pamgkrthwrites · 11 months
Imagine being Pro Hero Bakugou’s wife and falling pregnant. Neither of you want the world to know yet so you start wearing baggy clothes and going out less. But then some journalists calls you fat in one of his newest articles.
The next day, the public learns about how Bakugou tracked down the journalist, went to his office and beat the guy up. His PR team end up forcing you two to come out about you being pregnant and that’s why Bakugou was so mad.
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thehusbandoden · 3 months
Ice Cream Thief -Husband!Bakugo Katsuki x Pregnant!Wife!Reader
A/n: I don't simp for Bakugo, so pls let me know if his scratched your itch.
General info:
Genre: fluff/crack/comfort \\ wc: 312 \\ fem reader \\ posted: 03/15/24
Summary: you are having a terrible time. Your baby kept you awake all night kicking, you stubbed your foot on the stupid nightstand, and Bakugo has been working almost twenty-four-seven. The one thing you’ve been craving all month is ice cream... but you come out to find it eaten. With the carton still. In. The. Freezer.
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“Bakugo Katsuki!” You call from the kitchen, seething with rage.  
“What do ya want, woman?” He calls back from the living room.  
“Don’t you ‘woman’ me! Get in here before I make you!”  
“Oh give me a break.” He grumbles, walking into the kitchen to see what you were yapping about. His eyes flicker to the empty carton of ice cream... and he realizes he’s in trouble.  
“What. Happened. To. My. Ice. Cream.” You growl, a hand on your swollen belly. The one thing you’ve been craving all month is ice cream. Your baby kept you awake all night kicking, you stubbed your foot on the stupid nightstand, and Bakugo has been working almost twenty-four-seven. This was the last thing you needed, the straw that broke your self restraint.  
“I’ll just buy you mo-”  
“Katsuki! Why did you have to leave the carton in the freezer?! My heart just tore itself apart! I needed that!”  
“It’s like nine in the mor-”  
“I need *something* to calm me down Katsuki! Why did you have to eat it?! Not only that but you left the carton in the freezer! And now I-” tears of frustration bubble in your eyes, your hormones are going haywire, and Bakugo can see that.  
Warm muscular arms wrap around your soft form. Bakugo brings you to his chest, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you slowly begin to calm down.  
You take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of your beloved. “Ice cream thief.” You scoff, looking up at your tsundere husband. He smirks down at you, pecking your nose.  
“I’ll buy you more, okay? Stop whinin’.” You huff, but don’t respond as you bury your face in his warm chest.  
You sigh in relief, knowing that out of everything and anything- yes, even your beloved ice cream- you craved your beloved husband’s tender touch above all else.  
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Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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nohoney · 2 years
i just thought of social media outlets just over analyzing every celebrity interaction (as they always do) but they were speculating for a while about your relationship with number two pro-hero dynamight. the two of you sat at a table together at a gala a while back and the live broadcast happen to capture you leaning in close towards dynamight for him to whisper in your ear for only just a quick second.
naturally they start asking a million prodding questions over one seemingly innocuous interaction between the two of you.
you and dynamight were spotted together at most three times since that captured moment on television but once again, there was nothing particularly romantic or intimate captured by the cameras. dynamight hardly makes any personal posts on his socials and you’ve switched up to becoming a little more private with your social media this year as a resolution for yourself. so there’s radio silence on both ends about the romantic speculation between the two of you and it dies out as quickly as it had risen up. the media moves on to the next thing.
then a few months later, paparazzi capture you on a outing to get some pastries and people are quick to see that you have your hand on a small baby bump. it’s a decent photo captured and the one posted online is of you actually seeing the paparazzi and giving them a smile and wave. of course they analyze how far along you look like you are and the discrepancy of your last social media post where you definitely didn’t have a little pregnancy bump on you and compare it to the recent sighting. outlets have sources that confirm that you haven’t had any public romantic involvement with anyone throughout the year and everyone starts weighing in on who the father is.
it’s a bare string for the celebrity news outlets to hold onto but they vaguely recall when everyone wondered if you and dynamight were an item. one celebrity news Twitter posts the photo of you with the caption ‘could bakugou katsuki, #2 hero in japan, be the father??’
bakugou retweets the post from his account with only two words: ‘i am.’
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
Bakugou likes to tempt fate.
Telling you not to worry, he doesn’t need a condom— that he’ll pull out. That sticky latex only ever gets in the way, anyway— and he wants to be close to you, to feel every inch of you.
But it’s the same story every time he sinks inside your warm, wet cunt and feels just how tight you always are for him. He can’t bring himself to leave— and is it really his fault when you look so fucking pretty with his cum drooling out of your poor abused hole when he’s done.
Honestly, it’s a shock to both of you that he hasn’t knocked you up yet… but would it really be so bad if he did?
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sourlove · 2 months
Could you please do how yandere mha boys would react to pregnant darling pretty pleaseee?
ft. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Aizawa
Thanks for the ask!
When Izuku first finds you throwing up, he's beyond ecstatic. Growing up with his mom was great but very lonely. He always wanted a white picket fence kind of family with three kids and a dog. To him, that was a perfect family, and there was nobody better to start that with than you.
After months of trying he was finally successful. Sure, you weren't exactly on board with the whole pregnancy thing and maybe he had to switch out your birth control pills with placebos but he was just doing what was best for the both of you! Why couldn't you see what he was trying do?
What was that? You don't want to keep it? Oh...well, that's just too bad. Izuku would do just about anything to get the family he's always wanted. Even drugging you and chaining you up in his basement. Don't panic, it's okay! It's just temporary. As soon as he changes your mind, Izuku will let you go, okay?
Katsuki isn't really a family man to be honest, so he doesn't try to intentionally get you pregnant. But he's willing to see the silver lining when you do get pregnant. After all, maybe a baby is just what you needed to stop acting like a fucking brat all the time.
Plus, he likes when you start needing him to do things for you, like giving foot rubs and back massages and making healthy meals for you. But Katsuki's a bit of a sadist and can withhold these things, leaving you to fend for yourself, if you don't behave. You can't leave so there's no other person you can rely on.
Overtime, you start to become more docile, not just for the purpose of getting something. Mostly because, its...nice to have Katsuki dote on you. He can be sweet when he wants to be and you need all the help you can get right now. It doesn't hurt that he's pretty level-headed most of the time and can easily handle your pregnancy hormones flaring up your emotions.
Maybe being trapped in his house wasn't going to be as bad of a situation as you thought.
Shoto is very freaked out. He had a really sad childhood and the worst father so he doesn't even want to put himself in a situation where he ends up just like Enji. If you also don't want the baby, he is so relieved and starts looking into adoptions, etc.
But if you do want the baby, well...this is him...
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He's trying his best okay?
Shoto really does try to be supportive because he would do anything for you to be happy. But like...yeah. It's easier before the baby gets there, when it's just you and him. Once the baby comes, good luck getting Shoto to even stay in the same room as them.
Shota isn't too bothered about you getting pregnant. He wasn't a fan of condoms and you didn't use birth control so it was bound to happen sooner or later. He would be a pretty good dad too, albeit a little strict and would help with the kids, unlike someone else *cough Shoto cough*
Shota finds it adorable how you waddle around or cry because your tea is warm instead of hot. He loves when you become more needy and cuddly. Honestly, Shota's just having a good time. Good enough that he wouldn't mind getting you pregnant over and over again.
He never saw himself wanting a family before but seeing you so cute and round, just does things for him and he can't help but want to see you pregnant all the time. Whether you want that or not :)
A/N: Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this! I love when you guys leave asks so go ahead and drop one or two if you wish. Sorry if this is short, I'm hungry :)
@justabratsworld @pinkrose1422
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Kiribaku with a pregnant darling
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Warnings: Yandere behavior and pregnancy.
Authors note: All my characters are aged up to 21+. Please enjoy!
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They’ve always wanted kids with you, wanting to have replicas running around and jumping on the bed early in the morning. So when the three of you find out, Katsuki is smiling like a proud man while Kirishima is jumping up and down; spinning you around, kissing your face. 
From then on, they both treat you like pure glass, carved out of the most expensive reflector they’ve ever laid their eyes on. This means carrying you 90% of the time. 
Already, the house is severely baby-proofed, but now… since you’re carrying a living being inside you, they’re taking extra precaution from now on. That means all the corners of the tables, hallway edges or anything that can ‘hurt you’ is covered up. Yes, even the sink and toilet is sanded down.  
When your tummy starts to grow more, so does their protection and adoration. Kirishima becomes way more gentle with you, always near you and waiting for the call if you need something. He insists on carrying you everywhere, not wanting you to become stressed or pull a muscle. Katsuki, on the other hand, becomes the devil: he’s more protective and possessive than ever. 
Katsuki is snapping at anyone, including Kirishima and is always preventing you from doing things that will make you groan or uncomfortable. He, the famous cook, mostly cooks for the meals, following recipes online that’ll help your pregnancy growth and improve your immune system. 
They both are fairly paranoid, always wanting to see a doctor twice or three times a month. They always demand the best doctors and nurses, they both will come along and ask ‘important’ questions: “Is it normal for them to have extreme cravings? Are you sure? They craves spicy things, which I learned is bad for the baby online. Listen–” 
Fights rarely happen between the three of you but due to your hormones and their possessiveness… they bicker way more. They both fight over stupid things: who gets to deliver the food to the bedroom, who starts the shower, who gets to rub your feet and who gets to touch your tummy; the list goes on about the things. 
