#probably wont write a sequel
redpenship · 9 months
i posted starline's intro for his first chapter so here's sonic's!! --
Sonic was sick often. It happened at random; sudden, brief illnesses that wracked his body and typically left within a day’s time. They most commonly manifested as headaches and nausea, but he was sometimes prone to chills and feverish symptoms as well. He dreaded the fevers more than anything else—they tended to last a bit longer, knocking him off his feet for days at a time. Since there was nothing he hated more than staying still, finding himself bedridden with a fever was always a nightmarish experience for him.
There was no definite cause for his condition. The only time he’d seen a doctor about it was when he was fourteen, after a three day-long spell of nausea made Amy so nervous that she consulted the resistance’s medic against his will. The medic had asked him a few questions about his past, felt his stomach and listened to his heart, and then expressed her professional opinion: Sonic wasn’t sick, just extremely anxious.
Psychosomatic was the term she’d used. Apparently, his brain was sick enough that it was making his body feel sick, too. It didn’t make a lot of sense to him. During Eggman’s occupation of the East Pacific islands, he’d never felt scared—only very, very angry.
Her diagnosis especially didn’t make sense now, a whole year after Sonic had found Tails on Cocoa Island and learned the truth behind Eggman’s success. The little fox had singlehandedly purged every potential source of stress from the world, freeing not just the two of them but every other animal on the planet, too. There was nothing left for Sonic to fear.
And yet, here he was, kneeling on the grass of a mountain’s crest as he tried not to throw up his breakfast. He’d come up here to watch the sunrise. Instead, he could only manage brief glimpses of the horizon as he was forced to close his eyes to concentrate on overcoming wave after wave of nausea.
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cottoncandysprite · 2 years
Yall write fics to put characters in situations. I write fics to put characters in funky lil outfits and have em say jokes
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daftmooncretin · 10 months
rip to rian johnson but star wars sequels would be way better if ben solo was just kinda cowardly and han solo coded so he defected from the jedi and went to be a fun swashbuckling anarchist space cowboy instead
and finn and poe have to find him and try to convince him to come back to the rebellion but hes afraid who he is and what he could become
also instead of luke trying to kill his nephew for NO REASON (so insanely out of character it boils my blood) he just realises after ben dips thats hes not cut out for teaching. and is living on a mandalorian colony as rebellion liason/ambassador with chewie and sometimes lando i guess (din djarin is there) he aids the rebellion (because of course he would fuck that plotline) but he wont stay on the rebel base because he doesnt like all the chosen one clout and mandalorians are very chill and mind their own business
han and leia are still together and play active parts in the rebellion because fuck that plotline too although they do disagree about the ben situation (leia is annoyed and han is understanding) poe and ben childhood friends and for what.
in this au, rey is raised in the empire and is a sith lord but she has doubts and isnt as abjectly disgusting as kylo ren because of course not. (appears slightly too interested in the rebellion when poe is captured and maybe??? possibly lets finn and poe escape but thats up for debate.) rey gets more evil over course of movies before turning to light for plot drama and a satisfying zuko arc.
force awakens timeline
prophecy that a new jedi will rise and take down the dark side. rey and sith lord (dk who but fuck snoke im writing him out) assume it is the missing ben solo (its finn and rey tho fr) and are intent on finding him. movie opens on rey being evil probably and capturing poe. also finn as a character actully needs no real changes hes great. and then next scene space pirate ben solo doing his thing (but without identity revealed so we dont know who he is yet he may go by kylo because funny)
instead of luke poe has a lead on missing almost-jedi before he dipped ben solo and is searching for him on leias orders.(rebellion also believe the prophecy is about him. but nuh uh) torture scene and escape scene doesnt need to change but show reys nuances and how lost she is.
in the interest of narrative poe and finn still crash on tatooine but finn manages to pull poe out of the crash. (finn still gets the jacket at some point because i say so) poe is too injured to fly so they seek out help and and meet ben solo who saves them from pirates or something idk. (but neither know who the other is)
finn and poe convince ben solo to be their pilot still thinking hes a random smuggler named kylo. they get along very well, especially finn and ben. rey by this point is tracking their whereabouts
they end up on that lightsaber planet and ben gets the weird darth vader nightmare and freaks out, (hes afraid of being evil or something idk) poe is getting suspicious now also finn feels the force and takes up the lightsaber. rey comes and finn trys to hold her off. finn get hurt and drops lightsaber. ben is forced to take it up and his identity is revealed as rebel reeforcements led by han and leia arrive and they see him fighting. rey and ben have a weird charged moment (yes i guess i am still making reylo a thing but its reyben now and its woke so shh) and in a dramatic desperate effort he manages to knock her lightsaber away with the force. poe crawls into a plane at somepoint and blows up reys ship. the rebels destroy the stormtroopers but rey captures finn and escapes in a stolen ship.
ben has a oh-shit-i-said-id-never-use-the-force-again related existential crisis which makes him freak out and leaves. a distraught finn-less poe calls him a coward. poe picks up the discarded lightsaber and the jackettm and sadly packs them up. leia tells him about the starkiller and poe volunteers to go on the starkiller and save finn. han and leia have a sweet moment and han decides to go with poe on the suicide mission, chewie goes too.(chewie arrived at somepoint i guess)
mid hostage situation finn blocks reys force attempt and shes shook up. he sees something in her (finn is a beautiful sweetheart) and he trys to appeal to her. she force chokes him and books it out of there. but it is clear she fears him a little. he escapes with mind tricks and runs into han poe and chewie on the deck. finnpoe moment fr. poe gives him his jacket back in order to get the keep it it looks good on you line.
meanwhile ben is back on his ship(i guess its the falcon?) and he thinks about finn and his mom and luke or something.. a dream maybe?? idk something emotional and motivational for his arc. and he goes to a box under the floor in his ship and pulls out a green lightsaber. he turns the ship around.
