#protect me my dudebro
townslore · 5 months
i just saw two people say that shido hurt akira, futaba and haru ( ...and makoto? for some reason? ) more than he hurt goro. Enough youtube comments for today
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
"We need more m/f ships that aren't heternormative or enforce gender stereotypes!!!"You guys couldn't even handle Todomomo
#NAH CAUSE Y'ALL NIGGAS REALLY THREW THAT WORD AT THEM NONSTOP WITH LITERALLY NO BACKING#point to me at a point in the story-i'll even let you use noncanon stuff-where shouto and momo's genders are brought up to their dynamic#you're gonna be searching forever because that never happened even once.SO MANY scenes of them being good best friends to eachother#and not a single one of them indicated they're in love because he's a boy and she's a girl.they don't give a FUCK about that stop projecting#we're literally told and more importantly SHOWN they're close bc of mutual admiration what sweeties they are to and fun they have together#and that they make make eachother feel understood and NORMAL.'heteronormative' my ass tdmm is the most t4t and autistic4autistic ship ever#lower your voice when you speak about them-especially if you stan hawks' dudebro cop ass and think dabitwice or minajirou are platonic#todomomo my darlings i'm so sorry the bnha fandom treated you so horribly because they couldn't accept that not every m/f ship is cishet#or that not every same gender relathionship is realistically queer instead of stereotyping and f*tishization#todomomo#t4t todomomo#todomomo protection squad#todoroki shouto#momo yaoyorozu#half bangladeshi rei agenda#blasian latina momo#trans todoroki#trans momo yaoyorozu#autistic todoroki#autistic momo yaoyorozu#adhd momo#momo yaoyorozu has ocd#momo yaoyorozu has anxiety#goth punk todoroki shouto#pastel punk momo yaoyorozu#agere flips!todomomo#tea blend crew#bnha geekery#💌#summerposting
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aicidos · 2 years
i feel like… it’s really important to re-center the reasons and stakes behind tifa’s agreement to join the journey, bc even though they’re obvious to me i feel like fandom kinda. Forgets. and it informs so much of her breakdown in mideel
firstly, her personal vendetta against sephiroth. it is as simple as a matter of ‘settling a score’ (sound familiar?), an eye for an eye kind of sentiment. secondly, ever since she first arrived to midgar, she has been dead set on getting revenge against shinra somehow for literally Everything they’ve done to her, her communities, and, by extension, the planet. after sector 7, there’s nothing she can go back to, much less does she find herself in the mental state to not do Something about sephiroth + shinra. she has always been reactive in the past: tried killing sephiroth herself, joined avalanche. both courses of action are destructive and, to an extent, self-destructive (her body/life & mental stability), because she feels as though she’s alone in this role as a representative for nibelheim and the vengance she feels they deserve⸺  enter, cloud. his presence switches things up in regards to her self-destruction, because now she’s seeing for two here.
in the grand scheme of her reasons to join the cause, keeping watch over cloud’s strange state is just the newest incentive, and although she cares about him tremendously, withholding the truth from him isn’t even wholly just about his well being: she’s intuitively offsetting a reckoning that’s long overdue for her too. she’s protecting his life not just because he’s a friend, but because if he dies, nibelheim dies with him. which brings me to finally talk about mideel like i once mentioned in this one post.
minus cloud and zack, everyone who survived the nibelheim incident was experimented on became non-entities, and even though zangan escaped, he’s god knows where, his health so badly deteriorated over the years (as mentioned in his letter) that for all tifa knows he could’ve died already. so, just like cloud’s subconscious clings onto his fabricated past and completely breaks down once that’s torn away, tifa clings to the way cloud has come to represent nibelheim, to represent her past as a whole. that’s a big part of her identity. so, naturally, she breaks down over the prospect of him never regaining consciousness/dying, because it means that she has lost the last person who can tie her to her past and verify her trauma, that she’s the only conscious survivor left that can vouch for that destruction while neo-nibelheim sits pretty ‘proving’ her wrong (literally gaslighting her), and, above all, it means that she has really, truly failed at everything she had set out to do before the start of the game/pre-cloud: defeat sephiroth, punish shinra, protect the planet. all of which she was willing to still do even after cloud goes missing mind you (with a little moral support from barret). however, finding out his extremely frail state teetering on death absolutely pulls the rug underneath her bc of the implications cloud’s death has, which i’ve alr mentioned.
tldr it’s just fascinating to me to see her reaction to being backed into a corner: she shuts down, she gives in to despair, and it’s… self-serving. gaia be damned. to a considerable degree, she’s seeing for herself here. she’s widely known for her role as a protector, but what i can’t stress enough is the nuance of that role being distorted: while not exactly not genuine, it’s also not righteously selfless either.
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nerdynikki94 · 11 months
Man, I'm still bothered by DTAMHD last night. Afterwards, I had to watch MFHP (I watched the dance 3 times) just to remind myself that once upon a time, Sunny actually took serious risks for character growth. Like, i just sat there, crying with my wine, saying "Remember when they fucking did that".
I hoped it would make me feel better about the prospect of Dennis' possible growth in the far off future, but honestly, the more I ruminate on it, the less invested I feel. Dennis isn't going to get that moment. I think RCG have related Dennis too much to their shitty fans (you know which ones I'm talking about), that they've decided he gets no emotional relief. (Which is so fucking counterproductive and harmful, because we are fucking constrained by a patriarchy that is getting worse and more controlling, filled with men who Dennis embodies, and it's just going to get even worse until those assholes get therapy.) Point being, giving up on Dennis' character growth will mean more harm than good for Sunny.
I literally woke up in a bad mood thinking about watching the ep last night. I even took today off (because it's my bday) to re-watch and analyze. But I just can't get myself to. I've rewatched every single episode of S16, at least 3 times each (even TGGB-which was painful), but I'm too letdown to watch DTAMHD a second time.
Maybe I'm coming across as a bit dramatic, but DTAMHD just confirmed my biggest fear that Dennis will never get that same chance to grow. His character is who he is, and he won't ever be held accountable for his actions, and he'll never acknowledge the fucked up trauma that he's gone through.
Great! Thanks, I hate it. Worst birthday present ever.
