#protecting yourself from psychics
hotyanderedaddies · 4 months
Trying to Ignore a Yandere Demon Who Wants to Claim You
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[Yandere! Demon x GN! Anxious Reader]
"Whatever you do, do not-- I repeat: DO NOT acknowledge the demon in any manner. If you do, then he can latch onto you and take you."
The words of the psychic you'd contacted for help kept filtering through your head as you stared blankly forward, forcing your eyes to laser focus in on the bright colors of the TV. The volume was on full blast as you attempted to drown out the sounds of him.
"Darling," that eerie, deep voice echoed out. Its user was so close that could feel its hot breath wafting over your cheek, but you refused to give the slightest indication that you'd heard it.
"If a love demon decides that it wants you, then it'll follow you around nonstop like a lovesick puppy. It'll do anything to get you to notice it..."
The demon playfully ran one of his fingers through your hair, his skin hot to the touch. He completely dwarfed you, looking like he outweighed you by fifty pounds of pure muscle and was taller by at least two feet. His demonic proportions made him look hulking and menacing, yet whenever he looked at you, his mouth pulled into a large smile.... full of razor sharp teeth.
"Will you look at me, Darling?" he asked, sticking out his lower lip mockingly. "I love you. I only want to talk to my darling."
"Don't look at it. Don't listen to it. Don't react to its movements. The slightest indication that you're aware of its presence is a sign the demon takes that you've agreed to be theirs..."
The demon huffed, irritated. He stomped his way in front of the TV and glared at you with his glowing eyes. "I know you see me," he accused.
You refused to stop glancing forward, pretending that you could still see whatever show you were trying to watch.
The demon tore his shirt away from his body, showing off his impressive chest muscles. He held his arms out, as if to show off to you. "Check it out, Darling," he announced, "I'm bigger than most of the other love demons. So I can protect you and take very good care of you."
He slowly approached the couch.
"Because a love demon makes its presence known to only one person: their darling."
"I love you so much, Darling," the demon cooed, placing both of his hands on either side of your face.
You winced internally and tried your best to look deadpan, avoiding the demon's glare with all of your might.
You refused to break, because if you did, then you'd belong to a demon for all eternity.
But damn it, he was persistent.
Ever since he'd made his presence known to you last week, the demon followed you around everywhere you went, trying to get you to acknowledge him:
He'd cause a ruckus in class, throwing textbooks and chairs around, leading to the other students thinking that you were out of your mind and throwing them yourself.
He'd follow you into the shower and jerk off as you bathed, talking about how he couldn't wait to touch you himself.
He'd sing soft lullabies to you as you tried to sleep. And he would frequently get under the covers with you too, snuggling you from behind.
He'd follow you whenever you went grocery shopping, threatening to push one of the elderly shoppers in front of one of the moving vehicles in the parking lot. But you couldn't warn the other person unless you wanted to be taken by a demon. RIP.
He'd even gone so far as to set your dinner on the stove on fire, and you had to mutter loudly that you'd foolishly forgotten to turn the gas off.
He was growing impatient.
"Darling," the demon growled, baring his large teeth at you, "all you have to do is notice me, and I promise that you'll be all mine. All mine, and no one else's. Doesn't my sweet baby want that?"
He bit down on his lower lip for a second before perking up.
Before you could guess what was going on in his mischievous head, the demon pressed his warm lips against yours. They were soft to the touch and warm thanks to his high body heat.
It felt good at first, until he playfully bit down on your lower lip--
With a loud gasp, you jerked back and made eye contact with the demon out of shock. Oh shit...
"Finally!" the love demon laughed as your heart fell to the floor.
He lunged forward and wrapped both of his arms around you, yanking you deep into his embrace as if he were a cage. The temperature seemed to rise rapidly in the tiny living room as the demon began to transport you to wherever he dwelled, and to wherever you knew he'd never let you leave.
"W-wait!" you tried to beg.
"It's too late for that, Darling," the love demon laughed. "You're mine and I'm going to enjoy my prize all night long. I love you, Darling, thank you so much for accepting me."
"If you acknowledge the love demon, they'll take you away to be theirs forever, with no hope of ever escaping them or their crazed love..."
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astrologylunadream · 24 days
How Their Higher Self Feels About You💍💎🩷 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream~😇 We will be "diving into" a reading on exactly how your person's true higher self feels about you!🌊🩷 hope you find your message ^^
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of yourself, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌊💞
Pile 1🫧
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Pile 2🪼
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Pile 3⚪️
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Pile 4🐋
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🌊💍🩷
Pile 1🫧
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Sign energy: Soul connection, Demand, Cheeks, Suspicion, Offer, Libra, 8th house, Neptune, 4th house, 11th house,🩺🧖‍♂️🫰📱
🩷Your person's energy: So this is a very dreamy and lovely person, they have really soft cheeks I'm hearing😇💕 Some of you may have met them online, through friends or possibly a dating app🤭 I can see a lot of my pile 1's falling in love with them through your phone. Your person is very kind and sweet, they feel spiritual aswell as emotional. Sign placements are Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius. There is a very soft feminine aura to your person in this reading!💗😭 This is someone you have a soul connection with, they can be psychic when it comes to you and you are the same with them. This person is very intuitive, and they may have a sneaking suspicion about their connection with you.🔍🫢 They are comforting and gentle, also they seem friendly and good to you. Now some of you may have an obsession with this person, and you can't get enough of them.💓👀 They have a refreshing vibe, could be a water rising or neptune aspecting ascendant for some in this pile. You feel comfortable about this person, they feel safe and protective.🫂💖 Your heart rate may increase when you two are alone together or when you feel an intense energy from them.😮‍💨 Their fingers are really hot just saying😂 Some of my pile 4's like their posts or stalk their social media, or just fantasize about them a lot. This person has a lot to give especially in their relationships with people, they just give out so much love and kindness.🤗💞 But they may expect something deeper in return from their lovers. They can be a little pushy when it comes to getting back what they give. So they can be really sweet but they then want the other person to return their kind gesture🫴👀 Lol they may spend a lot of time on their phone, or with friends. You see this person as a soulmate or a potential forever partner which is so sweet.💗
💎How their higher self feels about you: Flower, Keep a secret, One and Only, Unrequited love, Practice, Water, 10th house, Capricorn, Pluto, 9th house,🎨🏃‍♀️‍➡️🐝🦵 Okaaayy they know you like themmm🙈💞 You are the only one for them!! They're keeping you like you're a secret PILE 1😝 You're just so soft and cute to them they wanna pick you up and bring you home😭🥰 Their higher self is aware of your feelings towards them and they aren't mad about it either😏💖 They actually really enjoy you feeling that way about them, it makes them feel reliable and admired.👑 Also they wanna make all your dreams come true, they bee-lieve in you haha because the bee emoji😂 I just realized the emojis is a girl running towards the bee, the bee movie anyone?🤣🤣 LOL now I can't stop laughing maybe that movie resonates with you. If you're going through a time of unrequited love they want to encourage you to confess and go through with it! Your person's higher self really wants to keep you in love with them, because it feels so good.😭 Their higher self also sees your spiritual or occult practices as something very intelligent and knowledgeable, like wow pile 1 knows all this that's amazing😢💗 You are unlike any other to your person's higher self, they feel you are so creative and ambitious! They have very delicate feelings for you, so soft for my pile 1's!💭 Their higher self is very drawn to you, there is a deep attraction to your legs and thighs🫢 They kinda want to be the only one to own you, there is this magnetic attraction towards you they can't ignore. They want you to be able to depend on them, and care for you. Their higher self does want to warn you to be careful of falling into deep obsession and hiding it, they want you to focus on broadening your horizons with knowledge instead💡🥰 Their higher self hopes you can keep running towards your goals and make it to the top!🔝🎉✨️ You can do it pile 1 and their higher self believes in you. They feel so much love and care towards you, they see you as something so pure and gentle that must be protected by them.😩👏💓 They feel you are the "only one of your kind" so maybe you're different than the people around you, family or your cultural background. Pile 1 this person is cheering for you so hard! Their higher self is supporting you every step of the way and that is so adorable and sweet I'm gonna cry🥹💗
💌Messages from them: Hug me, We have a past together, I can't tell you, This happens every time, Can we be together? Thinking of you, It's so hard to resist you, I wanna steal your kiss (Hug me then I wanna steal your kiss CUTE😖😫💗💞💓) Extra cards: Melody, My everything, Corner, End, Autumn, Cancer, 8th house, Gemini, Eros, 2nd house (You are their everything pile 1!!! Their higher self desires you so much, they are here for you!🫂💗)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the emoji~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🪼
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Sign energy: 5th house, Material, Dance, Violate, Foreign country, Saturn, South node, Sun, Mercury, 11th house,💍🏃‍♂️‍➡️🔊💀
🩷Your person's energy: Wow so pile 2 this is interesting your person is a very unique individual🤭 Sun energy just jumped out first thing from your person, they have a powerful presence about them! There is Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius energy here.✨️ Could have 5th house placements, Sun-Mercury conjuct or aspected, Sun or Mercury in 11th house those are some placements I'm picking up on for some of my pile 2's person.💞 I personally love that energy so it makes me want to assume they're automatically really attractive to you guys!😩🫶 I just knowwww lol. They could speak a different language than you, or learning one just for fun.😁💬 For some of you this person is from a foreign country, others they are just simply interested in other cultures and languages.💗 I feel like your person is very reliable and stable with money, they may work hard and it's giving husband/wife material💲💍✨️ There is something creative they like to do, could be dancing or something artistic for a hobby or work. Oh for some of my pile 2's this person has a dancing career. With the sound emoji and mercury coming through, maybe a singer for some of you too.🎤🎼 They could be an investor or entrepreneur or that's something that they would be good at. Some of you may have had a past with this person, there could have been problems surrounding boundaries or barriers in communication.🔇🚫 Your person is very successful and far from ordinary, they have a lot of worth👑🥰 I'm picking up on another scenario for some of my pile 2's, who this could have been a short romamce kinda thing. So the passion started out strong with this person and it may feel like it ended as quick as it started, so the romance with this person may have fell flat.💔 For others your person is not in contact with you. Some of you may be manifesting them, manifesting marriage even.🫢💭 Your person could be chasing their dreams and ambitions for their career, they are very talented and focused.🌟 They have a lot of passion, also come off flirty and smooth. They do shine and I think they have very high standards. They could be running away from something, possibly commitment.😬 They give a busy vibe too, they may tell themselves they don't have time for a long term romantic partner.
