#professor snape fluff
lyraoftheevergreens · 2 years
Cold Tea
Severus Snape x Female Reader
Requested: yes, @xxmixhi
Hello! Could I get some really good snape angst?
Preferably along the lines of his s/o breaking his heart with the line "I don't think I'm in love with you anymore.." Thank you so much in advance!
AN: First and foremost, Thank you for being my first request and being so patient with me and thank you so much for trusting me to write this for you. I’m so sorry it took me so long. I've never wrote angst before so thank you for giving me somewhere to start. I hope you like it. I had a lot of fun writing this and was things of writing a part 2.
Story Note: This takes place the year before the sorcerers stone and Snape and the Reader are the same age.
Word count: 1,501
Y/f/n= your first name
Y/e/c= your eye color
It was nearing the Christmas vacation and for once in his life, Snape wasn’t staying at the castle. This time around he finally had someone to come home to. His sweet y/n. They met last year in the fall in Hogsmead. They had both gone into J. Pippin Potions to purchase potion ingredients and there she was, purchasing the last of the Fairy Wings.
“Did it come in?” She asked the man working in the front.
“Yes! But it's the only one I got. I saved it for you.”
“Thank you so much, Jimmy. How much do I owe you?”
“That will be 15 Galleons Ms.y/f/n”
“Okay, I got it right here.” She reached into her bag and pulled out her change purse when she was searching nervously she dropped a few sickles and Severus picked them up for her. After she finished paying he handed her what she had dropped.
“Here, you seemed to have dropped these.”
“Oh thank you so much! You know I would lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my neck.”
“You mean shoulders?”
“No, neck. I never understood why people say shoulders. It goes head, neck then shoulders.”
“Yes, I guess you're correct.” He looked down into her y/e/c and she looked up into his black eyes and they were both done for. After that, they met in Hogsmead every Saturday for their weekly date. During Summer vacation she stayed with him at his house in spinners end. Just for the summer. When he asked her to move in with him she declined and said she would only stay with him during the breaks. Y/n had her cottage in Hogsmead and it made sense for her to keep her cottage so they could continue to see each other during the school year. So when she declined at first he was hurt by her answer but when she gave her reason it hurt less.
He knew at some point in the relationship he would have to tell her about his dark mark. And when he did she was so understanding.
“You not a death eater any more are you?”
“No, not anymore.”
“I remember the first war, it seemed like everyone was a death eater.” She said with a slight laugh at the end.
“I won’t hold it against you if you don’t hold the fact that I hate dark chocolate against me. Deal?”
“No deal! How dare you not like dark chocolate.” He said pulling her on top of him.
“Make sense you would like you both are so bitter.” And with those words Severus began to tickle Y/n until she peed on him.
“Okay! I’m sorry! I cant- anymore- I’m gonna pee!” She said broken up between laughs and attempts to catch her breath. And so he stoped and they stayed there like that just talking the rest of the evening.
Severus was to gather his few belongings and stay at her cottage for the night and then the following morning they would travel via floo to his house in spinners' end. When he arrived at her cozy little cottage decorated beautifully by the snow that fell and her wreath at the front door. When he walked in he was met by the comforting smell of cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. And to left was a Christmas tree next to the fireplace in front of the brown couch she had facing the fireplace.
“Severus! You’re here!” She shouted from the kitchen. “Come in!” He made his way into her kitchen and there she was setting down a hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll on a plate on her small dining table meant for four but who was it kidding it was perfect for just two. After she set down the drink and pastry she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into her. “I missed you.” He murmured into her neck. But she didn’t say it back. She kissed his cheek and let go of him. She sat down on the chair across from his and began making small talk.
“Are you tired? It’s quite late.”
“Yes, but I have worked up quite the appetite for your cinnamon roles.”
“I’m glad you still enjoy them.”
They sat in the kitchen most of the night talking until they were both practically falling asleep at the table.
“Would you like a fire whisky and we could move to the couch.” Y/n had suggested.
“Or we could go straight to bed,” Severus suggested in his deep sexy voice that hypnotized her every time. He wrapped his hands around her waist and typically she was putty in his grasp, but no tonight.
“Oh Sev, I'm just not feeling up to it tonight if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, I don’t mind. Whatever you want.”
“Let’s just go to bed and snuggle, yeah?”
“Okay, darling.” He followed her to the bedroom and began to undress himself down to his boxers. Y/n got dressed into a champagne-colored nightgown and climbed into bed next to Severus. They said their goodnights and went to bed.
The next morning y/n woke up before Severus with her brain racked about how she was gonna end things with him. She started questioning their relationship after that summer she spent with him. As their first anniversary got closer she started to evaluate whether or not she wanted to continue their relationship, she gave it a year and just didn't see the point in further wasting his time.
Severus entered the living room interrupting her thoughts.
“You’re up before me.” He mutters, walking to where she’s sat on the couch placing a kiss on her forehead then taking a seat across from her.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” She asked.
“Yes, I would. Thank you.” She then got up and his tea just how he liked and walked over with her serving tray that carried a delicate white teapot and two matching cups. She placed it on the couch and took her seat. Severus grabbed his. Up and they both began to sip in silence. After a few minutes had passed Severus broke the silence first.
“Have you packed yet?”
“No, I haven’t actually.”
“There are something’s I need to gather and complete over at my house. So I would like us to end up there at some point.”
“About that Severus.”
“Yes.” He said raising an eyebrow at her and setting his cup down.
“I think we should maybe spend this vacation apart from each other.”
“Why is that?”
“I just. This last year has been nice but I’ve just grown so accustomed to living alone all these years.”
“It was your idea to spend breaks together.”
“Yes, I realize that but now I also have come to recognize that I was a bit over my head.”
“What are you trying to say Y/n?”
“I'm so sorry Sev.” Tears began to gently slip from her eyes. “I don’t think I’m in love with you anymore.” She spoke barely above a whisper, looking down, watching her tears fall into her tea.
“What do you mean?”
“I'm so sorry Severus.”
“How long have you felt this way?”
“For a month or so now.”
“A month!”
“I'm so sorry Severus. I just didn’t want to lead you on.”
“What happened? I thought things were going good?”
“They were! I just don’t know.” She did know. She just couldn’t tell him that she was beginning to dread him coming over for the winter break.
“You were dreading me coming over?”
“Did you just use legilimency on me!?”
“What do you expect? Your not telling me anything!”
“Because Severus I don’t know how!”
“Just say it!”
“I feel suffocated! For 10 years I’ve lived alone and then we started dating and then you were here every weekend and I didn’t know how to tell you I just need some time to myself. Time to miss you and now I just-.” At this point, she was yelling and sobbing all at the same time. Her words getting cut from her sobs.
“So we take some time apart then.”
“So we do.” She agrees to sniffle.
“I’ll gather my belongings and go then. Wouldn’t want you feeling more suffocated than you already feel.” He spoke coldly and got up from the couch and went to her bedroom to gather his things. Everything in her wanted to stand up and beg him not to leave. Realizing now that she didn’t want him to leave, scared that he left she may never get him back? But was she to do? Tell him that she changes her mind, that she regrets her choice of words, that if she could go back in time and do this morning and last night over again she would. But instead, she sat on the couch crying, regretting her words and actions, and let him leave without a fight.
“Where are you going?”
“Why do you care?”
“I just want to know.”
“Remember, you don’t love me anymore.” And with that, he disapparated to his house she assumes. As she sits on the couch crying realizing she has made one of the biggest mistakes she could have ever made. He was gone and she might not ever get him back all because she didn’t know how to say she needed a break she had convinced her self she didn’t love him. Because if she loved him why would she need a break from there weekends together. But if she didn’t love him why was her heart breaking into a million little pieces. “I do love you.” She whispered, still sitting on the couch. Knees pulled up to her chest and with tear filled eyes staring at the two cups of cold tea they never finished drinking.
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snowyslytherinowl · 10 months
Locked in the Staffroom
PAIRING: Severus Snape x (Professor) Reader
SUMMARY: Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall know that Severus Snape and you have hidden feelings for each other. When Snape refuses to acknowledge that you truly reciprocate his feelings, they lock him in the staffroom to force him to finally ask you out.
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*GIF isn't mine.
Excited whispers and giggles sound from inside the staffroom. Who in the wizarding world is giggling? Severus thinks before he pushes the door open. No wonder; it’s Dumbledore and Minerva. The two jump away from each other the second Severus walks in. Tea flies into Minerva’s hands, and Dumbledore stares dreamily out the window. 
“Good day, Severus. What brings you here?” Minerva asks after sipping her tea.
He ignores their question and sneers, “What were you two old bats whispering about?”
Dumbledore’s eyes twinkle behind his half-moon spectacles. “In truth, Minerva and I were discussing what a lovely couple you and the charming History of Magic professor would make.” Minerva chokes on her tea, clearly unaware that Dumbledore planned to spill the details of their gossip talk. “We know of your deep, burning feelings for her and believe that it would be prudent to act on them.”
Blood rushes to Severus’s face. “I do not have feelings for her,” he spits. Even if he did, he thinks they would be neither deep nor burning. Sitting next to you at every meal, admiring your outfits and eyes, and dreaming of your every waking moment surely doesn’t constitute as that. 
Fine, perhaps he does fancy you just a little bit. 
“One may attempt to conceal their love, but love cannot be concealed in the way one gazes at their beloved,” Dumbledore says dreamily. 
“She looks at you the same way you look at her, lucky for you.” Minerva raises her eyebrows and throws him a knowing, smug smile. “If you weren’t always so engrossed in your work, you’d see it, too.”
Severus rolls his eyes. “I do not appreciate your meddling in my relationships with the other professors. Either way, you are becoming old and delusional.” The other two professors burst out laughing as Severus turns away and pours a cup of tea for himself. He makes a final comment as his back is turned, “Perhaps you bats need better spectacles or charms to improve your sanity.” 
Mere seconds after he takes his first sip, the staffroom door opens. Severus’s eyes shoot up to see who has entered into this embarrassing conversation, and it is none other than you. His gaze immediately lowers back to the tea, and his hair falls around his face to shield the fact that his face is turning an even brighter shade of red. You take note of the tense atmosphere and awkwardly greet, “Hi, everyone.”
Dumbledore and Minerva warmly greet you, while Severus nods in your direction. You blush at Severus’s albeit scarce attention and walk to stand by him at the drink table. 
“Look at the time. It appears that Minerva and I must depart for our daily bird watching. Hogsmeade residents have reported a sighting of the Fiery Frizzle, and it would be an absolute shame to miss witnessing the bird setting a cottage on fire,” Dumbledore declares. Minerva plays along and they stand up to leave the room.
“I didn’t know that you’re into bird watching,” you note as you pour milk into a coffee. 
“They aren’t,” Severus grunts with full knowledge of their true plan. They want to give you two some privacy so he can make some grand gesture demonstrating his love for you. Too bad for them; he plans to leave the staffroom soon after the older professors depart. Regardless of Severus’s comments, the two give him expectant glances before exiting. 
Silence engulfs the staffroom until you say, “I brought essays to grade. You can join me only if you want to, of course.” You smile shyly when he looks at you. 
“Unfortunately, I have duties to attend to,” Severus says and downs his remaining tea in one go despite how it burns his throat. With his hair covering his eyes, he glances at your dress one last time before heading for the door. It’s truly a shame that he doesn’t have more time (the courage, rather) to admire how it shows your curves in all the right places. 
Severus attempts to turn the door handle and discovers that it’s jammed. No matter the spell he casts and how many times he impatiently grunts “alohomora,” the door doesn’t budge. He notices that you’re looking at him, earning a nervous laugh from him. “The door refuses to open. Not surprising, considering I have been telling Dumbledore that it requires repair.”
“Really? I never had an issue with it. Do you need help?” you ask, but still walk over before he can respond. You cast several spells of your own, none of which work to open the door. Severus feels flustered, but whether it’s because of your closeness or his embarrassment at being unable to complete a simple task on his own, he doesn’t know. 
As you attempt to remove the door handle altogether, a realization hits Severus: the door won’t open unless he confesses his feelings or asks you out. His blood boils as he thinks about how that pair of old baboons are probably up in Dumbledore’s office at this very moment, giggling and kicking their feet with excitement like schoolchildren. He can’t wait to get out of here so he can storm into the office and hit them with every jinx and hex he can think of. 
But then again, neither of you can leave unless he makes a move. The staffroom is hardly the place for pouring his heart out or asking you out on a date. Severus supposes that inviting you to the Three Broomsticks is the best option since you might think he’s merely asking you as a friend. Though what is he supposed to do? Lean against the door and nonchalantly say, “Go to the Three Broomsticks with me?” Or magic a flower into existence and pop the question? Merlin, why does this feel more nerve-wracking than taking on a dragon or walking through the Forbidden Forest during a gloomy night? 
He’s snapped to attention when you say, “I don’t think this thing will budge.” 
“Yes, I believe so,” he mutters back. You’re looking up at him through your eyelashes. Ugh, this seems like the best time to ask you on a date. He crosses his arms against his chest, then uncrosses them because it makes him seem closed-off. Then they hang limply against his sides; no, that makes him look weak. Never mind any of this; just say something!
“Er, I want to… I was wondering if perhaps you, er,” he stammers and forces the rest out in a rushed sentence, “WouldliketogototheThreeBroomstickswithme?”
You scrunch your face together. “What?”
Why couldn’t you just hear him the first time? Do you wish to embarrass him? His eyes fix on a point on the ground to avoid the impending look of horror on your face as he clearly enunciates his next sentence. “Do you want to go to the Three Broomsticks with me this Saturday?”
With every ounce of his being, Severus forces himself to look at you. Disgust isn’t written on your face at all. Instead, you’re grinning widely, and your eyes are even brighter than usual. “Yes! Is six okay?”
The muscles of his mouth force his lips into a small smile. “Er, it is,” he replies without thinking if it does. Either way, he’d move around his entire schedule for a mere minute of your time. But then his heart sinks as he realizes that you’ve likely only agreed to accompany him to the Three Broomsticks as an outing between two friends. 
Severus is proven wrong once more when you lean up to him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek! Oh no, he must look like a bashful schoolboy due to his burning cheeks and widening grin. No matter any of that, though, because you kissed his cheek!
“I, er, I shall see you then,” he stammers. You smile and nod in agreement before he reaches for the door handle to leave before he bursts with giddiness. Lo and behold, the door finally opens. 
Unlike what Severus expected, Minerva and Dumbledore are standing at the end of the corridor. Good; he can murder them without having to walk too far! He rushes over to them and upon seeing him, their faces break out into vicious little smirks. 
“I have half a mind to turn you into mice and feed you to snakes!” Severus sneers. 
The two professors look at each other and laugh so hard that Minerva has to put a hand on Dumbledore’s arm to stable herself. “We see that you’ve taken our advice to heart,” Dumbledore says. “Did she agree to your invitation?”
“That is none of your business!” he spits. 
“It appears that she did agree, Albus!” Minerva exclaims. “You can thank us for that later. I rather think that Minerva would be a beautiful middle name for your future baby girl.” 
Severus’s eyes narrow and he advances on the two, but he merely gets close enough to scowl in their faces. “I rather think that name hideous!” he snaps and jerks back to leave the two where they are in the hall.  
But he’s halfway to the stairs when Dumbledore calls back, “Perhaps Albus would be a suitable middle name for a boy!” 
Severus doesn’t respond. Instead, he flicks his wand at a window, smashing it and sending glass flying everywhere. His cloak billows around him as he grumpily climbs the stairs and disappears from sight, but he can’t help but wonder what name would be regal enough for his future child. 
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marvel-snape-writes · 4 months
Hi there :) could you write something on letting snape fuck you raw for the first time and he goes feral for cumming inside you 😵‍💫 pretty please!
Our Best Worst Habit
18+ smuuuuuuuuutttttttyyyy
🪄— thank you so much for this request, I hope I did it some justice! 🫶
4k+ words
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His chamber was silent. His voice was silent. His mood was foul. The atmosphere was heavy. The party was over.
Severus had been sat in his desk chair since they had returned, busying himself by reading the newspaper that had been placed on it earlier in the day and the chair pushed back enough so he could hold the paper out fully in both hands in front of him. The room was quiet enough for her to be able to hear each turn of each page and his breathing as he did it.
Though he did somewhat make her weary when he was in this state, she almost enjoyed trying to entice him out of it. Cautiously, she approached him from behind and place her hands against his shoulders, brushing the material over his shoulders as she dipped her head forward and pressing a light kiss to his ear before speaking softly, “Anything exciting in there?”
Severus’ breath hitched when he felt her hands upon his shoulders and changed completely when her lips were against his ear, nostrils flaring at her question. He looked to the side of him where her head was positioned, letting out a small huff but not speaking a single word.
“Severus?” She spoke against his neck this time, brushing her lips against his skin slowly. Severus cleared his throat irritably, his grip on the newspaper now tightening and crinkling the pages slightly, “Sev…” She spoke once more, pursing her lips against him now.
Severus didn’t speak, but the way he wafted his arm in the air and glare he gave spoke a thousand words. He let out an irritated, low growl from the back of his throat when he felt her pushing her luck once more as her lips dragged against the side of his neck whilst forming into a smirk. Calmly, though suspiciously calmly, he closed the paper and folded it in half, placing it on the desk a few inches in front of him. Silently, he raised the same arm as before but clicked his finger and thumb together this time before pointing his large index finger at the space in front of him between the chair and desk, still not saying anything.
Her breath hitched from his soundless command, standing up straight and standing where he was still pointing. Once in front of him, he lowered his hand and began taking his time devouring her body with his eyes. His lip twitched and the room remained quiet enough to just hear their breathing. His lips then began to part, their eyes meeting briefly before he snapped out of his trance as if he was suddenly reminded of a bad memory.
“Are you going to tell me why you are being so cold?” She asked, leaning back against his desk on her hands and tilting her head to the side with a cocky expression as his eyes flickered up to hers again, “What’s the matter, Severus?”
“Must you displease me all evening and then continue to do so once back in my chamber?” Severus finally spoke, though in a flat tone.
“I’m sorry?” She asked with a confused expression.
“Do not play dumb with me, Miss Eleanor,” Severus glared, “The way you behaved tonight was insufferable,” He spat, his following words lower, “With that boy.”
“Boy?” Eleanor squinted her eyes for a few moments before realising who he meant, “Oh, you mean Noah? He’s not a boy, he’s older than me!” Eleanor protested, already aware of her and Severus’ larger age difference.
“Do not speak his name in my chamber!” Severus’ usual tone raised slightly, gritting his teeth, “That boy wouldn't know the first thing to do with you.”
