#prequal trilogy
multi-fandom-enjoyer · 5 months
hello,idk if you still take request but could i request Zam Wessell from star wars x male reader? Please! And thanks.
(I'm still taking requests, and feel free to send any more you have. Sorry, this one took so long)
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You and Zam were both chasing after a bounty, you on your jetpack and her running across rooftops. When you finally caught up to them, you used your grapple hook, and she hit them with a tranquilizer dart.
Y/n: Another job completed. Happy anniversary, love.
You looked down at the bounty and picked them up.
Zam: So how would we do after this?
Y/n: Collect the bounty, annoy Jango, and get dinner?
Zam(laughs): Sounds like a plan. Lead the way.
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recluse-nat · 15 days
does anyone know a great fic where it’s bridgerton and instead of penelope being LW she’s actually a Jedi Runaway? idk im thinking of doing this myself but i have no idea how to do this. i can’t write for shiz. but if it’s something you’re interested in let me know
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14 20 26 28 31 for the writing ask, please! 😊
Hahaha annnnd here are my replies, two months late lol
14. Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
There's something uncanny about becoming the prey animal when, for so long, a man is used to being the hunter.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
I definitly am a multi-project person. I'll cycle through them, depending on what I'm in the mood to write.
For example, at the moment I've got:
What Makes a King pt. 2 (Eomer/Grima; Grima/His Internal Desire to be Lady Macbeth)
The Magi (original story - but it's Ficini/Cavalcanti)
A Discworld fic that's a meditation on illness, disability, and politics (Downey/vetinari)
Shardlake fic (Shardlake/Barak)
Napolington rework of Pale Before the Fall (what it says on the tin)
Elegy for those still breathing (Hastings/Poirot)
poetry manuscript
Lucieta (original story - prequal to the Venetians/House of No Return)
Letters (Downey/Vetinari - a new fic I'm working on with a friend)
annnd I think that's all for now.
26. What would you describe as OOC?
For Grima I've answered that Here :D
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
I'm not the best at sharing advice because I find everyone is so different that it's really just about figuring out what works for you and your style and what the story needs.
Also, what I have to say is all stuff that's been said before:
Write everything out first then edit. Just, word vomit all over the page then go back with the scalpel to edit and adjust.
Outlines can be as detailed or as high level as you need them to be.
Sometimes you just have to kill your darlings, sadly
Step away from a piece when you're done before going in to edit. Give yourself a solid break from it - that will lend some perspective to the editing process.
Not every scene needs to be written. We don't need to see the characters do everything - we can just jump to the next important part.
Be self-indulgent when writing, especially the first draft, even if you do end up removing portions of the self indulgence later. It's important because it gives you pleasure, keeps you writing, and allows you time and space to get to know characters/the story/the world.
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
There were times when I was losing steam for the LOTR Trilogy rewrite. Definitely some hard moments there. But it's written! It's done!
Thus Always - I had to rewrite the entire thing I had stopped for so long lol
hmmm there are a few others that I remember being a challenge to write. Mostly it's about losing momentum - if I lose steam and interest it's hard to get back into it.
Thank you so much for the ask!!
[ask meme]
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 9 months
i'm reading mortal instruments, and does anyone know the fandom's tag, or are there multiple?
I started the series, right now i just finished 3rd mortal instruments book, I also read 2/3 of the prequal trilogy,
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aphantpoet · 1 year
Boba Fett
When looking at fans reactions to the series “The Book of Boba Fett” I was surprised by the number of people who's complaints hinged on the idea that the series is some sort of redemption arc that should take a long time  I will admit, I haven’t got the chance to watch the series yet as I do not have Disney plus and have not found a way to watch it elsewhere,  but I have found in these reviews that people seem to have a very one dimensional view of Boba Fett as a character. 
