#promoting now because i forgot lmao
LIKEWISE I hope you enjoy the upcoming releases too and that the price tag on Gaiden's worth it! I know personally I'll enjoy them regardless lol, the worldwide releases have been Particularly Rough on localization but these have still been some of my favorite games. Sorry in advance for I will be the one saying unnecessary things (as I often am) though </3
Speaking of, I'm glad you're enjoying Kyouen!! Once Again I wish I didn't have Goldfish Memory so I could actually discuss but :) always look forward to your reviews :)
i wouldnt ever say anythin you say is unnecessary when you always have a lot of insight and purpose to what you say ♪(´▽`)
AND YAYA im really enjoyin kyouen ! you were absolutely right in everyone being petty as hell LMAO im living for it tho ( ̄y▽ ̄)
#snap chats#speaking of reviews tho.... i almost forgot bout my small additional notes on super salaryman vjaLKVJAEL#i already said most of what i wanted to say durin the stream but i forgot the major thing that made me upset OOPS#it was so sad that haneko for like. A Second seemed to be the nicest to saenai#like OBVI she was still mean to him too but 1.) she seemed the /least/ mean and was nice to him about the dinner during the bomb ep#2.) she actually stepped in to /try/ to defend him for the whole game fiasco like. :((((((#i really wish there was A Turning Point for the family and saenai or that theyd start to appreciate him more#like there were SO many small moments where it seemed like Oh Theyre Going To Start Appreciating Him Right and then just. 🧍‍♂️#ITS A COMEDY SHOW IK I SHOULD TAKE THIS LIGHTLY but i really cant... we know how i get about family dynamics....#like haneko wasnt perfect that idol ep was WILD but still.... i really like her for those moments ngl LMAO#she was still bratty but hey. ty for the like Three Times you were nice to your dad i really appreciate it#BIG RIP THAT MY LAST NOTE ON THE SHOW WAS LIKE. BITCHING FORGIVE ME#i bitch because i love it. well not THAT but i loved the show i wanted better for my guy..#esp when that seemed to be The Thesis right with the whole 'you cant even help your family' and whatnot in the first ep#the LOUDEST sigh of my life But I Still Loved The Show Otherwise#the office scenes were so goofy i love section 3's dynamic..... gotta keep em together amrite <- no one is ever getting promoted#my big phat salaryman review......... BUT YEAH im excited to continue kyouen !!!! if i. ever finish this fuckin coMIC#ITS A ME PROBLEMMMMM but i just have to line now. i think. im lying no i wanted to fix a panel....#im horrible ☠️☠️ OK BYE BYE FOR NOW#or..... as ozono said in her breakup interview... goodbye means we'll meet again.. somethin like that /she was quoting sailor suit right/#/thats why they called the tape Sailor Suit And Machine Gun/ girl im off topic Point Is I'll Be Back. Bye.
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aerodaltonimperial · 4 months
Okay, friends, I ended up embarking upon a little research mode today when I wanted to figure out the top 20 or so pairings in the AEW tag. This ended up being a lot harder than I anticipated, because it's very easy to get the top 10 (AO3 shows you those on the main page filters) but tough to get anything after, because while you can simply exclude the top 10 in order to generate the next 10, this messes up the numbers in pretty much all the next ones by hiding fics where more than one pairing is tagged.
This means I essentially had to pull the pairing and then search it organically to get true numbers. Took a little while! Then I decided that I only wanted full AEW pairings - this meant both people had to be IN AEW. So I took out any pairings that fell under this category, mostly the OFC/reader inserts, and a few holdovers from other wrestling promotions. (I almost took out Golden Lovers, but then searched since I forgot Ibushi had officially gotten the All Elite sign.) I also took out the BCC group because while I am impressed that a multi-some has that many entries, one person isn't in AEW anymore and also I was looking for 2-people pairings only. You can see the numbers in the first screenshot, however.
This gave me 19. Close enough! So here are the top 19 pairings in AEW fandom on AO3 hahaha.
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Current only as of right now, Feb 13, 2024 at 4:40 PM CST lmao
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fullsunrise · 7 months
Playing With Fire (M)
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Word count: 1.8k
Pairing: Johnny x Original female character
Genre: Office AU, some angst, light smut
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, Johnny is a bully, heavy sexual themes, non-explicit smut (don't hookup with your coworkers!), uh semi-public sex
A/N: Uhhh I don't know what this is, but it's pretty much self-indulgent lmao
There was nothing quite like early winter in the city, with the twinkling lights tangled in the bare trees and a to-go coffee that was almost too hot. This early in the morning, there was no one around. It was calming, and Nari wanted to appreciate the silence before all hell broke loose. She sat on the unoccupied bench outside of her building, savoring the last five minutes she had until she had to face her worst nightmare. That nightmare happened to have a name: Johnny.
Johnny Suh from Sales. Even thinking about him made Nari’s eye twitch. Ever since she was forced to work with him on her latest project, he made it his sole mission to make her life a living hell. Never once in Nari’s career has she had to work with someone so egotistical, cunning, and above all else: annoyingly attractive.
Although she had been working at her company for the last two years, she had never heard of him. Not until she saw an unfamiliar name CC’d on an email from her boss. Confused, she made her way to her boss’s office.
“He's been here almost as long as you have, I believe,” her boss told her. “Great guy, it should be a breeze working with him.”
It was hilarious how wrong he was. Nari’s reality was most definitely not a breeze, but more like a hurricane. Whatever higher being set this up was surely laughing at her now as she struggled against the powerful storm.
To stand any chance, Nari knew she needed any advice she could get. And who else was more equipped than Jaehyun? After years of working at law firms across the city, Nari was sure he was the only person who could understand how to deal with egotistical monsters.
“I'm just saying, maybe try to avoid any interactions with the guy. I mean he's clearly a prick,” Jaehyun said, then took a sip of his beer.
“Trust me, I've been trying to avoid him but it's impossible when we have to work directly together,” Nari replied.
It was hopeless. Johnny was too smart. Careful not to push it too far, he was only condescending to her face. He made sure his actions spoke for him, though. Like last week when he went out to lunch with their project team, he accidentally forgot to invite her. And just a day ago, she swore he was whispering about her to another coworker in the kitchen. Then he laughed loud enough for Nari to hear, only confirming her suspicions. It was subtle, but enough to make her go insane.
“Don't let him get to you,” Jaehyun offered. “You know he's only doing this because he feels threatened by you.”
Threatened? Why would Johnny be threatened by her? Nothing about her was particularly threatening. Sure, Nari was good at her job but she never did anything that would cause someone to dislike her. And certainly she would never step on anyone just to get a promotion. In her corporate life, Nari made sure to remain honest, social, and professional. Unlike Johnny, who couldn't have a more opposite approach.
“I’ll try,” she replied. “But enough about me. How's it going in your world?”
“Same ol’ bullshit as always,” he chuckled.
They spoke about their jobs for a while longer, laughing at random anecdotes from the week. Nari didn't speak about Johnny again, and shortly the thought of him was washed down along with her Gin and tonic. Somewhere between her first and third drinks, Jaehyun asked her how her dating life had been. It caught her off guard only for a moment as she reached for an answer in her muddled brain. With her thoughts slowed, the best she managed to pull was a horrific yet comical dating story. Jaehyun laughed along with her and shared his own. It was always weird talking about her love life with Jaehyun but it was still nice nonetheless. But she would never get used to it, even though there were no lingering feelings left between them.
Nari came back to her apartment feeling a bit lighter after seeing Jaehyun. While he helped her forget about Johnny momentarily, Nari dreaded tomorrow. It was the day of the company holiday party. Normally Nari looked forward to it every year, but the idea of running into Johnny made her stomach churn. Sure, there were going to be a lot of employees and plus ones but the chance of seeing him wasn't zero.
The next day quickly flew by, with little to no urgent work that needed to get done. Nari always appreciated slow work days, but today she wished the day lasted a bit longer. Because as the moon rose in the sky, she knew could no longer hide.
The rooftop lounge was packed with her coworkers spread out across fancy bar top tables. Nari and a few of her team members claimed a spot close to the bar. While she was promised it would limit any unwanted interactions, the idea of walking up with all eyes on her made her mouth dry.
“I’m gonna get another drink,” Nari shouted on top of the loud music.
Much to her relief, Nari didn't recognize the people she passed on her way to the bar. No Johnny in sight, her shoulders relaxed instantly.
“One Old Fashioned, thanks,” the guy with slicked back hair in front of her ordered. Ugh, what kind of person would order that?
The guy with the slicked back hair turned around, and the moment Nari locked eyes with him she was frozen in place. The worst scenario Nair conjured in her mind was happening right now, in real life.
Johnny looked at her for a second before turning away to talk to his friend. That didn't bother Nari, but the fact that he decided to brush past her like she was invisible set her off.
Chasing after Johnny wasn't how Nari expected to spend her night, but there she was pushing through the crowd. Johnny moved fast, but she was able to catch up in the bathroom hallway.
