puppetmaster13u · 20 days
So Anyway I Started Another Cryptid Batfam Au
Yeaah, they were human, and might've been the first vigilantes before the JL formed. Might've gotten caught by some mad scientist cultists. Might've gotten gene spliced a bit, but shhh. Don't worry about it :) They're fine. Absolutely Fine. This is Fine.
But anyway, they have wings now. And talons. And a lot of other things they have to adjust to and might straight up not have a civilian identity for a while- becomes more than a bit of social recluses while they figure this shit out.
So anyway, I haven't finished drawing or designing them, if I ever will, so have what each is based off of. There's a lot of robins. :) Also have how old everyone is at the start of the story. (Timelines are a fake thing that never make sense)
Bruce- Black Drongo (31 years old)
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Kate- Scarlet Robin (31 years old)
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Barbara- Red Backed Scrub Robin (16 years old)
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Dick- Blue Fronted Robin (15 year old)
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Cass- Hooded Robin (12 years old)
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Jason- Red Capped Robin (12 years old)
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Steph- Pink Robin (10 years old)
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Tim- Collared Bush Robin (10 years old)
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Duke- White Starred Robin (10 years old)
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Damian- Olive Backed Forest Robin (8 years old)
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Jarro- Rose Robin (4 year old equivalent)
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Terry- Black Robin (4 years old)
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Helena- Bagobo Robin (1 year old)
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Matt- Norfolk Robin (1 year old)
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Meet my new (and first) Ultrakill OC: Bezaliel! I honestly don't have a lot down in terms of his story or place within the lore, but I have been playing with some ideas based on his name meaning "The Shadow of God" (Maybe also meaning "Damaged"? Idk it's kind of mixed but the first one is most widespread. I'm learning as I go lol). He's also mentioned as being a fallen angel (if I'm not mistaken) so I've been toying with that as well. I know that most of his abilities are related to that "Shadow" aspect of things: moving through shadow, providing aide from the shadows, or even using the shadows in battle. The ball on the screen is similar to a familiar of sorts- something he uses to gather information or keep tabs on certain individuals. Considering the fallen angel bit, I might have him be on poor terms with the council, though that part of things is still up in the air.
I have yet to draw his physical weapon, but I do have some ideas for that as well.
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in-asterism · 4 months
tbh if I see one more post that talks about the shit happening to women and children in x part of the world I'm going to lose my fucking mind
the men in these places are not magically being not hurt
you do not need to exclude them to make your cause more sympathetic
I could rant for hours about the 'women and children' literary device holy shit- the way it means 'noncombants', the way it merges two groups with different vulnerabilities into one etc
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soulren · 10 months
What if we all just built a big house together and stained every board with thick and dark ink until we couldn't see where any began or ended and every time anything entered or exited it too would be stained and marked by our home? We could dance and move and lay around, everything brought in gradually stained more and more by ink-soaked fingers and palms and lips and bodies until it swallowed us all up, until the sun beat down on the house enough to make the ink run and fumes rise and then night came and it all melded into a dark that chased the moon like all its brothers and sisters and we were all gone by next sunrise. Looking out the windows.
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timewontwait · 7 months
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the funny thing there is that you can actually nerf him a little bit by removing the power sneakers LMAO. they're specially reinforced to protect him when he's running at super sonic speeds.
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choiyeonjuns · 1 year
there’s so many things wrong with that…
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biographyiq · 2 years
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Just another normal day in jjk world.. ft: you.
You: *innocently scrolling on your phone with a nonchalant expression on your face*
Gojo: watcha doin' love?
You: nothing just learning new things from your fangirls
Gojo: my fangirls?
You: yeah! They are soo resourceful i mean like no lube no protectio-
And the hell broke loose on that oh so normal day
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staytinyville · 6 months
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Stay Alive (33)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. YOU GUYS! I am sorry for not updating Thursday. I was on vacation so I wasn't on my laptop. But we are back to our regular schedule.
Staytinyville Permanent Taglist
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“(Y/N)!” Was the first thing Taehyung yelled the moment your body fell from the portal. 
You had fallen right into his arms seeing as he went in before you had. The moment he shouted, all the other boys quickly turned around to see what made him yell. 
“What happened!?” Namjoon gasped, helping Taehyung to pull you onto the shore and lay you down. 
“I don’t know!” Taehyung frowned, tears pooling in his eyes. “She passed out when we got into the pool.”
Yoongi moved quickly to take you into his arms, frowning as your body started to heat up. “She's burning up.” He tried to turn you around, feeling as though the part between your shoulders was turning into a hot tea kettle.  
