#printable tarot board
inestheunicorn · 2 years
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A Big Project Reveal!! I began working on this Autumn Oracle game at the end of August mostly for fun, but it was turning out so nice that I decided to simply make it a real thing for you guys ♥ I'm so happy to launch it just in time for Halloween!! 🎃
This is a printable Card Oracle game, which means you'll also have a good time printing and cutting the board, cards and deck box ♥ The game comes with 10 Illustrated Cards, a cosy Board with different fields to reveal the future, and a Box to keep your cards safe and organized.
Besides all these goodies, you also get a Game Guide to understand the meanings of the cards on each field and additional spreads. This way you can enjoy the cards with or without the board ♥
You can find this game and a lot more Halloween cuties here:
Have fun and happy spooky time! 🎃
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wyrdle · 7 months
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Greetings Dragon Booster fans! I am organising a Dragon Booster Fan Tarot Deck project, and applications for contributors are now open!
Applications close 17th November 2023!
More info in the above form or below the cut! Reblogs appreciated!
What is it?
This is a not-for-profit fan project, to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Dragon Booster plus make some cool merch together! Currently, the goals for this project are:
Create a physical tarot deck/card game*: 35 cards, consisting of 22 x Major Arcana featuring any canon characters and optional OCs and 13 x "Draconium Arcana" where we cover all 13 Draconium colour crew leaders/side characters and dragons. The deck should also include a mini booklet introducing artists/instructions to play + board (if relevant) shipped to every contributor.
Create a digital printable deck: Free for the general public to download, print at home, play and enjoy
*Depending on whether we figure out a card game for this project.
Each artist will be responsible for:
Making 2-3 card designs. Each artist can draw 1 or 2 Major Arcana, featuring any canon characters and OCs of their choice. Each artist will also need to select 1 Draconium Arcana and feature minimum 1 canon crew leader and 1 dragon.
Finalisation of card assignments will be through a tally system and discussion on Discord to prevent too many character overlaps.
Timeline (Summary)
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NOTE: As this is a not-for-profit project, contributors may have to pay for the printing and shipping of their own deck of cards. Please indicate in this form your budget/ability to pay for yourself. (This will not affect your participation!)
As with any other indie project organised online, merch-related projects carry some risks with the fulfillment of physical orders, especially in the case of relying on regional reps to reduce shipping fees. Very likely, the base of operations will be in Australia and products will be shipping from here, with reps in US/Canada etc. to sort orders there. For now, we are unlikely to be opening sales to non-contributors, unless discussed further through chat and if their orders contribute significantly to paying for costs to contributors.
Who is the mod/organiser?
Hellooooo I'm Wyrdle or Ann, and I'll be the primary organiser/designer (and likely logistics person alongside calamari-san) for this project. I was the mod for the digital DB zine and fundraiser zines Stories for a Cause (Vol 1 and 2), and am active in making my own zines and merch. I'm based in Melbourne, Australia, and have been a big Dragon Booster fan for a long time! You can always reach out to me via socials or email at [email protected].
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cassimothwin · 1 year
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Tangled Blessings: My magic academy horror roleplaying/journaling game is out now! All you need is a deck of tarot cards to play, but you can find printable tarot card PDFs for free or you can use this nifty dice roller alternative with a standard deck of cards.
Tangled Blessings is a 1-2 player, GM-less, and tarot-driven horror game set at a magical college. With ghosts, curses, secret societies, and a rival at your back, will you graduate at the top?
It has two play modes and neither require a game master!
Structured Journaling
Even if you’ve never played a journaling game before, Tangled Blessings makes it easy to dive in, walking you through the simple character creation process step by step. As you play, you’ll draw cards from your tarot deck and respond to prompts that guide you through 4 years at the academy. You can record your responses in whichever way pleases you most.
When you play with another person, you’ll take turns exploring what the Academy holds for you, adding to each other’s memories as you go. Just like in solo play, you’ll use a single tarot deck to uncover events where your characters cross paths.
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I handcrafted each page of the PDF to make it as readable and atmospheric as possible, BUT I also created EPUB and HTML formats for those who prefer to play the game that way.
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My favorite part about the game is that there are 22 rivals you can be randomly assigned. Each rival has a robust paragraph with traits to give you ideas about how you and rival interact.
In Tangled Blessings, your rival can be your best friend, a family member, a stranger, an enemy, a romantic interest or a combination of relations. Your rival is present in most of your memories at the academy. How your relationship evolves with them is up to you, but at the end of four years, you’ll still stand against each other in one final test of academic and magical mastery.