#iasip spoilers#iasip s16#macdennis shit takes a back seat in this. Dennis is a tragic character & I just didn’t want to believe that this is it for him.#Question: has anyone here ever felt themselves slowly lose investment in a fave character's arc?#like RCG really did something with DTAMHD. because i can actually feel my hyperfixation begin to wither and die.#i never wanted to expect macden. but this was some next level for me. like just fucking forget Dennis as a character.#what made sunny so special to me was delving into these flawed ppl & acknowledging that they're products of a fucked up upbringing#Mac came out to his dad. Charlie faced the death & abandonment of his dad. but Dennis? he daydreams & it lowers his blood pressure???#one of these is not like the other.#also. is the ep enjoyable? Yes. Did RCG just give sunnyblr a slap & laugh in our faces? also yes.#there's been hype for a Dennis' arc for a while.especially for S16.then we get a Dennis centered ep. about mental health & it's the finale?#and then that's what they gave to us? an 'it was all a dream' delusion from a man that is already too protected by the narrative to grow#i sincerely don't care how long it takes for S17. if Sunny got canceled. i would probably laugh & say yeah. DTAMHD should be the finale.#it's a very dudebro ending & that's what Sunny is catering to.#haven’t been this upset post finale since TGGTH:P2 aired.Mac going back in the closet really bothered me.DTAMHD left me w/the same feeling#i remember almost giving up on Sunny when Mac jumped back in the closet. no point getting invested in character arcs. same message
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general-cyno · 7 months
I feel like words aren't enough to convey how unwell it makes me feel to know zoro went from "next to my life, those swords are my dearest treasures" "all I have left is my destiny" "if I have to abandon my dream for any reason, then I'm going to make you commit harakiri!" to leaving his swords aside and "take my head instead! please settle for that!" then "what good is ambition if I can't even save the life of my own captain?" because strength, pride, ambitions, dreams - none of it matters if zoro can't protect the person he cares most about. if he can't protect luffy. no wonder this is such a fandom favorite moment that even dudebros fawn over. man singlehandedly reinvented love, loyalty, devotion, everything.
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Sorry but i will NEVER belive that in the secret mated au Spider gets kidnapped by the RDA.
For me when Lo'ak calls Jake telling him what and who they found Neteyam doesn't wait a single moment.
Lo'ak: "Me, Spider, K-"
Neteyam: "Lo'ak i swear that if Spider gets hurt in any single and possible way, if only an hair is being pull out of him. I will beat the crap out of you"
(I like to think Neteyam is protective of Spider, I will die on this road)
So then Neteyam says to his parents he knows a shortcut, and they practically have to beg him to go slower because their ikrans are almost giving in from fatigue.
Neteyam growls at them, and then say a low apology remebering that those are his parents.
They arrive, he jumps off his ikran, and he founds the others in no time, his parents behind him.
Then bla bla bla fight and bla bla bla
Neteyam during the fight grabs Spider and Tuk and he runs with them were they put the ikrans.
"Tuk you ok?" He asks first and Tuk who is shaken nods and she hugs him tightly.
"Spider are you ok?" Neteyam asks and Spider nods before hugging him tightly too.
"I was so scared i thought- i don't even wanna thought what i thought" Neteyam says
"Is alright dude, I'm okay" Spider reasume him.
"Oh mate, my dear mate" Neteyam says
That how the family finds out, them returning to the others and hearing Neteyam say 'mate' to Spider.
Neteyam getting kidnapped with Spider because there is no way he leaves his mate behind.
I'm so sorry, I have many things to say about this.
FIRST OF ALL, killing myself at Spider calling Neteyam "dude" only for Neteyam to respond with "my dear mate." Like, the audacity. Neteyam's not even worried anymore he's simply like, doubling down on nicknames to combat DUDE. His family find out because he was pissed about being called dude. Now I simply have to headcanon that Spider is calling Neteyam the most platonic, dudebro names possible while Neteyam tries to call him sappier and grosser pet names.
Spider: Hey man, what's up?
Neteyam: Seriously? Hey gorgeous, how are you, BELOVED?
Spider: I'm doing great, thanks, my guy.
Neteyam: Great to hear, sweetness.
Spider: How about you...
Neteyam: Don't say it.
Spider: ...bro.
Neteyam: OH GOD.
Secondly, I still am of the hardcore nocorro mindset where Spider is Neteyam's place to be vulnerable and voice all of his fears and inadequacies. I don't vibe super hard with the idea of any of Spider's relationships being the na'vi character protecting him all the time, I don't think he would accept that. He can handle himself and he would hate being babied. Plus, the Sully's especially are so important to him because they treat him like an equal. So I guess I'm fighting you on this road?
That being said, I do find the idea of Neteyam hiding the fact that he's trying to protect Spider from him, so he's just secretly threatening Lo'ak all the time, whispered fights behind Spider's back or as soon as he leaves, like "that is my mate now not just your dumbass idiot best friend, stop trying to get him killed along with you." And Lo'ak's just threatening to tell Spider about it all the time.
Neteyam: don't bring Spider to that.
Neteym: WAIT-
Finally, I can see Spider getting kidnapped while they are secretly mated, just because Neteyam trusts his parents. The drama would be this might be the incident to break that unfailing trust. They are kids, and despite growing up in a battle, their parents are legends. I think it would be a big deal for Neteyam to have them not bring his mate back, even unintentionally. They're supposed to be the perfect people he's living up to, what the fuck is he doing if they can fail? Mental crisis.
Also Tuk on the back of the ikran as Spider and Neteyam reunite:
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Coming off of this post
I literally cannot talk about Star Wars or my SW fics in the writing server I moderate because, for some reason, there are tons of those SW dudebros that are like “uh, the Jedi are evil actually and the Sith were right-” (all of which just so happen to be nationalist conservatives, but that’s another post) -and they refuse to listen to any actual reason.
Like, I genuinely think they’re all stupid and have no media literacy because this is how my conversations usually go with them:
Them: The Jedi had to be genocided to restore balance to the Force, so Anakin restored balance at the end of RotS. He did as the prophecy said, it’s not his fault the Jedi assumed “bringing balance” meant killing the Sith
Me: Then why is the Force imbalanced in the OT? And why is it specifically said that it’s restored only after all of the Sith are dead and there are still living Jedi—therefore proving that the Jedi were correct in the Prequels? And why has George Lucas specifically said that the Sith are imbalance?
Them: (summarized) Lucas is wrong
Them: The Jedi are evil because they fought in a war
Me: So they should've just let the Sith conquer and enslave the rest of the galaxy?
Them: but they fought in a war!