Your skin was starting to peel as Bang’s symbol started to bubble over as if someone had branded it on you with a hot rod. “The symbol is searing into her skin.” He gasped.
“Hobi!” Jungkook cried out.
“I don't-I don't know.” Hoseok began to pull on his hair, tears falling down from his eyes. 
“Kiss her.” Jin gasped out. 
“Please work.” Hoseok grabbed onto your cheeks, quickly pulling his lips onto yours. 
When the man pulled back, Yoongi took another look at the mark on your back. He sighed out in relief as it stopped bubbling, going back to just being a dark spot on your back. “It's gone.” He told everyone. 
The water to the lake rippled as your grandfather stepped through, quickly catching sight of the boys standing over your unconscious body. He rushed over, looking around in search of something. 
“She still isn't waking up though.” Namjoon told his friend. 
“We have to take her to Bang.” Your grandfather spoke up, moving closer. 
“Where's Jimin?” Taehyung questioned, looking around as he noticed one of them was missing. 
The six boys all flinched when something whirled past their heads and embedded itself into the cave wall. They all turned to see the arrow protruding out which made them panic. One by one the boys started to panic and tried to find a way out of the cave without being caught. However, their worry for having lost Jimin made them stay put. 
Yoongi got up quickly with you  in his arms as his brothers all fell one by one as magic swirled around the cave. Hobi quickly held up his hands to try and counteract it but instead of being hypnotized someone had rushed out and hit him with a stick instead. 
“Shit.” Yoongi gasped, holding onto you closer to his body. “No!” He shouted, moving back with you in his arms. “Wait! We have to see–” Something hit the back of his head and he began to feel dizzy. “Bang.” He finished before falling back and having you land on his chest. 
“Wait!” Your grandfather shouted. “I've come to speak with Bang Si Hyuk.”
“(G/N)?” An older man walked through the group of archers, holding a large spear in a hand. “What are you doing here?” He looked down at the seven boys all unconscious on the floor. 
“What's going on?” He asked one of the warriors. 
“We have some prisoners who came through the portal at Yuri lake.” An archer spoke up, gesturing to the boys. “We've subdued them to keep from having any casualties as protocol.”
“(G/N) is under our jurisdiction.” The man told the younger warrior.
He looked over at your grandfather, giving him a bow of his head in greeting. Your grandfather hummed, bowing back in acknowledgment. 
“The others are not.” The warrior pointed to the seven boys. “It seems the girl has spells on her. Whatever it was, it made her faint from the pass.” He explained to his superior. 
“What happened?” Minsuk, the leader asked moving to take a look at all the boys and you. He turned to your grandfather, waiting for him to answer.
“(Y/N) has a memory spell on her.” He answered. B”ang Si Hyuk erased her memory about this world for her protection.”
“I see.” Minsuk stood up, frowning at the boys. 
It was obvious these boys were all from this world. However he was confused about what they were doing in the human world. Especially now and how they found the pond to cross over the portal. He knew your grandfather must know something if he had crossed over with them. 
“We'll take you to him then.” Minsuk told your grandfather. 
“Thank you.” He bowed his head, moving to check up on you. 
Yoongi kept you close to him even as he fell to the ground. However, the warriors separated you as they tried to tie up all the boys. They were kind enough to move you onto soft padding seeing as you were related to someone who was allowed in their world. 
“Who are these boys?” Minsuk asked as they placed the boys into a wagon to take them back to their headquarters. 
“(Y/N) met them at her work place.” Your grandfather explained. “She says they were kidnapped from here 10 years ago.”
“By who?” Minsuk asked. 
“She didn't tell me.” Your grandfather sighed. 
When they reached the building, inside there was a door in a room that was used to create portals with spells. The ogres of the warrior unit all carried two boys over their shoulders, walking up to the door. Minsuk walked behind them trying to recognise their faces but frowned when he couldn't. 
“Do any of you recognize these boys?” He asked his soldiers. 
“Not that I can tell.” One of them called from over his shoulder. 
“No.” A small fairy girl spoke up, looking over you to make sure you were okay with the memory spell. “Are they part of the people who got kidnapped all those years ago?” She asked. 
“Quite possibly.” Minsuk sighed. “Now we must go see Bang Nim.”
Him, the fairy girl and two others all raised their hands up to activate the portal to take them to Seoul where Bang was. Just like in their own building, Big Hit had its own room where people would come in from portals. 
As they all stepped through, the warriors that were part of Big Hit had alerted their own superior. 
“Sejin.” Minsuk bowed, greeting the man. 
“Oh, hello Minsuk.” Sejin frowned, examining all of the people who had passed through. 
His eyes went wide at all the people they had knocked out and over their shoulders. “(G/n)?” He questioned stopping at your grandfather. 