“Why?” The liquor coursed through her veins, giving her the courage to speak up.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” Johnny deadpanned, as he turned around to look straight through her. It was clear he was avoiding her question, which in turn only made her angrier.
“Don't play dumb, you know what you're doing,” she accused, her voice raising.
“You're going to be a bit more specific than that, sweetheart,” he said, crossing his arms across his chest.
“So you're just going to pretend like you haven't made my life a living hell the last few months?”
“I think that's too harsh,” he answered, his expression softening. That look could've worked on other women, but Nari wasn't going to give in.
“It's the truth, you've hated me ever since that day.”
“When did I say I hated you?”
Jaehyun’s words echoed in her mind. “Admit it, you’re threatened by me.”
Bingo. Her words seemed to strike a nerve with Johnny, because the next thing she knew he grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bathroom. Warning signs went off in her head immediately, but it happened so quickly that she couldn't break away.
“You don't know what you're talking about,” he seethed, taking a step closer to her.
Was he always standing this close? The temperature was rising, and Nari could feel the blood rush into her cheeks.
“I think I do,” Nari breathed, trying to sound confident. But her quivering voice didn't fool him.
His kisses were feverish against her skin he left bites along the curve of her neck. As he made his way down to her collarbone, Nari’s eyebrows scrunched together. With her lips slightly parted in pleasure, Johnny took the opportunity to steal the air from her lungs in one swift motion. His lips were rough and chapped from the cold, but the way they molded to her own left her utterly breathless. When he abruptly bit her lower lip and gazed at her, she knew she was done for. Deep desire pooled in his eyes and her body craved more of the pleasure he brought. Nari knew right then and there that she had no plans of stopping him.
“No, you don't,” he asserted, breaking the kiss for only a second before diving back in.
Her back was flush against the wall now, the cool tile contrasting against the heat of her skin. Johnny held the side of her jaw forcefully, with his other hand tracing the contour of her waistband. Out the window was her moral compass along with her dignity, her judgment clouded with pure desire.
The sensation of his hand dipping lower only added to her bubbling lust. Without warning, he snaked his hand out of her waistband. Nari whined at the loss and Johnny chuckled in amusement.
“Oh?” he mused, his grin never leaving his face. “You don't like that?”
Nari could only shake her head in response, her brain too muddled to think clearly. Satisfied with her frazzled state, Johnny resumed his motions. Her gasps bounced off the bathroom walls as she chased the high, no longer caring who could hear. With each moan that escaped her lips, she began to fall apart. Strands of hair came loose and tears of pleasure pooled. Her release was imminent, but before she could reach the climax Johnny suddenly stopped.
���I'm sorry, did you want more?” he asked, forehead pressed to her own.
Falling from her high, the reality of the situation came back into focus. What the hell was she doing? Not too long ago Nari couldn't even fathom being in the same room as Johnny, let alone letting herself unravel in front of him. It almost sickened her how quickly she folded under his spell. He knew exactly what he was doing and Nari was willingly falling right into his trap.
“Please,” she replied as she tried to catch her breath.
That was all Johnny needed to continue. With her pleasure still heightened, it took Nari only a few minutes to fully come undone. If Johnny wanted, she would let him take her right then and there. All the sirens in her head told her it was wrong, but why did it feel so right?
“See you tomorrow,” he snickered as he pulled away from her. Giving her a quick once over, he left the bathroom without another word.
Left alone with nothing but her reeling thoughts, Nari glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Disheveled hair and smudged mascara. Nari could barely recognize herself. As she attempted to fix her unruly state, Johnny’s words mocked her. Their little affair was going to cost her. She wasn't going to get fired over it, no, but her impulses were going to cost her the little bit of sanity she had left. Johnny was going to take it all and ruin her beyond recognition.
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transmutationisms · 10 months
hi! a while ago i think you mentioned that “mutually assured destruction” is a really reductive way of explaining what happened in history, so i’m wondering what you’d say is a more accurate way of describing what happened?
damn i forgot i said that. you would get a more interesting & complete answer from someone better read on the cold war but i think what i meant was, just calling it mutually assured destruction tends to collapse all distinctions between the us and ussr's foreign & nuclear policies, & the importance of the sort of jockeying for power that they were doing. like it's true that eventually both feared a total nuclear event, but part of the reason the us state dept and such have embraced the mad explanation is because as a framework, it relies on the idea that both parties are essentially in the same bargaining position and are acting rationally; this all obscures the us's position in the cold war as an imperialist power, its perception that the ussr threatened its global reach, and its particularly risky and boneheaded decisions. fwiw i think some in the us military intel sphere have pushed back on the idea that they operated on principles of mad because they don't like the idea even now that the ussr was a powerful enough player on the world stage to have been a threat to the us, which like. lmao. anyway again it's not like the entire idea is irredeemably bad or totally inaccurate but i do think it's worth asking how the mad framework functions and whose interests it promotes in many cases
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ronsenthal · 5 months
Part four of Jess Reads Fierce Valor we are walking towards the end of the WWII and also the end of the book
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Notes: Y'all know the drill, I highly recommend that (if you can) read the book and take your own conclusions, this is my view from my experience reading it blablabla
nothing much insane happens at first as they are at Haguenau, just Speirs not letting sick pneumonia Lipton sleep on the floor so he ordered him to get to the bed while he spend the night on a sleeping bag
oh yes Webster being a poet describing Winters and Speirs as they were planning the patrol, they were in front of a creek, with some maps and aerial pictures and just random gesturing, he said he was inspired by those two tactical nerds
now it gets crazy and there is gossip about *cleans throat* GHOSTS and they were kinda blaming Speirs as they thought it was the ghosts of the prisioners from Normandy (????) that he killed????there were some accounts of spooky stuff going on even Nixon got some tales to tell, something with ammo carts moving around when nobody was touching it lmao
so as we know the first patrol was considered a success, but the second one never happened because WINTERS ordered them to sleep that night and come in the next morning with the news that they couldn't get any prisoners, pretty awesome if you ask me
they do the lottery thing but instead of Shifty one of his best friends won it as was released, they didn't mention it was rigged BUT it was his bff after all, so who knows (we do know)
HE MADE THE MEN WASH THEIR UNIFORMS like boil them down to take off the dirt and make their boots shiny again. We have Webster saying he liked Speirs and talks about his sincere smile that was endearing, really touching stuff
Lipton tells us how Speirs didn't drink or smoke and tried to stay in good shape BUT we have Webster saying previously that he had stained tobacco teeth so what is the truth???
when he got promoted to captain he got drunk and cried in front of Lipton??? because he was so ashamed of his behaviour and keep saying how he always took care of himself by not drinking or smoking??? and now they ruined him, but again what is the truth?
finally Berchtesgaden and we have Webster saying that Speirs more than once said that "there was an inverse ratio between courage and looting" while Malarkey said he was the worst looter, again the account don't seem to agree which is quite normal when it's about this man
the crazy vengeful bitch destroyed a fucking Mercedes, the account of the book is slightly different from what Webster told in his book, in this book they say that one of his sargeants found the car and but Speirs pulled rank on him and got the car that apparently was Göring's??? anyway from there is pretty much the same,
listen this is funny because they tried to pull a prank on him but he was smarter (word spread about the prank before it took place). Sargeant Mercier got his hand on some german officer's uniform, put it on and had some guards to take him to Speirs desk in full uniform, "Sir we captured this german officer what should we do??" to which he calmy and firmly said "Shoot him" and then Mercier broke character and Speirs told him to get out of the uniform and stop messing around
Webster telling that on VE day Speirs was throwing empty bottles of champagne and shooting it from his balcony, he and some sargeant named Carson were shooting bottles as target practise and Talbert came furious with the latter, because a certain Captain banned the careless use of bullets, so he was down after the guy but saw Speirs with him, and he was like "oopsie forgot my own order" and Talbert didn't liked Speirs at all and it was one of the reasons of his resignation, he wrote some letters to Winters confirming his hatred
okay so now we have de Chuck Grant incident, he was FURIOUS and ordered a manhunt, he joined them after securing that Grant would be taken care and was at good hands at the hospital, but yes according to Malarkey the "When you talk to an officer you say sir" did happened and he hit the idiot with his gun
after that the party was over, even Sink was pissed off and wished that someone (Speirs) had killed the replacement who shot Grant. Some rules were then set in place like cars and guns curfews, no drinking, not friendly activities with civilians and he got tougher again, he was even described as draconian during this time
we have some more accounts of Webster and Winters praising him as a CO and after being on Germany and Austria they were sent back to France
ah yes his wife Edwyna divorced him after her former husband was found alive in a german prison, so he was alone and lonely on his journey back to the US after the war
okay from now we are going toward the start of his long ass military career I think there are only two chapters left on the book
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taglist: @mads-weasley, @mutantmanifesto @love--persevering, @gorgeousundertow , @grumpy-liebgott, @wexhappyxfew, @latibvles and @1waveshortofashipwreck
if you want me to tag you for this series let me know
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thornedarrow · 1 year
AX Bungo Stray Dogs Premiere Panel Notes
Hello~ I tried to take notes while at the panel for the premiere of BSD Season 5. I did my best to transcribe what I could of the answers but there may be mistakes so please take this info with a grain of salt.
