#ps2 ps4
retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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vgadvisor · 12 days
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ghostgreen · 7 months
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the OG
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mydutyistoobserve · 6 months
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adam-trademark · 4 months
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Moving In
(July 17, 2019)
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wastedskins · 17 days
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Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water,2014
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midnightmeteora · 9 months
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acquired-stardust · 5 months
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Shadow of the Colossus Playstation 4 2018
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 11 months
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Pom Pom vs Ratchet and Clank
"Hehehahaha! Remember friends!- When the going gets tough, just hang in there! Things aren't always going to be bleak, and you're doing great for making it this far! You're doing great! Look for the brighter things in life to make you smile-smile-SMILE! Hehehahahahaaa! I even made one of those 'inspirational' kitten posters for ya to look at! Hehehehe!"
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Who is Pom Pom?
Pom Pom is a virus/glitch formed by the scrapped side-scrolling arcade game from the early 90's “Pom-Pom Panic”. Pom Pom (the main character of Pom Pom Panic) for whatever reason gained sentience halfway during the game’s development. The game was cancelled halfway because the publishing company thought it was too bizarre of a concept and mascot character to gain interest. Pom Pom heard of the news and took it way too personally, as she literally cannot fathom why someone would think she’s ‘bizarre’-even to the point of getting ‘axed’. Prompted by the ‘poor judgement’ Pom Pom went rouge-breaking from her game to ‘axe’ any ‘approved’ game mascots/characters she thought could count as ‘bizarre’ like her.
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forcefeedingsoup · 6 months
in case you need to hear this today:
you don't have to be good at games to have fun playing them. It's okay if you can't even beat the CPUs. Games are meant to be enjoyed, and they aren't necessarily meant to be played aggressively.
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Couldn't list them all with the limit of ten but I'm interested to see
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Mahito goes to kindergarten
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Kenjaku walked down the sewers until he found what he was looking for.
The curse glanced up. He had a paper in his hands and had just finished drawing something.
"Oh, hey Geto! Look at what I made!"
In Mahito's hands was a crudely drawn picture of some blue kind of creature, coated in armour. The words "happy birthday to me" plastered above.
"Is that your fursona? Actually, never mind. I have other matters to discuss."
"Like planning my birthday party?"
"You're only a few months old, it's far too early for that. Speaking of, shouldn't you be at school?"
"What's that? It sounds boring!"
"Jogo and I have already discussed the issue. You're young and need all the learning tools you can get. Mahito, you're being enrolled into kindergarten."
The curse jumped up and stomped his foot.
"No way!"
Suddenly Hanami showed up with Dagon and Jogo.
Now there were flowers blooming everywhere and Mahito had calmed down considerably. Hanami had also sprouted some hemp plants which Jogo promptly set on fire just as a backup plan. The curse was now high as a kite and was lacking his usual murderous aura.
"How do you feel?"
"Like I'm walking on clouds..."
Mahito then started playing with Jogo's face.
"No way! I never noticed that you have one eye. I'm gonna call you Mike Wazoski from now on!"
"Geto, get him off of me!"
"So it's settled. You'll be joining your classmates tomorrow morning."
"Don't think this changes anything! I want a birthday present and it better be a PlayStation 5!"
It was the next day and Mahito was donning a blue uniform and a yellow hard hat.
"Are you sure they'll buy it?"
"Of course. Now run along and don't forget your lunchbox."
Kenjaku had specifically chosen an area where citizens were more likely to be able to see cursed spirits. He could have told Mahito to change his souls structure to resemble a child but he wanted payback, and had told the teacher that his "son" had a learning disability that caused him to be held back.
Mahito began to open his lunchbox.
"Lunchables, awesome! By Geto, see you later!"
He then ran off with a piece of toast in his mouth like it was a 90's anime.
Jogo then spoke up."Why are you really doing this?"
"Because he called my son a failure."
"But you always call your sons failures."
"Yes, but not Yuji."
"Now children, we have a new student joining us today. Please say hello."
"Yo. My name's Mahito and I can do this really cool trick!"
He then began to vomit up transfigured humans. The classroom began to scream.
"Mahito, would you like me to take you to the nurses office?"
