#priest Hux
envihellbender · 2 years
“It’s been so long, I don’t even remember how old I am.” + angel!Mads + priest!Brendol
Characters: Mathias/Mads, Hux, Brendol (referenced)
In the crypts of Saint Anthony’s Church was a secret - a thin, weak secret in a glass tomb. His own body created the only light source like a lamp of ivory skin, malting silver wings that fluttered weakly, and golden threads of hair that curled around his weak thin face. The only one who knew how long he’d been there was the Bishop Brendol Hux, for the majority of his time there the Bishop was the only human he had met. Until his son, the one who asked simply to he called Hux, had one day gone to the crypts out of curiosity from what his father had hidden there. Mathias didn’t recognise him as a member of the Hux family, Brendol was a gigantic, lumbering oaf. His fat bloated body causing loud bangs with every step and his chest constantly wheezing. His skin was red from alcohol, Hux on the other hand was pale, slim, and tall. The only thing that showed any connection to his father was his fiery red hair and sharp blue eyes. Eyes that invoked burning and ice all at one, a light blue base with ash grey flecks throughout. When Hux saw Mathias he froze, his lips parting as he stared in shock.
“Who- what are you?” Hux asked, his voice was weak and uncertain. He stood a fair distance from the glass tomb, he thought the creature beautiful but it was unknown and terrifying.
“What am I…” Mathias began, his voice a soft hum - almost like music. “I came from a place of light, humanity isn’t so defined and solid… I- I suppose you call us- angels? Is that the word?”
“Of course,” Hux simply replied. It sounded unbelievable - but nothing explained that strange creature in front of him. The only way it would make sense is if this was a dream. “How long? Did- did my father capture you? How-”
“I… I have no idea. I can’t sense the passing of days here, let alone weeks, months, or years. All I can do is wait for the-” Mathias paused, he did not wish to offend the one person he had met who didn’t treat him as a toy. “-for the Bishop to come and…”
“Ah. Yes,” Hux said awkwardly and squirmed. He approached the glass tomb, feeling a sense of guilt that made him want to either free the angel or flee.
“I- I don’t remember how old I am. I don’t even remember how old I was when I was captured. I remember- I remember only the crypt with clarity,” Mathias said, his voice filled with a horrific melancholy that engulfed Hux completely. He approached the glass tomb, and pressed his pale, thin hand against the glass. Mathias looked at him curiously and did the same, approaching the young man he titled his head. He noticed that Hux was also dressed as a priest, yet he seemed kinder than Brendol… how strange, he thought.
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vitriolicia · 18 days
I scrapped a Priest!Ben and Heretic!Hux au a while ago. But I do want to upload this one chapter somewhere without clogging my ao3! So it’s under the cut if you’re interested!
Father Organa would never describe himself as perfect. Such a term was vain and impossible for mortal achievement. Though he did his best to embody his lord and his divine teachings.
He was humble, full of generous selflessness and bashfully modest. Compliments didn’t go to his head, rather over it, or straight into his heart. And though those pleasantries made his heart swell; that was only motive to bring more benevolence to the world at large.
Father Organa put God first and the rest of humanity second; he himself was an afterthought. Even the lowest of crooks and most devious non-believers would be treated to his guidance and prayer. But he knew better than to label himself as perfect. That was a term saved for his savior.
Well, he found himself using the term a bit more leniently as of late. Pale as snow yet vibrant as the summer-sun, a certain churchgoer was impossible to ignore. Even in his soft-spoken shyness.
Father Organa was unsure if the man ever did speak outside of reciting prayer. Even that was muffled between two cupped hands which held a rosary. The gloved palms rested just at his lips as he softly pleaded for forgiveness.
Of a crime Father Organa could not imagine. The man was devoid of flaw, even his blemishes complimented his look. With a simple glance one could tell his skin was as soft as his manner of speech.
The vibrant contrast of perfect pink across his lips was a common distraction. Ben knew better than to steal too many glances during a sermon. He’d find himself lost. And had he dared to look up he’d be beyond return.
Gorgeous green eyes adorned with a gloss of tears. That would only cause him to wander further down the path of stray thoughts. Though they were delicious in a visual sense. He was certain those soft lips had a complimentary taste to their appearance.
He did his best not to dwell on said possibility. Surely the man would reject his advances. Ben needn’t be making those advances at all.
He did not prescribe to the horrible panic around a man who fancied company of the same variety. But he had vowed his virginity, purity, and hand to God.
A good Catholic man does not cheat.
Gossip was shameful and improper. However Ben believed he’d done no wrong simply from unintentionally eavesdropping.
Hux. That was his surname.
A skittish war vet without family nor a lover. A lonely soul in desperate need of a blessing. From the hushed whispers exchanged at overpopulated church socials; Father Organa had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the man. Though they’d never spoken. Much to his own personal dismay.
The feast of rumors may have made him feel like a glutton had he walked a moment later. He knew what was necessary about the man’s condition. Sensitive to certain sounds, sheepish around touch and desperate for forgiveness.
Ben found that to be a rational response. Had the elderly woman gossiped truthfully; Hux had quite the head count. A good 50 men as she’d claimed.
It was simply natural to feel crushing guilt. The silence, Ben knew to be a side effect common in frontliners, many times they’d return from war throughly mute. Not a word or even peep.
It was grand progress Hux had managed to even whisper in the presence of others.
Especially as he sat front and center. His already knobby knees knocked together as he sobbed into his shivering hands.
Father Organa seldom had a chance to approach the man. He’d scurry off like a startled bug the moment mass came to a close. The best he could with limited range of motion and gawking spectators.
Today was different. A true blessing he’d been the last obscured face across the confessional box.
Ben knew it had been him. His prying for information was perhaps a bit sinful. Yet it was all in the name of redemption for his sleepless soldier. He knew from the creek of his metal supports, the thump of his crutches against the confessional. It was Hux.
