#puss in boots incorrect quotes
flippythegodzilla · 1 year
Death: I was attracted to you first
Puss: well I confessed first
Death: I asked you out first
Puss: well I was the one who said “I love you” first
Death, gets down on one knee and holds out a ring: I proposed first
Puss: well I… wait…. WHAT?!
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thegamingmonk · 2 years
Perrito: Now we call that a traumatic experience.
Perrito, turning to Goldilocks: Not a "bro moment".
Perrito, turning to Kitty: Not a "major L".
Perrito, turning to Puss: and not an "oof lmao".
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graspingremlinhands · 2 years
Perrito: Puss you could have died!!
Puss: I wasn't wounded that badly! The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood is supposed to be.
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zimulacrum · 2 years
Death: How do you living beings cope with mortality?
Kitty: Violent outbursts.
Puss: General sluttiness.
Perrito: Thanks to denial, I’m immortal!
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rainbow-beanie · 2 years
Puss in boots incorrect quotes, featuring team friendship
Purrito: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Puss, used to Purrito’s antics at this point: Sure...
Purrito: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Puss: Okay?
Purrito: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Purrito: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Puss: Jesus, that one is a little-
Kitty, interested: No, no, Purrito, keep going.
Puss: The first time I ever got upset in front of Kitty, she put her arms around me and it was so awkward that I had to ask her if she was hugging me or reaching for something on the shelf behind me.
Kitty: I was doing both, for your information.
Purrito: The first time Kitty hugged me, it was such a disaster we didn’t make eye contact for, like, a week after.
In the middle of planning a heist:
Kitty: You've been given a new job to do, but I'm worried it might make you upset.
Purrito: Just say it quick, like ripping off a band-aid.
Kitty: You have to teach Puss how to drive.
Purrito: ...put the band-aid back on.
Kitty: Remember! Curiosity killed the cat!
Puss: Yes, but you forget that satisfaction brought it back. So yes, Purrito, go find out if that thing can catch fire!
Kitty: You're a bad influence.
Puss: And you don't know your sayings.
Kitty to Purrito: First rule of battle, little one... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Kitty: okay, new rule, don’t do anything puss would do.
Purrito: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Puss: They do.
Kitty: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Kitty: But what about Purrito?
Puss: Don't worry about him.
Kitty: I once watched him fall down five flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his hotdog like nothing happened.
Puss: *sneaking in through the window*
Kitty: *turning in her chair and flicking the light on* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Puss, nervous: uhhhhh, I was with Purrito?
Purrito: *turning in his chair* Wanna try again?
Purrito: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Puss?
Puss: No.
Kitty: I do!
Purrito: I know, Kitty.
Kitty: I’m sad.
Purrito: I know, Kitty.
Purrito: Hold on! I’m having one of those things... a headache with pictures.
Puss: What the fuck?
Kitty: They’re having an idea.
Puss: So, Purrito is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.
Kitty: Why?
Puss: Because I've caught him trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.
Purrito, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
*Puss rushes by with an armful of water bottles*
Purrito: What's going on?
Kitty: Puss wouldn't drink water.
Purrito: ...And?
Kitty: And I asked him how fast he could chug an entire bottle.
Kitty: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Purrito.
Puss: You just said it again.
Kitty: I am not a role model.
Puss: Where are my fucking boots?
Kitty: Puss, purrito is around, can you say it a little nicer?
Puss, though clenched teeth: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING BOOTS!?
Puss & Kitty: Surprise! We're having a baby!
Purrito: What?!
Puss & Kitty: *pulls out adoption papers* It's you!
Purrito: You don't think I can fight because of my gender!
Kitty: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Puss can fight in that dress either.
Puss: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
Purrito: I have a bad feeling about this...
Puss: What do you mean?
Purrito: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Puss: No?
Kitty: That actually explains so much.
Puss: The results are in, I’m afraid you have updog…
Purrito: What’s updog?
Puss: Kitty! Get in here, I told you I could do it!
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Kitty: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are
Puss *crying*: it’s not a joke, I’m a legit snack
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maxwaspace · 2 years
Puss in Boots incorrect quote
Dulcinea: this is my beautiful husband Puss in Boots, he’s my angel and i love him so much
Kitty: this is Puss, he's my husband and he's not allowed out in public by himself anymore
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miniminecraftsteve · 2 years
Perrito: Goodnight Puss, don't let the bed bugs bite!
Puss: You know what, no. The bed bugs feast tonight.
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bichocanibal · 2 years
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Based on one of the incorrect quotes from @flippythegodzilla ^^
This one
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incorrectclonewars · 7 months
Ahsoka: I thought you were on a spiritual retreat.
Obi-Wan: Namaste. 
Ahsoka: And you're supposed to be dead! 
Darth Vader: I got better?
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twisted-dork · 9 months
Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse Incorrect Quotes #23 How General Lilia and Giyuu!Yuu meet in chapter 7
*This involves Female Giyuu!Yuu for plot they will use she/they pronouns don’t like don’t read*
*In the dream realm Giyuu!Yuu is wearing their old demon slayer uniform and old kitsune mask.*
Giyuu!Yuu was fighting with General Lilia when she knocks his axe out of his hand and points their katana at him.
So what does he do? He hits them with a branch.
Giyuu!Yuu: Aughh
Giyuu!Yuu removes their mask revealing her feminine features.
*The Soldiers Gasp*
Giyuu!Yuu: You hit me in the head
Giyuu!Yuu: WITH A BRANCH?!
*General Lilia flabbergasted*: Y-You are a woman?
Tanjiro!Yuu: ohhhh!!!
General Lilia: Woah
*Giyuu!Yuu puts their katana back in it’s sheath*: Amateur
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flippythegodzilla · 1 year
Death: What happened?!
Puss: Do you want the long version or the short version?
Death: Sh-short??
Puss: Shit's fucked.
Death: Okay, long.
Puss: Shit's very fucked.
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thegamingmonk · 2 years
Baby: You think you can tell me?! What to DO?!
Goldilocks: 5.
Goldilocks: 4.
Baby: Stop countin'-
Goldilocks: 3!
Baby: OKAY!
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graspingremlinhands · 2 years
Puss: Whoops...
Muerte: Oh no gatito whoops will not save you, we've long gone past WHOOPS territory. We are at MIERDA right now and you'll act accordingly!!!
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novelist-becca · 1 year
Belos: YOU’RE supposed to be DEAD!
Luz: I got better?
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rainbow-beanie · 2 years
Puss: hey purrito, what do you want to eat?
muerte el lobo, hiding around a corner:
T H E S O U L S O F T H E I N N O C E N T .
Purrito, without pause: a bagel!
Muerte el lobo: WHA- NOOO!!
Purrito, thinking muerte is hungry: two bagels! 😊
Puss: ??????
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