Eleanor rolled her eyes from his words and hopped up onto his desk, dangling her legs over the edge as he continued to ramble;
“Flicking his eyes where they were not wanted, placing his hands where they should not have been, if I really must think back to the horrific event.” He spoke in a disgusted tone, the pale glare still on his face.
“Horrific event? Really?” Eleanor rolled her eyes but Severus’ face didn't budge so she tried to continue pushing his buttons, “Anyway, who's to say that his eyes or hands weren't wanted?”
She got him. She knew when he was almost at his limit because he wouldn't shoot his sharp tongue like usual; instead, he would say nothing while his lips twitched madly as if struggling to contain all that he wanted to say in his mouth. Eleanor narrowed her eyes and discreetly parted her legs as she shuffled a little further forward to the edge of the table and discreetly enjoyed the brief moment Severus’ eyes fell to the hem of her short dress as her legs parted.
“Hm?” She smirked, now pressing her knees together as her eyes remained on him.
“That is one of the problems that were presented to me…” He cleared his throat, swallowing hard, “I was starting to think you liked him, too.”
“Yeah?” She bit her lip and reached her foot forward, placing it on the chair Severus was sat on, against the bare part from the way his legs naturally parted when he was sat… against the part of the chair that was just beneath his crotch, “You think I've taken a liking to Noah?”
“Don't you speak his name in my chamber.” He snapped, trying with every muscle in his body not to glance down at her foot, “I will not warn you again.”
“Why, hm?” She raised her eyebrows with a devilish grin, lightly pressing the tip of her shoe against his crotch, “Are you jealous, Severus?”
His jaw clenched when he felt the strange contact against his crotch and felt like a boiling kettle when he heard her question, as if steam was about to come out of his ears. He exhaled slowly and slouched a further into his chair, making her foot ride up his crotch a little further.
“I could crush you right now.” She spoke the threat in a stupidly seductive tone, teasing her heel against his crotch and lightly nudging it to emphasise each word, “Are. You. Jealous. Severus?”
He tried his best not to let any reaction show or sound pass his lips, but it only lasted a few seconds before his lips parted and let out a soft whine, narrowing his eyebrows.
“So, that's why you've been so off with me tonight?” She asked, continuing to rock her foot against his crotch and now placing her other foot on one of his thighs to keep them parted, “Giving me the silent treatment because you were jealous of me paying attention to some other guy?”
Severus’ nostrils flared and he finally snapped, pushing her feet away and standing up as he spoke, “Listen to me,” He was towering over her now as she leaned back on her hands again, “Are you listening?” He looked down at her with a dark expression.
“Oh, I am listening…” Eleanor bit her lip sensually, gazing up at him.
“If this thing is going to work-”
“’Thing’, hm?” She scoffed until she was cut off by him pushing his face closer to hers.
“Silence while I am speaking,” He spat bluntly, “If whatever is going on between us is to continue, I need you to myself again. No ifs, no buts, I need you to all to myself.”
“Are you pleading with me, Professor Snape?” She smirked, sliding her hands up his chest and onto his shoulders, “I must be yours?” She squinted her eyes, “Despite us only fooling around?”
“Mine and only mine.” He growled, leaning down a little further as he placed his hands against the desk at either side of her.
“Or… what?” She dared to ask, able to feel his breathing against her lips now.
“Trust me… you don't want to know.” He spoke lowly and slowly, their lips only centimetres apart.
“That’s a little possessive, don't you think?” She spoke as close to his lips as possible without kissing him.
“Quite frankly, my dear,” He spoke quietly but firmly, “I don't give a fuck.”
The minute he got to the end of his sentence, their lips were pressed against each other. Eleanor whimpered from the harshness of it and Severus moved closer to his desk, grinning against her lips when her legs parted to either side of him. It wasn't long before the kiss grew deeper, Eleanor’s hands now in his hair as she kissed him urgently, desperately. Severus cupped her face in one of his large hands and tilted his head, grunting into the kiss as the tips of their tongues touched.
“Does jealousy make you horny, Severus?” She teased against his lips, giggling.
“Do not be absurd…” He mumbled, kissing her harder as if punishment for the question.
“You can't deny that someone preoccupying what's yours turns you on…” She played with his hair while they kissed in between her speaking, “Is it because you're already picturing what punishment you're going to give me, hm?”
“Jealousy does not turn me on.” Severus grunted, parting the kiss with a heavy sigh as he glared down at her.
“Oh, yeah?” She bit her lip once he pulled back, glancing between them and then back up at him, “You might want to try telling your cock that.”
“Your tongue is almost growing as sharp as mine, Miss Eleanor.” He sucked in a breath through his clenched teeth.
“At least it's not as arrogant.” Eleanor quickly fired back.
Severus’ temper raised further, his lip twitching angrily as his eyes darkened even more than their usual black. Eleanor was enjoying taunting him a little too much, and he could tell.
“So, not only did you spend the entire night with another man right under my nose,” He leaned over her once more, using one of his hands to fumble with the buttons on his pants, “And now you insist on thinking you can take that tone with me? I don't think so.”
“Mm…” She raised her eyebrows, becoming even more aroused by the way he was acting, “What are you going to do to me, professor?”
“Spread your fucking legs and I'll show you.” He responded in a gruff, demanding tone.
“Yes, sir…” Her eyes fell to his crotch again once his buttons were undone, the bulge now protruding through the opening and straining against the front of his boxers.
He dipped his head again and their lips met urgently with a bruising kiss. Eleanor’s arms snaked around his neck again and pulled at his bottom lip, enjoying the whine that came from him as a result. Her fingers darted into his hair as he rocked his hips up against the edge of his desk, rolling up onto his tip toes several times and making soft noises against her lips.
“What, is my punishment that you're going to fuck this desk instead of me?” She giggled when the desk rocked again briefly against the wall it was positioned against as a result of his hips.
“What have I told you about your fucking mouth?” He snarled, subtly enjoying the brief friction through the material of his underwear.
“Mm… so sweary…” She grinned against his lips.
“I’m going to need you to remove your underwear,” He grunted, “And actually be a good girl for me.”
“Actually…” She swallowed hard, seeing the disapproval in his face already for not immediately bowing to his command, “There’s a slight problem with that.”
“Miss Eleanor, I do not think it would be wise for you to disobey me again…” He exhaled through his nose with a glare, narrowing his suspicious eyes when he noticed her reaching for his wrists while leaning up to kiss him feverishly as he muttered against her lips, “You are becoming insufferable again…” They kissed again, her hands now guiding his to her thighs under her dress, “Intolerable…”
“The problem being...” She let go of his wrists and moved herself closer to the edge of the desk to encourage his hands to move further up her thighs, “I’m not wearing any.”
Her words left a tingle against his lips — a tingle that went directly down to his cock. He felt Eleanor smile as they kissed again, her hands now resting against his shoulders. Although he hardly doubted her for a moment, Severus’ hands still moved further under her dress just to make sure. Despite the feeling of her bare skin beneath his fingertips easing his mind, it did not ease the arousal bulging against his own underwear that was still purposefully brushing against the edge of his desk with each kiss.
“Did you remove your underwear for me or already in hopes for him?” He asked in a serious tone, pressing his fingertips into her skin and smirking when she whimpered against his lips.
“You,” She gasped when she felt his fingers move directly between her legs, kissing him hungrily, “Always for you.”
Severus swore he could hear the pulsing of his cock from her response, now pulling his hands away completely and holding her face in one hand and desperately reaching down to free himself from his underwear with the other.
“Fuck…” He mumbled to himself, now suddenly starting to feel around in the desk drawer and then his pockets as if in some desperate hope for some form of condom or alternative contraception, “I need… I just need…” He looked around frantically, frustrated with himself, “Stay right here. Don’t move a muscle.”
“Wait,” She reached out for him once he began to pull away, “Don’t go anywhere. Its fine.”
“But I don't have- I need to go get-”
“No, shh, I said it is fine,” She shook her head, pulling him closer to her again and stretching her legs out to wrap around his waist, “Honestly.”
“You don't… want me to use anything?” He asked, she shook her head so he repeated, “Anything?”
She shook her head again, glancing down at his hardened length for a moment before glancing up at him again, “I removed my underwear before I approached you when we got back because I didn't want any barriers to stop you throwing me around your chamber in a rage of jealousy, and I would quite like to stick to the theme…” She bit her lip when he stepped close to her again, his desperate, sticky precum wet length now lining up perfectly between her legs, “I’ve been learning the contraception spell, and there's only one way to know if it worked, right?” She giggled, their heavy, desire-filled eyes now meeting, “I want you to have your way with me, Severus. No barriers. Skin on skin.”
Severus’ lips parted as he struggled with a response, taking everything in him not to lose control hands-free right in that moment from her words alone.
“Show me what happens when someone touches what's yours.” She licked her lips seductively, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Too fucking right, you’re mine.” He snarled, gripping her thighs in his large hands as he thrusted his hips forward in one, swift motion. She let out a high-pitched moan and he exhaled loudly as he felt her tense around him immediately, but for the first time nothing between them, and spoke breathily into her ear, “And don't you ever ‘shush’ me again.”
Her lips parted to apologise but all that passed through them was an even louder moan. Severus was showing no mercy, already thrusting his hips at such a pace that their kisses were hard to maintain. He gripped her thighs firmly with his hands, their teeth now colliding with rough kisses.
“I love the way you claim me so selfishly…” She spoke against his lips, trying her best to grip onto him with her arms around his neck.
“I do not wish to ever see you with another man again,” He panted against her lips, “And I could not care less how selfish that sounds.”
“Mmm… fuck me like you mean it, Severus.” Her hand dived into his hair, pulling at it in time with his thrusts.
“Do not doubt my intentions…” He spoke gruffly, secretly still trying to get used to the feeling of nothing between them as his entire length continued to plunge in and out of her in fits of desperation.
He could easily lose himself in this new, much more sensitive feeling, and trying his hardest not to was not helped by Eleanor now wrapping her legs around him tightly and digging her heels into his bottom with each thrust he made. He had no choice but to break the kiss and gasp for air; his moans were continuous but he needed to at least attempt to try and catch his breath before he passed out.
“Mm… mm, fuck!” Eleanor cried out in pleasure from the sudden change of angle and speed of his hips, her legs now desperately trying to cling onto him as their bodies shuddered in delight with each thrust.
“Yes, yes, yes… agh!” Severus grunted between heavy breaths as his hips picked up an even more relentless pace.
“Y—You’re…” She reached out weakly to grab onto the buttons of his clothing but resulted in wafting the air clumsily instead as her entire body shivered from his harsh pace, her eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy as they rolled back, “F—Fucking me so good, Severus…”
“I’m fucking you like you're mine.” He growled against her lips and shook his overcoat and cloak off, now standing in his black button down shirt and his desperately unbuttoned trousers which his strong thighs had prevented from pooling to the floor.
“Yeah?” She grinned and forced her eyes open, losing her breath completely when she saw the pure rush of delight visibly flowing through Severus’ body with each and every movement he made.
“Yes,” He responded with his eyes closed and placed one of his hands flat on the wall to steady himself; the bare contact and pace of his movements were giving him so much pleasure that he feared the feeling he could pass out wash over him again, “You. Are. Mine,” He grunted in time with each harsh thrust, “And. Mine. Alone.” He could barely catch his breath at this point, “Do you hear me?”
Eleanor could not speak for moaning out his name repeatedly with the mixture of everything that was happening, so instead offered him a shaky nod. Not that Severus saw her response with his head tilted back and his eyes still closed tightly. The table squeaked upon its legs from the forceful, consistent back and forth movements and banged against the wall. Severus felt himself slipping further and further into the raw feeling of the skin-on-skin contact and tensed his jaw every time his hips thrust all the way forward. Countless profanities left his mouth as his head made several attempts to rise again, his sweaty hair now becoming a part of his sticky forehead.
“M…mine…” He grunted, his sweaty palm now slipping down the wall. He removed it so both of his hands now clamped onto her waist as her legs squeezed around him, “Mine, mine, mine,” Each word was emphasised with a harsh slam of his hips and causing Eleanor to let out a loud squeal in the process.
“Fuck, yes, Severus,” She moaned, digging her heels harder into his bottom to urge him not to stop or slow down, “Y—Yours, Sev. Yours.”
“Good girl.” He growled against her lips, her face now in his hands as they reignited their previous clumsy kisses, “Sh-Shit…” He gasped loudly against her lips as the familiar flames in the pit of his stomach began to lick their way further up his body, trying to grasp her lip between his teeth each time their lips collided, “I’m going to cum, Princess… I—I’m going to fucking c-!”
“Mm, you certainly don't fuck me like a Princess.” She grinned against his lips, giggling for a moment before realising how close he actually was to his climax when she felt him desperately bucking his hips against hers.
“A-Ah, fuck!” He hissed through clenched teeth, his hands trembling against her face as he felt himself crumbling in pleasure, “Oh, oh! I'm cu…!” His moans were even louder than ever now, his thumbs shakily caressing her cheekbones as he tried his best to hold her face in place as his orgasm exploded with each twitch of his cock, “Ah, fuck, Eleanor!” He cried out breathlessly, feeling as if he had entered another dimension with the amount of pleasure coursing through him.
Eleanor’s own climax was already on the edge, her entire body becoming jittery each time he pushed her closer to it, but the reaction Severus gave to getting off inside her with no barriers whatsoever was all she needed to hit her peak of pleasure. Her arms flung themselves around his neck and legs tightened around his waist as she became completely undone at the mercy of his bare, relentless cock.
“S-Sev-!” She struggled for breath, repeatedly contracting around him with each pulse of his thrusting length, “Severus! Fuck…” Her fingers trembled in his hair as her body continuously switched from tensing up and turning to jelly.
Severus’ moans proceeded to rattle against the walls as his eyes rolled back in pleasure, his hands now back against her thighs and shakily massaging his fingertips against her skin. Their bodies continued to convulse in pure bliss, their clothing now sticking to their bodies with sweat as their hot breath fogged up the chamber with their heavy breathing.
Even after their movements had slowed, Severus found it practically impossible to speak for a few long moments, but when he did, he just said, “Fucking hell, that was amazing…”
“I’m surprised we didn't end up next door…” Eleanor giggled breathily, placing her hands upon his heaving chest.
“One does not take the opportunity to have you completely naturally for granted.” He whispered, cupping her cheek in his hand and gazing down into her eyes as he bit his lip.
“Mm…” Eleanor grinned, kissing him softly, “I never want to be fucked in any other way again, professor.”
“Stop talking like that,” He spoke playfully sharply against her lips, “Or it’ll never go down.”
“Don’t tempt me to keep going,” She looked up at him with a wink, “You and I both know that we always tend to have the best sex when one of us has somehow pissed the other one off.”
“No comment.” Severus spoke slowly, his facial expression straining to remain straight. He knew she was right.
“Making you jealous gets you all riled up,” She squeezed his shoulders, “Making you jealous does turn you on, Severus…” She raised her eyebrows, “Why do you think I spend all night with any man who isn't you and then turn up in your chamber without any underwear on? Why do you think I enjoy making you jealous so much, hm?”
“Why do you think I let you?” Severus replied instantly in a very matter-of-fact tone.
“Because I know you’ll fuck me into next week.” Eleanor replied just as fast, biting her lip harshly to try and suppress the wide grin that was threatening to show.
“Or next door, apparently.” Severus chuckled, brushing her hair out of her face as their eyes met again.
“I think this has to be our best worst habit.” Eleanor laughed along with him.
“I happen to agree with that statement.” Severus crinkled his nose, tilting her chin up with his index finger.
“What’s that?” Eleanor gasped playfully, “We actually agree on something?”
“Watch your lip, sweetheart…” Severus’ voice lowered, his eyes narrowing.
“I bet you’d like to watch my lip… my… lips…” Eleanor dared herself to say, though she only spoke in a timid tone.
“You really are insufferable…” He shook his head, eyes still on hers, “That attitude of yours will get you into trouble, you know.”
“Admit it, Severus,” She smirked, “I’m the kind of trouble that you enjoy.”
“Ha.” He rolled his eyes sarcastically, letting go of her and starting tuck himself back into his trousers.
“Oh, no, no,” She shook her head and pursed her lips, reaching down to push his hands away from his crotch. Severus’ gaze met hers again, his lips parting from her insinuation and a heavy breath leaving them as his jaw clenched from her following words spoken with a devilish grin, “I’m not finished with you yet.”
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stardust-kenobi · 6 months
The Wrong Ingredient
Severus Snape x Fem!Reader
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Summary: As a teaching assistant at Hogwarts, working on creating a new calming draught seemed to be a straightforward task. However, when you accidentally use the wrong ingredient, Professor Snape is more than willing to help alleviate the effects.
Word count: 4k
Warning: smut, fingering, piv, sex pollen (my fav), sort-of teacher/student relationship (reader is 2 years post graduation), mild DUB CON
A/N: Apologies to my followers who are not interested in Harry Potter content. This is my first (and potentially only) fic I am writing for Harry Potter, I just have had an insane infatuation with Severus Snape this week and I just had to write this to get it off my mind lol. Feel free to disregard :)
Read on AO3
The roaring of the snowstorm grew louder by the moment as you tried so desperately to focus on perfecting the potions assignment for the Professor. You were distracted by the storm, entranced by the blanket of white that coated the roof and distant hills. With the halls of Hogwarts empty for the Holiday break, you felt an even deeper appreciation for the warmth and coziness inside the castle.
As a recent graduate of Hogwarts who was now assigned to be a teaching assistant in your second year after graduation, part of your job was helping the professors with their lesson plans. Even if that meant sacrificing part of your holiday break spending the day alone…with Professor Snape. Persistent footsteps approached you, entering the classroom, followed by the sound of a slamming door. You jolted in your seat. 
“Any progress?” Professor Snape asked blankly.
During your studies at Hogwarts, you were always fond of Professor Snape. He was cold and stern, something that usually would have made you weary of a person, but there was something about his demeanor and the way he cared for you that created a soft spot for him in your heart. You had to admit, though, he was hard to talk to at times. He was not a man for many words, so even though you enjoyed him as a professor, there was a bit of unexpected tension being alone with him. You could not deny, though, that you found him to be extremely attractive. 
You sighed and hesitated to look back at him. Snape will be disappointed in your response. 
“Unfortunately, no” you breathed. 
“Pity” He scoffed, but ended with the faintest smirk. He was hard on you the same as he was when he was your professor, but he made some fun of it every now and then.
“Sorry, Professor Snape. I just don’t think these ingredients will work” 
“It’s experimental, Y/N, we won’t know until it is done” He shrugged. 
