#pub scout
vnynv · 1 year
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more like . more like. more like butch fortresssssssssss . . . . .
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where-is-grogu · 9 months
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Bar Hopping
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rei-the-head-shaker · 5 months
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My scout group staff clearly know how to hold a meeting! 👌🏻Great food, special people and nice atmosphere. We were relaxed but productive! The only downside is that I drew the shortest straw and will have to write the report this time. Well... It will be good practice for when I will have to write them at work in the future.
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
things I have successfully gaslit myself into liking:
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crispywisp · 2 years
im circling back to tf2 after being deep in the fandom 7ish years ago so im right there with you, man. tentaspy. christian brutal sniper. the discourse. the wing aus. scout/spy shippers. oug.
yeah, ever since i've been getting recommended a bunch of tf2 vids on youtube and seeing tf2 trending on twitter, i've also been slowly returning to looking at tf2 stuff. i wanna play tf2 again so badly, but the last time i played in a real match was probably back in 2013 or 2014 (you and i were probably playing it a lot around the same time actually!).........and with the bot problem, yeah..
the other few times i played afterwards were only on freak fortress servers that had custom stats for all weapons, so i am really fucking behind on all the vanilla buffs and nerfs for the weapons and classes (apparently spy received a fucking run speed increase while i was gone?????? holy shit)
to put things into perspective for other ppl, i (and probably anon as well) was playing back when cosmetic sets still had their stat benefits and when the dead ringer gave the spy a fucking 90% resistance to all damage when activated, so shit like the saharan spy playstyle was huge back in my day
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i think i can pretty safely say my favorite classes are spy engineer demoknight and soldier
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
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osferth x warrior!reader
summary: osferth is in love with you but you are not used to receiving this much attention from anyone.
warnings; nsfw(smut), black cat/golden retriever, slight angst, simp osferth, clueless reader.
a/n: back on my osferth bullshit bcs the movie is coming n yet my fave is de@d😻
You're not exactly sure how you got to be apart of Uhtred's team. Actually that's not true, you remember exactly how.
The four warriors were being attacked by the same Danes that had owned you silver, lots of them. It was a coincident that killing them gave you what you were owed and Uhtred and his men's freedom.
Uhtred had made it his mission then, to find out more about you, wanting to make sure you weren't a spy or threat after noticing that you weren't exactly apart of the danes not christians. After deeming you harmless (at least to them) and incredibly depressingly lonely, he decided to scout you in as one of his men, like a bored man picking up a grumpy wet soggy kitten from the street.
You made sure you were paid more silver than any of the other men, insisting that you're worth more than them by your skills itself, and soon enough, you stuck with them as if you had always been there all along.
You got along well enough with all of them, letting yourself fall gently in the warm feeling of what it's like to have a semblance of a family.
Though with all the intelligence of a skilled warrior you have, you had not noticed the baby monk Osferth's obvious attempt to pursue you for 2 years now.
You admit you like Osferth more than the others. He was respectful, kind, and has never treated you less like any woman should be treated, although some would argue you barely counted as a woman.
Did you like him romantically? You can't say, making it a principle to never yourself aim for a love like that, it's just not for you.
But when the awkwardly charming warrior monk had kissed you during the festive night of Yule eve, your instinct was to immediately push him away from you, receiving a very offended expression followed by stutters I apologies from him before he scrambled away, like a dog kicked by it's owner.
The next day, you received multiple glares from Finan, and sympathetic grins and chuckles from Sihtric and Uhtred who had found this situation all too amusing.
Osferth had started to avoid you almost completely, never making eye contact and never directly speaking to you unless necessary. And it hurt you.
You should apologize, you knew that. But you weren't exactly sure if what to say, your feelings were complicated even to yourself.
It only gets worse when you found out you'll be staying with Osferth during one of your little missions. Arranged in purpose by Uhtred for sure.
When evening arrives, you notice Osferth leaving the pub early, closing himself in your shared room. You shook off your guilt and grabbed the bottle of liquor, walking away to seat yourself by the empty corner of the loud place, seeking for some peace.
If only peace could ever exist in your life.
You tipped the bottle into your mouth again, taking a big chug from it, wishing the ale would taste a little less like shit.
Taking notice of Finan from the side of your eye, you sigh loudly and cursed him out. The man only gave a humourous laugh and sat next to you.
"If this is about Osferth again, then you shouldn't tire yourself-"
"Oh this is definitely about Osferth." He agreed, receiving a groan from you.
"Finan please-" You started, rudely being cut off. "You did a number on him lad, he's been acting like someone just killed his dog and it's been two weeks." His voice was gentler than before, the worry obvious in his voice.
"I didn't mean it." Your mumbled out meekly, eyes drooping. "I didn't mean to push him away."
"Well that settles it the doesn't it?" The Irishman concluded. "Just go apologize and hump him." You snorted at his easygoing response and shook your head.
"He doesn't just want to hump, he wants to love." You clarify. "And that's so bad, why? I've seen you staring at him like he's made of sunshine and rainbows laddie, I'd thought you'd be happy to have him feel the same way."
You wince at his words, hating the sappy description of yourself that he gave. Rainbows and sunshine.
"Because it doesn't make sense does it? Of course I'd like him, he's kind, and sweet, and everything I don't deserve, everything I am not."
You speak the last word like a curse, a bitter taste on your tongue.
Glancing towards the half drunk Irish, you almost hate yourself for saying what you did, the pity in his eyes was worse than any insult you've had thrown your way.
"You carried Aelfwynn on your back while she was sick and lied to everyone about getting sick from her just so she'd have a chance to reach the royal healers, you've put yourself in front of the lady Aethelflaed to protect her more time than anyone could count, hell you've done it for Osferth more time than he could remember.
- So if you say you're not deserving of kindness and sweetness one more time, I'll make sure to hide the biggest frogs in your bathwater as a punishment."
His voice was teasing, but his eyes were set on you, narrowing down like a nagging father, and you almost hugged him there and then.
"Yeah whatever." You shrugged and look away.
You hear him sigh loudly, as if to prove a point and tried to hide your small smile.
"I should apologize." You repeated your early statement. Rubbing your face tiredly, the liquor doing a terrible job intoxicating you. "Yeah, and you should hump-"
"Goodnight Finan, I'm not listening to you anymore!" You exclaimed loudly and annoyed while getting up on your feet to retire to your small room.
The walk to your room was short but it felt like forever, standing in front of the door, you take a moment to collect some thoughts and steady your heartbeat before turning the knob open.
You feel relieved as you step in, seeing that Osferth was still awake, sitting by his side of the bed, folding in his dirty clothes.
He must've just bathed, you thought to yourself. When you walk closer you notice that his hair was damp, confirming your suspicions.
He acted as if he didn't hear you, but you know he did.
"Osferth." You called out, voice weaker than you intended it to be, almost like you're pleading him.
The silence was agonizing before he responds, you see him stiffen. "Yes?"
You hated how much more confident he sounded than you, but you were the one who owed an apology, so you force your ego aside and placed yourself next to him on the bed.
"I um- I wanted to, apologize?" There was that stuttering now. He raised an eyebrow at you and you feel your face burn.
"Apologize. Yes, I wanted to apologize." Getting your breath under control, you try to appear more put together.
His eyes look away from you and move down to stare at the floorboards. "Whatever for?" He asks, sounding uninterested.
"For pushing you away, when you...kissed me." You answer.
You were watching for his reaction like a hawk eyeing it's prey, feeling uneasy and scared. "Oh, tis not your fault, twas' mine, I should've asked." He says kindly, his old warmth returning to his voice.
"But it's not, nothing could ever be your fault Osferth, You've no foible and if anything your flaw is being too good and having no flaw-"
"Do you think you could ever love me?" He cuts you off, a demanding tone.
You turn silent from your rant, heartbeat fastening. "But why? Why me?" You breath out.
"Osferth-" You start, standing up to face his seated self. "-You could have many lovely beautiful woman to love you the way you deserve, I'm sure of it, we've all seen how they fight for you." You insist.
His face turns into a frown and he stands up along with you, face inches apart from yours. "I don't want anyone else, you're the only lovely beautiful woman I want." He snapped.
You grow frustrated at his statement and turn to walk in circles, not meeting his gaze.
"But why? I am not beautiful or ladylike- and don't tell me I'm wrong, I hear things too- and I'm not kind enough to those around me as I should be, and I am, god, so terribly, terribly horrible in my moral compass Osferth.
- Why would you want to be with someone so miserable?", You point out with a humourless laugh, feeling so vulnerable and pathetic you could break in an instance.
You feel his hands grip your shoulders to look at him as he stops you from pacing around.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to convince you that you're all I think about, you are the most beautiful piece of art to me, and to have your heart, to be able to love you the way you deserve, is all I'll ever wish for in this lifetime."
You would've asked him if he had practiced that if you weren't so shaken by those words, so baffled.
"Don't be ridiculous Osferth, what- tell me, who you'd choose between me and Eadith, or me and that redhead from last night- or the lady Aethelflaed herself?" You hated how much self pity you were drowning in, all the insecurities you've worked so hard to push down, to look past from yourself.
"You. You, you and you." His response was quick and without hesitation. You wanted to kill him for that's or kiss him, you couldn't decide.
"I would choose you over anyone because there is no one else for me, can't you see?"
He was staring at you with stars in his eyes and his breath was hot on your face.
You couldn't remember when or how it happened, but all you knew was that one if you had leaned forwards and your lips became one with eachother's.
There was no regret in yourself, letting your fans wrap around his neck whilst he moves one arm to hold you by your waits and the other cupping your cheeks.
Your fingers move to tangle in his hair as you let your mouth open slightly for your tongues to dance together.
You pressed your faces harder if it was possible devouring the taste you've been forbidding yourself to take a bite from. His arms around your back tightens and soon you feel both his hands move down to the back of your thighs and you instinctively jump to wrap your legs around him.
He groans in the kiss, palms full holding squeezing your ass. You let a rare growl escape you as you feel yourself tighten around him.
Walking you back to the bed, you don't release your hold over him even when he lays you down on the bed.
Your hands roam wild at his body, grasping at his new tunic to be taken off. He gets the message immediately, pulling away to pull it over his head before going back to sucking lips with you.
You feel his own hands wandering around your body, exploring your untouched haven. He dips his hand inside the collar of your own shirt and rips it off easily, earning a shocked gasp from you.
"Didn't think you had that in you." You joked breathlessly. He gives a small shy smile as he pushes you to lay back down on the pillow. "You have no idea how many other things you've awakened inside of me."
His lips trail down your neck, biting and sucking at your sensitive spot while his hands have their fun squeezing and palming your breasts.
You let out a wild moan, throwing your head back, your nails, trying their best not to leave marks on his back.
"Fuck you're stunning." He swears, also rare occasion. You feel your cunt clench at his words an thrusts up your hips to meet his, receiving a strained groan from the man.
Not relenting in his torture on your tits, he releases one of them to move his hand between your legs, palming your drenched cunt between the thin barrier of your underwear.
"Osferth- please." You whined, rutting againts his hand like a dog in heat.
He only uses his hands to palm you harder, bringing you to tears as you search for friction. "That's it angel, fuck my hand." He groans out, entranced by the sight of you, glistening in sweat and fucking yourself on him in all your beautiful glory.
Both your arms are above you head now, gripping hard on the furs as you grind harder on his hand, clenching on nothing, feeling your orgasm nearing.
He rubs a finger on you clit furiously and you feel yourself explode on him, eyes blurry as you cried out his name repeatedly, a prayer answered.
Feeling yourself come down from your high, your body relaxes againts his bed and your head spins with euphoria. Osferth wipes his hand off before climbing over to lay next to you.
