#professor Mcgonigall
Quidditch and Tea
Enzo x Reader(Ravenclaw)
a/n: this was a little idea... actually half of the idea. the other half was the game. but I am a little in a writing slump. So posting this before I loose my nerves again.
Not edited. Not proofread. Not anything really.
This feels more like the beginning of a longer story... What do you think?
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You never understood Quidditch.
Which was fine. As a Ravenclaw you understood many other things. One of those things was team spirit. The only thing that made you get up and walk over to the Slytherin table.
Because the quidditch captain had sounded worried about the game tomorrow. So worried that even you, someone too busy with books and music, had heard him last night.
"Are you mad?", Alma hissed behind you. She tried to grab you and pull you back down.
But you had a plan.
At least the start of a plan.
This was a good plan, right? What was the worst that could happen?
And then you stood next to Enzo Berkshire. The guy with the soft curls and adorable dimples. And the weakest link in the Slytherin Quidditch team.
"Hi", you said.
He turned towards you. All his friends turned towards you. Most of them knew you from class. Mattheo even winked at you. But you weren't here to play along. You wanted to win.
Or at least help your team win.
Without waiting for Enzos reply you swung on leg over the bench and sat down, facing him. His eyes wondered down to your tights that were hugging the bench. Just one second too long and you knew you had him.
With a sweet smile you leaned in. "I heard a rumor."
"Don`t" came a warning from Draco Malfoy, the captain. "Go back to your own table."
But Enzo was grinning at you. "Did you now?"
"I heard that when a girl asks you out for a butterbeer you never refuse her."
"Shit, she is good", whispered Mattheo from across the table.
His commend made you almost drop the act. You had questions. Was it the smile that was working? Or your words? What was it about girls in skirts that made the boys pay attention more?
You could almost feel your inner professor pushing up her glasses and taking notes. Later you would have to discuss this with Alma.
"It`s true", Enzo leaned in as if he was sharing a secret with you. The sparkle in his eyes told you that he was almost where you wanted him. With his head way up in the clouds and distracted from the game tomorrow. This was too easy.
You also leaned in. Noses almost brushing you let out a sad sigh.
"Pity that I don`t like beer. Would have loved to asked you out."
His eyes blinked at you. "Hu?"
You got up, one hand on his shoulder, pretending to balance yourself. Than you gave him a soft pat and a wink.
Mattheo started laughing.
Draco was just starring daggers into you.
Enzo was still looking up, eyes wide, lips parted. He was gorgeous. You had always known that. In this moment you understood the other girls that would so easily fall for him just to be heart broken. Interesting.
Swiftly, you turned around and left the great hall. Alma was waiting with your bag outside.
"What the hell? Since when are you flirting? I did not even know you were interested in Berkshire."
You shrugged. "You saw our team. All is fair in love and war."
"Wait, you did all this for the quidditch team?", she grabbed you by the shoulder. "You flirted with Enzo in front of the entire school, made hundreds of girls jealous, had Malfoy almost rip your head off, just for a quidditch game."
You grinned. "He will play awful tomorrow and you know it."
"Some one should give you house points for that."
Indeed was Enzo starring at you for the rest of the day. Luckily you had only two classes with him. In Transfiguration you winked at him and he almost burned down his table. McGonigall was not impressed.
History of magic was proving to be more difficult. Binz never payed attention to the class and normally you would do homework for Potions in that time. But Enzo sat right behind you. And after a couple of minutes a Note appeared on your desk.
"Why don`t you like beer?"
Alma was shaking her head next to you.
"Because it tastes awful?" you wrote back.
It took him ten seconds to reply. "What about tea?"
"I love tea."
"Why don`t you ask me out for tea then?"
You grinned while answering. Your plan was going perfectly. "Why don`t you ask me out for tea?"
This time his answer took longer.
"Tonight, you and me on the astronomy tower. I will bring the tea if you bring sweets."
Should you feel bad? Maybe a little. But it was just tea. And stars. And Enzo Berkshire with his killer smile.
For the first time you asked yourself if your plan wasn't as perfect as you thought. Not that you put much thought into it. It was more an idea. Enzo had always been on your mind. And maybe you had taken the Quidditch match as an excuse.
"I know that look", Alma whispered.
"Psst", you pointed to Professor Binz. "I am trying to listen."
She rolled her eyes.
After class you took your time packing up. It was Friday and lunch and you had the rest of the day off. Alma was not as lucky.
"I See you later" she said and run off to Ruins.
"I See you later too", a deeper voice said right next to your ear.
With a jump you turned. Enzo grinned down at you.
"Right", you said. Suddenly you realized that you had a date with him. Oh Merlin, alma was right. You were mad.
"Anything with chocolate", he said and turned around. "But I also dont mind lemon."
The sweets. He was talking about the sweets. You took a deep breath. Where the hell would you get sweets from?
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mr-squidgy-jr · 1 year
Okay so I just had a thought about abusive parents in the Harry Potter universe. Obviously some parents in the series are better than other but what actually led to this thought was the howlers.
