#quirkless hawks
fan-dweeb · 9 months
(large spoiler) Ever think that quirkless Keigo is just gonna keep going with his model career?? Like he's not a pro hero anymore, so he just keeps the modeling gig?? I wanna know your thoughts on this lmao
Hii!! Small disclaimer, I’m actually not caught up with the anime, let alone the manga, at all, so most of what I say is based on snippets I get from fanfics and meta lmao
Hmmm this is really interesting. Short answer: I think with the way that Keigo has finally been set free (symbolically with losing his quirk, and literally from the HPSC (I think)), he’ll probably stop everything else related to Hawk’s job as well.
Slightly longer answer:
From Horikoshi’s perspective, Keigo has already served his original purpose as a character so it wouldn’t really make a difference either way canonically. If he does intend to have those ‘5 years from now’ snapshot, I feel like Keigo will be overseas travelling or something rather than modelling though, if just to be consistent with his theme of being set free. If not as a personal choice, ‘do it for the plot’ lmao. I do mean this quite literally though, because now he’s got so much potential for the ‘self-discovery slice-of-life’.
,,,, but I personally think this is a bit of a cop out choice for Keigo’s future.
I’m not gonna be the analyst who says ‘he never had a chance to make his own choices’ because technically he did. This doesn’t mean he made a good one, but if you step away from popularised fanon, he did agree to going with the HPSC because he wants to be a Hero and not because of his mum. This isn’t so much that I haven’t ‘read between the lines’, but that he never once looked at his mum or made reference to what would happen to his mum if he followed the HPSC. Unless ‘reading between the lines’ include fabricating entire dialogues under an assumption that Hawks was suppressing his memories, I think it’s safer to assume he just couldn’t care less loll. But that’s the thing; his whole life revolved around Heroes, whether as Keigo or as Hawks. Now that it’s been brutally and suddenly ripped out of his hands and NOT in the form of death like he was probably expecting? He has to find something else to do, whether it be modelling or travelling or being a librarian or whatever,,,,, that is, if we make an assumption that he can’t keep being a Hero.
Look, we know he wants to help people. Some might even say he’s kind (that might’ve been drilled out of it by HPSC’s cold blooded training, but hey, maybe it’s just buried really, really deep inside). If we look at this not from a story writing perspective but purely from the character Keigo’s perspective (a bit counter intuitive, I know but bear with me), I honestly think at some point in the far future he might try to pursue a career in Heroism/ the police dpt / the fire dpt (hAH irony)/ some kind of physically-inclined job that traditionally seeks to help people. I think most people tend to stick to things that feel familiar with them even if it’s an unconscious decision.
So how does this link to whether he continues modelling? (because I’ve totally been building up to a point and not just going off on a tangent lmfao)
I think a lot of the fandom sees modelling as Evil, whether this be because of the horror stories of modelling in real life, because of an understanding of mutant quirk discrimination, wing kinks, and thinking Hawks definitely didn’t like being seen in that light, or because of some mixture of other reasons. And I think that’s true in the sense that it probably wasn’t what Keigo had in mind when he first signed up to being a Hero.
With that said, I’ve seen a particularly well written fanfic (I forgot which tbh) where Hawks is explaining the importance of modelling in promoting a sense of safety in civilians, especially for Heroes with anthromorphic quirks, outside of just gaining popularity. Which I think is a really fresh and extremely valid argument. As such, modelling could be a very nice supplement to him regaining popularity or at least, regain familiarity with both the general public but also his roots of inspiring confidence and safety if he decides to pursue any of the jobs I’ve mentioned above.
There is a counter argument, especially for Keigo being a Hero, that the quirkist ideas are so ingrained him (subconsciously or otherwise by the HPSC) that being a Hero again, or just doing any job at all without a quirk probably never crossed his mind. And if he wanted to keep up with helping people, there are a multitude of other jobs he could do. (Which modelling still doesn’t quite fit but ehh maybe as encouragement to/ empowerment of quirkless people?). But, I think this is a rather naive and simplistic analysis of Hawk’s and Keigo’s character of a person too deep into fanon.