He could thank god for such distinct features on such a perfect man.
“Do you… am I? I’m unsure where to start father, I’m a dreadful man. Only 35 and I’ve killed more men than years I’ve been alive.” Hux seemed to break with each passing word. As if the syllables had been pressure and himself glass.
Ben was silent, information was rung out like juice from a fruit squeezed in its prime. If one waited, truth would come. He needn’t push the nervous man at all.
Though he was tempted to intervene at a preliminary wheeze. One that always came before grotesque sobs or defeated silence.
“Do they rest easily, Father? Can they possibly forgive me now that they rest?” Each word cracked into a lower octave. The fragile soldier seemed as if he may shatter.
“Of course they do, men of all morality go to war. It means not that they are evil nor irredeemable. You repent, therefore you are forgiven.” Ben spoke with graceful wisdom. His voice just loud enough to surpass the barrier of the confessional screen.
“Should I be, Father? That’s more so what I’ve come to ask. Do you believe a man, a monster such as myself, is truly worthy of redemption?”
“All who seek God’s grace will be gifted with the absolution of sin.” Ben placed a hand atop his heart. Not only to feel it rush from adoration but to convey his empathy. Even if he could not be seen.
“I do not want to burn, father. Life on earth has already become a personal hell.”
Another hitch in the man’s breath divulged into relentless weeping. Ben had only heard such sorrow from a widow at a wake. His heart sunk deep into the pit of his stomach. Burning up in the acid as pity was milked from it like an abused cattle.
“Father-“ was all Hux could manage between painful exhales.
Ben could hear the mixture of spittle and tears as the man was rendered incapable of steady airflow. His sore mouth did the better half of breathing. Drool and mucus followed naturally with such intense sorrow.
It was no matter of confidentiality. He’d known exactly who the man was the moment his bashful voice seeped through the confessional screen.
Perhaps he should’ve known better than to touch but his body took the lead, thought did not follow until after the contact had been initiated.
His swift exit from confessional confinement was a blur. The last thing Ben had remembered was tossing his arms around the inconsolable man. Cocooned in his arms with a firm yet tender grasp.
Ben had swept the poor thing off his feet and into his arms. Much to his delight and shock the embrace had been returned instantaneously.
He’d fully expected Hux to tense up from his touch. Though it seemed every muscle melted into a state of relaxation.
Restless fingers, gloved and sleek with tears, buried themselves into Ben’s nape. An unsteady leg, assisted only by a metal brace, had hooked around the priest’s waist for support.
The touch was full of exhilarating warmth. An inferno of pleasantry. Only extinguished briefly in isolated areas by a stray tear.
Ben could hear the uneasy heartbeat. In the same way he could taste the sweet lingering wine of communion as their lips briefly brushed together. Ben could feel the bridge of tear-stained glasses rub against his nose. In accompaniment to the pseudo-kiss.
An unintentional touch forced by proximity. Though it had engraved itself permanently in Ben’s mind.
“Father, I-“
“You are forgiven, you needn’t speak another word.”
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drinkysketch · 8 months
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Request from ManicZebra of Priest Hux being tempted by demon Kylo! Also it works as a good post for Day 19 of @huxloween
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kylorensl · 5 months
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Demon Kylo and Priest Hux 🖤🧡🔥
A gift for my love @symphonyofthieves 🖤🧡
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Demon @huxloween
"Get lost warlock!"
Hux sighed tired, looking at three kids throwing rocks at his perfectly clean door.
"It never occurred to you that if i am a warlock i can summon a demon and order him to eat you?" He snorted annoyed. Kids froze frightened and run.
"It's not really helping your reputation Armitage. Scaring little kids. "
"I don't care, Phasma."
"Maybe you will start when they decide to hang you.?"
"Get lost, witch." Phasma laughed.
"I have to go but expect me in a few days."
"Heading to meet your coven?"
"Very funny. You will get yourself killed one day Hux. Just don't get in troubles."
His troubles took a form of marvellous man who appeared at his door one night and asked for a shelter.
"You can sleep on the ground. Or somewhere. Not the comfiest place but… "
"At least it's mostly dry." man laughed. " the rain took me by surprise. Thank you." He sat down close to the fire.
"Although i should warn you that if you are a decent man you should knock to another house." Stranger laughed.
"And why is that?"
"I have a reputation of a warlock here. People will hate you only because you were seen with me." Man nodded still amused.
"And are you?"
"A warlock?"
"What? Of course not. I am just… Not friendly and i build… Things they think involved magic. But it's not true. "
"So you are an…inventor?"
"Something like that, yes. And you ? Who are you? " his eyes narrowed.
" Since i am not decent?" Man chuckled. "I am… Hm a traveller. I talk to people and…
"Tell me you are not a priest." Man laughed again.
"Ah… Unfortunately i think you can call me that. I was some kind of priest, Yes."
"There is a church here, go there then."
"Not interested. I was kinda banished from there," that caught Hux attention.
"From church?"
"For what? You were sleepy and started speaking in Latin backwards?"
"You are hilarious." Man chuckled again looking at Hux. And there was something in that look that got Hux thinking...
"How munch of an indecent man are you?"
"Not going to kill you in sleep if you are worried about that…"
"Right." He was watching as man stood up and leaned closer to him.
" i don't mind sharing a bed either." That was it. Hux kissed him. It was a good kiss. Great even.
"Fuck." He swallowed and pulled him into the bedroom. "What's your name?"
"Kylo." He kissed him and Hux moaned softly "and yours?" He asked pushing them on the bed.
"Armitage." He tilted his head and close his eyes. "Ow… Fucking hell..what kind of the priest do that..?" Kylo grinned kissing his thigh.
