ansburg · 3 months
i love that carver is a normie and not a mage! i love that he's the badass normal trope! i love his journey of realization that he doesn't need to have magic to be someone important and worthwhile! i love that his power comes from hard work and autodidactism! you will never see me ordering a farmhand-turned-warrior and wondering where the magic is! i love that his meat is huge!
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menolly5600 · 9 months
Dick Grayson, Ghost Superhero
I just found out and needed to share, that the Injustice version of Dick Grayson died and became a ghost superhero. He took up the Deadman mantle. He has flight, invisibility, intangibility and possession as his powers.
So all the basic Danny Phantom ghost powers.
The Injustice dimension had the Batfamily develop almost identically to the mainline dimension before the Joker broke Superman by killing Lois and his unborn child.
So, you know, it's DC canon there's a nearly mainline ghost Nightwing-Deadman out there being a ghost hero in another dimension.
And the Infinite Realms connect to other dimensions and timelines.
DC is out here writing DP x DC fanfiction for us and not realizing it.
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And since this is one of the many alternate versions of Dick Grayson, you can have a fic with him and living Nightwing (and Danny Phantom in the mix) at the same time!
This stuff writes itself!
Tumblr, do your thing. ❤️
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nexility-sims · 5 months
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no context outing #2 of ∞ - casino !
i put miss leonor in this dress and was instantly possessed by the need to waste a couple days taking pictures of it ... worth it imo
& some marginally 🌶️ outtakes ↓
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kataraavatara · 3 months
slightly lukewarm acotar take is that the fae in ACOTAR feel closer to superheroes than fae. like as someone who consumes comics and fantasy books it feels like i’m reading people with superpowers half the time and not something inhuman, otherworldly or magical
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guqin-and-flute · 9 months
Mingjue strikes me as the type of guy to not offer up information about his sexuality/sex life in general but also doesn't consider it something to hide (and just doesn't care enough to.) Partly because he thinks it's stupid that people think it's their business at all and partly because he doesn't see it as shameful. He's got so much other shit going on and he's not gonna live forever, he's definitely not wasting time on worrying what Sect Leader Yao thinks of who he invites into his bed.
But people see him speaking out against Jin Guangshan's degeneration and the general Jin Vibe of opulence and indulgence, they assume that means he classes all """deviant""" sexuality in that category, and his reputation as being so rule and honor code abiding they assume he will agree as passionately with all of society's mores (re: homosexual encounters) and just assume he's strictly straight and discount any rumors that he isn't.
'Sleep with a man? Chifeng-zun? You must be joking.'
Meanwhile Mingjue is like, 'What? Yeah, we did. Can we get back to what we were doing, now? I couldn't give less of a shit and you're wasting my time.'
And still people would be like, 'Man, I don't know where these rumors are coming from!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯'
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queermania · 4 months
i'm sorry but if you're a jensen hater and you love misha i can't take you seriously as a person. misha has spent the past decade+ thinking he gets a pass for making gay jokes because he's an Ally(tm) and jensen has spent the same time *checks notes* not confirming that dean wants his back blown out by cas. wow what a monster.
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thesummerstorms · 26 days
Just imagine Jason or Dick being reflexively startled by something, reaching for a weapon, only to realize it's just Annabeth.
It's just their baby sister who they mourned for years. Just the girl they thought they lost. And yet on some instinctive level, they are afraid of her and her too bright eyes and her too quick hands.
They can tell something has happened to her, even if she refuses to tell them where she's been, has already started getting into fights with Bruce over her silence. It doesn't take a family of detectives to register the scars or the dark circles beneath her eyes
But before they notice any of that, before their concern for the little girl they once loved can rise to the forefront, the most instinctual parts of their brain, the ones primed to fight, can't help but register her as dangerous.
Whoever she is now, wherever she's been, whatever she's learned, their first split second reaction is as much to defend from her as to defend her. And that horrifies them both because on some level she's the sibling who has least earned that from them.
But she's dangerous before she is anything else and the mortals who should love her most are the first to notice.
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sam-reid · 2 years
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naranjapetrificada · 1 year
Another thing I'm adding to the season 2 wishlist: I desperately hope we get to see Ed in Finest Sailor Izzy Has Ever Known mode.
We got the lighthouse in ep4 of course but I want to see that man making use of the tides and shit. I want him connected to the sea the way Buttons is connected to the moon. Tripping up his enemies with sandbars no one else can even see. Maneuvering the Revenge like he's threading a needle. I'm talking like, preternatural levels of sailing prowess and feats that nobody else can touch.
