tailspin.
A nice pre-game fic centered around Prompto, giving some insight to his and Noct’s relationship. Author tagged as pre-slash.
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not sure if you've already done it (Tumblr search function is terrible) but apparently there are fully modelled areas in Altissia either used in cutscenes or pre-release that are just left there, inaccessible but fully intact
Yes, a friend told me about them. IIRC they are accessible during the Leviathan fight. I blogged about it here: https://hiddeneosbymrsflowerpot.tumblr.com/post/681633800610037760/can-you-keep-a-secret-theres-a-secret-room-in and here: https://hiddeneosbymrsflowerpot.tumblr.com/post/681635429826674688/after-visiting-the-secret-room-in-altissia-i
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itsgeecheebitch · 10 months
Until Darkness Descends
Chapter: 42/?
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Series: The Fall Part 1 of 4
Main Pair: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
Sec Pair: Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader
    A few days passed when the team finally located the regalia. Turns out  the empire had it all along just as Gladiolus had suspected. With the car back in your possession, and your plans for Cape Caem falling into place, you and the boys made your way to Lestallum. None of you had any intention of leaving Iris and the others in the city while you sailed east to Altissia. 
      Cid had informed you of a safe house he built near the lighthouse in Caem. Quiet, spacious, remote, a perfect hiding place from the empire. Iris, Talcott, and Jared would be safe there unlike in Lestallum. While Iris and the others were currently living amongst refugees from the capital, strength in numbers didn't mean much when they had a close connection to the five most wanted ‘fugitives’ Nilfheim was after. 
       Leaning your head back, the sun beamed down on your face, turning the inside of your eyelids red as you closed them. You hoped they would agree to go. While Cape Caem wasn't as exciting as a bustling city, it was safer and they would be surrounded by guards who would protect them. The deep rumbling of an engine disturbed your musings, alerting you to something huge flying overhead.
        Opening your eyes, you saw a massive platform soar through the sky. The insignia for the empire stared back at you from the platform’s edge. A dizzying bout of unease rushed through your system. It was flying in the direction of the city. Lestallum had remained a free city state for so long, but something told you it would be the empire’s next destination…and soon. So soon it made the back of your neck prickle with raised hair. You needed to get the three of them out of the city before that could happen.
       The sounds and smells of the city greeted the five of you as you arrived. The fetid stench of sulfur from the factories curled around your nose, nearly burying the savory scent from the food stalls that dotted the industrial landscape. Parking the car, you and the boys made your way to the Leville. 
         The sun was on your back, heating your skin till it glistened with sweat. Once you arrived at the hotel, you found Iris standing in the lobby alone. Her cheeks puffy and her eyes rimmed red. Dread froze your stomach solid. You knew something terrible had happened even before she said it. 
       “Oh Gladdy…”, she whimpered.
       Muscles tensed, Noctis approached her. “What's wrong?”
      “It's Jared…something happened!” Iris cried. Without another word, the boys escorted her to one of the rooms you had pre-booked, your gut in knots as she revealed everything that had happened. A few days ago Niflheim soldiers had stormed the Leville, looking for you and the boys after you had regained the regalia. Enraged that you weren’t there, they slaughtered Jared in your stead. 
       Ice spread over your chest like a tumor till all you could feel was guilt. You knew Jared for as long as you knew your boyfriend and his sister. Although he had alway maintained a certain level of decorum, as dictated by his profession, he was always warm. Kind. He didn't deserve to die when he did nothing wrong. A tear slid down your face before you realized it had fallen. 
      You wondered who it was that ordered the manhunt. Was it Ardyn? Was that why he allowed you and your friends to drive off with the regalia? A shudder rushed across your body. You knew they would retaliate for what you did to their base, but you didn’t think it would result in one of your own paying the price for it.
      The door hinges keened as it was forced open. Your heart broke in two when you saw it was Talcott standing in the doorway. Rising from his chair, Noctis knelt in front of him, opening and closing his mouth while he tried to find the words to say.  “It's not right, we should've been here.” He said.
     “I…I couldn't stop them!” Talcott cried.
      A part of you wanted to comfort the boy too. Pull him into your arms and promise that everything would be okay, but you knew it wouldn't be. At the end of the day he would still be left without his grandfather, the only family he had left. It was probably Ardyn's fault that he was orphaned a second time.
