#pretty evil king eri
hopeluna · 3 months
!! Fic Recs
Most of these are long fics or series and some of these are 18+ so be aware? But anyways, enjoy these works from absolute writing angels <33
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Symptoms & Causes by @lostfracturess
Gojo Satoru x reader
Synopsis: he's arrogant, self-centered, and he's your professor. renowned for his brilliance in neurosurgery and infamous for his allure. too bad you have to work with him on this research team. now you're stuck with dr. satoru gojo, delving into the complexities of both the brain and the heart—and of how far you'd go for a love that could destroy not only him but you as well.
Love Entries by @chuluoyi
Gojo Satoru x reader
Synopsis: series of episodes of your life with the strongest sorcerer throughout the past and present
men are so quick to blame the gods by @awearywritersworld
Sukuna x reader
Synopsis: your boyfriend is a heavy sleeper, leaving you to form an unlikely relationship with the curse occupying his body during the late hours of the night.
wanna be yours by @nezuscribe
Gojo Satoru x reader
Synopsis: you find yourself in a marriage that you never wanted in the first place. your husband seems to hate you and you begin to wonder if anything you used to think of him was even true. who would have though a marriage to gojo satoru would be so difficult?
his kiss, the riot by @nezuscribe
Gojo Satoru x reader
Synopsis: the king has been struck by never-ending grief when he found out about his wife's infidelity. he has her ordered to be killed, but afterward, he is no longer the same. every night he marries a woman, and every morning he has her killed. the endless cycle continues until the night you're chosen to be his wife. instead of letting him ruin you, you tell him a story. you tell him a story that he just has to know the ending to. and so begins the story of one thousand and one arabian nights.
i'd crawl home to her by @likelilacwine
Geto Suguru x reader
Summary: the god of the underworld brings his most valued prize home at the risk of tearing the realm itself apart.
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Boku No Hero Academia
Yes, her entire blog. Pls each and every series of her is god send. I cannot reccomend this to you enough!!
pretty white dress by @gaybybirth
Dabi x reader
Synopsis: You're shelving books like normal at work when a new face comes into the store. And in a small town where everyone knows each other, a new face really stands out. Especially when it's one that makes you burn in ways you never have.
Aizawa Shouta x reader
Synopsis: you are employed by aizawa shouta to nanny for his vulnerable adoptive daughter eri while he’s at work. as time passes you find yourself equally smitten with them both, longing for a more permanent place in their family.
please save me by @hitoshiyoshi
Platonic!young!shimura tenko x reader
Synopsis: you save shimura tenko
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Stranger Things
Not Wholly Evil by @uglypastels
Eddie Munson x reader
Synopsis: as the daughter of the Governor, there is quite a heavy prize set on your safe return home, and the captain will not let anything come between him and his bounty.
As you wish by @corroded-hellfire
Eddie Munson x reader
Synopsis: When Eddie isn’t appreciated like he should be, his babysitter feels the need to step in and comfort him.
Living After Midnight by @munson-blurbs
Eddie Munson x reader
Synopsis: Being a perpetual people-pleaser meant that you were constantly putting others before yourself--particularly your parents and the eccentric guests who stayed at their motel. But when a surly and mysterious musician checked in indefinitely, he flipped your whole world on its head.
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Please do tell me if you want to be removed from this for whatever reason!!
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
Who pulls the most bitches?
So I saw someone do something like this and I kind of wanted to do my own version with sjm characters. They get no bitches (besides that one girl who's a sucker for losers): Tamlin, Hunt, Ithan, Declan (only bc he's gay not for lack of game; he pulls ALL the men), Tarquin They get more than none but less bitches than you'd expect: Fenrys (bc he's with Maeve, poor boyo), Tharion (bc he's stuck with the river queen's daughter, oof), Aedion, Mor (because she has to hide her sexuality, rip) Now let's rank the remaining: Rhysand: for the supposedly most powerful fae guy to ever exist, he gets a surprisingly low amount of bitches. Perhaps it is due to his creepy evil reputation and the hatred for him within his own court: turns out a pretty face a male does NOT make. Even gold-diggers have standards! Cassian: I turned this over in my mind many times, but I realized Cassian pulls less bitches than Azriel after the line "I don't need to resort to poetry." He gets plenty of bitches because he's a bigass dude with muscles, but his shitty poetry is a turn-off to most eligible ladies. Azriel: he doesn't need to resort to poetry; he's a pretty boy with a cut body, but points have to be deducted for lack of game and pining over Mor for 500 years and being obsessed with having a mate (yuck). Dorian Havilliard: Come on, guys! He's a hot prince! Of course, he gets all the bitches. He's a little immature but he grows out of it! I mean he pulled the fucking man-eater, for God's sake. Points deducted for falling for Celaena wayyyy too fast (and getting rejected) and for his healer girl getting decapitated (rip Sorscha). Rowan: we KNOW this guy gets aaaaaaaalllll the bitches. Come on, he's Rowan-rutting-Whitethorn! Points were deducted for the whole Lyria thing AND serving Maeve for so long. Lorcan Salvaterre: He gets even more bitches than Rowan because... "Battles, riches, females- Lorcan always won, at any cost." And it's even said Rowan often allowed him to win. So yeah, he pulls a lot of bitches and participates in crazy orgies with his homie Rowan. Points deducted for being Stockholmed by Maeve (poor Lolo). Ruhn Danaan: I mean we already know the man's got game (evidence: CC2 chapter 3 plus all ruhnlidia chapters). He's also a young (by Fae standards) prince who lives in a fucking frat-boy house. And that sad-boy thing he's got going on? Girls love that. Eat it up. All the bitches wanna sit on him to take away his sorrow. Points deducted for crushing on a lesbian (oops). Tristan Flynn: Man gets even more bitches than Ruhn because he's just hornier and he's obsessed with his hair. Also, did you see the fire sprites becoming his cheerleaders? King shit. Points deducted for failing to rizz up Ariadne. Eris Vanserra: Come on, he's an Autumn Court male. Plus he's a Vanserra! It's practically in his blood! Points deducted for being rejected by Mor and Nesta tho. Chaol Westfall: Man gets a shockingly high number of bitches despite being a human character who until Dorian became king had a pretty lowly position. I mean, there was a literal PRINCE and his cousin hanging out and the girls were all drooling over Chaol. When he had a disability (which unfortunately due to prejudices that exist, often make you "undesirable" in the eyes of many) and he rizzed all those women, including Yrene, harder than Kashin. EVERY. GIRL. CHOSE. CHAOL. OVER. A. LITERAL. PRINCE. Both in Adarlan AND the southern continent. You're telling me he doesn't have the rizz??? A half a point deducted for being too hung up over Celaena (I don't blame him but still). But still, he pulls sooooo many bitches. Lucien (Vanserra? Spell-Cleaver? Cunt-Server?): Come on. Is there anyone else fitting to be number 1???? Man's got EVERYTHING Chaol has, PLUS he's the son of a High Lord and he's got that Vanserra rizz. Fuck it, he wouldn't stop at bitches. He'll pull every mfer to ever exist. If it breathes, it's into Lucien Vanserra. He is THAT guy.
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Fireleaf (Part 10)
Hello, everyone! Sorry this one took a while to get out. Updates should be much more frequent in the new year ♥️
Thank you so, so much for all the support you've given @greeneyedivy and I on this...so much work goes into it and we appreciate it more than you know! And for all the support on my other writing too! I haven't had this account all that long, but making it and joining this community is one of the best things I did in 2022, and I'm thankful for you all! Hope you all have a happy new year and that 2023 is brilliant for you ♥️
Warnings: None for this part!
Moonlight was lustrous and plentiful on the lawn of the estate. Such a bright, stunning silver that it had a magical quality to it. 
And yet, you kept to the shadows, cloaking yourself in darkness and waving through clusters of trees. If not for Eris’s sure presence at your side, you would have outright refused the stroll through the woods at the later hour – lest the nutcracker and creatures alike were lurking amongst them. 
But Eris was purely at ease as he strode beside you, not at all bothered by the darkness. It had been his idea – after a game of cards that had stretched on and on and on – to take a late-night walk. 
He was a tad quiet, though. Pensive.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” You eventually inquired, after a long stint of comfortable silence.
A part of you didn’t want to ask – out of a selfish concern that he’d bring up the hunting trip again. The scratches he’d clocked on Lucien’s hands. You knew he suspected something, and the two uneventful weeks that had passed since had been a tentative game of waiting to see if he’d bring it up.
He hadn’t. Hadn’t so much as indicated that anything was untoward.
You had a feeling that was all about to change. 
Eris’s amber eyes turned on you, and he fluttered his lashes. “You think I’m pretty?” 
“Don’t let it go to your head. I think you’re an ass.”
He snorted, sliding his hands into his pockets. “It’s Hybern.”
Your feet came to an immediate stop, a slither of ice sneaking through you. “Hybern?”
“The faerie kingdom west of Prythian–”
“I know what it is,” You snorted. “I haven’t quite been living under a rock.”
Indeed, it would take a life of the harshest sheltering to be unaware of Hybern and its reputation. Its savage king. You had family that had fought in the war against them, on the side of the humans. 
The cold, unforgiving island and its inhabitants stood for everything you were staunchly against. And the mere mention of its name had you rubbing goosebumps from your arms. 
“Then you’ll know that in the centuries since the war, the King of Hybern has considered it to be a dark age,” Eris said. “They call the years prior to the war, when humans were enslaved to them, the Golden Era. It’s sick.” 
You grimaced. Sick, indeed. “But what of it? I mean…there’s no mistaking that he’s evil, but…why are we worrying now? It’s been almost five centuries since the war.”
“He sent an emissary of his to Prythian. Amarantha, her name is. She claims to come in good faith, that Hybern wishes to open up communications with Prythian once more, to share assets and establish trading between court and country. It’s alleged that she’s already paid a visit to Dawn and Day, trying to request an audience with their High Lords.” 
“And have they granted such a request?”
Eris shook his head. “Not yet. Everyone is rightfully cautious. This Amarantha may claim to come with good tidings, but nobody has forgotten what the King of Hybern is like. What he did to his slaves when the Treaty was signed. I believe the High Lords will probably meet, at some point, to discuss whether or not they trust her.” 
The two of you had walked the woods circling the estate, finally coming to a stop near the armoury. You tried not to glance in the direction of the manor, where Lucien’s window faced you. Tried not to think too much of a vague movement that was gone before you had a chance to look.
“Well that’s good, right?” You said to Eris. “For the High Lord’s to come together?” 
“It is,” Eris shrugged. “But they’re hesitant to act too quickly, lest they spread panic across the courts. They’re trying to keep Amarantha’s presence quiet. There’s still a lot of lingering trauma surrounding Hybern…I doubt anyone would take too kindly to one of the king’s emissaries walking amongst their people.”
You studied him. The weight of clear responsibility that was sitting on his shoulders. You didn’t quite understand what he was getting at. “So…?” You prompted.
“So it’s time for me to play courtier.” His mouth kicked into a smirk; one that could have been for show. “Instead of the High Lords meeting right away, they’ve arranged for a courtiers’ meeting instead. It will garner much less attention and interest than if the High Lords were all gathered in one place. Every court is sending two courtiers to a neutral meeting ground, where we’ll share what we know so far about Amarantha and Hybern. Said information will be taken back to our respective High Lords – and from there, they’ll decide how to act.” 
“And you’re one of the courtiers?” You smiled up at him. You felt a weird sense of…pride…knowing how well Eris played this game. How naturally he took to it. 
“I am.” He nodded, linking an arm through yours. He pulled you along with him as he fell into a steady walk once more. “And you’re the other one.” 
You tripped. Over your own damn feet. Eris had to grab you before you fell flat on your face.
“Excuse me?” You blurted. 
“Shh.” He chuckled. “Do you wish to wake the entire estate up?” 
“Look.” He stopped, rounding on you. “My father is sending me as his head courtier. He told me that the choice was mine as to who I brought with me – that I will have to make such decisions when I’m the High Lord one day. He said he trusted me to choose wisely.” 
“...And so you chose me? Have you had a bump to your head, or something?” 
“Give yourself more credit, Y/N.” He pulled you along once more. “The choice was entirely mine to make. I’m not taking Barric, because my father needs him here. There’s absolutely no chance I would trust either Jareth or Rian with such a responsibility, knowing what they’re like. They’d start a fight within the first thirty minutes. Dion would go if I asked, but he wouldn’t really want to. And, well…Lucien’s not even worth considering. He’d be too busy trying to catch a fluffy cloud in a jar, or reading poetry to a doe, or–”
“Eris.” You cut him off quickly; you didn’t need more visions of Lucien cramming themselves into your head. “Be that as it may…why would you choose me? I’m no courtier. I–”
“You’re intelligent. Straight-talking. Witty. You have experience dealing with people – hell, you did enough of it while single-handedly manning your father’s business. I think everyone gravely underestimates you, Y/N, and I want to see what you’re made of when you’re given half the chance.” 
You couldn’t deny the way his words tightly clenched your heart within their fist. The fact that he would even consider trusting you…you could have cried right then. 