When we first meet Boba Fett he’s a minor antagonist in the original trilogy. Less of a character and more of a plot device. His armour aside,  the most notable things about him is that he’s pragmatic “He’s no good to me dead” and a bit of a ladies man [the scene in Jabba’s palace]. That’s hardly any nuanced characterisation. He “dies” as he lived, an ultimately one note but cool antagonist  that provides some colour between the grey, black and white of the Empire.
We see him next in the prequal trilogy where, despite the relatively small screen time, Daniel Logan is giving it his all. We see him in his father’s apartment on Kamino ,when Obiwan Kenobi goes to investigate the planet and we are introduced to the clones. Young Boba is shown in this first scene to be a smart kid who distrusts the Jedi [or at least strangers]. We see him observing his dad’s interactions with the Jedi, We’re also shown that despite him not having the inhibitor chip, he still listens to his dad with Boba closing the door to hide Jango’s armour. When Obiwan leaves before Jango can order Boba to pack so they can get away Boba’s the one who prompts his dad. This first scene shows him as a kid who  is observant, smart and cares  about his father.
During the confrontation and chase with Obiwan Boba plays a mostly supporting role. He is only seen actively engaging when he scrambles into the ship and fires the guns at Obiwan. He manages to fire impressively well when you conside that he;s can’t even see over the steering wheel. He’s also the one who points out that they’re being tracked. he’s not shown to be especially ruthless except when he laughs at Jango’s “we’ll have a couple of surprises for him” comment. other  than that he mostly spends that scene in the cheap seats. This shows him a proactive and demonstrates that he is still learning from his father, still a far cry from the feared  bounty hunter he’s shown as in the OT. 
He’s next shown at the execution of Padme, Obiwan and Anakin, where he cranes his neck to have a look. He doesn’t really say anything during that scene or during the ensuing battle. His only major appearance after is when he holds his father's helmet and rests his forehead to it. during these scene Boba does not play a major role, presumably because George Lucas thought having the heros’ fight a ten year old would be a little too far. 
During TCW, Boba is shown in three arcs, playing a relatively minor role in two of them. His first major appearance is when he is trying to kill Mace Windu. Boba executes the plan quietly and efficiently , in a way that minimises damage to the crew. It is not until Mace Windu asks a clone to put something in his room because Anakin needed him that things spiral out of control. 
Aurra Sing is the one who orders him to blow up the reactor rod. Boba protests “But the crew, this isn’t about them”. He is still ultimately persuaded to do it. When he’s caught Boba easily slips into the “vulnerable cadet “ role and tricks the trooper into handing over his blaster. While Boba has no problem fighting the trooper when the helmets are on  Boba hesitates when the helmet comes off and he’s faced with his father’s face staring up at him in fear and confusion. It is only with the assertion that he and the clone are “brothers” that Boba is able to follow through with stunning the solider. This sequence of events shows Boba's competence as well as his moral compass, It also serves to demonstrate his complex surrounding the clones. 
This moral compass is further challenged when he sabotages the escape pod  and Aurra Sing intercepts them to pick him up. Boba is more than ready to just leave and even suggests to her that they let them go. Aurra Sing is the one who asserts that the have to be jettisoned into the unknown. he only leaves with her  after this threat is applied to him. He walks away telling the cadets that he’s sorry and, as Aurra demands, lets them loose. Through this arc Boba is shown acting with competence but anger, displaying instincts that were likely taught to him by Jango. When speaking to the captive clones Boba removes one of their gags and tells him that this isn’t what he wanted. It is only when the clone reminds him that he is also a clone that Boba hardens up, though not enough to hold back a wince when Aurra slaps the clone and by the time shooting the hostages comes around Boba is not angry enough to go through with the threats. This shows that despite his quest for vengeance he is still an immature and insecure kid in a galaxy where there are thousands of him made everyday. The only thing that makes him different from the other clones is that he ages normally and was chosen by Jango, one thing that is not unique to him and another that says nothing about his accomplishments. He is still far from revenge and from living up to his father’s legacy. 