You were working on a high-intensity calming draught. A harmless potion that many wizards and witches could find great use in, especially during high-stress situations. The ingredients were simple, but they just didn’t make sense to you. 
Lavender, crocodile heart, rose petals, and peppermint. 
You read the list back to yourself several times. You weren’t getting the reaction you’d hoped for inside the simmering pot, and the ingredients weren’t behaving as you’d expected as you followed the procedure you were familiar with.
“Sometimes the best way to test potions is to try them yourself” Snape spoke with a condescending tone as he noticed your hesitation. 
“Are you suggesting I just drink this myself and see if it works?” You reiterated and trailed with a light chuckle.
“If you won’t, I will” He shrugged and smirked back at you from across the room. Professor Snape was professional, of course, but he was right. Sometimes trial and error is the quickest way to test potions. The ingredients were simple, so the chance of them causing any harm was…potentially slim. 
The day was long and you had grown tired of staring into the stirring liquid.
Fine, you thought, what is the worst that could happen?
You poured the purple-hued brew into the glass in front of you. Without thinking too much more about it, you threw back the potion, letting it trickle down your throat. It was potent, minty, and slightly earthy. Not the worst potion you’d tasted…but not the best either.
Your face twisted in uncertainty for the flavor.
Snape held his eyes to the book in front of him as he sat at his desk across the room. He was wildly uninterested in the reaction or the success of the potion you’d brewed. He had more important things to handle, and an experimental calming draught for a future lesson plan was low on his priority list, so of course, that means you were the one to take on the task.
You waited for a reaction.
And waited.
Nothing. You felt nothing. 
Just before you were going to give up and accept the defeat, you actually began to feel something. It was warm and fuzzy, laced in your veins and flowed slowly up your arms. 
Perhaps this is the beginning of the calming effects, you thought. 
The warmth felt funny as it seeped deeper into your bloodstream. Before you knew it, each of your extremities flowed hot with its calming effects. But there was something else. Something you’d never felt from a potion before. A tingling and most desperate sensation found its way between your legs. 
“P-Professor?” You struggled to call out to him, suddenly weary of how you were beginning to feel. You swallowed hard. 
“Yes, Y/N?” He called back, his eyes still glued to the book.
“Are there any…similar potions that I could have accidentally created instead of the calming draught?”
He looked up suddenly. 
“No, there is-....” Snape stopped mid-sentence, setting the book down gently, “Well perhaps, but you would know the difference between peppermint and spearmint”
You looked down at the extra green leaves that remained unused near the pot. You had collected this from a different area of the field than normal, but it smelled and looked like peppermint, so you did not think twice about it. However, now that he questions it, you worry it was, indeed, something else. 
“Let's just say maybe I didn’t, though. If I accidentally used spearmint, what would that mean?” You countered nervously.
His eyes grew wide for a moment. 
“Show me the plant” He insisted. Snape quickly rose from his seat and walked over to your desk. 
You showed him the green leaves you believed to be peppermint. He towered over you.
“It's peppermint, right?” You asked wearily, looking up to him. His furrowed brows revealed his concern.
“No. This is certainly spearmint” He pressed his lips tightly together and twisted the stem between his fingers. 
Your heart sank. What had you done?
“What… what did I brew, then?” You asked cautiously. 
Snape appeared more worrisome and now even a bit uncomfortable. 
“What do you feel?” He asked slowly and cautiously rather than answering your question.
You were hesitant to tell the truth and he could sense it. 
“I feel very warm… and quite…um” You trailed off as you felt your heart beating a hundred miles an hour. Suddenly you felt a raging sense of attraction to his natural musk and cologne. God, was he always so breathtaking?
“Aroused?” He questioned. 
“Yes”. You squeezed your eyes shut. Your cheeks rushed with blood as your response was trailed by a muffled moan. You were embarrassed to admit feeling this way in front of Professor Snape, but there was nothing you could do to stop it. And to hear your professor of many years, and now your colleague, ask you if you felt any sense of sexual arousal made you excited, too. 
“I feared as much” He turned away slowly, bringing his hand to cover his mouth. 
“Professor wha-”
“Quiet. Give me a moment to think” Snape demanded. He paced the room slowly. 
It grew more intense with each passing second. The tingling created a sensitivity upon the surface of your skin. You grazed your arm with your fingertips and chills shot down your spine. 
You clenched your thighs together as your arousal intensified. The professor turned around at this same moment, and let his eyes catch sight of your discomfort. 
He looks good today, you thought to yourself. His jet-black hair fell so beautifully atop his shoulders, and his dark attire somehow never looked better than it did right now with the way it draped down the length of his body. 
“You’ve created something that many have experimented with in the past, but… it's not well documented. It’s dangerous. Think similar to a love potion, however…much more potent” Snape explained, ending his pacing right at your desk once again. His emphasis toward the end was all you needed to hear.  You could tell he was attempting to maintain his composure but you could also sense he was on edge.
“Oh, God” You cried, lowering your head to look down at your feet, “What do I do, Professor?” You begged. Your fists clenched the edges of the table. You needed a release. Or an antidote. “What is the recipe for the antidote?” 
Truly, you wanted the release. Your staff dormitory was nearby, just right down the hall, you could take care of this quickly. Snape looked around, ensuring you were both alone, then used a quick flick of his wand to close the shutters on the windows. It was dimly lit in the classroom now with only the light of many candles illuminating each corner of the room. It was…romantic. Most everyone in the castle was gone. Any remaining professors were locked away in their offices, and the students were well on their way home by now. 
“There isn’t one” He stated firmly. The warm amber luminescence glowed so beautifully upon his skin. 
The effects of the accidental potion were nearing unbearable, now. Every fiber of your being ached so desperately to be touched. 
“Fuck…I…I need” You breathed heavily, clenching your lower belly as your arousal pooled itself between your legs. Your cunt begged you for something…anything. You’d never cussed in front of Professor Snape before, but he could feel the urgency in your voice.
“You must relieve it” He snapped. Frustrated with the decision he knew was about to have to make.
“Severus…” You begged desperately, using his first name for the first time ever. You weren’t even sure what you were begging him for. 
“I must speak bluntly, Ms. Y/L/N, so listen carefully. You are no longer my student. I am not your professor. But this must happen in order to save you.” He began frantically, checking again to make sure the doors were locked. His clarification of your relationship with one another seemed to be more of a reminder for himself than for you. 
“Save me? Christ, will this kill me?” You cried out.
“Yes. If your body is not brought to orgasm several times, it will begin to affect the very core of your nervous system. There is no other way to stop it.” He explained. Hearing him talk about orgasms was unexpected but it aroused you.
Dammit, you thought, can’t he just fuck me? 
No. No matter how much you wanted him right now, you did not want to put him in that position. 
“Okay, I will…I will go back to my room now” You managed to say. He sighed in anticipation of what he would say next. 
“You can’t do it yourself” He began, his voice faltering as he failed to make eye contact with you, “It has to be another person”.
Snape knew exactly what had to be done. The moment he saw the spearmint you placed in his hand, he knew. 
Suddenly, your legs trembled beneath you and your knees buckled. As you felt yourself fall, Professor Snape quickly caught you. His arms wrapped beneath your arms and he lifted you up onto the desk. You whimpered in reaction to this contact against your skin. It was…electrifying, but you were running out of time. Your body was running hotter by the second. In a feeble attempt to cool yourself, you peeled the robe from your shoulder. 
“Please” You begged, gesturing to the fabric that held you hostage in your misery. 
“I-” Snape began, reaching to grab your robe. His eyes searched yours for uncertainty but found none. The expression he held revealed what he couldn’t say. He wanted you. He wanted to help in more ways than one. But no matter what he told himself, he couldn’t help but feel that it was wrong. 
While you squirmed on the table, you watched as Professor Snape eyed the remaining liquid in the cauldron. It was only a few drops, but it was enough to at least bring a man to his knees for a woman begging him to fuck her. But he didn’t need it in order to want you. Snape needed it to convince himself it wasn’t wrong. 
He breathed out heavily before pouring the few drops into the glass and throwing it back, getting as much as he possibly could. Snape winced at the flavor. 
“Professor…w-what are you doing?” You whimpered through your words. 
“We both took the potion. We thought it was a calming draught, and it wasn’t. And we did what we had to do to treat the effects” He responded quickly as if it was rehearsed. You knew what he was insinuating. If anyone found out, if anyone asked, that’s what happened. If Snape was under the effects of this potion too, he would need his release, same as you. With only a few drops, It would be less intense for him, so he could better handle himself. 
“If you’ll allow me, I will help you, my dear” He whispered as he came closer to you propped on the table, holding his face close to yours, speaking sensually against your lips. In one swift motion, he pulled the black robe off your shoulders, letting it rest on the table, leaving you in your sweater and mini skirt. 
Before you could even finish your nod of approval, the hem of your skirt was being pulled up frantically, followed by his wandering fingers that stopped just at the hem of your panties. You were practically dripping and he could feel it. 
“Oh darling” He groaned, standing between your open legs and pressing his lips against your ear. Every hair on your body stood up when he finally got this close to you, “You are so wet for me” 
You rolled your hips against his hovering fingertips. As you looked down, you faintly noticed the bulge that grew in his pants. You weren’t sure if it was the microdose of the potion, or how arousing it was to be in this situation with you, but it was a most intoxicating sight. You could feel the heat radiating from him and knew that he was fully under the effects of the potion. Not nearly as badly as you, but he was about to lose control.
“Professor Snape, I can’t take it anymore, please” You begged him. You needed something inside of you, now.
“Very well” He smirked subtly as he pulled the soaked fabric to the side and pressed his fingers flush against your clit before rubbing rhythmic circles. 
“Fuck!” You cried out and threw your head back, which was quickly caught by Snape’s hand. He held your head up to meet his gaze. The aching and burning persisted but were soothed slightly once his skin was upon yours. It was a surprise to be so reactive to the faintest of touch, but the angry fever burning your skin was electrified, enhancing every single one of your senses. 
“Look at me, Y/N. Oh, you sound so lovely” His voice was like honey as he talked you through your pleasure, admiring the sounds that flew from your lips.  
You locked your gaze with his and stared deep into him. 
It was overwhelming. All of it. The state of your writhing body. The way he looked towering over you. The feeling of his fingers on your delicate bud. Seeing him in such a vulnerable state, something you’d never thought you’d see in a million years. It was all so incredible and absolutely riveting. You thought you might be dreaming.
Snape’s thumb remained working at your clit while two fingers were suddenly pushed inside your cunt. Your walls clenched around his digits as he began pumping them in and out, curling them with every stroke. 
“You need to come. Come for me” He insisted, knowing that the first orgasm would help begin to subside your symptoms. You could’ve reached your high just from the sound of his voice alone, so you knew you were close already. 
Your mouth fell open as the tightest coil of nerves bundled at your core. Suddenly, without hardly any warning from your own body, your orgasm burst open, radiating and flowing through every fiber of your being. Stars danced in your eyes as the euphoria washed over you. Moaning and profanities filled the air, breathless and aggressive as it took you over. 
“That’s it, my love, just like that” He encouraged you through it, keeping his pace while he fucked you with his fingers. You curled your hips, riding his hand instinctively. You came down so slowly, feeling delirious but still hungry for more. More of him.
His cock was stiffened and strained in his trousers, begging to be released, but not until he ensured you were okay after your first high. You reached for the hem of his pants in desperation. 
“I need it” You struggled to form your words. 
“You need my cock? Is that what you need?” He whispered to you, watching your face twist in pleasure as his fingers curled harder with each thrust. 
“Please, Professor” You begged. There was something so hot about calling him that in this setting. He could never admit it, but he loved it, too. 
“As you wish”
He pulled his fingers from your pussy, leaving you empty and clenching around nothing. You whined at the loss.
He watched you struggle to remove your sweater and glided his hands up the side of your body to help pull it over your head, which revealed you wore no bra underneath. Snape growled lowly in approval of the sight. Your bare breasts glistened with sweat under the candlelight. He delicately trailed his fingers down the front of your body, circling your stiffened nipples along the way.
For the first time, he kissed you. His supple lips pressed firmly into yours, adding another layer of intimacy you were not expecting. You moaned into him, feeling his hands cup your burning cheeks as he pulled you into him. As you sat at the edge of the table with Snape positioned between your legs, you felt him shuffle with the clasp of his pants. 
Excitedly, you pulled away from the kiss to see his impressive length released from its restraints. Your thighs clenched together at the sight, which caused you to moan. You could see it on his face, he was burning with the same passion, but he was nervous. Maybe with less of the potency of your accidental creation, you would have had the luxury of anxiety, but not in this state. 
“Are you doing alright?” He asked you, one hand on the back of your neck, forcing your gaze onto him, and the other grasping the base of his cock, ready to give you exactly what you needed. What he needed. 
“More than alright” You breathed. 
“Good” He smiled back at you. You realized in this moment that he’d never fully smiled at you before, and it warmed your heart. 
Hurriedly, he yanked your panties off your body, throwing them to the ground. He pushed up your skirt, making sure it was out of the way. Ever-so-conveniently, the table was at his hips’ level, putting his cock at the perfect height.
He plunged into you, hard. A strangled, choked whimper caught in your throat as you felt overwhelmed with the fullness. Professor Snape sucked in a sharp breath, pleased with how you wrapped around his cock so perfectly. 
“Oh my God” You cried out as he began thrusting slowly, allowing you to adjust to him. It could not last long though, because Snape could feel the animalistic urges overcoming him. 
“Oh, fuck” He groaned deeply, staring down to where his cock disappeared inside of you. 
Something unraveled within Snape. His cautious demeanor was long gone. His brows furrowed into almost an angry expression as he snapped his hips passionately, fucking you hard and ruthlessly now. Your whole body tingled and spasmed in reaction to each thrust. His cock stretched you so wonderfully, and he was intoxicated by the way you took him. Like you were made for him. His hands gripped both sides of your waist, using your curves as leverage to go deeper. 
“You take my cock so well, darling” He praised, increasing his pace.
“It feels s-so fucking good, Professor. I’m going to come again, please…don’t s-s-stop” You stuttered, tripping over your own words as you felt drunk off the pleasure. With the rise of your next orgasm came the subsiding of the heat that coursed through your veins. 
“My pretty little whore, come on my cock” He growled, angling his hips at a deeper angle so that his cock brushed your most sensitive area with each thrust. 
It came over you again so suddenly, sending your body into a pleasurable convulsion. Snape pushed you backward, laying you flat on your back atop the table, and wrapped his fist around your throat. The pressure against your neck made your mind go fuzzy as you rode the high of your second orgasm. 
It felt…otherworldly. Like nothing you could’ve ever imagined. He faltered none in his thrusts as you floated through such indescribable euphoria. As you came back to what felt like reality, you opened your eyes to see Snape admiring you in your most vulnerable state, continuously taking his cock like you were made for it. 
Just one more. You only needed one more. You could feel it. One more orgasm would treat these effects. The only problem was, your body was weakening, and you weren’t sure if you could take it.
“One more, darling. Just one more” He breathed through his moans.
“I-I can’t” You cried. 
“You can. You must, Y/N.” He reminded you with encouragement, “Be a good girl and give me one more”
You nodded weakly. While he fucked you hard, he brought his fingers up to your swollen clit to bring you to your third release. You spasmed beneath his touch. It felt so good. Too good. You squirmed involuntarily, but Snape was not having it. He pulled his length out of you and quickly turned you around, bending you forward to press your face into the table. 
Before you could even process what was happening, he sunk himself back into you from behind and resumed his relentless thrusts. He could hold you down better in this position. He was more in control. 
Even quicker than the first two, your third orgasm unleashed itself upon your body. You writhed and cried out his name, mixed with other profanities as it washed over you. You had an unfamiliar feeling coiling in your lower belly. Before you knew it was even happening, you were squirting through your orgasm, something that had never happened before.  Snape groaned lowly in approval. 
This orgasm was followed by an icy flush that mixed with your blood, taking the burning sensation away completely. It was an ultimate feeling of relief. The pleasure was so intense, a stray tear trickled down your cheek.
“I am close” Professor Snape muttered.
“Come inside me, professor” You whimpered, sending him over the edge instantly.
His thrusts faltered and slowed as a warmth spilled deep inside your walls, coating your cunt completely. Snape bent over to press his chest into your back as he caught his breath. You both were slowly coming down from not only your release, but from the effects of the potion. You expected to feel shame or embarrassment, but neither occurred. 
He was careful pulling out of you, knowing how weak your legs probably were. You tried to catch your breath as he offered his hand, helping you to your seat near the table. 
Without another word, he helped you back into your sweater to allow you to regain your decency as soon as you could. It was hard to process what had just happened, but you truly did not regret even a single second of it. 
“I am sorry for what had to happen, Ms. Y/L/N” Professor Snape said as he kneeled down to look at you. His eyes looked sorrowful and full of guilt, like he blamed himself for what happened. It broke your heart to think he felt this way. You enjoyed this and you know he did too. 
You smiled and held a sleepy expression as you giggled and shook your head. 
“I’m not” You confidently responded.
The same smile you saw for the first time earlier returned to his lips.
“Good” He muttered. 
Please forgive any canon inconsistencies. This was entirely self-indulgent lmaooo. Obviously this potion does not exist and I made it up based on actual calming draught ingredients!
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cherry-pop-elf · 24 days
Morning Classes
Severus Snape x Reader
Summary: You spent the night in your boyfriend’s bedroom, at the school he works at. The issue with sleeping in a dungeon, is that you can’t tell when it’s sunrise. You slept in, and decided to make it known to everyone that Severus Snape CAN get some bitches
Warnings: None really, besides implied sexual content. But none actually. Also teenagers being teenagers, and poor Snape ready to have a heart attack
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“Sevvy?” You yawned, as you would lift up your head. There you were, in satin sheets. Perfect for the muggy weather that the dungeons collected. Breathe able, light, and soft. Made you want to never leave the ink and emerald covers, but you wanted to get some breakfast with your boyfriend.
Another yawn left you, as you climbed out of the covers. Quick to steal one of his dress shirts, and cover yourself up in. You loved how it was a dress on you. Made you feel so safe, and warm. Emotionally, anyway. Despite the muggy weather of a dungeon, it can change and become so chill. Just a matter of when Peeves wants to snuff out the fire places.
“Sevvy? I want us to get some breakfast.” You called, as you stretched your body. The cold stones sending shivers through your feet, and up your spine. “And cuddles. I want more cuddles.” You cooed, as you would force open the heavy door. The one to lead to his classroom. Took some effort, but you broke through.
“Sevvy, sweetie? Let’s get some br…” Your heart dropped, as you froze. Seems you slept in, because class was in session. The familiar smog of the potions brewing filled the air, but never enough to hide the faces of his students. Along with himself.