“I appreciate it.” You smiled ruefully. “Truly, I do, but…your father would never allow it.” 
“My father left the decision entirely to me. He didn’t give any conditions to such a decision. And so I’ve made my choice, and I’d like you to come with me. And if you get overwhelmed, I’ll handle all the boring courtier stuff. But at the very least, we’d be able to get away from the estate for a weekend and have some fun. Doesn’t that sound good?”
Gods, it did. It was a rare moment when you and Eris weren’t having fun and laughing raucously about something together. Like the brother you’d never had, the two of you seemed to end up making mischief, even without trying. And to be able to do so away from the estate, away from Jareth’s malice and the tension between you and Lucien…
“Well, in that case,” you grinned, “I’m extremely honoured that you’ve asked me, and I gladly accept.” 
“Nobody there will have a more beautiful female on their arm than I will.” He smirked, slinging an arm around your shoulder. “Come – let’s sneak some ice cream before bed.” 
It was after much to-ing and fro-ing that it was decided that the courtiers’ meeting would be held at the sacred Mountain — neutral ground that was situated in Prythian’s Middle. 
You’d heard all about it, of course, years and years ago, during your schooling. The sacred Mountain was one of the first things any faerie learned about in a lesson of Prythian’s history — the point from which your world was created.
Perhaps that’s why you were shot with nerves and excitement to go there. 
While it gave the appearance of a towering, breathtaking mountain on the outside, it was inside that you found yourself lost for words. Eris had promised you a glimpse the day prior to the other courtiers arriving, and that glimpse did not disappoint.
“With it being neutral ground for all the courts,” he explained, “High Lords long ago carved out the mountain’s belly to make it appropriate for use.”
Indeed, while it was nothing luxurious, it was undoubtedly stunning. It was the sheer size of it that had words stuck in your throat. A huge, gargantuan structure that only nature’s hands could have crafted, the stone walls seeming to watch down on the middle that had been carved and sculpted for the most basic and necessary needs. No adornments, nothing that would spit in the face of the Mother’s work — just a giant, echoing cavern waiting to be filled. You couldn’t help wondering how many people could fit inside.
“This is where the meeting will be,” Eris said, seeming to smile fondly at your awestruck expression. “I believe we’ll be indulging in a feast whilst we do the posturing and pretend to like each other.”
“Well,” you smiled, “you won’t catch me saying no to a feast.”
Eris chuckled, the sound seeming to bounce all around you like the cave walls were volleying it between them. Your footsteps echoed, too, as you brushed past him — back towards the crack of daylight that beckoned you from the way you’d entered.
“Y/N.” Eris’s hand landed on your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
You studied him. The fierce flash of…something…in those amber eyes. “What is it?”
“There is…a lot riding on this meeting, for me.” Pulling his hand away, he swallowed. Loosened the collar of his tunic. He looked strangely uncomfortable. “So while I trust you…if I ask you to do something for me, I need you to do it, okay? No questions asked.”
Plenty of questions rose in your mind that very second; ones you wanted to poke and prod at until you got an answer. But something in Eris’s expression — in how uptight he suddenly was — had you submitting with barely a blink. You nodded resolutely.
“Okay.” You agreed. “No questions asked.”
The two of you could just as easily have returned to the comforts and luxuries of the Vanserra Estate and winnowed back to the Sacred Mountain for the meeting the following evening. But Eris had promised you a weekend away from the pressing eyes of Beron and Barric. Away from Jareth’s vitriol. 
You ended up in a small village you hadn’t even known existed. How far from the estate it was, you didn’t know — nor did you care. Not as you watched Eris shuck off the High-Lord-to-be persona and become just…Eris. A few of the villagers recognised him, of course, and the way they warmly greeted him spoke volumes about his genuine character; you certainly couldn’t imagine anyone ever approaching Beron to say a quick hello. But for that evening, you were just Eris and Y/N, and you ate dinner and drank and danced like you had no responsibilities in the world. 
The hour was late when the two of you snagged rooms at an inn, Eris informing you that he’d stayed there a few times before. And with your belly full of food and wine, you managed to forget about your nerves for the upcoming meeting and fall into a mostly restful sleep. 
The next morning, Eris sat opposite you at one of the inn’s tables, the two of you enjoying a quiet breakfast. His faced seemed more…shadowed than the night before. Like the weight of his duty was weighing on him once more, heavier than ever. You wanted to ask if he was alright, to see if he wanted to share some of the load, but you’d barely exchanged a word between you when the door flew open, and heavy footfalls reached you from behind. 
You turned in your seat mid-chew — and forced yourself to swallow as your eyes met Lucien’s. 
That was as far as his acknowledgement of you went as he focused his attention on Eris and dipped his chin in greeting. “Thought I’d find you here.”
If Eris was surprised to see his brother, he didn’t let it show. He merely drew a long sip of tea. “Nothing if not consistent, brother. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
“Some trouble has broken out between the soldiers under your command.” Lucien said. “It’s getting out of hand and they’re refusing to answer to anyone but you.”
“Shit.” Eris cursed, throwing his napkin down. “Can’t turn my back for five fucking minutes.”
You stared between the two brothers, not exactly sure how to interject — whether or not you even should. Eris’s eyes slid to meet yours. 
“I’m gonna have to deal with this before they start tearing chunks out of each other.” He said. “Damn youngsters need sorting out. I…I may not be back in time to join you…”
You balked. “You’re not seriously suggesting I attend this meeting alone?”
“Alone? Gods, no, I wouldn’t do that to you. Lucien will just have to take my place.”
“What?” The barked word came from both you and Lucien, your voices twining together and sounding like little more than a panicked bleat. 
“Y/N can’t go alone, Lucien.” Eris shrugged. “And I’m needed elsewhere. You’re already here, and it’s my call — you’ll take my place. Please just accept it and don’t make me pull rank.”
“But I have—“
“Have what, Lucien? A flock of newborn birds to sing a lullaby to? I’m sure it can wait.” Eris stood from his seat, mussing Lucien’s hair, at which the younger brother scowled. “I’m going to get ready. The two of you will do brilliantly.”
He parted with nothing more than a kiss to your head and a wink, striding out of the room. And then it was just you and Lucien. Alone. 
He avoided your gaze. 
Fine. That was how he was going to play it.
It was just before he left that Eris discreetly pulled you into an unoccupied room at the inn, shoving what seemed to be an envelope into your hands. You frowned down at it, studying the Autumn Court insignia. 
“What’s this?” You asked, fingers brushing the parchment.
“I need you to hand deliver that to somebody at the meeting.” He told you. “Not Lucien — you. The recipient is expecting me, so I’ll need you to explain the situation. Tell them the letter is from me.”
Your frown deepened. “Who’s it for?”
”I wouldn’t like to say…with the eyes and ears in this court.” His voice dropped a level. “But they have a bit of a preferred taste for jewellery — blue gemstones in particular.”
“…if this is a female you’re courting—”
“And failing that,” he didn’t seem to hear you, “just keep an eye out for the wings.”
“What? Wings—?”
“I really have to get going.” He brushed past you on hurried feet, tension coiled in his stance. “Try not to worry. I have every faith in you.”
“Wait—“ You blinked, following. “What do you mean wings?”
Eris turned in the doorway, an odd smile — one you couldn’t quite put a name to — pulling at his lips. 
“Just trust me.” He said. 
Lucien’s head fell back against the wall.
He could strangle Eris. Wrap his hands around his damn throat and strangle him. Or maybe bludgeon him with a large, heavy book. Take a scissor to all his favourite tailored suits–
He’d spent the last twenty minutes leaning against the wall and considering how he might get back at Eris for this. It had not, under any circumstances, been on Lucien’s radar to spend an evening playing courtier – something he usually kept himself far, far away from.
And much less at Y/N’s side, too. 
It seemed like every time he tried to put distance between them, something brought them back together. The hamlet fire, her getting caught up in a storm on the hunt, and now this.
The Mother had to be up there somewhere, laughing at him. At both of them.
He sighed, pushing himself away from the wall. He’d been waiting absolutely fucking ages for her to get ready for the meeting, and he was tired of staring at the same patterned wallpaper that was starting to give him a headache.
He rapped on Y/N’s bedroom door briskly. And then strolled into the room like it was his own.
She was stood at the mirror, surveying her reflection – but she turned upon Lucien’s entrance, rounding on him with a face like thunder.
“You could have waited for me to welcome you in.” She snapped. “I might have been stark naked, for all you knew.”
Lucien shrugged, sliding his hands into his pockets and trying to keep such an image from his mind. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before.”
She scowled, turning back to the mirror and smoothing her hands over the black dress that covered her body – scarcely covered her body. Scraps of fabric was surely a more accurate description for what she wore, and Lucien found himself tracking the skin that was on show, tensing as he wandered further in and perched on the edge of the bed. 
“What is that.” He said bluntly, eyeing the thin fabric pulled taut against her figure.
Her eyes met his in the mirror – eyes that were lined with kohl, cheeks dusted with rouge and lips that had been painted deliciously red. She looked every part the cunning courtier, a sight that would stop people in their tracks, no doubt, to gawk at her. At her face. Her body.
Lucien’s eyes, though, snagged on her hair. That tiny little braid he’d developed a strange obsession with. The feel of it pinched between his fingers–
“It’s a gown.” She replied shortly, tugging the dress down. “And before you say anything, Eris picked it out for me, so if I look ridiculous–”
“Which you do.” Wrong. She looked beautiful. Utterly divine–
Her shoulders tensed, and Lucien wanted to snatch the words back. He wasn’t trying to be nasty, it was just…lots of skin on show. Which he usually wouldn’t care about.
Only…he knew what those areas of her body, usually hidden, looked like. What they felt like. And he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about other people getting an eyeful.
He swallowed, trying to ignore the pinch of guilt he felt for his rude remark. “You just…look like you’d fit in more at the Night Court, that’s all. This is what the females there dress like.”
A strange expression took over her face that Lucien couldn’t quite get a read on. She pursed her lips, turning away from the mirror, her hands clasped tightly together. She looked more tense than normal, more wary.
“You’re nervous.” Lucien commented. 
She shrugged, tried to play it off. “A bit. I’ve never done this before.”
“It’ll be fine. Just keep your ears open and your smart comments to yourself, and you won’t get us into trouble.”
She stared back at him, and he half expected her to throw one of those smart comments his way. But she merely furrowed her brow the slightest bit – and then looked away.
Clearly not in the mood for sparring, then.
“Let’s just go.” She mumbled, tugging a pair of heels on. 
Lucien rose from the bed, holding out his hand. She avoided his gaze as she took it, and the two of them were lurched into momentary, swirling darkness, the air becoming considerably colder as they winnowed to the Middle. Right outside the Sacred Mountain. 
It stood over them, huge and imposing and somewhat sentient. Something about it made a shiver course through Lucien’s body as they stumbled to a stop. Something cold and foreboding. 
Or perhaps that was just the icy air. 
“You’re going to be freezing in that hand towel you call a dress.” He commented, eyeing her once more. Some small part of him hoped for her to dig back, to insult him.
But she merely pulled her hand out of his, murmuring, “I’ll be fine.”
Lucien sighed to himself. It was going to be a long fucking night.
The next three hours — three gods-damned hours — served as a reminder as to why Lucien liked to avoid these things at all costs. 
There was no denying the clear concern that he and everybody else there felt in regards to this Amarantha character. It was evident that each court had either heard of or encountered her in some way. And thus began the volleying back and forth as to whether she could be trusted. As to whether she spoke true on wanting to smooth things over between Prythian and Hybern.
Lucien thought not, but…by the time everyone’s shoulders had slumped and huge tables of food had appeared with the wave of a hand, he was done-in enough to agree to anything. 
Which was why he didn’t much fancy himself as a courtier. 
The general atmosphere of the room relaxed, and people were very quickly shucking off their courtier facades and falling into conversation with old friends from other courts. Even a bard appeared from somewhere, filling the huge, cavernous area with music. The meeting became a party in seconds. 
Lucien returned to Y/N’s side, handing her a chalice that she accepted with barely a glance his way. Her attention was elsewhere — had been, in fact, since the meeting had finished. Pinned across the room. 
She’d done well, he thought. Why she’d been so nervous, he wasn’t sure — for the most part, the small input she’d offered around the giant circular table had been logical and concise, and it had drawn some attention to her. Had inquisitive gazes snagging on her and people wondering who the beautiful, elusive courtier was that had come on behalf of the Autumn Court. 
She was shaping up to be quite the pretty piece on the chess board that Beron navigated from his throne. It left a bitter taste in Lucien’s mouth. Hers, too.
He was surprised — and delighted — to see that his friend, Nuan, had been sent on behalf on the Dawn Court. For the most part, the role she played in High Lord Thesan’s court was that of his alchemist and master tinkerer; but, of course, she was just as valued as any other courtier. Lucien was tempted to stride over and talk to her, catch up with her, but he remained dutifully at Y/N’s side.
Y/N, who barely spoke a word to him. Who downed her wine like it was going out of fashion and kept her eyes peeled on that spot across the room.
Lucien followed her gaze — and almost rolled his eyes. 
