#pretty sure tomura didn’t make that decision entirely on his own either
inkykeiji · 6 months
not sure if this helps but i just read this a few days ago..
i totally agree with you tho!! this is so fucking annoying i hate the way they are moving forward with his character!!!! :c
bnha manga spoilers + clari going on a huge rant that is very much tainted by extremely intense and deeply personal emotions
it does not help, but i appreciate you sharing it with me anyway anon <33 thank you for trying to help me feel a little better, genuinely, i really do appreciate it so much!
ugh. ‘his league’s ideals’ aren’t even his own ideals. his entire life has been a lie—was he really a victim of hero society, ever? would he have been a victim of hero society, and especially in the way dabi and toga and twice and spinner were, had he not been given decay? had he been able to completely live out his life normally, without any interference from afo (completely ignoring the fact that, apparently, he wouldn’t even exist without afo and his meddling)?
he’s a fraud. he shouldn’t be the leader of the league. he IS a victim, yes. a victim of a villain, a victim of his abusive father who hated heroes, who is probably more of a victim of hero society than tenko ever would’ve been—so at least there’s that indirect link. but to me, and this is purely my own personal opinion, having decay not be his natural quirk takes so much away from him as a character. i interpreted quirks as a metaphor for undesirable qualities that normal society shuns. as such, having decay be his original, natural quirk, to me, made him a much more fascinating and complex and MESSY character. now he feels one dimensional and boring. all of his ‘decisions’ were tainted by what he thought was true—but none of it actually came from within him, at all, ever. not even a sliver of it. can we even say ‘that was all him’ when we know that the basis for all of those decisions is entirely built on lies and deceit? when literally everything tomura knows, and stands for, and believes, has been built on a lie? when it was all done BECAUSE of the ideals and opinions implanted within him, that don’t have a single hint of truth to them and don’t actually pertain to him or who he would’ve been and what he would’ve suffered at all? i think he genuinely cares for the league, yes. i think he genuinely likes video games, yes. but the reasons and motivating factors behind those decisions are ???????????
i just feel like it would’ve been so much more impactful and sinister for afo to intentionally seek out a child who he KNEW had a quirk that would be shunned and would alienate him from society regardless and then use that trait as a tool to manipulate the child and mold tomura into exactly what he wanted, than to just completely engineer the entire thing from the very start. this single change in detail suddenly alleviates tomura of all responsibility, which makes him feel really flat from a character standpoint. sure, tenko has a great heart or whatever, but i personally am not interested in that. i liked the moral greyness of the league. i liked what they stood for. tomura/tenko having this pure heart within him, or this capacity for a pure heart (ie making these choices to care for and save his little jigsaw of a found family), while also struggling against the shackles society would’ve imposed on him for being born with such a quirk, and the real anger and hatred he would’ve felt because of that, is soooo much more interesting (and relatable!) than tenko just being, what, a decent person? idk.
in other words, none of tomura’s ‘decisions’ hold any weight. obviously, tomura has been groomed and manipulated by afo since he was very young—most of his ideals and opinions were shaped by and influenced by afo. but at least if decay had been his own quirk, there would’ve been a kernel of truth there. that’s all i wanted. just that one kernel of truth.
anyway, sorry i just used your ask to vent and cry about it HAHAHA. i hope i’m explaining myself sufficiently and that my ideas are being expressed adequately and clearly. honestly, i’m having trouble fully articulating myself and why i am so insanely upset over all of this, but in a nutshell these are my thoughts. i feel like i could write an entire essay on why this decision sucks so bad LMAO. sure, his story is tragic. but it also feels really meaningless.
who knows, maybe the manga will make me eat my words, and something great will happen, and i truly hope it does!!! i hope it renders everything i’ve said here completely untrue! but we will see what happens,,,
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vaval3ntin · 4 months
Pride Month Writing Prompts Day #1 :
🏳️‍🌈 “The first time your OCs started to understand/question their queer identity” ( ft : Spinneraki ) 🏳️‍🌈
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When Tomura started to actually think about his identity It all started when Spinner joined the league for the first time. It felt weird at first whenever he found himself wanting to be near him constantly. The moment he locked eyes with Spinner it was like the world just simply stopped. Truth be told the feelings only got stronger overtime whenever they would bond over video games. He started making excuses on why he had to stop what he was feeling toward his fellow league member. “It’ll distract him from his goals, it’s best not to get attached” he strictly had said to himself. Though- no matter how much he said it.. he kept breaking that rule.
He thoughts consisted of how his kisses felt like. Spinner’s lips were covered with scales, rough mostly but it would be enjoyable similar to his own. It was when they started a new match when they were playing league. He scooted over to sit next to Spinner. As always, he could tell he was blushing as his skin got darker by the second. Being next to Spinner felt so comfortable- something he never truly felt before this point. It was different with him and he didn’t know why.
Back then, Sensei never bothered to mention much of stuff so he became confused. He would usually say things of ‘encouragement’ to get him motivated toward his goal. Topics like romantic relationships never came up so he would stubble upon these things by himself on his computer. One day, he suddenly became curious. “Google, am I love with my best friend? Reddit” or- “Google, is it alright to fall in love with the same gender as you?”-. His searches would often to those species things. The answers would be useful but he fully didn’t understand it because he hadn’t had much experience in it first hand or even how to deal with it. Throughout his years of living he never once had these.. gushy feelings toward another person.. except Spinner who had only joined a few days prior.
Tomura considered asking Toga- the topic of love was pretty much her thing- she talked about it often so it was since.. but she was far too annoying sometimes. It was embarrassing in his eyes to talk about stuff like this. He wanted to seem like a strong leader who never has these feelings as they are often seen as a distraction- far too unprofessional- he thought. Kurogiri would just tell Sensei so he couldn’t ask him either so he simply relied on dating simulators for advice or even Reddit even if he was desperate for answers. Throughout his discovery on such topics he practiced to himself. Would Spinner even love him like that too? To be fair- he wouldn't even blame him if he didn’t. His scars cover most of his body from head to toe so he’s not the prettiest guy in the entire world. Just because Spinners face gets heated whenever he walks into a room doesn’t mean he really likes him like that.. or so he thought at the beginning. Tomura could never truly read his expressions so he wasn’t sure at this point.
Eventually, he hadn’t thought about those feelings as much anymore as he kept getting distracted. Major events had gone through his life within days of the leagues formation. Firstly- heroes found the bar they had been staying at which he was fuming over for the next few days. Secondly. Magne- a person he had admiration for- had been murdered in cold blood by a yakuza boss that went by Overhaul. He made the decision in getting his revenge on his fallen party member by taking off his arms in full taking these things called quirk removal bullets with him. Lastly- he was now practically homeless after the incident only getting a call from Garaki about this new development he wanted to share with him.
Days past- he had been scounted to make Machia, Senseis most loyal.. pet.. ( He didn’t know what to label him ..) to aid him as he could be useful- Garaki- the doctor explained to him in enthusiasm. See- it definitely sounded to good to be true. The catch was to simply defeat him in a multiple day battle of submission. Objectly, this lasted a while so he was exhausted and so were the others to. Once they reached a rest spot Twice fell asleep immediately. Hours past- he was currently sitting next to the fire on barely any sleep at all. Besides- someone had to keep watch on Machia. He felt generous so he let them all sleep but one person insisted on staying up with him. Spinner often let Tomura lay his head on his shoulder as some kind of pillow, it was something that quickly became a habit on their journey.
The day Machia was defeated he ended up leveling up his experience. One moment he was traveling the rather large words and then he’s experiencing fine dining as a leader of the PLF, a meta quirk believer operation once run by the infamous Redestro that attracted multiple individuals- hero or not to join in the movement. Once again- he got closer and closer to Spinner throughout the time. Each moment his heart raced- it was the middle of the night as he arrived in Tomura room at dawn with a heated expression. With a nervous tone and a dark green blush he finally told Tomura his feelings. Spewing out words that made him have quite the shocked expression with a hand staring right into Spinners eyes. He reached his hand out grasping his own softly stroking his fingers. Thankfully- he had been wearing his gloves but he felt his instinct go up heavily as he locked his lips with his longtime crush.
As predicted his lips were warm- rough though.. but the good.. comforting kind that made you want more. It was official, Tomura finally figured what these feelings was he could never fully describe before. Spinner without a doubt admired, wanted.. and loved him. It would be a complete lie if he hadn’t felt the same but.. he did. Tomura loved Spinner.. he was okay with that despite everything. All he knew was that it made him happy, Spinner felt the same and he could tell. Nothing would never come between them, he looked forward to the future with Spinner right by his side, heroes put to waste.., and his league finally living in a society they can truly be happy with. Destroying anything that got in their way no matter the cost.
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
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ifhy. (nsfw) dabi x bottom!male reader
pronouns: he/him
warnings: hate sex, a lot of cursing, a little bit of degrading, fucking on a counter (?) idk if that counts, and implied violence a little
a/n: sorry this took a while to write i was passed out for the past two days 😀👍
ever since you entered the league of villains you've hated everything about the man. the cockiness, the way he talked, even the way he smiled, though he barely did. you wanted to prove you were better than him. due to the fact that he had a flashier quirk than you, he received more attention from tomura than you did.
everything about dabi pissed you off.
you weren't very subtle about it either, you made sure that dabi knew you didn't like him. In fact everyone in the league knew you hated his guts and they didn't want to get in the way of you two either, just so they don't get hit by the crossfire.
you challenged him one time during another one of shigaraki's meetings because he was taunting your abilities in the mission tomura assigned you to. the fight was pretty bad and thankfully kurogiri was there to stop you guys or else the hideout would've been burned to crisps in the matter of seconds.
believe it or not, there was actually one thing you hated more than dabi. it was how much you wanted to fuck the man. everytime you were with dabi, you were practically undressing him with your eyes. his tall and lean body, those ocean eyes you could melt in and the fact that you could see his pecs slightly due to his clothing.
you didn't want to admit it but you couldn't deny your own desires. not saying you would volunteeringly ask him to fuck you but if the oppurtunity came up you wouldn't say no either. there were times you touched yourself thinking about the black haired male deep inside you stuffing you full of his cum. he turned you on so much and you couldn't deny it.
it was another day were shigaraki excluded you from a mission. you didn't mind too much this time since you didn't want to go anyways. shigaraki and your ideals weren't similar but he recognized your strength and you recognized his authority.
you were resting at the bar table in the hideout and fixing yourself a drink. you knew kurogiri had to have some good booze hidden here somewhere. while ruffling under the counters you heard slow footsteps coming down the stairs. the person you wanted to see the least appeared in front of you.
