#quarantine baking challenge
silversmoke-20 · 2 years
Hello, can I request headcanons for team rwby (or just blake and yang if that's too much) with an s/o that loves to cook and is pretty good at it? Sorry if this was not detailed enough.
Oh it's alright! I don't mind if it's detailed or not, just as long as it's simple for me to understand, Oh and I added in a special guest!
Team Rwby with a reader who loves to cooks
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Ruby Rose
Ruby loves it when you cook, and the best part is that you bake cookies that she likes!
Ruby would try to steal and taste test, only for you to slap her hand away as she runs away with a few giggles trailing behind her.
You tell her that you can only make one jar of cookies for the week and if she eats it all in a day, then you won't make more until next week.
Ruby would definitely save as much of your baked sweets as she can to enjoy as long as she can.
Whenever you finish baking cookies, you her the ladel and the cookie dough bowel for her to eat.
Ruby would definitely Would try to bake your favourite sweets as a thank you.
Ruby shares her cookies and you should feel honoured cause Ruby never shares her cookies with anyone! That includes her family.
Ruby would hug you and watch you cook from behind you.
Ruby is basically your hype girl whenever you're cooking.
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Weiss Schnee
Weiss enjoys your love for cooking and would oftentimes ask if she could help you cook.
Weiss obviously would hire you to be her personal cook.
She would basically buy you the finest ingredients on remnant.
She would challenge you to cook harder meals and you would gladly take those challenges.
She would no doubt say, "you are the best cook in remnant."
You once made a cake shaped like her emblem, and she loves it.
You ask Weiss if she likes to taste test and she would do it without a second thought.
Whenever she gets sick, it's hands on deck cause you are going to make her the most delicious soup she ever has.
Weiss would hire bodyguards to guard you when your cooking at her mansion cause she believes someone would assassinate you.
Weiss is basically the Type of girl who loves to watch you cook.
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Blake Belladonna
She's banned from the kitchen.
She would try to help you whenever she can so she can steal a couple pieces of fish.
By couple I'm talking about the entire salmon fish and you can't with her shenanigans when trying to steal the fish.
You love cooking seafood dishes and Blake loves eating that.
So when she wanted you to meet her parents, she was happy they accepted you.
So when you ask Kali if you could help cook she happily obliges.
Only to be surprised as she points at her husband and daughter and say, "You two are still banned from the kitchen."
You have never laugh in your life as you told Kali that Blake is banned from the kitchen back home.
Blake's parents loved your cooking and wouldn't mind having you visit whenever you get the chance.
Blake is the type to steal food so be on guard.
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Yang Xiao Long
This girl banned from the kitchen not because of her jokes.
You would bonk her head with teaspoon, ladel, and wooden spoon with a deadpan expression.
She would immediately run off if she notices you grab a jar of honey or anything that is sticky.
And Brothers her jokes are so annoying and yet they somehow made you laugh.
When you let Yang cooked well.....
Let's just say that kitchen was quarantine and gave you nightmares.
How can she set a glass of water on fire?! Cause a simple butter on bread to explode.
Yang is basically a terrible cook, but her terrible jokes makes you laugh.
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Qrow Branwen
He is scared of his bad luck ruining your cooking.
Quite the opposite as his semblance somehow helps you cook much more effectively.
So when telling him this, he is so going to help you cook.
And you love it whenever he gets confused when you ask him to get the ingredient you need.
Y/n: "pass me the cheddar."
Qrow: "the what?"
Y/n: "The shredded cheese."
Qrow: "the what now?"
Y/n: "y'know the Shreddie cheedie."
Qrow: "oh that! Here you go."
Y/n: "Thanks bird brain~"
Whenever Qrow wakes up, he would walk up behind you and hug you and rest his head on your shoulder.
Qrow is basically the man who gets confused with food and comes up nicknames for it.
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Hey! Are there any fics where Aziriphale and Crowley are already together but people / someone doesn’t know and like they find out? Thank you🤍
Hello! Here are some fics where their secret relationship gets found out...
A Tale of Two Professors by Aziwaphale (G)
Professor Fell teaches English Literature, he's the students favourite, kind and warm and always putting his students first.
Professor Crowley teaches Botany and tends to scare the first years when he yells at his plants.
They're both married, but the students can't seem to piece together that they're married to each other, not different people.