💎How their higher self feels about you: Cage, Drop, True, Comfort zone, Chaos, Fire, 4th house, Gemini, 3rd house, 10th house,🎧🪫🫡☹️ I think their higher self is a little worried about you, as they have a perspective on how everything is playing out.😭 They feel you are very hyperactive and hard to contain, they know you think of them a lot...😳 You appear a bit chaotic in the eyes of their higher self, they may see potential problems surrounding around you and their reputation or career.💼👤 Aw but this is so sweet they would drop everything for you pile 2, because you are like home.🏠💗 Their higher self find you sweet and caring as much as energetic and fun. They wanna hold your hand😫🤝 I'm kinda getting like a shark cage imagery you know when it drops into the water and that can seem scary, your person's higher self sees you in that cage and they want to keep you safe. Maybe they represent the cage, not to trap or contain you but to protect you and keep anything harmful away from pile 2.🥺💕 Okay so your voice gives them so much comfort, they love hearing you speak and if they had your voice on recording they would drain their battery so much just from listening to your voice LOL that's what I'm seeing with them.😂 You could be going through a hard time with your professional/public life, there could be rumors about you or things feel very unorganized and problematic.😵‍💫 Your person's higher self has a lot of empathy for you, I can picture them so sad just thinking about what you're going through. Their higher self misses you if you're apart, they feel everything is moving too fast. Some of you moved away from this person, their higher self feels the time is running out.⏳️😢 You are like a true best friend to them, I'm also getting even though you make them feel comfortable I think their uptight nature is challenged by your seemingly unpredictability. Everything feels new with you, they are faced with things they aren't used to or questions they never had before.💬 They are on the edge of their seat with you sometimes I'm hearing. Their higher self may feel like you are a handful, but they're willing to free their hands just for you.🩷 I think there is just a lot going on for you both in 3D and they know it's a tough situation with you.😞🌧 But they want to give you comfort from their higher self, and they would hold you in their arms if they could.💞😭 They definitely wish to communicate and talk with you my pile 2's. They want you to know it's going to be alright, and all the bad things that are keeping you from smiling will soon dissolve. They would give you head pats OMG pile 2 their higher self is really there for you, they just really wanna keep you safe.🫂🥹💗
💌Messages from them: Tell me more, Your fantasies are achievable, I wish I had you, You have so much worth, I want to comfort you, I'm going to steal your heart, You make me look bad, I was wrong (YES pile 2 they want to comfort you as said and they wanna hype you up!!👏🥰💗) Extra cards: Unrequited love, Hands, Purpose, Chains, Cutie, Sun, 1st house, Juno, Air, Leo (They don't want you to be held back from what you can achieve!! Also they really wanna hold you😫✊️ You have a purpose in their life and they do in yours, likely commitment!! They think you're cute😉 And a little something else but it's not that type of reading~😏)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the jellyfish emoji~🪼 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3⚪️
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Sign energy: Care taker, To the grave, Prediction, Maturity, Jealousy, 5th house, Leo, 2nd house, Gemini, Saturn,🌃✍️✌️💐
🩷Your person's energy: Okay pile 3 this is someone responsible and sweet, physically your person is really eye-catching and appealing.😘💕👀 They could be a bit older than you, or that is just the vibe they give off. Mature, caring and very polished💅 There are significant 2nd and 5th house placements in their chart, Leo, Taurus, Gemini, and Capricorn energy. I am getting a mostly masculine vibe, just because they are quite stable and efficient.✨️ They give off some feminine aura too. You could be intimidated by this person's presence, status or maturity. They just come off like they know what they're doing.😩 The vibe they give others is like untouchable. Lol They look like they mean business I'm hearing lol, they could have capricorn mercury or mercury-saturn, mercury in earth sign or 10th house those are some aspects take what resonates.🤗 They are quite commanding and naturally authoritative, their neck is also something very attractive😳 I'm hearing "dictator", feel like this person looks like they have a lot of money, they spend well💸💰😍 Also they put pride and effort into their appearance, they're big on self care. They are a wise thinker and can plan ahead nicely.⌚️⏳️💭 Pile 3 your person is HOT😭 They're just so snazzy, they could be a writer for some of you. Also night owl, they could enjoy journaling at night before bed. For some of my pile 3's they're in the entertainment industry, director, producer, brand ambassador or business owner. Those could be things they're interested in starting as side gigs/hobbies omg something really impressive okay lol😍 They could be a singer for some of my pile 3's. They could like to invest, also their time is an investment I'm hearing.✨️ AH pile 3 your person also has such a romantic smooth side, like they can win you over so easily with their words😩💋 I'm seeing that a lot of people want to take from this person, your person has a hesitation to give to others and they find it hard to trust. They're like in their own spotlight so they could have a lot of people jealous of what they have, some more harmful than others😬 Your person could have a hidden/secret hobby, could be writing, something that helps them settle down in calm and quiet. also they have a specific scent or perfume/cologne. They are not only phsyically attractive but also mentally too.🧠👀
💎How their higher self feels about you: Words, Activity, Past, 9th house, Throne, Eros, Cancer, Sun, 9th house, 2nd house,😬🧯🫗👏 Okay so 9th house came out twice lol there could have been a lot of spontaneity within this connection, their higher self may have seen it as something unstable or costly. I think they feel very uncertain about you, because on one hand they find you very charming, but also difficult to manage.😳 Some of you could be cancer sun or cancer placements. They see you as someone very soft and sensitive, with the cup spilling their higher self sees you as someone with many emotions.😢💗 They could feel like you are too giving, which is a reflection of their own fear of giving too much. You appear very different from them at first glance, but you both share similarities aswell.👥️ Your person's higher self has an admiration for your sensual beauty and they kinda put you on a pedestal tbh😏👑💞 They feel very drawn to your sweet and calming aura, they also feel you are someone of very high worth. You feel precious to them, and they would pay anything for you if you had a price tag😭🏷💖 Their higher self knows how much you care about this connection and that really touches their heart.🫶 But I think the thing is, they are quick to defuse these feelings you give them. And they prefer to keep a distance from it, mostly because their higher self does not want to pour their heart out more than they should. They are very cautious and considering the possible outcomes from these feelings.💭 Ah but the things you say really turn them on honestly😩❤️‍🔥 Their higher self is really good at resisting, but it seems like you make them waver. You're like that really expensive and high quality item on sale that they can't ignore.😘 I love that they see you as something precious, because this pile is represented by the pearl!⚪️💕✨️ I think if there was an unpleasant situation in the past, they have worked past it with you. Their higher self feels a little bad, because you may give so much of your energy and they wish to give you the same in return. They want to pay you back for your love and/or kindness to them.💗🔙 Their higher self almost feels like a charity case to you, and may feel bad if you pity them ever or from caring about them for whatever reason. You radiate a beautiful soft aura and it definitely has them curious.💭 Your person's higher self feels inclined to treat you like royalty, they think you're really classy😉✨️ I think they see you as a loyal and kind person, and feel drawn to you physically as well as emotionally. They may worry about their power or status if they fall for you too much, afraid of letting their guard down for someone. They have a lot of respect for you, I'm picturing them slowly clapping for you like a sophisticated individual at a classy event.👌🥂✨️ Their higher self feels as you are on the same status as them, and that makes them both intrigued and concerned. They are uneasy with someone matching their level, and they may not know how to approach you. They're worried that their superior presence won't phase you.😧🙊 You are just so valuable to them, admirable and lovely💞💕💗
💌Messages from them: Things didn't go as planned, I can't hide it from you, I don't want to decieve you, You make me mad, I wish I could, I wish I could stop thinking if you, I would kill for you, You're wrong (Haha things didn't go as planned and yeah they're such a planner like mentioned before so this is just freaking them out😭 They have a knack for investing and they do NOT wanna miss out on a limited deal which is pile 3!!!😍💓 They could be at a loss for words or repeating themselves a lot, because they are just so stuck on this situation🥺💭) Extra cards: Ability, Tongue, Beginning, Let go, Intense, Aquarius, Aries, North node, Eros (Ohh we really have some spicy energy here. Intense passion and aggression from your person.🥵 Not that type of reading but you can head over to one of my spicy pacs for that!!!🫢)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the pearl emoji~⚪️ (actually just a white orb lol) Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🐋
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Sign energy: Restaurant, Childhood, Acceptance, February, Last, Earth, 1st house, Pisces, Air, Water, North node, 4th house, 10th house, South node, Saturn,🆓️🤷‍♂️🏖☀️
🩷Your person's energy: There is a lot of summer/beach vibes in this pile! Your person has a lot of bright vibes🥰 This could be someone some of you know from childhood, but I think your person's past is significant to their personality. They could be born in february or that is a significant month, signs that came out are Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn. Air, earth and water sign energy, there is also sun symbolism so Leo placements are also possible. They could have saturn in 4th house, pisces in 10th house, or earth rising. They could live in a coastal region, or interested in those locations.🏝🛶💗 Your person may not have the best self esteem, they also don't have a very solid reputation. They could own a restaurant or love to eat out.🥗 For many of my pile 4's this is a water sun, but not for everyone in this pile. They could have bad a strict or limiting childhood, I'm hearing "lack of freedom"😭 Your person is on the inside artistic and sensitive but they may have restricted that behavior from themselves when they were younger. Maybe they couldn't really express themselves to their family.😢👤🚫 They don't have confidence in their identity because of how they grew up, they could have felt unaccepted or unacknowledged for the real them. I think they have become so positive and bright despite the odds!🥺💞 This person could be from an island, also I am really getting heavy hawaii energy from this pile lol that may resonate for some here😂💫 This person is often confused and feels like they lack direction. They hide their feelings. They may have not had enough stability when they were younger, so that is something they are working towards having themselves.🥹 They have such a comforting and welcoming presence about them, but it doesn't come for free I'm hearing. This person may be hesitant to easily trusting anyone, they really have to make sure you are a safe person. Because they can be taken advantage of if they aren't careful😭🫂 I feel like people never believed in them enough! They are so sweet and have so much to offer, they are a hidden gem💎💕 For some of my pile 4's this person acts oblivious, or just doesn't notice things much. They could be a bit childish, or wish they could be like a kid again. They are very funloving🌟 I feel like this person is just sort of stumbling through life trying to find their place and where they belong🥺💗
💎How their higher self feels about you: Zoo, Prince, 7th house, Happiness, Consume, 6th house, 1st house, Jupiter, 5th house, Fire,🍫🛫♑️🥗 OHH pile 4 you are in for a wonderful surprise!!! (Unless you already know it😉) Your person's higher self sees you as a romantic partner, you literally bring them a ton of happiness like it's in the cards!😍💓 This is so sweet, you make them feel better instantly. There is so much love and passion for you, their higher self feels like you are so nice and dependable, you are a stable source of happiness for them🥺❤️ Also their higher self feels like this is a very healthy connection you two share, you are nothing but good for them! They think you're so sweet, and also consumable😳 I won't go into detail since it's not that type of reading BUT, let's just say there is a lot of physical attraction from them. They can't get enough of you❤️‍🔥 They want a taste of you y'know....😉 It's kinda naughty of them. Besides that! Their higher self feels like you complete them, you make them wild honestly. They feel so lucky that you exist, and wanna work so hard for you😫✊️ Their higher self feels so much passion and romantic feelings for you, their emotions just off like a flight.✈️ They may want to travel with you. Pile 4 you make them smile so much omg it's so cute💗!!! Their higher self thinks and even overthinks about being in a relationship with you, there is such an urge to date you. You make them feel looked at as something worthy, also they really want what's best for you. You are so sweet to them, and they are just so charmed by you😭❤️‍🔥 I'm hearing "fly away with me" they wanna go so far with you. Another thing I'm seeing is your person really wants to eat out with you😆🥪🍵 They wish to experience so much with you guys, like they wanna make sure you're theirs too💍😭🩷 All they want is to see you smile. The may want to visit a zoo with you aswell, I see many fun trips they wanna take you on🥰 Their higher self sees you as their person, they think you're so pretty and lovely. They would do anything to make you happy that is WHAT IM HEARING😭💗
💌Messages from them: Would I be asking for too much? Think of the things that make you happy, You'll do anything, I want to please you, Your eyes are beautiful, You will find happiness, You should smile more, I am your future (Omg🥰😍💞 Pile 4 they love your smile, honestly there is so much love in this pile it is so sweet!😭) Extra cards: Cage, Matching, Bad habit, Past, Comfort zone, Gemini, North node, 9th house, 10th house, Earth (They feel like you guys just FIT together, and you literally heal wounds from their past, you make them feel so safe pile 4 their higher self absolutely loves you with all their heart.🫂)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the whale emoji~🐋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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jinkiezzsstuff · 2 months
yesssssssssss i love this it’s so cute, i did it a lil short sweet and lovelyyyyy sorry it took awhile but i hope you enjoy it!
warnings: none really, descriptions of injuries, swearing and that’s about it, short drabble! gn reader w no psychical description, a little bit of a weird ending? didn’t know how to tie it off
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You and Adam have always had an odd relationship, you would have moments of really open closeness followed by acting like it never happened. You were comfortable with this because the idea of anything more serious scared you, it wasn’t like heaven was keen on hookups or lust, which meant any relationship led to marriage. So you would ignore your desires and longing, and instead focus on working alongside him.
Adam was of the same mind, he couldn’t hook up with you because it felt wrong to use you like some sinner when he actually liked you. You were always there to listen, telling him that he had every right to hate Lucifer for taking his wives; which he knew but always needed to hear from others, just to reaffirm. Of course he was too afraid to start anything serious with you when the furthest he got was some open communication and occasional dirty jokes shared between you two. There wasn’t any room for him to have a third heartbreak especially when he was now in closer proximity with the devil himself.
That’s why it was a shock when he watched you decend from above spear in hand, wings fluttering lusciously around you. You came back for him, you saw Lucifer and chose to protect him. As you sat alongside him keeping him alive while you could, Lucifer attempted to coax you on his end. “Can’t you see the things he’s done? He’s the devil.” Lucifer boomed holding his daughter. “Cmon we have a good cause here!” - “Saving him means killing others, that’s not very angelic on you.” - “The first man only uses women to fuel his ego and get him off, cocksleaves he uses and forgets. How’s it feel to be that silly little strumpet?”
No matter the harsh line the devil hissed out at you as you tearfully held Adam’s wound, using all the magic you had to keep him alive, and ignoring the taunts and tempts Lucifer spoke. Thankfully what felt like eternity ended, and now you sat alongside the man himself, staring at his paled face. You’d never seen Adam’s face before, Lute wasn’t as strict you’d seen her plenty, but Adam was always skeptical of letting you see him.
You never knew about the exterminations, and although you weren’t entirely pleased he lied, and killed, you justified it by reminding yourself of all the rapist, murders and weird child diddlers that he wiped out of existence. Staring at the side of Adam’s face you admired the ride burns that climbed down his face and the little patch of hair that accentuated his chin.
Leaning onto the bed, you softly and timidly brought your hand up to his cheek, enjoying the feeling of his skin against your hand. Gently you caressed his face, trailing all around and up to his hair. You carefully brushed your fingers through his spiked and messy hair, scratching his scalp gently as you did.
A sigh of content escaped you as you began to play with his hair, twirling it and brushing it back away from his pretty face. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you died, dumbass. I would’ve regret so much, but now that you’re here and okay I’m just as afraid to say.” You whispered to him quietly, watching his face as his muscle naturally moved and spasmed every once and awhile. He had been out a few days now, a medically induced coma until he healed internally, which was the hardest thing to witness.
Everyday you came and spent some time here with Lute, then Lute would leave and you would stay keeping him company. Sliding up on the bed with him, you situated yourself beside him, your wings curling around him like a safety blanket, head rested on his chest. You cradled his head continually toying with his hair while you gazed off into space, eyes watering as you did so.
You woke up to the doctor entering the room, scolding you for impeding on the patients space, and then happily explained the next plan of action. He was going to be weened off the medication and would hopefully be awake within the week then it was normal wound care from there.
The pattern for the week didn’t change, accept you found yourself enamoured with his hair and face in general, who could blame you, you’ve only seen it now after all these years. You waited everyday to see his eyes flutter open, pinning over the multitude of fantasies you had in your head when he did so. However it was as magical when the day came.
You had his wing over your lap one Saturday, humming a tune stuck in your head as you carefully preened his feathers. Some were still covered in char from the day, leaving a weird nostalgic feeling within you, but not the good kind.