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anghraine · 2 months
Just thinking about Gondor, as usual, and how wild it is that the (supposedly minority!) population of Gondorians who speak Sindarin and/or know Quenya at the end of the Third Age is likely higher than the combined number of all Elves still remaining in Middle-earth who can speak either.
Tolkien's specific statement is that more Men speak Sindarin or know Quenya than Elves do either, but while this group of Men would encompass people like the Northern Dúnedain, Théoden, etc, the letter directly links this to Gondorian usage of Sindarin and Quenya. That does make sense given the extreme population disparities involved; the vast majority of the Men in question would pretty much have to come from Gondor. Certainly, the only place where we actually see widespread, casual, local Sindarin usage among Men is Minas Tirith (though we know the linguistic patterns of MT are also characteristic of Dol Amroth and likely throughout much of Belfalas).
In addition, Tolkien tried to make sense of the limited evolution of Gondorian Sindarin by saying it's an acquired polite language among Númenórean aristocratic elites and scholars. In the actual process of writing LOTR there were various explanations (in one draft Faramir explains that Westron is a Gondorian conlang invented for dealings with other peoples, for instance). But Tolkien's standard justification for Gondorian Sindarin being so recognizable soon settled on an idea that Gondorian Sindarin is a language of the elites taught to them in childhood and used as a courtesy or mark of high status rather than evolving naturally.
I've always found this explanation a bit odd given that in the main narrative of LOTR, the Gondorian groups we see using Sindarin in full sentences/conversations rather than for specific names like Mithrandir or isolated words are mainly Gondorian soldiers outside of leadership roles. Faramir's men in Ithilien switch to "another language of their own" that turns out to be Sindarin. In the streets of Minas Tirith, "many" random soldiers call out to each other in Sindarin to gossip about Pippin. The almost entirely Gondorian armies following Aragorn praise the hobbits in Sindarin and Quenya.
But if we take Tolkien's statement at face value, the implication is that Númenórean elites in Gondor (i.e. a small fraction of the overall Gondorian population) outnumber the combined populations of all Sindarin- or Quenya-speaking Elves remaining in Middle-earth.
Many Elves have left or died, yes, but we're still talking about the Elves of Rivendell and of Lothlórien and all the ones scattered throughout Lindon, combined. If they really are outnumbered by Gondor's ruling aristocracy alone, I think the usual estimates of Gondor's overall population must be far too low. Tolkien simply noted that the population of Minas Tirith and its fiefs (presumably referring to Lossarnach, Anórien etc), while declined from the past, must have still been "much greater" than the combined Elvish populations of Rivendell, Lothlórien, and Lindon. That's not even getting into the more outlying fiefs of Gondor like densely-populated Belfalas.
(Alternatively, you could fanwank that Sindarin/Quenya are more widely spoken in Gondor than this and thus the population disparities, while certainly present, are not quite so extreme as this suggests. But that interpretation does require ignoring explicit statements from Tolkien in a way that something like theorizing population based on vague canonical suggestions is typically going to avoid doing.)
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scattergoriesofevil · 11 months
Burrow’s End party names
Episode 1: Stupendous Stoats
Episode 2: Mystical Mustelids
Episode 3: Excellent Ermines
Episode 4: Wondrous Weasels
Episode 5: Vicious Varmits
Episode 6: Preternatural Predators
Episode 7: Invasive Investigators
Episode 8: UnCommon Carnivores
Episode 9: Little Guys
Episode 10: Stupendous Stoats
Aabria you did such a good job!
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mlmgaze · 3 months
unfortunately the fact of the matter is that grampire got turned, finally started using twitter, and now tweets like donald trump
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july-19th-club · 6 months
[speaking language] subtitles i hate you i hate you I Would Like To See It
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clownprince · 1 year
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honestly i don't think people make fun of this line enough at all. i don't like to use the word "cringe" generally bc i think it's so overused but idfk how else to describe the agonizing secondhand embarrassment i get from reading this shit. obviously this is an attempt by johns to include some level of depth to his joker(s) and it just absolutely does not work. it reads more like a goofy satirical parody of modern age comics than anything that should have been published. like this is genuinely fucking embarrassing geoff johns wants to be alan moore so badly but unfortunately for him moore has more talent in his goddamn pinky nail than johns does in his entire wretched body. god i hate this fucking shitstain of a story so much. i could write a damn multi-page paper breaking down individually everything i despise about three jokers but frankly it's a waste of my time and also even thinking about this is bad for my blood pressure
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have this stupid thing
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thequietabsolute · 10 days
so i’m in the middle of moving home, which is meant to be about as fun as a colonoscopy but but but, this is the last time in the foreseeable i’ll have no neighbours, and the entire Radiohead discography is being played, in order, at maximum volume : and to my surprise I’m having a splendid time
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markiafc · 2 months
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