Your head finds comfort on his chest as his hands finds home around your body. It was dizzying, what just happened. And it was most probably the best hump you've ever had, not that you make it a habit to hump around.
You glace up to meet his eyes, already gazing down at you with a small smile accompanying them. "Does this mean you've forgiven me?", You jest and his smile widens as he leans forward and kisses your forehead. "Only if you promise to let me love you." He bargains.
You feel a grin making itself known and let out an unfamiliar giggle, "You're so sweet it's nauseating."
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ellecdc · 4 months
The Drink Snob (part 3)
mafia au!Remus Lupin x fem!reader - 3.1k
p1 // p2 // p3 // p4
CW: attempted drink tampering, attempted human trafficking, a lot of swearing because it's Remus and reader (obviously)
Synopsis: You take Elle's advice, Remus returns the favour.
You waited at the end of the counter for your mocha to be called through the café. You were feeling pretty good about yourself; you had an interview lined up at a nice restaurant at the end of this week, you’d guest lectured for Minerva and got great feedback from both her and the students, and you’d found time to facetime Elle twice more.
The café was fairly busy with a fair number of students trying to get their caffeine fix between classes. The barista apologized to you for the wait, but you waved him off; “I’m not in any rush right now, take your time.” You had said to him.
“That was quite polite of you.” A voice to your right commented. 
You turned and raised your eyebrow at the dark-haired man. His hair was an array of curls pulled back into a low bun, and he kept his onyx gaze fixed on you. 
“And that surprises you?”
He smirked at you. ���From a yank? I’d have to say a little.”
“Right,” You scoffed, “I’m not American.”
He looked at you strangely at that. “You sound like an American.”
“Maybe I’m just practicing for a part.” You shot back.
He hummed in response. “A budding actress, hm?”
Before you could respond, your name was called at the counter.
“Peppermint mocha for Y/N!”
You picked up your cup and turned back to the man. “As nice as this was, I have to take my leave.”
“Come to dinner with me.” He interjected quickly. You stared at him incredulously.
“I’m sorry?”
“Come on, I want to hear more about this budding acting career of yours.” He said as he winked. 
Your immediate thought was hell no. But then you thought of The Man ™ from the pub last week, and how surprising and nice it was to finally connect with someone. Wasn’t this exactly what Elle was saying you should be doing? It went against every part of your better judgement, but this opportunity had been placed in front of you twice, were you really in any position to ignore it?
“What’s your name?” You asked. You were met with a victorious smile.
You considered him for a moment.
“Fine, one dinner.”
He clapped his hands together. “Wonderful, how about tonight? There’s a Spanish fusion restaurant that just opened downtown that I’ve been dying to try. I could pick you up. Say 7?” 
You looked the man up and down; you may be stepping out of your comfort zone agreeing to a date with a stranger you met at a coffee shop, but you weren’t suicidal. 
“I’ll meet you there.” You offered. Tan seemed to deflate a little, but the emotion passed quickly over his face.
He gave you the address and then actually kissed you on the hand before you turned and exited the café. 
Were all Brit’s this bold? Was this just an English thing? You walked back to the faculty building hoping this was a meet cute opportunity you could tell Elle about. 
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“It’s kinda smart, really.” James commented, taking another drink from his water. 
“What is?” Remus asked, not looking up from the salad he was pushing around on the plate in front of him.
“Scouting near the universities.” 
Remus looked up at his mate then, his black hair as wild as ever as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. His knee was bouncing under the table, and Remus knew he was just trying to make conversation while they waited for Lestrange to make his appearance, but James could be so thick sometimes.
“Yes, James. It’s almost as if the traffickers have a method that they follow to find young women they can pick up.” Remus muttered quietly, finally shifting his gaze up to the door. 
“Sorry.” James muttered as he ran his hand through his hair again. “I just hate waiting.”
Remus chuckled. “I can tell.” 
James made it through at least a minute and a half of silence before Remus finally took pity on him. “Harry’s so close to walking now, eh?” 
James’ face lit up as he began a long tangent of his son’s different methods of movement which ranged from scooting, crawling, shifting, and rolling. “And Moony, yesterday he stood at the coffee table and walked around it all by himself! He was holding the coffee table, but still!” 
Remus smiled at his friend’s happiness just as he noticed their target entering the building. 
“He’s here.” Remus muttered into his collar which hid his speak piece.
“Greasy bastard, how do they manage to look creepier and creepier every time I see them?” Sirius muttered darkly into Remus and James’ earpiece from his car parked out front. 
Sirius hated not being able to join on some stakeouts on account of his family. For example, Rabastan Lestrange is technically related to Sirius through marriage as he is the brother-in-law of Sirius’ first cousin Bellatrix. Sirius and Bellatrix, both Black’s by birthright, and the Lestrange’s have historically held ties to the mob boss Tom Riddle who had his followers call him Lord Voldemort. Pretentious fucks at best, but at worst they were prejuidiced, racist, bigots who were involved in human trafficking, which meant it was very important that they get caught and stopped, not the other way around. Which meant Sirius had to play back-up. 
Remus was fine with that. James could be a little annoying on account of his ADHD, but he’d take that over Sirius’ inner rage any day. 
Remus got it, he really did; Sirius had been surrounded by this his whole life – born and raised to carry on the Black line of arseholes, and he’s seen things many people haven’t. His family was awful and what these women and children went through at their hands was horrible, but being hot-headed in the field didn’t save them.
Remus figured Sirius would probably make a good police officer if they weren’t so corrupt, though he would struggle playing by the rules.
Maybe in another life. 
“He’s got a seat in the far left. It’s secluded and near an emergency exit. Reg, are you able to get eyes back there without being caught?” James asked into his own speak piece. 
“On it.” Was Reg’s response. 
Remus watched the door as James watched Rabastan. People came and went but James never mentioned a change in our target, so Remus disregarded them.
Suddenly, Remus’ breath caught in his throat. No. Not her. 
“We should try the croquettes.” James said - their code.
James looked up at Remus. “What?”
“It’s...” Remus started, but he didn’t know how to finish. James kept his eyes on Rabastan as you walked past Remus’ line of sight.
“Wait, is that-” James started but they were interrupted by Regulus.
“I’ve got eyes on the emergency exit.” 
“Copy.” James muttered and looked back to Remus. “What is it?”
“What’s going on?” Sirius interjected in their earpieces. 
“Is that the girl?” James whispered to him, causing Remus to scrunch his eyes shut.
“Wait, what?” Reg called.
James sighed. “Remus’ girl from The Drunken Sailor, it’s her.”
“Wait.” Sirius yelled causing both men to wince. “The girl Rabastan is meeting, it’s Remus’ girl?”
“She’s not my girl.”
Sirius called out the wrong name. “Right?”  Sirius carried on over top of Remus. 
“Y/N.” Remus corrected.
“Oh my God,” James said wide eyed at him. “You’ve got it bad.”
“I do not.” Remus started before changing gears, “fuck off, Prongs. Now is not the time. We’ve got to get her out of here.” 
“Easy, Remus.” Regulus encouraged him quietly.
“Tell us how you want to go about this.” James added.
Both Black brothers shouted a what over the earpieces. 
“The plan stays the same, Prongs. Same as it always is – get her out.” Sirius barked.
“No, Padfoot. This has taken on a new element. If Remus isn’t careful, he could be accused of nefarious actions himself. She’s scheduled for an interview at the restaurant in a few days.” James chided. “It’s your call.” He said to Remus.
She wasn’t supposed to get caught up in this. 
She was supposed to go back to school and stay away from dingy bars – and dingy men. She was so clever; how could she have gotten swept up with Rabastan?
Don’t be an arse, Remus.
These men were smart. They knew how to come off completely charming, and targeted women, well, women exactly like her.
She was a student, she was foreign, and she was probably alone when he approached her. She was their perfect target.
Remus just hoped she had kept her wits about her; she had noticed so quickly that his drink had been tampered with, hopefully she’d be just as alert tonight. Remus knew from the staff at the café that she had declined his invitation to pick her up, hopefully she didn’t give him her number, either. 
“Do you want me to swap, Remus?” Regulus queried over our earpiece. 
Did Remus want him to swap? 
What did Remus want?
Remus kind of wanted to be the one to be sitting over there with you.
He turned to look at your table to see you place your jacket on the hook of the booth beside you. As your head was turned, Rabastan’s hand hovered over your glass of water which began to fizz.  
“Moons?” James asked quietly again. 
But before Remus could respond, you looked back up and your gaze found him. Your eyes and nose scrunched a little as you considered him as if you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You finally shook your head slightly and offered Remus a small smile before turning back to Rabastan. 
Well, you knew Remus was here now. 
So much for keeping her out of this. 
“Now.” Remus said as he stood from his place at the table. 
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The world had to be fucking with you at this point, right? You weren’t actually seeing The Man™? He must just be a figment of your imagination?
Apparently, he was not just a figment of your imagination because he was suddenly standing at the end of your table as if he was about to take your order.
“We really must stop meeting each other like this.” He said with a smirk.
You chuckled nervously as you stared at his beautiful face. “Uhm, yeah. Haha. What are the odds?”
“Uhm, do you mind?” Tan said as he considered The Man ™ and you with furrowed brows.
“I do, actually.” He said severely, before a second man with a mop of curly black hair sidled up behind him looking far more pleased than his counterpart.
“Rabastan, my man, it’s been too long.” He said entirely too loudly. You felt your cheeks heat up as you offered the people around you a nervous smile. 
Tan seemed to pale at the sight of the newcomer. Suddenly, his glass of water was turned over in front of him as he scrambled to stand. Before Tan could get anywhere, the curly headed man embraced him in an aggressive looking hug that involved an arm around his neck.
“You bastard, I can’t believe we let it go this long without catching up. Why don’t we have a little family reunion, hm? I know some cousins of yours who are just dying to see how you are.” He announced to the entire restaurant as he man-handled Tan to the emergency exit behind your booth.
You watched with your mouth hanging open as the door closed behind them and the restaurant returned to its appropriate volume. 
You turned your head towards The Man ™ as he slid into the booth Tan had just been dragged out of for all intents and purposes.
“What?” was all you could manage to mutter. 
“Don’t drink your water” was his response.
You looked down to see the table – now pooled with Tan’s water – and sat there in front of you was your water with a filmy layer on top. 
“What the fuck just happened?” you muttered more to yourself than anything.
“I returned the favour.” The Man™ replied with a shrug as he mopped up the water on the table that was starting to spill onto the bench of the booth you were seated on.
“What? Were you following me around waiting for some guy to drug me?” You asked incredulously.
“Relax, sweetheart. It’s not that deep.”
You scoffed in outrage. “Do not tell me to relax you fucker, I was nearly drugged, and lord knows what else.”
“I know exactly what else.” The man snarked back. “He would have brought you out to a van that his buddies would have pulled up upon his command, they would have dumped your purse and all of your belongings in the dumpster behind some business a few blocks away, flown you to Portugal and sold you to the highest bidder, and that’s ignoring everything that would have happened in between. I can assure you, darling, that there was only one fucker here and he was just dragged away by my mate there. So please for all that is holy, relax.” He pressed the end of his sentence as he dumped your glass over as well just as a server came by.
“Oh, let me clean this up for you!” The server exclaimed at the mess just as The Man apologized in faux embarrassment. “I’ll get you two new glasses. Have you had a chance to look at the menu?”
Completely stunned, you decided to field the question to the infuriating man across from you who, fucking damnit, looked just as handsome as the first time you’d seen him. 
“Just the waters for now, thank you.” He said with a smile which flashed his dimples, the bastard. 
“Are you okay?” He asked softly which was in stark contrast from his demeanor before the server came.