Speaking of touching stomachs, they both love to touch and talk to your tummy! Even when it’s small and the bump isn’t noticeable. Kirishima normally drags shapes along the sides of your hips and tummy, while kissing it. Katsuki will get on his knees and kiss it, maybe rub into it affectionately, almost like a cat. Though, when your tummy starts to get bigger, they will speak to the ‘brat(s)’ and tell it to knock it off for being rousey and not letting you get your beauty sleep. 
This also gives them a reason for you to wear their clothes. They love to see their outfits on you, including their boxers and hoodies. 
They both love to take care of you! Kirishima normally does the massages, lays down your ‘nest’ (grab your pillows and favorite blanket), and buys any cravings you have at that moment. While, Katsuki helps you make your favorite meals, clean the entire house, offer to do some yoga with him, and lets you sleep in as much as you want.  
They don't care what gender the baby is, sure, they’d like to have little girls with pretty eyes and hair but they also wouldn’t mind boys as rowdy as they are. 
You never get punished for doing things because of your pregnancy. If you decide to ‘act up’ or try to run away, you get away with it as Kirishima’s delusional state convinces him that you’re only doing so because of your hormones. Katsuki sees it but also goes alongside Kirishima, saying that ‘if you wanted to go outside, why didn’t you ask us?’ 
The cuddling is… to say the least: a mess. They both want to make sure you’re warm and comfortable, meaning that they both are practically laying on you. Kirishima is always cupping your stomach, kissing your neck whilst Katsuki is either laying on your thighs and grasping at your bottom or blowing raspberries on your belly.
When it comes to your last quarter of the pregnancy, they will be frantic and ready for you to pop like a balloon any minute. The minute you start to groan, they think the worst and grab the hospital bag, carrying you bridesmaid way before realizing you just sat up. 
Masterlist | Stay well and stay hydrated!!
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©yandere-kokeshi
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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bakvrue · 1 year
"Did you have a good party, birthday boy?"
Your legs swing absent-mindedly as you sit on your kitchen island eating another slice of Katsuki’s birthday cake.
"Birthday boy? I thought I was Birthday King." He points at the sash hanging off his chest, makes himself comfortable between your legs. 'Birthday King' is very clearly written in big orange letters across his wide chest. He is right but...
"Kings are supposed to be big and commanding, not as cute as you were today."
"Oh, is that so?" He raises his eyebrows at you. "So you're saying Kings can't be cute?"
"Are you just gonna gloss over me calling you cute?" You take another bite of cake, trying to hide your playful grin from his searching eyes.
You turn the fork to him, offering him a bite of cake, to which he refuses.
"Nah, there's something else I want to eat."
His hands rub up your thighs, and you take another bite of cake.
"Right now?"
"Right now."
You take the last bite of cake and put your plate down. "Even when there are dishes still to be done."
"It's my birthday, are you going to deny me?"
You wrap your arms around his neck as he leans over you. Your breath mingling as his lips get closer and closer to yours, until everything else fades away and he's all you can see.
His lips crash into yours, and you pull him closer to you, kissing him until your lungs are burning, until you're both tearing at eachothers clothes desperately needing to feel the others' skin. Until he's knealing with your legs thrown over his shoulders as he makes you cum on his tounge, your flavor better to him than cake. Until you taste yourself on his tongue as he slides inside you, thrusting into you as you grab onto his shoulders and he bites your neck. Until he's panting your name as he fills you with cum, and even after than when you both somehow make it to bed.
He lays exhasted on your chest, his sash on, as you play with his hair.
"You never answered my question earlier."
He tilts his head, his chin digging into your skin, "Which one?"
"Did you have a good birthday?"
He huffs out his nose, "Yes, best one yet."
"Oh really?"
"Do you question the king?" He props himself up on his elbows and tilts his head expectantly.
You roll your eyes, but shake your head.
"Good, now if you'll excuse me, there are dishes to be done." Katsuki tries to get upbut you're quicker. You wrap your arms and legs around him, doing your best to become dead weight to prevent him from moving.
"Katsuki, it's late and your birthday!" You laugh as he struggles to get up, his body trying to roll to get to to let go, but it's no use. "I'll do them tomorrow!"
A few more minutes of wrestling, and you have Katsuki pinned. The sash, still across his muscular chest, ended up working in your favor when he tried to throw you, and you were able to grapple him with it.
"I guess we can do them tomorrow," he concedes.
"Good, but now that I have you here..." You lean down to him, capturing his lips in another kiss.
You grind against him and he groans, "Gonna be the death of me, woman."
"Maybe so." You smile against his lips, kissing him again and again, making sure this is definitely one of his best birthdays.
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Can I request a fluffy oneshot about Bakugo being such a help to his pregnant wife or s/o?! 🥹💕
Bakugo with a pregnant s/o
》|Katsuki Bakugo|fluff|《
a/n: I hope its to your liking!
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When you told Bakugo you were pregnant he was honestly shocked.
He didn't know what to do nor how to react, but not in a bad way.
He was overjoyed with emotions and before he knew it embraced you in the warmest hug.
"I cant wait to be a father with you"
And ever since doing tons of research on the best things for you and the baby.
Originally you guys had the chores and housework split between the two of you.
But ever since you told him the news he wouldn't let you do anything.
Honestly at times it annoyed you.
You were bored out of your mind and had nothing to do.
"Katsuki! I can't even vacuum?!"
"You know how many things could go wrong idiot! You could get hurt or hurt the baby!"
"With a vacuum?"
It was definitely overbearing at times but you couldn't help but smile at how gentle he was.
He looked at hundreds of videos on the best meals for you and the baby of course.
He took joy in learning new dishes to keep his two loves healthy
"Eat this. For my two princesses"
"Princesses? What makes you think it's a girl"
"Because she going to be a Daddy girl"
He was also convinced you guys were having a girl.
Please, he's totally a boy!"
"As if!"
Regardless of the gender your baby would be loved between the two of you.
Bakugo also developed this habit of resting his hand on your stomach.
He feels like it keeps your little one safe.
Driving in the car, Sitting in a park, Going to sleep and just talking together his hand always finds a way back to caress your stomach.
With your new growing size your clothes inevitably stopped being able to fit and it was definitely getting to you.
"I'm getting fat Katsuki!"
"Well duh, your gonna get fat Y/N your pregnant"
"Your not helping Kats"
When he saw you were about to cry he pulled your waste towards him hugging you from behind to kiss your neck.
"You are beautiful Y/N regardless of your size and you will be an amazing mother to our child"
He continued whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Once you felt better he went to the store and cleared out the maturity aisle.
He hated seeing you look at yourself like that.
Of course with pregnancy came hormones and this was Bakugos least favorite part.
You often butted heads over the smallest things and he tried to be understanding he really did but you were just so frustrating at times.
Anytime you started to cry he felt horrible and did everything he could to comfort you
Not long after whatever you were arguing about was forgotten.
All and all Bakugo loved you and the baby and together would raise a strong and beautiful child together.
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multixsposts · 6 months
One Night Stand.
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: Dabi x Fem Reader!!!!
this is my original story that has a second part on ‘Wattpad’ which i posted on here a couple of days ago.
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Look at you. sitting in a bar on a
saturday night drinking alone. you thought it was pathetic, but you had one hell of a day and a drink is just what you needed.
You sip on your beer as you play with a piece of paper that came from a straw.
"is this seat taken?." a gruff voice asked from behind you.
You turn to look at where the voice came from and once you did your eyes roam over his features.
Black hair, ice blue eyes, but what really caught your attention was his skin.
Patched together by...staples?.
You thought it was weird but you being you, you didn't question it.
"no, go ahead" you tell him and he takes a seat next you. You take a long swig of your beer as you finish the bottle after you finished you set it aside and flag down the bartender motioning him to your empty bottle hinting you want another. Your eyes follow his movements as he sets another one in front of you, popping off the top.
you give him a nod as you take a sip from it.
"tough day?."
the man besides you asked and you nod to him "yeah it wasn't the best" you respond back a sigh leaving your mouth as you tear up the little piece of paper you've been playing with.
"mind if i buy you a shot?." he asks and you look at him
"why do you want to do that?" you ask, curious. You watch his mouth pull into a small smirk as he looks at you.
"you just..seem like you had a rough day, figured i could help by getting you a shot, on me." he tells you but in all honesty he's just looking for someone to bring home to his bed for the night.
it's been a while since he felt that type of relief and he was hoping you'd fall into it.
You look at him for a bit before responding.
"i could use a shot." you respond your own smirk dancing onto your lips. You know what he's doing, and to be honest you were looking forward to it. He was a really good looking guy and you hoped he was wasn't terrible in bed, but by the looks of it he seems to know what he's doing.
his smirk widens as he orders the two of you shots.
You watch him grab the little glass as he brings it up to his lips, throwing his head back and downing the shot his expression not changing in the slightest bit from the alcohol.