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If you ever romanticized the university or boarding school experience, add a dash of terrible magic and this game is for you.
I hope you check it out! I'm so proud of it!
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figdays · 2 years
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Cosy Cottag Oracle Printable Board Game // InesTheUnicorn
This is the perfect Oracle / Tarot cards game for any Autumn lover! Looking to spend some cosy time indoors? Just light up a candle, make some tea and get your cards ready to take a peek into your future.
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verticalcarousel · 8 months
Unlocking Your Soul's Path: Manifestation, Healing, and Guidance
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In a world where we're constantly seeking meaning and purpose, the concept of conscious manifestation is taking center stage. It's the belief that we have the power to shape our reality through our thoughts, intentions, and beliefs. But what if I told you that conscious manifestation goes beyond simply manifesting material desires? It's about aligning with your soul's plan, tapping into your higher purpose, and creating a life that's in perfect harmony with your inner self. My products and services are designed to help you explore this powerful connection between conscious manifestation and your soul plan.
The Law of Assumption: A Key to Manifestation
At the core of conscious manifestation is the Law of Assumption. This law asserts that if you assume something to be true, it becomes your reality. In other words, your beliefs and assumptions shape your experiences. If you assume that you are worthy of love, success, and abundance, you are more likely to attract these positive aspects into your life.
To assist you in applying the Law of Assumption effectively, I offer printable manifestation tools. These tools are not just about wishful thinking but about creating a mindset shift. Whether it's daily affirmations, vision boards, or goal-setting templates, these printable tools serve as daily reminders to align your thoughts and beliefs with your desires.
Energy Healing: Balancing Your Inner Energies
Your inner energies play a significant role in your ability to manifest your dreams. When your energy is imbalanced or blocked, it can hinder the manifestation process. This is where energy healing comes into play. By working on your energy centers, you can clear blockages, release negativity, and raise your vibration.
My energy healing services are designed to help you balance your chakras and promote overall well-being. When your energy flows freely, you become a magnet for positive experiences. You'll notice a newfound sense of clarity, vitality, and alignment with your soul's plan.
Spiritual Guidance Through Oracle & Tarot Readings
Connecting with your higher self and understanding your soul's plan often requires spiritual guidance. Oracle and Tarot readings are powerful tools for gaining insights into your life's purpose and direction. They offer a glimpse into your subconscious, allowing you to explore hidden aspects of yourself.
My Oracle and Tarot readings are conducted with the utmost care and intuition. These readings can provide clarity on life decisions, relationships, and your spiritual journey. They act as a compass, helping you navigate the twists and turns of life while staying aligned with your soul's path.
Aligning with Your Higher Purpose
Ultimately, the journey of conscious manifestation is not just about acquiring material possessions; it's about aligning with your higher purpose. It's about understanding why you're here on this Earth, what lessons you need to learn, and how you can contribute to the greater good.
My products and services are not just about helping you manifest your desires; they are a means to help you explore your soul's plan. They are tools for personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual evolution. When you're in alignment with your higher purpose, your manifestations become more meaningful, and you experience a profound sense of fulfillment.
Conscious manifestation is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It's about realizing that you have the power to shape your reality and live a life that resonates with your soul's plan. Through the Law of Assumption, energy healing, and spiritual guidance, my products and services are here to support you on this transformative path.
If you're ready to unlock your soul's path, manifest your dreams, and embrace a life of purpose, I invite you to explore my offerings. Together, we can tap into the powerful connection between conscious manifestation and your soul's plan, helping you create a life that's in perfect harmony with your true self.
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thepringlesofblood · 9 months
Zarcana Rules
(both as "rules for the game Zarcana" and as "Zarcana RULES!!!")
the board/card game Zarcana is maybe the most obscure shit I've ever played. my friend from middle school introduced it to me, from an out of print board game box found deep in the back of the sci library.
If you're familiar with Looney Pyramids (and the associated games such as Ice House, Martian Chess, Zendo, and Pyramid Arcade), this is one of thems.
It isn't sold. You can't buy it. You can get some Looney Pyramids, and if you have the pre-existing knowledge of how to play it you can get a tarot deck and do that. You can buy Gnostica, which is the more widely used adaptation of Zarcana. You could find Pyramid Arcade on eBay (it isn't in print anymore) or buy the pamphlet on looneylabs.com which includes Zark City, another adaptation, and recommends Gnostica on the back of the pamphlet. But to the free market, Zarcana does not exist.
It only exists in archives. Websites from 1999-2002.
I want to put all the information on Zarcana I can find online in one place, bc it's really hard to find a concrete set of rules online bc of how old it is, and it's really really fun.