      You missed the rest of the exchange and watched as the little boy walked away. The ghost of his tears haunted you and made your chest swell with unshed tears.
      “I'm taking Talcott and we're going somewhere else.” Iris said, wiping her eyes with the backside of her hand. “Lestallum isn't safe anymore. We can't just stay here and wait for them to come back!”
      Gladiolus knelt down beside her and placed his hand over hers. “We actually came here to make arrangements for you and Talcott to go to Caem. We'll make sure you guys get there safely so you don't have to worry.”
       “Who's taking us?” She asked. 
       “Monica more than likely. she seemed on board when we last called.”
       “Okay...are we leaving together?”
       “Unfortunately, no.” You whipped your head around to Ignis who was leaning against the wall. A frown was on his face as he delivered his next words. “It'll take Monica a little over two days to reach here from where she is currently stationed. We cannot risk delaying our arrival.”
      A shadow of disappointment darkened her crestfallen face. It didn't seem fair to leave Iris and Talcott all alone after what happened. They already spent so many days alone with their grief only to be told they had to do it a second time. But it couldn't be helped. Noctis needed to get to Altissia as soon as possible. During their encounter with Gentiana, the group found out Lunafreya planned to awaken the water goddess.
      You guys had no way of knowing when she planned to do it, which was why you had to get there as soon as possible. But still, this situation didn't feel right. 
       Your boyfriend seemed to agree since he said, “don't worry I'm not going anywhere.” Then he turned to address the rest of you. “I'll hitch a ride with Monica and keep Iris company.”
      “No, I'll stay back.” You said before you could stop yourself. “Noctis needs his shield, he can't risk losing you while the empire is on our trail. In fact, if any of us is going to stay back then Iris may as well ride with you guys. there'll be room in the back and I'll just hitch a ride with Monica and Talcott.”
       Gladiolus stood up from his position on the floor and folded his arms over his chest. “Nah, it'll be too dangerous.”
       “So is leaving her with Monica as her only defense.” You reasoned. “The empire knows our faces, they may even know that Iris is an Amicitia. if the empire wants to strike someone close to the crown, then they would do it whether or not she is with you. Iris would be more protected riding with the four of you than with Monica.”
        The room fell silent with everyone contemplating your words. Ignis was the first to break the ice, rubbing his chin in that way of his that let you know he was thinking. “You make a rather compelling argument.”
      “I say we take her with us, it might be fun.” Prompto said.
       Noctis turned to you. “You sure you're okay with staying behind?”
      “Yeah.” You replied. “It's the least I could do.” It took some convincing but Gladiolus agreed eventually. When that was settled, Iris went back to her room, leaving the boys to discuss their frustrations over Jared. Prompto proposed getting revenge on the empire and Noctis remembered the flying Niflheim base they rode passed on the way here.
        It was a unanimous decision once the suggestion was made and the boys took off in search of the base, leaving you to watch over a heartbroken Iris and tearful Talcott. You tried to cheer them up as best as you could for the rest of the day, rented movies from the hotel’s cinema library, played cards, and strolled through the building.
       But at night with the kids tucked in bed, it was you who was swamped with thoughts. The room was dark with only a thin stream of silver light to illuminate the four walls of the room. Noctis and the others weren't back yet and would more than likely not return till tomorrow. It was in that moment that your mind began to play, haunting you like a tune echoing through an abandoned opera house. 
       Memories you hadn't thought about in a while floated into your head like notes of sweet perfume, making your chest twinge with bittersweet nostalgia. You remembered the first time you met Jared. It was on a cool evening. The desert wind was cruel as it whipped your face and brushed the ring of inflamed flesh that was around your neck.
      You were eleven at the time. Ardyn hadn't visited you in over three weeks and your parents were becoming crueler by the day. Thoughts of running away were what propelled your legs despite the burning in your chest. Pins and needles danced on your face, freezing the tears rushing down your cheeks. You turned a corner and bumped into something solid and warm before crashing onto the ground. 
      When you looked up you saw wisps of white hair and a face weathered by years of hard work. Panic bubbled in your throat at the first trace of recognition. You’ve seen this man a few times before. At a distance and occasionally accompanying the Amicitia family heir. He worked for them. If he worked for a powerful noble family then that meant he more than likely knew who you were. 
