#principal hades
punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
The realization that i made my Hadessona both accidentally look almost exactly like Aphrodite but with locs just because i do irl and a love interest for Zagreus is making me loose it.Imagine you're trying to break out of the Underworld because your dad's the king and he's abusive and you end up getting help from the olympians and Aphrodite looks like a copy of your childhood best friend,who's also trying to help you escape,only she's naked 24/7.How do you even react to that,i'm laughing so hard
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Found the website for William McKinley high would you like to explain why you did this , Sussy Smugglers?
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Jodio I’d expect this from u ngl
jodio says:
ong aint me nah fr fr that was paco he lost the annual mckinley beyblade battle & had to wear the fit sheeeeesh
paco says:
I would have won if i knew Usagi was gonna use a fucking Hades Kerbecs! Really? A HADES KERBECS?????
usagi says:
ehehehe~~~~~ (,,◕ ⋏ ◕,,) i don't just spend my money on drugs, paco~~ 🤪🤪🤪🤪
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The Rose And Her Thorn
This may not be very good, but here you go!
Word Count: 1482
Part 1.
To most who crossed her path, Esmeria Roman was considered abnormal. She was 5'0, with silky dark brown hair and the most enchanting pair of stormy gray eyes that anyone had ever seen. Her family was a complicated one. Not that she was complaining, they were wonderful in her opinion, but they were considered just as abnormal (if not more so) as Esmeria. Her father was Hades, Lord of the Underworld, and her mother was Persephone, Goddess of Spring.
No one knew that of course. If people found out that her parents were Greek gods, her whole life, everything she had worked so hard to achieve, would go up in smoke. Only two people knew of Esmeria's parentage. The first was Larissa Weems, headmistress of Nevermore Academy, the school for outcasts (Vampires, Sirens, Werewolves, and people with powers in general). The second was Enid Sinclair, one of Esmeria's best friends.
You may be wondering, 'If it's a school for outcasts, why can't anyone know who her parents are?' The answer to that question is that to normies, the gods are simply myths, and it's best that they stay that way. It just makes it easier if the outcasts don't know either.
Esmeria got most of her powers from her mum, being able to manipulate plants and a little bit of the weather. She could manipulate the dead (animals and humans), but she could only do it once every so often, as it took a lot of energy out of her. Which is why she was now lying on Enid Sinclair's bed, half asleep, the young werewolf trying to cheer her up.
"Come on, Esmè! My new roomie's getting here today. Can you at least act happy for me? Please?"
Esmeria groaned, cracking her eyes open to glare at Enid. "You were the one who wanted to cuddle the squirrel, Enid."
Enid pouted, opening her mouth to speak, only to hear the door creak open. Esmeria lifted a finger, speaking the words, "Ding dong." Before rolling over as if to go to sleep while she listened to the voices of those who had entered the room.
"It's so... vivid." She heard a man's voice say, being immediately followed by Enid's perky, "Howdy, roomie!"
She sat up as Larissa Weems spoke. "Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair."
Esmeria sat up on the bed, five heads turning to look at her, with three unfamiliar faces. The two oldest were a man and a woman, clearly married. The woman was stunning. She was tall, with long black hair and a long black tight-fitting dress. Her husband was shorter, also with black hair, wearing a grey pinstriped suit.
There was a girl standing between them (Wednesday), and she was the most beautiful person Esmeria had ever seen. Her long raven black hair was done into two braids that framed her face, and her fringe stopped just above her equally as dark eyes. Her skin was almost as pale as snow, and her eyes glared out at the room before her.
Esmeria paused for a second, regaining her composure, and walked calmly over to the small group, Weems smiling in a welcoming manner at the brunette's presence. "And this is Esmeria Roman, our resident florist."
Esmeria frowned at the headmistresses little jibe about her powers. "You know I resent the flower jokes, Larissa."
Enid glanced between the two, eventually stepping foward to speak to Wednesday. "Are you feeling okay? You look a little... pale."
Esmeria's eyes widened. "Enid you can't just ask that." She hissed.
Wednesday tilted her head imperceptibly, noticing the brunette's slight Italian accent.
Wednesday's mother moved foward a bit. "Wednesday always looks half dead."
Enid nodded lightly. "Oh." She then surged forward, arms wide for a hug. "Welcome to Ophelia Hall!"
Wednesday stepped backwards with a minorly disgusted expression on her face at the same time that Esmeria tugged Enid backwards, correctly assuming that Wednesday wasn't a hugger.
Enid shrugged, a smile still bright on her face. "Not a hugger. Got it."
Esmeria tuned out of the conversation slightly, as a small buzzing noise filled her head. She caught the words: "Please excuse Wednesday, she's allergic to colour." The buzzing slowly receded as Enid said: "Oh, wow."
Esmeria stepped foward, standing next to Enid. "If you don't mind me asking, what happens?"
Wednesday tilted her head, speaking flatly. "I break out into hives and the flesh peels off my bones."
Esmeria grinned, turning to Enid. "Enid, do you still have the death book I left here?"
Enid rolled her eyes. "Next to the pens."
Esmeria nodded and ran over to find it. Larissa sighed. "Sorry about her, she's a bit... morbid. Anyway, we've special ordered you a uniform, Wednesday." She chuckled.
Esmeria walked back to the group, a notebook clutched in her hand, pen scribbling furiously at the paper. Larissa sighed. "Enid, please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with her schedule, and give her a tour along the way. Maybe take Esmeria with you? I don't want her to blow anything up again."
Enid nodded, and so they were off.
Enid, Esmeria and Wednesday were walking around the school, Enid chattering away happily, Esmeria looking very bored. "Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here."
Wednesday turned to look at Enid. "You can save the sanitized sales pitch. I don't plan on staying here for long."
Esmeria frowned, tilting her head. "Why not?"
"This was my parents idea." Wednesday glanced over to a picture containing an old fencing team. "Oh look, there's my mother smirking at me." She turned her head back to the blonde and brunette. "They've been looking for any excuse to send me here. It's all part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan."
Enid smiled slightly. "What plan?"
Wednesday turned back to look at the other two. "To turn me into a version of themselves."
Esmeria grinned (she seemed to be doing that a lot around Wednesday). "Well then, perhaps you can clear something up. Rumor's been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school, and your parents pulled some strings to get you off."
Wednesday walked past Enid and Esmeria. "Actually it was two kids, but who's counting?"
Esmeria sighed in happiness, clutching Enid's arm. "Enid, she's perfect."
Enid raised an eyebrow, gazing at Esmeria in confusion. "How are you this whipped already? You know what, nevermind. Come on!"
And they walked after Wednesday.
Enid spread her arms out. "This is the quad."
Wednesday spoke, taking the words right out of Esmeria's mouth. "It's a pentagon."
Enid sighed, walking away with the two short girls following her. "The whole snarky goth girl thing might have worked at normie school, but here things are different. Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene."
"I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés."
"Well then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of disdain." Enid said, somewhat smugly, and Esmeria rolled her eyes at her friend.
Enid spoke again, with a smile this time. "There are many flavors of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales." She counted them off on her fingers. "Those are the Fangs, AKA vampires."
Esmeria leaned close to Wednesday's face. "Some of them have literally been here for decades."
Enid smiled, walking further foward. "That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA werewolves. Like me!" Upon spotting her, all of the Furs started howling at Enid.
The trio stopped walking, all looking out at the quad (pentagon). Esmeria spoke this time. "Full moons get pretty loud around here. That's when Furs like, wolf out. I suggest you pick up noise-canceling headphones. Or you can bunk with me!"
Wednesday turned to look at her, and a blush spread across the brunette's cheeks. "My dad pulled some strings, so I don't have a roommate. I soundproofed my room so I can't her them, and they can't hear me."
Wednesday nodded slowly, then turning to look at Enid. "I'm assuming Scales are sirens?"
Enid nodded. "You catch on quick. And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Apart from Esmeria, but that's something different."
Wednesday's head turned back to Esmeria, who moved closer to Enid, now standing in the middle. "I don't understand why we can't just kill her."
Wednesday was intrigued. Enid was not. "Because, Esmé, murder is illegal."
Esmeria rolled her eyes. "That has never stopped me before."
Both of Wednesday's eyebrows had now disappeared behind her fringe. Had this sweet girl really killed people? If so, how did they anger her to the point of committing murder? As much as she did not want to admit it, Wednesday liked Esmeria Roman. The mystery surrounding her was one that Wednesday wanted to untangle.
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barblaz-arts · 6 months
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I had wayyy to much fun with this AU. High school AU's are just so fun lol
- since Charlie's a teen, she's still in her emo phase. She's president of the Drama Club and was distraught that Alastor gave her Orpheus instead of Hades to play. She wanted to be the cool king of the underworld...
- Vaggie used to be the softball team's pitcher until an accident caused her to lose her eye. Now with an impaired eye sight, she had to make an early retirement from sports and got persuaded to join the Drama Club
- Charlie's been harboring a crush on Vaggie ever since she first saw her play her first game, which Lucifer initially had to drag her to. After that, Charlie's been willingly going with him to every home game, under the impression that his daughter has suddenly gotten into the good ol' school spirit.
- Charlie was the one who got Vaggie to the hospital when she got in the accident that cost her her eye. Charlie always visited her while she recovered, and Vaggie fought off catching feelings because Charlie's the principal's daughter. She failed.
- Alastor casts Vaggie as Eurydice in their club's adaptation of Hadestown so Charlie could stop moping about being casted as Orpheus and so Lucifer can get off his back about making his daughter sad. Vaggie agrees just so she can be closer to Charlie.
- you can guess how the rest goes :)
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mo-mode · 8 months
Pros of this Episode:
Annabeth ripping into Procrustes every time he speaks by threatening to cut off his head. She is Done TM and I am so proud of her
Percy being a New Yorker once again, lying through his teeth, and calling them suckers. Also RIP to “it was a big bathtub” but “I mean…we’re all dying…to some extent” SLAPS
Grover and Percy looking at each other after finding the Master Bolt like “oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck” I felt that
Hades and his Fruity Little Vibe, being so flamboyant and over-the-top but also still nice in his own way, You go Glen Coco
Sally. Everything with Her, Sally and Percy, Sally and Poseidon, Sally and the bitchass principal, Sally. Sally Jackson. End of story.
Cons of this Episode:
So I’m not a fan of- *gunshot, I am killed instantly*
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flamingoofeathers · 2 months
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pairings: morgie x merlinsdaughter!reader
summary: Merlin finds out his daughter is dating the son of his enemy, Morgie.
genre: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
one-shot; wc: 1.8k — requested by @stargener
main masterlist morgie masterlist
a/n: it was so fun to write, although it took me a while to write, so i apologize for the long wait, i hope this was up to your expectation.
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Sneaking out wasn’t easy especially for Morgie, being friends with the VK’s was hard, cuz god forbid what would happen if he gets caught even TALKING to a royal, but dating one? He might aswell sign his death sentence, but for the first time in his life, he didnt care, he was willing to risk it all, still he was careful, the VK’s aren’t the nicest people after all.
Y/n and Morgie have been dating for quite some time now, in secret of course, dating a goody two shoes is one thing, but dating merlin’s daughter is whole different thing.
Sure, Merlin allowed villains to enrol to his school but that doesn’t mean he was fond of them, they were troublemakers after all, so god knows how he would react if he finds out his daughter is dating one.
Morgie was calmly making his way around the town near the academy, he was trying to look as normal as possible, but inside he couldn’t wait to see his princess. Y/n and him had planned to meet at a cafe in town, where they provide private booths, so the two can finally feel like a normal couple at a cafe without anyone seeing.
When he arrived at cafe, he wasn’t surprised to see the her were already there, always the punctual goody two shoes.
“And here i thought i’d surprise you by being early” Morgie slid next to her, leaning down to kiss her.
“Mhmm, as if you’ll ever beat me” Y/n said chuckling softly.
Morgie knew that being punctual was important to Y/n so he always tried his best to be on time even though at times he can be late.
“I hope you haven’t been waiting long for me” Morgie said as he grabbed the menu from the table before wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she leaned into him.
“I haven’t, don’t worry- oh! we should try that one” y/n pointed at the couple’s special on the menu. It wasn’t anything “special” really, just a large strawberry milkshake with two straws, some whipped cream and a cherry on top.
“Ohhhh, romantic” Morgie teased “ok, let me go order and i’ll be right back” he rubbed their noses together, before actually leaving to order.
Unfortunately when he left his booth, a certain group of people were entering their own booth saw him.
“What’s he doing here?” Hook asked with a confused look on his face.
“I dont know and i dont care, lets just order” Maleficent said before sitting down and grabbing the menu immediately with Hades following right behind her.
Meanwhile Hook and Uliana gave each other a look, deciding to stay hidden keeping a look at the booth Morgie just left, it was covered with a black curtain like the rest of the seats.
Morgie not noticing the prying eyes, hummed happily with their order in hand before entering their booth.
Uliana and Hook eyes widen at the sight, the daughter of their dear principal Merlin, on a date, with a villain? ‘
This is gonna be good’ Hook and Uliana thought before joining Hades and Maleficent.
“Our little Morgie has been hiding a dirty little secret from us and he’ll pay for it” Uliana said maliciously.
“What is she talking about?” Hades asks Hook.
“He is out on a date with y/n l/n” he smirks.
Maleficents eyes widen “as in principal Merlins daughter, y/n l/n?”
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Once y/n arrive back to her dorm, she was confused to see a letter from her father asking her to meet him in his office.
Upon arriving at her father’s office, y/n grew anxious at the absolute silence the place had, usually her father would clumsily searching for things but when she entered, the door behind her closed immediately, she saw her father at his chair rubbing his temples.
“Dad? Is everything okay?” The girl asked as she walked towards her dad.
“Sit.” The harsh tone of her usually nice father made her heart beat faster as she sat down as fast as she could.
“What happened?” She was met with silence.
“I want you to tell me the truth, y/n” Merlin finally looked at her in the eyes.