How typical, that what had caught her attention was the handsome male with the huge, membranous wings and the shadows snaking around him. The brilliant cobalt siphons that seemed to cast a blue glow around him. Or perhaps it was the tiny female at his side, with silver eyes and a look that could slice anyone in two. 
The two Night Court representatives — Azriel, the shadowsinger and spymaster, and Amren, the…terrifying little second-in-command to the High Lord — were currently engaged in conversation with the two courtiers from the Day Court. But while the shadowsinger’s eyes remained solely on whoever he spoke to, those shadows kept him aware of the ins and outs of multiple other directions. Whispered to him, no doubt, about who was around. What was being said and done.
Lucien damn near started when his guarded, hazel gaze darted over to them — and landed straight on Y/N.
“Have you finished your wine already?” Lucien said — a pathetic attempt to drag her attention to him. “I’ll get you anoth—”
But Y/N was suddenly peeling from his side, mumbling beneath her breath. “Blue gemstones” was all Lucien caught before she was striding away from him without so much as a glance back. Striding towards the damn shadowsinger. 
“What—” He started after her. “Hey.”
He’d met the spymaster a brief couple of times, but he knew only of him through rumour and tale; anybody with half a brain cell could grasp what an intimidating figure he cut. But word had it that those shadows whispered to him, fed him information. Word had it that those scarred, brutal hands had done unmentionable things. 
And Y/N — the mouthiest, sassiest, most outspoken person he’d ever met — had just stopped right in front of the shadowsinger as if he were no more than a mewling kitten.
Lucien stopped by her side, clearing his throat. The female — Amren — was appraising both of them with a cocked eyebrow. 
“Are you the shadowsinger?” Y/N asked. 
Azriel’s lips seemed to twitch. “I am.” He inclined his head. “I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure…”
“Y/N.” She offered him a hand. “The pleasure is all mine.”
The shadowsinger took her hand in his, pressing a chaste kiss to her fingers. Lucien watched from beside her, trying to ignore the way his shoulders tensed—
But it was as Azriel retracted his hand that Lucien found himself frowning. Could have sworn that a small, square piece of parchment had appeared in his palm that hadn’t been there moments before. One of his shadows coiled around him, seeming to stretch towards his ear. And then, as though Lucien had imagined the entire thing, Azriel was dipping his chin at him in greeting. 
“Lucien.” He acknowledged him politely. “Good to see you. You remember Amren?”
The tiny, otherworldly being was hardly easy to forget. Lucien shot her an awkward smile — a smile that she looked like she wanted to devour whole. 
“Nice dress, girl.” Amren’s gaze flicked over Y/N. She turned to Azriel. “Like something from Mor’s wardrobe.”
“Indeed.” Azriel’s eyes also appraised the gown clinging to Y/N’s body; Lucien wanted to rip those damn eyes out. A smooth, easy smile played on his lips. “Perhaps I could get you another drink?”
A smile as bright as sunlight lit up her face, and she nodded. “I’d like that very much.”
Lucien may as well have not been damn well been there as Azriel offered her his arm. He stepped aside, swallowing hard. 
And as the shadowsinger led her away, it was the lightest she’d looked all night.
He wanted to leave. Get the fuck out of the mountain, and go back to the inn. Or better yet, back to the estate.
Anywhere he could put distance between himself and Y/N once more. 
But the meeting-turned-feast-turned-party seemed to be unending. Drinks continued to flow and music continued to play, a loud mix of voices battling against it as conversations were had and laughter was shared. 
And Y/N – Y/N was having a merry old time. Hadn’t left the shadowsinger’s side once.
It was all Lucien could do to glare at an insignificant spot on the mountain wall and pretend like he wasn’t eavesdropping on the conversation happening right beside him. But he couldn’t help it. Couldn’t help feeling pissed off that the person he’d come to this damn thing with had barely spared him a glance. 
“Grip that chalice any harder, boy,” Amren hummed quietly at his side, “and you’ll bend it out of shape.” 
Lucien scowled, glancing down at her. She didn’t seem at all bothered that her companion, also, was busy with someone else. If anything, she seemed mildly…amused.
As though she was privy to something that Lucien was not. 
With a sigh, he placed his drink down and turned his attention back to Y/N, wondering how soon he could acceptably drag her out of there. He cleared his throat loudly – to no avail. 
“Have you been to the Autumn Court much?” She was asking Azriel, her eyes bright and wild.
Azriel shook his head. The way he stood with his hands clasped behind his back looked utterly unnatural to Lucien, and yet he was the picture of ease. Of darkness. 
Did Y/N like darkness? He wasn’t sure. Wasn’t sure what she liked. He’d never asked–
“A few times.” Azriel answered, his voice a lilting song. “But not under…casual circumstances. I’m sure there’s much of it I’ve yet to see.”
“Indeed.” Y/N smiled. “It has some truly beautiful views.”
The spymaster’s hazel eyes flicked over her from head to toe, and his lips twitched. “That it does, lady.” 
The attempt at flirting was so blatant – so pathetic – that Lucien wanted to roll his eyes. But it didn’t stop a splash of pink tinging Y/N’s cheeks. Didn’t stop her dipping her head to hide that blush behind her hair. 
And when her braid fell forward, and Azriel’s eyes tracked the movement, Lucien damn near jumped between them. 
He took a deep breath. Needed to get a grip. Maybe some fresh air–
But he also didn’t want to leave the two of them alone. Lest he come back and find them gone. The thought had him clenching his jaw, and he could have sworn that he heard a soft snort come from Amren.
“If you ever have cause to return to our court,” Y/N said. “I’d be delighted to show you around some of my favourite places.” 
Azriel inclined his head. And looked annoyingly perfect whilst doing so. “I’d appreciate that. You know…I must say, I’m a little stunned.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“In my honest experience,” his eyes danced over to Lucien. Back to Y/N. “The Autumn Court usually snuffs out the fire in any female who tries to lead. Or even show some personality. And yet – here you are.” 
True. It was so true. And yet, Lucien found himself wanting to rip into him for it. Not because he found issue with the statement, but because Azriel had been the one to make it. To comment on Y/N’s fire. Her brilliance.
And what had Lucien done that evening? Merely told her she looked ridiculous in her dress. 
“I mean no offence, of course.” Azriel continued, the words aimed at Lucien; Lucien merely gave a stiff nod. “But she’s really something, is she not?” 
Lucien was hot all over. He swallowed. Bit out, “That she is.” 
Y/N, for what felt like the first time all evening, looked at Lucien. Her expression was unreadable, her brow slightly pinched. But the look was brief as she turned back to Azriel and smiled once more. 
“A good friend of mine committed to training me.” She explained. “I would say he is responsible for keeping the fire going.” 
Linden. The one who had given her purpose and reason. Who had wiped her tears. Who she’d trusted so much, she’d decided to give him her maidenhead. If Lucien met him, he thought he’d feel inclined to thank him.
Because that fire of hers…that brilliant, flaring fire…it made Lucien feel alive.
And what an inconvenient time to come to such a realisation. 
He shook his thoughts away, zoning back in. And stiffened.
Whatever else the shadowsinger had said, he wasn’t sure – hadn’t caught it. 
But Y/N threw her head back and laughed, her hand on Azriel’s shoulder.
Laughter that was trilling and melodious, that sounded clear as day and yet also smoky and raw. Had he ever even heard her laugh before?
No, he didn’t think he had. 
Because he’d not exactly ever given her reason to laugh. To be anything but sullen and quiet – when they weren’t fucking, that was.
And yet here…here, she laughed. Unguarded and beautiful. And all because of Azriel the fucking shadowsinger.
Something twisted so abruptly in Lucien’s chest that he found himself stepping forward. He wasn’t sure whether he wanted to run out of there – run from his feelings – and shout to the Mother about them, or…or challenge the damn spymaster to a fight for no good reason.
No. He couldn’t do that. 
So he practically shoved himself between them and gritted out. “We should be going.” 
Y/N blinked up at him. “What? Why?” 
“Because we should.” He prised the chalice from her hands. “Come.” 
She looked as though she wanted to protest, but Amren was also stepping forward, and never had Lucien been so glad to hear the terrifying female speak. 
“Rhysand will be expecting us back soon, actually. It’s late.” She said. “And he’ll want a rundown of the meeting.” 
Lucien nodded. “And we should also debrief, Y/N, so.” 
Y/N had barely a chance to so much as blink as Lucien took her hand. Azriel stepped forward quickly, taking the other and kissing the back of it. 
“It was a pleasure.” He said, stepping back again. “Perhaps we can write.” 
Y/N opened her mouth–
And perhaps Lucien was a little bit of an asshole for doing so, but he winnowed the two of them out of there before she could speak her reply.
And no doubt, she’d give him hell for it. 
But at least her attention would be on him.
all acotar tags: @moonfawnx @writingsbychlo @moonlitcelestial @orangecreamsicle54 @saturnspoet0711 @andahugaroundtheneck @nightscourtt @mysticalcheesecakemiracle @luckypersonmentality @nobody00sthings @kristalhi @tencrushesperday @janzquu @we-were-beautiful @thewarriormoon @cirwin2013 @mrs-azriel @the-kwami-of-fandom-frustration @libraryofathousandstars @daily-dose-of-sass @pixiestix13 @basicbittywitty @simplefan-638 @highlady-ofillyria @false-desire-182 @fictionalcharacterlereasigim @theofficialmadman @kemillfreitas @sledgehammer21-1 @shannonsaid @jtargs @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @new-adventures-everyday @positivewitch @crushedcloudsx @cartoonnerdgirl @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ssmay123 @linduzmunna @ruler-of-hades @kennedy-brooke @peachyandmoon @ariaaira @topaz125 @blitz-fall @azrielsbbg @gracedarr @swagfreakathletemonger @sfhsgrad-blog @lo0oserlex @ruleroftides @mayabennett03 @vera0124 @mich0731 @balam-sen @luciensbxtch @holywolfsstuff @chloesgoneposts @margssstuff
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wings-of-sapphire · 4 months
(Spoiler warning for Wish and ig some Hazbin Hotel and The Owl House too since I reference them)
(Regular warning bc MATE THIS IS LONG AS FUCK)
(Oh also swear warning)
That gif of Magnifico in the beginning looks way too adorable to be a psychopath
SCREAMS YES instead of “ow my chest has heartburn” I NEED THE GUT-WRENCHING SCREAMS
UGH he’s evil but he loves his wife
Oh bubbles that works too (also irony)
Imma trust that Valentino made it in a bubble too bc YOU ARE NOT killing off the animal sidekick okay I would rather Magmaya win than Val be killed
Man Dahlia you gonna leave your mother behind?
Disney Channel
It’s giving Onward
OOH or Frozen yk Elsa and the staircase scene
Amaya is channeling her inner Gothel rn
Ooh I love Lydia the Bard!
Mysterious language? Star dialect?
”Last star I see tonight” ANNY
Oh so they’re becoming Stars interesting
Dam Eris was one of my first fictional crushes (bisexual ass) so now I’m wondering if Amaya should be one too
”Hate but also love” it’s giving “Out For Love” by Carmilla
Noooo Aster
Hey orchestra of stars above where the heck are you
Aster I love you but they have no humanity left
Yikes Amaya you’re usually the brains now you’re choosing to spare her?
Ig since you’re in love it would be torture for you but cmon girl
Oop gotta add a ToH spoiler warning now too ig
Omfg battle outfit (AND MORE! THAN! JUST! SPARKLES!)
Omg yeah the dress fits so well with the star-chest thing
SHE HAS PUPILS idk why I was so hyped about that
IT’S GIVING “You’ll Be in My Heart”
Wait next chapter? This seems like the conclusion Anny I’m scared
Omigosh these two royal idiots in love
I I bet they’re giggling and holding hands while destroying precious memories of their citizens
”Feels something changing” eh? Sorry it’s just canon!Wish didn’t give us much but the novelization is very AshaxDahlia heavy
Although Asha has her Sabino… maybe ghosts/ spirits of her loved ones? I always imagined the scene “A Wish Worth Keeping” would have her family’s spirits (in blue) smiling and cheering her on… sparkly ofc
YES this scene in the movie was my favorite bc it FELT DRAMATIC
I said before “Knowing What I Know Now” was my fav but Anny I changed my mind “Wish (Reprise)” is my favorite
YES TAKE BACK YOUR KINGDOM FROM THE STRAIGHT WHITE FOLK (Amaya is Greek… what is Magnus? I’m assuming white too)
SWORD YES make it Prince Phillip’s
Gotta admit that falling wish scene in the movie was gorgeous, reminded me of Wall-E
Wait omigosh Asha looks so pretty in that photo where did you get that
*stares at it for hours bc she looks gorgeous*
Referenced as a wand now!
Smiling as she falls bc she knows HER BAE WILL CATCH HER
HOW are they not dead. The gays only have the power of plot armor
So it was nighttime okay
Yep definitely giving Belos
Told you idiots you shouldn’t have spared her. Pride really does come before the fall
Seriously Gothel wasn’t a pussy she stabbed Flynn why didn’t you stab Asha (sorry bby just wondering how they’re so stupid)
THAT’S what you’re worried about man
Lol I’m just imagining a giant whoosh of power and light and Amagnus squeezes their eyes shut waiting for a painful death and then they just. Sneeze. Itchy magic glitter poof
Is this a reference to a past Disney movie? They’re really going the PJO route huh
Uh. Wow. Okay Aster I guess they did kill you
Yay we have the citizens standing up!