“Hello, Sejin.” Your grandfather nodded his head. “We've come to see Bang Nim.”
“What's going on?” Sejin asked, stepping closer to see who it was they all carried. “What's happened (G/N)?” He asked, looking over your body for a moment before checking over all the other men.
“It seems my granddaughter will always be tied to this place.” Your grandfather sighed. “Bang was right.”
Sejin suddenly gasped loudly, causing everyone to flinch. “Where did these boys come from!? How did they get here!?” He cried, tears welling in his eyes as he rushed around to find someone to help him get the boys in a comfortable place. 
“By who!?” He shouted. “We have to wake them up. This is—This is amazing news.” Sejin began to shake with excitement, a humming coming from his body as his energy began to buzz. “I have to go get Bang Nim.”
“What is it, Sejin?” Minsuk asked.
“It's Bangtan.”
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Series Masterlist
@h3arteyes4mingi , @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh , @rinkud, @rln-byg , @singukieee ,  @hoshi-is-ult-bbg , @ldysmfrst , @k-p0p-4ever , @shadowyjellyfishfest , @forestsquirrel , @juju-227592 , @alienchickenpoopp , @dreamerwasfound , @afangirl91 , @psiphidragon , @puppyminnnie , @girl-nahh-two , @shyloh-the-cornsnake , @oemmi2005 , @ollyoxenfrees , @whynotlarene , @beeltsumuu , @cryingpages , @milopenne , @belikejk , @bts-4-life-ot7 , @woozixo, @serveruslovebot , @vintageoldfashion ,
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wedonthaveawhile · 2 months
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Betraying the devil you know // Part I
Ominis Gaunt x f!MC
AO3 link // Wordcount: 2k // Tags: Explicit | Allies to lovers | Dark | Violence | Jealousy | Angst | Smut | Trauma | Forced proximity | Implied alcoholism | Non-canon deaths | Mafia AU.
Months. That's how long Marvolo Gaunt has been crushing the life out of you. One reckless decision was all it took to be dragged into his inner circle to pay for your sins. However, being his favourite informant has its perks—you hear whispers: a civil war is brewing among the Gaunt's.
Is it better the devil you know, or do you seek refuge in the arms of the enemy?
Read the prologue here.
For twenty-eight years, whispers of slander had perpetually preceded the name Ominis Gaunt.
The Daily Prophet had initially reported on the birth of the Gaunt's second son, however, the family had firmly abstained from providing any photographic proof. While they carried on parading their firstborn in the public eye, their second child seemed forever confined within the heavily guarded perimeter of their estate.
The less reputable newspapers fanned the flames of speculation, dubbing him a disfigured, mutated horror—The Broken Gaunt.
Needless to say, the glowering figure at the opposing end of the blinking wand had no deformed limbs or vampiric fangs protruding from his lips. Pale skin stretched taut over his razor-sharp, and undeniably human, features. He was taller than his brother, with a thinner frame but no less imposing.
The only departure from humanity were his eyes, which bore into her as he awaited an answer to his question.
You let us abduct you, didn't you?
"Yes," her admission came hesitantly, as if the inflection of that lone word could reveal every sin she had witnessed, and every one she had committed—her only leverage.
She could see walls of tightly stacked slate wedged between gnarled beams within the musty gloom. That and the smell indicated they were somewhere underground; the air was stagnant, poisoned with an acrid undercurrent of dark magic and scourgify charms. The combination made her stomach roil. Blood; it always meant blood.
"You don't appear overly concerned, which means my brother intended for me to find you, or you deliberately sought me out." The wizard's robes billowed as he swept closer, a glint of emerald trim contrasting against the dark fabric. "Which is it?"
"The latter."
A final crimson glow flared from his wand before he lowered it to his side, "I trust you understand the gravity of my concern. When Marvolo's lackey is found roaming alone, I..."
She thrust forward in her chair, shoulders wailing in pain from the unnatural posture they were contorted into. "I'm not... that," she bristled.
"Then what?" he retorted sharply, leather gloves creaking as his grip tensed around the notched hawthorn. "Are you telling me I'm wrong?"
"I'm no one; I was forced into this."
"His stories say otherwise."
"He lies."
"I'm well aware."
Her captor fell silent as he paced, grit skittering off the ground with each measured step. She expected his shoes to be abraded and sullied with flecks of blood as Marvolo's often were, but they were immaculate—the polished leather glinting under flickering torchlight.
He came to a halt in front of her, and she shifted uncomfortably with nowhere to go.
"An informant stationed at the Leaky Cauldron is not no one," he said, holstering his wand. "The tales you could tell would be most intriguing, I'm sure."
