#president!chris evans
one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
American president Andrew Jackson was an actor in the MCU, but he had to take a break from acting for four years to be president. When he came back, he told Marvel he wanted be Captain America and told Chris Evans he should be president. Marvel rejected him because he was racist.
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jesevans · 5 months
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Chris Evans being thanked for his work by President Biden
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cower-before-power · 2 years
Hot Take: Chris Pine has always been the Best Chris™️
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evansbby · 5 months
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Pretty Little Secrets, Part 1
Summary:  growing up in a home with other women, you are trained to become the perfect housewife, and you’ve caught the eyes of the possible future Vice President Scott Huffman
Pairings:  Scott Huffman X Reader
Rating:  mild
Warnings:  language, bride grooming, implied housewife kink, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.3K
Series Masterlist
*divider created by @firefly-graphics​
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Scott Huffman gives a nod to the waitress as he quickly walks in to the restaurant. Late. He’s never late and here he is. Raising his arm up to confirm the time on his watch, before he’s rushing to find Andy.
The moment he spots the man, he gives him an apologizing smile, but Andy holds up a hand, “It’s fine. I understand how traffic gets.”
Scott pulls out a file, needing Andy to sign it. Andy holds down the papers with his left hand, and Scott can’t stop staring at the new jewelry on his finger. Glaring at him from the crisp white papers.
“Were you ever gonna tell your VP about that?”
“Oh,” Andy hums. He looks up at Scott with a crooked grin before continuing to sign the papers. Stacking everything up neatly, before sliding it back. “It was quick.”
“You weren’t even dating.”
“Well, not exactly no,” Scott raises his brows, hoping Andy will divulge him with more information, but receives none. “Campaign manager said we should think about having the American family,” Andy stops his speech for the two of them to place an order before he leans closer to Scott.
“We’re both divorced. My ex killed my son. Your ex is now addicted to drugs. We seem like the problem.”
“You act as if we have all the time in the world to date,” Scott sighs.
Andy’s eyes drift over the restaurant before whispering, “What if you didn’t have to? If you want further information, we need discretion. Come by my house, you can meet the wife.”
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Scott walks through Andy’s front door, following the man as his eyes wander around, there was a difference in his home. Everything seemed clean. Spotless. And a lingering smell of baked goods hung in the air.
Andy walks up to his new wife, giving her a chaste kiss to her cheek before turning to look at Scott, “Meet, my Clover,” she gives Scott a big grin, extending her hand to shake.
“Oh!” her voice yelps, “I’m sorry, men, get settled while I check on dinner. Honey, I’ll make sure to bring the two of you some drinks. You want your usual?” Andy gives her a nod, and she turns to look at Scott, raising an eyebrow for the question.
“Oh, um, just a scotch on the rocks,” with a sweet smile and nod, she scurries off leaving Scott to stare at Andy. “What the fuck was that?”
“My Clover. Sit,” Scott follows Andy to sit on the opposite side of the couch, still confused. “If I tell you, you promise not to freak out?”
“You’ve got yourself into some deep shit. I told you going to that whore house…wait. Andy, what did you do?”
“It’s not a whore house. It’s a hive.”
“I don’t like the way that sounds. She’s the girl?”
Clover walks in, handing the drinks to the men, before briskly walking back into the kitchen, giving them some privacy. “Yes, that’s the same girl, but…”
“You paid to sleep with her. If she talks, Andy we’re done.”
“She won’t talk. That’s what they do. Those girls are,” Andy takes a deep breath thinking of the best way to describe the Hive, “Well, they’re trained. Just the average runaway. Trained to become the perfect wife. You have to set up a relationship with them. And then, if she chooses to leave with you, you pay for her release.”
“Sex is involved?”
“It can be. It’s more of a companionship though. They don’t encourage you to base your marriage on sex. Clouds the mind sometimes. They don’t leave the Hive until they’re yours. It’s quite simple. Dates can be video calls, calls, texts, of course you would want to meet them. It’s easy. High quality girls, and they come well behaved.”
Scott’s eyes drift back up to Andy’s, and he nods his head, “Exactly. Want to tell me why your last wife became addicted to drugs? You couldn’t make her mind? Where’s Clover? Cooking us a nice meal. I didn’t ask. She just does. Working on our little one for the campaign trail. How bad do you want to be in the White House?”
“So you’ve imprisoned her?”
“I created a relationship with her. She chose to leave with me. Would you like the address or no?”
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Frank guides Scott through the Hive, showing him a few of the available girls. Each equipped with their own botanical name. Scott takes a long look at all of them, and none of them strike his fancy. “Mr. Huffman, what exactly are you looking for?”
He takes a deep breath in thought, his eyes roaming around when he spots a window. Walking over to it, he sees another man, with the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. “Her.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Is she not available? You are aware of who I am?”
“Yes, Mr. Barber spent a couple of weeks with that one, and he couldn’t handle the responsibility,” Frank answers. His own eyes drifting out to you. Frowning when Nick tucks a flower behind your ear.
“What does that mean?”
“She’s completely conditioned to this life. My father found her mother. Groomed her, but she as unaware she came here pregnant. Cherry Blossom has never been outside of the Hive. Perfect and pure,” he stops making sure that Scott heard him, and he can see the man’s eyes dilate with lust. “And knows no better than to become a housewife.”
“For the future Vice President,” Scott whispers. “I want her. And I want his hands off of her.”
“She comes at a cost.”
Scott looks back at Frank laughing. “Right, your family. She is our rarest flower.”
“I understand. Andy didn’t want her?”
“He didn’t want a woman who didn’t know how to pleasure him.”
“He found her beautiful?”
“Everyone does. Few can handle her needs, or our rules when it comes to her.”
Scott gets a sinister grin, still staring at you. Your body turns to look up at him, before looking quickly back at Nick. Another one. “She’s the one. Schedule the meeting.”
“We have some paper work to go over. Meetings aren’t free.”
“I understand. I want to meet her today.”
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You look up at Nick pouting, shaking your head, “I don’t want to meet him.”
“Cherry, he’s going to be the future Vice President. You liked Andy.”
You turn to look the other way, crossing your arms over your chest. “And he said I wasn’t what he was looking for.”
“Now now, you know how this works. You can’t stay in the Hive forever.”
“Why can’t you buy me?” Nick rolls his eyes, and starts to walk to the door. “Nick?”
“We don’t buy the girls.”
“But you can go have sex with the ones on the east side,” you glare up at him, and he chuckles at your obvious jealousy.
“You’re special. You weren’t meant to be tainted just for fun.”
“You mean, I cost more. I hear what the other ones say. Bragging about how you and Frank go and play with them while I sit alone waiting on someone who can handle me.”
“You are acting up. If Frank was in here, what would he do?” you blow out a puff of air, spinning away from him. “You know exactly what he would do. I need to stop babying you. You will meet with Mr. Huffman, and you will behave. It would be in your best interest to remember that,” Nick leaves quickly, leaving you to sit alone in your room. Your cage.
Relaxing a bit with the amount of time it takes, but standing up quickly; back straight, shoulders back, head high, and arms bent at the elbow waiting on Mr. Huffman. “Cherry Blossom,” Frank’s honey sweet voice coos at you, “This is your new companion Mr. Huffman. Mr. Huffman, do you need anything else?”
He shakes his head no, but his eyes remain on you. The bright blue looking you up and down, and you feel your nerves start to act up. “Very well, you have one hour,” Frank reminds him as he walks out the door.
He takes a seat at your table, and gives you an odd look, “I’m waiting on you to tell me what to do, Mr. Huffman.”
Scott beams up at you before gesturing to the opposite chair, “Please, sit. Tell me about yourself.”
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Taglist:   @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @peaches1958​ @thedarkplume​ @duuhrayliegh​ @rebekahdawkins​ @johndeaconshands​  
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fandomfluffandfuck · 20 days
About that IG post (posted by his team since he was working), I'm certain that if Chris could speak up he would. Remember when he used to speak up a lot before and shared every kind of black lives matter posts and even went manifesting for it with Scott in the past, and his hatred towards Trump was palpable. He was so straightforward without fear, he knew his public figure was important in matters like these and he used it for right purposes! So, if he doesn't anymore the question answers itself, something is off and I can't tell what but I have a feeling. I'm pretty sure if you'd meet him like a normal friend, he'd tell you his position VERY clearly and what he thinks about certain situations. I don't give up on him for this reason because I know something is off that he can't speak up. But I'm sure he would like to. FOR SURE. This is my opinion and what I can literally feel.❤️
related to this, and this
Yeah, I can see that as well. Based on what other creatives in the traditional space are getting, all this shit for speaking out, I can understand why he may feel tied up. Or, maybe there's something beyond just feeling that way. I don't know! I mean, obviously, we'll never know for sure if it was Chris posting the statement/clarification or if it was his team or whoever runs his Instagram now. It's very up in the air.
As a side note, I spent a while just now trying to find evidence of it, lol, but I remember after his break from social media in the summer of 2023, the discussion on Tumblr that his social media clearly was being more heavily moderated and less personal for whatever reason. Like, when he initially returned, he deleted a bunch of more personal photos (sadly Dodger and cute fall trees especially) to seemingly signal that his account would be more business forward now. I do feel like that connects here, that he's intentionally less personal these days. Which is fair. Social media requires too much of yourself sometimes, and no one is entitled to anything personal from him. I can understand that at the same time, I can miss hearing him speak out about what made him frustrated. I related a lot to that.
So, yes, it's different now for one reason or another. I don't want to get into the conspiracy theories about why he's being controlled or isn't, so I won't. It's just different.
And also, yes, I would love to meet Chris as a normal human just to hear him say certain things. To reel this back into Marvel fandom, I also have always been curious to know, unedited and unpressured by Marvel, what he would say about Steve. I don't know or really even think he would absolutely confirm one ship or another, but I would like to hear him discuss the character in his own intimate way. Ten years is a long time to spend in someone's head. I'm curious to know more about the parts of Steve Marvel didn't allow to be shown or the parts of Steve that were under- or overwritten to fit a particular story mold or maximize movie profits. Even that entangles me with Chris (and Steve), though--he could absolutely love the ending Steve got, for all I know, but just want to have shown more of his and Bucky's goodbye. I don't know, I'm not Chris or Steve, lol.
Also, I can already feel that people are going to ask for other receipts, lol, so...