Wait you make your wish at 18 was this women pregnant really early orrrr
Later? Oh goodness I’m worried for the next chapter
Uh Starsha is being a bit sadistic and Amaya is sobbing for her love…
Oh btw is Magnus part Spanish? “Mi vida” since Amaya is Greek…
Someone get Gabo some therapy mate
”Love is all they needed” Amaya you’re clever but this was all sort of your fault witch
Tbh I would’ve agreed with Gabo had they injured Val in some way
Discord DID turn to stone too… how about they turn to stone and THEN get pushed off a cliff
OKAY that was long but it was good
Uh I’m scared for the next chapter? We get Amable’s backstory so do they escape? Will Asha become the FG? Will Aster get LEGO Batman-d by the school marching band of Stars? Is their magic the North Star magic? SO MANY QUESTIONS
Overall though great job Anny! This has been an amazing journey and I can’t wait for the final chapter!
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annaskareninas · 25 days
I would love to hear about Azris Hybern!!
Thanks for the ask! I've been thinking for a while about wanting to write more about Hybern (specifically post-war) because I find it very hard to believe an entire country of people are evil. So I've been developing a set of OCs - a new royal family who will feature in some of my other stuff as well, probably. In this fic, the new king accepts a courtier/emissary from the seasonal courts and the solar courts in a gesture of good will -- with the emissaries being, of course, Az and Eris. But Rhys has other plans, tasking Azriel with finding the old King of Hybern's spell book so that no-one can claim its power again. So it's a forced proximity kind of vibe with this web of deception Azriel's trying to build! I've only written a little bit so far, no idea if it will ever get finished but it's certainly a fun idea.
"I simply meant I am a better courtier than you.” Eris hopped off the bottom step, forcing Azriel to shuffle backwards out of his way. He caught a hint of Eris’ scent – whiskey and fresh autumn leaves – as he did so. 
“I wasn’t expecting to run into you in here,” Eris continued, looking around. “I’m surprised you can read, actually.”
“Watch your mouth,” Azriel growled. “The wards are the only thing stopping me from removing it from your face right now.”
Eris smirked. “Hm. I’d rather you not. It can do such useful things.”
Azriel wasn’t sure how it had happened, but he was pretty sure he was losing this conversation. Eris – prissy, well-groomed, educated Eris – always had a knack for doing that, for twisting his partner into conversational spirals until they felt like they were teetering on the edge of a precipice, one soft red boot about to kick them off. “Fuck off,” he said.
Eris just smiled. “See you at dinner, Shadowsinger.”
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appri-dot · 3 years
Inside me r 3 wolvefs
Werewolf because I'm awesome
Furry wolf
And a normal chihuahua dunno how it got in there
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bythenineshards · 3 years
So... How is Eris a villain or portrayed as one? Like for real? How is not helping Mor such a crime?
(Spoilers for The Dragon Prince)
Now I'm a cynical person. History is not pretty and neither is a lot of fantasy books. I've always been the sort to admire those willing to do their duty over those who shirk it. For example, the trope of princesses sabotaging political alliances to marry for love make me groan. It always felt selfish that someone who has basically one job and gets to spend their days in luxury is admired for putting their own desires over the needs of their people. There are very few who do what is expected of them and I'm always shocked by it. As a child, the first was Princess Annelise from Princess and the Pauper. She doesn't want to marry King but her people need his wealth. The next example is fairly recent. When I started The Dragon Prince, I expected to dislike Prince Ezran. There are rarely children characters that young that I like. Ezran surprised me. Upon finding out his father was assassinated, he departs the journey he's on and goes home. A ten year old boy goes home to take the throne amidst a brewing war because it's his duty. It doesn't go well but my point stands. He was more than willing to do what was expected of him. So why can't Mor?
Now, based on Maas' former Pinterest boards, Mor wasn't planned to be Lgbt. I am not going to pretend she was. Mor's sexual identity was the biggest, sloppiest retcon I've ever seen in a book. My point is about responsibility and the expectation of those in power. This is not about sexual preference or love. Do you think a lot of the women forced into political marriages wanted to be there?
Mor had a responsibility as nobility to secure an alliance with the Autumn Court. But like a Disney princess she willfully sabotages that alliance. After she sleeps with Cassian the agreement is broken (what she wanted) and she is punished. What did she think would happen? She knows her family. Did she think they'd slap her on the back and be all happy for her girlbossness? Hell no. And after she's tortured and left for dead, somehow Eris is the villain? She made it very clear she wanted nothing to do with him? He's supposed to jeopardize himself for her? This is the consequences of her actions. Not his.
You may be thinking "Holly, that's so cruel and jaded and bitter! The evil thing he did was leave her there!" And my response to this would be: Yeah? So?
What was Mor doing during the fifty years Amarantha cursed everyone? Sitting on her tuchus in Velaris. Doing jack shit. She let people die when she had the power to save them or even just help. The mOrRiGaN did nothing. And you know what? The people getting hurt (by her High Lord no less) did nothing to cause it. The one person to do anything that warranted retaliation was Tamlin and his big stupid mouth. Mor let god knows how many people die while she did nothing.
Yeah, I have no sympathy for Mor even without the full story. Sorry.
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
Why the Vanserras are elite
"Why do you simp for Lucien and Eris? The bat boys are so much better." Bestie, it's fucking obvious. One, they're the most charming.
Lucien: "If I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?" “I’m Lucien. Courtier and emissary.” He gestured to me with a flourish. “Your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold.” Lucien was crouched over me, frowning. “I couldn’t heal you completely—they would know someone helped you. The bruises are there, along with a hideous black eye, but … all the swelling’s gone.” “And my nose?” I said, feeling it before he answered. “Fixed—as pert and pretty as before.” He smirked at me. “We’re not going to bite.” Lucien’s white teeth gleamed in a way that suggested otherwise. Eris: "When you get tired of the animal, come find me. I'll show you how a future High Lord plays." “You’re a pretty little treat. I’d be happy to play any manner of game with you, Nesta Archeron.” Nesta’s mouth twitched to one side. “And you? Who do you love?” His smile sharpened. “Are you inquiring after my eligibility?” “I’m merely saying it’s hard to find a good dance partner these days.” Eris laughed, the sound like silk over her skin. She shivered. “Indeed it is. Especially one who can both dance and tear the King of Hybern’s head from his shoulders.”  “They say your sister Elain is the beauty, but you outshine her tonight.”
Two, they're actually feminists, unlike the fraudulent bat boys. Lucien: Beyond us, I could feel Ianthe scrambling to regain control, to find some way to spin it. Perhaps Lucien could, too. For he took my hand, and then knelt upon one knee in the grass, pressing my fingers to his brow. Like stalks of wheat in a wind, the others fell to their knees as well. For in all of her preening ceremonies and rituals, never had Ianthe revealed any sign of power or blessing. But Feyre Cursebreaker, who had led Prythian from tyranny and darkness … Blessed. Holy. Undimming before evil. I let my glow spread, until it, too, rippled from Lucien’s bowed form. A knight before his queen. Eris: The music rose and rose and rose, faster and faster and faster, and as its last few notes sounded, Eris again released her. Nesta spun solo once more, three more precise, perfect rotations as Eris dropped to a knee before her and held up a hand. The final note blasted and held, and Nesta halted with preternatural ease, taking Eris’s hand in the same movement that her back arched and she flung up her other arm, the portrait of triumph. Three, they're the biggest doms. Lucien: “Easy,” Lucien repeated, and flame sizzled in his russet eye. The flame, the surprising dominance within it, hit Cassian like a stone to the head, knocking him from his need to kill and kill and kill whatever might threaten— Eris: “I don’t suppose your handsome brothers know, Lucien,” she purred. “If we did, Lady, we would be the first to tell you,” said the tallest. He was lean, well dressed, every inch of him a court-trained bastard. Probably the eldest, given the way even the ones who looked like born warriors stared at him with deference and calculation—and fear. Four, they're the smartest characters. Lucien: The Clever Fox Stares Down Winged Death. Eris: “I have to agree with Cassian. Eris is a snake.” Five, they're fashion icons. Lucien: He’d always had a casual grace about him, but here, tonight, with his hair tied back and jacket buttoned to his neck, he truly looked the part of a High Lord’s son. Handsome, powerful, a bit rakish —but well-mannered and elegant. Eris: Eris dressed as immaculately as Rhysand, not a strand of his long red hair out of place. Six, they're literally keeping Prythian together at this point. Lucien: He had to give Lucien credit: the male was somehow able to move between his three roles—an emissary for the Night Court, ally to Jurian and Vassa, and liaison to Tamlin—and still dress immaculately. Eris: “Eris bought me time.” Her words were laced with acid. Cassian had tried not to believe it, but he knew Eris had done it as a gesture of good faith. He’d invited Rhysand into his mind to see exactly why he’d convinced Keir to indefinitely delay his visit to Velaris. Only Eris had that sort of sway with the power-hungry Keir, and whatever Eris had offered Keir in exchange for not coming here was still a mystery.
That reason enough for you???
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marunalu · 2 years
I just had a thought. In one of horis interviews he said, shigaraki will be izukus greatest obstacle to safe! And shigaraki is izukus villain counterpart NOT afo. The same as toga is ochakos and dabi is shotos. Of course we could say afos hero counterpart is all might, but the problem is that all might cant fight him any longer. Espicially if @psychomurderz theory that afo is all healed again will become true. There is eri of course, but even if eri heals all might he is still quirkless and cant use ofa anymore. Also afo said himself that he is no longer interested in all might, but in izuku. But izuku already has his villain counterpart in shigaraki and will most likely have his hands full with him. So who will be afos counterpart that will try to reason with and safe him from his villain self? What if, that person isnt a hero? What if that person is his wife???
Think about it, first it would be very nice if inko will play a bigger role later and not end as the typical unimportant shonen mom (usually its the fathers that play a bigger role) and second IF afo actually loves his family, inko and izuku are pretty much the only people who could reach him. I know yoichi failed in that, but we dont know what happened between them and we dont even know if afo really killed his own brother (I still think he actually tried to kill the 2th but yoichi got in the way to safe him).
I dont know, but the thought of tiny, cute and lovely inko telling the so called emperor of evil and demon king a piece of her mind and banning him for a lifetime to sleep on the couch, really entertains me 😂😂😂
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mvttsvn · 3 years
Ok my brain??
Aot Greek figures
Zeke - Zeus; kings of the gods, gods of thunder and lightning, known for being unfaithful and unpredictable.
Yelena - Hera; Goddess of marriage and birth, known for being jealous and vengeful
Pieck - Aphrodite; goddess of love and beauty, in love with ares and ill tempered (she’s just so pretty)
Porco - Ares; God of war and aggression, lover of Aphrodite as well known for his strength and violent behavior
Reiner - Hephaestus; God of fire and blacksmiths, known as hardworking and unloved :/ (ily Reiner)
Bertholdt - Phobos; God of fear, the ability to control emotions (nervous boy)
Annie - Nike; Godess of Victory, personification of strength and speed (strong gurl annie)
Erwin - Hades; God of the dead, unyielding, stern, and persistent, keeper of souls (this is kinda dark)
Levi - Thanatos; God of death itself, known to be merciless, undiscriminating, hated both gods and mortals.
Hanji - Hecate; Goddess of witchcraft, magic, and necromancy. Known to be very intelligent, independent, and capable of both good and evil.
Eren- Poseidon; God of the sea and earthquakes, known for his bad temper and being the tamer of colonies (earthquakes 0_0)
Mikasa - Athena; Goddess of wisdom, strategic warfare, law, justice, and strength. Known to be a companion of heroes and warrior like persona.
Armin - Apollo; God of the sun, the arts, healing and prophecy. Known to be honorable, brave, and cautious.
Jean - Eros; God of love, passion, and desire. Known to be mischievous, and inspiring.
Sasha - Artemis; Goddess of the hunt, wilderness and animals. Known to be fierce, defensive, and impulsive.
Connie - Hermes; God of flight, thieves, and wealth. Known to be cunning, sneaky, and a master of tricks.
Historia - Hesita; Goddess of the hearth, home, and family. Known to be calm, gentle and supportive, but defensive when need be.
Ymir - Demeter; Goddess of agriculture, known to be loving, over protective, stressed and ill tempered. (This one was a lil difficult)
Marco - Perseus; A demigod who decapitated Medusa. Known for his heroism, courage and willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good.
Floch - Narcissus; self conceited young man who had fallen in love with his own reflection due to his self absorption.
Grisha - Asclepius: God of medicine. (Idk man he’s a doctor)
Gabi - Eris; Goddess of chaos and discord. Personification of drama, portrayed in the strife of war. (A bit of a reach)
Falco - Helios; God of the sun. Known to be smart, tireless, and consistent.
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vidalinav · 3 years
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but...
y’all need to accept the fact that ALL of these characters are and can be horrible people. This is not anti post, this is a let characters be morally grey post. They’re flawed, accept that already. 
