#ps is not my strong side but for how much they live in my mind rent free - they deserved the hours of effort
wintcrstcrfall · 1 year
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roonilwazlibimagines · 8 months
annoying - d.m x female!reader
Blurb: draco will never beat the annoying allegations, because he is annoying, but he is also romantic or the three times draco was annoying but the three times he made it up to her or just like really fluffy draco malfoy stuff
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: this started as a list of things i thought draco malfoy would do as a boyfriend but it turned into this and i made them married because they're traditional!! and they would not live together before marriage!! and i wanted them to live together for this!! in hindsight i could have written around it but i wrote this by the pool and it didn't occur to me then!! i will not change it now!!
ps. in my mind this is with potter!daughter but there was no mention of other potters so i didn't force it, but if you would like to read draco x potter!daughter please check this tag or come talk to me about them because i am obsessed with them!
“I’d say,” she tapped her finger to her lip, noticing the blonde boy hanging on her every word, “annoying,” she said with a confident finality.
“What?” She had to stop the amused expression she would normally wear, trying to convince her astounded husband that she was being serious. “You’re so full of shit.”
She gasped.
“You’re literally proving my point.” He rolled his eyes and manoeuvred his body to grab onto her hips and pull her towards him.
“Take it back.” He was peppering kisses all over her neck making her let out a traitorous giggle. But she refused to deny it.
It had started less than five minutes earlier. It was well past eleven at night and the young, newly wed couple were still in that stage where neither necessarily wanted to sleep, still fascinated with the idea of being married and wondering what differences came with it.
Draco was reading a new book that she had bought because the blurb sounded like something he would like and she was writing something down in her notebook, being extra careful not to get ink in the bed. Again.
When she suddenly put her quill down, a thump eliciting from the force of it landing on the paper, Draco didn’t even finish the sentence he was on before he dogeared the page he was on and put the novel on his lap to look at the pretty girl slouched next to him.
“If you could describe me in one word, what would it be?”
“Beautiful,” he replied without an ounce of hesitation. She rolled her eyes, copying his actions with her own notebook and placing it on the bedside table with the quill that managed to keep its ink where it was meant to be.
“You’re flattering me,” she turned her head back towards, “tell me the truth.”
“I am,” he insisted, also placing his book on his side so he could reposition himself to look at her properly. Her pyjamas were hanging loosely over her body and she had various strands falling out of her ponytail framing her face that was ever so slightly starting to puff up due to the late hour. But Draco was telling the truth.
“Alright, well give me another.”
Draco thought about this one for a second, trying to find a word that suited her but would also appease her interest.
She stared up at him as he hummed to himself. His hair was dishevelled and his t-shirt clung onto his biceps in a way that forced her to focus on the words leaving his pretty lips.
“Interesting,” she hummed, having a feeling that he was trying to say something to get a reaction out of her. Well, a reaction was what he was going to get.
“Well, if I had to describe you in one word,” she paused noticing how he quirked up slightly at that, “I’d say…” and that was how she ended up being trapped by his arms, victim to his kisses and fingertips digging into the flesh on her sides.
“I’m not annoying, love.” He said, finally loosening his grip on her, but when she made no effort to move he kept his arm draped loosely over her hips, keeping her back pushed against his chest.
“Lies,” she basically hissed the word at him leaving him with a cocky smirk that she had to strain her neck to see.
Because he was annoying.
It was literally just this morning that he had annoyed her.
“Draco,” her voice echoed throughout the house and Draco put down his spoon to yell back, “What?”
He was at the dining table, eating a second breakfast, and he swallowed his cereal as he heard her footsteps thundering down the stairs.
“Did I leave my lip balm down there?” Her voice was slightly less loud as she made her way to him, confident she had left it on the table when they ate breakfast together. Or, Draco’s first breakfast together.
Draco’s eyes didn’t take long to land on the cylinder, stood up right in front of where his pretty wife had been sitting minutes ago. He quickly snatched it into his hand, securing it in his palm before she appeared in front of him.
“Haven’t seen it,” he mumbled, grabbing his spoon in his free hand to shove more cereal in his mouth, hoping it would prevent him from giving himself away.
“Really?” She asked, making her way over to the kitchen, “I could’ve sworn I left it here.” He could hear her moving around various objects and sighing when she gave up and moved to the living room.
“It’s literally just a white cylinder, are you sure you haven’t seen it?” She made her voice louder to reach him from the other room where he could hear her rummaging around the lounge, no doubt seeing if it had fallen into one of the many crevices. Why? He wasn’t sure. She hadn’t been there this morning.
“I know what your lip balm looks like,” he replied moodily. He heard her huff and when he looked back up from his bowl she was standing in front of him. Good to see she could be quiet when she wanted to be.
“You have it.”
“What?” Draco dropped his spoon again, said lip balm burning a hole through his palm.
“You have it.” And within seconds she was directly in front of him. But Draco was quicker and he had risen to his full height, putting his traitorous hand behind him as his chair made a loud scraping noise against their floor.
“Show me your hand.” She moved to grab his hand hiding behind his back but he turned so she couldn’t reach.
“You need to work on your reflexes, babe.”
“You need to stop acting like a child, babe,” she mimicked.
She had her hands folded across her chest, hoping to catch him by surprise when she made to move again.
He was looking down at her with a horrid smirk, her squinted eyes and downward curve of her lips only serving to make it stronger.
“Give it to me,” she whined, suddenly making a move to grab it. Draco had let his guard down ever so slightly, distracted by her pretty face and this time when she went to grab it, her fingers brushed his knuckle.
But Draco needed to make sure she couldn’t reach it so this time, his arm went above his head and he knew it was the right move when she whined once more, “Draco.” She dragged out the last vowel of his name and made a slight movement that looked like her stamping her foot in the ground in annoyance.
“Why are you like this?”
Draco only shrugged his shoulders, making her huff as she brought her arms around her chest once more.
When he didn’t say anything, she continued.
“I’m not going to beg for it.”
“But you sound so pretty when you do.” She scoffed at him and his stupid smirk and his stupid lanky height that meant there was no way for her to reach it without jumping. And even that would be a stretch.
“Draco Malfoy, I swear-“ but she never finished because he got an awful twinkle in his eye when she said his full name and she wasn’t having it. She took a step towards him and reached to the very tip of her toes to try and grab it.
Her hand only reached his wrist.
“You’re such a child.” She groaned, straining to reach even further. Draco brought his head back slightly to look at her determined face trying to and grab the lip balm, still secure in his palm.
She gave up trying to reach and instead wrapped her fingers around his wrist and tried with all her might to drag it down.
She let out a soft groan that made Draco chuckle.
“Maybe if you’d ask nicely I’d give it to you.”
Draco was sure the devil himself had taken the place of his pretty wife with the dirty look he was on the receiving end of.
“Draco,” she said, dropping her hold on his wrist and taking the tiniest of steps back.
“Yes, my love.”
“Can I please have my lip balm?” Her voice was steady and Draco knew that she was fighting her own mind not to scream and shout until she got her way.
“Well, because you asked so nicely.” He dropped his hand, but still put it behind his back as he lent down to press a soft kiss to her pouting lips.
When he pulled back she was giving him an impatient look, her palm out, waiting for him to give it back to her.
Still smirking, he put it in her hand, quickly pulling his hand away when her fingers wrapped around it and she snatched it away. Huffing as she made her way back up the stairs.
“A thank you would be nice,” Draco yelled out, going back to his soggy cereal and chuckling when a string of profanities floated all the way to his ears.
She was quick to remind him of this incident now that they were in bed and Draco still stood by the fact that he was not annoying.
“Well, I wouldn’t say that was annoying,” he argued, with her back still against his chest. She rolled her eyes, grateful that he couldn’t see.
“I would.”
“I was just teasing,” he insisted and she scoffed. “You know I would’ve given it back to you.”
He was partially right, he did like to tease her, but teasing her was annoying.
It was only that weekend that that had gone to a house party with some friends from high school. Everyone was taking advantage of the summer months, and most of them were sitting outside, enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon without the sun blaring down on them.
She had been inside for the last hour or so, trying to avoid any red flesh and catching up with some old friends, but when the noticed the guilty star had left the sky, they started to make their way out.
She noticed immediately that there weren’t going to be enough chairs, so she happily made her way over to Draco and sat on his lap.
He was halfway through a conversation with someone and even though he didn’t explicitly acknowledge her presence, he still manoeuvred his body so she could make herself comfortable. And once she stopped wriggling all over him, he wrapped his arms around her waist.
She was happy sitting there, sipping her drink, laughing at whatever her friends said, and enjoying the way the scent of her boyfriend overtook her senses.
Halfway through one of their stories she felt something crawling on her arm and with a quiet groan she twitched in Draco’s lap, flicking the intruder away.
“What’s wrong, lovey?” Draco bent down to whisper in her ear so as not to disrupt the conversation and draw attention to them.
“The bugs are eating me alive,” she huffed, repositioning herself so she was half draped over his lap.
“Can’t blame them,” he pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder, “you taste so good.”
She gave him an unimpressed look and the edge of his lips quirked up in a familiar smirk before their attentions went back to the conversation.
Every now and then she’d twitch whenever a crawling trespasser appeared on her skin. Each instance followed by a huff and a sigh from the pretty girl resting on Draco’s lap.
Draco was trying his best to defend his girlfriend, removing his hand from her waist to wave it around anytime a bug even dared to look at her and keeping a loose arm around her so she could wriggle and swat away whenever she pleased. But for some reason, the bugs had chosen his pretty girl to annoy tonight, and no one was as in tune with her annoyance as he was.
That’s why he thought what he was about to do was risky. She was already annoyed, but it wasn’t at the hands of him, so he figured he’d do it anyway.
When the conversation had started to die down and people turned to the others around them, starting their own private conversations, Draco turned down to his wife and started a conversation with her.
She was happily chatting away, and Draco was listening intently. He promised. But when she got towards the end of her sentence and took a breath, Draco purposefully furrowed his eyebrows together.
He noticed immediately the increase of diameter of her pretty eyes and the way she froze ever so slightly in his lap.
“What’s that?” He asked, flicking his head up in the direction of her own.
“What’s what?” Her voice had risen an octave and Draco was glad the rest of the group were talking over each other loud enough to drown her out.
“That,” Draco said again, subtly taking his hand away from the valley of her spine. “I think,” he paused and got the desired effect with the look of fright she was giving him, “there’s a,” she was frozen on his lap, “a bug on you.” And as he finished the world’s longest sentence his fingertips found her neck and a tiny squeal left her lips as she contorted her body into his, naive to think she’d find safety with him.
She could feel his whole body shake as he let out a strong laugh, his arms returning around her waist and locking her into his grasp as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I hate you so much.”
Draco could feel her pulse and he almost felt bad for causing her such annoyance, but when she strained her neck to frown at him, a hard crease between her pretty eyes, he couldn’t help the boyish smirk that enveloped his face.
“Liar,” he retorted, not missing the way she clung to him when she thought there was danger.
“I apologised for that,” Draco whined, now in bed. Similarly pressing a kiss to the top of her head as she recalled just how annoying his teasing was.
He did feel bad for it. He didn’t think it would upset her that much. He just wanted to upset her slightly.
“Still annoying,” she grumbled, refusing to look back up at him.
“C’mon,” Draco continued, a tinge of a whine tainting his tone, “you love being teased.”
She rolled her eyes at his poor attempt of a double entendre.
But this time he was telling the truth.
It was only last week when this had occurred.
They had only been married for a couple of months after almost a year of being engaged, but their house was in the works the second Draco proposed to her so they would have somewhere to go when a permanent gold band rested where their fourth finger on their left hand came in contact with the knuckle.
Draco was at her house, going over the plans to ensure she was happy with anything. She was listening. Partly. She trusted Draco.
"Oh," he added as well, knowing that he didn't have her complete attention, "we also have to decide if we want a pool."
"Obviously," she scoffed, knowing by the way that the corner of his mouth tugged upward that he was just trying to get her involved.
Because Draco knew he wanted a pool, and he was glad for it when they woke up to the sun peaking through their window, waking them up and inviting them to join it outside while they played in the pool.
Draco was already in, unbothered by the wait of his pretty wife who took slightly longer to get ready. And the wait was worth it when she came out in a two-piece which Draco really thought was an overstatement considering how little of her was covered.
She swayed her hips on purpose, noticing the slight part in her husband's pretty lips, doing a faux pose when she reached the pool that made Draco clear his throat.
"You look good."
"I know," she beamed at him cheekily, throwing her towel on the chair next to his and tying her hair up in a high bun. "I'm not in the mood to get my hair wet today, I'm too lazy to wash it."
Draco didn't say anything, but she didn't give it a second thought knowing that his eyes were preoccupied.
Draco floated over to the stairs as she made her way in, letting out a little squeal as her feet touched the first step.
"It's so cold!"
"You can't be serious." Draco let out a small chuckle as she placed her weight from one foot to the other.