“Are you dating Morgie Le Fay?” Her dad asked with cold voice.
Her heart pounded against her chest in panic, she could feel her lungs closing in, tears prickling her eyes, how did her father find out?
“Wha-what? No! No, i-i would never!” She denied stuttering trying hard to convince her father with that one single sentence.
“Y/n! WHY WOULD DATE A VILLAIN!?” Her father slammed his fist on the table.
“I told you, im not!” The girl continued to deny.
“Dad- NO! I’m not dating anyone!!”
“Stop with the lying! I don’t want you anywhere near that boy ever again!” Her father warned
“What!? No!?” Y/n stood up, facing her father with a panicked looked on her face.
“If you’re not dating him then avoiding him wont be a problem, right? If you go near him, i will know.” Merlin said before leaving the room leaving his daughter alone.
“No..” the girl whispered before sitting back down, her legs weak, heart heavy, sobbing her eyes out with no one to comfort her.
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As days passed, Morgie continued to try and talk to her, it broke her heart to avoid him everytime but she didn’t have a choice.
While she wasn’t exactly sure how her father found out but she had an inkling feeling that it had something to do with the VK’s, snickering at her everytime they happen to pass by each other, i mean, how can they do this to their friend? To Morgie? But she guessed that villains will be villains.
Morgie on the other hand, was hurt and confused about why his girlfriend suddenly started ignoring him out of nowhere, he thought everything was fine between them.
The Vk’s was hanging out in the courtyard, Uliana making fun of Bridget and Ella as usual, normally he would be laughing along with them but today, he cant find it in himself to care, he stared into air thinking about everything he could’ve done to anger his girlfriend enough to ignore him. He can’t wrap his head around it.
“Right, Morgie?” Hook nudged him chuckling.
“Huh?” Morgie asked, he didnt know what they were talking about.
“You ok, Morgs?” Maleficent asked noticing the weird behaviour of her friend.
“Hmm, yeah im fine, just tired, i think im gonna head back to my dorm now” Morgie said before standing up and walking away.
“ its only 4 in the afternoon” Hades said.
Hook and Uliana looked at each other with guilt.
Later that night, a knock was heard from outside of Morgies dorm.
“What?” Morgie asked annoyed at the interruption from his sulking.
“We need to talk to you about something” Uliana said, with a look of…guilt? Nono, that can’t be, Uliana doesnt feel anything other than hatred.
“What is it?”
“Can we come in?”
“Sure” Morgie said opening the door wider for them.
There was silence in the room, Morgie waiting for them to say something.
“We were the one who told principal Merlin about your relationship with L/n” Hook confessed.
“WHAT!?” Morgie was livid “ARE YOU CRAZY!? THATS CRUEL!” he scoffed “EVEN FOR YOU PEOPLE”.
“We’re so-“
“When you went to the cafe with her” Uliana said hesitantly.
“AND YOU DIDNT EVEN TELL ME!? What? You just told the principal, without even confirming with me, i cant believe you guys” Morgie was disappointed at his friends.
“Look, we’re sorry-“ Hook started.
“Yeah? Well, sorry isnt going to bring her back to me, is it?” Morgie glared at them.
“We can help” Uliana pleaded.
“Just leave guys, i dont want to look at you right now” Morgie sat down on his bed with his back turned to them.
He felt pats on his back along with small apologies.
Meanwhile on the other side of the campus, you can find a girl in her bed sobbing her heart while listening to sad songs, when a knock was heard from her door, she knew that it was her father so she just ignored it but that didnt stop the bearded man to enter her room.
“I didn’t answer the door bc i wanted you to come in” the girl said sitting up from her bed and removing her headphones before brushing her tears away.
The mans heart broke at the sight of his daughters tear stricken face, he knew it was his fault, how miserable he made his daughter.
“Oh sweetie” the man sat next to his daughter.
“Look at you, i am so sorry, dear, i let my anger towards his mother get in the way of your relationship, i truly apologise” the dad caressed his daughters hair who looked at him shocked.
“What made you change your mind?” The girls asked.
“He makes you so happy, dear, I cant bear to see you like this, i dont want to ever see you crying, especially because of me” the dad explained, his tone filled with understanding and love.
“Are you sure?” The girl asked hopefully.
“Yes. For a villain, he’s not so bad” he joked making the girl chuckle “as long as he treats you like the princess you are, you have my blessing”
“Oh!! Thank you, Dad!! Thank you, thank you, thank youu!!!!” Y/n hugged her dad tightly.
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The next day, the girl didnt waste time to search for her dear boyfriend.
Both meeting in the courtyard of the school, running to each other as they fall into each others arms, tenderly kissing.
“I’m so sorry” both of them said at the same time.
“Why are you saying sorry for?” Y/n asks confused.
“It was Hook and Uliana who told your father about us, they saw us at the cafe that day, im so sorry” Morgie apologized.
“No, it wasn’t your fault, it was mine, my father didnt react well to us being together so i ignored you, im sorry” the girl countered.
“I will beg principal Merlin to let us be together, i would do anything for you” Morgie said connecting their foreheads together and caressing her cheek.
“You don’t have to, because we have his blessing “ the girl stared into his eyes grinning.
“What? Are- are you serious!?” The boy said holding the girls face in his hands, the girl nodded to which the boy lifted her off the ground and span her around.
“Oh! I can’t believe this!” Morgie chuckled.
“We’ll finally be together” Y/n said softly.
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minzart · 2 months
Blazing eyes
Maleficent x Reader(GN) x Hades . ROR-VKs & You
“professor-” he slams the door close, leaving you alone… you naturally louch yourself to the door and try to pry it open, sadly it won't budge “cursed old fucking man -OPEN! ABRACADABRA! PRESTO! BIBIDBOBIDIBO! COMONNNNNN BITCH-”
“poor thing has lost it” Hook whispers.
“we haven't tried bitch as a pass wold tho” Morgie added in “didn't work, but it would have been so funny if it did”
“alright alright alright” Uliana gets up from her seat “calm down, we don't bite”
“much” Hades adds and seconds later Maleficent hits his head firmly.
Or... how you got recruited as a new VK and the drama that comes with being friends (and for some more) of the young villains
In a world of princesses, princes, knights, evil fairies and gods you were neither, perhaps one could say you were even less, a commoner, a plebeian with the most average sprinkle of magic yet to set foot in Merlin Academy again. Never a stand out and when your voice was heard it was almost as if the room could swallow it whole for how little it mattered in the grand scheme of things.
What would you be when you graduated? A tug? A squire? Perhaps if lucky an advisor or even a right hand confidant of a big name hero or villain. Maybe just a normal baker, who's to say, after all, the unremarkable have their own gift, destiny, profecies and duty wasn't yours to claim after all, so your life is yours and yours alone to mold, change, waste, thrive and live.
But oh that doesn't mean you can't impact lives, no, rather the opposite, you can be the last straw or the first domino that will never see the finish line but will be remembered as fondly and bitterly as the eyes that saw you last.
And our story starts not by your eyes, but by hers, a young fary sits bored out of her mind in a perfect, dreadful, evening at detention with the fools she calls… allies…. Yes, that felt… correct enough, and with the infant God she could only denominated as a passing interest at best, a boyfriend at worst.
Morgie, being the little snake that he is, can't keep still and out of the woods for long before he starts budging the magical reinforced windows, she won't blame him, after all she herself did the same thing some months ago and now the windows have a reflective spell to “keep students safe”, as if they didn't threw out weaklings out of those even before her… “sneeze incident”, as if she could even make mistakes, that was a purposeful fire breaking breath right into the window's direction and not because Uliana's cologne was too strong that day, absolutely preposterous of principal Merlin to spread that ridiculous rumor about her, she had to curse twice the students to shut their giggles that week all because of that pompous old man.
James had given up cheering for Morgie and now laid back, boots staining the desk shining his golden rook and by his pout being extremely disappointed in his eyeliner not being as sharp as it was 20 minutes ago.
“Uliana~” he called, a melodic tune echoing in the almost empty classroom “dear, scariest witch of the sea, seafoam of my dreams”
“call me that one more time and I'll give your other hand to tictoc as a gift asshole” the leader of this little band of mischief smirked, pointing her little switchblade at him, she sat at the teacher's desk, marking one more tally to their monthly visit and, before being interrupted, curiously checking to see if new marks were made by new potential allies “what do you want?”
“do you have that miraculous eyeliner in you again? I think I missed a spot” the young sea witch rolls her eyes in amusement and one single tentacle leaves her back, the black tube almost reaching Hook's good hand, then it doubled back and threw it in his bad hand's direction, the boy caugh it without much fuss and dangled it in her direction, wiggling his eyebrows in victory.
“much thanks beauty”
“your parents should have named you Narcissus”
“and you should try being a pitcher to this years baseball team”
“you would be too good for them tho” the young God spoke from behind the black fary, playfully passing the same blue flame around his fingers “I saw Jame's fumble a bit this time”
“I didn't fumble anything!”
“yes you did”
“did not”
“did too”
The door of the class is slammed open by what Maleficent can smell is the dire's magic, his voice getting closer and closer, Uliana decides to move to the closest chair, not interested in prolonging the tedious lesson with an extra 15 minutes of more lecture.
“I'm again so thankful you could come dear” Merlin's voice echoed inside “it's so hard to find generous students like yourself, always ready to help the ones with the most difficulty”
All teens roll their eyes and look at each other's direction just to confirm that they weren't just hallucinating the most basic and fakest sweet talk to ever exist, and by all means they did experience each “baby's first manipulation” attempt, and they were not as fake sounding as his.
“you are too kind professor” the nervous little laugh gave away whoever they were wasn't as ingenious as half this school seemed to be ”I did say i wanted to try everything once at least in my years resolution papers, and I mean it”
“such admirable dedication to academics I sure hope you pass a little bit of that for this… study… group” the hesitation in Marlin's voice made Morgie snort and fall to the ground, wich made Hook tremble and poke his own eye, which prompted him to swing his hook in ager back, ready to curse the son of Morgana, but his hook went flying off its place hitting Hades’ foot, making the God scream in pain, losing control of the little flame that hit the teacher's desk making if catch fire so bright it flames so wild that a stray one reaches Uliana's pants.
It is in that moment that you and professor Merlin walk in the class, the VKs growling and cursing at each other in the middle of chaos. The professor calmly puts the fire out, as does Uliana, Hook grabs his hook back, Morgie scrambles to go back to his seat, Hades takes a deep breath, hair turning back to it's blue hue and Maleficent holds the biggest ugly laugh she can fell boiling from the deeps of her core.
Your eyes travel slowly through the most infamous trouble makers of this school, from Uliana's defiance, to Hook's flirtatious, Morgie's mischievous, Hades’ unimpressed and Maleficent's cold stare. Taking a deep breath and clenching your bag you turn 180 degrees and start marching out of class, professor Merlin was not so happy with your attitude since he decided to grab your shoulders firmly and smoothly turn you back around.
“today class, a very generous classmate offered to help me supervise you all” Merlin smiles “which is just so great because I'm need for a very important meeting and am already-”
And in that moment you made the biggest mistake you could have made that day, you defied the authority figure right in front of the punks wannabes of Merlin Academy “absolutely not” you dance around his grasp and just didn't bolt out right in that instance because the old man was blocking your path.
“now now” your name falls from his lips as if he's talking to a child “I know you have the good it takes to help those unfortunate individuals”
“I don't have shit!” you could feel all eyes turning to you, the class has your attention.
“language child!”
“I could teach math and potions and curses and counter curses to anyone, but being responsible for a whole class that will harass me to death if I don't let them out was not in our agreement sir“ you try to dance around the sorcerer again.
“watch your tone, those are very heavy accusations”
“yes we would never do something like that” Uliana puts more log to this blazing circus as Morgie tries to hide better the straw and paper balls he just finished doing in broad daylight for all to see.
Merlin cleans his throat, bringing attention back to him as he side eyes the girl “as I was saying, it will only be for some minutes! I'll be back as soon as possible” the headmaster starts to get out of the door still facing the class “I'm sure you can handle them”
“professor-” he slams the door close, leaving you alone… you naturally louch yourself to the door and try to pry it open, sadly it won't budge “cursed old fucking man -OPEN! ABRACADABRA! PRESTO! BIBIDBOBIDIBO! COMONNNNNN BITCH-”
“poor thing has lost it” Hook whispers.
“we haven't tried bitch as a pass wold tho” Morgie added in “didn't work, but it would have been so funny if it did”
“alright alright alright” Uliana gets up from her seat “calm down, we don't bite”
“much” Hades adds and seconds later Maleficent hits his head firmly.
“we can be civil see” she shows her gang, all… sitting in various degrees of proper but sitting still nonetheless “now what's you name? I didn't catch it seeing some so…”
She looks you up and down, judging from you clothes to your hair to your posture, her month forms a thin line as she thinks in how to describe you ”comum, sticking it to that old man was kinda impressive”
You rest your head in the door, a defeated sigh leaves your lips with your name in it, Uliana tests it a few times and sits in the closest table “you don't happen to have famous parents do you?”
“take a guess” you mumble, choosing to sit down and accept your fate.
“that explains why I don't remember seeing you around here”
“we are in the same classes…”
“I skip those, anyways, so the headmaster is in a meeting? Do you know what class it’s happening in? ”
“why would I know?”
“You two just seemed so close y'know” You roll your eyes, a headache already forming inside your head.
“he got my name wrong but sure whatever makes my life easier, did any of you try breaking the windows?”
“Morgie dear was just about to start biting them” an offended “hey” can be heard in the background as the boy momentarily stops gossiping with his friend.
“do you know if it's a spell? A charm? A ward? We need to get going and I think you would be happy with us gonne too”
“it could be a potion for all that i know”
“you are quite useless aren't you?” her eyes lock with yours, daring you to fight back… you double down.
“you have no idea” you raise your chin and summon your biggest smile “a snail is more useful than I!”