"what are you doing back here, aren't you supposed to be with them?" you said in a cold tone.
"they don't need me anymore, they've got it handled. shigaraki's plan also failed once."
"wouldn't be surprised."
"fuck is that suppose to mean."
"i said what i said , burnt face."
you felt the atmosphere in the room tense up and so did dabi. you both stayed silent for a few seconds until he spoke again.
"real rich coming from someone who's been eye-fucking me ever since we entered the league together."
you were startled by his response. did you make it that obvious? you stopped looking for the alcohol and stood up.
"so what if i did, huh? i still fucking hate you, i don't know who in the right mine would want your cocky ass here but i guess some people just don't see how much of a piece shit you can be."
you could feel it in your bones a fight was about to go down. dabi wasn't the type to stay silent after you insult him. well, if he does try something you were ready to face him. backing off from something like this wasn't your style.
dabi walked closer to you and put his hand on the counter.
"i always thought you had a pretty face, what a shame it came with a shit personality." dabi said while cupping your cheek with his hand.
his touch felt so right against your skin. the male's hands weren't cold but it wasn't exactly warm either. you didn't know why it felt good but you didn't care either.
"don't fucking touch me, bastard." you said while slapping away dabi's hand.
you wanted dabi to touch you but you didn't want to admit it infront of him. in fact, he was getting too close to you for comfort and the tense atmosphere with just the two of you, him pushing you against the wall. even a nomu would know what he's trying to do.
“oh please, we all know you want it you fucking slut... you want me to fuck your brains out right on this counter, don’t lie to yourself.”
“don’t be so full of yourself, who do you think you are? just because i like your body doesn’t mean i like you.”
dabi turned around and started to walk away realizing you were being serious about this.
“then again, i'm not saying no. so if you want to prove me wrong, come and show me.” you said
dabi understood what you meant, he turned around and grabbed you by the waist pulling you in for a sloppy kiss.
you've never felt your heart beat so fast in your life before. you hands on his shoulders pulling him closer towards you. both of you struggled to take control of the kiss but dabi ended up winning this time.
after a few minutes the kiss broke and you wiped your mouth with your left arm.
"is that all you got bitch boy? c'mon there's no way you're this weak right?" you taunted
"you haven't seen nothing yet, you fucking squirt."
dabi said as he unbuckled his belt. you could see the thick outline of his cock under his boxers. it was so much bigger than you could’ve ever imagined all those times by yourself. dabi soon took off his boxers to show you the real deal. his cock was still half erect but it already looked too big to fit into your hole.
“you like it?” dabi asked with a smirk on his face
“tch, i’ve seen better.”
“oh? is that so.”
right after he said that, dabi grabbed your head and shoved it onto his dick, making you take his cock by all its length right away. you attempted to push yourself away but dabi’s hands were on your head the whole time. Soon enough you submitted to dabi and adjusted to his rhythm. after a while dabi finally let go of your head and pulled out his cock, this time fully erect. you couldn’t tell the exact size but it was practically double the size of what it was initially. during this entire time, you had an erection in your pants too. you were begging for a release preferably through dabi’s cock.
“c’mon sweet heart, we all know what you want. now show me that fucking ass and get on the counter.”
you stayed silent for a bit thinking whether or not to pass up this opportunity or take it. the decision was still in your hands because although dabi might be a villain he would never do something like this if he didn’t get their consent first. after considering, you realized this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity and agreed. you slid the bottom half of your clothing off and sat on the counter. you didn’t expect dabi for the type to ever get flustered but he did. when his eyes locked onto your ass and thighs his eyes widened just like when you saw his cock.
“bet you never had something like this huh~” you teased.
and just like your response earlier, dabi scoffed and said
“i’ve seen better.”
you were both impatient for what’s about to happen next. one person to be stuffed and the other to do the stuffing. dabi’s precum was the most lubricant he was ever going to use on you so without prepping he pushed his cock inside you. right away you felt a bit of pain under there but it quickly turned into pleasure after dabi moved around the area a bit more.
“f-fuck bitch… you’re tight huh…”
“nngh... tch, i told you AH-.”
“this is the good spot isn’t it~” dabi said as he pushed his dick further into you.
you moaned in pleasure as a response with grunts in between. you were feeling euphoric, this was the situation you’ve imagined so many times and now it’s finally coming true. you looked down at your own dick to see the tip of it leaking pre-cum. you couldn’t deny how good you felt at this point even if you wanted to.
“fucking hell… you fuck pretty good for some a-ah! who talks like a bitch.” you managed to make out.
“don’t talk with you ass full, slut.” dabi said as he yet again thrusted into you this time with even more force.
“and you wanted to deny it, look how good im making you feel. you’re gonna cum just from me fucking you in the ass.”
“you’re one to talk, i can feel all of your pre inside. i know you’re feeling just as good as i am don’t lie to me.”
you two gave each other a smirk as if this was some kind of competition of who can make the other person feel better. well it is, but in an aggressive way.
as both of you were getting close the moans and grunts started to become more frequent.
"hgh! im fucking cumming." dabi grunted out
"a-ah fuck! me too." you replied
the two of you came at the same time. pants filled the room with dabi still inside you.
"heh… not bad y/n."
"that's the first time you said my name, dabi."
"the same goes for you."
"i still fucking hate you by the way."
"the same goes for you."
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makeste · 4 years
I really want to know your opinion on this : do you think OFA's secret should be shared with more than just Bakugou? And if so, who? I really love your weekly reactions (you're hilarious) and your metas (you're so articulate!!!!) (´。• ω •。`)
first of all, thank you so much! ( ॢ•͈ᴗ•͈ॢ)
as for your question, it’s a bit complicated. my answer is both yes and no. I’ll start with the “no” part, I guess.
so here’s the thing: I absolutely, 100% fully support All Might’s decision to keep OFA secret. I really can’t stress this enough -- this is not something they were keeping hidden for funsies. “the Power Of All Might is something that can be shared and passed on from person to person, and he gave it to a fifteen-year-old boy” is not just something to be spread around lightly; if it got out to the wrong person, it could literally destroy Izuku’s life.
to the villains, he becomes a target, as we’ve already seen. we’re talking about the power of All Might for fuck’s sake. of course he’s a target. it’s the one power that can stand up to even All for One himself. villains would be coming after him pretty much every day of the week. if they don’t know about the “OFA can only be given up willingly” part, they simply try to take the quirk by force. but if they do know about it, that makes it even worse, because that’s when they start getting into methods of coercing him. hostages; torture; you name it. give us OFA or we’ll kill these innocent people. give us OFA or we’ll hurt your family and friends. his mom would have to go into hiding. he would never be safe again.
to the general public, and to agencies like the HPSC, Izuku becomes the subject of heated political controversy, and a potential government pawn. how could All Might do something so irresponsible as entrusting the greatest power in the world into the hands of a quirkless fifteen-year-old?? now the world is left without its Symbol of Peace, and with no one who’s ready to step in and fill those shoes. why didn’t he give OFA to someone with more power, more experience? this is unacceptable. Izuku should give it up to someone else. Hawks, or Best Jeanist, or Endeavor. people are very easily whipped into a frenzy; all it would take is a few viral opinion pieces, and the nation would probably be demanding the government to step in and force Izuku to relinquish it. some citizens might even take it upon themselves to try and capture him if they got desperate enough. even the other pros would probably be pressuring him. as for the HPSC, I wouldn’t put it past them to try and take control/custody of Izuku themselves and claim that it’s a matter of national security or whatnot. they’d have the best of intentions of course. just trying to keep the world safe. but they’re trending much more Hydra than S.H.I.E.L.D. these days, so who knows how badly that could end.
to Izuku’s schoolmates and friends, he becomes one of two things; either the object of mistrust or envy, or else someone to be protected at all costs. for most of them it would be the latter, since they really are good kids. but there’d be some people -- not in his class perhaps, but it’s a big school -- who’d no doubt be echoing the same thoughts as the public at large. he doesn’t deserve it, he’s not strong enough, etc., you get the idea. and if and when the villain attacks and threats -- “give us OFA or else” -- inevitably began to crop up as mentioned, all of the blame would fall down on him. “just give it to someone else who can handle it. why are you so selfish. this isn’t just about you; you’re putting everyone else in danger.”
and for the ones who don’t turn on him, who stay by his side and defend him, there’s still the fact that doing so puts them in danger as well. these kids are heroes. and if you entrust a hero with something that must be protected at all costs, they will protect it. at all costs. which is yet another burden to add to Izuku’s shoulders as now it’s not only his own safety he has to fear for, but that of his friends and loved ones. and if anything happened to them because of him, that’s not something he would ever get over.
