#psychic numerology
psychics4unet · 8 days
Want Instant Good Luck? 🐰✨ Reblog This Lucky Rabbit for Positive Vibes!
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Why This Cute Rabbit Could Bring You Luck - And How to Get It! 🐰🍀
Did you know that rabbits are considered symbols of good luck? 🐰🍀 Their association with luck comes from their prolific breeding and the belief that their quick movements and soft fur bring positive energy. Plus, in many cultures, rabbits are seen as symbols of prosperity and renewal.
Want to invite some luck into your life? Follow me, like this post, and reblog to share the good vibes with the cute rabbit! 🌟✨ Let’s spread some luck and positivity together! 🌈💖
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
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What does Venus have in store for you? Pick a number and get a feel of what its saying with some numerology secrets!
There is also a bonus part of this reading to help with your souls desires!
The bonus reading does not have a numerology decoding.
This is an Intuitive Reading.
What do you have to do to upgrade yourself?
414, 333, 222, 111, 1212, 17 , 85
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4+1+4= 9 
9- new beginnings , endings, letting go, cycles changing
4 - foundation, being centered, earthly bounds, physical reality
1 - do it yourself, ego, enjoyment, the sun, let it shine
“Joyous Fun” (The Quantum Oracle)
Its time to enjoy yourself for once, love. Go on that shopping spree. Enjoy that scenery. Make moves and enjoy the dance. You have to let go. Laugh it out. The world is yours.
“Sacrifice” (The Psychic Tarot)
Your past life is not your current one. You can change your life at any given moment. Be yourself and let go of that super serious character.
Sacrifice does old thought patterns that tell you that you cant have fun at the moment. That’s a lie. Be more joyful even if it doesnt make sense.
3+3+3= 9 
9- new beginnings, endings, letting go, cycles changing
3- creation, adventure, joy, life, control, expansive
Its easier for you to get what you want if you just believe. Your willingness is what connects you to your divine feminine. Be like the ocean, in flow and in love with life. Be your best self, it attracts the suitors!
“Mental Conflict” (The Psychic Tarot)
Move on from those old wave patterns. Just like your friend 414, your mindset is the primary problem as to why you won’t leap. The number 333 relies on your faith. That’ll be how you secure your desires. You can only go by what you know, sure.. but what happens when you take that leap without knowing how deep you will fall? It only goes up from here. Do what it takes to be the butterfly. You have what it takes. Dont forget to smile while doing it ;)
2+2+2 = 6 
2 - love, relationships, partnership, connection
6 - Harmony, family, love, relationships, art, creativity
“Teacher” (The Quantum Oracle)
You’re Venusian upgrade counts on you to be the master at your craft. You have goals that you should continue focusing on and enjoying the work you’ve put into them. Be patient and listen out for new information given to you by the divine at this time.
Show the world what you’re good at, and host gigs that show off your skill. People are fascinated by what you do, and what you know. Be open to sharing with us what ideas, thoughts, and talents you have because people will listen.
“Spiritual Strength” (The Psychic Tarot)
Your spirit upgrade needs time in meditation and getting to express your outer world with calmness and peace. Work on creating a spiritual routine where you can embrace the moment ahead. The power is your subconscious mind, take time to focus on reality as is, and work towards being a mentor, volunteering to be of service, and helping others in need.
1+1+1 = 3
1 - do it yourself, ego, enjoyment, the sun, let it shine
3 - 3- creation, adventure, joy, life, control, expansive
“Fear” (The Quantum Oracle)
Underneath all that fear is the most beautiful essence there is. Why do you hide yourself? Be more kind to yourself and let the rage burn. Let your soul feel all those feels and let out a big roar. Dont be scared to show people who’s under all that love you give yourself when no ones watching. You are a light, truly. 
“Mental Conflict” (The Psychic Tarot) + Angels Of The Four Directions (The Quantum Oracle)
Subconscious thoughts need work. Focus on positive words for healing yourself. Your angels want you to pick where you go next. You can be anything you want. Just make sure to balance your mind-body-spirit with being more thankful of your growth and challenge yourself every time you feel that annoying fear. 