"A bad one?"
Hux was melting. To tell that Kylo was good was like tell nothing. He was depraved. In the best way. Hux had a few encounters with some men, but they were at best mediocre. This. This was something else.
"Welcome back, gorgeous…" Kylo said and bit his neck. Hux hissed.
"Demon." Kylo laughed kissing him.
"At your command, warlock." Hux gigled and laid on him.
"A perfect pair.." he sighed hoping that Kylo can stick around for a while.
"Please let me handle this."
"They will kill you." Hux glanced at the window. He backed off quickly when a rock crushed the glass "Fuck… Fuck. Phasma was right. She was always right i should have ran long time ago."
"Hush. It's your home. I will handle it."
"No. Kylo wait!" Kylo was at the door he opened them and faced a few angry men.
"I will kill you demon!"
"You will not kill me." Kylo's voice was smooth and calm. Hux shivered. "Nor this man."
"We will not kill you nor this man"
"You will go away and leave him alone. He is a decent man. You respect him"
"He is a decent man. We respect him. We will leave. " Kylo closed the door slowly and glanced at Hux. Redhead was standing at the other part of the house with back pressed to the wall and daggers in both hands.
"I can explain."
"You better." Hux hissed.
"I… Wait. Is that silver, mister i-am-not-a-warlock?" Kylo smiled smugly.
"I am exceptional in throwing them so better start explaining. And better that be damn good explanation"
"How did you obtained silver daggers Armitage-not-a-warlock"
"Oh shut up already. I am an alchemist alright? Not. A. Warlock" Kylo laughed.
"Lovely. I am. Warlock. I mean." Hux blinked.
"There is no such thing."
"Please… " Hux dropped his daggers slowly.
"So not a demon."
Kylo chuckled. "No. Not a demon. Just mere warlock with a demon master. That's fine for you?"
"I guess… You did save my life…are they… "
"Not going to be back any time soon." Hux sighed and sat down slowly.
"Did you do this thing on me ?"
"Oh no… No its only working on weak minds anyway" Hux laughed.
"Flattery it's not going to help you, warlock."
Kylo must have catch amusement in his eyes because he frowned.
"What kind of alchemist are you? "He asked taking a step back. But Hux was already behind him.
"A dead one." He whispered into his ear and smiled widely.
*Later in demon Snoke chamber.*
"I see that you already met my new servant, Kylo."
"Yes" Kylo huffed looking at Hux with disdain "He fucked me, acted like damsel in distress, scare the shit out of me and then fucked me again"
Hux chuckled and Snoke burst in laugh.
"In my defense, master" Armitage spoke proudly and leaned on Kylo "He loved every second of that" he purred.
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okay priest lemme speak my shit x
i like the concepts of the stories, but the middle hardly ever feels as fleshed out as it should be. you get a solid start, and a vague end is clearly in mind, and then it's a sprint to get there, interrupted by occasional bouts of filler.
now, the inversion is the exception to this (the most well done plotline imo and i really liked it), but that makes it particularly frustrating when it just...doesn't happen with the others. especially with dam/hux, vincent leaving the clan and the quinn storyline. good potential, good set-up, but underdeveloped and rushed. i don't necessarily have a problem with the outcomes, but get us there logically. it can't just happen.
same with a lot of potentially great characters. you've got sweetheart, you've got william, you've got morgan etc. all of these really interesting (plot relevant!) characters just sitting on the bench because they've been either been pushed aside for more fluff and filler or just underutilised. these are important, impactful people with heavy narrative sway, no? do something more with them. there's so much potential there that's just unused.
you can't just jump from a to b. you have to explain how you get there. that, and not to load chekhov's gun if you're never actually going to fire it.
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bostarsky · 3 months
WIP Folder Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for tagging me @kyluxtrashpit
Watch me come out of the woodwork to dump my WIP list on y’all like some questionably sane internet hermit.
Ok so here we go in no particular order of likelihood that I’ll ever finish it.
Star Wars:
10 Minutes
Demon Hux/Priest Kylo 4? (It’s actually nr5 I just forgot how many I’d done)
Grosse Pointe Blank
My next anthology project:
Mafia Romeos
Viking thing
Batty boi in the attic
Gladiator/Rich fuck
Horsing around
And one stray:
Pavo and Zetsu
And I don’t know 9 people who write off the top of my head so anyone who does, consider this a tag from me
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Priest!Hux x Reader
You're family believed you were on a dark path and thought itd be better for you to go to church. Going alone seemed like a good idea. Not havibg your brother breathe down your neck and all. Til you met father Hux. Just lookibg at him made you give i to the dark side but after hearing his voice and knowing the touch of his lops and skin you knew this place wont help you.
Armitage hadn't seen you since you last met. It was the first time both of you had met each other and it ending with him on top of you. He thought maybe after that you'd come by more often. He felt guilt and shame after commit such a sinful act in the house of god. But after you had donated a generous amount of money he felt used. He can't tell if resentment or excitement crawled along his skin when he laid his eyes on you.
"We feel grateful for your generosity but I have to know where'd you get the money. I know you-"
"Are you asking me for another confession Father?" Your cat like smile taunted his heart.
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howdydarling · 2 years
Long post. Super long post. Super super long. Almost certainly not complete, but I ran outta steam like halfway through, so this is what you get.
IRL MEN. → men i would currently let absolutely wreck me
Ted Raimi - i do not have a single limit or boundary that i would not break for this man.