"your turn." he motions towards your glass.
you grab it and just as he did you throw your head back and take the shot a little bit off the alcohol spilling from the glass and down your chin to your neck, but the blue eyed man never took his eyes off of you. In fact watching you down that shot and not make a face at the strong liquor just so happened to turn him on.
It was a stupid thing to get turned on by but he couldn't help it.
"so..were are we doing this?" you ask him getting straight to the point.
"uh..what?" he asked, he was thinking you'd be the type to make him butter you up all night before he took you home.
"are we having sex in your car or at your place?" you ask your bluntness making his dick twitch in his pants. Most the girls he did things with took him half the night to convince them to come back home with him, but you.. you must really want it just as bad as he did.
"we're going back to my place, doll." the nickname made you shiver as you stand, pulling your dress down in the process.
"well..guess we better get going then yeah?" you tell him a smile on your face as you lay some money on the bar, he does the same before he grabs your hands and takes you to his car.
it's been a while since you've done anything intimate, but you preferred doing these things with someone you didn't know. It kept things neutral making things less complicated between you and the person, that is until they start calling you after the night you had together previously, but you solve that problem with the block button and go on about your day. and as you get into this random mans car the fact that he could kill you right now never crossed your mind. the alcohol in your veins wouldn't let you. You just kept your eyes on him as you watch his arms flex slightly whenever he turns the wheel, you didn't even notice when you arrived to his house until  the car stopped and he was opening the car door for you, and leading you inside his place.
"nice place.." you tell him and he laughs a little.
"thanks..my sister helped me with it." he tells you as he grabs your hand and leads you down the hall to his room.
You two stand infront of each other before he decided to make the first move.
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note that ‘Wattpad’ gets the first updated chapter three is in the works now as we speak.
I hope you all enjoyed it just as much as i did writing it.
have a good day you deserve it.
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 11 months
𝔈𝔵-𝔈𝔵 ℌ𝔲𝔰𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔎𝔞𝔱𝔰𝔲𝔨𝔦
I guess you could call this an Epilogue of sorts lol
✯✯✯⬐ 💥💥💥 ⬎✯✯✯
CW: Slight angst, angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, insecurity, soft Katsuki, mentioned pregnancy, non-graphic mention of a breakdown, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reference to past abuse, being recorded in public without their knowledge, random fans thirsting for DILF!Katsuki
((A little side note; Bakugou’s Hero name will always be Ground Zero to me, I’m sorry- I just- It’s so much better than Dynamight imo (´༎ຶོ^༎ຶོ`) ))
✯✯✯⬐ 💥💥💥 ⬎✯✯✯
Katsuki was amazingly happy with his little family. Civilians don’t realize it as he kept his scowling persona but anyone who knows him could see that he’s the happiest he’s ever been. Happier than when he rapidly climbed the ranks even within his early years of being a pro, climbing faster than nearly anyone had before. Happier than when he and Kiri, the Ground Riot Duo, were named Number 1 Heroes(even if they were overtaken by Deku just 5 months later).
With his wife and his stepdaughter, though he never called her as such, from the moment he remarried Y/n he simply called her his daughter. He had wanted to call her that beforehand but he was unsure if it would be received well. To him, it doesn’t matter that she isn’t his flesh and blood, Yumi is still his little girl.
He was completely and utterly happy. He didn’t think it could get any better than this. He had his wonderful wife back and they had a precious little daughter. Life was perfect. Even with the less desirable parts. Like when Yumi got her quirk and it was the same one as her biological father. Of that bastard. Y/n almost had a breakdown when she first saw it, thinking that he was back. But Katsuki helped her through it, he calmed her down and he made sure she was okay before he went to comfort his daughter.
She had seen her mother’s reaction and thought she had done something wrong. She knew what her Bio Father had done to her and she knew that she had gotten his quirk. The poor girl was worried that her mommy wouldn’t love her anymore for it. Katsuki was quick to squash those worries and comfort her and lightly explain, in a way that a little girl would understand, that Mommy was simply surprised and got a little bit scared and confused. Mommy would never stop loving her. He was even quicker to reassure her that he would never, never stop loving her, not ever, when she had expressed her worry that he’d be mad that she had someone else’s quirk.
Even with the lows, there came wonderful, spectacular highs. The days they’d share as a family and the days Katsuki would bring her to work with him and all her uncles and her auntie would dote over her and spoil her rotten. How she had all of them wrapped around her little finger(and she knew it). How she was so incredibly happy to have such a wonderful family to love her and back her up and gang up on Katsuki.
Then, Y/n got pregnant. She got pregnant with his baby. She got pregnant with a little combination of both of them. He was ecstatic. Both because he would get to have a perfect baby with the love of his life and because he would get to experience what he had missed out on with Yumi. Changing her diapers, staying awake for days on end to take care of her when she woke up at ungodly hours of the night, her first words, her first steps, being there for Y/n’s pregnancy.
Though, while he and Y/n were so incredibly happy and excited, Yumi seemed to be pulling away. So one day, while Y/n is having her monthly lunch date with his mother which he had heard would be spent taking her shopping for the baby things he knows nothing about, he decided to take Yumi out for a daddy-daughter day.
“Hey, Princess, what’s wrong? What’s going on?” He asks when they sit down for Boba.
“Nothing..” She refuses to meet his eye, knowing he could read her like an open book.
“Fire Cracker,” the nickname he had given her when she first started living with him melts her resolve, just enough, “you know you can talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“Are you… Are you still gonna love me?” She asks quietly as she stirs her drink as a distraction from her dad.
“What? Yumi, what are you talking about? I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll always love you, Fire Cracker.”
“But… Now you’re gonna have a real kid.. So.. You won’t need me anymore…” She sniffles, quickly wiping her forming tears. Katsuki’s heart nearly breaks at his little girl’s worries and he rushes out of his chair to kneel in front of her.
“Oh, princess. I will never ever ever stop loving you, you hear? Just because we’re not related by blood doesn’t mean you’re any less my daughter. Yea, this baby is biologically mine, but they’re my second real kid because you are my real kid. You’re here, aren’t you? Aren’t you?” He smirks lightly and reaches out to poke at her tummy, poke at her sides, squirm his fingers there and at the side of her neck, making her wiggle and squirm with squeals and giggles. A bright smile appears on his face at his little girl’s giggles and smiles. “You seem pretty real to me.” He smiles softly at her.
“You’ll always be my daughter, Yumi. It doesn’t matter if I have 1 biological kid or 1,000. You’re my first kid, my daughter.” He smiles at her and she shoots forward to cling to him in a hug. He picks her up and holds her in one hand and grabbed their drinks with the other masterfully and left the shop to head home.
What he didn’t expect when he got home, after stopping to get Yumi ice cream, was to find his wife in tears. Immediately he panicked and set Yumi down to rush to her side, the 6-year-old hurriedly trailing after him.
“Baby?! What happened?! Are you okay?! What’s going on?!” He crouched down to hold her hand as he looked up at her worriedly. What he was also not expecting was her to look at him with a wobbly smile.
“I love you so much, Bakugou Katsuki. You are the best father and husband I could ever hope to ask for.” She grinned at him as she sniffled, reaching forward to stroke his cheek as she wrapped her arm around her daughter who saddled up next to her and hugged her the way her mommy always does whenever she’s sad.
“Baby..?”He trails off, confused. Rather than answering, she holds her phone towards him with the video queued up that she had been watching on repeat from the moment it popped up. He slowly takes the phone and pressed play, immediately seeing himself sitting across from Yumi in the little shop they had been in not even an hour ago.
The video didn’t pick up what Yumi had said as Katsuki’s face shifted from worry to near anguish before he scrambled out of his seat. His voice was somewhat quiet but his speech could definitely be heard. He heard his own voice reassuring his daughter that he would love her always and that she would always be his daughter. Then, the volume picked up with her giggles and squeals when he tickled her and he heard a whispered ‘Awww’ from the person filming and someone next to them saying ‘That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen’. Then, he picked Yumi up and masterfully carried both drinks with one hand and began to take her home.
‘Oh my god, that was Ground Zero! And oh, that was the sweetest thing ever, he is such a good dad.’ The person filming cooed after he left, aiming their camera at the person with them but not showing their whole face.
‘Right? Ugh, he’s hot, he’s a good husband and a great dad?! Can he get any more perfect?’ They said before the camera person chuckled and hummed with agreement before the video cut off.
✯✯✯⬑ 💥💥💥 ⬏✯✯✯
Heyo, Lovelies! I want to start posting more of my writing on here so I hope you enjoy them! I’m also on AO3 if you want to check that out!
Hope you enjoy, and of course,
Until then, my lovelies! ♡
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aesrryssa · 1 year
An Arranged Love (Bakugou x Reader | Arranged Marriage AU!)
Summary : Being left pregnant by her Ex-Boyfriend, to keep the good name and the reputation of the family, Y/N was arranged to marry Dynamight, The number 2 Hero in Japan. Will they found love for each other further in the marriage or will they hate?
Warning : Bad words, pregnancy, break up, arguments, fight, family issues & force marriage, brand names are being mentioned.
A/N : This is my first time writing a story so I’m sorry if there’s any grammar error. I just wrote the first part of the prologue first because I’m afraid that it’ll be too long to read😅 Enjoy!