You glanced over at him as his leg twitched violently, his wings puffing along with it. You watched his eyelids flutter just barely, his eyes moving rapidly behind them. Careful not to disturb him, you dragged your fingers through his hair, this time however, Adam’s skin prickled with goosebumps and his body twitched. “Adam?” You whispered, hope evident in your voice as you leaned in closer, investigating his facial expressions.
Adam shifted more at your voice his golden irises finally opening to meet your own. Your stomach lurched at the sight, tears gathering as you got overwhelmed by joy. “Holy fuck Adam!” You cried keeling over into his chest with a sob. Adam still lost, didn’t know what to do, and quite honestly couldn’t fully register who you were to him at the moment. After a second you pulled away gripping his cheeks softly between your hands, Adam looked at you eyes tired feeling sleepless. Finally it clicked, and the heart monitor kicked up with his beats, he nearly died.
“What the fuck?” Adam muttered confused, his voice hoarse and grainy from the lack of use. Tears continued to fall from your eyes as Adam cleared his throat, his own eyes manically hopping from object to object around the room. “You’re one dumb motherfucker yknow that? Fighting Lucifer!? God,” You shook his head gently to emphasize your anger with his decision. Adam only grinned lazily up at you with lidded eyes, his heart rate increasing as he did so.
“Woah, am i in heaven? Because you’re an angel.” Adam slurred out smirking smugly as he did. You gaped at him, he only giggle jubilantly his arms raising slowly to slowly pull you into a hug. You met his movements and fell into his hug with ease mind still trying to comprehend everything. “God you’re an idiot you know that?” You mumbled into his flesh, pushing yourself further into his chubby peck. “Yea babe but that’s why you love me.”
You let out a noise between a scoff and a chuckle before agreeing. “Very true, not even the devil could change that.” Adam tensed at the mention of Lucifer, but his brain tracked back to the day of thee extermination where you decended into hell just for him, to save him. Adam remembered all the things Lucifer was slinging at you, the snake was really trying his hardest to make you fall. “What’d you think of Lucifer?” Adam dared to ask, all the groggy wooze leaving him, focusing all his energy on you agaisnt him. “Nothing special, i was too busy tryna save you.”
Adam’s heart fluttered as did his wings, puffing out and subtly jittering happily. Pulling your head up from his chest you looked down at him positioning yourself over his lips. Adam thought he may have been kidding himself, still in his coma dreaming all this up. “Alright dickhead, i’m going to kiss you, then we’re gonna get the doctor in here and get your ass home, and you’re going to tell me why the hell you kept all that extermination shit from me.” You grit out strictly, a smile on your face as you did. He always secretly found it hot when you tried bossing him around, it stroked his ego when he could talk back to you and get into little competition for dominance and control.
However, Adam really didn’t feel like fighting, nor missing the option for a kiss, so with a smug smirk he puckered his lips and closed his eyes, almost expecting you not to actually kiss him. You smashed your lips against his, flattening his puckered lips and making him gasp with shock. Adam didn’t waste time to recover, messily mashing his tongue into your mouth, sighing at the feeling of you on his tongue. After a few moments of intertwined bliss you pulled away with a warm smile. “You really wanna fuck around with the original dick?” Adam urged a cocky look in his eye, but a part of you knew this was just his way of confirming you wanted him. “Yes i do, i have no clue why the others left for Lucifer when they had you. After all, without a nose, what supposed to bump your clit during head?” Adam sat up with excitedly, wincing at the pain. “Right?!” The exclamation made you grin, and with a pat on the chest you stood, ready to grab the doctor.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 3 months
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Pick the picture(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll down for its corresponding message about the pov of your spirit guides and their message to you
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Pile One
I feel like your relationship with your guides is like “hide and seek”. They have an old presence in your life. Even if you are just now beginning your spiritual journey or are just now having the urge to seek out more about them and who they are, it seems as if they have always been in your life, and already have a connection or have had close contact with you. Specifically when you were a kid. Perhaps you’ve had “imaginary friends”, repetitive encounters with the same person or entity in your dreams, or have parents who recall you being distracted and smiling a lot at what appears to be mundane things as a baby. I call this hide and seek, because it’s like a lot of your occultic knowledge or experience psychic gifts were things that you’ve already learned as a child, but were conditioned to move away from for whatever reason. Your stunted relationship with your guides could appear in interests that you also had to separate from, like studying mythology, an interest in plants but also marine animals, gaming, drawing comic book characters, collecting items for yourself but stopping because someone considered that as not intellectual or important, and even crafting things yourself, regardless of how good you were at it, but because it gave you peace and happiness. Your guides see you as their family, they protect you like they are your parents, because their love for you is like having a child. They love it when you’re being silly and they love to sneak in silly things for you, to let you know that they’re here and when something is going to be ok. Maybe you use dark humor frequently as a way to cope with something that you’re struggling with or when you think about the ways that you’ve been let down in the past. You joke that way because you feel that it’s the only way to have some control in a situation that you predetermined will go down hill and be the end of you. You could talk to yourself or talk about your life in a way that is self-loathing and impeded, but your guides work and send you messages meant to bring you back up whenever you’re losing your determination to keep going. They’ll joke with you, but not in a way that encourages you to lose hope or to fail in seeing the good in yourself. It’s more like instead of showing you to laugh at yourself, you laugh at your mistakes, or you laugh at how crazy other people can be when they displace their negative inner feelings onto other people to show that it has nothing to do with who you are, what you do, or what you look like. Money is strong in this pile. This could be a message saying that you won’t have to fear about money forever and that a financial breakthrough is going to happen for you and you’re going to be financially stable doing something that you love or are currently building to support your living situation. However, mainly, I’m getting that in your spirit guides’ eyes, they’ve watched you grow up feeling less than because you didn’t grow up with a certain luxury, maybe you grew up in poverty, felt insecure about the things that seemed so easily accessible to everyone but you, or don’t know what it’s like to have a loving parent, but your guides have always seen you as a rich person and it has nothing to do with material items. They see you as brilliant, you work so hard for what you have and you’ll see the results multiply in the future, even if you struggle to find the right words for yourself–You always know what to say to others about stuff that they struggle to see within their own lives.
Pile Two
Your strongest clair could be clairaudience. If not, then it feels like you guys are good with picking up things by what people or say, or you have a strong intuition for what isn’t visible or said, but you have a poor time going forward with your intuition. When you get “right”, you tend to go left, then regret what you find out because you didn’t listen to what was initially divinely given to you. Your guides are nature beings, you can connect with them through plants but also relics or shrines. I keep getting inanimate objects, so you could have a few deities that govern planets, like moon goddesses watching over you. I feel that the connection that you have with your guides is like Yue from Avatar: The Last Airbender. You mirror each other and embody dark feminine energy. They’re gentle, ancient, and wise. People think that all spirit guides are like that, but no. Guides have personalities of their own, and not all are good. They see you as loving, maybe too loving, meaning you love without boundaries which could cause you some pain and a lot of repressed anger. You may not like to be perceived or put on a pedestal, but they do, because they truly see what’s in your heart. You just need guidance. They accept you for your good and bad traits, but it doesn’t mean they don’t lead you into improvement and learning to take accountability. You can be sweet, but you can also be bitter. They feel hurt when they see that you’re hurting, but they don’t want you to hold on to bitterness because people that harmed you will see that again and it’s not your business as to when. I will say that this isn’t to mistake them as peace and turn the other cheek, because they are not. They are wrathful behind the scenes towards people who hurt you or even think about hurting you. They’re very protective over your life, but there are some things you have to do to look after yourself since you guys are from two different worlds. This pile feels extremely hazy. They say that you are so smart, beautiful, and talented, but you have trouble seeing this and it pains them. You have potent manifesting abilities that range from making things happen yourself with your skills to knowing how to conjure with spirituality. It’s like you can create and create, but that’s still not enough for you, even when you are likely to top the latest thing you achieved. You need to learn how to rest and also be okay with yourself. There’s this habit of working and studying a lot for credentials, but still feeling less confident, leading you to give your power away to people who are boastful. This is a problem if you are psychic and are trying to find your way in spiritual communities or communicating with other spiritual people. Stop falling for words that convince you that someone knows more occultic knowledge than you or about your own personal journey and intuition. This is also a message for people to stop shying away from making content or starting a business in the occult because you fear that other people are better than you when that isn’t true, and stay away from people who influence you to think like that because they are not your friends or someone to trust.
Pile Three
You guys could have a lot of ancestral type spirits in your team and are probably reincarnations of ancestors in your past bloodline. You guys are cycle breakers and reapers of work and good karma that’s been gained in the spiritual world, meaning lots of inheritances, especially if you have passed down closed spiritual practices. This pile reminds me of the 4h-10h axis in astrology, each house rules over many different things but what sticks out that relates to this reading is the fourth house dealing with ancestors and the 10th house dealing with your public reputation. A lot of celebrities are famous because they have strong ties with their ancestors who are well respected spirits. People in this pile are destined for blazing success and fame. This can reveal itself in different professions, that could be but are not limited to, writers, actors, singers, entrepreneurship or something related to public speaking. Even though I feel practitioners and believers of spirituality in this pile, especially since this is a tarot reading, there’s a lot of skepticism here. There’s not enough trust or belief and this could be upsetting to your guides, they’re able to see things beyond your present reality which could make them patient, you could even be an impatient person, but it seems like both of you need to allow time to do its thing. Your guides see what you’re capable of, and before you are finally able to see it if you don’t already, they don’t want you to become arrogant and feel like potential is enough to back you up. They believe in putting in the work. They also see that you’re traditional even though you don’t want to be. You guys could be raised around a religion where witchcraft is shunned upon, and speaking about ancestors is discouraged which could explain the impatience. This could also be interpreted as you seeing this success but frustration over how far away it feels or how impossible it could be, and it’s like they see you as being dramatic or frantic about things that are going to inevitably work out. There was a message that I channeled for pile one and didn’t mention but I’m receiving it strongly here instead. It’s like things could be taking their time because you have to learn self-control. They don’t want you to let money and social climbing get into your head and make you forget where you come from, humility, and being in community with others. The fame and success isn’t given for you to hoard, but so that you can continue spreading the blessings to others, especially in your family.
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brights-place · 3 months
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Miles Morales Dating Headcannons
Pairings: Miles X Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Miles dating headcannons since my friend and I re-watched the ITSPV and ATSV together - When he had a crush on you! it was WILDDD! - he would act like a stupid nervous lovesick fool around you and it would be so cute !! - He would definitely stutter a bit when talking to you cause you're just so pretty! and handsome and gorgeous and... He could honestly go on forever about how you made him feel - Miles is the type of person who likes psychical touch and also like doing stuff for his partner
- In public Miles will hold your hand, but in private he's more touchy and likes to hold you in his arms as much as you would allow him to if your comfy!
- He loves cuddles! He especially likes to cuddle with you while watching movies, shows etc. _ He is also kinda into holding you while you play video games. When you play on your bed and just casually sit, he won't be able to help himself and hold you from behind with his head on your shoulder 
- Miles is the one to give you random compliments, they would be really cute and he would tell then only only, because of the fact that he things that stuff and wants to make you feel good about yourself 
- But another reason is the fact he just want to see you all flustered and red
- If you're a civilian, he won't let you get near battles at ALL! He doesn't want you get hurt and fear of losing you makes him overprotective more than usual at times he is spiderman and his job is to protect you
- Even though he doesn't want you to get near battles, he's aware that sometimes something might happen and he won't be able to be with you all the time to help you or protect you - Miles would try to teach you self defense to make sure you would be able to handle yourself when needed
- If you're a Spiderman like him from a alternate universe he is happy cause you know his struggles but when your paired on missions besides focusing on it he will also look after you
- this boy does not play with his girl and mom so you better believe that he was so happy that his mom loved you so much.
- at first he was worried that his mom wouldn’t accept you or get along with you because in that case he would’ve panicked abit yeah he is worried about his fathers opinion but not as much as his mothers!
- kiss him and he'll immediatley melt like putty telling you how much he loves you
- I KID YOU NOT! 1000%! homeboy would probably have a spotify playlist that has songs that remind him of you
- you guys would also maybe have a shared one of your fav songs
- His idea of a date is probably you guys in his bedroom or yours, you either laying on him or cuddling with him, maybe while he doodles or you guys watch a movie
- he doesnt do extravagant dates and gifts, but its the little things that count
- Love language is Acts of service & Quality time
- He likes to call you nicknames, but in Spanish, Especially when flirting with you when he's bold enough!
- I love miles so much I will act up! by act up I mean I would hug him and cry at how adorable he is
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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nyxiswrites1200 · 6 months
⛥𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒚⛥
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Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFT, MDNI, Supernatural spoilers, Committed relationship, Mild confrontation, Mild argument, P in V, Makeup sex, Oral sex, Kisses, Pet Names, Multiple orgasms
Mentions: Early seasons Sam, Reader is feminine, Reader is mentioned to have gotten hurt in the past
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AN: Hello loves! This is in response to a request I got <;3 Hope you enjoy it, anon! Need Sammy to look at me like that ^ I'm gonna be working on another Sam post due to another request <3 and a Leon Kennedy one due to my recent poll results.
Sam has been overprotective lately, more so than usual. He won't let you go on hunts. Only allowing you to stay at the motel and research things if you want. You barely snagged permission to do that much. Trying to address it only resulted in a stupid arguments, it was frustrating to say the least.