1+2+1+2 = 6
1 - do it yourself, ego, enjoyment, the sun, let it shine
2 - love, relationships, partnership, connection
6 - Harmony, family, love, relationships, art, creativity
“Status Quo” (The Quantum Oracle)
Travel! Travel! Travel! New adventure awaits darling. Whats stopping you? Create new memories by just experiencing a new horizon. A road trip, a bus ride or a plan ticket is what you need to invest in and go enjoy the scenery. This could be calling you to move across the city, state, or country. Either or its asking you to enjoy the motion that is forever changing. This is what we need to embrace our divine feminine flow!
“Flower” + “Scorpion” (Nature & Soul)
As change in scenery is good, it helps to transform you and your perspective on the way things should go. Be more open to new places, new jobs, new people from all cultural backgrounds. You shine the most when you explore your options. Take care of yourself by being down for the ride.
1+7 = 8
1 - 1 - do it yourself, ego, enjoyment, the sun, let it shine
7 - mysticism, spiritual, luck, god, the creator, universe
8 - transformation, power, the will, change
“Joyous Fun” (The Quantum Oracle) 
Your luck comes in by the enjoyment you allow to grow in your life. You should try having fun at a concert, going to a art exhibit, or just simply finding the laughter and joy in just being. Experience the moment and allow your life to sore. You may not know the answers to everything but when you truly move forward in just doing something it gets favored. Take a chance on living! You never know what you might get ! ;)
“Foundation & Achievement” (The Psychic Tarot)
Its incredible to be able to live the life we want to live but how are you going to receive it? Start slow and relax. Still take moments out of your day to find the time to be in pure bliss. You dont have to stop your life to ‘have everything in place’ like you think. 
8+5 = 13 / 1+3= 4
8 - transformation, power, the will, change
5 - change, adventure, the mind, agility
13 - divine feminine, transformation, ‘the witch’
(For this reading 13 is divine order. Its the mother/universe. The feminine urge)
“Courage” (The Quantum Oracle) 
Take pride in who you’re ancestors made you to be. You got the juice. You're the originator. The trendsetter. The one who starts it all. They may not get it now, but they’ll play catch up later. Take control on how the world sees you, thats your gift. You control the cards. They wish they had it like you, however they dont know what darkness you had inside of you alchemizing itself into power.
Your power causes reactions out of people that can attract or repel. You’re a magnet to others emotions but this is how you keep balance. Being who you are proudly causes others to look at themselves deeper to the point it shifts their thinking. You mirror those who need healing, they cant take you with them to their shadowy nightmares but you sure can bring it out of them. Dont let them get to you, they just wanna see you down because you’re too high for em.
“Peacock” Nature & Yoga
Beauty is surrounding you. Be cautious with who you let in your circle. They’re not deserving of you. Be kind as what comes around goes around. If they’re not kind back, it will surely come back to them. You’re mother natures brightest jewel, they cant keep treasure hiding for ever. Be open to letting the world see your new self. Its time to embrace that beautiful nature of yours. The world needs to see it. 
Bonus Reading
(this one will not have numerology decoding)
212, 999, 1111, 717, 888, 777, 33
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Throat Chakra
Speak highly of yourself. Have more higher standards for others and tell them about your boundaries.
Take a hike. Go to that new sushi restaurant. Try ice skating. Traveling is more than just going abroad. Take trips to different places you haven't been. It's all about changing your perception of reality with Venus. Be up for surprises.
Fragmented Energy + Destiny
Have a better diet for yourself as your energy can be dense from having a poor diet. When our energy is low, we're not able to connect with ourselves, the intuition and the divine. Clarity is necessary for this new journey you're embarking. Time to change the environment you're in beloved.
Soul Mate Connection
So what I'm getting for this group is that a divine connection is going to bloom for you shortly. Be honest and vulnerable with this connection as this can bring in the rawest form of love you could possibly receive. This is a higher vibration. You're ready. Their is a need for soul growth in this connection so being who you're truly are to them will create a flow where you can build a garden with this beautiful connection(s).
Share the experience with everyone around. There is so much in store you just have to pick one. It's like wandas vision, you control where this movie goes. Your desires are getting a chance to bloom this season. Be grateful for all the universe brings, and you will see a whole fruitful banquet in front of you.
Take a journey in the mind. The shrooms are calling for you to take a look. It's time to get more into the peace-light-love attitude. It'll calm you down. Your safe. Connect to the divine to embrace beauty in your life. Journal. Take a picture. Go outside and enjoy nature. River and taking hikes are significant here, as the silence in nature can give you the clarity you need. As well as grounding you to embrace yourself as nature itself.