"That's one way to put it," she craned her neck to better survey the desolate crypt, hunting for any sign of Marvolo's silhouette in the shadows of an alcove. If a year of serving under him had given her anything, it was a crippling sense of paranoia. "I need your help."
"Is that so?" He drawled, brushing off a spider scurrying up his wrist—the epitome of indifference.
"I know you've been following me, and I know what it is you're looking for," she said with a harder edge than she felt. "I'm prepared to offer it willingly in exchange for my protection." 
"Protection from...?"
"From him. He warned us about you, said you've been search for a crack in his organisation, and what he'd do if any of us were caught..." She could feel the heat of Marvolo's breath hissing into her ear, his fingers constricting around her throat. She forced her voice to remain steady. "I'm your way in; I'll tell you everything I know for… I don't know, fuck… a safe house?"
One of the wizards stationed by the barricaded door let out a derisive snort, which was abruptly silenced by a piercing glare from his boss.
"I have veritaserum, and now I have you. Any reward you receive for the effort I've put in to obtain both would be nothing short of generosity."
"Are you generous?"
He found that amusing, smirking down at her briefly before snapping back to cold indifference. "How can you be certain I won't return you to him?"
"Because I know what he did to you."
A muscle twitched in his jaw—a fleeting tic, but she saw it.
"He shares a lot with you. He must trust you."
"Not at all; he just thinks it's impressive."
His ghostly eyes burned with distrust as he dragged a finger across his lips. "Then how did you fall into his circle?"
Her bravado dissipated as her humbled gaze fell to the floor, "I didn't know it was him…"
She flinched as a figure surfaced from the shadows to present a scrap of parchment before skulking back into the dark. Ominis Gaunt bit down on the tip of his glove, stripping it off before curling his fingers and gliding one over the embossed text.
A scoff broke free from her throat before she could rein it in—all those rumours swirling around him for years... His family's efforts to shield him from society.… all because he was blind? How anticlimactic.
She clenched her lip between her teeth as those sightless eyes pinned her down.
"Keep talking."
"I… uh, I thought he was just another drunk customer passing through. He was showing off some gold ornament, bragging about the risks he took to get it..." She paused to swallow her embarrassment. "My friend and I... we needed money."
"You stole from Marvolo Gaunt," he lifted his head with a scornful sneer of disparagement. "What did you take?" 
"A relic," she replied dryly, taking pleasure in how her words wiped the arrogant smirk off his face. "The relic he murdered your friends for."
The weight of his rage was palpable, his fingers twitching as he wrung the note clenched between them until the tearing grain finally broke him from his deliberation.
He gave a terse nod to the wizards on either side of the bolted door.
When the slam of oak against the stone lintel subsided, the room sank into a heavy silence. His body was still as marble, save for the methodical dart of his calculating eyes.
"I can't live like this," she pleaded. "I'm worth your time; I've been listening for months, soaking it all in just for the chance to share it with you. And when he shows himself to take me back, you could—"
His posture straightened with a renewed interest in what she had to offer. "You can lure him out of hiding?"
"He'll come for me," she said firmly, and she meant it. "You and I have a common interest, and I want us to work together to make it happen."
"That shared interest being my brother, dead."
The abruptness of the question clouded her thoughts in suspicion.
Was this a trap?
What if the Gaunt brothers were working together? What if the rumours of their feud were some bullshit story to—
"It's not a trick question," his silken voice sliced through the tangled ivy of her thoughts. "Is that what you want?"
If this plan went up in flames, she was as good as dead anyway, by her own hand or Marvolo's if he beat her to it. There was nothing left to lose.
He stalked around her, icy fingers closing tightly around her arm.
"Don't fucking touch me," she spat, wrenching away in a panic.
Such defiance would have earned her a backhand from his brother, but there was something distinctly less psychotic about this Gaunt than the one she had escaped.
"If I wanted you dead, I'd have you dragged back to where my men found you and let my brother finish the job." He sought out the rope and murmured an incantation to untangle her from its grip. "My hands are, and will always remain, clean. Don't delude yourself into believing you're worth tarnishing them."
Her arms spasmed as they hung limp and utterly useless at her sides; she was at a loss for what to do with them. "Thank you."
"Is everything you've told me the truth?"
"It is."
He withdrew a galleon from his pocket and altered its form into a chair, which he positioned in front of her and took a seat. She braced herself against the stiff wooden back of her own as she rotated her raw, chafed wrists.
"I want you to understand that I hate resorting to these measures, but it's necessary for corroborating your story."
"What measures?"
"Look at me, please."
Before she could process the implication of his request, connect the dots and realise the power he held, her eyes instinctively met his. He exploited the connection to slam his way into her mind.