"I'm very serious, Draco," she whined, finding the courage to go to the next step.
It was up to her calves, and she was going against the water as she kicked her legs out, trying to acclimatise to the new temperature.
Draco, already knowing he consequences of his actions, placed his hands in the water and flicked it over at her.
"Draco!" She had put her hands out in a poor attempt to save herself from his attack and bent a leg up towards herself in some sort of defence.
He laughed.
"Stop being such a baby." She gave him a pout that very much reminded him of a baby.
But she took no note of her husband’s rude comments and instead put her hands in the water to splash him back. 
“C’mon, yours was much bigger than mine.” Draco rolled his eyes, running a hand through his now wet hair and putting his hands back in the water. 
“Draco Malfoy if you dare-”
She was already folding in on herself, but she never felt the splash or got to finish her statement because Draco had cut her off. 
“C’mon darling, I promise I won’t splash you if you just get in.” 
She put her hands down slowly, not sure how much she should trust the blonde haired boy giving her a sly grin. 
“I don’t trust you,” she said, her actions betraying her words as she took another step down. It reached just above her bottom piece and Draco heard her take a sharp breath in as a couple of goosebumps erupted on her lotioned skin. 
One more step to go.
“I promise I won’t splash you.” He had an odd look of sincerity on his face, but she made sure to keep eye contact with him as she placed her hands in the water and brought them to the tops of her shoulders in an attempt to let her body become familiar with the cool liquid.
She went to the next step. She took in a shaky breath, moving on the spot in a hurried motion to try to bring some warmth to her body. 
“One more step, love, c’mon.” Draco opened his arms in an attempt to get her into his embrace. 
“I swear, Draco, if you splash me,” she trailed off, letting her foot fall off the last step and pushing her body towards his arms. 
He grabbed onto her, his hands roaming around her hips as he bent his head down to press a kiss to her pretty lips. 
“Yeah,” he said, pulling away with a slight breathlessness, “you’ll what?” He lent back to kiss her, unashamed, he knew he was in trouble the second he saw her enter the backyard in her little bikini that didn’t leave a lot to his imagination. 
“I-I’ll,” she forced herself to pull away even though she wanted nothing more than to kiss her pretty husband until their skin shrivelled from the water. But Draco had other plans, because when she was looking at him, a soft look in her eyes from the way he had kissed her, he decided this was the perfect time.
His fingers locked around her waist and the last thing he saw was her pretty eyes widen as he pulled her under the water with him.
He knew he’d never hear the end of it the second he brought them to the surface and she let out a couple of dramatic coughs.
“Are you trying to kill me?” She shrieked, blinking the water out of her eyes and pushing his shoulders ever so slightly with the butt of her palm. His arms were still locked around her waist and he had no intention of letting go.
All he did was laugh in response, flicking his blonde hair out of his eyes and leaning down to pepper kisses all over her slimey face. All he could taste was her sunscreen and she kept twisting in his grasp and trying to pull her face away from him, but he continued his attack bravely.
“Hey,” he said, letting out a chuckle despite the grumpy look on her pretty face, “I only promised not to splash you.”
She wanted to scream. Instead, she splashed him back.
“Well, I never promised not to splash you.” She said indignantly in a way that reminded Draco of a child.
“Ah,” he said, much too arrogantly for her taste, “is that how you want to play?” He removed his hands around her waist to splash at her, but even though she knew what was coming, she didn’t step away from him.
“Nuh uh,” she whined, turning her head to avoid the water coming into contact with her face, “you promised you wouldn’t splash me.”
“Well, I take it back.” It was then she decided that she hated Draco’s height. She used to admire it, loved how he towered over almost anyone in any room. But now, she came to realise that his arms were much too long, because before she even got the chance to splash him back he had reached out and grabbed onto her hips, pulling her closer to him and bringing her with him under the water once more.
This time she gave him a good shove on the shoulder while they were under the water, but she wondered if Draco even noticed with the way his hands were squeezing her hips and grabbing at her flesh.
It was only when he brought them to the surface that she realised he was trying to find the string keeping her bikini bottom up and once again, she cursed his long fingers for quickly untying the double knot.
“Draco!” Her hands left his shoulders to grab onto her swimmers before Draco got any other ideas, but Draco was quick and in one swift movement he grabbed both of her hands in his.
She wriggled against him, but movement only made the swimmers pull away from her skin so instead she gave him a defeated look.
He was laughing manically, his chest rumbling at her predicament and the pretty pout that was gracing her pretty lips.
In another swift movement he turned her around so her back was against his chest and her hands were still locked up in Draco’s large hand jail, but the movement was not her friend because with his other free hand, Draco had grabbed the traitorous bottom and thrown it out of the pool, quick to bring it to the front and give her top the same treatment.
He was taking his time, kissing all over her neck, trying to get her to succumb to his pleasures, but she was strong-willed and it was only the way her voice gave a slight tremble at the end of her sentence that gave her away.
“You’re so annoying.”
Draco was now kissing her neck in a similar fashion, but she wasn’t going to give in.
“Thought you liked it then?” He teased, his voice low from the late hour and soft due to their proximity.
“I mean it was alright.” Draco could tell by the slight quiver of her voice and lack of comeback that his little neck kisses were getting to her.
“Do you want to try another word, darling?”
But while the kisses may have softened her, she was still able to respond with, “romantic.”
Because he was.
The only reason she was looking for her lip balm was because he was taking her out for lunch.
And when she came down, all dressed up for him, she twirled on the spot, loving the soft look in his eyes compared to the mischievous twinkle he had worn trying to get a reaction out of her.
They were sitting across from each other and when she rested her hand on the table, Draco took it in his own and neither arm was strong enough to move from its position.
While they waited for the server to come over, she used her free hand to rifle through her bag and when she found the desired lipstick and started putting it on, Draco squinted his eyes at her.
“I want to ask you a question.” She gave a seconds pause before putting her lipstick away and facing her pretty husband.
“I’m scared.”
He disregarded her comment and asked, “what’s in your bag?”
“My bag?” She gave him a confused look, losing the warmth of his palm as she grabbed her bag for a second time. The very expensive bag Draco had bought for her only a month or so ago because she had made a trivial comment about how pretty it was when they first walked past it.
She opened it and showed it to him, he was her husband, she had nothing to hide.
Draco liked what he saw. Lipstick, a little mirror, the perfume she usually wore in a small cylindrical glass, and the lip balm he had teased her about this morning.
“What if I forgot the card at home?” he chuckled, his smile only intensifying at the confused look on his pretty girl’s face.
“The credit card?”
“What other card, darling?” The smirk on his face told her he was telling a fib, but she still asked, “did you?”
She never got her response though as the server politely interrupted the conversation, causing her to close her bag back up and listen to Draco repeat what she had told him she wanted from the menu.
The fact that he was ordering told her all she needed to know about the card situation, but she still continued the conversation as if there had been no interruption.
“In all honesty, I stopped bringing money with me after, like, our second month of going out.”
This made Draco let out a laugh that was an inappropriate volume given their surroundings, but the couple didn’t notice.
When Draco calmed down, he put his hand back on the table and she reached out to hold onto it.
“Good,” he said, bringing their intertwined hands towards him to press a row of soft kisses along her knuckles.
When he had frightened her over the bug situation, he kissed and doted on her the rest of the afternoon, feeling bad that he had upset her so greatly.
When her cup was empty he placed her on his seat and went inside to fill it back up for her. Lifting her back onto his lap when he returned.
When they arrived home he had her silk robe waiting for her the second her foot stepped out of the shower and he happily had her sit on the edge of the bathtub as he completed her skincare.
“You know,” she said, giving him the saddest look she could muster, “I was so scared when you pretended there was a bug on me, it really tired me out, I don’t think I can do my skincare.” He let out a large scoff, even though she was still frowning, giving him a faux innocent look with her silk robe wrapped tightly around her.
“C’mere,” he was sitting on the edge of the bathtub but reached out to grab her fingertips, bringing her closer to him so he could sit her on the edge next to him, “you big baby.”
And even after he played with her pretty hair until she fell asleep, he still felt bad. He let out a sigh as he begrudgingly got out of the comfortable bed and once he was outside of their room he called for the house elf and instructed him to get a bunch of her favourite flowers before they woke up.
Draco found that he fell asleep quite easily after he had settled that matter and his arms were wrapped around the waist of his pretty wife.
But he was disgruntled when he woke up hours later to find said pretty wife sitting on the edge of the bed, a small white card in her hand that he assumed belonged to the bunch of her favourite flowers that the house elf had delivered.
He lazily trailed his fingertips down her spine, enjoying the way she jolted at his touch.
“Come back to bed, lovey.” When she put the card down and turned around she found Draco’s arm sprawled out to the side from where he had let it linger on her skin. His eyes were still closed and his hair was sticking on his forehead.
She leant over to smooth it away from his pretty face and when he brought his arm back up she gingerly found her way back to him, his arm coming back down the second he was satisfied she was comfortable.
And it was after they christened the pool that she started to whine about her wet hair.
“I told you I didn’t want to wash it.” Draco wished he had a couple more minutes before her attitude came back, but was quick to remember he was the reason she was in a mood and so he kept that thought to himself.
She was behind him while Draco swam to the edge to receive the two pieces he had meanly thrown out of reach.
“I’m not getting them,” she had scoffed at his reply when she said she needed her swimmers back to which Draco pointed to the edge of the pool where they were sprawled haphazardly. “I’m naked,” she whispered as if it was a sin worse than what had just occurred in their own swimming pool.
“I’ll wash it for you,” he grumbled throwing her swimmers at her. She wasn’t quick enough to grab them so they floated on the surface of the water. She picked up the bottoms and started tying the knots in the appropriate places.
“Really?” She asked, Draco already swimming back to her, picking her top up and redoing the knots he had cruelly untied moments before.
“Of course my love.”
And that was how she found herself sitting in between his legs, warm water filling their bathtub with rose petals tickling her calves and the smoke of a coconut candle making its way into her nose.
She let out a hum as Draco’s fingertips circled her scalp. She let her head fall back so she could look up at him and he was quick to place a quick kiss on her forehead before gently pushing her head up so he could continue his service.
“You spoil me.” Draco liked when she whined and pouted and screeched whenever he found a new way to annoy her, but more than anything he loved the content in her tone knowing that he would always look after her. No matter how much he annoyed her.
“Romantic sounds better,” Draco hummed, leaning down to press some more kisses along her jaw.
But she was brave and she pulled away so she could turn around and face her lovely husband.
She ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up in a way that brought a grin to what Draco thought was her precious face.
How lucky she was, really, to have such a beautiful husband. Who, despite his teasing, made sure that she was treated like royalty. Who would never let her worry about a single thing if he had his way and who made sure she knew he loved her, even if he liked to annoy her. Who called her beautiful even when she called him annoying.
“And handsome,” she whispered, bringing her hand to his soft cheek, not missing the way he leaned into her touch, “so handsome.”
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kumimi3 · 1 year
so I've recently stumbled upon one of your works that has been on my mind ever since, And i checked your profile to find taht the requests were open.. so don't mind if i do!
please could you write more Poly gun and goo x reader? If possible Could it be sfw & nsfw?
anyways thank you sm i love your blog!! Take care <3
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❪ LOOKISM BOYS <3333333 ❫ ❮   a cutie with two ferocious dogs ⟡ gaming number 2! ↳ gun and goo ii
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https:strating.com! (sfw & nsfw)
Oh, they're dominant alright...
Dominant enough to make you feel submissive. The type of men to lead you, attentive and is protective of you
The thing is, they know how capable you are despite you're feminine self, but they remain stubborn and still protect you
not because they see you as "weak" no, no, anything but that! They do it because you're THEIR woman, their babygirl!!!! <3
It's as if both of their minds think alike when it comes to you despite how different they are as a person, if you look closely, you can almost see a more different side of them
The more human side
You actually have a lot of privilege than you think
Gun and Goo both have walls so high no one could achieve it for so many years, until you appeared in their lives, and you broke it down inch by inch until you finally saw them for who they truly are
Corny, i know
Gun is a dedicated man, has a reputation to uphold, stoic and emotionless--Wait! Wait! Is that Gun? With his sweetheart? Watching Barbie? And him wearing pink!? And makeup?!?!
He teaches you Japanese!
Often times he takes advantage of your lack of knowledge with Japanese by speaking to you in his language, secretly using it as a way to be more sentimental and romantic with you
"I love you... Y/n." "Can you repeat what you said? I'll translate it--" "It's nothing." *Kisses you on the forehead before leaving*
Gun is the type to read novels in his free time, HE MUST BE!
