#prompt 10: poetry
bg3-apprecimaytion · 23 days
BG3 Appreci-May-tion Day 10: Poetry
And now our tenth day of the event, and our tenth prompt, poetry. We're excited to see the submissions!
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poemsonmars · 7 months
i have always felt like
there's too much inside of me
and none of it is quite right.
like a flame constantly
burning itself out
when all it's meant to do
is keep the candle lit.
like an hourglass
suffocating itself
from the pressure of
passing the time.
i think i liked the
feeling originally;
the intensity. the burn.
but honestly i'd trade it all in
just to know what it feels like
to breathe fresh air again.
i think i would like to rest.
i think i would like to stop
moving from place to place,
hoping my restlessness
will be mistaken for wanderlust.
hoping the smoke will stop
following me and finding
its way into my lungs
no matter where i go.
i think i would like to
learn how to breathe again.
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salovie · 2 months
When the sun has kissed every single smile you grow,
When the rain has wept away oceans of woe,
When the grass becomes field becomes meadow becomes forest,
When the birds have long memorized your sweet laughter’s chorus,
When the wind has whispered my love from all its directions,
When I run out of ways to share my affections:
through frost and flame, to mountains and shores,
Still you are mine, Still I am yours.
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Despite utterly failing to write my usual anthology of fics for @jonmartinweek this year, I couldn't let the event pass without submitting anything, so here's a collection of poetry! There's two poems for each season and one epilogue, chronicling Martin's feelings towards Jon over the years. Here's the first one, for a taste of how truly bad these poems are:
First Impressions (by Mr. Blackwood)
You sit in your office All fussy and proper Like a cat upon a wall Then I blunder in With tea cup and tail wag And you make me feel so small
Big dogs make big messes Despite best intentions Cats cling when they could let go With fur all a bristle You hiss your chastisement Overeager, clumsy, slow
When eyes cruel as your claws Catch me just to scratch me Everyone sees what is wrong Cats sit on high perches Dogs wait below begging And they'll never get along
(Read the rest on Ao3)
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amalgamationink · 2 months
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pigeonriot · 1 year
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ONE YEAR OF NOT ME DAY 1: Episode 10 + Villain (x)
Anne Sexton, A Self-Portrait In Letters // Mahmoud Darwish, Mural // Josephine Angelini, Firewalker // Welcome to Night Vale, 43 - Visitor // Criss Jami, Killosophy // Imagine Dragons, Natural // Clementine von Radics, James
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soupernatural · 1 year
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for day 4 of @spnpoetryrenaissance : grief
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getcareless · 1 year
With Your Hands
With your hands I
think I have purpose;
there’s more to be explored.
Let’s untie this noose (I’m ticklish).
Mountains have been 
moved with your hands and 
there’s not much you ever say about it.
I think I��m in love.
There’s endless possibilities
with your hands.
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icanonlyblamemyself · 2 years
DECEMBER PROMPTS I. the first day - 12/01/22 -- @nosebleedclub
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smallepics · 2 years
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Memory Box, Lau B.
windstorm. trees in my head. something knuckled and cut in the roots sways in
tides outside the window. great waves in the teeth of the sun. maracas. reeds. the night
shaken. shifting
bands along the roof. warm air in the lungs.
a room trapped in the skull of a tree. terracotta tiled. hands. sun on the shore of a book.
storage rooms. a workbench in the sea. aerosol grease. red metal greening black. alloyed rings and caps. blown open.
put back. the fridge all the way to the ceiling, running in the night.
fish hooks. swimmers. the night. the time of day, again. the sun going down.
the night for hours. rivers on tv.
rivers outside the window.
a windstorm. a loud one.
a quieting one. ]
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catfail · 11 months
close comfort
petrichor puddles pool around my feet; soon knee-deep, steeped in mud, algae and debris. dirt clings close to my calves, hugging my high socks like a desperate lover.
humidity snuggles against my cheeks; melding with the moistness, face rose-red in the heat. sebum and sweat slick in my sinuses, i am swaddled by the cotton clenching heap.
shadowy creatures swim slow past my knees; i am waist-deep as the murky pond water creeps. pressure building above and beneath, the surface tension unnerves me.
prompt: waist deep
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slav-every-day · 11 months
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poemsonmars · 8 months
she tells me that she loves my name,
loves the way it sounds
coming out of her mouth,
and i tell her i love
the way everything sounds
coming out of her mouth.
i ask her to say it, again and again,
and once more for good measure.
i don't tell her that she's
the first partner i've ever had
that's called me by a name
that actually feels like me.
that it feels more freeing
than i thought it would.
that maybe it's a little
heartbreaking, how freeing it feels.
i don't tell her that
i'd started to wonder if
i'd chosen the right name,
that it feels so wrong
when certain people say it.
but with her, it sounds just right.
i tell her that. i tell her
my name coming from her mouth
feels like being wrapped up
in a warm scarf on a cold day.
i tell her it sounds like a melody
that i can't get out of my head—
not that i would want to, anyway.
i tell her i think she's
the only person meant
to ever say my name again,
and she smiles. and i smile
because she is smiling,
but i mean it. god, i mean it.
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lastparty · 2 years
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hobgodling · 10 months
summer poetry prompts, part 5
Morning after
Red shoes
Playing favorites
Lazy river
Peach ice tea
Salt water
Sick day
Long holiday
Late night conversations
Fruity cocktail
Friendship bracelet
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amalgamationink · 2 months
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NAPOWRIMO24 #13: ars poetica
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