Here's a black lives matter protest clip
This isn't really a tweet, I just like the art that was inspired by one of his tweets
And some assorted tweets of Chris calling out Trump
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shutupcrime · 11 months
Ranking the Kens in Barbie based on overall ‘kenergy’
1. Ken
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- little cowboy hat
- doctor who
- just misses his best friend barbie 🥹
8.5 out of Ken
2. Ken
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- less fun lil cowboy hat
- gets to be douche bro president Ken
- related to Chris evans maybe?
- gives Ryan gosling a lil kiss
5 out of Ken
3. Ken
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- back flipping Ken
- excellent dancer
- gives serious steal ur girl energy
- possibly the most sexually aggressive of all the Kens (I am referencing his interactions with Ryan Gosling Ken exclusively, the energy was palpable)
- served some mad cunt
9 out of Ken
4. Ken
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- possibly my favourite Ken
- always has Ken’s back
- very goofy dancer 💜
- played drums when all the other Ken’s played guitar
- recipient of the holy pimp coat
- almost certainly in love with his best friend Ken
10 out of Ken
5. Ken
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- THE Ken
- he’s kenough 🥲
- lost interest in the patriarchy when he found out it wasn’t about horses
- instigated the greatest out of nowhere dance number in a film I’ve ever seen
- buuuuuuuut also enslaved a bunch of women so…
-10 out of Ken (still love him tho)
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americanass1981 · 5 months
Chris Evans and the president
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bloodyminyard · 3 months
a (long) comprehensive list of buck related things in 7x04 that have me losing it as i rewatch:
- the stupid starry eyed look he has while getting the tour from tommy
- the terrible “i need mo jo” joke that tommy laughs at purely bc it was endearing
- “you didn’t call me because you wanted to see the toys”
- “you need to raise your bar kid” my GOD the “kid”
- ofc, the “no way!! eddie was in the army!”
- god they are so FLIRTY “really?” “my fees are competitive” “let me buy you a beer no WAY buck is this clueless
- eddie being so excited about the fight, and specifically the idea of buck joining help
- “keeping my options fluid” SIR
- evan?!?!?!????
- the close up shot as the fly off my heart
- the look on bucks face when eddie talks about tommy, boy is devastated
- “i saved a baby in a pipe once!” yes you did were so proud
- not buck related: but i adore ravi so much
- OKAY BUT BUCKS STUTTER !! they way he trips over his words when he’s surprised or nervous or even upset 😭
- “i do. i really do.” MY GOD OH MY GOD FUCK ASHHH AHHH
- and the SIGH after as eddie walks away, the building up the courage to ask more
- “i keep saying, chris it’s not a video game” “because it’s harder than a video game???” maddie i see you and am so sorry you have to deal with this
- SAME WITH “he’s made an impression in a very short time” “i can see that” LIKE SHE IS SO NOT GONNA BE SURPRISED WHEN BUCK COMES OUT TO HER 😭
- “i don’t think you lie to a child just to ingratiate yourself” bro it’s not that serious i promise
- sorry brb imagining buck asking chris all these questions about tommy and chris going 🤔🤔🤔
- buck being upset that eddie invited tommy to play basketball even though eddie always asks him and he says no bc he doesn’t like it… he’s so me i can’t
- “was there a heart around it?” there might as well been maddie!!!
- peacocking buck we love and hate to see (it’s so embarrassing i have to close my eyes. “maybe we should hoop” sir please stop)
- the pouting OLEASE he’s so
- his smile
- the “evan” throws me off every TIME but also it kindaaaaa
- “what are the odds?” bro chill
- the smile when tommy fists bumps him oh i see you gay boy even if you don’t yet
- “so i’m your basketball beard” brother you don’t even KNOW
- i’m sorry the song that’s playing while they play basketball is “playing with the boys”🤔🤔… the lyrics too “i don’t wanna be obsessed but my desire with the boys” (and YES i am aware it’s a top gun reference, however that movie is also gay is hell and so is this song, moving on)
- tommy cocking his head when buck runs into him like oh my
- poor chim does not deserve to be put in the middle of all of this
- “well you bucked that up didn’t you” :(
- okay this scene between maddie and buck afterwards is actually so important to me, i love their ability to communicate, and how buck openly admits that he doesn’t know if he meant to hurt eddie or not, and that he was angry and lashed out, and maddie’s reaction to it :( “that’s not how you get someone’s attention”
- “i guess i was trying to get his attention” buck is the representative of the “i don’t know why i do the things i do until tons of self reflection after the fact” club, same im the president actually
- i do love that we get to watch him try and figure out why he acts and feels the way he does in real time! even at the end he still doesn’t entirely know until tommy is in his face staring at his lips
- the stutter is back 🫶
- this entire scene drives me crazy btw i can literally pick it apart piece by piece… but the way he smiles throughout it makes my heart go akrjeidjdjsjd
- the chemistry is fucking IMMACULATE btw!! the flirting is so natural and it shows through buck being oblivious about it!! like brother no one stands that close to each other
- buck figuring out how he feels AS he speaks!!! poor boy is trying to catch up as fast as he can
- everything about the “okay” after tommy says “i can teach you”… the smile, the eye squint, the head tilt, like oh my GOD
- the way the tone changes when buck says “good” my GOD, the way his face drops as he comes to the realization that maybe it was about tommy the whole time
- the “cause trying to get your attention has been kinda exhausting” punches me in the gut EVERY TIME I WATCH THIS LIKE FUCK OH MY GOD BUCK LIKES MEN FR? and the way he says it GOD, like i said, he’s literally figuring this out as the words come out of his mouth (“i guess so”)
- okay my ONE nitpick about the kiss scene is that tommy grabs his chin, and then when it cuts it’s the two fingers under the chin, it’s inconsistent and i think i like the chin grab better
- the absolute STUNNED look in bucks eyes after the kiss!!! as the perfect oliver stark put it: he’s found something he’s been missing for a long time
- tommy is so worried in the split second before buck tells him that it was okay
- the wordless nod after tommy asks if it was okay THIS MEANS SO MYCH TO ME
- you can FEEL the sense of relief and wholeness radiating off of buck
- “better than fake mouth static” AKSHSISHS
- his eyes following tommy’s lips as he laughs, and then the brief look down like his whole WORLD has just been turned upside down before tommy speaks again
- i am so fucking here for buck being asked out and being stunned by it
- the stutter again 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
- tommy’s smile as he leaves like tee hee ur kinda cute
- the entire of his expressions at the end. there’s panic, there’s confusion, there’s happiness OLIVER STARK THE MAN THAT YOU ARE !!!!
in conclusion: this is everything i wanted and more, the brain rot is everywhere, i cannot escape this episode
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innerslumber · 1 year
I went to the Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes exhibit and wanted to share for anyone who has not seen it. I am under the impression that the installation changes from location to location so I wanted to show this snapshot in time. I fully admit to being biased in what I will post so if you want to see a particular character, please let me know! Apologies ahead of time for my crappy photo taking skills.
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
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The whole tour started off with Steve featuring immediately. You can see Captain America all throughout the exhibit but in the room that was more focused on him, Steve was sharing the space with Sam and Bucky.
The picture above was from a small monitor showing different designs and CGI work. I particularly loved this concept sketch. The extra long eyelashes are on point. 👍
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The iconic comic cover of Captain America punching Hitler was one of the first items shown in the exhibit.
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I thought it was interesting that half of Steve’s plaque was about Bucky. 🤣🤣🤣
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It was honestly a bit intimidating to stand beside the uniform. Chris isn't the tallest of the bunch but still plenty tall! It just felt really impactful. This was worn by him in Age of Ultron.
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The urge to smash and grab this was very strong. 😝😝😝 I loved the "As wielded by Chris Evans". This particular shield was used in Endgame.
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Steve's various interactions with American presidents. Bush Jr. criticizing Steve for resisting against the Superhuman Registration Act which led to "Civil War", makes me even more glad that I was always Team Cap.
But maybe more importantly:
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The Tesseract. Without the CGI for the glowing blue, it was mostly just clear. But still very cool.
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I admit I am not that knowledgeable about the comics and seeing this "Cap's Kooky Quartet" made me go on a Google info hunt. But basically the other Avengers are tired and abandon Steve to go on vacation and without his knowledge, hire the "New" Avengers line up of Clint, Wanda, and Pietro...who are at this point newbies and basically criminals. From what I gather, it was a lot of bickering and shenanigans (Clint calls Steve "Glamor Pants"!!). I found this incredibly helpful post to explain the dynamic and also please look at this adorable picture of Dad Steve and his Misfit Kids.
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The exhibit ended with the gift shop and I had to ask myself, "Do I REALLY need a soup bowl shaped like Steve's head?". He was definitely the character the most heavily present in merchandise! I was tempted to buy this Marvel cookbook but I do think it was a missed chance for Steve. I mean, okay, I get it. The beef tongue as a nod to living through the Depression. But I would have made corned beef tongue in an acknowledgment to his Irish roots. Just my two cents. 😘😘😘
This is just a small sample of Steve in the exhibit and this post would have gotten way too long if I tried to fit it all! I had a lot of fun and I'm so glad I had a chance to see it!
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weclassybouquetfun · 8 days
While there are people latching onto comments from WB Television president Channing Dungey recent comments about the possibility of more TED LASSO / TED LASSO universe,
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I am going to focus on what is real. Like, the reality of how gorgeous Hannah Waddingham is.
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This weekend Hannah had a FYC panel for her AppleTV+ Christmas special HANNAH WADDINGHAM: HOME FOR CHRISTMAS at Paramount Studios.
She obviously had a ball.
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What's going on with some of the other AFC Richmond babes?
-Brett Goldstein's lawyer was featured in this week's Hollywood Reporter.
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-Phil read letters as part of D-Day's 80th Anniversary commeration.
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He looks good in a uniform.
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He looks good as a cowpoke.
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-Also commemorating D-Day was Tom Hendryk and his father.
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-James Lance will be part of Chris Evans' (not *that* Chris Evans) -
This Chris Evans.
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Annual charity event CarFest which supports UK Children's Charities. Also on the lineup is Sam Ryder,
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who reunited with Kola Bokinni recently.
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-Stephen Manas continues embodying Richard Montlaur. The most interesting French man alive.
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-Max Osinski gassing up Charlie Hiscock.
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-Ellie Taylor is back on a new series of BAKE-OFF: THE PROFESSIONALS, after finishing up her little bun in the oven.
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-Speaking of babies.... Baby Moe Hashim never lost his smile.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Can I Count on Your Love? ~ Chris Evans
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Pairings: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Summary: Its been a year since the events of "Can I Count on Your Vote?" and you and Chris have some adult fun. But others decide its time for you two to end and one photo could destroy you both...