“I’m fine.” You muttered probably more aggressively than you should have. “Fuck, I’m going to kill her.” You growled as you leaned your elbows onto the table and shoved your face into your hands.
“Who’s that now?”
You groaned, hands still covering your face. “My friend, the bitch. This is all her fault.” 
“How so?”
“This was her idea! Going out with him, I mean.” You answered miserably as you leaned back against the booth and crossed your arms.
“Your friend knew that guy?” He asked somewhat alarmed.
You snorted a laugh. “No. She just thought I should get out more. Was so worried about me being all sad and lonely in this new city. This’ll teach her.” You muttered as you picked imaginary lint from your skirt.
The man was mirroring you; leaning against the back of his booth with his arms crossed as he seemed to consider you.
“Is that why you started handing out your CV?”
You felt your eyebrows furrow. “My what?” 
The man dramatically rolled his eyes. “Oh, my apologies. I meant your resume.”
You nodded your head in understanding before slamming your hand down on the still damp table. “How do you know I’ve been handing out resumes? Are you actually stalking me?” 
“No, even your luck doesn’t seem to be that bad. Though, being nearly drugged twice is not a good track record.”
“If I’m remembering correctly, you were the one nearly drugged last time.”
The man smiled at you and something about it felt far softer than you felt the moment called for. “You applied at my mum’s restaurant – the one on 72nd. She was going on about finally having live music in the joint; I saw your CV.”
“I didn’t apply as a musician.” You shouted somewhat panickily. You cleared your throat before correcting yourself. “I mean, I just...I was just looking for a job as a server.”
He squinted his eyes at you before responding. “Well, good luck trying to say no to my mum.”
“What are the chances of me getting drugged if I work at your mum’s restaurant?”
This surprised a bark of laugh from him. “Actually, your chances would be quite a bit lower.”
“I don’t know...” you said suspiciously. “Every time I’ve been with you, drinks have been drugged.”
He hummed as he squinted his eyes. “Hazard of the trade.”
“And what trade is that?”
“Crime.” He said simply. You chuckled, but as you looked back up at the man, you noticed he wasn’t laughing.
“Oh, you’re serious?” You commented.
The corner of his mouth seemed to quirk at your word choice, but he offered you one quick nod.
“But...you’re the kind of criminal to have your drinks drugged and to stop other people from getting drugged?”
He moved his head side-to-side as if to say sort of.
“And you’re telling me this...because?”
“Because” he said as he seemed to square himself, “you ought to know that before you accept the position.” 
The Man stood and left some bills on the table. “Are you safe to get home on your own?”
Still reeling from this whole ordeal, you nodded dumbly at him. He offered you a soft smile.
“Take it easy, Y/N.” He said as he left through the emergency exit.
It was only at his use of your name that you realized you still haven't caught his.
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Remus was kicking himself. He should have just asked if you were okay and went about business as usual. He shouldn’t have sat with you, he shouldn’t have confessed about his mother’s restaurant, and he definitely shouldn’t have told you about the nature of his career. But he couldn’t let you walk into that interview without knowing what you were potentially getting yourself into.
And what would have happened if you had taken the job and then seen him there? Then you really would have suspected him of stalking.
Well, Remus has technically stalked before, but not in like a stalkery way, you know? It was like...
It was surveillance! 
Fuck, he was grasping at straws.
It just seemed like the world was hell bent on shoving you in Remus’ path. And when Remus first met you – he was insistent on keeping you away from him, from this.
But you just had to drop your resume off at his family’s restaurant.
And you just had to get picked up by a human trafficking sociopath. 
So, if you were going to insist on walking this dangerous line Remus calls life, you might as well know where the line is.
He didn’t know what he was more worried about: that you’d take his warning or that you wouldn’t. 
Continue to part four here.
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kamotecue · 5 months
her drunken mistake ✮ l. walti
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pairing: lia walti x fem!reader
summary: it’s been a while since you transferred to chelsea, what happens if you meet a certain swiss player at an english pub?
part one, two and three
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ever since you signed for chelsea, things have been going great. you weren’t a starter like everyone expected you to be, which you were okay with—but you did get the playing time, as a sub.
and when you went on the pitch, the game had changed. there wasn’t a game where you didn’t score a goal, or assisted one. but you hummed, entering the english pub, music and dancing had filled the room. 
your eyes scouted the place, checking if there is anyone who recognized you. but there wasn’t thankfully, you made your way across the room to the bar, ordering yourself a bourbon.
the bartender gave you a flirty smile, as she handed you the drink. you returned it with a polite smile, as you carefully took a sip of the drink, the liquor gave you this pleasant but burning sensation in your throat.
“it’s the first time, i’ve seen you in this pub.” the bartender said, giving you a shy smile as you hummed.
“i’m not much of a drinker.” you replied, the thick spanish accent was heard—as she chuckled at your words, making you a little bit confused. was there something funny that made her laugh?
“you’re not from here, so family or work?” your eyes wandered around, looking at the difference pictures, bottles and basically the overall design of the place.
“work, i believe.”  a hum was heard as the bartender introduced herself, her hand was held out—waiting for you to accept it.
“i’m eloise, and you are?” you held her hand, shaking it before letting go.
“i’m y/n.” you softly said, an hour had passed and you still gave a short response much to elosie’s amusement. in her eyes, it was cute on how shy you were, but you were completely oblivious.
your attention was diverted as you felt someone stumble into you, their filled drink was now empty as you felt your shirt get soaked. 
“lia?” you asked, as the swiss player landed on top of you, you secured your arms around her waist making sure she wouldn’t fall on the ground, or hurt her head.
“are you here alone?” you asked out of the blue, scanning the room to see if she came with her teammates but you didn’t see any.
“alright, there?” eloise asked, as you hummed.
“i’m afraid i need to go.” eloise gave you a nod before writing down something on a piece of paper, as she ripped it giving you—it revealed her number.
“call me, will you.” you gave her a nod, before slowly standing up. you carried her bridal style, as you made your way out of the pub.
carefully placing her in the passenger’s seat, you reached over to put on her seat belt, taking note of how close her breathe was near your neck.
the faint click made you move back, as you analyzed her face—her lips were in a frown as you chuckled at how cute she looked—but your eyes were widened as she lurched forward, her vomit quickly staining your shirt and neck.
a wince escaped your mouth as you should’ve expected it. you weren’t mad really, but you only worried about the mess—considering you have practice tomorrow.
you had entered the passenger seat, deciding that you would deal with this when everything was sorted out. the drive to your apartment wasn’t that long, you carefully made your way up, the swiss player in your arms as you slowly kicked the door open.
the apartment was a mess, the boxes were still unpacked—you only prioritized your bedroom, the kitchen equipment, and the couch.
“you’ll be sleeping in my room for tonight.” you muttered underneath your breath, not wanting her to be uncomfortable. gently placing her on the bed, you pulled the soft blanket over her, preventing her from being cold throughout the night.
you stepped back before analyzing your room, above the headrest only two jerseys had been framed—your sister’s and someone you look up to.
“i need a shower, and to clean the mess.” you swiped a pair of clothes from your closet, heading to the spare shower—trying to not wake your guest up. 
you hummed a song, as you removed your hearing aids—stripping off the clothes before stepping in the shower. 
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Omg I would love a Jamie Tartt x reader where the readers ex boyfriend was a footballer maybe a goalie and Jamie has to play against him in a match. I know it’s very vague but I’d love to see what you’d do! No pressure!! :))
I loved this request! Hope I did it justice
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would hit him in a heartbeat now
You do not have a thing for footballers you swear. It just happens. You’ve been in exactly three and a half relationships, and only one of them was not a footballer.
He was a coach.
You would describe your type as lovable asshole, but your friends would leave out the lovable. Because of that, none of your splits have been exactly… amicable. Well, that’s not true. Your situationship had been sweet but wrong timing, and though it hurt, there were no hard feelings. 
Really, you were both in your late teens and he was scouted early on, so it was never going to work out. You always keep up with his career though, a part of you secretly cheering him on even if he plays against your boyfriend’s team. From time to time, you think about texting him to see if he has the same number, but the next day you see him splashed in a tabloid, making out with Keeley Jones, so you leave it. 
Six months later, you’re in a relationship with a West Ham goalie named Aleksander.
Seven months after that, he’s broken your heart by telling you you weren’t the right material for a footballer’s girlfriend.
Over text.
While you are at an away game.
Against AFC Richmond.
Eight minutes later you turn off the part of your brain that cares, dig out Jamie Tartt’s old number, and write, hey! not sure if this is still your number, but I’ll be at your game today and wanted to wish you luck. - the original number 9.
Your house number had been 9 when you first met Jamie. He’d write you notes addressed to 9. For example:
9 -
Meet me at our spot at 8?
10 <3
(He called himself a 10/10).
Ten hours later, you are sitting across from Jamie in a pub, laughing about growing up and whatever, all thoughts of Aleksander firmly gone from your head. 
He asks you out after flirting for eleven days.
You and Jamie have a certain level of comfortability that comes with knowing someone for so long. Neither of you feel like you have to pretend. You just live with each other, and it is the best. 
You’re on your fifth date, and second one at his house when, as you get up to go, he catches your hand and says, “Stay,” in a voice made gravelly by kisses.
You let him pull you back on the couch, and you do.
You end up staying a lot.
You’re together for a year, when, sitting on that same couch, Jamie says, “Playin’ West Ham next week.”
The marker in your hand slips from where you were coloring his tattoo. “What?”
“We go against West Ham next week. Wanna come?” Jamie asks, oblivious.
You trace the design on his right forearm. “I do, it’s just- Aleksander’s gonna be there. As their goalie. And I’d rather not be there to hear what he has to say to me.” You look up at Jamie. “It’s not because I don’t want to be there for you. It’s that- well, he, he always has things to say about his exes. And it’s not kind. I don’t really think I can handle it right now, you know?”
Jamie looks at you thoughtfully and nods, slipping his hand into yours. 
“D’you want to stay here while I’m gone? ’Stead of hanging around your flatmate. Might be nice to have a break.”
You smile, squeeze his hand and reply, “Sure!” grateful that he’s not pushing it.
Jamie grins back. “Good, I hate coming home to an empty house. Always hearing sounds like there’s ghosts or some shit.”
You laugh and shove his arm playfully. “And here I thought you were being completely selfless.”
It’s the day of the West Ham game. You’ve stolen one of Jamie’s jerseys from his closet and are on the couch with the largest bowl of popcorn known to mankind. You’re a little nervous to see Aleksander on the screen, but it’s overshadowed by your excitement to see Jamie play.
A quarter into the game, Jamie starts making his move. The team gets the ball near the goal, he shoots and-
He’s blocked by Aleksander.
Aleksander goes up to Jamie, and from your screen you see him ask a question and then make a lewd gesture.
Jamie’s face goes bright red and in an instant, Colin is holding him back from hitting Aleksander.
You see Jamie be pulled away, then watch him jog over to the coaches. Here’s what you don’t see:
“Permission to be a prick, coach,” Jamie says, still seeing red. How dare that dickhead say something so disgusting about you.
“Fuck no,” Roy says in a tone that says no arguing. 
“Coach,” Jamie says, because he’s never been one for self-preservation, “if you don’t tell me to be a prick, I’m going to be one all by meself, so I really think it’s better if you just give me permission.”
Ted, Beard, and Roy look at each other. Ted nods. “Alright Jamie, if you think that’s best then I guess, uh,” he holds up his middle finger behind his jacket. Roy and Beard follow suit, and Jamie smiles.
The game’s back on and you watch Jamie get going again. He kicks the ball and it hits Aleksander in the worst possible spot.