        The bubble in your throat popped, flooding your body with searing adrenaline. What if he asked where your parents were? What if he took you back? Your mind raced, competing with the thrashing of your beating heart. But instead of one of your nightmare scenarios coming to life he knelt down on the ground, dropping his bags of groceries as he did. 
      He asked if you were alright. When you didn’t answer you saw his eyes zero in on the angry welts wrapped around your neck. You slapped your hand over the marks and quickly healed then. Much to your surprise, he didn't ask about them and instead offered to buy you tea and a warm meal, which you accepted after a brief moment of hesitation. Since then, Jared had become something of a grandfather to you. He was aware of what most people pretended to not notice. He helped you befriend the Amicitia children so you could have a home away from home whenever you needed an escape.
        You released the balloon building in your chest and sobbed into your pillow. He was a good man. He didn't deserve to die. Never again would you be able to see his warm smile, or taste his pancakes, or even talk to him. A sharp pain cleaved a chunk of your heart. You just keep losing the people you care about left and right. You lost your circus family and now you lost Jared…and it could've been Ardyn's fault.
       The door groaned and you sat up. Wiping away your tears, you expected to see Talcott or Iris when the clawing scent of citrus hit your nose. Your eyes hardened at the towering shadow moving through the dark. A blade of silver light peeled the shadows from his face, revealing his brilliant amber eyes.
      You turned away. “What do you want?”
       “I came to check on you, my dear. I know my...affection must've troubled you.” Ardyn said. Warmth leeched down your legs at the memory his words had inspired.But you choked it down quickly before it could reveal itself on your face.
        “That kiss is the farthest thing from my mind right now” You mumbled. Your glare cut through the darkness till you found his gaze. “Did you send them? The soldiers that came here, did you order them to kill someone close to the prince?”
         The floorboards creaked the closer he came to your bed. “No, but I was aware of it nonetheless. It was Lieutenant Fleuret who orchestrated the ambush. I advised against it, but it seems he heeded none of it. I truly feel sorry for your loss, my dear.”
          You felt your animosity, as fragile as it was, crumble to dust and float away on the wind. An all encompassing despair took its place, slamming into you like violent waves against a rocky cliff. The bed dipped. His hand wrapped around the back of your head and guided you down to his chest. Your fingers curled into his coat as you sobbed.
          You breathed him in, soaking up that tropical scent that accompanied him wherever he went. It flooded your lungs, warming the melancholy that trapped your insides in a block of ice. Then you remembered yourself. “You need to go.” You pulled away but Ardyn refused to let you go. “You can’t be here.”
       “I come as a friend and nothing more, you have my word.” It was a weak argument but it was enough to shatter the last of your defenses. You didn't fight him as he guided you back into his arms. You knew this was anything but platonic. There was love in the way he rubbed your back. His lips were a feather light touch on the top of your head. Now that his affections were made clear as day, you couldn't read his touch as anything else than what it truly was. 
       Instead of turning it away, you invited it with open arms. You cried into his chest, knowing it wasn't right to find comfort in the arms of another man. You just made a promise to yourself that you would be a better girlfriend for Gladiolus, all it took to discard that promise was one little visit from the man you never truly stopped wanting. 
       You were foul in every sense of the word but at this moment you didn't care. Gladiolus was miles away and left you to face your grief on your own. You weren't strong enough to stand under the full weight of it by yourself. Nor were you strong enough to withstand the full depth of your failure. Twice had you failed the people who needed you most. You weren't there when king Regis fell to his enemies and you weren't there when Jared met his demise. 
       Glittery green light swirled around your fingers like fireflies, as if reminding you of the power that coursed through your veins. You sighed and the light faded away from your hand. What was the point of having the ability to undo death if you couldn't use it to save the people you cared about? 
       Your face lit up with an idea. You looked up at Ardyn with a face damped with tears. “What did they do to his body? to Jared's?” You said. Hope rode hard on your lungs, making your breaths come out in thin gasps. Maybe there was a way to bring Jared back. Ardyn was a prominent politician in the empire, one with enough power to bring you Jared’s remains unquestioned. 