Taglist : @xoxo-teddybear @citrustsuki @mymysenpai @abbylouamanda
Prologue: Part 1 | Chapter List🕊
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I look out of the window, looking at the busy street in front of me. Sitting by the window really helps you to distract yourself from current time. looking at what people are doing.
Like a man wearing a suit walking to work, a group of girls talking to each other while carrying their shopping bags, a couple with their kid holding hands, people crossing the street, cars driving by and a lady walking her dog. It is a fun way to distract yourself for a while
It’s a Friday morning. I’m sitting at the end of the cafe, where it’s hard for people to notice me. I’m wearing an all-black attire today. I don’t to pull any attention so I put on a mask and a cap. The hoodie covering my hat
I was here since half an hour ago. I’m supposed to meet someone, but it seems like they’re late.
I was distracted from my thoughts when my phone chimes. There’s a messege from Sayaka Hayashi. We’ve became best friends since elementary school. It’s been a long time since we last met. We often call each other. But lately we’ve been more busy with work and our daily life.
Saya-Chan : I’m here.
I see the door of the cafe opens and Sayaka walks in. She see me and walk towards my table. Her expression have a mix of concern and curiosity. I stand up and hug her tight. It feels so good to have someone to hug, especially in times like this. She returns the hug just as tight.
“I’m sorry for being late.” She said apologetically. “It’s okay. I know you have something to do...”. We sits across of each other. A waitress came and ask for our order. “Would you like to order, Ma’am?” She asked. “I’ll have Iced Americano. (Y/N), do you want anything?” Sayaka asked. “No, I’m good.”. The waitress go and send her order.
“(Y/N)…” Sayaka called my name. I looked at her and the looked of concern is still on her face. “Tell me, you’re not joking, right? Because this isn’t funny.” She asked worriedly. “It’s true Saya-Chan. I’m not joking.”. She’s asking about the new discovery that I just made. It’s really unbelievable, I almost didn’t believe it at first. “Oh my god…this is a lot to take…” She sighed. “Ho-How did you found out?” She asked curiously. “I have my own suspicions for the past weeks…but I just ignored it… until I feel like I have to get It checked up…” I explained to her. “But it could be wrong...” She said, still denying it. “How can’t be wrong if I’ve went to the clinic and they’ve confirmed it.” I said.
Sayaka sigh and lean back into her seat. There’s a long silents between us until Saya-Chan breaks it. “Do you know how far along are you?” She asked. “Yeah. They said that I’m 4 weeks in.” I said.
“Have you tell him about this?” She asked. The concern expression never fell from her face. I take a deep breathe “No…not yet…I don’t know how to tell him…”. There’s a pause until I continue “How can I tell him that I’m pregnant?!” I said, almost yelled. “How would he react?! You know that he doesn’t like kids! What if he leaves me?!” I’m starting to freak out. Sayaka notices the tables around us are looking at us so she calms me down. “Hey-hey! It’s ok! Relax, calm down. Deep breathes” She said and I do as she told me to.
“I’m sorry… I’m just-..” Sayaka cut me before I can finish my sentence. “It’s alright! I understand. I know that this overwhelmes you and belive me, it does for me too. But it’s going to be okay.” She said with a warm smile and reassuring tone.
That warm smile that she have always worn since elementary school never fails to make me feel better. That’s one think that Sayaka have always been good at.
I take a deep breathe “Thank you Saya-Chan…” I pause “My head is messed up right now. I almost don’t know what to do…” I said to her. Sayaka reach for my hand and put hers on top of mine. “It’s okay (Y/N), I’m always here for you. If you need anything, just tell me.” She told me. There’s warmth in her voice that always makes me calm. She smiled at me, and I smiled back.
I sigh and look up at the ceiling. ‘What should I do?…should I tell him?…what if he leaves me?… I could tell my parents, but they’ll be disappointed in me…’. I look back at Sayaka and ask “Saya-Chan, should I tell him first or should I tell my parents?”
She pause and think. After a minute, she finally answers my question. “I think you should tell him first. If you tell your parents first it’ll make the situation harder and more complicated. Especially when your relationship with them is not that good.” She said.
Right, she does have a point. Well, my family is well known for our status and wealth. My father, (F/N) (L/N), owns a big modelling agency, EL Modelling. His agency is known for their super hot, beautiful models. He have worked with a lot of designer brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, YSL and etc. While my mother, (M/N) (L/N), owns an entertaiment agency called RUBY Entertainment. The company is know for their strong reputation of debuting many talented and succesful idols.
Me and my brother, (B/N), worked as a model at my father’s agency. Both of us have been a model since we were a child. Since then, we were always used for product advertisements. From clothing, food, appliances to cosmetics and skincare products. We also have participated three times in a runway show for Vogue.
Seems like a pretty fun life, isn’t it? But no. Despite having the same amount success as my brother, my parents seems to favour him more than me. They always say something like “Oh! (B/n)! You always makes us proud!” Or “You did a very good job, (B/N)!”. But whenever it comes to me, it’s always “You should do better! Why can’t you do it?!” Or “Doing great? Ha! Your work is never going to be great! Do better or else!” And “Can’t you be more like (B/N)?! Look at him! He always does his work perfectly!”.
It’s not that I’m not doing my job properly. In fact, I put more efforts into my work! While he just lazying around and doing nothing! He does do something but not as much as I am! It’s not like I’m saying that I’m better without prove but it’s fact! I always try my hardest! But yet, they’ll never see it… it really disappoints me.
Since I was a kid, they’ve always belittling me. Always point out the worst in me. And that really makes me sad and disappointed in them. But I bottle up the feeling. And I’ll never want to show it. So, I do as they say.
“Yeah.” I said. Agreed to what Sayaka said. “I guess I’ll do that…” I say as I look down at my lap and put a hand on my stomach. Sayaka squeezes my hand and I look at her. “Remember, I’m always here for you.” She said with that smile again. I smile back and nod.
Her drink arrives and we talk a little bit about work before we go to pay at the cashier. Getting out of the cafe, we hug each other in front of the entrance door before we say our good-byes.
We go our seperate ways. Sayaka said that she has something to do at work so she’s going to the office. I don’t have anything scheduled for me today. I’ve asked them to give me about a two weeks off from work. I’ve been really sick these past few weeks. And you can already tell what’s the cause of it.
I’m waiting for my car outside of the cafe. After 10 minutes of waiting, it finally arrives.
I hop in the car and it drives from the cafe. I’m heading home. I’m currently living in a Condominium I owned here in Tokyo. Living here makes it easier for me to stay away from my family. I got more privacy and space. And there’s no one besides me who lives here. No servants, not a single person live with me. Just my self.
The car stops as we reach the traffic light. I watch as people are walking using the zebra crossing and cars waiting for the light to turn green.
I sit here in the back seat, thinking. ‘How am I suppose to tell him?…How am I suppose to tell Ren?…’.
Ren Inoue…we’ve been dating for almost 3 years. We kept our relationship secret from the public and our parents. The only people who knows about our relationship is Sayaka and some of his friends.
I met him by a colleague. He introduces Ren to me. We became friends and not long after,…I realise that I have feelings for him. I confesses to him and he said that he also felt the same for me. After that, we started dating. Going to each other’s places, hanging out, going on dates. He makes me feel so happy. Feel appreciated. By someone else besides my friends, or family…
I was pulled out of my thoughts when the car stops. I than realize that we have reached my the condominium building. I get out of the the car and thank my driver.
I walk towards the lobby and towards the elevator. I press the button and waited. Soon, the door opens and I get in.
This building has 30 floor and my house is on the 20th floor.
Once the elevator reach my floor, the door opens and I get out.
The hallway is quite. I guess it’s because people are at work right now.
I walk towards my apartment. I reach down to my pocket for my keys and unlock the door.
I walked in and turn on the lights and walk towards the living room. The apartment was decorated with industrial designs. I’ve always been a fan of the style.
I take of my cap and put my bag down on the coffee table. I pick up the controller form the and turn on the TV and put it back down. This has always been a habit of mine since I moved out of my family’s house. I’ll listen to something while doing my work or chores. It kinda makes me feel less lonely.
I walked into the kitchen roll my sleeves up to wash last nights dishes. I didn’t get to wash it this morning since I need to meet Sayaka.
After I finished, I walk to my room and lay down on the bed. I reach for my pocket and take my phone out. I open my message and go to Ren’s contact and texted,…
“Baby,…can we meet tonight?…”
“ There’s something that I wanna tell you…”
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hyuge · 8 months
Baby Daddy
Camie and Bakugou dated for a bit in high school but quickly realized it wasn't going to work and broke it off mutually. They stayed friends afterwards, no biggie. Several years later, Camie shows up at Bakugou's doorstep because she's pregnant and the dad didn't want anything to do with it. She wants to keep the baby but she's freaking out and needs someone more levelheaded than she is to talk to. Bakugou, who actually really loves kids, tells her he's gonna help her out the whole way through. He agrees not to go murder the asshole that would bail on her but he's pissed so he is just going to channel that energy into being the best fucking uncle that kid'll ever have.
Meanwhile, Kirishima is finally working up the nerve to confess his many years long crush on Bakugou. He tells himself he's finally going to do it. Bakugou hasn't really dated anyone in a long time, they're both established in their careers, they spend all their time together already, and then he gets a call from Bakugou.