Lance Henriksen
Josh Brolin
Oscar Isaac
Jason Momoa
Christoph Waltz
→ men i have formerly been interested in who could probs still get it
Jeff Bridges
Robert Knepper
Andrew Scott
David Anders
Zachary Quinto
Leonard Nimoy (if he were still alive)
Karl Urban
DeForrest Kelley (if he were still alive)
Gaspard Ulliel
Paul Bettany
Adam Driver
Domhnall Gleeson
→ men i would probably fuck but not necessarily bc of the usual reasons
Tim Curry
Willem DaFoe
The Skarsgårds
Jack Black
→→ Outer Range
Royal Abbott
Perry Abbott
Rhett Abbott
Wayne Tillerson (it'd be a really weird fuck, i know it in my heart)
Billy Tillerson
Luke Tillerson
→→ Doctor Who
The Doctor (Nine / Ten)
The Master
→→ BBC Sherlock
Jim Moriarty
→→ Firefly
Hoban Washburne
Jayne Cobb
Simon Tam
→→ Torchwood
Owen Harper
Jack Harkness
→→ Heroes
Gabriel Gray / Sylar
Adam Monroe / Takezo Kensei
Peter Petrelli
Samuel Sullivan
→→ Dollhouse
→→ Star Trek (TOS)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock
→→ The Walking Dead
Negan Smith
The Governor
Darryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
→→ Tron
CLU 2.0
Kevin Flynn
Alan Bradley
→→ Jurassic Park (franchise)
Robert Muldoon
Ian Malcolm
→→ Zombieland
→→ Star Trek (NuTrek)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock
→→ Priest
Black Hat
Ivan Isaacs ("Priest")
→→ Dredd
Madeline "Ma-Ma" Madrigal (Mama's not a man but she could get it)
→→ Pacific Rim
Herc Hansen
Stacker Pentecost
Newton "Newt" Geiszler
Hermann Gottlieb
The Kaidanovskys
Hannibal Chau
→→ Hunger Games
Haymitch Abernathy
→→ Alien (franchise)
David 8
Dwayne Hicks Xenomorph
→→ The Lego Movie
Good Cop/Bad Cop
→→ Guardians of the Galaxy
Yondu Udonta
→→ Star Wars (franchise)
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Cassian Andor
Poe Dameron
Phasma (again, not a man, but Oh Boy)
Qui-Gon Jinn
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Tobias Beckett
Dryden Voss
Literally any Stormtrooper (not just the clones)
Any/all of the Knights of Ren
→→ Legend
Ronnie Kray
Reggie Kray
→→ The Devil's Carnival
The Agent
→→ Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Hector Barbossa
Davy Jones
James Norrington
William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner
→→ Labyrinth
Jareth, the Goblin King
→→ Ferngully
→→ James Bond (franchise)
Raoul Silva
James Bond/007 (Daniel Craig)
Ernst Stavro Blofeld
→→ Inglourious Basterds
...am I allowed to say Hans Landa? Hans Landa.
Sgt. Donny Donowitz
Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz
→→ The Black Phone
Albert Shaw (look, sorry, don't @ me please)
→→ Scream (franchise)
Ghostface (but like?? the concept of him, rather than any particular actual iteration of him)
Dwight "Dewey" Riley
→→ Venom (franchise)
Eddie Brock
Cletus Kasady
→→ Dune (2021)
Gurney Halleck Leto Atreides Duncan Idaho Stilgar
→→ Final Fantasy X/X-2
Auron Jecht Seymour Guado Shuyin Baralai Nooj Gippal Isaaru
→→ Final Fantasy XV
Ignus Scientia Ardyn Izunia Gladiolus Amicitia Regis Lucis Caelum Clarus Amicitia Bahamut
→→ Resident Evil VIII: Village
Karl Heisenberg Sturm Soldats Lycans Varcolac Urias Brothers
→→ Kingdom Hearts (franchise)
→→ Borderlands (franchise)
Mordecai Handsome Jack Fl4k Zer0 Krieg
→→ Boyfriend to Death (franchise)
Strade Lawrence Oleander
→→ The Price of Flesh
Mason Derek The Auctioneer Jack Komodo Dragon Machete The Demon The Lich
→→ Overwatch
Jack Morrison (Soldier 76) Gabriel Reyes (Reaper) Jamison Fawkes (Junkrat) Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) Reinhardt Wilhelm (Reinhardt) Siebren de Kuiper (Sigma) Cole Cassidy
→→ The Quarry
Travis Hackett Jedediah Hackett Chris Hackett
→→ Fortnite
The Jonesy Collective Midas
→→ Left 4 Dead
Bill Overbeck The Hunter The Smoker
→→ Dragon Age (franchise)
Zevran Anders Fenris Alistair Iron Bull Krem Samson Solas Varric Hawke Cole
→→ Death Stranding
Heartman Higgs Deadman Sam Cliff
→→ Fallout 4
John Hancock Nick Valentine
→→ Detroit: Become Human
Hank Anderson Connor Gavin Reed Nines Simon Ralph Karl Manfred
→→ Star Wars
Sinjir Rath Velus Cardinal
→→ Shade's Children
→→ InkHeart
→→ A Darker Shade of Magic
Holland Astrid & Athos Dane
→→ Dune
Everyone included in the movie list, plus: Shaddam IV Hasimir Fenring
→→ Naruto
Gaara Zabuza Sasori Deidara Itachi Kakashi Iruka Kabuto Kisame Shikimaru Kankuro
→→ Trinity Blood
Isaak Fernand von Kampfer Dietrich von Lohengrin Abel Nightroad Cain Nightroad Radu Barvon Leon Garcia de Asturias Tres Iques Hugue de Watteau
→→ Hellsing
Alucard Pip Bernadotte Father Anderson
→→ Loveless
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envihellbender · 2 years
“So is everyone here in some kind of cult?” + priest!Brendol AU
Fandom: Star Wars, modern day priest AU
Characters: Ben Solo, Hux (hc is agender and doesn’t use first name)
Ships: Kylux
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Ben and Hux were walking through the graveyard that afternoon as they had begun to do. They first met a week ago and every afternoon since they spent an hour two together wandering around the gravestones and gigantic, granite statues. This time Ben had seemed quiet, his thick black eyebrows furrowed, and his long thin hands shoved into his pockets. Hux didn’t pry, but he found himself rambling anxiously trying to fill the awkward silence. Suddenly, just after Hux pointed out they were reaching the next door field for unmarked graves, Ben said something that Hux was so surprised by he didn’t know how to respond.