Word Count: 6.8k
Song: Adore You by Harry Styles
Warnings: Smut! Angst! Language, jealous, Chris in political mode, P in V, committed relationship, oral (M and F receiving), car sex,
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day everyone. This is a follow up to my other one shot which you can find here.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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Politics is a cat and mouse game.  You are either chasing someone to bring them down or you are on the chopping block.  
Being the youngest senator made you the easy target, someone that the old guard hated for changing the status quo.  
Chris loved how ambitious, tenacious, strong, driven, and beautiful you were. You would both lay for hours in bed, talking about how you both would change the world. Chris had no aspirations to be in office, but you had the ultimate goal in mind: being the first female president.  Germany had done it, Great Britain has female prime ministers, so why couldn’t we do it here? 
It was especially significant as the press and other political analysts were predicting that you could be the one to pull it off.  The ASP chat helped launch your first bill about student debt in Congress, gaining the following of many around the country.  It was touted as the first major move toward a potential historical presidential run.  Chris said that ASP was doing even better because it was now being legitimized by everyone as a great source of verified information. That was his goal, to have a clean source of information for his fellow citizens.  
Speaking of Chris, it's been about a year since you had decided to make it official.  Well as official as it could be seen, it was still a secret to most of the world.  After the ASP Chat on tuition went viral, a lot of speculation was made on whether the two of you were together due to the intense chemistry seen in the interview. But your teams made sure you were never photographed together; rendezvous were made on the low.  Mostly it was you and Chris or your families hanging inside the gates of Chris’s house or your heavily secured apartment in either California or DC.  It was tough but you both made it work.  
Gearing up for the next session of Congress, you were reviewing your schedule with Steve, your assistant, when your receptionist, Ava, came in with a huge bouquet of roses.  There were at least three dozen in different shades of red, white and pink.  You smiled, knowing it was probably from Chris.  Ava sits them down in the corner of your desk.  “There’s a note, ma’am.” 
You plucked the little card with a smile as your team waited patiently.  
I know your secret.  
And a photo floated out of the envelope.  
Your smile froze and slowly morphed into fear.  “Steve, I need the head of my security detail. Now. Ava, I need Chris and Megan as well.”  They scurried from the room as you stared at the little card.  You tried to swallow, get your breathing to calm as you noticed you were beginning to hyperventilate.  The room began to tunnel as you tried to think of how anyone would know.  As the phone began to ring, the room wobbled slightly.  You could hear Ava say it was Chris, who was in town for ASP.  You picked it up. “Chris?” 
“Hey Baby.” When all he heard was a sob, he began to panic.  “Baby? YN? YN! Answer me.”  
“They saw us,” you whispered.  
And the room went black.  
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A month prior… 
“Chris, stop!” You squealed as Chris’s hand drifted higher and higher up the skirt of your dress.  You had managed to have a private dinner at little Greek diner in Boston and Chris was driving you back to his house.  Well, he was driving and coping a feel up your dress.  He was horny, seeing you in his favorite little black dress and heels.  He loved that you didn’t wear a lot of makeup either, just that gorgeous red lip that set off your exquisite eyes.  Eyes that he saw the first time on stage in the California sun.  
“Baby, you can’t wear this dress and not expect me to keep my hands to myself,” Chris said as you batted his hands away.  
“You can wait until we get home and then I can let you know what’s underneath this dress,” you said with bite to your lower lip.  
Chris groaned as his cock twitched.  “Fuck me, sweetheart.  I don’t think I can make it.” He saw a darken alley and pulled over.  
“What do you think you are doing?” You looked around to see it was so dark you couldn’t see the trees or the road once Chris shut off the lights. Even your security team wasn’t in sight.  
“I need to feel you, beautiful.  I need to be inside you and I can't wait.”  He leaned over and kissed you hard, taking your breath away, distracting you from the fact he took off your seatbelt.  His hands, his large, gorgeous hands grip your waist and lower to your ass, lifting you and sliding you onto his lap.  You gasp as you feel how hard he is underneath you. He groans at how hot you feel over his erection. “Jesus, baby.”  
“Chris,” you moan as he begins to assault your neck, the brush of his beard rubbing your delicate skin just the right way.  
Chris raised his hands all the way up your skirt, his nimble fingers on his right finding your heat while his left continued upwards to your breast. He dipped his hand inside your panties to find you hot and wet for him. “Oh honey, all for me,” as he swirled your leaking juices around your lips, just brushing your clit and making you jolt.  
“All for you, my love,” you groan as he speeds up his motions, now tweaking your breast, hardening the nub as you begin to grind in his lap.  
“Fuck sweetheart, I need to have you,” he whispers in your ear. He pulls his hand from your heat, listening to you whimper from the loss of his fingers. He quickly undoes his belt and his fly as you continue fondling your own breast. He pulls down his jeans and boxers enough to release his long thick cock and pump a few times before he moves your now soaked panties aside and thrust up into your pussy.  
“Chris!” The stretch was incredible, the pleasure and pain mixing in a way that you had never felt before.  The primal way Chris just rutted up into you was so different but oh so good. He took a hold of your hips to guide you up and down his shaft hard.  
“Just like that baby, ride me hard.  Let me fuck you senseless,” he growled. It was rough, it was fast. It was everything.  The ribbons of pleasure started to ripple in your belly as your core began to grip his cock every time you moved.  He sat up a little bit more, changing the angle and he was there.  Hitting that spot inside that always made you see stars.  
“Baby, I can’t...” 
“Let go Senator,” he whispered in your ear. “Let me feel you.  Soak me, love.” He thrusted up hard as he pulled you down.  
“Chris!”  You scream as you blacked out from the immense pleasure. Your head tilted back as Chris pressed his face into your chest as he chased his own end.  He could barely move with how tight you had gotten with your own orgasm, and it was enough for him to swear loudly as he came inside you.  
It took a minute to come down, Chris kissing your shoulder, neck, forehead until he felt your body start to relax.  “Are you ok?” 
She smiled but flinched when he moved slightly. “I’m ok.  That was intense.”  
Chris frowned, worry overcoming.  “Did you not like...” 
“I loved it, Chris.  I like it rough and dirty sometimes.  Don’t worry baby.  I’m ok.”  You kissed his forehead to smooth out the worry lines on his face.  “Right now, I’m trying to figure out how to get back in my seat without making more of a mess.” You could feel the wetness that is getting ready to seep out.  
That got Chris to chuckle.  “Don’t worry baby.  Once we get home, the gates close and no one is the wiser.”  He kissed you softly this time.  “I love you.”  
“I love you.”  
You got back into your seat as Harry Styles's Adore You started to play as Chris started the car.  He took your hand and held it as he drove. He hummed along until he turned to you and sang... 
Oh, honey (ah)  I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you 
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“Sweetheart? YN? Can you hear me?” 
It was the sweetest voice you knew.  The voice of the man you loved. It was the only soothing thing your senses could understand.  The rest was painful.  Your head was pounding, your body ached, the blood pounding in your ears.  After a moment, the soothing voice was now followed but gentle touches in your hair.  Finally, your throat felt like it would accept air and allow you to speak.  Your eyes fluttered and a groan escaped your mouth.  
“Baby? Are you with us?” 
The light was harsh in the room.  Your office.  Was your office always so bright? It took a couple of blinks of your eyes before you could focus and see Ava, Steve, Robert (your head of security) and Chris, who held your head in his lap.  “Hi?” 
“Hi. How are you feeling?” 
“Sore, a little confused. What happened?” 
He breathed a sigh of relief. “You fainted while on the phone with me.” He helped you sit up as Ava passed a glass of water.  “Baby, what happened?” 
You looked at the arrangement of roses and began to cry. “Someone sent me those with a note and a photo.” Robert went to the desk and saw everything on the floor.  His eyes widened as he looked back at you.  
“Miss YLN, I don’t...” 
“How did they get that Robert?  You told me we weren’t being followed.  We weren’t even seen.”  
Chris frowned. “Can I see that?” Robert handed the note and photo over.  Chris saw and sucked in his breath.  It was clearly a photo of you and him in the car from that night.  You were still in Chris’s lap as Chris held you by your neck, kissing you. “Holy fuck.”  
“What are we going to do Chris?”  
“I don’t know.”  He ran a hand through his hair.  He pulled out his phone and messaged Megan about an emergency meeting.  “We are going to meet at your house with Robert, Megan and your chief of staff and we are going to figure this out.”  
You nod, because it’s the sensible thing to do.  But your heart felt fear, your head was on the metaphorical chopping block.  
Later that night, both of your teams gathered in your dining room.  
Megan looked at the picture and sighed.  “Can one of you explain what happened?” 
Chris cleared his throat and explained the dinner and pulling over and just having a moment of unadulterated love between himself and you.  “We thought we were alone.  I mean, I didn’t even see her security team.  It was just one moment.”  
Rachel, your chief of staff, was taking notes and scoffed.  “Yeah, well, that one moment has the potential of going viral.  
“Can you even tell it's us?” Chris asked.  
Robert looked at the photo.  “It’s a blurry photo. It has deniability to it unless the photographer has cooperating evidence of who is in the car.  I’m going to sit down with the security team from that night and find out what happened.”  
“And I think that we shouldn’t do anything unless there is an obvious threat,” Rachel said.  I mean right now it’s someone saying they know but it doesn’t mean it’s someone from the other side.  I say we wait it out.  Jumping to action may be worse at this point.”  
“I agree.”  Megan looked at the photo. “Reaction would be bringing a spotlight to you two when it's not needed.”  
You didn’t realize you were trembling until Chris took your hand and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles.  “Baby, what do you think?”  When you didn’t answer, Chris placed his hand on your cheek to get you to focus on him. “YN, sweetheart, it's gonna be ok.  Do you think this is a good plan?” You looked into the ocean blues that comforted you so many times before.  They looked resolute in the decision, and you trusted that.  You nodded but still a single tear slipped.  “Honey, what is it?” 
“I’m scared,” you whispered.   
Chris’s heart dropped.  He didn’t want his girl to be scared, not his brave warrior girl. He sucked in a breath to steady himself before he said, “Don’t be. I’ll be right by your side.  Don’t you worry.” He kissed your forehead before he kissed your lips and kept his forehead against yours, your breaths mixing together as you both tried to keep calm.  