Them: The Jedi are evil because they served the Republic and the Republic made them *something or other*
Me: Ok, where would they have gone otherwise? where would they get the funding to live? how would they protect their place of worship/religious artifacts/etc. if they were either supposed to leave it there unprotected or carry it around until they found a place to stay? how would they help the galaxy at large when they had no resources?
Them: They should've just figured it out
Me: Genocide is bad, no matter the circumstances
Them: nuh-uh
Like I literally cannot stand it anymore!
I want to go back to the days before all these dudebros joined the server and I literally had a 4 hour long discussion with one of my friends on how Palpatine was a moron who got screwed in the OT because he put all of his eggs in one basket and was also cheap as hell!
(and no, I'm not even joking, it was 4 hours long and we were getting really into it--it was a lot of fun)
But I can't have those discussions because SW dudebros have ruined it for me and I can no longer stand even hearing about SW in the server
In conclusion: the Jedi are great and anyone who thinks they're "the bad guys" or "deserved to get genocided" or whatever can get fucked.
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matenr0u · 7 months
Riku: “Taisetsu na hito - Cherished person”
Throughout the series we’ve seen an escalation of Riku’s enduring journey to find the “strength to protect what matters”. It appears to peak in KHIII with “strength to protect someone precious”, but I’m gonna propose that they could some day take it a step further than that. 
I am once again slamming my tiny fistful of evidence and wish fulfilment on the KH meta table.
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So as we know this line first appears in BBS when Baby Riku meets Terra and says he wants to protect his “daiji na mono”:
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I want to become strong.
Why do you want to be strong?
So that I can protect important stuff
友達や みんなを
Like my friend, everyone…
He repeats this in DDD as he fights to save Sora, recalling twice the secret promise he made that day:
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Power to protect important stuff
Finally this culminates in Riku’s KHIII sacrifice, following up from Mickey suggesting that he’s found the strength to protect someone he cherishes.
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Strength to protect someone precious—
Which is cool. But there’s room for more, if Squisney decide it won’t hurt their profits to go down that path. Or even if they just feel like addressing at any point the absolute non reaction everyone had to being obliterated on the spot and then Riku dying for Sora. With that in mind, I began to wonder if we’ll see just one more callback later down the line. 
I think there are two possible options. First:
Ichiban taisetsu na hito / Most precious person
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In CoM for example Namine urged Sora to remember his “ichiban taisetsu na hito” — number one most precious person. This one has more of an obvious romantic air I feel. I choose to think Namine was talking about Kairi when she said that but I respect that other SR fans think it’s Riku so I’m including it. If we’re going to hear this one again and in reference to Sora & Riku, we’ll surely get it around the time the necklace theory is inevitably revealed. Either way, it’s already been used in the series, so it’s not a crazy implausible love declaration or anything. It can happen.
I mean, in DDD Riku all but says it when Ven asks:
“Kimi ni totte ichiban taisetsu na mono tte nani?”
“What’s the number one most important thing to you?”
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And of course Riku replies:
“Taisetsu na shinyuu”
“My precious best friend”
As far as I’ve noticed, Riku only calls Sora his shinyuu. It’s cute.
Another possible route they could take is:
Aisuru mono / Beloved person
Which sounds far fetched at a glance, but it is what Terra says to Riku during the bequeathing, in response to Riku’s “daiji na mono”.
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いずれ選ばれし者として この小さな世界を出て——
Some day, you will leave this tiny world as the chosen one—
You will find me.
That’s the time—
The real wide world—
Will teach you the power to protect the people you love.
“Love” being such a diluted word in EN means it doesn’t convey the gravity of it well at all, but “aisuru mono” is one of the strongest ways you can say you love someone in JP. It can be singular or plural, platonic or romantic, and I’ve seen KH’s fandom war cousins cloti/clerith argue over the use of this term— so it highkey wouldn’t surprise me to see this one used by Riku or someone else in reference to his feelings for Sora. Like, in a ‘vague enough to not offend the unwashed dudebros but can also be read as incredibly romantic’ kind of way.
(By the way, I’ve seen “aisuru mono” or “aisuru hito” translated as “dearly beloved” in some places before, too. So naturally I’m gunning hard for this one. Shoot that probably unintentional symbolic double meaning shit straight into my veins.)
For the reasons above, I personally can envision a realistic pipeline of:
Daiji na mono / Important stuff ->
Taisetsu na mono / Precious thing ->
Taisetsu na shinyuu / Precious best friend ->
Taisetsu na hito / Precious person ->
Aisuru mono, Aisuru hito / Beloved person
Ichiban taisetsu na hito / Most precious person
Not to say it will happen in any capacity, but there’s space for it. A ton of weird stuff happened around That Moment, and even if that’s just down to KHIII bunk….. the whole ass Fairy Godmother herself has come to set Riku on a solo mission to make his dreams come true.
The setup is right there if they ever want to take that opportunity to clarify the depth and nature of Riku’s feelings for Sora specifically. 
Riku already promised Terra he’d find the strength to protect someone he loves, which he has now found, and in the case of ‘Aisuru’, I think it would round off that callback to the bequeathing perfectly.
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babiebom · 4 months
Where they fall in omegaverse Dynamics (stardew edition)
A/N: no i don’t know what’s wrong with me but now we all get to experience the inner workings of my mind :) enjoy OBVIOUSLY KIDS ARE NOT INCLUDED I was gonna do everyone but decided I didn’t know enough about a lot of the characters so only people I know :)this is hella old btw
Tw: sexual mentions, cursing, some insults to certain characters but like that’s not new here.
Genre: shitpost, headcanons
Alpha- top of the hierarchy. Dominant, and usually in charge. Hot heads and breeders.
Abigail- i think she would be an alpha that acts like a beta or omega. No one would actually know she’s an alpha until she loses her temper or goes off scent blockers or something.
Alex- typical dudebro and will be doing the breeding thank you. I feel like he would be a stereotypical alpha like this is a given.
Sebastian- DONT KILL ME PLS this is kinda biased because I know for a fact that I am literally Penny but an actual person and he is the one I am attracted to so naturally I want to put him here. I am probably delusional but I also think he could take charge so hmph.
Shane- can’t see him being bred bc i think he would be doing the breeding. When he takes control of his insecurities and stuff I think he could be super confident and leader like. Just needs to not be depressed.
Pierre- it’s his personality tbh. Like while I desperately do not want him to be in this category based on how much I dislike him, he would go into this category purely because of how he acts. He wants the most money, he’a the “man of the house” and provider, he has a temper he would just be an annoying alpha.