on the ship poe finn han and chewie are planting the bombs and escaping when they get stopped by stormtroopers ordered by rey. poe is about to be shot by a big droid thing when it is cut in half by ben wow big reveal hes here oooo ah. rey is shot in the shoulder by chewie and angrily orders more stormtroopers. they cant take them all. han sacrifices himself by blowing up the bridge. he tells finn and poe to find luke in the mandolorian colony ben is distraught him and han have an emotional goodbye he tells him to tell leia he’s sorry and that he loves him and he proud of him then he makes chewy get ben out of there and he blows himself up. leia senses it v sad rip man but he had to die to intensify plot drama
rey chases them onto the ice planet and another weird charged moment. mind link established??? this time ben is too angry and grieving though so its not a good match and she wounds him real bad all over hes v scarred now. poe shoots at rey and throws lightsaber at finn. he gets ben onto the ship and finn and rey have the big force awakens show down. finn uses the force v powerful all that jazz the good guys get away. on the ship finn mentions how he felt a connection with rey to poe and claims he sees good in her
movie ends with meeting luke on mandolore. ben is very traumatised wont really speak to finn or poe and avoiding luke. finn returns lukes lightsaber and rey has doubts movie over. movies ends with ominous rey ben mind link
final notes (on first movie and overarching rewrite plans)
finn is the protagonist of this movie so it would be much more character heavy on him them the original. more in depth on his stormtrooper trauma, how he always chooses the people he loves over the cause and his reluctance to join the rebellion. his friendship with poe and the han/leia parallel’s especially. relationships with han and ben important for his character exposition and he plays a key role in supporting both rey and bens character progression. possesses the strong sense of mercy and kindness at the heart of the star wars franchise.
rey is raised in the first empire and does not know anything different. when she meets finn who was able to rebel and escape from the same system she is trapped in she becomes plagued by doubts and projects all of her hatred and resentment onto finn to compensate, but it is clear she fears him. to escape from her doubts she fixates on finding and capturing ben solo imagining him to be a frightening and terrible adversary. however when she meets him they see eachothers minds, and she sees how plagued by doubt and fear he is, how he runs from everything and he sees her too. they connect and develop a strange mutual fascination/understanding. this is put askew by finns appearance at the end of the movie in defence of ben. reys fear of finn increases when she sees the true extent of his power. she fears and hates equally finns strength of character and easy goodness and by extension hates ben for his alliance with finn. she blames finn for “taking” ben from her.
ben solo
kylo ren is a disgusting blight on the star wars names so ben solo is being completely reclaimed by me into a different character because i fucking hate that stupid pretentious eboy. instead ben solo is an incredibly han solo coded character with a heart of gold and deep love and loyalty to his friends and family. his main weakness as a character in this rewrite is his fear and lack of self belief. ben is terrified of being a jedi and of his own power. he fears his own nature and was so afraid he would become his grandfather that he ran from the jedi altogether. ben solo is a runner that wont face his problems, he runs from the jedi and from his parents to avoid failing or becoming something terrible. finn and ben recognise the need to run in eachother (although important distinction finn runs because he doesn’t want to fight for a cause. and ben runs because hes afraid he will be the reason the cause fails) and ultimately encourage eachother to break the cycle and stand their ground (well finn motivated ben in this movie, finns not fixed yet.) Bens arc in these movies is about learning to live with his own nature and fighting for what he believes in despite his fear. also dealing with mommy issues (ben is kind of jealous of poe and leias relationship the son she wanted or something blah blah blah etc) and being a malewife to his murder girlfriend. his job is kind of to support and fight with finn and later rey and help them save the world
finnpoe (will be a gay couple)
their friendship will be front and centre in these movies because they represent duty vs personal loyalty. poe puts the cause above all else and values his own life and personal relationships little. finn on the other hand is disillusioned with establishment cause of stormtrooper trauma and wants to protect himself and others from it. poe is the first person that finn truly bonds with and loves. he puts poe above everything, including being a jedi and the rebellion. this leads to a lot of fighting and discord between finn and poe as finn doesn’t understand how important the rebellion is to poe and poe doesnt get why finn is trying to protect him from it. ultimately though poe teaches finn faith and belief and finn teaches poe to accept love and value himself. (also many hanleia parallels) the two of them are the harbingers of a new age. poe as future leader of the new republic and finn as the jedi messiah or whatever. in terms of romance, im thinking slowburn. baity first movie, kiss at the end of the second and established relationship by the halfway mark of the third.
also when rey eventually joins the light in the beginning she refuses to talk to ben (cause of romantic drama i havent thought of yet but centres around some sort or betrayal in the second movie) or finn (because hes her narrative foil and slow burn best friend forever) so her first friend is poe and she kind of follows him around in her first few months before she eventually bonds with finn 4eva. her poe shadowing has lots of cute friend moments where they fly together and he tries to talk her down about finn and the ben drama but also more importantly it foreshadows her leadership ability and tactical mind as she gives him advice and aids him with the rebellion behind the scenes (also leads to leia taking rey under her wing probably because poe is her surrogate son and mirror) which will eventually lead to her and poe leading the republic together because in my mind rey is a jedi but actively a member of republic government because ben can’t do politics and finn won’t but shes great at it so she’d be a perfect jedi liason and vice president to poe. meanwhile finn and ben lead the jedi. finn as a knight travelling across the galaxy and ben as a teacher. (luke is happy in retirement rn on mandalore but leia is still probably an advisor in the republic because retirement is definitely not for her) and everyone is happy the end. force ghost han solo is clapping.
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destinysbounty · 1 year
This feels like a no-brainer, but since the very beginning Ninjago's biggest strength in terms of writing is its ability to craft memorable and compelling characters. This was part of the reason why I and a lot of other people were a bit wary about Dragons Rising before its release - people, myself included, were questioning if it could ever really feel like Ninjago if it decided to switch focus to a new cast. If they could conceivably introduce a new generation of ninja that would ever be able to match up to the old cast in terms of likeability and engagement. The core of Ninjago has always been the found family, after all - how could any sequel ever hope to compare to the original if it didnt focus on the og found family in question?
Well to my delight, we seem to all have been worried over nothing. Sure, the old cast does still carry the story in a lot of ways - looking at you, Lloyd - but i feel like the story can stand up well enough without them. Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre are all strong characters in their own right, and if the ninja all permanently left the series at one point in the future i feel confident that plenty of people would still stick around to watch the new team's adventures (though ill be honest, the new team just doesnt feel complete without Lloyd as their dad mentor).
And yknow, its nice to see Ninjago regain its footing again, especially after Wildbrain. By no means am i trying to throw shade at Wildbrain, i love Wildbrain and it holds a special place in my heart, but i also wont hesitate to admit that its character writing kinda started to falter a bit. So to see Ninjago get back into the swing of writing strong, engaging, and lovable new characters again, while also giving the old characters a fresh coat of paint and some much-needed character development...its nice.
This seems to reflect itself in the way people talk about DR, too. Ive seen plenty of criticism thrown its way, but one of the aspects that ive seen the least amount of criticism for is probably the character writing. People will comment on plotholes and animation issues, but ive encountered much fewer people with something negative to say about the characters. Which, in my opinion, is exactly how a Ninjago series should be.