“So, no offence at all, but… I’ve been thinking - is this some kind of cult? Is the whole village in it?” He asked awkwardly. “Don’t be offended. I just- it’s not something I’ve ever seen before.”
“I’m not offended, I’m just… we’re just a Catholic church. The village is quite devoted I guess. There’s nothing unique about us.” Hux thought for a moment. “Maybe- I guess Methodist churches and such are probably very different.”
“I mean, I’ve never been inside one but every Christian I’ve ever met of loads of different denominations are not like this,” Ben said cautiously. Hux found reading his expression difficult, he had knitted together eyebrows suggesting confusion and a slight frown… worry, maybe? Hux thought.
“Hang on. You said… You’ve never- do you not go to Church?” Hux asked, suddenly realising the implication of what Ben said. Hux had never met anyone who didn’t attend church, he’d never met anyone who didn’t attend his Father’s church.
“I went to temple, as a kid. Way before we moved here,” Ben shrugged. “We’re Jewish. Non-practising. It was nothing like this.”
“I don’t know how other places work but here-” Hux’s voice trailed off thinking how best to explain the situation. “Father is the head of the Church. He is a being of God. So he is— to be worshipped as one.”
“That… That’s weird,” Ben said, his eyebrows switching from being as low as they could go to shooting into his hairline. “That sounds like a cult.”
“It’s- it’s not. It’s just-” Hux squirmed and wrapped his thin arms around his chest. He felt uncomfortable, and sinful. As if he would have to confess this conversation later. He needed to change the subject, he didn’t want to upset Ben so he never came to visit again. “So, you only come here for the graveyard?”
“Yeah, I like taking photos, writing, drawing, or just hanging around. It has a nice energy this part,” Ben said, he seemed a little more relaxed now, to Hux’s relief.
“I can show you the inside of you want, you’d have to see my Father but the architecture is pretty remarkable.”
“I think I’ll pass, for now,” Ben said awkwardly. “I’d rather avoid seeing the infamous Brendol Hux for as long as possible,” he added. Hux relaxed slightly, for a moment he was worried Ben didn’t want to spend time with him… but his comment about his father and the fact Ben had edged closer to him said otherwise.
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vveissesfleisch · 1 year
💌 👀
YOU!!! 🖤🖤🖤😈😈😈 I don’t even know where to start never mind how to even ATTEMPT to keep this brief but here we go!
Southern gothic motifs, shirley jackson, perverted christian religious imagery, KYLUX (general hux specifically), carpenter brut, foaming at the mouth as a team, 🔥🤡🔥, GHOST, dracula and his super normal and not at all sexual relationship with his friend jonathan harker, aggressively supporting one another’s blorbos in law, witch house, THE SACRED TEXTS, the birthday massacre, peak ship dynamics (usually between 1 protective lorge & 1 angry/mean smol), hot priests, blood splatter, 👼, cute and sparkly and handsome goth babe aesthetique, VERBOTEN SUBJECT MATTER, the choicest fic and original content recommendations, sickos dot jpg 4 lyfe🖤🖤🖤
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
Yall I uh
I read a priest!Hux fic last night (yes im back on my hux BS sue me hes my favourite part of the sequels) and uh-
Its been living in my head rent free. I am obsessed. I was never raised religious but like-
I'm obsessed and I didn't know I needed this till now.
For any of yall sinners who wanna join me.
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ao3feed--kylux · 1 year
Feel Like God
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L93amDe
by Pizzzazlut
“That hunger for knowledge for something so spiritual and godly was nothing compared to the sight of Hux getting out of the shower, skin slick with moisture and beautiful in all his freckled glory. Those same freckles that Kylo had grown to memorize just like he had memorized scripture that he could still recite today.”
Ex Priest Kylo thinks he misses it. Until he remembers how much he doesn’t.
Words: 3476, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, God
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Priests, Priest Kink, Ex Priest Kylo Ren, Touch-Starved, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religion as a gateway to Kink, Armitage Hux is a Tease, Coke Whore Hux, Recreational Drug Use, Clubbing, Semi-Public Sex, Dirty Talk, Inner Dialogue
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L93amDe
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nT3HvMs
by ceciliasheplin
Priest Ben Solo is travelling through the countryside when he’s robbed and left for dead. He’s helped by a mysterious woman and she nurses him back to health. Is there more to her than meets the eye?
Words: 3321, Chapters: 1/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Dopheld Mitaka, Moden Canady, Snoke (Star Wars), Armitage Hux
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Religion, Religious Indoctrination, Piousness, Unreliable Narrator, Period Typical Misogyny, Religious Guilt, Minor Character Death, Heavy Angst, Injury, graphic depictions of injury, full recovery, Kindness, nursing back to health, Animal Death, Food, Dreams and Nightmares, Religious Visions, Oedipian Visions, Falling In Love, virgin reylo, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Body Worship, Break Up, Getting Back Together, Rey is kind, Ben is a mess, Ben fucks up a lot in this fic, but we forgive him, because he’s fictional, Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nT3HvMs
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Writing Masterpost
My AO3 - @insanityintensifies
Tolkien (15 - 5 finished / 3 WIP)
DC Comics (1 - WIP)
Star Wars (3 - finished)
Eönwë / Marion
Many (happy) returns - First part of a multi-fic thing, but finished
The Ring is destroyed. Sauron's power was unmade, and he shall never rise again. Most elves have sailed to Valinor. The dominion of men has begun. But what happens outside of Middle Earth? What happens in Valinor?
or otherwise: Eönwë has taken responsibility for Mairon upon his release from the Halls of Mandos
You aren’t who you think you are - ABO (Alpha Mairon / Omega Eönwë) WIP
Beta-Eönwë is found by Alpha Mairon. In heat. But Betas don't go into heat? And he never presented as an omega...