Kent- sexy hawt military man is obviously an alpha. There is no way he is being bred, there is no way he is going to be the homemaker, being an alpha is literally the only thing that makes sense for him.
Mr.Qi - he gives off alpha vibes, no omega or beta could be this confident and mysterious for absolutely no reason other than just being that way idk.
Evelyn - she gives off the vibes that when she and George were younger they were the “it’s fine/HE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES” couple. I think she could whoop somebody’s ass back in the day.
Robin- she is the woman with a business, she is providing, she is building, she is alpha no question about it.
Gunther- it’s the way he tips his hat idk. Also the way he’s just like “oh you don’t have any cool artifacts? Get out of my face then.” Maybe not that mean but like vibes.
Sandy- HAVE YOU SEEN HER? she is alpha, the would never be a beta or omega that is not her style at all sorry.
Marlon- man kills monsters for a living. Like no omega is going to waste time on that or even do that if I’m honest. Leave monster killing to the people who don’t have other things to do.
Pam- she gives off alpha that had their omega leave them vibes and that’s why she’s a crappy mother because it was not supposed to be her job.
Lance- literally a fighter/adventurer. The man protects and attacks he has to be an alpha, there is no way an omega can do this, and due to him being an active adventurer, and him being protective makes him more alpha than beta.
Olivia- an alpha mother that wants her beta son(spoiler) to be more like her. She active in getting money, or at least I think she has stocks. And she’s more ambitious than I think an omega or beta would be.
Andy-is this because he gives off asshole vibes? Mayhaps. He just seems like he’s an alpha whose family left him so he’s bitter at the world. A corpo slave to so where else would he go?
Suki- boss bitch that actually sneaks into the capital(or whatever it is) and steals and gets other people to give her contraband so she can sell it to bitches at a high price for her risking her life. Would never bow down to anyone.
Beta- in the middle simply because they are neither dominant nor submissive. They do not give off smells nor do they have heats or ruts. Basic people tbh.
Emily- she is just vibes. No amount of sex or heats or ruts or pheromones will bother her. She is above that and is too busy making clothes for birds.
Leah- I think she would literally just be middle ground because she gives off those vibes. Also because I think she could possibly end up with either an alpha or omega, it literally doesn’t matter to her.
Maru- she is literally just science. I am sorry but there is no time for breeding and going feral because of heats, she needs to make this robot and she needs to make it now.
Harvey- I also would’ve put him in Omega but since he is a doctor I feel like that means he is a beta. Like I don’t think alpha or omegas would be able to have this job since instincts and stuff are a major part in how they act. Betas would be able to ignore everything else and just work idk.
Clint- doesn’t give omega vibes but definitely is not an alpha. Like not to jump on the Clint hate train, but he gives off angry beta vibes that wishes he was an alpha. He doesn’t have confidence, and he seems like a loser tbh. He probably wishes he was an alpha to get Emily, or even any girl that he likes, but doesn’t realize that she and maybe even the rest don’t really care if he’s an alpha or not so he’s mad for nothing.
Morris- he is literally just a worker bee. No sex, no love, just working and getting to the top and having money. The man is only ruled by money, no amount of good smelling things and sexy prospects will entice him.
Willy- a man who just wants to fish. He also gives off alpha vibes, but I think he is too comfortable to be around and too chill and level headed to be an alpha. Love him.
Magnus- I think he just magically made himself a beta in order to not have any distractions. Was married once, it was a mistake, he impregnated a person that lives in Pelican Town (*cough* Caroline *cough*) and she went back to her husband so he doesn’t want any other distractions. It’s only time for magic and protecting the town.
Linus- cannot be an alpha or omega and be comfortable living alone in a tent. He is just a nature man and it would not make any sense for him to be anything but a beta.
Demetrius- like father like daughter, the only thing that matters is science he just somehow ended up with a hot wife. She is happy being a provider and he is happy doing his science.
Grandpa- I have no idea I refuse to put him under either because it’s either admitting he is fuckable and submissive or dominant and a fucker. Absolutely not.
Lewis- hate him he has baby balls with how he treats Marnie, yeah he’s a leader being mayor, but no true alpha would act like this. He’s an asshole that is making himself seem like an even bigger asshole in an attempt to seem like an alpha.
Victor- is only ambitious about things he cares about, which is similar to the others on this list. Doesn’t wish to really do anything with his life other than what he is passionate about, like bridges.
Susan- all she wants to do is be on her farm as far as I know. I would’ve put her in alpha but she doesn’t give off those vibes she just seems normal? Like she’s able to take charge but won’t if she doesn’t have to?
Omega - definition of submissive and breedable. At the bottom of the hierarchy and their main purpose is to breed and serve the alphas. Sadge.
PENNY- the literal definition of submissive and breedable. Like yes? This is her actual dream? She would love this.
Haley- has the personality of an Alpha but is not one. Just extremely bratty. The right person will make her submit naturally and not just because of her status.
Sam- sweet boy Sam is deffo an omega. Maybe not super submissive but I think that underneath the childishness he would be a good homemaker. Like I think that his relationship with his younger brother shows that he is on the more nurturing side rather than the I have to provide side.
Elliott- Elliott stans don’t hate me. But he gives off worshiper vibes and not the person being worshipped. Maybe it’s his love notes and letters but I think he would do good with an alpha he could serenade all day.
Caroline- I feel like only an omega could deal with Pierre. She always complains about him working all the time and how he behaves but she never does anything about it. Omega behavior.
Jodi- an omega that hates being an omega. She is in charge of child rearing, and is the homemaker but hates it. Wishes she could be a beta and wishes she could’ve waited to get married and have kids. She is so unhappy this is her biology.
George- Evelyn’s bitch. I’m sorry. But like we all know that George is Evelyn’s sub. Idc.
Marnie- the most obvious out of the villagers that isn’t a bachelorette. Like yearns for a family and marriage and romance. She wants it, she needs it, unfortunately attached herself to an asshole.
Gus- yes he is a business man, but all he cares about is feeding everyone and providing a place for them to Hang out. He is an omega that found his calling in serving people instead of having kids and we love him for it.
Sophia- this girl isn’t Alpha at all. Like bffr she’s depressed, shy, and quiet. And her hobby is cosplay. Girl is one hundred percent an omega. Even though she owns her parents company, I think she isn’t like business motivated, only is happy that it’s this company specifically and allows her to garden idk.