So yeah id say DR is pretty good
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
i have less than 24 hours left before i have to go through one of the most stressful days of my life so. heres a list of my fav radiostatic fic recs in no particular order
clarification: by radiostatic i mean fics where vox is 100% not the dom in the relationship. most of these dont contain explicit sex though, and im not recommending any straight porn fics here because you can easily find those with a click and search through the bottom vox tag lmao
most of these fics are unfinished, so be warned that i will not take accountability if you get attached to these without them being finished properly. in fact ill just laugh at you because then we'll be suffering together
now, that aside- starting off strong with some of the more popular fics:
RHTVS / Radio Healed the Video Star by Aspiring_Forest_Witch
notes: LONG fucking fic. like this guys almost 700k words long fic. one of the best things ive ever read in my life though and it has a plotline thats frankly more engaging than the actual showing of hazbin on amazon. so. you know. if you have the time to read it Please do you wont regret it
Unraveling Emotions by Xaelei
notes: one of my favourite fics ever on god. started my brainrot for dad!husk, portrays one of the most scrumptious radiostatic dynamics and is generally so very well written that i might end up trying to recreate one of the scenes in comic form. genuinely in love with this fic and im so glad i can say i was the first comment on this fic because my God its such a treat to see new chapters drop for this. unfortunately i havent had the time to write out a detailed comment as of now but if someone wants to let the author know that im still in love with their fic and will continue supporting it until i drop dead go ahead for me
Safe with Me by rillyrillo
notes: the prequel and main fic of this series is human radiostatic, though the sequel is set in hell. it comes with gorgeous gorgeous art and frankly one of the most exhilirating endings ive ever had the pleasure of witnessing play out. i recommend you guys check out their other fics too, the art continues in them + their radiostatic is written wonderfully across all universes!
A Month of Rut by Vylad
notes: this fic is very self indulgent to me. i love the way radiostatic is written in this one because theyre very soft and sweet, but others may not prefer it if theyre looking for freak4freak radiostatic. if you just want something to indulge in and relax with at the end of a heavy day though this is my #1 rec. i read this sometimes when i find myself crying at night lmao
Down, Up, and Back Down by CowboyEnthusiast
notes: made me sob like a baby. 10/10 no notes whatsoever read it for yourself because you WILL not regret it. i genuinely am always at a loss for words whenever i reread this because it is among the most gutwrenching but beautiful and poetic works that ive ever read and i think it deserves some recognition
Mind the Gap by ZLynn
notes: again, to reiterate, i do very much dislike the abusive!staticmoth portrayal i see in a lot of fics. but in this one... it's written so perfectly, i can definitely see it actually happening. i enjoy the way that val does still seem to care about vox, albeit in his own twisted way that eventually breaks and fractures their love and trust, and its just. Ugh. So fucking good
+ with the less popular but still wonderful depictions of radiostatic that i love to indulge in:
i'll give you a show (cause it helps fill the seats) by dead_and_dreaming
notes: absolutely shameless plug from me for my dear mk's work because i cant stop thinking about the way that she's portrayed al here. its actually insane how fucked up that stupid little deer is and i just. i really fucking love the way that their alastor is written, it's genuinely probably my Number One depiction of alastor ever. i demand more of this stupid little freak RIGHT NOW!!!!
Any of the fics by Rachello344 in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom Tag on their profile
notes: so remember when i told you guys i wouldnt be linking straight porn. looks away... okay in my defense though i read the smut for the characterization and their unique dynamics. its sooo interesting to see how their radiostatic is explored here and im honestly refreshed by the depiction of their relationship. im here for it !!!
The Read 'Em and Weep Series by TooManyPseudonyms
notes: so from what i was able to piece together (everything flies over my head when im reading, forgive me for my low media literacy) this is an au set before the hotel where (in the first work) al and vox are in a qpr relationship. in the second work this evolves into a romantic relationship, and the exploration of their dynamic through this is just... Yeah. please read it its 100% worth your time and so underrated it hurts my heart
Uneasy by Saezs
notes: this fic is one of the first radiostatic fics i read (the others being RHTVS and... i think i tried the 666 series, but it didnt appeal to me lol) and its actually just wonderful. i really love saezs's genderfluid vox and how supportive the other vees are of them <3 their portrayl of the characters puts a smile on my face whenever i reread their work
Heat Waves by HappyPRAWN
notes: i'll be fr dsmptsd hit me like a truck when i read the title but it is such an interesting debut! only at one chapter as of me making this post but the way the author wrote this is so engaging and it really makes me wonder what they have next in store for the fic
Do I have your attention now? by Chi_Chi25
notes: wow no way we have the same name... anyway ahem. ill be completely honest this ones a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. this fic is a bit fragmented and short, so for people who click off fics when they see imperfect grammar this one may not be for you. however if you can look past that, it has an engaging storyline and quite the juicy concept :)
Killer Ex by FanGirl48
notes: gorgeous, gorgeous little human! radiostatic oneshot. i love the relationship that vox and al have here... the reasons why they both stayed away from each other even though theyre still so very clearly down bad for each other... anyway. i think about this one a lot and i still go back to reread it sometimes lol
Negotiations by FanGirl48
notes: i didnt realize until i started making this list that this fic was also written by fangirl48.... go off queen keep feeding us (me). this one was a fic recommended to me initially by link nonny, and i can 100% vouch for how good it is. its got appletv interactions, radiostatic plus lucifer trying to navigate heaven, angels... basically everything needed for a very varied and well packed with flavour story
The diary of a Serial Killer by ShippersCave
notes: okay im running out of brain juice at this point but. yeah this fic is soooo self indulgent to me. this ones another human au, with al as a serial killer and vox as the journalist trying to conduct interviews with him. its got SUCH a good dynamic between al and vox, i encourage you guys to check it out and give it a chance even if youre not really into human aus.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid by ShippersCave
notes: pirate/siren au !!!!!!!!! RAAHH !!!!! i dont have to say anything else for this if thats not enough to get you to click then i dont know what is
System Shutdown by Swoolie
notes: i cant believe i nearly forgot about this one LMAO... vox goes onto a temporary hiatus and everyone goes crazy about it. im not really sure if this counts as radiostatic frankly because of the way its tagged but its so good i think you should give it a read anyway
Together in Radio Static by Anonymous
notes: QPR media husbands radiostatic au !!!! i love this one especially because it opens off with vox slapping alastor across the face for leaving him LMAOO (deserved)
What Has Been by Tianren
notes: another human au (YEAH YEAH I KNOW. JUST HEAR ME OUT OKAY i swear im cooking) look, as someone with religious trauma deeper than i can properly express and the worlds fifteenth worst parental issues, the depiction of vox in this fic just really hits home. i really adore the exploration of voxs past and how the themes of religious guilt and cults are woven in so far- and it blends very seamlessly with their human au, despite the characters eccentricities
you're too sweet for me by awestruck_atrophy and moonbeanies
notes: basically, vox and al make a deal where vox tries to help him out of the shackles or whatever that are bound to him because of his stupid dumbass lusting for power. its very intriguing so far and i love the setup and worldbuilding the authors have done, so you should check it out if you want a unique perspective on radiostatics relationship
candlelight by curtailed
notes: the best way i can think of to describe this one is like... fake marriage but instead of fake marriage its. fake roommates??? the author probably puts it better than me tbh. its super interesting so far, i cant wait to see where this one is headed especially with how unique its premise is!