Better With You by WordsInTimeAndSpace (M)
Due to a petty feud between their respective department heads, Crowley and Aziraphale have been hiding their friendship for months. When they’re suddenly stuck in lockdown amidst a pandemic, Crowley is not coping well. Thankfully, Aziraphale is there for him - but their changing relationship means that keeping secrets from their bosses only becomes more of a challenge.
A Game of Rivalry by Spaceytrash (M)
Aziraphale Seraph and Anthony Crowley are both CEOs of their respective tech companies, with an age long rivalry to boot. At least that’s what the media thought. In reality their rivalry was nothing more than a game but what happens if the press finds out about that?
From Eden by allonsy_gabriel (T)
The first time Mr. Asa Z. Fell met Mr. Anthony J. Crowley, it was the twenty-first of October, 1872, they were both fourteen years old, and the latter boy had just climbed his way up onto Asa’s balcony with a slanted grin and said, “Well, that went down like a lead balloon."
A story about friendships, willow trees, anonymous letters, and discovering love against all odds.
Intermezzo by FeralTuxedo (E)
Music critic Aziraphale Fell is trying to break into the world of television, when he is signed to make a documentary about former-rockstar-turned-composer Anthony Crowley. It’s been eleven years since Aziraphale’s disastrous review of Crowley’s debut opera nipped his classical music career in the bud. He can only hope that Crowley will get over his admittedly justified grudge to make the TV show a success.
A classical music sex comedy. Yes, really.
The Big British Baking Bash by Caedmon (E)
Crowley (and Fergus) are hosts of the Big British Baking Bash, the most popular baking show on television. Aziraphale is a baker who has been selected to compete, and everyone is quarantined for nine weeks because of covid.
What on Earth is going to happen?
- Mod D
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burningchandelier · 9 months
L.S. Dunes, AI, and how we are missing the bigger picture:
After a day of heightened emotions due to the announcement of the Old Wounds music video, this is what I can offer. I have given this response a great deal of consideration and I submit these words respectfully. I'm not hiding the ball about where I stand: I do not support AI as it exists, however I do support L.S. Dunes's use of it.
There has been debate about whether or not engaging an artist who utilizes generative imaging is worth discussing at all, or if it is symptomatic of a broader problem. Something that I have not seen any widespread discussion of is the bands much greater history with AI. The truth is that without AI, L.S. Dunes would not exist.
Do I think AI is awesome? Absolutely not.
Do I think AI is a signature part of the artistic landscape of this era and something that we should acknowledge as a reality, like it or not? Yes, I do.
Beyond that, I believe that this is exactly the kind of thing that can produce provocative and interesting art when utilized in creative ways. I believe that it this is what art should do-- it should inspire outrage, fury, laughter, discussion, and challenge the context within which it was made. This is the burden and responsibility of art. It must make us question and engage with our world.
If the art that you embrace only ever leaves you feeling comforted, then you are not consuming art, you are hanging out in an echo chamber. You might as well go to a grocery store for the ambiance.
So, is it the responsibility of a rock band to eschew a problematic tool in the creation of their work? That is not for me to say. Personally, I view misogyny, racism, classism, the proliferation of drugs, and the promotion of neoliberal politics as problematic tools for the creation of art, and all of these things have been used for decades in rock music and videos.
Am I honor-bound to condemn every artist who has ever utilized any of these things? I would be hard-pressed to find a band or musician I could support.
Is it the responsibility of artists to make morally pure, ethically unquestionable material, or is it our responsibility as an audience, to decide for ourselves what we are and are not comfortable with and to act accordingly? This appears to be the dilemma and divide of the decade, if not the generation.
In the specific case of L.S. Dunes, the question of AI is baked into the foundation of the band itself. There would be no L.S. Dunes without AI. The band was started by Tucker Rule during the quarantine, when tours were cancelled.
During this time, the Rules were supported by Tucker's wife who is the chief of staff of an AI company.* Without her support, Tucker would not have had the creative freedom to form the band. L.S. Dunes would not have written or recorded any of their music. They would not have toured. Any of the positive experiences that their fans have had would not have happened.
Is it disingenuous to accept a band that benefited directly from the profits of AI, but to publicly decry their work when they experiment with it as a means of artistic expression? I do not believe that you can have your cake and eat it, too. I feel that you must either accept the band as a whole or not, but do so honestly and by making a conscious decision.