Claire- she is different from the others on this list. Because she is motivated, she wants to be an actress and does work and provide for herself. I think though if she met the right person that would provide while she chases her dreams she would like it. Even her hobbies seem soft to me (reading, ballet. )
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Nahhhh you lost me at the copyright bullshit. A machine created to brute force copy and learn from any and all art around it that then imitates the work of others, an algorithm that puts no effort of its own into work, is not remotely comparable to a human person who learns from others' art and puts work and effort into it. One is an algorithm made by highly paid dudebros to copy things en masse, another is the earnest work of one person.
I mean. You're fundamentally misunderstanding both the technology and my argument.
You're actually so wrong you're not even wrong. Let's break it down:
A machine created to brute force copy and (what does "brute force copy" mean? "Brute Force" has a specific meaning in discussions of tech and this isn't it) learn from any and all art around it that then imitates the work of others (there are limited models that are trained to imitate the work of specific artists and there are people generating prompts requesting things in the style of certain artists, but large models are absolutely not trained to imitate anything other than whatever most closely matches the prompt; I do think that models trained on a single artist are unethical and are a much better case of violating the principles of fair use however they are significantly transformative so even there the argument kind of falls apart), an algorithm that puts no effort of its own into work (of course this is not a fair argument to be having really because you're an asker and you can't argue or respond but buddy you have to define your terms. 'Effort' is an extremely malleable concept and art that takes effort is not significantly more art-y or valid than art that takes little or no effort like this is an extremely common argument in discussions of modern art - is Andy Warhol art, is Duchamps' readymades series art, art is a LOT more about context than effort and I'm not sure you're aware of the processing power used to generate AI art but there is "effort" of a sort there but also you are anthropomorphizing the model, the algorithm isn't generating "its own work"), is not remotely comparable to a human person who learns from others' art and puts work and effort into it. One is an algorithm (i mean it's slightly more complicated than that, we're discussing a wide variety of models here) made by highly paid dudebros (this completely ignores the open source work, the volunteer work, the work of anybody who is not a 'dudebro,' which is the most typically tumblr way of dismissing anything in tech as the creation of someone white, male, and wealthy which SUCH a shitty set of assumptions) to copy things en masse, another is the earnest work of one person.
Okay so the reasonable things I've pulled out of that to discuss are:
"A machine created to learn from any and all art around it is not remotely comparable to a human person who learns from others' art and puts work and effort into it. One is an algorithm made to copy things en masse, another is the earnest work of one person."
And in terms of who fair use applies to, no. You're wrong. For the purposes of copyright and fair use, a machine learning model and a person are identical. You can't exclude one without excluding the other. There isn't even a good way to meaningfully separate them if you consider artists who use AI in their process while not actually generating AI art.
I feel like I don't really have to make much of an argument here because the EFF has done it for me. The sections of that commentary from question 8 own are detailed explanations of why generative models should reasonably be recognized as protected by fair use when trained on data that is publicly available.
But also: your definition of "copying" is bad. You're wrong about what a copy is, or you're wrong about what generative image models do. I suspect that the latter is much closer to the truth, so I'd recommend reading up on generative image models some more - that EFF commentary has plenty of articles that would probably be helpful for you.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 2, Poll 5
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Riku-Kingdom Hearts
So Riku is neither canonically LGBTQ+ nor canonically disabled but there's quite a slew of subtextual evidence. And this subtext is considered basically canon due to the creator's (Tetsuya Nomura) stance on media, which is that he enjoys leaving clues for players to figure out. So while Riku is never explicitly said to be queer or disabled, there's clear evidence on both accounts.
So first: Riku is gay. There's no doubt about it (despite what the dudebros insist...) Riku is gay for Sora, his childhood best friend/former rival. Long story short, Riku was afraid of Sora's friendship with this girl Kairi, didn't realize those feelings were gay jealousy, and he got gaslighted by the Mistress of All Evil, MALEFICENT HERSELF, into believing that Sora didn't care for him anymore. He went Dark Mode, destroyed their home, and antagonized Sora for most of the first game. But then he gets trapped in the Realm of Darkness after Sora kicked his ass for the millionth time and he realized how *sora voice* stUpid he was being and helps Sora stop the apocalypse (saved the world counter: 1) Then Riku goes through a whole arc of "wow i was an idiot. sora will never forgive me and i have Darkness in my heart and i need to protect sora while he's in a year-long medically-induced coma to undo his amnesia" and. idk. theres a Lot of stuff. So much so that someone made a 6-HOUR video essay about it! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll17V9DJr7g)
Riku is also likely suffering from chronic pain. Throughout the year that Sora is in a coma, he fights Sora's Nobody, Roxas, to get Sora's memories back. During the fight, Roxas breaks Riku's wrist, and it never heals correctly. Throughout the finale of Kingdom Hearts 2, the next game chronologically, Riku wears a wrist brace that goes largely unexplained. During the final boss fight, Riku throws himself in the way of Xemnas (the Big Bad) to protect Sora, getting hurt twice in the process; being struck so hard in the shoulder that he's flung halfway across the battlefield, and then hit in the side so badly that it causes him to collapse as soon as the adrenaline from the fight fades. It's likely that none of these injuries healed properly, as even in Kingdom Hearts 3 (which is like 5 games later. dont ask) he has some interesting tells; his walk is incredibly stiff and his battle stance changes, likely because of the strain put on his wrist for the old stance. (https://www.tumblr.com/nobodyriku/706960754548604929 shows this pretty well, though i can't find the other post i had in mind but whatever)
Anything Else?:
soriku endgame actually <3
Darth Maul-Star Wars
Maul is canonically disabled; he was bisected at the waist by one Obi-Wan Kenobi, but SOMEHOW did not die, and was in fact teleported into a garbage dump, where he proceeded to live as a spider cyborg for the next 12 years, when he was found and rescued by his long-lost brother. He has used prosthetic legs of one kind or another ever since, and in Rebels, he uses a cane. He is also definitely gay. In The Clone Wars cartoon, he is OBSESSED with Obi-Wan, to the point that Obi-Wan is his entire personality and the entirety of his life goals. All he wants is to kill him and cause him suffering in revenge for being cut in half and subsequently abandoned by his master. However, this obsession is. Definitely homoerotic. Dude fights Obi-Wan naked at one point (the animators forgot that people with prosthetic legs still have to wear pants). He literally builds a hate shrine to Obi-Wan's dead ex-girlfriend, who he killed, AFTER he kills her. In Rebels, once he is able to merge the two holocrons and ask any question he wants, he asks where Obi-Wan is. The answer is Tatooine, of course. He goes there, has one final fight with Obi-Wan, and is fatally wounded. HOWEVER. He dies in Obi-Wan's arms. He dies being HELD GENTLY by Obi-Wan. I cannot adequately explain how insane that is. Makes me froth at the mouth. Anyway.