Note: Please do not repost this anywhere especially on twitter and if you mention anything listed here elsewhere, I would appreciate a link back to this post.
The three guests for the panel were Asagiri Kafka, Studio Bones President Minami Masahiko, and Kadokawa Producer Kurokane Chiaki.
Opening Talk
Before the episode aired, the host asked what they enjoyed about LA and Asagiri mentioned the view? and how kind the fans have been. I believe Minami talked about how he was here last year? but I did not go to AX last year so I'm not 100% on that info. Kurokane mentioned how the humidity is awful in Tokyo so LA was much nicer in that regard.
I think they also answered another question but I did not write it down rip.
Also they played the S5 trailer for us and it was really fun to watch in a live audience the screams at particular parts were funny.
- if you’re interested in details of the actual episode feel free to ask, I am omitting any info from this post though. It was not a light novel adaptation it went straight into the main story <3
Q&A post-premiere
At some point Minami pointed to his shirt and was like is no one going to comment on how I changed my shirt? It was now a shirt of Rocket from GOTG because he heard how many people liked Poe in the episode lmao. It was very cute
What is the process of working on the Bungo Stray Dogs anime like? [i apologize my notes rly sucked for this question]
Asagiri: (He said something else I did not catch) I often think about how to make the story even more interesting and engaging. If you noticed in the episode we just watched, the ending is slightly different from the original manga, because the director had asked me to add an additional catchphrase.
Minami: BSD has a strange charisma. I remember when Kadokawa came to me with the series and I read it before sharing it with Igarashi-san and Enokido-san.
He also mentioned how usually the anime production staff works on the scripts for an anime but for BSD, Asagiri-sensei is very hands on and involved that he almost feels like a staff member of Studio Bones.
Kurakane-san mentioned the role of supporting and promoting the series but I forgot to write down the details.
This question was for Asagiri-sensei and asked about how he comes up with abilities for the different characters, I think?
Asagiri, initially: I try to focus on making them mysterious (lmao).
He also said he waits for inspiration to strike. Then he mentioned specific examples.
For Atsushi and Beast Beneath the Moonlight, the inspiration comes from the Moon over the Mountain. In the original story, the friend who has transformed into a tiger tries to save the other character from themselves. Asagiri was inspired by the relationship between the heart and the tiger in the story to come up with Atsushi's ability.
For Dazai and No Longer Human, he mentioned that the original work has a strange allure of making the reader doubt the act of living. From that, he came to think of the idea of the ability to nullify all abilities.
For Fyodor...it's a secret.
Guests' thoughts on working on season 4 and 5?
Asagiri: Being able to make it until season 3, I could sense that the passion and fire from the fans.
Minami: We wanted to deliver Bungo Stray Dogs to more people who didn't know about the series. One big change we made was to the main visuals for the new seasons. The older seasons tended to have more calm and but we chose more action-oriented visuals for season 4/5 to better capture attention.
Kurakane: We also wanted to focus on attracting the attention of a broader audience (new fans) and so for season 4, we made a 3 minute video that recaps seasons 1-3, which was received very well. Currently, we are running a campaign where we post highlight clips of all 55 current episodes. This was also targeted at fans who may have drifted away from the series, so that it would be easier for them to return to BSD.
What to look forward in season 5? (to Asagiri)
Asagiri: Everything (said in English.)
Then he went on to say I would like the viewer/fans to specifically think about the relationship? between justice and terrorism. What does justice mean? What does it mean to be the enemy? If you were justice, what would you do? If you were the enemy, what would you do?
What was your reaction to Season 4 and 5? (also to Asagiri)
Asagiri: Amazing (also said in English.)
They have made an phenomenal series. Five seasons. There are few people who can say their work has been adapted into five seasons of anime and it is all thanks to you guys (the fans) for your passion for the series.
What future projects would you like to work on together?
Asagiri: Season 6! A movie? I will continue to do my best to continue to deliver an interesting series to you.
Minami: (turned to Asagiri-sensei and said in a dramatic voice) Please let me read more material!! If you don't give me anything to adapt, I can't proceed!
Kurakane: The stage plays that have spanned six and a half years just ended last night. With that, I do feel a bit of relief on the workload. But I will continue to find new forms in which to deliver Bungo Stray Dogs series to you all.
Final note, all three of the guests were so enthusiastic and passionate about this series it was really lovely to see. I cannot capture the intonation of specific comments from Asagiri-sensei but he was rly funny. The episode was incredible and I genuinely am so excited for the new season! If anything sounds awkward I apologize; that’s on me and my translation skills.
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latenightsimping · 1 year
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“...There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who’ve gone over.” - Hunter S. Thompson, Hell’s Angels
Summary: A part of the deal to freedom included a stay at Pennhurst. It’ll take everything to keep the hope that one day the locked doors will open, the windows will no longer have bars that block the view, and that one day, the name Eddie Munson will be synonymous with the word ‘innocent’. The hope, he never realised, would also come to be synonymous with your name.
Chapter: 1 / 2 /  3 / 4
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: angst, heavy themes of inpatient treatment/hospitalisation, heavy themes of mental health, institutional deprivation of liberties, body injuries, mentions of suicidal ideation, themes of institutional abuse, can be a dark read (continue with that in mind, look after yourselves), canon divergence, Eddie survives the demobat attack, post-S4 timeline, slow burn romance, eventual smut, 18+, eventual fluff, there will be a happy ending
AN: First of all, thank you so much to those who left lovely comments and reblogged. I’m blown away by the support over a little idea I had, based on my own difficulties with the inpatient system. This is a series I’m really looking forward to, and still planning as I go? This second part is the last like, ‘scripted’ part, so I’m gonna have to actually light a fire under my arse and open up a dreaded planning doc lmao. Hope you enjoy this part!! also massive shoutout to @mantorokk-writes​ for putting up with my rambles and making me an amazing header image, you’re my beloved 💕
Taglist: @edsforehead, @idkidknemore, @harrys-tittie, @gaysludge, @smileygoth​
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Nothing ever changed in this place. Waking up to stare at the same four walls until your door was opened. Same four walls that you showered and brushed your teeth in. Same four walls that you spent the majority of the day in, following a bullshit routine that was supposed to promote ‘positive mental changes’ and ‘the tools for a successful future’. 
You were smart enough to know that it was all a load of bullshit. For the first six months of your committal, you believed in it. Practically bent over backwards to show the doctors that you were making progress, holding onto the slim chance that you might finally get the news of being released after the bi-annual panels that were akin to placing your heart on the scale. Balanced against the feather of your guilt, of the timeline of events that still haunted you every waking moment. It took you a year to realise the odds were stacked against you. Two years in, and you’d given up hope of ever walking back out the front doors. Two years of the same day, over and over, no end in sight. 
Even the earthquake that had rocked the town of Hawkins didn’t really change things. It had meant lockdown for a couple of days until damage could be assessed, and it had spurned a lot of orderlies, nurses and doctors bouncing for a better life in another city. Leaving only the ones that were most likely too stubborn to leave, now more bitter and jaded for having to keep the job that made their lives that little bit more miserable. With less staff, it had meant a closer eye on behaviour, lest the patients got any bright ideas and decided an uprising was sorely needed. Any infraction could get you put in the hole, no matter how small and stupid it seemed. You’d seen one of the old timers be taken away for a couple of days when they decided to steal a pen from the nurses station. You knew it was because they wanted to write down their thoughts before they forgot. But you also knew that the staff got jumpy when a patient had something capable of being made into an improvised weapon. 
The day had started just like any other. Your name being called out as the door to your room was unlocked, tone already weary of the shift ahead and none too gentle. An escort to the bathrooms to get washed up and ready for the day, government issued toothpaste bitter on your tongue and the smell of cheap soap lingering on your skin. Yet another escort to the day room, the doors slammed shut after the last patient passed the threshold. You were still barely awake when the tinny audio system kicked to life, the shrill voice of nurse Koehn calling everyone to line up in front of the glass window of the nurses’ station for medication. How you hated those paper cups with medication inside that you didn’t even know the names of and didn’t get a reply when you asked about, the shitty juice used to wash them down barely tolerable. It had become a Pavlovian response; each sip meant that little bit less freedom, a sluggish haze descending over you that made everything numb and fuzzy at the edges. But at least there were small victories, coming in the form of a pack of Marlboros as a reward for taking the fucking things without a fight. You tapped the pack against your palm as you made your way over to the table you usually sat at, taking one out and dangling the filter between your lips as you nodded your head towards an orderly for the use of a lighter. Because God forbid you were allowed to hold one for more than two seconds, lest you burn down the building. A thought that had admittedly crossed your mind once or twice. 