Zero Day by Anonymous
notes: this one is like those time regression manhwas. you know, the ones where the protag goes back in time and proceeds to try and avoid everyone who made their life miserable- only to fail because for some reason now they're paying attention to them more than they would have had they stayed the same person. its certainly very promising, though! i do love indulging in time regression stories, especially when the mc is someone i love like vox. i really cant wait to see which direction this one is headed in :)
Never as Good as the First Time by IComeForFanficsNowin403
notes: okay. so, uh. um. so- this one is in spanish. HOWEVER its premise (serial killer alastor meets television star (?? i think. its not quite clear) at a party hosted by rosie, moves into his neighborhood to keep an eye on the pretty prey) is just so unique i honestly think its worth the experience to pull out google translate and try living the machine translated life. really. give it a chance. also its got beautiful art to go along with, so.. you know. thats just a bonus!
+ honorary staticmoth and one-sided/past radiostatic fic rec:
Freak-A-Zoid by Femalefonzie
notes: this fic deserves every single piece of praise its ever gotten because good lord. its SO good. i was not seeing the radiostatic twist come in, but it *is* mostly staticmoth. and also a/b/o but i mean. who *hasnt* indulged in a little bit of a/b/o before honestly
there are other fics that i personally like to indulge in, but i frankly wouldnt recommend to anyone else because they're either the kinds of fics that i myself can only bring myself to read after ive spent 8 hours at work crying into my pillow and need to look at something entertaining, or when im starved of content and cant be bothered to cook myself so i pull out the translator and start going at it. (technically i should know how to read french by now but. urgh. anywway..)
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lastoneout · 8 months
You know what, I just realized something that I can probably add to my list of reasons I'm more ND than I think I am...
So in middle school I found out The Princess Bride was based on a book I immediately decided to read it. But here's the thing, unlike the movie's framing device of a grandfather reading the book to his grandson, the book has one that's basically like an autobiography?? Where the author talks about his grandfather reading him the book as a kid and how it affected him growing up and how, eventually, he decided to "abridge" the original and publish the version you're reading. The author even says Florin and Guilder are real places, and gives "history" on them.
I found(and tbh still find) this part of the book exceptionally boring. It's mean spirted and depressing, and an absolute slog to get through. But I kept trucking through taking everything as complete truth, even though I was pretty sure these countries weren't real places. Europe is big after all and I was in middle school, maybe I just hadn't heard of them before. Thankfully once the "real" book, the story The Princess Bride, actually starts the intersections start to make sense and aren't as boring and I quite liked them more or less, even if they were a little confusing at times. I also read everything after the "real" book ends, an epilog of sorts about the author not being allowed to abridge the sequel bcs Steven King?? Was going to do it?? But there was a bit of this "sequel" included so I read that too.
When my friend, who had leant me the book, asked what I thought, I said I liked it but I didn't understand why the author included all that personal history at the start where he complained about his job and family, it just didn't seem necessary to me and was boring as hell.
My friend informed me that all of that "personal" history wasn't real. The author made it all up. It was as much fiction as the actual story itself. It was satire, you see, and apparently??? very important to read bcs without it you wont "understand" the story. My friend genuinely thought it was super weird that I didn't realize it wasn't true, and also that I didn't like it.
But nah, I thought it was true!! Why would he lie like that?? What was it even satirizing(I still don't really know tbh)?? Why would I need to read all that bs to understand the book?? The story of 'The Princess Bride' made perfect sense on it's own!! I ended up kinda hating the book after that. I felt SUPER betrayed. He said all that stuff like it was true, what on earth was the point of lying?? Didnt he know people would believe him?? Why wouldn't I, after all I almost always tell the truth, lying about all that stuff was dumb and mean and I hated it.
A while later when I brought it up to my godfather he ALSO thought it was silly that I believed all that and didn't get that it was satire, and insisted that it was important for understanding the story.
I still don't get why it's important, and I refuse to read any of it again. When I re-read the book I just skip to where 'The Princess Bride' actually starts and then stop once it's "over". The rest of it is probably important, but to this day I think it's mostly mean spirited and stupid, and idk why he didn't just write the book normally or do what they did in the movie.
Anyway I figure this is like...normal, right? I totally don't have any deeper stuff going on with my brain. When I take assessments I insist I'm great at picking up on sarcasam and satire. Totally great at it. Yeah...
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unlimitedhearts · 10 months
I’m dreading the third game of Spiderman might kill off Harry :/ either he’s goblin (solo or probably along with daddy-o) and dies a la Hero Sacrifice. Or kept comatose and in the end with grim results the decision is to pull the plug on him. idk I feel Harry’s fate is doom and gloom. But they could have killed Harry at the end of this sequel giving a strong motivation for Norman to be the Goblin and hatred for Spider-Man…yet they didn’t. idk rambling thoughts. What do you think?
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Personally i can see both options. I saw someone in the tags of my last headcanon post say that it wouldnt make sense to save him from death in this game only to kill him in the next. On some level i get that, why wait when you could do it now?
I have two worst case scenarios in my head:
Harry wakes up from his coma w amnesia a la the third Tobey Maguire movie. Hes unaware of Pete being Spider-Man and Peter, thinking hes protecting Harry, wont tell him. This may cause a rift in their friendship when Harry finds out - or if Norman ends up going goblin and dies - Spider-Man is to blame in Harrys eyes and he'll go after him then. To me this is a tired trope of Harry getting an intense hatred for Spidey and wanting to kill him over his father. It always felt out of character for me and i truly TRULY hope they dont go this route.
Harry becomes the Kobold. In the comics, Kobold is essentially Harrys way of making the Green Goblin a good guy. If he still wants to fight by Peters side, he'll find a way to do it. Kobold would make a lot of sense to me personally, as it kind of continues their dynamic from this game. Then at the end theres a heros sacrifice to be made and Harry goes for it despite Peters protests. This would be lazy to me too though because he essential already did the heros sacrifice in this game. Seems like theyd just want us to have more time with him to love him even more, just to make losing him hurt worse. I wouldn't put it past an intrepid writer to think they could make it work, but it just seems lazy to me.