It was late into the night when you found yourself alone with Sam. He was flipping through some old book when you finally spoke up.
"Sammy..." you inquired softly to get his attention. Sam immediately turned his gaze up to meet yours. That usual soft puppy look in his eyes. "What is it, lovely?" he asked as he set his book down, sitting up on the bed with his elbows resting on his knees.
"What's been going on with you, Sam?" you asked, concern laced in your tone. He was always protective of you but not this protective. It worried you, especially knowing about his psychic dreams/visions.
Sam knew where this was going and he was starting to realize that he couldn't run from this conversation.
"Sweetheart I...I'm sorry but after that incident with the wendigo, I just can't-" he tries to explain as he runs a hand through his messy hair. "Sam, I know you were scared and that was awful but I'm fine. I understand-" your words stuttered to a stop when Sam interjected "No...no, lovely. You don't.." his voice was a bit more stern and it caught you off guard.
"After that happened...I kept having these nightmares. It ruined me because it made it too real. It made me realize that you're capable of getting hurt...or worse" he bounced his leg as he spoke. A little antic of his that you've noticed. Sam seemed to notice that he almost sounded like he was arguing with you.
"Sam, you can't-" he interjected again "No, don't say that. Don't you dare say I can't protect you from everything...because you know I will go through hell trying to." he said sternly. It made you feel guilty, he was going through all this turmoil ever since that incident; which was weeks ago at that.
Sam finally realizing maybe he wasn't approaching this the right way. He sighed as he got up and went over to you. He carefully cups your cheek as he kissed your forehead "I'm sorry...".
You look up at him as you sigh softly "No, I'm sorry, you should have told me. I didn't know that what happened was bothering you so much.". "No, lovely. I should have been honest instead of trying to just shelter you like some child...I mean, I hate when Dean does it to me" he lets out a chuckle with his signature smirk. You can't help but chuckle as well. I mean, how are you supposed to stay mad when he always has that soft look in his eyes?
"You're such an idiot" you chuckle as you lean in and kiss him sweetly. Sam smiles against your lips as he kisses you back. He wraps an arm firmly around your waist as his other hooks around the back of your neck. His thumb soothingly rubbing the side of your neck in an affectionate manner.
"I love you, sweetie..." He mumbled against your lips as he sighed in relief. He hated having tension with you. Unless it was sexual...
You were happy to have finally addressed this as well. Sam's hands worked down to the hem of your shirt, he paused for a second. Just to make sure this is what you wanted. Your response was to go and tug off his shirt, giving him the okay.
Sam tossed your shirt somewhere in the motel room as you did the same with his. Your hands are dragging up his muscular stomach. His are gripping your hips, highlighting the veins in his arms and hands. Sam pulled back from the kiss with a pant as he picked you up by your thighs.
You chuckle softly as he laid you back on the bed. He undoes the button on your jeans and tugs them off. Not wasting any time, he presses his thumb against your clothed clit and rubs at it.
You moan out as you try to grind up into his hand. "I'm sorry for arguing with you, darling..." He apologized softly but you could see that dominant glimmer in his eyes. He leaned down and pressed kisses along your throat. "Let me make it up to you..." He said softly as he kissed his way down your stomach. You let out a breathless 'yes', Sam smirks against your skin.
He kisses down your body, his hands following as they rub your sides and hips...then hook into your panties, pulling them down.
His hands wrap around your thighs, holding them firmly as he places a soft kiss into your clit. You don't hesitate to tighten your hand into his messy brown hair. "Sammy~" you moan needily. "Hmm? Too slow for you?" He teased with a smirk before burying his face against your cunt. His tongue lapping at your folds like he's starving. You moan out loudly, tugging at his hair as your thighs threaten to close but his hands keep them open.
"Good girl, baby" he mumbled against your pussy as he groaned. He buried his tongue inside you, his nose bumping against your clit.
"God- Sammy-" you felt that familiar pleasure building up as you let out a soft chuckle "Maybe we should argue more often". Sam smiled against your cunt as he looked up at you. "Fuck no, hate arguing with you sweetie" he mumbled softly.
One last suck to your clit and you toppled over the edge. A sinful moan leaving your lips as you arched into Sam.
Sam pulled away, he licked his lips that were covered in your slick. He soothingly rubbed your thighs as you came down from your high. He leaned down and kissed your lower stomach.
You looked down at him as you dragged your hand from his hair to his cheek. "Don't think I fully forgive you yet" you teased with a chuckle. Sam couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he stood up and unbuckled his belt. "Alright sweetie, I guess I need to work a little harder?" He tugged off his jeans, followed by his boxers. His hard cock perked up against his stomach, pre-cum leaking out of the tip.
You bit your bottom lip. You had a tendency to forget he was so big.
Sam carefully held your thighs as he rubbed his tip against your entrance for a moment. Then he slowly slipped his cock inside of you. A pathetic moan spilling from you as his tip kissed your cervix.
A groan leaving Sam as he felt your warm cunt tighten around him.
He leaned down, his chest pressing into yours, your thighs pressed up against you. He loved to get you into a mating press, looking at your expression as he fucked you deep.
You tug your hands into his hair as you moan out. You were so close that you both practically shared the same breaths.
"Good girl, you feel so damn good sweetheart..." He rasped as he grunted, feeling you tighten at his words "Fuck- Trying to be in my guts, Sammy?" You said breathlessly another whiny moan leaving you. Sam pressed a kiss to your lips as he fucked you harder.
The sinful sounds of his balls slapping against you and the wet squelch of your cunt around his dick.
"SamSammy- Gonna cum" you moaned as he sped up at hearing that "Go ahead, sweetie. Cum all over my cock, you deserve it."
At that, you came hard onto his dick. Sam's hips stuttered as you finished. He went to pull out, trying to be respectful but you weren't having it today. You hooked your tugged at his hair, pulling him in as you whined.
"No no- Inside, fuck I need it inside-" you stutter as Sam groans "Sweetie I-" you fuck yourself back onto his cock. "Fuck" he almost whimpered as he thrusted hard into you a few times before he came inside of your pussy.
You shivered in pleasure as you felt his cum spill into you.
Sam panted for a moment, his hands mindlessly rubbing your hips before he slowly pulled out. Some of his cum leaking out of you. His cock covered in your slick.
He laid his head against your chest, not putting all of his weight on you of course. "Am I forgiven?" He chuckles softly. You smile and gently rub the back of his head, playing in his hair. "Of course, baby"
Sam relaxed for a minute, just enjoying your affection. He then sat up as he kissed your cheek "Ready for a bath?"
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astroeleanor · 18 days
🔮✨🪄🕯Zodiac Placements of Witches & Occultists (Spellwork Abilities in Astrology)🕯🪄✨🔮
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1H Pluto, Mercury, Neptune, Lilith, or Moon
• PLUTO: Pluto rules transformation, power, and the underworld. With 1H Pluto, you possess a natural understanding of the cycles of death & rebirth, making you naturally skilled at transformative magick & rituals that involve significant inner work.
• MERCURY: Mercury's influence is linked to the ability to communicate with spirits, receive messages from the spiritual realm, decipher omens, understand the language of the stars (astrology) & manipulate energy.
• NEPTUNE: Neptune in the 1H, can symbolize highly intuitive individuals who have a strong connection to the spiritual realm. With this placement, you are likely to be drawn to practices that involve altered states of consciousness, such as meditation, divination, mediumship, astral projection, and developing your psychic abilities.
• BLACK MOON LILITH: Black Moon Lilith in the 1H represents someone who embraces their darker, more primal instincts. If you have this placement, you may be drawn to witchcraft that involves reclaiming your personal power & working with shadow aspects of yourself.
• MOON: The Moon’s in the 1H enhances your emotional sensitivity & intuition. Having this placement means that you might be deeply connected to your inner self & the cycles of nature. You are likely to be skilled in practices that involve emotional healing, nurturing & working with lunar cycles.
SCORPIO, Cancer, Pisces in the Big 3
• SCORPIO: Scorpio is one of the most witchy Zodiac Archetypes. If you have this sign in your Big 3, you may be naturally drawn to the occult & have a deep-seated need to explore the mysteries of life & death. Plus, Scorpio’s archetype of the alchemist & sorcerer embodies the ability to transform and transmute energies, which is an important skill in witchcraft.
• CANCER: Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is deeply connected to the cycles of nature & the rhythms of life. Cancer is the Moon Child & Hearth Keeper. With this sign in your Big 3, you may have a strong connection to the Moon, which enhances your ability to work with lunar cycles and perform rituals that align with the ebb & flow of nature. The Cancerian archetype is also centered around nurturing, protection & home-based magic–add onto that Cancer's natural intuitive abilities. All of these characteristics make you skilled at rituals that involve healing & protection.
• PISCES: Pisces is another sign closely associated with witchcraft. The Piscean archetype symbolizes those who are natural empaths. have a strong connection to the spiritual realms & psychic sensitivity. These gifts come in handy with practices such as divination, dream work, and spellcasting. The Piscean archetype is also that of the mystic, marked by a fluid approach to magic, often drawing upon a deep sense of compassion to heal and guide others.
8H or 12H Placements
• 8H: The eighth house governs themes of death, rebirth, and the occult. If you have personal planets in this house, it can indicate a natural interest in and aptitude for witchcraft or other esoteric practices. Having 8H placements can symbolize a deep understanding of the cycles of life, being skilled at transformative magic, shadow work and working with the energies of the unseen realms––embodying the archetype of the occultist or alchemist.
12H: If you have twelfth house placements you may be naturally attuned to the hidden aspects of life, spirituality or the esoteric. This area of the birth chart represents the unconscious mind & hidden knowledge, so if you have any personal planets here you might be skilled in practices that involve accessing spiritual insights, such as meditation, dream work, astral projection & mediumship.
Pluto/Neptune aspects to Sun, Moon or Chart Ruler
PLUTO ASPECTS: Pluto aspects to the Sun, Moon, or Chart Ruler can indicate being drawn to practices that involve significant inner work and transformation, such as shadow work, energy manipulation, and other forms of intense, transformative magic.
NEPTUNE ASPECTS: As a planet, Neptune can enhance your psychic abilities, intuition & connection to the spiritual realm. With Neptune aspects in your chart, you may be highly sensitive to the energies around you or develop a natural talent for practices that involve altered states of consciousness.
SAGITTARIUS, Virgo, Gemini or Capricorn Placements
• SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarius can be defined as the Seeker and the Shaman. Ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius Archetype symbolizes the quest for higher knowledge or occult insights. The concept of traveling & mentors is also associated with both Jupiter & Sagittarius–in this case it can involve traveling to other realms (astral projection) and working with spirit guides.
• VIRGO: Virgo, ruled by Mercury, embodies the archetype of the herbalist and healer. Virgos’ detailed nature (Mercury) & connection to the earth element, can symbolize the ability to efficiently work with herbs, plants & natural remedies. Virgos thrive in earth-based practices, healing rituals or creating potions and elixirs.
• GEMINI: The symbol of Gemini, the Twins, represents duality & balance–which can symbolize Gemini's ability to balance the material & the spiritual, the light & the dark. This understanding of duality is beneficial in magic, where equilibrium is necessary to achieve desired outcomes. Plus, Mercury's rulership over Gemini contributes to their aptitude for spellwork/witchcraft.
• CAPRICORN: The Archetype of Capricorn can symbolize having a deep respect for tradition. This characteristic can translate as excelling in practices that involve ancient wisdom & rituals passed down through generations. The rulership of Saturn over Capricorn also suggests a profound understanding of the natural & supernatural laws (Saturn=structure) governing the universe, plus the patience & discipline necessary to master complex magical rituals and practices.
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: what should you put on your bucket list for the summer?
hello beautiful people! i am starting my summer 2024 series right now and i am so excited!!!! i wanted to bring something new to everyone so i am creating specialized playlists for each group. they consist of six songs i’ve channeled during your reading. i hope that the group you chose resonates. i also hope that you all book a reading with me! :)
without further ado, please select your pile.
top left-to-bottom right: (1-4)
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this pile may be newly single or fresh to the dating scene as a whole. you seem introverted, maybe covid messed up your social skills? it’s time to bring some life back into you! i think the main message here is to be more open to exploration.
cards used: the tower, 10 of discs, king of swords, the star, queen of wands, the hanged man, princess of cups.
learn how to swim
flirt with a stranger at a festival/concert
ride as many amusement park rides as you can
go on a picnic date
join some type of organization, or maybe even create one!
be as comfortable in your skin as you can; even go skinny dipping or to a new beach (only if you’re of age though!!)
go to a metaphysical shop
go on a group/double date with your friends
i feel like you’re insecure and you’re trying to work on that. this is the best summer to do so. i feel like this pile gets easily embarrassed. spirit wants you to stop that lmao. i take it that you’re someone who’s probably a loner.
cards used: 9 of cups, queen of discs, ace of wands, 3 of cups, 8 of swords, 5 of wands
do as much shadow work as you can
take up a self-defense class/boxing class
jump off the diving board
conquer your fear of heights by bungee jumping or rock climbing
hypnosis therapy
wear your natural hair in different styles each day for a week (maybe longer 🙈)
embrace family traditions
spa day!
have/go to a bonfire
these are my r&b loversss. i feel like you guys have some pipes on you lol. this pile is kind of goofy too. this pile has to be as free as possible. no relationships, no commitments of any kind (minus a job cause y’know the economy rn is 😔). but anyway, the point is to just relax.
cards used: 6 of discs, the devil, the magician, 2 of cups, wheel of fortune, the sun, princess of cups.
go to a skate park
host an event
meet a special someone at the bar
connect with an old friend
adopt a pet
create an alter ego for yourself and show up as that person
do a good deed for someone, pay it forward.
have a dance battle in public
obtain a FWB (be smart & use protection of course 🤫)
post on social media as much as possible
i can tell this is the pile that likes to be organized. you like to have plans made out before the summer. that might not be the case this summer. focus on being a little more free and spontaneous. flexibility is key, babe. get out of freezeeeee mode.
cards used: 3 of cups, the hanged man, 5 of wands, queen of wands, king of swords, the star, knight of cups, ace of discs.
dye your hair red!
pass the bar exam (for those of you who are future lawyers)
receive a tarot reading from an in-person psychic
flirt a little at the grocery store
get dressed up to go to a department store/chain store
have a girls night in with ur girls!
build a fort!
change up your day-to-day makeup routine
record a song with your friends
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astrojulia · 1 year
From the Underworld to the Surface: Your Connection to the Unseen World
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I want to acknowledge that my perspective on this topic may be biased, but I'd like to share the reason why I write these kinds of posts, like I always like to point my point of view to other people who wants to know a little more. Pluto represents the underworld and themes related to death. Growing up in a family with umbanda as our religion, I learned to connect with the unseen world through the dead. I believe this is a common experience for many Brazilians, and our intuition and divination practices are closely tied to spirits, ancestors, and other intangible forces.
