#psg being absolutely stupid
mar1ee · 2 years
so I finally decided to write something. sorry if this is cringe cus it's my first time writing something like this. also english isnt my first language.
i think neymar wouldn't do this irl it's just for the plot
pairings: neymar x reader
warnings: cuss words, angst, idk what else really
you and neymar had an argument on his game day and he blamed the loss on you- angst ending with fluff
I am sorry meu amor
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you were currently in your office working, thinking about a stupid argument you had with neymar this morning.
"he is definitely flirting with you y/n" neymar said with anger in his voice. you couldn't believe he is making this an argument. "neymar, he is an old friend from school" you said almost yelling. "yeah just a friend, then why is he flirting with you?" he said. "neymar stop this. i cant have friends just because your fucking jealous even if a guy looks at me!" you said raising your voice. "he even has a wife and kids!" you said. "well I guess that still doesn't stop him from flirting with my girlfriend!" he yelled at you like it was your fault that the guy complimented your body. "i cant do this anymore. have a nice day." you said calmly. then you walked out of the house.
neymar had a game today. but you couldn't come because you had a lot of work. maybe it was better.
you entered the house and you immediately turned on the TV. you sat on the sofa and grabbed the remote. you clicked the numbers of the sports channel. you saw that PSG is losing. you thought to your self, that if they are gonna loose, it is not gonna help with the situation between you and your boyfriend.
it was the end of the game and PSG lost. you decided to be nice to neymar and just forget about the argument.
"hi ney" you said as soon as you heard the door open. but you didn't receive an answer. "you did good" you said when you saw him coming into the kitchen. "no i didn't, in fact it's your fault" he said not even looking at you. you couldn't believe it. did he just blame the loss on you? "what?" was the only word that came out of your mouth. "yeah you heard me. if you didn't cause the stupid argument i wouldn't be mad and I would play better." he said. is he serious right now? he caused the whole argument and he dares to blame it on you. "neymar, you can't be fucking serious right now. you are blaming the argument that was caused by your stupid egoistic ass, on me?" you said raising your voice. you wanted to cry. it was stupid, but you wanted to. "i gave you everything. i find time just for your games to support you. i was there with you when you lost, when you won, when you were injured. i did everything just to make you happy and you reward me with this? i cant have friends! i don't remember the last time I went out! and it's just because of you!" you said while tears streamed down your face. neymar meanwhile realized that you were right. he tried to hug you but you stepped back. "dont try to say sorry to me right now." these were the last words you said before going to get your things. you weren't going anywhere, because you didn't have anywhere to go, but the guest room was empty, so that was going to be your room for a few days you thought.
when neymar went to sleep he didn't find you in bed. he was regretting what he said. you were right he was jealous even if a guy looked at you. it was because he couldn't even imagine the feeling of loosing you. he was scared you are gonna leave him cause he's not enough. that's why he was so overprotective. he didn't really sleep that night the feeling not having you beside him was absolutely terrible. he wanted to make it up to you.
you woke up really late. you didn't care about sleeping alone because neymar was traveling alot because of football, so you were used to sleeping alone for few days. you didn't want to meet him in the kitchen, but you didn't have any other option since you were starving. as you walked down the stairs your nose caught a beautiful smell of food being cooked. of course you wished to go downstairs hug him and have a breakfast with your boyfriend but you were pretty stubborn, well until you saw what he did. your heart immediately melted when you saw the biggest bouquet of flowers and your favourite snacks laying on the table. you went to neymar to hug him but he stopped you. "y/n i am so sorry for saying that last night. i am an complete idiot. i never want to experience a night without you again. i am so jealous just because the thought, of you, leaving me hurts. it's not because I think you would cheat, but because i dont know if i am enough for you. as you said, you did everything for me and you were here in every situation. i don't deserve you. i am sorry meu amor." he said while few tears fell from his beautiful eyes. of course you were gonna forgive him. you wiped away the tears and kissed him. "apology excepted" you said smiling. "and please never think like this about yourself again. you are more than enough. i love you so much." you said and kissed him once again. it was a long passionate kiss and you wished that could last forever.
this is horrible i am so sorry. plus there is probably alot of mistakes 🙈 if you like my writing you can write requests!
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ikram1909 · 2 months
https://www.tumblr.com/ikram1909/758282656538574848/im-sorry-but-ill-never-be-able-to-forgive?source=share without the absolutely stupid penalty he committed, the game would not have been so tilted towards psg. i know we were being bad but it was 2-1 and it literally gave life to mb*ppé who had been sucking 🙃
Exactly he's at least as much to blame as Ronald if not more
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*wiping down my tears* thank you very much for the kisses and hugs. I would love to see the spam pls (and also the names as I'm not familiar with the world). Thank you very much for being in here *kisses and hugs you back*
Oh sweetie *hugs you tightly* you are so very welcome. And you cannot say spam and not expect me to go crazy on you because psg are my dumbass boys and I will literally throw their chaotic self at anyone who asks, so be prepared for it!!!
Ok, I shall start with this post simply because I can:
1. Leandro Paredes (the one sitting who tends to be extremely aggressive and has legit murder eyes but also is incredibly soft with his teammates and protective of them. It honestly hilarious how he will fight anyone who looks at the others wrong --- it's why he gets suspended so much---- but is just the softest marshmallow with the team) and the other one is of course Idrissa Gueye (the one flying into his arms--- the floor was wet so he slid and Leandro noticed and caught him it was adorable) and Idrissa is really chill, sweet and just the absolute nicest person ever) -you probably seen this one pinned in my front page but I love it so I had to add it first.
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2. Kylian Mbappe (the one hugging the shorter player) Kylian is tall, talented, incredibly young and just we all love him very much). Hopefully he'll sign the contract extension and stay forever because if he doesn't I'm gonna cry. And the other is Marco Verratti (the short Italian one who is violent, cuddly and pretty much holds our entire team together football skill wise. Without him we would be so disconnected and probably lose half our matches I swear. Like Marco truly is one of a kind. If only he wasn't so injury prone.)
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3. Our Captain Marquinhos (the one grinning and hugging the life out of the other, and let's just say after our former captain went to another team *still depressed about that one*, marqui has stepped up big time and been brilliant. Plus he's young but never acts his age unless he is having fun like in this gif and those are the moments we all cherish it because he deserves it) and of course Neymar (who is the one being super proud he is can play basketball when we actually need him to focus on football damn it. But he is an amazing player, dramatic bitch and genuinly (when he's fit) 3rd best player in the world and also acts as a big brother to our captain and Kylian who is also in this gif laughing). How he can be mature enough for the youngsters to look up to him but immature enough to act like I child 90% I'll never know. But I love him either way.
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4. The shirtless one is Ander Herrera (a prankster, funny, sticks up for the others and incredibly sweet). The one he ruffles the hair off is Keylor Navas (our goalkeeper, pretty much the best player we've had this season and the only reason psg fans aren't crying their eyed out. He is our savior and deserves all the hair ruffles and hugs and kisses). The one sitting next to Keylor is his best friend and fellow goalkeeper Sergio Rico. (Sergio doesn't get to play much but when he does he rarely let's down and him and keylor are literally family and it's incredibly adorable how when you see one, the other isn't far behind).
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5. Ok so I tried finding a gif with 2 different players since with only 10 pics allowed I wanted to maximize but alas, it did not happen. So, already told you about Neymar, so here is Angel Di Maria. They are celebrating his 104th asisst because freaking hell Angel is now the top assister of our club's entire history. That's huge!! Also he's really easy going, and (short tempered too.... honestly this entire team need to take anger management classes) kind.
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6. This is our vice captain Presnel kimpembe who is essentially the mom of every young player who comes into this team from our acadamy. He takes them under his wing and essentially parents them. It's adorable..... now, the one he's dragging on the floor is one of those kids lol. Timothee Pembele. Poor kid did not sign up for this and yet, here he is being dragged on the confetti floor after we win the trophy.
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7. Unfortunately I don't have a gif of this moment buuuuut. It was adorable so had to share. The one pressing his head into Kylian is Moise Kean (we got him on loan and praying we sign him permanently because when we really needed someone to score a lot of goals and help out Moise came and did exactly that so we all love and adore him and pray that he can stay here forever. Plus he's just *squashes his face* cute
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8. Now here you have the boys losing their shit after we scored a last minute goal and made it through. Just bask in their chaotic energy. The only person I haven't told you about here is the one at the front in danger of falling and his name is Layvin Kurzawa.... he is.... he isn't the best or even avarage. Frankly I don't know what he's even doing here anymore😫 but every once in a while he somehow saves our asses with a bizarre goal out of nowhere and he raises the handsomeness levels in this team so *shrug* we keep him. Besides, the entire team loves him too much for him to leave.
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9. Finally, because I want to show you the entire team together (I swear they're all stuck at the hip the way they hang out all the time. Like their girlfriends and wives are best friends. They celebrate their kids birthdays together aaaand their kids call the rest of the players uncles etc. It's adorable)
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The above (first) picture they are celebrating someone's birthday. Can't remember who and in the bottom one they're having a barbeque get together.