Actual best case scenario for me though? Harry wakes up as the g-serum is being injected. Hes against being his dads experiment all over again so he runs and finds Peter. Hes not aware of his pseudo-retirement, he just goes straight to the place thats always been his safe haven; Peters home. He asks Peter to hide him from his dad. Tries to explain everything but hes exhausted and frantic. Peter agrees and they take him into hiding.
Norman, ever the expert deflector, doesnt see this as a failing on his part. Hes convinced spider-man had something to do with his son escaping so he puts out a hit on him. Hes ready, willing, and able to capture and kill at least one of the two spider-men it doesnt matter. We see him pardon Wilson Fisk for this job, and when Fisk cant do it, he has to. Normans going to go Goblin. I know it, i can feel it in my bones.
Miles asks Peter to get back in action and he does. Fisk, plus potentially Otto again, plus this brand new villain in town is too much for any one person to handle. Heres where i see Harry becoming a "Guy In The Chair" for Peter like Ganke is for Miles. Two Guys in the Chair helping the spider-men is definitely better than one. I could also see Harrys goblin powers start to emerge but he keeps pushing them down. Last time he gave into power it didnt end well for anyone.
In an effort to not write out the entire plot of the game as i see fit (because itd be long and there are so many moving pieces and characters and IDEK WHERE THEYRE GONNA PUT SILK IN-), i think if Harry does take on the cowl he'll be doing so against his father. I think i see Harry becoming Goblin/Kobold to fight against Norman and ultimately try to help Peter/Miles. This is where i see Harry either accidentally killing Norman or Norman killing his son (and of course, blaming Spider-Man)
There is also room, in my mind, to bring back Venom a la Lethal Protector/Agent Venom. But tbh if they do, i would much rather Venom go to Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson. But thats just the separate Venom Fangirl Entity within me.
Ultimately my hope of course is that Harry not die and they dont go down that all too tired and hackneyed trope of Harry growing to hate Peter dor whatever reason. I truly TRULY hope they dont go that route it is just SO tired and lazy. I want them to stay close and loving. Whatever route they go with will be SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL if Harry Osborn lives and doesnt make a full 180 on his best friend for no good reason.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
(this is not about anyone in particular but i have encountered this argument alot too so i wanna say sth about it)
the thing that people like to use as an excuse to why totks story was so lackluster that they think of the gameplay first
but how is that an excuse for bad story and inconsistency with the game its supposedly a sequel too? does good gameplay suddendly mean that the story gotta be bad? they made it work just fine with botw, sure its got its problems and there are things that could have been better like in any game, but they made it work with the themes, it felt harmonical with the rest of it
yeah the story feels like an afterthought in totk, bc it probably was, but it didnt have to be, and not to toot my own horn here but thats what im trying to do with the rewrite, yes im including some wishes i have that would never be canon but this is ultimately wasted work im doing anyway, im restructuring the whole game bc i want it to be in tune with itself, i took the route of most changes bc its my little brainfart were i can make it into something i really want while using the real game as a basis, all that work is in vain anyway so why not go all out, but i have several ideas, some even written out, on how you could have made it better, sometimes with minimal changes even and even then, they dont matter, the game is done and higely successful, im just a random dude on the internet thats part of the 0.01% of fans that dont like it, im just insane enough (or autistic enough lol) to basically do game design and writing for an entire game IP i dont own and never will for a game thats already finished and wont change regardless of how much work i do or how much i yell about it
if you think its 'unfair' to the canon game bc some things are not doable (tho honestly given what they have already been able to do nintedny would absolutely be able to do everything im writing) or bc im changing so much then ok? if you think they had their reasons and thats ok with you then ok?
im not tho, and no i dont think they had a good reason nor good excuse to do it like this, thats my opinion anyway, and my opinion doesnt matter in the grant scheme of things
like you dont have to like anything i do with it, its not a demand of the devs, the games done already anyway and nothign will change that, im literally just making it into the sequel i would have loved, i would have wanted, i would think is better but thats just me, all of the work im doing for this project is an outlet for my frustration with the game that i cant let go bc i love the franchise, and most importantly botw, so much that i cant let it go
so if you dont like what im doing, thats fine, but move on then pls bc im not demanding anyone to like it and if you choose to engage with it despite not liking it thats not my fault now is it
and if you do like it i want to thank you for your support!! it means alot that maybe, even if its technically wasted work and time, its really not fully useless, if it can bring even one other person a little joy, thats a good engouh reason for me to keep posting it :3
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shi-daisy · 1 month
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics
(Second of all, little side quest from me, tell me what inspired your fics, why you love them so much, how they came to be, etc etc, I wanna know ALL!!)
Absjkwk Tumblr is crazy don't worry about it this happens all the time. Okay time to gush!
I'll start with the oldest fic since I got a comment on it today and I was like 'oh right, I wrote you in 2018!'
Road to Redemption (Bleach)- This was spite concentrated basically. Bleach was my favorite anime until the abysmal final arc and the atrocious ending we got. So this was me rewriting it with every single thing I wanted and never got, getting all my pairs together and most importantly giving my favorite characters the endings I feel they deserved. It's been 8 years since the story's end and four since this fic was finished and while I still hate what went down in canon I am happy to have given my faves some peace in fanfic world. That's enough for me to take a break from this Fandom though I have two more sequels with the cast since I've loved them from 2010 onwards and that's probably gonna stick with me into old age. I just want them all to be happy.
Road to Ruin (Bleach)- Same as Road to Redemption but for the villians. Bleach has some of the best and most sympathetic villians you'll find. But the writer doesn't do much with them, so I said it f it and gave them all time to shine. You know how I love Tamlin? Well the same goes for Sosuke Aizen. That man owns my soul and if his writer won't hype him up then I shall. This is my favorite fic in terms of writing because is pure self indulgence and I adore the protagonist. I miss writing it so so much!
Five Missed Calls (Disventure Camp) - Not much to say here, it was mostly feels and headcanons that fueled this fic and for once the gods answer my prayers we might get a spinoff with the couple in question but back when I wrote it I was just angst ridden and needed some content to comfort me. Loads of people liked it tho, so I'm happy the sadness fueled headcanons were enjoyable.
A Court of Threads & Daisies (A Court of Thorns & Roses)- IF SJM WONT GIVE TAMLIN A HAPPY END ILL DO IT MYSELF ALSO FUCK YOU RHYSAND GO DIE IN A FIRE! Okay I'm calm now.
This was just meant to be fluff. It spiraled into more because this darn universe is so fun to play with and I really wanted everyone to find joy. (Not just Tamlin) So like with the Bleach fics I said 'Fuck it! Self indulgent rewrite it is!' It's been so fun to write this fic, the characters that became my favorites very quickly (Nemesis & Lazarus Ily ♥) the fluff, the headcanons, getting everyone to have their proper arcs and mostly spreading joy it's been a delight. More than the fic itself I love the people I've met and befriended because of it. As I hadn't thought of Acotar since 2017 but now it's rotting my mind again 😂 Most of all you and your support made this a delight for me to write and while I love the fic and will forever be glad I made it, what I love most about it it's that got me to meet you. Love you buddy!
