#pussygate or whatever
i love when famous people make fanart. i love u megan thee stallion
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2:01 am pdt 26 November 2022 Saturday 
{{updating 27 November 2022 7:09 & 10:55am & 12:14 pm pdt}}
still reading 📖 this (& the other link). I read a similar one this year.
2:30 am pdt 26 November 2022 Saturday 🪐
6:06 am pdt I’m upset 27 November 2022 I left this open to add stuff - probably 24+ hours 0_o. Minutes ago Added stuff but it didn’t save even though it has automatic saving feature. I have to start all over again. Read webtoons hooves of death ☠️ Sam Bragg, sirens 🚨 lament instant miso & tangent.. something, toy story sequel from 2010 ( in movie theaters 🎭 @ the time). I’m damned either way. Woody the 🪵 wood pecker. The floor is lava. Volcano 🌋 6:13 6:15am pdt
6:28 am pdt Also found a new comic before 6am pdt. I guess it’s a sign 🪧 I’m going to die soon. Lucky 🍀 me.
6:30 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday 🌞 ☀️ = sol? Is this my this my solmate? Soul sole solimente Solomon = autocorrect. Anderson. 6:33 am pdt.
7:09 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday ☀️
if fairytales 🧚🏽‍♀️ aren’t full of sh*t (pay phone ☎️ 🎶🎵) then how would we know we aren’t seeing what’s not really there? Holograms, hallucinations, mirages, Et cetera? He’s got to be good looking because he’s so hard to see 🎵🎶 Beatles?? Princesses 👸🏻 and the worn out dancing 💃 shoes 👠 Grimm fairytales 🧚🏽‍♀️ 50 times hotter in person??? @_@ how would I know even if I saw him in person if my eyes 👀 have been messed with to deceive me??? 7:19 am pdt see/sea 🌊 season evergreen 🌲 silver creek. 😭😞😖😫😭😤🥵😵 7:22 am pdt strange monogatari 7:23 am pdt
9:29 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday ☀️
I wish I could go somewhere with my family where they can’t touch us. 😭 he’s going to do whatever he wants which is hurt me, f*ck other women.
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blurry. 9:33 am pdt. 🦩🦚🐓🦜🦃🕊🦤 9:34 am pdt 9:35 am pdt he likes 2 rub it n my face.
saw this online ths year? Thru apple news app 📰 🗞?? I found it again thru ecosia.org ??
ive seen people use “gate” with things I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what that means. Now that I’ve seen that “whisper sweet nothings “ to a butt line for than a month I realized that this is very seductive & it’s not as bad (referring 2 an article title - labeling his sexting as kinda lame? What he did was still BAD - bad dog 🐶! Bad boy! Bad man!! 🤬😡6:13 pm pdt) as people initially think it is. He’s basically preying on very innocent minded women. Sliding in slyly with something that can b interpreted as humorous 😭😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😵😩😖😖😖😖😖😖😖🤬 & prob tricks us into our comfort zones. If he were to literally act this out, it would literally possiblyprolong titillation, draw out to thorough foreplay! It serve to become “pussygate” 🤬 bcz of its proximity to” the devil” to make out with. 🤬😡 10:06 am pdt it is in disguise 🥸. I have to imagine it to contemplate it’s potential? He’s a dog! 10:08 am pdt 🐶
10:54 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
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11:39 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
Making out with hot guys is the worst. Funny it’s a guy asking. Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies 🎼
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It’s only okay for them not us. He won’t say that out loud tho. Don’t count on him to be honest. Why would he really share like a nicolatian unless he didn’t want them anymore ?
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12:03 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday ☀️
looks like they had real s*x in the video .... why didn’t he marry her??
12:14 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
12:20 pm pdt 27 November 2022 incubus likes to psychologically torture me with things I cannot have Bcz he won’t allow me to have it. But he does whatever he wants. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have more than one baby daddy, but what can you do if the first one is a bad ass? Is marriage a trap for women? Is having sex with a man too soon a trap , too?! YES !! Don’t forget that!!!
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12:24 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
12:29 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
12:31 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
12:39 pm pdt tbh I think I would like to date someone (a man) up to 5 years younger (35 years old) than me. But that’s where I draw the line . & probably 1 or 2 or 3 years older than me (up to 41 years old). 12:41 pm pdt. Anyone who is rich I’d have to wonder if they sold their soul to the devil 👿 ... 🤷🏻‍♀️ 12:43 pm pdt you know Taken, Liam neeson. Why does anyone hoard money 💰? 12:44 pm pdt. Edited this part 1:35 pm pdt - to be clear about age range. When I was 18 I was interested in someone/a man 👨 5 years older than me. But now I’m older I 🔼 my mind. 1:38 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday.
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forevercloudnine · 3 years
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jasontoddsguns · 2 years
asexual batman
Maybe that’s why he doesn’t eat pussy.
