#princess alicia
toaarcan · 1 month
Bold New Moebius is one of my favourite arcs in Archie Sonic, despite me not actually liking its main villain. I guess that's the power of Flynn going "There's an evil version of Tails and he acts like Starscream" and my then-teenage brain going "Oh that's two of my favourite things mashed into one character, I will love him forever."
Yes this is a Miles Stan Account. I have imaginary AMVs in my head about him like you wouldn't believe.
But there's something that bothers me about it: The Suppression Squad's team composition.
In this arc, the Freedom Fighters consist of all six of the classic SatAM crew, plus Amy and Nicole, though Nicole doesn't really do a whole lot. This is the standard FF roster for most of Flynn's run in Archie, it's hard to go wrong with it.
The Suppression Squad, meanwhile, bring Scourge, Fiona, Miles, Alicia, Patch, and Boomer. They have six to the Freedom Fighters' eight.
They don't introduce an Evil Nicole, and while an antiverse version of Amy is introduced in the story, she's not a member of Suppression Squad, she's a random crazy person who wants to both kill and date Scourge and gets in the way a whole lot during the parts of the story that are set on Moebius.
Additionally, Buns is removed from the team as a whole, instead appearing as a morally-questionable ally of Kintobor, because she's sick and Scourge threw her out for being weak.
And I find this weird. Not to say that I dislike the idea of a member of Suppression Squad being basically forced to redeem themselves because they had an r/leopardsatemyface moment, because I don't, I love it. I just think it's weird for two reasons:
They don't need to "Make room" for Fiona on the Suppression Squad, because the FF also have additional members besides the originals. Buns can still be there without throwing the numbers off.
If they're going to remove one of the Suppression Squad's original roster from the board... why is it Buns that goes, and not Alicia?
Think about it: Besides Scourge himself, Alicia is the nominal leader of the team. She's the one that Scourge worked with when he originally plunged Moebius into chaos at the end of the Great Peace, by killing Anti-Jules and banishing Maxx to the Void. She's the one that kicked him out of the Squad with the aid of Jeff. Why the hell would he keep her around?
She's also pretty redundant as a Squad member in this arc, because Fiona is here.
I've said before that I think that Archie viewed Fiona more as a Sally Clone than as her own character, and this gets infinitely worse in Flynn's run, where most of her own (very undercooked) personality traits are largely abandoned in favour of having her shackled permanently to the evil version of Sally's boyfriend, and doing the same things that Sally does, but evilly.
And it's this arc where this becomes really obvious that Fiona is just Evil Sally now, because she's on a team with a character who literally used to be called Evil Sally. Alicia mostly stands around and does nothing because Fiona's the one beefing with her counterpart, right up until the point where the two sides team up, wherein Fiona is hurriedly ushered out of the plot and Alicia returns to her normal place as Sally's opposite number.
So... why not keep Buns and have Alicia be the one to get kicked out and forced to turn to Kintobor? She can still play the role that Alicia did in the final chapters of the arc by simply linking up with the two teams when they arrive on Moebius, after all.
Now, I can see the point being raised that it was Buns that got sick with NIDS. But that plot point is something they introduced in this arc. They can just have Alicia get sick instead. She was last seen before this arc falling into a pit full of poisonous robots, after all. Or they can just skip that aspect and have her get kicked out because Scourge is petty and vengeful and doesn't want her around.
This confusion doesn't ruin the story for me or anything, I still think it's a good one, but it does still somewhat baffle me.
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Competitor 23 is...
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Princess Alicia from the Archie comics!