Aaaaand that concludes my psg (beautiful faces) introduction for now. These are my boys. Chaotic, dumb (get stuck in elevators together) race camels, start fist fights to defend each other's honour and get injuries and covid together. They are ride or die no matter how good or bad and that's why I love them no matter how many times they break my heart with their losses.
Hope this managed to cheer you up even a little hon. *hugs and kisses*
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kinghamilton · 3 years
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I keep getting close to a milestone and then people unfollow me so I've decided ✨why wait to give a shout-out to the people who make my tumblr experience a lovely one? ✨
To my Nico Haunting Madness squad for being the most hilarious and absolute best 👻
@kweenphia sweetie... I don't know what my fandom life would be without you. I love our discussions so much and I would keep staying up late to chat and and write half stories with you any day <3
@holdmyhopeinyourhands honestly what is there not to love about you... You're always so fun and positive and I like being able to cry about our psg boys together and make fun of every stupid drama. I also don't understand how you have the patience to deal with all your weird anons but 85% of the time your answers are absolutely hilarious.
@lauda4theback bless you and your so well argumented rants when people are being absolutely ridiculous. I am in awe of you. Truly.
@querencva you're a baby but one I want to wrap in a blanket. I hope you succeed in your studies and your internships. I adore seeing your name on my dash. I always smile when I see your icon.
@lescedes my fellow fand(m)om, I appreciate you so much... You have the absolute best blog name on this entire website and you're such a kind person.
Another special shout-out to two of my favorite people. I am so glad I met you both:
To the amazing @historygeek12 for being such a sweet and kind person 💞 you are always here to talk to and I feel very lucky to know you 💙💜
To my fellow French sweetheart @ctolisso for letting me rant about how our national team is just a whole bunch of clowns wearing blue outfits 🤡🇨🇵 and for being a gem in general that is not afraid to threaten me with a good guillotine time 🥖❤️
To some special people that I absolutely love to see on my dash or in my notifications whether we're mutuals or not:
@grandprixwinnerpierregasly I think you were the very first f1 blog I followed and I don't regret it one bit. You are such a genuinely lovable person!
@l8tof1 for being such mood all the time; your posts, your tags... Honey you brighten my dash every day. I don't know how else to say it. I see your name and my heart is happy.
@eld1ablhoe Honesty... you make me laugh so hard so much and thank you for all the motogp and Bayern content. I always anticipate a laugh when I see your name and icon appear.
@heureux4430 you're so nice and I loved each time we've talked! And I like that you diversify my dash with some NBA and music 👌
@electric-arc for being my favorite pro Bottas blog, I think there's barely any post I don't like or reblog for you (and if I miss some it's only because I'm not online at the right time!)
@hungerpunch I see your reblogs and I absolutely love your tags all the time!!!
This post is getting long and there are other people I want to mention and I want to give a special shout-out to all of you but honestly I'd just keep rambling about how I love seeing you on my dash or notifications. I love to talk to you when we do or admire your presence from afar when I'm too shy to reach out, or see your URL pop-up in my notifications. So another few people I have grown to love on here these past few months in no particular order:
@7xwc @itsmetheabnormalone @watermelonseb @sewis-rights @cinnamonstroll @halohamilton @teenwaywardasgardian @lewisbian @teampapaya @heartsoftruth @milou-in-space @goalkepa @eyessshut @sirlewismybeloved @louisxgolden @milky-wayyy @the-place-to-sparkle
I hope I am not forgetting anyone 🥺 if so I am deeply, deeply sorry and it's just my dumb brain being emotional making this post ❤️
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that-soccer-guru · 4 years
Problematic or not, what Lindsey talked about in Cari and Ginny's podcast was something that should never happen to any player (or woman) and i'm glad she's is talking about it so other players that are going through the same thing know they're not alone.
what really gets me is that people think she's being a crybaby about this? Like.... she was a kid, far from home, doing her best to thrive in a professional environment, in a team that wasn't shaming her because her weight was affecting her performance (it wasn't) but because she didn't fit a "look" they wanted her to have??? Benstiti can bite my ass and you may quote me on that. Reign hiring that fucker to be their coach is, to date, the worst decision I've seen them make and that says a lot.
Yes, I don't support Lindsey Horan in many things, but her personal choice and problematic white privilege shit aside, no one—I repeat—NO ONE should have to go through that kind of anguish. A professional soccer player should NOT be bullied into starving themselves to fit a look. A human being should not be forced to harm themselves to fit a look.
She's not the first or the last professional soccer player asked to drop a few pounds, as a lot of bro types are fond of pointing out and from what I can remember, Eden Hazard, Ronaldo, Edwin Cardona, and a handful of other men were asked by their teams to drop a few pounds. But that was on question of their fitness and performance. That wasn't Lindsey Horan. She was putting out great numbers and doing her job and they bullied her into unhealthy eating habits because they wanted to parade her as the ideal look of a PSG player. That is garbage. Fuck Benstiti, fuck the coaching staff, literally absolutely fuck all of that noise.
If anyone who follows me is suffering from an eating disorder please PLEASE know you're not alone. You shouldn't punish yourself and your body for a stupid ideal, and if you're going through that I'm sorry, I'm here if you need it.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Once Upon a Time... (Christen Press x Reader)
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“Mama, tell us a story,” Grey, your oldest child asked. You shifted on the edge of Grey’s bed and glanced over at Erika. She sat up a little bit and you knew that you wouldn’t get out of that one.
“Please,” Erika asked and you nodded. You cleared your throat and thought of a good story to tell. “Can you tell the one about the princess and the knight?”
“Um, sure. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. Everything about her was pure sunshine and she radiated happiness. Well, there was also a knight from a different kingdom up north. Somehow, the knight found herself in the princess’s court and they had a bit of a rocky start.
:You waited patiently for your new teammates to arrive. You were joining the Royals for this season and you were nervous. You didn’t play a lot in America. You’d been at Lyon for years and now you were back in America for at least a season or two. Instead of going to the Reign, where you had played before, you were playing with the Utah Royals. They were a good team and you were really looking forward to getting to play with some of their USWNT players instead of against them.
“Y/n, you’re early?” Diana looked surprised and very confused. Normally you were one of the last people arriving somewhere. “Did you get the wrong time?”
“No, somebody sent a car after me. I wonder where they would get the idea to do that,” you said and Diana blushed a little.
“I didn’t think it’d actually work,” Diana said and you rolled your eyes at her. “I’m surprised you didn’t ditch the car and ride in on that death trap.”
“The motorcycle gets the job done, and then some,” you said with a smirk. Slowly more teammates began to fill in and you realized that you were under-dressed for the photo. It was of all of the international players on the team. “D, who is that?”
“Christen Press?” Diana asked and you nodded.
“Is she single?”
“No, absolutely not. Do not go talk to her, bad idea,” Diana said and you should have listened to her. You really should have. She grabbed your arm to try and slow you down a bit, but it was no use. You shrugged her grip off of you and then walked over to where Christen was talking with Kelley O’Hara, Becky Sauerbrunn, and Rachel Corsie.
“Rachel, long time no see babe,” you said and Rachel glanced up at you. She smiled at you and pulled you in for a tight hug. “Mind introducing me to your friends?”
“Y/n, this is Becky, Kelley, and Christen,” Rachel introduced and you shook each of their hands. You brought Christen’s hands up to your lips and kissed her knuckles. “Ladies, this is Y/n.”
“Utah’s newest goalkeeper,” Kelley said and you sent her a wink.
“A great catch,” you said with a flirty tone.
“Definitely,” Kelley flirted back and you smirked at her. Kelley would give as much you did, but Christen was a bit colder with you.
“Eventually though, the princess came around to liking the knight. There was a great battle and the princess and knight’s side had lost. The knight felt personally responsible for it and the princess did as well. However, after they talked it out, they learned that they were very similar.”
You threw your gloves onto the floor and punched a locker. You let out a scream and then slid down the wall. You buried your head in your hands and started to cry. Finals. You had made it all the way to the finals and one stupid mistake on your part cost you the win. You sniffled and lifted your head to wipe your face. That was when you saw her standing in front of you.
“Hey Elsa.” Christen clenched her jaw at the nickname, but once she looked in your eyes, she dropped her guard. “Wanna picture?”
“You’re an asshole,” Christen said and you nodded. “But you shouldn’t be so down about this.”
“Easy for you to say. I didn’t do my job tonight and we lost,” you said and Christen sighed.
“I’m the captain. Tonight was on my shoulders not yours,” Christen said and you stood up. You pulled your jersey off of your body and pulled your clothes out of your backpack.
“No, you’re a forward. The band doesn’t mean that everything comes down to you. I’m the one in the goal. I’m the one who got that foul and I’m the one who didn’t read the penalty correctly,” you pointed out and Christen sighed.