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docgold13 · 3 years
Really shows how ass-backwards that mindset is. Batman can't go down on his most famous love interest because of whatever reason, But Rooftop hate-sex with Batgirl in The Killing Joke is A-OK.
I can't imagine pussygate is the kind of publicity that DC animation was hoping for.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
So how's DC's pussygate treating you on this fine day?
LOL. It’s mostly a non factor for me. I’m not remotely surprised by DC being predictably stupid about this and I’ve laughed at a bunch of the memes to come out of it but that’s about it for me. I’ll admit to being a bit bemused that there are people genuinely fighting about whether Bruce does or doesn’t and in comparison to which other heroes do BUT I am more than aware that most peoples’ eyes glaze over when I start to go on another rant about characters calling Dick things like Dickhead, so it’s just like whatever. We all have something LOL. But yeah it’s mostly just the latest in DC’s unending series of ‘it’s been 0 days since we last said something dumb’ for me. Business as usual.
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deathwish-koala · 4 years
Harry, the womanizer
Okay, I’ll admit it. When Watermelon Sugar hit the radio and I suddenly had to hear it everywhere, in my head I kinda went, “Jesus Harry, we get it. You like to fuck.” 
But I was just playin’! Joshin’ my boy! You know I love Harry, and more to the point, I think he’s a very thoughtful artist. I think he’s straining for an emotional truth in his work that he must constantly interrogate and shape--hence his propensity to change lyrics and cadence (the Spotify Singles version of Two Ghosts comes to mind) in live performance. 
I don’t really believe that his music, allusions to fruit juices aside, is mostly sexual. But even if it were--would that be a bad thing? 
At the ripe old age of nearly-27, Harry is definitely allowed to have sex, you know? Like all adults. He’s also allowed to sing about it. I have a friend who is a rather brilliant, cerebral young musician (And also an Aquarius! Go figure.) who has songs about sex, because sex is part of his life. Sex, beyond being fun when done right, is also a realm of extreme spiritual and emotional truth. It’s also...sexy. It makes for good music. We know this. So no harm done there.
A Note On Olivia Wilde
In recent days, Harry’s been photographed holding hands with Olivia Wilde. I have a lot of respect for Wilde, both for her longstanding activism and her career. On House she portrayed the first canonical bisexual I ever saw on TV, a massive moment in my life that made my heart hammer with a sense of recognition I was too young to really appreciate. 
Yet I can see why the current media setup--including a Vanity Fair piece dropped yesterday--might make some longtime Harry fans nervous. A decade ago, Harry’s purported involvement with Caroline Flack had fans frothing at the mouth. Whether the relationship was legit or not is hardly the question, and, out of respect to the tragic situation surrounding Flack, I wish to speak instead on the hideous media coverage at that time.
So much of what defined Harry’s media image as a teenager was sexual. The world very quickly realized, I think, that he is a massively charismatic person, but the extremely sexualized coverage he received was singular and disgusting. He could not so much as speak to a woman without speculation that they were involved. An exhausting burden for anyone, let alone someone so young and so suddenly exposed to the world’s scrutiny. In 2012 my mother very cheerfully read off that infamous “400 women in a year” headline to me and it made my stomach twist.
Beyond the closeting many suspected was behind this early media narrative, there was also the fear fans held of Harry’s predation. First Caroline, then Taylor--Harry was linked to older women all the time, and as we know, age gaps create power imbalances. Harry was still a teenager. It all seemed wrong. 
So perhaps the Wilde thing chafes, as we remember these wounds of old. Two things to consider, however: 
1) Harry is no longer any sort of child. He’s an adult man with a career that he has made conscious efforts toward maintaining. Time has ruled that none of his fame was an accident or mistake. He has chosen this path, treacherous though it may be, and that’s worth respecting. 
2) Essentially, he and Olivia Wilde are peers. For one, they’re co-stars, but they’re also both household names, both wealthy beyond imagining, both seemingly secure in their image and personhood. This is pure speculation, but I suspect they have a bit of an intellectual connection, whatever else they are.
It is not so unheard of that a person in their mid/late-20′s might date someone in their 30′s, especially if they share a career and relative position in society. The world is very large and full of people, and finding a person you connect with is a brilliant feeling. If that’s what they have, these two adult peers, then fantastic. And if it’s PR for the film they’re in together? Wouldn’t be the first time. Wilde is admittedly gorgeous. Who better to offer her their arm than a handsome man who cut his teeth as a young lothario? 
And Yet...
The womanizer image, grafted onto Harry in his days of earliest fame, has never sat right againsthsi skin. We certainly talk about it enough around these parts: Harry Styles starts each day with a glass of antioxidant rich Respect Women Juice, yet media (and many fans) would have you believe he wakes up, sees a lamp shade that looks like a boob, and just starts wacking it. If media was reality, Harry would have to be a bedridden compulsive to keep it up. 