The way every student was jaw dropped, at the realization that someone was in Snapes bedroom. Not only in his bedroom, but clearly having spent the night there. They just couldn’t process it, and neither could Snape. That ever cold scowl vanished, to be replaced with the most brilliant of pink cheeks. Seems Hogwarts was just a breeding ground of making sure he got embarrassed.
“Oh….I….Apologies….It can be kinda hard to tell the time, when you are underground.” You gulped, as you rubbed the back of your neck. You tried to step out of the room, but your back came into contact with the door. No way did you want to turn around, and risk exposing your naked butt to a bunch of kids. That’s not only gross, but also very embarrassing.
“Damn, kinda hot-“ A student said, causing Snape’s head to spin so sharply. You are surprised that no bones were broken in the process. As if he had time to figure out who said that. He had a partner to worry about. He cursed himself for letting you sleep in.
“Not. A. WORD.” He warned his students, as he quickly ran to your side. Swiftly he would take off his ever present cloak, and wrapped it around you. Let you be covered, as the students still stared. Never did they think Snape could be human. Find love, have a romance, be intimate with someone. It was just kinda assumed he was an entity all on his own.
“I am so sorry-“ You quickly whispered, with shame in your eyes. Way to go. You had to humiliate him. A man that’s been burdened with such all his life. You just had to give him more trauma. Way to go. That’s reading on your face like a book, and he won’t have any of that. He will break the cycle.
“I should have left a note-“ He tried to whisper back, but failed. The classroom was so silent, from shock, so much as his own heart beat could be heard. Was Snape taking responsibility for his own actions, and not wanting someone to feel bad? Who is this imposter? That was getting the class rowdy now.
“Students-“ He warned, but the teenagers in them were over ruled. They had so many questions. Who is this person? How did you two meet? Did you go to Hogwarts with him? Are you from another school? Pure blood? Muggle born? Did you top?!
“I uh. Just better go get some pants on-“ You swallowed, as he nodded. He was quick to open the door for you, and you ran in. It would then slam behind you, but it couldn’t muffle the gossiping of the class.
“Children-!” He warned, but their curiosity overruled their fear. They had to know. Who the hell were you?! Why would you settle for him?! So many questions, so little class time to figure it all out. They needed to know!
You made sure to hurry up, and slipped on some random bottoms. Along with a cozy top. Just clothes to actually wear, as to go out there and save your boyfriend. It must be an emotional nightmare to deal with. A bunch of students ganging up on him, much like his childhood. You will save the day.
“Hey everyone-! Sorry about that-! So uh. Hi! Yes, I’m his romantic partner. No, we didn’t meet at Hogwarts. I’m a-“ You began to rattle off, as to try and settle everyone down. Along with give Severus a moment to breathe. Breathe, and process what is happening. So much for staying under the radar.
“Why him?” Someone asked. Damn, even you could feel Snape’s death glare towards the student. Stings, but you snuck your hand to tangle with his. Comforting him, with brushing your thumb over his knuckles.
“Oh where do I start? Handsome, smart, charismatic, playful-“ That got a brow raise at the remark. The moment you kissed his cheek? Everyone was gagging, and making mock throwing up noises. You swore you saw a smile tug at his lips, at such foolery. Had you giggle, as you nuzzled your head into his shoulder.
“Thank Merlin, the bell-!” A student shouted, as the clock tower rang. Everyone was quick to bolt, leaving behind cauldrons full of left over potions. That had him rubbing his temples, but you already grabbed your wand. Working on the first one for him.
“The talk of the school….again….” He grumbled, as he would work on another one. He never liked being in the spotlight. If he could hide in the shadows, he would. Impossible now. Given the ‘scary potion master’ now had a romantic partner. Someone could love him? Such horror.
“Oh hush. Bet they are just jealous that I’m the lucky one.” You soothed, as you would give his cheek another kiss. Make that, multiple kisses. Just peppering him, and not willing to lighten up. Not until he smiled.
Took a minute, but he did. Just for you. He smiled, and soon returned a peck to your own. Far softer, and quieter. Just how he was. Like a gust of wind, in the moonlight. One of the endless reasons you adored him.
“So…..no breakfast-?” You puzzled, before he handed you over an apple. He had made sure to grab you something, after he had his own. He kept you in his thoughts. Had you just beaming, as you happily took it. Taking a large bite, as you now sat on his desk. Eye candy, as he worked.
Maybe today won’t be so bad after all. He’s in good company.
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run-clever-boy · 5 months
I’m here - Severus Snape
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Severus Snape x Professor!Reader
Warnings: Crying, all fluff!
Word Count: 657
Summary: You are a young professor in love with Severus Snape. When everything gets to be too much, you break down and he comes to your aid.
It was dark in the library. You used to come here as a student to escape from the other students, you never felt like you really belonged in your house. Now as a teacher, you have made a few allies among your peers. 
One professor, despite how wrong you felt about it, held a special place in your heart. 
Severus was not as he appeared. He was caring and gentle, helped you when you needed it. He seemed to know exactly how to help you when you needed him most. With this past reputation of his, you knew that he would probably show up at any minute at your aid as you fled the great hall for the library in a hurry after dinner. 
You loved him, try as you might to ignore it you loved him more than the initial platonic feeling you had. He would show up in your dreams, daydreams, you couldn't get him out of your head. When he was around you tried to clear your mind, but to no avail. You were decent at occlumency, but he brought down your barriers.
The more you thought the more somber you became, and the less control over your emotion you had. You needed to get yourself together.
A single tear
Then another
And then another
Soon your emotions overcame you and you hid among the bookshelves sobbing into your robes. You weren't loud by any means, but your thoughts echoed in your head until you heard a voice in the void of blackness.
"Y/n? are you alright?" Severus' baritone voice shook you out of your sobbing state as you tried to straighten up and pretend like everything was fine. As your vision corrected out of its blurry setting you saw the professor kneeled down by your side with a deep look of concern.
"Yes, I- I'm alright" you said in a shaky voice. 
"No, you're not, what's the matter?" he said, it was calmer than his normal authoritative tone.
"I just got in my own head is all, I'll be alright" you said
"What about?" he questioned. You knew if you told him the real reason he would reject you, tell you that you were too young and that this was all stupid. Or would he? 
He placed a hand on your shoulder and shivers when up your spine. Every touch sent electricity through your body, every brush of a hand, every glance, every slight smile you could coerce out of him made you feel better.
"Severus I- I can't-"
"Yes, you can."
 He tilted your head up with a finger as his eyes looked deep into yours. Pleading you to tell him what was wrong. You had never seen him like this, he seemed so, delicate and careful. Like you were a vase he didn't want to break. 
You paused.
"I what?" he said with growing concern.
"I love you, severus."
The words hung in the air, and you clung on them with everything you had. He looked at you with a calm sort of shock.
"I'm sorry" you mumbled under your breath as you stood up and tried to flee the library, but before you had the chance he stood up and grabbed your hand and spun you around and held you close to him, his finger lifting your chin to make your eyes meet once more. 
He hesitated, he wanted something, but you couldn't tell what. His eyes glanced from your lips to meet your gaze again. He looked behind him at the library door then pulled your face closer to his, his lips smashing against yours and in a crazed fit of passion. 
He held you there for what felt like so long then finally allowed breath between the two of you. He pulled you close to his chest and held you there, just enjoying the silence.
"I love you too, I always have" he whispered gently.
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turvi · 1 year
Helloooooooo! I saw your clingy Severus fic, and absolutely loved it so muchhhhhhh!
If possible, could I request something a bit like the opposite? I would love to see Severus with an s/o who’s BEYOND cuddly, and will kind of just find him between classes (or whenever they can rlly) and just cling to him like a needy cat XD.
They won’t do it if he’s not comfy with it, but I could also see Sev melting if s/o would just cuddle up to him even if people are around lol
Ahh, thank you so much for this request. I am glad you loved the fic. I hope you enjoy it.
Severus was returning back to his office for the lunch break. The students make way for the potions master. His ominous presence scares all the living souls present in Hogwarts. All except one.
His wife.
She waits in his office preparing tea for him. As soon as he enters his office the smell of cinnamon and tea fills his senses. He never liked the strong smell of spices. But he never even told his wife either. He wondered why. He would always look for opportunities to ridicule or critique people. But he could never do that to his Y/n.
His sweet Y/n. She is an angel really. But Godric it feels like she keeps making an excuse just to cling to him. But he doesn't hate it. No. Even though he doesn't show it he accepts the warmth Y/n has for him. He has been cold and lonely without her.
She feels like the spring that comes after a harsh cold. The kind of spring that mother earth celebrates. The kind of spring that brings out life.
As if on cue Y/n turns back and smiles brightly at his sight. He thinks she might be the only one who is this happy to see him. And he is thankful. And as expected before Severus could even greet her she took him in her arms.
Even after being together for Godric knows how long (because it feels like he has known her for his whole life), his heart still flutters when she holds him like this. He can only pat her back. And she gets it. It's his way of saying he loves her. He loves how she gets he is still not used to this type of affection.
As she busies herself in making tea for him again he remembers how she had unexpectedly shown up in his life. So full of love and life. He previously hated how bright she is. How she could find the good in the bad. Heck, she found something great in him hence she decided to spend her life with him.
He remembers how he would be annoyed at how clingy she is. How he would grumble and groan when she would hug him tightly. How he would frown and tell her she is constricting his breathing. But he wouldn't admit how he would look up at his office door every time it would open, expecting her. How it would break his heart to find it was someone else and not her. When she got sick and had taken leave for a few days..he missed the feeling..he craved it. How when he finally saw her he had to control himself from taking her into his arms then and there.
Like usual she put his tea on the coffee table and took a seat right beside him, nuzzling her nose in his neck. He shivered when he felt her breath against his skin and surprisingly his hands as if they had their own mind dragged her closer to him.
He didn't even pay attention to the tea sitting on his coffee table despite its strong smell. His onyx eyes focused on her. The sunlight seemed to have been glowing brighter as it hit her skin. He was almost afraid to touch her even though he had ravished her last night. He was afraid his touch would ruin something so beautiful like her.
He looked into her eyes. They always looked soft and kind. His touch is featherlight on her cheeks. She leaned into his touch even though it was light. His heart raced as she leaned into him, her eyes asking for permission.
He knew he couldn't love her anymore. His eyes teared up watching her still being respectful of his boundaries as if he will say no and she will still love him as much as she did on the day she met him.
He met her halfway and kissed her passionately. Y/n was surprised when she felt his arms tightening around her waist. She smiled at him as they broke from their kiss. He was slowly but surely accepting the kind of love she had for him.
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signedxoxoviolet · 4 months
First time
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Snape takes Fem!Reader’s virginity away.
Warnings: Smut & NSFW (18+ content) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, Explicit language, Fluff (kinda at the start), bad grammar and bad english
Tags: Consensual Sex, Jacking-off, P in V Sex, Gentle Sex, Vanilla, Fingering, Praise, Loss of Virginity, Virgin Reader, Slow French Kissing & Making Out, Uses of “Daddy”, Unexperienced and Nervous Reader, Unprotected Sex
Author’s note: HELPP it’s 4:50 AM (messing up my sleep schedule for this man 😻)
Guide: (Y/N): Your Name, (E/C): Eye Color, (H/C): Hair Color
Read on Ao3 — coming soon…
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Since you started dating Severus, you always made sure to tell him you were a virgin instead of making him find out right before making love. You were a bit embarrassed at first but he understood completely and was completely patient with you and respected your boundaries, never forcing you to have sex with him.
After 3 years of your relationship you decide you want this man to take your virginity. You feel like he’s your true love. Everything he does makes your heart flutter; from the way he talks to the compassion and love in his eyes when he looks at you.
You’re both laying on his bed in complete silence. Not a single word, the only sound is the rain tapping against the windows of his bedroom. The air around is cold, but you can’t help but feel hot from the nervousness.
“Sev?” You finally ask, your voice a bit shaky.
“Yes, my love?” He turns to you.
“Um, i think i’m ready.” You sit up as he sits up with you on the bed. “Ready for what dear?”, he asks confused and maybe a bit worried.
You feel a lump in your throat before swallowing it, “To have sex. I’m ready to have sex with you.” your gaze looks down at the grey sheets of his bed, gripping them hard to calm you down, knuckles turning white.
The Potions Master’s lips turn into a soft smile. “You want me to be your first, dear, right now?”
You finally muster up the courage to look at him. “Yes Sev, i..i want you, right now. Please..”, your hands grabbed the sheets and slid them off your legs.
Severus smiled softly, this was probably one of the first times you’ve seen him smile this much as he usually gives small smirks or quick smiles, “I’m so glad to be your first, love. I promise i’ll be gentle, you just relax, i’ll take the lead.” he says, moving towards you, your legs in between his thighs as he brushes his lips against yours. “You just tell me when you’re uncomfortable and i’ll stop, understood?”
You nod, smiling before glaring at his lips. “May i kiss you?” You ask biting your bottom lip gently.
“Of course.” He replies softly. You quickly give his soft, warm lips a peck, slowly becoming a French kiss. It isn’t one of those hunger-driven, fast and rough make out sessions, it has more of a slow paste, giving both of you time to savor it and enjoy it.
You feel his tongue lap against yours and gently suck on it, making you release a small sound and blush in embarrassment. Is making sounds a good thing?
The kiss ends and Severus glides his hands to your blouse buttons, his index finger caressing every button before whispering in your ear. “May i, honey?”, the hairs on the back of your neck stand as his sultry voice makes you shiver, or is it the fact that he explicitly asked for your consent making you feel so turned on? Either way, you nod, “Yes..yes you may.”
His rough and veiny hands unbutton your blouse, revealing the skin-color bra you’re wearing underneath. He whispers little praises in your ear as he slides the cloth down your shoulders and down to the bed.
“You’re perfect, dear.” He whispers, bringing his hands up to your breasts and kneading them slowly as he kisses your neck like if you are the most fragile thing on earth. You bite down your bottom lip, preventing any sound from coming out, your nipples get hard against your bra.
“I wanna hear you, darling. You can make sounds, it’s okay..” He comforts you, bringing his hands down to the waistband of your shorts, you let out a big moan, making you blush.
“Such a good girl. I’m just gonna pull down your shorts okay, sweetheart?” Two of his fingers pass under the waistband, you nod “Yeah, that’s okay..”. Professor Snape’s fingers pull down your pants, sliding them down your knees, then to your ankles, then finally throwing them on the floor.
Your pink panties are revealed, you blush. Embarrassed because you thought that, in order to have good sex, you needed to wear fancy dark red lacy lingerie, you forgot about that detail and now you can’t even keep eye contact with him feeling like a total fool.
You feel a warm hand on your cheek, making you look back at your lover. “Dear, you look beautiful even without lingerie on. And trust me, you don’t need to wear it to have a good time.” He reassures you, you smile with your lips at him and nod
“I-i’m just worried i’m gonna screw it up or something’s gonna go wrong.”, you explain.
“Nothing’s going to go wrong, (Y/N). Do you trust me?”. His sweet tone calms you down.
You nod again.
“Good girl”, he kisses your forehead before sliding a finger over your soaking clothed cunt making you whimper his name “Fuck..Severus..”
He smirks, his pants starting to feel tight. The same finger that touched you curls around your panties and pulls them down. Your bare wet pussy touching the cold air of the room, making you twitch and shiver.
He spreads your thighs with kindness, massaging your thighs in the meantime. “Here’s what’s going to happen; i’m going to finger you to stretch you out for my cock, tell me if it hurts and i’ll stop.” He says in his deep tone, taking two of his digits and slowly shoving them up your vagina. In response you moan from pleasure, gripping gently the sheets.
“Sev…ah..! Feels s’good..fuck..” Your eyes close as he pumps his fingers up and down your pulsing clit. “Feels good, doesn’t it? You’re so wet for me, dove.” He says, making sure he keeps a constant but slow paste, to not make it hurt, since it’s your first time. You nod, moaning and whimpering.
You grip the sheets tighter as you start biting your bottom lip, you feel a knot in your stomach and feel like it’s about to explode. “Mmh..Sev..! I think i’m gonna..”, you say as the walls of your pussy clench against his fingers.
“Go on, sweetheart. It’s okay, i got you.” He says, feeling you close, slightly speeding up his paste before you orgasm and come all over his hand, making a mess.
You pant as you ride off your high, “I-i made a mess..” you mutter embarrassed “I’m sorry.”
“Shh..it’s okay dear. We’ll clean it up later. You did amazing, my perfect little dove.” He kisses your forehead again as he wipes his fingers on the sheets.
“You’re amazing.” You compliment him smiling,
“You’re even better.” He responds, unbuttoning his and sliding them down to his knees, revealing his boxers with a throbbing bulge begging to break free.
He palms his boner first, making himself groan before sliding his underwear off. His hardened cock springs out, it was veiny and large, the reddened tip was oozing out pre-cum from the slit on the top.
You gasp before nibbling at your bottom lip looking at his penis then at his eyes. “Uh..can i..jerk you off?”, you ask. He nods “It’s all yours, doll. Want me to guide you?”
“Yes please.” You get on your knees like he is.
“Okay. Take your hand and wrap it around my cock.”
You do as he says and wrap your hand around his large cock, making him groan and shiver already.
“G-good..perfect. Now slide that pretty little hand of yours up and— shit...oh..mnh”
You slide your hand up and down his cock and look at his face through your lashes. Speeding up a bit as he continues to mutter curses and praises and groan.
You use your thumb to play with the tip, making him groan louder “(Y/N)…yes! Fuck..i’m close, darling.” He moans, feeling his cock twitch in your hand. You start jerking your hand a bit faster when he shoots out cum on your hand. He pants as you smile proudly.
“Your hands are heavenly, baby.” He says, as you lay down and spread your legs, now a bit more confident and eager to go on.
“Fuck me, daddy.” You say. Realizing you just called him daddy because you were eager and didn’t realize. “May i call you that? Daddy?” you hope you didn’t just ruin everything and he isn’t weirded out.
His confused gaze turns into a softer one as he gives a quick smile. “You can call me whatever you’d like, beautiful.” You sigh in relief, looking down at his dick, noting he got harder when you called him daddy. You smirk teasingly.
“Tell me if it hurts, baby. I’m gonna go slow.” He says, kneeling in between your legs and putting his hands next to your sides, aligning himself with your throbbing cunt. Slowly pushing himself in your vulva. You moan out “Daddy! Ugh, fuck..”, he groans himself from how tight you are, then gradually pushing himself in and out of you, making sure not to hurt you.
