#protective raphael
raphieeee · 4 months
I genuinely believe that April in 2012 could have been an amazing character and her and Donnie could have been so cute together if she wasn’t written so poorly. In saying that….
I want Raph to get angry at her. I really want there to be a moment where April has just led Donnie on yet again, giving him another cheek kiss then just a day later telling him to leave her alone and going out on a totally not-a date with Casey. Raph is the only one who sees the tear brimming in his little brothers eyes and he’s had enough, no one hurts his brothers, especially not like that.
April has just left the lair and Raph follows her, waiting until she turns around to ask whose there to bring his Sai up to her throat while shoving her against the wall.
She protest, a brief look of fear in her eyes before she clearly gets annoyed, “Raph, what the hell are yo-“
“shut it. You’re going to listen to be because you only get one chance and I ain’t repeating myself. My brother is an idiot, he’s a mad genius but he’s still a person and he loves you. I don’t give a shit if you don’t love him back, you don’t have to, but if you play him one more time for whatever pathetic reason you have, wether it’s you want attention or your just a soulless freak, I will kill you. It won’t be quick, it won’t be painless, and they’ll never find you to give your dad solace. My brother deserve better than anything you could give him, so either accept him as he is, mutant and nerd and all, or back the fuck off. Got it?”
April is shaking by that point, a small cut already appearing on the front of her neck as well as a smaller one on the side where the smaller prong of his weapon digs in. She looks close to crying but she’s still a brave person and keeps it.
She nods rapidly.
Raph leaves, letting her slump to the floor while gasping for breath and he doesn’t look back. They ask what happened to her neck the next day and she says nothing, though Mikey notices her being tense around Raph who looks eerily calm.
Mikey says nothing about it.
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*Raph and Mikey were riding around on a motorcycle*
Random woman: *glancing at Mikey* Hey sweet boy. How would you like to take a ride on my bike?~
Raph: *he draws his Sai* He's 16, lady!
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k4pp4-8 · 2 years
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sky-kiss · 9 months
Hi love!
Okay so we all know I love your writing, especially for Raphael.
How about a scenario where Tav is in mortal peril and Korilla is NOT around/able to bail them out. Raphael has to do it himself. Well, he doesn't "have" to, but he will.
A/N: MY QUEEN. I will do my best. Think this is the first time I've done a Tav who is DOWN BAD (in more ways than one).
Korilla never failed him. 
It made it all the more shocking when the dwarf appeared at his side, stinking of sweat and brimstone. Her robe, ever flattering, was torn at the shoulder, and the slightly sweet, slightly sick, stink of burnt flesh filled the Devil’s Den. He reached out a hand on instinct, stabilizing her swaying form. The deal he’d been brokering fell by the wayside. A sinking feeling settled in his chest, all too familiar. His carefully laid plans might come apart at the seams. He felt invisible hands pulling at his stitches. 
“What is the meaning of this?” 
Korilla shook her head. “Your project…your mouse.” She winced. “Got in over her pretty head.” His warlock squeezed his wrist, “Raphael, I couldn’t…” She’d failed to protect his asset. “I kept them off her, but…”
The weight, curling, twisting; fate was determined to spite him again. And beneath that, more insidious, a second thought. Rage. Something had dared to touch her; something had maimed his pet. 
The cambion bowed to his guests, lips pursed. “My associate here, lovely as she is, shall have to entertain you for a moment. Beg pardon, my dears.” 
Raphael snapped his fingers. 
Pain blossomed through her side. Tav staggered back a step, bringing her weapon up to intercept the blow. The blade doesn’t break the skin; she managed to stop that much. The impact…she’s less fortunate. Her muscles screamed, something tearing in her shoulder. 
She’d been stupid. Stupid and shortsighted…
All she’d wanted was a moment's peace. Tav had slipped from the party’s shared room at the Elfsong, determined to watch the sunset in silence. As dearly as she loved her friends, they could be loud and opinionated. After months on the road, with no privacy or distance, she figured she’d earned that much. 
