signuswalters · 3 years
News from Poland
Wake up.
We are in danger!
Kaja Godek, the Polish anti-abortion activist who led to the abortion ban (successively) in Poland has now launched another attack on the LGBT+ community.  Her "Stop LGBT" initiative has just made it into the parliament and... it is not colourful.
  The initiative aims to stop "homosexual propaganda in public space".
This woman, who speaks openly about her disgust for non-hetero and non-cisgender people, is being considered by the government for some reason. Her hurtful words and actions are ignored and even accepted. If nobody does anything, nobody stands up to her, what kind of Poland can we expect?
The law under her bill would ban LGBT+ gatherings. It will ban sex education.
Kasprzak also said that the bill was drafted as "an expression of concern for Polish families and children, an expression of respect for the Polish Constitution, in particular article 18." He added: "The long-term goal of the LBGT lobby is to destroy marriage and family and any natural social order" and compared the LGBT+ community to communist and Nazi movements/ideologies.
The bill has little chance of passing - but it is nevertheless another attack on people's rights. If such initiatives are able to see the light of day and be considered in parliament then why should we feel safe?
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othersideale · 5 years
Mas eu amo você. Só queria terminar dizendo isso. Eu amo você. De verdade.
Tati Bernardi.
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blogritalacerda · 6 years
#proamor#respeitosim#apartidaria#aprendehenriquepeloamordeDeus https://www.instagram.com/p/BqNGm54hsGk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hehv7bfcdzip
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magsilva500-blog · 7 years
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O Banco Comercial de Beijos notifica que foram depositados mil beijos na sua conta. Pede-se o favor de ir retirá-los com carinho. #mesentindoengraçada #beijo #prosamigos #prafamilia #proamor #pratodos #boanoite
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signuswalters · 3 years
News from Poland
November 11th is a historic day for Poland - on this day we celebrate the regaining of independence. But for some time now, this day has not been a happy time for us, to unite in the common thought of being a free country.
This year, Poles have heard that Poland is at war with Germany, Russia and the European Union.
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(Photos from warszawa.wyborcza.pl)
(Source: https://www.rmf24.pl/fakty/polska/news-kruzganek-oswiaty-wpadka-lidera-narodowcow-w-trakcie-marszu,nId,5639022#crp_state=1)
Robert Bąkiewicz is, as wp.pl writes: He is the one who leads the Independence March in Warsaw. Robert Bąkiewicz is a controversial figure. Emotional states, which he displays in public, are anger (at the leftism), hatred (towards enemies of the homeland), contempt (towards those who think differently).
But do we call what is happening in the streets of Warsaw the march of independence? No. It is a march of so-called nationalists. It is vandalism and brutality, xenophobia and the dangerously fast spreading fascism of the 21st century. It is even more heartbreaking to see it happening here, in a country that has seen such incredible cruelty from "patriots" defenders of national values....
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No one has been arrested at the Nationalist March this year (yet, it's November 13). This time no windows were broken, no shops were raided as last year, no one was beaten... or at least nothing is known about it. And the government considered it a success, a successful march and a sign that the nationalists are not something to worry about at all. But what really happened there?
Sylwia Chutnik:
"No, it was not peaceful: there was flag burning; portraits of specific people (Donald Tusk), anti-Semitic, racist and nationalist slogans were shouted and carried. The fact that nothing was smashed and no one was injured, and we are happy about that, only shows what standards we have in our heads.”
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(Photo from Roch Kowalski’s twitter with a note: State Independence March 2021. Railway stations have taken over as public toilets.)
As Józef Piłsudski said: Naród wspaniały, tylko ludzie kurwy… - The nation is great, only the people are whores....
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Here the last straw: https://twitter.com/PawelT_PL/status/1458770642984222728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1458770642984222728%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwarszawa.wyborcza.pl%2Fwarszawa%2F145442027792293marsz-niepodleglosci-2021-pochod-narodowcow-jako-swieto.html
Translation: I hope that this margin does not impinge on the rest of the marchers.
It's sad that some people under the guise of patriotism do things like this...
Sad? Yes. Terrifying? Very much. Unacceptable? Always.
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signuswalters · 3 years
Poland wants to stay in the European Union
Today, 10.10.21, demonstrations took place in nearly 126 cities to announce to the government and to the whole of Europe that we, the polish people, do not want to leave the EU and do not agree with the slogans of PiS (Law and Justice- Prawo i Sprawiedliwość - the governing party in Poland).