Has definitely annotated a book before and slipped it under your bed as a gift while you were sleeping, showing his comments, qoutes highlighted--Ugh, he'd definitely do it for you
Very attentive!!! When you lean down, he puts his hand on the corner of the table so it wouldn't hit you! When you sneeze, he's quick to pull a tissue and hand it to you while talking to someone in front of him
Now, Goo... He's definitely easygoing towards the relationship
Anything you both want, he's game, fr fr
He's the one who cooks for the three of you most of the time, once called you his "Cute little chef" when you decided to help him at the kitchen
If you're the type of sweetheart to vape or smoke--Nope! Now you're not! He'll throw your cigs away the moment he sees it and gives you a scolding while coddling you in his strong arms
"Sugarbunch! You shouldn't be smoking, it's bad for you!" *Pouts as he whines about how bad it'll affect you*
A teaser at it's finest!
Will tease you until the end, but if someone else does it, he's already readying his knuckles for charging, plus with his menacing glare
has slow danced to you at least once when he was feeling romantic at the time, where he's surprisingly quiet as he merely basks in the soft melody from the tv, and your warm presence
money, money, money
Gun and Goo have many love languages, but I suppose one thing in common is: GIFT GIVING!
You look, they pay. You touch, they pay. You smile, they pay.
That's it. They don't think too much about how much money of theirs you spend, they can make twice the amount in a week.
Besides, how could they say no to you?
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nsfw part (not very detailed, but do be cautious, ps: I'm still new at writing smut sorry jehrbferfe)
They're big. That's it.
Gun and Goo have tremendous amount of work, so at the end of the day, you'd expect rounds of sex the moment they open the door surprisingly quiet
They've fucked you separately most of the time, but gets horny at the thought of fucking you at the same time (which does happen actually)
Sex with Gun is intimate and passionately rough
He holds you possessively as he ruts into you once again for the umpteenth time, eyeing your luscious curves while you whimper at the sensitivity inside of you
"I've fucked you many times... Yet, you still don't seem to get used to it."
His cock is big, who could blame you?
Gun's a genius at making you feel good, wether it's the words he use, or just from his actions--He'd lower his lips close to your ears and speaks to you in a breathy manner, seemingly unfazed at the way you clutch on to his arms for dear life
Hidden praises and faux degradation, you couldn't tell what he would be using, but both styles have definitely made you sigh in pleasure
"Can't you see how much of a slut you look like right now? Heh, keep whining and see where that gets you." "Just like that, hah... Attagirl."
Goo's open to explore new kinks and positions, so expect a box of toys in front of you the moment he locks the bedroom door
Might be into voyeurism... He's a risky guy, after all
Leans more into praises, yet degrades you for a minute just for fun
He's fucked you most of the time through bdsm, but Goo is still a romantic, he'd like rose petals on the floor, low music, and just have a good time
Quite vocal unlike Gun--Who mostly groans--and begins to get louder the more close he gets to his high
"Fuck, you're such a good girl for me, yeah? You're close aren't ya? I know you are, I can feel you down there--Agh~" "'Wonder what Gun thinks if I send him a pic of you looking like a complete whore, ugh baby you're so fucking cute like this!"
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kiwanopie · 1 year
What would happen if we did try to leave kiyoomi like would he go haywire and turn into a madman or even a yandere (ps I love your work it makes me swing my legs back and forth while I twirl my finger in my hair 🤭)
Men as proud as him rarely grovel - they rarely beg. But when they do it’s overgrown by denial and a special kind of disgrace.
Talking to you like this makes him want to bite his tongue off. “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’ll let you leave me.”
You close your eyes as he steps to block your path to the door. Neatly packed bags weigh down the sleeves of your coat and even through grief are you still emboldened by the soft lights. Eyes cottoned by tears, still doey as they stare emptily forward. Nothing he’s said or done has invoked so much as a word from you since he’d returned home. Just a figure wisping away before his eyes, falling out of his hands before he can reason himself how to catch you.
But a man like him is used to threats and strong-arming to get his way. And though Kiyoomi doesn’t touch you, his tone is enough to make you wish he would. “You’re making a mistake. I mean it, ______. You walk out of this door and I don’t what I’ll do-“
“Move, Kiyoomi.” But you’re a contest to him. Just that nearly evokes a flinch.
Kiyoomi’s jaw tenses as you finally look up at him. And you know him well enough to know that his demeanor is a falsehood. It’s a show. A mask - not even well enough to hide that his eyes have already gone glassy. Neat scowl barely changed on his face but his fingers creak against the door frame.
He’s holding on by a thread. “You’re not leaving me.”
He steps forward as you try to step past him.
“You can’t keep me here, Kiyoomi. I don’t-“ Your voice cracks and so does his restraint. “I can’t do this with you anymore.”
“I don’t care.” Which he doesn’t mean. Really, the thought of you not loving him anymore makes him so nauseous his mouth kind of waters. He’s living out his worst nightmare right now, if you can believe it.
“You made a promise when you married me. You won’t leave me and I don’t leave you-“
Another side step. You let out a frustrated breath when he doesn’t let you push past. “You are my wife. Mine. Every breath you take is for me and you the same. That’s just how it is.”
“Get. Out. Of my way, Kiyoomi.”
“No. You need to think about this-“
“Get-“ You drop one of your bags just to push him out of your way. Nails somewhat digging into his button up but the force of the push slightly teeters him on his heel. You’re just as strong if not stronger through your resentment. Just as angry as he is if not angrier. But you’re not as ruthless as him, that’s for damn sure. And you find that out the hard way when you finally push the wrong button.
“Get out of my way, Sakusa!”
You’re pulled forward by the wrist.
It isn’t a hard enough grip to bruise but it’s stern, it’s promising something much worse should you start to pull away. - You meet his eyes and he’s wrathful. You’ve never seen him look at you like this before.
His voice is vexed, ireful and seething. “You really must be stupid if you think you’re leaving here scot-free. Do you know who I am? You think I don’t have the names of your family, your friends, any asshole dumb enough to think they matter? You really think I’m gonna let you leave here - start some worthless life with some one-off nobody? - Do you think you’re allowed to be happy without me?”
“I will kill - Look at me,” He inches you forward. “I will slaughter any and every one I have to just to make sure that I am the center of your life. Your husband. And if you think that any life, any relationship you have outside of me isn’t borrowed, then let me remind you right now,”
“You are my wife and I am your husband. Anything outside of that - is concessionary.”
You stumble as he releases you from his grasp.
Kiyoomi steps past you as you stand static still, already snatching up your bags while you look off in horror.
“Now,” He says over his shoulder. “Let me put these away for you.”
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zafetycar · 8 months
higher - DR3
⭐︎ daniel ricciardo & reader ('you')
⭐︎ one in which daniel and you let some drinks and a song drive you during a party
⭐︎ warnings: mention of alcohol
⭐︎ word count: <1k
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in honor of a hundred of you liking the lando norris social media au “what i was made for”
this is crazy ! thank you so so so much !!!! i can’t wait to share more stories with you !!!!
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it only took one second for you to realise which song had just started. the very first note had sold it. and it took you even less to snap your head around looking for daniel’s eyes, already locked on you, admiring you in awe and anticipation. and his silly grin plastered over his face. 
in a matter of milliseconds you run for each other, spilling the drink in your hands all over the floor. daniel trips over nothing, stumbles over to you, almost knocking you out on the way. but you straighten up right away as you hear the music, knowing that the lyrics are coming. slinging your left arm over his shoulders, your glass half empty in your right hand, you close your eyes, finish your drink in one swig and clear your throat, preparing for the intense two minutes coming up. daniel brings his right arm over your shoulders and pulls you close to him, practically chocking you, as he raises his own drink in the air and throws his head back. and the track finally starts.
"this whiskey got me feeling pretty”, you both scream in unison, voice cracking and hitting all the wrong notes. you rock yourselves side to side to the rhythm of the music, nearly hitting the people around you. 
but you just keep on singing like your lives depend on it.
“but I'm turnt up upstairs and ‘I love you’, is the only thing that's in my mind”, you dramatically sing, clinging on each other for support. neither of you is thinking strait in that moment. you are driven by the piece the same way you are driven by the person your holding. at the same time, you both look for the other’s eyes. the chorus is up next.
“you take me higher”, you shout, attempting to match the singer’s right tone, bursting out in laughter before composing yourself, determined to finish the song.
“but I'm drunk instead with a full ash tray, with a little bit too much to say”, you yell, holding the last note as best as either of you can before ridiculously trailing off. you turn to face daniel as he pulls you into a strong yet loving embrace, and you lay your head against his shoulder, kissing the covered skin there.
another song comes up through the speakers, but you keep on dancing side to side, tripping and almost falling each step you both take. daniel’s hand come up to lay on your head, softly caressing you hair as he plants gentle a kiss on your forehead. you look up to him and smile. he mirrors your expression, a sparkle lit in his eyes. as you take another step, you stumble backwards but daniel’s strong grip maintains you upright. your laughs fill the room, joining those of the people who just witnessed the scene.
how this hopeless romantic love song had ended up in a party playlist, between two club songs, was an absolute mystery, and as unexpected and annoying it first seemed for the others, it was hilarious enough for them to *secretly* plan it again for the next time you would all gather around drinks.
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ps: i really liked creating this one so i hope you like it too! also i'm glad it's a little one shot, so that you get a little glimpse of my writing !
note: hi! thank you for reading this piece, i hope you enjoyed it ! feedback is very much welcomed :) see you around ★
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wonder-mei · 7 months
Together Forever (MK1 Havik)
PS; Not lore accurate to the Mortal Kombat universe, I write because they’re hot.
The foods she made already went cold as they’ve been sitting there for hours. The lady waits for the arrival of her lover,Havik who promised he will be back today in his letter but there is still not a sight of him until dawn. She still sits there since morning believing he will be at their doorstep any minute now, the expectation she’s been having since she awoke at dusk.
She re-reads his letter again ‘I will be back in 3 days, this is a promise. No less or more than those days. The battle is almost over and I can only write this letter for the last time before I go home back to you,my love. I am fine and not hurt at all, do not worry about me. See you in 3 days. I have missed you every second without you by my side. I love you always.
Today is the third day. She has been excited since yesterday. Cleaning their house,washing every clothes needed and cooking his favorite foods. But where is he? She started to get tired in the chair in the living room. Her eyes haven’t left the front door. Minutes later her eyes closed from exhaustion. 
The birds’ chirps awoke her. It’s morning. The 4th day, a day after he promised to be here back home. She walks outside thinking he’ll be in the farm doing the corps. No one is there. She walks to the bathroom. Just cold there. She looks at the foods she made, not a single bit of them were eaten. ‘Maybe the place he is at has heavy rain or even something bad making him no chance to stay there for awhile’ she thinks for her own emotion. 
She gave the food to their farm animals not wanting to waste them. Then something caught her eyes, there’s a letter in a basket beside the front door. Did she not see it before? The lady takes it and reads; ‘My love, you have taken well of our house and farm. I am very lucky to have you as my wife. Strong and independent woman. The new dress you are wearing fits you so well complimenting your beauty. I love you’
“Havik?!” she calls out his name looking around their house searching for his sight. He’s not to be seen “Come home,Havik!” 
No replies. Just the wind. With a heavy heart she storms back to the house laying down in the bed crying. “Why didn't he come home when he was right here? Did I do something?”,Negative thoughts swam in her mind, making her cry much more. In tears she went to sleep once again with sadness in her heart. 
She wakes up hours later feeling hungry. She looks around and no one is in the house beside herself. She went to eat alone and attend their farm. Until night comes, Havik is still not home. She sleeps in sorrow this time.
The next day, the house is still in the same atmosphere; cold and lonely. She walks out from the front door. There’s a letter again in the same basket. She opens it,reading; ‘My love, please don’t cry. It breaks my heart seeing you like this. I am sorry I haven't come home as I promised. I just don’t know how to face you…. I have changed. You won't love me after you see me. I am afraid of losing you. I love you’
What does he mean he changed? Did something go wrong in the mission? That can’t be, he is capable of taking care of himself and heal. So what is he so afraid about? 
“Havik,are you hurt?!” She shouts out loud eyes wandering every place around the house “Come home,Havik! I can help you with your wounds!”
Not a single reply.
With the same sorrowful heart, she storms back into the house and sleeps in tears. After she woke up, she didn’t go outside to tend the farm. She isolates herself in the room. She came out the next day, went straight to the front door. A letter again in the basket, ‘Love, I am sorry I hurt you. You didn’t feed the animals yesterday. You must be so hurt by this…. I am sorry. I will apologise to you a million times just for you to feel comfort. I still don’t have the courage for you to see me. I am sorry. I love you’
“Havik come home!” she cries out “Come back to me…” 
Again,just silence. 
Today, she isolates herself just like before. Eating little food and laying in the bed thinking about Havik wondering why he is still afraid to be seen by her. She’s his wife. Nothing can change her love towards him no matter what. By then, she has an idea. 