Through the following scenes Boba slowly becomes disillusioned with the quest as he sees Aurra shoot a member of their crew in cold blood and is threatened by her. He still tries to hold onto the moral high ground and insists that “i’m not a murderer, but I want justice ” even when that drive for “justice” has flown way out of his control.  He is eventually left to the mercy of the Republic. Plo Koon  brings Boba to Hondo Onaka to get him to tell them where the remaining hostages are. Boba protests that he has no one so why should he help?,  it is only when Hondo, the only person at this point who has treated Boba’s loss with any respect convinces him that it’s the honourable thing to do and that it’s what his father would have wanted that Boba caves and expresses genuine remorse for his actions. Despite his age and arguable part in the carnage as a whole, Boba is sent to prison.
There is not much to be said for his appearance when Obiwan goes undercover but his actions after getting out of prison, either by release or escape show how he has hardened and stayed the same. He is tasked with bringing a bride to a warlord, for this mission he is teamed up with newcomer to bounty hunting, Ventress. Boba is short and demanding to the Dathomirian, claiming that's she’s a “rookie”. Neither seem to know that the other s  in fact overqualified. It is worth noting however that this same energy is also given to him by Ventress so he is hardly the only one acting like this.  It is also worth noting that Boba is not incapable of taking advice from others. This is seen when he questions the need to subtram travel, when he thinks that just using the ship would be easier. When the reason why is explained to him Boba has no problem with the direction. Boba comes out of prison much harder than he was when he came in, having  no problem with making himself bigger or dishing out violence where he has not changed is seen in his actions later in this event.
When Boba and his crew are attacked the chest they were keeping the bride in comes open Boba’s first instinct is to run to her and assure her that he’ll protect her from the attackers. The dubious honourability of him delivering a slave bride to a warlord aside, it is clear that Boba has internalised Hondo Onaka’s lesson on honour. It is only when he realises that she’s on their attackers side that Boba orders they be tied down so he can get the mission done. Ventress subsequently switches him with the girl and delivers her home.  Boba is not seen after that but it is in this scene that his portrayal as a ruthless bounty hunter makes more sense. even still, during this arc Boba is not seen being especially bloodthirsty. He’s ruthless towards the people who stand in the way of his mission but for innocents, those he cares for or assumes he’s being paid to protect  he’s especially careful. 
Boba has no other major appearances in the shows or movies until the Mandalorian. When he saves Fennec Shand he has no connection to her, he is not even aware that she once hunted the closest thing he has to a biological sister in canon.  Despite seeming to have softened Boba prove this not to be the case. He threatens Grogu to get the armour back and fights well against the troopers. he is also the first to suggest that there’s not need to fight and they they put down their weapons. During the fight Boba gets his armour back. Boba honours his deal with Din Djarin and joins in the mission to get Grogu back, one again showing Hondo Onaka’s lesson about honour has made an impression on him even all these years later.
When Bo Katan starts to insult him Boba is not quick to violence. It is only when  Jango Fett is brought into it that Boba brings put the threats. He then fights Bo’s sidekick before she agree’s to help Din Djarin because Grogu’s involved. After the mission he ruthlessly shoots down Bib Fortuna and so begins his hostile takeover of Mis Eisley. Looking at some scenes he seems to be going a good job, having mellowed while retaining his fire and sense of honour.
So, looking at all that together, there is no reason why the arc set out in Book of Boba Fett cannot work. While I’m sure some of the criticism I’ve seen is valid, I do not think the  assertion that Boba Fett  should remain a ruthless killer is one of them, nor do I think that this is part of some moralist agenda to make villains not evil anymore . 
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outlandish-dreamer · 11 months
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atwas-meme-ing · 2 years
Ok, so, since the Wii U and 3ds shops are gonna close down soon, I'm on a mission to collect all the fun Wii U and 3ds games I can find. Here's a list of what I think are some of the best download-only Wii U and 3ds games that I've found. I think most of these may also be on Switch, Steam, or other platforms. And a lot of these are available on both 3ds and Wii U.