"I need to tell you something but you have to keep it to yourself. It's really important that this doesn't get around."
Kirishima smiles and says, "Yeah, sure. Anything for you."
And then Bakugou tells him that Camie is at his apartment and she's pregnant. Kirishima drops his phone in a panic, heart racing. He knew Camie and Bakugou were still close and that he never really dated anyone after her. He just assumed they were just friends. Bakugou said the breakup was mutual. But was it really? had bakugou lied about it to save face and the reason he hadn't dated anyone up to this point was because he still had feelings for her? But then if they were back together, why wouldn't Bakugou have told him? Kirishima scrambles to pick up the phone but he can't think straight, so he doesn't hear anything else Bakugou is saying. "I'm sorry. I gotta go."
"What? Kirishi-"
He hangs up the phone. Kirishima has a meltdown thinking he waited too long and missed his chance.
Bakugou can't get ahold of him for awhile after that. He's pissed, but he pushes it aside because he promised to help Camie and he still has hero work to do. So he does the things her boyfriend should have. He takes her to the doctor, helps her pick out baby stuff, makes sure she's eating the proper meals a pregnant woman needs.
At one point Camie slips going down the stairs and Bakugou calls Todoroki. He tells him to bring his brother over because they need a doctor and he's not taking Camie to the ER where there's a bunch of nosy fuckers. Natsuo looks her over, says she's okay but if anything starts to hurt or feel off to give him a call. Bakugou tells Camie to move in with him until the baby comes. His place is bigger and this way he can keep an eye on her better. She's annoyed but agrees. Meanwhile, Bakugou still can't get ahold of Kirishima.
When Kirishima finally answers the phone he laughs awkwardly and makes an excuse about work being busy. Bakugou tells him that Camie's moving in and asks if he can help move stuff. Kirishima says he can't because he's busy that day (a lie).
Eventually, they're spotted baby shopping. Photos of them buying a crib and looking at baby clothes are plastered all over the internet. Bakugou never checks skeezy news sites, but Camie googles herself daily. The headlines are already twisted:
"IllusoMight having a baby?" "Pro Hero Dynamight and Pro Hero IllusoCamie spotted baby shopping!" "...sources say Dynamight and IllusoCamie dated in high school. It would seem their breakup wasn't as permanent as people thought!"
Camie yells for Bakugou from the other room. "Hey babe, I think you should look at this." Before he can even see what she's yelling about, his phone is ringing. Denki's name is on the screen when Bakugou answers.
"You're having a baby?!"
"What the fuck are you on about, sparks for brains?"
"It's all over the news. Pictures of you and Utsushimi baby shopping." Bakugou curses and rushes to the other room. Camie's holding her phone up with the screen facing him. "Why didn't you tell us you two were back together?"
"We're not," Bakugou growls. "I'm just helping her out because some asshole knocked her up and bailed."
"Were you the asshole?"
"Shut up." Bakugou hangs up the phone and collapses onto the sofa next to her.
Camie makes a joke about how the photos were pretty good candid shots. He glares at her and she sighs, holding her arms out for him to cuddle. Bakugou rests his head on her stomach and feels the baby kicking his face. He's so mad because fuck those shitty paparazzi, and the one person he wants to talk to the most isn't answering the phone.
He decides to try calling Kirishima again. After the third attempt, he picks up the phone. "Hey. I can't really talk I'm-"
"Busy. I know." Bakugou interrupts. His voice cracks.
"Hey. Hey, what's wrong?"
Bakugou sighs. "Can you come over? Please?"
There's a long pause before Kirishima finally answers with an, "Okay. I'll be there in twenty."
When Kirishima finally shows up he looks around the apartment before asking, "Where's Utsushimi?"
Bakugou waves him inside the apartment. "In her room, resting."
"Her room?"
Bakugou narrows his gaze at him. "Yeah, her room."
Kirishima has a confused look on his face, but shakes his head, deciding not to say whatever it is that was on his mind. "So, what's going on?"
Bakugou sits on the armrest of his sofa and sighs in defeat. "It's this whole pregnancy thing. I guess word started to spread."
"Oh," says Kirishima. "I know you wanted to keep a secret. I'm sure it's hard having a baby as a pro hero when you're not married."
"Mm. Camie seems more chill about it than expected. I think it helps that everyone online is saying how she's glowing. As if she couldn't make herself glow begin with." He rolls his eyes.
Kirishima nods slowly. "What about you? A baby's a huge change. That's gotta be hard."
"S'not like it's really my responsibility."
Kirishima actually looks mad about that for some reason. "Of course it's your responsibility! How could you say something so flippant when you're about to be a dad?"
"You're having a baby but you're saying it's not your responsibility," explains Kirishima.
"I'm not having a fucking baby."
"What?" This time it was Kirishima's turn to be confused.
"Did you not hear anything I said to you on the phone before?"
"Um..." Kirishima's cheeks flushed red and he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I told you some asshole knocked her up and ditched. I'm just helping her out."
Kirishima's eyes grow rounder than Bakugou had ever seen them before. "So... You're not having a baby?"
"And you're not back together with Utsushimi?"
"And you're not still in love with her?"
"Hell. Fucking. No."
And then Kirishima is so visibly relieved that without thinking he reaches for Bakugou and pulls him into a kiss, startling him, but he doesn't fight it. They straighten out their feelings after that, and of course because Camie is Camie, she had the whole thing recording in a livestream to clear up any and all internet confusion on whether or not Dynamight was her baby daddy.
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
Can I request pregnant reader hcs for deku, bakugo, denki,kirishima,and Sero?
A/n: of course!! I hope these weren't repetitive or too short 😅
Pregnant Reader Headcannons Part 1 (Izuku, Bakugo, Denki, Kiri, and Sero)
General info:
Genre: fluff/slice of life \\ total wc: 1,544 \\ posted: 12/05/2023 \\ requested
Part 2 (Aizawa, Shoto, Shinso, and Tamaki)
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Midoriya Izuku (202 words):
The sweetest husband.
He would literally do anything for you.
He rubs your feet, shoulders, back, and belly bump every day before work.
He'll make you breakfast and cuddle you as he spoils you with affection.
He's almost always blushing ever so slightly.
He just can't believe that he was able to get you.. you're just so.. perfect..
He's not really protective, but he will stand up if someone takes it too far.
He gets paternity leave around five months into your pregnancy.
He's literally with you every step of the way, doing his very best to support you however he possibly can.
You are absolutely spoiled.. and you totally love it.
He holds your belly bump for about half an hour every morning and night.. just trying to make your day a little bit better.
He'll give your feet a quick peck before putting your socks on.
Then comes the shoes..
And the ties..
And then he helps you up.
He's seriously so freaking selfless.
Oh, and he will not tolerate Bakugo's agressiveness towards you.
They almost got into a fight once...
Anyway I think he deserves to be at the very least in the top five.
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Bakugo Katsuki (508 words):
You thought he was protective before?
Well you're in for it.
This man refuses to let you go anywhere without him.
When he's home, he won't even let you go to the bathroom without him..
He's still acts tsundere, but less extreme. If you tease him he'll deny it, unless you're having a bad day.. than he'll let you tease him all you want and he'll admit to his simp behavior.
When the two of you are outside he has an arm around your shoulders, his hand resting on your baby bump.
If anyone looks at you for too long he'll growl.. litteraly..
And if they still don't take the hint? He'll growl louder. Especially if it's a man.
He isn't afraid to get physical. Even if it ruins his reputation, if he sees someone flirting with you, or someone just gives him creepy vibes he'll pull you behind him, his chest puffing out as he glares, snarling.
His arm is around your waist, pulling you against him.
If the person still won't back down he'll get into their face, and he isn't afraid to hit them.. or straight up fight them if they hit back.
He is seriously a simp for you.
He'll rub your feet, back, shoulders, and belly bump.
He'll put on your socks shoes, and tie them. He'll get you snacks at 2 am and he'll cook for you whenever you'd like.
As soon as you started having difficulty with mudane tasks he took paternity leave.
He didn't ask his higher ups, he told them.
He was glued to your side almost 24/7.
Your wish was his demand, and your comfort was his ultimate desire.
He cooked every meal for you, making sure that you got all the nutrients you and baby/babies needed.
His hand was resting on your bump all the time.
He loved every inch of you even more than before, almost reminding you how goregous you are.
He's a whole lot stricter with your health. He makes sure that you eat enough, drink enough, and get enough sleep.
His exercise routine turned into a short walk with you in the mornings or evenings, holding you against him as he glared at whoever dared look at your beauty.
He's with you every step of the way, and doesn't say or do anything when you scream at him.
He handles your mood swings like a pro.
Nothing cuddles, a movie, and your comfort food can't fix.
Angry or frustrated?
He'll be your punching bag.. as long as you cuddle him afterwards.. he gets insecure too, so don't wait too long.
He'll spend hours telling you every little thing he loves about you and why.
Energetic, excited, or happy?
He'll match your energy completely, making sure you feel seen and appreciated.
To be honest, he's one of the best husbands out there when you melt his cold heart.. as long as you give him cuddles.