You throw your head back in pleasure as your eyes roll to the back of your head so you close them. “Mh..Sev..faster please..!” You beg, he is a bit surprised by this request but doesn’t oppose, speeding up a bit and hitting your g-spot, determined to make you finish before him.
Your pussy clutches around his big fat cock and you moan “Yes! Shit i’m..close!” You say, orgasming a second time and finish all over his cock. “Come in me daddy..” You pant. He finishes a few seconds after in your pussy, stuffing it with his fresh load.
He slowly takes his cock out, making you whine a bit. He groans “You were amazing, darling. Such a quick learner..”, he kisses your cheek before standing up and walking to the bathroom, only to return a few seconds later with a warm towel, cleaning you first and up the mess previously made. You both dress up again and you cuddle up next to him.
“I love you.” You whisper in his ear.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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black-amortentia · 6 months
Such a Fall of Snow | Frost - Snolidays 2023
Severus Snape x Professor!Reader | Warnings: Secret relationship, just fluff, barely proofread so please excuse mistakes!
This is my story for week one "Frost" of Snolidays 2023! I decided to take all the prompts together and use them to inspire one little story.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Anticipation for Christmas buzzed in the air of the Three Broomsticks, and the Hogwarts faculty were falling under the spell of merriment. Even the unsettling presence of Severus Snape couldn't dull the smiles of the teachers gathered for drinks. His presence earned a few surprised glances. No one expected Snape, of all people, to attend. They would never guess the real reason.
He was here for you.
Severus sat at the end of the table. Easy to slip away when the time came, and he could only have one person sit beside him. The only person he wanted beside him.
Minerva looked at you a few times, almost as if she was sorry you sat next to the most miserable man in Hogwarts. She didn't know you were exactly where you wanted to be. You and Severus were masters of discretion, after all.
You practically ignored Severus as you joked with your fellow professors. But underneath the table, your knees touched. That little shared warmth, the bit of intimacy that was your well-kept secret.
Three butterbeers in, you were happily enjoying the festive air. Severus had been nursing the same glass of wine since he'd arrived, sporting the same unamused look. He could never admit to the joy your smile conjured within him.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Severus tip the wine glass back, draining it. He set it down quietly. Severus's warm hand found your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. Firm. Lingering. His signal that he was about to make his escape.
Then he was gone. You tried not to shiver at the absence of his warmth at your side. No one else noticed that he’d left, his preference, of course, and you didn’t call attention to it.
Quite some time passed, you weren’t sure how much, while you enjoyed making merry with your fellow professors. Soon, you had enough of their company. There was someone else you were eager to spend time with.
After making your own excuses, you rose from the table, rosy-cheeked and cheerful. Outside, the buildings lining the streets of Hogsmeade cast a warm glow onto the frost-covered lanes. The door shut behind you, muffling the hum of noise from the pub. The hush of cold, quiet darkness filled your ears.
"You took your sweet time," drawled a voice behind you.
With a little gasp of surprise, you turned to see Severus standing in the shadow of the pub. His pale face was the only thing you could see at first, his black cloak blending in with the darkness.
"I was having fun. Just because you loathe the company of everyone around you…"
"Not everyone."
Severus fell into step beside you as the two of you set off for Hogwarts. His cape billowed, a shield against any prying eyes who might look this way. He walked close to you, the back of his hand nudging yours but making no move to grasp it.
Always holding back.
"Not that anyone would know," you commented.
There was this side to Severus, a side he let no one but you see. You couldn't pinpoint what you'd done to earn the privilege, suspecting it was a dozen little things since you'd become colleagues. “Severus ‘Humbug’ Snape has a reputation to uphold.”
You blamed the playful words on the butterbeer.
His eyes flashed at your jest. “I prefer to keep my business private. That is not a crime.”
You watched him from the corner of your eye. You knew there was more to it than that. Severus kept a tight leash of control over his emotions at all times, even moments like this when it was just the two of you. You respected him too much to question him, which he appreciated. It was one aspect that made this thing brewing between you work so well.
“Come on, let's take the long way back. By the Forbidden Forest.”
The path was dark, seldom used, unlit. Private. By now, you knew it like the back of your hand, the number of times you and Severus had used it.
The flush of the drinks you had in the pub was wearing off, the chill of the dark night raising shivers over the bare skin of your neck. Few high collars in your wardrobe, something you were coming to regret.
“You’re cold,” Severus commented, noticing the slight change in the way you stood.
He unwound his black scarf from his neck and wrapped it around yours. Severus's hands lingered over your skin as he moved, the brush of his fingertips sending a different kind of shiver through you. The dark woolen fabric, still warm from Severus’s own body heat, settled comfortably against your skin. His scent wafted from it, tickling your nose.
Even though Severus finished wrapping the scarf around your exposed neck, he wasn’t ready for his hands to leave you. They made a home on your shoulders, light and ready to flee at any moment.
Your voice was soft when you thanked him, meeting his dark gaze as it bore into yours. You knew what you wanted. You guessed he wanted the same. Your lips parted as you looked up at him, your subtle invitation. Severus accepted.
His lips came down on yours, gentle yet fervent, knowing what he wanted and somehow afraid to take it. Your mouth moved against his, drawing him deeper into the kiss, hand clutching the front of his robes. His control slipped just enough, and he let himself claim you. A soft nibble on your lower lip made you gasp, and the resulting exploration of his tongue made your knees tremble.
In the shadow of the Forbidden Forest, your only witnesses were the creatures that dwelt within. None of them bothered you, and your kiss with Severus intensified, his hands finding your waist and hip, pulling you flush against him.
You run out of breath first and lean back, but Severus’s kiss simply moves down your neck. After he elicited some delicious noises from you, nibbled a small mark on you that you’d have to hide later, he finally came up for air. Severus cupped your face in his hand, staring into your eyes. The only sound you heard was that of your racing heart and Severus’s labored breaths.
“I wonder if anyone has noticed we’re missing.” Your words broke the silence, and Severus bristled slightly. “Should we head back?”
“We could stay a little longer.” Severus’s voice was barely audible, almost as if he didn’t want to admit that he wasn’t ready to let you go.
Wrapping your arms around Severus, you laid your head against his shoulder. He stiffened at first, and then you felt him relax under your touch. His arms tightened around you, cradling your head, stroking your hair. He exhaled, a seldom heard sound of contentment, his breath ruffling a stray lock by your forehead.
Even as white dusted your clothes, stark against the black robes and black scarf; even as the fresh snowfall covered the tracks you made earlier, Severus did not let you go.
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darkenedreaper · 1 year
Loosen Up
Professor Snape x Professor F!Reader
Warnings: hints at smut, fluff
Summary: Severus was growing comfortable around you as his new colleague but can he hold off his urges?
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You were fairly new as a Professor at Hogwarts, Snape had you as an assistant for Potions, but really you specialised in Herbology. You'd been teaching at Hogwarts for 6 months now, but you had been with Severus as a student, so him seeing you back as a Professor after all the time he'd been teaching there, it was a surprise to say the least.
As you were Snape's assistant during his Potions classes, and knowing him from your student years, you were fairly comfortable around him, Severus however was just starting to warm up to you again. During your student years you had flirted and teased him but never got as far as kissing. The second Professor Snape saw you walking into the Great Hall with your teacher robes on his heart fluttered remembering all of the moments he had with you.
As said, you were comfortable with him. So after him clearing out his final class you invited him to your chambers late that night to sit and grade papers with each other, read or study up with a cup of tea. You had mentioned to him it would be nice to have his company. His mind and heart jumped at the thought of being in your chambers at night, they also jumped at the mention of you enjoying and wanting his company. His head and heart screamed yes to your invite but his mouth kept up his cold front and replied; "What time shall you expect my arrival?"
So that's how you both ended up the way you were now in your chambers. He'd been over for about 3 hours, he felt comfortable in your surroundings. You both remained in your teaching outfits for around an hour but you excused yourself to change into something more comfortable, you threw him a smirk. He only hummed but he moved around in his seat, impatient and teased. He was sat at the coffee table with student papers and books neatly spread across it. He had taken off his robed but kept his long, form fitting, buttoned up jacket on. You had told him to take it off multiple times; "Severus aren't you hot? Take off your jacket and sit down here with me", you asked him whilst you were sitting on your L couch reading up on Herbology.
His hand that held his quill quivered slightly but he didn't take his eyes off of his students work that he was marking; "Thank you Professor L/N but I'm contempt with the way I am dressed now". You only replied to him with, "Boring. And drop the Professor whilst we have privacy, its Y/N". He hummed at your response, giving you the acknowledgment.
You'd been working over hours this week which meant you were sat hunched over your desk at late hours, causing your back to stiffen up. As you were leaning against the couch reading you wriggled a few times... maybe a few bones needing cracking to release some tension. You released a few quiet groans aswell from the slight pain you experienced. So you climbed onto the couch on your belly, legs spread out, a little more than appropriate, your back was slightly arched and you hung a little length of your arms off the couch so you could continue reading. You still groaned now and then.
Hearing your discomfort, Severus only moved his eyes to look for any signs or anything that was causing your discomfort, he couldn't lie to himself, he thought the sounds you were making were sexy and suggestive, but he was too stunned to even think when you moved to your belly. His eyes roamed over the curve and arch of your back before resting on your arse. He ran his eyes up to the meeting of your thighs and he sat up straighter than he had before, still listening to your groans. He dropped his quill onto one of his books;
"What are you making so much noise for hm?", he asked, leaning back in your chair, linking his fingers over his crotch.
"My back Severus, I've been hunched over desks for quite some extra time, I don't think its done my back any good", you replied still groaning and subtly wriggling to find a more comfortable position.
"We can't have that can we", Snape said whilst slowly bringing himself to his feet. His eyes still swept over your body and if you saw his eyes you'd see the hunger and need in them. He slowly began to make his way over to you, watching as you turned a page in your book. His knees hit the couch and he brought a leg and bent it to kneel on the couch. As he did he made sure his leg moved yours, spreading your legs further apart for him. You got a shock from feeling the contact he made with your leg that was so far up. You slightly turned your head round to see him towering over you before he balanced himself by placing his hands on both hips, he kept his other leg close to the couch. His large hands roamed gently yet firmly from your hips all the way to your shoulder blades. He places one hand back on your hip and he propped himself over your body, reached over to you and took the book from you hands. Without taking his eyes off your lips, his hair brushed your cheek and he kissed the tip of your ear, his deep, silk, smooth and rough voice radiating through your body; "Loosen up".
He knew what he did to you, he felt your breathing quicken ever so slightly when his leg touched yours. Noticed how your body twitched when he brushed you in a sensitive place, and he noticed and heard your little exhale when he whispered to you. He knew the things his voice could do and how weak it made women. Not to mention his height and looks; he could have anyone he wanted, but he wanted you, and he was going to get you and only you. He moved back up your body leaving light kisses down your spine before placing his hands either side of your arse. You heard a slight growl and groan from him. His hands started to trail up and down your back again, gently squeezing and rubbing away any tension. Your breathing had quickened and groans were sweeter and a little louder; "Oh Severus".
Snape only gave a long hum to your response. He spent a while on your back and he felt his clothes getting tighter, his breathing getting deeper, he was getting impatient and wanted to have you. You were the same. When he finished kissing and massaging your clothed spine, he moved backwards so he could start on your thighs. He couldn't wait.
(The chokehold this man has on me)
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sacredsnape · 1 year
Ok how about something sweet? Severus and his wife spend the weekends together, one weekend he’s forced to work extra so he leaves you in his office, and then his snakes find her and are like who are you?! He then comes back to a little group of snakes surrounding you and nodding to a story you were telling and giggling, maybe even one of them whispers to him that he has a pretty wife
This is adorable 🫶🏻
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
You and Severus have been married for a few months now, and spending the weekends together was your special routine.
You and him would spend the weekends going to bookstores, museums, art galleries, and parks. He loved showing you the city, as it allowed him to spend time with you and get away from his sad little house in Spinner's End.
You greatly valued these weekends. With how busy Severus was, every moment spent with him was a blessing, something to cherish. You understood one weekend when he was called into work, although you were a bit disappointed.
"I'll be back later, my love, and then we will go out to dinner like we had planned," Severus promised you as he kissed you goodbye. "You can relax in my office while you wait for me to return. Your favorite snacks and drinks are already waiting there for you."
You kissed Severus back, smiling as you pulled away enough to say, "Really? You're honestly so thoughtful, my prince. I'll see you later, then?"
Severus kissed you again, letting his lips linger. He smiled and nodded, "I'll see you later, my angel."
With that, he left with a dramatic swish of his cloak. You honestly missed him already, heading down to his office and hoping he'd dome back soon.
You entered his office and were greeted by the familiar scents of exotic potion ingredients and cinnamon. You inhaled deeply, smiling as you took a seat at his desk. He had laid out all of your treats for you, and you began to enjoy them while you waited for him to return.
You looked around his office, admiring all of the jars full of slimy creatures and other odd things. His office was just so him, and it made you love him even more.
As your eyes scanned the room, you noticed something loosely covered with an old sheet. Growing curious, you stood up and approached the item, slowly moving the sheet to the side to discover several tanks containing a snake each.
You stumbled back in surprise, your first thoughts going to if Severus was going to use their fangs for some potion, when the snake in the tank closest to you suddenly lifted itself, its sharp head pointed towards you as it softly hissed.
The other snakes mimicked its actions, and soon, six snakes were hissing and staring at you in awe. You weren't scared of snakes, but felt a little uncomfortable with all of them staring at you.
You tentatively approached one of the tanks, staring back at the snake in it. It brought itself closer to the glass until its nose was pressed against it. You laughed quietly and murmured, "Well aren't you a silly little guy?"
Much to your surprise, the snake seemed to understand you; it nodded its head and hissed in response, and you laughed, shaking your head in amazement.
Before you knew it, you were sitting in the center of Severus's office, the snakes surrounding you, as you told them the story of how you and Severus met. They were nodding along to your every word, very interested in what you had to say.
Severus returned to his office soon after, feeling exhausted from his work, but a wide smile plastered his face when he saw you sitting with his beloved snakes.
"Oh, hi Sev!" you happily greeted him. "Your snakes are very sweet! They've been listening to me tell them about how we met."
The snakes hissed in agreement, and Severus laughed, sitting down next to you. "Oh really? Have they been enjoying the story so far?"
More hisses of agreement. You giggled, watching as one of the snakes slithered over to Severus and onto his lap, hissing something in his ear.
"This one says that I have a very pretty wife," Severus said as he looked over at you, his eyes shining with love. "He isn't wrong. You are very pretty."
You reached over to gently stroke the snake's head, grinning down at the little danger noodle. "Thank you, Sev and Mr. Snake. I think I'd enjoy babysitting your snakes more often."
Severus kissed you gently, and you laughed as the snake on his lap leaned over to flick its tongue against your cheek.
"I think someone's a little jealous," you teased as you kissed Severus back. Severus playfully rolled his eyes and answered, "My snakes may love you, but you're my pretty wife."
All six snakes hissed indignantly at his words, clearly displeased that they couldn't keep you.
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snowyslytherinowl · 10 months
Joyous Nightmares - Part 3
PAIRING: Severus Snape x (Professor) Reader
SUMMARY: A year after surviving the Second Wizarding War, Severus Snape begins to have joyous nightmares where he dreams of having a wife and a daughter. These dreams bring him nightmares because he doesn't believe that he'll ever get married or have a family of his own. So what happens when the wife in his dreams is revealed to be you?
Warning: Nothing graphic, but Severus’s near-fatal attack by Nagini is described. Angst and nightmares once more. 
Part 1 | Part 2
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*GIF isn't mine, unsure of credit
Sleep overcomes an unwilling Severus that night. Dreams also invade his sleep since his dreamless sleep potions haven’t finished brewing. 
Nighttime approaches as Severus walks down the path toward Hagrid’s hut. He wonders if his daughter had fun with the gamekeeper that day. His question is answered when the door of the hut bursts open and she comes running towards him. For a five-year-old, she runs amazingly fast. 
“Daddy, Daddy! Hagrid showed me unicorns and hippogriffs!” she shouts. Practically launching herself at his legs, she grasps the fabric of his trousers and points at Buckbeak. “He let me pet Buckbeak too!” The gamekeeper emerges from the hut and approaches the pair, smiling. 
“Oi, Professor Snape! Sorry. I didn' mean ter let her run out o' the house, tha' one.” he apologizes. “Yer daughter is a sweet little girl.”
 “Thank you for watching her and showing her your creatures, Hagrid. She has been excited to play with the live versions of her toys for a long time.” He smiles down at his daughter and cocks his head in Hagrid’s direction. “Sweetheart, what do you say to Hagrid?”
“Thank you!” she says and hugs Hagrid’s legs as she smiles sweetly up at him.  
“O' course, little one,” he replies and pats her affectionately on the head. 
Severus’s daughter grabs his hand and they walk back to Hogwarts together. Along the way, she rambles about every creature she petted and fed. Severus warmly smiles at his daughter’s excitement. Several students stare as Severus passes by them with his daughter in tow. “Should you not be returning to your houses?” he sneers at them to protect his reputation as the harsh dungeon bat. The students quickly scamper away and Severus beckons his daughter to their quarters. 
He pushes the door open to the sound of music playing from a small radio and fire crackling from the fireplace. Water rushes from the shower and Severus’s daughter is about to open the bathroom door when he stops her. She looks disappointed, but he reassures her, “Wait for Mummy to finish her shower and I will warm up milk for you. All right?”
She nods and jumps onto the sofa. He searches the fridge for milk as the bathroom door creaks open, revealing you in pajamas. “Hi. I thought I heard you two coming in. How was Hagrid’s, sweetheart?”
“He showed me unicorns and hippogriffs!” she gushes. A unicorn plushie flies into her hands and she changes the body of the unicorn to have a yellowish tint. “One of them looked like Angel, but she was a baby so she was yellow.”
“How cute is that!” you say enthusiastically. “Next time we can look at them together!” The both of you giggle and Severus smiles as he turns on the stove. He warms the milk for his daughter and when he hands it to her, he finally notices her features. She has his black hair while every other feature mirrors yours: the eyes, nose, lips, and cheeks. Soon after she finishes the milk, her parents wash her and put her to sleep. 
Once Severus changes into his nightclothes, he cuddles with you in bed. Water remaining from your hair wets his shirt, but he doesn’t care. He focuses on how he can feel your breasts through the thin fabric of your pajamas and how your legs are practically fused to his. He tilts his head down and sees you looking down at him. “Are you tired?” you whisper and move your hand from his jaw to his chest. You take more time tracing your hand down his stomach and where he needs it most while wickedly batting your eyelids at him. 