You immediately let your facade down, head resting between your closed arms “just leave me be and continue doing whatever it is that you do”
The girl grins in amusement “aren't you spunky, color me impressed” she gets out of your table and lowers herself to your eye level “I see some potential, we could be friends, what do you say?”
“...” for a moment, the young sea witch thinks “hook, line, and sinker” but her expectations are shattered as you point behind her and says “your rescue has arrived”
Turning around she sees her little group of misfits, the ones that were still out there one stacked on top of the other, curse book in hand, they wave excitedly to her and signal for all to move out of the way.
Hades immediately gets up pulling Maleficent with him, and a blast breaks the glass “it wasn't supposed to shatter it!” The caster panics, making their little tower lose balance and fall, hopefully they weren't hurt too badly.
Uliana sighs annoyed, but moves to the window anyway “out we go then! Don't think I forgot about you, I'll be keeping a close eye, and if you change your mind, you can find us it's not that hard” she looks at you as her four tentacles graciously take her down and out of detention.
Hook winks at your direction and jumps out “pleasure meeting you sweet, sorry we couldn't talk longer schemes to make, pranks to pull you know the drill”
“bye!” Morgie waves at you as he also jumps out.
Hades moves to leave, a half wave at your direction as he waits for the horned fae take his hand, Maleficent looks at you up and down, he eyes lock with yours, they glow a neon green and you feel as there are eyes everywhere “see you around”
At least it's only you, the shattered window and deep feeling of dread creeping in your back.
181 notes · View notes
Competition | Yandere Hades
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Yandere Pantheon College AU (1/7) | Master List
Providing guidance to the up-and-coming youth was a privilege not awarded to many and for that Pantheon College put a substantial amount of its budget toward its counselors. Allowing said counselors to manage the health of the students and staff at their discretion. 
Since the grand split of the social classes, unofficial titles were given to the counselors. Dubbed the Average counselor and the Elite counselor staff and students divided themselves in turn. This wouldn’t have been a problem if the Principal didn’t find this funny enough to make a game of it.
“Hohoho whoever gets the most votes from students will get the lion’s share of the budget! Hohoho!”
Forcing the students and staff to submit their votes in a poll on a specific day would decide where the money would go and thus began your many bouts with the Elite counselor: Hades. 
“Feel like giving up yet, (Y/n)?”
With his winnings from last year, he’d assembled an impressive display. A nationally acknowledged catering buffet in the courtyard. Separated by quality, the more upscale side needed identification as an elite student to even get a plate. It was downright degrading.
“Never in a million lifetimes.”
You were always rushing around busy trying to fundraise or stretch the tiny budget you did to help the average students plus they guaranteed their votes. The only problem was that the elite students were well aware of the predicament of the guidance counselors they did their best work to stunt the polls.
“(Y/n), you look so much more cross today what seems to be the matter?” 
The smile on his face told you everything you needed to know. 
“Another one of your students has been bullying mine out of voting.”
“Oh really I’ll have to look into it.”
His stupid smile was still on his face as he twirled the glass of wine in his hand. He always looked so unbothered it reminded you of the things that did get under his skin. 
So you tilted your head pretending to rifle through files before faking a disappointed face, “I wish I could stop pitying you though.” 
He stopped twirling his glass to pointedly stare at you, his single eyeglass catching the light. You continued, “It’s a little more demeaning that you can only win through sabotage. But I don’t have to live with your pride, right?”
He seemed like he wanted to argue but you ducked into your office, filing the manila folders away. Keeping your gaze fixed on your desk and the various items on it, pretending you don’t see the counselor waiting for you to acknowledge him.
“For your information, I am completely faultless for what my students do besides it’s just regular teasing–” 
A student being held by a peeved security guard continued to head out of the office. The student looked up at the man outside of your office, letting a smile spread on their face.
“Hey, Mr. Hades! Make sure your votes stay up there, just like we talked about, even if I am getting suspended!”
“That’s enough out of you brat, out the door!”
It couldn’t have happened more perfectly than that, you looked at the counselor who was hiding his expression behind his gloved hands. Stifling your giggles you twirled in your chair over the small triumph. 
“I wished I’d taken bets on how likely it was that you did convince your students to compete with the majority on a contest that doesn’t concern them.”
Letting his hand fall as he looked exasperated at you, “Why don’t you share the exact predicament with the students? It would certainly keep you in the running.”
“Because there’s already enough animosity between the groups and this is more about finding activities and events that benefit all students.”
He walked deeper into your office, languidly stepping closer to the edge of your desk.
“But the professors know, doesn’t that go against your….morale?” 
He let the word on the end drag. Allowing that prideful smile of his to spread across his face as he leaned over the trinkets on your desk.
“Professors aren’t my main priority, it’s the students that I really need to worry about. It’s helpful that they know but I didn’t tell them. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if you included your professors in the same briefing that your students did.”
Hades quirked his eyebrows, in neither confirmation nor denial. Instead letting his grey-iris eyes glaze over as he stared at the different memorabilia on your desk picking up. Landing on a picture of your child he picked it up, dodging your grasp that tried to put the frame back in place.
You only could watch as you watched his eyes roam over the small picture as he walked around your office, casually taking in the art and graduation photos from various graduates. The smallest bloom of envy built in his chest when he saw the picture of a graduate hugging you. Thinking about his own office the sterile look was meant to maintain professionalism for his people. The only exceptions were the picture he had with his brothers and the single photo he had of his first day—the only picture he actively had with you. 
“If you’re done looking, I’d like my picture back. I have an appointment in fifteen.”
At your voice, Hades turned from your wall still clutching your picture while he went behind your desk. Leaning on your side of the desk he came in close, still wearing that prideful smile.
“How do you say we have lunch together?”
You scoffed,” I doubt I could afford wherever you want to go.”
“No worries. I’ll pay.” 
“And be in debt to you? No thanks.” 
You took the frown on his face as a chance to swipe your frame back looking pridefully at the family photo before putting it in its proper place.
“Besides I’ve decided I’ll be working through lunch so it’d just be a waste of time.”
“Working through lunch? Our office hours are required to be closed then.”
“They will be and it’s a budgeting meeting. So yeah.” You took advantage of the shamed roll of his eyes while you turned your attention forward, looking down the hall and waiting for your appointment to walk through the door.
“Then how about dinner?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Hades–”
“I’ll pick a kid-friendly place it’ll be a private thing.”
“Do you even know what it’s like to have a toddler in a fine-dining atmosphere it’ll be a mess!”
“I’ll get us a booth tucked away, let the owner know in advance. It would be fine.”
“That sounds like an awesome dinner plan, (Y/n)!”
Walking in was one of the art professors: Apollo waving off the enamored office workers and secretaries to enter your office. He casually sat in your chair across your desk spinning it as he waved at Hades. You let your head rub against your forehead, mildly aware of the annoyed gaze Hades was sending.
“Apollo, you booking an appointment under a student’s name is an issue. This time is for students who need to talk to me.”
“But (Y/n)! I do need to talk to you!”
“If it’s anything about what you offered before I want no part of it.”
“Come on (Y/n), you’re supposed to be open to making the staff and students happy!”
“Going to a party with you to take psychedelics is not research to make anyone happy.”
“It’d make me happy! Plus you’d get yourself a bunch of new votes!”
“No Appollo.”
Hades watched with growing disinterest as you went back and forth. It occurred to him that as the Elite using whatever methods to reach their goal was natural. He was aware of this when he told a select group of students and staff. He wasn’t aware that attempts would be made for you directly not that that’s what Apollo was doing. Not among the few he told, he must’ve been told by one of his ‘friends’ who gave him the courage to take advantage of your situation.  Hades really hated that.
“--If you want to do it privately we can—”
All he had to do was step beside him and put his gloved hands on the professor’s shoulder. The sight of Apollo was the Elite guidance counselor looking down at him, his single eyeglass glinting with his usual smile. For whatever reason it was darker than usual, letting a healthy set of chills run down his back.
“How about you try again another time, Apollo? (Y/n) and I were talking.”
The question wasn’t that. Just as abruptly as he entered Apollo was waving goodbye to you both before skipping out of your office quickly. 
Vaguely aware of the veiled threat, you turned your attention to the smiling counselor. 
“So, about that dinner.”
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dilfdemolisher · 2 months
“Persephone, queen of the underworld. Hades runs Hell, but she’s in charge of punishment.”
Series Summary: A serial killer who works with the police herself has a tumultuous past with Jack Crawford and his new profiler Will Graham. While trying to rebuild what she once broke Hannibal Lecter sticks himself in the middle of the few things she cares about - Comments and critiques are encouraged.
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, dead bodies, murder that is very female targeted, canon character death, smut, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex, creampie
Word Count: 9.5k (yes you read that right…I'm sorry)
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The sterile walls of the hallway close in around you as you make your way towards the autopsy room. "Agent," a familiar voice calls out behind you.
"I'm not your 'Agent' anymore, Jack," you say, wincing as you turn to face him. You were never officially an agent; Jack only started calling you that when you began sticking your nose into his cases.
"Force of habit," he deflects, his tone unusually soft for him. "I need to talk to you."
You glare at him, hoping he'll get straight to the point. The last thing you want is for Jack to drag you into his office, which always feels like a principal's office—the prelude to a lecture you’d rather avoid.
"I'd like you to resume therapy," he says finally.
Your heart sinks. "No."
"Bloom knows a therapist in Baltimore-"
You cut him off with a bitter laugh. "Are you serious? The last time I took her advice, I ended up tied to a chair and tortured. I'll pass."
"Dr. Lecter is one of the best in his field. She recommended him when I expressed my concerns." He tries to reason. 
Is he serious? "So, you discussed your concerns about me with her first instead of just asking me if I felt I needed help?"
"It's not about what you want. If you’re going to continue working on this case, you need a psychological evaluation."
Frustrated, you turn away and continue down the hallway. This is such bullshit. You don't need therapy. "I'll pass, Jack, but I appreciate your concern," you dismissively yell over your shoulder, not slowing your pace.
The moment you enter the room, everyone's eyes fall on your frame. The three in lab coats momentarily feeze while Will quickly makes eye contact before his gaze shifts to behind you and paces out of the room. 
“Were you honest when you said you two never dated—hell even slept together because this is awkward.” He says in an awful attempt to break the awkward silence.
“Any close relationship that didn’t leave on a positive note can cause tension, not just romantic ones, Price.” You state. 
Beverly clears her throat. “So Will thinks the killer is eating the girls. Elise's liver was removed and then put back in place; the killer did that after he realized she had liver cancer.”
“We also found metal shavings on her body,” Zeller chimes in. 
You sigh. “It’s plausible. It creates a very vivid image of this man. He…cares for these girls in his own twisted way. He’d view their consumption as an act of devotion, most likely a waste if he didn't. It’s a hunter's mentality; if there's anything left of these girls, it’s most likely fragments. Hair stuffed in pillows, bones made into various things—he wouldn't waste. If he is a hunter, he most likely has a dedicated space to this, a shed, probably doesn't live in the city.” You propose.
You’re met with silence for a moment before Beverly speaks once again. “I can’t believe you were never a profiler.” She shakes her head and smiles. 
"Well, I momentarily am of sorts now.” You raise your arms forward and wiggle your fingers.  “Maybe I understand him so well because I am him.” You say it in an unserious tone. 
She rolls her eyes playfully. "Hmm, yeah, I'm real scared.” You didn't even realize how much you missed Bev until now. 
"Well, is that all?” You ask. 
"Yup, that's it.” Brain tells you before grabbing something behind him. “I’ll be off then.” You smile and walk out the door.
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Jack’s call came twenty minutes ago, his voice clipped and urgent. “Another one.” That was all he said, but it was enough. It wasn't just another body, not a one-off murder. He made it clear by his simple lack of words that this was connected. 
During the entirety of your drive, your heart couldn't stop beating. The dull vibration filling your ears and pounding your chest overwhelmed you so much that you felt relieved at the red stop lights, giving you a moment to collect your barring's. Jack pulled up at the same time, his grim expression mirroring your own.
As he approached, his words were drowned out by your internal rhythm. But when Jack opened the door into the room, your body finally went quiet, and you finally feel like you’re alive again—living in the present. 
A woman's body lay sprawled on the cheap, stained bed, blood soaking deep into the mattress. Your gaze travelled over her naked form, legs spread wide in a provocative display. Decaying vines twisted around her ankles and the bed frame, their dark, withered tendrils contrasting against her greying skin. It was a brutal, degrading spectacle.
There is a precise incision right above her pelvis, which is mostly one of the reasons why her entire torso is covered in her own blood, except her breasts. They look as if they were deliberately cleaned, the pink hue still lightly remaining on her skin. 
Her mouth is slightly agape; something inside it is forcing her jaw unnaturally wide. Compelled by a mix of horror and professional detachment, your feet move towards her. You hear Jack say something but it becomes mute when you hear your heartbeat pick up again.
Your gloved hand delicately touches her jaw; now, closer, you can see her features. Up close, her traits become clearer. She’s unremarkable—plain, even. A white, brunette woman of heavy European descent with a slim build. It’s odd to think how un-special she may have been in life but now, in death, she's a spectacle.
Gently, you pry her jaw open, revealing a small, fleshy mass inside. You look towards Jack in confusion and ask, “Can I pull it out?” 
Crawford gives a small nod and moves beside you. You give the object a small pull and it doesn't budge. “You hold her jaw; I’ll pull it out.” Jack says while looking at the strangulation marks on her neck. 
You move your hands and the man pulls. You watch him struggle between delicately grasping it and forcefully yanking it. 
You adjust your grip, one hand on her lower teeth and the other on the upper, pulling them apart. Jack pulls a bit harder; you watch as it starts to slide out, and just when you think its going to be stuck once again, Jack gives a final, forceful yank, and the object comes free.
Jack is holding the woman's uterus. 
“What the fuck?” you exclaim. Momentarily forgetting you two weren't the only ones in the room. Someone behind him brings an evidence bag to Jack, where he drops the organ inside the plastic. 