Imagine one year a new young wizard comes in, he’s ecstatic to be at the school, he hates going back home for holidays. Nothing much to think about, everyone live hogwarts! But one day a howler arrives in the cafeteria. It’s like any ordinary howler, a parent yelling at their child that they’ve been bad, but with a rude offhand comment added on, seemingly targeted. Eventually they come frequently complaining about grades, detentions, clothing choice, behavior, sexuality, gender , many things blamed on the child, slurs, and more. The kid never mentions it and says it’s normal that this is just how their parents show love, but everyone knows something’s wrong.
They report it to mcgonagal ( I don’t trust dumbledore to take care of kids after Harry) and she responds she’s already dealing with the isssue. One day she pulls the kid aside, they dont go to any other classes that day. When they get back to their commons they have tear marks but seem to be more relaxed then usual.
Everyone helps of course already suspecting what’s happening. Word gets around and each house offer support, gryfindors offer protection, huffelpuffs offer comfort, slytherines make sure no one bothers them and offer them an always quiet corner and a witty joke, and the raven laws offer conversation and discussion of the issue without judgement.
The next day a howler flies in, and before it can even reach the table several students and professor flitwick hex it and watch as it burns without a sound. They do this every time they see any mail form home that was not approved by mcgonigall.
One day the letters just stop, rumor has it the parents have been sent to court at the ministry with plenty of written, heard, and testified evidence. Time passes and things seem to improve and one dinner the kid makes an announcement with mcgonigall, thanking everyone that helped in any way, form blocking messages, offering support, being careful with subjects, caring in the first place and some even for inviting them to come with them for the holidays.
I don’t really know how to end this other than the parents being arrested or smth but I like the idea of magical solutions to escape abuse, even Harry had to do this to get away from the dursleys .
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fanfiction-haven07 · 7 years
Harry Potter au
Au where instead of being left on the Dursley's doorstep, professor McGonigall takes Harry in and he lives a relatively normal wizarding life. Despite the fact that professor McGonigall is a strict/stern mother figure imagine the intense softness she would also have with him. Like a lioness with her cub.
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politalysis · 3 years
# What has happened to JK Rowling?
Growing up in the early 2000s immediately made Harry Potter a huge part of your childhood. Even if you never read the books or watched the films, you can probably name the three main characters. Even if you weren’t interested in Harry Potter in the slightest, you probably know your Hogwarts house. It’s incredible what Harry Potter did for our generation all over the world. Children would stay up on their eleventh birthdays anxiously awaiting a Hogwarts acceptance letter, knowing full well that owl was never going to come. Our imagination kept the dream of going to Hogwarts and learning magic alive anyway. Even now at the age of 23, I can for the most part keep a conversation flowing with anyone who has read the books or even just watched the films. You could even go as far as to say it was our generation’s Lord of the Rings.
JK Rowling came from very humble beginnings. She suffered with depression in her childhood and early teens, and lost her mother to multiple sclerosis in 1990. These struggles inspired her a lot when writing Harry Potter. She channeled her grief and pain into her writing. In 1992, she married a man she had met whilst living in Portugal, but Rowling suffered domestic abuse at his hands and the couple separated a year later. She lost her job and moved to Edinburgh in Scotland, where she had to sign up for welfare benefits, which left her a poor and depressed single mother spending her time writing in coffee shops. When she finished writing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, twelve publishers rejected the opportunity to publish the book. Once someone finally agreed to publish the book, it became the best selling children’s book of the year.
We all know how the story goes from there. Rowling wrote six more Harry Potter books, eight films were made, and Rowling went from a poor vulnerable single mother to a multi millionaire in the space of a few short years. Harry Potter is now a global brand estimated to be worth about $15 billion. The last four books have each consecutively set the record for the fastest selling book in history. Rowling is now the richest author in the world, with a net worth of $92 million. But as well as money, JK Rowling has over 14 million followers on Twitter. This gives her massive influence as well as money. Rowling seemed to initially use this influence for good, spreading mental health awareness, LGBT inclusivity, interacting with fans and creating a website for all us Harry Potter fans to determine our houses and let our wands choose us.
I remember being 8 years old when Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was released, and I was attending a religious school where some parents complained and called to ban Harry Potter over the controversial decision JK Rowling made regarding Dumbledore’s sexuality. Rowling had made the claim that Dumbledore was gay. Looking back, the controversy was ridiculous and I can only imagine how embarrassed some of those parents must be. I also remember as I got older, re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I noticed more that the emotion behind Dumbledore’s relationship with Grindelwald was one he held with a romantic love. So years later, when several members of the LGBT community attacked Rowling for only deciding Dumbledore’s sexuality after the books were written, I publicly defended her with my knowledge that that simply wasn’t true. I had this image of Rowling in my mind, that she had always been on the right side of this debate. She had always been inclusive and supportive of LGBT people as far as I could see, and I just didn’t understand the issue. Rowling had always expressed a centre-left political perspective, and although I didn’t agree with all her views, they seemed relatively uncontroversial.
When Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was released, I hated it. It was a literary disaster, completely disrespectful of the original book series, the characters were a shell of the characters we had grown up with, the plot was almost deliberately ridiculous and overly elaborate and I immediately dismissed it as not canon. I have never forgiven JK Rowling for publicly stating the book was canon. She almost destroyed a whole two decades of her own hard work and the franchise that she’d built that had been like a home for a whole generation. All because she wanted to grab a few extra quid for a terrible book she didn’t even write. To this day I can’t help but wonder if she has even read the book. If I had written the masterpiece that is Harry Potter, I would view the Cursed Child as an insult. Perhaps I’ll even write a review one day, just for fun. Rowling also annoyed me by going back on her story, regretting pairing Ron and Hermione together and not pairing Hermione with Harry. Ron and Hermione are my favourite couple from the story, and their relationship had so much meaning. I couldn’t believe that the author who wrote such a clever and consistent relationship between two beloved characters could ever regret it. At this point in my life, I was beginning to wonder if perhaps Rowling was losing her mind. It was almost like she was trying to destroy her legacy.
As more years passed, the Fantastic Beasts films were released. The first film looked promising, but the second film was yet another disaster. Again, it was inconsistent with the franchise as we knew it, for some reason Hogwarts was full of people wearing 3 piece suits instead of the robes they wore in the Harry Potter series and Minerva McGonigall appeared as a teacher despite the fact that canonically there is no way she could have been old enough. The film was a disaster with both fans and critics hating it. Amongst this mess came controversy in December 2019. Rowling lost all respect she had once held amongst the transgender community when she made a public statement supporting Maya Forstater, a British woman who lost her employment tribunal case against her employer who fired her over transphobic comments. Six months later on June 6 2020, Rowling criticised the term “people who menstruate” and stated: "If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives." Rowling’s views on these issues were heavily criticised by GLAAD and even by the actors from the Harry Potter movies including lead actors Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson.
Rowling published a 3,600 word essay in response to the mass criticism of her views four days later. The essay did her no favours, as she wrote: “When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside.” She seemed to be suggesting that trans women are often just men disguised as women in order to trick or even harm other women. This obviously angered the transgender community even more, and women’s refuge shelters that allow trans women were reporting no rise in violence as a result, children’s charities that support gender non conforming children were criticising Rowling, she was being made to give back awards and ultimately Rowling was labelled a Trans exclusionary radical feminist, a term often abbreviated to TERF.
JK Rowling is the perfect example of how money and influence can make someone forget their roots so easily. For someone who survived poverty, domestic abuse and sexual assault, she is so lacking in self awareness and how the things she has said and done can be harmful to transgender people. It is widely reported that transgender women are at more risk of harm in female restrooms than cisgender women. With acceptance becoming the norm, transgender people are feeling more safe to come out now than ever before, and so the rise in numbers of the community is huge, especially amongst our generation who grew up with Harry Potter. For a young transgender teenager to grow up wondering how Hogwarts would accommodate them, only to hear the author who gave us Hogwarts in the first place disapprove of equal rights for transgender people, must be very disheartening. However, JK Rowling has proven that she has no idea how powerful the legacy her books created really is. She was tasked with following up the Harry Potter series, and what she gave us was inconsistent and very poorly written screenplays. I have read better sequels on tumblr. Lots of them. Hogwarts doesn’t belong to JK Rowling, it belongs to the fandom. And I’ll be willing to bet my last penny that if Professor McGonigall witnessed any bullying of transgender students in her classroom (or indeed the girls bathroom!) she’d absolutely defend the victim without a moment’s hesitation. Hermione would decorate the Gryffindor common room with little blue, pink and white flags in support of a transgender first year who’d just been sorted into Gryffindor. Luna Lovegood would sit and befriend any trans student who looked lonely, and Ginny would dish out a bat bogey hex to anyone who dared pick on them. No matter what JK Rowling thinks, Hogwarts is not hers to ruin. It is ours. Regardless of what makes us different, Hogwarts is our home.
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bonniebird · 5 years
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Draco x Reader
Requested by Anon
Just like that the war was over. There was an uneasy silence that settled over everything. Like a blanket of snow. No one could quite believe it was over, most started searching for the people they’d lost. Deciding to leave his parents, Draco tried to find you. He helped a few of the injured to the main hall and at one point Hermione rushed to help him with a young Griffendor, she left him and promised she would let the other’s who were searching know that you hadn’t been found yet.
Draco stood quietly. He watched families embrace, friends cling to each other and cry out of relief that they were alright. He was beginning to panic. In the past months he’d not spoken to you and he started to wish he’d asked you to marry him once you both finished at Hogwarts. That was his plan, but he’d never told you. Now there was no sign of you and he regretted it. 
The sun was coming up and people were mourning their lost ones. There was still no sign of you and he almost felt as if he should join them.
“Draco.” Harry said awkwardly, he gestured to where Neville and Ginny were carrying some more injured survivors through the halls.
Hopeful family members went to see if their missing were among them. Some wept and some rushed to help them but Draco stood hopefully. When he saw you, injured and bloody but hobbling along, leaning on Luna Lovegood who pointed at him as he hurried over.