I love this severely fucked-up dude so much. He dedicated almost 20 years of his life to a single-minded obsession with Obi-Wan Kenobi, an obsession which literally kept him alive when he was chopped in half in a garbage pit, stuck in a hole on Planet Sith, and just generally attempting to live after being raised for nothing but violence as a child. He is missing half his bones, many vital organs, and got his two biggest blood vessels sliced right open, and yet REFUSED to die. He then became a spider cyborg. The first thing he did when coming onboard the Ghost was critique the interior design. He took over an entire planet just to get a guy to notice him. He was kidnapped as a child and tortured nonstop for the first 20 years of his life, resulting in an attachment style where he can only conceptualize relationships as a hierarchy (master/apprentice), so he searches constantly for an apprentice, and even treats his brother as one; despite how he very clearly just wanted a brother, he didn't know how to be in an equal relationship. He does absolutely nothing but cause problems for people-- be they Jedi or Sith. Ahsoka once released him from a magic strait-jacket as a "distraction" and he immediately began tearing panels off of the walls and decapitating people with them. He has a death grip on my brain.
Submitted by @convenient-plot-device
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Stumbled upon an old post about what awful lines were said about Bucky in TFATWS and holy fuck it is horrific.
"Your overextented life"
"Before you were his pet psychopat"
"Big cyborg brain of yours"
"They cleared the bionic staring machine and he killed almost everybody he's met".
Don't get me started on removing Bucky's arm without his consent. You DON'T take away someone's limb, especially not as a punishment for "bad behavior."
And people honestly wonder why some of us had issues with how Bucky was treated in that show. I remember people accusing us of not liking Bucky's story because "we don't want trauma survivors to find happiness and healing". Like I'm sorry but just because he's smiling at the end of the show doesn't mean his arc was written well. As a trauma survivor myself I don't have high expectations when it comes to Hollywood but Bucky's recovery arc (if you can even call it that) has been among the worst depictions of trauma and healing from it I've seen in recent years.
(I'd appreciate a link to that post so I can reblog it please, Anon! I was wondering the other day how many horrible lines there would be, if you put them all together. 😬 Yikes.)
*warning: this is gunna be salty af cuz I've been binge-watching House and have his acerbic voice in my head.
You're right not to call it a recovery arc, Anon. Bucky has never had a recovery arc, because that requires acknowledging he has something to recover from.
TPTB refuse to, because they want to paint Bucky as generic Crossbones dudebro villain, who needs to 'do better' after being a mind-controlled slave, and deserves to be verbally and physically abused.
As demonstrated by supposedly 'good' character X treating him like crap (ha! so hilarious! boys will be boys!) and/or not standing up for him when other character Y treats him like crap in front of them. (And yes I have to include Steve in this writing, too.)
Bucky in TFATWS is spoken of literally as Secretary Ross talked about Bruce et al in CACW. Comparing them to weapons. Things... not people. Just how a villain would talk about human beings. (And even badly-written!Steve was appalled by that, remember?) No alarm bells ringing in the TFATWS writer's room, tho? Hmm. Guess they were too lazy to watch the movies.
Although Disney skipped the actual arc towards happiness, to relegate SebStan to cheaper cut scenes, Bucky did have happiness and healing in the movies (thanks to Ryan Coogler, not the Russos. Thanks Ryan.)
But TFATWS had to shit on that, via the VA's Second-Worst Counselor. They wanted to take credit for what Coogler did -- by limp-dickedly retreading the exact same story beats (too lazy to come up with something original? too dumb? too reluctant to include Bucky in the first place?) Only with a different set of black people swapped in to replace T'Challa, Shuri, and the village people kids (because they're interchangeable? or because only black Westerners count, now? Ah but I'm forgetting that Arabic guy who came up to- uhh- thank the American Air Force? 😬 Genuinely jaw dropping. Gotta love those good clean Iron Man values.)
"I remember people accusing us of not liking Bucky's story because "we don't want trauma survivors to find happiness and healing."
I can't stand people who hijack that kind of therapy-speak to bullshit that that's why they like something.
IMO the truth is that fans don't want to admit that the writing sucks, that the writing of Sam has been sucking since CACW, because they like Sam and see TFATWS as his show -- when, jesus, is it really tho? Just because his name's on it?
Zemo and Walker got more attention and arc than Sam. Even Izaiah got the better speech. Steve got to demolish an American alphabet agency, what did Sam get to do in his show? Introduce the Flagsmashers when Sam is reluctant to dress in the flag, and he doesn't even get to lead them He gets stuck protecting the status quo?
That's the danger of 'media consumption' with Disney these days. Woke-washing.
It's... kind of like how fast fashion chains will greenwash their products, to pass off plastic fabric as organic material.
People who think of themselves as X-leaning, (or want to be seen as X), also want to believe they would recognise Y-leaning portrayals... but they lack critical thinking skills when it comes to media analysis.
So corps like Disney know they don't actually have to be left-leaning in their portrayals, because they can pass off any right-wing thing as a genuine progressive doodad just by cloaking it in the correct language or aesthetics.
(Hey, right wing writers! Want to make a dehumanizing ableist gag? Make a black woman do it! Ever wish sexual assault in the office could be shrugged at again? Make a white woman do it! (Make sure she's Upper Class and English, too!) Want to to make sure your protags can't be read as queer? Want to get away with basic locker-room homophobia without being nagged about it? Just play on the nostalgia of interracial 'buddy cop' movies, and - as usual - make a black guy do it! Want to portray the USAF as an heroic force in the Middle East? Make an Arab say thanks to a black American Airman! Wokewashing -- it covers all ills!)
Time was, Disney would only do this with their villains -- and you do get a hint of that Classic Disney long-coated predatory gay villain with Zemo.
Only now, instead of getting away with it because of widespread homophobia, Disney and fans can get away with it by accusing anyone who criticises of it being a homophobe.
But they're still writing the creepy gay scene-stealing villains. 🤔
Same with a shitty victim-blaming portrayal of a therapeutic 'arc'. The people who don't give a shit about that won't criticise it, and those that do- well, they must just hate trauma victims IRL, uwu. 😥
Insidious, isn't it?