It was dusk, she lay there quiet under the covers pretending to sleep. The window by the bed creaks open a little. Someone is peeking inside the room and then closes it back. Heavy footsteps walk to the front door stopping there. She slowly walks to the front door and opens the door with a swift. And there he is. Her husband. His back facing her like he was about to leave. She saw him flinch hearing the door open after he laid the letter in the basket again “Havik!” she calls out his name. Tears starts to water down her eyes “Havik, don’t go” 
Her heart was heavy looking at his appearance. Havik is a little thinner than before he left for the war. His body becomes more tense as she walks towards him. Her soft hand touches his shoulder “Havik?”, he stand still not turning around “Havik, please i want to see you” she softly asks
Havik slowly turns around. His eyes avoid hers. He covered half of his face with a scarf “Are you hurt?” she reaches the scarf but he stops her “Let me see” her eyes begs him. Havik lets her to uncover his face
He finally looks at her to see her reaction. No sigh of disgust or fear, not the reaction he expected her seeing his new scarred face “Who did this to you?” 
“I wasn’t strong enough to avoid the accident”
“Are you in pain?”
She sighs in relief and hugs him tightly “That’s all matter,Havik. I don’t want you to be in pain”
Havik stood there still not knowing what to do. She loves him even though his face is half of his flesh? The thoughts of her leaving him and being scared of him because of new looks was not true. “Are you not scared?”
She looks into his eyes “Never will” 
Havik finally returns her embrace. Hugging her tightly, he slowly cries. All those fears of losing her will never happen. Their love for each other is forever even after one of them changed. But love will never change, not a single bit.
“Let’s go home” she holds his hand with the smile he adores so much
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tvintedspvrkmoved · 11 months
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hahahah i'm losing my mind ??????
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so two very cool things are true right now which are :
- in twelve days my best girl will have existed in some form for an entire year - i'm about to be able to say there are officially HUNDREDS of you here ???? like as in the plural form ??????
neither of these things make any sense to me , but since both are true i figured it would be a good time to do what i guess is a little follow forever type thing. SO. here are some of the people who have helped emma grow and develop and also helped me grow and develop as a person and as a writer 🤍
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@dalphahale : honestly a day one bc i didn't really do very much with emma until around march i think and that's around when we started writing if i'm not mistaken ?? one of the best / most show accurate dereks i've ever come across and one of the best people too !!!! you're an incredible writer and honestly a saint in human form for putting up with me ooc lmao it's an honor to bless your dms every day with the most random and chaotic messages and thoughts and only be a LITTLE bit judged for it 😂 derek and emma are one of the most adorable ships i've ever seen and derek and allison are iconic as well i just think you're the bee's knees okay you're stuck with some form of my chaos indefinitely i fear 🤷‍♀️
@stanfordprepped : jared. JARED. another og and one of my best friends in the rpc. samemma is so unbelievably iconic and i'm so amazed and proud of everything that's come from them and from us writing together and from you in general i'm SO excited about charlotte's development and about samlena and about just all of our dynamics ahhhhh you are so unbelievably strong and talented and you deserve every good thing in the entire world bc the love and respect that you hold for others even on your worst days is so admirable i can't even fathom it sometimes.
@multi-royalty : MADDIE MY BELOVED i ????? owe so much of everything i've accomplished this year to you 😭🙏 you not only pulled me back when i was debating whether or not to even continue writing , but helped to develop some of my most cherished muses and threads and plots and headcanons. you're the sweetest little bean in the entire world and i can't even begin to thank you for everything you've done for and with me and the light that you bring to this community even when you can't see it 🤍
@guiltye : bitch i'll yell FOREVER at and about you are you kidding ????? your writing gives me literal chills and the plots that we have are some of the deepest most complex and incredible dynamics i've ever been a part of. you've been through so much this year and kicked ass until you got to the other side and still managed to help ME through so much too and i'm sure so many others and i just adore you okay i live for all lilly content but especially your ooc posts bc i just think your brain is so neat and i love getting to glimpse into it sometimes you're just incredible ����🤍 ps thank u for letting me yell about noah kahan without abandon and getting in ur feelings about him with me lol
@boundforhale // @stilesstylelinski : obviously i had to put y'all together you can't split up the gremlins okay. i love you both so much and i actually can't even begin to describe how much you guys have helped me this year both to be a better writer and to get through so many rough patches irl. i'm still not entirely convinced that australia is real but if it DOES exist i will not rest until i can fly there and we can all meet at a central location and proceed to just implode the whole universe with the sheer chaos and buffoonery. y'all are actually family at this point i don't know what i would do without you fr
@carp3diems : LISTEN HERE BITCH bff bestie angel i love you to pieces and if you ever leave me again i'll riot !!!! you're genuinely one of the coolest people i've ever met and i love all of our dynamics so damn much but what we've created with colbemma is just so insane and incredible and i know i just screamed about this in the dms but i genuinely cannot believe they started out hating each other lmao they're truly iconic and i can't wait to see how they continue to grow and thrive and also how YOU continue to grow and thrive
@redhoodiskra : A. you are an actual ray of sunshine and so incredibly talented and WAY TOO HARD ON YOURSELF and completely amazing and fantastic and i just love you a lot !!!! stiles and emma and the little family they've created make my heart so happy and so do all of our other dynamics !!!! we haven't written much on @westwingsolo yet and we absolutely should change that bc i'm in awe of you and your writing and the creativity you bring to your muses they're both so special and you can 100% see the love you've put into both.
i wish i could write everyone a little message but here are some more lovelies that you should absolutely go follow !!!! a lot of them have other pages with more incredible muses as well 🤍
@fuckmeupindie , @hellgiven , @gunchamber , @ofcrxwns , @escapedfromthevoiid , @ruinedmyself , @goldenboybarracuda , @delicatestm , @sarcasticsnackpack , @fidelissimi , @ofblackskies , @ratkiing , @snnydcys , @flamefallen , @impurc , @clockturned , @r4chelamber , @unbearablyindifferent , @mystictragedies , @conradfish3r , @jimh9334 , @jchnwinchester , @qapsiel , @thornstocutyouwith , @unitcd , @surgcns , @localsalt , @mecwmellc
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pearlypairings · 19 days
Okay tell me literally ANYTHING about In the Shade of Aurelias that didn’t make it onto the page? I love that fic so much 💜
Fic backstory askpost
AHHHHH! my golden child fanfic! There's so much there bc I like to write multiple versions of the same beats to see what I like best!
In the first chapter, when Christine comes down to eat with her family, she actually had a brother like in canon. There was a strong contrast to how her mother coddled her brother and criticized Christine. Her brother was an unwilling participant in this dynamic, but clueless on how to help. However, the more the scene went on, I realized the story I wanted to tell did not involve looping her brother back into it in any way and seemed to cheapen any reflection on the opening scene's meaning. So I went with sickly only child instead 😅
I'm breaking this up bc I rambled lol but there's more under the cut here
After her scare in the marketplace, I also wrote an extended scene where her father notices the blue dust from Eddie on her gown and asks Christine many peculiar, specific questions which ultimately makes her concerned that he will figure out that the person in the alley was "cursed" and try to hunt him down. But the pace felt too slow and chunky, so I ultimately cut it down to a short, generic paragraph that suited the chapter beats better I think!
There is a ton of backstory for the side characters that has yet to be told and some that may not make into the final cut depending on the flow of the story! I think the main one I don't mind sharing for now is that her second suitor Lord Harrington is well woven into the truth behind some "entertainers" and merchants of the marketplace. He is a quiet ally to those hiding in plain sight, mostly because he had witnessed them do more good when they thought no one was watching than the evil he was told of by his family. So, he works well to make sure their secrets are kept safe in exchange for some behind the scenes display of their powers and plain ol' good conversation. Our middle child is lonely 😅
Our Hallowed Fire troupe is one of the more organized magic user groups that has been cast out, but still infiltrates beyond the walls to survive and make a living. In many of the scenes of the forest, I have sprinkled in details that didn't quite fit the tone of that chapter, but will be revisted later! Most of it is about the kids' powers and the next chapter (I swear it's on my list to work on/post possibly for Halloween) has Christine getting some lessons in what she's been missing out on all her life when it comes to magic and it's uses💕
I could talk your ear off lol but I'm gonna wrap this up. Feel free though to ask any more questions that you may have 🥰💞
PS: Because of the grander scope of this fic, I keep a thorough outline/world buulding/inspo collection for Aurelias! Before I started writing, this was my first fic that I found like character aesthetic models for reference and I'm gonna share the main ones with you bc you're so lovely 😘
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lilac-udon · 10 months
vampire sunny stuff I was thinking
Very lonely but also have problems living among other, the way he and basil kind of work is really they are really distant at first, also basil misleading of his own death makes Sunny willing interacts with basil more, without feeling the guilt he ruined things again.
also I said he has symptoms of dissociative identity disorder but actually it’s more like schizophrenia, he is just denying what he has done but if he could he probably can remember what he done, he created Omori to block that memory, convinced it’s Omori doing (I’m not sure how it works and in medical terms, I will do more research but for this , this is fiction) , he doesn’t know what to do so kept wanting mari to get up again. Can’t let go of mari but every time seeing mari would giving him a break down. Sleeping giving him peace but he can’t sleep forever, but waking up he can’t think of a solution to make him self useful after so many attempts.
I’m saying both basil and sunny isn’t the best person, the basil is a good distraction of his misery, he get attached by having one single person by his side , and becomes better at interaction
Insert side note(I might scratch the idea)the basil missing in castles thing I said before, sunny always can locate where basil is because if he wants he can hear basil heartbeat, the entire castles is pretty quiet, he probably will be anxious if he can’t hear that sound from too long, that’s why if basil was out , example at Aubrey place, sunny wouldn’t care the long distance trip under the sun to grab basil back (he just weird
Omori, the other him, currently very annoyed by sunny, basically your insides voice that insult yourself, that’s omori. Sunny is capable of doing many things but his trouble mind, too self conscious, undecided. Omori has very strong desire to live , even though sunny has no plan for his life. The guilt he experiences cut all thoughts, only if Mari is back he can go on by himself.
Typing these out let me witnesses all the flaws of my character writing QWQ
Writing is so hard, I felt like it doesn’t make sense, it’s hard to list out all characters
I did list of a lot of outcomes, if basil has not met him or left early, mari might not be revived, or Sunny probably just die before anything
Ps I thought about basil stuff a couple day before, I kept thinking, wow basil why you think so much, basil overthinking some weird stuff , on the other hand, sunny just stares and head empty
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There are basically two factions within the TVA at this point: Prune the Branches and Don't Prune the Branches.
Hunter X-5/Brad, working for General Dox (of Prune the Branches), was sent to track down Sylvie. When he found her in a branch, he bailed on his mission and went to live his life in the Sacred Timeline. (Without creating a branch? How? It's not explained.) He knows Dox plans to prune the branches, but doesn't tell Loki or Mobius, and they only find out after Sylvie enchants him. By that point, the plan is already in motion and they're too late to save a lot of the branches.
Before the first interrogation, Mobius warns B-15 and Loki that "Brad's an asshole" and to not let him get under their skin. Brad doesn't hold back with Loki, but Loki doesn't rise to the bait (the same can't be said for Mobius when Brad turns his attention to him), though he does try to calmly intimidate Brad in return. Loki doesn't defend himself, but, for what it's worth, I personally didn't get the impression that we were supposed to be siding with Brad or laughing at Loki here. I saw it more as Loki being strong for not giving in to Brad's provocations.
Of course, I'm not trying to change minds or justify anything here, just sharing my observations and adding some context, for better or worse.
Hey, and I appreciate it so thank you for that.
I've seen the video of Brad's words to Loki and yeah, I suppose it is framed as Brad trying to annoy Loki and him not falling for it, but my issue with it is that this is yet another case of someone accusing Loki of being bad and a villain, and Loki not saying anything about it - or what's worse, ending the conversation with "Yes, I've done terrible things".
It's so frustrating that these scenes keep coming up but they never write one where Loki explains himself. I haven't seen it but I guess the pie scene comes after this Brad interrogation? That would be a good opportunity to have Loki talk about the invasion, the Mind Stone and Thanos. But instead of that, he goes "Yeah, I invaded NYC because I was mad at my father and my brother". WTF?
That's the narrative taking a stand. It's the same as the Time Theatre in S1: if you give Mobius word of god and he's not challenged in any way and Loki is not allowed to explain himself, then what Mobius says is considered the ultimate truth. If they had let him say all that but then the story set the record straight then that's fine (something they did in WV but they have never done in this series), and in this case with Brad's scene it would have been nice if Loki had been vindicated by the narrative, but it seems that never happened.
I don't think any of us want this series to say that Loki is a good guy who never hurt a fly. But we've seen previous movies and we know there was always so much more to him than "he's just a bad guy". And while I'm aware this series is more about the TVA and the timelines than Loki, it wouldn't be so hard to add a few lines here and there to flesh out his character.
So in the end it's more of the same: a character telling Loki to his face how bad he is and him staying quiet and taking it.
PS. So that Brad guy quit the TVA then? Shouldn't that be framed as a good thing? He escaped the fascists...