(Don't ask what happens if he doesn't get his cuddles... and kisses. Do not forget his kisses.
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Kaminari Denki (266 words):
This man..
He is so head over heels for you.
He spoiled you before.. but now you were surrounded in his love.
He calls you nicknames like:
Beautiful, gorgeous, my queen, my darling love, mother of my child, my everything, and my sexy Goddess.
Your self esteem literally skyrocketed.
He's complimenting you twice in every sentence, buying you endless gifts with notes attached to each one.
I'm not sure about anyone else.. but I believe that when Denki falls.. he falls hard.
Like he's not some flirt anymore.
He flirts with you, and you only.. 25/8.
Makes sure everyone knows that you're his.. that being said he's not overly protective unless he gets jealous/insecure or you're uncomfortable.
He literally rubs your feet like twice an hour.
Always touching you in some way or another.
This man is sooo freaking clingy.
He's been hours late to work just for cuddles.. he won't let you go.
And he doesn't listen to reason either.
You've literally almost peed the bed numerous times.. but he's quickly learned that cuddling you to that point makes him lose his cuddling privileges.. so he stops.
He literally whines if you leave him for more than a minute.
He'll call your name with a heartbroken tone, begging you to come back to him.
He'll go on and on with his sob story, asking you why you don't love him anymore and why you fell in love with someone else.. yes he is very dramatic.
All in all he's a great husband.. especially when you're pregnant.
(He wants like 20 more lol)
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Kirishima Eijiro (451 words):
Kirishima is in the top three best husbands if not the first.
Especially when it comes to pregnancy.
He doesn't care what you say, this man is working, cleaning, cooking, and pampering you.
He's on paternity leave as soon as possible, asking nicely the first few times before getting agitated.
Like Bakugo, he's very protective.
He holds your hand or waist outside, and if it came down to it he would fight to protect you.
He's not really jealous per say, but he is insecure and kind of possessive.
If he sees a man staring at you he'll frown, but won't do anything but hold you a little tighter against his chest.
After a few minutes he'll start to get insecure, a lot of 'what ifs' going through his head.
He starts to think that the man might be more attractive, or stronger. Maybe he would be able to protect you better, or make you happier.
His thoughts continue to spiral until you notice, and pull him into a long, reassuring kiss.
It instantly makes him feel better, and he's really smiley as you pull away.
Whisper 'I love you, and only you' in his ear for extra points.
He is the definition of simp.
He'll do anything and everything you ask, even if it was just after a twelve hour shift, he won't complain and work to make you comfortable and happy.
When he finally gets paternity leave he isn't leaving your side for a second.
He's a lot less demanding than Bakugo.. more like a lost puppy.
If he could, he would definitely cuddle you all day every day.
He'll follow you throughout the house, sticking close behind you. He'd sit right in front of you as you use the bathroom if you'd let him.
He views you as his queen, and himself as your servant, even though you've told him many many times that he was your king.
He denied it until you had a meltdown over it one night when your hormones were through the roof.
He apologized profusely, holding you to his chest as he whispered reassurance .
He stopped calling himself your servant, but he still kept his simp behaviour.. that wasn't negotiable.
His favourite thing to do is cuddle after giving you a long and relaxing foot massage.
He'll spoil you rotten tbh... letting you buy as many baby clothes as you desire.
Don't get me wrong, he loved and spoiled you before your pregnancy, but now you could practically get away with anything.
He viewed you as his beautiful queen before.. but now you were his gorgeous Goddess.
And he would do anything to make sure that you were safe, comfortable, happy, and loved.
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Sero Hanta (162 words):
I've never written for Sero before.. I hope it's at least okay lol <3
Sero is a huge romantic, and so of course he's going to give you the princess treatment.
Foot rubs, cuddles, and cravings galore.
He's a lot more laid back than some other characters, but he wouldn't tolerate someone making you uncomfortable.
If a guy came up and started flirting with you, he'd smirk and watch you reject them with a mischievous smile.
But.. if you looked uncomfortable he would immediately jump in, pulling you into a kiss as he grinned sinisterly at the man.
As soon as the guy was uncomfortable he pulled away, leaving a few pecks across your cheeks, nose, and lips.
He whispered an 'I love you' in your ear before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you against him as he walked away.
He's not really a 'simp', but he definitely is a good husband who takes care of you as much as he physically can.
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Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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lilianvanrouge · 11 months
Bakugo & Kirishima x Bakugo’s Pregnant Ex Reader Angst
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It all started with what you and Bakugo both thought was a bug. You were nauseous and throwing up. You then went to the doctor where they told you you were pregnant. You began to panic mentally believing that Bakugo didn’t want any kids. How right you were. But you tried to think positively and break the news to him during dinner.
You did you’re absolute best to make sure everything went great. You cleaned the house, ran him a bath, and made all of Bakugo’s favorites. When Bakugo came home that night he knew something was up.
“I’m home,” Bakugo groaned.
As you expected he was filthy and sweaty like he normally was after work.
“I ran you a bath upstairs!” you said, setting the table.
“Thanks,” he gruffed.
He went upstairs and got in the tub. You went up stairs shortly after him.
“Katsukkkiiii-” you said, slowly opening the bathroom door.
“What the hell do you want?” he gruffed.
He was enjoying his bath.
“I came here to scrub your back!” you sang.
“Fuck off,” he said.
“I brought you some boneless hot wings!” you sang as well.
“Tpht! Come in,” he said.
You brought the plate of hot wings in with toothpicks. You also brought in some celery sticks and ranch, which Bakugo didn’t like.
“Thanks, Dumbass. But I told you to stop bringing the stupid ranch and shitty celery. I don’t need them while eating anything spicy unlike you,” he said.
You chuckled as you as you scrubbed his back. He began to relax and closed his eyes.
“So did you go to the fucking doctor like I told you?” he asked.
“Yeah. They gave me some pills,” you sighed.
He opened one eye before closing it. Once you were done cleaning his back you left him clean clothes on the toilet and went back to cooking. Once you finished cooking Bakugo came down just in time in a black tank top and sweatpants.
He immediately took notice that you cooked all his favorites.
“The fucks all this for? It’s not my birthday?” he asked.
“Can’t I do something nice for you?!” you said annoyed.
He then marched up to you as you backed away until you hit the wall. He then kebadon you with his chest against yours. He then grabbed your face, squeezing your cheeks hard while forcing you to look at him.
“No. Now your sorry ass is going to tell me what’s fucking wrong with you?!” he growled.
“Better now than never,” you thought looking away.
“Hey!! Look at me when I’m fucking talking to-” he shouted.
“I’m pregnant,” you said, bluntly.
Bakugo let go of you and everything went dead silent. Bakugo’s face went blank as his eyes lost their shine.
“What the hell did you just say to me?” he muttered.
“You got me pregnant,” you said.
Bakugo pulled out a chair, slumped down on it, and rested his forehead on his thumb and index finger. He closed his eyes and scowled looking like he had a headache.
When he opened his eyes again their shine were back along with an angry look.
“We’re getting rid of it,” he said, coldly.
“What?!” you said in unbelief.
Tears began forming in your eyes.
Bakugo then shot up and shouted, “Do I fucking need to repeat myself?!! I said we’re getting rid of it!!”
“But I want to keep the baby!!” you shouted, crying your eyes out.
Bakugo clicked his tongue and glared at you.
“Tch! Fine then,” he growled.
He then went up stairs and you followed behind him. You were constantly asking him what he was doing, but he didn’t answer. He then kicked opened the door to your shared room.
“Katsuki, what are you doing?!” you panicked.
He then went into your closet and pulled out his suitcase. He immediately started throwing his clothes in there. You started screaming and tried to stop him, but he swatted you away with his fist and hit you in the eye. You fell backwards and hit your head against the dresser.
He then closed his suitcase and began stomping towards the door.
“Noooo!!! Please don’t leave me!!! Please don’t leave meeee!!!” you screamed, crawling after him crying.
“IT’S EITHER THAT THING FUCKING GOES!!!” shouted Bakugo, pointing at your womb.
“OR I GO!!!” shouted Bakugo, pointing at himself with his thumb. “WHICH FUCKING IS IT!?!”
His eyes looked a bit watery.
You looked away closing your eyes crying. Bakugo scowled and walked out the door.
“NOOOO!!!” you screamed.
You ran after him and wrapped your arms around his waist. You continued begging and crying for him to stay. Even as you got dragged down the stairs and to the front door.
“Katsuki, please don’t leave meeee!!!” you cried.
“I already fucking gave you a chance you bitch!!!” he shouted
Bakugo then slapped you in the face and you fell on the porch letting him go. He then got into his car and drove off into the night. Two weeks have gone by and nobody has ever seen since that night. Everyone was getting worried about you.
~Kirishima’s P.O.V.~
I just got done defeating a villain with my friends.
“Man, it’s been forever since I last saw (Y/N). Have any of guys seen her?” I asked, exhausted.
“Now that you mention it; I haven’t see (Y/N) in a long time too,” said Midoriya.
“Yeah, without her around, it’s been a lot harder to fight and capture villains. Bakugo, have you seen her?” asked Todoroki.
“Why the hell are you asking me, Half N’ Half?!!” shouted Bakugo.
“Because you’re her boyfriend,” said Midoriya.