His mental intrusion sliced through her memories like a sharpened blade through flesh, flaying each one until they lay exposed before him, ripe for his scrutiny.
He pulverised her every attempt to occlude and expel him from her thoughts, smothering her internal cries until it was near silence in the wreckage of her consciousness.
The psychological interrogation began with that night—she could hear her inner dialogue and see her life unfolding like a twisted theatre.
She was watching from the bar as the polyjuiced patron brandished his treasure, laughing uproariously as he recounted the price he paid to claim it. The Leaky Cauldron hosted a constant rotation of travellers; it wouldn't be the first time that something pretty found its way into her bag.
Suddenly, she was in the candlelit hallway of her flat, sliding off her shoes beside Poppy's and padding across the chipped floorboards to the kitchen.
She couldn't shut her eyes, couldn't turn away from the memory projecting onto the dark canvas of her closed eyelids.
Marvolo had followed her home; he had Poppy.
Please, stop.
Ominis' legilimency snuffed out her begging.
For the second time in her life, a Gaunt forced her to watch as the radiant light faded from Poppy's eyes. Scarlet spilled from her lacerated throat as the diffindo tore apart her efforts to scream run —the kitchen knife she wielded as her last line of defence lodged between her ribs.
Get the fuck out of my head.
She felt the mental pull to collapse, but her mind was a marionette, strings pulled taut to forcibly suspend it upright against her body's every instinct. It was excruciating; the occasions she had angered Marvolo enough to warrant a taste of the Cruciatus Curse were the only experiences that came close.
Ominis glanced over the tasks she had been compelled to carry out—ranging from thefts of the ministry's highest-ranking officials, to luring naïve wizards into an ambush, to the deliveries of forbidden artefacts...
He then flitted to what he needed to confirm her worth—Marvolo's threats, sifting through the warnings as if her mind were a catalogued library.
No one will ever touch your skin again; every inch of you belongs to me. 
If you ever try to run, I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth to raze you from it myself.
I'll rip out the throat of anyone who dares lay a hand on what is mine.
Satisfied, he finally wrenched free from her mind, nearly causing her to black out.
Words stumbled across her tongue, just beyond the reach of her unresponsive mind. 
"Don't…" send me back.
She reeled forward and felt fingers dig into her shoulder to stop her from slipping to the ground, followed by a rush of displaced air as Ominis Gaunt disapparated them both.
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mybigfatgaylife · 11 months
This is what happens when management is terrified of another strike. They saw the collective action happening around the country and the fear that it could happen to them brought them to the table open to making this incredibly lucrative offer.
Make no mistake: UPS didn’t do this because they woke up last week and suddenly discovered human decency and a burning desire to be fair. They did this because they are terrified of a strike.
Collective action works y’all.
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ele-sme · 9 months
Neteyam isn't proud of what he just did...
nope, not one bit, not the slightest, he should be ashamed of what he just did.
for context, he was minding his business, on a branch of home tree, fixing his knife making it sharper.
but he was disturbed by someone, a human girl not much younger than him.
she called for him, a little annoyed he abandoned his branch to met the girl.
her short brown hair was messy, inclined that she might have woke up not long ago, even if now was mid afternoon so it was a little strange someone would wake up now.
"Neteyam" she greeted formally and he greeted her too out of politeness.
"i would like to ask you something" she said and her face got to an red shape, some giggles came behind her and Neteyam noticed the girls -a mix between na'vi and humans girls- giggling behind this messy short brown hair girl, that he even forgot the name.
"what is it?" he asked
if she was gonna declare her love for him, he might be rude this time, in a week eight different girls asked to start courting or be their boyfriend.
he was obviously polite with all of them, explaining how he wasn't interested in any girl for the moment being.
but if this one too was gonna confess, he might as well yell that he liked mens.
the girl got redder in the face "i wo- would like to ask Miles out, do you know where he would like to go for a date?" she uttered out.
Miles? who was Mil- oh.
he could feel his body tense out of protectioness, his fangs coming out to be more intimidating for the girl, who rightfully took a step back seeing she provocate such a state in him.
"Spider" he corrected "and I'm so sorry to say it, but he doesn't like dates" he snarled, making the girl back off again.
one of her friends came close taking her gently away with by wrist, hissing slightly at Neteyam.
who responded back louder, before turning around to get back on his branch.
Neteyam seethed with anger as he watched the girl and her friends retreat. His heart raced with a tumultuous mix of emotions—anger, jealousy, and protectiveness. How dare she try to ask out Spider, his secret boyfriend, using his dead name?
He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the handle of his knife. His fangs remained exposed, a clear warning to anyone who dared to disturb him.