“Not when your hand is all over me.”
You laugh softly and kiss his neck. “Then let’s stay up a little longer.” You swing one leg fully over his leg and lower your body onto him. Severus tilts himself upwards and presses a kiss onto your lips.
A whirlwind of emotions runs through Severus, but the emotion that prevails is longing. He considers you to be a friend and has never recognized that perhaps, he does harbor romantic feelings for you. You have the sweetest smile, the gentlest eyes, and the most beautiful laugh. How was he such a fool not to realize the true meaning of the warmth enveloping him whenever you laugh? And Merlin, that dream. He selfishly wishes it had carried on so he could feel your body enveloping his. 
Then a sense of guilt hits him. You see him as a friend and nothing more, for Merlin’s sake. He’s ashamed that he dreamt of you in such a way. How can he possibly sit next to you in the Great Hall in a few hours and look at you like nothing has happened? The worst part is that you won’t even know why he’s ignoring you. But it’s better this way; he can’t fathom the look of disgust on your face if you knew that he dreamt of your hands roaming over his body. You’re too good, too kind for this. Especially since you just offered to accompany him to Hogsmeade and the Black Lake. 
This is too much for him to handle and his body begins to shake. Tears run down his cheeks and sobs wrack his body. The nearest vase becomes the victim of his emotions as he throws it at the wall, shattering it into porcelain shards. He kicks a messy pile of books and they go flying, knocking down other items they’ve hit. He grabs his wand and explodes a glass jar, spilling its contents everywhere. Severus attempts to calm himself by balling his fingers into a tight fist until his knuckles go white and blood is drawn from the fingernails pressing his palm. Slow, shallow breaths escape him, but they do nothing to calm his internal state. 
Finally, he collapses onto the bed, head between his hands, and allows the emotions of all the dreams to overtake him once more. A selfish part of him wishes that he truly did have a daughter that looks like you. Wishful thinking, that is, considering that you’d never dream of dating him, let alone marrying him. 
A knock sounds on the door, startling Severus. He swallows his sobs and wipes his eyes with his hands. Though, whoever is on the other end knows he’s inside since they knock more insistently this time. He attempts to ignore them again. Cold chills run down his body when he hears their voice. “Severus, I know you’re in there! Please, open up!”
It’s you. What a fool he is for forgetting that you’re patrolling the corridors tonight. He doesn’t know what to do. Leave you at the door or face the one person he never wants to face again? Who is he kidding? He wants to see you more than anyone in the world, but he has to push you away. Then again, it would be cruel to you to completely ignore you, so he settles on shouting, “I am fine! You can leave!”
“Stop lying to me! I heard crashes in there!” Usually, your voice is gentle and kind; now, you sound insistent and a little desperate. A pang of guilt hits him once more, so he swings the door open. 
The light from your wand shines onto Severus, causing him to shrink back in an attempt to hide his puffy red eyes. With the way you’re staring at him, you must think of him as an ugly, pitiful creature. “Oh, Severus. What happened? I’ve been worried about you for so long! Please, talk to me,” you beg and you sound like you’re on the verge of tears. How sweet you are for caring so deeply about him. 
“I… I…” he stammers and you draw your head back to look at him expectantly. He quickly breaks eye contact and points at the smashed jar and its contents oozing on the floor. “I am upset because I dropped my favorite potion ingredient.” 
You raise your eyebrows at him. “I don’t believe you.” The concern is still there, but he feels like a silly schoolboy being caught in a lie. 
Sighing, Severus whispers, “What do you want me to say?” He wishes you would leave him to his thoughts and accept his lies, but Merlin you will not give up. It would be so much easier for you to stop caring about him. 
“The truth,” you say and let go of him. He misses the warmth of your hug, but you soon take his hands into yours. Blood reddens his normally pale skin and he’s thankful that your wand is pointing downward so you can’t see his face too well in the darkness. “You don’t know how horrible I feel every time you walk into breakfast dead tired like you’re an inferi or something. Sure, you’re grumpy most of the time, but you snap at the students more than usual. I know something is wrong and it kills me that you won’t talk to me about it. I’m your friend and I promise that I won’t judge you.”
“Yes, you will,” he grunts and tears reform in his eyes. Get a hold of yourself, Severus tells himself. He blinks away the tears and retracts his hands. 
“You will judge me,” he whispers. “You have no idea what I have been thinking and you would be revolted if you knew.”
“You’re wrong.” You sound more determined as you speak. “I’ve always known that you’re a good person even if your tongue is sharp. When you killed Dumbledore and took over as Headmaster, the other professors and staff members would rip you apart behind your back. I never partook in that. I knew that you were serving as a double spy and that every deed you did was so we could win the war. No matter what happened, my belief in you has never wavered. So whatever this is, I don’t think it can be worse than pretending to be a Death Eater.”
He turns around and steps toward a shelf without the broken glass so you can’t see the tears falling out of his eyes because of your utter devotion to him. How could he go through with his plan of ignoring you when you’re so loyal to him? Caution is thrown to the wind when Severus confesses, “I have been having nightmares. In these nightmares, I dream that I have a wife and child.”
A pause fills the air and Severus finally looks you in the eye. You look somewhat relieved now that he’s confided in you, but your face has fallen. “Do you not want to get married and have kids?”
A year ago, he wouldn’t have hesitated to give a firm, indefinite “no.” Now, though? He supposes he does. A wife and child would certainly fill the loneliness he’s forever had in his heart. “I do. It is only that I…” he hesitates, “I do not believe that I will ever get married or have children.”
“Why’s that?” 
Embarrassment burns at his cheeks and more tears threaten to spill from his eyes. Oddly, this feels worse than that moment by the Black Lake with Lily. It feels like you’re forcing him to confess how he feels for you, how he’s just realized that he longs for you no matter how genuine and supportive you seem to be. “Do not make me say it.”
“I don’t understand,” you say. Honesty fills your eyes, beckoning him to open up to you. 
“Look at me. No woman would want to marry, let alone date me,” he says and he gestures at himself. He runs a finger along his greasy hair and hooked nose to demonstrate his point that he’s a hideous dungeon bat. A dry, humorless laugh escapes him in the hopes of lightening the mood. 
“That’s not true,” you reply and step toward him. In the dim light from a glowing insect in a jar, Severus can see your eyes and the look in it is something he can’t decipher. 
“I appreciate your words of consolation, yet they are nothing but a white lie,” he scoffs and turns away from you. 
“They aren’t,” you whisper. You step towards him cautiously, in case he’ll swat you away. But he doesn’t. You move to him until you’re so close that he can feel your breath on his face. 
For a second, Severus wishes that you’d kiss him. She would never want to do that, he thinks to himself. His cheeks redden in embarrassment at his inappropriate thoughts. 
But your face is moving ever so close to him, and then you’re getting on your tippy toes, and your lips are hovering right next to his, and you finally kiss him. His head spins as your hands cup his face and pull him impossibly closer to you. He doesn’t know where to put his limp arms, how to breathe, or why you fancy him, but all that matters is the exhilarating feeling of your soft lips against his chapped lips. 
You finally release him when you need air, but you lean your forehead against his and breathlessly laugh. With his newfound ability to move, he places his hands on yours and laughs with you. 
Eternity seems to pass as you stare at each other until Severus whispers, “When?”
You understand without clarification and you tell him, “I don’t really know. I guess I always found you handsome.” Severus rolls his eyes and opens his mouth in response, but you silence him with a quick kiss. “I don’t want to hear any of it,” you say and kiss his nose. If you’re willing to kiss his nose, then perhaps he shouldn’t feel so insecure about it. 
“After the battle, I noticed that you were missing from the Great Hall. I walked through the area with the wounded at least twice and I couldn’t bring myself to look at the dead until I had to. It was when I couldn’t find you amongst the dead either that I finally realized how I felt for you. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if I missed out on the opportunity to tell you how I feel,” you whisper and give a dry laugh. If Severus wasn’t listening intently, he wouldn’t be able to hear your low voice. “But when you were healing, I didn’t want to burden you with how I felt. And then I guess I was too shy.”
Unbeknownst to Voldemort, Severus carried the antidote to Nagini’s venom wherever he went. When Voldemort left the Shrieking Shack and he gave his memories to Potter, he poured the vial down his throat and healed his bite wounds. The loss of blood knocked him out until the battle was won and even when he regained consciousness, he could barely find the energy to move. Although he eventually managed to apparate to an unoccupied building in Hogsmeade, he realized he wouldn’t be welcome amongst the others at Hogwarts. A desolate street seemed to be the best place to hide and he slumped along a wall, allowing himself to regain his strength. 
Then he heard your voice calling out for him. At first, he thought he had fallen asleep and he was dreaming of you. But when you crouched in front of him and inspected his body for wounds, he vaguely recognized you as a real, living being. He didn’t question why you were looking for him or why you didn’t kill him as you apparated him to St. Mungo’s. Sometimes he pondered those questions, but he never asked you why.
“I am glad you found the courage to say something now.” Severus brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear and initiates the kiss this time. Gaining confidence with your confession and previous kisses, he lets his hands roam down your body until they rest on your waist. As his tongue slips between your lips, he thinks that he will never get tired of this delightful feeling. 
Soft breaths sound around the bedroom. Severus feels your chest rising and lowering as you sleep cuddled against his body. One arm is wrapped around you and supports your head, while the other gently soothes the baby sleeping on his chest. He knows your daughter can’t sleep with her parents in bed for now, but he wants to enjoy comforting his child before he puts her in her crib. 
The view outside the window isn’t the same as the one in his dreams; the grass outside is green and the flowers grow in beds around the yard, but other cozy houses surround his own. But perfectly recreating his joyous nightmares into a reality years later doesn’t matter to him. All that matters is that he has the two of you and that his joyous nightmares no longer haunt him; they only bring him joy. 
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marvel-snape-writes · 3 months
Cursed Into Temptation.
18+ solo Snape SMUT FEST
7.5k+ words
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“Perhaps one of these nights we may keep each other company until the morning.” She winked, bidding Severus goodnight at her chamber door.
Severus let out a half-hearted laugh and raised his eyebrows, “Perhaps.”
“Sweet dreams, Severus.” She smiled, opening her chamber door and stepping inside.
“And you,” Severus nodded, “Goodnight, Eleanor.”
They exchanged smiles toward one another and she disappeared behind her door, leaving Severus alone in the corridor. He proceeded to walk in the direction of his chamber, knowing that his dreams were going to be far from sweet.
He swung his chamber door open with a loud huff and winced slightly from the loud bang it made when it shut behind him. Both he and Eleanor had spent pretty much the whole event with one another this evening, and his only goal was now to go to bed and try and forget about it all. Every other thought was about the things they had said to each other tonight or the brief touches and skimming of hands in the process. He didn't know what he was more ashamed of; how she had reignited a once dead flame inside him tonight or how he had brushed off every insinuation and opportunity to end up in either of their chambers entangled in one another’s arms and legs. Nothing but a sheet between them, if that. That is the night he could've had - they could've had - tonight, if only the man who was so often known as the most arrogant or quick tongued professor had it in him to actually do something with his feelings.
Before entering his bathroom, he got changed into his bedclothes; a pair of boxers and an oversized black shirt. He used the toilet and purposely ignored the fact that the events of the night with Eleanor had left his deprived cock in somewhat of a stirred, aroused state — not completely noticeably hard, but enough for him to know he was interested in what she had to offer. He exhaled through his nose as he tucked himself a little uncomfortably back into his boxers and walked over to the sink, washing his hands. The thoughts going around in his mind were filling him with regret, he couldn't deny that. He splashed some of the cold water onto his face in an attempt of ridding himself of the ‘what could have been’ thoughts that were currently occupying his mind. The reflection he was met with in the mirror when he raised his head again made him screw up his lips and mutter to himself, “You fool, Severus.”
His feet dragged him out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, pulling the sheets back on his bed before sitting on the end of it and swinging his legs around as he kicked his feet under the covers whilst blowing the bedside candle out in the process. He laid flat on his back with his hands against his stomach from over the covers, inhaling and then exhaling deeply. He stared up into the darkness for a few long moments, feeling as if the last thing he could do right now was sleep.
He hated work social events at the best of times, but she had made this one bearable. The only thing he couldn't bear now was himself and how she made him feel. Both he and Eleanor had been flirting with one another all night and he could've sworn his breath hitched each time their bodies brushed against each other. He lost count of the amount of times their eyes locked — either from across the room or whilst they only had mere inches between them. Their gazes would then go from their eyes to their lips, each of them letting out a nervous laugh and then pretending they weren't just devouring one another with their eyes.
He rolled onto his stomach and buried his face into one of his many pillows, now forcing his eyes shut. This was all in an attempt to try and shut out the memories of the night and the hints he didn't take advantage of. He lifted his head briefly when he realised he couldn't breathe with his face squashed against the stack of pillows and groaned, readjusting himself so he could turn his head but remain laid on his stomach. The only issue was that he rather enjoyed the brief friction of his body rubbing against the silk bedsheet covered mattress as he moved himself… particularly the sensation against the front of his boxers.
A small whimper left his lips and he lifted his hips only marginally, but the added pressure when he relaxed them down into the mattress sent a very brief jolt of pleasure through him. Sighing to himself for allowing himself to continue, he brought his hands up to grasp onto either ends of the pillowcase as he rocked his hips forward into the mattress several times. He tightened his grip on the pillowcase and pulled his body further up the bed purposely slow, letting out a pitiful gasp with his flushed cheek pressed against the cool pillow. His breathing became more shallow and he cursed himself for how much he appeared to be enjoying it. To tell the truth, he was absolutely appalled with himself.
“Fuck… n-no, no, no…” He hissed through clenched teeth into the pillow as he forced his hips to stay still. His grip on the pillow tightened and then let go completely, letting out a heavy breath as he pressed his face directly into his pillow this time.
He waited a few moments before turning onto his back; subconsciously punishing himself from the enjoyment he had just caused upon himself by leaving him with no attention now being paid to the front of his underwear. He squeezed his eyes shut after staring into the darkness for a few long moments and let out an exasperated sigh, feeling his light duvet now a little more snug resting over the bulge now even more irritatingly present in the front of his boxers.
He pulled his bedcovers up to his chin, remaining on his back as his thoughts continued to spiral. She had been whispering sweet nothings in his ear all night about how she’d like to present herself in front of him wearing nothing but his cloak. Both the image and the thought of this lit a spark inside him which he believed had been long burned out. He couldn't deny that he was attracted to her; his eyes discreetly ate her up any time he got the opportunity. He was perhaps rare in the way that the first thought when meeting a woman wasn't how to get into their knickers. He could probably count on one hand the amount of times he had desired somebody. As much as he hated to admit it, this was one of those times. He could feel the outline of his cock more prominent against the material of his boxers, making him quite aware of his need. His arms lay at either sides of him, hands twitching with want. Usually he was very good at brushing any of these thoughts aside, especially since they only occurred on the rare occasion anyway, but the fire of arousal in the pit of his stomach certainly wasn't showing any attempt of dying down any time soon. He didn't know whether it was what Eleanor had said, done, or whether it was the fact that it had been so long since he had allowed himself to act upon any of his sexual wants or needs, but, god, he was horny.
Surely one little touch wouldn't hurt, right?
He shook his head from his own internal question, continuing to fight the urge. He began to imagine Eleanor in bed with him - not that it helped in the slightest. Would he have allowed her to touch him, relieve him? Or would he still be denying himself pleasure, not feeling worthy enough for it? Perhaps he would be embarrassed about how quickly she had managed to wrap him around her finger. Then, his mind focused entirely on her alone; would he have denied herpleasure? Of course not, he mentally decided. But what if her pleasure would be watching him come apart at her mercy right in front of her, would he let her touch him then? Yes. One million times, yes. Of course he would.
He opened one eye and saw the bump in his bedsheets through the darkness, swallowing hard as he clenched his fists at either sides of him. His eyes closed again and he huffed.
Give in. Go on, Severus. Give. In.
The conversation he was having with himself in his head continued back and forth for a few more moments, half of him not wanting to surrender to his aroused state and half of him trying to tell himself that no one had to know. Hesitantly, he lifted one of his hands but only placed it flat against the front of his boxers, though that was more than enough to feel the stubborn hardness protruding against it. His lip twitched with want and he briefly gave in, though only lightly squeezing the front of his underwear to try and prove to himself that he didn't need it. But he did.
That’s it, Severus. Again. A little firmer this time.
He hissed through clenched teeth as his palm pressed a little harder against the front of his underwear. Just a touch of the bump, that was all; he dreaded to think what the result would be if he actually purposefully grasped his length.
Feel it. An internal voice spoke again, though it wasn't his this time, it was Eleanor’s. Feel what I've done to you, Severus.
Begrudgingly, he gave in. He inhaled sharply and began to trace his fingertips ever-so-delicately over the outline of his hardened cock through his boxers.
“Mmmh…” His lips parted, feeling himself twitch against the material as he dared his index finger to glide all the way along his erection, tensing his jaw slightly when he reached the tip.
As much as he kept telling himself that he was unworthy of any kind of pleasure, there was also a voice inside him telling him to keep going for more;
Grasp it. Touch yourself, Severus. Start over your boxers if you really feel that unworthy.
He pressed his lips tightly together and wrapped his hand around his clothed, hardened length the best he could from over the top of his underwear. His lip quivered and he attempted to move his fist up and down, whimpering from the difficulty through the material. Suddenly, almost even subconsciously, he moved his other hand and used both to push his hardened length from being pressed against his thigh to readjusting it to point upward toward his stomach for ease of wrapping his hand around it. One hand fell back to his side again, the other rising slightly before landing flat on his stomach, “N…No…”
Don’t fight it, Severus. You’ll wake up in a sticky mess at this point if you don't do something about it.
“J…” He mumbled to himself, lifting his hand again and grasping his stubborn cock through his underwear, “Just a touch…”
His eyes fell shut, almost as if, if he couldn't see what he was doing, then it wasn't happening. Very slowly, he moved his fist up and down, whimpering as he did so. He enjoyed this a lot more than he would or could ever admit. His back arched from the brief contact, shivering as the material rubbed over him each time he moved his wrist. He couldn't remember the last time he had allowed himself to fall victim to his needs, but the sensitivity of his cock was a reminder of how rarely it happened — and the not-so-soft material of his boxers grazing against him repeatedly certainly wasn't helping.
“F-Fuck… mmm…” He parted his lips, tightening his grip while his wrist continued to move. It was becoming increasingly clear to him that ‘just a touch’ wasn't happening, and with each of his jerking motions he craved more. His lip twitched and his mind switched to her again, imagining how she would taunt him over his underwear. His breathing quickened and uneasy moans left his lips; the thought of her only made him want this even more.