“Ooh!” You cover your mouth with your hands. That looks like an accident, but you know it’s not. There was a closeup of Jamie, and you can see that glint in his eye. He’s being a little prick.
He goes up to Aleksander to “check on him,” and whispers something in his ear. Aleksander, still doubled over in pain, nods. Jamie slaps him on the back a little too forcefully, then swaggers away, tongue out. 
You’re going to ask him about it when he gets home.
Richmond loses, and when Jamie walks into his house you’re on him in a moment. His hands are tangled in your hair and you’re tugging on his shirt and it’s not till three hours later, as you’re laying in bed playing with his hair, that he says, “I don’t regret it.”
It takes you a moment. “What?”
Jamie’s laying on top of you so he pushes himself up a bit to meet your eyes. “I don’t regret kicking that ball into that dickhead’s dick. I just wish I could have kicked him harder.”
“What happened out there, Jaim? You were mad-mad.”
He shakes his head slightly. “What do you think? That fuckin prick asked me a dirty question about you, and I lost it. Didn’t care about the game anymore. Didn’t want him to think he could fuckin get away with it.”
He looks so distraught and sincere that you can’t help it, you have to kiss that look off his face.
“I love you, Jamie Tartt,” you whisper. His face turns devilish.
“Mind showing me just how much?” he asks and you dissolve in a fit of giggles as he begins to pepper kisses along your neck.
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jaegeraether · 6 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 31)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (29)
Masterlist (other parts here)
YFN eventually managed to find a car park and carefully park Lucy’s car. Still no phone call. It was now 6pm.
She turned the car off and sighed her stress, placing her head on the steering wheel. She didn't want to text, and now she didn’t want to call. Was Lucy ashamed that she’d been caught on camera with Ona? Was their relationship more serious than she realised and Lucy just didn’t know how to tell her? Was she just a convenient fling in England for her? Perhaps an easy break without emotional complications was for the best.
“You’re okay,” she whispered to herself. She heard her tears hit the centre of the steering wheel. “You’re going to be okay. This is why we don’t let people in, Blue.” She sniffled. “It hurts right now but we’re going to be fine. We always are.”
Talking to herself out loud always helped her when she was a kid, trying to understand the strong, scared emotions her father stirred in her, and she’d carried that on into adulthood.
She sniffed again and lifted her head, wiping her tears and attempting a smile for her colleagues. She knew that if she stayed in that car, she’d just fall further into that emotional wreck, and so she grabbed her equipment and entered the stadium.
The game hadn’t even begun yet, it was scheduled for 6:45pm, so she had time to get through security with her pass and head to the bathroom where she tidied herself up and made the decision to take Lucy’s hoodie off, and switch to a Lumos hoodie. It just felt like the right thing to do. She folded it carefully and placed it in her workbag, with the intention of leaving it at Lucy’s apartment that night. She figured it would make sense to leave the keys there as well, though her main concern was the car. She didn’t have one.
YFN: Hi Joe, any chance I can take you up on that previous offer for a work vehicle?
Joe was always working. She replied almost instantly.
Joe: Absolutely! I’ll get onto that first thing in the morning.
Joe: Also, I’ve had a look through the footage from tonight. It’s excellent.
YFN: Thank you, I appreciate it.
YFN: You picked some incredibly talented people for the job.. I can already see a need for a lot more people.
Joe: Just let me know what you need. I have a lot of faith in this.
YFN knew Joe was someone who poured her heart and soul into whatever she did. She was intelligent and a smart businesswoman, though the words from the twat, Mark, at the Charity Event had stuck with her. She knew she had to ask Joe what he’d meant when he’d mentioned “the controversy she brings”, though she knew it was best for another night, and perhaps not over message.
YFN: I do too. I was also roped into doing our first interview with a few of the Arsenal and City players. I’ll send you the rough footage now.
Joe: Looking forward to it!
YFN sent the footage and entered pitch side where the teams were warming up and was happy that the weather wasn’t nearly as cold as it had been the previous matches. Emily spotted her first and came over to chat about the best photo spots, while Bridget was scouting around the entire edging of the pitch the find the best video positions. She eventually looped back around to them to join in on the work discussions.
It was during their discussions that YFN noticed a photographer taking footage of them all together. She’d never been to Broadfield Street Stadium before and so she assumed it was perhaps someone from media for one of the teams, however he was incredibly persistent and focussed on the Lumos trio. YFN didn’t want to worry the girls, and so she finished up their discussions and let them get back to getting footage of the players during their warms ups.
As warm-ups finished, YFN took a few final photos of the teams and looked down at the images, proud of the action shots. It was then that she noticed Mary Earps walking over to her. She’d spoken to Mary at the pub quite a lot, having been introduced through the England squad. She was the goalkeeper for Man United, and for the Lionesses. Mary, Queen of Stops.
“Hey, you! Good to see you! How are you mate?” She went straight in for a hug. Mary was lovely and caring, as always.
“Hey Mary. I’m great besides the very long day I’m having.” She laughed. “You were looking pretty solid in warm ups.”
“Aw thanks mate!” She said enthusiastically, hands still on her shoulders and giving her a little shake.
“I have no idea how you jump so high or so quick and the speed that you get up… I was worn out just watching you!”
She laughed at that. “Aw you’re too kind..” then she whispered, “I’ll give you a tenner later.”
YFN rolled her eyes. “Still struggling to accept compliments, I see!”
“Always mate. It’s just so awkward! Anyways, you girls are looking so cute in your little merch. Any chance I could have a beanie?”
“Oh course.” YFN chuckled and grabbed a beanie from her merch bag before putting it on the keeper herself. “Look at that!”
“Do I look cute?” She asked cheekily. “I look cute, don’t I?”
“You’re adorable.” She laughed. “Do they put you up in hotel overnight for these late night games?”
“Oh, yeah. They’ve booked us in London though so it’s a bit of a travel. Late night for us. Where are you staying?”
“London also.” She shrugged. “We probably won’t be home until 11pm.”
Mary groaned and she joined in. They bantered for a little longer until Mary was called into the training rooms and ran away excitedly with her little beanie on.
The game was fairly evenly matched, which was a surprise as Man United were a notoriously a hard team to beat. Because it was so back and forth, the Lumos crew including YFN found themselves running up and down the field for the best footage. It was almost comical. Almost.
At half time, Brighton were up 1-0 and Mary looked disappointed in herself, regardless of the fact that she’d made some incredible saves. Following the break, there was a 2nd yellow given to yet another United player, and it wasn’t until both teams had made multiple substitutions that the next goal was scored, and it was a United goal. 10 minutes later Brighton scored their 2nd, however United managed to equalise again in over time, ending it in a 2-2 draw.
The whole game was entertaining, especially watching Mary have to make so many saves, but also uncomfortable as YFN kept noticing that one photographer who was still taking photos of Lumos around the pitch. She didn’t understand until when they were nearing the end of the game, and she saw a businessman in a suit talking to the photographer and pointing to her. She hadn’t recognised him as he walked down from the crowd, but she had when she saw them talking a little closer to her. It was Mark. Mark from the Charity Event. The one who had basically warned her about Joe without actually warning her. He looked up from his photographer and caught YFN’s eye. Usually it would be normal to smile and wave, but he didn’t. He simply stared with an expression on his face that she couldn’t decipher. Whatever it was, it wasn’t positive.
From then on, she tried to move further away, working her way around the edge of the pitch, however the photographer was always close behind, following her. She felt uneasy, however she was glad he was focussed on her and not her colleagues. She tried to keep him far away from them.
At the end of the game, Mary came back over for her usual, friendly chat and brought Katie Zelem and Ella Toone with her. They were all Lionesses, having played in major tournaments together, and she'd met them all at the pub, so it was a great, natural banter they had about the game. Somehow, she was also roped into doing an interview with the three of them, after Mary had seen that she’d interviewed others and insisted on it, fakely threatening favouritism if YFN didn’t. Bridget came over, they set them up with mics and the ‘interview’ was basically a good chat about all things in the match. YFN realised how much she loved the dynamic of interviewing multiple players who would tease each other and bounce off each other. It was the perfect, relaxed setting. She also made sure to not ask too many questions about the game, preferring that the girls talk about whatever they wanted to about the game to avoid the typical media response. It wasn’t lost on her, however, that Mark’s photographer was filming everything. She put on a brave face for the camera, smiling and laughing with the girls, but felt uneasy.
They all parted ways and Bridget, Emily and YFN didn’t hang around long as they’d all had long days. It was now 9:30pm and they still had a 90 minute drive back to London. They agreed to do their editing tomorrow and call it a night. As YFN entered the car, the hair on the back of her neck stood up as she saw a car parked behind her, on and idling, as if waiting for her to leave. It was strange because most of the car park was already empty, and it was right behind her. One look in the driver’s seat and she could see who it was. The photographer.
She tried to keep her fear under control as she entered Lucy’s car and locked the doors. She immediately felt better but that all went away when she found herself on the M23 being followed.
She told herself to calm down and that they were probably taking a different exit, but they weren’t. They followed her to the M25 and all the way back to towards Lucy’s apartment.
YFN was starting to get scared and ran a cheeky orange light to lose them, which worked. She parked up Lucy’s car and entered the apartment, feeling like she didn’t belong. She turned the lights on and put the keys down near the entrance as she wandered into the beautifully modern place with her overnight bag over her shoulder. She looked around briefly and was reminded of the few happy memories. Sex here. Flirting there. Making out here. Massaging Lucy’s knee there. Making breakfast there.
She shook her head as if it would remove those memories and entered the guest bedroom. She couldn’t bring herself to use Lucy’s bedroom. The one they’d cuddled in and done much worse things in. She unpacked the few items from her overnight bag and looked at the time. Just after 11pm. She needed sleep. She quickly showered and then got dressed into a pair of pajama shorts and a loose top by itself, no bra.  And socks, of course. She always needed socks.
She went to get some water and then found herself fighting a losing battle and letting curiosity and her emotions get the better of her as she entered Lucy’s room. She didn’t pry, she just… looked. Remembered. Then she went into the bathroom which was still filled with Lucy’s face care all lined up and… a blue toothbrush. Like the one she’d left at Jordan’s. YFN picked it up slowly and stared at it before her lips trembled and she gave in to those emotions from the previous few days.
“You’re okay.” She whispered to herself in between sobs. “You’re okay… it’ll pass, remember? You’ve got this.”
Suddenly she heard the front door and ran out as far as Lucy’s bedroom door to see the front door handle shaking, someone palying with the lock. The photographer? Or Mark? She didn’t call out because that would be an admittance that she was in fact there in the apartment. Instead her reaction was to close Lucy’s bedroom door quietly and then move into her bathroom, shutting that and entering the shower. None of the doors had locks and she’d never been more frustrated or scared in her life. She stood in the shower with her back to the corner of the wall, and looked down at the blue toothbrush that was her only form of defence. She couldn’t fight a man.. especially with her being so small.
She heard footsteps and could feel her body shaking as the bathroom door swung open.
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its-opheliasgarden · 10 months
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Another Day at the Simblr Office (@kashisun)
Meet Brielle 'Bri' Okumura (28). The Head of Creative and Curation at The Simblr Office (San Myshuno Campus), Bri leads a team of 8 and radiates 'girl boss' energy, but slightly less toxic. She's impatient and direct so don't bother scheduling a meeting without an agenda. And yeah, she's a little too self-absorbed at times, but she knows she's good at what she does. Her inbox has 25K+ unread emails...so just ping her on LlamaPack (aka Slack) and maybe she'll get back to you.