By mid afternoon, you were six cigarettes down and in the middle of a game of solitaire when the door to the day room opened, and you turned your head on instinct to see what was happening. Miller’s hand on the door as she corralled a man you hadn’t seen before into the room, closing the door behind him and leaving him to fend for himself. He looked scared shitless; eyes frantically darting around the room, his hands curled into fists so tightly that it made his knuckles turn alabaster. Wild and frizzy curls that tumbled past his shoulders, failing to hide the red and angry scars that marred his neck and face. A little lost lamb in the den of poorly concealed wolves, the sight pulling at your heartstrings that you swore had been crystallised a long time ago. You never really believed in ghosts, but it was as if you were looking at a spectre. A shell of a man, barely holding on by a thread. He was a reflection of you, when you’d first got here.
Gathering up the playing cards, you puffed out an air of nicotine as you shook your head. “Are you just going to stand there? You’re making the place look untidy,” you muttered, already dealing out two piles of cards before he realised you were talking to him. 
You glanced back over to him, his muscles tensed and a deer in the headlights expression staring back at you. It took a few heartbeats for him to catch on, and one glance back before his umber eyes settled on you again. “You talkin’ to me?” 
His words were softly spoken, a hoarseness to them that you’d heard from other patients who seldom uttered a word. A slight tremor to his cadence, that you easily picked up on. You nodded as you gestured your head to the wooden chair opposite you, leaning back in your seat as you studied your cards. “Staff get a bit jumpy if you stand by the doors too long. Suggest you find yourself somewhere to be that’s away from them.” 
The conversation seemed to hang in the balance; no doubt he was weighing up the pros and cons of talking to someone deemed a lunatic. You couldn’t blame him. A couple of residents here were like that. Would smile and make pleasant conversation, fooling you into thinking they were perfectly reasonable human beings. And perhaps they were. But you also knew their reason for being here, and one or two made you feel sick to your core. You heard the shuffling of rubber soles get closer, until he finally took a seat at the table. You kept your face neutral as you took another drag of your cigarette, settling the stick between pointer and middle finger. “You know how to play gin rummy?” 
You lifted your eyes as he picked up the cards, a look of confusion evident as his other hand scratched the back of his neck. “Haven’t played for a long time,” he admitted, the volume of his tone still not rising above the level of when he first spoke.
You shrugged as he made the first move, noticing the way his eyes darted towards the carton of cigarettes in the middle of the table. You set your hand down for a moment, picking up the pack and pulling one out. “Doesn’t matter about winning, what matters is looking like you’re occupied,” you explained, using the cherry of the lit cigarette to ignite the other. Dropping the fresh one into the ashtray, you pushed it slightly towards him in offering as you picked the cards back up. “Idle hands are the Devil’s tools and all that shit.” 
His body language seemed to change at your actions, eyes narrowed as they flickered from the ashtray to yours. It was a look of incredulity, if you were reading it right. You couldn’t blame him; if the roles were reversed, you’d think twice about accepting, just like he was. “And you’re telling me this because…?”
You held up your hands in mock surrender, offering a slight smile that didn’t show teeth. “Because you seem to have your shit together for the most part, and I’m sick of trying to have conversations with lunatics.” Technically the truth. He didn’t have to know about your burning curiosity just yet, but the thought of having someone around your age who still had his faculties to talk to was an offer that you couldn’t refuse.
You were greeted with a slight eyebrow raise as he scratched at his scarred cheek, something that you could now assume was a tell that he was nervous. The fear still evident, yet a spark of something only just alight in his eyes. “Aren’t we both technically lunatics?” There it was. A ghost of a smile, a blink and you’d miss it moment. 
“Depends on who you listen to,” you offered with a slight grimace. “Some of us locked in here are innocent.” 
“Are you one of them?” 
Your stomach twisted at the ever so slight tone of disbelief you were sure you picked up on. How many times had you sworn on everything you ever loved that you never did what they accused you of, screamed your innocence at the top of your lungs to never be heard. It made that cage you kept your heart in that little bit stronger, the muscle decaying from lack of oxygen. “Depends who you ask.” 
His body language seemed to change in small increments, the small shifts only recognisable if you were really paying attention. To see them meant hope; how many times had you spoken to another patient, to be met with a blank stare and slackened jaw? Under the surface, no matter how deep it was, there was life. No doubt beaten down so intensely that he’d locked it away for self preservation. But it was there, all the same. Another ghost of a smile as he finally picked up the cigarette, taking a deep, sharp pull and his eyes slightly fluttering with the relief that nicotine could bring. “I’m asking you.” 
It felt like an impossible question. If answered truthfully, you could still be seen as a liar. He didn’t know you, hadn’t heard your side of the story, or even the story at all. All he had to go on was an offer of a cigarette, and an invitation to sit down. 
But what did you have to lose? 
“I am,” you finally murmured, bringing the cigarette filter to your lips to fill your lungs with smoke as acrid as you felt on the inside.
There was a nod of his head as he looked down towards the cards, letting the silence settle as you played a few turns. Both of you avoiding the subject as much as the situation allowed, neither one meeting the other’s gaze. But it was him to break it, a soft sigh just before his admission. 
“I’m innocent too.” 
So he wasn’t here voluntarily. The circumstances not being one of contemplating suicide, or having a nervous breakdown. An admission like that meant he was accused of something, just like you. Whether he was telling the truth or not, you had no idea. It was pushing your luck to ask for more, but you had nothing else to lose. “What did they say you did?” 
You saw his whole body tense again, as if the question was a bullet through the chest. His grip on the flimsy playing cards tightening, jabbing the remnants of tobacco into the ashtray with a little more force than needed. “Doesn’t matter.” His voice had got impossibly quiet again, an edge of frustration to it. He was guarded again, no doubt starting to get lost in the negative memories that you guessed crowded his head every waking moment. Maybe similar to the ones that crowded yours.
You exhaled deeply through your nose as you chipped your own cigarette out. “Just as a heads up, you don’t have to tell me now. But around here, secrets don’t stay secrets for long. They’ll ask you about what you did in group therapy.”
You heard his sharp exhale, noticing his eyes getting glassy with unshed tears. His fingernails scratched the scars on his neck, near frantic as he shook his head. Over your time here, you could see what this was. It was a panic attack, in its infancy but rapidly devolving. It twisted your gut to see, knowing that it was technically your fault. But why bother lying about it, when he’d find out himself in the next few hours?
“Haven’t seen you around before,” you said softly, mind working overtime to try and head whatever he was going through off at the pass. Distraction seemed to be what instinct was telling you to do. “You get admitted today?”
He shook his head, unruly curls swaying as he did. “No, I uh… It’s been four months, I think.”
Your eyebrow raised as you shuffled the cards in your hand, deciding to avoid eye contact to give him a little breathing room. “You get upgraded from minimum, or downgraded from supermax?” 
“It was uh… A downgrade, maybe? I haven’t seen much of the place.” 
You let out the incredulous laugh that bubbled in your chest, clicking your teeth with your tongue. “Must have friends in high places. Rumour is you don’t get out of there unless it’s either a miracle or a body bag.” 
There was a spark of something unreadable in his features, your best guess one of realisation. You didn’t have enough information, so you decided to ignore it for now. “Is it as bad as they say it is down there?” you asked, cocking your head to the side.
“Probably, don’t know what they say,” he answered with a slight shrug, his breathing slowing back down as he focused on the questions given to him.
“They say rats crawl over you when you’re sleeping, and the guards carry tasers.” 
You got a slight smile in reply as he shook his head, focusing on the cards that you’d both long forgotten about. Becoming something more like a prop to dissuade the conversation being interrupted. “Not true. It’s just… Suffocating down there.” 
“Well, sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but it’s not that much different here,” you sighed, rubbing a hand over your face. “Anybody tell you the routine of the day? Where you gotta be at what time?”
He shook his head slowly, and you let out a long exhale. Of course nobody told him. But he’d be expected to follow the rules all the same, getting punished for something that wasn’t his fault. So, you laid it out to him. The whole routine that was the backbone of your life, and would probably be so until you either left this world or the Earth stopped revolving. Wake up, get washed up for the day. Breakfast, then community meeting. Recreation time. Lunch. Group therapy. More free time, though the option to go outside was there if it was a nice day and the staff were in a gracious mood. Some other form of bullshit therapy, depending on the day. Dinner. If you were deemed trustworthy enough, some form of manual labour was assigned to you to help run the hospital, totally not because they couldn’t afford the staff to do it, that would be absurd. Being guided to the bathrooms to clean up from the day and sent to your designated room for lights out and lock up. By the time you finished explaining, you’d managed to get a winning hand of cards, tossing them on the table as you reached for your cigarette pack. “Still jazzed about getting downgraded?” you asked with a wry smirk, raising your hand and getting the attention of one of the orderlies for the lighter. 
“Trust me, it’s better than being down there,” he muttered, mindful to keep his voice low as the staff member approached. Now his hands were free of cards, you noticed how he fiddled with something on his left hand that wasn’t there, perhaps out of a learned behaviour that he’d had long before this place. You decided not to bring it up. It wasn’t your place. 
“Guess beggars can’t be choosers,” you shrugged, grabbing another cigarette and lighting it with the cherry again. This time you handed it to him yourself, held out like an olive branch. One that he seemed hesitant to take, eyes flitting from your hand to your eyes in quick succession. “Never caught your name.” 