As AI continues to encroach into spaces both public and private, creative and commercial, we will continue to find ourselves with more questions to ask and answer. These questions will have greater consequences than how we engage with a rock band, but the ultimately core of these questions will remain the same:
What matters more: how we respond to an algorithm, or how we treat our fellow human beings?
*This is not an invitation to harass the Rule family. Tucker's wife works with human beings in her role at her office. We all have to work to survive capitalism and sometimes those jobs are not ideal. She has a family. Leave her alone, for the love of all that is good in the world.
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stereopticons · 5 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog!
1. My early quarantine thing was baking my way through the GBBO technical challenges with my friend. We didn’t get through all of them but it was fun!
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2. I’ve lived in five states and seven cities.
3. I swam competitively for ten years as a child.
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ratherembarrassing · 8 months
Ok so I've been in covid quarantine and watching Taskmaster for the first time. I've been skipping around the different series (finishing each one, just not going in series order) and I'm on series 4 and I just...I don't know the guy and haven't watched the post-mel&sue&mary gbbo so I have no other familiarity but when Noel literally cheated by stopping the timer on one of the team challenges all potential respect or positive regard i may have had for him disintegrated. I'm sure there has been loads of disc-horse about it as it was many years ago at this point, but I wish there had been a harsher penalty? like hanging a big "CHEATER" sign around his neck for the ep? idk, I'm down for wacky hijinks and shenanigans but that was just...rude? Not in the spirit of the game? This being said I have been starved for human interaction so perhaps I am taking this a little too seriously. Also I wanna EAT THAT RED WAX WHY DOES IT LOOK SO YUMMY?!
the thing about taskmaster is the entire premise is how close you can come to cheating. ambiguity is baked in for the purpose of exploitation. how is "it doesn't say you can't stop the timer" any different from "it doesn't say you can't move the carpet"? not a rhetorical question, because whatever that difference is, is the line where someone will go "well that's not fair!" but that's different for everyone for everything. but if a show is literally built around getting people to edge towards the line as much as they can for maximum points, of course some people are going to cross it sometimes. last week's episode where alex was standing on the hole with the flag hiding up his pants leg made me FURIOUS. but that's the show! enjoy the outrage!
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emeralddoeadeer · 2 years
I was rereading Everlong for the millionth time and I have the most random question: where did the gang spend the lockdown? Did the girls join them in London? Did the boys and Dora also move to Surrey? 🤔 Did they buy a treadmill?
Hello, lovely anon, I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about this part...
under the cut 💕
The members of the Veni Vidi Amavi chat coexist in Abercorn throughout lockdown, they bubble with the Potters too, so can walk around the corner for a swim or game of pool or take a break from each other as and when they need it.
(Dora's parents, both essential workers continue to work throughout so she quarantines away from them.)
The group team together to revamp the annexe, a DIY project that turns out surprisingly well.
Lily slowly rehabs and eventually gets her time under 45minutes, the home gym has a treadmill, as well as a rowing machine etc etc and many workouts wrap up with a soak in the newly acquired hot tub.
Sirius continues to write freelance, but pens a novel that he tells no one about until it's finished -- Lily cries when she is the first to read it.
Marlene runs a popular youtube channel calling in help from James for various workouts, as well as nutritional and mental motivation and guidance.
Lily teaches distanced learning, her office becoming her classroom, taking more responsibility since she is without other commitments.
Remus and Dora create a shared studio space in the annexe, ideal for his online art lessons, and a collaborative mural brightens the space, filled with colour and joy.
They have regular zoom dance parties and quiz nights with the Scottish contingent.
They see Monty and Mia most days, helping with the garden or for shared meals and baked goods.
They are never without good music, laughter and love and challenging though it may be they lean on each other to get through to the other side.
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prince876 · 2 years
How teenagers can protect their mental health during COVID 19
Lockdowns are trying times for children and teenagers. They may feel overwhelmed, and experiencing coronavirus stress about falling sick. They may also feel worried about older members of their families. In a lockdown, many of the common activities have come to a halt; And teenagers who are used to spending time outside homes can find it very difficult to be caged inside their house. The lockdown has impacted the lives of young adults. There is a surge in online activity and digital engagement- from social media to online gaming and entertainment. Young adults seem to be inseparable from their gadgets.  Here are a few ways that teenagers can adopt to protect their mental and emotional health during COVID
Try to stick to a schedule
Making and maintaining a schedule for home is particularly challenging. It needs some self-discipline, that a lot of us tend to keep losing. Indulgence is a human tendency, especially during the teen years. But chalk out a routine for yourself and try to follow it to avoid falling into quarantine depression.