“Tch! We broke up,” Bakugo mumbled.
“WHAT!?!” shouted Midoriya and I.
“No wonder she hasn’t come out. It must be so hard on her to see Bakugo after she broke up with him. I might as well go see her by myself,” I thought.
After my shift was over I drove over (Y/N)’s house to see her. I rung the doorbell a few times, but there was no answer. I was getting really worried.
I tried to open the door and to my surprise it was unlocked.
“This isn’t good,” I said to myself.
I ran inside to see (Y/N)’s house in a complete mess! I ran all around the house looking for her before I finally found her locked inside her bedroom. She was rolled up into a ball on her bed crying.
“(Y/N), are you okay?!!” I asked.
“Do I look okay to you?!!” you screamed.
“Of course not! Stupid question,” I thought.
“(Y/N), I don’t know what Bakugo did to make you break up with him, but everything will be okay,” I said.
“I didn’t break up with him!! He broke up with me!!” (Y/N) cried.
“What?!” I said.
“If anything, I thought (Y/N) would break up with Bakugo,” I thought.
I helped sit (Y/N) up and sat next to her on the bed. I threw an arm around her trying to calm her down.
“Why did he break up with you?” I asked, calmly.
“He wanted me to get rid of the baby,” (Y/N) muttered.
“WHAT!?!” I shouted.
“What type of man leaves his girlfriend when he gets her pregnant?!!” I thought.
I was shocked at first, but it then became anger.
“Come on!! We’ll go talk to Bakugo now!!” I said angry.
“No! You and I both know you shouldn’t force Bakugo to do anything he wouldn’t want to do,” you said.
“But still! You shouldn’t let him treat you like this!” I said.
“He’s just trying to have this all settle into his mind,” (Y/N) sighed.
“Sigh, you can’t live alone like this. You need to get your life back on track. I want to see back at work tomorrow morning,” I said seriously.
“Sigh. Don’t worry, I’ll be in bright and early,” (Y/N) said.
I smile and stood up, but she quickly wrapped her arms around my waist.
“Please. . . Please don’t leave me,” she cried.
“How about you spend the night at my place? I’ll help you clean your house tomorrow,” I said.
I held (Y/N)’s hand and walked her to my car. When we arrived at my house, I offered her a spare room, but she said she’d rather sleep with me. She really didn’t want to be left alone.
I woke up the next morning to see she wasn’t in bed with me!?!
“Did she run away?!!” I thought.
I ran downstairs while struggling to put my shoes on.
“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I should’ve known that she would try to run away. She’s still probably afraid of-” I said.
I stopped talking as I hopped passed the kitchen seeing (Y/N) cooking breakfast. I immediately felt bad and stupid. Once we ate breakfast we went to our hero offices to do hero work.
Once we arrived at scene where the villain was together. All of a sudden something hit me that should’ve before.
If she or her baby die or get injured; I would never be able to forgive myself. All of sudden Todoroki and Midoriya came.
“Oh thank God!” I thought.
During the whole fight, (Y/N) had the common sense to be on the defensive and long range attacks without me even telling her. We all celebrated defeating the villain, but out of nowhere Bakugo appeared.
He saw (Y/N) jumping around celebrating with Todoroki and Midoriya, but she hasn’t seen him. Bakugo clicked his tongue and tried to leave.
“Hey Bakugo, where do you think you’re going? Don’t you want to talk to (Y/N)? She is pregnant with your baby,” I said.
He then grabbed me by my throat and threatened to blow me up.
“Keep your damn voice down!! I don’t need this getting out!!” whisper yelled Bakugo.
“Come on, man! She’s been crying for weeks hauled up in her house you abandoned her in!” I said.
“I didn’t abandon her!! I fucking broke up with the bitch!” Bakugo growled.
“Still she’s been miserable and hasn’t been taking proper care of herself because of you!” I said.
“Because of me?! Those were her dumbass choices?!” Bakugo said.
“Can you atleast talk to her, man?” I sighed.
“Tpht! Hell no. Let here deal with her own fucking problems,” he said, walking away.
“What are you talking about?! You’re the one who got her pregnant!” I said.
“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever,” he said, waving me off as he walked away.
When work was over all of our old classmates from U.A., except Bakugo helped clean (Y/N)’s house. We all made sure to keep Mineta and Kaminari out (Y/N)’s bedroom and laundry room. I was the last one to try and leave, but (Y/N) stopped me. She was dead set on never being alone again.
As she slept in her bed; she was holding onto me tightly. I frowned and patted her head, thinking about how Bakugo won’t be there to father his kid and support (Y/N).
Months passed and (Y/N) was now heavily pregnant. It was clear that she was pregnant with more than one baby. We just defeated a villain by using (Y/N) as long range attacks and defense. I was getting extremely worried about her now that everyone can see she’s pregnant.
“Tpht! Should she really be moving around that much?” I heard someone say.
I looked around the corner and saw it was Bakugo. I smiled seeing him concerned about (Y/N).
“So you really do care about (Y/N), don’t you Bakugo?” I asked.
“Yeah right, you Redheaded Loser!! She doesn’t mean shit to me!!” shouted Bakugo.
“Dude, come on. It’s stupid clear you want to get back together with her. And her due date is coming up really fast. You have to be there for her,” I said.
“HELL NO!!! SHE CHOSE THAT DAMN BRAT OVER ME!!!” shouted Bakugo, tearing up.
“Well it’s her first child, can you blame her?! Bakugo, how can you do this to (Y/N) after everything you both went through?! You were even closer to her than you were me, and now you throw her away over something you did?! At least just sit down and talk to her if you’re not going to help with your children!” I shouted.
Bakugo look taken aback once I said children instead of child.
“I don’t fucking care about (Y/N) anymore. I don’t care how many times she fought by my side or the times she saved my life. I am not fucking helping her with those parasitic brats in her,” Bakugo choked.
He then shoved passed me and stomped away. I was frozen at what I just saw and had no idea what to do.
The work day was now over and I was at (Y/N)’s house. We were both laying in the bed, which became normal by now. (Y/N) was hugging me and was burying her face in my side. I truly wondered what was wrong, since she was happy all day.
“(Y/N), is everything okay?” I asked.
I then felt wet where (Y/N)’s face was. I then heard whimpers coming from her.
“Is she crying?!” I thought.
“I heard everything,” she said, into my side.
My eyes widened and I was at a loss for words.
“(Y/N). . . I’m sorry,” I said.
The next thing I knew (Y/N) kissed me!?! I didn’t know what’s happening now!?!
“Kiri, I love you. . . Please, never leave me like Katsuki did!” she cried, on my chest.
I stared at her full of sadness before saying, “I promise. I promise to never leave you. And I promise to never take you for granted. How about we take the next few days off?”
(Y/N) and I took the next five days off from heroing and became closer. I never spent so much alone time actually having fun with (Y/N). All the times we’re with Bakugo, Ashido, and Kaminari. Bakugo and Ashido were the only ones in our friend group to spend some alone time with her, even though she was also really close with Midoriya and Todoroki.
It was now the fifth night of our vacation with us going back to work in the morning. (Y/N) and I were sleeping in bed or so I thought.
I woke up and saw that (Y/N) was gone. I ran down the stairs trying not fall and saw the lights on in the kitchen. I quickly ran over and saw (Y/N) on the floor with water around her knees and a broken bowl. (Y/N) was on the floor crying.
“What’s wrong!?!” I asked.
I then saw that her water broke and it was time for the babies. I rushed (Y/N) to the hospital and everyone from our class came to witness her childrens’ birth, all except for Bakugo.
Five years have gone by now and (Y/N) and I are now married. Bakugo was furious about this and still resents about seeing his kids. It took a long time for Bakugo and I to become friends again. He was just grateful that there is someone now to support (Y/N) and the kids he had with her.
~Author’s P.O.V.~
You were cleaning the house with Kirishima upstairs napping. Your children were running around playing upstairs. That’s when you heard the doorbell rang and you went to answer it. Once you opened the door it shocked. Something you wouldn’t in a hundred years.
It was Bakugo with flowers. You just stood there not knowing what to say. He saw that you were wearing the necklace he gave you for your birthday while you two were dating back at U.A.
“Can I fucking come in or not dumbass?” he asked, not making eye contact.
“Oh?! Sure!” you said, snapping back to your senses.
Bakugo came inside and handed you the flowers.
“So where are the two little brats I put in you anyway?” he asked.
“Mommy!” said your daughter.
That’s when Bakugo saw his youngest child and only daughter. His eyes widened seeing that she was an exact mini replica of him with puffy pigtails. He was speechless with his mouth open.
“Who the hell are you?!” said your daughter, rudely.
She even had her father’s glare.
“Katsuki, this is your daughter Katsumi,” you said.
Bakugo just stood there looking awkward. That’s when his first born son came downstairs, the true perfect clone of Bakugo.
“Mommy, who the hell is this guy?!” said your son.
“Junior, stop that! And you too, Katsumi!” you said.
“So they’re both named after me. Seems like you have some sense after all,” said Bakugo, proudly.
That’s when your second son showed up.
“Mommy, I’m hungry. Feed me,” demanded your second son.
Bakugo eyes widened.
“How many fucking are there?!” shouted Bakugo.