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
August 2004
August 9, 2004
“Dear Queen Of Hearts Killer”
we finished shooting the video- i dont want to give it away but it is our darkest video yet, see: basement face punches and playing cards. youll be able to see it soon. we have more suprises in store. cruise over to the alternative press site and tell em thanks for putting us on the cover or that you hate them and us and the world. oh yeah, another installment up over at the fueledbyramen journal- im not gonna put up too much more because i dont want to give it all away- peterpan
ps- as much as you wish you were me, i wish i was you so much more
August 9, 2004
for all the trophy boys and sleep over princes - for all the bruised thighs and smokedout eyes:
i am a zombie who doesn’t want to live, a corpse bored with my own funeral. we live like gypsies only with less gold and maybe more curses. people say you can’t run away from your problems (we are the problem). well thats just shit. cause i’ve spent 20 years on the run and i can’t remember most of the problems that started this (maybe thats been the problem all along). it’s funny. you become a different person when you don’t have a home. you take for granted sleeping in the same bed, looking at the same clocks, waking up with a rug underneath your feet. the world looks different from the back of a van- and rest stops and hardwood floors. we are ghosts with addresses in ghost towns. no matter how much you clean yourself, your clothes and your pillow it never really gets clean, neither does your memory. it never lets go of that smokey, cold/wet feeling. if there was a word for what i am looking for right now it would definitely sound like her name. at some point you wanted her innocence for your own. to breathe in every single breath that she breathed out, to taste her spit- to feel how she feels to fall asleep next to you and to be let down for the first time. 
when i leave could you please say your sheets would never be the same and that maybe you even missed my smell just a little bit?
- petey
August 11, 2004
“Sugar We’re Going Down Swingin”
we are having a blast on warped tour so far. it is hot. french canada is awesome cause there are all kinds of weird candy bars and sodas and girls are pretty. come out and tell hey chris he is a hottie with a body at our merch tent. for realz.
call me up and tell me you are doing okay.
that would make my day.
me plus you 4 eva.
September 2, 2004
noone ever fell in love with anyone because of empty pockets or red splotched eyes. drove around for hours tonight just to keep myself from feeling anchored. weighed down. to keep my mind off thinking about what kids like me deserve. desperation isnt a strong enough word (but it will have to do). my wrists are only black and blue cause i don’t got the balls. nothing gets you ready to have every single word dissected and put under a microscope. i got ringing in my ears but none on my fingers. i got sunsets in the veins on my wrists. we’re not just falling in love anymore, we’re demanding it. im the latest bloomer (dried out my wet dreams and saved them for a rainy day). i can still see you standing on my front porch- slowed my own thoughts down to a single blade of grass. you couldnt catch my eye cause i was too busy rolling them. the buttons on one side of your coat that wouldnt snap on the other side. they were just for fashion not for function you told me. you were pretty for a boy. it made me laugh when i thought of it, im sorry i wasnt laughing at what you were saying. it makes me laugh still- when im driving around for hours at night. id love to swerve off and blame it on the fog, but ive been talking on these roads too much lately. theyd spill all my secrets. this city won’t let me go. im sure theyd lock me up somewhere if anyone saw me at 23 sneaking into cemetaries. taking pills to make me feel okay sleeping in the grass just above you. the sirens find me at the first light. my lips cracked and dried from the tears, i'll probably die a cliche. flash the lights to kissing boys. provocative. i promise you i wont ever have another afternoon like when we used to sneak out of school and drive the lakeshore. noone will ever sound as cool as you. we built cool. we made up style. we set the standard and theyre all just trying to live up to it. if theres nobody who thinks like us anymore. untouchable is unlovable. you always have me humming in my head just out of key. i bought an alarm clock just so i could hit the snooze button. whats the point in getting out of bed anymore if you only get out to say you did. if you could love the biggest fraud or the best liar- then im your prince. i was made just for fashion not for function.
- petey
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tw transphobia, general queerphobia
looking for validation and reassurance
so i recently figured out that i'm nonbinary and where I live a bunch of laws are coming down in my country around lgbtq people's rights to exist.
i'm also aroace, for what it's worth
i'm at a supportive school and still very much in the closet when it comes to my identity but just hearing everything has been very frightening, knowing that people elected to represent me would legislate me out of existence and that, as i live in a conservative area, even my neighbors that I've known since i was a child could very well be unsupportive
my father's side of the family is also conservative, and given the policies of the politicians they support i highly doubt they would be supportive. he himself has also said that they/them pronouns are 'grammatically incorrect'
it's all been really upsetting and although I know more about who I am it makes me realize that people will deny my very existence and my right to it
but nothing's actually happened yet
so it feels weird being so upset by it but still, I am...
(ps comet isn't my real name)
hi comet,
I know it's incredibly difficult to be calm when there's so much hateful rhetoric around. It's hard to feel safe as a queer person. It's great that you have a supportive environment at school. I hope you can lean into that and find comfort there.
It's okay to be upset about it. You said nothing's happened yet, but something has. You know that your dad's side of the family is bigoted and that your dad is ignorant at best. I hope he is open-minded and can learn about lgbt+ identities. (Also, singular "they" is older than singular "you"). Everyone deserves support for their identity. Figuring yourself out takes time and it should be celebrated.
Remind yourself how strong and powerful the queer community is. Where there are bigots, there are 10X as many queer people and allies. Connect with others and support one another.
Take care!
Mod Misa
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oneprompt · 2 years
Ok so I was thinking on how the Straw hats would react if their newest crew member was dealing with an a parent that was verbally or physically abusive and something accidentally triggered them or Y/N finally tells them about their past since everyone else shared theirs. I don’t really see much of fanfics of the strawhats comforting Y/N due to a traumatic event like this but I dunno I just thought it might be comforting for those who’re dealing with an abusive parent like myself
authors note : im so sorry you have to deal with such treatment .. just know that lots of people love you , and you don't need the approval of bad people , regardless of who they are to you. please stay strong my darling <3
ps , these are very self indulgent , as i grew up in a similar fashion .. soo , the reader is a bit bias to my reactions ;; my apologies.
CW : MENTIONS OF ABUSE. do not read if this is triggering
Luffy x Gn! Reader : Opening up about Abuser
- The moment you first tell Luffy, he blows up. He wants nothing more then to beat them senseless, to ask why they would treat their child in such a way. Luffy knows first hand how lovely you are, how earnest your heart is. Why in the world would anyone do such a bad thing to you? You're his crewmate, his nakama. Regardless of the tie to you have with your parents, the share of blood will never cure his hatred.
- Once Luffy takes time to actually process everything, noticing the itching fear molding your features, he holds his tongue. Luffy rarely filters his speech, making it very apparent that he was getting serious. He never felt the need to act maturely, unless it truly was a huge deal. And your safety was his number one priority. He may not be the best with words, or at comforting people but he does his best. Truly. 
- With a frown, Luffy shoves his straw hat onto your head, staring directly into your puffy eyes, your cheeks stained with your tears. With an abrupt swing of arms, Luffy captures your trembling form in an embrace. It’s still tight like always, but more tender then enthusiastic. For once, Luffy is dead silent. You can’t help yourself, feeling more sobs break free from the prison of your throat, cries filling the space around you both. 
- Luffy makes sure to praise you lots, after you opened up about such a private matter to him. He knows how awful you must’ve felt, all those years. Insult after injury.. That’s all your life was before this crew, wasn’t it? In case you’re ever doubting your self worth, or the things you have to offer others, Luffy is quick to clear those doubts from your admirable mind! He isn’t super wordy, so you can’t expect such an open display of affection but it’s love alright. Just- in Luffy’s weak vocabulary. It means so much to you, knowing you’re so cherished by another being. Especially the one who unknowingly saved you from that living hell, 
- Luffy is quite impulsive, not processing his actions or words before acting upon them. But he’ll notice if anything he does upsets you. Whether it’s a jumble of words or a loud noise, he can recognize that terrified gleam in your eyes. As soon as Luffy does notice, he’s right at your side, ready to give you a big, stretchy hug. He doesn’t mean to be so ignorant to you and your feelings, and he’s trying to get better with that... Truly. 
- Even though Luffy is a blabbermouth, he knows when and what to keep under wraps. He won’t even mention anything about what you told him to any of the other Straw Hats. Trauma is a thing you tell people in your own time, not something you have others talk over. Luffy knows that much. 
Zoro x Gn! Reader : Opening up About Abuser
- Much like Luffy, Zoro’s first thoughts are wrathful. He wants nothing more then to punish them for hurting you, testing his highest strength sword moves on them. Yet, he doesn’t verbalize them. He has half a mind to know not to say anything. He knows showing off such a rage filled face might mirror your parents, making you feel untrustworthy of Zoro, perhaps full of regret that you told him such a thing. 
- Zoro sighs, shaking his head as he pulls you close to him, allowing you to bury your face into his chest. He just holds you, cuddling you within the warmth of his bed. Slowly but surely, Zoro rocks you to sleep. He could tell how much energy that took from you, how much courage was needed. Zoro could tell how badly you needed to rest. And he wanted nothing more then to be there for you while you did, making sure he was there to ease your mind if you woke up, panicked by a night terror. 
- After you told him about your trauma, and how it haunts your mind to the point you often cannot sleep, Zoro began to sleep with you every night. He’d be there to calm you down, helping you either go to sleep or return. He knows how important sleep is, and he’s gonna make sure you keep yourself healthy. 
- Very cautious around you, when it comes to things that could trigger you. Whether it be loud noises, aggravated screaming, he tones it down, And Zoro is sure to keep the other boys in check, not wanting any of those numbskulls to upset you so drastically. He just... refuses to let those memories plague your mind, at least to such a panicky degree. 
- Zoro is 10x more protective of you now. Not that he finds you weak, no. You’re quite the opposite, being capable of enduring all that cruelty for years... you were the strongest person Zoro knew. He just doesn’t ever want you put in such a position again, for obvious reasons. You don’t deserve to be hurt, and you never did. Zoro would rather die then let you suffer again. He’s more then willing to put his life on the line for your sake. 
- Zoro loves drinking, but he avoids bringing it out when its just you two. He knows that alcohol isn’t all fun and games, especially for somebody with a traumatized psyche. He doesn’t want you developing an unhealthy coping mechanism with it. So, Zoro is sure to hide his sake beneath his bed everytime you come to sleep in his room. Even if you lack interest in drinking, it’s just an extra step of precaution. 
Nami x Gn! Reader : Opening up About Abuser
- Nami feels on the verge of tears when you finally tell her the meat and bones of your past. She wants to act mature and give you words of wisdom but she merely can’t, letting out silent cries as she glanced at you. You were so sweet and loving... what could you have ever done to earn such terrible parents? You two cry in silence together, trading glimpses of the other. 
- Once Nami finally gets ahold of herself, she leans forward, enveloping your flushed cheeks in her tear soaked palms. She murmurs to you in between hiccups, going on and on about how none of your trauma was your fault, about how proud she was of you for still being here. Nami knows how hopeless it is to be enduring that type of torture, especially for such an extended amount of time. Knowing you’re the radiant being you are now, even after all of that... she’s so happy! 
- Nami is much more patient with you, in comparison to the more high strung Straw Hats. She’s a good comforter, offering any support she can to her nakama. Once Nami notices that hollow look reflect from your gaze, she’ll urge you to her side to cuddle her. With your head in Nami’s lap, her hand combing through your hair, she’s sure to remind you of how loved you are. 
- If Nami ever catches you degrading yourself for the scars you got from your abuse, Nami will show you her own. Even if her tattoo hides the side of brutal stab wounds from when she was with Arlong, she knows they’re apparent enough to ease your mind, to make you feel less alone. Embrace them, as they’re a sign of strength. That’s what Nami says. 
- Nami knows how important alone time is when dealing with trauma. She makes sure to give you your personal space. If you’re cooling off from a breakdown, she’ll let you haul yourself up in her room for a few hours. And thankfully not even Luffy will come to bother you, as he’s too afraid of Nami’s punches. 
- She loves kids, and she always tells you how great of a parent you would be. Just because you were raised in chaos, doesn’t mean you’ll be like your parents. Nami knows you, she knows your nature. And she knows you’d be the upmost best parent, keeping your babies safe. Your trauma doesn’t define you or how you’ll treat people. 
Usopp x Gn! Reader : Opening up About Abuser
- Usopp may not be a fighter, but he is a mediator. With a hold of your hand, Usopp asks you about everything. No overly pushy questions or ones that’ll upset you, he just wants to know if he needs to adjust certain behavior around you or set new boundaries. You and your comfort are his number one priority. He love that smile of yours and he wants to keep seeing it, just like  he has been for the few months or so. He never wants the bright and amazing Y/n to lose their flare, all for the sake of your disgusting parents. 
- He means well, even if his words of comfort can fall flat. Usopp shows off physical affection during this, but not as much as the  romance dawn trio. He’ll occasionally stroke your head or caress your hands, just little things to put your quivering body at ease. Although, if you flinch at the move of his hand, he’ll stop immediately. As i said, your comfort is Usopp’s number one priority, and nothing will ever alter that. 