Incorporate reading in your schedule
With a lot of screen time, reading, may give you an alternative form of entertainment and will keep you engaged. What was the last comic book you read? Or maybe it’s time to discover Harry Potter with words.
Not just binging, but also creating
 If you’re spending a lot of time online and watching other people’s creations, allow yourself to be inspired. Think of some content you could create and share too!
Spreading awareness, Helping, Reducing Stigma
You can help the cause by educating people about COVID 19, by explaining preventive measures to those who may not know. Some people have been found to hide their travel history or symptoms. This could be due to the stigma and fear around the illness and quarantine. Many people are scared about what could happen once you test positive. You could spread some awareness to bring down stigma and fear. Here are some important tips that you can share with others to help them build resilience within themselves. You can also use Wysa’s free tools to manage any quarantine anxiety or stress that you may be experiencing.
Taking breaks from the news
While keeping ourselves up to date on information, we must take some time off the news and following the statistics of the world or our cities. Unwinding is an important part of de-stressing. trust news only from trustworthy channels.
Staying connected with friends and family
Keep in touch with friends who are far. If you’re home with your family, you may also spend some time with them, by eating meals together, cooking together or exercising together. Here are some ways you can be more connected
Have a baking online party with your friends. Share new recipes with each other, and eat together. All online!
If somebody has a skill they are good at, you can create a small group for learning new skills. For example, embroidery, dancing, playing the guitar and many other activities.
Reconnect with old friends who you may not be in touch with presently. Ask them how they’re doing.
Write and Share: You can take some time to write reflections, short stories, ideas and share them among friends! 
Exercise, Sleep, and a Healthy Diet
 This is important to boost your immune system. Also important for your mental health. 
Seek Support
Reach out to parents, mentors if need be you can also reach out to professionals who are providing mental health care in these challenging and testing times. 
We at Wysa have released free tool packs for all to help you cope with the stress of isolation and to manage current health anxiety. You can download the app here. If you find it difficult to talk in person, you can always talk to Wysa, an AI penguin written by therapists that you can talk to anonymously about your mood and struggles.
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taimio · 5 months
Conquering Blight: Effective Strategies to Revitalize Your Garden
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Gardening is a labor of love, but unfortunately, many gardeners will find their plants under attack from a variety of diseases and pests. One of the most dreaded of these is blight, which can quickly kill off entire plants or entire sections of your garden. Dealing with blight is critical to a successful gardening experience, and includes proper identification, prevention, and treatment. This guide will look at each of those steps and help you understand how to deal with blight in your garden.
How Do You Deal With Blight?
Picture this: vibrant flowers, lush greenery, and a sense of serenity in your backyard. Now, snap out of it, because the reality of dealing with blight can be a total buzzkill. As someone who has battled the beast of blight myself, I know the struggle is real. But fear not, my fellow gardener, for I have some sage advice to help you banish blight and reclaim your garden paradise.
1. Identify the Enemy
The first step in this epic battle is to know your nemesis. Blight is sneaky, so arm yourself with knowledge. Whether it's fungal blight, bacterial blight, or viral blight, understanding the enemy will give you the upper hand. Consult a trusted resource, like GardenersHub.com, to learn more about specific blight types and their telltale signs.
2. Quarantine and Conquer
Once you've identified the blight, it's time to take action. Quarantine the affected plants and create a safe distance to prevent the spread. Yes, it's tough to say goodbye to your favorite blooms, but think of it as saving the greater good of your garden. Remove and destroy the infected plants, but be sure to follow proper disposal methods to avoid a blight boomerang.
3. A Blight-Fighting Arsenal
Now that the battlefield is clear, it's time to arm yourself with weapons of mass blight destruction. Cultural practices like proper watering, spacing, and pruning can help prevent blight from taking hold. Consider crop rotation to thwart blight's attempts at a comeback. And don't forget the power of natural remedies: neem oil, baking soda spray, and compost tea can be your allies in this fight.
4. Maintain Vigilance
Blight is not a one-time enemy. It's more like that annoying neighbor who keeps borrowing your tools without returning them. Stay vigilant and regularly inspect your garden for any signs of blight resurgence. Early detection means you can nip it in the bud before it spreads like wildfire. Trust me, a few minutes of inspection can save you from heartache later.