Embracing your darkness is where your true power lies. The gateway to your beauty is through the hidden realms of the psyche. Your power holds a force so powerful its harder for people to walk away. You have gifts in artistic endeavors that generate an audience and a source of income due your mind having access to cosmic gateways not many are willing to find themselves. Within that darkness is a skill in creation. Enjoying the arts not only gives you a place to enjoy, but to overcome obstacles. Let it go, and enjoy what your soul wants to say in the power of art.
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esotericawakenings · 7 months
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Check out my video "Manifest your dreams in five minutes a day!" on Rumble with the link above or by clicking HERE!
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
More synchronocities... it seems the common symbol showing up from their direction is now wolves. On April 19, 2024 I randomly took a spirit animal test. Weirdly enough, I answered almost every question with the water or tropical answers yet got wolf, even when I took the quiz a second time changing some answers that same day, and took it again today to see if it would change and nope. I insist my spirit animal is either the orca or the dolphin, I have plenty of decor and a couple blankets in my house showing I'm big on both ha ha. Anyways... I ended up getting the wolf and thought this is just strange.
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The Taylor Swift song I've talked about both here 4 days ago April 24, 2024 in the morning and here later on that day (both of which separately pertain to Jensen and Jared respectively) is "The Prophecy" which happens to have been released on April 19, 2024. Her Instagram post about it states: "It’s a 2am surprise: The Tortured Poets Department is a secret DOUBLE album. ✌️ I’d written so much tortured poetry in the past 2 years and wanted to share it all with you, so here’s the second installment of TTPD: The Anthology. 15 extra songs. And now the story isn’t mine anymore… it’s all yours. 🤍" Apparently this is Taylor's 11th studio album. And yes, 3 times the charm with this wonderful song!
The lyrics are as follows (which includes a line of howling at the moon like a wolf and looking unstable):
Hand on the throttle Thought I caught lightning in a bottle Oh, but it's gone again And it was written I got cursed like Eve got bitten Oh, was it punishment? Pad around when I get home I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope A greater woman wouldn't beg But I looked to the sky and said Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy? Cards on the table Mine play out like fools in a fable, oh It was sinking in Slow is the quicksand Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand Oh, still I dream of him Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy? And I sound like an infant Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moon And I look unstable Gathered with a coven round a sorceress' table A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates I'm just a paperweight In shades of greige Spending my last coin so someone will tell me It'll be ok Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy? Who do I have to speak to To change the prophecy? Hand on the throttle Thought I caught lightning in a bottle, oh But it's gone again Pad around when I get home I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope A greater woman wouldn't beg But I looked to the sky and said Please
On April 23, 2024 some time around 9PMish EST, Charlie had this in his story with the caption "enjoy the moon". Of course, we can't forget that the solar Eclipse that passed through a lot of the USA took place on April 8, 2024. I was not aware of this when I had made a couple posts that included the lyrics for Taylor Swift's new song "The Prophecy" from her latest album The Tortured Poets Department, which she released around 2AM or so also on April 19, 2024 (same day I took this spirit animal test).
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Someone sent me a couple interesting posts also pertaining to wolves, separately with Gen and Danneel in each of them funnily enough on April 26, 2024. This one with Danneel and Jensen being compared to a couple of wolves in this post was made that same day.
This Instagram post regarding Gen and reporter Stacy Keibler releasing a report for People Magazine titled "Stacy Keibler and Genevieve Padalecki Share What They Hope to Teach Their Daughters When They’re Older" (full People Magazine article was posted online here). Interestingly enough, I'm looking at the inspect page info using Chrome and see it was published initially April 25, 2024 at 14:49:06.931 and modified last at 15:48:23.811 per the Inspect Page data obtained from my Chrome browser as of today 7:50:11PM EST when I checked my desktop clock (what is going on here with me and 11s and time today?!)
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Part of the report that's quoted in this Instagram post says:
“I hope to teach my daughter to embrace who you are and where you are. Don’t apologize for being you,” Padalecki shares. “Be kind, but be strong. Listen, but also be heard. And run with the wolves. Own your wild.” “I love this quote from Women Who Run With Wolves, ‘The way to maintain one’s connection to the wild is to ask yourself what it is that you want. This is the sorting of the seed from the dirt,’ “ - says the mom of three. “’One of the most important discriminations we can make in this matter is the difference between things that beckon to us and things that call from our souls.’ Do not be afraid to listen to yourself.” - Genevieve Padalecki. Genevieve and husband Jared Padalecki are parents to daughter Odette, 7, and sons Thomas Colton, 12, and Austin "Shep" Shepard, 10.