Disney may be virulently allergic to giving SebStan anything significant to do these days, for fear of getting more gay cooties on Captain Comphet, or distracting from Captain Coloniser: Creator's Pet... but you cannot deny even those idiots M&M wrote a better arc for Steve and Bucky than the idiots that had a whole show arc to accomplish that for Sam and Bucky.
(Seriously, how do you fuck up in six attempts a thing you've already seen someone else manage in two? Oh- wait. Right. They haven't seen them manage it in two. They didn't watch the movies. 🤦‍♀️)
As far as friendship goes, I would have preferred Sam and Bucky ended as mutually-respectful frenemies (or even - imagine! both apologising for things they've actually voluntarily done to each other!)
Rather than just slapping some schmaltz onto a turd at the last second and calling it a rose. As you said: one instance of Mackie & Stan breaking character to smile at the end of a lazy montage does not equal a written arc. Let alone a well written one.
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
Unpopular Phase 4 & 5 Opinions
Quantumania is the worst Phase 4/5 movie. And it wasn’t even because “kang got beat by ants.” (I liked kang in this movie). It’s just that the Spy Kids aesthetic & bad acting & overall weird vibes just weren’t for me.
Love and Thunder is no worse than Ragnarok. I would argue that it’s better in a lot of ways, actually. I really liked it.
Taika Waititi ruined thor with bad humour all the way back in Ragnarok tbh, but y’all weren’t complaining about it then 😒.
BuckySarah is better than sambucky every day of the week.
The Marvels was a good ass movie & they’re one of my favorite teams in the mcu. I’ll never forgive cbm sites & online dudebros for killing the hype from the moment the film was announced.
I adore America Chavez & Kamala Kahn and I want to see them in everything. They must be protected at all costs.
Multiverse of Madness had shitty characterisation & basically just copy-pasted the ‘grief made me go off the deep end & hurt people, then I realised and stopped myself’ storyline from Wandavision… but Wanda was extremely selfish & apathetic to other people’s suffering from the time she was introduced in the mcu. MoM didn’t make her like that.
Wanda should’ve been looking for Vision (her actual real life boyfriend whom she spent years with irl) in MoM instead of the kids that weren’t even real that she spent like a week using as characters in her sitcom.
Making everyone forget Peter Parker wasn’t profound or poetic in any way- it was just frustrating and needlessly cruel.
I’m begging marvel to understand that heroes don’t have to be in constant suffering to be heroic & villains don’t have to sacrifice themselves to achieve redemption. Let characters heal and atone, you absolute weirdos.
What If…? is the most boring show ever. I’d rather watch Secret Invasion or She-Hulk.
Season 2 of Loki is, in a cinematic & artistic sense, the best marvel project period.
Loki season 1 was meh- more of a fun au than anything because his characterisation kinda sucked. Season 2 fixed it, though, and made it way easier for me to incorporate this version of Loki back into the larger mcu.
Having Steve stay in the past with Peggy was stupid af.
I don’t hate Peggy (or Captain Carter), though. I actually think she’s pretty cool.
I don’t really love Steve. He’s arrogant & they never really let him have flaws & something about him being a perfect metaphor for the American military industrial complex (and marvel painting that as a good thing) doesn’t sit right with me.
The Illuminati got done dirty and the only reason they went down so fast was because Wanda had all that plot armor.
I thought the retcon of having Wanda be “destined” to become the Scarlet Witch since birth was an annoying cop-out. Her powers originating from being experimented on with an infinity stone was way more interesting.
Loki & Wanda have almost the exact same powers.
Nebula deserved a bigger rule in killing Thanos & everything else moving forward.
I love Kathryn Newton but her acting as Cassie Lang was the worst acting I’ve ever seen in the mcu, like it was outrageously bad.
I’m glad Sam is the new Captain America and not Bucky.
The fact that Bucky probably isn’t gonna be one of Thee lead characters in the upcoming avengers movies feels sick and twisted.
Secret Invasion was actually passable until the G’iah scene at the end. That ruined it. And Nick Fury deserved way better for his solo series.
Kang is so much more interesting than Doctor Doom. I really hope they just recast him.
Carol Danvers does NOT deserve the hate she gets.
I actually disliked Carol until The Marvels. That movie made me a stan.
The way people treat Monica as Wanda’s little inferior pet creation or smth & then brag about it is uhh very sus.
I don’t like sylvie (bc she’s an amalgamation of 3 different comic characters- which killed any hopes of them appearing individually in the mcu, the creators used her existence to butcher Loki’s genderfluid rep, & she was written poorly) & I HATE sylki (bc it’s weird & unnecessary).
Marvel isn’t dead. I actually love where they’re taking things. But that’s just me.
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jesncin · 30 days
just binged all your maws meta and WOW i’m vindicated. never liked the show but especially for all the reasons you said, and it’s especially nice to know im not “siding with dudebros” for disliking it.
also extremely crazy that we had the same idea for lois almost?? in my head if dc would hire me i would write her as chinoy with special attention to how american occupation ties into her history… (personally my mom always wanted to be a journalist but felt it was safer to do something else…), reading your chindo lois is like WOW. YOU READ MY MIND.
one last question: i know it’s a bit passé now thanks to #him, but my mom and i watched lois & clark together and i think the show (at least, s1-2 really) still holds up well despite being from the 90s. have you ever seen it? silly fact: when my mom first watched it in the philippines, she legit thought clark could be filipino in that show 😭
omg I love how the jesncin-talks-maws tag is becoming a safe space for Based MAWS dislikers :'D Because it's rough out here! It's really unfair how online spaces in particular have created a black and white culture war over My Adventures with Superman so that no nuanced criticism can come out of it. It just rewards corporations for doing less than the bare minimum and validates them into producing more mediocre stuff. They don't need our protection!! And wow thank you for reading all that!
AAAAH A CHINOY LOIS WOULD BE AMAZING! I love how her history with American occupation could put a much needed critical look into "Truth Justice and the American Way". Man, I'd love for an Asian Lois that could help people like your mom feel seen like that :') I can only hope Chindo Lois comes close to doing something similar. Also special fact, Lois Liando's chindo dad (Yunus Liando) is loosely inspired off of Junus Nur Arif, a chindo journalist.
Oh I'm definitely aware of The Recent Things Wasian Superman Said (yikes) but I'm unfortunately really behind on my classic Superman-adapted media watch! I'm in a Young Justice watch right now but I'd love to check out older Superman shows. I totally see it though!! The wasian features are strong in this man.