I’m tired of seeing posts like but--but Nesta-- But Nesta what? We already know what her flaws are. They’ve been highlighted from day one. They’ve been acknowledged by every character including herself. They have never once been excused, nor empathized with though she needed that severely. She has made friends and no friends by being the way she is. She has made friends who understand her, and has a family who doesn’t understand her. Friends who take into account that she has been through horrible things, and a family who has not. A family who in her own POV has left her behind, because they did. I said this about Feyre, I’ll say this about Nesta, if in a POV someone says someone wronged them THEY DID. But she is not easy, and sometimes not nice. We know this, we accept this. I stan her for this because emotion often is not beautiful, but stop pointing out her flaws like we don’t know. We all know! We also know that she was aggressive for a reason, she was hateful for a reason, she was in a very low place, and she deserved healing and better, unjudgmental treatment by other people which she didn’t get. She helped in a war, she tried to get Feyre back, she talked to the High lord, advocated for the humans, showed she cared for Cassian in ACOWAR, etc, too. We know her perspective is biased and she’s never once been excused for her mistakes, but other character’s are not treated like Nesta is (like Lucien is, Like Eris is, Like Jurian is). 
So, let me go through the ways that all of these characters are imperfect and that you just have to accept as a reader. Okay? Okay. 
Elain is not going to be you’re pretty little doll that has done nothing wrong, because she has and she should. Elain was not a good character in ACOTAR, just as much as Nesta was not a good character. Elain does sometimes seem a bit oblivious to what is going on around her. Elain may be very nice and pleasant but that is and will not be all she is. She is allowed to make mistakes and she should be held accountable if she does. When she doesn’t do too much (because she doesn’t) or when she is not very helpful (whether by plot or by Feyre/Nesta’s POV-whether that is noted or not), we can be like okay, she’s in a bad way, because she was, she’s healing herself. But don’t be a hypocrite and please don’t make her victim of other people. Her narrative right now is that “Nesta coddles her,” but we already know that blame game. We’ve seen it in Nesta’s own POV. No one is in charge of anyone’s actions but themselves. If she wants to help, she can. Stop saying the IC won’t let her or Nesta won’t let her, if Elain wanted to help she can. She will find a way... or at least put her foot down, which we’ve already seen she can do. If Elain wanted to reject the bond right then with Lucien, she could, but she doesn’t.  And, If Nesta says she wasn’t there and she chose Feyre (no matter how skewed that perspective is), and Elain shows in Nesta’s POV that she didn’t show empathy either to Nesta or even love in a way that Nesta could see, or try to understand where she was coming from vocally in the scenes she was featured in regardless of whether she was capable or not of helping Nesta (because she didn’t (i.e scene in library, the treatment spiel, and the “did feyre pay you?”, and also never being around while Nesta was there, but also ACOSF when she took a drink like she couldn’t handle the situation, and then laughed like nothing at all was wrong)) then she wasn’t there for her. She’s a complex character just as everyone else. Let her be a complex character! Flaws are not bad, please stop trying to negate flaws like they shouldn’t exist. She’s great and she stabbed the King of Hybern to protect her sisters, she let the fae into her home, and she chooses to be kind in a world that’s not very kind to people like her, and she’s got a whole lot of story to tell, but she’s a normal character not a disney princess. She’s not close to anyone. Why? That’s not anyone else’s predicament except her own. Neither is her life nor her actions. Okay? 
Mor can be loved because she was very supportive to Feyre in Feyre’s POV, understood because she is the first LGBT character in this book and she lives in a world it seems where she has to hide who she is, and we as readers understand that she has been through also horrible things. However, this does not negate the fact that she is a horrible person sometimes, to both her friends and people outside of their little group. She was not good to Nesta on SEVERAL occasions, even when Nesta was not bad to Mor. This weird love-triangle kept happening because she didn’t want to just admit that she didn’t like Azriel romantically, whatever the reason was. She’s a complex character. Hate her/Like her, but acknowledge that no matter what you choose, she has fucking flaws. 
I see posts sometimes about how people don’t understand where this Rhysand came from, like “he’s so awful in ACOSF, SJM did this to make Nesta look better.” What? He’s been a dick always. He’s just not a dick to Feyre but that could be argued as well really. We as readers can acknowledge though that he like all the rest have gone through horrible things, and though the horrible things he has done are not excused (i.e. murdering children, killing people, his court still having so many problems and their solution being lets go to Vallahan, putting up an evil front to just keep people in line, not instilling any action to help those who need it or not treating people like subject who depend on him as a ruler regardless of whether he likes them or not (i.e the Hewn City/Illyria)) we acknowledge that he can be understood at the same time that he is also a hypocrite. Generally he’s not bad on an individual basis. but he’s not “good!” He’s morally grey. As they all are, but because he’s a ruler, he should be 10x more responsible for all of these problems and for all of his flaws. 
Azriel is a sweetheart and sometimes he’s understanding, and doesn’t seem judgmental. But he’s a psycho! I’m sorry. He’s got a lot of things to work through, I mean. We acknowledge that he has been through HORRIFYING things, but we also should not neglect the fact that he’s a creep and he tortures people on a regular basis. There’s no reason he should have had that insane long infatuation with Mor and now seems to have one with Elain. We understand why he does this, psychologically, but it does not excuse him for making Mor uncomfortable for 500+ years. Take all of him or none of him. 
Cassian. I love Cassian, but he does not think before he speaks, he does have his head up the IC’s ass, and he’s does not connect dots very well. He’s sweet and he’s supportive, and I have less of a problem with him than some other characters, but!!!! He’s got flaws and those are not bad. Those do not make him unlovable, but he’s got them and they’re not going away. 
Feyre has this same issue. She does what she needs to, she’s loving, she gives people a chance, and yes she was there when people needed her, she has also suffered a good amount, but Feyre’s suffering has been acknowledged by everyone. It has been given voice to, it has been reflected in empathy by every single character even when Feyre herself has not been a great character. She tends to be very one-sided in things, as in her own view is the only one that exists (though that’s everyone of them really as we’ve seen, there’s no nuance there) but she’s also not very emotionally intelligent and she does get into everyone’s business, when she should probably let people do their own thing (this has been her trait forever since ACOMAF I think). But she should also take more of a stance to be a ruler, because unfortunately she has that responsibility, and she should hold Rhys more accountable for the actions he does. It should not be a “let’s have sex and all is well” sort of situation. She’s a very biased perspective, but so are all of them. But she’s not perfect and we should never feel that she is. She is not the light of heaven that has glorified Prythrian, she is just an average human-to-fae girl trying to live. She deserves love, yes, but not more than anyone else and loving her should not mean hating other people, which this fandom and the book have a hard time realizing. 
Amren... sigh... I don’t like her too much but for the thread I’ll continue. Amren is probably the only reason anything gets done, realistically, because at least she’s always thinking about the logistics of things. She’s horribly rude, and doesn’t seem to care about anyone’s opinion, but she’s 15000 years old or what not. Emotions probably have to be beneath her at that point, but that doesn’t mean I have to love her, and that doesn’t mean she’s an unflawed characters. She’s very flawed and I think that’s acknowledged but I don’t think any character has really held her accountable for being who she is, they brush it off and are like “Amren’s Amren.” But she’s morally grey for sure, getting to be a darker shade if you ask me (i.e Tyrant Amren). But I acknowledge that even though I hate her, she’s not ALWAYS horrible. 
I don’t know what it is, maybe it is the narratives insistence that the IC are good that makes everyone go off their rocker, but my god, I think I would love all of these character’s more if there wasn’t this insistence that they’re the “good guys” and just have them make mistakes, have them eat their mistakes equally, and have them move on, learn to do better, maybe fuck up again. That’s life lol that’s interesting, morally grey characters. But I write this post not to say they’re all horrible, but to say that it is unnecessary to point out the flaws of other characters in defense of another one. They’re all horrible. Acknowledge it, breathe it in, love them or hate them anyway, but know (whispers for dramatic effect) they’re all horrible. And that’s okay, because that is not all they are. 
Have a good day. 
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greekbros · 3 years
"greek-Bros Headcanon: The Big 6"
-Pretty much everything about him is pretty standard, including him being your regular man. Flaws and all. Oddly enough he isn't that truly complicated as an individual, after all, all mankind IS mostly modeled after him and few other gods.
-As he and the others were assigned their devine positions, he started taking up attributes of the sky and his own consignated animal the eagle, like feathers instead of hair, incredible eyesight and a tendency to create electricity with excessive movement or emotional outbursts. He's towering and under his more comfortable toga he's fucking BUILT.
-He's a rather decent father by ancient Greek standards, yes almost everything he has done according to mortal men have happened. Of course his own children weren't going to argue against him. However, he always has his offspring and so on in mind. He tries to interact with his children in meaningful ways as much as he can or want, regardless he isn't a forgetful man....just a 'busy' one.
-In spite of his powerful and stern demeanor, he is always constantly at odds with his own inner demons. He's ALWAYS questioning his past actions, he laments his terrible and questionable decision he had ever impulsively but he does take up the traditional mantle of "masculine density" and rarely shows his emotions. When he does show his emotions, it's either heartbreaking or a loud storm targeting said source of destress.
-He deeply loves Hera in every sense of the word, but he has "such a big heart he can't just keep it to himself", quote Zeus. Regardless, he still acts on his impulses and is the root of all his problems. Legend has it, his very essence accidentally created King Henry the 8th and many other historical heartbreakers.
-In spite of making up many of the rules of humanity (with extra help of the rest of his siblings), human mortals have always had a terrible habit of breaking these rules. Zeus has made so.many of these rules that he's just stop keeping up with keeping mortals in place. He just kind of let's things happen. At this point of his existence, his only concern now is to make sure other gods are following their rules.
-He HATES child sacrifices. Mostly because when a living thing gets sacrificed it comes in flesh and blood directly to the land of the gods. So naturally, there is a complete population of "ascended" mortals and animals in Olypmus....and he already has his hands full. Plus he just doesn't like the principal of it all. He genuinely hates children getting hurt in the first place.
-HIS list of enemies is a kilometer long. It includes everything that's a titan, some of his own children (and grandchildren), Hera to a very small extent and Hades.....even though there has been literally NOTHING that has proven Hades is a threat to him.
-The main reason why Zeus adamantly believes that Hades is out to get him is because of HOW he assigned Hades to be god of the underworld..... basically, he asked Hades to check a dark cave.....and closed the cave entrence while he and Poseidon ran off. Hades ironically doesn't care about this and has no real intensions of taking revenge on Zeus for anything, the fact Zeus haphazardly gave him a wife and lives in constant paranoia gives him solence.
-He is extremely defensive of Hermes and Dionysus. Inspite of his claim of loving all his offspring equally, he feels a deeper connection to Hermes considering that he was to be considered the "prodigal usurper" before Dionysus, meanwhile Dionysus is his youngest son with the most responsibility for a god so naturally he's going to keep a closer eye on both just a little bit more. In terms of familiar respect, Athena and Apollo are tied as his most "important" children.
-After Athena's birth, Zeus's mental fortitude, better judgement and intellectual integrity has completely been capped. He constantly has headaches, tends to make terrible decisions, tends to be forgetful, and goes through terrible flashbacks to anything that can come to mind. He still loves and respects his daughter but he has to admit her very presence gives his a headache. It's rumored that his brain is 2/5ths of what it use to be.
-He has no control over Hera and never will. After several take overs, a very nasty scroll call from Nyx for threatening to harm Hypnos, and having several lovers killed by her, he's completely decided that fighting her or arguing with her. He would still end all.of existence for her.
-The only entities he truly fears is Nyx, Gaia and Aphrodite. Nyx being a more intimidating foe of his, Gaia being his own grandmother and Aphrodite being a she-titan who for reason decided it was cash-money as fuck to just take residence in Olypmus.....that....and a good small chunk of his afairs were caused by her and her son Eros.
-He STILL has no idea how Heracles inherited his THICCNESS. He may consider himself thicc but Heracles couldn't have gotten from him.
-He adores all his followers and considers them worthy of answering their prayers.... Except for one. Lycaon.
-He loves giving Hera pet names but due to her burning anger towards him, she won't let him....even though she loves the pet names he gives her.
-He has many professional relationships and alliances with other gods. However he has had a long on-going distrust of the Sumerian gods. He just finds them to be a little too private in comparison to the rest of his fellow gods. That and he's actually jealous of their near perfect beards. His beard tends to sprout stray down feathers.
-She was assigned to be the goddess of marriage and the household, however, she has assigned herself as the goddess of the mind, heart and soul. Because as it turns out, she causes more boughts of madness more than Eris and Dionysus combined. She also controls female intuition and matters of personal strength. She's the force that helps feel when something isn't right or when you feel like you need to do something important wether being benign or malignant. She basically IS your emotional support mom/aunt, but she controls you and your emotions. However she actually uses this ability in moderation.
-She is considered as "Step-Mom" by most of Zeus's out of wedlock offspring. She's always extremely shrewed, vindictive and most of the time outright nasty....but that's about it. She will attempt to get you once or twice but if she senses that it could be a massive waste of her time than she'll just make your life a smig shittier. However, she not an "evil" step mom, more of a step mom who has to get use to her step-children, it will take some work for both parties but deep down she's just angry at Zeus.