Strangely enough, both her and this Stacy have husbands named Jared.
"I hope to teach my daughters first and foremost to practice self-love.��I am already trying to teach them the importance of compassion, kindness and generosity towards others," Keibler shares. "I hope to encourage self-confidence and to believe in themselves, their abilities and their worth. I also want to teach my daughters how to bounce back from setbacks, failures, and disappointments. I want to them to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning," she continues. "I hope I can help them grow into confident, compassionate, and resilient individuals who are empowered to thrive in all aspects of their lives!" Keibler shares daughters Isabella Faith, 4, and Ava Grace, 9, as well as son Bodhi Brooks, 5½, with husband Jared Pobre.
Today April 29, 2024 Charlie also included the wolf icon in his latest Instagram post and compared himself to a wolf. The caption states: "Still learning to be part of pack. Letting go of being a solitary creature. Grateful for the men in my life who let me be and see who I can be. 🐺" A little crazy story, I finished filling up my car and also my gas container for my lawn mower a bit ago around 18:18:40 according to my receipt (6:18:40pm EST), about 21 min before Charlie made this post around 6:39:11pm EST according to the site I went to (cropped, copied and pasted only some tidbits from the website for relevancy sakes here). The number of gallons I paid for? 15.911.
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I posted here a couple days ago April 27, 2024 around 5:43pm EST regarding Jensen Ackles and how in the past I speculated 11 is a bad luck number for him and included talking about his post regarding both SPN and The Boys wrapping up filming on 9/10 exactly a year apart but suggested 12 may be a good luck number for him. I noted how the day after 9/10 is 9/11. I also could not help but notice looking back on my posts how the link for this post about Jensen being in LA posted on March 19, 2024 and therefore was notably not with Danneel for her birthday on March 18 contains the number 911. I also talked here, here about how the number 11 shows up in a lot of places regarding Gen and Jared and others on my blog as well.
On a very interesting note, on Feb 19, 2024 it was announced on the Entertainment Events Facebook page that Jared and Gen are no longer attending Infinity Con which happens to take place on... May 11 and May 12, which is Mother's Day. Funnily enough, it's also the same day the Tracker episode Jensen will be guest starring on airs per the announcement made on April 26, 2024, which was 3 days ago. Also as an added bonus with the numbers 3 and 4 showing up here a lot, I noticed on April 3, 2024 Jared posted 3 Walker promo videos prior to Walker Season 4 airing that same day per his official Instagram page [X] [X] [X]. Oh and can't forget, this video post of his has the title "Walker Season 4 in 3 Words" on the thumbnail. The song lyrics for "Evergreen" by Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners in this video are:
Locked in a stalemate With a man who bars no holds Rock and a hard place He's battering control What am I waiting for? Feet planted beneath My compass, my transport
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josephinepenhollow · 1 month
Ideas for What Numerological Psychics Might Use
Do you have a psychic who uses numbers to draw forth conclusions and help express their intuition? Here’s some places they might find signs or ways to use their abilities!
Dice - A single die, a D&D set, a big ol’ bag of dice, (bonus if they roll their dice on something like a board they’ve created with letters, symbols or chakra colors for further interpretation)
Clocks - This is a really good place for synchronicities but also they could have a magic watch depending on how fantasy you wanna get, also includes time stamps for phone calls/messages and such
Calculators - How do things add up?
Seeing [Insert number here] of Something - like four birds sitting in a row on a power cable
In their mind - Not strictly a tool in common terminology, but maybe they can see numbers while they meditate or concentrate looking for an answer
Tingling Fingers - Does their 7th finger usually feel a bit like it’s burning when there’s something coming around the corner?
Random Generators or Scrabble Tiles - What common items do people have either on the computer or at home with numbers on them? Do they have specific numbers that mean yes or no, for example, how do they gut check those?
Dates - your birthday, today’s date, the first time two characters met, collect the numbers and add them up (this is often used in pairing with other tools as well such as tarot and astrology)
I hope these sparked some ideas. Remember that there’s numbers all around us if we choose to see them!