       Sympathy flitted across his face and your hopes died on a whimper. “There is nothing left to salvage of his remains, I'm afraid.” His arms tightened around you. “Even if I could scrap up what is left, it would not be enough to revive him, I'm sorry.”
       Ardyn rocked you, silencing your anguish with gentle shushes and feather light caresses. He tucked you in once your tears finally stopped. Without a word, he rose from the bed and approached the door. Only stopping when you whimpered, “don't go…”
       The shadows masked the way his shoulders tensed and he came back to the bed. Your side warmed as he laid down beside you and pulled you back into his arms. 
      It was about an hour or so ago when you fell asleep, but Ardyn remained. The moon shone brightly against your face, illuminating every lash that laid against your cheeks. His finger whispered across your jaw, so softly, barely touching, as though you were a freshly painted portrait he didn't want to disturb. 
       Almost two weeks had passed since he began to wonder who you really were. The more he looked at you, the more that crushing agony devoured his chest. He had longed for you for so long. Longed to touch you, to kiss you, to talk to you, now that he had you he was about to lose you all over again. 
        This time by his own hand. Over the past two weeks he agonized over his options, combing through every scenario in the hopes that one would leave you alive. He considered just killing Noctis. But just like you he was under the gods’ protection. He wouldn't die until he became the chosen king and fulfilled his role.
      Ardyn considered stealing you away ahead of time. Hide you within the heart of the empire and kill Noctis when the time comes. But just as the prophecy dictated, if he allowed himself to be happy with you, to fully embrace his love for you, his powers would weaken and he would succumb to his brother’s descendent.
      No matter the scenario the end result remained the same. Unless he was willing to forsake his revenge he had no choice but to hurt you. Ardyn held you tighter against him. There was another option he considered, but only briefly. He could spend his final days with you before offering himself up to the slaughter. It was the only option that would leave you happy and live, the only one where he would be able to enjoy his wife before losing you forever. But it was an option he could not take.
       He had come too far to let it all go to waste now. No matter how much he cared about you it would never be enough to quench his need for revenge. If that was the path he chose then he did not deserve to be with you. He did not deserve to hold you in his arms and bask in the temporary peace it gave him. Peeling away from you, he rose from the bed and conjured a piece of paper from thin air. 
       Scribbling a quick note, he left his number at the bottom of the page and left the note for you on the nightstand. His heart was heavy as he reached for the door. He knew he shouldn’t have but he looked back at you one final time. You didn’t deserve what he was about to do to you. But Ardyn was no longer the selfless healer you fell in love with 2,000 years ago. He was a hardened monster that could only deliver pain and the only thing you would ever receive from him was pain. Opening the door, he walked away with his heart breaking off piece by piece.  
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eosdarkroom · 2 years
A semi-exhaustive list of the mods I use, which you should use too.
Because we don’t gatekeep talent in this house, because most of my best screenshots would be impossible without these, and because I intend to wring every ounce of fun from this project that Square Enix killed before it’s time. Big love to the modding community for all their hard work. If you go ahead and download anything, please consider supporting these creators any way you can. I’ll modify and update this list as needed/as I can. Hope it helps.
Flagrum. A lifesaver. A must. A tool I cannot live without. Skip the hassle of altering your files to install mods in favor of a simple on-off toggle system. Some mods even require it to function. Honestly, if you have Windows Edition, there’s no reason not to have this.
God Mode & Collision Remover. Explore Lucis like never before. Go out of bounds. Visit cutscene-exclusive locations. Get up close and personal with far-off unfinished textures. Live your open-world dreams.
Chocobo Outpost Christmas Event. As someone who was too late to the party to experience the Chocomog Carnival and the Assassin’s Festival, this mod astounds me. It’s beautiful, and there’s surprisingly quite a lot to enjoy. Nothing says Christmas quite like festive music, new weapons, new outfits, a shockingly difficult boss battle, and little baby chocobo chicks with little baby santa hats. 
Ascension Rebalanced. Because I’m not grinding 999 AP for anything short of a new DLC and a can of Ebony.
Hide UI For Stays. Enjoy the resting animations unhindered. They’re pretty fun, if you’re paying attention.
Expand Type F Flight Area. For a roadtrip without the road.