As he returned to sharpening his knife, the rage inside him began to simmer, but the jealousy still burned brightly.
Neteyam took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.
i can't act like this, this is practically saying it to everybody, practically yelling it, and I'm in the main area too..
dad will be so angry with me as soon as he finds out what i did
The teen knew he had reacted strongly, perhaps too strongly.
His protective instincts had kicked in, and he had lashed out at the girl.
But he couldn't help it. The thought of someone trying to encroach on what was his, even if it was a secret relationship, was infuriating.
looking up from his knife and he noticed how the sun was starting to come down, it was the time.
every day, before returning to hell gates, Spider and Neteyam would meet, and spend an hour or so together.
Neteyam climbed down from the branch and started making his way through the lush, vibrant forest of Pandora, in search of Spider.
His heart still beat within jealousy and anger.
calming down a little only when he saw Spider, waiting for him meanwhile he was doing a flower crown.
smiling warmly when he saw Neteyam's figure.
the na'vi set next to his partner, and with not so much effort positioned him on his lap.
a small gesture that both boys liked.
Spider leaned in and lay on Neteyam's chest, continuing working with his colorful crown.
they were in a calm atmosphere, just them, the flowers and the sun going down.
their place, under a tree, their safe place.
some atrokirina was flying around, coming closer from time to time, but never touching one of the boys.
Neteyam feels ashamed not because of what he told the girls, but because he disturbed that calming atmosphere he and Spider had.
only because he could not let this feeling alone in his chest and heart, he could feel them becoming poison if he wouldn't act fast to stop them right away.
"you won't believe what happen today" he said angry
"what?" asked Spider frowning a little at Neteyam's tone, putting his uncompleted flower crown on the ground next to Neteyam's lap.
Neteyam mentally apologise for ruining the quite and lovely atmosphere.
"the girl you always with lately, the one with short brown hair-"
"Yes her, she and her friends disturbed me meanwhile i was sharpening the knife, and she asked me the vilest thing ever" There was a palpable sense of fury and vexation in his voice.
Spider was now sitting up, looking Neteyam in his eyes, concerned about what his lover might had encountered before they met.
"she asked me if you would like to go on a date with you" he said "and the worst part is that she said Miles and not Spider," Neteyam said indignated.
again, Neteyam apologies mentally when he saw Spider's face becoming of sadder expersion.
"She called me Miles?" he asked with a tiny voice, that Neteyam had never in twelve years of knowing him heard he use.
and he never wants to hear it again, Spider looking fragile? that really hit him then.
Neteyam brought the boy closer again, making him lay on his chest, and giving him a kiss on the head.
"I'm sorry" he apologies "if it makes you feel better i told her off immediately, she's probably crying right now"
"But i don't want her to cry," Spider said again with the tiny voice, that was killing Neteyam from the inside.
they stayed in that position for a bit, silent again but not nice like before.
"i don't want you to hang out with her anymore," Neteyam said "i do not want to be like those guys Norm makes us see in the magic human box-"
"TV" Spider corrected
"Same thing, the point is that i would prefer if you do not hang out with her anymore, please" he asked and Spider gave a slow nod.
"The way she called you, and without counting that she wants to go out with you"
"Oh," Spider said a little mockingly " Is Neteyam jealous? The mighty warrior Neteyam? The golden son Neteyam? The perfect Neteyam is jealous that a girl wants to ask out to his friend aka secret lover?" he asked with a chuckle, returning to a joyful spirit.
"...Lover is a bit to much-"
Spider pushed him on the ground and the boys started to play wrestling on the soft grass.
they stopped only when even the atrokirina annoyed at them placed themself on the boys's bodys.
"Is late" Spider noticed "do you think i deserve a kiss of goodnight?"
Neteyam nodded without hesitation, and as quickly as light he removed Spider's mask.
giving the human boy a soft kiss on the lips, before putting the mask right back on.
"i would like more" Spider said clicking his tongue.
"and i would like for you to not pass out," Neteyam said clicking his tongue too, but only to slightly annoy Spider.
they said goodbye not long after, getting both scolded because it was now fully dark when they returned to their respective household.
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galaxythreads · 6 months
Honestly I always just assumed that it was only the power stone that could vaporize you by touch (because it’s the *power stone*) but everyone always says that it’s all the stones. So I’m wondering if there’s any time where another stone hurts someone just by touching it? I haven’t been watching any mcu recently, especially not the newer stuff, so maybe that’s why I didn’t know?
no worries! When Fury touches the outer casing of the Tesseract in Avengers 1, he is visibly in pain and he has to shake his hand to get rid of the numbness.