so yeah. it’s insanely dangerous. and none of the above is even taking into account that there is a traitor at U.A., and they still don’t know who it is. so given all of that, it’s no wonder All Might insisted that Deku keep it a secret. and then of course Deku went and told Kacchan anyway, which even Kacchan was mad about once he realized the gravity of what he’d been told. but at least Kacchan is someone Deku’s known literally as long as he can remember, and there’s virtually no chance of him being a secret traitor. the same cannot be said for almost anyone else. we all know that they can be trusted, yes. but All Might doesn’t know that. even Aizawa, who is the one other person I’d argue should still have been told, was still a prime suspect in the traitor investigation due to him being one of the few people who could have communicated the information about the class schedule and the training camp’s whereabouts. we know he is not the traitor. we know he would literally die for any one of these kids. but the other characters do not know that for sure, and even Aizawa himself would probably agree that the rational thing under those circumstances would be to trust absolutely no one, with no exceptions. it’s the safest thing to do for Izuku’s sake in a situation where there is relatively little to be gained from telling other people, and potentially everything to lose by doing so. again, we already know there is at least one person in or linked to class 1-A who is not what they seem, who has managed to earn the trust of everyone, and who is connected to the League. that is just not a situation you can afford to fuck around with. “well we really like all these kids a lot and we’ve gotten to know them and we’re pretty sure they’re all on the up and up” is just not good enough when we are literally talking about a matter of life and death for a sixteen-year-old child.
so that’s the “no” part of my answer. I don’t think the secret should be shared. or at least, that would have been my answer before Shigaraki Tomura woke up from his three-month nap and was all “GOD I REALLY WANT ONE FOR ALL”, and Endeavor was all “ONE FOR ALL WHAT IS THAT”, and Izuku was all “HEY MISTER ENDEAVOR SIR, JUST SO YOU KNOW, SHIGARAKI IS AFTER ME”, and Aizawa was all “I don’t know what the fuck is going on here, but I too heard ‘One for All’ on the comm, and have also deduced that for some reason Shigaraki Tomura is targeting my student, because most of the time I’m the one who’s actually holding on to the two brain cells that all of the pro heroes collectively share.”
so now that all of that has gone down, I think the situation has changed enough where, moving forward, at the very least Endeavor and Aizawa will have to be let in on the secret. because if not, they’re probably going to start doing their own investigations into it and could wind up accidentally spilling the beans to EVERYONE. so at the very least they will (and should) know. and this also applies to anyone else who stumbles across this battle before it wraps up, and thus also starts putting the pieces together. I think this will be Shouto and Ochako and Iida, potentially, which I’ll be glad to see happen if that is the case. because even though I firmly believe not telling them earlier was the right call, that doesn’t mean I don’t want them to know about it. they’re his friends, and they’ve earned his trust and care about his wellbeing. I think and hope that they’ll understand why they weren’t told earlier, and I hope they don’t blame Izuku for it at all, because it absolutely is not his fault. he made a promise to All Might, and All Might, as I’ve stated, had very good reasons for keeping this on the DL.
and by the way, it also would not surprise me at all if in spite of all the precautions they’ve taken, the secret actually DOES get revealed to the world at large eventually. at which point I’m almost positive every single thing I mentioned above will come to pass, and Izuku will be in for one hell of a rough ride. the upside though is that at least he’ll have a bigger support network to help him get through it. and also he is a much stronger, smarter, and more capable person than he was even just a year ago, and he’s better equipped to handle it now than he might have been before. it’s much harder to argue “this child should not have been given OFA” when said child is now capable of using 45% power instead of just 5% and/or 100%-but-his-entire-body-gets-destroyed-in-the-process. also harder to argue when said child has since UNLOCKED THE POWER OF SIXQUIRKS which not even All Might managed to do, so suck on that!! of course, that in turn opens the door to suspicion about him being connected to AFO, which is a whole new set of problems. OFA really is just a humongous pain in the ass in a lot of ways lmao.
anyway, so I hope that answers your question! no I don’t think they should have told anyone earlier, but I do think they should come clean to a few people now, since they’ve basically been all but found out anyway. and I will be happy to have those people included in the OFA Scooby Squad moving forward. they’re going to have to get a bigger clubhouse though I guess.
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giranswife · 5 years
bright, thirst and hunger with giran!
oh hell yeah!! thank you hon!! these were so much fun to do!! I’m sorry that this got a little long xD I have a tendency to write a lot more than i expect to ao;iwejfawoijefa
bright: a moment in which you had a great idea that saved the day, and your f/o couldn’t’ve been prouder.
Today was one of those days that Ash joined Giran during a client meeting. She sat across his lap, sipping on the drink that she had gotten a mere moment ago. This has happened so many times that most of his clients know to just pretend as if she isn’t there, but anybody knew doesn’t quite get the memo.
This man was particularly younger than a lot of the people that Ash is used to seeing, but it’s not particularly uncommon either. Just the younger they are, the more they tend to be easily influenced or even easily distraught. It just so happens today, he was feeling rather unruly. Getting a bit of an attitude in such a way that she could feel Giran’s patience running thin.
“What do yah think, Princess? Should we meet the man’s demands,” He speaks with such calmness though the smirk is stuck on his face, “After all, pal drives a hard bargain.”
I could tell he was being sarcastic, but not a lot of people would by his tone. Since he has a tone that could be sarcastic all the time, it’s hard to tell when he’s serious and when he’s not. Ash is one of the only ones that can pinpoint the difference.
“I don’t know,” Ash mumbles, her tail flipping as she runs her fingers through his hair, “Sounds like bullshit to me. Supply and demand, right?”
Giran chuckled, taking a long drag from his cigarette. That’s his wife alright. Which is exactly why he brings her along for unruly clients like this. Not only is she a gorgeous face, but she’s also smart as hell and not going to take any bullshit. She really learns quite fast and is quite the woman to have on his arm.
“Yah heard the woman. I didn’t get where I am workin’ for chump change.”
Ash smirked, taking her palm and pressing it against the side of his face. She tilted his head a little bit, enough for her to whisper into his ear. It was quick and hushed, soft enough for the man in front of them not to hear a word. But he did see the curves of her lips and the sparkling of mischief in her bright blue eyes.
The look on Giran’s face was definitely not one that anyone wanted to see after that. It pretty much matched her own, just in a much more mature fashion. “That’s my girl,” He said, not even blinking when she leaned over to peck his lips.
“Why don’t yah go wait outside for me. We’ll only be a few more minutes,” He said.
Ash nodded, pushing off of his lap and slowly walking past the chair that his client sat. She brushed her hand across his chair, smirking wickedly as her tail flicked behind her. He made the mistake of watching her leave, quickly hearing the loud cough of the man in front of him.
He’s lucky that Giran was in a good mood. Client or no client, his girl is his girl. Blowing another few puffs from his cigarette, he kept his same smug smirk that seemed plastered onto his face.
“My wife’s a beauty, isn’t she? And smart to,” He said, putting out the cigarette in the tray in front of him, “She came up with the perfect solution to our little... disagreement.”
When he saw that the man stirred in his seat a bit, he chuckled again. “Don’t worry, it’ll work out for both of us. I’m not a difficult man.”
But that comment was a bit up for debate.
thirst: describe a time where you couldn’t wait to be close to your f/o.
The meeting at the league hideout was taking forever, and it was clear that Ash was a tad bit antsy. Her legs dangled over the arm of her chair, and she scrolled through her phone hearing Tomura’s voice in her ear. She never had to listen completely during these things, because Sayeko would brief her afterwards. She’d just have to deal with Shig’s glare for a while.
While she was not paying attention, she got a notification at the top of her screen. She smiled seeing the name, and immediately went to open it knowing that she’d much rather be focused on this message right now. Giran had been busy today as well, so neither of them were able to see each other much excluding this morning. And she had been missing him so much today.
He was mainly asking her when she’d be home, talking about his own client meeting that he wished was her instead. Saying how he couldn’t wait to see her face, and it was making her feel warm. She quickly texted back how she missed him too, and the two of them exchanged words while the meeting continued around her.
The more they spoke the more she longed to be with him. Hearing his voice in the words on the screen, and the two of them even exchanging a few pictures. Even though it was mainly of anything but his face, she could see his hand a few times and she was happy enough to see a bit of him.
The meeting couldn’t end fast enough, especially when he started talking about sharing dinner together and kissing on her neck while they watch a movie together. She could practically feel the softness of his lips, and she closed her eyes a bit at the thought.
It wasn’t until Sayeko thumped the top of her head, causing Ash to glance up and see her staring down. She smirked, pressing her friend’s forehead. “Meeting’s over. What were yah doing, sleeping?” She asked. Ash shook her head, quickly pushing up from the seat and barely even waving goodbye.
“Fill me in later! I gotta go!” She shouted, barely hearing what her friend shouted back at her before she was out the door.
She knew she’d hear shit about it later, but for now she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting home to her husband.
hunger: how you and your f/o would handle an empty cabinet and grumbling bellies.
It was almost two in the morning whenever Ash felt her stomach rumbling, still cuddling up with her husband on the couch. Giran typically isn’t up with her this late unless he’s having trouble sleeping, which tonight was one of those nights. It had been a rather busy day for him, which meant he finished up rather late to begin with.
They had watched a couple movies, not even realizing it had gotten so late. Ash was rather enjoying the feeling of his hands in her hair as she cuddled against his shoulder. She hadn’t wanted to move, feeling that she might fall asleep at any moment. Until she heard her stomach growling.
Giran seemed to be having the same thoughts, shifting in his seat and adjusting his glasses. “Baby...” Ash cooed, and before she could say another word he mumbled.
“I know, you’re hungry. I heard.”
She rolled her eyes, but laughed as she nuzzled into his neck.
“Do we have anything in the kitchen?” She asked, kissing his neck a couple of times.
He shook his head, taking off his watch and setting it down on the coffee table in front of them. He’d been in such a hurry to sit down with his wife he had forgotten to really get comfortable. His entire body was pretty much screaming to lay down, but at the present moment either of them really wanted to.
“It’s too late to order anything,” She sighed, “Are you hungry too?”
“Yeah. I didn’t eat any lunch, so I’m as fuckin’ hungry as you are.”