In this post, I aim to explore the connection between our intuition and the spiritual realm, using Pluto and its placement in the different astrological houses as a lens. In my view, Pluto's influence is highly relevant to spirituality and the mysteries of the unseen world.
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Pluto in the 1st house: You have a natural inclination towards detecting subtle energies and hidden truths in your surroundings. Your piercing intuition allows you to see through facades and uncover what lies beneath the surface. You are someone who is not content with superficial explanations and always seeks to uncover deeper layers of meaning. Even when you are by yourself, you may experience a sense of being guided by an inner voice that communicates without words. This voice is your intuition, which can be both directive and forceful. You may feel a sense of urgency when your intuition speaks to you, as if you are being pushed to take action. You are a powerful agent of transformation, both for yourself and for those around you, and your presence can be both unsettling and captivating.
Pluto in the 2nd house: You have a heightened sensitivity to psychic energies that can manifest as inner voices or thoughts. These voices may have a distinct quality that feels different from your own internal monologue, and you may sometimes struggle to discern whether they originate from within yourself or from an external source. They sound alluring, almost sensual. You may have a natural talent for divination or other forms of psychic exploration, and may be drawn to exploring the mysteries of the unseen world, it’s like you want to make the “underworld” tangible in your life. At times, this sensitivity can be overwhelming, but it also gives you a unique perspective on the workings of the universe and the nature of reality.
Pluto in the 3rd house: You have a powerful extrasensory perception that allows you to pick up on subtle energies in your immediate environment. This heightened awareness can be both a blessing and a curse, as it may cause you to feel overwhelmed by the thoughts and emotions of those around you. However, it also gives you a unique ability to tune into the underlying currents of communication and receive information from unexpected sources. You may find that insights arrive to you at unexpected times, such as through casual conversation, overheard conversations, or even through automatic writing or other forms of divination. Your ability to access hidden information can be a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding, as well as for navigating the complexities of the world around you.
Pluto in the 4th house: Your psychological foundations are deeply intertwined with your intuitive and psychic abilities. You have a natural magnetism that attracts subtle energies and hidden truths, and may find yourself drawn to exploring the mysteries of the spiritual realm. Your connection to the unseen world is supported by a team of spirit guides who are always ready to offer protection, guidance, and warnings as needed. You may have a strong sense of home and family, and may feel a deep connection to your ancestral roots or the traditions of your culture. However, you may also experience intense emotional upheavals or power struggles within your family or domestic sphere, which can be a catalyst for personal transformation and growth. Through your connection to the spiritual realm, you have the potential to gain profound insights into the workings of the universe and your place within it.
Pluto in the 5th house: You have a potent creative energy that is deeply intertwined with your psychic and intuitive abilities. Your artistic expression is a powerful channel for receiving messages from the divine, and you may find that your most inspired works come from a place beyond conscious thought. You have a natural connection to the energy of children, and may receive profound insights or messages from the young people in your life. This may be especially true when it comes to your own inner child, which retains a deep connection to the spiritual realm and may have a powerful impact on your intuition and clairvoyance. Through your creative pursuits and connection to the energy of youth, you have the potential to tap into a wellspring of spiritual wisdom and insight that can guide you on your path of personal growth and transformation.
Pluto in the 6th house: Your psychic abilities are intimately connected to your role as a healer and servant. You have a natural talent for providing support and guidance to those in need, especially during times of crisis, illness, or fear. In these moments, you may find that you tap into a deep well of knowledge and wisdom that goes beyond your years, and that you are able to channel this energy to provide comfort and healing to others. The divine may work through you as a soul physician, using your unique talents and empathy to help others navigate the complexities of the human experience. However, you may also be challenged by intense power struggles or dynamics in your work environment, which can serve as a catalyst for your own personal growth and transformation. Through your connection to the energy of service and healing, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights that can deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
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Pluto in the 7th house: Your psychic abilities are deeply intertwined with your relationships and partnerships. You may find that your intuition is reflected and amplified through the people in your life, including friends, loved ones, and even business partners. These individuals may unknowingly serve as channels for messages from the divine, providing insights and guidance that you might not otherwise have access to. You may have a natural ability to tune into the energies of others, and may find that your own psychic abilities are enhanced through close connections with others. However, this can also be a challenging placement, as you may be prone to power struggles or intense emotional dynamics in your relationships. These struggles can be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation, allowing you to deepen your understanding of your own intuition and the ways in which it is intertwined with the energy of those around you. Through your connections with others, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
Pluto in the 8th house: Your psychic abilities are at the very core of your being. You have a natural talent for tapping into the hidden and unseen realms of existence, and may find yourself drawn to spiritual practices and beliefs that explore the mysteries of life and death. Your body may serve as a vessel for a wide range of intuitive experiences, and you may find that you are able to communicate with spirits and entities from beyond this physical plane. Relationships are a particularly powerful arena for your psychic abilities, and you may find that your romantic connections lead you on a journey of transformation and self-discovery. However, these relationships can also be intense and challenging, and may require you to confront and overcome your deepest fears and insecurities. Through these experiences, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. You are a natural explorer of the unknown, and your psychic abilities can lead you on a journey of discovery that transcends the physical world.
Pluto in the 9th house: Your psychic abilities are strongly linked to your higher mind and your quest for truth and understanding. You have a natural curiosity and an insatiable desire to explore the mysteries of the universe, and may find that your psychic abilities are enhanced when you engage in philosophical or spiritual pursuits. Your connection to the unconscious is particularly strong, and you may find that you receive prophetic visions or insights that provide guidance and wisdom. You may also have a natural talent for interpreting symbols and uncovering hidden meanings, and may find that you are drawn to divinatory practices such as tarot or astrology. Your spiritual journey may be marked by profound experiences that challenge your beliefs and transform your understanding of the universe. Through your connection to the higher mind, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and unlock the secrets of the cosmos.
Pluto in the 10th house: You have a powerful sense of intuition that feels like guidance from a parental figure or authority figure. This intuition may speak to you in a forceful, almost threatening voice, urging you to take action and make changes in your life. However, this psychic voice can also serve as a valuable source of insight and guidance, pointing you towards your true calling and helping you achieve your greatest aspirations. In this way, your intuition can act as a messenger from your future self - the version of you that has already achieved success and fulfillment. By listening to your intuition and trusting its guidance, you can tap into your own innate wisdom and potential, and make your dreams a reality. This placement can also indicate a strong connection to the collective unconscious, and a desire to use your intuition to serve others and make a positive impact on the world.
Pluto in the 11th house: You may have a strong connection to the collective unconscious, and receive intuitive insights through the medium of nowhere, making you prone to Claircognizance. This intuitive message can feel electric and charged with energy, as if you are receiving psychic revelation directly from the universe. You may have a natural ability to see into the future or to receive visions that offer glimpses into the unknown. Your intuition may also be geared towards using your insights to help others and make a positive impact on the world. In this way, your intuition can act as a powerful tool for change, helping you to manifest your vision and create a better future for yourself and those around you.
Pluto in the 12th house: You have a powerful psychic ability that allows you to see through the surface and delve into the deeper layers of others' souls. Your intuition is not limited to any specific medium or channel; it is a constant companion that energizes and guides you through every social interaction. Your empathic ability is universal, and you can easily tap into the emotional state of others. This ability allows you to connect with people on a deeper level and offer comfort and support when they need it most. You may also find that you are drawn to helping others through your work or volunteer activities. In addition to your empathic ability, you are also gifted with visions and prophetic dreams. Your intuition can manifest in different forms, and you may receive messages through symbols or metaphors. You have a natural inclination towards the esoteric and spiritual realm, which can bring you profound insights and revelations.
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Astrocherry on tumblr // scottlewisastrology on tumblr
[7] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 1: Introduction. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[8] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[9] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 3: Planets in Houses. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
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dsycop · 2 months
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PILE 1 : 2 people talk shit about you. A man and a woman. But the man's energy is more dominant. This person didn't get what they wanted from you, and it hurt this person's ego. He's extremely toxic. This person is a very shitty person. This person feels rejected by you. You may have shattered this person's "fake" self-esteem. This person may not see no as an answer. He may be jealous of your love life. This person thinks, "If I can't have you, no one can." He doesn't want someone else to come into your life and he doesn't want you to be happy with someone else, and this thought may be making him very angry. This person's sexual attraction to you is also very high. You're making this person's dick hard. This person is really obsessed with you and doesn't want you to be happy without them. This person is sending you negative energy. ( protect yourself 🛡) This person is very unhappy and wants you to be on the same level as him. This person feels a huge deficit. This person needs therapy.
The woman who talks shit about you is a very stupid person. This person may be comparing themselves to you. She's very insecure. This person is someone who feels inadequate. This person does not feel happy and peaceful. This person is someone who can't get what they want from the other masculine energy. This person wants to take your place. She wants to get attention like you. This person may be trying to look like you (especially in terms of appearance), this person is aware that the masculine energy wants you, and this makes them very uncomfortable. This person has been waiting for the masculine energy to forget you for a long time. This person thinks that you and masculine energy have a fateful connection, but they don't want it to happen.
WHAT THEY SAY: First of all, these people are stalking you. They were never pleased to see you happy and peaceful. You have abundance and you attract good things into your life, and these people attribute this to the fact that you are with a rich man. According to them, you have money because a rich man provides you with it. At the same time, they say that you don't care about love, you don't care about money. Your growth and healing of your emotional wounds has irritated these people (especially masculine energy) and they think you are in love with that rich man. And this causes a lot of pain to masculine energy. These people are constantly talking about you. Intentionally or unintentionally, they may be psychically attacking you. I suggest you protect yourself. 🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡
Significant Messages : "Obsessive","Self love", "Sl4t", 9, green, "Golddigger", phone.
Ellie Goulding - Love me like you do
Ariana Grande - Greedy
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PILE 2 : This person is a woman. This person talks shit about you because she has eyes on your man. This is similar to pile 1, but this person is more aggressive. This person may want to beat you up. You may have really bothered her a lot. She has pure hatred for you. She wants you out of the way. This person may be texting some people. This person wants you to break up with whoever you're with. (If you're not in a relationship, the person they like may like you.) This person may fall in love with masculine energy and wants to share these feelings. She doesn't want to hide her feelings anymore.
WHAT THEY SAY: Here I divide it into 2 groups. Group 1, if you currently have a lover, this person says that you are cheating on your lover and you are talking to other men and is trying to spread this rumor. Group 2, if you don't have a lover, this person says you're flirting with multiple men at the same time and they're all using you (?). And this person says that you are a stupid woman. This person wants things they say about you to spread. She wants the masculine energy to hear these. This person wants not only the masculine energy she likes, but all masculine energies to be alienated and disgusted by you. She wants to see you sad.
Significant Messages : "send nudes", glory, winner, bastard, flashes, toxic, power, "watch me", health.
Demi Lovato - Heart Attack
Beyonce - Jolene
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PILE 3 : If you're a woman, a man talks shit about you, if you're a man, a woman talks shit about you. This person feels stuck and is looking for help. You are out of this person's life. This person may be currently suffering from anxiety and money related problems. If you are a man, this person may have problems with fertility. This person can't accept you left them. After you left his / her life, his / her life was not the same as before. This person has options, but they want you. They had relationships after you, but he / she couldn't feel happy.
WHAT THEY SAY: He says you left him because of the money. He says you're immature. This person says you have an onlyfans account. He / She says you want to make money the easy way. This person also says that you are isolating yourself to avoid attracting attention. This person is saying that you are the reason your relationship ended.
Significant Messages : "move on", 12, nudes, wishing bad, flowers, "I'm holding on to you", "don't care", 4.
Selena Gomez - Heart wants what it wants
Harry styles - As it was
Limi - Best I ever had
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duckymcdoorknob · 4 months
I literally love him sm and haven’t even met him in lore yet.