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A few weeks later, everything seemed to be back to normal.  There were no more flowers, no other notes.  You and Chris talked every day, just as before.  You were on the phone with the governor of California when Rachel ran into the office.  Flustered would have been the nice word to use.  She looked like she had been tossed by a tornado.  “Sorry governor, I have to be on the floor in a few minutes.  Send my office the proposal and I’ll see what I can do to get this to the committee.  I think you're right; we need to beef up the national parks act, and it should start with Yosemite.  
“Thank you, Senator.  We’ll see you for the Lunar New Year celebrations?” 
“Wouldn’t miss it.  Have a great day!”  You hung up and looked at Rachel.  “What’s going on?” 
“I’m so sorry Senator, it broke.” She handed over her tablet 
“What broke?” You took the tablet and focused on the screen.  And there it was, in full color was the photo.  With an amazing headline: 
You blanched as you scroll through the article.  It was still speculation that it was you but that it was clear from the photo that someone was caught in a compromising position inside of a car.  The news site was still looking for more information, but an anonymous source implicated the Senator from California as the woman in the photo.  
You could hear the office phones ringing as the screen blurred in your eyes.  You read the article title over and over, wishing it would change to anything else, anyone else.  Rachel could see you were starting to lose it as she was on the phone with someone.  
“I've got to get out of here,” you whispered.  It was like your body was now on automatic pilot. You stood up, grabbed your coat and bag and headed out the door. Your security team was trying to stop you, but you made it out the front door of your office to a barrage of flashes.  The press was already all over the scandal, shouting questions and taking pictures of what would be a rather stunned face.  Security from your office and the Capitol police surrounded you to allow you to walk to your waiting SUV.  Rachel had been right behind you, shouting no comment as you walked trance-like.  Robert had the door open for you and Rachel before climbing in the front and your usual driver, Edward, took off. 
“Senator? Senator, look at me.” You turned your face slowly towards her. “I am going to get you through this.  I’m trying to reach Chris or Megan to find out if it leaked from their camp.”  
All you could do was nod.  Four years of campaigning and working with other bi-partisan members was going down the drain as your phone kept pinging with more and more news outlets reporting the story.  It was the ultimate nightmare.  
The only solace was the security at your home.  Gate controlled, security had called the police to make sure the road was cleared, and cameras were everywhere. But it provided very little comfort.  All you wanted was Chris, but he was on set at the moment. Rachel was pacing, calling who she could to pull the story as you sat on your couch, leg bouncing, checking your phone every five minutes.  After two hours, a call came to Rachel.  
“Yeah.  Hi Stacy... Yes, we saw it...  No, we haven’t...  What do you mean?... That's not what he promised her... What does Megan... oh... well what is she... ok... I’ll tell her. Thanks.”  Rachel hung up and sat down next to you. “YNN, that was Stacy, Megan’s assistant at her firm.  Umm, she stated that Megan and she talked to Chris, and they aren’t going to be making a statement.  Since no one knew you two were in a relationship, there was no need to drag Chris into it.”  
“What?” You breathed.  “He... he promised to stand by me.”  
“I know sweetie but that’s what they have decided.”  
Your head spun.  You wouldn’t believe that Chris would do this. He didn’t even have the guts to tell you himself. You picked up your phone and sent him a message.  
YN: We just spoke to your management firm and know about your decision.  I thought we loved each other but I guess I was mistaken.  Don’t worry I won’t drag you into this.  Goodbye Chris.  
You went through your contacts and blocked his number. You did the same on your socials and put your phone down. “Rachel, what is the statement we want to put out?”  You put on your game face.  Your heartache and tears could come later.  
The next day, Rachel called a press conference in front of your office.  You chose to be yourself in a sharp black suit with a pink blouse and black heels.  It was your confident outfit, and you would need every ounce of it to make the statement you needed to make.  The makeup artist touched up your face and then it was time.  
“Good morning, let me first address the photo.  Yes, I did engage in some intimate acts with someone in a vehicle.  To protect their privacy, I will not be naming my partner ever.  Second, my security team is launching an investigation into the photo as we know it was not a member of the press who invaded my private moment.”  You took a breath, “I should have had better judgement in where I had my intimate relations at and used better judgement overall.  The blame for this is on me alone.  If my constituents are upset by my actions, I sincerely apologize.  I have strived to be an example to everyone and in this case, I wish I wasn’t.  The man I was with is no longer in my life and I would like to extend my apologies to him for this transgression.  I will be meeting with the chair of the Senate ethics committee for all punishments and/or reprimands that I have earned.  Thank you.  
You walked away from the media circus and back to the seclusion of your office.  As you sat, Rachel came to give you a hug.  Now you can mourn.  And you did just that.  
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Chris’s POV 
The person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time.  
Chris looked at his phone, heartbroken.  You had blocked him.  Chris watched the press conference playback with mixed emotions.  He was so proud of you for standing up and accepting responsibility, but he should have been by your side making his own statement.  He looked at the last message he received and called Megan. “What the hell, Megan! Why are we not standing next to her?”  
“Chris you are filming, and I hadn’t even had a chance to talk to you before her team advised us that she was going to make a statement.”  
“Who did they talk to?” 
Megan waited for a beat. “Stacy. Look Chris...” 
“Megan, I want her fired.  I told you she had been inappropriate with me multiple times and now this.  She wanted YN to break up with me because she thought I would go out with her.  I am in love with YN, and she just fucked that up!”  
“I know Chris, I’m sorry. I’ll fix it.”  
“How?  She blocked me, she’s angry.  She...” he took a breath because his body was vibrating with pain, “she took that bullet for me all alone. Her entire career... she did that for me.”  
“Chris, we will fix it okay? Let me handle Stacy.”  
“I want to be there Megan. I want to see her face when I say that I am in love with YN. I need YN back, Megan.”  
“I know.  I’m sorry. I’ll make the arrangements.”   
Chris hung up and looked though the pictures on his phone. His perfect girl. Fuck, he was the one who pulled over, but she was the one taking the hit.  As he slid through the pictures, one floated by.  Her calendar. He sat up straighter and a plan came to his head.  
A couple of days later, Chris was back in Boston and sitting in Megan’s conference room.  Megan was sitting next to him, both in silence as they waited for the last member of their meeting to arrive.  Stacy walked in confidently, a sway in her hips as if she knew Chris would be there and finally ready to declare that he too was also “in feelings” with her. After all, they had softly flirted when he was in the office. They had coffee together. He liked her and this was her moment. She flicked her hair back as she sat across from them.  “You wanted to speak to me.”  
“Yeah, we had a question.  Who gave you the photo of YN in the car?” Megan asked.  
Stacy’s smile faltered slightly.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  
“Did you know that all of your emails from your work computer are monitored?  Since that last hack, I had IT put in the monitoring service.”  
At that Stacy’s smile fell. “What?” 
“So, before we send this information to DCPD and congressional security, who gave you the photo?” 
Stacy blanched as she looked from Megan to Chris.  “Mike, one of the senator’s security guards gave it to me.”  
“Interesting.  And why did you give it to gossip mags?” 
“To break YN and Chris up.  She took what I wanted.” Chris scoffed as he stood up and walked to the door.  “Chris please! I’m sorry but I thought we had something!” 
“When?  During the scheduled meetings or when you were helping Megan on the red carpet.  I am in love with YN.  I hope she presses charges for the invasion of privacy.  Megan?” 
“Oh, right.  You’re fired, for cause.  You signed a non-disclosure agreement for our clients and their families which you violated the minute you sent the photo to the magazine.  Security is outside to escort you out.  Your personal belongings will be searched before they are mailed out to you.”  
“No, please...” 
“Have a good day Stacy,” as security walked in, and Chris and Megan walked out and headed to her office.  “I don’t know about you, but I need a drink.”  She headed to her sideboard and poured two glasses of whiskey, handing one to Chris.  “Have you been able to get a hold of YN?” 
Chris shook his head.  “No, she’s blocked me from everything. I got in touch with Rachel, but she said that YN has a ‘no calls allowed’ for me with her team.” Chris took a swallow.  “Said YN has been crying a lot in her office.” 
“Oh Chris,” Megan frowned.  
“This is all my fault Megan. I pulled over and I convinced her.”  
“Chris, this wasn’t your fault.  You are still human.  You are still allowed to have fun.  You both weren’t expecting someone you both trusted to violate your privacy.  You have every right to be angry.  You have every right to be sad that your relationship was broken by jealous people.  But you cannot blame yourself.  We are going to fix this, and we are going to get your girl back. Are you ready to do anything to show her you love her?” 
Chris laughed.  “I would do anything to win her back.” 
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Your POV 
It was a few weeks after “picture-gate” and you were getting ready for the Valentine’s Day charity event. An event where you were supposed to make your debut with Chris.  Who is now your ex. “Fuck me,” you mumble to yourself.  You look in the mirror, seeing a woman who kinda looks like you, if she didn’t have red-rimmed eyes, shallow looking cheeks and a sad look on her face.  It had been hell without him.  You never realized how much comfort Chris brought to you. How his strong arms held you close to his chest, his heartbeat your lullaby, his voice a song.  You missed him desperately, but he didn’t want to stand next to you.  It makes you question whether he lied about being with a strong woman.  
You shake yourself and inspect your dress. The theme was love, obviously, so you had chosen a red gown, strapless with a sweetheart neckline.  It was tight in the bodice until it hit your waist and then flowed out in layers of chiffon.  Heels and diamond studs completed the look with soft waves framing your face. You sighed, wishing he had been there to see it, the dress you picked with him in mind. But he would never be there, he wouldn't come back.  He made his choices.  
As you arrived at the gala, sans date, you thought back to the last few weeks.  The person who took the photo was found, Mike, and fired.  Mike had been one of your personal guards since you started.  Apparently, when questioned, he took the photo to create a scandal because he was obsessed with you and wanted Chris out of the way.  Mission accomplished, you guessed, but not in the way he wanted.  Charges were filed, restraining orders in place, a press release later, and the scandal died out.  Some of the old guards still avoided you but the party and your constituents stood by you.  They held support rallies and feminist movements.  You were a woman, yes, but you should have been treated like a man. It warmed your heart a bit in the days post Chris.  
Arriving alone, you walked the press line, dodging questions that wanted to bring back the scandal and headed into the venue.  Your date, who walked in alone as well was waiting.  As patient as ever for Rachel, who is never patient.  Dinner was lovely, the jazz band playing romantic tunes.  You mingled with other donors and attendees, making the most out of the evening.  Finally, the special, surprise guest performer was announced.  