-She hates Zeus's children, but she isn't heartless, quite the opposite, children are children in her mind regardless if it's hers or not. She'll make it hard for you but if you ask her for help or ask her in the right manner, she will be delighted to help.
-She is your quintessential woman, she loves jewels, the finer things in life, small animals (especially birds) and she can be either the sweetest or the meanest. After all, like Zeus who created MAN, she created WOMAN. Legend has it she actually let the rest of the gods collaborate as a way to make them feel better. Or at least that's how she puts it, turns out Hermes and Aphrodite made a deal to make more like "them" than Hera intended. While MAN was built pretty close to Zeus's intended design, WOMAN was designed with Aphrodite's beauty and tender nature, while Hermes gave "a dirty mind" much like how MAN were given. Basically WOMAN and MAN are completely equal in everyway regardless of "differences".
-Shes also adopted some inhuman attributes, she grows feathers on some portions of her hair, she feels insecure about them but Zeus adores this because it reminds him that's birds mate for life. Her feathers look more like feathers of a peahen and seamlessly blends with her hair.
-Her ONLY desire is for Zeus to stop cheating on her. She literally wants nothing more. That, and for Dionysus and Apollo to stop steal her dresses for their own endeavors.
-She loves her biological children and their offspring but somehow they keep disappointing her. Ares loves a woman who cheats on Hephaestus and Hebe is in love with the son of the woman who Zeus cheated with. She believes it's karma but at the same time she couldn't be less surprised.
-She loves Hephaestus, but due to his limped leg and his more rugged appearance, she barely tolerates looking at him. Which is strange because Hephaestus heavily resembles Zeus.
-She knows the truth about Erichthonius. He's also her favorite grandson. She has her eye on almost everything, she actually saw the whole drama between Athena and Hephaestus. At first she wanted to intervene but after she noticed this consummated a child and saw how Athena took initiative to take care of the child regardless of her chastity, it gained a little more respect for Athena. Being raised to be a wise young man by Athena and being Hephaestus's biological son, Erichthonius has been secretly considered the most successful grandchild to her.
-Her favorite animals are birds, Zeus as a webbing present gave her the chance to create birds. Thanks to her, the skies are filled with songs.
-She doesn't have a lot of enemies, however, Aphrodite is a big contender against her. While Hera controls the integrity of women, Aphrodite controls their emotional and sexual impulses. So Hera is at constent odd against her...that...and the main reason why Hera married her off to Hephaestus because she wanted to make amends to him....not make his life anymore worse than it already is.
-Hera is aware how most of Zeus's children feel about her, but she appreciates it dearly when one of them does something nice for her....even though she probably demanded it or care for it.
Poseidon and Amphitrite:
-Hes absolutly BOMBASTIC. He's the most carefree of his brothers, most physically fit and considered the most handsome.
-His marriage is ironically WORSE than Zeus's, but he and Amphitrite consensually agreed to pretend nothing is wrong.... apparently it works like a charm and they barely fight. However this is considered a massively concerning situation to Zeus and Hera because the both of them know that a relationship that doesn't regularly express their grievances...often end sour.
-Like his siblings, he's adopted physical attributes that correspond to their environment. Apparently, he has grown gills, his 'beard' is actually octopus tentacles and he has scales in certain places. He can shapeshift into many aquatic creatures.
-Unlike his brothers, his offspring are genetic tossups. One can look relatively ok, another can be a cyclops for no reason. His most famous child is Triton, but the poor lad is a rather simple and humble young mad who has very little aspersions in life. Poseidon tries to encourage him to do something productive but Triton just sort of falls below average in popularity.
- He's the best horseman in all of Greece, in fact his love for horses only rivals his love for literally trying to destroy humanity and his wife.
-He has a love/hate relationship with his nephews. However if you would ask him which nephew he dislikes the most, it would be Dionysus. Oddly enough, Dionysus actually likes to antagonize Poseidon, mostly because he's actually more strict than his dad. It wasn't until the invention of the dolphin that made Dionysus's and Poseidon's relationship between each other a little better. Poseidon has a less innocent hatred for Athena, after losing patronship over Athens, he's sworn vengeance over her. However it's more akin to sending really annoying Facebook messages rather than epic natural disasters. Once a year, he enjoys terrorizing Athens through changing the spring water to saltwater for a few days, make all the horses aggressive and give "oddly constent" tremors.
-If it wasn't for Zeus proposing to Hera first, he would have married her instead. Even though the two had married different people, it always seemed the two had a very interesting chemistry.
- Even though there may be a serious discourse on who it's Theseus's father. The reality is Poseidon doesn't actually want to claim Theseus as his own for mysterious reasons.
-He never sent a different bull to Minos, Poseidon took the form of a bull and cursed Pasiphaë. This was the first account of a god that WASN'T Aphrodite and Eros to have caused someone to be sexually attracted by magic. This has been a family secret between the big 6 for years because if any other gods found out they could just will people's passion, the world be in a state of pure chaos. Poseidon however has an even dirtier secret, he didn't use his godly powers on Pasiphaë, instead he just found a way to get her specifically attracted to him in bull form by using an old recipe for an aphrodisiac from the sunken city of Atlantis. He doesn't tell the truth about this because he's an asshole that way. He finds it more useful to have the other gods believing he had something in reality he didn't have.
- He has a fun hobby of naming his horses the most adorable and somewhat random names, like "Peach Basket", "TootsieFoot" and ect. It ended up being a traditional way of naming race horses in racing derbies.
- He has absolutly no love for humans. He enjoys that mortals worship him and such but the fact he has an entire ocean at his and his wife's disposal, he honestly feels that he has very little need for mortal worshippers....at least this is what he originally thought until his power was contested by an ocean god named Dagon. Long story short, Poseidon no longer takes mortals for granted anymore....and likely never will.
- Poseidon is Olypmus's most prolific warden, like Hades, Poseidon has his own prisoners of war. Most of them being titans, monsters, giants and occasionally malignant gods. It's even argued that he's a much more strict jailer considering being sealed away by Poseidon is a death sentence.
-His greatest pleasure is people enjoying themselves in water in positive ways. Swimming, playing games, and gently interacting with marine animals. However his greatest distain comes from mortals misusing his ocean.
- He has a professional relationship with mostly other Greek water gods and anything related to water. He monitors the water nymphs, consoles all horse-like beasts and so on and so forth.
- She has equal control of the ocean just like her husband. In fact, she has equal control of half of everything Poseidon has. Apparently this is what helps their marriage and it almost makes up for Poseidon's eccentric behaviors.
- Not much is known about her, but based on her interactions, she's a lot more nicer and more gentle than Poseidon when it comes to leadership. She's generous, eccentrically fabulous and has the same energy of a 1920's rich hamptons housewife.
-Shes genuine friends with all of the goddesses and she rarely plays on a specific team. She's a bizzarly lucid gal who loves to lend a shoulder to cry on.
-She and only she has the semi-chaotic energy to tolerate Poseidon and his afairs.
- If Poseidon wants to do something, he would HAVE to ask Amphitrite for permission. After all it isn't "Your side, your rules", it's a partnership between a married couple.
- Controlling over the domain of the earth and harvest, you'll always see some type of vegetation growing on her. It mostly appears as if she fashionably placed strands of wheat grain, fruit flowers and leaves inductive of the season. She and Hestia are the only ones of the big six who don't have animal based attributes. Demeter is also the tallest of the sisters.
-Her input in important matters usually revolve around conservation, providing sustenance and extra maternal perspective. It's contestant as well that she can even be more motherly than Hera, even at her most grim demeanor.
-She is a loving and doting mother. She's the most gentle of the goddesses and yet she can be just as harsh when she needed to.
-She consideres the earth her personal garden, but she shares it with world. Her favorite activity is to create new and exciting plants with Persephone (Or Kore as she prefers to call Persephone) and spending time with her.
-She has other offspring but she doesn't make a fuss about their fathers and their lack of presence. As long as she can keep all of them safe, it's all she needs and cares about.
- Demeter can easily put everyone in Olypmus to their knees. The gods and by extension mortals all have to depend on her and her harvests. When Persephone was taken, she placed all the whole of Greece in a state of famine.
- She use to love and trust Hades, but after he had haphazardly taken Persephone away, all that changed. She keeps a serious eye on Hades since than and has a deep resentment for him and his actions. She barely acknowledges him when he's present but she's still cordial. After a few years however, her attitudes towards him mellowed seeing how Persephone looks forward to seeing Hades every winter.
- She would have married Zeus if his eyes weren't set on Hera. Like Poseidon and Hera, there has been speculation that he and Demeter would have been a better married couple considering both of their personalities would have complimented each other. But that belongs in the "stray line".
-Being the goddess of the harvest, she mostly tends to the matters of farmers and gardeners. By extension, she has an extremely healthy relationship with other vegetation gods, especially Dionysus. Whom oddly enough is treated more like an adopted son rather than a nephew.
- She adores all of her nieces and nephews equally, mostly because she sees that all of them have utilized her gifts to the world in the proper manner. She adores the Bois, because each other of them represents an important value in cultivation.
-She tends to be an anxious woman, and at worst a worrywart. However, she always tries to keep a level head when she desperately needs it.
-She loves animals just as much as she does plants. She in fact helped console in the creation of everything based on how things could tend to themselves without the intervention of the gods. Her ingenuity help give rise to what is considered the concept of the circle of life and the food chain.
-She has an amazing connection between her sisters, prior to being assigned their domains, the three of them would often play with each other and stay close to their mother Rhea. The brothers would always be rummaging around the place and would often tease their sisters.
- The eldest and most lackadaisical sister, she's the more tomboyish of the sisters and loves to rough house.
-She has dark hair with ember roots, the brightness of which increases with emotions. Her physical attributes is her hair always looking alive with flames and being able to increase the temperature in her body.
-Shes a stocky, jolly woman who loves to work in the kitchen whip up something special. She's mostly known for her amazing recipes and her staff of Vestals. She may not keep herself up to the standards of her sisters, but she sees beauty in herself just the way she is.
-The Vestals in her domain are sadly those who "failed to keep the sacred fire lit", that must be sacrificed to the flame. Hestia dispises this punishment, but sadly it seems rarely any of her so-called priests listen to her. Everytime when she receives a vestal, she welcomes them with open arms, a big warm hug and a heartfelt apology for thier suffering. She than mentors them in the ways of the hearth, the real ways straight from the source.
- Like Demeter, she has a massive soft spot for her nieces and nephews. Dionysus again seemingly being the common favorite due to his fun loving personality and his contributions. In a strange sense, as a gift for finally proving himself worthy of a seat in Olypmus, she gave him her own. Hephaestus is another favorite of hers. She often times invites Hephaestus to her domain to have a chat, she often feels for him and tries her best to give him his over due affections in the form of baked goods, interesting items she has been gifted through the hearth and such.
-She isn't a political person to begin with, what one does with their business is their own in her mind. So when she gets called up to converse in such matters, she either stays out of it or she determines herself if it's worth her time.
- She has a mild aversion to water. Poseidon often teases her by flicking a small splash of water, but it just peeves her a little. Mostly because water droplets just sizzle on her and it feels like a little lactic acid itch to her. If someone were to have dumped water on her, it would be feel like as if some dunked boiling water with itching powder on you. She always feels warm so she tends to """cool""" herself down with molten magma or bonfire. When she enters flames, it can depend on where it came from; underworld fire often feels like stepping into one of Costco's Freezers for a little bit and normal earthly flames feeling like a little cool breeze to her.
- She has the most communication between her and her worshippers out of any god. So I. Truth, it's actually easy to envoke her through flames and hearthing.
-She isn't just a goddess of the hearth, she's also the goddess of cooks, bakers, female blacksmiths or the wives of blacksmiths, and glassblowers. Thus she has an extremely healthy relationship with Hephaestus.
-The reason why she chose to be a virgin is actually a simple reason. While Artemis represents chasity for childhood innocence and Athena represents chasity for matters of country and country men, Hestia's chasity is all about personal choice and freedom. Why have children of her own when her vestals are basically her own children, she feels love and responsibility for each of them. The reality is she's not into men, in fact if she wanted to relinquish her chastity, she would want a loving wife. But she isn't interested in marriage or a relationship either. She's as she puts it "far too free for anyone". So in truth, she represents freedom of choice and the firing passion that comes with compassion.
-He's what you'd expect from someone who lives most of his life in the underworld yet at the same time not. He's tall, pale, has jet black slicked hair, extremely eloquent and distinguishing. He always trails low hanging mist, seemingly gliding throughout, his eyes glow a warm yellow and speaks in a soft but booming voice. He's not as muscular as his brothers, but he is rather dashing.
-He's more akin to being a classical depiction of a gentleman vampire than a god. Due to his occupation, he's developed a very professional disposition. He greets, guides and consoles the dead. At first he might seems intimidating and even at times callous, but he has your best interests at heart and is a fair ruler. Oddly enough if it wasn't for his aesthetic and his reputation of being ruler of the underworld, he would probably be more comparable to an Arthurian ruler.