His cock violently twitched in his underwear, filling the pit of his stomach with a feeling very unfamiliar. It was enough for him to stop, almost afraid of what would happen if he didn't. He placed his hand by his side again and swallowed hard, able to feel his needy cock pulsating against his underwear. Carefully, he reached out a hand to pick up his wand from his bedside table — he was secretly fearful that too much movement right now would result in making him do something unspeakable in his underwear. Curious to what state he and the memory of this evening had got him in, he pointed his wand under his bedsheets and whispered, “Lumos.”
In a matter of seconds, the end of Severus’ wand lit up the darkness to reveal the large bulge stretching the front of his underwear out significantly more than his normal, unaroused state would. His hardened length remained pointing upward toward his stomach, threatening to part the waistband of his boxers with the skin of his lower stomach from how turned on he had become from the events of tonight and leading up until now. His eyes followed from the outline of the base of his cock right up to the tip where there was a rightfully earned sticky wet patch darkening the material of his boxers. His cock twitched again with desperate want and Severus exhaled irritably to himself, muttering, “Nox.”
As impossible as he had realised it would be at this point, he forced his eyes shut in an attempt of trying to forget the whole last few minutes had happened. Perhaps if I just sleep it off.
Impossible, Severus. You’ve already seen what you're capable of doing to yourself.
This internal voice was driving him mad. He knew that falling asleep right now would be an impossible task. As he lay there with one arm behind his head and the other hand laid flat on his lower stomach, drumming his fingertips against the bottom of his t-shirt, he wondered why he couldn't have just gone through with the warm feeling he was unaccustomed to in the pit of his stomach and slowly starting to build. He had denied himself pleasure for so long he had forgotten what it felt like to give in to it.
He pushed his hand under his t-shirt so he could brush his fingertips against his skin, purposefully tracing one of his fingers across his bare belt line, but not entirely sure why. The feeling it created, however, sent a tingle of electricity throughout his body, and his cock twitched angrily against the waistband of his boxers. An impulsive thought told him to push his fingertips under the waistband - so he did. The only minor obstruction was that the head of his erection was settled just beneath it, causing him to wince quietly when his fingertips barely even skimmed the bare skin. He inhaled sharply and imagined how it would feel to wrap his hand around himself completely with no material between them. Surely he could just hold himself for a second, just to see what it felt like, and then let go. Maybe it would relieve a bit of the pressure of his engorged length.
Steadily, he pushed his hand all the way into the front of his boxers and carefully wrapped his full fist around his hardened cock and instinctively giving himself a little squeeze in the process. His entire body shuddered in pleasure from the contact, getting used to his hand being there for any other reason than using the bathroom or bathing. Then, almost as if someone else had taken control of his hand, he started moving his wrist again in the same motions as before. Only this time, the feeling of his hand directly against his bare cock whilst repeating the same movements caused a bolt of pleasure so unknown to him, he wanted nothing more than to chase it again - just to confirm to himself that this was a good thing.
“A—Ah, fuck…” He hissed through his teeth, now able to feel his cock throbbing in his grip. He fell into a steady pace of jerking his wrist and let out several breathy moans as his lips parted in delight from finally allowing himself the feeling.
Although the current actions he was displaying were further than he had allowed himself to go for a long time, it suddenly wasn't enough. Without even hardly a second thought, he pushed the front of his boxers down with his other hand to free himself completely and make his hand move with more ease. He opened his heavy eyes and stared at the repeated motions of his wrist from over the sheets, watching as they would rise and fall every time he made the jerking movement. His eyes fastened shut again at the sound of the familiar female voice in his head once more;
Does that feel nice, hm? Does it feel good to finally let yourself give in, Severus?
“Mmm…” He pushed the back of his head a little harder into his pillow as his body eased into the feeling of his hand moving at a slightly faster pace. His breathing was heavier and his thighs tensed a little, but he was also becoming a little irritated at the limited movement his bedsheets were now creating; the need to keep the pace going with his fist was now making the feather duvet feel as heavy as a tonne of bricks.
He had, had enough. In one swift motion, he threw the covers off himself with his free hand. Fighting back the urges to moan, he shivered as the cool air swept over him and emphasised the heat radiating off his cock. His fist continued to pump his entire length, earning himself a soft groan each time.
“N…No…” He mumbled uneasily, his brain slowly catching up with his most recent movements. He forced himself to stop, whimpering to himself as his aching cock was once again left unattended, “U—Unless I don't… do that…” He swallowed hard, his pulsating erection still exposed from his free hand continuing to hold down the front of his boxers. Gently, delicately, even, he traced his fingertips from the base of his cock all the way up his shaft and paused once they reached just beneath the head — he knew this would send dangerous bolts of ecstasy through him if he were to continue, “A—And, instead… do this…” He wasn't entirely sure who he was talking to, or who he'd even dare to tell what he was doing, more to the point, but the moment his singular index fingertip made contact with the sensitive skin, words and breath were sucked from him completely as he hissed violently through clenched teeth.
Lightly, he massaged his fingertip against the sensitive skin, arching his back with each pleasure-filled twitch of his cock. His moans were muffled now, almost shocked at himself by the gentle nature of his touches.
Are you scared that if you show less mercy to yourself that it’ll all be over too soon, Severus?
The question, more specifically in her voice, continued to haunt him as his fingers now massaged against him with as little pressure as possible. He tried to ignore it, eyes still closed as his one fingertip became two. A new feeling dribbled upon his stomach, making his eyes open. He raised his head and just like before, he squinted his eyes into the darkness and lifted his cock off his stomach, soon discovering that the stimulation and excitement of his hand and fingers had caused a clear, sticky string of precum now stretched and connected between the tip of his length and his stomach. He let go of himself and gasped when his erection angrily snapped back against his stomach, feeling his lip twitch. Inquisitively and because he could barely remember the last time this happened, he decided to grip his length again, only this time he pressed his thumb firmly against the tip. His fist remained still, but he removed his thumb and placed it against the tip a few times — watching with heavy eyes as the transparent, gluey fluid stretched back and forth from the contact. Although this caused him brief pleasure from the mere sensitivity of it, it soon was not enough. His thumb remained rested against the tip for a few moments before he began to circle and then gingerly drag it back and forth over the slit, causing a small yelp to sound from his lips this time as his head fell back against the pillow.
“Oh!” He quickly covered his mouth with his free hand, letting go of the front of his boxers and resulting in them covering him back up slightly and trapping his hand in the front of them in the process.
I think you need to stand up. Stand up and walk over to that mirror. See what you've done to yourself. Maybe a new angle will do you good…
“I… I can't do that…” Severus didn't even know why he continued responding to his internal thoughts, even if they were all now in her voice.
The pulsing of his cock, however, was now borderline impossible to ignore. All he could think about was wrapping his hand around himself again and stroking to his hearts content. Perhaps the ‘new angle’ wouldn't be the worst idea…
Hesitantly, he swung his legs off the edge of the bed, kicked off his boxers completely and stood up in one uncomfortable motion. His hardened length bounced lightly as he took his first step, his head whipping to one side as if afraid that now he was out of the confines of his bed, he was suddenly vulnerable against any watchful eye that could be present.
That's it, Severus, one foot after the other.
He shrugged off the paranoid thought and her voice and continued to venture across his room toward his long, rectangular mirror — though carried his wand with him regardless and placed it on a nearby dresser. He stood for a few long moments in front of it, barely even able to make out the outline of his body through the darkness.
There's no point standing in front of a mirror if you can't see anything, Severus.
“Right…” He spoke quietly and slowly, pursing his lips as he let out a small sigh of defeat, “Right.”
He reached for his wand again and gestured it toward a candle on the same nearby dresser to set it alight. Although the candle was a stand alone, the stem was larger than your bog-standard candle and the flame it created was not only bright enough for him to see his reflection in the mirror, but also large enough for his shadow to be blown up and pinned against one of his cold, stone chamber walls.
He glanced at himself in the mirror at first, hardly even able to look properly since he was almost somewhat afraid and ashamed that it would make the situation real. Glancing down, however, he was met with his reality; his stubborn length becoming more and more impatient to have his hand wrapped around it again. His eyes flickered toward his mirrored reflection for a bit longer this time, his eyes widening slightly from his engorged cock now being even more visible than before since he was stood up in front of his full length mirror.
You know what to do, Severus. It’s my fault, I know, but I urge you not to stop now. Touch yourself for me,
The following lingering in his head like a whisper,
His hand was soon snug around himself again, earning a soft noise from him as the contact was made. He began with slow strokes at first, though ensuring to cover base to tip in every motion. His entire body shuddered in delight at the relief of his hand stroking himself again. His eyes closed when he gained the confidence to speed his fist up, grunting softly. He had a sudden urge to try something different, and this time it wasn't because the voice told him to, but because he wanted to. He began to thrust his hips up into his fist, resulting in a throaty moan as his cock pulsated in approval of his new approach. After a few times of rolling up onto the balls of his feet, he stumbled forward a little, he reached out his free hand and placed his palm against the mirror in an attempt of stabilising himself.
He was growing more and more needy by the second, his hand thrashing up and down his length desperately — he could never have ever imagined himself in this state. He imagined being daring enough to open his eyes and see what he was doing to himself, but then his mind went to something else for a split second; what would happen if he was doing this exact shameful act in front of The Mirror of Erised? What would he see? Would it be her hand wrapped around him instead? God forbid, on her knees in front of him? Would it be him not being aroused at all and being able to peacefully drift off to sleep? Or… was it for him to be able to do the natural act of pleasing himself without the overwhelming paranoia and shame he brought onto himself for giving in and attending to his own needs?
He stood with his legs parted and his head dropped forward as his breathing became a little shallow, opening his eyes as his greasy black hair tickled against his face. He tried his best to push away feeling ashamed of the reflection that he was met with since his fist was showing no signs of wanting to slow down.
“Mmmhh… fuck…” He groaned in pleasure, his hips shuddering in delight as they repeatedly thrust forward in his fist. His free hand slipped down the mirror slightly, leaving a steamy residue. He caught his own eye in the mirror before they rolled back in pleasure again; his once pale, sallow skin was now flushed pink with arousal and desperation.
Is your hand enough, Severus? Wouldn't it feel nice to thrust into something that wasn't just your rough skin?
Her voice continued to taunt him.
His hazy eyesight looked around the room in search of whatever her voice was implying. His hips bucked involuntarily as he twisted his wrist, mouth hanging open with his jaw tensing each time his fist brushed under the head of his cock.
You like the feeling of your bed sheets, don't you? Even through your underwear, you couldn't help but grind against it earlier, could you?
“N-No…” He swallowed hard, shaking his head at the thought as his eyes closed again.
Imagine how that would feel without your underwear…
He let out a throaty groan at the thought this time.
That soft, soothing silk directly against your cock, Severus…
He shook his head again, though significantly less convincingly this time.
He knew he wouldn't be far off splattering the mirror with his pent up sticky desperation if he continued the way he was; now in full swing of practically fucking his own hand and shuddering in pleasure with each movement. The idea of the silk against his sensitive skin did tempt him, though, he couldn't deny that. He had to prize his hand off his length this time, reluctantly parting way with the contact. Uncomfortably, he made his way back over to his bed and grabbed all four of the pillows, carrying them to the end of the bed and placing them on top of each other one by one in a pile.
Now what, hm? Are you going to pretend that’s me?
He patted the top pillow gently and stood directly in front of them, swallowing hard. His lip twitched and he found paranoia overtaking him again; his head sharply turning either way and looking around the candle lit room for prying eyes, his greasy black hair whipping either way at each turn. Once somewhat confident that he was still alone in his bedroom, he placed his hands on the top of the pillows and edged himself forward. In his first attempt, he brushed the underside of his length against the stack of pillows and shuddered at the contact, his hands trembling against them. This time, he reached down with one hand and guided his cock between two of the pillows, a small whimper emitting from his lips.
“Mmm…” Was the only sound that left his lips, however, the I cannot believe I am fucking doing this rang louder in his head.
He placed a hand on either side of the stack of pillows and slowly began to thrust his hips; immediately growing dangerously close to the feeling of the soft, smooth, silky material against his desperately sensitive length. He hesitated for a moment before grasping onto the ends of one of the pillow cases and starting to move his hips again, letting out a shaky breath.
Are you pretending that's me? Would you prefer it if it was me, Severus?
“Y…” He squeaked, feeling the head of his cock delicately brushing between the pillows, “Yes…”
Fuck them like you’d fuck me, Severus.
He wasn't entirely sure how far he could go at this exact moment before he embarrassingly lost control in his own pillows, but her voice in his head was doing things to him that he could barely even explain. He felt his fingers trembling as his hips moved a little too easily into the stack of pillows. He began to grow irritated by his t-shirt starting to stick to his body and let go of the pillows for a brief moment while he clumsily pulled his t-shirt off and carelessly dropped it to the floor. Once gripping the pillows again to stabilise them, he threw his head back in pleasure, feeling his eyes rolling back at the same time and his hair whipping back and forth with each motion.
“O-Oh, yes…” He moaned breathlessly, his mouth hanging open as he pounded his hips to the best of his ability against the stack of pillows. The warm arousal in the pit of his stomach was beginning to build like it had done a little while before, his mind fixating on the image of Eleanor in front of him — bent over, sat facing him, either taking his cock or sucking it — and resulting in the drive of his thrusts becoming more intense as he cautiously chased his orgasm.
It’s not enough, is it, Severus? Smooth enough, yes, but not as tight as you’d imagined, hm?
“Good… fucking… god…” He grunted softly, wondering if he had ever been turned on by anything more than hersubconscious voice right now.
And still… you continue to chase it.
“I—I’m…” He stuttered, his knees buckling slightly as he relentlessly thrust against the pillows and squeezed his eyes shut. For a brief moment he fell forward, catching himself with both palms on the bed as he let out a shaky breath. He opened his heavy eyes to reveal the stack of pillows now collapsed slightly, resulting in him being positioned at a different angle… but he showed no sign in wanting to stop.
No, Severus. This may feel good, but you owe it to yourself, after all this time and pent up release, to really get a good… grip… on the moment.
“Y—You mean…” He swallowed hard, the flames of his orgasm rapidly climbing his body making it even harder to stop his thrusts, “M—My hand? Again?”
Oh, it’s your show, Severus. I am just watching.
“Fuck it…” He grumbled, clumsily pushing all of his pillows off the bed in one shaky motion and turning himself around before throwing himself desperately back onto the bed and shuffling himself a little further up it — all much more urgent than graceful.
For a few moments, he just laid there. Hands by his sides. Breathing heavy. Staring at the ceiling. He had every urge to thrust into the air, but he also had a hard time trying to fight off the feeling that he could lose control at any given moment right now — regardless of whether his hand was around him or not.
Don't be afraid, Severus. You’ve earned this. Allow yourself to let go. Give. In.
“Mmm…” He exhaled slowly as his fist met with his cock again; angrily warm and pulsating in his grip. He tried to calm his breathing again, knowing that he really couldn't push himself that far this time unless he was prepared to deal with the aftermath.
Stroke yourself, Severus. Can you do that for me?
“Mmh, yes…” He answered into the empty room, arching his back from even the slightest movement of his wrist.
Once eased into the grip of his hand again, he settled back down onto the mattress as he bit his lip to suppress a moan. If he would allow his mind to drift to anything that wasn't Eleanor bouncing over his cock, he would be baffled at the state he had gotten himself into right now; allowing someone to catch his eye for a start was him falling the first hurdle, and although he had turned down the hints of spending the night together, he had found himself jerking off over her subconscious voice and following the instructions of someone who wasn't even in the room. Any feeling of pleasure was so foreign to him, but it was like from the moment they had bid goodnight, she had cursed him — cursed him into temptation.
His hand had become almost a little too comfortable around his cock, also accompanied by his wrist making the gradually faster motions. His other hand gripped the bedsheets briefly as the pit of his stomach began to threaten the release of the embers of arousal, his moans becoming even louder.
Look at you. If only people could see you now. You’re not so scary after all, are you?
“N-No…” He stuttered uneasily, completely at her mercy and letting out a shaky breath as his thumb nudged under the head of his length each time his fist moved.
Increadible, isn't it? How you can go from being so cold and cruel to so vulnerable and desperate…
He grunted in response this time, his eyes squeezing shut as the bolts of pleasure shooting through him became more frequent. His cock pulsed angrily from all the taunting beforehand, but the only difference right now was that he wasn't planning on stopping this time.
It’s pathetic, really, isn't it? You’re pathetic, acting like this over just some woman.
“Mmh, yeah…” Even her subconscious voice was becoming a little muffled to him with the state he was in.
Imagining it was my hand making you feel like this. My lips? My-
“A-Agh!” He yelped in pleasure, drowning out her voice just briefly, almost purposefully, so he couldn't hear the end of her sentence. The image did taunt him, though; for the first time in a long time, he was fantasising about someone desiring him in the way he desired them. He opened his eyes for a split second in hopes that her voice had somehow turned into a real life form and he would find her begging him to let her finish him off.
Wishful thinking, Severus.
He groaned as her voice continued to taunt.
“I- I can't touch what I see…” He whimpered breathlessly, unable to stop his eyes from closing again as his thighs began to tremble.
“Oh, fuck,” He hissed, his bicep almost throbbing as much as his cock at this point from his frantic motions, “Fucking fuck!”
You are so helplessly pathetic, Severus, aren't you?
“Y-Yes…” He whined, gasping in delight as he felt himself coming closer and closer to the edge. In a way that Severus could and would never explain, somehow, the thought of her talking down to him was turning him on even more — if it was possible for him to be any more turned on at this point.
Say it, Severus!
“I-I’m pathetic…” He whimpered, barely even audible.
Stop what you’re doing and tell me what you are.
“What?!” Severus exclaimed, feeling as if his hand was superglued to his cock at this point and parting them would only cause harm.
Stop, Severus. Now.
The painful groan that emitted from his lips was like a sound he had never made before as he literally dragged his hand away from his length. It was a moment that felt like an eternity. He didn't know what was angrier, the heaving of his chest or the pulsing of his cock. For a moment, he tried to forget about her voice and focused on what he really wanted instead, raising his hand once more, opening his heavy eyes and watching himself as he traced his fingertip along the furiously bulging vein in his cock. He shuddered down to his entire core from how much he was pushing his own edging.
So easy. So. Pathetic.
“O-Oh, I could…” He let out a shaky moan instead of continuing what he was saying, almost as if he had a mental block on saying anything what he deemed as remotely vulgar, “Just from doing…” His fingertip continued to tremble up and down, “…this.”