Rules (it says you need to buy a special deck of zarcana cards but you do not, you just need a complete (78 cards) deck of tarot cards)
This lovely website that has links to articles about the development of Zarcana and Gnostica, as well as pdf printable stickers you can put on your cards so the rules are all on there.
If you don't have Looney Pyramids, I figured out how to macgyver it w coins of different sizes but it's v hard and complicated. will put under the cut.
so each person playing needs 5 small, 5 medium, and 5 large pyramids.
personally, I was able to replace them with 5 pennies, 5 nickels, and 5 dimes.
as a game piece, the things a pyramid needs to do are
be 3 different sizes (you can use 3 different denominations of coin)
be distinguishable b/w players (if it's just 2 of you, you can do heads & tails, if not you'll need either more denominations of coins or some way to mark coins as belonging to a certain person (nail polish, stickers, poster putty, beads, sticky notes?)
point in directions (instead, you can put the coin on the edge of the card that it's pointing to, or in the center for standing up straight. alternately, you could use the heads/whatever symbol on the coin to point to different directions and then due tails as standing straight up)
also here's the urls directly copy-pasted in case the links break or some shit
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hydralisk98 · 10 months
About to reach a kiloword (2^10 aka 1024) followers...
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First, thanks to all of you by so sooooo much for caring and sticking around, you are amazing sapient individuals and deserve my praise for it.
Now, I want to make myself and my income future-proof. So, don't mind if I start creating and selling a few products on a few online storefronts? I am still making free stuff for you all to enjoy, I just want to develop some more usefulness and improve upon my skills going forward.
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PRODUCT IDEAS (the Nth list)
Syndicalist stickers, buttons & cutouts (derived from Kaiserreich) derived for a handful of countries in the world.
Contemporary legalism-compliant axis-victory world fan-merch (merely immersive feelies that avoid specific connotated patterns & malicious use intents)
Reprint templates for "Landlords Game" and its 1930s "Prosperity" ruleset
Custom ancients-style games & classic board games...
Memetic stylized personalized "branded" stickers
Customized iconography packs for autistic organization
Cardboard double-sided counters
Cutout sticker sheets
Memo pads & sticky note stacks
FontForge typefaces / fonts (in TTF, WOFF & OTF formats)
Artistic notecards
Regular playing cards and Tarot cards decks
Visualization decks / deques for colouring & gratitude
Animated yesteryear retroweb-like pixel assets for Neocities
Reality scripture worksheets with visualization tips & aids
New desktop theme customization packs (mostly aiming towards KDE Plasma & GTK-derived desktop environments, with limited support for macOS / Windows)
Printable stylized documents and their model source files in PDF & LibreOffice source file types form (with some Blender, Inkscape, GIMP...)
PNG / GIF / SVG graphical packs
OGG / OGV / OPUS multimedia packs (for physical media too!)
3D paper prints / papercrafts environmental packs
Hexagonal dotted grids for speculative world generation paradigms (TTRPGs-friendly)
Kid topics worksheets (w/ source files) for constructed languages & cultures...
(Add)venturing prompt / question / query modules
Construction toys & their thematic sets
TTRPG modules (game adventures, campaign settings, ruleset complements...)
Personalized computer builds (with both aesthetics and function in mind...)
Educational flashcards?
Art prints / posters?
Paper dollhouse packs?
Code snippets and scripts (GitLab / GitHub / Sourcehut)?
Visual previews for community review:
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Farewell to soon!
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madilikethebug · 3 years
For those of you who are unaware, I am a small business owner. I have and sell vision board courses, printables, and tarot readings for you. 
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noweyesee · 3 years
how… how do you just create a deck?
Sorry it took me so long to answer this ask, I wanted to collect evidence and make it informative
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ How I create original decks ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
★ It all starts with an urge, or an idea.
A mix of my references, plus a bolt of creativity comes together and starts connecting lines. Sometimes I get the visual first, but most often than not I begin with the conceptual process. I’ll give as an example my first deck, The Hands-On Tarot and Oracle deck. That one came from the need to have a deck that accommodated my beliefs and archetypes over what a reading could offer to me.
★Furiously jotting down ideas
Comes the fun part of simply brainstorming and noting down everything that makes sense, creating a visual board that connects all the images and concepts so it can be concise. I knew I wanted a more hands-on deck, and I knew which concepts I wanted to implement, so jotting down helped me see how they could work.
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★ Chronogram and Creation
After the doodling phase comes the preparation to actually create it - since I have absolutely no resting time, it is important for me to create a routine and prepare ahead, so that I can actually manage my time and get everything done of my obligations and still have time to do what I want.