Lyney my beloved I just wanna 😘😘😘😚💋😚😚😘💋😗😙😚😙😙😙💋
I just wanna give him kissies until he’s giggly and smiley and-
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Under Lock and Key
Ships: Lyney x Gn!reader
Prompt: It’s Valentine’s Day, and your lover wants to show you just how much he adores you.
Tags: Genshin taglist .3. @ticklish-n-stuff @chrimsss
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You couldn’t help but chuckle when Lyney’s gloved hands covered your eyes. It didn’t take a genius to know that it was him… You almost immediately recognized the cologne he was fond of wearing.
“Hello, Lyney,” you cooed.
“Aww, how’dja know it was me?” the magician pouted.
“I’m a psychic! And my next prediction is that you’re going to show me something.” You heard him chuckling before sighing.
“Do you trust me, Mon Cher?” His voice was hushed, and you felt his fingers twitch a bit over your eyes.
“With my whole life, amour,” you answered.
“Stand up, and let me guide you,” Lyney demanded in that smooth voice that always left you swooning. “Let me be your eyes and close your own… I will lead you to what I wish to show you.”
His protective demand left you dizzy and breathless. Nonetheless, you rose to your feet and closed your eyes. You felt his hands leave their place over your face and take your own. Suddenly, you felt yourself being dragged forward; you gave into the momentum and trudged along.
The magician guided you through the streets by your hands. His acquaintances waved to him and he beamed back at them and you two continued along the sidewalk.
You had only been together for about four months, but you already knew that you were head over heels for him. “Soooo… where are you taking me, amour?” You inquired with a small smile.
Lyney turned around to answer, but his breath caught in his throat. The sunlight was hitting you just the right way, and you were shining in its rays.
“I- just- don’t move,” he demanded in a sheepish voice.
“Now you sound like your brother.” You chuckled once more, shaking your head
A few more seconds passed and still no words were spoken. You peeked open your eyes and were met with your lover’s blushing face. It seemed as if Lyney knew that he was already in love with you as well…
“Hey don’t open-“ The magician gaped at you as you stared at him. Your eyes glittered in the soft glow of the sunlight.
A dopey smile grew on your face as you chuckled. “What?!”
The blonde exhaled breathlessly. “I’ve truly been smiled upon by the archons. Your beauty is unmatched, Mon Ange.”
“Such a smooth talker,” you murmured, grabbing his cheeks and kissing his forehead. You stuck out your hand once more. “Now, didn’t you want to show me something?”
Lyney nodded his head and smiled, taking your hand. “Close your eyes!”
Once again, the two of you were on your way. Suddenly, you began to hear the sound of tranquil waters below. Granted, they were quite far from you, but you could steal hear the peaceful sound of trickling ripples.
“You’re not going to throw me in the lake; are you?” you asked with a chuckle.
Your love snorted and fell into a fit of the beautiful laughter you’ve always so loved to hear. “No, my rosebud, I will not throw you into the lake.” He paused and chuckled again. “But if you wish to jump together, that is a different story. How about it?”
A fond exhale from you in return gave Lyney the answer he wished.
“Okay, now you can open your eyes.”
When you fluttered your eyes open, you saw the gorgeous waters of your homeland, the court, Marcotte Station, and your beloved.
“Oh, Lyney…” you whispered, “It’s beautiful.”
“That isn’t all of it, amour.” The magician fumbled in his pocket, his fingers lacing around the objects within. “Hold out your hand.”
You obliged, feeling a cold, metal object being placed on your palm. When you looked down, your eyes locked onto a small, brown padlock, which had yours and Lyney’s initials carved into it. “A lock?”
Your lover stood closer to you, draping his arm around your waist. “It’s ours for us to lock on the fence here.”
Before you could question, he spoke again.
“I want everyone to see that we belong to one another”
Your face warmed as you gaped at him, your hand completely still, thumb grazing over the small object. “Yeah…?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”
Your hand clasped around the object as you threw your arms around Lyney. He giggled as you cradled his face and peppered kisses all over it.
Eventually, the two of you knelt down in front of the chain-link fence that oversaw the water. The magician cupped your hand as you snapped the lock into place. He pulled the key out of his pocket, handing it to you. “Just in case if-“
You didn’t even let him finish the sentence before you threw the key into the water below as hard as you could. “I will never change my mind.”
Without words, Lyney pressed your foreheads together as he smiled. “This was the best thing I could think of. I thought it might have been too early to propose to you.”
You kiss his forehead and turned back to look at the lock. “I wouldn’t have thought it was too early, dummy.”
When you turned back around, Lyney was on one knee and holding a small, velvet box. He snapped it open to reveal a shimmering ring.
“Then let’s make it official.”
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jolenes-doppelganger · 3 months
Shooting the Messenger
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Reverend Mother Jessica Atreides x Fem!Harkonnen Reader
Summary: Following the Battle of Arrakeen, House Harkonnen remains decimated. With Baron Harkonnen’s corpse slowly rotting in the sand and Feyd Rautha thrown amidst a pile of burning bodies, Reader is left with no choice but to hide amidst the rubble of the city in the hope of eventually escaping before being killed. Unfortunately, the bastard child of Emmi Harkonnen finds herself cornered, incapable of escaping from the clutches of the still surviving Atreides clan. (Emmi Harkonnen is the wife of Abulurd Harkonnen, brother to the Baron Harkonnen- NO INCEST!!!!).
Warnings: Dark circumstances (war, murder, death), complimentary Stockholm/Lima syndromes dynamic, grey-morality, abuse of power (Jessica), spitting
A/N: I’ve leaned more into the circumstances of the Dune books, specifically with Alia being born before the Battle of Arrakeen. If pregnant women are your thing, good for you, but I’m not into pursuing a relationship with a woman pregnant with a psychic, talking baby that observes everything going on from inside the womb. (Authored with inspiration and council from @ilovehotactresses- Here ya go buddy). This is all worldbuilding, no sexy times, I apologize. I legit cannot comprehend this woman fucking someone just 'cause she can. More sexy times later, I promise, promise, promise!!
Word Count: 3.3k
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House Harkonnen had fallen. Baron Harkonnen was dead. Feyd Rautha, his successor, laid upon a pile of Sardaukar and Harkonnen soldiers, slowly being burned by flames on the sands of the fallen city. You had lost track of Beast Rabban, your oldest half-brother. It mattered not, you hated both of your half-brothers, the dead Feyd Rautha most especially. But regardless of resentment and old wounds, you were left without protection. Finding a dark, well hidden corner of the fallen city was difficult. But you did. Panting, in between collapsing from exertion and crying out of fear, you'd found a corner. Making yourself as small as possible, you covered your ears and froze.
"Reverend Mother, you cannot go into this sector! It is not secured!" a voice echoed down the halls.
"I don't have another option. Alia has spoken to me of her. I must find this remaining vestibule of the Harkonnen throne, the one that remains, the living heir." a voice rasped.
Silence. The room fell silent, and the footsteps disappeared. It must have been an illusion of some sort, a trick of the senses. Those voices and footfalls had been near, therefore the woman who spoke should have been near.
"There you are. Rise."
A force greater than you pulled you up, causing you to put pressure on your lacerated, probably fractured leg. You cried out in pain, but you remained standing.
"Nevermind. Kneel."
You kneeled, the force of your knees on the stone caused white hot pain to flash up your body. Hands cupped your face, pushing back the veil that hid your hair.
"Ahh, so you're half-Harkonnen? The rumours are true.. You're Emmi Harkonnen's bastard, her little mistake." the woman cooed, stroking over the hair repeatedly. "Precious, so precious. You'd make a poor heir. But we have to ensure that, don't we?"
You could only wheeze, looking up at the veiled woman in spite and fear.
"Oh, if you've heard the rumors, you've most certainly heard of my rumored fathers." you managed.
Reverend Mother Jessica drew closer.
"No, I most certainly haven't."
Glaring up at her intentionally, you smirked in recognition of the advantage you had.
"I was supposedly conceived during an Imperial caucus, the product of an affair. But I've heard the whispers. I may have been the product of none other than your deceased Duke Leto."
The slap that landed across your cheeks was resonant, and humiliating. No matter how much pride one has, slaps can never be any less humiliating than nature intends them to be. Tears collect in your eyes from the force, and you're knocked backwards, or to the side, depending on the direction of the slap.
"You will not speak of such things." Mother Jessica seethed.
"It doesn't matter if I was his bastard. This was several years before he met you."
Her hands encircled your throat, and you were met with the steely blue eyes of the Reverend Mother in the flesh.
"Shut your mouth. I have one purpose for you, and if you do not fulfill it, you will find how little life has left to offer you."
"-I'm a bastard child, there was never-"
Jessica could only look with a mix of relief and victory as the Harkonnen slumped forward, pushed into a dream-like state by her command of the Voice. This child was a fighter, she knew it to be true. But she hadn't slapped the young woman out of spite, or fear, rather it had been merely annoying to suggest she was the Duke's child. Jessica knew her deceased concubine well, she knew that if he had made such a mistake as sleeping with the wife of a royal Harkonnen it would have come out before his death, most certainly under the pressure of the move to Arrakis. Not to mention the child in front of her did not look like her duke. She'd know his features anywhere; they were burned into her soul.
"Pesky, belligerent. More Harkonnen than I'd like to admit." Jessica muttered to herself. "Pick her up and have her treated for her wounds. She is useful, for the time being."
The Sayyadina that surrounded her nodded, and a Fremen soldier appeared, hauling the war-worn woman up, towards a medical unit. Jessica knew that her injuries would not be attended to at all if she did not press the matter, so she ensured that the girl was brought into her chambers, that her Sayyadina would oversee the matter to fruition. In the meantime, she had the council of her child Alia to attend to.
"It is done?" the toddler asked, voice uncharacteristically adult, in a tiny little body of a girl.
"Yes, the Harkonnen bastard will be attended to." Jessica murmured.
Her daughter came forward, crawling into her mother's lap. Regardless of her mental age, the body begged for connection from her mother, the soul too.
"She is more than just a bastard, she could be very useful to Paul's cause." Alia mused, childish voice still containing a hint of a lisp.
Jessica hummed, stroking the blonde curls that were springing from her daughter's scalp.
"How do I manipulate her to our needs?"
Alia furrowed her brow, thinking carefully. It seemed the little girl blessed with such mental and psychic foresight was momentarily at a loss for words, carefully considering her next proposal.
"She is like her brother. She has wounds, desires, all of which are accessed through physicality, through sexual manipulation." the girl spoke.
Jessica looked at her daughter carefully.
"So, I bed her?"
Alia shook her head.
"Seduction comes in many ways. If it pleases you to engage with her like that..." but Alia did not finish the thought. "It is not necessary to go all the way."
Jessica hummed, returning to petting her daughters curls. Upon inspection, they were covered in dirt and sand. It was natural for the Caladan born woman to immediately think of baths, but on Arrakis no such luxury could exist. Her daughter was of the desert, conceived upon Arrakis, of this Jessica was sure. Secondly was the matter of her daughter's strange connection to the sands. Alia smelled of the desert, an eerie quality Jessica could not explain. Truth be told, the warrior-child scared her. The mere toddler, the small body that contained such irreputable wisdom and violence, it was a body that should have glowed with innocence, of mindless naivety.
"Mother, of what do you think?" Alia asked, seemingly sensing the dark, contemplative nature of her mother.
"Of matters that you need not concern yourself with, my daughter." Jessica answered curtly. "... I have but one request. Stop wielding those knives. Your mind is old, but your body is young.."
"-I will be fine." Alia shrugged, hopping off of her mother's lap, walking away.
Watching her daughter display such independence was exhaustingly emotional. Jessica felt the tell-tale sign of her eyes burning, and the willpower it took to restrain the tears that begged to fall was more exhausting than just allowing her body to release a few drops of water. Walking away, Jessica moved towards the body that lay prone some distance aways. Jessica yearned for something to care for, something that needed her, someone that would be loyal, and innocent in the nature of the world in ways that her children could not be. Jessica wanted something to call hers, and hers alone.
Glowing light burned through the windows of the conquered city of Arrakis. Smoke wafted through the main palace, the smell tinged with burning hair and flesh. It was grotesque, the smell unforgettable. It reeked of murder, of shed blood.
"Ahh, she awakes." a voice purred, hands encircling you, a face coming into focus.
Blue eyes of the desert came into view. Tattoos, marks of prophecy; symbols your mind could not comprehend adorned her face. Hair, brown and dark, hints of grey peppered in amongst the rest of her straight hair.
"Who are you?"
The woman smiled, and her breath was unnaturally odorless. The product of fasting, you assumed.
"You may call me Lady Jessica, if that suits you." the woman murmured. "Or Reverend Mother."
Lady Jessica Atreides, mother of Paul Atreides, the Lisan al Gaib, Muad'dib of the Fremen, prophet, the mind to bridge time and space. The mother of the demon-child Alia, St. Alia of the Knife, abomination, Reverend Mother, that which should have remained unborn. You knew her well. You knew of her hell-spawn, her corruption, her disregard for higher authority. She submitted to her son, but that was an illusion, you assumed.
"No." you rasped. "No, no, no, no!"
Jessica pressed a hand over your mouth, silencing you.
"Shh," she cooed. "No fear, no cries for help. None of it will make a difference for what I have planned for you."