The host of the evening introduced Grammy award winning artist Harry Styles to the stage.  You loved him and sang along.  It was quite the performance, Harry doing all of his hits.  You sway with the music, a glass of champagne keeping you warm.  As Harry ends, Watermelon Sugar, the crowd cheers. 
“How is everyone doing?” Harry asks and the crowd cheers in response. Pushing his hair out of his eyes, Harry takes a breath.  “So, I got a call from a guy who wanted to let a girl know how much she means to her. See he messed up and asked me to help him tell his girl he adores her.  You don’t have to say anything honey, just know he would walk through fire for you and he’s sorry that you had to walk alone.  This song is for her.” 
You weren’t really paying attention; the words were beautiful, but you didn’t want to be a part of someone else’s declaration of love.  As Harry’s Adore You began to play, you felt a tear in your eye.  This was the last thing Chris had sung to you. 
 Walk in your rainbow paradise (paradise)  Strawberry lipstick state of mind (state of mind)  I get so lost inside your eyes  Would you believe it? 
You don't have to say you love me  You don't have to say nothing  You don't have to say you're mine 
Honey (ah)  I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you  Oh, honey (ah)  I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you  Like it's the only thing I'll ever do  Like it's the only thing I'll ever do 
You sway to the music, eyes closed, losing yourself to the music but the crowd starts to part as the spotlight follows a person across the floor.  As the last person parts, a gasp runs through the crowd, and you open your eyes. 
And Chris is there, in a black tux, holding a single red rose.  
You look around to see if he is looking at anyone else but no, it's you.  He walks over and takes the champagne glass from your hand.  “Chris...” 
“Not yet,” he whispers as he pulls you into his arms. He starts to move you across the dance floor.  
You're wonder under summer skies (summer skies)  Brown skin and lemon over ice  Would you believe it? 
You don't have to say you love me  I just wanna tell you somethin'  Lately you've been on my mind 
Honey (ah)  I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you  Oh, honey (ah)  I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you  Like it's the only thing I'll ever do  Like it's the only thing I'll ever do 
“Chris,” you whisper. “What are you doing?” 
“Shh.  Baby, just let me adore you.”  He spins you around and back taking a hold of you again, the only two people on the dance floor.  
I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you  Oh, honey (ah)  I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you  Like it's the only thing I'll ever do  (Ah)  I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you  Oh, honey (ah)  Oh, honey  I'd walk through fire for you  Just let me adore you 
oh, honey  (Oh)  Just let me adore you  Like it's the only thing I'll ever do 
As the song finishes, he pulls you even closer so your foreheads touch as he sings the last of the lyrics to you.  You are trying everything not to sob in front of these people.  As the band slows, Chris pulls back slightly.  “I didn’t stand next to you.  And even though that wasn’t my decision, I still should have made a statement right away. You shouldn’t have done that alone and I am so sorry sweetheart.”  
“I just wanted to protect you, Chris.”  
“And I just wanted to stand behind my woman.”  He swallows, his nerves starting to show a bit. “I had something planned tonight.” He kisses your hand. “We have been together for a while, and it has been the time of my life. I have never been happier. Your dreams are my dreams, and your happiness is mine.  I never want to let go.  Because I adore you, I’d walk through fire for you.”  
He stepped back and knelt to the ground on one knee.  
You’re pretty sure you have stopped breathing at this point.  
“YNN, I love you so much.  And I want to spend the rest of my life with you and all our dreams. Can we take on the world together?” He popped open a little red box holding a stunning princess cut diamond solitaire. “Will you marry me?” 
Your face really doesn’t give anything away.  It is just a single tear that falls. Chris is starting to think this is a bad idea before he sees the smallest nod, before the biggest smile he has ever seen.  It was bigger than when you won your election. “Yes! Yes, Chris yes!”  You fall into his arms just as he’s standing. The crowd cheers as he swings you around.  
After a moment, he sat you down and took out the ring to slide it onto your finger. You look at it before you look back at your fiancé. He cups your face before he kisses you gently.  
And you’re home.  
The rest of the night was a blur.  The only thing that stood out was the call to your parents.  Chris had visited them before flying out to the gala.  He sat with your father and explained everything.  Your dad was satisfied that his little girl was in good hands and gave his blessing.  As you walked out of the venue, the press was relentless in asking about your and Chris’s relationship. Rachel and your security team keep them at bay as Chris keeps his arm around you, your head resting against his chest.  He got you into the car and Robert drove you away. “I’ve missed you,” you whisper. 
“I am so sorry, baby,” Chris pulls so you are seated in his lap, letting you bury your face into his neck. “Mike, he gave the picture to Stacy. She never told us anything about talking to you until it was too late.” He nuzzled into your hair. “I wanted to be here.” He kisses your head.  “I never wanted you to do that alone.”  
“I shouldn’t have... I should have...” 
“Shh, baby, you had no reason to not believe Stacy.  I wish you had waited but I still should have made my own statement.” He sighed as he leaned back on the seat and tightened his grip on you.  “But that’s the past.  You are my future.”  
“I can’t believe you proposed.” You stare down at the diamond on your hand.  “How did you know?” 
“Know what?” 
“Well, is that the ring I wanted or that I would say yes?” 
He chuckled.  “Honey, you don’t think I didn’t noticed when you would ‘airdrop’ hints to my phone when I wasn’t paying attention or when we would see jewelry on vacation?” He picked up your hand and played with the ring.  “You are never flashy or over the top, but you always sparkle.  So, when I went with my sisters and ma shopping, we saw this one and it just said ‘YN.’” 
The tears started to well in your eyes again. He really did know you.  
“Oh honey, don’t cry.” He cupped your face and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears.  
“I’m sorry, just,” you sniff, “it's been so hard without you.  And I, I just can’t believe you got Harry Styles to dedicate a song to me, to us.  The last time I heard it...” you trail off.  
Chris’s face softened. “Was the last time we were together.  I remember.” You pulled up to your townhome, and Chris climbed out, holding out his hand for you. As you walked to the door, he whispered in your ear, “I remember that I owed you a better time as well.”  He opened the door and you gasped. 
Candles, roses, and champagne were waiting for you in your living room.  A gentle fire was on in the fireplace, with pillows and blankets laid out on the floor.  As you took it in, Chris stood behind you, kissing your neck and shoulders.  “I don’t think I told you how beautiful you looked in this dress.” You moan as he trails his fingers over the top of your dress.  He nipped at that spot on your neck as he pulled the zipper down, his thick finger trailing down your spine.  
“Chris,” you whimper as goosebumps bloom on your skin, his wet, open mouth kisses setting every nerve on fire.  
“I want to worship you, my fiancé,” he growled as he let the dress drop, showing him the red lace strapless bra and matching panties and garter belt, you had on. “Fuck me, is this new?” 
“I bought it for you, and I never got the chance to wear it for you,” you replied, blushing.  
“You are perfection, my love.”  He sat in the chair.  “Twirl for me.” Still in your heel clad feet, you stood in front of him, just out of his reach and did a slow spin. He growled at your teasing as he reached for you, and you stepped back. “What do you think you are doing, Mrs. Evans?” 
“Who said anything about changing my name?” You giggled as his gaze darkened a little.  “I’m a little exposed baby.  That jacket and shirt needs to come off.”  
Chris stood but never took his eyes off of you as he discarded his jacket, tie and shirt, leaving him in just his suit, pants and shoes.  “What now, Senator?” 
“Sit,” you ordered, and he followed your direction quickly.  You grabbed a pillow and kneeled in front of him, sliding your hands up his legs.  He shuddered at your touch, leaning his head back as you undid his pants.  You tapped his hip so he could raise them, and you pulled down his pants and boxer briefs so his cock could spring out. You wrapped your hand the best you could around the base and pumped, getting his attention back on you.  You looked him straight in the eye as you licked the tip that had a bead of precome on it.  
“Fuck, YN,” he mumbled as you took the entire head in your mouth, eyes never leaving yours. You worked him, softly at first and then harder, slowing down again, much to Chris’s frustration. As you took him to the back of your throat again, you felt him twitch and suddenly you were on your back on the floor as Chris settled in between your legs. He got your bra off first, then the garter, nipping at your skin the entire time.  
“Baby, I...” You really didn’t know what you were trying to say.  Your brain was overloaded with the sensations on your skin. Chris was everywhere, everywhere, all at once and it caused the pressure to build.  Finally, it was just your panties and heels, but Chris made no move to remove either.  He ran his nose up and down your covered pussy, grazing your clit and getting what he wanted: a wanton moan from your mouth.  
“I love that sound, love.” Chris grasped the sides of your panties and slowly slid them down your legs and over the heels.  “I want these hooked around my ears,” he said.  “But for now,” he spread your legs wide, “they can hold you open.”  He kissed right on your mound and then dove in with his tongue, eating like a man starved.  His hands held your thighs open, not allowing you to find some sort of relief until he could feel you tremble.  “Are you close, gorgeous?” 
“I’m gonna cum, Chris, please!” 
“Cum, YN! Let me drink you in!”  His dirty talk always got to you, and it was enough for you to let go, a silent scream coming from your mouth as the world went dark. Chris didn’t stop, making it last longer.  He finally slowed and began to kiss up your body.  His cock was throbbing, needing to find its own release but he wouldn’t stop until he was buried in you.  Finally, he was on top, brushing a strand of hair away, looking down at his future wife, the future mother of his children. He teased your entrance before slowly pushing in. “Are you still...” 
“Never stopped,” you replied breathlessly, answering his unasked question about birth control. He bottomed out and you both groaned in relief to be reunited again.  He fits perfectly, molded inside of you.  
“God, still tight and warm, like I never left.” Chris pulled out slowly before slamming into you.  You cried out with each thrust, finally getting the relief you missed.  It was slow and torturous but oh, so good.  
“Chris, fuck, harder, please!” 
“Oh baby,” he cooed.  “We have all night.”  He sped up his hips to hit your spot inside over and over, but he felt you tighten, gripping him so hard it was becoming hard to move. “Let go baby.  Give it to me again. God, this pussy was made for me, gripping me, strangling my cock.  Milk me, my fiancé, cum now!” That was it; you cummed hard around him, triggering his own release, “Fuck YES!” 
He finally slowed down but never pulled out.  He rolled you over, so you were laid out on top of him, and he wrapped a blanket around you both.  
“Happy Valentine’s Day Senator.”  
“Happy Valentine’s Day, future husband.”  
The morning headlines were everything Rachel wanted and more.  An election to gear up for and a fairytale wedding for the future President and Hollywood’s leading man.  