Remember, dealing with blight is a marathon, not a sprint. It may take time, patience, and a few lost battles, but with a fierce determination, you can triumph over blight and restore your garden to its former glory.
In conclusion, blight may test your gardening skills, but it also offers an opportunity to learn, adapt, and grow. Embrace the challenge, fellow green thumbs (oops, I said it!), and remember that even the most pristine gardens have faced blight at some point. So, grab your gloves, sharpen your shears, and let's show blight who's boss!
Learn more about gardening with Taim.io!
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inightcor · 9 months
Oct 2nd
Cravings: Write about craving something.
When we talk about cravings, it's usually about food. In my opinion, cravings isn't merely about food. I am craving for my life desires, but that doesn't mean I don't have food cravings. Currently, I crave for oreo-products. Yes, I am an Oreo Lover who eats 5 oreos a day. I don't do it daily though, it's only once in a while. I even owe 5 boxes of oreos by accident (It's a complicated story). With all these oreos, I don't intend on just eating the cookies by itself. I plan on making oreo-foods with the oreos I have. I have baked oreo brownies, and cooked fried oreos. There's a lot more recipes I wanted to make with them, but at the moment I would love to make Oreo-Balls. It was a viral recipe on Tik Tok during quarantine. My favorite oreo-food is Cookies & Cream ice-cream because it is the best combo. I would buy a tub of Oreo Ice Cream just to eat the soft oreos. Those ice-cream coated oreos are out of this world, it's so delicious. No other ice cream flavor could beat this one.
Now let's get on to something serious, the food one was a silly topic. My true craving are my longing desires in life. That's why those are my cravings, but who can blame me? I really yearn for friends who would understand me, and would accept me for who I am. They would make me laugh, would challenge me into a better person, and make me feel like I belong. I longed for friends who would make my life richer and more fulfilling.
I want friends who would talk to me often. I want people who would spend their time to listen to my thoughts, and I can vent out my feelings to them without gaining criticism. I want good friends who could just be there for me, for my lowest lows. They have the ability to help me through tough times.
Specifically, I want to create a friend group where we all stay in touch and talk regularly rather than time to time. The friend group consists diverse people with unique personalities. Everyone is different in their own way, and that makes the group interesting & fun to be around. One of the friend would be outgoing & loves to be the center of attention, while few are more introverted & prefer to stay in the background. Some would be passionate for their hobbies, while others are more laid-back & relaxed. Everyone is unique and despite that, all of the friends get along with each other and feel comfortable side by side. We joke with each other and pull pranks, but at the end of the day, we are a family, and we all care about each other. We will always be there for each other, no matter what. I want a friend group where we all have each other's backs and no one is selfish. I wish these friendships could last forever.
Summary of me craving for true friends:
they understand me
Make me feel belonged
Be comfortable with each other
They make my life easier
Make me into a better person
Makes me laugh
Talks to me often
Comforts me when im sad
Diversity: each friend is unique
We joke around, be mean to one another playfully
Have each other's back
They listen to me, not ignore me
Lasting friendships
My goal for sufficient friends doesn't have to exactly shape my desires. I just want friends who will makes me happy. This demonstrates that cravings are not only responded with food, but it is described with their life desires. There are more desires that I wanted to share, but I didn't expect this one to be long.
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Hey y’all! 
Welcome to the first edition of THE BRISK BAAHUBALI BAKE OFF - 2021! We are pumped to be hosting this event amidst this pandemic and despite the bazillion lockdowns that they throw at us, we took an oath (unlike our Amarendra) to whip up something fun and borderline crazy for this fandom. Yes, this fandom which brought together hundreds of similarly insane lot, who’ve managed to change each of our lives with even the littlest of their fics! 
Let us brave the storm in the best way we know - BAKING COOKIES, Y’ALL, IT IS THAT SIMPLE! Time to tug out your whisks and whip us up some smooth, flaky, chunky, gooey, dark, crumbly and melt-in-our-mouths kinda cookies!
Start prepping your batch after receiving your prompts because y’all have got two weeks to get cracking. At the end of the given time period, we shall display your artisanal cookies on our page. Don’t forget that we will be tasting each and every one of your batch of cookies!
Down here, you can find all the goodies you need to make that delicious cookie, baking ingredients and instructions to get you started with that dough-cument!