“How about instead of putting all of the blame on one of us, we just agree that everybody could have done better tonight?” Christen suggested and you shrugged.
“Whatever,” you brushed it off. Christen reached out and put a hand on your shoulder. “Why are you suddenly being so nice to me? You hate me, I’ve heard you and Rachel talk about me. You think I’m an arrogant asshole who needs to go back to France.”
“You heard that?” Christen asked and you nodded. “I’m sorry I said that. You were getting on my nerves that day. You are an arrogant asshole, but I think that I like having you here.”
“Now I have to stay,” you said sarcastically. Christen huffed and threw a water bottle at you. “Ow!”
“You’re infuriating,” Christen said semi-calmly.
“Lucky for you, I’ll be gone by next week,” you said and Christen bit her lip. “And then you won’t have to see me for a long time.”
Christen sat down next to your things on the bench and ran her fingers through her hair. You glanced down at her and tried not to let yourself get distracted by how beautiful she was. Christen looked up at you and you quickly looked away. She bit her lip and then stood up. She put her hands on both of your cheeks and then pulled you down for a kiss. You kissed her back and you swore that you’d never experienced something so powerful and right in your entire life.
“Come back to Utah,” Christen said softly before she stood up. She was standing by the door, about to leave, when she turned around and said to you, “I really think you belong here Y/n.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” you said and Christen smiled at you. You watched her leave and immediately began to do everything you could to get a transfer over to Utah from Lyon.
“Sadly, the knight didn’t get to go back to her princess. They were both very upset about that, but one day in the middle of a battle, the knight was the princess watching.”
“Chris,” you muttered under your breath as you saw her in the crowd. You smiled at her and waved before diving to save a header from the corner. You could see Alex and Lucy giving you weird looks, but you didn’t care. After the game, you went straight over to where Christen had been sitting so you could see her. “Ma’am, this isn’t Utah.”
“No, it isn’t,” Christen said with a small smile. “I missed you and had some free time.”
“I’m happy you’re here,” you said and Christen nodded. “How long can you stay?”
“A few days to a week at most,” Christen said and you nodded. You began to plan out romantic things to do while you were together. You took Christen to Paris for a couple of nights ahead of your game against PSG and then you spend the remainder of the time in your apartment together.
“I think I love you,” you said as Christen played with your hair. She looked down at you with a look of surprise on her face. “No, wait, I know I love you.”
“I love you too,” Christen said and you smiled. You leaned up and kissed her softly. “We’ve come a long way.”
“There’s still quite a ways to go in my opinion,” you said and Christen nodded. “Hopefully with less distance.”
“Hopefully,” Christen echoed.
“It took the knight a couple of years before she finally returned to her princess. They wasted no time in establishing their own little kingdom together. They married each other and the princess became a queen. A couple of months later, the queen announced that she was no longer going to participate in battles, but instead help to plan them. A new kingdom opened up in the queen’s home and the knight got a transfer to go fight there. Once everything was set in order there, they started on making their own princesses.” 
“Are we the new princesses Mama?” Grey asked and you nodded. “Are you the knight?”
“I am,” you answered and Grey looked over at Erika, who looked just as shocked. You chuckled at them and stood up. “Goodnight princesses.”
“Goodnight Mama,” both girls said at the same time. You turned off the light and closed their door. You turned around to find Christen standing in the hallway with tears in her eyes.
“I love you,” Christen said and you leaned in and kissed her. You wiped her tears and rested your forehead against hers. You glanced down at the baby bump before tilting your head slightly to kiss her again.
“I love you too,” you said and Christen hugged you tightly.
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one year - kylian mbappé and julian draxler fanfic
Two Weeks Later
My eyes blinked at a rapid pace, I could not believe the words that were coming out of John's mouth. I was just about to head out for my next tour until I was interrupted by a knock on my office door. I knew I shouldn't have answered it, I didn't like the news I was receiving. "Molly, you still there?"
"Yeah," I mentally sighed. I knew he wanted to laugh, I could see it behind his pretend serious face. "I'm listening."
"I know you aren't on the best terms with him, but it's what the fans want," he reassured me. I wasn't believing it. This would not end well. "He's outside waiting for you, please enjoy."
I showed him my best fake smile and followed him out the door. I waved goodbye and went over to collect my package; as John said, Kylian was waiting just outside the entrance. He had one hand on his phone and another holding a coffee cup, he noticed me coming and gave me a small smile. "You ready to go?"
I smiled at Kylian as he spoke to the fans on the tour, he was so good with them. He was especially friendly towards the kids, he spent extra time with them signing their jerseys and taking many photos. This day was unbelievably a success; I made a mental note to kinda apologise to John, he didn't deserve a full apology, I knew this was one of his and Freddie's schemes to get me and Kylian talking. They thought they were acting like cupid, when they were clearly being stupid.
"Thank you for today," I smiled. We said our goodbyes to the fans and headed towards my car. "Did you have fun?"
"I did actually," Kylian grinned. It was the first time in a few weeks I had seen him truly smile. He had looked pretty down the past few weeks, I had to fight the urge to run over to him and give him a cuddle. "It definitely helped, considering what happened a couple of days ago. Did you watch?"
"Yeah," I exhaled. PSG were in the French Cup Final, they played the final and lost on penalties, Kylian got himself sent off in extra-time. I could see how angry he was. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm over it now, I was annoyed at the time," he chuckled. He winked at me, I nudged him back, we were still sat in my car. "Did you think it was a red?"
"Woah," I held my hands up. One should know to never speak to a footballer about their game. "I am not answering that. I'm sure your teammates have told you plenty of times whether it was a red."
I eyed him carefully, this could end one of two ways depending on my response. "Yes Kylian, of course I thought it was a red card!" I started, he laughed. Good start. "You nearly broke the guys leg, I'm sure you didn't mean it but still... absolutely a red card."
"Wow, remind me to never to come to you when I've had a bad day on the pitch."
I looked over my schedule; it was coming up to the final games of the season, I had plenty of tours still left to complete. The boys had managed to get themselves into the Champions League final, they would play Bayern Munich, I was nervous. They were also miles ahead to win the league, I was incredibly proud of them. We only had a handful of home games left in the season, I couldn't believe how quick it had gone. I couldn't bear to look at the final page, it meant my chapter in Paris was over, I don't think I am ready for it to end.
"Molly, do you have a minute?" I looked to my office door and saw John, I nodded and allowed him to enter. He sat on the chair opposite mine. I wondered what player he was pairing me up with today; if he had spoken to Freddie, I was sure it was going to be Julian. Meddlers. "So, as you know, we are coming up to the final stage of the season."
"I can't quite believe it myself," I giggled. He looked at me and smiled, he was a wonderful boss. "It's gone so quick."
"You have been a breath of fresh air Molly, the team have really enjoyed working with you," he beamed. I loved working with my French colleagues. "That is the reason I am here. Normally after the season ends we have a celebration on the pitch, we invite the fans and do a firework show."
"That sounds amazing," I love a good firework show. It reminded of the New Year fireworks in New York and the night I spent with Julian, I was truly happy he was there, but something in my heart didn't feel right. I still hadn't found out what it was. "I hope we win some trophies for the fans."
"Well the league is a definite," he smirked. John was a huge football fan. "Because of the boys getting into the final of the Champions League, we have decided to move the celebration afterwards, just in case. So, that will mean that I need you to stay an extra week. Will that be okay?"
"Yes of course, I would love to!"
"Great!" he grinned. "And when that's all finished, can you stay with us for the foreseeable future?"
"Um..." I mumbled, I didn't know what to say. It was the question that had been on my mind for weeks. "Can I think about it?"
"Absolutely. We really love having you here and I'm sure Freddie wouldn't be able to cope without you," we both laughed. "Take all the time you need Moll, I know it's a big decision."
John was right about one thing; Freddie wouldn't be able to cope without me, but he was also wrong about another thing, it wasn't a big decision at all, my biggest decision was still yet to be decided. It was the major question on my mind that I didn't have an answer to and I didn't have much time to think of one. I thought back to my conversation in Italy with Freddie; I didn't think anything of it at first, but I had now finally realised, he was always right.
"You know eventually, you are going to have to pick one."
a/n: oh hey... me again! so, we are on the final week of updates for this story, four chapters left until the end.. well maybe the end, we will see ;-) enjoy! xx
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 55 Rundown
Code Geass: People are in general still kinda racist about Suzaku’s promotion and Diethard’s just like “Hey why don’t we just kill the guy the enemy all hates anyway?” which does not go over well with Lelouch despite Kallen ready to absolutely do it. Then they ambush Suzaku with their anti-Knightmare field and Lelouch tries talking to him even though he’s a brick wall of “If we just do what our oppressors say maybe they’ll give us the chance for them to be less racist.”and is incredibly stupid for not realizing Zero is Lelouch given he brings up Suzaku killing his dad RIGHT AFTER Lelouch finds out about it, being a thing only a handful of people in the whole world know. And then a lot of shit goes down at once, Euphemia hops into a Knightmare to go be a human shield to stop the missiles that are headed towards Suzaki and Zero, Kallen tries to out herself as a Black Knight to stop Suzaku (idk how well that’d work honestly, they didn’t have much of a relationship), Lelouch is about to use his Geass on Suzaku, and then Schniezel shows up with his big fuck off Star Destroyer and blocks the missiles just so he can fire his own fuck off laser at them.