“Draco!” You gasped as he hugged you tightly before pulling away and leading you to a seat.
“Are you alright?” He asked quickly as he looked over your bruising face, panic clear in his eyes, though his face betrayed nothing.
“I will be.” You said wearily as he looked around for a healer. When you squeezed his hand he turned back and frowned.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked cautiously and he swallowed, nerves clawing up his throat as you looked down at your hand clutched in his. “Would you… do you think your parents… would. Draco would you marry me?”
He smiled, like he’d never smiled before and even with all the loss his eyes lit up. “Of course. It’s all I really wanted.” He admitted and hugged you again.
Luna cheered and clapped for you and some of the people nearby joined in. Even the Weasleys cheered.
“We’ll have it here. If you’d like. We need something good to happen, so we can start over here, happy.” Professor McGonigall said hopefully.
“Well?” You said to Draco who nodded and fumbled in his pocket for the ring he’d been carrying around for years.
“This is yours.” He said and chuckled when you grinned at it.
“What about your parents?” You mumbled as you saw them glowering over at you.
“Who needs them.” He said uncertainty. After a moment he excused himself to go and speak with them.
“It’s kind of you. To have it here. It will mean the next time we come here, before the school opens again, it will be for a happy occasion. That hasn’t happened here for a while.” Luna said as you went to great your friends that had made it through the battle. “I always said he’d fall madly in love with you. You see you’re marrying him now.” She said and smiled as you hugged her.
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thathpheadcanongirl · 7 years
Remadora if they had survived the battle but one of them was injured?
I usually only focus on HP Canon, but I once had a convo similar to this concept: What if only one of them survived?
If Tonks had survived, she would have been devastated for sure. But she’d slowly move on, knowing that Remus would want her to. She also had help from her Mother and Harry and pretty much the entire Weasley family. I do think she would stay as an Auror, and perhaps help Harry, Neville, and Ron out. She wouldn’t be Head Auror because she knew that would be a lot of responsibility and time away from her family. She’d totally root for Harry though, who completely deserved the title. She’d also help out with training, and made sure to scare the ever-living shit out of the trainees by morphing into Harry or Kingsley and just yell at them about constant vigilance.
And, yeah, I do think she would get back in the dating pool, once Teddy is a little older. I believe Teddy would actually encourage Tonks to find someone, seeing as he really didn’t know his father, and would secretly like to have that extra something. But, Tonks is kinda famous now, so the dating pool is kinda slim. People are intimidated by her, and some people are put off by her forwardness. She wouldn’t really find someone permanent until Teddy’s almost finished Hogwarts. Everyone, besides Harry and Ginny, thinks he’s cool for Tonks. Harry and Ginny end up defending Remus’s memory for a while, but they eventually can’t deny that this new guy is literally her with man parts lol! Maybe they don’t get married, or maybe they do at some point, but she would never forget Remus or the love they shared. And this new guy doesn’t want to be a replacement because he respects Remus’s part in the war and in creating Teddy. Oh, and Teddy loves this new guy, not like his Father, but as another Father figure to bond with and learn from.
Now, let’s do a 180, if you please and talk about if Remus had survived. He would probably think he deserved losing Tonks, despite the heroism and fame he had received after the war. His role as a Father without Tonks would be difficult because Andromeda would also put a lot of hate in his direction, just feeding his thoughts of guilt and self-hatred. Because of his popular status, Wolfsbane was easier to come by; most times, it would be hand-delivered by a Ministry worker who was an admirer. Remus was able to stay on his property while transformed, as his only determination was to stay sane and just go to sleep for his son. He didn’t want Teddy to be afraid of him or his condition. Andromeda hated when Remus would transform near the house, but then, over time, it became a habit. 
Remus’s and Andromeda’s way of raising Teddy were very different. It kinda reminds me of the fairy godmothers in Sleeping Beauty. So, like the fairies, Remus and Andromeda wanted nothing but the best for Teddy, but their decisions differed and they’d constantly bicker about it. 
“I’m his Grandmother, I know what’s best!”
“I’m his Father! If anything, I have the final say.”
Harry was clueless when it came to actually raising Teddy (because this AU doesn’t force him to), but he was a cool Uncle that came around a lot and relieved Remus and Andromeda from a lot of stress at times. 
Remus liked his job as a teacher, and McGonigall rehired him as the DADA professor. He was the coollest teacher ever, besides Neville when he started as Herbology professor later on. It was definitely weird being Teddy’s teacher, but he nearly cried when the Sorting Hat put him in Hufflepuff. He thought of Tonks cheering and smiling and saying, “That’s my boy!” as Teddy skipped down to the Hufflepuff table.