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A/N: I wish this was America’s next royal family of politics. LOL. 
@patzammit @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @tinkerbelle67
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bumble66 · 5 months
The similarities between closeted right-wingers and Chris Evans
Alternative title: "Dear Mr. future president Evans,"
Recently, I saw how Chris Evans met Joe Biden. For people who don't know. Chris Evans has a political online platform called ASP. This was not the first time he met a famous politican but meeting the president of the United States is something else. It should be clear by now why he does that... Anyway, it reminded me of the gossip I found recently:
As I mentioned in my last big blog post, about Chris' potential boyfriends, I am not really a fan of marvel and didn't know much about him during his time as Captain America. I only got interested after he started the cringeworthy PR relationship in November 2022. In 2018, I was made aware of how many closeted celebrities exist and Mr. Evans being so clumsy with his Portugal bride gave me the perfect opportunity to uncover this Hollywood facade.
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As you can see, I have also been asked by a lot of people why I think Chris could be closeted (either gay, bi or a straight guy who doesn't want to commit and just sleeps around). I will answer these questions in relation to today's topics: I. The Portugal PR relationship is mostly done for his future political career (or that was the plan before the backlash) II. The behavior of closeted right-wingers resembles Chris Evans' III. Portugal Bride was not the first PR relationship rumor but why does a rich, attractive and alleged womanizer like Chris need PR relationships all the time? As I always say. Everything on my tumblr is alleged. I merely summarize what people speculate online and give my own opinion on that.
Tim Scott, a failed GOP 2024 candidate and alleged closeted gay man, announced on X that he got engaged to a woman:
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As you can see from the screenshot, no one's buying it. It is rumored Tim Scott is doing this because he will be chosen as Trump's vice president. People online claim that Tim Scott being gay has been talked about way before the first "Why doesn't have Tim Scott have a girlfriend" articles:
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I heard about Tim Scott being gay and being pressured to have a PR girlfriend around the same time Chris pretended to have gotten married in September and that made me think... I can't find the comment anymore but I remember someone of Chris' fans on the LSA forum suggesting that Chris' "A starting point" political platform isn't just for shits and giggles. Apparently, he wants to go into politics after his acting career. No idea how successful he will be now with that after his latest movie flops and the Portugal relationship having led to lost followers on his social media accounts because it made him appear as a "dollar store Leonardo DiCaprio" but in general..., this idea isn't too far off. Remember the Terminator aka Arnold Schwarzenegger? An action hero became the Governor of California and with Chris Evan's fake Captain America image, pretending online and in interviews to be like Steve Rogers, he could sway a lot of people too!
Remember. The alleged marriage wasn't the first PR relationship of Chris Evans. At least according to his fandom, when they explained how he and Portugal Bride met, he was involved in several other PR relationships before:
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According to this person, the relationships with Christina Ricci and Minka Kelly from long ago, were planned by a PR team too and it adds up with a blog post I found years ago about how Minka is allegedly a beard for my back then favorite actor Jake Gyllenhaal. Bearding appears to be a career of its own in Hollywood: https://gaywriter.wordpress.com/2012/06/19/blind-item-jake-gyllenhaal-is-looking-for-a-new-female-beard-to-present-illusion-of-heterosexuality-to-fans/
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So his PR team not only allegedly had several options next to the Portugal Bride (like Monica Barbaro) but they were apparently also responsible for his faked relationship with Lily James? It is rumored that Lily wanted more from this PR arrangement from back in 2020. Possibly real love? The social media site Icons+ reports that "Lily James left Chris Evans to be a millionaire's "other woman"". She basically publicly "cheated" on Chris and many gossip sites reported on it. Did Lily do that as revenge because Chris solely wanted PR and rejected her? Kinda like "if you don't give me real love, I ain't giving you positive PR either". It makes me wonder though. Why would a heterosexual man privately reject a pretty woman like Lily James after wanting to be seen with her in paparazzi photographs after all? Odd.
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Yes, Chris' alleged personal Paparazzo with the name Jesal basically admitted that he was called to do the pictures with Lily back in 2020 (Nowadays, he seems to be busy with the Portugal PR relationship as you can see from the screenshot, where he was called for a christmas party Portugal Bride and Chris attended). This reminds me of of another failed 2024 GOP candidate who is rumored to be closeted. There is a medium article regarding Ron DeSantis called "Is the GOP gossiping that Ron DeSantis is gay?", how most if not all of the GOP party know about his alleged homosexualty:
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As you can see, not just his own party but the general public thinks so too. In fact, they speak about Ron DeSantis' being closeted the same way some people speak about Chris being allegedly closeted:
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The replies to this dailymail article about Chris' and Portugal Bride's relationship-reveal, demonstrate that people think that both Chris and Ron overplay the alpha male macho tough guy image, solely to cover their true sexual orientation.
But PR relationships can also have another function. As I pointed out on my blog before: There are many heterosexual men I know who just wanted to sleep around but because of societal pressure, they pretend to be monogamous. The latest political example of that seems to be Gavin Newsom who has been in the news for being an alleged serial cheater. He was already caught cheating back in 2007. On X I found this summary of his latest shenanigans: (TRIGGER WARNING: mention of SA)
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Why do I mention Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom in relation to Chris Evans? Because they all have one thing in common. A fake stable married man image. Look at the header picture of DeSantis and Newsom on X. Newsom holding his son in his harm. A few weeks ago, DeSantis had a header picture of holding his children's hands and the latest picture, you can see right now, also shows his wife and kids again to portray the family man image while allegedly being someone completely different (a closet case = Ron, a cheater= Gavin). Sorry not sorry but when I saw those header images combined with the rumors I knew about those two guys, I immediately though that Chris is not so different. He also calls the paparazzi, so he can be portrayed for the public as a guy who has a stable relationship and doesn't randomly sleep around in all kids of places.
As someone pointed out on the Lipstick Alley thread called "Chris Evans Relationship Theories 5", he used to go to parties similar to the ones seen in the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" but these rumors were allegedly scrapped by his team when he became Captain America. Why did they worry so much about this specific gossip? Was it true after all? Apparently this goes back as far as 2006:
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I have no problems with that because I am pro sexual liberation. I actually point this out so we can normalize this and let people be who they really are, so that they don't have to do these fake relationships anymore.
I mean, remember the screenshot from my "Chris Evans possible boyfriends" post? The user ShellyT20... how she described that a lot of PR relationships in Hollywood exist because the male actors either sleep with each other, have p-word scandals and/or are serial cheaters "but post fake romance stuff on IG and other public platforms. It gives a fake sense of normalcy and stability and shuts fans up for the most part as well as acting as a distraction." When I read this I got reminded of the public "beyond the blinds podcast" episode you can listen to on spotify. The one about the Hemsworth brothers. There it was alleged that Chris Hemsworth is constantly cheating. I wasn't surprised. He isn't my type but I can't deny that he is what most consider super attractive + tall + rich = in no way is this guy monogamous as a famous hollywood actor (LMAO the audactiy to even thinkt hat)... Sadly, when I confront some people with that... for instance Evans fans on LSA or X, most roll their eyes and don't believe that.... They were like: "How can a guy like C. Hemsworth, who posts social media posts about loving being a father and being married for over a decade possibly be such a bad guy"... ... ... ... ... Well and this the reason why Hollywood still fools you with PR relationships because most of you are gullible. You want to see men married with children and as long as the women are age appropriate, you eat it up. And all this goes even beyond these Hollywood celebrities and politicians the general public is aware of. Apparently, even e-celebs are in PR relationships/fake image relationships these days. The youtuber TheQuartering, who said he was partying with right-wing e-celebs said this about them last year: (TRIGGER WARNING: transphobic slur)
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Just like how Chris Evan's fans are disappointed that he wasn't the internet boyfriend after all (his fake image for the 2010s) and started to date random young women like Leonardo DiCaprio and Bradley Cooper, TheQuartering was disappointed too with his right-wing colleagues, who pretended to be committed husbands with children while actually being a closeted pride parade. The right-wing commentarors TheQuartering talks about are: Elijah Schaffer, Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich. When I found that out I was shocked. I was like "So even these e-celebs are basically "their own Hollywood club" and need PR relationships to function publicly". It really shows how deep gender roles are still ingrained in our society. That even internet-famous people have to have a family man image and portray themselves in a certain way to become "e-celeb-A-list". And if they don't, they will be denied that status.
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I know it hurts that your favorite A-list stars are also wife cheaters and that their activism is most likely fake only so that they can continue participating in Hollywood orgies (Which apparently already happen on the e-celeb level). But at one point it had to come out and isn't it better to accept reality than to participate in and support these fake scenarios only to feel better about the world? Cause it is not just TheQuartering who exposed the fake image of the right-wing online community. Blaire White, a right-winger herself, pointed out the same. As people say, where there is smoke, there is fire:
In this video at 55:35 regarding Blaze Media, Blaire White spills tea about closeted e-celebs. It also includes orgies and drugs... like with our favorite super hero (allegedly).
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(Blaire is not the only one who knows about the orgy parties)
Lastly, one of the most famous right-wing e-celebs is Steven Crowder. On his channel he had a video where he once admitted that he had a bisexual phase... a phase..
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And according to his own logic that means:
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He also went so far and basically created beard twins. I remember clearly the video where he announced the pregnancy of his wife. He held up a picture into the camera from an ultrasound. It was like "See, I am hetero after all. Are you happy now?". That's at least my opinion on how the video looked like and it adds up with what peole usually say about him:
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Honestly, if someone had told me that this text is about Chris Evans, I'd have believed it and so now we have come full circle. While I only know about Chris Evan's since the pandemic (As I said, I don't watch super hero movies), I am still disappointed. In some interviews, he appeared so adorable, awkward and different from other men in Hollywood (like when he was interviewed about his "Lightyear movie announcement" tweet on Jimmy Kimmel). But in the end he is no better than the closeted republicans. Portraying a conservative image of marriage while behind closed doors it is worse than a sitcom trying to convince you that canned laughter makes everything funnier.
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(picture: Is this the awkwardness people talk about? Adorable...)
Yes, there have always been rumors that his real personality is being "weird and awkward" and that he is not just acting in movies but also in most interviews. It goes so far that someone claimed he had been rejected on a date and that's why some people assume it is actually him who initiated the Portugal PR relationship and basically paid for it because he can't get someone himself through normal means. Are some people punished with their good looks?