All of the Sonic Game Gear/Master system games that are on 3ds: Sonic 1 and 2, Sonic Blast, Sonic Labyrinth, Triple Trouble, and Tails Adventure. If you don't have the original machines to play them on, then this is the best way to play these. Works so much better than online emulators.
Pretty much anything by Circle and Skipmore. So, the Witch and Hero trilogy, Fairune, Drancia Saga, Ambition of the Slimes. I know I'm forgetting some, but just filter by publisher and look up Circle and Skipmore. All their games are just sooooo fun. Most of them are pretty simple, you can get through them in a few hours, but you really should clear a few hours out of a single day when you sit down to play one because they are highly addictive. Especially Witch and Hero.
Quell: Memento. This is a fun puzzle game with a bittersweet story about a crotchety, old, reclusive man. Your goal is to get him to open up about his life.
Steamworld. Get the whole series, if you can. They are mostly platformer, metroidvania, and/or puzzle styled games where you play as steam-powered robots.
Legend of Dark Witch. Multiple ways to play, side-scrolling platformer game with some magical shooter elements.
Kingdom's Item Shop. This is so cute- you run a shop for magical and heroic items, and you have to go out and fight monsters to get more ingredients. You also get to craft new items.
Alchemic Dungeons. Nothing but dungeons, and you craft what you need as you go along.
Alphadia. High fantasy RPG, but with bioengineering sci-fi story elements.
Severed. Action game with dungeons where you sever monsters' limbs to get upgrades. Not as gross as it sounds.
Excave. It's a trilogy. Dungeon crawler. Cuz, come on, how can you not love dungeon crawlers?
Cursed ex Castilla. Basically a Ghosts 'n Goblins clone, but with its own story. And you can save your place, so that alone makes it worth it XD
Adventure Labyrinth Story. Another dungeon crawler.
Kemco RPG's. There's a bunch of them, and they all have good stories: ASH, Infinite Dunamis, Justice Chronicles... like I said, there's a bunch. Each one puts its own spin on the battle mechanincs.
Ninja Usagimaru. A series of puzzle games where you have to push, pull, and throw blocks to rescue villagers and defeat the monsters. Reminds me of an old block-pushing puzzle game I played years ago and can't remember the name of. Anyway, Usagimaru is fun.
Wii U
1001 Spikes. I'm pretty sure there's more spikes than that in this game X'D. NES-inspired pixel art action game. Get the treasure and escape, but don't stand in one place for too long.
Alphadia Genesis. Prequal to Alphadia (which I mentioned above for 3ds).
More Steamworld games.
Axiom Verge. It honestly looks like a Metroid clone, but Axiom Verge is its own story and has its own rules of gameplay and mechanics. And it ain't easy, by any means.
Bit Dungeon. Dungeon crawler. Yup, that's it, just dungeons. Go ahead, go nuts.
Dragon Fantasy. Highly comedic high fantasy RPG where you play as a bald, middle-aged former hero. There's a whole series. Looks like it was inspired by Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Earthbound.
Defend Your Crypt. This game is backwards! So, usually, you would play as someone trying to break into a crypt to steal treasures, right? Well, in this game, you play as the ghost of a pharaoh who has to activate the traps to avoid getting his treasures stolen. Pixel-art.
Freedom Planet. Now, I know this game's on Steam and Switch, but if you have a little room on your Wii U and not on your Switch, you might want to try it. It's adorable, the characters are funny, the story is good, and it is so heavily inspired by Sega Genesis games.
Human Resource Machine. Stupid little game about the fundamentals of programming. Fun for anyone trying to learn computer science.
Master Reboot and Soul Axiom. These two are a set. They're somewhat minimalized first-person exploration/puzzle games set in one of those storylines where people have uploaded their consciousness into the cloud.