Now, one can respect women and still have sex with a lot of them. Promiscuity is not inherently evil or immoral or filthy or wrong. Really, for me the question becomes, “How comfortable are you, dear HStyles fan, with speculating on the amount of sex he has?” 
We are all a little bit complicit in Harry’s sexualization through the years. Some of it is less okay than the rest. I’m not here to decide for you, but hopefully it’s become clearer over time what is and is not creepy, what is and is not invasive, what would and would not make Styles himself lose sleep if he knew it existed with his name attached.
The media, writ large, is more broadly complicit in this sexualization. In 2011, Alan Carr interviewed 1D for Chatty Man and--having already confirmed which of the boys was 18 and old enough to drink--begins to hassle Harry (not yet 18) about “pussygate,” aka 
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Black & white for nostalgia purposes.
Listen, I get it. You wanna take the piss out of the 17-year-old pop star, because it’s funny and silly and he’ll be embarrassed but cool about it probably. You wanna tease him. Because he’s a kid.
On their next interview with Alan Carr, Harry is once again addressed on sexual terms--”Harry, give us your gravy!”--that are playful but also pointed. By age 18, Harry had dealt with this for years.
Hi, Watermelon Sugar
Harry is not the only musician, not even the only member of the band, to have their personal life made a public topic. Superstardom in the 21st century is invasive to the highest degree. But it seems peculiar that the specter of hyper-sexualization chases Styles most everywhere, despite the decidedly non-sexual accolades and regard his career has gathered in the last five years, and despite the lack of flagrant behavior.
Perhaps this specter hangs on because of Harry’s emotional and sensual approach to music--I mean, he does talk about fruit juice a lot, and fabric, and flowers. In an interview with Zane Lowe, the friendly, stoney mood is momentarily dampened by Lowe’s assumption that Watermelon Sugar is about oral sex. 
“Everyone’s kind of figured out what it is about, the joys of mutually appreciated oral pleasure. That’s what everyone’s saying,“ Lowe tacks on defensively. 
According to some, Harry even confirmed as much at a different point. In the Zane Lowe interview, he denies it. 
For what it’s worth, In Watermelon Sugar is a post-apocalyptic novel by Richard Brautigan from the 1960′s. The book, a sparse narrative of a commune existing post-societal collapse, has been called “a parody of the pastoral” by Patrick Morrow. “This society may represent what modern man might wish it to be...but the distortion in the new society is also obvious and just as unattractive.” 
Harry has confirmed that a copy of the book was present during the genesis of the song. The shimmery, ephemeral lyrics--the fragility of sugar itself, easily melted--seem to hint at a desire to stay in the best parts of feeling while acknowledging that these moments are necessarily short-lived. In Morrow’s view, Brautigan’s book is about reality denial. In my view, Styles’ song is, at least a little bit, about the same.
So it’s not that the song isn’t about oral sex--it’s that it’s about more than oral sex. 
Or maybe it’s that oral sex is about more than oral sex. 
Or maybe it’s about nothing, and there are certainly those who choose to believe that. Still, it seems a shame that so much of Harry’s image continues to be wrapped up in that of the Don Juan, the Casanova, the Lothario. 
Really, he’s more of a Vonnegut. 
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the oc fandom is dying reblog if you love imagining weird guys having fucked up gay sex
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my moms puppy is so fucking funny she loves being held like a toddler, fireworks, and eating ants
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i kind of want to put i-69 on artfight.the urges
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finally sat down with my younger sibling so i can watch aot properly. these bitches are not serious enough about recycling
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my mom is wild bc she got a nose piercing pretty much on a whim a few years ago and has been planning a full sleeve for a hot second but the second any of my siblings or i talk about piercings or tattoos she has seven lectures on safety and shit, half of which are based on outdated science
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such a huge core memory is sitting in the living room trying on all like. four trash bags of hand me downs from my mom's friends kids a few years older than me and my siblings. and its soooo. like idk. affirming? something like that, to now be the older kids getting rid of stuff and our mom is gonna hand it off to someone with younger kids. take my cool clothes i dont wear little babby
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"look this character is trans they have top surgery scars" is so tired to me now sorry. with no thought put into the character's circumstances or Character or preferences and using it as a crutch for a visual marker its just flat to me now. took me a while of figuring out why so many transmasc hcs make me feel weird and i realized its literally not the transmasc part its how homogeneous the majority feel to me, particularly as a non op trans person with breasts. ok im done sorry for being a hater for a sec im just tired of it
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the more kitchen related responsibilities i take on the more i understand parents. i just braved a tummyache to make you this delicious chicken and you wont eat it because it smells kind of weird? what if i killed you
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i remain astounded by the time that a medical professional told me that me knowing the tourettes diagnostic criteria meant i "need to stay off google a bit more" or some shit.. girl What. i just enjoy knowing things. and when people say things that are wrong i correct them
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