Since you were a child, since before you had the ability to comprehend the complexities of being a Harkonnen, of being a but a half-breed, you'd always known that it had been okay to run to your mother. Scraped knee? Mother. Your older brothers cornering you? Run to mother. Maids jeering and bothering you? Mother. Lonely, scared and wet after an acid polluted thunderstorm caught you and burned your skin red and painful? Mother. It was in these moments of foolish vulnerability that your heart would sing for that connection, that safety. It was futile. Emmi Harkonnen had died years prior.
"Hmm... Alia may have made her first mistake." Jessica mused, dissecting your fearful micro-expressions. "Or only partly right."
Jessica's hands reached up, cupping your face, brushing hair out of your eyes. Thumbs glided over your brows, analyzing your expressions carefully.
"No... You'll be much easier to crack this way..."
Hauling you up and into her arms felt deceptively easy for Jessica. Her body had hardened and grown sinewy with tough, resistant muscle the longer she remained in the desert. She drew you to her breast, resting head in the crook of her armpit. She reeked of sweetness, of sweat long dried, of the unmistakable tang of spice.
"There... Don't fight it, don't try to hide away." Jessica whispered, her breath now sickly sweet, from low-blood sugar, you guessed.
"You need to stop fasting." you murmured. "Your breath is sweet."
Jessica laughed a little, cradling you closer.
"I have complete control of my bodily functions. You need not concern yourself with the matters of my health."
Hands dragged over the cloth clothes the Sayyadina had pulled over you. Bandages covered your body in innumerable places, your leg was especially bandaged, the product of the fracture you'd sustained. Jessica continued stroking your face, pulling you closer, fingers desperately combing through your hair.
"It's been so long since someone's needed me... Even my own daughter outgrew the need for me once she was a year old..." Jessica whispered, her face showing signs of paranoia, of unmistakable jealous rage. "The Bene Gesserit have taken so much from me... My mother first, then my innocence, my connection with my Duke, my son's innocence, the life of my beloved, even my own daughter."
There was a madness in her eyes that could not be explained. She was strong, ruthless, ready to take and take and milk the desert of every last devotion to her cause, to her children that it could offer. But yet with all that work, with all that pain and suffering she'd put forth, her children grew farther apart from her. Jessica grabbed at the Harkonnen woman with desperation, pulling her in as close as their mortal forms could allow.
"No, you will be mine and you will love me."
"Let me go, I want to go home." you protested, trying to wiggle out of the woman's arms.
The madness in her eyes grew brighter, and she smiled obscenely.
"But you are home."
"I live on Giedi Prime." you whimpered.
Jessica let out a laugh so harsh it might have been mistaken for screech.
"Giedi Prime? No child. I could not send you back to your decaying father, to the dark, colorless, soulless world of Giedi Prime. You belong to me now. Arrakis will be your home. Then, one day, when the time comes, you and I will return to Caladan. We will live on the cliffs, the oceans will sing to us, the breeze... We will remember the good days, and make them ours once again..."
The woman in front of you, the woman who cradled you was haunted, deranged in ways that could not be explained. Whether she had been pushed too far by the loss of her house and her beloved Duke, or whether it had been the Fremen Spice Agony that had caused her to be so utterly consumed by her desires, by her visions of Paul and his propheted status as the Lisan al Gaib.
"I want to be close to my mother." you whispered.
This gave Jessica some pause, she stalled her frantic massage of your scalp, your neck, your face.
"I could be your mother, if you wanted." she whispered. "I could be that for you... I could be whatever you needed, just so long as you needed me."
Jessica seemed on the verge of a breakdown of some sort. Whether it would result in violence, in verbal aggression, tears, yelling or complete psychosis, she was close to cracking all the way.
"I just. Need you. To need me." Jessica whispered.
Pity. The first feeling that came over you when she said those words. The woman in front of you was fearsome, yes. But the truth was she was broken. For all the psychic enhancement and wisdom she'd maintained, she was scarred and brutalized, a thing of beauty and willpower turned feral and menacing due to the elements of the desert planet Arrakis. It was a look you'd seen in your mother, days before Feyd had murdered her. An animal cornered, and animal bearing it's teeth and striking out at anything that dared confront it. Fear. For all of Jessica's training and years of containing her fears, she had never conquered one. Jessica Atreides, Reverend Mother and widower of the Duke Atreides, daughter of the Baron Harkonnen, mother of the most fearsome leader of the advanced times was afraid of being abandoned, of no longer being needed.
"... I don't want a mother... I don't think I could bear treating another woman with the same type of affections as I gave my mother."
Jessica's face spasmed in grotesque anger and betrayal.
"But I need someone. And I don't have anyone to turn to."
She swallowed, a vein on her forehead bulging with the stress of containing her emotions.
"I am that person." she rasped, voice coming out in violent puffs of air. "No one else will put up with you, no one else will bother keeping you alive. You are stuck on Arrakis. The Harkonnen troops are dead, Grossu Rabban is dead. No one will come to save you." Jessica sneered, violently digging her hands into your hair. "The Bene Gesserit will abandon Princess Irulan here as the bride of Paul, the Emperor will retreat back to House Corrino with the Bene Gesserit. They will not bother hauling a bastard such as yourself with you."
Her words rang harsh, true. You needed the woman in front of you to survive, and you suspected that without someone to love, to love her back in the ways she needed, she too would find herself irrevocably insane.
"I know."
Your mouth clamped shut, teeth clacking together aggressively. Jessica let out a low whimper, holding you close. She seemed to be muttering in a foreign language, eyes glazed from effort. It was becoming apparent that Jessica did not have control over her body as she said she did, or, more accurately, she was pushing it to limits that were unsustainable. You managed to reach for a glass of water. Jessica did not notice. Your throat begged for moisture, you needed the water as much as she did, but if she died and you didn't... No one would keep you alive.
"..." you tried to speak, but the command remained.
Bringing the cup to her lips, you managed to coax her into drinking. Jessica's hands flew to the cup, gulping down the water greedily. You suspected it was the first time she'd had water in days. Dates lay on the table. Again you were presented with the dilemma of eating it and fueling your weak body or giving it to the weakened Jessica. You brought the dates to her mouth, one by one until they were gone. She appeared to recover gradually. As her senses came to her, she called out to a Sayyadina, requesting something.
"You are wiser than I thought." Jessica murmured. "I had not realized how long I had been fasting."
The Sayyadina returned with food, hot and earthy smelling. She handed you a bowl, allowing yourself to eat without help. But as you struggled with coordinating in the awkward position, she ultimately grabbed the bowl, spoon feeding you like a child. Water was provided, and the relief it brought was indescribable. Jessica finished her own portion of food, ingesting more water. She appeared to be healthier now, more content and less capable of descending into madness.
"There. Now we are both taken care of." Jessica smiled. "You may speak now, the command only lasts for as long as I wish it to."
You looked around, seemingly looking for something to say to test your ability to speak, but found none. Jessica noticed this, humming appreciatively.
"Alright then, if I must speak first, so be it. You said that you did not need a mother. Of that I can understand, but do not necessarily agree with. Everyone needs a mother figure in their life, until middle adulthood I would imagine. You are young still, you require coaxing, teaching, nurturing."
Jessica's words were wise, of that you could not argue with.
"But you do not wish for a mother figure. I will not press the matter. I will allow you to naturally find that mother figure, but, you will receive all of your needs for companionship, for safety, for community directly through me."
Her words contradicted themselves, but dwelling on it seemed unwise. Jessica leaned forward, searching your eyes with hers in a way that seemed uncannily invasive.
"I'll find exactly how you need me." Jessica whispered. "Don't worry."
Her breath smelled of the curry she'd eaten. It was hot, no longer tinged with sweetness. And her eyes danced in ways that seemed almost provocative.
"... Oh no. I retract my earlier statement. My daughter was right." she whispered, voice a little husky, slightly hoarse.
A hand trailed down your thigh, nails snagging on the thin fabric, making contact with the skin beneath your pants.
The command inflamed your injury-restricted desires, white-hot lust burning through your body in maddening ways.
"Oh, I've always wanted to try that." Jessica smiled, eyes a little manic as she watched heat bloom over your cheeks. "Open your mouth."
It wasn't a direct command infused with the Voice, but in your altered state, it might as well have been.
"Accept the gift of my water." Jessica whispered, spitting into your mouth.
In any other circumstance, the act would have been seen as ridiculously demeaning, but combined with your basic knowledge of Fremen culture and the lust-addled state of your brain, it was enough to cause a slight gasp to fall from your lips. Jessica let out a soft laugh, kissing your cheek forcefully.
You did as obeyed, her spit sliding down your throat. Jessica caught the motion with her lips, savoring the act.
"Again." Jessica whispered, hand holding your jaw.
Her saliva hit your tongue, and you closed your mouth. You waited for her lips to find your throat before swallowing. Jessica hummed, bringing your body closer.
"Now my water lives inside of you. You'll be mine before you know it."
Slowly, about as slowly as it took for your body to absorb the moisture she'd delivered you, your body stopped desiring. But the humiliation of the act lingered. The claim, the power she had of you, her words. That remained for much longer than you cared to admit.
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
15 changes and blessings that will happen to your July
༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose a pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
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SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , I don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and the reading itself belong to me. Expect grammatical errors with this reading, bear with it because english isn't my mother tongue.
💌 check out my back-up account @melodicbloom bio ; click the link, choose your favorite deals that you wanted to purchase and then send all of them to my email account ([email protected])
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New energy shifting for your spiritual gifts and abilities.
Your whole family will be protected and watched by God and Angels.
Commitment to a new relationship. Meeting new people in person not online nor virtual.
Joining a spiritual or religious groups.
Old things and something that will remind you of your past will bring attraction to you this month. It's the perfect to work on them, if you haven't in before.
Collecting memories or vintages stuffs.
Your spiritual path is growing, you are now open and recognizing the truth and will soon uncover them.
A confession from S, T or J.
Allowing yourself this time to be feel supported by others and be their supporter as well.
A new positive outlook for the future and present.
Old debt is about to be paid off.
Someone will get married or attending a marriage celebration.
Practicing new languages and instruments.
A birth of a child is a blessing in disguise. Can be starting something new again.
Be patience about what you are asking, you might not able to see it's result this month.
A big responsibility for yourself to your own family.
A great personal recognition and a positive solution for a problem.
Inheritance or a great fortune for a family.
A blazing love for platonic and familial one.
Moving on from a heartbreak, pain or shocking attack and dating and meeting someone new.
Surprise invitation or meeting from someone. Love is coming for the next months.
Visiting places which is reminding you of your childhood.
July 6 is the most important date. Can miracles and blessings is about to enter in your life.
A dream clarification about a situation.
Influencing others through words and actions.
For spiritual gifts and abilities, you are about to uncover the things about these abilities and gifts.
Big incomes for business and jobs.
A shy person, pretty and psychic is about to reach out to you to ask for your advice.
Redeeming yourself and following what your heart desiring.
Leaving an unhealthy situation.
Forgiveness, a color green is significant for this pile.
A stabber will caught on act.
Sweet words or actions from a Pisces.
New hobbies, career and friendship is about to shift for your own good.
Exchange something from a true friend.
A dark night will soon to revealed a bright dawn.
Travelling and meeting an old friend.
A letter or message from someone will bring so much joy for you.
Gaining physical and emotional strength.
Openness for good luck and positivity.
Facing a stressful situation or decision.
Healing from fears and traumas.
Travelling from one place to another.
Being ready to change themselves and determine to put themselves away from toxic addction.
Starting believing at oneself.
591 notes · View notes
gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
Maybanks sister
Series masterlist, previous chapter
Chapter 6- you don’t need him
Summary: jj is struggling with the guilt he faces, Rafe and you help each other get through everything as always, and when Jj comes to apologize at tannyhill, how does Rafe feel?
Warnings: small short description of psychical abuse, slightly toxic!rafe, maybe ooc!jj?
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“Dad! Dad-“ you shouted, desperately trying to get him off of your brother. Your shout was gut wrenching, your voice cracking and your eyes full of tears.
You finally managed to get him off, and you saw Jj staring at you, his face bloodied. His eyes struggling to stay open.
“Oh my God… Look what you fucking did! Look!” You cried, quickly getting down onto your knees next to JJ, ignoring your father behind you telling you he’s not worth it.
“It’s okay, JJ. It’s okay. You’re fine.” You mumbled, mostly to yourself, wiping away the blood on his cheek and the drool that fell when his mouth hung open.
Your tears fell onto JJ, the memory forever engraved into yours and his brain. He was only 15 at that point, it was his birthday. You were 17.
You’d always protected him, always. He felt a strong sense of regret, having to fight the urge to turn back and come back to you, telling you he’s sorry. He was pulled out of the memory when someone came up behind him, a hand on his shoulder.
“You okay, man?” John B asked him, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine.”
Rafe took you to Tannyhill, the ride was quiet the whole way.
And when he got there, Ward was standing outside, police cars and boats around.
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked back at Rafe. He held out an arm, telling you to stay in the car for a moment.
“I just saw Sarah.” Ward told him.
The next days, during the sentencing for John B, you and Rafe stayed in. He had become anxious, and you were the one to calm him down every time.
He had gotten to the point of multiple panic attacks, asking questions like what if they found out or what if they caught him.
“They won’t. They won’t, Rafe.” You whispered quietly, your hands on his face, and your eyes searching his. He looked down, shaking his head to himself.
When you saw the news that John B was captured and in prison, it had calmed Rafe down a bit. But a part of you felt bad.
That was your brothers friend, your brothers friend who you practically watched grow up with him, your brothers friend who had a crush on you in his awkward acne and braces phase.