Remus had never thought about dating again; he was perfectly fine the way he was and couldn’t do that to Tonks’s memory tbh. Teddy, when he was in his late teens, would point some people out for him, but Remus would always turn him down. And, let me tell you, after he became a hero, people practically threw themselves up on him! This confused and frustrated Teddy; he knew his Father had blamed himself for his Mother’s death, but from the stories, that simply wasn’t true. She wanted to fight. Yeah, it bothered Teddy for a while that she chose to leave him to fight, but he never once thought it was his Father’s fault. If he ever went out on a date, he’d feel weird and find excuses not to go out further. He was fine with his life the way it was (LIES but that’s Remus for you).
So, yeah! Sorry, I didn’t actually answer your ask exactly, Anon. I don’t typically write AU fanfiction, but your question literally reminded me of a concept from long ago because their deaths were very surprising to me. Like, my 12-year-old self was like “oh, they’re just sleeping” but holy guac, no, they dead! It was not an okay time. Long story short, I can’t see them both surviving, but (if JKR wants to, you know, rewrite that bit), I could see one of them surviving at least with injured hearts which mend differently.
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dat-imagine-tho · 8 years
Foul Play
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Pairing: Draco x Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: Gifs are not mine. This was requested by an anon, although it is extremely late and I stupidly thought I knew the request well enough to write the fanfic without checking. And I got it wrong. Original request:  Draco and the reader are the most talked about couple at Hogwarts. He's very protective over his girlfriend. Even though she's the beater for the same house team. Until one day after they win, the Ravenclaw beater pushes her off her broom. Yeah, I strayed quite a bit from that, but I hope you really like it regardless. Sorry, though.
"Have a good game, stay safe." Your boyfriend said while looking into your (e/c) eyes and holding your hands in his. 
"I will." You leant in and kissed his cheek in reassurance. 
"I'll be watching from the stands cheering you on." He stated. 
"Alright Slytherin, time to go! let's get out there and win!" Marcus Flint's voice echoed through the tunnel. 
"Bye!" You said quickly to Draco and chased after your teammates. 
"Hey, (y/n)!" Draco's voice echoed, you spun around, and he continued, "Kick some Gryffindor butt!" You laughed. 
"Will do." And with that you left. 
Out on the field you were overwhelmed by the roaring and cheering of the crowd. Adrenaline engulfed your being, you were pumped for the game to begin. 
You clutched your broom tightly in excitement, "And so we begin another quidditch match, Gryffindor verse Slytherin," Dumbledore's booming voice announced, "May the best team win." Madam Hooch took that as the signal to start the game. After a quick brief of stressing how vital it is to play fair and safely, everyone mounted their brooms on her signal. 
She blew her whistle and everyone took off into the air. You shot into the sky above the game, from this vantage point you stayed out of harm's way and could scour around for any signs of the golden snitch. 
You whizzed through the air quickly and skilfully with a natural elegance, your broom felt like an extension, a part of your body. 
Moments had passed and you still had not seen the flying golden object. You quickly glanced at the opposing Seeker, wondering if they knew something you didn't. A flicker of light glittered just behind the Gryffindor boy. It moved fast.
Heading towards you, the snitch took a sharp drop, diving down. You followed in it's wake. The air whistled in your ears and whipped at your face. The force pushed your goggles into the surrounds of your eyes as you swooped down in chase of the golden glint you saw seconds before. 
Cheers roared through your eardrums, the crowd stomped on the stands and banged the walls. Green and scarlet blurred around you as you gave chase to the elusive golden snitch. 
The golden snitch was just in sight, you dove after it, picking up speed. The grass-patched ground came closer and closer into view, 'Abort, abort!' You mentally screamed but you pushed it out of your mind. You were dangerously low now. Faster and faster the ground became your imminent threat. You pulled up harshly, narrowly missing the solid turf, now parallel to the ground. 
The Gryffindor Seeker came hurdling towards you swoosh you veered right but their broom clipped you, you fell to the ground. It was only thirty centimetres roughly, but given the abruptness and unpredicted collision, you had fallen awkwardly and had rolled half a metre from the original crash site. 
Now lying on your back. Your broom lazily continued forward on its own accord and dropped near where you lay. 
You stared at the grey sky, heavy rain drops exploded icily across your face. Players zoomed past above you, zipping this way and that. Throwing the Quaffle to one another while opposing players would occasionally intercept it. 
You held your eyes closed tight to brace yourself to get back into the game. You opened your eyes to see a bludger heading straight towards you, instinctively you rolled to your right and was covered in dirt for your troubles. 
You got up immediately and searched for your teammates, "Oy, watch it!" You yelled to your Beaters who hadn't stopped the bludger from almost smashing your skull, quite literally. 
"Sorry." One of them called back simply. You angrily picked up your broom stretched your shoulders but pulled your left back sharply as pain shot through it. You clenched your teeth but mounted your broom anyway. You were not about to give up or let your team down. 
Soaring into the sky you flew above the game and circled above looking for any hint of the snitch. Time past and it felt like a long time with nothing gained for your team. 
Gryffindor was well in the lead according the announcement Lee Jordan just made over-excitedly. You groaned. Becoming increasingly annoyed and frustrated, “I should just join the game and try and score some points for us instead. The golden snitch doesn't seem to be anywhere.” 