A Court of Emerald & Sapphire (A Court of Thrones & Roses)- Like Road to Ruin it's a self indulgent prequel to the main fic that you can skip if you don't want the extra info but man do I love it. I'm thinking of editing and rewriting it to have more chapters because these ocs of mine have stolen my heart. They're baby and it's so much fun to plan a revolution with them against Rhysand. I wrote it as just extra info but it was a delight to make and I love my ocs so much. (Also my proud ass is thriving as the only Keir/Oc Acotar fic. That man is mine and mine alone 😈)
The Running Free (Danganronpa: Despair Time) - For as much as I love Danganronpa I don't often write for it as it's one of the rare fandoms where I don't take issue with the writing at all. This is just a one-shot with my crackship for this Fandom but it was fun to write and I love how despite it being super niche people seemed to enjoy it. Probably will be rendered null by canon if either of the characters involved is guilty when Chapter 2 concludes but hey, I have a sequel planned if that's the case 😉
A Court of Blaze & Sorrow (A Court of Thorns & Roses).- Acotad was meant to be 10 chapters of fluff and calling the IC out at the end...Why does it have two sequels?!?!? Anywho, the short story, I wanted to include Autumn in acotad but it was Tamlin's story so I gave Nesta and the Autumn Court their own fic. The long story, this fic is therpahy. Many things delved in it are there not just because I want to do the themes and characters justice but because they help me heal. Particularly addressing a though relationship with an abusive parent or a neglectful parent. In my case, mine's dead but even if it's been two years the struggles haven't fully left me and it's been therapeutic to handle that while tackling these characters who also have one parent who loves them yet (unwittingly) neglected them and one parent who limited their self expression, was physically and emotionally abusive, and in some cases even ignored the mental illnesses he himself exacerbated. It's not over yet but I feel really comforted by it and confident that I'll make everyone proud by the end.
The Jeweled Dragon (A Song of Ice & Fire)- Look you give me a rebellious princess that escapes and disowns her abusive family and becomes a badass sex worker plus she also never married had a bisexual polycule and refused the throne/ spat on the legacy of the fucker who abused her and I am yours baby! Saera Targaryen you are mother! Okay jokes aside her story fascinates me and while I love GRRM's attention to detail and meticulous planning I'm sad he didn't tell us more of what happened to her. So this is just my take on it. Also I loved some other characters here that deserved some love and more than to be a footnote in Westerosi history. They'll get their just desserts too but Saera is my star and I'm forever salty at HOTD for daring to sully her name. (Season 2 sucks and on behalf of Team Green I'm making a sequel and rescuing the babies from the TV writers!)
Heart to Heart (Disventure Camp)- It was gonna be a spite fueled one-shot. Then the season got so bad I had to rewrite (common theme here) also FUCK YOU CONNOR BLAKE, AND FUCK WHOEVER DECIDED TO BREAK UP THE BEST DUO OF THE SEASON ALEC AND RIYA ARE PEAK! End scream.
I don't wanna spoil much since you told me you want to get into this Fandom soon but I'll just say it's been such a delight to write this and to meet like minded people who wanted better for these characters and to give them better ends. (Also making my fave ship canon and running laps around the writers in the official show server has given me a fucking ego) It's so much fun to write. I love making angst romance and I am exicted to give my villianess girlie a befitting end.
Transformers fic (Transformers) with @maplesamurai - What's better than writing? Writing with your beloved bf!
Now this was just us being silly and coming up with goofy ocs but given the flexibility of the Transformers Fandom we chose to make our own story and it's been a blast, it's still a bunch of drafts but I am exited for it to be done and to share it with everyone because it has so much effort and love put into it that I am certain it will be beloved. Decepticon centric fic lets go we will give our badies their day in the sun! Also Maple is a freaking genius and a delight to write with, love you babe this has been so much fun!
Those are all the fics so far so I hope this has made you as giddy as me. Love ya bud!
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effervescentdragon · 3 months
tell us more about the pirate au sequel please 😊🥰
okay so its the sequel to this fic, which was inspired by me bingeing pirates of the carribean, obviously. this one is from charles' pov and it follows the same kind of structure, switching between past and present in a way that unites them at the end, where the past and present meet. i have the whole plot planned out but i havent had much inspiration to write it, so i will post a part that ive already written. thank you so much for asking btw, the pirate au is one of my favourite things ive written. oh and the rating goes up on this one <3
"Well. This is a buggery."
Charles snorts, then resists the urge to cover his mouth and apologize. Manners maketh man, or however that saying George loves goes, but Charles is trying to get used to the fact that he doesn’t need to be perfectly poised at all times anymore. He is free to say and do whatever he wants, bar some honestly self-explanatory boundaries and rules, since he is a pirate now. The thought gives him a thrill, as it always does. However, the whole pirate thing, well. It’s still quite new, and sometimes he forgets that there are much less arbitrary boundaries to respect and much less rules to abide b⁸y. And even those rules which exist are more like guidelines.
The whole point of piracy is that I am free to speak my mind, he thinks, so he does.
"Not really. Buggery is much more pleasant than all of this."
Him and Susie look at each other, then burst into laughter.
"You may be right, little Prince." She grins, and Charles likes the way all the words sound in her Scottish brogue. "I've never tried it in my life, so I bow to your authority."
It suits her, the speech, and how rough it sometimes sounds to the untrained eye, he thinks. It's fierce and unyielding, just like her. Susie is leaning on the bars, casual as anything, but there is a tightness around her mouth and eyes that belies the severity of the situation they're in. Still, it helps Charles relax, just knowing she’s also here. Knowing he isn’t alone, that he has someone to talk to, even if it’s about things that are probably not appropriate in their current situation.
Then again, what would be a more appropriate time for some light-heartedness than this, he thinks, then says "I can attest with my own, ah, personal experience, it is much, much better than this.”
“Yes. We’ve all heard your personal experience, little Prince.” Her grin is wicked and mischievous, and despite his best efforts, it makes Charles blush. He’s gotten rid of most of his ‘uppity, princely reservations’, as Sebastian likes to say, the bastard, but he thinks there will always be a part of him that will be embarrassed about his love life. “Monsieur Gasly apparently isn’t all talk, if the sounds coming nightly from your cabin are anything to go by.”
Charles blushes, as he is still wont to do, because despite all the freedom he has in the world, some things are so fundamental, they never change. His propensity to blush is, sadly, one of them.