All eyes shift to the incision on her torso. Another forensic tech steps forward with metal forceps, his face pale but determined. He fiddles with the cut, and when he finally pries it open. You hear others gasp but you're still trying to compute the sight of the mess inside. At first, it looks like a jumble of smooth, misplaced intestines—until you recognize the pattern.
Scales. Snakes.
She’s been hollowed out, and her uterus has been replaced with dead serpents.
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It’s been days, and still nothing. The most frustrating part of working in a field that is centered around solving crimes is the cruel irony that sometimes you need more evidence to build a profile—to move forward at all. You've heard about Jack narrowing down the search by identifying the specific metal found on Elise's body, but you honestly couldn't care less.
You deluded yourself into believing that taking on this case was a selfless act, but your defenses are crumbling. You’re here for Will to glue together what was once broken. But you’ve never fucked up on this scale before, and you don’t know how to fix it. Your fingers stick together from your messy revival attempts, and the toxic fumes cloud your mind. Why did you think it was a good idea to show up at his house?
A knock at your door—your own door—in Baltimore interrupts your spiraling thoughts.
No one called to warn you of an appearance; your overactive work brain can't shut off even now, envisioning an ax murderer standing outside your home.
How comical.
"Open up, it’s Crawford." Jack’s voice is muffled but unmistakable. Not an ax murderer; that makes more sense considering it’s 10 AM and you live in an apartment building. Unless he’s here for other reasons, maybe he knows and wants to give you a chance to explain yourself before slapping handcuffs around your wrists.
Unsure how to navigate this possible confrontation, you blurt out the stupidest thing: "Why?"
“Because I need to talk to you,” he shouts impatiently. 
With a sigh, you walk to the door and begin to unlock it. “That’s what my number is for. I thought showing up at my workplace was invasive, but this is—” Your words cut off as you opened the door.
“Who are you?” you ask, your eyes shifting to the unfamiliar man standing beside Jack.
"I’m Dr. Lecter. Jack has asked me to assist in this case, similar to you," he says with a polite smile, more out of courtesy than genuine pleasure.
You recognize the name from Bloom. She mentioned him plenty of times, but this isn’t how you envisioned meeting him. It reminds you of when, after the "incident," as she likes to call it, she recommended him to you and offered to call him. You declined.
"Okay." Your glare bounces between the two men. Jack's scowl deepens while the doctor’s eyes remain fixed on you. You're not sure if he’s blinked once since you opened the door.
Jack groans and begins to speak. “I want you to speak to a professional for a psychological evaluation. I already told you this.”
You’re taken aback by his intrusion. “I’m sorry, is this an intervention?” Crawford opens his mouth to speak, but you continue before he can justify himself.
“This is ridiculous. First, you begged me to help you on this case, and now you're doubting my sanity?” 
You focus on maintaining eye contact with Jack, not fully seeing the doctor's face beside him, but through your blurry peripheral vision, it looks like amusement. What an asshole.
“I’m not doubting your sanity; I’m clearing this up for legal reasons.”
It’s bullshit, and you know it. “You know what I think, Jack? I think you’re scared of another fuck-up.” You bite, “You lost Miriam, and then, because of a lack of diligence on your part, you almost lost another one of your worker bees. And you just can’t handle another tragedy like that again.”
Jack opens and closes his mouth, more-so shocked by how cold you were to him than anything. You’ve been pissy before, but nothing like that.
It’s harsh and untrue; what happened to you or Miriam isn’t Jack's fault, but that’s not the point. You wanted to strike him where it hurts most. He confided in you about his guilt during the aftermath of your incident, and using it against him is cruel, but that’s what you’re going for, and it clearly worked.
Your gaze finally directs to Lecter, “I’m sorry for wasting your time, but I think it’s best you both leave.” 
As you swing your door shut, you see him smile. This time, it’s genuine. His crow's feet become prominent, and his top lip slides up to reveal his pointed canines. You much prefer his disingenuous smile to the one where he looks at you like a pretty little doll who just did a party trick.
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The victim, a model named Clare Greene, her once beautiful face beaten until her nose lay flat across her face. Blood pools around her head from her slashed throat, soaking into the plush carpet that her back lies on. In both of her hands rest two magazines; she’s on the front cover of both. 
As you approach the body closer to snap another picture, you notice the defense wounds her wrists bore. “Who found her?” You ask, not to anyone specific; you just let the words come out of your mouth with hopes of an answer. 
“Her fiancé, ma'am. Ethan Kingsley, he was supposed to meet her for breakfast; when she didn’t show up, he came here to check on her.” The officer beside her answers.
You nod, your eyes scanning the room. Broken glass glittered on the floor near the bar; an overturned chair in the corner; the place was covered in blood splatters. 
“Jack!” You shout, hoping to get his attention. 
You hear his footsteps before you see him. “What?” He asks. 
“There's a fine mist of blood over here, most likely a result of her severed artery.” You say while motioning to your neck, “All across the back wall right there. The fatal blow happened here—then she stumbled onto the carpet, where she collapsed, and he started beating her. She was either unconscious or already dead when he started so he did it for the sake of it.” You explain. 
You move closer to her. “The long, linear streaks of blood that fan out from her indicate she was also stabbed before he started beating her. The angle and distribution suggest he was standing above her—not straddling and swinging the weapon in a very vertical downward motion.”
You continue as you lead Jack towards the bar area. “These smaller, less-directed spots are all scattered around this area. I think the first attack was here, but she put her forearms up to block it and ran, leaving the droplets behind as she ran.” You say while mimicking an X with your forearms, “It also matches the shallow defensive wounds right below her elbow; it didn’t go too deep; it seems like a very light slash.” 
Jack nods, quite for a moment. “Okay.” 
Not satisfied with his response, you say, “This is bad, Jack; four murders and no suspects. I’m just-” You cut yourself off with a sigh, ‘“I’m not very confident in my usefulness.” Your head ducks down in your admittance.
“I’m sure many feel that way; there's no point in festering it; that’s not how things get solved.” Jack scolds. 
As much as you’d rather allow Jack’s words to fall deaf on your ears, you know he's right; it’s not about you; it’s about the victims and solving what's been done to prevent more tragedies. “You’re right I’m sorry, you’re not my therapist. I don’t know why I said that.”
Jack says nothing and walks away, leaving you to stew in your own embarrassment over your unwelcome confession. 
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The next day, you arrive at your momentary office in the BAU. You can’t shake off the invasive encounter given by Jack. It sits heavily in your mind as you try to focus on the case files in front of you. It feels like your head is so full of tenacity it’ll start leaking out of your ears.
Suddenly, you hear the sound of determined footsteps outside your door. 
The door knobs twist and Beverly speedily walks in before you have time to adjust. Looking a bit more chipper than usual and dropping a stack of papers on your desk.
“Good morning. Any updates?” you ask, masking with a forced smile.
“Just the usual. Lab results, cross-references, the fun stuff,” she replies, giving you a teasing look. “‘Found out the specifics of the metal found on Elise’s body, which narrows things down a bit.” She smiles. 
“What?” you say, picking up and flipping through the papers without really seeing them. "You've got to be shitting me, and Jack didn’t even say anything to me.”
"Well, he mentioned heading off to Baltimore to talk to you but it seemed that never happened.” She cluelessly shrugged. 
Grateful for her being unaware of your awkward encounter with him and Lecter, you ask, “So what happened?”
With a smile, she turns her back and says, “Read it and talk to Jack.”
“Oh fuck you.” You say unserious; she doesn't give another response but you hear her laugh accompanied by your door closing as she leaves the quaint room. 
After reading the file, you make your way towards Jack’s office, curious as to why he didn’t bring this to your attention. As you approach the door to knock, it swings open and bumps into you. “Shit.” You say under your breath, pain blossoming where the door met your toes a moment ago. 
As you back away, Will immediately comes out. You both stand there staring at each other. You see his jaw open to speak before he turns and quickly walks away from you. 
You figure he was going to apologize for the collision, and now all you can think is if the reason he scurried off was because of the obvious stress he was exuding and decided to book it, or if he didn’t deem you worthy of an apology. 
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you peek into Jack's partially opened door and say, “I was wondering-” You feel yourself become silenced with the notice of another person in the room, Dr. Lecter.
“Oh.” Is all you can give for an immediate response. The room is quiet, Jack looks annoyed with your uninvited presence, and the man across from him seems to be sizing you up in a clinical fashion. 
They’re both waiting for you to speak, not wanting for this unbearable silence to continue for longer than you do. “My apologies; I didn’t mean to intrude.” You say before closing the door behind you. 
You quickly scurry off, and as you turn into another hallway, you see a familiar figure hunched over a water fountain. You fasten your pace and Will’s eyes open suddenly from the sound of rapid footsteps. He pulls away from the fountain, water dripping off his chin that he wipes off when he brings his forearm to his face. 
Within the few seconds you have before you reach him, you practice what to say and points to make speak that hopefully can de escalate his discomfort. 
“I understand my presence is quite unbearable for you but I’m asking for your assistance in a professional manner. I’m being left out of the loop on plans for Nichols and I would like to be more aware. I don’t feel as if I’ve contributed much and I’d prefer to do better.” You justify your presence to him. Some parts of you feels pathetic, not because of what you are doing but because you know you would never do it for someone else.
“I’m sure I know as much as you do.” 
You want him to say more to you so desperately. You’d rather him yell at you or punch you in the fucking stomach than be so reserved. You suppose it’s best; you quite literally came up here asserting it’s for professional reasons but only wish he’d deconstruct his walls and allow you in. 
God, you’re so entitled. 
With your shoulders slumped, you cordially respond, “I understand. Thank you for your time.” Before walking away. 
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As fate would have it, everything unfolded in its twisted, godly way. The call came in for another victim—a woman impaled on a stag head left to be displayed in an empty field. A stark contrast from the meticulous love of the Strike; the dissonance Jacks is unable to see is migraine-inducing. 
Your phone chimes, and you really think that whatever higher-power there is is determined to rest your patience today. 
The screen, annoyingly bright, stares back at you, displaying a name that’s foreign to your recent call history.
No last name; you know multiple Will’s, but they’re contacts are accompanied by their last name. But not Graham’s; he’s much more deserving than that. 
You feel like you’re hallucinating when you look at the words asking you to see him and where he’s staying. From any other man, this might have been a crude proposition, but not from Will. Sweet, enigmatic Will. 
You’re not sure if this is meant for someone else. He would have had to search through his contacts to find you, given the long period of silence between you. He couldn't even be sure you still had the same number. 
It must be meant for you. This is the opening you’ve been praying for; you’ve never been more thankful for deities you’re not sure if you even believe in. 
Your legs feel like they're moving for you as you stand up, hardly fazed by the morning cold as you walk to where Will’s staying; leaving your dingy motel room just to go to his. 
It feels like mere seconds from receiving the text to standing at his door; time feels so warped in the grip of anticipation.
Your knuckles gently tap the door multiple times to alert him of your presence. Flashbacks invade your brain of how awful your last encounter was, though your presence seems more welcome now. 
The door opens faster than you can blink. Will’s messy hair and lack of pants make you feel like you're intruding, despite his invitation. 
He cranes his neck out to look behind you. “Come inside,” he says, hushed. 
You walk inside, and all you can think of is how “Will” this place is; it’s like he was meant to stay here. But that could also just be you holding him in higher regard than necessary and assuming the world revolves around him. 
That very well could be it. 
As he closes the door, the room becomes cloaked in darkness. “Can I—could I open a curtain?” You ask. 
"Yeah, sure,” he says, waving off. As you open the curtains to see the morning sun, you see a familiar man dressed in a fitted suit walking towards the door. 
You stiffen, your muscles tighten and lock as you feel Will give you a glance, expecting you to know the visitor. 
“Did you invite Doctor Lecter as well?” You ask, just as confused as he is. 
"No, I did not.” He huffs as he opens the door, revealing the man with his fist raised, about to knock against the wood.
“Eager.” The man outside says with a subtle, entertained smirk. “Good Morning Will” 
Walking closer to the door, tilt your head to take a peek. "Morning, Doctor.” You unenthusiastically greet. 
His face momentarily drops, just quick enough to show disappointment, before rearranging his facial movements to show false delight. 
“Good morning to you as well.” He says politely. You can’t bother to verbally respond; this was meant to be a moment for possible reconciliation. Not interruption. 
Will, who’s deep in thought, snaps back into the present and offers the doctor to step inside out of the morning chill. He accepts it happily, seemingly aware that he interrupted something but he doesn't seem to care; if anything, it seems he’s taking enjoyment in it. 
“I came bearing gifts.” He says, raising the glass containers of food he’s holding. “Though my apologies, I didn’t expect you to have a guest.” He apologizes to Will. 
“I don’t eat in the mornings anyway; it makes me nauseous.” You excuse. 
Will gestures towards the small dining area, silently and awkwardly indicating for everyone to sit. You take a spot, sitting on a stiff wooden chair, trying to ignore the piercing gaze of Hannibal.
“What is the purpose of your visit?” Hannibal asks you as he gives Will his prepared meal as they both settle into their seats, with Will beside you and Hannibal parallel to you.
Wills eyes continue avoiding both of yours. "I needed to talk to someone who understood," he responds for you. 
Hannibal, opening his container of food on the table, raises an eyebrow. "And what exactly do you need to talk about, Will?"
Will hesitates, his fingers nervously fiddling with the fork in his hand. "Cassie Boyle. The case... it’s different this time."
Hannibal leans back, looking intrigued. "Different how?"
“What is the purpose of your visit?” You redirect the conversation. This was meant to be a private conversation and you don't appreciate the way Lecter finds it appropriate to put Will on the spot. 
You watch as his hand tightens the grip around the fork in his palm; he’s mastered the art of his facial control. He really is an incredible attempt at the personification of nonchalant, but he still has his tells. 
“An attempt to befriend a coworker; I’d like to serve the purpose of a mediator, alleviate tension when possible, and give my insight on more grim- work related things.” He answers. 