"We stay in the EU" was the pro-EU demonstration that was the most numerous in Warsaw. Donald Tusk said there: we want an independent, European, law-abiding, democratic and honest Poland.
Those in power are trying to create a narrative that Polish law, which is not determined by the constitution but by their words, is to be above European law. They are creating a narrative which assumes that the EU is Poland's enemy. WE DO NOT AGREE TO THIS.
We are fighting today for our freedom, for our dignity and for our future.
We need help from Brussels, from the Union, from our neighbours, who will hear us - Polish Europeans - above the words of arrogant rulers.
Not Polexit, but PiSexit.
***** *** i Konfederację.
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signuswalters · 4 years
In Katowice, pepper spray was once again used on striking citizens (25.10.2020).
Polish women and men are protesting practically all over the country in connection with the TK (Constitutional Court ) decision - in connection with the inhuman PiS (Law and Justice) Act, a governmental law.
This is the abortion law. Polish women are supposed to give birth even to a genetically damaged fetus, the only permitted form of abortion concerns pregnancy after rape, and they want to ban it too!
My friends are in Katowice, there is a lot of emotion, the police warn that they will use direct coercion.
People are shouting "Down with Duck" („Precz z Kaczorem” kaczor is loosely translated to duck) they mean Jarosław Kaczyński, president of the ruling party. I have also heard slogans "Down with the Duck Dictator".
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signuswalters · 4 years
In this inhuman country
„I hope the monument feels safer than a gay couple who got fucked up a few months ago and the police didn't want to help them.”
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In Poland, a monument has more value than anyone representing LGBT+
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signuswalters · 3 years
Hey World!
Don’t ignore it. Share it. Give it a moment of your time. Give it a thought. GIVE IT POWER.
News from Polish borders …
„Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please find below an open letter from four winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature - Svetlana Alexievich, Elfriede Jelinek, Herta Müller and Olga Tokarczuk - addressed to the European Council and the European Parliament and concerning the humanitarian disaster that is taking place on the eastern border of the European Union (the border between Poland and Belarus). Please distribute it to the addressees.
To the President of the European Council
Charles Michel
To the President of the European Parliament
David Sassoli
To the Members of the European Parliament
The Polish government has introduced a state of emergency within the border zone between Poland and Belarus, on the strength of which no medical aid is being allowed in to help those who are sick and dying on the border, and blocks media access to the tragedy that is unfolding there. However, even the incomplete, fragmentary information that is coming through provides insight into the vast scale of the humanitarian disaster that is taking place on the border of the European Union: we know that the people there are being subjected to a merciless push-back procedure, condemning them to hypothermia, starvation and exhaustion in forests and marshes.
Belarusian travel agencies controlled by the Lukashenka regime are promising desperate people transit into the European Union in exchange for a high fee. Lured by this means to Minsk, they are then taken by organised transportation to the forests on the border. There an attempt is made to push them into Poland by force, while the Polish border guards and troops also use force to turn them back into Belarus. In the worst cases this ends in death. Some of the people who have died are known to us by name, others are dying anonymously.
As citizens and residents of the European Union we appeal to you as Europe’s democratically elected representatives – let us not avert our gaze from this tragedy.
We must be aware of the fact that these people are being exploited as hostages. These hellish practices will go down in history as an example of modern-day atrocities. Too often in the history of Europe we have allowed ourselves to remain in ignorance. We have closed our eyes and covered our ears. We have kept silent. Following the experiences of the twentieth century we know that uncomfortable, tiresome truths exist. To protect their own sense of well-being, the majority of people refused to take notice of them. Today the situation is being repeated.
For us the European Union is above all a moral community that goes beyond all borders, based on the principles of interpersonal solidarity. This gives us the right to appeal to you to take an unambiguous stance with regard to this matter. We realize that it is not easy to deal with the pressure of despair on the borders of Europe. However, what we are allowing to take place on those borders is not in line with our fundamental European values.
We are appealing for the fastest and most effective solution to this humanitarian crisis, for observation of the rules of the Geneva Convention, and above all for an asylum procedure to be initiated for all those asking for it, and who are being detained in this part of the eastern border of the European Union.
We demand a wide-ranging diplomatic initiative within the countries of the Middle East aimed at opposing the false narrative of the Belarusian regime, the purpose of which is to lure as many desperate refugees as possible to the Poland-Belarus border, and by doing so to exacerbate and destabilise the political situation in Poland and throughout the European Union.