Bhaal’s cultists were waiting. If it’d only been a handful, she could have handled herself. It’d been more, so many more. An inane thought chased through her head as she danced out of the way of another strike: how many changelings were left in Baldur’s Gate? How many Bhaal cultists did Orin have? It seemed excessive. 
Dozens. There were dozens of the damned creatures. For every cultist she killed, another three seemed to arise, like some hellish parody of the hydra. Tav was tired. One of them moved behind her, knife flashing in the dying light. Fresh pain as the blade tore through the muscles in her calf. She screamed. No, no, no, she had to keep moving. They couldn’t hobble her; she couldn’t…
“How dare you.” 
She barely recognized the voice. She was aware of his heat before anything else; the cambion appeared beside her in a wash of flame, catching her attacker by the throat. Panic flashed across the changeling’s face, the briefest hint of emotion before Raphael’s claws tightened their hold. A warm spray of blood coated her face as he tore its throat free, leaving it choking through the ruin of flesh. 
“Insolent creatures! You would touch what is mine?”
They tripped back, almost as one. Tav stared up at her savior, confused, vision swimming. The cambion, red, so red, fire and blood, his right-wing curled around her shoulders. Cherries and sulfur fill her nostrils, too sweet for the night air. Too soft in the face of his fury. Raphael snapped his fingers, and the air around them seemingly combusted. Hellfire consumed her would-be killers. Tendrils of shadow and flame consumed every ounce of flesh and bone, leaving nothing but a black mark on the streets. 
She blinked, staring up at him. Raphael’s eyes continued to blaze, his jaw set. He dusted a nonexistent speck of dust from his sleeve, lips curling in a sneer. “Strange, I expected the god of murder to employ hardier thralls.” 
Tav swallowed. Her throat burned. “Stealthy.” 
She tried again, struggling to her feet. Raphael caught her elbow. Tav tried to ignore the press of his claws, itching, so full of potential, and the heat of his skin. It had to be the blood loss. His eyes glowed in the half-light. “Orin isn’t looking for hardy. They just need to be quick enough, quiet enough, to catch their victims off guard.” She frowned. “Tonight, they were.” 
“Yes.” The lowness of his voice chased along her nerves like a caress. “Are you bold or stupid, pet? The city wants you dead, and here you are.” He motioned to the darkness surrounding them, the alley nearly bereft of light. "A little mouse, alone in the dark."
She scoffed. “I needed…I wanted a moment to myself. Is that too much to ask?” His gaze flicked to the scorched flagstones, brow arched. Tav shook her head. “Regardless, thank you. It…” she chewed the inside of her cheek. “Thank you. For saving me.” 
“I sold myself as such, did I not? A friend and savior?” 
Tav smiled. “Truth be told, I didn’t believe you.” 
“And you’re more clever for it, sweetling.” 
Color flared in her cheeks. He was too close for this. Too close, too sweet-smelling, too handsome, and too much. The air in her lungs felt overheated and stagnant by comparison. The blood loss, undoubtedly. Tav chewed her lower lip. “Did you…Raphael, before the…did you call me yours?”  
His eyes narrowed. “Careful, pet.” It’s an answer in itself. Raphael extended his free hand to her. “Come. The devil shall return his erstwhile heroine to her companions.”
“I can make it back on my own.”
The severity of his expression left no room for argument. “No, you’ve lost the benefit of the doubt. I shall leave you safely in your bed. Not before.” 
She hated the flare of heat in her belly. Raphael's hand settled at the small of her back, wings curling more closely as he whispered the incantation to return them to her room. Weak as it may be, she wrapped her arms around him. 
The devil said nothing. But he bent, pressed nearer. Solid and strong, smelling of cherries and fire. Some part of her wondered what he would do if she kissed him.
Tav was saved from any potential embarrassment. Raphael left her at her bedside, bowing, smirking as if he’d followed the line of her thoughts. The damned creature took her left hand and kissed her knuckles. 