It just begged the question of what they were going to do about it. Giran really didn’t want to get up and get out at this late hour, but between his own hunger and need to make his wife happy, he didn’t have much choice.
“I’ll go get yah something.”
“Are you sure? But it’s late.”
He nodded, leaning over to kiss her cheek and then her lips softly. She could tell he was tired, but once he made a decision that was pretty much it.
“You’re tired baby, let’s just... go to bed.”
“Last time I let yah go to bed on an empty stomach I had a cranky Ash in the morning. I don’t mind, Princess.”
I rolled my eyes, watching him put his coat back on over his shoulders.
“I love you,” She said as he grabbed his keys, “Be careful? Text me when you head home?”
He nodded, kissing the top of her head one last time for equal measure. It made him happy to hear her worried about him, but this really wasn’t new for either of them. Just seemed like the two of them had some shopping to do tomorrow, so he didn’t have to do this for a while.
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purpleswans1 · 5 years
The Sports Festival
Here’s another one for my Villain!Izuku AU that won’t be tagged for Villain Month despite using the prompt “Quirk.” Unfortunately there are basically no canon villains in this one, unless you count Endeavor *glare at that flaming trashcan*
Read also on FF and AO3.
The day of the UA Sports Festival, Izuku made the executive decision to watch the event in person. He justified it to Uraraka by saying he wanted to observe contestants the cameras might not focus on, but in reality it was to avoid Tomura for a while. His brother had become insufferable since the failed attack on the USJ, especially since he blamed Izuku for the failure.
To be fair it had been Izuku’s plan, but he really didn’t need to be around a grouching Tomura when his failure against Kachan was still fresh.
Still, this was a wonderful opportunity. He’d bought tickets at the last minute so he was stuck in the nosebleeds, but that was just fine with Izuku. He had some decent goggles, and he was less likely to be recognized that way. He wasn’t wearing much of a disguise -- just a green hoodie and some sunglasses -- and was going to be relying on his inconspicuousness to keep the authorities off his back. He did have his gun and a knife hidden in his hoodie, but he’d rather not use them. He was able to get to his seat without incident, so the disguise must be doing some good.
The festival took place over the course of 3 days, one for each grade. Usually the volume of spectators gradually increased each day, with the 1st years attracting the least amount of people, but this year more people showed up on the 1st day than usual. This didn’t affect Izuku, but he did wonder whether it was because of his attack on class 1-A.
It was likely that the world was expecting more from that class now, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
Anyway, the opening ceremonies were pretty much the same as every year. As soon as the announcer invited Kachan up to give the oath, Izuku knew that his former bully was going to do something ridiculous. He did feel somewhat vindicated when all the other students yelled at Kachan, so that was a plus.
The first event was an obstacle course. Izuku took note of a few quirks being used creatively -- Mineta’s strategy certainly wasn’t very sporting, but one couldn’t argue its effectiveness -- but overall was underwhelmed by the display. He already knew a lot about the capabilities of 1-A, and most of the other classes were not going out of their way to show off. Izuku wondered if this was an actual strategy or if they just didn’t have that impressive abilities.
Well, they are only 1st years. They have 3 years of schooling to get through before they’d be expected to act like pros.
The final obstacle was a minefield. All of the students either walked around them carefully or used their quirks to glide across, which was pretty standard reaction. Izuku kind of wished there were more creative students among them, since controlled explosions could be very useful, if you were daring enough. Even Kachan, who should know better than anyone else how to use explosions, didn't capitalize on the mindfield's potential. He just used his own explosions to fly over the mines, not daring to touch them.
As such, it wasn't surprising when the student with the most powerful quirk -- Todoroki -- won the race, with Kachan as a close second. Izuku was happy to see his old rival humiliated, but was still disappointed the first event ended without anything interesting.
The second event was a cavalry battle. Izuku had high hopes for this one, since he could gauge the student’s teamwork. An individual hero was only as powerful as their quirks and their training, but a team could fly high or fail spectacularly depending on the group dynamics. Izuku could get all the information he wanted on quirks and individual stats using the school’s database, but he could only judge the future heroes’ teamwork by watching events like this. The way students chose teams might also showcase their analytical skills, but he didn’t have high hopes on that front.
They were only 1st years, after all. He’d figured out a long time ago that people with strong quirks usually only focused on their own abilities and didn’t consider how they could work with other quirks. UA did a decent job of breaking them out of that habit, but it took time.
Izuku tapped his pen on the edge of his notebook. I wonder what it would be like if I could give these future heroes tips on working together.
He quickly pushed that thought out of his mind and focused on the cavalry battle. No point in dwelling on what-ifs.
Izuku was pleasantly surprised by the cavalry battle. With 1-B’s poor performance in the obstical course he’d dismissed them, but both they and a few gen-ed kids were the true stars of this event. True, both Kachan’s team and the group supporting Todoroki remained in the top two spots the entire time, but the other top spots were a fierce battle between the rest of 1-A, a few noteworthy 1-B teams, and this one group in complete synergy headed by a gen-ed student. The top four ended up being team Todoroki, team Bakugo, the team headed by Monoma from 1-B, and the group with that tired-looking gen-ed student named Shinsou.
Looks like the 1-B students deliberately hid their powers to give themselves an edge, Izuku thought. Not a bad strategy, but it can only be used once and defeats the publicity purpose of the sports festival. Then again, they’re getting 2 more chances to show off like this over the course of their high school career, and not many people usually watch the 1st years. Plus, the one-on-one battles are where individuals can shine so they could have been counting on getting to that point which wasn’t smart since only 16 students get that far…
“Uh, you okay kid?” a nearby man asked. “You’re muttering to yourself.”
Izuku jumped. “Oh, I’m so sorry! It’s an old habit! My teacher and brother keep telling me to stop it, but it always slips out when I’m concentrating or overly enthusiastic about something.”
The man laughed. “It’s fine, kid. I was just worried about you.”
I should probably get away for a while; he might try to start a conversation and ask questions. “Hey, mind letting me out? We should have some time until the next event and I want to beat the line to the bathroom.”
The man graciously let Izuku out of the stadium row. Izuku quickly gathered his stuff -- just a few spare notebooks, his laptop, and his wallet shoved in a backpack -- and headed down the stairs, looking for a secluded place he could review his notes.
I need to look back over my stats on those 1-B students. I should also check the school’s database for info on that gen-ed student… I shouldn’t have focussed only on the hero courses; there’s usually a few kids from gen-ed who get bumped up to heroics by the end of the year.
The closest bathroom was jam-packed -- apparently, everyone else was taking advantage of the break before the main event. The same was true for the bathroom on the next floor down, and the next one. Izuku kept descending, looking for somewhere he could work in peace. Even an unlocked supply closet would be fine, but he didn’t see any of those.
Eventually, Izuku reached the bottom of the stadium, where he’d entered. He still didn’t have a place to work where nobody would see what he was doing. He did see another set of stairs, going even further under the seats.
Maybe there will be less people down there, Izuku thought as he walked down the new staircase.
He was right; there were significantly less people down there. The dark hallway would have looked abandoned if it wasn't so clean. It reminded Izuku of the setting in a horror game, where the player was led into a false sense of security before the monster popped up in a jumpscare. There wasn’t enough light for him to read his notes, but his phone had a flashlight and his laptop was fully charged.
Izuku turned a corner and sat on the floor, firing up his laptop and pulling out his notes. The light from the screen gave him just enough for him to make out his handwriting, but only when he tilted the notebook a certain way. He found the notes on 1-B as quickly as he could, but gave up after a while since he could get the same information on his computer anyway. He had a trojan horse installed on the school’s database, so it didn’t take much for him to hack into it again.
He was still shuffling through the information he needed -- Mind Control certainly explains how that one team was able to be in perfect sync -- when he heard a raised voice echoing along the hallway.
“You need to stop this childish rebellion! Use the quirk I gave you already!”
A much softer voice replied, but Izuku wasn’t able to catch what was said.
“Don’t you dare talk back to me, boy!”
That’s Endeavour, Izuku realised. He put away his laptop and stood up. What’s Endeavour doing yelling at someone at UA’s sport’s festival?
Izuku knew he should have just left. He had all the information he needed. Endeavour was a pro hero, and wouldn’t hesitate to arrest someone like Izuku, especially after the role he played in the USJ attack. It would be in his best interest to just leave and blend back in with the crowd.
Without even thinking about it, Izuku’s feet moved, taking him down the hall in the direction of Endeavour's booming voice.
“You are my successor, Shoto!” Endeavour said. “You were born with both powers in order to surpass All Might!”
“I will not be what you want me to be.” The softer voice replied.
Izuku peaked around the corner. Endevor’s back took up most of his view, but he could also see a familiar boy with two-toned hair.
Why is Endeavour shouting at his son Shoto?
“I am your father, and you will do what I tell you!” Endeavour shouted.
Shoto’s face was impassive, a stark contrast to his father’s emotional outbursts. “You’ve controlled everything in my life. How long I have to spend training, who I get to spend time with, even what I eat. My school and my career path were both decided for me, as your masterpiece. You may be able to control all of those things, but you don’t get to decide how I use my power. I will become a hero without using my fire, just to prove that I can.”
Endeavour stormed off, walking through a doorway behind Shoto. “You won’t make it that far. You need my fire, it’s the only way you'll surpass All Might.”
“I don’t care about surpassing All Might. I just want to get away from you.”
Endeavour continued to stomp off, leaving Shoto in the darkened hallway.
Izuku breathed a sigh of relief.
“Who’s there?”
Izuku’s breath caught. Did he hear me?
Shoto walked forward and turned the corner, staring at Izuku. “I don’t think anybody but the contestants are supposed to be here.”
“R-Realy?” Izuku laughed, feigning innocence. “I’m sorry, I just got lost looking for a bathroom…”
“It’s fine.” Shoto’s face remained impassive, not giving Izuku any hint as to whether he was suspicious of not.