You know you shouldn’t taunt, but you can’t help it; the temptation is too grand. “What makes one worthy of a visit and what disqualifies another?” 
Hannibal seems pleased by your words, oddly enough. “You are more than qualified; I figured you’d appreciate time. I understand you’re not necessarily fond of me.”
“I’d argue the only person fond of you in this room is yourself.” You bite. Hannibal says nothing in return, nor does Will. They both eat in silence as you fidget with your hands, desperate to be soothed.
Staring at the painted wall in front of you, you watch through your peripheral as Hannibal swallows a bite of food from his fork and opens his mouth to speak to Will. “I would apologize for my analytical ambush the other day, but I know I would be apologizing again.” He says, flicking his head towards you briefly in recognition. “And you’ll tire of that eventually, so I have to consider using apologies sparingly.”
Quickly and harshly Will responds, “Just keep it professional.”
Hannibal responds after taking another bite of his cooking, “Or we could socialize like adults; God forbid we become friendly.”
“Where's Crawford?” You ask as soon as the thought rolls into your head. 
Hannibal’s head stiffly turns to face you. “Deposed in court. The journey will be ours today.” He curtly says. 
Then why did he exclusively come to Will? Why has he seemingly made no plans to properly introduce himself to you?
It’s not that you're jealous; it’s not his attention that you want; it’s just the simple need to be recognized as an equal. You’re good at what you do—great, even. And this isn’t the first time someone has disregarded you for no apparent reason. Well, you think you know why. 
Standing up from your chair, you speak. “If you don’t mind, I’ll be off-”
“Why?” Will immediately asks, mouth full of chewed food. 
“Gotta get ready for the day. Unfortunately, it takes more effort than just a clean shirt and brushed hair for me to be presentable. I’m sure you’d understand that, Doctor.” 
The moment the words come out of your mouth, you realize the accidental insult you've just given. You didn’t even mean to insinuate that he’s someone who must put in extra effort in order to be ready for the day, but by the way his grip tightens on his fork once again and the displeasing curl of his lips, you're sure he took it that way. 
“Jack gave a rental; I can drive you when you're ready?” Will offers, as pleased and equally confused you are for his sudden change of heart on your existence. You are also well aware that Lecter will most likely be hitching a ride to.
“I actually drove here. I thought it would be good for me to have some more time to sort out my thoughts.” You say, walking towards the door. “But thank you; I’ll see you both soon.” You say, as curtly as possible before twisting the handle and making your exit. 
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Files, files and more files are all you’ve sorted through since you arrived at your destination, the place where the Shrike most likely works. 
You hear a car pull up next to the dingy little trailer of the office of the work site, the sound vibrant against the noise of ruffling papers and the secretary talking to her boss on the corded phone sitting on her desk. 
The door creaks open, and as you turn around, you’re greeted by the sight of Will walking in through the door held open by Hannibal. 
“I’ve sorted through these four on the left so far,” you say in reference to the seemingly never ending towers of file cabinets. “And those boxes are where I’m throwing shit that if you twist an arm and a leg, you might be able to find something slightly suspicious.” 
Hannibal walks in, closing the door behind him and Will nods. “What about her?” He asks, tilting his head to the side where the secretary sits. 
“Conversation with her boss, I think. One that doesn’t seem to be going very well.” You explain with a tiny humorous smirk. Her head snaps towards you as she glares, unable to verbalize any frustration so she settles for squinted eyes. 
“Do you need direction?” You condescendingly ask. Hannibal, seemingly unfazed by your attitude at this point, does nothing but shake his head and say, “Not yet, no. But I’m sure you’ll give me some.” His smile contradicting his pointed words. 
Moments went by, flipping through papers upon papers. The feeling of being stuck in a never ending loop is finally broken by the secretary's voice directed at the three of you. 
“What did you say your names where?” She asks, standing up. 
Before you or Hannibal could respond, Will does. “Garrett Jacob Hobbs?”
With a sigh, the woman answers, “He’s one of our pipe threaders. Those are all the resignation letters. ‘Plumbers Union requires ‘em whenever members finish a job.” She says, before quickly spinning around and whispering into the phone, “I’ll call you back.” And places the landline back onto the plunger. 
Finished with her phone conversation, Will continues to inquire. "Uh, does Mr. Hobbs have a daughter?”
“Might have.” She says in her tired, monotone voice. 
“Eighteen or nineteen, wind-chafed, um- plain but pretty. She’d have auburn hair; be about this tall.” He motions a bit below his ear. 
She shrugs in response. “Maybe I don't know. I don’t keep company with these people.”
“What is it about Garrett Jacob Hobbs you find so peculiar?” Lecter's voice chimes in. 
“He left a phone number, no address.” He answers, his back still facing you both. 
 The doctor questions Will once again, turning to face more towards him, “And therefore he has something to hide?”
Taking a short breath to breathe, Will answers, “The others all left addresses; he also missed work for days at a time.” You can see he’s slowly getting more wound up. His mind is moving and scrambling around different possibilities too fast for him to make sense of, and what he can decipher is nothing short of tasteless. 
"Do you have an address for Mr. Hobbs?” You chime in an attempt to take a sliver of weight off of Will’s shoulders. 
The dark haired woman rolls her eyes and silently walks toward her desk. She takes a few moments to gather her information, the sounds of a keyboard clicking and shallow- impatient breaths fill the room. 
Grabbing a pen, she scribbles numbers onto the small square of paper before standing up once more to hand it to Will. 
As often as it happens, you feel like you’ll never get used to the way men are consistently served first in this field. It's not Will’s fault of course, and you’re sure it wasn’t intentional on her part. But in a way that makes it worse, how habitual it is to subconsciously ignore you, woman, really anything out of the typical white male mold of an old detective movie. 
You’ll never forget how Jack was so quickly disregarded in one of the first cases you accompanied him with. It was in some southern state where a series of home invasions resulted in multiple murders over a handful of months. On the way to the crime scene, the neighbourhood held lawns of homes that were decorated with not only American flags but Confederate ones as well. You watched the way the local police interacted with Crawford. The kind of people who tolerated him for his help but nothing else—aversion constantly clouded their eyes. 
It's not that you haven't encountered appalling people of that sort before, but it was the moment when it clicked that no matter how remarkable your work is, if Crawford could be so quickly disregarded because prejudice, the man who was truly their saving grace for this case, what chance do you have to truly excel in your field?
“I could start loading the boxes in the trunk; can you unlock it?” You ask, not even bothering to look at the yellow Post-it note containing the address. 
Looking at you with brows furrowed, he digs in his trouser pockets. “It’s manual, you have to unlock it.” He says while handing you the set of cool rigid metal. 
“That's fine.” You say with a smile before heading out the door. Taking a breath of metal-scented air in an attempt to calm your nerves. Things are going okay—well, even.
 Will seems to be no longer sickened by your presence, for whatever reason that may be. You're trying not to think of that, the reasoning for this sudden change of heart, and how you may already know it if it weren't for Lecter's earlier intrusion. 
You're trying not to hold much disdain for him, to put it aside for the time being when there are non-metaphorical lives on the line. But it’s hard when the only thing you now personally know him for is an invasive little bastard. Not much like Bloom had described him to you before, back when you were civil. That's not fair to her, though; she’s civil—you're not. You're much too bitter now for niceties.
Moments pass by while you, Will, Hannibal and the secretary are hauling boxes out of the small office trailer into the back of the rental car. A monotonous and tedious task. One that may not seem to be fit for all though, as the doctor allows a box to stumble in hands, paper falling onto the wet ground. 
Of course, Will’s the one to solve the problem, falling to his knees to scrounge the paper and telling the man not to worry. You watch as he doesn't even give a thank you in return; he just hustles back inside. 
Clearly, the man doesn't have as much decorum inside of him as he presents. 
Though you may not have room to speak, the moment the task was done, you grabbed the address covered note and put it into your car's GPS before telling Will just to follow you. You're sure you're contributing to his stress by being so evasive, but until you can stop being so erratic, your best bet is to stay slippery, not allowing him to get a good enough grasp on who you are before you can conceal it.
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The robotic voice from your center console alerts you of the approaching destination. Turning on your turn signal a bit early to alert Will driving behind you of the driveway you are about to pull into.
You can only appreciate the home once you step out of your car. The plain suburbia of the family home becomes clearer once you get closer to the front door. 
You turn to watch Will and Lecter step out of the car, Hannibal surveying the place with an analytical gaze much like your own, while Wills is unique. It’s Wills. 
You're unsure if you should wait for Will and have him be the one to knock at the door. You’re defenceless; you have no gun, no badge, and no reason for someone to open the door for you alone. 
The decision seems to have been made for you when the door opens. Turning to look, you are greeted by the sight of bloodied hair and body weight pushed onto you. Before being granted a moment to collect your thoughts, you feel yourself falling. The sight of a man with a knife turning away is the only distinct thing you can make out as the rest melts into a scene of blurry green and blue before you and the body on top of you hit the ground.
The moment your head hits the concrete, you know you're done for. The sound of your hard skull smacking against the ground reverberates through your spine like an echo. An uncomfortable pounding takes over all your senses as Will runs up to you. The body weight of the woman is pushed off of you. You can hear the vibrations of his voice against your eardrums but nothing more—all unintelligible in your mangled brain. 
You can feel your mind quickly leave its haze as fast as it came to you, your senses returning. You pull yourself up on your forearms to try to slowly raise yourself up. “Go.” Your voice sounds weird coming out of you; it's so loud that it feels like a microphone is hiding in your throat. 
An unfamiliar hand grabs the back of your skull. “I’m here; you can go, Will.” Hannibal's voice firmly says behind you. 
And he does; he quickly stands, pulling out his gun and walks into the house as Lecter pulls you by your armpits to sit properly. “You’re not bleeding.” He states, moving your hair around your head softly to check. 
“Bleeding.” You think. Blood. You can feel blood all over your skin. You know you’re not bleeding, you don’t feel anything leaving you. But you feel everything on you. 
The woman lays beside you, face up towards the dreary sky, as the sound of a quiet pattering of blood collects in a pool below. “God.” You exclaim while attempting to push yourself up from your wobbly arms.
“Slow do-” The accented voice behind you speaks before being cut off by a series of gunshots. You feel each noise in your chest, each one causing your heart to sink further into your stomach. Ignoring the dizziness blooming in your head, you clumsily stand up. Hannibal's hands pointlessly attempt to grip you to help your stability as you quickly stumble into the Hobbs residence. 
The overwhelming smell of iron invades your nostrils—you freeze. Will huddles over a limp body, you from behind as he struggles to place his hands. Jack was right, you're not ready for this. Slumped in the corner lies a man, bullet wounds decorating his chest in rows.
Will killed him.
Your mind plays the sentence over and over again on loop as you feel Dr. Lecter's eyes bore into the back of your skull. He walks over to Will, his posture so straight that it's unnerving. The way his hands steadily grip the young girl's throat to prevent more blood from spurting out mocks your shaky ones. 
Will beside him looks just as shaken up as you do, sitting there frozen, watching as the girl on the floor clings to life. 
“Call in.” Hannibal's voice shakes you from your thoughts. As if on autopilot, your bloody hand messily dials for an ambulance. Your words sound so foreign, entirely not yours, as you explain the scene in front of you, eyes locked on Will as he dissociates from his surroundings. 
It happens so slowly and so fast. A whirl of paramedics running in. Ushering you all to leave, but you can’t. The moment you exit the door, you freeze at the woman's body in front of you.     
She was murdered, died on top of you and was the last bit of warmth she felt before she went cold. You feel sad, A woman's life was brutally stolen from her far too early. You feel sad about the surrounding context of her death, but mostly you feel gross, dirty, sticky, and frustrated that she had to expel her life force all over you. 
You want a shower.  
After getting checked by the waiting paramedic outside, who confirmed a grade 1 concussion. You can't stop thinking about what just happened to Will's head. He just murdered a man to save a life and you know what that can do to someone—it's the exact thing that ruined you. 
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You’ve done it again, showing up uninvited again, only this time to his motel room and not his home. But you have to talk to him. 
Some agent you never even got the name of drove you both back to your respected quarters. Neither of you were in a state to drive; you can’t for the next 48 hours and Will... God knows how Will is. 
That's why your visit is needed; it’s not for your peace of mind; it's not an apology; it’s to make sure he's not alone with thoughts and has someone to help clear them. 
After knocking at his door once again, he opens it. “Hi.” Your voice cracks.
“Hi.” Greets back. He sounds…tired.
“I wanna come in.” You tell him there's no point in pleasantries; he’s known why you’re here since the moment you knocked on the door. 
Fortunately, that gets him to crack a small smile and say, “Sure.” 
As you both walk further into his room, he closes the door behind you. The room’s dimly lit, and the curtains drawn tightly to block out the world. You can see the disarray around you—books strewn across the floor, papers piled haphazardly on the desk, and an untouched dinner plate on the nightstand.
“I brought a gift.” You say, sticking your arm out, handing him the bottle.
"Vending machine root beer, you shouldn’t have." He attempts a joke, but the effort is hollow. Everything he says only deepens your concern; he’s so quick to brush off everything that's happened and act as if everything's fine.
“You’re freaking me out, Will,” you awkwardly laugh. “I know your feeling pretty fucked up right now. You don’t have to act unbothered.”  
He sucks in a breath through his teeth, a defensive look quickly absorbing his eyes. “Just because you couldn’t handle it doesn’t mean I can’t.” The moment the weight of the words he’s thrown at you registers, Will's face drops. His entire guarding demeanour immediately shatters the moment they come out.
"I-I’m sorry." You stutter out in shock of how his attitude is instantaneously flipped by words. "I know what happened was different; I just wanted to check up on you." Your words are met with silence, the two of you just pitifully staring at each other. The room feels colder, the silence is more suffocating.