Monday: Prep for quarterly performance review with CMO and lead 2024 business plan kick off meeting. Tuesday: WFH and scout filming locations in Uptown and Fashion District. Squeeze in coffee date with the bestie, Kenny. Wednesday: Lead panel discussion at Digital @ Del Sol focused on 'Evolving Omnichannel Campaigns and Digital Ecosystems'. Thursday: Guest lecture class, 'O RLY? The Power of Memes' at Britechester and attend alumni happy hour at Pepper's Pub. Friday: WFH at the Tipping Point in Spice Market District and check out at Spice Festival. (She's a foodie!)
I'm beyond late but here's my entry for the Simblr Office prompt. Such a fun idea and spent two days building this out and the some work badges (while will be featured soon)!
Thank you @kashisun and @thesimblrofficedirectory! Also late to this trend (per usual), but loving combo of @vyxated reflective CAS background with @helgatisha CAS lighting (V1).
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Captain Levi One Shot
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A/N : Takes place like 10 years before the AOT universe, please don’t fact check my shit I know some of it doesn’t line up with cannon lmao. In this Petra is not yet a part of squad Levi.
I’m thinking about doing a series of one shots for this version of Levi x reader but would love some feedback!
26f reader x 29m captain Levi
content warning: alcohol , hangover vomiting (so sorry), blood, minor injuries, masturbation (both f and m)
You had worked so damn hard. You had worked so hard for almost 10 years to get where you are.
Graduating as a part of the 95th corps of cadets, (#3 in your class none the less), you took on the challenge joining the scouts. You took on the challenge of knowing your best friends, your adopted family, would die. You could’ve had a cushy life as an MP and never lay an eye on a titan but no, you just had to be brave.
10 years is a long time to last as a scout. Only a few have lasted longer and you’re wondering when it’ll be your turn. You’re nearly 26 at this point, are you going to have to slow down?
Your superiors decided to throw you a party for hitting the 10 year mark. A get together at a pub in town that closed for an evening to be private for all scouts and military that wanted to come. The ones left of your cadet class came, plus most of the scouts since you were a friendly face and a great mentor.
Hange and Petra were two of your closest friends, they made you a cake! Everyone else was buying you drinks and having a great time. You made your rounds to thank everyone for coming and say hi.
You go up to the table in the corner last, being the most intimidating of the group. Captain Erwin, and a few from his troop were seated including Miche, Gunther, Tomas, Eld, and Dieter. Oh, and the dark storm cloud in the corner, Levi. Captain Levi.
Something about that man, you can’t tell if it pissed you off or if you were attracted to his stormy look. He has only been in the scouts for a few years but, he has far surpassed everyone to earn the title of Captain and earn the special operations squad. He didn’t have a ton of respect as a leader, considering his past which always came about in hushed whispers and stolen glances.
“Ah Miss L/N!” Erwin booms as he watches you approach the table “the celebrity of the evening has graced us with her presence!” Yeah, he’s definitely had a few drinks. You give most of the table a hug before Erwin booms “Excuse me,,, Excuse Me! Yeah I’d like to make a toast to celebrate one amazing scout, y/n l/n”
He turns you around to face everyone in the pub and you catch Levi’s eye for a second, letting a soft smile show. Your drinks and shots everyone had been buying you are catching up and you catch yourself blushing at Levi’s lingering eyes on you. If only you knew why.
As Erwin goes on a great toast speech about how much you’ve grown in 10 years, how great you are, etc. you can’t help but feel immense pride, something you’re not used to as a rather insecure person. Then your attention gets roped back in as Erwin places his hands on your shoulders give you a little shake like a proud dad.
“So to finish my toast, I want to congratulate miss l/n on becoming the newest member of the special operations squad under captain Levi.”
Your jaw drops as the pub errupts in loud cheers turning around to give Erwin a huge hug, since he is the highest rank here commander shadis must have trusted him with this information.
The raven haired stoic man stands up from his seat and comes closer to you and gives you a crisp salute which you mirror back. Probably not as crisp with the way you feel a little wavy. He then sticks his hand out for a handshake as you grab ahold he speaks, “welcome to the team kid.”
You smile at him “Thank you sir! The pleasure is mine!” He’s going to teach you to be less formal with him eventually but appreciates your response for the time being.
You are both surprised at your impulsive decision of deciding to wrap your arms around his neck, giving him an enthusiastic hug. You swear you feel his chest let out a chuckle but hear him grunt, “tch, get off”. You pull away ready to apologize but see a little smirk on his face as he sits back down. All of Erwin’s table saw the encounter and chose to avoid eye contact. As you giddy-ly ran over to Hange and Petra to celebrate.
The rest of the night consisted of singing, dancing, drink-offs with some of the men, and if you weren’t crazy you could’ve sworn Levi was keeping a close eye on you.
Once closing time hits you and some of the scouts you were close with stumbled back to your base. Levi, Erwin, and Miche suspiciously decided to leave just as you were. Following not too closely behind you.
As you get back to your room and ready for bed you stumble a little as you put on your pajamas of a tshirt, no bra, and booty shorts. You’re humming to yourself as you put the uniform from today aside to wash and about to crawl in your bed that looks soooo comfy when
*knock knock knock* gently taps on your door
Assuming it is Petra or Hange drunk you giggle walking up to the door. You swing open the old wood, creaking to your surprise is your new captain.
“Soldier. Sorry for stopping uh unannounced. I wanted to give you this since you looked like you had fun tonight. Integration starts tomorrow at 8 AM.”
You form a salute, right hand over your breast as your dainty nipples show through your white tshirt. He pretends not to notice, suppressing the urge to look at your body he has never seen outside of uniform.
“Thank you captain. I hope you sleep well. Goodnight,” your voice sounds like silk although raspy from singing and yelling all night. Nobody has ever wished him a good nights sleep and he is a little dumbfounded. “Goodnight l/n” he whispers as you gently shut the door on him.
He brought you fruit and some water in a nice basket, surely that will help with your hangover that you’ll have to figure out by 8 am. You think of all the things people whisper about Captain Levi, how he’s a heartless monster, incapable of feelings, barely human. You can’t believe them and decide to put your utmost respect into your captain, wondering how he put together something special like this in such a short notice.
The next morning you are awake at the break of daylight, about 7 am. This gives you an hour to get cleaned up eat and get to the training grounds, but god do you feel like shit. As you’re about to get in the shower you feel your stomach bubbling and make it just in time to the bucket to throw up. Well throwing up sucks, but at least you feel a tiny bit better. You get a rather quick shower and throw your hair into a low bun with some pieces sticking out and put on your uniform. Eating an apple and drinking water that Levi brought you in the early hours of the morning. You decide ultimately that this is your fault for drinking too much, and hope since it is the first day of integration Levi would take it easy on you.
Oh, how you were so wrong.
“L/n, you look like shit.” Your captain spits harshly.
“My apologies captain.” You say not looking him directly in the eyes with your hand over chest in salute.
“10 laps around the field to get started.” Oh god you have to run while hungover, but you can’t tell him no. Maybe this is some type of test to him? He knows how much you drank last night because he was keeping a watchful eye on his new team member. You begin running as Miche and Levi chat, quietly enough you can’t hear them over the pounding in your head.
Just as you hit the sixth lap you feel a bubbling in your tummy again. Oh no, not in front of him. Before you can even try to hide it, you’re doubled over throwing up the rest of the contents in your stomach.
And then, silence. No Miche and Levi chatting, no background noise from the base, just silence. This has to be a test. He wants to see if you’ll keep going or give up on the very first exercise. You use the backside of your jacket sleeve to wipe your face and begin the 6th lap. You’re half done, just push through.
As someone who typically doesn’t struggle too much with running you are shocked at your inability to hold yourself to a high standard this morning. You nearly collapsed as you finished the 10th lap. Bent over with your hands on your knees you wait for Captain Levi to address you.
“Next you’ll be timed on your ODM gear maneuvering through the dummies.” Your face goes pale at the thought of flying through the air right now, but you don’t have a choice. “Yes sir” you respond breathlessly standing up fully again.
You don’t notice the goosebumps that appear on Levi’s skin when you call him Sir or Captain, and he tries to ignore them. Watching as you strap on your ODM gear as you struggle with a particular thigh strap, he sulks over, looking down at your gear. Your big eyes look back up at him, still fumbling your fingers at the same time.
“Here,” he takes over where your hands were, grasping the leather straps tightly and fastening it together so that it squeezes your nice thighs just enough.
“You look like shit,” he says lowly, finally making eye contact with you.
“I’m so sorry sir, is there something wrong with my uniform? How can I fix it?” You ask like a good subordinate.
“Don’t drink the night before training.” He says turning around not looking at you anymore.
You scoff in disbelief at his words, and he waits for your next move.
“My apologies again Captain, but I was not aware of my promotion until last night and not aware of this training until I was already home from the pub. I think it’s rather unfair to-” you’re cut off by the lightning quick movements of the captain who is now gripping your collar of your uniform jacket, almost lifting you off your seat.
“Rule number one - don’t talk back to me” he growls inches from your face.
“Rule number two - always be prepared as a part of squad Levi. We are the special operations squad for a reason, we could leave at a moments notice.”
“Rule number three - you must always look and act your best for training.”
All the while he spoke down to you staring into your eyes. You didn’t dare looking away from the steel gray eyes boring into yours. “Yes sir” you squeak out. He drops your shirt collar, brushing off the wrinkles he just created. And your ass collided back down with the bench you were sitting on. He begins to walk away with a “I’ll be waiting” as he heads towards the wooded area of the training grounds.
You’re trying to wrap your head around what just happened and how your superior talked to you like that when most of this was out of your control completely.
It was then you realized this morning was all one big test. To see how much you needed to be broken down in order for him to build you back up and form you into one of his soldiers.
But you didn’t ask for this promotion, you didn’t receive a warning, you didn’t even get to say bye to your old squad leader.
You try your best to hold your head high, cleaning your blades as you walk in the directly Levi walked a minute ago. Trying to push down all of the demons punishing you for your actions from last night. Mentally you need to get with it if you’re going to prove yourself to Levi this morning that you’re fit to be a part of his squad. You don’t think he’s ever watched you before, at least not in battle, per your knowledge. The last thing you need is him thinking you are a weak link in his group.
You finally approach him at the beginning of the course, trying to maintain cool headedness and confidence. After all you’ve done this course thousands of times over 10 years in the scouts. I mean, they change it sometimes but not by a whole lot.
Not even looking over at you Captain Levi says “I’ll start the stopwatch when you start going. Miche is on the other side to signal a flare once you make it to the end.”
You nod to your self, stretching your back and neck a little before you go. You bound off the ground propelling with as much speed as you can. Your technique is a little different from most, whereas you don’t necessarily have as much speed as you do strength. Your cuts are so deep and clean on the nape of the titan that you are sure fire a kill if you can just get there. You move easily from side to side due to your core strength and kind of look like a mix of a ballerina and a ninja on your good days. Your technique is just weird enough they don’t let you help teach the new recruits.
Flying, adjusting to the new dummies that pop up, it actually feels pretty nice and comforting to help your hangover. You finish the course with ease but your ODM gear fails to hook on one side as you hit the last row of trees. You’re thrown off balance and end up hitting the tree Miche was leaning on with a thud. Luckily, as soon as you made contact Miche shot the flare so you would get a better time, but you lay on the ground groaning. A little blood dripping out of your eyebrow and nose, and cuts on the arms of your uniform.
Levi had already begun swinging to where the ending point was but began speeding up after he ended the timer. He landed on his feet so elegantly and precise, making Miche laugh. Neither of the men helped you up for a minute as you laid there with your hand over your face, red from embarrassment but reminding you that you may throw up again or pass out at any moment.