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unimatrix-581 · 3 months
We can draw parallels to the dynamic between House and Wilson versus House and Cameron. Wilson and Cameron are both massive people-pleasers, and self-sacrificial, as demonstrated by Wilson very early on, where he defies Vogler by voting no on firing House. Vogler gives him the option to resign, and Wilson takes it, even though 3-4 other members on the board have backed him up. Wilson is visibly upset as House waltzes in to ask for a file (about an experimental drug). Their friendship is being tested for the second time (first one being House in withdrawal), but Wilson reserves judgment, knowing what he has signed himself up to from the day they became friends, just that, ‘my marriage sucks, but hey, at least I have you by my side… it’s pathetic… is it?’ and House responds by saying (looking exactly like a kicked puppy), ‘no, you matter, always have, end of story… even though I’ll do it all over again…’ Those aren’t the exact quotes btw, but, that’s the basic gist of the unspoken love they have demonstrated for one another, time and time again. Very affectionate.
Cameron, on the other hand, resigns from her post to save everyone else on the team (from getting fired), but the motive revolves around House’s wellbeing, his feeling of the matter. He doesn’t show it, but he adores the ducklings. Sticking it to the man backfires on him, spectacularly, and now he has to face the consequences of his action. It’s his pathology, he can’t help it. He’s torn over who he has to let go, even though he does toy around with the idea (coping mechanism perhaps?) to weed out the whistleblower, to try to deal with the situation by being rational about it. As expected, the decision on the ‘who’ drags on. We know Cameron crushes on House, hard, signalling a potential love match between the two but the idea is never fully realised. She goes, and we spend two episodes max without her.
At this point, Vogler is no longer in the picture, or in House’s words, ‘Vogler (the concept) is dead.’, but Cameron is reluctant to return to her post, rather, she has one condition… for House to take her out on a date (reverse power harassment?? hello???)
Okay, so, the parallels aren’t really, paralleling, because Wilson’s motive for protecting House is ambiguous. It could be his pathological need to seek out House’s approval by standing up to Vogler, but his reasoning has never been set in stone. Just, ‘people-pleaser, i.e. protect friend.’ I know that Wilson and Cameron are often compared with one another due to their shared traits, that being: 1. Kind. In epic proportions. To a worrying amount.
2. “They have so much love to give.” but they end up hurting them (or themselves) in return.
They treat House as a ‘charity case’, with varying degrees of dignity to the recipient. As an unwavering aroace heterosexual, I can’t help but think that House/Cameron is inevitable, or organic, because my assumption is grounded in the sociological expectation of ‘boy meets girl…’, and the fact that House is somewhat reciprocating. However, we see a similar progression with House and Wilson, except, the furthest they’ve gone to admitting their feelings for one another is either:
Wilson’s ‘why not DATE you?’ moment in S4.
The S8 car scene. (Ow, my heart.)
Wilson: I need you to tell me… that you love me. (uhhh)
They don’t fit into the mould of the stereotypical dudebros of the time, allowing for implicit affection to seep into the dialogue. It gives us room to assume that, hey, maybe what they have is not exactly platonic… because, as stated earlier, Wilson goes far and beyond to prevent House from getting fired. Wilson’s unrelenting pursuit to play protectorate for his goofy boy best friend over the years is always a topic of discussion.
IN CONCLUSION!!... House/Wilson? Keep it coming.
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untrial · 3 days
SasuNaru rant bc its pridemonth
dudebros watched Naruto entirely with their eyes closed because how do you look at this series and not think Naruto and Sasuke are cosmically intertwined in both heart and soul.
But besides that im going to yap and break down some lyrics used in the show that literally back up how they feel for each other.
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This is from the opening "Diver," in Naruto Shippuden. The lyrics are so obviously from Sasuke's perspective. Not only does the imagery show how Sasuke is continuously sinking and full of sorrow, it shows Naruto reaching out to him- chasing after him like he's done this entire series. He is the light shining on Naruto ITS LITERALLY WRITTEN HERE
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Theres also Naruto Shippuden ending 6, "Broken Youth"
The lyrics talk about someone referring to ANOTHER MAN, in which the speaker refers to the subject as a simple person with a strong will to fight. After that, he questions what has changed with the subject as time has passed. I'll cut to the chase, the ending credits literally have a scene where Sasuke and Naruto are staring at each other when the lyrics "Please kiss me, Please Kiss me all night"
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Another opening I'd like to mention is "Namikaze Satellite."
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Like come on do i really have to spell out how this song talks about how despite their distance, the wind will always connect them??? It also talks about how theyre constantly separating, and personally i think this comes from Naruto's perspective because ITS SO positive despite their turmoil and distance. The part where it talks about being thrown to the side is so reminiscent of how Naruto lacked permanence before Team 7. That impermanence is reflected in Sasuke leaving 😔
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"Seishun Kyousoukyoku" is another prime example of original Naruto openings painting a picture of how important Sasuke and Naruto are to one another. Naruto is the only person Sasuke can be emotionally vulnerable with and even as the days, weeks, years pass for them, they will always be able to pick up where they left off. Their bond has always been so wildly important to the other that its like nothing has changed.
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We see Sasuke and Naruto change throughout the series, sure, but their relationship has stayed the same. It transcends the bounds of friendship or even brotherhood; Sasuke and Naruto are always in competition with each other, but more than anything they want a relationship unaffected by the binds of their fates. Sasuke's feelings about Naruto, romantic or not, are a driving force in his pursuit for power- its literally Itachi all over again.
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Theres that scene during the Valley of Death arc where Sasuke tombstones Naruto, a surely fatal blow. Sasuke is convinced Naruto is dead because he's literally floating face down in the river and SASUKE IS DISTRAUGHT. The absolute look of sorrow on his face simply says it all
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"My body just moved on it's own" is one of my favorite SasuNaru lines ever ITS SO PRECIOUS. This was their first major mission together, their friendship yet to be anything remotely friendly, and Sasuke was already protecting him, blaming muscle memory or something to avoid his apparent embarrassment. As much pride as he has, he has always felt positive towards Naruto, even if it manifested as jealousy sometimes.
Theres another scene in the manga where Sasuke recounts feeling "warm and fuzzy" at watching Naruto try to make friends, but he says it made him feel like he had a form of weakness. ARE YOU HEARING THIS!!! They are literally each other's greatest weakness and they have lived and died for each other over and over.
SasuNaru is real. Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈
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