He breathes out your name so softly that you almost don’t hear it. “I don’t know…why I sa-said that.” His hand roughly runs through his hair as he takes a step forward. “I want you to stay.” He states, uncharacteristically bold from him. 
Unsure what to make of his words, you just stand there. Both your minds are reeling—Will’s for a way to apologize and yours to just disappear. 
“I know I didn’t handle myself well.” You say, taking a deep breath, “I’m not saying my actions will be your own; I just wish I had someone to understand what its like to take a human life and not hate it.” 
That's it—the thing you could never admit, not even to yourself. So much time was spent sprilling about why you are the way you are. Trying to convince yourself that this feeling brewing inside you is new, that it had been manually moulded. 
Panicking from your admission, you quickly follow up. “I didn’t mean to project—fuck, I just don’t want you to wallow in the guilt of change like I did. What Hobbs did- who he was—was entirely irredeemable.” 
Another step closer and the gap between you both becomes bridged, and his large hands rest gently on your cheeks. “I’m sorry.” He delicately whispers. 
You can’t help it; you fall apart and the dam behind your eyes breaks. The tears cascade down your cheeks faster than you can blink them away as he pulls you into his chest. You can feel the steady thump of his heartbeat, the reminder that he’s real, he’s here, and he’s okay.
“I was so fucking scared when I heard those gunshots,” you whisper into his chest. His grip on you tightens, pushing you further into him. You both stay like that for God knows how long. From how heavily you’ve soaked his T-shirt with your tears and how you feel it around your brow bones and eye sockets, you’d guess it’s been a while. And with a deep sigh, you finally feel him pull away. “Are you okay?” He asks, gently looking you up and down.
“I should be asking you that.” You scoff, “Minor concussion; I’ll be fine in a couple days and a good night's sleep.”
He raises his brows in shock. “Yeah, well, good luck getting that.” You can’t help but laugh at his tone and reaction, as if you just said the most bizarre thing in the world. 
A grin makes his way across his face at the sound of your laugh. “I miss you.” 
You freeze. It’s what he said that took you off-gaurd, just the way he said it. The tone wasn’t sad or nostalgic; it was happy. Present tense too; he didn’t once mourn you and, over time, healed the wounds of a lost friendship. No, they’re still open, and he still misses you.
You were so caught up in your concern for him that you never had a moment to grasp the closeness between you too. Looking up, you see him. The individual hairs growing out of his chin, forming his stubble; the small scar on his cheek that he got when he was a child but doesn't remember how; and his eyes. Those blue eyes that hold so much patience, so much care and so much understanding it makes you weak to your knees. You see Will—sweet, complex, deserving Will. 
His hands grip your face more firmly this time, peering into your soul like you just autopsied yours. He's drinking you in your image, like he’s been starved, dehydrated, and famished. You wouldn’t dare pull away and deny him what he wants; you’ll give him anything and if he wants your soul, you’ll bare it to him. 
“The only thing I regret is everything I did to you.” It’s such a heavy admission—one that’s entirely out of left field, and he still doesn’t know the true weight of it. “Please,” The words so delicately come from you. You’re not sure what your pleading for—forgiveness? But for which of your sins? In what context are you begging for repentance?
It doesn't matter what you decide. The only thing that does is how close his lips are to yours and how it’s still not enough. 
“I know.” His lips brush against yours, tentative at first, then more certain. The kiss is a soft exploration, a silent conversation filled with all the words you couldn’t bring yourselves to say. You feel his hands trembling slightly against your skin, betraying the calm exterior he’s trying to maintain. 
When you finally pull away, you’re both breathless. He rests his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours in the small space between you. He’s quiet, waiting for the moment for you to turn and run like you do, but it doesn’t come. Instead, your hand finds itself on the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his curls as you pull him in for another kiss. 
Just as eager as you, he deepens the kiss, his hands moving from your cheeks to your waist, desperate to have you as close as he can. You could feel his heart beating against his chest, rhythmically in-sync with your own.
Energy intensifies, with hands greedily grabbing whatever they can, saliva coating each other's lips, feet scrambling across the floor until your back hits the crumpled sheets of the unmade motel bed.   
The thin mattress creaks under your combined weight, but you barely notice—too preoccupied with catching each sound that spills from Will's mouth. His hands explore the curves and slopes of your torso with an urgency so similar to yours. Every touch, every kiss, makes your body buzz with ache, desperate to consume him from the outside-in. 
He breaks away for a moment, his breath ragged, eyes dark with desire. "Are you sure?" he asks, his voice a rough whisper.
"Yes," you reply without hesitation, your voice as steady as you could be despite the pounding of your heart. "I’m sure."
With that, he captures your lips again, his hands slipping under your shirt, the warmth of his calloused fingertips on your ribs sending shivers within you. You lose yourself in the sensation, the world outside the room fading into oblivion. 
All you can think of is Will. 
Will's hands slipping off your shirt. 
Will’s chest bare against yours as you slip off his. 
Will’s mouth on your neck, nibbling on your collarbone. 
Will looking deliciously vulnerable covered in crimson outside of the Hobbs house. 
The moan that slips out of your mouth as his tongue meets your nipple is involuntary; his wet mouth lays kisses and bites along the fat of your breast as he grips the other. 
He looks up at you, his eyes dark and hungry as he breathes your name out, his voice thick with lust coating his vocal cords like honey. His hands roam lower, fingers hooking into the waistband of your pants, slowly sliding them down your hips. His kisses trail down from your sternum to your stomach, getting sloppier as his breath contrasts with the coolness of his spit. 
You gasp as he reaches your underwear, his fingers teasing the fabric. "Will," you whimper, your voice a mixture of need and desperation you’ve never heard from yourself before. 
He peers up at you, his silvery eyes filled with desire—desire for you. "Do you trust me?"
Without a moment of hesitation, you reply, "Yes."
With a smile both wicked and tender, he pulls your underwear down and spreads your legs, revealing you to him. His eyes roam over your body, taking in every detail, every curve, and every inch. He leans in, his breath hot against your slick center, and then his tongue flicks out, tasting you.
You arch your back, a moan escaping you as he explores you with his mouth. His fingers tease your entrance, rubbing just around it in circles while his tongue dances around your clit. 
You grip the sheets tightly, your nails digging into the fabric. You’d latch your hands onto his head but you're afraid you’d rip his scalp off his head. The sensations are overwhelming, not because of the pleasure coursing through you, but because it’s Will distributing it. 
Will's mouth is relentless, his tongue flicking and probing, while his fingers continue to tease.
He was devouring you, and you were more than happy to be consumed. 
“Will," you moan, your voice breathy, desperate for more—anything else he’s willing to give. "Please." 
He looks up at you, his eyes filled with lust, then slides two fingers inside you, pumping them in and out in a slow, steady rhythm. You cry out, your body bucking against his mouth, your hips grinding against his fingers as you feel the prickle of his facial hair on your thighs as you squeeze them tighter around his head. 
“So good,” he whimpers into you, his voice a mixture of need and desperation while he works you closer to your ledge. He does nothing but continue his assault, his tongue flicking against your clit, his fingers thrusting in and out of you. You can feel the orgasm building in your stomach, the pressure mounting higher and higher as he desperately bucks into the bed for some form of friction.
"Will," you cry out, your voice louder this time, begging him for your release. He’s still so wordless—nothing but the vibrations of moans and grunts coming from him. Instead, he responds by increasing the pace of his fingers, his tongue more aggressive as you feel yourself tipping over the edge. 
You feel your body move for you, sporadically convulsing as your orgasm washes over you as he drinks up release, coating his mouth and fingers. He continues his movements while you come down from your high, his hands prying your thighs open as he fucks his tongue into you, savouring your taste.
You're left panting, your body trembling, and your mind swimming in a foggy haze of pleasure when he finally pulls away from you with an expression of satisfaction. He moves up your body, his lips finding yours in a tender kiss. 
You can feel your slick coating his facial hair as he kisses you, rubbing it onto you. It’s a messy and filthy action but fuck does it get you going. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice gruff but gentle. 
You can’t help but smile; he’s so fucking perfect. 
A grin coats your face. “Yeah.” He’s gorgeous; the light is low, the cool light of the moon peeking out the sides of the curtains. You can’t see Will in his entirety, but that’s fine. His face so close to yours, his body on top of yours—you don’t need to see him; just feel him. 
He smiles a small-relieved grin. “Good,” he whispers before pulling away. You didn’t realize he removed sweats until you felt the tip of his cock teasing you. A whine escapes from your lips as he rocks his dick back and forth along your pussy, coating himself in your cum. 
He pushes in slowly, inch by inch, his pace deliberate, giving you time to adjust. Your brain short-circuits from how deeply he’s stretching you out every time he slips himself further inside you. 
He pauses, his forehead resting against yours, his breath hot against your skin. “You feel so fucking good.”
You feel braindead; you've never been so pilant in your life. “More.” You manage to whisper out, your voice shaky. 
He starts to move, his thrusts slow and shallow. Just the feeling of his cock repeatedly entering you makes your brain feel fuzzy. You can feel every inch of him, the way he fills you, how tightly you’re wrapped around him. 
You grip his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin as he picks up pace, his thrusts becoming more forceful, more demanding. “‘Missed you so fucking much,” he grumbles into your neck.
“M’sorry.” You whimper, “M’sorry, M’sorry.” You say fragmentedly, it took him nothing to fuck you dumb and yet your entire brain is filled with nothing but the repetition of his name. 
The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the wetness of your bodies, and the occasional moan that escapes from either of your lips—the both of you soaking up the feeling of each other in this moment. 
You can feel the pressure building up again—the familiar prickle in your abdomen. “Please, don’t fucking stop.” Your voice desperately cries out.  
He doesn’t slow down; instead, he picks up pace, his thrusts becoming more frantic, more desperate. You can feel him shaking, his body trembling as he nears his climax. Not bothering the silence himself anymore, he becomes just as loud as you, no longer speaking coherent praises, just moans and grunts that slowly raise in pitch with each stroke inside you he makes. 
Nothing but each other’s names spill from your lips in affirmation that you're both here, together. You cry out, your back arching off the bed in a desperate attempt to be closer as your orgasm crashes over you. Your pussy clenches around him, milking him as he spills himself inside you, as he collapses on top of you. You feel his breath against your neck in ragged pants as his cock continues to twitch inside you, the last of his cum filling you up. 
You wrap your arms around him, you're both spent. Bodies slick with cum and sweat, the euphoric high wearing off allowing the reality of how tired you’ve been the last couple to take hold of you. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You breathlessly ask. As sleepy as you are, you have to make an attempt to do what you came for—someone to talk to. 
Head on your chest, you can feel his smile form. “I was liking how little talking we were doing.” 
A laugh puffs from chest at his response, “That works too.” You say, gazing down at him. As if he could feel your stare, he raises his head to look at you, chin resting on your breast. “I’m happy.”
A small laugh now finds its way from his chest at the juvenile remark. As ridiculous as it seems, that is the best way to describe it. It doesn't need complex-flowery language, you're just glad to be in his presence, alive and healthy. You're just happy. 
And he understands, his gaze softens as a sincere smile crawls on his face, “Me too.”
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raphael-angele · 5 months
Bianca di Angelo and Her Reputation as the Child of Hades
POV: Bianca visits Nico, who is staying with the Jackson family + Paul and Annabeth for school time
Sally, getting a call from the principal: Okay. Okay, please wait. I'll ask her. Bianca, dear?
Bianca, playing mythomagic with Nico and Paul: Yes, Ms. Jackson?
Sally: I just got a call from the principal. Did you tell a few boys to turn themselves in for bullying?
Bianca: ...I remember doing something of the sort.
Bianca, dropping off Nico to school: Okay, now, you remember what to do if someone calls you that again?
Nico: I tell an adult or Mr. Blofis.
Bianca: That's right. *kisses his forehead* Go.
Nico: Bye, Bia! :) *waves goodbye and leaves*
Bianca: :)
Random guy: Hey. Haven't seen you around here before. You new?
Bianca, getting bad vibes: No, I go to the other side of the school. I'm just dropping my brother off.
Guy: I'm Doug. I'm...part of the welcoming committee here.
Bianca: not interested.
Doug: Psh. Give it 30 minutes in the janitor's closet and-
Nico, running over: BIA! Look, I made this flower yesterday *shows paper flower*
Bianca, smiling: That's very pretty Nico. Why don't you go show your teacher?
Nico, sees Doug: *hides besides Bianca* That's him. That's the guy who keeps calling me the f word.
Doug Friend: Get out of here, kid.
Bianca: Don't talk to my brother that way.
Doug Friend: Don't tell us what to do, bitch.
Doug: SHUT UP!
Bianca: ...Nico, go back to class.
Nico: ... *sticks his tongue out then leaves*
Bianca: *sighs* Why don't we start over? I'll take that closet offer if it's still available.
Doug: Hehehe. Now that's more like it
Sally: What happened then?
Bianca: Oh, nothing much. Just a few things that I can't mention with Nico around.
Sally: Okay, well. The principal called to ask me how long you think he should suspend them for.
Paul: ...He...asked Bianca how long they should be suspended.
Bianca: Hmm, two weeks school suspension and one month detention should be enough.
Sally: ...I'll tell him that. *goes back to the phone*
Nico: I WIN!
Paul: What- AGAIN?! Okay, do over! I'm taking you down this time
Nico: That's what you said 5 times ago.
Paul: Hey, 6th time's a charm.
Percy, coming home with Annabeth: We're home!
Sally: Ah! Hey, you two.
Annabeth: Oooh. You guys playing mythomagic? Who won?
Bianca: No, we were tied on the 3rd round
Percy: The weirdest thing just happened.
Paul: What is it?
Percy: I got called into the principal's office today. He said that there are some guys who wanted to apologize to Nico.
Everyone: *looks at Bianca*
Bianca: That one I had nothing to do with.