Izuku tapped his fingertips together. Common sense said that he should leave well enough alone, but… “It sounds like you two were having an argument. Do you want to talk about it?”
Shoto turned away. “It’s nothing you need to concern yourself over.”
“Oh, okay.”
The hallway was silent for a few minutes, until Shoto spoke up. “I refuse to use my fire in battle. He doesn’t like that, since I’m supposed to be his successor.”
Izuku frowned. He had noticed that Shoto hadn’t used the fire half of his quirk in either the USJ or this Sport’s festival, but he hadn’t thought about it much. He figured it was because ice could be more versatile, it could contain a villain without much injury, or just personal preference in training. He didn’t realize it was a conscious, controversial decision. “Why don’t you want to use your fire?”
“It’s his quirk.”
So, is it some family trouble? Izuku wondered.
Shoto sighed. “I hate my father. He’s obsessed with surpassing All Might, but knows that’s not possible with his own limitations. So, he decided to train me to do it for him. He’s been training me with my quirk since I was four years old.”
Izuku sucked in his breath. Wow, I thought Endeavour was terrible for how he used excessive force on low-level villains, but this…
“Mom tried to protect me, but… It was too much. She hated him, hated being in that house, and eventually reached a breaking point.” Shoto touched his face, where an ugly, red scar marred his features. “She said my left side was unightly, that it reminded her of him, so she took the tea kettle and…” Shoto didn’t finish his sentence, but he didn’t have to.
Fuck. “Do you hate your mother, for doing that to you?”
Shoto stopped, contemplating Izuku’s question. “No, no I don’t think I do.” He sounded surprised, like he’d only just figured that out. “I understand that it wasn’t really her fault, that my father drove her to that point. Plus, she was always trying to protect me. I guess it’s not fair to hate her for one act of anger, especially compared to the years of abuse we’ve both suffered under my father.”
Izuku thought about the people in his own life. Sure, Tomura and Sensei both were cruel to him at times, but compared to the years of bullying he received from Kachan… It wasn’t that bad, right?
Well, at least he still had some good times with Tomura-nii, while he couldn’t remember why he put up with Kachan for so long anyway.
Stop thinking about that. “I’m really sorry all that happened to you. I can understand why you don’t want to use your fire, but are you sure you want to keep handicapping yourself?”
Shoto frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Well, most quirks dealing with extreme temperatures have a side effect on the user’s body temperature. I know that Endeavour gets overheated if he’s pushed too far, and I’ve noticed your body was accumulating ice during the last two events. I imagine that using both powers would allow you to keep your body temperature under control.”
“... You’re not wrong. That is the reason my father deliberately married a woman with an ice quirk.”
“Exactly!” Izuku nodded. “I know you hate your father, but I'm sure there are less self-destructive ways to get back at him.”
Shoto didn’t say anything.
“I’ll tell you what,” Izuku pulled out his phone. “How about we exchange numbers? I’d like to help you get away from your father, if I can.”
Shoto pulled out his own phone, firing off a string of digits Izuku added to his contacts under the name “Shoto Todoroki.” He then sent a text to his new contact.
Me: Hi! I’m Izuku Midoriya.
Me: Go ahead and add my contact info.
Shoto’s phone vibrated and he read the text. “So… Your name is Izuku?”
“Yep! Feel free to text me at any time. I’m homeschooled, so you don’t need to worry about interrupting me during class.”
Shoto nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He pocketed the phone again. “I… Well, thank you for listening. It was nice to finally get that all off my chest.”
“Well, isn’t that what friends are for?”
“Friends…” Shoto frowned. “I wouldn’t know. I never got the chance to interact with kids my own age growing up… and I think most of my classmates are scared of me.”
There was a pang in Izuku’s chest. “I kind of get where you’re coming from. Until about a year ago, I hadn’t interacted with anyone other than the people in my house very much. It’s nice to have a friend on the outside.”
An announcement rang out through the stadium. Izuku couldn’t hear the exact words due to the echo, but he was sure the next event was about to start.
“Looks like I need to get to my seat if I want to see the action, and you need to ge ready for your fight.” Izuku started walking towards the lit doorway, but thought of something else he wanted to say.
He turned around, and although Shoto’s features were obscured by shadows, Izuku noticed how his body stiffened.
“By the way, would you do me a favor and kick Katsuki Bakugo's ass?” Izuku asked. “He doesn’t deserve to be a hero.”
Shoto walked forward. When the light reached his face, Izuku noticed how determined he was. “I’ll do that, so long as you promise to do everything in your power to help me get revenge on my father.” His eyes bore into Izuku’s own. “Including whatever you used to get into the USJ.”
Izuku froze. He recognized me!
Shoto was up the stairs and on his way to his classmates before Izuku could even think of stopping him.
Izuku took a deep breath. It’s fine. If he warns the heroes, I’ll just hide until I can go home.
Still, he couldn’t stop looking over his shoulder every other minute as he walked back to his nosebleed seats.
He continued to worry about who Shoto might tell. That is, until the Final Battle of the 1st year’s tournament, when Shoto Todoroki won 1st place by using a giant fire blast against Katsuki Bakugo.
The 2nd years weren’t particularly impressive. Izuku took a few notes on how those students had developed since the year before, but otherwise considered the whole day a waste. He should have stayed at home and helped Uraraka train her quirk.
The 3rd years were also more of the same, with one key exception.
Mirio Togata.
Izuku already knew to keep an eye out for the big three thanks to web gossip. Tamaki Amajiki fell out of the running early on (Izuku suspected it was stage fright) and Nejire Hado exhausted herself in the first round of the tournament, but Mirio Togata continued to distinguish himself.
Izuku knew that Mirio participated in a work study that would have improved his fighting abilities, but to go through such a dramatic growth…
No, this isn’t natural. Something else is going on.
And so, Izuku watched Mirio closely. Marked his stats, his changes, his moves. Eventually it became clear that it was mostly Mirio’s physical strength that had improved so drastically. Sure, his technique and super moves had evolved, but it was his strength that gave him the edge in all these structured events.
During the final battle, Mirio didn’t even use his permutation quirk, just his fists. It was like watching a pro boxer or even…
All Might.
Izuku was watching every detail of Mirio’s fights, so he was probably the only person who picked up on the faded, yellow energy surrounding his entire body. It shone just a little bit brighter when he was about to attack, and followed him even as he perminated through things. I crackled like lightning, and appeared to be the source of this new strength.
During the final match of the tournament, Mirio’s opponent was almost able to push him out of bounds, but the yellow energy grew brighter than ever before, focusing around his arms. Mirio released the energy in a magnificent punch strong enough to not only send the other fighter out of bounds, but produce a wind blast that affected the entire stadium.
There is no way that was the result of normal strength training.
Izuku continued to analyze Mirio as he stepped off the stage, nursing a mysteriously broken arm. He noticed a spinely, blond man approached the boy and embraced him. It could be a congratulatory hug from a proud relative, but their features were too different to be a close relation.
Izuku taped his chin. What are you hiding, Mirio Togata?
Izuku locked himself in his room for three days following the sports festival. Both Kurogiri and Uraraka tried to drag him out to at least eat, but had to leave plates of food outside his door when he wouldn’t budge. Even Tomura was worried, from what Izuku could make out through his door.
Still, he didn't regret it. Izuku couldn’t handle distractions right now. He had some idea where he went wrong with the USJ incident -- essentially, underestimating the students because they were only first years -- but the mystery of Mirio Togata was the issue he spent most of his time on.
First he looked through the boy’s history -- every grade, every sports festival, every status update from his time at the Nighteye agency -- but couldn’t find any clues. He went through family history and their connections -- the blond man from the sports festival wasn’t anywhere close on the family tree -- but still came up with nothing. No predisposition to mutation quirks, no connections to questionable experiments, no support personnel who may have snuck something in.
It’s like Mirio Togata spontaneously developed another quirk.
Izuku was about to contact Sensei and ask if he’d given a UA student another quirk without telling anyone when he remembered there was another person capable of passing on a quirk.
Could it be…?
His research then pivoted from finding every detail about Mirio Togata’s life to uncovering a certain Pro Hero’s secrets. He found data on the number of incidents resolved by each hero per year. Most fans on the hero forums attributed the sudden data change six years ago to lack of media coverage, but Izuku knew better. He watched hundreds of amateur videos on a particular hero to compare the forces of a punch. He catalogued everything from more than six years ago to present day and looked for trends.
What he found was so obvious he should have noticed it a long time ago. He would have, if he hadn’t been deliberately avoiding the relevant information.
All Might’s time doing hero work had been steadily decreasing over the last five years, but his overall strength had remained the same until 10 months ago. Then, both his time as a hero and his overall strength started decreasing rapidly.
Combine that with what Izuku had noticed at the sports festival, as well as their mutual connection to the Nighteye agency, and there was only one conclusion to be made.
Izuku wrote it in his notebook, clear, bold letters describing a world-shattering truth:
Mirio Togata has inherited One For All from All Might.
Izuku leaned back and took a deep breath. All Might had passed on his power, and Mirio Togata would one day fight All For One.
I should tell Sensei. He needs to know.
Izuku knew this was true. If Sensei found out that Izuku had figured this out and didn’t share the information, he’d be mad. All For One had been gravely injured in his fight against the eighth user, so he needs to start preparing now if he has any hope of surviving the ninth.
But… For some reason, Izuku didn’t want to share this. It was a piece of information he’d slaved to uncover, and he didn’t want to give it up just yet. This information gave him a miniscule amount of power over All For One, and he wanted to savor it.
Or maybe it was something else.
Whatever the reason was, Izuku closed his notebook, put it up in his desk, and left to eat dinner with Uraraka, putting the new discovery out of his mind.
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Okay so I saw that you haven't gotten any asks about this so! I am here to fix it!! 😁 For the BNHA Asks, lemme say 3, 15, 19, and 21?? Sorry if that's a lot bestie!! Love you!!