-Out of all his siblings, he's the least problematic. He keeps to himself so often that it could be YEARS before anyone would hear from him.
-He's a dedicated and simple man of business, and he takes his job very seriously with a healthy amount of exceptions.
-The "reality" of his chance encounter with Persephone was actually before her kidnapping. He met her while taking a chariot ride and had a passing conversation with her, completely unaware she was Demeter's daughter. After coming back to the underworld, his minions found a bizzare type of mold growing deep in Tartarus that consumed souls. In a panicked state, he than kidnapped Persephone in the hopes she would help the situation, she was glad to be of service and was escorted back to earth. After such a strange ordeal, the two of them kept meeting in secret until Persephone decided to stay with Hades for an extended amount of time. After consuming the food of the underworld by mistake, the story starts returns back to the original.
-He doesn't have much of an opinion on his nieces and nephews. He enjoys Hermes's equally hardworking personality and friendly disposition, he's had Apollo make occasional appearances to give Tartarus some form sunlight, he seems to tolerate Dionysus's slacker behavior but he seems have a very strange connection to Dionysus on a "spiritual" level. However he has extremely low patients for Ares. He isn't too fond of him due to the fact the Ares makes his job a lot for tenuous when wars breakout and his occasional sneaking around the underworld to bother the other chthonic gods.
-He may rule over the underworld, but he's not THEE ruler. He's sort of the equivalent to a king in comparison to Nyx, who is more of an empress. By extension, the ruling regions of the underworld organized rather similarly to a medieval monarchy. Thus creating what the Christians assume is how hell looks and functions like in The Discoverie of Witchcraft, The Book of Spirits, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, The Lesser Key of Solomon, and Dictionnaire Infernal. Surprisingly, Tartarus actually has nothing to do with anything that the book has to offer.
- The Elysian Fields were created for two very interesting reasons, it was a gift to Persephone for her to feel more comfortable in the underworld and a safe place for those who didn't fit in purgatory or the deeper part of Tartarus. In fact Persephone rules over the fields while Hades rules over the rest.
-When he was first given Cerberus as a pup, Cerberus was dark grey covered in little black spots. As he grew older, Cerberus's fur became darker to a solid black. Ironically, Hades believed Cerberus was going to be spotted throughout his life.
-He unfortunately has no offspring of his own, but he and Persephone isn't above adopting either. Much like Hestia, Hades has a surprising amount of apprentices, apostles and proteges that all are adopted lost souls. Many of them ranging in different ages and such. Charon kept mentioning there had been a small gathering of child wraiths at the banks of the Styx. Apparently many of them being abandoned children who's parents never gave Obolus Obviously, Hades had to make an exception, obviously he wasn't going to let orphaned children fend for themselves in the banks of Styx, so....he now has many wonderful and rambunctious ghost children simply living out there time.
-He's literally the richest god. He didn't expect to accidentally inherit the Earth's worth in wealth. Apparently, there's an on going joke that Gaia gave this wealth to Hades as a form of revenge against Zeus and Poseidon. That....and Gaia actually likes Hades more.
-Zeus and Poseidon were, are and forever regretful that Hades rules the underworld basically hoarding wealth like some posh dragon. Ironically, Hades has 0 idea that he actually owns any of the wealth, that's right, he literally doesn't know anything about the precious metals, gems and such. He assumes his wealth comes from the sheer real estate and number of souls collects. If you ever found out about his incredible amount of monetary control, he probably wouldn't have any idea what to do with it.
-Hades has a professional relationship with Nyx, however, Nyx has decided he's an "adopted neighbor husband". She's extremely affectionate to him as if she was married to him. Hades however, is a dedicated husband and tries him best to make it clear that they're friendly neighbors and not by any means lovers. She doesn't care and still treats him as such. He doesn't know why but all he knows is that she is a powerful, primordial super goddess who lives in the underworld with him. Another ex-lover of Hades was Minthe, who in truth barley added anything for Hades in terms of a meaningful relationship, it was mostly just a lover's affair. After some time, Hades figured that his time was better spent working. After he married Persephone, Minthe attempted to take her revenge by trying seduce Hades back.....let's just say Persephone left her a little green.
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smokedstorybara · 3 years
I have so many bnha fanfic ideas, they’ve just been popping into my head every few days for weeks now
So I’m just gonna share them all on this one post instead of making a million new fandom posts out of nowhere (ok, it’s closer to, like, ten - but still!)
If any of y’all want me to actually write any of them, don’t hesitate to say so - or if you just want to ask questions and talk about the ideas I’d be totally down for that too
Also, if any of them inspire you to write or draw something, please send me a link when you’re done!
(under a readmore cause it’s long and also there’s spoilers)
Fae courts AU
Nedzu - Spring King
U.A. / The Spring Court - also known as the Court of Lost Children, all members of the Court were once human children or children of one of the other Courts and they view it as their duty to care for the lost, neglected, and abused children of the world (one of two child stealing Courts)
All Might - Summer King
All For One - Winter King
Objectively, the Summer and Winter Courts are not as different as they like to believe - a Summer fae is just as likely to trick or turn on you as a Winter fae, they just prefer to play at benevolence while Winter fae make no secret of their nature
Shie Hassaikai / The Autumn Court - used to be more like a lesser version of the Summer and Winter Courts, until Overhaul put the King to sleep and made his research into humanity the Court’s focus - they’re now the second child stealing Court
Eraserhead was once human but has made enough deals over the years - most notably with Nezu himself - that he’s practically fae now
Deku and Kachan are human children who were taken in by the Spring Court, though Deku only after catching the attention of All Might
Endeavor - High Fae in the Summer Court - wants to become Summer King but knows he’s not powerful enough to overthrow All Might, married a High Winter Fae in hopes that combining their powers would make one of their kids powerful enough
Dabi fakes his death and eventually becomes a High Fae in the Winter Court
Shouto seeks sanctuary in the Spring Court’s halls
(I don’t actually have a plot for it, but I’m enjoying figuring out the world and stuff)
Evil All Might AU
The underworld knows that young Yagi Toshinori is a con-artist, and a very good one
The kid’s quirkless, and from a bad neighborhood, so of course he gets involved in shady dealings to get by
But he never ever gets caught
See, he’s mastered the eager, innocent, “I know I’m quirkless, but it’s my dream to be a hero! To fight crime! To be someone people can look up to, put their faith in! To be a… a symbol!” act, he’s been running that con any time he’s found in the wrong place at the wrong time since he first started walking - no one with even a single good bone in their body ever questions it
He gets involved with AFO, who’s like “I could give you one of my lesser quirks in exchange for your loyalty, or you could do a long undercover mission for me and get one of the most powerful quirks in existence out of it”
His mission: pulling his signature con on Shimura Nana, being given One for All, becoming a hero, becoming the Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace and the singular pillar holding up hero society, maintaining that status for long enough that everyone grows a little complacent, finding a weak and manipulable child to pass One for All on to, setting them up to fail, and then retiring
(I’d either have this one be All Might-focused and end with the reveal, or have it be Izuku-focused and give it a happy ending where All Might totally chose the wrong kid, cause nothing about Izuku is weak)
Commission analyst Izuku au
Member of the commission overhears him muttering/catches a glance at his notebook while watching a hero fight, strikes up a conversation
The commission tracks him down, shows up at his home with a similar offer to the one they gave Hawks - but instead of a hero they want him to be an analyst for them
Like Hawks, they take away his name, only calling him something like Eagle Eye or something (I’d go with Hawkeye but Hawks already exists so it might be weird?)
(Basically this fic idea is just an excuse to have Izuku and Hawks as the ultimate team, and helping each other get out from under the commission’s thumb - maybe revolutionizing hero society along the way)
Canon rewrite w/ Monoma as main character, somehow
All I have for this one so far is just:
Monoma copies afo, uses copied afo to steal afo, AFO is now defeated
After getting better at controlling her quirk, Eri rewinds Kurogiri back into Shirakumo Oboro
But he’s the age he was when he died
So he joins the current class 2-A
As in Izuku’s class
Basically it’s just his old best friends having to teach him and him making friends with all Aizawa’s problem children
Time travel
(I have multiple cause I really like time travel)
Aizawa-centric time loop fic
Loop stretching from day before Oboro’s death to towards the end of the liberation war (diverging from canon in at least the first loop cause he fucking dies during the fight)
At first he thinks maybe he just, like, dreamt up those 14(?) years
But then things are happening the same way and so he starts changing things and he dies and wakes up the day before Oboro’s death again
He experiments a lot with the loops, figuring out that they’re definitely not time based - unless it’d loop back at the end of the liberation war even if he survives? Requires further testing
Details he changes throughout the loops (culminating in a loop in which he successfully changes all of them):
Oboro’s death
Shimura Tenko being taken in by All for One, All Might’s injury(?), Izuku accepting One for All, and more I haven’t fully decided on
Time travel fic where Pro Hero Deku accidentally time travels back to just before Aizawa’s first year as a student at ua and somehow gets hired as a teacher
Gonna be a two-parter
Part one: Izuku has to teach teen versions of his old high school teachers, channels their future selves a little
Part two: Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama have to teach the teen version of their old favorite high school teacher, and end up channeling his future self - in different ways
(I’ve come across a couple different “Izuku gets accidentally sent back in time to when his teachers were students” fanfics and they keep making me think about how Aizawa & co would react to meeting him in canon timeline after meeting him in high school and then I took the natural step forward from there to “let’s parallel their nostalgia, make him their high school teacher so it can really hit hard”)
Izuku is related to rooftop trio aus
(I’ve come across a bunch of “Izuku is the biological son of at least one member of the rooftop trio” aus but only one acknowledges that in canon he’s only 15 years younger than them and that one has a very angsty explanation, so I wanted some that fit with canon and also aren’t too heavy - cause like, sure you could go with the complex extremely angsty trauma reason or you could go with the “these 13-16-year-olds(idk Inko’s canon age and as long as I never look it up I can pretend I’m not going against canon by making her only 2-ish years older than them) did what teenagers do and went to a party and made some relatively innocent mistakes and ended up with a pregnancy”)
Oboro and Inko have been neighbors and best friends their whole childhood, despite being a couple years separated in age
The fall before Oboro starts high school, Inko takes him along to a party with her high school friends
They get drunk and sleep together
Inko gets pregnant
They talk it through with each other and their families and agree to keep the baby (they’re both actually pretty excited to be parents) and raise it together platonically
Some months into first year (maybe second), Oboro tells his friends about his kid
Spends the rest of his life gushing about Izuku to all his friends (sorry for the word choice fjdhshshx)
Oboro dies and his friends make pact to help Inko take care of Izuku once they have steady income and stuff
But Inko’s family has moved and she’s married and they can’t find her
They keep searching, for roughly 14 years
And then Midoriya Izuku enrolls in UA’s hero course and his big green eyes and curly green hair match the pictures Oboro used to show them and his smile is identical to their old friend’s
And his mom’s name is Inko
But they’re not sure (His quirk doesn’t match Oboro’s nor his Inko’s after all)
Not until after the first term and the summer training disaster camp and Kamino, when All Might and Aizawa go house to house talking to parents about the dorms and All Might tries to insist on visiting the Midoriyas alone but Aizawa insists right back cause this is the closest he’s come to confirmation
and then he’s face to face with a woman he’s only ever seen in photographs
And then they talk about everything or something idk I haven’t got that far
Dadzawa and Dadmic (trans!aizawa)
A year and a half before he starts high school(I know I changed the timeline a whole year here but shush, how’s he supposed to get into U.A.’s hero course while pregnant?), Aizawa’s middle school and one or two others have a Joint Event, at which he meets a loud but cute blonde who keeps flirting with him
They hook up
He gets pregnant
His dad insists he get an abortion but he doesn’t want to and his mom supports his decision, they convince his dad to let him go through with the pregnancy on the condition that he gives the baby up for adoption immediately
He has twins, both boys (one with green eyes like the blonde’s(but darker) and the other with purple like Shouta’s mother’s)(that’s right, Shinsou is also their son in this, you’re welcome), and he gives them up for adoption to separate families
But with conditions
No one from his blood family is allowed to initiate contact with either boy without the kid’s knowing consent (he’s terrified of his father changing his mind, tracking them down, and hurting them)
With the one exception being that he’s allowed to send each one a birthday present and card every year
Which he does
Then he starts at UA and then gets into the hero course and there he is… the blonde… the father of Shouta’s children… who does not recognize him now that he’s started transitioning
This time Shouta’s the one who flirts - or tries to, the kid’s a little too oblivious
Of course they do eventually get together, and even end up married! (Haven’t decided if they get together during high school or after they start teaching there or what(probably the latter, for plot reasons))
The first time Midoriya Inko contacts Shouta is after Izuku is diagnosed quirkless - she knows the young man loves her son as much as she does and might be able to reassure him where she already failed
His next birthday, Izuku’s mystery card says he can be a hero even without a quirk; it makes Izuku’s year
Hitoshi’s parents also contact Shouta that year, the boy struggling to make and keep friends ever since his quirk came in; Shouta’s birthday card to him isn’t much different from Izuku’s, really