If there’s one thing Hawks fans can agree on, please let it be that he’s really freaking complex.
He’s seen the worst and the best of society. He’d just about experienced every facet of society possible as a person in the bnha universe besides being an Average Joe. And now, he’s about to head into the small undiscovered area of quirklessness. (We as readers get a bit of this from Izuku’s POV, but for Keigo this is about as novel as it gets). Speaking as a writer, whether modelling is part of that experience remains entirely on what you want to explore with Keigo as a character.
Lmk what you guys think as well!! (in comments/ tags/ dm/ asks, all are ok :D )
(note: apologies for the barely organised word vomit and non-answer at the end, this was typed impulsively from my phone lmao)
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Horikoshi really said you guys aren’t sad enough let’s fix that this chapter
AFO is still fighting against Mt. Lady, Hawks and Tokoyami
AFO slices down Mt. Lady and throws an attack towards Tokoyami which Hawks jumps in front of
Tokoyami took a lot of damage still and is lying on the ground in a similar pose to Bakugo
AFO grabs up Hawks by the neck and STEALS HIS QUIRK
AFO flies off after leaving them all seriously injured and Hawks quirkless
Horikoshi really said you can’t have Bakugo back yet but here’s teenage AFO to fuck up your day
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bioplast-hero · 9 months
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Time to Spare
1k • teen • TokoHawks
“Fumikage,” Hawks’ voice buzzed over the telephone, “where the heck are you?” “At the store,” Tokoyami answered simply. He was spending entirely too many minutes deciding which beer Hawks would prefer, his only instruction having been to ‘pick up some cold ones.’ These were, indeed, cold. “C’mon! If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the majong ladies.” “Majong? But I thought this gathering was—” “Stitch ’n Bitch, yeah! That’s next…”
Hawks finds endless hobbies when he retires from that hero life at 23, and he’s absolutely making it Tokoyami’s problem.
[Read the fic on AO3]
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catkettle · 2 months
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Is it okay if I fall in love with you?
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orrwsti · 2 days
i had NEVER seen someone drawing touya and kaina(kinda don't like her clothes tho, but i was too lazy to change it) together
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they would be such a cool friend group fr💯💯
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delawaredetroit · 1 month
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Calling BS, he did this quirkless.
Sir Nighteye can only use his quirk once a day and otherwise he fights quirkless with the help of support items.
Sure, he was claiming his above average combat ability was due to past quirk use. But the same could have been said for characters like Hawks or Izuku later, who are both also prediction and analysis guys who ended up quirkless after significant combat experience with quirks.
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clayberry24 · 3 months
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Quirkless University AU - Keigo Takami
FarrisWheel pt. 1/2
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Good morning, I'm thinking about highschool sweethearts toukei and Touya wearing a mask to hide his burn scars and long sleeves no matter the weather. He gets asked what he's hiding a thousand times a day by nosy kids, but the one person who never pried was Keigo, the kid who transferred to his school recently.
Naturally, that makes Touya like him a little more than everyone else, and they start hanging out. They eat lunch, study, and walk home from school together. They wait for each other after their individual club meetings. (Touya is on the soccer team, Keigo is in archery.)
Eventually, Touya develops a crush. He starts thinking about holding Keigo's hand on their walks home, and... and kissing him. But Touya's never shown anyone his face before, the burn scars that mar his skin too deep and, in his opinion, ugly, to be seen. But he can't stop thinking about it.
It's only after gym one day, when he comes out of the locked bathroom stall he was changing in, that he sees Keigo's own scars. The blonde is changing in the unused shower stalls, only visible from Touya's exact angle. The old wounds are reddish, angry, and scored down his back in a pattern that almost resembles wings. They're not burns, but they're... something.
It makes Touya feel better, in a twisted way. It makes him feel braver, too, brave enough to start holding Keigo's hand on their walks home.