“3 minutes 9 seconds. Not bad for…your current condition” he says leaning down to look at your face. “You’ll be doing this again when you’re through with your hangover, and I expect it to be spotless. With a much better landing.”
“Yes captain,” you groan. Not being able to hold yourself together much at this point. He grabs a cloth out of his pocket and hands it to you. You do your best to clean the eyebrow and whatever nose wound you have, it may very well be broken.
“Up next is hand to hand combat. Since you are already torn up, I’ll let you chose who you fight against rather than myself, but it has to be someone from the squad.”
The rest of the team was finishing up breakfast walking out to the grounds that hand to hand combat training usually takes place. You were supposed to meet the team and then get your ass handed to you by Levi, but I guess he’s feeling nice watching you try to twist your nose back to its original place. As you finally stand up off the hard ground you stumble a few steps before bending over to throw up one last time. Levi happened to catch you off balance and patted your back while you dry heaved a little.
Levi, the clean freak, comforting you? After you just fucked up your integration training? You brush it off and size up your potential opponents as you want over. You then realize, you’re the first woman to be a part of squad Levi . Is that why the captain is making you do all this? A sexist power move to make you feel inferior to the rest?
The squad is chatting as the three of you walk up to them and fall silent, all eyes on you. Levi brushes past you “everyone this is y/n l/n, she will be joining the special operations squad effective immediately. Right now she is sizing all of you up to see who she can handle in hand to hand combat.” You do your best to remain confident and not shy away as all the well accomplished men look over to you.
“Captain Levi” you pipe up with less courage than you thought you had.
“Yes?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“I want to go against you, Captain.”
The whole crowd of men goes silent, they think you have a death wish or maybe you already hit your head too hard given the dried blood already on your face.
“Fair enough l/n, I’ll give you a few minutes to get ready.” He takes off his uniform cape and jacket and set it neatly down next to where all the men are standing. You are busy unstrapping your ODM gear, moving to the side so you can set it down gently. You sign when you take all of it off, feeling 15 pounds lighter. You following Levi’s suit, you take off your uniform jacket as well.
This leaves both of you in your white button up shirts. You size Levi up and down, trying to determine when his weak spots are. You see the way his biceps move under the tight shirt as he undoes his cravat. The men of squad Levi are still just men, most of them looking at the way some of the buttons on the chest of your shirt are a little too snug so to your growing tits. You note to yourself to get the next size up shirt when you feel this happen.
You and Levi both walk to the center of the training grounds with most of squad Levi surrounding and a few others that happened to be walking around on this crisp Saturday morning. Levi gets settled in a fighting stance and you follow as he does. “Begin” he says in his low emotionless voice. You step closer to him to begin throwing attacks towards his upper body, most getting blocked but an attempt to elbow his side proved efficient. He throws a series of hits towards you and you manage to dodge a few of them, but are struggling to breathe after a solid punch to the stomach. You think this is a pretty fair match up until he says “tch is that all you have? I’m getting bored.” He speeds up his hit combos, giving you less time in between to recover as you do your best to land a kick on him. His reaction time is way better than yours, grabbing your right ankle and flipping you through the air to have you fall onto your back. You see stars as your head collides with the ground. He has not rendered you out yet, grabbing your arm and twisting it go go behind your back, using the fake little dagger they use for training and press it to your neck. Luckily, you both were facing away from the crowd of people.
“You really thought you could take me? I even gave you the option to fight someone else and you were so cocky you thought you could beat me? Tch, your form and performance today disgusts me. Dismissed.”
Levi stands up and walks back towards the barracks by himself, not talking with anyone and rather pissy it seems. The men left there disperse as you lay on your back trying to fight back tears, your hands covering your face. As soon as the coast is clear Hange and Petra run to your side. “We were watching from the building to see what would happen… I’m so sorry y/n”
So embarrassed, the only reaction you have is to grunt as they help you stand and help you back over to where your room is.
You collapse as they help you get into your room, exhausted and defeated.
“Y/n… do you wanna talk about it?” Petra asks softly playing with your dirt filled hair, head hanging in your hands as your slouched up against your desk.
“Please, I love you guys just I need to be alone,” you say back to them, and without looking up you hear them shuffle out and close the door.
You sit there with your head racing, trying to figure out where you went wrong. Yes, you were drunk last night but you didn’t even do that on purpose! And he could’ve told you earlier in the night so you could’ve stopped drinking and went to bed earlier yes, but he didn’t? This had to be a sick test.
What if Levi didn’t know you were joining his squad and this was some plan from the higher ups? What if Captain Levi didn’t want you on his squad at all and was trying to punish you today?
What if this is some type of hazing to get into the squad? And if you show up the next day or last a week you pass?
Why did your ODM gear fail? It had never done that to you before.
And yet, you still couldn’t bring yourself to dislike the stoic man.
You gather the strength and your belongings and head to the showers. Not lifting your head, you walk blindly the hallways to the showers, having walked the same way for 5 years since your 5 year anniversary when you were given your upgraded room. As part of your promotion, you were given access to the superior showers, dedicated to veterans and officers. As you’re about to knock on the door to see if it is occupied, the door swings open.
Of course Captain Levi had just showered, because he had come inside earlier than you and didn’t have to sulk about his performance. You do your best to muster up a smile and move out of the way for him to leave. You can’t help but look over his sculpted shoulders and biceps, down to his chiseled abs, and the v-line with a happy trail up the middle connecting to the pristine white towel covering the rest.
“L/n,” he says with no emotion, “showers all yours.” He remains looking at your face, noting the eye bags and bloodshot eyes. You must have been crying after your performance today, he thinks to himself. Combined with the dried blood around your eyebrow and nose, he thinks you’ll need a long while in there to recupe.
You nod to him, he walks away and you can’t help but notice his little back dimples as well. You proceed with getting undressed and warming the shower up, ready to sit on the shower floor and cry more. Peeling off the dirty white shirt that will need scrubbed and feeling the cold air against your skin was like stripping off the fuck ups of this morning. You relax under the hot water, watching all the dirt and blood wash down the drain.
Your exhaustion and embarrassment from the morning take over and you begin to sob, crying like you never have before. Not even holding it back, if someone was walking past they surely could hear it. You’re not even sure what you’re technically upset about the most, but right now crying is just what helps. At this point you’re leaning on the tile, out of breath, hiccuping like a child that just finished screaming for their lost mother. You work up the strength to begin washing your long hair foaming shampoo into it and scrubbing. After conditioning and washing your body you are officially exhausted. Wrapping in your two towels and begin the walk back to your room which luckily wasn’t too far. Maybe that’s why Captain Levi also wore his towel leaving the shower.
As you return to your room you look at the fruit Levi brought you last night and sigh. Why would he do that just to kick your ass? You throw on some comfy clothes and crawl back in bed with wet hair, drifting off for a nap.
Waking in the early afternoon, you stretch and yawn as you climb out of bed. You begin getting dressed to go to dinner in some of your casual clothes, luckily you don’t have to wear your uniform on weekends. You opt for a button up baby blue flowy dress with a navy sweater over top and your non-work boots.
Assessing the damage of your face in the mirror, you notice the bruises forming around your eyebrow and your nose. You have some scrapes up and down your arms which is why you chose to wear the sweater over. Your body aches. After all the years you’ve spent as a scout you’ve hardly ever had injuries this bad. Never from training though.
As you’re about to head out the door you notice a letter slipped under your door. You assume it is a silly note from Hange trying to lighten your mood. Your grin fades as you see who has signed at the bottom.
Please come to my office after dinner to discuss your performance today.
Captain Levi”
Your stomach sinks. In all these years you’ve never been called to your superiors office. You slip the letter in your bra under your dress and begin to walk to go to dinner.
Luckily Hange and Petra are already seated and you try to slip in without anyone acknowledging you. Given the ass beating you received this morning with a lot of the scouts watching, they can’t help but grimace at your bruised face. You opt for some soup, bread, and vegetables and sit down avoiding eye contact of your peers. Hange and Petra go silent as they watch you take your first few bites.
“Y/n,” hange says gently, “you look awful.”
You do your best to fake a smile to her, pretending like nothing is wrong. “Y/n, please don’t pretend like you’re fine…we’re here to talk,” Petra adds.
“I am fine. I had a bad day of training and I was hungover. I am perfectly fine and will be better by Monday.” You snap back at the both of them. With that they decide to change the topic, and talk about events that are happening in the town square tomorrow. Something about a show and food vendors and lanterns, it’s supposed to be a pretty big deal.
“Do you want to go y/n?” Hange perks up, crossing her fingers that you’ll say yes.
“Maybe, hopefully tomorrow will be better than today.” You try regaining your positivity and friendliness everyone knows you for.
“Someone put a letter under my door while I was napping.” You suddenly change the topic. Petra and Hange look at you with eyebrows raised.
“Captain Levi wants to see me in his office after dinner,” you whisper so nobody around you can hear. “What if I’m getting kicked off for my performance today?”
“I’m sure that’s the last thing it is.” hange says rolling her eyes and taking a huge bite of her bread. Petra sighs, “y/n, don’t look but him and Erwin have been staring at you and whispering this whole dinner.”
Of course you look up to meet steel gray eyes looking back into your own. Instead of shying away you hold eye contact, letting him be the one to break first and turning to Miche on the other side of Erwin.
“I’m not some sad puppy. I’m not going to let one bad day in 10 years determine my future. If Captain Levi wants me to put up a fight, then so be it. Just because I’m the first girl on his squad doesn’t mean I’m going to sit back and take their shit.” You are gaining your confidence back and are not going to falter and beg Levi to let you stay.
“We got the old y/n back,” Hange taunts to Petra, nudging you in the arm. You smile and ask them, “so what are your plans for tonight?”
After dinner you head back to your room to put a little makeup on. If this meeting goes well maybe you’ll go into town with Hange and Petra for a girls night. You find yourself wanting to look pretty, just in case, although you never cared about that before.
Levi is more than likely in his office now, as you watched him get up to leave shortly after you had the eye contact stand off. His office and sleeping quarters are just down the hall from you. You push down the butterflies growing within your stomach and sweaty palms as you grow closer to the door. You decide to stand there for a few seconds to control how fast your heart is beating and regain your composure.
However, in the time you stand there you hear noises from inside his office.
Typically if Captain Levi is in, he leaves the door opened a crack so people can welcome themselves in, but this time his door is completely shut. You decide to lean your ear up to the door to see if you actually heard something inside his room. Groaning and a slick noise can be heard, and you immediately blush backing away as quietly as possible.
Before you decide to turn around and go back to your room, your curiosity gets the better of you. You return your ear up to the door. Does Captain Levi have a girl over? Is it someone in the scouts? Your mind wanders as you listen to his beautiful groans and…wait… he’s by himself. Oh my god he’s jacking himself off. You hear him sliding his hand over his cock repeatedly.
You know this is wrong, you know you should walk away and pretend this never happened. But yet, you find a different type of butterflies growing in your stomach now. Not the nervous ones, but the horny ones. You’ve never thought about the captain like this and you know you shouldn’t but his voice is so damn sexy.. and the way you saw the water drop off his body after his shower today… you can’t help but imagine what he looks like right now.
“….y/n…” you hear the faintest moan come through the door and all the color drains from your cheeks. Does he know you’re standing there? No there’s no way he could. He’s getting off thinking about you. But isn’t that kind of fucked up considering everything he put you through today? Maybe he’s attracted to you and that’s how you got on squad Levi and it wasn’t your skills at all.
Your brain grows foggy, not being able to focus on all the ‘what if’s’ anymore but only able to focus on the heat growing between your legs. The speed of his strokes and the frequency of his heavy breathing indicates he is getting close. You feel yourself clench around nothing and right when you’re about to leave you hear it again.