- Knowing you trust an infamous liar like Usopp makes him soso happy. He isn’t used to being a persons comfort or someone they rely on for support. it means a lot to be trusted, especially by somebody he loves so much. 
- From then, Usopp holds your hand a lot now. It’s a helpful aid to you, being able to cling to your best friend, somebody you trusted so much. You had nothing to be afraid of. Being able to just make contact with another person without the fear of stinging or aching afterwards may seem like a birth right but to you, it felt like a treasure itself. Usopp was your sanctuary, whether he knew so or not. 
- Usopp makes you all sorts of helpful things! His first gift to you was a pair of noise counseling earmuffs, made to avoid audio caused meltdowns. You had a ton of issues with dealing with loud noises, a thing you had admitted to Usopp. The first gift wasn’t the last, as he continued to make you gifts to help you with your PTSD. Whether it was practical things or just comforting things like stuffed toys, he wanted to do the best he could to make you feel better. 
- Usopp shares a dream journal with you! Not that it directly helps you, but monitoring and focusing on things can help freeze out the problem in a healthy manner. You both document your dreams, the patterns, the similarities, all of that jazz. Its a cute thing for friends to do together, and you really do appreciate the lengths Usopp goes to in order to comfort and distract you from your pain. 
Sanji x Gn! Reader : Opening up About Abuser
- Sanji is so understanding, due to sharing a similar upbringing. He puts an arm around you, letting you lean into his side. Like Luffy, Sanji knows when to drop his comedic behavior. He doesn’t chant any overly formally honorifics at you as you snuggle into him, nor does he let any blood leak from his nose. Sanji just lets you melt into him, humming to you softy, doing his best to calm you down.
- He’ll tuck you into your bed, once you’ve relaxed. Sanji offers you the kindest smile, finally saying a singular string of words. “I’m proud of you, Y/n-san.” Not a lick of his words are ingenuine, Sanji is deeply proud of you. He knows the despair you fall into, being treated so brutally by the ones who are meant to love and cherish you. He’s proud you’re here, that you never gave up on yourself. 
- Sanji will serve you your personal comfort food and beverages, whenever he notes that you look upset. He’ll hand them to you, a heartfelt letter resting on the tray. Its never anything perverted, just a lengthy letter of praise and sincerity. All those letters mean the entire world to you..
- He’s more careful when cooking now, making sure to not accidentally break a porcelain dish, knowing how much that sound may upset you. Sanji becomes much more aware, more cautious. Especially when you’re directly in the kitchen with him, he’d hate to remind you of your wretched parents. 
- Sanji will take you out for fun little things, whenever you’re all docked at an island. He’ll take you shopping with him, pampering you with whatever you desire. Clothing, lotion for sunbathing, cute little knick knacks, he’ll buy you whatever you want. Retail therapy..!! 
- Sanji tucks you in every night, when you two are done spending. He loves asking you how you enjoyed it, because of the smile you give him. Its large, oozing with pure joy. He’d- he will do anything to protect your smile. 
Nico Robin x Gn! Reader : Opening up About Abuser
- Robin can’t help but frown. She heaves a sigh, reaching to pet your hair. She isn’t the most open person, she never has been. So, Robin hasn’t ever had anyone come to her about something like this. She isn’t good at comforting, honestly. But, she’ll do the best she can. “You can cry, Y/n. I know how much you want to.” Robin now has your head held to her shoulder, letting your tears nurse themselves into her blouses fabric. “Thank you for trusting me...” She murmurs, full on hugging you at this point. 
- Robin hasn’t had somebody trust her with such information. It- it felt nice to be trusted, to be viewed as an earnest friend. She can’t help but smile ever so slightly, cradling you in her arms. You really did trust and love her, didn’t you? 
- She’s very motherly to you from there on out, almost the way she is with Chopper. Robin will let you hold her hand, lay on her lap or chest, anything. Her maternal instincts want nothing more then to make you feel loved, something your true mother could never do. Robin never had a mother, but she does her best to do what a true mother does for her babies. 
- At night time, Robin will come into your room to read a book to you. She knows you struggle with insomnia because of your trauma. So, Robin does her best to fix up your sleeping patterns. She’ll read you her favorite books, making her voice as soft as she can. Once she notices you asleep, she’ll give you a light kiss on your forehead before taking her leave. 
- Robin can read you easily, knowing exactly what body language you use when experiencing specific emotions. If she notices you’re upset, Robin will offer you to build a puzzle with her, or listen to her read her newest book. With those distractions, she’ll give you all sorts of love. Verbal, physical, every form. She wants to preserve your pure heart and your joy, helping build that further every time she shows you her love.  
- Robin is the most protective of you out of the Straw Hats. If you two are in a battle with anyone, and multiple of them rush to target you, she’’ll make sure to break them. She’s as fierce as a mother bear, not letting any disgusting people near her child. She’ll make sure to give them a painful punishment for messing with you... 
Franky x Gn! Reader : Opening up About Abuser
- Franky tears up under his sunglasses, each drop escaping and dribbling down his face. He rests his large hand on your head, caressing you with an unfamiliar softness. Franky may not have grown up with his parents but he knows that such treatment against their young is not okay. His heart aches for you, for the childhood you lost.
- He’s furious at this newfound info but he cant express that, as Franky’s rage succumbs to his wavering heart. Franky is full of anger and sadness, pity for you. You poor thing... You manage to smile every day and be so sweet to everybody around you, how do you do it? How are you not...mad? You’re one tough cookie, even if you’re just a kid compared to him.
- Like Robin, Franky’s dad switch is activated. He’s used to protecting and taking care of people, and that’ll extended to you. He won’t smother you but he’s so lovey to you! Franky wants to protect your happiness, letting you flourish. Regardless of what happened in your past, that doesn’t define you. You didn’t deserve it, it didn’t ‘ruin’ you. You’re suuuuper! You grew into such an amazing person, Franky knows that. He won’t ever let you utter a single negative thing about yourself.
- Franky always surprises you with gifts! More so, personally made ones. He’ll make you a cute little music box, something that can act as a sleep aid for you. Something so dainty is out of his normal craft but for you, he’ll push himself to do anything! You’re his ki- friend! You’re his pal.
- He always welcomes you to come goof off with him, Usopp and Chopper! If that is your forte, they’re all sure to keep you laughing, launching endless jokes and absurdities your way. Franky knows that laughter is one of the best medicines! And he’s much better at that sort of comfort then the sophisticated kind... Whether it’s as simple as him doing silly poses, telling you greatly dramatized stories, he’ll do whatever shameless thing it takes to hear that angelic noise. He tries his best to keep you happy.
- Franky often writes letters to Iceburg, even if his handwriting is illegible. He’ll go on and on about his journeys, his new weapons, anything and everything under the sun. But nowadays, he’ll sneak in a mention of you. Going on and on about how much you remind him of his carefree youth, the way you make him feel at home in the same manner Tom and Iceburg did. You may think Franky is helping you with your mental health the most out of you two, but thats not to say you haven’t been helping the cyborg. You really do remind him of simpler times. Those beaming summer days in Waters 7, frolicking with Iceburg in the junkyard... In a way, you make him feel even more connected to those memories, holding an unexplainable nostalgic glow.
Brook x Gn! Reader : Opening up About Abuser
- Brook places a boney hand over yours, looking down at you. He’s never seen you this way. You look like you’re in so much pain, it hurts his heart. He repeats words of affirmation to you, his voice delicate and quiet. Brook repeats over and over how glad he is to have met you, how lucky the Straw Hats are to have you in their crew. Your parents seemed to have distorted your self image for years on end, almost brainwashing you into thinking you were this horrid person. Brook may not be able to erase such work over night, but he’ll do whatever it takes.
- He lightly squeezes your hand, staring directly at you. “We’re your family now, okay?” With that being uttered, you fall apart right then and there. You can no longer hold back your loud sobs, desperation filling your tone. You hold onto the skeleton tightly, gurgling out thank you’s after thank you’s.
- You and Brook grew much closer afterwards, having you spend a hefty amount of your time with him. Your presence meant so much to Brook, the same way his meant to you. Brook had grown accustomed to being in his lonesomeness, not having a single soul to be with. But now, things were much different. You were his most beloved friend, a person who shared a mutual love for him.
- Brook often composed songs for you, ones that would make you smile or even weep with joy. He put his heart and soul into your songs, putting care into every note. He knew they served as both a comfort to you, and he knew the stroke of the piano keys could calm you down after a night terror. Each song was strategically crafted, containing notes that could lull you to sleep, your favourite instruments bellowing in the back.
- Brook is always there to help comfort you whenever you have a meltdown. He’ll usher you comforting words or warm touches. After you’ve calmed down, he’ll return with your favorite flavor of tea, maybe with some macarons on the side... Whatever snacks you may fancy.
- Brook often ends your days together by tucking you into bed, pulling the warm and cozy sheets over your form. You may be an adult, but to Brook, he believes anyone can be tucked in, regardless of age. It’s a kind and endearing thing, something you deserve. Once he’s gotten you comfortable, he’ll give you time to decompress and sleep. You deserve to relax once in awhile, turning off all your negative thoughts. 
Jinbei x Gn! Reader : Opening up About Abuser
- The moment your words force themselves out of your mouth, Jinbei already has you in his lap, arms wrapped around you. It’s a comforting embrace, holding a sense of security. He’s quiet, leaving you to only listen to his lingering breaths, Jinbei doesn’t push for details, letting you ride out your emotions with him. Even as your tears sink into his yukata, beginning to soak the fabric, he never pushes you away. 
- Jinbei is the most composed out of the crew, not displaying too much heavy emotion. A small frown just rests on his face as he rubs circles on your convulsing back. He avoids showing how upset he truly is, not wanting you to feel any need to comfort for him. You’re the one that deserves all the comfort right now. You’re who needs attention. 
- Jinbei lets you come into his sleeping quarters whenever you need. Whether you’re upset, happy, mellow, you’re always allowed in. He’ll let you sleep in his bed if you need. He knows how touch starved you are and how much you crave validation, and he’s more then happy to deliver. Jinbei will cuddle you, showing you his care for you in the simplest of ways. He may not directly express his love, but he makes sure that you know how much he cares about you. 
- If you come to his room upset, Jinbei won’t force you to talk about whatever upset you but the offer always stands. He knows he isn’t the greatest at this, especially out of the Straw Hats but as i said, Jinbei does whatever he can. If it regards your parents, you’re immediately met with a hug. He wants to fill that void for you to the best of his abilities. 
- You give Jinbei a sense of meaning for the first time in awhile, making him feel valued for more then his strength. You and the Straw Hats both made him feel that way. You all helped him feel loved, but you did the most. The way you trusted him so deeply, enough to confide in him for the most heart wrenching things... Jinbei was grateful for that, to have your trust. And you had his, 100%. Jinbei would trust you with his life. 
- You remind him of Koala, in a sense. Is it just his fatherly front that connects you two? Is it the fact you manage to brim with optimism, even after everything that’s been done to you? He’s not very sure. But all Jinbei knows for sure is how much Fisher Tiger would love you, if only he were still alive. He often dreams of that, of how you, him and Fisher Tiger could be a happy family. Maybe in another life. 
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leoascendente · 3 years
PAC/ Psychic abillities 🧿
* This is the English version, for Spanish version click this link -> https://leoascendente.tumblr.com/post/673357384680341504/pac-habilidades-ps%C3%ADquicas
Every group has a lot of information, take what resonates for you and leave the rest. I recommend to read just one group, the one that calls your attention the most, but if your intuition tells you to choose more than one feel free to read it, intuition never fails.
For this PAC i used the tarot of the faeries, lights and shadows oracle, work your light oracle deck ans goddess guidance oracle cards.
Here you have the 3 options to choose, as always the pictures and gif are from pinterest. I hope you love this PAC as much as I loved to make it, enjoy it🥰
*And before anything, sorry for my English🤷‍♀️
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We start strong, group 1! I see a lot of awaken and concious people here, like you already have worked on yourself with holistic therapies in a more psychological way, maybe you use mindfullness, de meditation or have learnt to intercept any intrusive thought when it appears, maybe you have even made shadow work to give light to some dark parts of your personality. Anyway, I see a very focused mind in developing a better version of itself and to reach better things for your life. You have a strong willpower and a big sense of independence and freedom, your talent is related to this part of your personality and the hability you have to dance with the flow of life, you really know how to enjoy life and make the best of every situation even of the worst circumstances you know how to see the learning that situation have for you. I feel that you're very concious about your life path and you know there's something special planned for you, maybe you have found your soul mission and want to explore more about it. It's wonderful how you transformed your life in every aspect focusing your attention into the great things that life have prepared for you, you know that you're just starting to walk to your life path and you're doing it great healing your shadow side, Congratulations!! Soon you'll be in a depper phase of your personal journey, you'll find out some aspects of your personality and things about you that you weren't aware of and were hampering your process os ascenssion. Your energies might be a little agitated, would be great if you cold take some time outdoors in nature reconnecting with the Goddess, this will help you grounding and keep the focus on what's really important for you, walking barefoot on the grass or solid earth is wonderful for that an helpls balancing the first chakra.