Family isn’t always blood - ABO (Alpha Eönwë / Omega Mairon) WIP
Eönwë, team leader of the special forces unit, is send into a shed in which omegas are exploited by a sex ring to shut it down. One of the omegas there is Mairon. Taken away with his first heat, broken in to make sure he would never get pregnant, drugged up to keep him in heat he has spend the past years with one heat bleeding into another. Unbearable need, sex, food, sleep, then it starts all over again. 
All omegas are freed and brought to the hospital where they are treated, but Mairon's condition is critical. He is calling out for Eönwë and the staff doesn't know how to help him without calling the alpha.
This is how you do it - ABO AU (Alpha Eönwë / Omega Mairon) finished
When the Alpha Eönwë finds a frightened Omega in heat cowering outside he decides to take him home, promising not to touch him and protect him from harm. Even though he’s scared, Mairon decides that fighting off one Alpha is easier than staying outside and risking being attacked since an Omega in heat is a perfect target: weak, helpless and willing to do anything to stop the burning inside them.
The longer Mairon stays in the Alphas flat the stronger Eönwë’s rut becomes, naturally, with an Omega in heat around. Can he keep the promise he made to the young man? And in the end... does Mairon really want him to?
Sacrilege - modern Priest AU - WIP
Rebel teenager Mairon is dragged to church by his parents three months before he becomes eighteen because 'Only God can help that child' and father Eönwë is faced with an unwilling and atheist teenager, who wants nothing less than being there. And who, after a very short timespan, uses every opportunity he gets to drop innuendos around the young churchman. The priest finds himself drawn to the young sinner, fighting hard not to commit acts of blasphemy and fall into sin himself. (NO UNDERAGE! But an underage crush.)
Threads from the Stripper AU (Originally an active RP from tumblr, which was discontinued at some point, buried under aprox. 1500 posts since and people kept asking) - all of them are abandoned
Bonus (nsfw) Snippets from the Stripper AU (Fanfiction I wrote within that aforementioned AU) - finished, two of these can be read as standalones
Dick Grayson / Slade Wilson
Under Cover - WIP
Nightwing and Deathstroke are both going after the same target. The nature of the target's job forces them to work together. An unlikely work-relationship ensues in which Slade can't believe his luck and Dick ends up enjoying himself much more than he could ever have expected.
Star Wars Prequels
Kylux - all finished
All three for the Kylo Hurt Comfort Fest 2018 because let’s be real, we want to see him cry. They are all set in a modern AU with student Kylo and Professor Hux. Originally I was working on a multi-chapter fic, but that never happened. They can be read as stand-alone oneshots.
Day 2 - Crying
Day 5 - Nosebleed
Day 6 - Bruises
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oh-great-authoress · 1 year
🌹🌹🌹tell me of your wips dear
Ohhhh, Elli, you do not know what you have asked for.
I now unleash Silmarillion-esque deep dives upon you!!!!
Three Roses, three WIPs…
So you will get information about three of my WIPs, and here we go!
I’m so happy to talk about these.
Benjamin Solo and the Shadow of Death
This is a Reylo and Gingerrose (Armitage Hux/Rose Tico) Grantchester/1950s AU where Ben and Armitage, formerly Kylo Ren and The General, the most feared enforcers of the Knights of Ren, are now Church of England priests after a St. Paul-esque come-to-Jesus moment.
However, their past is coming back to bite them in the ass, throwing a wrench, or rather, a spanner, into every aspect of their lives.
In this story, Rey is the vicarage’s industrious housekeeper, and Rose is the town mechanic’s daughter, a mechanic herself, while Ben is the Vicar and Armitage the Curate.
This story started as an imagine I sent to @galacticidiots, but then I couldn’t shake the idea, and it percolated for nearly two years, until I decided that, like Gandhi said, I had to “Be the change [I] wish to see in the world”, and write the darn thing.
This was/is a passion project for me, and there were moments that I was so worried I’d end up abandoning this story, but luckily, I’m stubborn as all heck, so I plowed on through months of writer’s block.
But despite all the frustration this story gave and still gives me, this story has also given me so much joy, especially when the scene bits (both for Armitage, actually) which I was so proud of and came up with in the two years where the idea lay percolating, made it in the story, which literally made me do a little happy dance in my chair.
Those bits would be the scene where Armitage gets engine oil on his shirt, and Rose tells him to take it off so that she can soak it in her family’s secret formula of stain remover (*snort* yeah, I went here), in this chapter, and the scene where Armitage kicks the town drunk’s ass after he shoves Rose to the ground, in this chapter.
And while this story is still very PG-13, at the end, this is going to be the steamiest thing I have ever written, with use of very, very tasteful fade-to-blacks.
I actually have one of the two fade-to-blacks written (it’s so romantic), with the other one a problem-for-future-Nadia, though the idea is nebulously present in the electric meat.
I am personally so proud of my characterization in this story, and I think that this story was key to my growth as a writer.
It forced me to stretch both my research skills, with the 1950s setting, and my writing skills, as it made me write scenes which I never thought I would ever be able to pull off.
And it still is stretching my writing skills, because I have some very tricky scenes to work through in the upcoming chapters, which will have elements that I do not think are my specialty.
But when this is over, this will be, I think, one of my most favorite stories I’ve written.
I’d like to think that this story has everything, with romance, action, snappy dialogue (I think this story has some of the best dialogue I’ve ever written), comedy, and drama.