You scanned the abundant student-filled stands, Gryffindors were screaming and yelling in supportive glee, while Slytherins were yelling with anger and frustration which was evident on their distorted faces. Bombarding the team with strategies and critiquing certain plays, you assumed. 
Scanning around the stands in desperate hope for the winning object, you noticed the professors huddled in the stands trying to fight the cold. It was at this moment you realised from lack of movement that your body temperature had dropped, you shivered and wished you could take off soon and find that darn snitch. 
You caught a glint of spectacles, Professor McGonigall. She seemed pleased, in her ever so reserved way. Beside her Dumbledore sat with a jovial smile. Unlike Professor Snape; who sat to McGonigall's right, who looked displeased. Although it was hard to see any difference in the man's facial expression, you were sure Slytherin's loss of their earned title from the past years was not helping the usual sour man. 
You felt the burden of Slytherin's jeopardised reputation, "I have to do something while the snitch is momentarily gone astray." It had become a habit of speaking your thoughts aloud on the quidditch field given your ample time away from other players, circling above. 
Back to using your vantage point as a means of betterment for your team, you decided to help your teammates by shouting out plays and advice. This lead to a quick, well-deserved two points. Still you were behind Gryffindor by a rather large sum, but not impossible to catch up or beat. 
Gryffindor took possession of the quaffle. "Another great goal by Gryffindor, by a very talented, and dare I say, pretty Chaser." You heard Lee say, rolling your eyes in response when you caught something. A moment of distraction seized your attentiveness; you saw the familiar blond hair in the sea of people. You noticed how he kept up his high spirits and screamed in support of you and the team. You smiled. "Y/n! What are doing, we're dying down here, find the snitch!" a teammate yelled. 
You set your features to look firm with fixed attention. Again you saw the recognisable glitter of the snitch, swooping low and fast you hurtled towards it. With an outstretched hand the golden snitch came closer and closer, your heart beat through your fingertips. Just in reach. Your fist closed when a force knocked you from your broom. 
Nothing was recognisable, you couldn't comprehend shapes, you lost the ability to distinguish between earth and sky. Your breath left you. The wind distorted in your ears. You were free-falling. Your body spun as you flailed in mid-air. After what you guessed, was coming close to the impact zone, you reflexively stiffened your body to embrace for impact. Unbeknownst to you, this is the worst thing you could do, but given the height, it didn’t matter. Everything went dark.
Eyes fluttering open. Bright lights caused you to close them again and then blink rapidly and then slowly until they adjusted. The deep smell of industrial cleaning chemicals entered your nostrils, you had to be in a hospital wing. 
You looked around dazed, turning your head to the left. You saw glittering blue eyes, a mop of light blond hair and a kind smile, "Hey, how are feeling?" "Draco?" Your mind was still trying to register things. 
"Yes, love it's me." He moved his chair closer to the bed, resting his palm gently on your forehead and moving it back to stroke your hair. 
"The game?! What happened?!" You urgently stated, going to sit up, that was a bad idea. Draco jumped slightly at your movement, before gently coaxing you to lie back down. 
"Er well, we lost." You looked horrified. Defeated and absolutely gutted, you had let your team down, you had let Professor Snape down and you had let down the entirety of Slytherin. He let out a slight laugh, you looked at him confused, why would he be laughing. 
"(Y/n), you were knocked off your broom!" He said flabbergasted. It suddenly came back to you, the unrelenting force that knocked your breath right from your lungs. Spiralling out of control. But, how you ended up here exactly, you didn't know. "And you're worried about a game?" 
"How did I get here?" You said just above a whisper. 
"Dumbledore saved you. It was not a pretty sight, seeing you falling from such a nasty height. It would have been lethal, sudden death for sure," It got quiet as you thought over his confronting words and as he willed himself to speak again. In a cracked voice as he held back tears he spoke, "Time didn't seem real. I couldn't comprehend anything. I was in complete shock. I was utterly and completely helpless, there was nothing I could do (y/n). Nothing I could do to help you, I didn't have the knowledge or the willpower to break free from the binding paralysis of shock." 
"How- how did Dumbledore save me?" Tears brimmed your eyes from his words as you queried him on your salvation. 
"He used the stopping of momentum charm with the incantation 'Arresto Momentum'," Draco smiled softly at you before adding quickly, "Oh right, I brought you these!" He gestured to your bedside table and sure enough there were flowers there with get well soon cards and loads of sweets from friends.
"Congratulations Qudditch Champion." He said so casually that you almost missed it. 
"What?! I thought we lost the game? Did I catch the snitch?!" 
"We did lose the game." you scrunched your eyes and your eyebrows furrowed, "You almost had the snitch," Malfoy gritted his teeth, "that git of a Gryffindor Player purposely knocked you off your broom." 
"So, how are Slytherins champions if we lost the final match?" Nothing made sense, how did losing the championships equate to winning. Malfoy seemed amused with a sly grin plastered on his face, he enjoyed his use of verbose, purposefully keeping you in the dark of the game's eventual outcome. 