Above all we appeal for humanitarian organisations to be allowed into the border zone to provide medical and legal assistance.
We also demand access for accredited journalists and representatives of the media into the areas of the border zone that are covered by the state of emergency, an essential requirement for presenting complete and truthful information to the general public.
Today we are feeling painfully helpless, but knowing the facts means being aware of the evil that is being perpetrated. Knowledge of this kind should be followed by action.
Svetlana Alexievich
Elfriede Jelinek
Herta Müller
Olga Tokarczuk
Nobel Prize Laureates in Literature”
- from Janka Ochojska’s Facebook account.
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signuswalters · 4 years
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Katowice / zdjęcie @fitbbeard (IG)
"Several people" are protesting tonight.
I think, I feel, I decide - women have the right to decide about their bodies. We do not agree with the anti-abortion law!
This is not my government.
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signuswalters · 4 years
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Jak tam? Wasz rząd też finansuje homofobię?
How are you? Is your goverment funding homophobia too? That’s Poland for you 🏳️‍🌈
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signuswalters · 4 years
"Margot's arrest. Although Margot feels like a woman, she is to spend the next two months in male custody. - It's a trauma that stays with a person for years. I'm even afraid to think about what's going to happen in the cell," comments Julia Kata, a psychologist and vice president of the Trans-Fusion Foundation."
This is an excerpt from Gazeta Wyborcza.
Margot is a non-binary person using the pronouns she/her. She goes by Margot - Małgorzata Szutowicz, but according to the police of this homophobic country she is Michał Sz.
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signuswalters · 4 years
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Banner says : Dość polskiego piekła kobiet⚡️ - Enough of Polish women's hell
My family and friends - old and young, we all
Think, feel, decide !
Katowice / 28.10.2020 - it was great
***** ***
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signuswalters · 4 years
Droga Syrenko Warszawsko z legendy!
Wiem, że odpłynęłaś, bo ci co Cię złapali byli próżni, choć ty im zaufałaś. I wiem, że masz bronić mieczem i tarczą przed niebezpieczeństwem.
Dzisiaj zagrożeni jesteśmy My. Ludzie, którzy chcą kochać, którzy chcą być wolni i równi. I wierzę, że stanęłabyś w naszej obronie, bo cenisz prawdę tak samo jak i My.
Widzimy Cię tylko wykutą w kamieniu, ale na nasz widok ludzie też zakrywają uszy i nie chcą nas słuchać tak jak i Twojej pieśni...
Chciałabym uciec tak jak i ty zrobiłaś.
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signuswalters · 4 years
Będziemy zamykać, ścigać i straszyć ludzi za posługiwanie się tęczową flagą? Co dalej - powiemy im, że nie mogą ubierać w miejscach publicznych więcej niż dwa kolory, żeby przypadkiem to nie uraziło czyjś uczuć?
Budzimy się w Polsce, gdzie twoja tożsamość liczy się tylko wtedy kiedy mieści się w biało-czerwonych ramach. Tu nie ma miejsca na nic innego, to ego przerosło wolność.
Are we going to lock up, pursue and scare people for using the rainbow flag? What's next - will we tell them that they cannot wear more than two colors in public, so that it does not offend someone's feelings?
We wake up in Poland, where your identity matters only when it fits within the white and red frames. There is no room for anything else here, this ego has surpassed freedom.
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signuswalters · 4 years
„There is no doubt that all this LGBT ideology stems from neo-Marxism, and this one from Marxism, and this one from the same root as German Nazi National Socialism, which is responsible for all the evils of World War II, the destruction of Warsaw and the murder of insurgents” - said Przemysław Czarnek, deputy member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (ruling party in Poland).
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„Nie ma wątpliwości, że cała ta ideologia LGBT wyrastająca z neomarksizmu, a ten z marksizmu, pochodzi z tego samego korzenia co niemiecki narodowy socjalizm hitlerowski, który jest odpowiedzialny za wszelkie zło II wojny światowej, zniszczenie Warszawy i zamordowanie powstańców” - powiedział Przemysław Czarnek, poseł Prawa i Sprawiedliwości.
People need to hear this. It’s opression. They are spreading lies and hate.
Ludzie muszą to usłyszeć. To ucisk. Szerzą kłamstwa i nienawiść.
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