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theneptunianmind · 2 months
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purpleaqua8 · 15 days
CLUB ESO is hosting a live MEET & GREET Event Sunday, September 15, 2024 in our Discord Server! Join Us!! Everyone is invited!
Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM PST | 9:00 PM MT | 11:00 PM EST
Location: Discord | Discord Link: https://discord.gg/eMbAeftHVv
Event Style: Voice Chat
This event is a great opportunity for all members to come together and introduce ourselves in a relaxed, welcoming environment. Come meet new people who are on a similar path as you! Network, learn, and grow with fellow members. You may just find your community in CLUB ESO!
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CLUB ESO is an 18+ esoteric community where we can safely and comfortably discuss all spiritual and occult topics.
Whether you're just beginning your journey or you're a seasoned practitioner, CLUB ESO is the place to connect, learn, and expand your understanding. Find your community in CLUB ESO!
Join Us Today!
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/eMbAeftHVv
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Topics We Cover in CLUB ESO:
All Divination
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theascendedpath · 2 years
Why does it take a tragedy to bring us together? Why do we have to experience extreme lows for us to work together with each other and forget about our differences? Why can't our need to be a part of something bigger than us start by helping the Divine in ourselves and each other? Imagine where we would be. Imagine what we would create when helping the Divine is our highest intention. Individuals. Communities. Countries. Nations. All building for the simple appreciation and love for God, for the Divine Intelligence that created this. Just imagine the ease. Imagine the grace. Just imagine.
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amycathryn · 2 years
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The number 1 in numerology represents new beginnings. Double numbers, such as 11, 22, 33, etc... are master numbers. When the number 1 is doubled, it creates the 11 master number. This amplifies new beginnings in the form of manifestation. When you see 11:11 recurring, your guides are saying to keep your thoughts elevated, and focus on what you want. Its also a wish number, so make a wish today! #1111 #11:11 #numerology #wish #psychic #spiritual #spirituality #spirit #vibes #energy #atl #witchyvibes #witch #manifestation #awakening #spiritualawakening #psychicmedium #tarot #tarotreader #angelnumbers https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck2DypBLYc7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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psychics4unet · 1 month
Free Psychic Reading By Crystal Ball! 🔮🌟✨
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Free Psychic Reading! Send me your question, and I’ll use crystal ball gazing to reveal the answer from the universe! 🔮
Like, reblog, and follow to receive a free psychic reading - I’ll check and respond only to those who show their support! 🌟✨
One question per person for a free crystal ball reading.
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
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psychicreading-live · 6 months
Psychic Reading Live is your gateway to clarity and insight. Our gifted psychics offer accurate and compassionate readings to help you navigate life's challenges and unlock your true potential. Whether you're seeking guidance on love, career, or your spiritual path, we're here to provide the answers you need. Experience the power of a professional psychic reading and embark on a journey to a brighter future.
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esotericawakenings · 10 months
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The key to Numerology - The Psychic Sciences Walter B. Gibson & Litzka R. Gibson (Photo by J.J. Dean)
Check out our selection of books below.
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magicwandstarot · 7 months
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Hmmm had a bit of a weird dream this morning after I fell back asleep, curse you, itchy poison sumac rashes! I saw on my desktop a Tumblr ask to another user but all I could recall was the blogger saying "I wonder what this "Ellie" has to say 😏" and also recall a 117a being in the screename of the person who sent the ask I believe. I woke up not long after I read it in my dream.
Naturally, I googled "numerology 117 meaning" when I first woke up because what in the world?! Well, it turns out one of the results said this:
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Also, I got curious as to why 17 is bad luck in Italy. I did briefly see the above info back when I was writing about the number 4 being seen as bad luck in some East Asian countries (but didn't think too much of it back then). This is because the Cantonese word for 4 sounds very similar to the word for Death, which I discussed in a post I made back in November where I specifically talked about Friday the 13th as well (Magazine article was in issue number 13). Strangely enough, my best friend who is on a road trip with her parents traveled on Route 8 at one point, which notably does NOT have an exit 117... but it does have exits 17A, 17B and 17C (in my dream this morning, I saw 117A). I took the below screenshot for your viewing pleasure from this website (which notably the website name is "An American in Rome" and was posted on 4/17/2020. And of course, I am making this post today Thursday 6/13/2024. And of course as I'm writing this and she is in the car watching a Wayne's World, she heard the line from a character named Cassandra saying to Wayne "you learned how to say I look pretty in Cantonese!"