“Six,” you said.
Bakugo almost passed out.
“Here’s them in order: Katsuki Jr, Katsuo, Katsura, Katsuro, Kazuki, and finely Katsumi. Katsuo is the one with brown hair and brown eyes like your father. Katsura is the one with black hair and red eyes. Katsuro is the one with white hair and red eyes. Kazuki is the one with the dark gray hair and red eyes,” you said.
Bakugo fell on the ground and passed. You were speechless.
“The hell’s his problem?” asked Katsuo.
You had to drag Bakugo onto your couch; where he began to wake up to the presence of your new family. Bakugo began groaning with a major headache.
“Kids, go play outside,” you said.
They listened and went to the backyard.
“You okay, man?” asked Kirishima.
“Why the hell are there so many?!!” Bakugo shouted.
“It just happened, so deal with it!” you said, tuff.
Bakugo got up and looked out the window to see his children.
“I thought you said there were six, not seven of them?! Who’s the fucking redhead?!” asked Bakugo.
“He’s ours, Kenji. I was surprised when he was born with red hair. Now all he needs is a scar and he’ll look just like me,” laughed Kirishima.
“If he gets a scar because of you. I will make sure you’ll regret it,” you said, seriously.
Kirishima nervously chuckled. The three of you sat down and talked about your lives. Bakugo finally decided to make more effort to be there for his kid, but he wasn’t on the level of having them stay with him yet. You told him to try to play with his kids at the moment to try and build a relationship.
Bakugo walked in on your kids playing soccer. He offered to join them, but the sextuplets were hesitant. Kenji on the other hand wasn’t able to understand the situation. He thought all his siblings were his full blooded siblings with his father instead of half blooded with Bakugo.
“No thanks, we want to keep it an even number,” said Katsuo.
“What the hell are you talking about?! There’s seven of you!” said Bakugo.
“I’m the ref,” said Katsumi.
Bakugo went back inside your house annoyed. When you asked him what was wrong he snapped at you.
“Katsuki, what’s wrong?” you asked, concerned.
“Your fucking kids are the problem!! Why didn’t get the damn abortion like I told!! I knew I shouldn’t have fucking come!!” Bakugo shouted.
“So that’s all it took?! One visit and a denial from your kids to make you never want to see them again!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!” you shouted, crying.
“Bakugo, you need stop!! I really thought you wanted to make amends, man,” sighed Kirishima.
“Maybe I should leave for a while,” you sniffled.
“Good!! Fucking go!! And I don’t care if you come back alive!! DIE FOR ALL I CARE AND I MEAN IT!!!” shouted Bakugo, in your face.
He snatched off the necklace he gave you and it broke. You ran out your house crying and got in your car and drove off.
Kirishima was extremely pissed and was turning red. Kirishima threw the first punch using his hardening that bruised Bakugo’s cheek and broke his nose. That’s when a full out brawl started in your living room. When your kids came back inside, they snuck passed the two fighting grown men and went upstairs. The fight was about to end with Bakugo holding Kirishima by his throat against the ground.
“I’m going to fucking kill for stealing the only girl who ever loved me!” growled Bakugo, crying.
“Daddy!!” cried Katsumi, referring to Kirishima.
Kirishima flinched never seeing Katsumi cry since she was a baby.
“Beat it brat!! I’m fucking busy!!” shouted Bakugo.
Katsumi, grabbed a pillow from the couch, which was the only weapon she could. Since she and none of her siblings developed their quirks yet. She began hitting Bakugo on the head and he reacted by swatting her away. Katsumi the turned on the TV and turned it to the news channel.
Bakugo and Kirishima froze hearing the news mention you. You were pronounced dead in a car crash from villains in a car chase who were also under the influence of alcohol. You were on a stretch and your body was blurred for censorship of your injuries. Katsumi was grateful they stopping to see what she wanted to tell them.
Bakugo and Kirishima immediately drove of to the hospital. The news was right, you were dead. Bakugo and Kirishima were breaking down crying seeing your injured corpse. You were unrecognizable. All your old classmates and friends began rushing to the hospital to see your dead body. Nobody knew what to do.
Two weeks passed and it was now your funeral. Your friends spared no expense finding someone with a quirk to turn you back into your normal form to say goodbye. Also to make it easier for your kids not wanting them to be even more scarred at your funeral. Everyone was crying, even Bakugo, his kids, Todoroki, and etc. They were now at your burial ceremony as everyone began to leave, except Bakugo.
“Dammit! This is all my fault! If I only didn’t yell at her! If only I didn’t let those damn brats get the better of me! If I only took responsibility for getting her pregnant, then she’ll still be alive! All those times she risked her life and thrown everything away to save me, and I couldn’t do the same thing in return! It’s truly is my fault she’s dead!” cried Bakugo.
“Yes, it is your fault,” said Kirishima, putting a hand on Bakugo’s shoulder.
Bakugo glared at Kirishima. Kirishima stated that in your will, one of your last wishes is for Bakugo to help take care of his kids. Bakugo looked down at the ground imagining a reality where he accepted you being pregnant. Then you would have never Kirishima and his biological son Kenji wouldn’t exist. Bakugo could still be living with you and his kids in the first home you two shared.
Kirishima awaited Bakugo’s answered. That’s when your children came for Kirishima ready to begin grieving at the banquet that they won’t be able to eat at. Bakugo side eyed Katsumi and she flinched. Bakugo took a knee and put your necklace that he fixed on Katsumi. Bakugo vowed to take care of the only things that were left of you through his children and Kirishima’s son with you.
At the banquet videos were shown of you that brought tears to everyone’s eyes. Bakugo began crying seeing pictures and videos of him and you back at U.A. His heart began breaking seeing the videos of his children as babies seeing the look of you being consumed with unmeasurable love for your babies.
It was now your children’s bedtime and Bakugo and Kirishima put them to bed together. Downstairs in the living room was all your friends from U.A. Together they vowed to look after your children and avenge you by destroying the villains that killed you, and took you away from and your children.
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sourlove · 2 months
I loved your new post about yandere mha boys with pregnant reader I was wondering if you could do one where the baby isn’t there’s and they don’t realise until it’s born ? Pleaseee
ft. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Aizawa
Thanks for the ask!
Oh dear...that's certainly a problem. The birth of your first child was something he was looking forward to with a lot of hope. Hope that seeing him caring for the child would spark a love for him finally. Unfortunately, it's obvious the child wasn't his, and they didn't look like you either.
You had cheated on him. Well, not actually. In truth, by the time Izuku kidnapped you, you were already pregnant with your current partner, who Izuku got rid of, but none of you were aware of it at the time. But acknowledging that was acknowledging that Izuku's image of a perfect family had shattered and it was all his fault.
So he blames you. Throws all sorts of accusations about you cheating and sneaking out to see other men, and then dumping your bastard baby on him. He refuses to have anything to do with the child and only used them to keep you in line, threatening to get rid of them if you misbehaved. Izuku felt broken. He felt as if everything had taken a sudden wrong turn in his life. He felt like he just lost control of the life he had planned. Everything was going to be perfect, your lives were going to be perfect. Then you had to go and spoil it all.
The only thing you can do at this point is try to make him happy. Maybe if you have a couple of kids that are actually his, he will be willing to forgive you and accept that child as a member of his family.
Katsuki is angry. But not at you, he's just pissed that he didn't see something like this coming. When that filthy bastard that used to call himself your boyfriend put his hands all over you, how could Katsuki forget? If he had known sooner, he could have done something to stop it before it got too far.
But he's too late now. Worst part is, he has to watch you pay more attention to a brat that isn't even his. Katsuki grudgingly helps with the baby, still a bit resentful that he wasn't the one to knock you up first. The kid starts to grow on him soon. The little brat sort of reminds him of you and he can even pretend it's his for a moment.
It's not too bad, Katsuki decided one night as the baby lay fast asleep on his chest and you curled up next to him on the couch, dozing off as well. Maybe he was cut out for this family shit after all.
Oh boy...
He's relieved that he technically had no part to play in it but he's also very pissed. Who would dare to touch his darling? He hates the thought of anyone being able to impregnate you other than him.
Shoto is literally acting hot and cold, sometimes being helpful and supportive, other times dismissive and harsh. He's not quite sure what to do with another man's baby. All his fears about bringing in a child that has his family traits have disappeared but there's still an actual, living baby to consider.
He tries to get out of his head a bit when he sees you are actually struggling to take care of the baby and of yourself too. All things considered, he still loves you. For now, Shoto will just concentrate on keeping the baby alive and keeping you happy.
He's surprisingly chill about the whole affair. As an underground hero, Shota's seen a lot of people in a lot of different situations. Things like this just happen. While he's definitely surprised, he adapts pretty quickly. He's a pretty good dad, very reliable when you're not feeling a 100%. It really improves your opinion of him and makes you more comfortable around him.
Don't let your guard down though. Shota isn't going to settle for just one kid. Once you're healed, get ready to get pregnant again :)
A/N: Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this! Also tagging people can be a bit confusing because I always forget who wants to be tagged so if you do want to be tagged, please specify whether you want to be tagged for a particular series or for all my work.
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lilissmut · 3 months
Should they be headcanons?? Please comment and let me know
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