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(Divider via @delishlydelightfuldividers)
Okay, let me preface the next two WIPs with saying that I never thought I’d end up writing them.
But honestly?
I probably should have seen it coming.
Almost two months ago, I watched “Top Gun: Maverick”, and I absolutely loved it.
And I tried not to devolve into a hyperfixation, but… I just couldn’t.
I mean, for me, the movie had everything; found family feels, dysfunctional father-son road trip vibes, Pathetic™ men ready to be Blorbo-fied, action, comedy, and impressive visuals.
(Am I counting the shirtless beach dogfight football scene as part of the impressive visuals?
I’ll leave that up to you.)
And with me already being an aviation enthusiast, or avgeek, this was bound to happen.
Anyway, this stupid plane movie (affectionate) has had a chokehold on me for the last nearly two months, and I managed to keep it mostly tamped down here on the hellsite, because I was a little ashamed of how easily my brain plunged into a hyperfixation—hypocritical, I know, on the hyperfixation site—but now, the dam has burst, and I’m just going to own it from here on out.
These stories will not make sense at all if you haven’t seen the movie, so here’s the link to the Wikipedia page, so you can get an idea of what I’m talking about.
I also highly recommend looking on YouTube for clips of the movie, because… okay, yeah, I’m trying to drag you down with me, I’ll be honest.
(Sharing is caring?)
So here we have two of my Top Gun: Maverick WIPs…
Prank War
This is the tentative synopsis: “It was getting a little bit chummy here at NAS North Island, so Jake had a genius idea.”
Basically, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, reformed jerk extraordinaire, has the genius idea to start a prank war between him and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, which does not go well at all.
One thing leads to another, and someone ends up strung up by the Naval Air Station’s flagpole, in a coup de grace.
This is pure crack, and even I burst into laughter when I read my own opening scene, because it’s just so hilarious, and, in my opinion, perfectly in character.
Here’s the opening scene:
(Warning: a little cursey)
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“Fuck my life.
Fuck my fucking life,” Vice Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson muttered to himself, as he stared at the report before him in despair.
“Become an Admiral, they said—it’ll be fun, they said,” he continued, aware he was sounding like he was a few screws short of an F-18.
But in his opinion, it was completely acceptable—he had to get it out somehow.
“You’ll just have to sign a few things here and there, but you’ll be able to have more time to yourself.
Meanwhile, I’m here, dealing with fucking infants when I could’ve been flying still, exactly like Maverick.
Well—maybe not exactly like Maverick, I have some sense of self-preservation—but anyway.
‘Best aviators the US Navy has to offer’, my ass—more like two-year-olds, all of them.”
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From there, we flashback to all the pranks, until we end up back with Admiral Simpson.
I still, sadly, have to figure out how to properly end it, but I’m still waiting to finish my Grantchester/1950s AU to really work on this and the next story anyway, so I’m not rushing myself…
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Finally, the piece I am most excited and embarrassed to talk about:
What Am I Doing
That’s literally the working title, because I was working on Benjamin Solo and the Shadow of Death, when this idea barged in like this:
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So thusly the name.
I am actually actively trying to come up with an actual title for this that is not borne out of my frustration at myself for acquiring another WIP.
However, the subtitle, which is actually going to be put on the fic title or the synopsis, is: “It’s the Great Karmic Bitchslap, Jake Seresin!”
Which is a play on “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”.
I honestly have no idea how I ended up with this, but I think, to my knowledge, it was born out of a desire (as these things often are) to torture and torment Jake Seresin.
Because, other than Bradley, and Maverick, to some extent, we don’t know anything about the families of the other pilots of Dagger Squadron.
So I thought, what if Jake had a twin sister?
And what if she ends up falling in love with Bradley Bradshaw?
“Jake would absolutely hate that,” I thought. “I love it.”
But since I’m not entirely heartless, I give Jake his very own romance plot, with Natasha “Phoenix” Trace.
(Hannix shippers, this one’s for you)
So, here’s the plot.
In the middle of the night, Jake wakes up to a call from base gate security: it’s his older twin sister, Anastasia, and his nephew, Lucas.
They’re on the run from Anastasia’s ex-husband, whom she divorced and had her marriage annulled a year ago.
However, her ex is an A-grade crazy psycho, who stalks and follows her and her son no matter where they go.
So she goes to her brother, figuring that since he lives on base, she and her son would be safe.
Here, she meets Maverick and the rest of Dagger Squadron (now a permanent squadron based out of North Island, thanks to the success of the uranium mission), including one Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw.
Circumstance then throws the two even further together when a regulation indicates that she and Lucas cannot stay with Jake.
(Hand wavey contrivance, I know)
So out of the goodness of his heart, Maverick offers to put up the mother and son at his large house behind his hangar (which is widely accepted fanon, since we did not see anything of the sort in the movie), which is sort of off the grid, where—wouldn’t you know it—Bradley is also living, so he and Mav can spend more time together; after all, they have fifteen years to make up for.
Bradley and Anastasia soon grow close, much to her brother’s chagrin, all while Natasha is laughing her head off, as she fills in as said brother’s voice of reason, because this is karmic justice for all the women Jake’s picked up in bars.
There’s a scene I wrote last week which I am already in LOVE with, and I—it’s just so sweet and romantic—it’s EVERYTHING.
I couldn’t even believe my luck when I remembered the PERFECT song for said scene—I mean, the lyrics are just EXACTLY what the scene needed, and the lyrics are just SPOT-ON.
I tell you, it felt/feels inspired.
And I am so grateful that I know/grew up listening to old songs, because this song would never have occurred to me otherwise.
Some background on this scene: it’s the day of the Navy Gala, and Anastasia is supposed to go as her brother’s plus one, she even bought a dress and everything.