Space Hunted. As far as I know, this is ONLY on Wii U (and it may be the only game in my list that is only on Wii U). If you like the old NES sci-fi games, you HAVE to get this one! If it didn't have a copyright date of 2017, I would have sworn this was an original NES game. Not only are the music and the art true to the era, but it has a very simplistic menu style and it is just as hard as any NES sci-fi shootout I've ever tried.
NES Remix. You have the option to play missions and whole levels from the biggest NES hits (Mario, Kirby, Kid Icarus, Zelda, and more), but the real fun is the Remix levels. Some of them involve characters from one game ending up in another (so you have things like Mario's Boos chasing Kirby), while others have mixed-up versions of the original levels, like reversed or silhouetted levels. (The Kirby egg-eating level drove me nuts because the camera pans in closer and closer with every egg.) I do believe that NES Remix 1, 2, and Ultimate are only on 3ds and Wii U.
Nihilumbra. A spot of darkness escapes from the void and discovers beauty, life, and color, but he eventually develops an existential crisis as he realizes the void will destroy everything in its past as it attempts to reclaim him.
Xeodrifter. Hard. NES-inspired pixel art. Another game that reminds me of Metroid, but the art style is not cloned.
Swords and Soldiers. Strategy battle game, so stupid and hilarious and adorable. Pretty sure there's a whole series, I've only got the first one.
Pixel Slime U. Obviously developed by a true sadist. Pixel art, but there's no way you could confuse this with a retro NES game. Every level has a gimmick- some spin, some are upside-down, some switch from upside-down to right-side-up, and those are the easy ones. Only play if you're a glutton for punishment and you don't get motion sickness. I think it's only on Wii U, so get it while you can.
Olympia Rising. Play as the soul of a warrior trying to escape the rising ocean of acid in Hades. A bit tough.
Twisted Fusion. You've been transported to a world in the sky where all the monsters are allergic to water, so you use water guns to destroy them. And your character's phone has all these apps they can use to upgrade. Gameplay isn't too dynamic, but the setting of the game makes it enjoyable.
Castle Storm. Tower defense. Funny cutscenes, good graphics. Medieval knights vs. barbaric Vikings. But are the Vikings really that barbaric? And is it possible there's a traitor among Sir Gareth's men? Play to find out!
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams. The punk sister is stuck in the cutesy world and the cutesy sister is stuck in the punk world. Switch back and forth between them to escape back to reality.
Knytt Underground. Mountain-climbing game- you can climb walls like in Celeste, but there's no stamina limit (also no dash). Journey through the post-apocalyptic underground world as both a mute human and a bouncy ball to ring the 6 bells that will prevent the world from dying. I think Knytt might actually be a series, but this is the first one I've found.
And I'm actually still collecting and intend to get as many as I can right up until the shops close down. Will try to remember to update this list as I find more.
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a-random-pillow · 2 years
Star Wars character if they had DND classes
No Subclasses because I want sanity
(Also, Jedi/Sith are all just monks with varying muitclasses classes)
Prequals/Clone wars
Anakin: Monk/Artificer
Obi: Monk/Bard
Ashoka: Monk/Ranger
Clones: Fighters
Mace: Pure Monk
Yoda: Monk/Druid
Palps: Monk/Warlock
Maul: Monk/Rouge
Dooku: Monk/Fighter
Padme: Bard/Rouge
Jar Jar: Poorly build ranger
OG Trilogy/Rebles
Luke: Monk/Rouge
Leia: Bard/Rouge
Han: Bard/Rouge
Chewy: Barbarian
Ezra: Monk/Rouge
Sabine: Paladin/Rouge
Hera: Ranger/Artifer
Kannan: Monk/Rouge
Zeb: Barbarain
Kallus: Bard/Ranger
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discet · 2 years
Do you think Marcy's parents saw Goncharov at some point in the past? I mean, Sasha's dad and Mr. Boonchuy clearly have.