The very tentative trust in a barely budding friendship, however small it was at that very moment, hung in the balance. It was likely that he’d either never had kindness before, or hadn’t in a very long time. It hurt to see, and it hurt even more to know that he was acting as a mirror. The last person who’d ever shown you mercy had long gone, and you were completely on your own. Trapped behind enemy lines, with no weapons to show for it. The only thing you could do was find allies wherever they may be, and pray to whoever was above you that they wouldn’t stab you in the back. 
His hand reached out, mindful not to make any skin to skin contact as he accepted the token, bringing it to chapped lips as his eye contact dropped to the scratches on the table. “It’s Eddie.” 
You nodded slowly as you mulled the name over, though nothing was coming back to you so far. You were pretty sure you’d have known of him if he was this distinct to look at back when you were out in the free world. Then again, you couldn’t remember much of that world at this point, so it was easy to lose background faces in a sea of other stronger, more horrific memories. You gave your own name in return, a small smile flickering over your features. “Guess you better get used to shitty card games and even shittier food, Eddie. Seems we’re in it for the long haul.” 
As much as you tried for it to come out as a joke, it didn’t seem to land. You could see him wince a little at your words, as if they burned his ears, or perhaps it was the truth of them that smouldered. It had been a long time since you’d had a conversation that wasn’t around pills or therapy plans, and it showed. You cleared your throat as you tried again. 
“I mean, if it helps, you’ll be stuck with me for a long ass time,” you said softly, trying to keep the tone light though the words stuck to your tongue. “You’ll probably be getting out far quicker than I will.”
His eyebrows came together, a crinkle between them as he gave you a slight expression of confusion. You could tell he was about to ask a question, mouth open and words forming on his tongue, but the buzz of the intercom being turned on made him jump out of his skin. It was a whole body reaction; tensed muscles and eyes darting about, no doubt an inbuilt mechanism formed from something in his past that let him survive something. You put a hand up slowly, a signal to wait a second, nodding your head towards the glass panel of the Nurses’ station as Sanford announced lunchtime. 
“That sound will happen a lot around here,” you mumbled as you stood up, finishing off the last deep drag of your cigarette and stubbing it out in one fluid motion. “You get used to it after a while.” 
When you noticed he wasn’t moving towards the doors as you stepped away, you turned back with a kind look, bowing your head a little to meet his lowered gaze. “C’mon, stick with me, alright? I’ll show you around.” 
For a moment, you remembered being told that your first day. You could almost hear your voice morph into that person’s, the one who showed you initial kindness, and could see yourself in Eddie. You were yet to believe if he was innocent or not. All you had was his word. But all he had was yours, too. Truth and lies were a currency in this domain, with blind trust that the more valuable would be exchanged. But, if you were honest, you felt the need to tell the truth more and more these days, the bitter taste of them on your tongue and threatening to swallow you whole. But truth needed to be given to those who earned it, and wouldn’t run off screaming to the nearest orderly that you’d finally gone mad. 
And you just hoped that with the arrival of another supposed innocent, those truths would finally be shared.
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autumnaaltonen · 1 year
Hello! :) I was wondering if you can do a, Alucard x short human reader. ((She or they whichever))
Where maybe the reader is a professional vampire hunter and just newly intern into Helsing. An at first look she seems weak and nonthreatening. But once they get into the battlefield or get threat at the manor, they're kicking ass like the tiny little menace that they are. Like they prefer close combat than out range and due to their small stature they move pretty quickly against big enemies.
((I like to think of her as a mini Mirko lmao))
I am 5'9 and cannot sympathise with the plights of smaller folk 😂
That being said, my mother and all of my friends are under 5'5, so I think I can do this 👍
You were initially hired as a member of Hellsing's taskforce.
Having spent years hunting vampires as a solo assassin, you had more than enough skills to hold your own against creatures of the night.
Not that any of your coworkers believed you.
Everyone stood a solid foot above you, I mean, it was ridiculous. What were these people eating?
The workplace also presented a physical disadvantage.
The shelves and hook carrying tactical gear were always just out of reach, your uniform was on the baggy side, and you were dwarfed by the bullet-proof vests provided for marksmanship training.
More often than not, you were left out of group training exercises, teased during break hours, and the last chosen for missions on the field. It was more than frustrating, but you still spent your free time training on the grounds and further honing your skills.
When you eventually met Alucard, he was also a bit of a pain.
He belittled your small stature, calling you a "piece of dog kibble" and that you should "get out while you can before the wolves snatch you up."
But then everything changed when the Fire Nation Valentine Brothers attacked.
While your comrades were being slaughtered, you were cutting through ghouls like they were salami on a charcuterie board.
You were able to weave through their sloppy formations with ease, taking knives, ammunition and explosives off of the ghouls tactical belts as you butchered them one by one.
You even happened to pass by Jan Valentine at one point during the battle, grabbing one of the guns in his holster and getting a good shot behind his knee before disappearing back into the chaos.
"What the shitballs was that!?"
It's 1999, Jan, year of the rabbit 🖕🐰
By the time the battle was finished, you were CAKED in ghoul blood. Picture Carrie in a Kevlar vest with 2 combat knives and a semi-auto strapped to her back.
Meeting up with the survivors, Integra didn't immediately recognize you due to the fact you were always overshadowed by the giant soldiers (they dead now), but you definetley stood out in your own way.
The following week, you were promoted to Captain and put in charge of training the Flying Geese into proper vampire killers.
Alucard, still unconvinced that the mercenaries were worth their salt, watched as you proceeded to kick their asses through every training exercise, weaving around them like Walter's fibreglass wires.
The Geese even gave you a nickname: "The Virus." Because while not visible to the eye, you could take down entire biosystems of freaks before they could say "shitballs".
For the first time in a while, Alucard had to swallow his pride and admit he underestimated you.
But it didn't stop there.
After joining Alucard and Seras on a couple of private missions, the three of you became thick as thieves, especially you and Alucard.
The dichotomy between you two made for an interesting duo. The monstrous vampire king and the petite human hunter, it was almost like a sitcom.
While you continued to prove time and again that you were more than capable of pulling your own, Alucard would never stop being protective of you. He was always watching your back, shooting freaks from a distance while you run into the heart of the fight.
You would always be his little rabbit, but never forgot that this rabbit was a carnivore.
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alicepao13 · 3 months
For a golf episode, okay. For a filler, also okay. Not that much going on.
Let's get one thing out of the way first:
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Episode title says caddy. They liked that pun, I guess. As the grammar website I checked explains it further, it's not considered a huge error.
CityTV has such a nerve to put their logo in there after all their scheduling changes and general lack of interest for this show (I have no beef with that interview man, I forgot his name, but his interview with Diesel and John Reardon before the season premiere was actually fun).
I absolutely had no idea that women's golf was so lucrative.
"All I heard is sandwich" Thank god for Sarah. I only like Sarah from now on. Not even Rex, he seems too into golf, although there are too many balls involved for a dog to stay indifferent.
Joe joined the golf club when Camilla was born? Didn't he, like, adopt her after he married her mother? Or is my recollection false?
Charlie had worked as a caddie. Well, certainly some backstory there. And of course he's like, the best of them at it even if he doesn't want to join the club.
Seriously, we can't take them anywhere. Especially Rex, whose nose doesn't take a single day off. Boom, one more day off ruined.
I tuned out in every single golf talk, which is unfortunate because it was mixed with the plot (still found the culprit as soon as they appeared on screen). It's just really hard to follow when I don't care about it at all. Since I like almost all sports, I consider those I don't like as non-sports. Mainly golf and formula car racing.
They cut the chase scene? What?
That scene where Charlie drives a golf cart and Rex runs alongside him does not deserve a cool music lmao
Charlie playing golf as he's interviewing a (at the time) person of interest. I can't decide if this is unprofessional or I just don't like golf.
Ah, please someone tell me how many shots they did for that uninterrupted shot of Charlie's short putt that went pretty close to the hole. I know that the guys actually golf in real life but this had to be close but also not go in the hole for Rex to grab it.
Amazon! How the hell can you put an ad about fast delivery in this show, when you consistently fail to deliver the actual show on time in your streaming service? Am I the only one seeing the irony here? Last season it was too early, this season too late.
Also, Jesse, don't you dare wear that. Charlie's orange jumpsuit was actually a better shade of orange than this one.
Okay, maybe there were a bunch of chase scenes in this episode so they felt they could lose one. Acceptable.
Poor Rex's head. I'd have liked more of Charlie's worry please, although it seems like we might get this in a future episode.
This might be the first time we see Rex's teeth as Charlie checks for god knows what. Come on, show, let Rex bare his teeth just once while growling at a bad guy!
*gasps* Skeletal remains! On a family show!
They shouldn't have spoiled Jesse's shirt in the end scene on their promotional pictures. Not that it's such a big thing, but they should actually stop uploading promotional pictures from the final scenes altogether, or post them after the show has aired.