But then, just before she was going to get ready, her son had an accident and broke his arm, which meant that she had to take him to the hospital, and she was unable to go.
(Which will end up being good for Jake and Natasha)
This scene takes place at the end of the night, after Bradley returns home.
(I have yet to decide if Mav and Bradley will go home at the same time.)
As a side note, Bradley will be wearing dress whites, not blues, because… well, just because, “cover” is the fancy military term for the uniform cap, and I see Anastasia, or, as Bradley calls her, Ana, as Leelee Sobieski in my head.
Here’s the scene:
(Warning: 100% fluff)
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“How’s Lucas?” Bradley asked, setting his cover onto the kitchen island.
“He’s sleeping—they gave him the good stuff at the hospital.
Thanks for asking.”
He nodded. “That’s good.”
“How was the gala?”
He cringed slightly. “Ehh—the usual—lots of boring self-congratulatory speeches before we get to what people actually came for; the open bar and the free food.”
“Was it any good?”
“Yeah, it always is, though I think it’s pretty hard to screw up pasta.”
“You’d be surprised,” Ana smiled.
“Me, actually, the first time I tried to cook spaghetti and meatballs.”
He frowned, “I don’t believe that, you’ve been spoiling Mav and me the whole time you’ve been here.”
“Believe it, Lieutenant.”
Something almost vaguely familiar briefly clouded his expression, before it cleared, and he continued, “Yeah, anyway, the food was good, though it wasn’t a patch on what you dish out, and… Jake missed you, said he was hoping the two of you could’ve had a night out.”
“Jake, huh?”
Bradley rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, he pissed Nat off enough to make her drag him to the dance floor herself.”
Ana looked down, her hair falling into her face, “To be honest, I was actually hoping to go tonight.
It’s been… a while since I went to a party.”
“Gala, actually—the Navy’s quite particular about not calling it a party.
Got to be respectable and all that,” he grinned.
“Oh, sorry—gala,” she laughed. “Anyway, it would’ve been nice to dress up, and—” she sighed, “this is going to sound so stupid.”
“Tell me anyway?” he earnestly asked.
“I… I’m feeling bad that I wasted all that money on a dress I didn’t even end up wearing, and—God—I wanted to dance.”
Ana looked down embarrassedly, running a hand through her hair.
“That’s not stupid.
That’s normal.”
She looked up at him, a little startled.
Bradley worried his lower lip between his teeth before she saw an idea literally occur to him, the only thing missing, the lightbulb over his head. “It doesn’t have to be wasted.
Go put that dress on, and meet me down here.”
“What are you planning, Bradley?” Ana shook her head.
“Since you couldn’t go to the Navy Gala, the Navy Gala comes to you.”
An incredulous gasp escaped her. “You going to ask me to dance, Lieutenant Bradshaw?” she asked, a stupid smile on her lips, tears in her eyes.
“Well, I am still in uniform, and… yeah, I am.”
“Are you sure?”
“Go—I’ll be waiting,” he nodded encouragingly.
She couldn’t keep the smile from widening to a grin as she went upstairs, pulling the box from the dresser.
She quickly washed her face, before putting on mascara and lipstick, and slipping into the dress.
When she looked in the mirror, even though she wasn’t wearing anything close to the full makeup look she had planned to if she’d gotten to go to the gala, she felt beautiful in a way she hadn’t in a very long time, and tears threatened, but she ruthlessly pushed them back, as she gathered her hair into a loose bun, and stepped into her well-worn black heels.
She crept out of her room and made her way downstairs, where, true to his word, Bradley was waiting, at the foot of the stairs, cover tucked under his right arm, looking every inch the dashing naval aviator and officer he was, in his dress whites.
He looked up at the sound of her heels on the stairs, and an awed expression came over his face.
“Wow,” he breathed when she was a step away from him. “You look amazing.”
Ana sheepishly smoothed the deep green silk with her palms, as she stepped down the final step. “The makeup and hair’s not what I was planning for tonight if I got to go, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting too long.”
“I’d have waited if you wanted to do all that.”
Ana’s jaw slacked a bit, and he continued, “But you—you look stunning.”
“Thank you,” she replied.
Bradley offered his arm, with a “Shall we?”
She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm, and they moved out to the backyard, Bradley even bothering to wear his cover for the short walk to the pergola a ways from the back door.
“I’m going to be the envy of everyone at the gala,” he proudly murmured as they walked.
“It’s only the two of us,” Ana shook her head.
“Still,” he breathed, with an honesty she hadn’t heard from a man in years.
Once they were under the string lights, he stepped away from her to place his cover on the patio table which had been pushed to the side, along with the chairs, to create a makeshift dance floor.
Bradley pulled his phone out from his pocket and fiddled with it for a beat, looking for something.
Eventually, he found what he was searching for, and with a final tap, he set the device down beside his cover.
The strains of Orleans’ “Dance With Me” filled the air, and Ana smiled for what felt like the thousandth time that night.
He turned to her, hand extended. “Will you do me the honor of this dance, Miss Seresin?”
“I will, Lieutenant Bradshaw.”
She placed her hand in his, and he took her in his arms, as they began to sway slowly on the floor.
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I still have to write basically 98% of this story, but this scene, and a couple of other bits and pieces, including the opening scene, and Bradley’s first glimpse of Anastasia, are written out.
However, while I always tend to give myself room to change things, I am absolutely certain that this dance scene is going to make its way into the final product hook or by crook, darn it.
It’s just… GAH, I love this scene so much.
I was grinning like an idiot while I wrote it, and I still do, when I read it.
I’m truly sorry if that comes off as narcissistic, I just—AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the look into my WIP folder, and all the word-vomit, Elli!!!
Thank you and God bless you if you managed to read all this, truly—I know it’s a LOT!!!
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