★Art vs Digital Art
I don’t have a scanner on me, so the process of freely designing the cards by hand and then using that as a guide to do them digitally helped me a lot in this process.
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★ Putting it out there
Since the concept came first, the booklet of use and instructions was already existing, then I just made it digitally and boom - you got yourself a deck.
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★ Does it work?
Yeah, the deck is usable for divination and it works perfectly well. The greatest thing though is that its energy really is what I imbued and visualised through the whole process - it is direct, it offers answers that can be put into action and it interconnects aspects of life just as life is connected.
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This effect happens with all the other decks too, and it is just lovely to observe.
┈⋆ The Hands-On Tarot and Oracle deck
┈⋆ Available Printable decks
┈⋆ Tip Jar
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lizmayhem365 · 2 years
Hero’s journal + quest cards
Hero’s journal + quest cards
Okay, so, there’s this new thing I’m obsessed with. It’s called the Hero’s Journal. It’s basically a planner. But cooler. Here’s a link:
now that you’ve seen what I’m talking about and the prices. Let’s talk about the prices.
I’m not paying $50 for a journal; however, I will pay $20 for the PDF version so I can redo it as many times as I like.
Also, they have side quest cards, for real life side quest, and God, they’re $28.50. so, I just made my own and I’ll post a list of all my side quests for you folks to use and a link to blank playing cards on amazon so you can make your own. Like here you go:
1 clean car out
2 declutter living room
3 declutter dining room
4 get a new plant
5 work on a one of your bigger goals/quests
6 do a puzzle
7 play a game
8 clean under the bathroom sink
9 clean under the kitchen sink
10 dust/get rid of cobwebs
11 change sheets
12 exercise
13 take a walk
14 color/doodle
15 read or listen to a book
16 visit the local library
17 call a friend
18 play an instrument
19 declutter office
20 file papers
21 cook something yummy
22 deep clean the stove/oven
23 clean top of refrigerator
24 clean out refrigerator/freezer
25 clean pantry
26 rest day (take a nap)
27 bullet journal
28 change the toothbrushes
29 wipe down chairs
30 clean the couch
31 go through mail/email
32 clean out bags/backpacks
33 deep clean shower
34 wash mats
35 clean floor rugs or carpets
36 clean book shelves
37 clean out closets
38 mold checks
39 make a list of on-going projects (may even complete one or a few)
40 change sign by the front door
41 do something creative
42 make something out of clay
43 do your nails
44 nature walk
45 go hiking
46 learn to juggle
47 read a poem
48 go to bed early tonight
49 write a letter to someone
50 make a playlist
51 floss
52 have your favorite drink
53 write a haiku
54 give a good review to a small business
55 have a picknick
56 go on a date
57 learn how to make origami frogs
58 self-pampering day
59 walk bare foot in the grass on a nice warm sunny day
60 write a short story
61 organize your wardrobe
62 surprise your partner
63 go sightseeing
64 make a wish list
65 listen to a podcast
66 watch a ted talk
67 feed the birds
68 light a candle
69 visit a park
70 watch a movie at home
71 watch the sunrise
72 watch the sunset
73 go to a movie theater
74 make a paper airplane
75 go on a scavenger hunt
76 give yourself a tarot reading/horoscope
77 dance and sing like you’re at a concert in your home
78 start an herb garden
79 have a cookout
80 plant a veggie garden
81 plant a tree
82 go swimming
83 get a pet/ familiar
84 do an extra load of laundry this week
85 change batteries in smoke alarms (Daylight savings time)
86 take a picture of something you love
87 Learn something new (dealers choices)
88 build a snowman
89 make some jewelry
90 go to a framers market
91 volunteer at a pet shelter
92 Decorate for the holidays
93 have a back yard camp out
94 make a gift for someone
95 bake a bake good
96 go lay in the sun
97 have a photo shoot
98 plan a trip even if you don’t go on it
99 make a Pinterest board
100 drink some tea, relax, and just have some fun today
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inestheunicorn · 2 years
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My little witch Savannah is picking some flowers for her plant medicine classes 🌿 Digital art is always super tricky for me, but I really wanted to challenge myself this time!
Anyways, this cutie is part of my Cosy Cottage Oracle - a game for Autumn lovers 🍂
You can get the full printable game and more digital goodies here
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the-witches-tea · 7 years
Shop Updates
This week going to add some new tarot spreads to my shop. (Celtic Cross will be one of them!) 
Printable Pendulum boards as well will be ready soon 
Custom Sigils are already up here
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
My strengths and ambitions
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Generic skills and forces:
Research, "Creative" Writing & Analysis (atlases, encyclopedias, reference works...)