For the love of god, Severus, take your cock and stop punishing yourself.
“B-But I'm so pathetic…” He found himself responding to her voice again and wasted no time in wrapping his hand around his length again.
That’s right, Severus. Weak and vulnerable stroking your cock over something you're not even sure is real. Living a fantasy that only exists in your head because you're too prude to spend the night with another person. Too prude or too proud of not needing anything else, anyone else but yourself to get by. Regardless, what are you, Severus?
“P-Pathetic!” Severus shouted a little louder than intended, but he couldn't control the volume now that his hand was frantically jerking up and down his pulsating cock again, and he was absolutely mortified at the fact that hearing her voice degrading him like that was once again turning him on even more than he imagined possible.
His jaw jarred. His thighs tensed even harder. His wrist showed no sign of stopping, even if it was aching from the tightness of his fist and desperation of its strokes. His back arched violently. The flames from the arousal in the pit of his stomach that were licking up his entire body began to spread like wildfire; this time there was no stopping it. His toes curled and his lips pressed together tightly and they turned even more white for a few moments until they parted in long awaited ecstasy.
“Agh! Fuck, yes! Th-That’s… fuck!” He cried out in pleasure — though at that volume it could have easily been mistaken for pain — as strings of his climax began to shoot fiercely out of his tortured cock.
The following noises he made were barely even recognisable as words, each one becoming louder than the last, his neck straining and the veins now visible as he continued to pump his desperate orgasm out of himself along with strangled yelps. His body writhed against the bedsheets and he found himself even thrusting up into his fist, meeting with the jerking of his wrist as the sticky, built up arousal continued to land upon his body and spill over his hand.
“Mmmh, fuck!” He moaned at full volume after several more profanities left his mouth, completely lost in his own pleasure as he rode out his orgasm and fought to keep the feeling surging through him for as long as possible, completely careless of where his cum had and was continuing to land.
After a few long moments, he found the head of his cock becoming increasingly more sensitive each time it was met with his fist, wincing slightly and feeling his eyes rolling back in pleasure as his back remained arched off the bed, “Oh, oh, oh!” He grunted softly with each twitch of his length, his fist now beginning to shake around it.
He kept his wrist moving until he couldn't take it any longer and begrudgingly let go with a breathy moan. His entire body was trembling from head to toe. His eyes remained shut whilst his head was in a daze and his chest was rising and falling as such a pace he was unsure how long it would take before his breathing would return to normal. Regardless of the rare occasion he had allowed himself to disregard the ‘taboo’ of granting himself the pleasure he craved, he had never felt like that. He knew his large hands were capable of many things, especially with his wand grasped in one, but he didn't know he was capable of creating a feeling like that. Whether it was because arousal was so rare to him or whether he taunted and built himself up so cruelly tonight, right now, he felt like he was floating. The feeling was so surreal to him that he even opened his eyes to check — and then he realised; he could no longer hear her voice. It was gone.
For the first few minutes after recovering from his intense climax, the sticky release that had poured over his hand didn't bother him. However, he knew that he had to at least remain to have some form of decency and clean himself up. He wasn't entirely sure how successful his weak knees would be at carrying him over to his dresser next to the mirror to grab a couple of tissues and cursed himself for leaving his wand over there, too. Once he had caught his breath enough to move again, he swung his legs off the bed and stood up, ensuring to stay still for a couple of seconds to convince himself that he had regained enough strength to bare his own weight again.
As soon as he had partially convinced himself that his shaky legs wouldn't result in him falling back onto the bed, he made his way over to his dresser. Immediately, he reached for a tissue and cleaned up his hand. He then stepped in front of his stand-up mirror again and widened his eyes at the impressive distances his hot release had travelled, dabbing another tissue now against his stomach, chest, even collarbones and one shoulder. Looking himself in the eye now, he wasn't only met with a flushed face and sweaty, greasy black hair stuck to his forehead, but also, a little disgusted with himself that he was secretly impressed, a sticky, white speck upon his bottom lip. A sudden intrusive thought crossed his mind for a split second but he forced it away, silently scolding himself as he stared at it before quickly wiping it away with another tissue. Once satisfied he had cleaned himself up, he tossed all the pieces of tissue into the toilet in his bathroom and flushed to rid any evidence of what took place in his chamber tonight.
He walked back into his bedroom and blew the candle out on his way past, grabbing his wand and taking it with him back over to his bed. He placed his wand back on his bedside table, gathered the pillows he had previously knocked on the floor, and pulled his bedsheets back, half expecting his fingers to be met with a sticky residue in the process. He climbed into bed and pulled his sheets back over himself, resting his hands on his stomach. He couldn't ever remember sleeping naked before, and he was even more weary of doing so now; a little afraid that the direct contact of his bedsheets against him would either result in him waking up in a sticky mess like he had just created or not allow him to sleep at all. Nevertheless, after the night’s events, he didn't have the energy to get back out of bed and put on some more nightclothes.
Though he had never felt more satisfied, he was still trying to work out where her voice had gone. His eyes closed and he tried to imagine it again. Sure enough, he could imagine what her voice would say, but he certainly couldn't hear it like he did before. Was it ever really there in the first place? Was it just his imagination? Did he have to pretend that she was telling him to do all what he had done tonight in order to justify pathetically falling victim to his own desires? Or did she genuinely put some sort of curse on him for not taking her hint of spending the night together, some sort of erotic curse where she could still control him from afar? Whatever it was, he still asked himself the same thing:
“How am I ever going to look her in the eyes again?”
Thank you so much for reading, I hope it was worth the wait! Please let me know what you think and feel free to drop in a request 😊🫶
Tags!: (I tried to tag everyone it would allow, please don't take it personally if it wouldn't allow me 😭)
@megladon045 @snifellus @hazedwords @dontrunannabelle @bobobomao @piest4r @daniiduna86 @kikaaauu @theblacklakesiren @wh0reforthemarauders @liv2post @nooneeveryonenoone @sorryimdyingrn @plecosylvia @slytherinqueen4life @icytrickster17 @ilovesevsnape @missgurlthang @fantisyoflove @evil-eyebrow @mrs-snape5984 @vulnus-sanare @mija-novella @deluluwaspr @peppiloll @overgrownbat @honeyshampoo @mrs-katelyn-barnes @callm3c0nfus3d @inax145 @km-ffluv
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gg-neptune · 4 days
Severus Sleep HC
This is just how I imagine Sev would be when he sleeps hope you enjoyyyyyyyy sorry it's kinda short sput of the moment thouoght of this and just decided to do it and went with it lolol
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he does not move in his sleep
like at all
the position y'all start cuddling in is the position he sleeps in
he has to hold you
he prefers to be the big spoon
makes him feel like he's protecting you
so, with him wrapped around you and his un-willingness to move when you wake up and need to pee your basically screwed
when he is sleeping deeply you can hit him yell at him blow and air horn in his ear it won't matter, he won't move at all
he breathes out of his nose, but he usually has his mouth open when he sleeps
loves to wear matching pajamas with you but absolutely will not say that
he will just hope that you want to and "force" him to wear them
he sleeps with one pillow but tons of blankets
they surround him like a nest
he has trouble staying warm so if you aren't wrapped in his arms right next to him you will be fighting for even a little bit of the blanket
even though he doesn't move wakes up with the worst bedhead
mumbles in his sleep
he has nightmares pretty often about various things
you love someone else, you leave him, Voldemort, his students, you get hurt
you always do your best to reassure him after these and usually you succeed
they always exhaust him so usually he sleeps pretty hard after them
in the morning when he wakes up, he doesn't grumble or anything, but he always has this grumpy look on his face
grumpier than usual
he will spend a few extra minutes in bed holding you if you ask him
he's so gentle with you even in his sleep
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thatweirdchristians · 8 months
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Creating scenes from my fanfic from Bing. I'm shocked at how well these came out.
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eternallyseverus · 1 year
Night Terrors - Severus Snape x y/n
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MASTERLIST | AO3 | COFFEE On AO3 here - 2.393 words
Summary: It's 4 am and you woke up once again covered in cold sweat. Tired of having these night terrors you seek for the comfort of Severus Snape.
A/N: I am not a native English speaker so I am sorry for any spelling mistake and if my first smut scene is too bad :D. I tried my best!
Triggers/Warnings: I think there is none other than any bad word around here and there and mentions of Night Terrors, y/n is a she. Please let me know if I missed something important. Also y/n is +18 (you can choose the age you want to, it's just she is not underage).
It was 4 am and you woke up again covered in cold sweat. Great. Night terrors were making your life miserable and you  couldn’t understand why you were experiencing all of this.
To be honest, you kind of had an idea of why. You were drowned by deadlines and exams that were hard to meet and on top of that your parents wouldn’t stop sending you OWLs about pushing you to leave your studies in Hogwarts in order to work and help them with the family debt.
You thought about it and you almost dropped your studies but you only had 1 year left before finishing Hogwarts and you wouldn’t dare to stop having the only pleasure that was free in  your life: seeing Severus Snape.
Covered in cold sweat you took your jersey and went outside, sneaking out of your chambers and heading straight to the dungeons to enter his office. Of course he would be there, you knew.
He usually would tell you in those small moments of bonding where you assisted him after class that he also had issues when it comes to having a pleasant night of sleep.
Knocking twice on the door you didn’t wait for him to answer. 
The office was silent, only the small sound of his quill that suddenly stopped writing to meet his cold face, not surprised to see you there at 4 in the morning.
Closing the door slowly you stood in front of him.
Severus slowly left his quill on the right side of the parchment and massaging his temples he began to speak:
“What is this? More whining about the class schedule? Or is this time about the quality of the school’s potion ingredients? Or are we going to be treated to your latest theory on why Harry Potter gets special treatment from the staff?”
Your head shook letting him know that nothing like this was the reason why you were standing in front of him, wearing your cotton pajamas, accentuating every inch of your feminine figure.
Plopping on one chair besides him you sighed audibly. 
“I have night terrors and I just can't sleep”
“And you've decided I would be the best person to help you with this?” He replied in a scornful tone and he resumed grading the papers, unable to look at her eyes.
You were already too annoyed at this precise moment and you knew that visiting him wasn’t the best decision but you couldn’t bear another lecture at this hour.
“Yeah, I have decided that since I felt safe when you are around you are the best person for me to go at 4am because of my night terrors”
Severus' brows pulled together in a clear sign of annoyance being forced to leave his tasks of grading papers, for the second time, in less than 5 minutes.
He folded his arms and looked at you.
“And the nightmares you are suffering from? Tell me about them.”
You knew that this wasn’t him being really interested in what you had to say but mostly to find a reason to manipulate you into thinking that coming to him was another of your foolish ideas and that you should be going out if you didn’t want more points taken from your house.
Still you told him the truth of why you were having them at which he replied first with a laugh full of mockery.
“I could give you nightmares, you pathetic girl”. He laughs to himself. “You live a charmed life, and you have the nerve to complain about being afraid? There are plenty of people who have good reason to be afraid, young lady. You, on the other hand, cannot imagine how it feels to be at the mercy of powers against which we are helpless!”
Snape took a few seconds to reply again, raising his voice. 
“You think that is a nightmare?”
It was obvious that Severus Snape himself wouldn’t be holding your hands and saying how sorry he was for seeing you like this, of course not, but after all you at least had the small hope of him having some sort of… pity. Some soft of mercy or true for you.
But you felt miserable. Of course you did. You knew him and usually you would beg for this type of interaction if it meant to be noticed by him. But today you didn’t want this.
Slowly standing up from your seat Severus seems to take into account how his words especially affected you tonight. 
“No, girl, sit down”. He said simply, but you stood there, quiet, looking at him.
Seeing that you were looking at him with a puzzled look Severus spoke again.
“That is why you have come to me? For comfort?” He seems genuinely puzzled as well. “You think that I could possibly be a comforting person?”
You nodded slowly, still there, as if she was challenging him but the truth is that she was sensing that Severus was trying to say something more and she wanted to test her luck tonight.
“You are clearly mistaken”. He continued.  “How do you imagine that I of all people would be remotely capable of giving you comfort?” The same sneering, contemptuous tone of earlier, and then, as if he has just thought of something important, he says, even more witheringly. “And, even if I were inclined to be comforting, what makes you think you of all people would be deserving of my comfort?”
Hands balled into fists made you suppress your anger at his words. And it worked since it gave you the energy to reply to him back.
“I don't deserve your comfort, I completely know about it. I just... I just wanted to stay here. I can be silent if you... want to”.
Snape sighs.
“Stay then, if staying makes you any less pathetic”.
Pathetic. He said. Maybe I was after all. Still here even if he wanted to push me away. 
He was insulting me and still, still after all of this it was my body who moved alone, silently, going towards him. 
You don’t really know what happened. If it was the way he saw your face contorted with pain at his words, the fact that you had the courage to still fight him despite his coldness but something in Severus broke inside of him at that precise moment.
He looked at you and without showing any emotion he spoke.
“I do care for you, you know.”
Your eyes snapped quickly at him, staying silently for a few minutes. Unable to move, even unable to breath in case that you broke the spell. In case that the sound of your existence bothered him and changed his words.
But your mouth had other plans and decided to speak.
“You do?”
“Yes” he simply stated.
Your eyebrows furrowed at his simple answer but you  needed to know more.
“And what exactly do you care about me?” 
“Because, unlike many people I know, you have done very little to deserve my dislike. And there are certain qualities in you that I admire”. 
His voice is quiet, almost a whisper, and sounds as if it is choking on those last words.
“The amount of courage you possess is truly remarkable”.
That made you chuckle softly at his words, a lot of butterflies starting to fly on your stomach.
“Well, you inspire me to be like that so, all the credit goes to you, sir” 
Severus gives that a short, dry, humorless laugh that could almost pass as a cough.
“Very flattering, I must admit”.
 There is a very short pause as Snape considers what he has just said before he continues in practically a whisper.
“I suppose you could say that I... feel a responsibility towards you... to keep you safe as best I can”.
You were having luck tonight, and you should have stood where you are but why not? Why not test the waters? Why not push the buttons? Why not?
“So if you want to keep me safe as best as you can... does this finally include that you will help me with the night terrors i just had?”
The contemptuous sneer is back. His voice is back to cold and harsh.
“Do you really expect me to comfort you, as though you are an infant, for night terrors?”
He laughs again and speaks even more contemptuously, mocking her. 
“If you ask so nicely, I suppose I can let you cry on my shoulder”.
At this moment you  continued walking towards him standing by his side. Him sitting on his chair behind his desk.
“If I ask nicely…” you  whispered. “Will you allow me to sit on your lap and find comfort on your hands?” and after finishing this sentence your  right hand was laying on his shoulder.
He was shocked at your words.
 He doesn't say anything, but he looks at you as if you  had suggested something that was completely outrageous and unthinkable, and as if he is wondering whether you  were being serious or making fun of him. But then... All of a sudden... the shock turns into a hint of almost imperceptible color on his face, and, as a hint of amusement enters his voice, he lets out a single "hmph", without any further words needed to explain the meaning behind it.
And also nothing else came from you as well. A slow nod that ended in your body moving slowly to sit on his lap.
It’s strange at first, the feeling of his fabric on your skin, the stiffness on his body and on yours but you try to adjust your body. 
But it feels so good. How your back is laying on his chest and your head on the crook of his neck. Silently taking into his smell. Fresh herbs. Sandalwood. It suits him.
And he felt at first that he wanted to push y/n. But then, slowly,  almost unwillingly, he moves his hand to rest on the back of her head, his thumb caressing her temple ever so softly as she starts to lean on his chest.
It was an intimate moment. A life changing one. In a couple of minutes the dynamics between the two of you had changed and the desire and prayers of you trying to get into your professor's life came true. The room was silent and only the breath of the two of you could be heard.
Severus was the first one to break the silence with a perceptible soft tone whispering in your ear. 
“Maybe you were not so pathetic after all”.
Another chuckle escaped from your lips and your hand started to toy with his fingers, feeling the rough hands of your Professor. Hands that have gone through so much. So much pain, so much hardness and difficulties.
“I am not, I am glad that you are starting to see it even if you can be this cruel with your words”
He makes a dry, humourless laugh and says in a contemptuous tone.
“That is my way of being caring, I'm afraid”.
He smiles then, a small, barely noticeable smile, as if at the memory of a secret joke, and continues in a voice so low he almost isn't even sure if he said anything.
“You have never heard me being outright insulting, have you?” 
The contemptuous sneer suddenly returns.
“Because I can be much, much crueler”.
Oh god, If he just  could say those words in another context. In his bed. Perhaps. You thought for a second, wild thoughts trying to control your  body and your mind but you quickly stopped them.
Instead, you just shook your head.
“You are right. Well, then I must be a bit special after all”.
His voice is low, but he lets out something that almost, just about, could maybe pass for a laugh. 
“Just a bit?”
A small smile appears on his mouth.
 “Not everyone can say they were only called pathetic by Severus Snape at four o'clock in the morning”.
That made you absolutely laugh. And it was unexpected. Your chest didn’t weigh as much as it did when you arrived at his office and his frown ceased and it was replaced by a faint smile.
“That 's true. And not everyone can say that they have sat on Snape's lap at 4 in the morning”
He curled an eyebrow as a quick response.
“Is that supposed to be some special honour? My lap?”
“Yeah, it is. Would you allow this to anyone?”
His sneer appears to be mixed with amusement and he lets out that single dry, humourless laugh again. It almost seems as though he finds this amusing - but he will certainly never admit it.
“No, I wouldn't. It is special just for you”.
Your hand stopped playing with his fingers and instead you held it, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I wish I could be special in every single way” you whispered to him looking anywhere but his face which started to blush madly.
But he stared at you with burning eyes. And you started to feel it.
“Do you wish I could show you?” you didn’t hear anything but you would bet that he was smirking.
Your hand dropped his and this time you met his eyes, your left arm slowly rising to cup with your hand his cheek.
“Yeah, show me”
He doesn't resist when you caress his cheek. 
He is so close to you  that their faces are only inches away. 
His eyes slowly moved down to your lips. A tiny ghost of a smile curves his lips as his eyes look into yours.
 And all of a sudden, he starts to move, slowly, almost as if he is hesitating.
 His face is coming even closer to yours.
 Your faces are almost touching.
And as if all of this were happening in slow motion…
Severus just kisses you.
And the kiss is reciprocated. Slow. Timid at first but revealing a content sigh from both parts as if the two of you were wanting this for so long.
The night ended slowly and the sun slowly was rising, kisses exchanged with soft touches and small moans of satisfaction. Your lips getting to know each other with soft dances of your tongues.
He certainly gave you the comfort you were wishing for.
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