I don't think so. While its hard to remember with the recent rediscovery by we, the Tumblr userbase, Goncharov was cult classic almost lost to time. And my impression of them I don't see them as much of movie buffs.
More so it was released in 1973 so Goncharov (Or lets be real, Matt and the crew would make a cute wink and nod expy title like Winter in Napoli) would have been released in almost 50 years ago. If we assume Amphibia takes place in 2019, it wwould be a 46 year old movie. Assuming all the trio's parents are sub 30 when they had their kids, none of them were even alive when it was released.
Mr. Waybright saw for the same way Sasha did, his father showed it to him when he was a kid and its been his one niche film he loves to talk about at parties.
Mr. Boonchuy actually strikes me as a bit of a cinephile. I think he saw it in some kind of American cinema appreciation society when he still lived in Thailand.
I base this head canon entirely on Anne having strong opinions about the prequals of Star Conflict(Star Wars), which would have all been released before she was born. I think she has an inherited nostalgia of the original trilogy from Bee.
All that said, while he appreciates it as a work of art, Goncharov isn't a favorite of Mr. Boonchuy's and he had words with Mr. and Mrs. Waybright about Sasha bringing over a copy.
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mimomentomori · 2 years
Rico Rants: Star Wars
Today I woke up inexplictably angry at Star Wars canon post ROTJ and I don’t know what to do with that information. I haven’t read much of Legends and only know bits and bobs of that timeline, but I think my biggest issue is that both the Prequal and Original trilogy’s follow classical story telling tropes. And the Sequals... well.
Original Trilogy follows the classic Hero’s Journey that’s been used since the dawn of storytelling, with Lucas studying texts like The Hero with 1000 Faces and referencing his story with the author to make sure he was getting all the different ‘parts’ right. I can go into further detail but maybe later, Luke’s journey has been analyzed to pieces over the 40-odd years since Star Wars’ release.
On the other hand, Prequal Trilogy follows the line of a Tragedy where the Hero (in this case Anakin) rises and falls due to his Fatal Flaw (his over-protective/posessive attatchment to Padme) that was exploited by Palpatine. A Tragedy is almost the exact inverse of the Hero’s Journey even if the story/settings have a lot of paralells. Both stories offer a different form of catharsis by the time the end of the story is reached.
The Sequals... fall flat to me because of a lack of catharsis. Do I think they’re terrible? No (that honor falls to the Star Wars fandom and that particular brand of toxicisity). Instead of telling a whole new story they re-told the Original Trilogy’s Hero’s Journey with different characters and regressed old character’s story arcs to suit the narrative. Are the new characters bad? No, they had the potential to be brilliant- had they gotten their own story instead of D/isney trying to shoe-horn them into a story that’s already been told. 
In conclusion, the entire story of the Sequal trilogy felt clunky, disorganized, and overly-reliant on callbacks and nostalgia to pull in old fans without respecting what the old fans have seen and come to expect of their childhood heroes. I’ve seen posts online describing how the recent D/isney shows such as the Mandalorian (which I adore tbh) , Ashoka, etc. could be used to re-contextualize the Sequals in a similar fashion to how The Clone Wars worked in favor for the Prequal trilogy. But if a company has to rely on extra materials to justify the choices made to tell the ‘main story,’ then that story isn’t that great to begin with. 
I may go into further detail about this at some point but I just had to rant about this somewhere. These opinions are strictly my own and you are welcome to agree/disagree to your heart’s content. Just don’t come at me.
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malediictum · 29 days
i'm reading this comic rn about this serial killer it's so good. it's like a prequal comic to a trilogy of comics its called plastic: death & dolls. i really reccomend it if you like horror comics and kinda silly shit.
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aerodynamic-acephalic · 2 months
no one is going to understand me but
I think it's a little weird how two of my favourite fandoms have a main trilogy, a sequel trilogy before which our faves went through a shift in their daily life, and a prequel duology that has callbacks to characters from the two trilogies, but otherwise can act independently.