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Now, I am well aware that Jared and Gen Padalecki are on a said family vacation in Italy as we speak. It's also noteworthy to say that today is June 13th and is when I had this dream because I fell back asleep for a couplish hours after waking up close to 3:30am EST. Also strangely enough, I looked up R17 in Italy. Huh, there appears to be NO operating train traveling this route today the 13th per the website I came across.
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On another strange note, I saw someone pointed out on another blog how Wildfire ended after 4 seasons reminding them of how Walker is ending after 4 seasons (with the last season having 13 episodes). Coincidentally, Wildfire had 13 episodes each season, equaling 52 episodes for the whole series. Walker will end this season at a total of 69 episodes for the series. Mathematically speaking, 69 Walker episodes - 52 Wildfire episodes = 17; in numerology, this breaks down to 1+7=8. The 11th episode of Walker aired yesterday 6/12/2024. To do the math here again, 6+1+2+2+0+2+4=17, which in numerology breaks down to 1+7=8. The last Walker episode will air on 6/26/2024, which is 6+2+6+2+0+2+4=22; technically in numerology you are supposed to leave it at a master number like 22 but if you were to break 22 down anyways, 2+2=4. Funny also both of these shows start with the letter W as well...
It also is funny both Gen and Jared posted about the upcoming Walker episode yesterday in actual posts instead of just Instagram stories per the usual. Clearly, Gen was on Italy time when she spoke of the episode in past tense posting a little before 12pm EST. She seemingly forgot about her husband the Executive Producer of the show and how the show was already canceled lol.
One reason I've been posting less lately is because I've been sticking my nose in animal symbolism research. I did learn last week and spoke to my best friend about this but I learned Gen's primary spirit animal is the Black Bear and secondary being the Otter. On an even stranger note, yesterday on my way home from work I saw a Pilot car with a Friends of the Smokies license plate (which has a Black Bear on it) AND an Otter window decal on it.
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8thhousepriestess · 2 years
🖤 About Me 🪐
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✨My name is Steph! I am a 3rd generation intuitive [ AKA Witch ] and a lover of the Divining Arts.
I am in my mid 30’s and a stay at home mama ( EST 2019 ) to two little witchling baby girls 💞 and my familiar son Jack 🐈‍⬛.
My ♥️heart belongs to all and everything related to matters of the Occult, Metaphysical and Spiritual. I am extremely open minded and absolutely love to 📚 learn and 🔭 explore all things most others dare not tread. I have been reading 🎴 Tarot, 🌠 Oracle & ♦️ Cartomancy since I was a kid.
🗝️ Some brief key insights to who I am, what I do, my interests and some of the topics I hope to post about…
Eclectic Witch 🧹
Baker and candle stick maker 🕯️
Charm casting 🌀
Rune Caster ⚡️
Wire wrapping crystals into jewelry 💎
Clairvoyant 🔮
Astrology 🪐
Sister of the Moon 🌙
Healer 🌟
Numerology 📆
Ceromancy 🧿
Pyromancy 🔥
Tea Leaves Reader 🫖
Candle Spells 🪄
Spiritual Development Coach 🦉
Shadow Worker 🔦
Herbalist 🌿
Witchcraft 📜
Bujo lover 🖍️ Check out my Bujo blog 👈🏻 where I post my drawings 🎨
Crafty Artist 🎨
Crystal Enthusiast 💎
Spiritual Cleansing 🪶
Inner Child Advocate 🫶🏻🤍
• So if you are interested to venture down this beaten path with me then please follow me and introduce yourself in the comments!
🌚🌝 I would love to know more about everyone and what point in their journeys they are on and feel free to even request topics for me to write about!
👇🏻📍 Links to other platforms & socials you can find me on…
Visit my Poshmark store 👈🏻 @ariesmoon89
( 👆🏻👉🏻 for new users get $10 use referal code ARIESMOON89 )
Snapchat 👈🏻 Ariesx0
Visit my Linktree 👈🏻 8TH HOUSE PRIESTESS
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gematria-decoder · 9 months
Predict the future with Gematria Decoder.
visit gematria-decoder.com to learn more about gematria decoder. learn how to use it to uncover the mystery of life.
check the user guide to learn how to install it on your devices easily. support all devices.
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