Baahubali Characters (of your choice) - 1 or 2
Dark AU prompt - 1
Other AU prompt - 1 
Crack prompt- 1
Choose any two items from ingredients 2, 3 and 4 in the above-mentioned list. (you may choose all three, if you like to live a little dangerously. But do remember to put out warning tags to your readers before they consume the cookie)
Use the central character that you have chosen and marinate them in the above mixture along with any other character/ characters of your choice. 
Rest your cookie dough-cument (fic) with a sleek and shiny cling wrap till it cools to 200-500 words. Or Artwork/Gifset/Poetry/Song/Podfic (of your choice) which sticks to the word limit.
When you think you are satisfied with the consistency of the Dough-cument/Artwork/Gifset/Poetry/Song/Podfic, pop it into the oven, and crank up the heat.
Bake your batch and post 'em on Tumblr within two weeks of receiving your prompts of our choice, add appropriate tags and warnings. And finally, tag our page so we can feature all your fabulous cookies!
You can even post more than one cookie if you like! The choice is all yours. Hell, we’d sign up for a whole box if we could. 
Timer (Schedule & Sign Up):
Start signing up at the pantry to pick your favorite ingredients!
Use this format to sign up here.
Choice of Characters:
AU/Canon Compliant:
Pantry Closes On - June 16th
Deadline and The BIG REVEAL - July 1
Contact us directly for more queries.
P.S: If you do need to extend the deadline to bake your uncooked dough a little longer, feel free to pop in a message at least 5 days prior to the big reveal (July 1st).
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carminavulcana · 3 years
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Prompt:  DARK AU - Bhadra is actually Mahendra. The soldiers killed Sivagami and recovered the infant. Devasena doesn't know. @ruminationsofaraven @bleedinknight @thebaahubalibakeoffchallenge
Mourning The Unknown
Blood doesn’t call to blood
When stained by the dirt 
of tainted love. 
A mother in name is not
the giver of life. 
A father of dead flesh is not 
the giver of a name. 
Rage bleeds and trickles down
the curve of emaciated breasts,
and revenge stirs the dying embers
of a fire that was never extinguished.
The messiah died 
on the pyre of hope. 
His shell lives on in the ruins
of his mother’s broken home. 
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avani008 · 3 years
My prompt was: Crack! - Bhalla has a doppelganger who is born to a farmer in the neighboring village. Kattappa and Baahu encounter the man during their pre-coronation tour.
“No,” says Kattappa, as firmly as he can manage through lips quivering with laughter; and yet Baahu’s grin only widens.
“Yes,” pleads his irrepressible, impossible nephew. “Only imagine the look on Bhalla’s face! And it wouldn’t be for long, only time enough for ah, my new friend Bhola—“
They turn as one to consider the man before them, attired in honest homespun, known by an outlandish northern name, as he obligingly pauses in ploughing his fields to gawk back at them. By itself it is an unremarkable expression; but on features shared by the elder prince of Mahishmati, it is—
Uncanny, Kattappa decides. He does not add aloud: rather more pleasant than Bhallaladeva’s usual glower.
“Bhola needs somewhere to escape his creditors,” Baahu continues, “and one day’s beating won’t be enough to deter them. They need a reason to fear Bhola himself, and I know no one who might do so more easily than my brother.”
Kattappa raises an eyebrow. “And meanwhile…”
Baahu’s smile, once earnest, turns impish. “We wouldn’t want Mother to worry about Bhalla’s disappearance, would we? Happily we have someone who might take his place while he deals with matters here.”
Altruism is not among Bhallaladeva’s graces; Kattappa has no doubt the exchange between prince and pauper will not be voluntary, at least on Bhallaladeva’s part. And yet, would that be so bad a fate? It is past time Bijjaladeva received his comeuppance, and given certain conversations Kattappa has overheard….
“Only until the coronation,” he finds himself saying, and prays he won’t regret it.
Tagging @thebaahubalibakeoffchallenge @bleedinknight @ruminationsofaraven
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aprofoundrickmaniac · 3 years
Hey all, this is my cookie for the brisk baahubali bakeoff challenge. Hope I did the prompt justice. :)
Prompt (Crack) : I am personally offended you didn't ask me to be your fake date!
Look, Deva,I really didn't think like that..
"What?" She hissed narrowing her eyes at him.
Please Deva,will you listen to me for a minute please please pretty please??? Amara asked trying his famous *I can melt anyone's heart in a moment * puppy eyes look.
Though she would deny it vehemently later,she did melt a bit looking at her best friend literally begging her to listen.