“Yes, well,” he stammers. “He is, ah. Good at certain things.” He smiles wickedly. "Very good, in fact."
Susie waggles her eyebrows.
“Oh, I’ve heard how good he is. Magnificent, if my French knowledge serves me correctly. Divine, I believe was another word used frequently.” Charles knows his cheeks are red, but he’ll bear the embarrassment if it means Susie isn’t feeling dejected for at least a moment. “Incroyable, also. Often.”
“Fantastique, aussi,” he says haughtily, just to hear her laugh. “As I say, buggery is way more enjoyable than this conundrum we have found ourselves in."
Susie snorts. "Conundrum, he says. This is a fuckery, Charles," she states gloomily. "A fuckery, and I'm not sure how we'll get ourselves out of it."
Charles isn't sure either, if he's being honest. Everything went wrong in the blink of an eye, and he hasn’t had time to breathe since he was roughly manhandled and struck on the head, at which point his memory ceases. He has woken up in this cell, the movement making it obvious he was on a ship. He recognised the decorations, or lack thereof if he were to be accurate, and his guess had proven correct when a uniformed officer dragged a spiffing-mad Susie with him but a moment ago and threw her into Charles’ cell without a second glance.
Charles did very much admire how Susie somehow managed to leave obvious nail-tracks against the soldier’s hands despite being bound in heavy chains, just as Charles was.
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txttletale · 1 year
ok, thank you for the answer irt worm! now what about all of the other wildbow webthings?
pact is pretty good it's a horror story about a trans-coded guy called blake who goes through horrible things nonstop for a million words. the pacing's absolutely fucked (blake goes to toronto for basically no reason and ends up stuck there for like a third of the book lol) but the world's very evocative and the story has a fun take on magic that plays with symbolism and narrative in a way that makes it worth reading
twig is also pretty good. it's kind of like a biopunk espionage thriller about plucky teens becoming horrendously traumatized young adults in a world where frankenstein was real and the british empire conquered the world using nasty flesh monsters. it's nonstop body horror and weird social intrigue and the back half is a genuinely grueling to read slog through the protagonist having a total fucking meltdown but it is (like most wildbow works!) just bursting with cool ideas that could have each fueled an entire novel on their own
ward is the sequel to worm and its bad and not good because 1. it was obviously barely planned out compared to his earlier work and so a lot of it makes very little sense and story arcs get dropped like hot potatoes, 2. around this point wildbow started paying a lot of attention to fan reactions and writing in direct response to them which is the mind-killer, 3. at some point it starts feeling like wildbow was just straight up miserable writing it and hated doing so and it shows
pale is set in the same universe as pact but isn't a direct sequel. it was meant to be a short little murder mystery and by all accounts started out really really good with great characters and a fun mystery and cool concepts. however now its 3 million words long and a lot of people think that by Not Ending like two million words ago it's written itself into being a load of unreadable garbage by now. i havent read it and probably wont ever because 3 million words is a lot of words
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 3 months
oh! and you totes don’t have to answer if you don’t wanna but is there any more potential sqh centric fics coming ? whether connected to winrn or not? i mean tbh ill read anything you write regardless but as the number 1 sqh truther im curious !!
absolutely!!! literally cant stop wont stop SQH writing hours he lives in my brain
some upcoming SQH fics include a few gotcha prompt fills (fic abt SQH's mental health journey, TLJ/SQH fic, disciple days YQY/SQH fic, poooosibly a XXXHolic au if i decide bw moshang and jiuyuan) that will GOD WILING be kind of short. Then on the non-prompt/longer end I have outlines or parts written for a moshang role reversal w a twist series, some cute sickfic content, and a moshang fic for the SVSSS Big Bang i am dying to get to
plus probably more but lemme not get ahead of myself
also def got plans to do at least on WINRN sequel, although probs not immediately after the fic wraps up. ive got a whole plotline in my head for the kiddos during the canon timeline that i do self-indulgently really want to write haha
(and thank you so much aahh that is so kind ( ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩))
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dragons-bones · 1 year
FFXIV Write Entry #22: Code 'Buncle
Prompt: fulsome || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: Sequel to "[INDIGO ABRASAX]" from earlier this FFXIV Write!
Synnove pressed her palm to her forehead and groaned. Not for the first time, she wanted to strangle Vatete Vate.
Too bad she was a couple thousand years dead.
Mama, you’re going to need to rope in Nero, Galette said waspishly.
Synnove groaned again. “Noooooooo.”
As was her wont when working on a carbuncle’s physical array system, Synnove had taken over an unused lecture hall within Mealvaan’s Gate. Unspooling a carbuncle and making sure the physical arrays had enough space was a frequent part of her routine and an important aspect of carbuncle maintenance. Just because the written arrays were still flawless did not mean that the physical ones couldn’t be affected by any number of factors.
She should have known trying to get a grasp on Ipomoea’s array system wasn’t going to be easy when the carbuncle didn’t unspool. Ipomoea unfolded.
When unspooled, Galette had the densest array system of all the carbuncles, her ribbon of self tightly coiled to fit, even in a room as large as a Guild lecture hall. She was an old carbuncle, the frequent first recipient of any upgrades Synnove devised or needed to test, and the bearer of a number of unique functions that neither construct nor summoner ever openly advertised. (Some were benign, or minor tweaks. Others not so much.)
But Ipomoea’s physical array system wasn’t a tidy ribbon of aether folding or curling in on itself however many times it needed. It filled nearly every ilm of space in the room, a chaotic jumble of geometry and equations and Allagan coding language. Synnove had been at this for the entire morning and she had only examined perhaps a sixth of the mess and understood even less of it.
[Senior Construct Galette, who is Designation: Nero?]
Ipomoea’s blandly pleasant aetheric harmonic seemed to physically echo, and Synnove made a conscious effort not to twitch. Galette’s tails lashed once against her shoulder, before the emerald carbuncle regained control of herself and chirped, Nero Scaeva is our not-so-resident expert on Allagan technology and programming. You will end up meeting him sooner rather than later. Also, he’s an annoying prick.
[Should I assume by the negative appellation that Designation: Nero Scaeva should not be listed as a New User for the purpose of debugging my array system?]
“That is correct,” Synnove said. “Never, ever, ever.”
[Designation: Nero Scaeva categorized as ALLIED UNIT, Subcategory: Annoying Prick.]
Synnove allowed herself a mean little chuckle at that. Galette just flat out cackled, eerily similar in sound to Garuda’s high-pitched mad shrieks.