You have the gift of see the best par of this world (maybe beacause you have suffered the worst par of it in your past), you understands naturally the flows and rythms of the energies and the Universe, perhaps you're a clairvoyant. You have a strong and deep conection with the Mother Earth and this give you some habillities for healing, most of all you're a deffender of nature and a healer for people who are in a hard transition or a moment of crisis. Your talent might be related about past lives, karma and dharma, getting to know what are de deeper blockages on someone's life. Your talent is about helping others find their purpose and what really makes them happy.
In your recent past you have faound out something very exciting and something lightened up within yourself and that spark had keep you going on but right now some clouds are disturbing you well being and it's been hard for you keeping optimimstic, have somebody betrayed you? or you got disappointed by someone you didn't expected? Whatever it is this is some karma tha's repeating over again to give you the chance of acting and aboard this situation in a different way. There's a deep wound in your heart you haven't healed yet and it's conditionating your happiness, this pain comes from your childhood and it's claiming for being attended and healed. It's important to focus on the good things in life but it's necessary to sit down with ourselves and talk about how we really feel, the pain needs to be recogniced so it won't control your present. You've been a long time dealing with this... frustration feeling? desmotivated?? and you might felt guilty for feeling that way when your life is going relatively ok and better than in the past, but this pain is deep rooted in your subconcisious mind, maybe it's about your relation with your parents or your siblings. I recommend you to search about the 5 emotional wounds of the soul, they are rejection, abandonment, humilliation, traition and injustice (all of us have the five wounds within ourselves but is always predominant to the others), read about them and find out wich one is your predominant one so you can start to heal that part of yourself.
There's something like a project you've been a long time waiting for it to materialize and ground, you really want to achieve this and you're making a lot of effort to get it done, soon it will start to show some satisfactorious results for motivating you to keep going and reach your best potential. This comes to your life as a ressult of all your efforts, it's a reward that life want to give you for all your hard working and perseverance, you climbed the hardest mountains inside of you and Universe want to give you a beautiful surprise that will make you really happy.
- What is blocking your habillities and how to develop them: your biggest blockage is hidden in your inconsicious mind and in your inner child, it's mostly mental blockages, there's nothing dangerous around you but you still feel like you have to keep the guard up for some reason. This is related to your inner wounds, maybe you got your wings cutted by your family members or maybe they didn't support your aspirations in life, maybe you had a disfunctional family and had to face the cruelest side of life too soon. The voices of those people that dragged you down still drumbing at the back of your mind telling you that you're not able to get what you desire for your life, shut them up!! You are the owner and maker of your own life, you can't let that people who never had the courage to chase their dreams try to desmotivate you in achieving your goals, you dream big and have great expectatives for your life and that's something to admire. You're not a conformist, if you can get gold you will not conform with copper, such a leadership energy you have, group 2 (I love it😍), if your goal is to reach the stars go for it, inside of you you know that you can achieve everything you want with effort and pattience, so with all that power you guard within you don't let the shadows of your past spoil your present and your precious future. For developing your habillities you have to trust your instinct and take the leap of faith torwards your goals with no fear, you have learnt the lesson and that never ending story you were living is reaching it's end, listen to your intuition and follow your dreams, the Universe has your back and grants you the victory in every project you start, you deserve all the prosperity life has for you so begin to believe in yourself and all the potential you have inside waiting to come out. The worst has passed and in your future I can only see light and joy, so release the past, take all the learning you've gained in your journey and led you to be the fantastic person you are today.
- Message fron the Divine Femenine: Sedna, Infinite supply. Lakshmi, Bright future. Guinevere, True love.
What you really desire is closer to you than you think, is right in front of you, so don't be afraid to take it and make it yours, because it already is, it's been yours since the moment you were born. You know that you're able to reach great things and leave this world much more brighter and beautiful than you found it. Trust that greatnes of your life path and be proud of all the love you have in your heart, and the love that many have used for their benefit, a person can only give what's in their hearts and yours is beautiful and pure. There always be obstacles in the way but you made a strong shield , you've worked very hard to be who you are nowadays, know your worth and the worth of your work, and always remember that pain is inevitable but suffering is your choice.
*I didn't expect any love message but it came out. There's a new person coming to your life, a fantastic King of Pentacles ready for a romance with you. I really feel they want to be the last romantic parter of your life, they look for commitment and someone to share their life with, they don't want games. Is someone you can build a life with and is going to help and support you to make real all of your dreams, I can see a los of love but also a lot of partnership, you're going to be the best friends above everything, always by eachother's side. I see a lot of projects together, like something related to your job and the creation of a family.
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Group 2:
This is lovely, group 2! Your gifts are related to reunite the humanity, I can feel Aquarius energy very intense here. You have incarnated to reunite every soulwith its rrespectives families and find the one you belong with, have you ever felt like you can fit in your group of friends, your town, your family...?? The answer for that feelin is that you have to find in this incarnation your true soul family, that's why you were born in a place or situation where you can feel out of place. You have to learn your virtues and flaws to understand free of ego the actions and thoughts of the rest, so you can see where the problem lies and start the process of healling in the heart o fthe people, It's difficult but learning about the law of the mirror ( i don't know if this is the exact translation). It's obvious that the world is going through a lot of changes and you're part of them, you gifts and talents are necessary for the process of ascenssion that is happening for raising the vibrations. I can't specify in just one habillity, you have a lot of them but I see a lot of strength in your hands, you bring a lot of talents of your past lives, you may have talent for manipulating energies too. There's a witch, a sorceress inside of you waiting to come out and shine, so sit with yourself and search for some information about magic, any magical practice that resonates for you, or if you feel more confortable you can look for any holistic therapy , maybe you can find a nice spiritual community. I invite you to look for information about spirituality in a deeper stage, for sure what you'll find out really resonates to you.
There's something you really want to get, maybe you had like a revelation with the card of the Judgment, something has opened your eyes and made you realize of something you were missing, I see like for this revelation you had to make some serious decisions with an time of reflextion for making it right. Maybe you had a time of dealing with a lot of headaches, maybe the circumstances that led you to make dicisions weren't the most positives but they were necessary for you to take action and be determinated, I feel a lot of struggle to make this, even my head felt a little dizzy like if you couldn't determine what's the next step you should take (i feel a lot of Libra energy, very creative but also very hesitant). You like were you're leading to but not seeing the results you expected could feel very frustrating, your reward might be slow but they are coming your way, but you must continue walking your path without giving up trying. Life is giving you what you need not exactly like you want, have faith and patience.
You are a very wise person but you have a mental Chucky spoiling you, maybe you don't want to feel exposed or judged by other and that's keeping you with the guards up, maybe you are afraid to speak your truth for the fear of rejection (i felt like a knot in my throat, if you have problems with your throat could be related to this). You could have fear of the past repeating again and that's paralizing you of doing what you really want, were you bullied at school? or your family had the tendencie to humilliation?? I feel a deep fear of critics or being judged by people who don't understand you. It's okey that you protect yourself of being harmed but that this actittude needs to be changed, I promise with my cards on my hands that the past won't repeat again, you are not the same person and you have learnt to estabblish healthy boundaries in your life so peopole can't harm you, with time (most of all if you dedicate to the service or healing) you'll see how the people who treated you in the worse way will come to you asking for help, I know this look very vengeful (my moon is in scorpio, sorry, I enjoy watching karma act) this is not in a vengeful way, there's not resentment or grudge in your heart but you deserve to see that your suffering haven't been in vain, you deserve to see the Divine justice working at your side giving to people who treated you crueltly for no reason what they deserve, I have in mind the song mean by Taylor Swift, go listen the song, it may resonates with you. The card of the Magician tells you to invite the toxic people to f*** off, you don't owe anything to anyone but yourself, you souldn't care about what other people say or think about you, there are a lot of wonderful people waiting to know you, your real soul family, the ones that will take care of you as much as you do with the rest. I promise you will find so many precious people that you will completly forget about the ones thet hurted you in the past, you deserve to feel the same inconditional loyalty and love you give. You'll finally feel at home with your beloved ones and everything you've been truoght will wotrh the pain. Remember this, the first opinion you sould listen up is your own, everything people can say or think talks more about themselves than whatever they can say againts you, you know the kind of people you want counsel and opinion and thet people is coming your way, people in your same vibration.
-What is blocking your habilities and how to develop them: You might feel a little overwhelmed right now, you know you're going somewhere even if you can't see the destiny at this moment and it's okay, don't be hard on yourself in this transit of your life, you need this to clarify your vision of life right now. Remember this is just a phase of your life, it won't last forever, this moment of confusion is reching it's end for you to reforce your habilities and strength them, but you have to accept the change and get out of your confort zone. There's nothing to worry about, you're been guided by the Universe to reach the best version of yourself, you don't have to keep your guards up, allow yourself to relax and live with more peace buet knowing that life have teached you how to use your weapons in case of a real danger. Everything is moving in your favour, your luck is beginning to change so you can keep going on your path, leave behind what no longer serves you and keep away of toxic people and enviroments.
- A message from the Divine Femenine: Abundantia, Prosperity. Sedna, infinite suply.
* I felt a lot of resonance with group 1 and this, with the card of Sedna I take like a clear message, so if the group 1 called your attention go and read it.
Take a time to stop and think about what is the reason of not getting all the abundance you're looking for, you might realize that fear and anxiety are the roots of the problem, you're letting them to control your life and that isn't fair for your soul. You know what you're capable of, you shine like a thousand suns but you accustomed to shine in a short distance where you can control the situation. Being honest... You have been trough a lot, just an asteroid could break you down. Just let us enjoy of your beautiful energy, who cares about people that deep inside are sad and angry? You left that side of you behind and people with that willpower of overcome their own limitation are coming to your life to support you making your dreams come true. It's time tu purificate your soul and free yourself from the chains that life has imposed you, lear of them and let them go, give yourself the time to rest and polish your habilities, allow that energy flow within you because the universe will always keep you safewhile you develop all your potential: You don´t need anybody's approval but yours, so trust that the wheel of fortune is finally moving in your favour.
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Group 3:
Such a beautiful vibe you have, group 3! I felt electricity everywhere when I dropped the cards. Before we start, hi starseeds, here you have another alien walking on Earth 🤗. For starseeds it results a really difficult job to encarnate because we move better in higher vibrations, the density of this plain can be very unconfortable for us. Perhaps you felt all your life like you didn'n find your place and couldn't relate easily to anything and anyone, maybe you've felt all your life like nobody really gets to understand you... I really understand you. You are very a very special person and your life mission is very special too, in your past lives you lived out of this planet having more trascendental duties to do, in this life you have to trascend your own limitations to raise your frecuency and the vibration of everything around you. It's possible that you experience some difficulties in estabblish relationships of any kind, maybe you tend to isolate yourself avoiding socializing, this is because you need of deep and honest bonds to feel confortable with people, anything superficial will make you feel out of place, but the perpetual flaw of the starseeds is trying to fit in and be "normal" by the eyes of the rest, we try hard and force ourselves to do some things and take some attitudes that when thinking colder you don't really want to take for your life and it's not in resonance with your inner essence. The path of the spirituality is the best option for you and your wellbeing, in this path you'll find the peace, consolation, and understanding you've been looking for, you have the talent for access to the akashic reccords (i don't know if this is the correct translation) or channeling. Even if you decide to live a conventional life, this path will always bring you peace and you will find a refuge on it, you can make of your gifts and talents a way of life even living of the benefits it gives to you. We all have a Divine plan to develop in this life and your purpose is important for the process of transformation of humanity, you are here to plant seeds of love, compassion and empathy in everybody's lives to raise their vibration.
I see you've been working a lot on your self esteem and the way you se yourself, the self love you give has been very important for you, you know that for being good with the world you have to be good with yourself. You've been learning to value yourself and treat you with kindness, maybe you have changed the way you eat, or made an excercise routine or maybe just giving yourself more time to rest and recharge batteries. Anyway, you're learning to fall in love with the person you see in the mirror, you're realizing of the beautiful person you are inside and outside, and that's the most generous gift you can give you. Despite of this personal transformation there's still something painful giving you anxiety and clouding your vision, there's someone, specially a man (could be a water sign o having water sign in their big3). This dude is treating you unfairly and something inside of you is awaring you of this, maybe a friend who's not having consideration with your feelings or a romantic interest who's giving you false hopes, I can't determine your relation with this man but I see clearly the way he's treating you and honestly... You don't deserve this. You must set healthy boundaries to keep your feelings safe, you deserve people who respect and treat you with love, be fair with yourself and analize the relationship with this man and if it is balanced or not. I know it's very hard to leave behind people we appreciate but there are times when we need to be strong and tell the goodbye, forgiving their mistakes and keeping in your hart the good moments you spent together, listen to your intuition, you know you deserve something better in regards of your efforts, you want real people with good feelings that gives you back all the love you give.