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s-awturn · 1 month
Underworld Sun || LH44
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summary: It only took an unpretentious visit to a local florist for all of Lewis's convictions to come crashing down, and finally the lord of the Underworld found what was missing in his lonely existence.
cw: dark content, slightly stalkerish behavior, nostalgia, pure smut, Lewis!dom x reader!sub, revelation, mention of magic, violence, outbursts of rage, (fake) naivety, devotion, deep love, soulmates, family interference, mention of kidnapping.
a/n: I knew the vote would come down to Max and Lewis — and I was hoping it would be one of them, don't judge me — and I was anxious to write, I counted the minutes until the end of the vote and I thought of the title beforehand, So here we are. This story is intended to be divided into many parts, I don't know how many parts, but we'll see how it works.. Anyway, enjoy!
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Monaco, days before...
It had been a few years — or many, it's natural to lose track of time when you're immortal — since he had walked the streets of Monaco, and no one even imagined that the principality housed the new home of the gods of the Greek pantheon. The gods loved how everything in Monaco was beautiful, luxurious and exuberant, life in Monaco matched the desires and longings of the immortals; he took a deep breath as he entered the massive casino where satyrs dressed in elegant tuxedos awaited him.
"Sir, welcome, we have been waiting for you" the satyr said as he guided him to the central dome, where the other gods were waiting for him, It had barely started and he was already tired, it was always stressful coming to Monaco, having to deal with his brothers and nephews, who were always very irritating.
"Thank you Clocis, I hope I wasn't too late, the traffic was chaotic" he justified himself, even though there was no need, he hated delays, so he hated it when he kept people waiting. However, when it came to his family, any delay could be a blessing.
"People go crazy when Monaco hosts the Formula One circuit, sir," Clocis said, opening the door for the god of the underworld. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"It's not your fault that you have to apologize , Clocis, you can go, I'll go on my own from here, I know Argos needs your help at the casino" he politely dismissed the satyr, who waved and left him alone in the immense corridor. Hades — or Lewis, as he had come to be called since he had taken on that human body centuries before — walked slowly to the main hall, where his family would be gathered.
He pushed the door open, not bothering to wait for the servants to open it, and discreetly took his seat on Zeus's left side. For a long time he felt left out in the division of the spoils of the Titanomachy, but after ages of administering his domains, Hades couldn't feel more grateful for having been "gifted" with the land of the dead. But nothing was better than being alone in the underworld, without his relatives to trouble his patience. Being part of that family, solitude was a balm.
He waited until the uproar died down and the gods calmed down.
"Now that Hades has arrived, we can begin the meeting," Themis said, the goddess remained with her blindfold over her eyes and Hades stopped wondering how she knew things. She wasn't the goddess of justice for nothing.
"You've finally arrived! We thought you wouldn't come" Zeus said, or Michael, as he preferred.
"And I really wasn't coming, but I knew you would send Hermes to disturb me for decades, as you did during the Iliad. I preferred to avoid the fatigue," he replied simply and heard his brother's thunderous laughter. "What is this meeting about?"
The dome was filled with silence. Zeus stood up, making things more theatrical and Hades wondered if it was Dionysus who created the theater.
"A few weeks ago, traces of Persephone's sacred energy were signaled on our radars," he said, causing a commotion among those present. A strange tingling sensation tugged at Lewis's chest, making him shift in his seat. "But it was too fast and we couldn't track it."
"And what are we here for? Do you want us to start searching the gardens and flower fields for her?" Ares grumbled, earning a hard look from Zeus.
"Considering you have an affair with Aphrodite, wallowing in bushes and fields of flowers," Apollo commented from across the semicircle, Charles — or Apollo — he gave a mocking smile before dodging the sword that Max threw at him.
"Enough, shut up you two" a lightning bolt cracked and made them both go silent. "Stay alert, Persephone could be anywhere and we need to bring her home."
Hades drummed his fingers, feeling the itch in his chest grow.
"That was it? You could have sent an email," he commented, seeing Zeus' eye twitch and Poseidon laugh out loud, Ayrton almost fell from his throne, laughing as the brothers fought over their gazes.
"You should spend more time with your family, brother," he said, sitting down again. "We miss you here."
Well, everyone has my business card with my address, I will love to receive visitors, I have added a new head to my collection, you will love it"
"Brother, don't be so bitter, you are missed in our celebrations, you know that"
Lewis grunted in agreement, adjusting the cufflinks on his suit, revealing some of the numerous tattoos he had.
"I believe I am too dark for the exuberant brightness of Monaco," he said, standing up, greeting everyone and disappearing, leaving a dark trail that smelled of burnt wood.
Soon he was inside his car, it was one of the few human activities he enjoyed, driving for hours on end calmed his mind and silenced his demons. It was dramatically ironic that the god of the dead was tormented by demons, and Lewis had plenty of them. He drove through the streets of the principality until he reached the edge of the country, he crossed the border into France and the climate changed radically. The south of France had a rural, provincial feel that didn't quite match the golden exuberance of Monaco, and it was also less oppressive.
He didn't like golden things.
Lewis drove into a small town and just as the bucolic French aesthetic demanded, he parked his car at the only gas station in town and looked around, a small bakery, a bookstore, the church in the center of the village and a flower shop. He didn't know why, but his instincts pointed him towards the tiny flower shop, maybe it was the smell of honeysuckle, or maybe it was because the shop looked like it was straight out of a 1920s movie, and Before he knew it, Lewis had made the bell above the flower shop door ring. Bouquets of roses, lilies, sunflowers, lilies and tulips were scattered in the cramped space, the floral scents mingling, attacking the rhinitis he didn't even know he had.
"Just a minute, please!” Someone said from the back of the establishment and severe chills shook Lewis’s body. He walked around, looking at the flower arrangements, the gift baskets, it was all so delicate that it made him think it was a dollhouse, yet there was something there, something darker and deeper. "Sorry for the delay, the supplier delivered today and my employee is away... It's all in my hands..."
Her voice died the instant she looked at the visitor, suddenly the static between them made their hair stand on end and something sparked in both of their minds.
"Hello, I'm Lewis," he smiled, extending his hand to her.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
The family getting a call from the school because Teen!reader defended themselves from a group of kids attacking them but their the ones getting in trouble for fighting back. Just pisses me off how that happens in real life and I know they wouldn’t stand for that with their kid.
I fully agree, it’s BS when someone gets suspended for trying to defend themselves when they’re being attacked by one if not numerous other people.
-Hades couldn’t believe that he was hearing, you, their little angel who was always so well behaved, unless Loki got a hold of you, but that was beside the point! Was in trouble at school for fighting!
-He had been the one to answer the call, finding your school on the other side, asking your guardians to come in, as you had gotten into a fight.
-When Hades told everyone, they were stunned, you knew how to fight, something the warriors of your family insisted on teaching you, wanting you to be safe, but you were a pacifist- you only fought if you absolutely had to!
-Hades, Adam, Odin, and Leonidas were the ones that went to the school to pick you up and to find out what had happened, as this was very unlike you.
-When they came in, they were escorted to a meeting room where they saw you on one side of the table and five boys, ones who were notorious bullies, and their families, who all looked pissed, but at you- not at their own kids.
-Leonidas could see they all looked roughed up, like they got their asses kicked and the principal, who was sitting at the front of the table, his back to a TV, stood, “Good- now that you’re here we can get started and I can show the footage.”
-Immediately the other parents started screaming at you, calling you a violent person as Adam came to your side, seeing your cheek was bandaged and you had a couple of scrapes and wounds on your arms and your knuckles were bloody like you fought hard.
-Odin wasn’t going to stand by and let that happen, his aura making the room shake, “Sit down!” and instantly the parents and students were cowering in their seats, looking terrified as the principal spoke, turning to the TV, “Please observe.”
-All eyes went to the TV, showing the surveillance footage of the hallway where the fight occurred, the five boys had approached you, demanding you do their homework as you had way higher grades then they did, and you refused. Your tone was even, and you did nothing to antagonize them.
-One mother gasped as she watched her son grab your head, gripping your hair and slammed you into the lockers, “What was that bitch?! I didn’t hear you?!” which explained the wound on your cheek, before the other four started punching at you, quickly sending you to the ground, overwhelming you five on one.
-Your foot then shot out, catching one of them in the stomach before you quickly rolled and delivered a brutal punch across the face of another, defending yourself.
-Within moments your bullies were all on the ground and you grabbed your stuff as security arrived to escort all six of you to the nurse’s office and then to the meeting room.
-Hades’ eyes were narrowed, “So you wanted us here to press charges, right?” he was looking at the principal who balked, surprised as the parents were quickly trying to plead with your family to not do that and yelling at their sons that they didn’t raise bullies.
-Your principal tried to remain strong, to do his job, “No- I’m here so I can tell you that just like these five, Y/N is suspended as well.”
-The mood quickly shifted, four pairs of angry eyes shifted towards him as Odin spoke again, his voice low and terrifying, “What do you mean Y/N is suspended as well? You suspend those who fight back when they are being attacked, five on one? Are you saying that Y/N should had just taken the beating, got serious injured at your school, then go to the hospital?”
-The principal quickly back-pedaled, sensing the danger, as were the parents and the bullies, they hadn’t anticipated your family being so intimidating, “No-no I didn’t mean that- we have a no-tolerance policy on fighting, even if it’s self-defense. Y/N fought back, so I must suspend them as well.”
-Hades spoke this time, looking just as furious, “So if someone is being attacked, like how these five attacked Y/N, they’ll get suspended if they try to defend themselves?” he wanted the principal to say that, to say that you were just supposed to take getting attacked and not fight back.
-The principal knew he was now in between a rock and a hard place before Adam, who had been silent the whole meeting, “I think we need to take this to the school board. This isn’t right.” The principal looked panicked, but surprised your guardians by showing throat, agreeing, as he fully believed that while violence is bad, sometimes, to defend themselves, fighting should be allowed.
-Leonidas then cracked his knuckles, looking at your bullies who looked terrified, “Now then, you’re all getting suspended, but I think you all need a harder lesson to not pick on others.” He looked at the parents who looked scared, not wanting any charges to be pressed, but they didn’t want this terrifying looking man to hurt them either.
-In the end, you didn’t get suspended, and the rule was changed, that if only in self-defense in a situation like what happened to you, those who would defend themselves wouldn’t get suspended.
-Your bullies had a rough two-week suspension, besides having to do their schoolwork, they had to come to Spartan boot camp under Leonidas, being pushed through hellish like training, learning what it felt like to be the one bullied.
-You were surprised when they approached you once they came back, wanting to continue with the boot camp, as they felt like they were thriving under a militaristic authority, something that shocked their parents which also gave them a wake-up call, showing that they were letting their kids getting away with too much.
-Leonidas laughed loudly when you told him about their request, and Leonidas liked the idea of helping problem kids like this, getting them back on track, but he also had no trouble in scaring other kids who tried to chest up, believing they were the top dog.
-It was a painful lesson for your former bullies, and many of your classmates were in awe of your combat skills, but seeing who your family was, it made sense, and many knew not to bully you, as you could handle yourself if needed.
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mylifesjustacarousel · 2 months
the sorcerer and the apprentice - prequel
pairing: james hook x gn!reader (requested)
summary: you’re the child of merlin, and there is no one you despise more than james hook. but feelings are changed when a prank gets played.
type: angst, a bit of teasing
CW: bullying
WC: 700
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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There were definitely ups and downs to being the child of Merlin, the principal and founder of Merlin Academy. But, right at the moment, there were definitely more downs. You were very content with your life. You got to connect with your father and expand your craft while living on the beautiful campus that he had worked so hard for… and then there were the VKs.
The VKs, also known as the Villain Kids, were a nasty group of kids. They were run by Uliana, the younger sister of the infamous Ursula. She harassed anyone who even looked in her direction, trying to prove that she could be more than Ursula ever was. The group was comprised of four other members; Maleficent, Hades, Morgie le Fay… and James Hook.
You hated James Hook.
The way he teased you, the way he taunted you. If you hadn’t any self control, you would’ve turned him into a frog the first time you had even met him. He was cruel and mean, and you couldn’t imagine how anyone would ever want to be friends with someone like him.
Up, down, swish, and flick, you thought to yourself as you waved your wand. You were sat in the courtyard, peacefully practicing your magic by yourself. Well, at least you were peacefully practicing your magic by yourself. “Hello there, darling!” a voice came from behind you, snatching your wand out of your hand. You turned around immediately, your face red with pure anger.
The VKs were all standing there, Hook dangling your wand in front of your face with a laugh before handing it over to Uliana. You stood up, wiping the dirt off of your knees, “Give it back, Uliana!” You reached for the wand, but she held it higher than you could reach with her tentacle.
“Give it back, Uliana!” she mocked, the VKs all laughing and snickering behind her, “What’re you gonna do, goody two shoes? Run off and tell daddy?” One of her tentacles wrapped around your ankle, pulling your feet out from under you as you came crashing onto the ground. “You’re spineless, you’re weak. I could crush you in a minute.” she spat, throwing your wand at you with a dark laugh before she started to walk away with the rest of the VKs.
I’ll show her spineless, you thought.
You quickly shuffled onto your feet, gripping your wand in your hand. Up, down, swish, and flick. Uliana yelled, being practically knocked onto the floor. When she rose, she was covered in what looked like porcupine quills. Spines. The rest of the VKs backed away from her, not wanting to get pricked. You giggled, “I might be spineless, but now you’re full of them.”
Hooks eyes were burning a hole through your soul, but not in the way that they usually did. No, this was different. His eyes seemed angry, but there was an impressed grin slowly making way into his face. He didn’t think you were capable of something like that, and it intrigued him more than anything.
“I will destroy you!” Uliana screamed, beginning to charge at you. Hook stopped her, putting his hooked hand out in front of her, “No, I think I’ll actually take care of this one.” Morgie reached to put a hand on Uliana’s shoulder, wincing as a quill got stuck in his hand. Uliana huffed, stomping away with the rest of the VKs, leaving you there with Hook.