But reality reasserted itself, and Synnove found herself scowling again soon enough. Galette, unfortunately, was correct: she was going to need to call in Nero. Synnove was good at untangling Allagan bullshite, but Nero was better, especially since this was his bread and butter and not a side hobby as it was for herself. And Vatete Vate had done some truly disgusting things while bashing arcane geometries into fairy logic into Allagan service node programming; she’d probably need to get Halulu or Setoto in on this, as well, for the fairy logic components of Ipomoea’s system. What a fucking mess, and even poor Ipomoea couldn’t explain half of what was inside her; Vatete apparently hadn’t bothered to include even a fucking table of contents in either Ipomoea or the soulstone.
And then there was all this other fucking nonsense in the physical array that seemed to have no bloody fucking purpose! Strange squiggles and shapes that she dearly hoped weren’t Vatete’s own shorthand, because there would be no deciphering that. Honestly, some looked like little…
…oh, she fucking didn’t.
“Ipomoea,” Synnove said slowly, and pointed to a flourish currently floating near Galette’s ear, “are you able to explain what this is?”
[Certainly! That is a hedera.]
Seven fucking hells, she did.
“Vatete put PAGE BLOCKS in your fucking physical array?!”
[That is correct.]
Synnove bit down hard on her lower lip, but that merely turned the shriek she wanted to indulge in into something closer to a whistling teakettle. Galette rubbed her head against her cheek in commiseration.
“Ipomoea, are you able to locate each hedera in your array?”
[I am.]
“Please light them up for me.”
She did.
“…I fucking hate Vatete Vate.”
[You are not the first.] Ipomoea’s harmonic, for once, forewent polite neutrality in favor of wry, dare Synnove think it, agreement.
“How the fucking fuck do you put a page block into an equation, Twelve fucking help me.” Synnove rubbed her temples and sighed heavily. “All right, sweetness, let’s see if I can’t find your bloody personality matrix somewhere in this mess.”
[…What is a personality matrix?]
Galette made a noise, and it was angry.
Synnove felt similar. “I am going to find how to murder a woman three thousand years dead, I swear to the fucking Traders. Ipomoea, look for anything related to…”
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dufrau · 2 months
hmm. I am bad at coming up with asks randomly, I think.
um ... if you were (for some bizarre reason) ever gonna write fic for any fandom other than ronance (or glee maybe, iirc?), what do you think you'd be most inclined to write fic for?
Ooh good question. Thank you!
Hmm. This is hard. Because it's not about, like, whether I like something, you know? Like I WISH loving something made me want to write about it.
I did write some Glee fic back in the day (since deleted off ffnet) and some clexa (never finished or posted). I think if I had been less drunk on a daily basis when Warehouse 13 was airing and therefore had more creative energy at my disposal I probably would have written some Bering & Wells but that ship has largely sailed unless i get back to my rewatch and it does something to me.
I think the most likely thing, just because I feel like I have a good handle on their characters, is Devil Wears Prada (but im probably not ever going to unless the sequel happens and it inspires me).
But beyond that, I think the next thing I'll write fic for hasn't happened yet, or I haven't seen it yet. It's rare! I have to like a thing in exactly the right way and it has to leave me yearning and unsatisfied in just the right way. Like it can't be too good because if it's too good I won't feel the need to fix anything, but if its not good enough i wont care about it enough to write for it 🤷 It's hard to predict! It also requires me to watch new things, which i am profoundly unlikely to do most of the time 😂
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jovenshires · 8 months
I just reread iwks, god its SO good, tbh better the second time around too, you catch more little details.
Anyway i am BEGGING for any post story lore pls!!!!!
PLSSSS thank you so much!!! <3<3<3 i don't know when this was sent BUT i did drop this lore dump post while i was away of lil details i couldn't fit into the story the first time around. and then as for post-story lore... well i wont say TOO much because we are, confirmed, getting multiple sequels (two that overlap, one little in-between filler, and a prequel at least but who knows bc i love this stupid universe) BUT. what i will say is this:
next time we see spencer and tommy they will be in college
we'll meet at least one brand new team with i think a lot of familiar faces! (i've already planned it out i cant WAIT to write them)
not everyone is gonna keep playing soccer past high school <3
on the other hand, at least one of them is on track to play soccer professionally, but more will probably keep playing it through college and make a career out of sports in some way (announcers, analysts, etc)
i think the next captain of the olops pirates may come as a surprise ! idk !
we will see a LOT of people's povs. a LOT. pick your favorite background character from iwks? yeah THEM.
because we are now going to university we'll finally have Women around. i have a lot reserved for the prequel (girls' team my beloved) BUT let's just say we'll see some of my faves in the sequel doing fuck-all related to soccer
and finally like any high school relationship spommy will experience some ups and downs. you know how it is.
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familyofpaladins · 2 months
This is @deadlyflan , my tmnt side blog. Tumblr won't let me send asks from it directly. Boo.
You asked me questions in the TMNT 40th Anniversary ask game and I wanted to send some questions right back atchu! I used a random number generator to pick three for you. :D
#5, 17, 36
hi @deadlyflan!!!! Yeah, stinks that tumblr wont let you ask from side blogs.
Thank you for the ask!! Great questions
Which iterations are you familiar with
I have seen: the 1987 cartoon. The three 90's movies, the 2003 cartoon (+ turtles forever movie), The 2007 animated movie, the 2012 cartoon, the bayverse movies, the Rise of the tmnt (+ movie), the Batman vs tmnt movie, and the Mutant mayhem movie. I also have read The Last Ronin (only the first 5chapter one shot. Have not read The Lost Years or whatever the sequel to it is). Hmmm I Think that's it? So like. A good chunk of it. Sadly no comics besides last ronin.
17 Which version of the Shredder is your favorite?
I think 03 shredder is probably my fav. Mostly because 03 was the first series I watched, but also because he's a little cockroach who wont die and and is a serious threat. Also it's just so funny for him to be this like, charming manipulator most of the time. But then you get ch'rell out of the suit and suddenly he's this feral little face grabbing alien and I love it. But I think 90's shredder is the best "fulluly human" shredder. He's a regular dude. Not an alien or mutant or super powered (not counting the five minutes he was mega shredder in the second movie)and he was still intimidating!! He felt like a scary legitimate threat!! Very good.
36 Which character do you have the hardest time writing/drawing?
Honestly I have a hard time drawing any of the rise turtles. It's mostly their platoon that I cant get right lol. Everyone else has a fairly flat and smooth platoon. Rise boys have this bumpy angled chests and it throws me off lol Also sometimes the human characters are hard to draw after just drawing the turtles for a while lol.
I've only written one thing so far, and it was for rise, funnily enough. It wasnt too hard for them. But writing donnie was a little hard for me because he's smart, way smarter than me, so it was hard to come up with things for him to say that sounded in character and not just like technobable.
(Actually writing any Don is hard to make him sound convincingly smart, because I am not that smart lol)
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