- What is blocking your habillities and how to develop them: The principal blockage is about your truth and how you comunicate it, you have really hard times saying out loud what you feel or want (even writing this I feel a lot of difficulties to find the correct words to express me and this energy is not mine). I feel like you have some truth you need to speak, maybe with this man, are you being too gentle with their feelings by forgetting about yours?? I feel you very soft and delicate when it comes to speak, like you don't want to offend or hurt anybody's feelings (you're too lovely for this world, seriously 🥺). It's better for you to take your time to reflexionate about how you really feel in this situation because right now there's a lot of tension with this man and the comversation between you two could end up in a fight, be careful with Mercury in retro and tbe explossions of anger. Some situation is repeating again, coming back to your life but this is your opportunity to change your fate and break this toxic cycle of your life, if this man is someone from your past who's coming back to your life, as a personal recomendation I invite you to write a letter to him where you can say all that feelings you've been neutralizing within you, you can write nice things or directly tell him he is a bi**c, when you're done light a white candle and burn the letter to be purified by fire. It's a very therapeutical practice and after doing it you will see things clearly and will help you to find the perfect words to tell him respecting each others feelings. You are a very wise soul but sometimes you forget to listen your own voice, guided meditations will help you to keep a closer bond with your spirit guides and strengthen your intuition (if you suffer of anxiety i highly recommend you to make of meditation a regular practice).
- A message from the Divine Femenine: Aine, leap of faith. Ixchel, medicine woman.
This moment is as asking you to have trust in yourself to go after what makes you happy with determination, don't worry because solutions will appear in a magical way for you. There's a lot of abundance waiting for you to take the step, don't be afraid to show all the power you hold inside. You left behind a version of yourself that was damaging you, if you don't tolerate that behavior in you don tolerate it in others ( i have Happier than ever by Billie Eillish in the head while i'm writing). Remind yourself all the evolution you've made in the moments of weakness, keep taking care of yourself and your wellbeing in a physical, mental and spiritual way, there are a lot of wonderful things to discover about you, jewels and precious stones that have been catching dust inside of you, it's time to clean them util they spark again and you can put them on the crown you made for yourself. Go ahead and take the leap of faith, the Universe is guarding your back, you're more protected spiritually than you can imagine, your guides will never fail you and won't let you suffer again. The worst has passed, enjoy the calm before the storm because in the middle of it is where you found your voice and now is the time to share and defend it.
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ladyviserra · 3 years
hi! may i request something with aemond “one eye”? i have an idea running across my mind: the oc/reader could be a velaryon bastard (or just another velaryon member) and meeting again him after lucerys’ death. maybe they have been closed since childhood and fell in love with each other, but the circumstances put them in different sides of the war so when they see each other after what he had done, they had an argument about that and decide to take separen ways. angst? i don’t know if the requests are still open (if they are, just feel free to ignore this), my apologies for bothering you.
ps: so sorry if there are some grammar mistakes. english is not my first language but i hope this is understandable.
take care!
Kinslayer | Aemond Targaryen
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader
Summary: You see Aemond after the death of both your nephew(Lucerys) and your mother(Princess Rhaenys) at Rook's Rest.
Warnings: Death, grief, Angst...
A/n: I hope anon who requested this likes it. Requests are very much open and don't worry about grammar I get you. Take care!
You felt horrified. Meleys, your mother's dragon fell from the sky. You thought of rushing to it, to see if your mother was still alive. The chances were low, possibly none.
Some hope in you believed she did survive, Princess Rhaenys is a warrior. Was. The gold of Sunfyre and bronze of Vhagar came to the view.
The King and prince slained you mother. How do they dare?
Meleys was a strong dragon, yet not being able to compare her strength with Sunfyre and Vhagar together. Two on one.
You were mad with grief, at Rhaenyra. She sent you and your mother to Rook's Rest instead of going herself. It's her war, her brothers, her crown, her throne. She is the one who wants this, not your family.
Once your mother was supposed to be queen, yet she was replaced with a man, Viserys. And now that Rhaenyra was an official heir, living on Dragonstone, did she think things would be different when at King's Landing live five princes?
And that King Aegon, he already has the crown what would he want from your mother. But he wasn't the worst. No, there was someone crueller than him.
Aemond, kinslayer.
At the thought of his betrayal, it made you vomit, dropping to the ground as you saw two dragons fly above you, passing without notice. A black light flashed in front of you, making you weak and even more sick. You couldn't handle it.
Laena, Laenor, mother...
Your mother joined your siblings. You wanted to burn into the ground, disappear, what it seemed like it was happening. Not having any strength to hold your eyes open, they closed.
When they were ready to see again they noticed silver hair above them. It wasn't your hair as you took over you mothers looks unlike Laena and Laenor.
" Y/n. " The strong voice of a prince spoke your name. The second it clicked who it was you got up so quickly you fell down again.
Getting up, slower and seeing Prince Aemond. His sapphire eye, flashing your way.
" You bastard. " You yelled at him.
" How dare you stand in front of me? " You were ready to attack him, the prince grabbed your arms, thinking you might slap him.
" Don't provoke me. " He stated.
" Provoke you. Provoke you, you killed my mother. " His one eye closed, than stared at you.
" Your mother was an enemy, and so are you. " He said it as if you didn't know of the war.
" So you are going to kill me too. " Glaring at him with the most hate you ever felt.
" Yes. " He stuttered it out. Aemond stuttered? His confidence would never allow it, seeming unbelievable. You heard it, he couldn't hide it.
" And yet you can't even look me in the eyes and say the truth. " You spoke so quickly that you almost spat at him.
" You are wishing a death wish. "
" How can you be so cruel to me? " Tears filled your eyes, was it because of your mother or because of Aemond, you couldn't tell.
" I am not cruel, just making justice. " The prince let you go, you scoff at his respond.
" What about Lucerys and my mother? Was that not cruel? " At the mention of your nephew's name, the past rage collected in him.
" Do you not see what he did to me? I have no eye because of the boy. "
" And I was there. I slapped him good after it, gave all of them a lesson they didn't forget." You reminded him of the day you scolded your nephews.
" How did that help? " He said it like you were no one important. You were one of only Velaryons who was kind to him and his family. He should beg for your forgiveness as of this.
" He didn't kill you. He didn't even wanted to fight you that day. Couldn't you let him go? " At this point you cried loudly, screaming at him.
" And let my chance of revenge get away? Never. " Aemond now too yelled, madness driving his emotions.
" I loved you. " The past, oh wasn't it sweet. Being the only one to whom he told all his secrets. Every single one of them. The boy who would visit you at night, tell you of his passion and love for many things.
Not many years ago that love turned to you. Kisses at night, sweet words of admiration, compliments on how good you looked, comparing you to even the likes of Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Rhaenys.
There was possible nothing he didn't already use to get your attention. You were so in love. The unreal feeling of how good things could be.
Now he turned into the monster he feared to be. Now he was cruel and full of anger. Your comment made him calm the storm in his mind.
" I did too. " He admitted. " But now it's over. Now we are not on the same side. " The prince's eyebrow pulled down, he may have remembered the good times as well.
" You killed my nephew and my mother. I will give you advice for it to be my gift to you. Don't get a big head, otherwise, your other eye might pop out of your skull. " Your words bit his heart, but you didn't care. You lost two family members to the war which just started, what else is there to do but fight.
" Are you threatening me? " Vhagar's roar was heard from a far away, Aemond stayed still, even if he just wanted to make you regret your words.
" We are. " Your father rushed to stand on your side. He looked crushed and ready to give Aemond a good beating.
" Sea Snake. " He greeted with no delight for obvious reasons.
" We are leaving father. " You were not able to take anymore death, either Aemond's or your father's.
" My mother shall be avenged as well, but with a much bigger cost. " They were the last words you would ever said to him. Venomous with hate bigger than the whole Westeros. You knew someday you will feel guilty about them. But at that moment they seemed right.
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Sugar, Sugar - Dark!Norman Osborn X Sugarbaby!Reader
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Somebody had to do it. F!Reader. Warnings for a strong power imalance, sex work/sugaring, regretting sex, and forced stripping, reader considrs using safe word. It gets pretty dark pretty quick. Thank you so much for reading and I live for comments!
Ps I'm also open for requests ;)
It started like many sugaring relationships: You playing the field at the Ritz-Carlton bar in New York City. As a recent - and very broke - transplant, it seemed like a good idea at the time to twist in wealthy older men for their wallets. Perhaps you watched Pretty Woman one too many times in highschool, or maybe you were just bad at decision making. Either way, you didn't expect to bump into one Mr. Norman Osborn on your way out the door one night, spilling your counterfit designer bag in the process.
"Oh my, are you alright?" He asked good naturedly, bending over to grab a runaway drugstore lipstick. You inwardly cringed in embarrassment.
"Yes, thank you." You took it from his hand. Oh no, this man is positively daddy material in every single way and woefully out of your league. Oh well, here goes nothing: "I'm (Name), by the way."
"Norman. It's nice to meet you, (Name)." He handed you the lipstick and you were entranced by just how lovely his hand is as it brushed against your palm. "Now I never do this - I was just here meeting a colleague - But is it too late to buy you a drink? I can see you were just leaving."
Oh god, what a gentleman. Could this be your jackpot moment? You'd never had much luck freestyling, and now standing before you was not just an Osborn, but the Osborn. And he was offering to buy you a drink.
And that's where it started. The expensive drinks, the highclass dinners, pricey gifts and a fat allowance, all while sneaking right under his son's nose. You find it endearing that he cares so much for Harry's opinion regarding his father dating someone so young. But outside of Harry, it's held hands on 5th Avenue or open kisses in Central Park. How you haven't found yourself in a tabloid yet, the world may never know.
But there's something... off about Norman that you can't quite place. And as you grow closer and things start to look less like a transaction and more like a relationship, it becomes even more apparent.
"Norman?" You ask from the door to his office, concern filling your voice. He's sitting on his desk, elbows on his knees, face in his hands. "Norman, are you alright?"
"I'm fine," he snaps, voice tense, "Just leave."
Just leave. As more and more moments like this occur, you start to consider it. His grip has grown tighter, his language more demanding and possessive. He seems impossibly stronger recently. There's something dark lurking in the back of Norman's mind that frightens you, and it's quickly moving its way to the forefront of his person. When this side of him shows itself, it makes your skin crawl and you want to run in the opposite direction. But if you break things off, this man could ruin you. Make your life hell. And frankly, you can't afford to leave him.
Then he grabs you a little too rough one day. Throws you so hard against the bed that the wind is knocked out of you. Doesn't make love to you but something else that was fun at the time but made you feel sick to your stomach as you lay awake, curled against his side.
This man has lost it. Gone feral. Wilded up. And it's time to end things before they get too far.
It's a spring day when you find yourself once again in his office.
"Norman, I need to talk to you." You say. He continues to pensively flip through a binder.
"Norman." That gets his attention. His attention immediately fixates on you and whatever is behind his eyes makes you jump.
That's not Norman.
"Hello, dear girl. I wasn't expecting you so early," he says while standing. You take three steps back. "What do you need?"
"I'm-" Come on girl, keep it blunt and honest. Get this shit over with so you can get home. "I'm calling off the arrangement."
He looks shocked.
"I'm leaving you."
"No you're not."
Now it's your turn to be shocked.
"You're not leaving, because I've done everything for you," he growls. Oh god, he's pissed. Why did you think this was a good idea? "Payed your rent, bought you nice things. Welcomed you into my home and lied to my son for you!"
He's damn near shouting. You fight the pit of guilt growing in your stomach. No, this is for the best.
"I took you from a whore and made a woman out of you." You openly gasp.
"Why would you say that?" You're frozen in place as he approaches and crowds you against the closed door. "Norman, what are you turning into?"
"Norman's on sabbatical, baby girl."
Like a whip, his hands are on your arms and he's spinning you around, releasing you so that the door is behind him now.
"You wanna leave? Fine. But I bought you that necklace. Take it off." You press your hand to the crystal, anger mixing with fear.
"You know what? Fine!" You unclasp it and throw it at his feet.
"And the shoes. I bought you the shoes." You kick your heels off, too.
"Can I go now?"
He brings his fist up to his chin in contemplation. "I seem to remember also buying you that dress last week. I want it off. Now."
"I-" This is getting out of hand. You move away only to have him follow.
"Did you listen to me?! Take. It. Off."
"Fine!" Your shaking hands fumble with the zipper. Before you know it, you're standing in front of him in only your most intimate appearal. Luckily you bought this for yourself.
"Okay, that's enough." He gives your body a look and it makes you sick that you might actually like this a little bit. Or at least the twinge in your core does.
"Can... Can I go now?"
"Now (Name), you should know that actions like this require punishment. You've been very disrespectful this morning and I'm not about to let you off the hook for it. I say we talk about this a little more, hm?"
Oh you're really in for it now. You know you'll always have your safe word in your back pocket - the one thing you know he'd always respect. But still that part of you wants to see where this goes.
"Okay, let's talk."
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