You grimaced as Hook walked towards you, the same grin still on his face. “I’m quite impressed, darling,” He hooked the tip of his hook under your chin, “Maybe you could teach me how to do that.”
Blushing, you grabbed his hook and yanked it away from your face. “Wasn’t to impress you, Hook. I don’t even want you in my life, and I definitely don’t want to teach you how to do anything.” you spat. He snorted quietly to himself, “Oh, you’ll come around, darling.”
“Never. Get lost, Hook.” you mumbled, sitting back down with your wand and your spell book. He started to walk away before turning back to you.
“I’ll see you around, y/n. Can’t get rid of me that easily.”
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed, sorry it’s a little short! if you have any requests, my ask box is open! <3
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versusvirtuous · 27 days
Descendants Characters As Abbott Elementary Quotes
Chad to Audrey: You know I'm a feminist, that's why I let you pay for everything.
Carlos: So, what do you do here? Fairy Godmother: I'm the principal
Carlos: But...you really don't do anything..
Cinderella: Well, have a great day, Bridget
Queen of Hearts: Don’t tell me what kind of day to have. Getting all presumptuous and rude.
Audrey about Chad: I've been his girlfriend for five years but he's been my boyfriend for two
Red: I know what you're doing
Chloe:  Good, 'cause I worry about your awareness.
Gil: They just expect me to…know the date?
Ben: Nobody lets me do anything. But here I am...doing things. That's why I'm the leader.
Uma: The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass.
Chloe: Why did you draw the babadook?
Red: That's my mom
Harry: I haven't spoken to my blackmailer in two years. Do I miss my sister? Yes, every day.
Uliana: Poison??!! You know I would never poison anybody. If I’m taking someone out, I wanna watch them go.
Morgie: Meow, Y'all
Hook: Do you like pie?
Hades: Fruit shouldn't be hot.
Doug: How do you feel about pollution?
Evie: Uh…bad?
Doug: Me too, we have that in common. Do you have any other opinions?
Ben: Why don't you just leave me and my boiled-chicken sandwich alone!
Jay: Oh, boiled?! That's the worst way to cook it, man!
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supersonicsidekick · 1 month
Bridget handing out dangerous magical pastries (in an extremely public fashion); Uliana, Hook, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent bullying Bridget and Ella (again, in an extremely public fashion); Uliana turns into a flamingo (because of the aforementioned dangerous magical pastries and bullying) and swears to destroy Bridget (in an—you guessed it—extremely public fashion).
Merlin: … Do I have enough swords charmed to kill any student that tries to steal the forbidden magic items (that already have defense charms prevent them from falling into the wrong hands) that I’m keeping in the principals office for some reason? Perhaps a sentient suit of armor will do the trick.
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flamingoofeathers · 2 months
Hello, I would like to request a request, young maleficent and fem reader, I apologize if I wrote something wrong, English is not my first language
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pairings: maleficent x fem!reader
summary: The VK's getting in detention after their attempt to steal the book from Merlin's office was supposed to be unbearable, but the presence of a certain detention monitor made it all more bearable for Maleficent.
genre: fluff with a bit of angst
one-shot; wc: 2.2k
main masterlist maleficent masterlist
a/n: it’s like 1:54 a.m here and i’m tired but i cant sleep and i really wanted to get this one out before sleeping, this isn’t proofread so i apologise in advance for the mistakes
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After getting caught sneaking inside Merlin’s office, Maleficent and the rest of the VK’s were sent to detention the next school day.
The crew begrudgingly made their way into the far corner of the school, it isn’t the first time they’ve been sent to detention, but that fact doesn’t make it, this god awful room any bearable.
Strangely enough, the detention room was unusually quiet that day, it would often be filled with villain kids who got themselves in trouble. Uliana continued to bitch about the unfortunate results of their failed plan to embarrass Bridget during Castlecoming.
As they sat inside the room, they waited for whomever was going to keep an eye on them, waiting to make that person’s life a living hell for the next 2 hours.
“Ugh, I couldn't even wear the gorgeous dress I bought for the dance, ugh” Maleficent complained.
“No one even asked you to go with them, so why bother?” Hades countered, rolling his eyes.
“Well, for your information, I don't care about the company...asshole. I just wanted to come and ruin some girls' dresses, set stuff on fire…or something to make that boring ass party any bit interesting.” Maleficent fired back.
“Oh please, you wanted to go there just to gawk at the goody goody” Hook interfered, tired of the bickering happening between the two.
“I beg to differ-” Maleficent was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
“And speak of the devil” Hook sighed leaning back on his chair, plastering a fake smile towards the smiling girl.
“Good Afternoon! I will be your monitor for today!” The girl, Y/n, said flashing everyone a smile making them dread the next 2 hours, except one horned girl.
“Just today?” Maleficent inquired, changing seats to be near the girl. The royal blushed slightly and stuttering “well- i-” she cleared her throat “i am not sure who will be with you tomorrow” she said staring into the black haired girl.
“Well, that’s a bummer, and here I was hoping we could spend more time together. '' Maleficent feigned disappointment, knowing that the girl is too soft hearted to let the matter go.
“Oh! rest assured that i will ask the headmaster to be on duty tomorrow, if that will make you happier” The girl said smiling towards the girl who silently clapped her hands, muttering a small ‘yay’.
The two girls stared at each other before getting interrupted by a cough coming from Hades.
“Hellooo, we’re here too, but if you want the room all to yourselves we can arrange that” Hades said sarcastically, ignoring the burning glare coming from Maleficent.
“Oh, I'm so sorry, I just got a bit ... .uhh….distracted.” Her cheeks tinted red “But, as much as i’d like to let you leave, the headmaster said that you must write” the girl paused before reaching towards the stack of book, before pulling out a piece of paper and turning towards the blackboard and writing:
“I mustn’t sneak and steal from the principal's office”
“...this for at least 4 pages....front and back” the girl still smiling, her positive nature never falling off, not even noticing the sudden drop in atmosphere.
The VK’s looked at the girl as if she had grown 2 heads.
“4 pages!?” Uliana screeched.
“Front and back….what the fuck” Morgie continued.
“Yes and no magic” Y/n said, showing anti-magic cuffs given to her by the headmaster.
“No magi…you’ve got to be kidding me” Hook scoffed, even if he himself didn’t have magic, the others could’ve done it for him.
The horned girl simply shut her mouth, not wanting to say anything rude towards the sweet girl she’s been after for months. Maleficent took a deep breath before plastering another smile and standing up, approaching the lovely girl that stood in front of the class.
“Darling?” Maleficent said, tucking a piece of hair that had fallen from the royals perfectly styled hair.
“Yes?” Y/n said shyly as her cheeks returned to the red hue it held before except this time, much darker.
That small action from the girl she had a crush on made her forget about the others in the room and simply stared at the girls captivating green eyes, that is until a piece of paper was thrown at them along with a “get a room!!” coming from Hades. Maleficent glared at her so-called friend, raising her hands to curse but Y/n had grabbed it whispering “No magic allowed” Maleficent resigned slowly putting her hand back down, but looked at her friend with a fiery glare.
“Darling, as i was saying, do you think maybe just for today you can spare us and let us…use magic” Maleficent said using her flirting skills.
“This is actually disgusting me so much” came from Hook but the two girls ignored him or simply didn’t care enough to listen to him.
“Uli are you seeing this?” “I don't care.”
“Well, i’d get in so much trouble if the headmaster were to find out i let you use magic” the girl reluctantly said, torn between following the rules and impressing her crush.
“What he doesn’t know won’t him, right, Darling?” Maleficent pushed.
“Well…” the girl was still conflicted between the good and the bad.
“If you let us, then maybe you and I can go on a date this weekend?” Maleficent said, trying to convince the girl. It was cruel to use this to convince the girl but, whether she let them use magic or not, the girl would’ve still taken her on a date.
“A date?” Y/n’s eyes widen looking down, her whole face turning red.
She was fully considering it this time, but inside there was this disappointment that her crush would only be willing to go on a date with her for the price of something else.
Y/n looked back up at Maleficent this time her smile was sad and the red hue on her cheeks were gone.
‘Have i said something wrong?’ Maleficent said.
“You don’t need to worry about the date, Maleficent, you can use magic this time and i won’t tell the headmaster” Y/n said with a new found professionalism in her voice.
“Please, sit back down and progress to the task at hand Y/n said before pushing past Maleficent to get to her own seat, opening a book and starting her own work. Meanwhile, Maleficent stared at the girl with a sad and confused look on her face, but she still went back to her seat, continuing to stare at the girl.
“Nice going…Mal” Hades said from behind her.
“I swear to god, I will curse you to eternal sleep if you don’t shut up” Maleficent said, turning to grab Hades' collar and threatening him. Hades raised his hand in feign surrender holding in his chuckle.
“Ugh. Whatever” Maleficent groaned before magic-ing her pen to start writing.
“Mal! Mine too!” she heard Hook said gesturing to his own paper. Maleficent waved her hands and Hook’s pen started writing on his own as well “Thanks!”
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That night Maleficent had stayed up all night long ranting about Y/n to Uliana, the sea witch forced to stay awake and listen to her friend complain about her ever so tragic love story.
“I just don’t get it, Uli, why did she suddenly become cold earlier, I was about to score a date!” Maleficent stressed.
“Well, you basically-” Uliana started only to get interrupted by the girl, who was, by the way, walking back and forth their dorm waving her hands around.
“OH MY GOD!! MAYBE I’VE BEEN READING THIS ALL WRONG AND SHE DOESN’T LIKE ME!” Maleficent yelled, turning and looking at her friend, horrified.
“Jesus Christ! Mali, you basically implied that you’d only go on a date with her ONLY if she allowed us to do magic, not because you actually like you.” Uliana explained finally rising from her bed and approaching her distressed friend.
“But I do like her” Maleficent muttered.
“Yeah, but does she know that?”
“I suppose not.” Maleficent sighed, defeated as she plopped down her bed, Uliana following along, comforting the horned girl.
“How about you ask her out, for real this time” Uliana comforted as she let the girl rest her head on her shoulder.
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The next day in detention, Y/n had kept her word and was there on duty, but only this time she didn’t utter a word to them, just giving them their task of the day, which is extra homework of Virtues and Values. Today no one complained about the work as they were weary of Maleficent's temper that day, so they just sat and did the work, well, except for Uliana who made Morgie do hers.
Once Maleficent finished her work, she neared the girl who was, quite obviously, avoiding her.
Y/n, noticing someone approaching her desk raised her head, only for her to put it back down.
“Maleficent! If you’ve finished your work, you can just put it down here and you’re free to go” Y/n said with her head still down, refusing to look at Maleficent.
When she was met with silence, Y/n looked up and saw Maleficent’s eyes filled with hurt and hesitancy as if she wanted to say something.
“Are you feeling alright?” Y/n rose to her feet and rounded the desk to touch Maleficent’s face, checking for fever.
“Oh my god, Maleficent! You’re burning! We should get you to the Medical wing!” The now worried girl said as she gathered her things.
The VK’S in the background laughed at the situation but Maleficent didn’t care as she stared starstruck at Y/n.
“Mal!” Uliana whispered-yelled to her friend, signaling to the frantic girl.
“Wait Y/n! I’m not sick, don’t worry!” Maleficent grabbed the girl's forearms, stopping her from panicking.
“But you have a fever!” Y/n insisted.
“I don’t…i don’t” Maleficent reassured, but the latter wasn’t convinced and tried to touch Maleficent’s face once more but got stopped.
“Uhhh…that’s what's making me burn up” Maleficent chuckled as she distanced herself a bit from the girl.
There was a continuous chuckling in the background from the boys.
“What?” Y/n said confused.
“Yeah…don’t worry about it”
“Are you sure?” Y/n asked wanting to be sure, her fri- schoolmate was ok.
“Yes, but there is one thing you can do for me, Darling.” Maleficent said with an unusual insecurity in her voice.
“Oh! Anything!” Y/n urged the girl to tell her what she can do to help her feel ok.
“Go on a date with me” Maleficent breathed out, her tone hopeful.
At that, the other girl's demeanor deflated.
“Oh…umm, I really can’t let you use magic today, Maleficent, I can't risk the headmaster finding out, I'm sorry” the royal apologized as she moved past Maleficent.
Maleficent felt heart broke at that, she knew how she worded it yesterday wasn’t really…ideal, but it still hurt.
“I don’t mean it like that, Y/n.” Maleficent hurried to explain “Would you like to go on a date with me this saturday?”
Y/n stared at the girl, dumbfounded by the sudden turn of event, her cheeks getting back its red hue.
“Are you serious?” The girl asked, fully turning towards the black haired girl “This isn’t a prank? Or a way for me to let you use magic during detention?” The girl wanted to clear her confusion, as she didn’t want her heart broken in the hands of someone she really did like.
“Non no, none of that, i’m asking you on a date because i’ve liked you for so long and i thought i made it obvious but apparently not, so here I am, officially asking you out” Maleficent said as she walked closer to the girl and held her hands.
“What?” The other girl was dumbfounded.
Maleficent chuckled at the reaction “ Would you, Y/n L/n, like to go on a date with me this saturday?”
“Oh my god, I would love to!” Y/n replied, hugging the girl. Maleficent stumbled back a bit, not expecting the hug from the girl but once she gathered herself together, she hugged the girl back tightly.
The sweet moment lasted for a second, before the sound of applause covered the room.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking with me” Maleficent said, irritated at the interruption. Meanwhile, the other girl had completely forgotten about the presence of the rest and grew embarrassed at her actions, so she hid behind Maleficent.
The applause suddenly stopped when Uliana grabbed Hook and Hades by the ears and dragged them out of the room with Morgie following, handing Y/n their homework at the exit.
“I’m so sorry about them” Maleficent apologized, facing the girl who had looked at her with a furious blush on her face.
“Oh, you look so cute, Darling” Maleficent cooed at the girl, causing her whole face to turn red.
“I really really like you, Maly” The girl suddenly said.
Now it was Maleficent's turn to blush.
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