(do not have gif of this, but it's when he's putting the Tesseract in the suitcase before Clint shoots him in the chest and Loki says "please don't, I still need that")
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^ Red Skull is vaporized when he tries to break the Tesseract in Cap 1:
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^ just lightly touching the mind stone activates Wanda's innate magic 3000 + gave Pietro his powers
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^ ULTRON won't touch the mind stone
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^ Raw energy of the tesseract gives Carol her powers
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^ CONTACT ALONE with the power stone is enough to make Thor scream
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+ the scene you were talking about from gotg1 with the power stone
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^ an enormous plot point of TDW is that hours after getting possessed by the infinity stone, Jane is on the brink of death. Is it instant vaporization, no, but I think that's only because it's not in one go, she's taking it in her body like a fluid, so there's more skin to absorb the power, if that makes sense?
+ other examples I'm too tired to think of. Like vaporization is only shown with the Power Stone on screen, but all of them clearly have an adverse effect when you touch them and we know that even though they don't state it explicitly because of the WAY the infinity stones are presented to us. ALL of them (except the soul stone) are encased in something to make it easier to touch. That was done on purpose, not just convenience. if you watch mcu infinity saga closely, you'll notice just how much care was put into making the infinity stones visibly powerful without ever having to say anything about it. People use the magic from them, but they rarely, if ever, actually touch the stone.
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the scepter ^
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^ an entire magic spell has to be cast in order to OPEN the necklace that holds the time stone, let alone USE it. it's dangerous to touch, so they have it locked away
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^ he's USING the time stone, but look how much effort was made into NOT touching it
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when he gives Thanos the time stone he makes an effort NOT to touch it
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^ the reality stone is consumed by Jane, but any time anything tries to touch her, a magic shield appears that protects it from threats (Also couldn't find a gif of this, but again, massive plot point of TDW is that they can't get the aether out without Malekith's help)
HOWEVER. you are right. People do touch the Infinity Stones with what is basically bare hands a lot, but not really until Endgame/Infinity War
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So...rules are fluid? I guess? Personally, I just don't understand why so many infinity stones would be encased in such powerful objects for protection unless it WAS dangerous to touch them
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The Tesseract was put in shatter-proof glass that survived centuries, the Soul Stone is...under some sort of spell via God(?)(unclear), the aether was broken into pieces so it's evil kool aid (which is a protectio device because you can touch the bits of the aether without it killing you, rather than the entire infinity stone), the time stone is in a necklace you have to use magic to open, the power stone was hidden in an unbreakable orb and the mind stone was encased in the scepter (Thanos might have done this himself, also unclear)
The point is that I think MCU didn't really decide one way or the other, and even if they DID, thanos is intended to be a bit sturdier than the average human, so him making contact wouldn't vaporize him instantly, I think.
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doodle-pops · 11 months
Since You Been Like This
Maeglin x reader
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Request: I can’t find a lot of Maeglin x reader online, so I was wondering if I can get an Maeglin x human reader, where he’s overprotective and possessive of her due to her being human? -Anon
A/N: This is probably the furthest idea of what you had in mind when you requested for this. I decided to take a trip down the angst and manipulative path and I slipped...oops! I have tagged this as yandere content since the possessive behaviour opens up to that theme displayed.
Warnings: possessive behaviour (borderline yandere), manipulation, argument, overprotectiveness, hurt/no comfort
Words: 1.3k
Synopsis: The day you met Maeglin was the day your life changed for the worse. After years of endurance, you took your stance, unaware of the possible dangers that lay ahead.
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“Maeglin…Lómion, I’m sorry, but…I can’t do this anymore.”
Your words were like an arrow filled with deadly nightshade which shot through his heart and left him doubled over, gripping his chest where your venom made its make before spreading to his mind. Glassy eyes that reflected your heartbreaking figure standing in the doorway of his vestibule, blinked once, then twice before a single tear rolled down his cold cheeks and soiled the onyx carpet. He couldn’t move to stand before you like he desired; to shake the nonsense out of your mind that someone perhaps had poisoned you with. An unmovable force was restricting his body from making that step to convince you he was right, and you were safe with him. You didn’t know what you were saying, you were placing yourself in danger by walking away.
Groaning as his body was forced to make one step in your direction, his glassy eyes blinked and released another tear before straightening from his hunched disposition. His body ached and cried, screaming at him to rush over to your tiny figure and pull you closer to him. To lock the door and teach you all over again, the horrors of the world beyond for the life of a simple mortal. Gondolin might have been considered a safe haven by others, but not by him who has seen the treachery within its walls between kin. He lost one who meant the world to him, he would not lose another.