BNHA Ask Key
Hey! Thank you so much for sending this to me, even though I took a long time to answer it - I just started rambling throughout most of these questions, so it took a little longer than it should have to answer ^-^’
Hope you enjoy my long-ass, rambling answers tho :P
3. Favourite Villain - Hmmmmm, that’s a good question…! I do love myself some good villains, and My Hero Academia has no shortage of them, but oddly enough, it’s rare that I think about who my favourite villain could be. And the second I started typing out that last sentence, the answer hit me:
Tomura Shigaraki.
Ah, it figures… My favourite protagonist is the main character and my favourite antagonist is the main villain. Geez, my choices for favourites sound so typical and boring ^-^’ Seriously though, I was rewatching the entirety of My Hero Academia up to season 3 recently, and I realized just how… interesting a villain Shigaraki is.
Shigaraki starts off immature and childish, reaching for a goal even he isn’t quite sure about, blowing up at the slightest setbacks. He’s threatening, but without a clear goal, he doesn’t come off as a threat. Just a man-child with murderous tendencies, taking whatever pleases him. Then he’s humbled (thank you Stain) and forced to consider his intentions, what it is he really wants. Then he reaches an epiphany (thank you Izuku) and finally figures out what his goal is…!
From then on, Shigaraki is more mature, more focused, able to make decisions without letting his emotions get the best of him. He proves himself to be a damn good strategist and psychological manipulator. He’s actually a threat now!
People, this is character development! For a villain! We’ve seen fledgling heroes learn what it means to be proper heroes - that’s basically the arc for every protagonist in My Hero Academia - but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fledgling villain learn how to properly “villain.” It is fascinating. And that’s setting aside the fact that the guy clearly has a terribly tragic backstory! That’s setting aside the fact that he actually cares deeply for All For One, the man who is nurturing his villainous tendencies, acting as the wise sensei in Shigaraki’s “villain academia.”
That… got a little longer than I intended. TL;DR, Tomura Shigaraki is a fascinating villain and he is my favourite MHA villain.
15. Least Favourite Quirk - Oooh, that’s an interesting question. If I had been asked what my favourite quirk was, I would probably just list a bunch of quirks I personally found really cool…! Even the most underutilized quirks can become interesting if you really think about all the possible applications and techniques that can be used/must be used for it to be as ‘good’ as it is! If I really had to choose though, I might have to say Minoru Mineta’s Pop-Off.
It has nothing to do with the quirk itself really, or its utilization, cause it’s actually a very useful quirk that has been utilized well throughout the show. But, Mineta kind of annoys me, and so by association, his quirk annoys me. Makes me feel bad for the quirk, really.
19. What were your thoughts before watching the show? - I didn’t really have many thoughts before watching My Hero Academia. I guess you could say I didn’t expect much of it. The idea and premise seemed interesting, and I knew the English dub had some serious talent behind it, so its seemed worth checking out. I just didn’t have any expectations going into the first episode, and all I mentally asked was that I like the main character.
Cue the main character’s overall joy and enthusiasm, cue me actually crying not halfway through the first episode, and this show pretty much instantly stole my soul and hugged it in an inescapable grip.
21. What or who got you interested in giving it a try? - Oh this is a fun story…! Honestly, I probably would not have ever known about My Hero Academia (at least not for a good while) if I hadn’t first gotten into Danganronpa.
For a good while, Danganronpa was the only Japanese-originated series I truly loved, including the original games and the spin-off animes. After I finished the entire series though, I was kinda hungering for more content. I really liked the English voice actors in both the games and the anime, Bryce Papenbrook and Johnny Yong Bosch being my particular favourites, so I started looking for animes with dubs featuring either of them.
good lord im gonna be lambasted for saying that arent i
Alongside Bosch and Papenbrook, I also found myself extremely impressed by the work of one Justin Briner, who voiced both Ryota Mitarai and the Ultimate Imposter disguised as Ryota Mitarai in the Danganronpa 3 anime. Both characters successfully came off as their own person despite being voiced by the same guy.
also i was especially impressed with briners ability to believably have mitarai outright sobbing at the end of the series
So when I found out that Briner voiced the main character of this show called My Hero Academia, I was like, “Oh cool, I’ve heard him voice supporting characters in Danganronpa, I wonder what he would be liking voicing a main character…! The idea and premise seems interesting enough, anyway.”
And… Yeah. This show has a tight grip on my heart, and I am consistently impressed by the English voice work Briner and everyone else working on the English dub. Seriously, Briner’s Deku voice is the best and I’m certain I’ve talked about how amazed I am at Clifford Chapin’s performance as Katsuki Bakugo.
Heck, alongside becoming one of my most favourite shows ever of all time, this show revitalized my interest in voice acting! How bout that?
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makeste · 4 years
checking in with Tomura, Deku, AFO, and their drunk AF quirks
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yeah lol it is pretty confusing ngl. so anyway my theory on this is a little hard to explain without going a bit in depth, so let me try to break it down. first, the basics:
AFO and OFA are the same quirk. OFA is just a xerox copy of AFO, in the same way that the current AFO is making do with a xerox copy of the original AFO quirk which Tomura now has. we already know that quirks can be duplicated; it’s just that in OFA’s case, duplicating the quirk was an accident on AFO’s part and not intentional. it’s very similar to how Harry was accidentally turned into a horcrux by Voldemort in HP, but more on this here; for the time being let’s move on with the rest of this post.
as explained in chapter 213, OFA’s previous users are NOT in fact just “vestiges” (although I will keep calling them that for simplicity’s sake lol). Deku says it’s much more than that, and that the previous users “are somehow alive in One for All.”
we’ve also seen other indicators that the vestiges are more than just mere shadows/echoes of their former selves. they have sentience and can think independently and even make decisions; they’re not just subject to Deku’s own will. see: the end of Heroes Rising, as well as chapters 193, 213, and 272.
I personally interpret this to mean that the vestiges are actually little pieces of the former user’s souls, who stayed behind in the quirk in order to help guide future users until their mission is finally over. and yeah, I know that sounds a little hokey and ~*~mystical~*~ and the like, but you know what, OFA is just that type of quirk though. like, you don’t have to use the word “souls” if you like -- you can go with “consciousnesses” or “wills” or whatnot instead; whatever suits you -- but the point is just that they’re much, much more than just the lingering resolve of the past users. there’s a lot more going on there.
so now, getting back to the part where I believe that OFA is actually just AFO 2.0, we can start extrapolating some things about the “vestige” that’s currently inside Tomura based on what we know about the vestiges inside Deku. if the same things hold true for the AFO-vestige as the other vestiges, that would mean that the AFO-vestige:
is sentient
has a will of his own
is capable of exercising some measure of control over the quirk, the extent of which is currently unknown
all of which is already cause for concern! BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE.
because if what Ujiko says about the nature of Tomura’s quirk is true, AFO-vestige... actually might not be a “vestige” at all.
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“he took a duplicate of his quirk for himself... and gave the original to Shigaraki Tomura.”
in other words, AFO xeroxed his quirk, had Ujiko inject the dupli-AFO back into him, and then had the original AFO quirk transferred into Tomura. Ujiko is very clear on this point. Tomura has the original, NOT the duplicate.
so what the hell does that mean? well, if we ride this train of logic all the way till the end of the tracks, then what it would mean, as crazy as it sounds, is that AFO transferred his soul into Tomura. and kept only a little, tiny horcrux piece for his own self, in his own debilitated shell of a body.
which sounds crazy! because it is crazy. but (1) quirks are fucking wild, and (2) AFO/OFA is already the wackiest of the wacky as it is. so it’s also kind of a “this might as well happen” thing, imo. like, I can only speak for myself here, but I personally am 100% capable of suspending my disbelief, because it’s consistent with what we’ve seen of the quirk up till this point. the AFO-vestige even looks like the other vestiges; Tomura points out that he “looks like Kurogiri”, which is consistent with the other vestiges’ appearances when we first saw them way back in chapter 31.
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and Tomura can hear AFO-vestige in his head in the same way that Deku could hear Lil Bro earlier in this arc.
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oh and by the way, now might also be a good time to point out that AFO-vestige also seems to be able to detect his fellow vestige’s presence inside of Deku...
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...just like AFO Prime can do.
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that has nothing to do with anything; it’s just a fun, creepy fact I felt like throwing out there to remind everyone just how fucking unsettling this all is lmao.
so now I’m almost ready to answer your question, anon, but before I do, one last piece of the puzzle here. you see, I think that the original plan was for AFO to transfer his “soul” into Tomura’s body and take him over completely. we’ve already seen him try to take him over once, so I think this particular theory has some solid ground underneath it.
unfortunately for AFO however, and fortunately for everyone else (including Tomura), things didn’t go 100% according to plan. in fact they only went a very specific % according to plan as it turns out:
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so if my thinking on this is correct, what this means among other things is that the AFO-vestige inside Tomura is not the full AFO-soul as intended, but instead only a 75%-AFO-soul. the other 25% got shattered into oblivion by Mirko and Present Mic I guess. and so AFO’s plan to transfer himself into Tomura’s body and emerge fully restored and more powerful than ever has backfired on him, because while he would like to have full control over Tomura, I think we have seen pretty clearly that he does not. Nana’s grandson doesn’t intend to play by his rules. and while I do think that Tomura is still underestimating just how much danger he himself is actually in here -- right now he’s confident that he’s shrugged off his old Sensei’s influence and has gotten rid of it, which I don’t think is actually the case at all -- I think we can already see the cracks starting to form in AFO’s plan, though the full extent of the damage remains to be seen.
anyway! so now getting back to your original question, anon, let me break it down piece by piece:
What do you think happened to AFO after Tomura rejected his vestige? - I think he pretended to go away and is currently just watching to see how Tomura handles this, and will step in again if he feels it’s necessary, or once he has gathered a bit more of his strength (he did only just hatch from his test tube like fifteen minutes ago, so he’s probably still working on that).