Older Party Pre-Timeskip - Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto. For if DILFs are your thing.
Young Party In The World Of Ruin. For if DILFs aren’t your thing.
Ardyn In The Main Party. For people who hate happiness and stability. Full disclaimer: I haven’t road tested this one yet, but it seems solid nevertheless.
Access New Areas:
Sylleblossom Garden. A great place to go and cry, so I hear. Floating high above Tenebrae, so you will need collision remover & god mode to access. Choose whether or not your party joins you. 
Exeneris. Access the power plant at any time. 
Easy Access To Pitioss. My hottest FFXV take is that completing Pitioss isn’t nearly as hard as getting to that small strip of land to access it. Cheese your way to suffering by removing an invisible wall.
EPA Insomnia. What it says on the tin: the World of Ruin is swapped out for the festive Insomnia from Episode Ardyn. You can’t do much except walk around and break a few things, but it’s a good time nevertheless. You can also remove the festival leftovers if you want to.
Detailed Complexions. 
Open Ignis’ Eyes.
Different Hairstyles for Ignis.
Shield Tattoos for Iris.
Bluer Sky In Tenebrae.
Trees - Autumn Leaves and Cherry Blossoms.
Small Improvements:
Remove Garbage in Lestallum.
Altissia Texture Fix.
Hide Flashlight.
Remove The Photo Contest From Galdin Quay.
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ao3feed-ignoct · 2 years
Change of Plans
read it on AO3 Here
by MoonShiner (SunWeaver)
Noctis knows better than to blame his laziness on some stupid stomach cramps, but these were worse than anything he's ever had to experience before. The trip to Altissia has him anxious, and it is kinda forced against his will. For the good of Lucis... In turn, he's had to give up on other desires of his. Desires like: who he wishes to choose to love.
Well, he's had his time to grieve, but now his body absolutely protests from him getting any work done on packing up for the big road trip come tomorrow morning.
He's just going to wait until Ignis got here, maybe he can help motivate him out of this mental funk. And maybe this stomach bug will finally go away.
Words: 5318, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, brief near the end Prompto and Gladio
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Unplanned Pregnancy, Childbirth, Pre-Canon, Trans Male Character, Menstruation, Wetting, talk about bathroom stuff, Bad medical advice, No Beta We Die Like Regis, Light Whump, Angst, cliffhanger ending oops, baby in distress (IS OK), Abortion mention
read it on AO3 Here
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ffxvficrec · 4 months
by kxxsxr The one where Prompto has forbidden feelings for Noctis. Words: 1241, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Prompto Argentum , Noctis Lucis Caelum Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Childhood Friends , One-Sided Attraction , Pre-Altissia (Final Fantasy XV) , Pining , Secret Crush , I'm Bad At Tagging , I'm Bad At Summaries
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Final Fantasy XV is such a funny game it was like “Let’s be an open world game where the player with spend 8 chapters exploring at their leisure, just countless hours of getting to know the four main characters and their brotherly bonds, overall having a good time and mostly forgetting that there is a world at stake and that this story started in tragedy and betrayal. Then, when the player crosses the sea to do the thing they were supposed to do, everything goes to shit, the main female lead is killed off, and the four friends spend the next 5 chapters in various states of separation. Lastly, the main character gets eaten by a rock, the world is plunged in darkness, and when the four friends are reunited after TEN years, (the four friends you, the player, spent hours getting to know and bonding with and caring about) the main character has to sacrifice himself for the greater good of all. ‘Stand By Me’ plays over the end credits.”
And by funny I mean not funny at all that was heartbreaking and awful and I’ll never be over that final campfire scene.
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moralhymn · 5 years
sometimes all you want is to write ardyn kissing.... him hus band........ sometimes.... that’s all you need...... sometmies ......
just... let ardyn kiss ignis..... just...... let them kiss.....
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What I wouldn’t give for a good map of ffxv with all of the outposts (and maybe havens) clearly marked. I mean, yeah, I have the game, but I don’t wanna turn it on every time I’m trying to check a location while I’m writing.
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xgladio-blog · 5 years
:: @libraxelementia from this ask ::
      Difficult? Yeah. Though difficulty probably meant very different things to the both of them. Ignis wore difficulty like it didn’t exist. Heh, if he could only be half that dignified... “...Something like that.” 