It's a few weeks later that Keigo makes the next move. Tactfully, he blurts it out at the celebration after Touya's soccer match, where his team won by a landslide. The whole team went to get pizza, and Touya dragged Keigo along with them. They'd moved across the restaurant to get away from the rowdy noise, and ended up in the small side room some would generously call an arcade.
"I want to kiss you." Keigo whispered as he sat on the seat of the motorcycle racing game, clutching Touya's hands.
"Do you?"
"If you're okay with it."
He is. He is, but he's fucking terrified to show him what's under the mask. The colorful lights of the arcade games and claw machines, the music and pinging and distant chatter are all muted as he hesitates. In the end, Keigo cups his cheeks and kisses him, brief and soft, over the mask.
The first time they kiss for real, without barriers, is at a school dance. Tucked in the furthest corner, behind the gym's bleachers, Touya turns to Keigo.
"Close your eyes."
He does, and feels Touya's lips- mismatched, misshapen, waxy and cracked and taut- press against his.
They have to duck out of their hiding spot before they get caught by a teacher, but Keigo doesn't open his eyes until Touya says so. Even if he didn't see him, it doesn't stop his stomach from filling with butterflies.
Even then, Keigo never presses to see, although he does ask for plenty more kisses, which he's more than willing to shut his eyes for. He never peeks once, not even when he asks for one while they're walking home and he trips over the crack in the sidewalk, where he would've face planted if Touya hadn't caught him.
Finally, finally, one day, Touya feels brave enough to show him. He was waiting for Keigo to finish his archery meet when some other kids approached him and asked him the dreaded question.
"What's under the mask, Todoroki?"
When he tried to walk away, they stopped him, demanding he show them his "big secret."
Just as Touya thinks things are going to get violent, an arrow strikes, punctures the locker between him and the other kids, making them leap apart.
"Leave him alone!" Keigo snarls from the doorway, his bow up and another arrow aiming at the others, "It's none of your business what's under his mask! It's just his fucking face!"
The other kids promptly make themselves scarce, and Keigo stomps over to Touya, practically vibrating with indignation, while Touya is stunned, having what is very much an italicized "oh" moment.
He can't help it, then, but to grab Keigo and pin him to the locker. He yanks down his mask, and Keigo drops his bow immediately to cover his eyes, but Touya stops him.
"I want you to see." He whispers, and Keigo only gets a second to do so before Touya's lips are on his.
There, against the lockers outside the gym, on a perfectly normal afternoon, with the slanted sunlight turning the hall to gold and illuminating his scars, they kiss. Keigo's fingers feel across the wounds on Touya's face, bold and yet gentle, and Touya just lets him, trembling but but unafraid as his mask dangles from his ear. When they finally pull apart, when Keigo finally gets a good look, what fills his eyes is not disgust, as Touya had feared, but awe.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful, Touya." He whispers, and doesn't give Touya a chance to refute such a claim, before he's kissing him again.
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9trixieturner6 · 1 year
One hell of a chapter, the horikoshi foreshadowing paid off and toga gut checks ochako with her knife. Tsu and jirou are getting fucked up as kamui does his best to hold out.
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We get more flashbacks for toga and she was a really fucking weird kid while her parents handled it about as well as we expected. The impromptu therapy session is also going as well as we expected with toga stabbing ochako, but ochako is still gonna gamble on toga anyway and try to reach out to her.
The jirou and tsu togas look horrifying, they got those feral and crazy eyes. Tsu feels a bit shoehorned in here but it is interesting to see her take on ochako gambling with toga. Also the paralleling shot with hawks back when he confronted twice does a nice job of setting up the old heroes being realistic contrasting with the new shonen generation.
It's wild the parade is still this potent even though they can't use their quirks, they're basically just crushing the heroes under waves of meat. Really makes you wonder how the first war would have gone if twice had pulled off his parade, probably total victory for afo honestly.
Like the little twice asking her about a villain name, reminds me of bakugo and his waiting for best jeanist to reveal his hero name. It's a nice touch.