Do you think that the AFO vestige is just a copy of his mind, or the transferred consciousness? - I think it’s the transferred consciousness/soul, but only 75% of it.
If it is the former than I’m surprised that he went for it. If it is the later did he temporarily leave his body only to be ejected out of Tomura? - I think they duplicated the quirk first, so original!janky!AFO had two AFO-quirks inside his body, the original and the duplicate. then he transferred the original-AFO (and his soul) to Ujiko, or to an external quirk hard drive, or whatever, leaving only the dupli-AFO quirk -- and the horcrux!soul -- inside his original body. so the AFO we’ve been seeing for the majority of this time has only been a feeble little horcrux version of his former self all along. meanwhile the bulk of his soul has just been chilling inside some hard drive somewhere until Tomura finally transferred it to Tomura’s body. quirks. are. wild.
but here’s the key thing here -- Tomura only thinks he rejected the vestige. but I don’t think he can actually get rid of it unless he gets rid of the entire quirk. it’s a whole package deal. so that means that in reality, vestige!AFO -- who is actually real!AFO lulz -- is just chilling out inside Tomura’s body still, biding his time until opportunity presents itself once again.
tl;dr (1) vestige!AFO is actually real!AFO, (2) real!AFO is still inside Tomura and is fine, (3) janky!AFO’s body is currently housing the actual vestige!AFO and is probably laughing it up in Tartarus watching this all go down via his weird psychic connection to his discarded soul, and (4) Tomura is really deep in the shit and doesn’t even know it yet sob.
oh and also, I’m pretty sure that last part also applies to Deku, who if my calculations are correct also has a piece of AFO’s soul inside of him, because this manga is fucking crazeballs and this shit wasn’t already complicated enough somehow I guess. after all, Deku can sense AFO’s soul and AFO’s soul can sense him. just a whole lotta soul-sensing going on, back and forth. so yeah. I guess we’ll see about that.
anyway! and just for the record I’m loving this all and can’t wait to see how it plays out. also, another unrelated side note, chapter 284 should be out early because Jump is coming out early this week. so it’s likely there will be spoiler leaks released in just a few hours’ time, and the chapter itself will probably come out on Thursday or possibly earlier. so maybe we’ll see some of this either confirmed or disproved even sooner than we think. for all I know this post may only have a few hours to live lmao oh well.
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makeste · 4 years
Bnha is a little too irregular for me right now (covid is the worst :( ), so I started reading One Piece and it's like, soooo long. Got me thinking, how long do you think Bnha will be? Personally I think we're just before time skip and it will take, like 300-400 chapters to end? So manga would be 600-700 chapters long. I could be wrong of course. Thoughts?
One Piece is fucking awesome, and the beauty of it is that is is 12 million chapters long so it will take approximately 182 years to finish reading, and you are almost guaranteed to be entertained for the vast majority of that time lol. I actually took a break from it a little ways into the Wano arc (sometime in the middle of what would later become volume 92) because it was getting harder for me to keep up with the plot week by week, especially since I was really into BnHA fandom by that time. my plan was to binge it once Wano ends. however when I was looking at the list of chapters on Wikipedia just now I saw that Oda is only 11 chapters away from breaking the 1k mark, which is pretty awesome. so I might try to catch up in the next month or two in celebration of that milestone, because damn.
with BnHA though, my own guess for how long the series will be is actually a lot shorter than most estimates I’ve seen. first of all, full disclosure that I am definitely biased regarding the timeskip part, because I personally am not the biggest fan of BnHA timeskip theories, unless they’re really short timeskips like the 3-month one we got recently. the thing is, this is explicitly a manga about their time at UA. it’s in the title and everything lol. and I like that. I like reading about them as kids, little hero eggs gradually growing into little hero chicks who will eventually become big hero birbs, but not just yet. a lot of the story’s appeal for me comes from that. there’s a certain... I don’t necessarily want to say innocence, but idealism, maybe?, that’s associated with stories about young adults, and doesn’t always carry over into the stories about those same adults once they’ve grown up. and I want the story to keep that.
there are a lot of things about the current setting that I’m very attached to and don’t want to lose. I like that they’re kids, and that they’re full of potential but don’t always know what they’re doing, and they screw up and make mistakes and get in over their heads, and are dealing with all of their messy jumbled teenage emotions. I like that they’re living with each other in the fanfic dorms and seeing each other every day in their classes. I like that romance isn’t a big part of the series (though there’s still plenty of shipping fuel to go around). I like that we get to see them interacting with their parents and siblings and get to see those relationships. and most of all, I like that -- unlike almost every other young adult series I can think of -- BnHA acknowledges that they are just kids, and the adults by and large actually treat them as such. and yes, I’m even including the child soldiers arc here, because the decision to basically draft them into a war was handed down by the HPSC (an organization that likely has a history with child abuse from what we’ve seen). U.A. was against it, and tried their best to keep them away from the front lines, chilling out in the woods and helping with evacuations instead of fighting villains. contrast this with, say, a:tla, which I love, but which is very much one of those series filled with full-grown adults who are all “it’s up to this 12-year-old and his assorted 12-to-15-year-old friends to lead the battle to save the world lulz.” and this includes possibly the most beloved full-grown adult of all time, who nonetheless peaces out with an ironclad argument of “while it is true that the final villain is my actual brother, I’m still going to let the 12-year-old handle it because something something politics slash destiny.”
but anyways lol got sidetracked there. so steering this back on course now, I genuinely, truly love that in BnHA there are all these adults in the characters’ lives who are trying to keep them safe and nurture them and shield them from that extra burden of responsibility for as long as possible while they’re still learning. and so the kids have that extra safety net of support, which to me as a reader is just... comforting, I guess. like, I understand that it’s not going to last forever, but it’s reassuring to know that it exists for them for now. and I’m not in any hurry to say goodbye to that in favor of just tossing them out into tHE REAL WORLD!! lol. like omg no my babies.
anyway but so the point is that, with respect to everyone else’s theories, I personally don’t want a timeskip lol. and tbh I don’t really see the need for one either? if anything, we’re about to enter the most chaotic period in the entire manga once this arc ends. I’m assuming Tomura will survive this and escape somehow, the better to live and fight another day. and so if that’s the case, I feel like this would be the absolute weirdest time to do a timeskip, because how far ahead can we even jump lol. too far and we’d basically be coming back to an already-destroyed world lol whoops. basically I just don’t see how we can jump ahead more than a few months at the most, assuming that the threat of Tomura is going to be looming over everyone’s heads the entire time. plus we’d miss out on what I’m betting is going to be some of the most intense worldbuilding drama in the entire series, with our beloved characters potentially being swept up in like half a dozen political controversies. I sure don’t want to miss out on any of that. we didn’t wait so long to see this war play out only to skip out on the highly entertaining aftermath of it all.
anyway so that’s my as-usual-longer-than-necessary rant about timeskips. so now let’s talk about the series length. and here, I’m basically just basing my guess off of what Horikoshi has said in interviews. off the top of my head, there are three times he’s mentioned the ending of the series in interviews. first, there’s this interview, published in July 2018:
Interviewer: Previously in SUGOI JAPAN*, you mentioned that you would like Boku No Hero Academia to be a short and concise story and not drawn out, but what percentage of the story is complete at this point?
Horikoshi: When the decision to extend the series happened, I personally thought “I guess I want to end it here” and it was around Volume 30.
Interviewer: So then are you 2/3 done with the story?
Horikoshi: That’s what I had originally planned, but when I think of all the things that must be set up before getting into the last arc, I realized, “Ending the series at Volume 30 will be impossible” (laughs). However, the current arc that is going on all has purpose that will be relevant in the last arc.
*this is referencing a remark he made back at an awards ceremony back in March 2017.
second, we have this interview from August 2018, where he again mentions wanting to keep the story concise:
Do you know what the ending of My Hero Academia is? Do you think it'll be 80+ volumes like One Piece?
No, it won't be infinite – I don't have the stamina for it to be as long as One Piece. I'd like to keep it concise.
and lastly,  this one which was published in December 2019:
What can you say about the future events of the manga?
I’m conscious of the end of the series, and writing towards that. I think the story will always be moving in big ways going forwards. My Hero Academia has a lot of characters, a lot of characters doing different things with different motivations, and the story is heading towards a conclusion where all of that comes together and heads towards the end.
my takeaways from these interviews are that (1) he originally planned for the story to be about 300 chapters long, (2) he’s had a clear idea of his overall endgame for a while now and has been steadily working towards that (as he put it in another interview, he knows all of the dots, but is still figuring out the lines to connect them all), and (3) he specifically said a couple years back that he did not want to write a long One Piece-length series, and his goal was to write a more concise story than that. Horikoshi’s pacing has always been much faster than Oda’s (or Kishimoto’s, or Kubo’s, etc.), and so I think it’s a realistic goal for him to wind up with a significantly shorter story in comparison.
my best guess is that BnHA won’t be much longer than 400 chapters, or a little over 40 volumes. he said back around chapter 180-something that he was nowhere close to being two-thirds of the way done. but it’s been two years since then, and if we haven’t reached at least the two-thirds mark by this point, I would honestly be very surprised. it would mean we’ve barely made any progress at all, and I don’t know about you, but the past few arcs have felt very purpose-driven to me. I think he has a pretty good idea of where he’s heading at this point, and that to me supports the idea of a shorter story than a lot of people have speculated. mind you, he might end up doing a sequel or something afterwards (although I kind of cringe thinking about all the ways we’ve seen that kind of thing go wrong in the past, ngl).
but as far as the series proper, yeah, I’d say 400 chapters is my best guess. ultimately I just hope he’s able to tell the story he wants to tell and gets as much time as he needs to do so, without feeling any pressure to then drag it on past that. knowing when to end your series is so underrated honestly. I have my fingers crossed that it’s a skill Horikoshi hopefully possesses.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 099: The Fanfic Dorms (Part 2)
Previously on BnHA: The kids returned to U.A. Aizawa promptly ripped into Rescue Squad Jr. for going off on their own to save Bakugou, and the others for knowing full well what was going down and not doing anything to stop it. He told them he expects them all to regain his trust by getting their provisional licenses so they can do that shit legally. Bakugou unexpectedly paid Kirishima back for those expensive night vision goggles and it was cute as fuck. Aizawa gave a quick tour of the dorms and the kids moved into their rooms. Then they decided to have a competition to see whose room is best, and so far it has been delightful.