Inuyasha: Fillertown continues with a pair of ninja sisters that want to become demon slayers because apparently ninja don’t know shit about fighting demons despite all their jumping and jutsu and shit and all of the ninja died and their dad told them to be strong and Sango’s like “Maybe he meant like, metaphorically strong? Not like, go throw yourself into the nearest demon hoard and die?” And because this is filler the girls hadn’t thought of that and are like “Yeah that makes more sense.” Also Miroku is worried that Sango hasn’t come back because he keeps grabbing her butt and once they reunite he immediately grabs her butt. These filler episodes are really going hard on the Miroku/Sano dynamic and it’s pretty fun honestly.
Yu Yu Hakusho: After one more ghost communication-related misadventure involving Keiko avoiding kissing Yusuke till the last second because she thinks this life-threatening situation may just be a dream and won’t just do it anyway just in case, Yusuke finally gets his body back, but his celebration is short-lived as he finds out he has to become a Substitute Soul Reaper Spirit Detective and recruit the rest of the main cast over the course of the next few episodes.
Unlimited Blade Works: So we get Illya’s backstory and to my understanding she’s basically Rei if Rei could command the giant mecha powered by blood and sacrifice instead of get inside it. But like most characters, having your backstory revealed is fatal and Gilgamesh offs them with his Apeture Science Portal Spears ™.
Panty and Stocking: So uhh this episode is basically random sick burns and masturbation jokes, I mean I know that sounds like every PSG episode at this point but that’s really all there is here. Panty and Stocking fight and spend ten minutes ripping into each other and two minutes killing the Mooninte Demon pair. Meanwhile Brief ends up being the only character in this show with something of a conscience and the sister do end up making up in the end in their own “You’re a bitch but you’re my bitch” way. The other segment is a bunch of masturbation jokes strung over a Saving Private Ryan montage which was done by Erwin Smith which amuses me greatly. But yeah once all the jokes are done this takes like two seconds. (much like the sperm ghosts, they finished early).
FMA Brotherhood: Envy continues getting fried by Mustang which eventually leads to the whole confrontation with Mustang breaking the cycle of hatred which is cool and all but may have been somewhat premature, like yeah he went off the deep end a bit but there’s no telling that that would’ve been the point of no return for him, better safe than sorry though I guess. Also Sloth accidentally fixes Armstrong’s arm so he gets pounded for it and Hoenheim is ready to face off against Father.
Attack on Titan: Erwin’s charge distracts Zeke (ironic that I watch the episode where he dies the same week I watch the episode where he voices Sperm Commander) and Levi gets the jump on him to take him out of the fight. Turns out Hange’s still alive and she gets the jump on Reiner so Mikasa can shove her big long thunder shaft down his throat (…). And finally Eren gets the win on Bertoldt with Armin’s distraction and it’s one of the most satisfying scenes in all of anime, really nothing but wins this episode which is really rare for this series and just make me depressed about the ending even more.
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goalkepa · 6 years
2k followers appreciation post💙
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I did the appreciation post when I reached 1k probably a year ago. And I feel like I need to write this again, not only because I keep this as part of the memories but also because I regard it as a chance to show my gratefulness to every single one of you who has become my friends or just simply support me, unconditionally. This post will be pretty long I guess. You can just scroll through as long as you feel annoyed. But if you have time, especially those who I will mention later, I hope you can read it word by word, because you guys really take a big part in my life. Without further ado, let’s get started!
I’d love to mention some *old* friends first:
@thomas-partey :
Probably the one that has been there for me from the beginning of this journey? I always enjoy the time when we have talks, Yerika, about Atleti, about life. You are such a sweet and brave person, who will put all your efforts to reach the goals you set for yourself. That’s what I admire A LOT. Although we didn’t talk that much like we used to, because you’re not online pretty often anymore, just want you to know that I’m still here for you, always. And I feel like I’ll write you a message very soon🙈Thank you for always backing me up. Much love to you.💙
@coolsaul :
Awww Julie my superb French bean out there😍 I still remember when I traveled to Paris, I messaged you about some stupid questions like I was so worried that if I couldn’t find the location of Boutique FFF or if I went there and the store was not open etc. But you were so nice and patient to me at that time, and even now you will still answer ALL the things about Les Bleus and even share your amazing memories (like meeting all those French idiots) with me, which makes me feel so so honored and happy. Oh and not to mention how awesome you are as an Atleti’s fan and how ambitious you are as a beautiful lady. Wish everything goes well there in UK. Much love to you💙
And now here comes some *new blood*. I think I’ve talked to more people after World Cup compared to the time before this tournament. The reason? I don’t know. For me, this needs a lot of courage and I’m extremely glad that I sent the simple “hi” message to some of my mutuals (or few of you sent me first), who are all so freaking nice to me. I wrote the order randomly. In case I forgot to mention some of you, I’m truly sorry. It only means that I’m a dumbass and I honestly don’t know how to put my feelings into words. Anyway, I thank all of you a lot. Here we go:
@niguezsaul :
Needless to say, the funniest Colchoneros I could not ask for. When the game is live and you post your live update, it’s really entertaining. Sometimes it could be hilarious, or just so close to the truth. Your love for Atleti is very valuable and precious. Although I believe you’ve experienced the hardness of supporting this color, you will never give up, right? When the next season comes, you’ll definitely witness our spirit by yourself. Trust me, Karo. You won’t regret for being heartbroken for them over and over again. Much love to you💙
@the-place-to-sparkle :
Let me introduce you a sweet, kind, caring and beautiful lady. Her name is Cami. You’d better write it down. Girl, your love for the things you adore is the purest thing on this planet. Not only football, but also the way you dream of living in your life. On this site, there are too much hatred and negative things. But you are never affected by this. You’re always the one who shares positive stuffs, post some good vibes and reblog all those gentle reminders, which are helpful for those who need, including me. What makes you become such a unique person in my heart, is that you never hide the true side of yourself. This is why all of us love you, Cami. We love the real you and you should never change for anyone. Keep on sparkling✨ my lovely bean. Much love to you💙
@diogodxlot :
Okay so please let me say this again, you are so fucking beautiful ngl (Hector should open his eyes honestly😏) I really really love those locksreens you made, all of them. You have a good taste in aesthetic. I hope I can reach 1% of your level😂 And the thing that you said you cannot choose a single player to print on the jersey? That’s the cutest shit ever, Charvi, really. I hope you get yourself a jersey very very soon. Manchester United owes you one. And good luck to the last exam. You’re gonna SMASH IT. Much love to you💙
@lidah-itsme :
The most gorgeous Italian on this planet goes to…. Teresa🥳 You don’t know how much I love the story behind the name “Lidah”. This is not only such a cool thing but also a meaningful way to represent yourself. I love it. Also your love for Liverpool and Trent amazes me every single day. You’re such a nice fan, only focus on your team in a positive way. That’s what we need on this site✊🏻 By the way, I remember you love Eden Hazard, right? Maybe we should talk about how this happens, privately👀 Much love to you 💙
@draxla :
So, Nathália, my Atleti’s and Chelsea’s mutual. Becoming part of the Blues is not in my plan but here I am. And I’m so glad that there is someone who can experience the pain with me🤣 We haven’t talked too much, but I like you and your point of view. Your thoughts are so close to mine most of the times. I feel grateful for that. At here, there are too many different opinions and finding a person who thinks the way we do is such an awesome thing. I believe you can feel it too. Thank you so much for being my friend. Hope our teams still stop disappointing us for the rest of the season🙏🏻😂Much love to you💙
@erikscn :
Let’s first talk about the Gremi thing, joking😜 But this is probably the reason why we started our conversation. So, I guess, thanks to that😂You’re talented in writing. Your work for my boy Paulo is such a beautiful masterpiece. Promise me that you will never stop showing your talent, alright? What I adore you the most, is your personality. Those stories you told me give me clues about which kinds of person you are. And this IS the Greta I LOVE😌 Don’t ever feel that you’re dumb or not good enough. Being who you truly are is the reason why you’re on this post, and he knows it too! Much love to you💙
@holdmyhopeinyourhands :
First of all, thank you for being my coolest mutual askjsanjkn🙈 I honestly never saw anyone shares their deepest thought of players like you do, Mona. Those post you dedicated to specific players are enjoyable to read💞 And your love for PSG and Roma is the most supportive I’ve ever seen. They are lucky to have a fan like you. Never stop doing what you’re doing, including writing the umbrella academy fanfic. You have the rights to decide how to manage your blog and I’ll support you no matter what✊🏻 Much love to you💙
@avsensio :