Lol of course horikoshi had to have the twice toga grab uraraka by the titty.
This will probably wrap up in the next chapter or two, and honestly I'm pretty happy with it. While it certainly feels like toga and ochako are getting the shaft I think it works in their favor, if they had cut the todofam arc back a couple chapters they probably both would have been the perfect length and felt more balanced. In a good way. I'm happy with how things have gone and I'm excited to see where toga ends up
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an-angrygod · 2 months
MHA ending
I absolutely loved the last chapter. I was pretty dissatisfied with how the war ended, and almost expected everything to go back to the same thing. But the time skip showing how society progressed?? Amazing. It made me so emotional how the children choose professions other than hero and that they realise that u can do so much good from things other than heroism.
And even Deku got a good ending. It was nice to know that him and Bakugou remain friends, and that whole callback moment to him and all might??
Also I loved how there wasn’t any romance. I like shipping but it didn’t make sense canonically. It truly focuses on personal growth for all the characters.
I can’t believe people out here hating on it. I literally won’t change a thing about it (I’m sad dabi dies but this chapter made me feel ok with that)
Personally I think Deku still having ofa would have made thing about anyone being hero meaningless. I also thing the whole OFA only exists to defeat AFO works well with it.
Edit: I also wanted to mention how much I enjoyed seeing Deku smile throughout the chapter. He seemed so much lighter, and happier.
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yugiohz · 9 months
*vapes* endeavor couldve been the abusive parent & saint to haunt the todoroki narrative but unfortunately, horikoshi is too horny for that man
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dimensionhoppr · 3 months
One day I will be able to properly break down the themes of authoritarianism, bioessentialism, and the VERY flawed "hero and villain" dynamic in MHA and then it'll be ALL over for you...
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jinxysims · 3 months
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❤️🪶Hawks and Naomi 🪶❤️
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hyuge · 9 months
An Angel
Thinking about Sasamiya DabiHawks where upperclassmen Touya steps in to help one of Keigo's classmates after seeing him about to take action.
Touya sat on the ground, his chin bloody and bruised. He leaned his head back against the brick of the school building and sighed. He was an idiot diving into that fight. Everything hurts - his ribs, his arms, his fists. He didn't even fight back, not really. He should have. He could have easily taken those weak little shits, but instead he let them wail on him to distract them from their real target.
That blond freshman didn't stand a chance in a fight, and yet he looked ready to dive in, like some hero. The way he started to run with the sun shining on his hair made it seem like he sprouted wings. He was an angel. Touya's feet moved on their own.
"Don't," he told him.
Touya gave the freshman a squeeze on the shoulder and gently pushed him aside. He walked into the fight with a cocksure attitude, and a grin wide enough to give the other large, blond freshman a chance to run off.
He sighed. The sun had really messed with his head. An angel. How ridiculous.
"You done being an idiot?"
Touya looked up to see a head of long, gray hair draped over him. Shigaraki held out his hand to help Touya up. "Everything hurts."
"No shit."
His heart especially. What was this strange feeling?
"Why'd you go an do something so stupid?" asked Shigaraki. He slung Touya's arm over his shoulder to help walk him to the infirmary.
"I saw an angel."
Shigaraki squinted at him. "Are you concussed?"
Maybe. "Did that first year get away?"
Shigaraki nodded. "Yeah. Takami-kun took him to the infirmary awhile ago. They've probably gone home now."
"Short. Skinny. Blond hair. We have club together. He's the one that told me you were getting your ass kicked."
Touya rested his head on Shigaraki's shoulder as they entered the building. "I think I'm in love with an angel."
Shigaraki frowned. "You definitely need to get your head checked."
Just some soft Touya swooning and having it down bad for Keigo's birthday.
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fan-dweeb · 11 months
Pre-PLF arc Hawks: Sleep is for the weak and the dead
Post-PLF arc (fanon) Hawks: I am now both
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peachlume · 5 months
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i'm actually gonna start bawling
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