She's the evil version of Sally from Moebius/Anti-Mobius and previously dated Scourge
Evil princess who banished her dad to another dimension and tried to kill her ex-boyfriend multiple times. She's girlboss
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sonicgirlsmackdown · 10 months
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Note: This is specifically looking at Frances as she appears in the archie comics
Propaganda under the cut c:
Anti-Sally/Princess Alicia:
She's the evil version of Sally from Moebius
shes so girlboss she threw her dad into the hell dimension and then took over. shes tried to kill scourge multiple times. she looks so cool
i fell in love with her bc i took her in an rp server bc i thought she was neat and then while doing my research for her she became one of my favorite sonic characters
why the hell is she named alicia thats already a character it gets so confusing
A friend of Chris from Sonic X
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sonicroyalrumble · 9 months
Round 1, Wave 4, Match 3
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Ledian (Sonic Underground) vs. Princess Alicia/Anti-Sally (Pre-SGW Archie)
Why should Ledian win?
Royal status: Princess of a Rome-inspired kingdom
No propaganda submitted (preliminary winner)
Why should Alicia win?
Royal status: Princess of Moebius through her father Maxx; figurehead ruler of Moebius after Scourge's defeat
No propaganda submitted
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knights-tempura · 11 months
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Sekai vs Clau (2/2)
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017 + 2018
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as various girls
1. Rosa (Pop'n Music) - requested by flutterbunny76
2. Princess Alicia (Dragon Spirit) - requested by roseprincessmitia
3. Princess Celia (Dragon Buster) - requested by roseprincessmitia
4. Princess Honey (Kid Klown) - requested by roseprincessmitia
5. Royalgirl Lupe (Neopets) - requested by flutterbunny76
6. Shion Uzuki (Xenosaga) - requested by ladytrisha08
7. Sophie Richards (House of the Dead 1) - requested by ladytrisha08
8. Tooty (Banjo Kazooie) - requested by asdfghjkldqrew
9. Supergirl (Injustice 2) - requested by pm58790
10. Silent Hill Nurse (Silent Hill: The Arcade Game) - requested by nr18plus
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imaginationblur · 2 months
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How’s it hangin’ Sal?
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isabelleneville · 3 months
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Henry VI (1 September 1422 - 4 March 1461, 3 October 1470 - 11 April 1471 second reign) as portrayed by David Shelley in The White Queen Edward IV (4 March 1461 - 3 October 1470, 11 April 1471 - 9 April 1483 second reign) as portrayed by Max Irons in The White Queen Edward V (9 April 1483 - 25 June 1483) as portrayed by Sonny Ashbourne Serkis in The White Queen Richard III (26 June 1483 - 22 August 1485) as portrayed by Aneurin Barnard in The White Queen Henry VII ( 22 August 1485 - 21 April 1509) as portrayed by Jacob Collins-Levy in The White Princess Henry VIII (22 April 1509 - 28 January 1547) as portrayed by Ruairi O'Connor in The Spanish Princess Edward VI (28 January 1547 - 6 July 1553) as portrayed by Oliver Zetterstrom in Becoming Elizabeth Jane Grey (10 July 1553 - 19 July 1553) as portrayed by Bella Ramsey in Becoming Elizabeth Mary I (19 July 1553 - 17 November 1558) as portrayed by Romola Garai in Becoming Elizabeth Elizabeth I (17 November 1558 - 24 March 1603) as portrayed by Alicia Von Rittberg in Becoming Elizabeth James I and VI of Scotland (24 March 1603 - 27 March 1625) as portrayed by Tony Curran in Mary & George Charles I (27 March 1625 - 30 January 1649) as portrayed by Samuel Blenkin in Mary & George
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earlymodernbarbie · 4 months
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The Six Wives Through the Eras✨
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whyeverr · 12 days
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"Tada! It's a fish! ...because you love fishing, and I'm a Pisces."
"It's perfect! Even better than I could have imagined."
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foundfamilyhq · 1 month
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Explanation behind the bi flag on the image because I'm still not over this weird anon hate I got on that blog and everyone banding together to prove that Sally Acorn being bisexual wasn't just hopping on a bandwagon lol
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ohdeliciousasmr · 8 months
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dreamgirlglowup · 1 month
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I’m literally just a girl 🎀
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fassophy · 4 months
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Alicia Agneson in Vikings
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nyaagolor · 1 month
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Fucking around with the Tail Concerto designs bc this series has me in a vice grip
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knights-tempura · 11 months
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