"It's fine. I'm not injured and if I was I could just change my soul."
She then began to sweep away the strange "candy" that her student puked up.
"You may sit down wherever you'd like..."
The next thing she knew and Mahito was now sitting on her desk, causing the previously scared children to now laugh.
"Mahito, that's not a seat..."
"I guess you're right. Okay, I'll sit here then."The curse was now sitting in the teachers chair.
"Mahito, you need to get up!"
"But you said I could sit down anywhere!"
"Yes, but I meant in one of the seats over there."
She was now pointing to where the rest of the class was.
"Fine..." he angrily mumbled. He was definitely putting a whoopie cushion there later.
After taking two hours to teach Mahito the alphabet (Hiragana and Kanji), it was now time for art class.
"Teacher, there's a problem!"
"Now, now, what is it?"
"It's the new boy! He keeps hogging all the crayons except for the white ones! I can't see my drawing even if I wanted too!"
"Let me deal with this."
She then went to find the trouble maker.
"Mahito! We need to have a discussion."
"Aww, but I'm busy!"
She looked down at the curse. He had just about every crayon you could imagine. Beneath her was a drawing of a girl who was missing an eye and a man that could only be described as a burn victim.
"W-what..., what is that?..."
Mahito was now grinning with joy.
"Sorcerers. I can't be bothered to remember their names though."
"Give me the crayons..."
"How about no!"
She tried to grab them but it was too late. He had swallowed them all in one gulp.
"...Alright everyone, it's time for recess!"
While the teacher was trying not to have a nervous breakdown, Mahito began to take note of his surroundings.
"Sweet, bubbles!"
He then began to blow some of the mixture.
"Can I try some?"
Another child had made the grave mistake of talking to Mahito.
The curse then threw the liquid into the child's eyes.
The teacher could hear screaming and then swallowed another asprin.
"They said this job was supposed to be easy!"
By the time she had made it outside, Mahito was using a jump rope as a whip while running after a group of children.
Now it was lunch time and Mahito began to open up his lunchbox.
"Yay, lunchables!"
Then he looked closer.
"Wait a minute... This is kid cuisine!"
Mahito took the box and flung it.
"Too bad. I wanted to know what lead tastes like..."
He then decided that he was going to go swiper the fox style and sneak parts of other kids lunches when they weren't looking.
"All right, let's see what I caught!"
Enclosed in his hands was a button, some rice, a bandaid and a candy bar. He put his lips around the chocolate bar and began to bite it in half (not unlike how Gege killed Gojo). He then felt something sharp pierce his tongue. He pulled out the item and noticed that it was a razor blade.
"Wow, I didn't know KitKat's come with prizes now."
Mahito began to notice children taking out blankets.
"What are they doing?"
"Don't you know Mahito, it's almost nap time."
"Nap time? No way, I wanna keep playing with the fidget spinners!"
She had finally had enough.
"Mahito, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
"What's chloro-"
The curse was now knocked out and the children began to clap.
"The evil is defeated!"
When Mahito came to, he could hear parts of a conversation.
"I'm sorry but I can no longer teach your son. I reccomend that he be held back to preschool."
"My apologies. I know that he can be a bit of a handful."
Mrs. Crandall lit her cigarette. Oh yeah, she was definitely getting wasted tonight.
"Hey sleepyhead. It seems like you're all tuckered out from your first day of school."
"Yes, I didn't forget about that. Let's get you home first."
The disaster crew were now seated as they waited for Geto. The door opened and the man had a large box in his arms.
"As promised, here's your reward-"
Mahito cut him off immediately and began to tear it open.
"Huh? What is this!?"
Jogo peered his head into the box.
"I don't understand all this technology but even I know math. Isn't this what you wanted?"
In the box contained a PS2 that was taped together to a PS3. There was also a copy of Knack for the PlayStation 4.
"I hate you!"
"The feeling is mutual. Happy Birthday!"
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vgadvisor · 7 months
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mollyjimbly · 3 months
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playstation pals forever! 🎮 ♡
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playstationgamemania · 8 months
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adam-trademark · 16 hours
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Save to Photo Album
(May 14, 2019)
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