“Fuck, y/n…” so faintly yet you couldn’t have imagined it, not twice. You hear a deep groan as you assume is him spilling his seed. Your mind can’t help wonder where he came, and what his cock looks like, and what he tastes like.
With that you are walking away from his door as quietly as possible and hurriedly walking back to your own. As soon as you’ve made it to your room, your cheeks flushed and so horny you can’t think about anything else. You lock the door and throw yourself onto the bed, pulling up your dress around your waist and lowering your panties. You haven’t relieved yourself in so long and you haven’t been touched by someone else in a few weeks. You run your delicate fingers up and down your slit gathering your wetness to spread it around your clit. Rubbing in small circles you let out a meek moan. The only thing taking up space in your horny brain right now is Captain Levi and the past 10 minutes that took place. You start pushing two fingers in and out of your tight hole thinking if it was him fingering you how it would feel. Would he talk down to you like he did when you were training this morning? The thought of that turns you on to a whole new level. You continue to get yourself off when you hear a distant pair of footsteps in the hallway. You can’t be bothered by how foggy your brain is to care if someone hears you. The cute squelching noises your pussy is making would be enough to send any man over the edge. Your climax is building up so fast you don’t notice how the footsteps come to a stop outside of your door. After another minute of keeping up your movements your orgasm washes over you and you can’t help but let out a throaty “Leeviii” as you feel your back arch off the bed.
You put your panties back on, wiping your hands off on a towel in your room and are finally catching your breath when there is a soft knock on the door.
Good god, the footsteps in the hallway, did someone just hear all that? You look in the mirror to check yourself before opening the door. It looks like you just ran a mile with the way your chest is moving and the blush that creeps across your chest up to your cheeks.
You unlock and open the door to find Captain Levi standing there arms crossed. Trying to hide the mortified expression on your face as the reality sinks in of the past 30 minutes you stutter as you go to greet him, “Captain Levi! How can I help you?” Smiling at him with a glow on your face post orgasm.
“I believe you received the note to see me in my office after dinner,” he sternly responds not an emotion in his eyes. Surely if he had heard you he would’ve at least blushed or something?
“Oh y-yes Captain. I’m so sorry, I stopped by but you were-” you cut yourself off realizing what you were about to say. “Um your door was closed so I was going to stop by again in a few minutes,” you hurriedly finish your thoughts, not being able to maintain eye contact with your superior.
“Ah well, I’m free now so if you wouldn’t mind joining me.” If you’re not mistaken he just smirked at you? Is he playing mind games with you? No there’s no way he knew you were outside of his door, but maybe he did hear you moaning.
“Yes sir,” you follow behind him as he begins the walk to his office.
Either Captain Levi is the cockiest motherfucker in the scouts or he is absolutely oblivious. Or is he a master manipulator? All of your thoughts race as you approach his door again. All the meanwhile you think about how you still can’t hate him.
As you enter into his quaint office you take in the scent of tea spices, a well organized desk and bookshelf, and a small table. You notice a garbage can under the desk with tissues in it and can’t help but wonder…
“Can I offer you some tea?” He asks, walking over to a door on the other side of the room with a tea kettle. “Yes please,” you respond and he goes through the door, which must lead to his sleeping quarters and some type of stove to heat water.
“Please have a seat,” he motions to the small table that has some scouts paperwork on it as he enters back into the room. “It’ll take a few minutes for the water to heat.” You nod, sitting as you try to keep your nerves under control. He is walking around the near space tidying belongings and disappears in the next room again. He comes back with a blanket and some firewood. Lighting a fire in the small fireplace. He hands you the blanket, “‘m sorry it gets cold in here when the sun goes down.” You nod to him placing it on your lap as you hear the tea kettle boiling in the next room over. Does he do this when he meets with all his subordinates? Surely not…. Unless he is as nice as you suspected he was?
Captain Levi returns with a tray with two tea cups the boiling water and a variety of tea bags. “Would you like to pick?” He holds the selection out to you. “Whatever you recommend, I don’t know a lot about tea,” you try to lighten the room with a little giggle but his face remains stoic as he picks two of the same tea bags, setting them aside before placing the tea cups on the table, filling them with the hot water and placing the tea bags in the cups. He sits down at the seat next diagonal from you at the square table, so you both are facing the fire. He then grabs the blanket off your lap, spreading it out so it covers both of you. Everything he does is so calculated, and you are at the edge of your seat to find out more about him and what this meeting is about.
Captain Levi sips his tea first.
He sighs and states without looking at you, “I’m sorry about this morning.”
“Please sir, don’t apologize, I understand it was my fault and I will do better.” You do your best to keep a positive smile on your face even though he isn’t looking at you.
“Another thing about being on my team, don’t fucking lie to me. I’d rather you tell me you’re miserable and hate my guts than be fake to me.”
You are taken aback by his words, you have never heard a captain or high rank want to be addressed less formally. “I-I’m sorry?” You stutter out. He ignores your apology. “Our squad eats every meal together. We all have our rooms around the same area which won’t be a problem since you’re not too far from here anyways. We train 6 days a week unless there is a mission or some sort of order from the higher ups. I highly advise no more drinking and no more romantic involvement with any men..er women I guess.” Still not speaking directly at you he is just holding his tea cup to his lips, not by the handle but holding his hand over top the rim.
“Yes, Captain.” You nod, and he finally looks over to you, studying your face. You grow self conscious until he says, “How is your face feeling? That looked like quite the tumble.” You chuckle, touching your eyebrow. “I think it looks worse than it is. I think I was more embarrassed than anything,” you shrug taking a sip of your tea.
“I know you probably think I’m out to get you, given your experience this morning.” He says still looking in your eyes. Before he finishes his thought you cut him off, “oh not at all sir!”
Levi ignores your objection, continuing, “We have to be the best. I treat my team like brothers. We’ll I guess..erm..sister now too.” He looks away with what looks like a slight pinkness on his cheeks.
“You’ve been in the Scouts for longer than most of our team. You have a good head on your shoulders, I just need to make sure you can keep up with us physically. That’s why I wanted to see how your injuries were holding up this evening.”
You nod, as this feels like a mental game of chess. Captain Levi survived in the underground for years, he is calculated, sharp, even scary smart.
“I’d like for you to choose someone to practice your hand to hand combat skills with over the next few integration trainings. You were pretty good but you have to get great.”
“Yes Captain… would you mind helping me with it? I’d like to learn from the best.” You grin and blush up at him.
“Are you trying to kiss my ass L/n? It’s going to take a lot more than flattery to get on my good side.” He looks over at you with a slight smirk on his face and a playful tone, one of the first times you’ve ever seen him like this.
“Then what else would it take? To get on your good side?” You dare start flirting with your captain, feeling awfully bold and somewhat unhinged after all the events that have taken place today.
“You’ll have to figure that out yourself,” he says in a low, sultry tone as his eyes look from yours down to your lips and back. He reaches his hand over and you freeze, but he wipes off some tea from the corner of your lip and retreats his hand back.
“So I have to ask… since you said you stopped by earlier. I heard some footsteps approach my door while I was attending to some … personal matters.. and it seems they stopped and listened for a few minutes. You didn’t happen to see who it was did you?” Levi smirks staring at the fireplace, knowing he has caught you red handed as your face blushes hard.
“Next time, just knock. I could have used some assistance. It sounded like you needed some to,” he has a shit eating cocky grin, being the master manipulator he is looking over to you with your jaw dropped.
Link to part 2
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world-of-wales · 6 months
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2 MAY - Princess Charlotte's 8th Birthday Portrait captured by Catherine was released by Kensington Palace. 3 MAY - Catherine, William and their children attended the Coronation Rehearsal. 4 MAY - Catherine and William travelled on the Elizabeth Line to Tottenham Court Road Station where they were received by Mr. Kevin Traverse-Healy (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). Afterwards, they visited the Dog and Duck Pub. 5 MAY - Catherine and William attended the Realm Governor-Generals and Prime Ministers Reception at Buckingham Palace. Afterwards, they joined The King in greeting the crowds at The Mall. Subsequently, they attended the Reception for Heads of State and Overseas Guests. 6 MAY - Catherine, William and their children attended the Coronation of The King and Queen in Westminster Abbey. Afterwards, they witnessed the RAF fly-past from the Palace Balcony. 7 MAY - Catherine and William attended the Coronation Big Lunch on the Long Walk. Later, they attended the BBC Coronation Concert and held a Reception following the Concert at Windsor Castle. 8 MAY - Catherine and were joined by their kids for the Big Help Out at 3rd Upton Scouts Hall. They appeared in the Coronation Portrait released by Buckingham Palace. 9 MAY - Catherine and William gave an Afternoon Garden Party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the Coronation of The King and Queen. 11 MAY - Catherine received Professor Eamon McCrory (Board Member, the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood Advisory Group) at Windsor Castle. Afterwards, they held a Meeting with Mrs. Alice Webb (Trustee, The Royal Foundation). 13 MAY - Catherine joined Kalush Orchestra for a special piano performance for the 2023 Eurovision Finale. 14 MAY - Catherine appeared in a Eurovision Performance BTS portrait released by Kensington Palace. 16 MAY - Catherine was received by His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Somerset (Mr. Mohammed Saddiq) as she visited the Kelly Holmes Trust to mark Mental Health Awareness Week. 17 MAY - Catherine visited her patronage - Family Action. 18 MAY - Catherine visited the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families where she was received by Mr. Paul Herbage (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). 20 MAY - Kensington Palace released a new portrait featuring Catherine with her bees to mark World Bee Day. 23 MAY - Catherine attended a Children's Picnic at the Chelsea Flower Show of the Royal Horticultural Society. 25 MAY - Catherine visited the Foundling Museum where she was received by Ms. Roxane Zand (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). Afterwards, she was received by Ms. Geraldine Norris (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London) as she attended a workshop with Kinship at St. Pancras Community Centre. 31 MAY - Catherine and William arrived in Amman for the Royal Wedding.
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h0rnyh0rr0rs · 3 months
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PROMPT 36 from this post (not my prompt post//not my header image either) requested by anon!
Tf2 Medic x reader (NSFW)
—reblogs (not repostings) are always welcome on my content :) —
,,You’re Mine.”
Synopsis: Medic and Reader have the base to themselves for the evening, more or less :)
Content: neutral reader, I tried to keep anatomy and pet names neutral, bondage, teasing, accidental exhibitionism toward the end (scout mention).
Word count: ~1,6k
You shivered as the cold air of the infirmary left your skin prickling, despite the thin layer of sweat beginning to cover it. Your back stuck to the examination table you were currently tied down to, wrists at either side of your head, legs spread open as Medic leaned between them. It felt like he’d been teasing you for hours already, as he kissed along your thighs, only barely tracing his fingers along where you wanted them most.
,,You’re just trembling, Liebchen,” you could hear the smirk in his voice, though you couldn’t move enough to face him. ,,Or perhaps I’ve been neglecting you? A bit sensitive, are we?”
He stood to lean over you, leaving kisses along your ribs and running his hands over the straps keeping your thighs in place- tight enough to squeeze though not so much as to cut off circulation. You couldn’t help the quiet sigh of frustration as his warm hands moved away from your sex as it ached with need. You flushed as your felt him smile against your skin, laughing slightly.
,,Patience, love, it’s not every night we’re given so much time to enjoy each other like this!”
It was true- the rest of the team had gone out to a pub in town to celebrate the week’s victories. You two had stayed back to take advantage of having the base to yourselves.