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IMO just like with the married right-wing e-celebs who do orgies all the time, it is also a bad idea of Chris wanting to become a father (at least according to his "sexiest man alive" PR narrative from 2022 which seems to be in the trash can now too).
But let's assume his PR team has that still on their minds: Not only would it be solely for his image (which would make this situation PR either way, even if the marriage were real) but according to all his alleged wild ways, he is also unfit to parent, it would be a disaster actually. Controversial commentator Pearl Davis described it very well. How some people just shouldn't be parents:
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I agree with Vale. She would just be in it for the image of being a married woman and in our case... a married, monogamous, non-cheating family man. A user on LSA said that when you switch out "fake nails" with "fake teeth" in Pearl Davis' message, you will have the pefect description of Chris Evans:
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(Chris Evans being interviewed at the Lightyear premiere resembling Barry Manilow with too much botox) Sorry but after seeing this picture, I have to agree with her. I love his clothing style but a bi-peacock who is more interested in vanity and fake status will never be a good role model for children. As the saying goes: "You can't have it both ways"
I know this is all a tough pill to swallow but c'mon people. This is the year 2024 and at one point this fakeness just needs to stop. Celebrities, politicians and even social meda e-celebs... you are being fooled. And according to Hollywood insider and daughter of famous TV personality John Walsh, a lot of times, one partner of the arrangement is suffering. Is this really what you support? I don't and that's why I uncover all these PR relationships of the entertainment world because as a true progressive, I don't think that people should be judged based on outdated gender expectations like marriage and monogamy.
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The closet kills... your real personality. I mean honestly, what do you gain from being remembered after your death as someone you never were? As Joan Rivers jokes at 0:43 in a short clip from 1966. This so called bearding has been going on forever. I don't think we need a 100th anniversary of this shameful practice. So please help me to expose this so that in the future, celebrities can become famous for truly being themselves.
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georgiapeach30513 · 5 months
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k-evans-reads · 1 year
In Living Color
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Chapter 19
Summary: When Natalie Marton, lead character designer for Buzz Lightyear, meets the voice of Buzz, Chris Evans, the sparks are undeniable. But when their work pushes them away from each other, both physically and emotionally, will the sheer differences between their worlds be enough to force them apart?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Pixar Animator OFC Natalie Marton
Word Count: 3,932
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Warnings: SMUT. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | In Living Color Masterlist
March 18th, 2022
Unfamiliar terrain filled Nat’s eyesight as she stared out the window of the car, taking the sights of Atlanta. It had been a long flight out here after yet another grueling work week but this one seemed a lot more bearable than the last few, knowing that the light at the end of this week was seeing in person that shining smile of the man she loved. 
Nat ran a hand through her wild curls before stretching out her legs that were still a little cramped from the long plane ride before she looked over at the man in the driver's seat and smiled, “Thanks so much for picking me up, Josh.” 
“Happy to do it,” he honestly told her, glancing over at her for a moment before he chuckled, “Besides, having you here means I won’t have Chris moping around all weekend so honestly you being here is a service to me.” 
Although Nattie hated to hear of anything dampening Chris’ mood, she was happy to know that he had been as downtrodden about their separation as she had been. Nat had struggled a lot more than she realized but tried to push it all from her head, muttering. “I’m just happy I’m finally getting out of my office and remembering there’s an outside world.” 
“Are you still working like crazy? I know Chris has been kind of worried about how much you’re working,” Josh spoke with a raised eyebrow. 
Hearing it almost made Nat want to roll her eyes, knowing that this wasn’t the first time Chris had voiced his unhappiness about her workload but she just justified it with, “It’s just a busy season. But I’m so glad I was able to get today off so I could come out here. I’ve never actually gotten to see Chris filming.” 
“Don’t get your hopes too high, it’s not that entertaining,” Josh retorted, making Nat burst into laughter as they kept driving along the highway. 
Although she loved the way that Chris’ lifelong best friend teased him, she knew that his words wouldn’t be quite true for her. In their nearly year of dating, she had gotten to see him record his lines for his Lightyear voicework and see the fruition of his hard work in his films, but never had she gotten to observe him while acting. 
When they arrived at the set, she only got to steal a quick kiss from him before the director talked to the crew as Josh and Nat moved over to the side, blending into the background and staying out of the way before they got ready to run the scene. Nat quietly stood as her eyes fixed on Chris, just silently watching him as she watched him shed himself and took on a brand new persona. She had gotten to see him transform during Lightyear as he acted in the booth but this was different. Nat remembered him talking about how challenging voice acting had been, not able to work off of anyone else and for the first time she truly got to see him shine in his working element, seeing the easy way that he carried himself as he worked. 
Being apart had been so hard, the two hardly able to see each other since filming had started on Valentine’s Day. She had gotten to spend the long President’s Day weekend with him in Boston and had been able to see him shortly when he’d come to Los Angeles for a weekend for a bachelor party but it was a far cry from how used to being together they were, falling into the groove of living life together. 
But now they were finally back together, even if it was only for a weekend, but once his arms were wrapped around her Nat felt like everything was right with the world. They just soaked in getting to hold one another for a long moment until finally pulling apart enough to press their lips together as passionately as they could with so many people surrounding them as the cast and crew were all headed in different directions. 
“I’m so happy you’re here,” Chris’ voice was soft as he looked down into her eyes. 
“Me too,” she could feel her smile shining from ear to ear before Chris’ arm snaked around her shoulders as they walked through the busy set. “I’m glad I got here in time to watch you film.” 
“I don’t know if I am because then you’ll see what a shit actor I really am," he laughed while squeezing her a little tighter. 
“I knew that already,” Nat teased him, earning a slap to his chest as he roared with his hysterical laughter and she was reminded just how much she missed that. 
The two chatted non-stop as they went to the costume trailer where Nat waited outside as Chris got out of his costume and makeup and emerged in his illegally tight white tee shirt and sweats. Almost immediately she was tucked back under his arm as they walked together toward a trailer down at the end of the line where Chris held open the door and let Nat walk in before following her inside. 
After the door of the trailer was shut behind them, the pair were finally alone for the first time in much too long. The separation between them had been a lot harder on each of them than they’d even realized but especially for Nat. She wasn’t used to being separated for so long and it was something she thought would be a little easier than it had been. Every time she faced another night alone or weekend without hearing that familiar loud laughter, she felt her heart dropping a little. 
Nat had thrown herself into her work even more, focusing on her artwork and although it helped get her mind off of missing Chris, it had caused her to be more burned out than she had imagined. But now she finally was here with him. She could finally breathe in his scent and feel his hand rubbing up and down her arm as he stepped closer and lowly said, “I missed you so fucking much, Nattie.” 
The look in those blue eyes of his gazing at her from under those long eyelashes had her getting weak at the knees. She couldn’t resist being able to finally wrap her arms around him, feeling the firm muscles of his back underneath his soft white tee shirt as his arms came around her waist and caged her in. In an instant his mouth was on hers, kissing Nat completely senseless as she started feeling dizzy, needing nothing more in this moment than him. 
She loved him so fully, so completely that she couldn’t wait a second longer to pull away, breathless as she whispered, “I love you, Chris.” The moment was so intense, both of them so desperate for one another and their chest heaving as they tried to catch their breath, but that one statement from her seemed to stop everything. Nat was still pressed up against him as he lifted his head, his tender eyes looking down at her as he reminded her, “I love you too, Nat. So much.” 
And as if Nat wasn’t already feeling lightheaded enough, those words sent waves of emotions straight to her heart while Chris’ lips attached to her neck as she melted into him. Their lips kept finding one another’s, kissing over and over again while each of their hands grasped at any bit of each other that they could as they stumbled toward the tiny bedroom in the trailer, clothes being peeled off and discarded as they went. 
Chris couldn’t have moved faster if he tried, and before Nat knew it he had her laying back on the bed and was buried deep inside her. Her left hand came up to grab his cheek as her right hand moved down to cup his firm ass, and Nat found herself emotional at being able to finally see that gorgeous face of his in person instead of across a phone screen. They were finally back together and nothing felt better. 
They just held each other’s eye contact for a long moment before Nat saw Chris’ eyes flutter closed as he leaned down to kiss her deeply and she felt herself clench around him from the deep love she felt, making Chris have to pull away from her lips to groan from the feeling. Nat felt so good, overwhelmed by the feeling of having him buried deep inside her while her hand reached up to run through his brown hair while he littered kisses across her chest. They were so in love and so happy in this moment and their arms came around each other to cling tightly together while Chris’ hips started moving in and out at a slow loving pace. 
“Oh god, Chris. Fuck, you feel so good,” she whimpered as her body curled up into his, her left hand trailing down his back to rest on his firm ass, giving it a good squeeze right as he thrust into her. 
“Love you so fuckin’ much Nat,” Chris grunted, pressing a sweet kiss to her neck before his hips continued to slowly rock in and out. “I missed you. I missed feeling you.” 
Nat felt herself melting underneath him, unable to even respond to him with just how incredible he was stretching her out. Both Chris and Nat were just soaking in this glorious moment, wrapped up in the comfort of having each other in their arms once again. The only sounds in the trailer were their pants, their normal running dialogue and praises were silenced, both just too overwhelmed by the love and emotions they both were feeling. Eventually when Chris heard Nat’s sweet whimpers, he picked up his pace, burying his face in her neck to nuzzle a few kisses, his firm sweaty chest pressed against hers, allowing Nat to feel his quick heartbeat. 
“Chris please, baby I need to feel you,” Nat urged him breathlessly, her hands grasping at those broad shoulders. 
Nat was too wrapped up in keeping her own breathing at bay that she didn’t realize that Chris was barely hanging on already but hearing her words nearly drove him over the edge. She whimpered when he lifted his chest up a bit, leaving space between them before he dropped his hand down between them, changing to slower little thrusts as he let his thumb find her sensitive clit, rubbing quick tight circles while he encouraged her, “C’mon baby, let go. I wanna see that gorgeous face you make. I wanna feel you squeeze me, Nattie.” 
The white hot heat was pulsing through her and Nat couldn’t help it, letting her body release as her smooth walls gripped Chris so tight a long obscene moan poured from his lips. He held onto her hips tightly, keeping himself fully seated inside her as his essence filled her. Nat felt like she was going to pass out when her eyelids fluttered open and she looked up, seeing Chris’ eyes shut tight, his mouth hanging open as he panted and a few dark hairs hanging over his sweaty forehead as he tried to regain his breathing. 