He finally relented, "There was an uproar in the stadium after the initial shock of you falling and then realising you were ok, of course. Snape was furious and demanded justice on your behalf, even McGonigall was speechless. Although knowing her, she would never tolerate any kind of misbehaviour, even if it is a Gryffindor and would cost her the Cup. There was absolutely no way the Player would escape justice. Or her wrath." He smiled amusedly to himself. 
“Slytherin were awarded the golden snitch as compensation at Dumbledore's request. So, congratulations Champion." You were absolutely speechless, you hugged Draco, you were completely over the moon. 
"Ouch!" You pulled back wincing as your shoulder experienced sharp pain. "Careful, you need to take it easy." 
You turned back to your table, "Can you please pass me the cards, I want to read them." Draco leant over and sat them on your lap. 
You came to a peculiar one, a name you didn't recognise, you noticed it was also on a rather expensive looking box of chocolates as well. "Who is this from?"
"The Gryffindor who knocked you off your broom," Draco said flatly. 
"What made him do this? I mean he did knock me off my broom in the first place, he didn't strike me as the remorseful type." 
"Oh I hexed him, he won't be bothering you again," Draco said shrugging and giving you a satisfied smirk. 
You smiled, "Thank you." 
"For what?" He questioned. 
"For looking after me." 
He leant down to you capturing your lips in a gentle kiss, "Up until that moron knocked you off your broom, you had a great game, babe. Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow." He placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. "I love you." 
You didn't reply as your recovering body succumbed to sleep, but Draco knew how deeply you held him in your heart.
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darthbloodorange · 8 years
DarthBloodOrange in Hogwarts
In response to @mskiarafan1​‘s post
Hogwarts House: Revenclaw
Patronus: Raven or Rat
Wand: 10′’ Cypress with unicorn hair
Hobbies: Reading. Wandering the gardens of the grounds. Daydreaming in the grass watching the clouds. Art. Arguing with the professors on the finer points on the interpretations of certain theories on certain magic. Rocking out to fave songs with earl-gray and bubbles (and consequently freaking others out. Well I think bubbles go well with metal music). Touching things.
Dislikes: Bullies, dueling, being made to feel stupid. Flying on brooms, flying in general really. 
Favourite Class: Magical Creatures. Herbology. Potions.
Favourite Professors: McGonigall, Sprout, Snape, Lupin, Hagrid, Flitwick. 
Friends: Kiara (@mskiarafan1​), Luna Lovegood, Nevil Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnigan. Olivia.
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joshdcomp-blog · 13 years
To dance is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl, a secret swan is longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy, a lordly lion is waiting to prance
Prof McGonagall—Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
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dat-imagine-tho · 8 years
A Turn of Events - Part 2
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Pairing: Draco x Reader
Warnings: Pansy verbally attacks the reader, I suggest you don’t read that part at least if you’re feeling down, (It will be within the three stars ‘***’) please take care of yourselves, dear readers~ 
A/N: Gif is not mine. Requested by an awesome anon with the prompt like Part 1, you can read here (x)
The brunette played with the plait in her hair, twisting and twirling it as she spoke to the blond, "(y/n)'s hair was awesome!" She exaggerated the last word, not even looking at the boy but rather towards the ceiling in thought, hair in hand clearly thinking if she should cut her own. "Was it her idea or Pansy's."
 The boy froze, quickly gaining composure to act the nonchalant part, "Mm." Was all he replied, not a full answer, not really an answer at all as the brunette finally looked at him realising he neither confirmed nor denied the assumption. 
"Oh ok, Pansy was super keen for us to watch your arrival into the Great Hall, particularly (y/n)'s. I thought it was because she suggested (y/n) cut her hair short. Hey, do you think I would be able to cut my hair short and pull it off, or would it just seem like I'm copying (y/n)?" Draco's mind was ticking over as he was analysing the new found information and working out the best way to move forward.
A moment longer than the brunette probably expected for a reply, her question processed in Draco's mind, "You should definitely go for it." Draco offered her a kind smile in part to make up for his mental absence.
The talkative student excused herself and made her leave. They weren't particularly friends, her and Draco, but small talk was expected from the female conversationist, even if it was just one sided.
Although his mind was elsewhere throughout the conversation, Slytherin's do look out for their own. Draco now had a matter to attend to. 
Walking down the halls you were heading to the Great Hall for lunch, late as normal, as you had stayed behind asking Professor McGonigall questions about your essay. 
Turning a corner you noticed the green-clad student, with her loyal followers metres ahead of you, they seemed to be whispering. Something was wrong, you had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen.
"Hey, (y/n)!" One of them yelled in fake happiness running over to you with another girl with Pansy following behind.
You looked on cautiously, you tried stepping around them but Pansy stood in front of you. "Where are you going?" Her high-pitched voice was a clear indicator that she was playing the friend.
"Lunch." Was all you replied, you wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Again Pansy physically and verbally stopped all possibilities of escaping, "But, we’re just talking with you (y/n)."
"Yeah, we're just being nice." Whined the girl to Pansy's right.
"I don't want to talk. Excuse me." You replied sternly.