I'd call it a coincidence, if the two trilogies weren't also subtly queercoded, with the prequal duology being a fair bit more so.
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finalmajorgameproject · 7 months
star wars
Star wars is a franchise primarily based in space and planets in space. There are 9 main movies, the first three are centered around the character of Anakin Skywalker (a Jedi) and how he grows to become a great warrior an how he turns into the villain(Darth Vader) of the next trilogy. The next three movies are then centered around his son Luke Skywalker, he works to take down the empire (the main control in the galaxy) whilst fighting for the rebellion. The last three films are around a character named Rey. a scrapper who becomes a Jedi and fights the first order (a rising power in the galaxy) with the resistance.
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Star Wars is one of my favorite things to watch and has a great story, But throughout the movies the theme is very similar except in the case of the first film. The first film introduces the characters of the prequal trilogy. The rest follow a general theme of war between two sides and what they are fighting for, I am going to use my knowledge of the movies and series to help generate and develop my idea for the project.
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brontekotlcyan · 7 months
What's your favourite star wars trilogy?? I love star wars too!!! I'm partial to the prequal and the original lmao. I love me the stupid cgi in the prequals <3
The original hits with nostalgia and soundtrack but Obi Wan in the prequels is :O
Also across the stars is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard.
But my fav scene in the Prequels is absolutely the failed execution.
Obi Wan is by baby
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ao3feed-pynch · 1 year
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2xplusungood · 1 year
From a critique standpoint I really feel like The Plinkett Star Wars Prequal Reviews are the gold standard of film analysis.
Firstly, one thing I really like that they do is outright state they are omitting media outside of the movie while analyzing the story. What this does is place it from the perspective of an average person watching the prequals for the first time and how effective that is telling its story on its own. Books, video games, tv shows, etc can be very good for fleshing out your universe and answering questions that may have gone unanswered, but when theres massive gaps in your narrative intended to be filled in elsewhere (Or in star wars' case, likely retroactively explained by outside authors) can inhibit the audience's ability to become invested in the story. Especially when the question going unanswered is "Why is this important?" which the prequals tend to fail at, because the focus is more on getting to what George Lucas considers important (Dry political drama and big space battles)
Secondly, while a lot of media critiques tend to just mindlessly list plotholes, theres a lot more of a focus on examining the storyline as a whole through the lens of film critique. When they are talking about protagonists, they aren't just saying "This is how films SHOULD" be "There is a glaring issue of the movie where it essentially throws the audience in a very convoluted situation with no real point of reference in a way that actively works against it when there is a very common literary tool you could've used that could've grounded the story"
Thirdly, by relying so much on the interpretation of behind the scenes footage, they recontextualize all of it from "This is why star war is bad" and instead makes a point of how the idea of movies being the result of a "sole visionary" is a myth and its actually a very collaborative effort between the writers, director, actors and the studio as a whole and how Lucas' status as a legendary director actively worked against him, as everyone was too afraid to rock the boat, leading to a very sterile interpretation of a very weak story that could've been so much better if Georgyboy did treat the series like his baby and let others give input to create something much more fleshed out. Thats WHY all the extra material is so good, becuase they take the very solid skeleton that Lucas provided and were able to put their own spin on things as a group rather than just one person as a monolith.
Also they never blame the actors. One of the things that absolutely burns my ass about fandoms in general is that the actors always get undeserved blame 9 times out of 10, they are simply working with the material given. For instance, at no point do they ever blame Hayden Christianson or Natalie Portman for the absolutely awkward alien chemistry between Anakin and Padme becuase they KNOW the actors are capable of so much more, but have their hands tied by Lucas and his writing.
They definitely have some faults with them, such as a lot of the humor being gross shock value and I can definitely see people being put off by it, and I don't blame them, but if you have a couple hours to kill and want a concise, well thought out analysis of why the prequals were so poorly recieved, definitely worth the watch and if not the whole trilogy, definitely The Phantom Menace review
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