"Okay",she finally relented.
Relieved, Amara took a deep breath and opened his mouth but no words came out.
"You have 15 seconds more."
Gulping, " Look I was really desperate. It was a diplomatic state dinner. That trade deal was necessary . And we both know how diplomatic you are. A fake date with you would alone suffice to be the final nail in the coffin,we both know that.You probably would have wanted to rip their innards listening to their pompous stories. Not that I would need much motivation. Also Amrita is practically my sister so please don't be mad, he pouted.
"Exactly Deva. Also there is something I wanted to tell you for a long time.I look at you not only as a best friend but also much more than that. I.. I love you, Deva. Amara confessed looking at his feet nervously.
"I didn't want to out on a godforsaken dinner like that as our first date. " He mumbled.
When he felt a gentle hand on his chin forcing him to look up,Deva's eyes were filled with tears. "I love you my Amara." She said sincerely.
" But, she scowled stubbornly, I want a compensation. "
"Anything for my lioness.",gathering her securely in his arms."What does my queen need hmm?"
Deva shivered when his deep baritone voice dropped a few decibels.
"Cuddles,tea,rasgullas made by your own hands and a searing toe curling kiss. She said smirking. "Also not necessarily in that order."
A peacock danced joyfully in the garden of the royal palace as a shower of blessings dropped on the earth from the clouds,signaling the start of an everlasting relationship of love and devotion...
Hope you enjoyed it:)
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acemoppet · 3 years
ভাবুনা - bhabuna
Written for the @thebaahubalibakeoffchallenge
@bleedinknight @ruminationsofaraven
Thank you so much for this lovely event! I had tons of fun writing this.
My prompt was Dark AU: Baahu chooses the throne over Devasena. Enjoy!
ভাবুনা - To think, to wonder
There’s a moment where he almost chooses her.
She sees it in the way his eyes keep falling back to hers, in the way his hands twitch to hold her, in the way every part of him grows towards her like a plant thirsty for the sun.
(She’s never felt this way before…)
But unfortunately, Amarendra is too much a prince, a son, to do her any justice, and just as Ram condemned Sita, so too does Amarendra condemn her.
(...and she’ll never feel this way again.)
For the rest of his life, Amarendra wonders if he made the right choice.
If he asked his citizens, they would praise him. “Of course you made the right choice!” they would exclaim, bringing up his irrigation inventions, his cutting of the absurdly high Farmer Tax, his protection against Mahishmati’s enemies, both inside and outside. “Mahishmati is great!” they would say, looking up to him as a God.
If he asked his ministers, they would commend him. “Of course you made the right choice!” they would say, citing his pushback against the various tribes and countries that threatened the kingdom, his contributions to the treasury’s wealth, his patronage to the arts and sciences. “Mahishmati is powerful!” they would proclaim, looking up to him as the King.
...If he asked his mother, she would tease him. “Of course you made the right choice!” she would proclaim, pointing out his elated citizens, his satisfied ministers, his fulfilled duty to the kingdom. “Mahishmati is happy!” she would declare, looking up to him as her son.
Great, powerful, happy… Mahishmati would not have been any of these things if he’d made a different choice back then. Perhaps everyone is right. Perhaps he did make the right choice back then, even if it had been a difficult one to make.
Then he remembers Devasena’s eyes as she’d gotten on the swan boat, looking down at him as a man.
And he wonders all over again.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 years
I watched 2 episodes of Great Australian Bake Off season one and it was so abysmally bad. Fortunately, I saw on reddit that it gets better so I skipped to season 2, which went back to being proper bake off, and I was so relieved I almost cried.
Season 1 tried to be a bombastic, high drama regular reality show: extra bitchy judges, audience tweets, a product placement-ful prize pack, and, inexplicably, 30-second bites of as many top 40 hits and classic oldies as possible. This is from just the first 10 minutes of episode 2.
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I noped out when the preview promised sabotage.
But yeah, season 2 is right back to the tried and true formula. Thank God.
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28/6/2020 // 16.48
I finished the central nervous system!! Only like two months late! I celebrated by choosing the colour scheme for my next topic of infection (no more orange and yellow you’ll be pleased to hear) and procrastibaked some fairy cakes. Shoutout to Kylie for providing the motivational music today ✨
2020 quarantine challenge: Sunday week 14
Pen or pencil?
Pen generally, but some days I just really want to write messy notes in pencil!
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