I liked the teamwork in this one. I believe the golf episode had been brewing since S2, where they had to scrap the idea due to a heavy snowfall, which turned the golf field into a ski slope. There is no avoiding golf, apparently!
Promo: What the actual fuck. Charlie and Rex combined whump? Charlie thrown out of a moving truck? Rex missing? Charlie having temporary amnesia? Hospital? Is it my birthday? (Well, it's actually pretty close to my name day instead.) Please squeeze a scene in there with a worried Sarah, and I take back every single bad thing I said about this season (the show only, I don't take back anything about CityTV). Yes, even the whales.
Of course this would be the episode that they'd take a break on. Oh, well. After that terrible hiatus, I can stand to wait a few days. A day had passed already as I was looking for the episode (turns out that they knew what they were doing lol).
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tonisbabydoll · 7 days
nooo pls i love it!! i’m sungchan biased normally (read: sungchan is my man!! /lh) but anton makes me go a little crazy and sending asks on ur blog about him has NOT been helping😭😭😭
so sorry.. this is now going to be extremely self indulgent but!! hear me out if u will… thinking nasty thoughts here but.. this is going in a different direction now but😓😓
having both anton and sungchan as fwbs and anton is of course still very simpy for u and sungchan too but they’d just show it in different ways (just desperately need these 2 to be obsessed with me :( so sad :( but) yeah basically i just want them to fight over me forgive me if i’ve already sent an ask about this exact thing
but like if they know about each other and they’re just always in competition but it looks a little different, like anton would always bring u coffee or snacks when he sees u and little gifts like a necklace or smth so you’d wear it next time u see sungchan and inevitably sungchan would ask who gave it to u🤭🤭 anton would make sure u did stuff for ur birthday and celebrate little things in ur life always making sungchan feel like shit cuz he either forgot about them or didn’t think u cared about ur promotion at work that much🤧🤧
so sungchan would find other ways to make anton jealous instead, taking pictures of u next time and probably each time u fuck, cumming on ur face and tits and then saying “smile for anton” as he snaps a photo of ur ruined self before sending it to the younger boy… or he’d take a video of him fucking your from behind sending it again to anton with just these emojis or smth😜🍆🍑
and then anton would have to retaliate by sending similar images back.. mirror selfies with his fingers buried in ur cunt, saved and sent to sungchan, maybe even an audio clip of u moaning his name! and then at some point they’d inevitably have to settle it with a 3some to prove which one of them makes u feel the best with their cock but i mean how could u make a concrete decision after they’ve both fucked u brainless? lmao
- 🧸 anon
ANON YOURE SO FUCKING INSANE I LOVE THIS???? you haven’t sent an ask for this yet by the way <3
they’d even be fighting for your attention during the threesome, each boy sucking on your tit and asking who does it better. you’d just tell them to shut up, not wanting to think. when anton’s eating you out, sungchan’s rubbing your clit, asking whether you prefer his fingers or anton’s mouth and you couldn’t even give an answer, just whimpering and babbling. they’d even do dp with you, desperate to find out who fucks you better, whispering in your ear “i fuck you better than he ever could, right? moan my name for me, baby.” you’d just be so speechless, your brain just overtaken by the pleasure they were giving you. you’d lost track of how many times you’d cum at this point, you were fucked so dumb.
for the last round, sungchan would take you from behind as you sucked anton off, starting to feel dizzy. the room was filled with moans of your name from the two boys while yours were muffled by anton’s cock. this would end with sungchan finishing on your ass while anton covered your face. like the competitive boys they were, they argued over which place was better to cum making you roll your eyes at them. anton would say cumming on your face was better because you were simply beautiful to him while sungchan argued that cumming on your ass was just sexier🤷🏻‍♀️ you were so fucked out, you didn’t even want to think about who the “better one” was, sending you even further in confusion. (i would choose anton personally, being called beautiful would make me melt quite frankly!)
in conclusion: this has me going insane and i would love to have 2 guys fight over me (only 1 man has found me attractive in my almost 20 years of life)
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chenswire · 10 months
Now that you said it I’m really curious about the foods in swummer files and voice lines now😳 not knowing Chinese is a pain sometimes.
copypasting this following paragraph from a writeup i did for a friend so it might sound a little more deranged than usual
in swummer's profile archive 4 they say the LGD officers will sometimes secretly(🤨) compare the difference between chen and swire's leadership styles in private; when following chen you have to yolo speedrun with her and will need half a day to recover from it while following swire requires you to multitask but in a controlled and not chaotic way and everything is very clearcut etc etc everyone generally agrees that they both 'seem to have 8 heads each, if i were in their shoes i would have been a goner after the first day' and it ends with rat king and wei two lungmen boomers drinking tea talking about the two of them too i was like ???? telenovela moment??? well not as crazy as the archive also saying that chen's desk was vacant (read: untouched and not taken over) for 2 years before swire tidied it up and put all the stuff into a box (read: not throwing them away) and labeling chen's (full) name on it (very normal about this meaningless detail)
Voice lines time
Talk 3
咳……检查了一下最近的行动记录,看得出这几年来,罗德岛的战术也更专业了,不错不错……哈?作为曾经的训练顾问看看任务记录不是很正常吗?我才没有偷看陈的资料! Ahem...! I just checked your recent operation records, and it seems like Rhodes Island's tactics have significantly improved (lit: even more professional) in the past few years, not bad at all… HAH? Isn't it completely normal (CNT: Is there a problem) for a former instructor to be interested in this sort of thing? I-I didn't sneak a peek at Chen's data!
Talk after promotion 1
当上局长也没什么大不了的,无非是任务重了点、操心的事多了点,更能理解陈了点……啊,再强调一遍,我是接管近卫局,不是接陈的班!就算她现在回来,也是要叫我“长官”的! Becoming the (department) Chief isn't that big of a deal. It's just that my work and responsibilities have increased by a little bit, and I can also understand Chen a little more... Ah! I'll say this again, I'm not taking over her position, but the entire LGD! So even if she comes back now, she'll have to call me Chief!
I like how she uses the same syntax? for all three, but I couldn't figure out how to word the [(noun) (verb) 少少] pattern succinctly in english AND keep the nuances lol skill issue... repeating 'a little bit more' thrice just sounds so wordy yea but anyway
the first two is 重 (heavier so a increase in both amount and importance) and 多 (more) but CNT has the last verb as 深(deeper) and also instead of 操心 its 烦 which is more like 'bother' than 'worry' aren't nuances great yippee
in her JP dub she says あのバカ龍 on the last chen mention while CN/CNT just uses the equivalent of 'her' instead of 仆街龍 but understandable because the word is a little strong lmao but im taking the nuance of her using 而家返嚟 as opposed to 現在回來 as a W regardless (something like come home vs go back)
this line is also referenced in a 123 rhodes comic strip
she does call her 仆街龍 in her module when talking to Hoshiguma though i'm tell you
别看那个了, 快帮我分分礼物。这是给你的冲浪板,这是给臭老鼠的火山泥面膜,这是给扑街龙的唱片——等她回来自己拿吧,还有给老魏的水果罐头…… Stop looking at that thing already and help me sort out my souvenirs. This surfboard is for you, this lava mud mask is for that cau lau syu, this album is for that puuk gai lung—she can take this herself when she comes back, and there's the canned fruit for old Wei...
>>>>>>>>>>等她回来自己拿吧 a more literal TL would be like '(you can kinda fit a I'll/we'll in here..???Let's) wait for her to come back here to take it herself'
this and the box thing from her profile the 'waiting for her wife to return from the war' vibes is off the charts tehe still hoping we get an actual voiced Puuk Gai Lung (swire edition) one day though (looks at global)
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animusicnerd · 2 years
May i request promot number 3, paired with dialogue 10 and can the be malluse or vil?
Sweater Weather Event
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☾ Pairing: Malleus x Gn!reader
☾ Date Prompt 3: Sharing stealing Clothes
☾ Dialogue Prompt 10: “Your hands are cold.”
☾ Notes: I had such a hard time for this for some reason. I have no idea why but I just did and I think it’s just because I’m on a Lilia brainrot. In turn, I have a Diasomnia brainrot and so, I just get a lot of ideas, lmao. Hope you enjoy this, anon!
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“Your hands are cold,” was the first thing Malleus said to you upon arriving at your door. He had held out his hand, wanting you to hold on to it as he whisked the both of you away for your date, but it was cold. It felt as if you had dunked your hands in a basin of freezing water before you came out. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked you to walk around campus. It snowed earlier that day and Lilia had informed him that it would only get colder on your walk. “Should we stay inside? I don’t want you to freeze.”
You shook your head and laughed. “I’ll just get some gloves from Sam’s store. I forgot to get some when I went there today.
“But your hands…” Malleus trailed off. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of a solution. He could give you his own gloves but wouldn’t it be too big on you? He would also have to keep his own hands within his cloak to prevent them from freezing as well but then he wouldn’t be able to hold your hand properly. Well, it would only be until you get to the shop, right? He could also make some for you. It would only be temporary but it would give your hands some warmth.