Who is the funniest person on this site? Lexi. Whose posts always make me choke? Lexi. Who is the master of using memes? Lexi. I’m not going to give more clues about how awesome this girl is🤷🏻‍♀️ I still remember our first talk. It was an unforgettable night for me. After time goes by, we found out so many mutual points, like we are both March baby, our love for France NT and we both adore Lauv’s music etc… the things we share really cannot describe by words🥰 And remember you told me to not stop what I’m doing, to not affected by others? Your words sill impact me nowadays. And now it’s my turn to tell you, do not fucking change yourself for others. Yea it’s impossible to let everyone like you but you will always have my support. ALWAYS✊🏻Much love to you 💙
@fcsonny :
Nicole💞✨ Can’t believe we met on tumblr when you were at Taiwan. I noticed you because you reblogged my post of the football journal and said you are able to understand the content. My first thought was like “oh shit there are people who can understand what I’m rambling in the journal😱” and then I thought “wait you speak Chinese?!?!?😍” so we talked and this is honestly one of the coolest experience ever, not to mention how nice you are to me. Thank you for that and next time when you visit Taiwan for the fourth time, message me in advance so I can show you around👌🏻 Much love to you💙
@paudybalas :
I’ll never ever forget that you came to my ask box and told me I’m the reason why you decided to create a football blog😭That was definitely one of the warmest compliments ever happened in my life. And you know what? You’re meant to become an awesome football blogger. I may inspire you but you are the only one to make your blog perfect and honestly, I feel like a proud mom🙈Those gifs you made are art. Those personal stories we share with each other will forever be part of the memories in my heart. You inspire me as well, Ellie🥰Thanks a lot. Much love to you 💙
@football-laeli :
Don’t want to sound dramatic but you are absolutely one of the sweetest human beings here🤧 Positive vibes only, always trying to convey some good energy and that’s amazing, Janna. Also, I’m so glad that you decided not to hide your support for you club Ajax anymore💞You changed for your boys, is there anything more powerful than this? I guess none. You’re such a sweet lady, and I wish one day all these good things you give us could all go back to you, because that’s what you deserve😉 Much love to you💙
@disappointment-fc :
So, you are a special person to me. First, you support Real Madrid and you once tried to convince me to love Sergio Ramos😂 This...is honestly quite cool and you are a nice madridista, which surprised me the most najksjnjas🙈 Second, you like Jeremy Lin (right?). Please take care of him🙏🏻Third, you are my kid and I’m your mother. You never go to bed on time, which means I could spend more time talking to you so I’ll try not to ask you to sleep early in the future👀Anyways, you’re one of the few that sent me messages first and have always been nice to me since then, including encouraging me when my team falls down. That’s the kindest gesture I could not ask for more. Thank you, Chloe💞✨Much love to you💙
@theblxefox :
I’ll never stop saying how much I thank you for inviting me join the Chelsea family👀🤧 Without you, my love for Kepa would just remain the original level (now it’s unstoppable😏) I love the way you deal with Chelsea’s disaster, being sarcastic but the love is still strong. Also, on this site, you not only care about football, but also global issues, sometimes even political aspects. You are not afraid of speaking your thoughts. Meanwhile, you stay respectful and let others convey their opinions. We need more people like you, Tommer🙏🏻 You’re that kind of person I dream to become. A kind of person who is beautiful both inside and out. Much love to you 💙
@footballgotmeoncrack :
The only person I already met in real life before having a talk online✨ This is not a coincidence, Angie, I always believe it’s not. The story happened between us is the most unique, ever. I remember you because you were nice to me at the stadium, and you are still nice to me, every second since then. Your love for goalkeepers, like Hugo, Gigi and Iker, is so pure and strong. I could not quite understand why goalies needed to be loved before I also become a fan of a goalkeeper. That’s why I admire you a lot, because you already started to protect the most important and underappreciated role on the pitch✊🏻I’m so glad that you’re able to see your team Spurs this summer. I’ll pray for you to get Hugo’s autograph or even a chance to talk to him🙏🏻You deserve it, my bestie. Also, good luck to your studying in advance. Much love to you 💙
@madtimer :
My beloved Taiwanese mutual here🥳 It’s hard to find a girl who loves football in Taiwan. That’s why I feel grateful to meet one here, not to say how sweet this girl is. Your love for BVB and Milli reminds me of my love for Atelti and Grizi. They are quite the same. Being disappointed but we never give up on them, right Lisa? And all those gifs you made, the way you support your team, is something I want the most from a football fandom (tho I still haven’t download PS because I’m too lazy skajnskj) also you are the one that writes journal related to football, like print some players’ photos and puts some thoughts on it, which makes me so happy because I’m not the only weirdo doing this👀 Anyways, thank you for always being there for me when I need someone to talk in Chinese😜 Much love to you 💙
@hazantowifey :
Potato’s wife, sometimes I really want to punch your face when you said cruel things about football but sadly😂 I can’t, because those are the truths, and you help me accept it. I will never forget that day you commented below my post saying that I’m important to you. Like, I’m shocked because we didn’t really have a lot of conversation but you already regard me as your friend. I still can’t believe it really happened to me😭 You can never make me mad, because you always know how to make my heart go like “aww” by sending me Kepa’s gifs🤦🏻‍♀️ And I HATE you for that. Hope one day we can meet in real life. Maybe go to THE 1975’s concert or a football match, Belgium vs France, so you can wear your Hazard’s jersey and I can wear my Anto’s jersey😜 I’ll look forward to that day to come. Much love to you💙
My dearest 🐰 , the one that sent me messages first when I need it the most. An important person who always knows how to cheer me up. A person who will send “good morning” to me. A person that truly regards me as a real friend in her life. You take a big part in my heart, 🐰. No one can replace you. Your kindness is the reason why I opened my heart again, to make me believe that there are people I can trust on this site, to make me believe there is someone who will understand my feelings even tho they didn’t know me before🙏🏻 Except for talking about football, I love the time when we share our lives more, oh but maybe also when we are pouring our love for Kepa janskjnskdj🙈wow I really drag you into it I’m 👀 so proud of myself. Your reaction when you said you wanna dance with him in the rain, gosh this is the cutest thought EVER (oops I’m exposing you again 😬). You’re such a clever, independent woman. You’re much more amazing than you expected. Anyways, 🐰, thank you for becoming my best friend in life. Much love to you 💙
For the last one, it will go to my forever soulmate @footballffbarbiex
The one that joined me from the beginning of this journey. The one that has saved me from depression over and over again. We have been through many hard moments and shits together, which others will hardly understand. There are a lot of times when I only sent you a simple sentence, but you got it all. I don’t really have to explain anything you just know me too well. I don’t know why I’m so lucky to meet you in my life, to have you as a friend, a family. Besides being my soulmate, you’re a blessing to this fandom. First, I love your writing, a lot. You have to admit that you’re so talented at this part. That shhhh seires? Masterpiece. That Kepa’s one shot? Masterpiece. I won’t go on for the smut ones because that will expose myself ajsnjnaksjn😜 Second, you have a great interaction with your readers. You listen to their opinions, talk to them and always being so nice. We should all be grateful for those beautiful works you’ve provided to us. Third, you always care about our feelings and always being so respectful to everyone. You deserve love and love only, Amy💞 Words will never be enough to describe my thankfulness. But meanwhile I’ll never stop saying this, thank you, for being one of the most important people in my life. I’ll love you forever and ever💙💙💙
At last, thank you all those who came to my blog and left some sweet, kind messages. Thank you all for liking my stuffs, giving me encouragements or sharing your thoughts with me. It literally means a lot to me🙏🏻
It’s such a pleasure to be on here and I sincerely hope I can bring more joy and positivity to all of you in the future 💙
Love you guys so much,
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bloggerblagger · 3 years
91)      Is this the man who scuppered the Super League?
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Question: Which of the really big teams  did not join the breakaway? Answer: Bayern Munich, Ajax, PSG. 
Of these, whose owners were most threatened by the Superleague? Answer: PSG. Why? Because they are owned by the Qataris and Qatar host the World Cup in 2022. The second to last thing the Qataris  want is to fall out with FIFA now. And the very last thing  they want is Messi, Ronaldo, Kane et al being barred from playing in their World Cup. So it seems to me highly likely that  Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Emir of Qatar, needed to do something.
Next question: Which team was the first to pull the rug from under the Super League? Chelsea*. Who makes the decisions at Chelsea? I think we all know the answer to that.  
Do we really think Roman is the kind of man who would bow to pressure from  a few hundred fans demonstrating outside Stamford Bridge? On the other hand we do  know, do we not, that there is one man whose bidding even Roman Abramovic has to do.
It may have escaped your notice - it had mine - that there has been a marked thawing of relations between Qatar and Russia over the last couple of years. But a quick bit of Googling will tell you that there has been. The Qataris have quite a lot of investments in Russia apparently.