Multimedia Collaging and Video Compositing
Analog Media and Digital Data Preservation
Composing tracker music
Technical documentation
(explorable?) multimedia explainers
History (& alternate history)
Information technologies
Historical hardware & software
Sidestream software & "operating" systems
Casual spirituality topics?
TTRPG crawl campaign setting & systemic designs...
Toybox tools and manifestation games...
Causal collectible card games and expansive board game mods...
Demoscene and game modding...
Vector / Retro Aliased Raster illustrations
Animations & interactive (A?)SVG cartoons
Free, Libre and Open Source movement (open culture, open hardware and open software, et cetera.)
Computer builds and overall customization (especially the looks but also functionality, both virtual and physically informed)
Sensible, caring and detail-oriented.
Specific skills (existing and upcoming) and emphasis points for my career
Page pixel dolls, banner blinkies, panels & other animated GIF graphics...
Printables (blanks, worksheet, guestbooks, greeting cards...)
Stickers & clipart
Stationery (especially legacy/obsoleted types)
Desktop organizers with bundled theme packs (even cursors, icons, sounds, widgets and almost everything else under the sun?)
Monero+Liquid online shop
ClipStudioPaint (upcoming...)
WordPerfect from Corel (upcoming...)
OpenMPT + MilkyTracker (tracker music)
ReNoise (upcoming...)
Krita with G'MIC
GrafX2 (upcoming...)
Kate & KDevelop
Version control with Git (GitHub, GitLab, GitTea...)
Homebrew responsive yet retro stylized HTML5/CSS3 static sites/blogs with Neocities + Hexo (and Jekyll?)
Vim & Emacs
Linux + BSD commands with both Bash and Fish shells
KDE Plasma
Linux/BSD/POSIX certifications?
Common Lisp & Nim (with C bindings?)
Godot + Qodot
Entrepreneurship / autonomous work?
Dreams and projects:
Video rental-store full-stack ticket database
Fiction atlases and themed pointcrawl semi-historical adventures...
Cozy game levels for raycasters and doom-clones
Cozy social spaces in Qodot & Hammer++
Cartoon pitches & short animated explainers
Toybox sets and modular building easy assemblers...
TTRPG campaign setting and supplementary rulesets...
Stylized yesterweb responsive pages
Analog media production (music video and data Digipaks)
SVG stickers, PDF printables and OGG content...
Fully custom developer desktop environment themes & scripted auto-riced workflows
Tutorials, listicles and other long-form content threads...
Raw art files and game-ready asset / clipart bundles
Manifestation / affirmation Tarot-sized card deques
Alternate technological implementations...
Dumbphone / "feature phone", two-way pagers and other dumb specialized devices... designing.
Constructed language(s) with nuanced dialects and poetic audio recordings...
Library economy in diecast car miniature worlds for sci-fi films
My very own guidebooks and curations
Lofi illustrations, podcast covers and album digipaks with feelies...
I hope that does sum up my professional + hobby goals well enough.
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hydralisk98 · 3 years
Still trying to figure out my niche
So I like linguistics (natlangs and conlangs alike), vintage editors, retro-style games/mods/demos/engines, collages, mood/stim-boards, vector graphics, early-mid web design, grand strategy sims, tarot, dice, TTRPGs, QGIS, FreeCiv, foldable 3D papercraft toys, pseudocode, printables, Gashaupon, desktop customization, 2D animation, explorative writing games, writing prompts, 
Use of multiple conlangs and natural languages at once
Exploration and documentation of little-known technologies
2D layered animations
Ideas to record
Video dictionary per theme
Photo collages
Photo albums
Card decks
HTML5 CSS3 ECMAscript11
SVG animations
Desktop customization (Shimejis and more)
Alone in Cyberspace
Dwarf Fortress
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Dungeon Crawl Soup
GB Studio
from HTML5.2 down to SGML tutorial
CSS3, CSS2 and CSS1 tutorial
JavaScript and crafting libraries tutorial
Markdown+Argdown tutorial
Explorable explanations
5x5 chess
Century spice road
What do you meme?
ZX Spectrum
Commodore 64
Apple II
IBM-compatible computers
DEC VT-180
DEC Rainbow 100
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Linux Mint
Arch Linux
Inferno OS
MS-DOS 6.11 >> Windows 3.11 for Workgroups
Windows 2.02
Paper sprites
Paper models
Cylinder worlds
HP 86B
Lisp machines from Symbolics
Xerox Daybreak and Star and Alto
Pflaummen & Aperture Science compters
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