Needing to feel him close, Nat reached up to grab the gold St. Christopher’s medallion around his neck and gave it a gentle tug, silently telling him what she wanted. Feeling weak as he still recovered, he practically collapsed on top of her small frame, careful to keep his weight on the mattress so he didn’t hurt her. Nat wrapped a leg around his firm behind, her arms holding onto him tightly while he nuzzled his face back to the crook of her neck, his beard prickling her skin that his lips soothed with gentle kisses. 
It had been too long, much too long, since they had gotten to have moments like this and neither were ready to let go just yet. As much as they wanted to just stay together in the glow of that moment, they eventually pulled themselves from the bed and took a quick shower, both changing into their comfortable clothes before walking hand in hand to where Chris’ car was parked. 
They happily caught up as they drove home, Chris filling her in on all the little things that had happened the past few days when they hadn’t had much time to talk. As much as Nat loved to listen to his animated stories, she loved being able to see him in person, getting to run her hand along his back once they had gotten to his temporary place during filming, laughing as she kept dropping things while they cooked dinner and hearing that loud laugh. Just getting to physically be together made all the different for Nat, feeling more happy and centered than she had in a long time. 
As they ate dinner, a comfortable silence fell upon them before settling into their routine of cleaning up, Nat washing dishes while Chris dried but even that felt good. Nat was exhausted, the past couple of months at work draining her but none of that seemed to matter now. Not while she was with him, reminding her of all the things in life that really mattered. 
Just as Nat had shut off the running water and handed Chris the last plate to wipe dry, she caught the look in his eye, seeing a softness there before he leaned in for a soft kiss, his hand that wasn’t holding the dishrag rubbing along her arm as he revealed, “I’m so glad you’re here, Nattie.” 
“I think you mentioned that before," she just couldn’t help but tease him, bumping her hip against his before drying off her hands. 
“Well I’m going to mention it again because I mean it,” Chris called over his shoulder as he put the plate away in the cabinet, then turning to toss the rag onto the counter so his hands could be free to grasp at her hips and pull her into him, “I’m just really happy you were able to come this weekend. I’m sorry I only have the weekend off.” 
Nat just shrugged as her arms wrapped around his neck loosely, her fingers toying with the ends of his fluffy brown hair while acknowledging, “I doubt I would have been able to stay any longer than the weekend anyway. I have to be at the daily on Monday morning, so it actually works out well.”  
“Sounds like you’re still really busy at work,” Chris’ eyebrow rose. 
Her arms fell from around his neck before trudging over toward the couch, scratching Dodger on the way by before curling up onto the cushions as she countered, “You’re gone anyway so I might as well work a lot.” 
“You already were working a lot before.” 
“There’s just a lot going on right now,” she tried to remind him as he made his own way to the couch, coming to sit near her, angling his body toward her as his thick arm came to rest across the top of the couch cushions. 
“When won’t there be though, Nattie? It seems like you’re always swamped with work these days.” 
Nat knew that part of what he was saying was true. Lately there weren’t many days that weren’t crazy busy but the other part of her knew that he didn’t understand. Chris never had a conventional job. He didn’t understand the type of job where so many things depend on others, deadlines, and going through the grind of putting in hours everyday, then sending off the latest pieces for approval before making the countless adjustments as requested. It wasn’t that his job wasn’t challenging or didn’t take work, but she knew that his view of time off was extremely different from hers. If he needed a break, he had the ability to take one, but if she needed a break and didn’t work, it would mean getting fired and only having enough savings to last a short time. 
She knew that her job had been a point of contention lately, both of them struggling with the separation they were both facing and the heavy workload causing a lot of extra stress for her but she just didn’t want to start the weekend out this way. Nat got such limited time with him now that she didn’t want to get into something that would cause an argument and ended up reaching over to rest a hand on his thigh, conveying, “Chris, I’m really not trying to be dismissive but I don’t want to talk about work. I just want to focus on us being together.” 
It looked as if the wheels in his brain were churning as he sat there for a moment. It was obvious there was more he wanted to say, more behind what he was feeling but ultimately deciding to drop it and agreed, “You’re right, let’s forget about work.” He took her hand from his sweatpant covered thigh and pressed a kiss in her palm before saying,  “Although the one work thing I am happy about is the Lightyear premiere because then I know I’ll get you for almost an entire week while I’m in LA.” 
“I always get emotional at premieres because of getting to see the culmination of years of animation that we’ve worked on but this one is going to be even more emotional,” Nat already knew that this one film held so many more emotions than normal not only because of so much more work that she’d poured into it, but because of the relationship it’d brought to her life. “I already know I’ll be crying like a baby.” 
“Why? I thought I didn’t even make your top three favorite voice actors?” Chris couldn’t help but tease with that sideways smile on his face. 
“Well I’ve kind of grown partial to you.” 
“You better have,” he chuckled softly as he playfully shoved her shoulder gently before his tone shifted and she saw his eyes sparkling in the dim lights as Chris asked, “Is your family still planning on coming to the premiere?” 
Nat bubbled with laughter, knowing that was a rhetorical question. Her family had been buzzing about this for so long and she rested her own elbow on the back of the couch, her hand coming to prop up her cheek as she informed him, “Oh yeah, they’re so excited. The last one they came to was Inside Out so Ella doesn’t even remember it, and then Lily and Carson weren’t even born. Zach and Alex weren’t even married yet so this will be Zach’s first premiere too.” 
“And the first one where you’ve been the lead character design too, right?” 
“Yeah so you’re going to have to give me red carpet lessons,” Nat smiled, having a hard time in this moment understanding that as he sat there in his worn tee shirt and black sweatpants while he laughed and teased her, that he was the same guy as the man who stood on red carpets posing for the hundreds of photographers calling his name. 
“I’m not the person to ask, I’m on and off that shit as fast as humanly possible,” he tipped his head back with a laugh before turning it lazily to look at her with a hand reaching over to rest on her knee, “But you’re right, this is going to be a special one. My family is already pumped about coming.” 
“I’m so glad I’ll get to see your family again. I loved getting to spend more time with them when I came out to Boston last month,” she mused while her thoughts drifted back to the President’s Day weekend when she had been able to take that Friday off, giving her almost four full days visiting him in Boston and spending time with his family that she hadn’t gotten to see enough of, including finally getting to meet his father and the rest of his family members for a few quick hours. 
Being in Boston for only the second time had allowed her to see that other side of Chris. That completely unguarded and calm self, being completely comfortable and at ease. It wasn’t that he wasn’t ever like that when they were alone, or when he had come to Washington to be with her and her family, but seeing him in his beloved and true home let her see such a beautiful side of him that they both had needed to endure these long stretches apart. 
With a point of his finger and a loud cackle, Chris told her, “Carly still wants to get even on Monopoly so we’ll have to break that out while they’re here.” 
“Are they going to stay with you when they come?” Nat wondered, slipping her hand into his and just enjoying getting to have those soft touches as they talked. 
“Well, I was actually thinking about renting them an AirBnB or getting a few hotel rooms for them all to stay at so I could invite your family to stay at my place,” he shrugged, eyes glancing over to where Dodger had wandered in with a toy in his mouth. 
“Chris, that’s so sweet but you don’t need to do that. I don’t want that to take away from you having time with your family,” Nat was quick to speak up, not wanting him to feel like he needed to prioritize her family over his but when his blue eyes came back to meet hers, she knew it was anything but that. 
He just shook his head before leaning in to steal a quick kiss, settling back into the cushions as her legs came to drape over his lap. Chris’ hand wandered up and down her thigh covered in the black leggings she was wearing as he insisted, “I want to, Nattie. I get plenty of time with my family and still will that week, but I want your family to be able to spread out and have a comfortable place to stay, especially with having the younger kids and baby Jack.” 
“You’re so thoughtful it’s almost sickening,” Nat laughed as he blushed softly from her teasing praise. “You’re seriously going to be the kids’ favorite person because they still talk about your pool to this day.” 
He held up his hands in defense, stating, “Hey as long as I’m winning them over, that’s all that matters.” 
“You’ve won them over a long time ago,” Nat knew how true that was. There wasn’t hardly one FaceTime that she had with those three kids that she loved so much without them asking or saying something about Chris. They’d all fallen in love with him over the Thanksgiving week that he’d spent with them but Nat knew that all of it paled in comparison to how much she loved him. How much she truly, deeply, purely loved him. “Besides, they all know I’m not planning on letting you go anytime soon.” 
“Well I’m happy to hear that because that means we’re on the same page.” 
And Nat knew that they truly were. Neither one had to guess how the other felt, wondering if their love was returned just as deeply or if the other was just as committed. Despite the strain of work and struggling to see eye to eye in certain moments about it, they knew that at the base of everything was nothing but love for each other and nothing felt better than that. 
A/N: We'll be back next week with a new chapter! We wanted to let you guys know (in case you hadn't seen it already!) that we are taking the week of 4/27 off from posting due to our schedules then. We both are very busy then and wouldn't be around to handle the postings!
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dailychrisevans · 1 year
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Chris Evans And Jinx Are Teaming Up To Be Superheroes For Accessible, Wholesome Dog Food
It turns out, Marvel didn’t mention Captain America is very much a dog person.
Chris Evans, the 41-year-old megastar actor and last year’s “Sexiest Man Alive,” is brand ambassador for pet nutrition startup Jinx. The company published a press release on Wednesday wherein it announced the so-called “Dog Dream Box.” A limited edition collection made in collaboration with Evans, the new Dog Dream Box consists of four things: a bag of kibble, chicken tender treats, a tennis ball, and a rugged rope toy designed by Evans and his beloved dog named Dodger. [...]
The Dog Dream Box, priced at $19.28, is available today exclusively on Walmart’s website. It will expand to select brick-and-mortar locations nationwide beginning Monday, May 1. The rollout coincides with May being National Pet Month.
“We are thrilled to be launching this collection with Chris and Dodger, longtime friends of the brand and now creative partners of Jinx,” Kyle Banahan, Jinx’s president, said in a statement for the press release. “What is so fantastic about our partnership with Chris is his genuine love for the brand—he was introduced to us initially as a customer and deeply believes in what we are doing. We, in turn, were inspired by the authentic bond that Chris and Dodger share that reminded us of the way we feel about our own dogs. The Dog Dream Box is the ultimate starter kit to make sure your dog is living their happiest, healthiest life.”
For his part, Evans said in a statement for Jinx’s press release: “I am excited for other dogs around the country to try some of Dodger’s favorite bites and fall in love with Jinx like we did, as a healthy diet is crucial to their overall wellbeing.”Read more on Forbes.com
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