      An absurdly large portion of noodles is shovelled into his mouth then, a consequence from winding his fork around for so long. It gives him time to think about how to to say it better. He can’t explain any of it-- Not in a way that would make Iggy understand why he feels this and why he feels so torn up about it. Can’t explain about agency, about control, about challenge… about punishment, and being able to take what he himself dishes out. About balance. About rhythm. About guilt.
      He isn’t sure he understands any of it himself.
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      “I guess...” He begins again, dropping the fork back into the half empty cup. “Guess it’s all just made me realize that there’s a lot of things I want that I’ll never have. And then I think about Noct, and I feel fuckin’ selfish, ‘cause what right do I have to feel that way when he’s got it that much worse, you know?”
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descientia · 7 years
— ( I now have a Verses page, which you can view here: Verses !
Also verse tag dumping, pardon.
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summonernoctis · 3 years
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My piece for the @ignoctbigbang! My idea was that an Ignis wearing the Ring would travel back in time and meet with a pre-Altissia Noctis.
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ao3feed-ignoct · 2 years
Change of Plans
read it on AO3 Here
by MoonShiner (SunWeaver)
Noctis knows better than to blame his laziness on some stupid stomach cramps, but these were worse than anything he's ever had to experience before. The trip to Altissia has him anxious, and it is kinda forced against his will. For the good of Lucis... In turn, he's had to give up on other desires of his. Desires like: who he wishes to choose to love.
Well, he's had his time to grieve, but now his body absolutely protests from him getting any work done on packing up for the big road trip come tomorrow morning.
He's just going to wait until Ignis got here, maybe he can help motivate him out of this mental funk. And maybe this stomach bug will finally go away.
Words: 10966, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Original Characters
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Unplanned Pregnancy, Childbirth, Pre-Canon, Trans Male Character, Menstruation, Wetting, talk about bathroom stuff, Bad medical advice, No Beta We Die Like Regis, Light Whump, Angst, cliffhanger ending oops, baby in distress (IS OK), Abortion mention, Afterbirth, Nongraphic but kinda gross medical stuff, Misunderstandings, Mentioned sexual assault (doesn’t happen), Crying, Forced Marriage
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secret-engima · 3 years
LC Erza’s official title will be The Knight, and I will except no other. 😉 Juvia has always struck me as an unhealthy stalker, and I’ve never quite figured out if she’s on team Natsu or if she’s just being a creeper. If she did follow into this next life, I hope she got some intensive therapy before reincarnation or after. She would be from Altissia though.
Well of Course™. XD As if I would give her any other title.
Juvia’s canon characterization frustrates me so much. Gruvia could have been one of the sweetest pairings ever because they’re canonically the first (and I think only?) commonly shipped couples to pull off a Unison Raid. With regularity.
But anyway yes in this AU she totally had her therapy well pre-death and now that she’s reincarnated she will be an emotionally stable and loving girlfriend to Gray thank you and good night.
And yes she is Altissian. That would great.
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painedprince · 3 years
((So kingsglaive does actually bring up the favorability of regis, so its kinda disappointing that its completely vacant from the game. especially if a lot of lucians at least have some awareness of whats going on. the tenebrae citizens are really the only people who even treat noctis like a prince pre-timeskip. and its not even like hes hiding his status as a prince from anyone. no one gives him a hard time, or is overly nice, or anything. i love this game but the world building always fell flat for me. did they just... forget about that political drama? was it not a popular enough genre? it boggles the mind, ESPECIALLY considering noct is a shy person who is expected to lead, i was expecting way more negotiating minigames like the one in altissia))
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aaaa! everything is tense and awkward and silent! even the music is weird! and ignis can't even cook anymore! good thing gladio was so vocal about buying cup noodles before, at least we can make those. i don't like any part of this situation. and gladio is sitting over there not even talking to us! prompto took more photos today and noct doesn't want to see them and ignis couldn't see them if he tried. what is this atmosphere?! i hate it!
I know right ugh, that chapter is a fucking nightmare because it just takes my heart and throws it on the ground. 
Did Gladio ever snap at you for running ahead? Because he did it to me a couple of times and every time made me feel a little more like a pile of garbage. 
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