He stood back up, coming around to stand beside you at the table, smiling down at you as you shook and strained slightly against the straps holding you in place. Having him tease you like this, while you could nothing but watch, and wait, and endure, it was driving you crazy. It was only amplified by the fact that he was still nearly fully clothed, only his coat had been discarded, and the top few buttons of his shirt undone. You needed more of him.
He ran a hand back down your thigh as the other rested against your flushed cheek, before tangling in your hair. You nearly bucked into his hand as it moved to finally cup over your sex, so close but still denying you what you so desperately craved. Sadly, the straps held you firmly against the table as you twitched.
,,Yes, I suppose I have neglected you, Schatz. Look at how desperate you are, and I’ve barely touched you, poor thing,” his voice dripped with false sympathy as he kissed your forehead. He hovered there a moment as he teased your entrance, tracing circles without applying enough pressure to push in.
,,Ja, mein Schatz. All mine for the evening,” his breath hit your ear as he leaned down, running his lips along your neck. You jumped slightly as you felt him nip at your throat. ,,I want to hear you say it, Schatz. Tell me you’re mine,” he emphasised the order with a particularly rough circled pressed around your entrance, making you yelp, though he kept his voice light.
,,Yours! I’m yours, please-” you were aching for him to take you, you needed him to fill you. Desperate for more than the barely-friction he’d been giving you.
,,Perfekt, just like that, Liebling,” slowly, torturously slowly, he pushed a finger into you as he kissed and sucked at your neck, leaving tiny bruises over your collar bones with his teeth. You let out a shaky sigh as he began to quicken his pace, soon adding a second finger to pump in and out of you.
You moaned as he suddenly curled his fingers, only to be cut off by his lips over yours. He moved his free hand to grip the back of your neck, deepening the kiss as he groaned, feeling you clench around his fingers.
After a moment he pulled away, biting your lip softly. You whined as he pulled his fingers from you. He grinned down at you, looking slightly disheveled himself now.
,,Patience, I said, Schatz.” he pressed another kiss to your forehead as he loosened the straps that kept your arms in place. He didn’t release you, though you could now pull them down a bit from the edge of the table anyway.
He moved back towards the opposite end of the table, undoing the straps over your thighs, kissing the red indents they’d left before pulling you roughly towards him by your hips. He chuckled softly at the startled gasp that left you as he did.
,,I think you’re prepared enough for me now, ja, Liebling?”
You nodded enthusiastically, well, as much as the metal table that your skull rested against would allow. ,,Yes, please! Please fuck me,” you almost wanted to feel bashful, hearing the need in your voice. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care too much, as anticipation clouded your mind.
You heard him unzip his fly as he continued to stroke your thigh with his free hand. You sighed as you felt his head pressing against your entrance, just resting there, finally freed from the taught tent of his pants.
,,I want to hear you say it again, Schatz. Tell me how you’re mine.” He moved his hand to squeeze your hip, as the other stroked his shaft, having set a small bottle of lube on the cart beside the table.
,,Yes, I’m yours! All yours, please, Medic!”
,,Please what, Liebling?”
His teasing never took you by surprise, but it frustrated you to no end.
,,Just fuck me, please, I need to feel you!”
,,Of course, Schatz,” he gripped your hips harshly and suddenly slammed into you, making you scream, from both the stretch and the pleasure you’d finally been allowed. Thankfully you were well stretched and lubed enough that it hadn’t hurt too much, just enough to leave you breathless as you waited for him to move.
,,Oh, how I love the sounds you make for me, my dear,” he gripped your hips, likely leaving faint bruises as he did, slowly pulling out before snapping his hips foreward and bottoming out into you. ,,Just for me. Though I think you can be louder than that, ja?”
He pulled out nearly all the way, before hilting in you again, drawing a shaky moan from you as you felt your eyes rolled. It went on this way for a while, a rough though slow pace, quickly leaving your voice hoarse from the whines and moans that he pulled from you.
,,F-faster, please, Medic…” you could only barely put the words together in the quiet plea, head foggy with need.
He smirked, lifting your hips from the table as he quickened his pace, slamming into you against the table. Having nothing else within your limited reach, your fingers gripped your hair, as you felt your climax approaching, hard and fast. It seemd Medic could tell as much as well, as he changed his angle to hit inside you just perfectly, making you cry out as your orgasm tore through you.
You could feel his pace begin to stutter as his own climax drew near. He thrust into you a few more times before he finished, panting slightly as he pulled your hips off of him. He leaned down to kiss the inside of your thighs as you recovered.
It was at that moment the doors to the infirmary slammed open, breaking you both out of your post-orgasm fog.
,,Hey, doc, I saw the lights were on and I- oh-”
Scout left as quickly as he’d come in. You couldn’t see much with your limited movement, though with the straps being loosened you could sit up just enough to see the bit of blood that had been left on the door handle.
With a sigh, Medic stood back up and began to remove your restraints completely.
,,I should probably take care of whatever that was. Why don’t you wait for me in the bedroom, Liebling?”
He helped you down from the table, rubbing your wrist gingerly over the red marks the straps had left.
You nodded and grabbed your clothes from his desk, quickly making for the door taht led to his private quarters.
It was a bit jarring, though it was hardly the first time the two of you had been interrupted by a teammate- it was part of why nights when the two of you had the base to yourselves were so drawn out, to get the most out of them. Scout must’ve gotten into a fight or something in town, to be back so early and bleeding. Or maybe the two of you had also simply lost track of time.
You cleaned yourself off a bit, before changing into your bedclothes and settling down to wait for Medic to get back.
You found yourself absently tracing your fingers over the marks the staps had left across your body, where they’d held you. They crisscrossed over your thighs, your wrists and forearms, even one across your upper chest, bellow your clavicle.
It wasn’t long before you felt yourself getting worked up all over again, a hand running down to stroke between your legs as the other traced the reddened, indented texture of your flesh. You leaned back into the mattress, closing your eyes as you sighed, the knot in your gut steadily tightening.
You weren’t sure how much time had gone by, when you were startled out of your quiet by a hand gently taking your wrist. Apparently whatever Scout had needed didn’t take Medic very long to sort out.
,,Already ready for another round?” He sat down beside you on the bed, propping himself up with his free hand as he moved the other to rest at the crux of your thigh, just next to where you had been stimulating yourself. ,,and starting without me, how naughty, Schatz.”
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Imagine Matt "saving" you from a guy at the bar.
[tw: pushy guy, mild verbal harassment(?)]
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"I'll grab another round," you offer after drinking the last sip of your beer.
"Need a hand?" Foggy offers while aiming with the cue stick. He was always ready to help with anything and you didn't have to ponder how come his friendship with Matt lasted for so many years. Franklin Nelson was one of those people you can't not be friends with once you get to know them.
"I'm good," you answered and left for the bar.
Even though it was a Wednesday night, the venue was filled with people but only some of them looked like they had day jobs. Despite the bad reputation of Hell's Kitchen, nothing about the bar's patrons indicated they were holding a green card for the demimonde. The rougher those assumed criminals looked, the less they were interested in the white-collar guests. Maybe only in places with a monopoly on strong alcohol those two worlds can coexist.
You noticed some guy staring in your direction, leaning on the counter, but it was a bar, after all - it's hard to look anywhere without your gaze landing on someone. The bartender struggled to keep up with the orders, putting one bottle of beer in front of you after every other drink she made. Perhaps because the four of you were regulars, she figured that you can wait a little longer without leaving a bad review on Yelp.
"I'm gonna have to arrest you, miss," a stranger next to you said with seriousness in his voice.
What a bizarre way to make conversation, you thought. Turning around you were met with a quite average-looking man. He had longish blond hair, strong features and was wearing a leather jacket. There was a tear-shaped, red scar under his left eye. His eyes were drilling into your face as if he was trying to see through you. A shiver run down your spine but not one of the pleasant ones. Unocniously, you crossed arms on your chest, trying to put something between you and the man. He was standing sideway to the bar, on your left, blocking off your path toward the front door should you wish to leave.
"Excuse me?" you asked him. To some degree, you wished you had misheard.
"You're too beautiful," he answered with a self-assured grin. It seemed as if he wasn't comprehending the possibility of rejection. For a moment you wonder whether he was aware of just how off-putting his mannerism was.
You clenched your jaw and barely stopped an irritated sigh from leaving your mouth. Just don't escalate this, you thought to yourself.
"Thank you," you answered indifferently and turned away from him.
"You know, I never expected such an eye-candy to be spending her night in Hell's Kitchen's pub."
Looking at him again, you didn't answer right away. His statement, with a quite obvious offensive undertone, left you baffled. You thought to yourself that it was nearly impossible for someone to be that way on purpose. The man's haunting stare never left your gaze, sometimes failing at sneakily looking at your body. The stranger must have misinterpreted your silence as interest because he kept on talking:
"Would the lady mind if I bought her a drink?" he asked. "I'll tell you about the scar and you tell me why a beauty like you goes to run-down pubs."
"Thanks but no. I'm not interested." Although it's only a short moment, you notice him clench his jaw.
"Come on, I'm a nice guy. Scout's honour."
"Look, my friends are wai-..."
"Don't be a killjoy, sunshine," the man interrupted you. He tried to brush away your hair but you flinched away before his fingers could touch your face.
You were about to open your mouth to give him a last polite warning when you felt a hand sneak around your waist, shamelessly sliding down to your hip. The feeling of slightly coarse cheap cotton and musky cologne left you no doubts about your saviour.
"You've been gone for a while," Matt said without acknowledging the stranger. "You doing alright?" He softly kisses the corner of your mouth and you can't help but blush a little. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed and Matt was still capable of bringing that school girl crush out of you.
"Yeah, it's just a really busy night, see?" you answered and vaguely pointed to the mob of people along the counter.
"Yes, pretty busy," he said absentmindedly. "Sorry, did I interrupt you guys?"
"No, I was just about to come back to you."
The stranger didn't offer a handshake like most people do. You couldn't be sure whether he had realized that Matt was blind or simply wanted to be rude. For a moment, neither of them said anything. In your mind, you were already imagining a fistfight about to break out.
Assuming that the stranger had nothing else to say, Matt started pulling you away from the bar. The odd encounter, however, couldn't end without one more exchange of less than welcome comments:
"With a girl like her, you better get a double-barrel, man."
You felt his grip on your hip tighten, although you weren't sure if it was intentional. Matt wasted no time answering, his tone nothing short of challenging:
"I'm doing just fine bare-handed."
With one hand on your back and the other holding two bottles by their necks, Matt gently pushed you through the crew, listening to the angered heartbeat of the unknown blond man.
"What was the line of the day?"
Unmistakenly, you heard amusement in Matt's voice. Sometimes you thought that, maybe, he likes to be the envy of other men. Perhaps it filled him with some unknown to you sense of pride - that no matter how suave a stranger can be, it was still him taking you home.
"Apparently I have to be arrested because I'm too beautiful."
Matt chuckled at first but then slightly nodded his head in agreement.
"It's a lost case, the jury will surely find you guilty." You laughed at his words, admiring how natural it was for him to flirt with you.
Whenever Matt got all smooth and nonchalant, you quietly wondered whether he knew that he didn't have to do it; you had eyes only for him in the most embarrassing cliche way. It was, however, a lovely thought to entertain - that he wanted to still chase after your heart.
Because of the noise intrinsic to a bar's sole existence, Foggy and Karen couldn't hear your conversation until the two of you reached the pool table and so your friends were victims only to your very last, only half-joking, sentence:
"Would you like me handcuffed, mister attorney, sir?"
Karen coughed suddenly but Franklin seemed to be greatly unaffected at the less than unambiguous words. The blond man was focused on aiming the cue ball, although didn't take a shot before commenting on the question they had just heard.
"The day you two got together was the day I started to hate romance."
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