And then he was gone in a swirl of fire and ash. 
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hyperfixatinator · 2 years
ROTTMNT Theory: Donatello's Hidden Role
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After rewatching ROTTMNT (shorts and movie included), I realized something about Donnie's character that I've hardly seen anyone mention, and I'm going to talk about it in depth here.
I'll assume you've already watched the series and dive right in, but spoiler warning under the cut in case you care about that.
Let me start with something seemingly off topic. Raph is the oldest of the four brothers, which landed him the responsibility of keeping his younger siblings safe when their father was unavailable. (Not trying to bash Splinter. He's gradually grown to be a better parent later on, but you can't deny he was fairly neglectful in the beginning of the series)
The constant pressure Raph went through was brought up in the episode "Anatawa Hitorijanai", and then the movie showed he still struggles with it now.
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He's constantly shouldering the burden of being their family's sole protector, but is this the truth? What if I told you there are actually two protectors in the family? And that the other one was Donnie all along?
When you look closely, Donnie is surprisingly protective of his loved ones. I did a tally of how often each brother exhibits what could be protective behavior, and Donnie was in second place (29) after Raph (35). Some of these choices are debatable, but here's a bunch of examples as pictures.
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Would you believe me if I told you I still have a couple smaller examples I had to leave out due to the picture limit? And that's not even including the few moments where Donnie and Raph ever-so-subtly parallel each other.
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All things considered, Donnie and Raph aren't so different. Raph is the primary protector who faces the threats head-on with his physical strength, while Donnie is the secondary protector who tends to use more distant methods with his tech and wit. However, when push comes to shove, Donnie will also step up to take direct action when he deems it necessary.
They may be the brains and the brawn, but they both use their respective skills to defend and support their family.
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copperpipes · 8 months
I owe this to some of you
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He strawberry 🍓
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The third one is transparent btw
Emotional compensation to the lil scare i did
Don't worry he doesn't have teeth yet
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misc-obeyme · 6 days
I refuse to believe that Dia would dislike Simeon, because mans is too much of a golden retriever imo, like only time I can recall him being genuinely mad or whatever was when he got kidnapped at the amusement park and realized his kidnapper wanted to kill MC and Belphie
- 🦊
Hmm well I think that one relationship chart they posted a billion years ago is what said that Diavolo can't stand Simeon. Hold up I'll find it.
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This one!
I think it makes sense for Diavolo to have been wary of Simeon at first. He's generally very nice, but I also think he cares very deeply about his kingdom. And if he isn't sure whether or not someone is a threat to it, he's going to be careful until he knows for sure.
I also think he's displayed that a few times in Nightbringer, when things were getting dicey. He definitely wouldn't be needlessly cruel or even dislike someone for no reason, but he does step into that regal persona when he needs to. I'll never forget the time he clapped back at Raphael... hold up I think I have that screenshot still...
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Hee hee this one. I was like yaaasss.
Of course we find out later that [spoilers redacted but if you know, you know].
He's got that authoritative anger, like... don't play with me. I'm the next Demon King and I won't be trifled with. There was also that time in NB when he gets into a fight with Lucifer himself... he seemed pretty upset then, too.
Anyway, I don't think he really dislikes Simeon. That graphic is pretty old and they've been retconning all kinds of things. But I do think it makes sense for Diavolo to be wary of him, especially in the beginning of OG.
Of course, this is just my opinion!
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shootingstarsue · 1 year
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My tribute to @ingunnsarareblogs sunset duo!
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forgetful-nerd · 3 months
The intense need I have to write a fanfic and sort of recreate this lotr scene with 2012!Raph saying this line to an injured 2012! Leo is unreal:
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Oof this would be so good line for a fanfic about the burdens Leo feels as a leader and how he can (and should) lean on his family.