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So I do not think it beyond the bounds of possibility that a telephone conversation has taken place over the last day or so, that went along these lines:
“Hello, Vlad speaking.”
“Watcha Vlad, me old cocker, it’s the Emir ‘ere. I need a bit of a favour.”
And then a second call might have followed.
“Yes, Your Esteemed Excellency, Master of All  You Survey?”
“You know this Super League your plaything is joining?”
“Yes, Your Magnificence, Emperor of the Universe, isn’t it a wonderful idea? Many millions are the roubles that will be cascading into our joint bank account.”
“Hm. Well, I’ve been thinking that it might not be that wonderful an idea after all.”
“Do you know,  Your Tremendousness, Supreme Leader with Knobs On, now you come to mention it, it is an absolutely terrible idea.”
Of course, this is pure conjecture on my part. `But I think it is a damn sight more plausible than the idea that these ruthless billionaire owners would have been put off their stroke by a rabble of pissed up football fans.
 * Although, technically, Manchester City were the first club to pull out, they only did it after Chelsea had publicly signalled their intent to do so by preparing documentation to withdraw.
The myth of the pyramid.
Everybody has got their knickers in a twist over  the proposed Super League being a closed shop. Although actually it would have been only a partially closed shop, because although fifteen  teams would have  been guaranteed their place,  the plan  did leave room for a changing roster of  five poor relations to be allowed in. Apparently, the whole thing  was an unforgivable affront to the great traditions of the British game.
Au contraire.
Until 1986 the Football League was a closed shop. A completely closed shop. The only way any one of the ninety two clubs could be removed was if they were voted out by the other members, and routinely, for many years, even the club that finished ninety second was voted back in. Only after 1986 was there a right to promotion to the Football League for the team that won the Conference.
Yes, there was relegation and promotion between the divisions within the closed shop, but if you didn’t have the golden ticket, there was no way of gaining admission as of right.
So if this league of twenty had been divided into two divisions of ten (the size of the Scottish Premiership) with promotion and relegation between those two divisions, it would have every bit in the English tradition. Except the Super League  was prepared to guarantee  a ladder to five teams every year. Which was exactly five more than the old Football League did. 
Blame it all on the Yanks.
‘Overpaid. Over sexed. And over here.’ That was the phrase used to describe the GIs who came to Britain in the war. And at the root of that, quite obviously, was envy.
Not much has changed. The rapacious  American owners have been fingered as the villains of the piece, wanting to undermine our cherished Corinthian ideals with their alien way of  doing sport.
In fact, the NFL, although it lacks the ‘jeopardy’ of relegation which is apparently essential to the British enjoyment of football, is much fairer than our Premiership. (Side note: In 60 odd years of watching football, I have never before heard the word ‘jeopardy’ used in connection with it, never mind it being so incredibly important.)
In the NFL - and I believe in baseball and basketball - there is a built in concept of competitive fairness. Basically the team that does worst in one season gets the pick of the new players for the next, via the ‘draft’ from the College teams. That way each team has a chance of success. And there is a salary cap. It’s quite complicated but the basic idea is that each team must spend approximately the same  total on player wages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salary_cap#National_Football_League
Behind all this is the rather socialist ( and seemingly unAmerican idea) that the collective good is important for the individual good.  The product they are selling is the NFL and for that to be interesting to people it needs to be competitive.
Compare that to our ludicrously unfair system where money rules. Only the teams with the big money can win the big prizes. Yes, Leicester won the Premiership a few years ago. But that was the only time in 30 years. That was the exception that proves the rule.
No, these rather egalitarian  ideals were not part of the Super League proposals. We were to get the worst of their system and none of the good bits. But to reflexively dismiss the American way of doing things as being ‘greedy’ and necessarily inferior to ours is just plain stupid.
Was the whole thing really Boris’s idea?
If it had been I would have been rather impressed because it would have implied a degree of competence that he certainly doesn’t have. But honestly, he couldn’t haven’t dreamed up anything more useful to him.
At the very moment when the ’Tory sleaze’ story is beginning to have some traction along comes this Super League nonsense to divert the credulous nation. And it’s  not just any old diversion but the perfect way to put another brick or two in the once red wall. Boris as saviour of the people’s game! 
Now he can order Oliver Dowden to rush off to parliament to fulminate about the awfulness of it all and threaten to send gunboats to Anfield. And Boris himself can invite flat capped footie fans to Downing Street to tell them he is going to drop a ‘legislative bomb’ and promise his undying support.  
The truly amazing thing is that, listening to the Chief Someone or Other of the National Supporters Something or Other on Radio 4 at lunchtime, it seemed  to me like they actually believed him. They seem completely oblivious to his being a compulsive bare faced liar. (“There will no border down the Irish Sea Etc.”)
I can see him in his Downing Street flat right now, bitterly complaining to Carrie.
“Fucking Putin. Why did he have to sticking his sodding oar in? We could have strung this out for another month.”
0 notes
nabilfekir · 7 years
below is a long ass paris saint-germain post-ucl thoughts essay
to start.....im not even mad that we’re out....im mad that they didn’t even fucking try. after the first leg (in which the same old story of “we crumbled” plays on), they all came out on social media asking for supporters to be there on march 6th and the supporters were there, the supporters showed up.....but where the fuck were they? where the fuck was the team??? they asked for our support, we gave it and what did they give us in return? the same old bullshit we get every year. i didn’t see “warriors” on that pitch. i saw a bunch of pussyholes and cowards (excuse my language). 
the only players i give credit to are areola and thiago silva, the rest were shocking. i’m so fucking disappointed to be honest. they all cried out on instagram for supporters not to give up and then they go and visibly give up on the pitch, give up on the biggest stage in club football for everyone to watch. fucking shameful. even if we don’t go through at least WIN the game at home, or even at least give it your fucking all to the 90th minute plus stoppage time. that’s the least we ask of them.
now key parts of our team will be looking for the exit door in the summer and they’ll think they weren’t the problem but this was a loss they all participated in as a team...everyone on that pitch but areola n o monstro. the rest of the team all has to eat a big ass piece of that L pie. they don’t get to think they’re better than this team bc absolutely none of them proved that on the pitch. the exit door is open for those who want to leave - marco i love u but every summer its the same shit with rumors and this past summer u crossed a line so if you want to leave bye see ya bc i’ve had enough. draxler can go too, him and his fans like to think he’s better than the team but i can count on one hand the amount of good games he’s had this season when we give him the chance to prove himself. if neymar wants to go m*drid please do, i’d love to have the spotlight off of us but know they’ll have to pay 444m aka double we paid for him lmao fuck yall if you think you’re gonna get his ass at any price less than wtf we paid for him bet on that. idc to keep him against his will but we’re sure as hell not gonna record a 222m loss so if they want him, pay up. rabiot can go too, if he wants to go to the prem then let him, he’s also been hinting at thinking he’s too good for us and he’s free to go and prove that somewhere else. cavani looks like his foot is out the door and his service to this club was greatly appreciated but since he broke ibra’s record he’s looked distracted and disinterested and he’s been in the media saying he wants to win the copa lib so let him go back to argentina if thats what he wants. let timothy weah work his way into this team and see if he can be a good striker for us.
on that topic......i am desperate for us to use our academy better. as most big european clubs, the path from academy to first team has gotten harder to follow but i don’t want that for us. i don’t want us to be ch*lsea loaning out or our youth like cattle to make us money or whatever and never giving them a shot at the first team but then they go somewhere else become a star and we sit there looking like idiots. if they’re good, give them a shot, especially if we wrap up the league soon, why not give some of them a TRY at the very least? 20-15 minutes at the end of a game at least? we only used tim weah bc we were trying to rest for real m*drid, otherwise it never would’ve happened. how long has nkunku been in the squad but he still mostly comes on as a sub in the 80th minute, and kimpembe needs to start being utilized more before he decides to leave because thiago at this point must be eyeing retirement. presnel is an amazing player and has psg in his blood and would fight for the shirt and this team more than any player on that pitch. we need to start making better use of our academy period point blank. our youth team captain yacine adli is being eyed up by clubs like m*n city b*yern b*rcelona ars*nal but hasn’t gotten a single look in with us and tbh i think he’ll probably leave and that will be another talented prospect leaving our academy without having played for us. and watch he becomes a great midfielder meanwhile we pay out our ass to buy one from some club.
anyone who wants to leave the team, let them. anyone who thinks they’re better than the team, sell them. let’s give our titis parisiens a shot in this team and keep a low profile, i’m tired of making a public entertainment show of ourselves for everyone to keep an eye on, we bring too much attention to ourselves and that heightens everyone’s expectations for us in the ucl, which we’re destined to fall short of.