Today on BnHA: The kids continue our tour of the 1-A dorm rooms. Satou ultimately wins after bribing all the others with a goddamn cake. Ochako calls Rescue Squad Jr. outside to talk to Tsuyu. They have an emotional heart to heart because Tsuyu was apparently feeling awkward and uncomfortable about the whole Rescue-Squad-breaking-the-rules-over-everyone’s-objections thing, and so was everyone else apparently, and they’re also feeling anxious because of everything that happened with All Might’s retirement and all that, even though none of them actually says it out loud, and basically all of these kids are a hot fucking mess and I’m glad they can be there for each other now to sort their shit out. The next day, Aizawa announces that they’re gonna start training to come up with new super moves for the upcoming provisional license exam.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 145 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so here we are, one chapter away from the big one-double-oh. All Might has just retired and the world is bracing itself to enter a new era without the Symbol of Peace. the villains are regrouping with Tomura as their leader now that All for One has been captured. basically a lot of shit went down that shook the world to its very core. so now that we’re approaching this milestone, I can only imagine what kind of momentous events will be --
or at least it’s starting out that way, lol
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WELL I DON’T KNOW! ARE WE?? I don’t actually mind either way, as long as I continue to ignore every panel with Mineta in it as I have been doing thus far!
you see, there are two panels here of Mineta being Terrible, but I can just skip right past them!
and if I do, I end up with
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it’s a highly effective reading strategy and I strongly recommend it. though I expect I’m hardly the first to pioneer this technique
wow, what
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holy shit. this Ochako is amazing
and literally the chapter title is talking about how we’re moving from two digits to three digits. like, this fucking guy needs to get out of my fucking head already, it’s seriously starting to creep me out
(ETA: but like, between the chapter title and the “premium Ochako” and Deku’s fourth-wall-breaking narration wondering how long we were going to keep touring rooms, Horikoshi sure was feeling cute this chapter wasn’t he)
anyway, Kirishima’s telling them that Bakugou already went to bed, so I guess they’re just gonna skip him. what a loyal friend and how respectful of them to comply with Bakugou’s wishes
though if they do decide to just barge in on him later, you won’t see me complaining. though they will all die though, so that’ll be sad
so now it’s Kirishima’s room!
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wow. flame curtains and a goddamn punching bag. and is that a fucking boombox. when’s the last time you even saw one of those. what is this, 1998
does his wall clock have muscly arms. and he didn’t put his boxes away omg
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what a scathing fucking indictment of this sweet angel. I’m disappointed, Hagakure
Shouji’s room is so empty it probably has a weird echo
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there’s actually less stuff in here now than before he moved in
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whoa. I need to check this one out in the anime to see what kind of color scheme we’ve got going on
(ETA: lots of warm and neutral colors. his is definitely my favorite room out of the 17 that we actually see. the kid has good taste)
half the girls in the class can barely control themselves. because he’s so handsome and mysterious
what the fuck
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jesus did he teleport his old bedroom into this new building or what. fucking redid the sliding doors and everything
they’re asking him how he did it and he just deadpans:
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(ETA: look, no joke will ever top “sorry I punched you in the balls.” but this is a close second. Shouto’s delivery is key and he fucking nails that shit)
oh my god Satou’s room has an oven. he made a fucking cake. you have a whole kitchen available for use downstairs dude
he’s offering everyone cake oh shit
Satou wins hands down. it’s over. it’s allllll over
so now they’re all heading to the girls’ dorms
oh my god I fucking love Jirou so much
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a fucking drum set and everything. guess this place is going to be lively
Hagakure’s room is filled with stuffed animals and flower patterns and shit. very cute and totally what you would expect
I feel like Mina somehow has the same bedspread as Kirishima. or like close to it
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(ETA: is that a fucking surface pro)
and Ochako’s room is super cute and somehow even more Japanese than Todoroki’s
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she even has the laundry rack. even though they probably have dryers in the laundry room downstairs
ah, now they’re finally getting around to addressing the fact that Tsuyu hasn’t been around this entire time
Ochako says she’s not feeling well
so they’re moving on, but then Tsuyu’s cracking the door open and peering after them
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what’s going on here. sudden Tsuyu angst?? her of all people? my god
holy fucking shit Momo tried to fit a goddamn library and a four poster bed into her room
and I say “tried” but she fucking did it though
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wow. I guess it’s really true that once you’ve slept on a king size mattress you can’t go back
now we’re actually doing the vote. we’re seeing this thing through to the end huh
Mina is describing this as the first ANNUAL King of the Rooms contest lol
obviously it’s Satou. like, was there ever any doubt. dude was a lock as soon as he whipped out that fucking cake
(ETA: so apparently Satou got six votes, meaning that all of the girls voted for him plus one extra person. since he wasn’t allowed to vote for himself, I wonder which of the guys voted for him too. also I bet you Tokoyami ended up coming in second place just because all of the guys thought his room was cool as fuck)
Shouto just wants to go to bed now
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this was amazing. even though my child slept through it. it was perfectly in character so that part of it was great too. his room is probably in one of those bonus things anyway
(ETA: oh so we can have three bonus pages’ worth of Ochako being poor, but you can’t be bothered to give us even a glimpse of my son’s dorm room, huh Horikoshi. wow)
oh my god, before Shouto can leave, Ochako’s asking if he can spare a minute. and also Deku, Iida, Momo, and Kirishima
in other words, Rescue Squad Jr. ohhhhh boy what is this
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wow. it looks like she’s apologizing for what she said to them back at the hospital. about how them rushing off to break the rules was no different from what the villains do
(ETA: actually it might be the opposite. I have no idea. The anime makes it seem like she’s shocked and disappointed that they went even after her objections. meanwhile Viz’s version makes her out to be ashamed for trying to stop them in the first place. as for me, I got nothing. pretty sure she’s actually feeling a mix of both, which is why this got her so worked up)
wow, it’s really been weighing on her huh
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Tsuyu nooo. what the fuck. Tsuyu feels?? in my fucking chapter 99
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so even though she’s still coming to terms with it, she wanted to come talk to them anyway so that she didn’t have to hold it in anymore. “so that I could be able to have fun talking with all of you again”
oh my godddd
and Ochako says it’s not just her. “everyone wants to erase the incredible anxiety they’re feeling”
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whoa. the power of the fanfic dorms strikes again?! look at these feels in the middle of my domestic fluff?!!
and like, Ochako’s making it to be more about them wanting to make up with the Rescue Squad and letting them know they support them and such, and I don’t doubt that was the main reason. but also, all of them must be feeling so much anxiety just in general. All Might’s done. there are villains out there and they’ve already been attacked twice. they just want to be normal kids sometimes and hang out and have fun
given that, I really think the dorms were the best decision U.A. could have made right now. not only for safety reasons and let’s-flush-out-the-traitor reasons, but also because right now all of these kids are going through the same thing, and it’s just good for them to be around each other so they can bond and support each other that much more. because shit’s rough right now. and it’s only going to get rougher from here on out
so wow, that was unexpectedly touching and poignant just now
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and now Kirishima is coming over and putting his hand on her shoulder, which, good. like I guess he’s not actually gonna hug her since ~she’s a girl~, but he looks deeply moved and he’s apologizing and thanking her
and Deku’s watching and thinking pretty much the same things I was. about how everyone’s just feeling the anxiety and pressure and doing their best to get things back to normal
(ETA: I can’t believe I forgot to make mention of the fact that Iida calls Tsuyu “Tsuyu-chan-kun.” like, that’s peak Iida right there. “I’m being considerate of your name preferences, but we’ve still got to be proper.”)
all right chapter, you have two pages left. I’m ready for you to end on some sort of shocking and/or really cool note to lead into THE BIG ONE
so now it’s the next day and Aizawa’s telling them more about the provisional license exam
he says it’s a big deal since the licenses are directly concerned with matters of life and death. yikes, that does sound serious
apparently there’s only a 50% average yearly passing rate
(ETA: and apparently they can up and change that whenever they damn well feel like!)
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hell yes. fucking excellent. it’s about time Deku got some sort of special move
this all reminds me that we never got Bakugou’s hero name. this fucking kid. his dorm room, his name... he just sits out fucking everything. fine, Kacchan. fine
(ETA: listen guys, I know I always say please no spoilers, but I really need someone to tell me right the fuck now whether there will ever be any scenes in which we see even just a part of Bakugou’s room. right now I’m betting on a combination of Tokoyami, Ojiro, and (surprisingly) Deku’s rooms. Tokoyami for his “everything is black” aesthetic, Ojiro for the “I barely changed up any of the original furniture” aesthetic, and Deku because I would put money on Bakugou having at least one All Might poster up in his room as well
as a matter of fact, the only reason it stops at posters is because he was too embarrassed to bring his own All Might bedsheets to school. that’s right, Kacchan. I know all your secrets.)
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I can’t believe the bonus wasn’t Kacchan’s fucking dorm room GODDAMMIT
but this is an amazing image of All Might. I don’t even know if it goes with this chapter or not but there was nothing else to put here so
fucking legend. will never be matched. I bet he would’ve beaten Thanos. Avengers what were you even doing goddammit
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