You knew that JJ was planning a way to get him out.
“-They’re gonna eject you to the hospital. You remember cousin Ricky?”
“Cousin Ricky, the weed dealer?”
“He’s an EMT.”
“He sold us our first dime bag.”
“So? You can do both. Gig economy, bro.”
“Jesus.” John B sighed.
“Okay, but step 3 is extraction-“ Jj continued his plan.
“Times up.” Plumb spoke, interrupting the two.
“Yes, ma’am. You gotta trust me on this one.” Jj said, staring at John B. “Nothing to lose now. Eleven PM.” He stood up, and walked out.
He heard talking, when he suddenly saw a familiar face. He turned back, doing a double take, he stared out at the window, stepping closer.
He watched his father play basketball, and began banging on the door.
“Dad! Dad!”
“Let’s go.” Plumb said, grabbing him.
“Let’s go.” She repeated, peeling him away from the window.
He turned back, his jaw clenched as he walked.
“I see what you did there, Plumb.”
Rafe was speaking to his dad in the living room while you sat on the bed, texting back with your cousin.
You decided to tell him that Luke was in prison. He wasn’t very surprised. And somehow the topic went back to Jj.
“He’s an asshole, you know how he is.”
“I feel bad, tho.” You typed.
“Don’t feel bad, He’ll come back, I mean what’d you do for him to get pissed at you?”
“Pretty bad shit.”
“He’s always off doing pretty bad shit anyways. He’ll come back to you.”
“Hope so. Thanks Ricky.” You typed,
You shut off your phone, staring at the ceiling for a moment before you heard something hit the window. A rock.
You furrowed your eyebrows, turning your body, then standing up and looking out to see a small figure in the yard. Was that…
“Jj?” You mumbled to yourself, opening up the window. He waved.
“Jesus Christ.” You groaned, shutting the window and quickly gathering your stuff, and heading downstairs.
You opened and shut the door quietly, stepping outside and seeing JJ.
“What the fuck do you want, JJ?” You asked him, walking towards him. He stood, staring at you and back at the house behind you.
His hands were shoved in his pockets.
“You know dads in jail?”
“Yeah… so what?” You told him.
“And you didn’t think to tell me…?”
“I wanted to, J, but I couldn’t have-“
“Why? Why couldn’t you have, y/n?” His voice raising, you put your hand over his mouth.
“If any one of them hear you they’re gonna be fucking pissed. C’mon.” You mumbled, walking away from the house, but he stood there.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked again.
“Because, I thought you would blame me. I just found out not that long ago, and I didn’t know how to tell you.” You spoke, your back to him. You turned around now.
“I wouldn’t have blamed you.”
“Is that why you came? To just say that?”
“No. I’m sorry. I- I said some shit back at the dock… shit I didn’t mean…” he paused. “And I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widened at his words. It was rare for him to apologize like this. It was silent for a little.
“You have to get it, that I just… why him?” He asked, referring to Rafe.
“Because he’s the one who was there for me when no one else was. He was there for me when you weren’t.”
He stayed quiet now.
“But I get why you weren’t. Looking back at it, I haven’t treated you the best either. You’re my younger brother. And I should have protected you more-“
“Don’t.” He spoke up, quietly. “You did-“
“Well, what do we have here? Maybank, don’t you know you’re trespassing?” Rafes voice interrupted, stepping down to the both of you.
You both turned around at the voice.
“I was just on my way, cupcake.” He clicked his teeth, and turned around.
Rafe was behind him quickly, a hand on his shoulder, tightly gripping it.
“Don’t come near here again.” He whispered into his ear. “I will fucking shoot you on sight.”
“Mmm.. I’ll look forward to it. I would love to stay and join your tea party… but I have some other shit to get to.”
“You have some nerve showing up here, JJ.” He shouted when he began to walk away, Jj flipping him off from behind his back.
“Rafe, he was just-“ you began.
“Do I need to remind you that he was the one who made you cry like a fuckin’ baby the other day?” He turned to you now.
You were taken aback at his words. Stepping back as he walked towards you.
“I told you, you don’t need him. Or anyone else.”
“He’s my brother, Rafe…”
“And when has he ever done anything good for you?”
You stayed silent. He walked closer, a small sigh escaping his mouth. You slightly flinched when his hands went up. They made their way to your face, cupping it.
“I’m just trying to protect you, baby. Don’t want you getting anymore hurt than you already have been by him, or anyone else.”
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neptunes-sol-angel · 5 days
A reading dedicated to my days before I discovered my gifts and unexpectedly received out of the blue messages that I really need from psychics who usually kept their talents private. Personal readings will be opened soon. Thank you for your patience
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Pile One 🔮
You would be in an environment where you’re not as free as you want to be which could lead you to be stuck in your head either by overthinking and catastrophizing or dissociating as a way to find some space for yourself to calm down before you lose your cool. It also seems like the people around you may not help you feel any better. They could be very judgemental and see you as not worthy of compassion because you’re not smiling or feeding into their entertainment. They use your frustration as a way to presume that you have no future. The psychic amongst this negative crowd sees your frustration as a sign that your future is actually bigger than what anyone could ever imagine. Sight is very important, so they could mostly receive messages about you through clairvoyance. You could feel guarded with this person and maybe not give them the nicest look as a way to protect your pride and your heart, but this person is not going to be threatened by you or vilify you like everyone else. They could be older or “seasoned” with wisdom to know exactly what you’re going through and why you’re feeling the way that you do enough to know that more than anything you just need someone to sit with you and see you as not a person who doesn’t care but someone who’s genuinely lost and doesn’t know where to go in life. I feel that you remind them of what their past was, so out of instinct they would tell you directly what they’ve channeled instead of keeping it to themselves. Maybe this person isn’t open to using their gifts, especially if they are older and grew up around traditional religious beliefs, or they could simply have the mindset that it’s beneficial for people to not know their future. However, in your case, they’re pulled to go against the grain because they’re looking at a person who is convinced that they just won’t make it. What this psychic would tell you is that you’re actually going to make it farther than you would expect and reach a level of gratification that makes you proud of yourself and look back at moments like the one you’re having presently to be grateful that you didn’t give up. It could sound too good to be true, but what makes you a believer of what they’re saying to you, is how they mention specific details that are too intimate for them to know as a coincidence. They’d tell you that as you make your way to success, to not give too much of your energy towards who or what isn’t supporting you because your contingency to reach the top is dependent on your own will. You must support yourself and believe in your plans even if no one else can see it with you.
Pile Two 🔮
If a psychic unexpectedly saw you, they’d assume you’re one of them. They could have a talent with clairvoyance like pile one, by specifically being able to see other people’s auras. This psychic is comfortable with who they are and blends well with other occultic practices besides divination. They see you as a magician, someone who’s skilled to bend their reality. For some people, I see that they would label you as a glamor mystic based off of your appearance. Even if you aren’t a heavy practitioner, they detect that you’re someone who channels spirituality through other avenues. They see it in how you do makeup or enhance your looks a certain way, but can tell that you’re into passing on your magic by serving others. I get that this mainly has to do with cosmetics or aesthetics like hair styling, being an esthetician or a dentist, designing clothes, or being a tattoo artist. What this tells them is that you understand the power in helping others tap into their own beauty and how rewarding it could be towards their healing. However, they want to tell you that your life is not meant to be solely based on things that you have already mastered and that there’s a lesson that you’re not seeing at the moment. Just as there are different philosophies, forms of witchcraft, and options to physically reinvent yourself, it’s the same with healing. They would pick up on the way that you’ve been dealing with pain is very close to wearing off. The insight that would be given to them by the source starts with acknowledging the many ways that you are stunning that aren’t only based on your looks, and that trying to add more to what you can visually see cannot be the backbone for how you handle grief with rejection, endings, and betrayal. Your inner world needs to mirror how much you groom your outer world and you’ll realize how the root of your exhaustion that you don’t show to others comes from always needing a tool to get you through your feelings or a temporary escape from a situation that you need to be released from. The vision from this psychic that’s being passed onto you will make you understand why some things can’t be fixed by trying to make them pretty and buying or meeting someone new, because going through it to reach that state of no longer holding onto what’s been breaking you down is not exactly a glamorous sight, but that’s only because it’s a work in progress. Allow yourself the patience to see this new path of soul searching all the way enough to where you’re reaping the benefits and justice for yourself. Welcome in the new changes around you and what you feel doesn’t resonate with you anymore compared to this magic that you discover within yourself. Ironically, what you need currently to find relief, is to not always try to alter things because what’s shifting for you isn’t done paving its way for you to victory yet.
Pile Three 🔮
This psychic could actually be someone in your family, someone close to your family, or someone from a field related to education or social work. I’m also getting that this could be a neighbor that you initially weren’t comfortable with. Maybe this person doesn’t speak much or could have a facial expression that isn’t very welcoming or a stare that makes you feel like they’re invading your privacy as if they know something that you’d want other people to not know about. They have the energy of a black cat. People would want to stay away from them and advise you to do the same, especially if they’re a family member who’s a black sheep. There will be a day though where you can’t avoid interacting with them, and you’ll realize that this person isn’t actually a danger. What they’d channel for you are related to secrets. This person is a psychic that doesn’t see their gifts as something psychic. They see it as just discernment, instinct, or even just common sense. Or maybe they do see their gift as something out of the ordinary, but are humble enough to not get caught up with labels. A lot of you are young or significantly younger than this person, and the purpose of their insight is to mentor and elevate you into maturity. They could reveal the generational curses in your family that need to be broken or sense the ways that your past have left you vulnerable to possible dire mistakes because you didn’t have anyone to teach you about certain things. Something that is significant is that this person would most likely channel things about your love life, especially if you’re with someone at the moment. They could sense either your unhappiness or dissatisfaction with your partner or pick up infidelity that you’re not aware of. If you’re not in a relationship, then this person would channel wisdom about how you’re selling yourself short in love by investing in the wrong people. This psychic is meant to help empower you by teaching you about what it means to have autonomy and the authority you have to defend what’s yours and what you deserve. It’s likely you will encounter this person multiple times because there’s a lesson that you need on how to balance your masculine and feminine energy, healing from your childhood traumas, and learning how toxic habits in your lineage have contributed to the ways that you’re self-undoing that mostly have to do with how you tend to restrict yourself for others. It’s generally independence and learning how to be resilient in environments where you feel ostracized that is what you will take in from this person’s channeled guidance.
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spoiledblogif · 4 months
This is the development blog for the interactive fiction called "The Second Sight", which you can find on itch.io at the link above!
This is my first IF project, although I've been writing original stories and fanfiction for years.
I've included the story description and character profiles from the itch page below the cut.
This blog will be a combination of development info, images and music that I associate with the story, and other musings.
Fair warning, there might be spoilers from the latest chapters here, so I recommend catching up before reading too far.
Asks and submissions are always open.
You’re an urban legend in a county full of them.  When you were thirteen, you were found passed out in the road by one of the local cops. No missing persons report. No fingerprints on file. No memories. Just a name.
Oh, and some bizarre psychic powers.  You're content with simplicity. You like your isolated cabin and helping Carter track down missing persons.  You know that in theory there are more people like you out there, but you've never wanted to look behind the curtain to find out.
However, with the disappearance of a local teen named Casey Powell and a recent attempt on your foster father's life, your serene, isolated life comes abruptly to its end and a new chapter begins.
The Second Sight is an urban fantasy story, where you step into the role of a psychic whose strange powers have always separated them from others. Those same powers will drag you down the rabbit hole and into a world that is both the familiar and foreign to everything you know. A world filled with magic, witches, fae, demons, and the unknown.
You can immerse yourself in the story by customizing your protagonist's general appearance, choosing how they interact with others, and whether you lean on logic or intuition to problem solve. There are three love interests planned (more may be added depending on player reception and feedback), the genders of which will be selected by the player upon meeting them.
Jacob Carter
Age: Late forties
Race: Human. Definitely.
Gender: Male
Temperament: Carter radiates grizzled, old bastard energy and despite being the least paternal person in the world, he is your adoptive father. While harsh and aloof on the surface, he is also fiercely protective of you and has bent over backwards to give a decent life to a kid that isn't even his. He doesn't talk about his life before coming to Herman County and you haven't asked him, though that might change soon enough...
Age: Late twenties.
Race: Human.
Appearance: Umber brown skin, black locs, grey eyes
Temperament: Gentle and resolute, Z isn't what you imagine when you think of an agent of the mysterious Magic and Anomalies Bureau. Kind, soft-spoken, and exceedingly polite, Z is Carter's former apprentice and something about them puts the old man on edge.
✤✤✤ Renard/Rowan
Age: Appears to be in their late twenties or early thirties
Race: Human. Maybe.
Appearance: Tall and slender, white-blonde hair, and gold eyes.
Temperament: Playful and flirtatious, talking to R always feels like a game of cat and mouse and you can never be sure which role is yours. Part sad clown, part trickster, and always maddening to work with, the only things you can be certain of with R is that they probably know what they're doing. Everything else is up in the air.
Unknown aka "The Kestrel"
Age: ???
Race: Definitely not human.
Appearance: Tall, beautiful, elegant, with black hair and black eyes.
Temperament: The Kestrel is a complete unknown. It's impossible to say whether they are a lethal ally or deadly enemy, but either way they are a powerful dreamwalker. You don't know how long they've been watching you, but you're willing to bet that it's been longer than you're comfortable with.
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