the coach........lord have mercy we need this man gone in the summer. we have to bring in a coach with champions league experience if we’re really trying to build a project to win it. it was stupid to keep him on after last year anyway with having been embarrassed in the ucl and on top of that come second in the league. i’m still baffled how nasser let that happen. and even more stupid was to think a coach who won the europa league a couple of times could give us glory in a competition at a much higher level than that. he’s a europa league manager and that’s his level and will always be his level, it’s time to let him go. he’s fallen below expectations way too many times. get a manager with ucl experience either winning it or at least having been to a final, a manager with a personality and tenacity and fight to give this team a better mentality.
our biggest problem is that our mentality is weak as shit. we have a team capable of getting far in the ucl - strong players, technical players, talented players! - but our mentality when the going gets rough or when there’s a little bit of pressure???? disgraceful and disgusting and embarrassing. i’d back a ligue 2 team to beat us if they really fought for it, the same way rc strasbourg beat us earlier in the season, the same way ly*n beat us earlier this year, the same way m*rseille was a free kick in the last second away from beating us for the first time in 6 years back in october. when a team fights with actual passion and fight....we crumble....and badly, they don’t even have to play well but play with strength and the will the win. its so sad to watch honestly. it’s literally our weakness.
we’re a good team. we went out to a better team. i knew we were out as soon as the draw happened. i knew we weren’t getting past them, despite all the m*drid fans being fucking dramatic about it. the back to back ucl winners? it doesn’t matter what kind of form they’re in, they were going to beat us. there was no question of it, as if it their team wasn’t going to show up on the biggest stage? when they have nothing else but the ucl to fight for? it was never going to be easy and we got knocked out by the literal title holders. we didn’t get an easy draw, or even a moderate one, in fact we got probably the hardest draw, i dont care what m*drid fans or anyone else has to say about that.
but again....it’s not about the fact that we got knocked out - we got knocked out by the current uefa champions league champions! that’s nothing to be embarrassed of - but it’s HOW we got knocked out, thats the embarrassing part. no fight no passion no goddamn BALLS. when it was time to stand up and be counted and show we’re more than a “money team”.....we didn’t. any criticism that comes our way now, we invited upon ourselves. we didn’t need to buy neymar to win the champions league lmao, that wasn’t the solution whatsoever.
our team last year but with a fighting spirit would be better than our current team this year (with neymar) but with our weak mentality.
if we had fighting spirit and passion and the willingness to get dirty and play hard and fight for our lives on THIS VERY DAY last year against uefalona, we might have made it through then, we wouldn’t have won it, but at least gotten through to the next round despite the ref’s utter bullshit.
anyway i’m not even hurt about the game anymore. i’m more worried about how this will affect our season, but even more so i’m worried about what will happen to us in the summer when verratti, rabiot, cavani and more will be wanting to leave.
at this point this team HAS AND I MEAN HAS to do a domestic treble (EDIT: it would be a quadruple i guess cuz we won the trophée de champions at the beginning of the season against m*naco).....like anything less is a big fat fucking failure of a season. the cup final against m*naco.....i mean now i’m worried that if m*naco turn up and really fight for it, we’re probably still going to be licking our wounds from this match and lose. and i really need us to beat them for mbappé’s sake lmao.
anyway this team truly disrespected the fans that night (again! second year in a row!) and i’m hurt and fuck the champions league fuck both teams from that night and fuck emery.
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heartsoftruth · 6 years
1/Hi, I apologize in advance for this long message but I just wanted to ask you if you had ever received insults or criticisms or even guys who harassed you because you're a girl who loves football? I'm asking you this because I live this constantly. Yesterday when Barça won the CDR I was so happy so I shared my joy on my social media and I commented on some FB publications related to the match and the majority of ppl on these pages are men so I have only received insults degrading messages.
Anonymous said:2/I was told to go back to the kitchen, that I should go back to clean, that I loved Barça only for cute players or that I probably didn’t know anything about football and was probably repeating what men around me were saying to look smart,.. I will not tell you everything they told me but it was really degrading and mean, I absolutely did not say anything bad, there were comments from guys who writed bullshit on the post but no one answered them but under mine there was like 100 replies.
Anonymous said:3/And I just wrote “I’m so happy and sad at the same time, I will miss Andres so much, it will not be the same without him..” On my other comments also I received insults like "Come suck my c*ck, you will be more useful” “oh a girl trying to make herself interesting by loving football” “shut your mouth bitch it’s a page for men here, go back to cook” And all that just because I’m a girl, if it had been a man who had commented the same thing they would have agreed with him.
Anonymous said:4/It’s unbelievable that a woman can’t love football as much as a man do without being looked at or asked to justify why she really loves football because if a girl likes football it’s surely because she’s in love with the players or wants to fuck with them or that she invents it to have the attention of men, because it is impossible that a woman can really love or understand football, so when it happens I have to justify myself so that they are convinced that I really like this sport..Anonymous said:5/It’s sad that in 2018 for a lot of ppl women = cooking, doing housework, pleasing men and keep quiet. Usually I avoid going into the football debates of my male friends or those of my family because they automatically make fun of me and my opinion is irrelevant. So if you have a vagina your brain is too stupid to understand football and enjoy it? I’m tired of having to hide my passion for football because I risk being insulted. It’s sad because I know I’m not the only one who suffers this..
Anonymous said:6/I discovered football when I was a child, I quickly became a big fan, I even played it many years but growing up my dad start laughing at me and telling me that I should be more interested in girls stuff and he asked me which player I was as much in love to continue to love football like that and the men around me told me that women’s football was not real football so I should stop playing it, my mother also agreed that I should stop because she was afraid that her daughter become a tomboy.
Anonymous said:7/I was stupid enough to believe theses bullshit and I stopped playing at my club. Yes I am feminine in general, I also like makeup, dresses, shoes and stuff like that but sometimes I like to wear my Barça jersey or football outfits too and when I walk in the street with it I get glances, guys who come to talk to me or say that I’m ridiculous with my jersey, one day 2 guys even come to ask me questions on the club to see if I really know about Barça and that it’s not just to get attention..
Anonymous said:8/It’s tiring and exhausting, I’d like to love this sport without suffering all that, what’s the deal with that, it’s a sport among many, why it’s impossible to let a girl enjoy this sport without belittling her? Why is it so difficult for men to believe that we really love this sport too without necessarily wanting to fuck with players? I’m tired, it’s getting depressing and with all the insults I received yesterday I feel like I’m going to be crazy, I really wanted to cry because of my anger..
Anonymous said:9/If you or the followers of your blog undergo this too, can you tell me how you do to support it or to finish with that please? And if there are guys who follow your blog I’d like them to explain to me, if they do these things, just why ? Why a woman who loves football should deserve so much hate and criticism and why it’s as difficult for guys to accept that women can love football too? I’m really sorry again for this long message but I’m really fed up.. 😫
Heey girlie!! OMG dont apologize for the long message! I feel like you needed to vent a little and then it’s 100% better to just write it all down instead of keeping it in. and DAMN you had all the reasons to vent, because what those neanderthals wrote to you MAKES MY BLOOD BOILLLLLLLLL FUUUUUUCK!!!
Im gonna reply to the parts in parts because otherwise the answer will be an unstructured mess. 
½/3: I dont even know where to start with my first off all comment with this ask! But pffff. It;s so so soooo sad that in 2018 people like that put comments under just a very normal and very correct post. It’s also really sad because probably right now you will think twice before commenting something under a footy Facebook thing. 
AND PLEAAAAASEE! Let me know what kind of FB page that is? I am literally fuming and almost on the verge of making a Twitter account for my Tumblr page to post it on here. It’s not fucking normal that when a girl says something about football guys talk like that. It’s not and it’s not ok. 100 replies under your comment? And all like that?? Pfff. Damn. FUMINGGGGG. 
I can understand you feel bad about it bc of all these people jumping on some kind of bandwagon behind their PC’s. Insecure bunch of dicks! 
4/5: Indeed we women have to know WAAAY more about football then men, because if we dont then we’re not serious about it or only watch it for the guys. “YESSSSS!!! THATS TOTALLY TRUE!!!! I watch 90+ minutes of football just for a few close-ups of the football players I like!!!11!1 Makes total sense” said no women who watches football ever. 
6/7/8/9: aaawhh… That is so sad… :( I can’t imagine how that must have felt as a child to be doing something you love but your parents make it out to be as if it was wrong. Not every girl likes pink and barbies just like not every guy likes blue and cars/football. Indeed I also love make up and getting dressed up etc etc. But I also love sitting in a cafe and watching football with a beer or something haha. 
I never wear a football shirt on the streets - unless im going to a match or watch in a cafe - today was the first time actually in my yellow PSG shirt haha. But no one said anything to me (other than a few hey girl). But it’s sad we have to prove something to these idiots… 
I think we’ve sadly all have had an experience like that. When I was younger and asked my friend at her party (or whatever it was) to see the football score a guy was like “what??? You dont watch it? Well then explain to me what off side is?!” That was the first time some guy asked me it and I did do it, but when someone would ask me it now I said: “You would ask a guy that too who says he watches football? Nope huh? So I won’t show you either!”