(Clearly, Learning that Sean Astin voices 2012! Raph has not been great for my sanity or attention span)
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dark-and-kawaii · 3 months
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Doodle Haarlep & Otto
@msrhaxoz’s lovely OC ♡
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Game Fun Facts 91-100
• When a human threatened Belphegor with a gun Diavolo revealed his demon form and threatened to send the royal army after the man
• Diavolo isn’t good at handling droptowers and crazy roller coasters but has a try-try-again attitude about them
• The painting in Lucifer’s room was blurred due to copyright reasons but originally portrayed an angel falling form heaven and being dragged by demons into hell
• Simeon and Lucifer used to be very close in the celestial realm. They’d run errands together, take naps in the fields, and had movie nights so often they still don’t need to communicate what they want with each other to just know
• Belphegor could often be found asleep in the tree tops as an angel
• Beelzebub often gnaws on his pillows in his sleep
• In the student council room is a box where students make requests/complaints/etc. when it is full it overflows with blood
• Satan and Beelzebub got into a fight over who loved Devilcat more
• Not knowing what to do when the laundry machine started overflowing with suds Raphael called down his rain of spears upon it
• Leviathan was once in charge of detention and made everyone read TSL and write a 100 page report on their impressions of it
81-90 • 101-110
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raphieeee · 1 year
Raph had rough houses with humans before, outside of training and play fights with his sister. He’d dealt with bank robbers, a guy who tried to steal a cat, basic thugs, all kinds of people.
Yet he never killed any. That was too far.
But then they went out with their Yokai made human disguises, which they couldn’t control outside of changing clothes and the like, and two men decided to mess with his brother. Leo was wearing a gorgeous, blue knitted sweater with yellow flowers, a small white crop top and a pair of ripped up jeans, some white heeled boots that gave him a few inches to finish it off. His bold, red eyeliner and lipstick, black mascara and soft pink blush had taken him only ten minutes, years of practice helping him get it done in no time. Yet despite how beautiful his brother look (and Raph would spend the rest of his life making sure it was known he had the most beautiful brother in the world), some people seemed to have an issue with it.
The looks they were used to, Raph and Donnie easily scaring anyone off before they could do any harm aside from making their brother insecure. But these two men in particular chose to shoved his brother, pushing him against the wall and causing him to twist his ankle badly. Leo was left in shock, unable to call on instinct to help himself as the two men started shouting slurs and abuse at him.
If it hadn’t been night, maybe Raph would of been able to reason with his own rage a little more, alas it wasn’t.
He had ordered Leo to open a portal, who did without question though a bit of shaking, allowing Raph to grab both men and drag them through. Leo hadn’t joined him, going home to sob into his twins arms, but they all knew when Raph came home with bloodied hands and news reports spoke of two missing men that Raph had dealt with them in his own way.
No one ever spoke about it, not even when it happened again and Leo told Raph to just go home, that he could handle it this time. Raph didn’t regret his choice, not when Donnie and Mikey gave him looks to say they wanted to do the same thing.
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thisonesock · 4 months
Once upon a time in heaven:
Michael: So guys. What of fathers creation brings you most joy?
Uriel: I find solace in the vibrant beauty of nature, especially the healing energy of lush forests and flowing rivers.
Raphael: Ah, the intricate dance of the elements captivates my spirit. The balance and harmony of Earth’s natural forces bring me great delight.
Gabriel: I find immense joy in the arts – the creativity of humans expressing their emotions through music, art, and literature.
Michael: I resonate with the strength and resilience of humanity. Their ability to overcome challenges and display unwavering courage truly inspires me.
Lucifer: *clutching the ducklings he has scooped up on his way* 🥹🥹🥹
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Sal Commander, about Raph: I can’t believe you’re getting worked up about some guy!
Mona Lisa: This one is different! He's honest and sweet!
Sal Commander, rolling his eyes: Please…
Mona Lisa: He would never do anything to hurt me!
Sal Commander: HE’S A GUY!
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ilovebeingaturtle · 1 year
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Watched the new Mutant Mayhem trailer and guys I love our new official little guys so much
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microfeelings · 1 year
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My favorite duo. Bonus Donnie taking the role of older brother
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