Pansy, however, refused to move. "You think that you're better than us? Ever since you started dating Draco, you walk around like you're perfect." The other two girls nodded in agreement.
"I don't think I'm better than anyone." You said back sharply, the truth was; you were quite humble in this retrospect.
Your non-judgemental nature was one of the many things that attracted Draco to you. He saw this about you and desperately wanted this quality for himself, instead of the marred classist, elitist entitlement and the other 'statuses' he was lead to believe he possessed and mattered. Only you saw through this façade of his. 
"You're certainly not good enough for him." The overly confident girl sneered.This caught your attention, she had hit a big insecurity of yours. "You think you're woman enough? Look at you." The other two girls beside Pansy laughed.
You grit your teeth, you would not cry in front of her, you would not give her that satisfaction. "I'm the only one who truly understands him! Who are you to say those things to me, or to anyone for that matter?! I will not stand here and let you bully me. Move!"
Despite your efforts, she didn't budge. She continued to nitpick at your revealed insecurity, your self-worth, "What, you thought he actually cared for you?" All those times he had opened up to you swam in your mind but was replaced with doubt by your own lack of self-confidence. 
That was it, you couldn't take it anymore, being passive wasn't working, you barged past them.
Overcoming the shock the girls looked to Pansy for answers "Leave, this is now personal, she's not getting away with that.” The bitterness dripped from her tongue. Pansy ran after you yelling, "Expelliarmus!" You went crashing to the ground your wand metres away.
Lifting your head slowly, wincing from the new found pain you saw a streak of brown stalking over to you. "You think you can do that to me, how dare someone, like you, touch me!" You went to stand on your feet but was shoved into the wall fiercely. You screamed in pain at the impact. She grabbed a fist-full of your restored long hair. “Awe, did Draco fix your hair for you so no one can cut it again? How sweet of him.”
Breathing heavily and glaring at your captor as she snarled at you. You managed to say, "Attacking someone while their back is turned, how brave," you spat in her direction, "You lash out at me, not because of who I am, but you can't deal with your own insecurities; all the ones you accuse me of." You saw Pansy's eyes swiftly betray her with a tiny lapse before going back to her stone cold glare, you smirked slightly.
"Miss Parkinson, do you care to explain what you and Miss (L/n) are doing?" A deep voice cut through the atmosphere that had built around the two of you.
"Just practising some spells for transfiguration, Professor, right (y/n)?" She glared at you, you glared back. 'Please don't believe it, Professor Snape, please,' you mentally asked pleadingly, although your dangerous stare never faulted. 
"I suggest Miss Parkinson, that you take your leave unless you wish to earn yourself a month's worth of detention." The tall professor stated. 
She lied, "It wasn't my fault, Professor, she started it calling me such horrid names and harassing me." 
"Do you dare disobey orders Miss Parkinson, or do I have to escort you to Professor Dumbledore's office to discuss your position here at Hogwarts? 25 points from Slytherin for unruly behaviour and another 25 for blatant lying. I can assure you the consequence of your actions will be severe once the rest of your house finds out you may have well cost them the House Cup." Snape wasted no time in putting Pansy in her place.
Pansy gawked at the Potions Master, "You can't be serious, you're taking points away from your own House?"
"No, I am." A feminine voice swooped in, "We have a strictly No Bullying Policy here at Hogwarts Miss Parkinson, and it would do well for the future you remember it." McGonigall was fierce as she spoke and still managed to hold herself with elegance. 
Word had eventually got back to Draco, all of Slytherin knew. 
He began to clench and unclench his jaw, his knuckles now white from his balled fists. He could barely think straight as he rounded the corner of the common room, the exact person he was looking for sat precariously on the lounge with her adoring fleet by her side as always. 
They marvelled at her in their daft way. Her group of fans laughed every time she supposedly made a joke, Miss Parkinson left no room for individual thought and that is just how she liked it; identical copies of herself and constant positive affirmation.
"Draco, what are you doing here, come to see me?" She said batting her eyelashes and acting the innocent part. 
The boy marched over to her, "Leave. Now." He demanded her zombie-minded copycats, with a groan of disgust, they got up and left. 
"Hey, Draco. What brings you here?" She said, self-confidence radiating off her.
"I heard what you did to (y/n)." 
"Oh that. Draco, when will you see that she's not perfect like me? She isn't the girl for you."
Infuriated, still-level-headed Draco simply replied simply, "And you know all about me and who I should be with? You only know what my family wants me to be. (Y/n) was there for me when no one else was, she has a heart of gold, and if you ever threaten the one I love again I can't promise I'll hold back."
The anger fuelled within him but he swallowed it back and took a deep breath. There wasn't a thing Pansy could think of to say, so Draco continued, "She is the one who has my heart, always has and always will."
In one last attempt, Pansy tried, "Why can't you see I could be that girl instead!" 
He quickly retorted back, "You don’t care about anyone but yourself!” His voice now lower and neutral he looked directly into her hopeless eyes, "Goodbye, Pansy.” 
More? (x)
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