“Y/N…what are you—what are you saying?” His lips trembled as they lifted to formulate a smile, resisting the urge to drop and become stern, showing you his displeasure at your decision.
Not able to take another step closer and left to stand beside the bottom of the staircase, his left hand rose to brace his weakened body. His heart was grieving at the space between you both, yelling at him to close the gap and whisk you away to safety. Could you remove all foul thoughts about you not wanting or needing him anymore? You were young compared to him, and a mortal; you knew nothing about the horrors of the world out there and within these walls. Without him at your side, where would you be?
Fidgeting with your sleeves, you fought to drop the eye contact he attempted to hold—you knew his trick by now. He would use it to read your soul, becoming ten steps ahead of you and chaining your head with your weakness as a mortal. Now was not the time to fall for it…even if the action clawed at your heart. You loved his eyes; they were a beautiful shade of black you could spend hours gazing into. You could see many things in his orbs, beyond his simple-minded comprehension.
“Lómion, I’m leaving. I can’t stay…with you any longer. I’m not happy like I once used to be,” you squeezed out in a lower pitch, soft enough for only him to pick up.
Shaking his head and fidgeting while his smile fluctuated, his right hand pushed his body off the balustrade and strolled towards you. Tall and straight, he stood like a knight before the enemy—your self-doubt—ready to strike it with his fury and hatred for its attempt at stealing you away. Nothing could come between you both when his mind was set on keeping you at his side…forever. “You can’t leave me Y/N; you’re just a mortal. You need my protection, you need me,” he whispered connivingly like a snake slithering its foul words into your ear and constricting its body around you. Preying on its helpless victim.
You were the bunny, and he, the snake. He’d bite you and blame the lion, and silly you would believe it poisoned you. But not today.
“No I don’t!” you shouted, too loudly for the first time, leaving you both stunned. “The only person I should need protection from is you. I-…I haven’t had a proper life since I met you. Everything was always an issue! You’ve kept me away from everything that was good—”
“I kept you away from harm and danger! You’re too fragile and weak, you cannot defend yourself alone!”
“Then I will find someone else who can…someone who will not treat me like a prisoner!”
You spoke back to him?! No, you threatened to find someone else? Someone apart from him, better than him!
You shrunk as soon as the words slipped past your lips, fearful of what next he would say to lure like a spider into its web. A million different images were displayed across his face in a mere second. With rage, disbelief, fear, humour and craze, he was deciphering his next course of action to show you how wrong you were about your ideals. He wanted nothing more than to crush your bubble and have you running back like a bunny, meek and timid, begging for his protection and crying about his truths. To watch as you clung to his robes, praising his protectiveness and finally understanding his reasons was all he wanted, and he would have it whether you desired it or not. He always got what he aspired for.
Rocking back on his heels, his tongue kisses his teeth as he releases a single laugh; it was the start of something catastrophic. It was as though a timer went off and bellows of laughter echoed throughout the vestibule before vibrating the house. His laugh sounded, at first, comical, mocking your pathetic attempts at standing up for yourself before growing broken and becoming a sob. Now hunched with his head resting against the wall, obscured from your line of vision to prevent the gleam in his eyes, he sobbed and wailed like a woman in pain. Clutching his stomach and dropping to his knees, he knelt with one hand on the wall and pleaded.
“T-There’s nothing that I can do to make you s-…stay?” he hiccupped. “You are human, you cannot survive among the elves with me…we need each other…”
You sensed the air within the house shifting to something sinister the longer you observed his performance. The stench of the atmosphere felt suffocating, filling your fragile heart with worry the longer you looked on. This was new, never before had you seen this side to him and never had he ever had reason to show this. You’ve always been obedient and complacent, only receiving minor pleas and reminders, but this… It felt like a horror scene.
Taking a step back and making your way towards the front door, you held your eyes on his figure while shaking your head to answer him. “I can’t…I can’t stay Lómion. I can’t let you clip my wings, I need to fly,” you whispered before turning to march towards the exit. If you stayed another minute longer in his house, you would have gone back on all the help you received to find courage. Right back down the rabbit hole and into his arms.
He waited for the soft click to echo in his ear, signally your departure before rising off the floor and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. There was no mistaking the silent gleam in his eyes as he glared at the door. He wanted to rip it from its hinges as it release you from his clutches. But you would come back, and he was sure about that. Gondolin wasn’t huge and he knew many persons who would be willing to assist him with proving the dangers within this paradise city. All that was needed was a tiny little accident and you’d come running back.
“Fly for as long as you want.”
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Taglist: @lilmelily @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @singleteapot @asianbutnotjapanese @justellie17 @justjane @stormchaser819 @wisheduponastar @hoshinokurasa
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vague-humanoid · 6 months
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