The Shinsous get in an accident and Hitoshi is placed in foster care and suddenly Shouta can’t send him his yearly gift and card anymore cause nobody will tell him where the boy is now because of the contact portion of the adoption contract
They also won’t tell Hitoshi that he was adopted and his birth father is out there looking for him, so Shouta’s pretty sure they’re trying to hide that he’s being mistreated wherever he is
Inko continues to contact Shouta now and then whenever she thinks Izuku will need extra encouragement come his birthday (she never tells Izuku about being adopted - even after he enters his teen years - cause after his diagnosis, everyone but her left him and she doesn’t want him to internalize the idea that his birth parents didn’t want him - Shouta’s not happy with the decision, but he understands)
Then one year he sends Izuku a Present Mic figurine and she writes him to share how excited the boy was and how Present Mic is one of his favorite heroes and he listens to his radio show all the time and Shouta simultaneously melts and has a minor breakdown at the realization that he hasn’t told his husband that they have sons, he can’t tell Hizashi that their son listens to his radio show regularly when Hizashi doesn’t know Izuku even exists
So of course, being the rational man he is, he finally tells Hizashi about Izuku and Hitoshi
Hizashi freaks, of course (in a good way(mostly))
And then, one of the worst days of Shouta’s life
He’s on patrol and sees a figure on a rooftop and rushes to get there - just in case it’s a jumper - and it’s his son, his Izuku
They talk(it doesn’t breach the adoption contract, he didn’t know it was Izuku when he approached and the kid spoke first) and Izuku tells him “everything” about his encounter with All Might, Shouta tells him to tell his parents - they’re there to support him - and also that All Might’s full of shit and a quirkless hero is totally possible with the right training and enough willpower
Then after they leave the rooftop his kid gets in trouble again, rushing in to save a classmate from the same sludge villain that attacked him earlier that day
Of course Shouta swoops in and pulls the kids out of danger before All Might arrives to “save the day”
This time Shouta insists on walking Izuku home to make sure he actually gets there safely
But then All Might shows up again wanting to talk to his kid privately and he wants to tell the man to fuck off but he’s not legally allowed, really, so when Izuku says it’s fine he reluctantly leaves
Inko asks to meet him just days later
She tells him that Izuku told her everything about what happened that day - including what Shouta told him - and she tells him that she’s realized she needs to properly support her son in pursuing his dream
She understands that Shouta wouldn’t feel comfortable training him one-on-one with the kid not knowing who they are to each other, and she’s still not ready to tell him yet, so she asks for a list, for him to help her get in touch with people who can train Izuku or ways for Izuku to train on his own, ways for her to help
He puts her in contact with seven pro heroes (Midnight, Gunhead, the Wild Wild Pussycats, and - somehow - Sir Nighteye) and a vigilante team (the Naruhata Crawler and his team), all of whom he talks into helping - and has to tell about his connection to this boy they’ll be teaching
(Each have something important to teach him: Midnight - using words and body language to throw off opponents, Gunhead - martial arts, Wild Wild Pussycats - stamina, teamwork and use of your environment when out in nature, Sir Nighteye - analysis and planning, the Naruhata Vigilantes - use of gadgets and weapons, use of your environment when in the city, having the heart of a hero, and - most importantly - that quirkless people can be fucking strong and skilled and terrifying and certainly aren’t weak or useless (they were trained by a quirkless vigilante after all, they’re bound to have a different perspective on the idea of a quirkless hero than anyone else, a perspective Izuku could really benefit from))
Ten months later, Izuku passes UA’s entrance exam and is placed in Shouta’s class (he’s pretty sure Nezu did that on purpose)
When the school year starts, he and Hizashi discover that Izuku isn’t the only one in one of their classes - Hitoshi is in Hizashi’s homeroom
They are, of course, fucking extatic
They just need to, y’know, figure out how to tell him that they’re his parents and maybe possibly would love custody of him if he wants
(Again I haven’t gotten any further than that yet)
(Also, if you can’t tell, in this au Izuku turns down All Might’s offer of One for All, cause Eraserhead said he could be a hero without a quirk and was honestly a lot kinder and more responsible (like, making sure the kid got home safely instead of leaving him on a roof) and stuff than All Might and honestly might be his new favorite hero)
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
I can't stop thinking about a possible descendants/BNHA thing?
Not an exact AU, but ideas taken from descendants for the story.
It's more of the fantasy AU than it is in the canon-descendants verse?
The Isle is still where all the villains are imprisoned, once they're sentenced and caught anyway. But it's been around for hundreds of years as opposed to twenty.
Izuku's grown up on the Isle all his life, and despite being surrounded by villains and the son of the Lord of All Evil all for one he... doesn't want to be evil. He's a good boy who grew up hearing his mother's stories of what the outside world was like. Of heroes and monsters, and he's always admired it.
So he's somewhat excited when he's told that he gets the chance to leave the Isle.
And then his father ruins everything by putting a huge weight on his son's shoulders by having him be the key in his escape plan to help him return to power once more.
Midoriya's father is the most dangerous and powerful villain that the lands have ever seen... And his son is powerless, which is what leads to the Deku nickname. He reallly wants to make his father proud of him, but his morals and his desire to be good starts some internal conflicts.
He is the victim of a lot of bullying on the Isle under certain people. Everyone else stays far away because of who his father is except for Bakugo (who was born there, his family was one of the first sent to the Isle, so it's not his fault he's there) and his older brother's friends -- primarily Toga, since she's the closest in age to him. They are the ones who constantly tease him and torment him, etc. But luckily it's Bakugo, Kirishima (he's a dragon, so his family was primarily sent there out of fear for the unknown and called monsters when some of them weren't) and Eri (who is Chisaki's ward here) are the ones who get picked to leave the Isle with him, so he doesn't know how to feel about that
And this whole thing started because the king's lookin' for an heir, and through magic bullshit learns that his heir is this boy named Izuku Midoriya.
And he's just like "cool, now I just gotta find this kid and-- oh fuck, he's on the Isle."
And he starts thinking more and more about this kid until he gets the bright idea to bring the kids on the Isle into the kingdom. Because if this boy is going to be the next king, that means he hasn't done anything wrong.
Izuku has no idea about the whole "you're going to be the heir to the throne" thing until much MUCH later.
Which I have fun with because the king never reveals who he is when he has scenes with Izuku at all and I get to add elements of mystery to the story even though everyone can pretty much guess who the king is. all might. It's all might--
I have more, but it's mostly just random ideas that I'm still trying to make coherent at this point.
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dwellordream · 4 years
If you could rewrite Alysanne and J****erys’ daughters to make them fully-fledged characters instead of paper-thin stereotypes, what would you change? (Censored you-know-who’s name because we don’t acknowledge him in my house 🙅🏿‍♀️)
Lmfao at you-know-who.  Daenerys: I actually think Fire and Blood does an okay job of building up Daenerys’ character (though of course it’s pretty obvious from her very first appearance she’s going to die tragically young, forever the ‘darling of the realm’). I don’t know, maybe we could have had a scene of her interacting with Aerea or Rhaena or something to get their reactions to her being heir for the first two years of her life before Aemon’s birth. Alyssa: My problem with Alyssa is not that she’s a tomboy. My problem with Alysaa is that she is a generic trope of ‘not like other girls!’ with no actual development. Unlike Arya’s very well-written arc in canon, Alyssa’s failure to conform to her society’s rigid gender roles and her interest in more traditionally masculine Westerosi pursuits like dueling, riding, climbing, etc is never examined in terms of how it effects her relationships with her family members and her thoughts about her future. There’s no scene like the one between Arya and Ned where Arya questions why she can’t be rule in her own right or build castles or advise kings, etc. There’s no detail given to how she got along with her mother and if Alysanne encouraged her ‘wild’ behavior or was more disapproving of it, etc.  Despite all this attention paid to how Alyssa refuses to conform to the expected role of a ladylike and demure princess, she seemingly has no problems with being married off at 15 and being expected to stick to being a wife and mother? There’s absolutely no conflict there, and there should be. Even if she was really in love with Baelon and had no issues marrying him, I find it hard to believe that she would pivot from wanting to spar with her brothers in the training yard to telling Baelon, totally seriously, “You were made for battles, and I was made for this. ...As soon as I am well, let’s make another. An army of your own!”  That seems like a pretty drastic shift in personality, and it’s never explained. Maegelle: Maegelle just needs more development, in general. She’s not this offensive character archetype, she’s just incredibly barebones, the barest outline of a character. Only one line is spared to her relationship with Alyssa, who was only two years older, and that is ‘Alyssa bristled at the baby at her skirts’. It would have been nice to see some interaction between them, any at all; they were close in age growing up, surely they spent time together, even if they had very different interests, and they must have been educated together by a septa. There’s also barely anything devoted to how Maegelle viewed Daella beyond being her ‘guiding star’. What does that mean? Was she protective of Daella? Did she spend more time with her little sister than the rest of the family? Was she upset when Daella was married off? How did she and Daella react to Alyssa’s untimely death?  What about Maegelle’s ‘gift for healing’? When did that show up? When did she begin to study healing? What motherhouse did she go to? She was very bright, so what else did she like to study? Did she ever wish she could study at the Citadel? Did she correspond with Vaegon? Did she do any writing of her own? How did she help her parents resolve their conflicts? Did she help resolve any other political or familial strife? Did she wish for Viserys or Daemon to join the Faith as boys? Daella: Daella seems to have been intellectually disabled in some way. How did that affect her everyday life? To what extent was she aware of this? How did it affect the way her siblings treated her? Was she scared of her father, who she seemed incapable of pleasing, no matter what she did? She liked flowers, did she like to spend a lot of time in the gardens, or did she have a personal flower garden of her own that she tended to, like Myrcella in canon? What caused her to be scared of gardens? Was she bullied in one by her siblings?  Daella didn’t speak until she was almost two. Was this scene as a cause for concern at the time? What did the maesters think? Did Maegelle teach her to read, and praise her when she was able to read aloud, albeit haltingly? Who were her other tutors? What did Alysanne and Jaehaerys think of her being known as ‘simple’? Why was she scared of Alyssa?  Was Saera punished for her cruel pranks on Daella? Did Saera single her out because Daella annoyed her or because she felt Daella took up attention from their parents that Saera did not get? How much did Saera and Vaegon’s bullying contribute to Daella’s obvious anxiety and many phobias? Why was someone asking the 9 year old Daella when she would marry Vaegon?  Why did Alysanne and Jaehaerys feel Daella needed to be wed at all? At the time they had plenty of healthy children who would presumably have multiple grandchildren to continue the Targaryen line. The overwhelming pressure for Daella to marry does not make sense when the family tree was still fairly vast in 77 AC. Why was Daella left alone with for young squires seemingly encouraged to flirt with and pursue her, a frightened teenage girl with a child-like mentality? Why was there no uproar over Simon trying to get her drunk, and Ellard forcing a kiss on her? Why was this incident seen as ‘Daella being picky’ and not an assault on a royal princess? What drew Daella to Royce Blackwood? Was he kind to her? Why did no one consider that Daella’s strong religious faith in the Seven might pose an obstacle to this marriage? Why could Daella not be permitted to wed in a sept and raise her children in an interfaith marriage, as Catelyn and Ned do in canon?  Why did Jaehaerys feel Daella needed to be married off by the end of her sixteenth year seemingly for no reason other than annoyance? Why would the marriage of a royal princess be treated so lightly? Why did Jaehaerys then threaten to send Daella to the Silent Sisters when Alysanne asked why Daella could not wait to be married? Why did Jaehaerys hold such animosity towards his 16 year old daughter that he would rather her be forced into a severe religious order where she would likely never see her family again, rather than simply let her wait to marry or not marry at all? Why were two of the men Daella was then ordered to choose between old enough to be her father? Why was she not offered the choice of Rodrik’s sons or Boremund’s son? What was to be gained from wedding her to Rodrik, since her children by him would never inherit the Eyrie? Jaehaerys just decided to chuck politics out the window in order to be rid of her? He loathed his daughter that much at that point? Daella is given no voice following her marriage to Rodrik, nor is there any interrogation of his frankly disturbing interest in a 16 year old girl he’d known since birth and watched grow up over the years, calling her his ‘precious princess’ and seemingly fetishizing her naive, child-like innocence and fragile physical state? To add onto this, there is then zero outcry towards Rodrik himself when he proceeds to impregnate Daella, leading to her horrible death in childbirth. Why do we not even get Jaehaerys’ reaction to the realization that he essentially pushed his daughter into an early, agonizing death?  Saera and Viserra: Saera is brave and clever but that gets one brief mention, and then the rest of the narrative spends all its time harping on how she’s an evil, sexy, manipulative teenage girl. Viserra is just a slightly watered down version of her. They don’t just need to be rewritten, they need actual personalities to work with, because they have none, they’re just plot devices with names designed to make their parents fight with each other.  The same goes for Gael, who seems to just be ‘Daella 2.0′ in terms of being regarded as ‘simple-minded but sweet’, and then being raped (I don’t think Gael was capable of giving proper consent to sex or understood what that meant) and left to commit suicide after her stillborn son.
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