“I have an idea.” You held out your hand. “Give me one of your gloves.
Confused but curious enough to listen, Malleus gave you one of his gloves. You smiled in satisfaction as you pulled it on. Your fingers couldn’t reach the end and the wrist seemed to be loose on you, but you didn’t seem to mind as you grabbed his gloveless hand with yours before shoving it in the pocket of your puffy jacket.
Malleus couldn’t help but smile. It was a simple idea, a little stupid, but an entertaining one. “So do we stay like this until we get to the shop
You nodded, a grin on your face as you shut the door behind you. “Yup! Now, let’s go before it gets colder.”
A soft chuckle was pulled from Malleus as he let you drag him to the Mystery Shop. Your idea wasn’t the best one but he didn’t mind it one bit.
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lolzitop · 9 months
Aikatsu Stars is cool but I have the hubris of a god and I think I can do better so I decided to rewrite everything about it lmao (this is for you @arabella-pink)
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Season 1
Main characters are Yume, Koharu, Rola, Mahiru, Ako, and Haruka Ruka (I can’t help it her wide eyes and cute character design has captured me) 
Pre-Season 1 Yume is someone who had a decent amount of fame as a child star and lost it (idk how I came up with all this a week ago and forgot) and now is doing everything she can to regain popularity again 
Yume and Koharu are still childhood friends they are a package deal and you cannot and will not separate them
Four Star Academy is a highly prestigious idol academy that’s super duper competitive- especially considering that you have to be the best of the best to be in S4 
Speaking of S4, in Season 1, S4 only consists of Yozora, Tsubasa, and Yuzu 
Before the school year in Season 1 started, Hime completely disappeared from the spotlight due to the pressure she has felt as the top idol (she’s the most favorited out of S4, every brand she promotes sells out in seconds, she is bigger than life itself, think of her as the Taylor Swift (popularity wise) of Aikatsu) 
Yozora, Tsubasa, and Yuzu are the only ones who know where she is, but refuse to disclose, to the point that Moroboshi almost disbands S4 because of it 
We find out where Hime is like,,, end of S1- beginning of S2 (Hime plays a bigger role in S2) 
Erasing the whole dress-make system that Aikatsu had because I am sick of idol designers I want regular designers back please
For a while, Yume had left her old star life before seeing S4 performs (and being hit with the classic Aikatsu moment™ where she realizes that this is what she wants)
The only problem is… Yume’s not very talented in the idol field… she struggles with dancing and singing and practically has two left feet
So imagine everyone’s surprise (including Yume) when she absolutely kills her debut performance (this is where the magic rainbow power comes in) 
The rainbow power is one of Aikatsu Stars’ biggest mysteries because??? What are you??? Where did you come from?? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS AND WHY DO YOU TARGET RANDOM IDOLS??
In the rewrite, the rainbow power is something that is a “gift” from the Aikatsu System (which idk I might make another post about with my ideas) in which it amplifies abilities of idols: gives them the most beautiful voices and powerful auras to the point it overrides any other auras nearby; however, it does have its cons: it causes the idol to lose their voice (like in canon), become more fragile, and forget their memories the more they use the power
Anyways, Yume’s feeling great and then the partner performance thing comes and she’s paired with Rola and does absolutely horrendous
Even then, her confidence is still high because she proclaims Rola as her rival (who agrees but doesn’t really take it seriously) 
Oh, I forgot to mention, Rola and Mahiru are prodigies from really rich families (*gasp* nepotism…) and have been child stars- they’re also rivals who are constantly at each other’s throats 
Rola doesn’t really think Yume’s a threat so most of the time she’s quite dismissive of Yume, but Mahiru respects Yume a lot after her debut performance 
Mahiru and Rola had planned to be in Flower Song Class together (and whoever won the selection would win their “little” rivalry) but Mahiru switches classes after seeing Yume’s performance (who has made it very clear that she’s going to go to Flower Song Class) 
Also Flower Song Class has a reputation of pushing out the biggest top idols of their age (ex. Hotaru Yukino, Hime) and is a highly competitive class 
Anyways, Yume and Rola make it to Flower Song (Yume’s power activates again), Mahiru and Koharu are in Moon Beauty, Ako is in Bird Theater, and Haruka Ruka is in Wind Dance 
Rola and Mahiru have a big fight about how Mahiru is a coward and is backing out of their rivalry, blah blah blah some sapphic fighting idk guys they just have a big fight 
Also Ako and Haruka Ruka are friends as well 
Ako became an idol similar to canon,, she liked a member of M4 and wanted to get close to him (except its Kanata she likes and not Subaru because I like Kanata more) 
She basically calculates and plans to trick him into liking her lmao (except it turns out Kanata knew the whole time and liked her for her true self) 
Guys I swear I’ll come up with more stuff for Ako and Haruka Ruka I WILL I PROMISE IT'S BEEN A BUSY WEEK
I may pull a Bandai and abandon M4 because I do not know how they could impact the plot they’re just,,, standing there and looking pretty (I only have stupid headcanons)
Back to Yume, she finds out more about her power somehow and instead of trying to get rid of it,,, she uses it more to her advantage 
Girl is DEAD set on being famous- she finds out a way to use the power frequently, which sets her at the top of her class and actually makes her popular with the general public (she probably got an album out i dunno) 
She’s been warned by Moroboshi, who has seen how this power has hurt his own sister. But won’t stop, she can’t stop, because she’s climbing up and up. She’s made a name for herself, she’s made new friends… and she’s losing them even quicker than she made them 
She can’t remember much about herself anymore: what songs she hums when she can’t sleep, the food her mother used to make for her when she was upset, the games that Koharu and Yume used to play when they were little. But it’s fine, it's perfectly fine because Yume is famous now. She has everything she wants. 
Yume’s been thriving in Four Star’s competitive environment. Koharu, on the other hand… hasn’t been doing the best. Koharu has always been more of a designer than an idol, and she’s always behind everyone else. She doesn’t have many friends outside of Yume, and even Yume has been too busy to hang out with Koharu. The pressure and stress is too much, and she decides to leave Four Star Academy to be better. (*Episode 30 flashbacks*) Yume comes back to their dorm with all of Koharu’s things gone, and only some candy and a note left for Yume. It’s only then that Yume realizes all that she’s lost, that in the search for fame, she’s lost who she was, her friends, her family, everything, just to get her name to the top. 
Yume struggles a lot with fame, where she barely gets an ounce of privacy, and the pressure is crumbling her (along with the guilt that this isn’t her, it’s the magic power). She’s been used by many people, who use her name to be more famous, and then immediately leave her. 
Yume realizes why Hime left. Hime had a midas touch, everything she would touch would turn gold. However, what good is a midas touch if all you wanted was to wear silver jewelry? And Yume thinks of how lucky Hime is, to have taken her dignity and left the idol world. 
A big part of Yume’s arc is how she isn’t idol-worthy. She doesn’t really have the star quality in her. Everyone around her is naturally talented and good at everything and Yume… isn’t. Everyone is sort of the chosen one… except Yume. Yume is a person who knows she isn’t special, but makes herself special. There will always be queens and princesses, but what about the girls without magic in their blood? They have to hold their heads high, as if they are the ones who are adorned with crowns (that’s a Six of Crows reference I love Six of Crows) 
I also had an idea where Yume actually stole the magic power from someone but I also have NO idea how she would do that… guys this is still a work in progress and I’m sorry its so messy its so late and I didn’t get much sleep 
Additional ideas I had that I didn’t know where to put
Koharu is basically a personification of Yume’s childhood and everything that makes Yume… well Yume, so her disappearing is just symbolism for how Yume has lost herself and her childhood 
Mahiru and Rola are gay and they like each other in the rewrite because I think their dynamic is cool (they’re also lacy by Olivia Rodrigo coded you guys should listen) 
FSA still puts an emphasis on individuality so students are encouraged to customize their uniforms as well as their school coords (so their Star Coords all have different silhouettes)
Hime is sort of someone who “haunts” the narrative in Season 1 
Ako gets her own brand (that isn’t FuwaFuwa Dream nor Shiny Smile but a secret third thing (I don’t know yet))
Haruka Ruka may have a Pop Brand with a decora concept called “DECO●LOUR MY WORLD” but I don’t know yet 
Koharu is also a cute type idol 
Anyways the Season 2 post (if I ever make one we’ll see) will have Hime getting an SPR and Yume NOT getting an SPR but she gets Koharu back so I think that’s a fair trade
Also some songs for the rewrite would be The Lucky One (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift, making the bed by Olivia Rodrigo, You’re On Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift, and Castle’s Crumbling (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault) by Taylor Swift
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kittendrumstick · 6 months
had an experience that exemplifies how shitty the internet has gotten due to low-quality content, AI garbage, and google being useless now.
it all started on instagram, where i was shown a clickbait-style video about a study where japanese researchers tried to figure out what causes kidney disease in cats (with the supposed goal of making them live 30+ years as the "hook" to get people to watch). the video goes on to state the researchers eventually came up with a solution called the AIM injection that would be available in 2025.