In Paris also on the way to the hotel the Uber driver was talking etc etc. And we spoke about football and I said how excited I am to finally see Neymar and hope he’s not injured anymore (because at the time he was stil injured and unclear if he would play) and all that blabla. And in one moment he said (in a joking way) oh you’re only here to see Neymar other than that you dont watch it. And I gave him a reality check real quick. My friend wanted to interfere and talk over it and I was like no no noooo. Lemme say my peace. 
Or at work people know I also love Neymar and then one new colleague thought it was funny (and maybe cool in front of the other guys) to say I only watch football for Neymar. And I gave him a reality check too. 
I used to bite my tongue when it came to that, but nowadays I’m like nope. I dont watch so much football for some insecure dick to be talking like that to me. 
But theres also many guys who you can just have a normal convo with about football. Like yesterday I had one with a guy I didn’t know and he was so chill. Or when I’m in the bar watching you also have guys normally coming up like are you also this nervous etc etc. During the Euro’s too. Met many friendly people who just spoke to us about football. Ok and s
What I also think is one of the problem is because many girls indeed just wear a shirt because it looks cute (which they of course can), but it makes it more difficult for us to be taken serious. Especially with tournaments like the Euros and WC many just watch football bc it’s fun with everyone in a cafe but they have no idea what they’re watching. And end up only confirming some of the thoughts by these neathertals. 
Can I ask you where you’re from btw?And please do tell which bs ass fb page you posted this one. I would be a good thing to create all these accounts to back you up or something. 
And indeed I’m curious too how other followers react to stupid comments like that?
And keep watching the sport you love girl! I know its tough at times being doubted to often for just watching something you like but lets hope that someday no one will question why we watch the sport we love. 
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Forever iconic psg dumbass moment🤡
Maybe take the elevator 5 at a time next time. You codependent weirdos.
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vamosleomessi · 7 years
Dembarça co-cap here, Idk I'm starting to believe the Argentina NT is cursed although this game they seemed nervous, the stupid harsh tackles and stupid mistakes being made by the attack and all of that, I guess the pressure of the fans at the stadium wasn't helping. I still believe they're cursed. I was so pissed this game though, not even Barça's most terrible games made me so frustrated, but it might have to do with the fact that I actually care for Barça's players, (1/2)
w/ Argentina, I’m only here for Leo, and maybe Dybala. Anyway, either they’re cursed or they produce pretty bad players (Leo, Dybala, and Mascherano being the exception, and Di Maria but only when he plays for PSG, I have this feeling he wants to pull a Maradona, winning a world cup by himself and shit, it would explain how selfish he is, someone should tell him he’s not that talented and that the maradona thing is a myth ), I’m not Argentine, so I wouldn’t know, I vote for cursed though. (2/2) 
Hello cappie! :) *sigh* I don’t know what to say anymore…I’m so tired of it all. Barca, Argentina, the board, the management, the transfer window, the fact that we’ve got the GOAT surrounded by a dysfunctional system in both his club and country…idk what to say anymore :( 
You’re absolutely right, they’re frustrating to watch. Actually the first half was decent IMO but I have NO idea what came over them in the second half. And Di Maria finally played his first good match since 1945 and then went and got injured…of course. Yeah he’s been very selfish…runs around like a headless chicken, doesn’t see where he passes the ball. I can’t watch him anymore without getting angry and frustrated. I actually disagree with the notion that Maradona single-handedly won them the WC but that’s a discussion for another day. 
I’m only here for Leo tbh, I mean at this stage I want one thing and one thing alone: for him to win an international trophy, that’s it. Then I’m out. This sport is depressing for me now in so many ways. 
Haha I don’t believe in curses but I get what you mean, it does feel like that doesn’t it?
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2020..... what a year huh?
So, 2020. I guess it’s almost over now. Only 5 hours left from my side of the world. So.... I want to say a couple of thanks and throw around stupid jokes here and there, and well, this post is about all of you (football, f1, everything in between), so don’t worry if you don’t understand everything I’m throwing at you.
Anyways, let’s get started.
First I want to thank all the health professionals and essential workers out there helping people. I want to thank everyone who are risking their lives, working tirelessly and putting this idiotic world on their backs. A simple thanks shouldn’t be your reward, you deserve so much more. You deserve people not making your work even harder by being fucking stupid and ignorant. But, it’s all I can give from my little apartment here in my country. So thank you very much. For everything. I hope we’ll soon reach a time were you don’t have to do this anymore. Were this all becomes an old, ugly nightmare and you can move on to better, less horrifying days. Thank you.
Second I want to thank my footballing mutuals. My closest friends. My little psg family and every football fan that I have connected with, that I have essentially adopted as my own and whom I shared laughter, jokes, and petty arguments with. We don’t always agree on everything and often there is me shoving psg in your faces (sorry about that) but I love every single one you with my entire heart. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for being there for me and thank you for being incredibly sweet. Just thank you for being you. We have many years of football yet to come. Many years of our teams playing each other and either winning or losing. I hope we have a blast with all of it.
Third I want to thank all my non sports mutuals. You guys know who you are. The people that are absolutely wonderful and listen with all that God given patience as I freak out over psg getting red cards or Pierre’s car not working. Thank you for finding amusement in my suffering and tolerating my rambling. You might not think it means much but it means the world to me. I’m many things but mostly I’m obnoxious, loud and kinda annoying. So thank you for sticking with me either way, much appreciated *tips hat*
Fourth I want to thank the f1 community as a whole and specifically my f1 mutuals and followers. Not gonna lie you guys were a bit crazier and kinda insane compared to what I expected of a fandom that’s only supposed to follow like 20 drivers.... lmao. But I still adore you. Your craziness, your pettiness, your instinctual need to bully your drivers while also loving them with every fiber of your being. I want to thank you for helping me out when I first got into the fandom. Thank you for answering every one of my silly questions without making me feel bad or stupid. For all the times you were all so patient and kind with me. And for embracing me so quickly even though I haven’t been around this fandom for very long. You showed me kindness and love and I will forever cherish you for that, flaws and all. Thank you for giving me something amazing to fall in love with.
Lastly, I want to send a special shoutout to my psg family. I don’t really know how to say this. But just.... I love you? lol. Seriously though. I really really do. There aren’t many of us, and 90% of the time we have to essentially start our own drama if we want to get an argument going, but that’s half the fun and I’m so happy that I met each and every one of you. You are my 2020 happiness. All the moments we shared. Psg getting past the cursed knockout stage, psg making it to the final, Tuchel sitting on his cool box, psg getting stuck in an elevator, psg throwing marco’s phone in the pool, psg getting covid together, becoming blonde together and generally having cult like parties. All those moments that were so bizarre yet so us that I got to share with you. Thank you. Thank you for not making me feel alone in this vast, brilliant footballing world. We’re small, but hey, we have fun right? Clown makeup and all. So thank you!
And yup, that’s about it. I would have loved to mention you all one by one. Tag every single one of you and loudly embarrass you with how much I love you. Like all the f1 mutuals I gained over such a short period of time that get my stupid humour and laugh, comment or even add their own hilarious additions to my incorrect quotes (which gives me life by the way). Like all the new psg mutuals I recruited because I’m evil like that who are slowly learning the nightmare they signed up for. Like the ordinary mutuals I got who theoretically shouldn’t be following me but still do because I have forcefully adopted them and now they can’t leave me. I would tag you all, but I don’t have all night. So I’ll just say this. *tips hat* Thank you very much for being in my life dearests. I love you and my love is eternal<3
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I know 2020 was a shit year but I'm sure even then there were some little highlights. Tell us 3 things/moments that you loved and made you happy. Happy new year and lots of love!🎆❤
Hi luv!!! We haven't talked in forever so first I want to let you know that I've missed you very much and I adore you with all my heart. Happy new year!!!!
Ok, now 3 moments I loved the most.
1. Psg in the Champions League final! That was such an amazing moment. What a feeling. Historic, brilliant, eye watering. It meant everything to meand single handidly saved this year. Just pure and utter joy. Our first ever CL final. We didn't win it unfortunately, but it still my number 1 2020 moment ever.
2. Getting into f1. Football was a nightmare for a while, so getting into f1 was supposed to be a temporary relief. It wasn't temporary nor was it a relief. But it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I met some amazing people because of it. Hilarious blogs, and fallen in love with brilliant drivers. It has been an experience and a half and I wouldn't change it for the world. (Pierre first ever race win being a perticular highlight for me).
3. Finally, I got my dream job. Yay. And I'll be able to start it next year and it has just been the absolute best news to hear. Especially in these trying times.
Bonus: All the amazing football fans I've met (new psg fans or old) that are in my group chat and that I adore with my entire stupid heart. My psg family🤗🤗🤗
Anyways, yeah. That's my top moments of 2020 here on tumblr. It hasn't been an amazing year but it sure had its moments. Happy new year luv and happy new year to you all!!!!
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