i was like ok, the injection part sounds promising, where did they get this info? so i went to google. the top source was the research paper itself, but… nowhere in the paper or anything associated with it does it state anything about an injection (or cats living 30+ years as a result, though this part was obviously pretty dubious from the start). there's no info later than 2016. the other top sources? clickbait sites rewriting each others' content, one of which literally links to the instagram account as a "primary source." just. lmao.
two of the top sources, from the SAME WEBSITE, and one of which is being used as a "featured snippet" on google, are AI-generated content about the AIM injection. the featured one says it addresses a "spectrum of ailments" which is obviously wrong, and the other is written as if the injection is a cybersecurity threat (i had to look this up again because the writing was so incomprehensible the first time i saw it i actually forgot what it was about, lol). i thought maybe because the research originated in japan that it might be hard to find any specific info in english beyond the study itself, but if there is an originating source for the injection claims, it's not coming up on google or any of the sites sharing this "information." if it was linked in an instagram or tiktok video, someone would have pulled it by now since they all love to steal from each other (assuming they're not all created by the same people/content farms). i feel like even without the absolutely wild "cats will live to 30+" claims, an injection that can significantly reduce or potentially cure kidney disease in cats should be big enough news to have at least one true english source if accurate, which tells me it most likely isn't.
i found one post on reddit asking similar questions about the injection availability with no responses, because apparently no one else knows if this shit is real or fake either. but they're sure as hell gonna flood the internet with bullshit content that google happily promotes. i hate it here!!
(also if anyone does somehow have an actual, real source for this... i want to see it lmao)
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fan-dweeb · 6 months
(large spoiler) Ever think that quirkless Keigo is just gonna keep going with his model career?? Like he's not a pro hero anymore, so he just keeps the modeling gig?? I wanna know your thoughts on this lmao
Hii!! Small disclaimer, I’m actually not caught up with the anime, let alone the manga, at all, so most of what I say is based on snippets I get from fanfics and meta lmao
Hmmm this is really interesting. Short answer: I think with the way that Keigo has finally been set free (symbolically with losing his quirk, and literally from the HPSC (I think)), he’ll probably stop everything else related to Hawk’s job as well.
Slightly longer answer:
From Horikoshi’s perspective, Keigo has already served his original purpose as a character so it wouldn’t really make a difference either way canonically. If he does intend to have those ‘5 years from now’ snapshot, I feel like Keigo will be overseas travelling or something rather than modelling though, if just to be consistent with his theme of being set free. If not as a personal choice, ‘do it for the plot’ lmao. I do mean this quite literally though, because now he’s got so much potential for the ‘self-discovery slice-of-life’.
,,,, but I personally think this is a bit of a cop out choice for Keigo’s future.
I’m not gonna be the analyst who says ‘he never had a chance to make his own choices’ because technically he did. This doesn’t mean he made a good one, but if you step away from popularised fanon, he did agree to going with the HPSC because he wants to be a Hero and not because of his mum. This isn’t so much that I haven’t ‘read between the lines’, but that he never once looked at his mum or made reference to what would happen to his mum if he followed the HPSC. Unless ‘reading between the lines’ include fabricating entire dialogues under an assumption that Hawks was suppressing his memories, I think it’s safer to assume he just couldn’t care less loll. But that’s the thing; his whole life revolved around Heroes, whether as Keigo or as Hawks. Now that it’s been brutally and suddenly ripped out of his hands and NOT in the form of death like he was probably expecting? He has to find something else to do, whether it be modelling or travelling or being a librarian or whatever,,,,, that is, if we make an assumption that he can’t keep being a Hero.
Look, we know he wants to help people. Some might even say he’s kind (that might’ve been drilled out of it by HPSC’s cold blooded training, but hey, maybe it’s just buried really, really deep inside). If we look at this not from a story writing perspective but purely from the character Keigo’s perspective (a bit counter intuitive, I know but bear with me), I honestly think at some point in the far future he might try to pursue a career in Heroism/ the police dpt / the fire dpt (hAH irony)/ some kind of physically-inclined job that traditionally seeks to help people. I think most people tend to stick to things that feel familiar with them even if it’s an unconscious decision.
So how does this link to whether he continues modelling? (because I’ve totally been building up to a point and not just going off on a tangent lmfao)
I think a lot of the fandom sees modelling as Evil, whether this be because of the horror stories of modelling in real life, because of an understanding of mutant quirk discrimination, wing kinks, and thinking Hawks definitely didn’t like being seen in that light, or because of some mixture of other reasons. And I think that’s true in the sense that it probably wasn’t what Keigo had in mind when he first signed up to being a Hero.
With that said, I’ve seen a particularly well written fanfic (I forgot which tbh) where Hawks is explaining the importance of modelling in promoting a sense of safety in civilians, especially for Heroes with anthromorphic quirks, outside of just gaining popularity. Which I think is a really fresh and extremely valid argument. As such, modelling could be a very nice supplement to him regaining popularity or at least, regain familiarity with both the general public but also his roots of inspiring confidence and safety if he decides to pursue any of the jobs I’ve mentioned above.
There is a counter argument, especially for Keigo being a Hero, that the quirkist ideas are so ingrained him (subconsciously or otherwise by the HPSC) that being a Hero again, or just doing any job at all without a quirk probably never crossed his mind. And if he wanted to keep up with helping people, there are a multitude of other jobs he could do. (Which modelling still doesn’t quite fit but ehh maybe as encouragement to/ empowerment of quirkless people?). But, I think this is a rather naive and simplistic analysis of Hawk’s and Keigo’s character of a person too deep into fanon.
If there’s one thing Hawks fans can agree on, please let it be that he’s really freaking complex.
He’s seen the worst and the best of society. He’d just about experienced every facet of society possible as a person in the bnha universe besides being an Average Joe. And now, he’s about to head into the small undiscovered area of quirklessness. (We as readers get a bit of this from Izuku’s POV, but for Keigo this is about as novel as it gets). Speaking as a writer, whether modelling is part of that experience remains entirely on what you want to explore with Keigo as a character.
Lmk what you guys think as well!! (in comments/ tags/ dm/ asks, all are ok :D )
(note: apologies for the barely organised word vomit and non-answer at the end, this was typed impulsively from my phone lmao)
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lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 8 months
So could you please give your TED talk about Meredith Stannard and why you want to rip her throat out with your teeth?
ahhh yes lmao i forgot i said that! disclaimer as i get into this that i think she's an amazing character and a great antagonist, and i'm by no means saying that anybody shouldn't like her. (idk, i just don't wanna get rude asks or anything if this post makes the rounds!)
okay so i mean, aside from the basic black and white thinking that, combined with the paranoia and other issues brought on by the red lyrium, made her behave tyrannically and commit ethical missteps with the mages under her charge, i have serious problems with the way she treats Cullen. let's just take a tally of how that goes, yes?
the kid is no older than 20 when he arrives in Kirkwall, and he is immediately made Knight-Captain, as far as I can tell. he was 19 during the events of Origins, and he says in Inquisition that he took his vows at 18, so he's just plain old 'knight-templar' when shit goes down in Ferelden. that's a leap of two ranks by the time he gets to Kirkwall. and granted, after the events with Uldred and all he probably gets promoted to Knight-Lieutenant out of sheer necessity, but still! 20 years old. second in command of one of the largest circles in Thedas. and yes, i think she did that on purpose. being younger and less experienced makes him easier to manipulate.
i also think it's likely that she chose him based on what happened in Ferelden. (and yes, i do think she chose him. i don't think he would have ended up in that position without Meredith's express approval.) i think she probably saw in him something of a kindred spirit based on his disapproval and hostility towards mages at that point in time, and wanted like-minded people on her team as she sought to exert power and control over the circle there. because let's be honest: the red lyrium made her faults worse, but it didn't manufacture them. otherwise, we would have seen the exact same mage panic in Bartrand, but his paranoia took a very different form.
we know she kept things from Cullen. 'things he wouldn't approve of,' he tells us in Inquisition. it was his job to keep her in check, relieve her of duty if she got out of control, and so she concealed things from him that might have led him to do so. if those first two weren't red flags, this one should be a dozen red flags plus neon lights plus sirens.
okay, so with that in mind, i'm going a little off book now, away from the canon and into speculation based on my understanding of the world. as Knight-Commander, Meredith would have directly overseen the lyrium rations of (if not most/all of Kirkwall's templars, then certainly) Cullen. he answered directly to her and no one else. that's one hell of a tool to use to exert power over someone. and i believe she probably did. i think she probably utilized her control of his access to lyrium to control his behavior, either by reducing his rations or increasing them, whichever suited her needs. as a recovering addict myself, this thought makes my stomach turn.
so all in all... this list makes me sick. it disgusts me to think of the ways she must have been manipulating him, playing on his fears and trauma and addiction and naivety to get what she wanted. this list reads to me like abuse, and i hate that for Cullen. sure, he wasn't a great person at that point in time, and that's partly due to trauma and partly due to anger and prejudice.
but how much of it is due to Meredith?
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