#quarantine cw
Content Warning: Small amount of blood, mucus/bodily fluids, bloody mucus
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Volume 1: Isolation
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I don't think that's supposed to happen...
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lavenoon · 1 year
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@naffeclipse hairdresser misunderstood me and now I'm being plagued by the Thoughts™
*self insert Aster is not a girl (he/she) og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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sleepyfan-blog · 3 months
Stern Talk
Author's note: This is the next installment of the Bully(ing) Cato Sicarius fic! First. Previous. Next. This chapter was beta-read by @sistersofthelobotomy
warnings: body horror, medical quarantine,
tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @whorety-k @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Summary: Titus swiftly escorts you away from the monstrous amalgamation of machine and flesh, and you talk with one of the sergeants.
You were baffled when, as soon as the final opponent came into view, Titus and the other Ultramarines watching Cato fight in the arena that the leaders of this system had brought you to in order to watch the fights immediately began moving. Titus himself swept you up into his arms, bundling you close to his chest with one arm and ordering you in a low voice to “Stay close and hold on. I am going to be moving quickly. The situation has gotten dangerously out of hand, my lady.”
“What’s going on?” You ask, looking up into his helmeted face. If you squint, you can just see through his helmet lenses and get a glimpse at his face. Titus’ expression is tense and unhappy, and his fellow Ultramarines are in the process of swiftly gathering up the rest of the noncombatants and bringing them to Maccrage’s Honor.
Titus did not put you down, after he rushed you to one of the massive ship’s ramps. His long legs made getting up the ramp much faster than if he had set you down. He reached for the bulkhead when one of the other Ultramarines - a sergeant from the red paint on his helmet, and also of the second company from the markings on his armor spoke up, coming up next to where Titus was standing, still holding onto you protectively
“Sir, the codex astartes clearly states that -”
“Father has ordered that the quarantine procedures for our diplomatic staff, as well as for the Ultramarines exposed to the entity happen within Maccrage’s Honor’s medical bays. We cannot trust that the local population hasn’t been entirely corrupted and poisoned by the same essence that twisted the thing that Captain Sicarius is currently valiantly fighting in single combat to allow the rest of us time to evacuate our people, Sergeant. If you want to discuss possible Codex violations with the one who gave the order, I suggest you speak with Father, who gave us the order to do this himself.” Titus interrupted the sergeant, startlingly terse with the other Ultramarine.
The sergeant flinched back a little, ducking his head a little “As… As you say, sir. You will need to put the mortal down once we reach the medical bay, sir.”
“And I will do so then, sergeant. In the meantime, tend to your own charge. One of them is about to fall off the cargo ramp, Leandros.” Titus grumbled.
That caused the sergeant to mutter a curse as he rushed after the stumbling baseline mortal.
The stumbling mortal failed as their feet slipped off of the edge of the ramp, starting to plunge downward back to the planet below.
The sergeant dragged them back from the side of the ramp and held them around the waist, tucking them into his side as he grabbed another baseline mortal, following you and Titus into Maccrage’s Honor.
A short period of time later, you find yourself shivering a little after having scrubbed yourself thoroughly with the mildly caustic soap that the armored Apothecary had handed you to use. You were wearing a thin space-linen dress. The ship always felt a little on the cold side to you when you were in few layers. You wrap your arms around yourself as you patiently wait in the small room that you’d been led to.
Apparently, the horrific amalgamation of flesh and machinery had been significantly tainted by Chaos. While you had only limited exposure to the thing itself, there was a possibility that the Chaos Cult behind this may have tampered with the ceremonial food and drink that you had shared with the leading Magos and their advisors. Which meant that you were going to be held in solitary quarantine while they ran blood sample tests, and one of the Librarians scanned your soul for possible signs of infection.
You didn’t feel any different, but the thought of being unwillingly infected by Chaos, if only a little, caused a terrified shudder to run down your spine. You were willing to wait as long as necessary in order to ensure that your mind, soul and body were untainted by Chaos. You were keenly aware of the Imperial Truth that Lord Guilliman espoused… But the temptation to sink to your knees and begin praying to the God Emperor of Mankind was nearly impossible for you to resist.
You’d been taught the Imperial Faith since you could remember by your teachers, by your birth family. You'd heard it espoused all your life until you’d been chosen as one of Lord Guilliman’s mortal negotiators. The awe and religious reverence you felt towards the Holy Primarch and his Guardian Angels of Death had only faded as your… Interactions with a certain prickly Ultramarine grew more frequent, and you learned the sometimes-subtle shifts in mood of your boss and the Lord Regent, with whom you worked with extensively.
He had bid you to abandon the Imperial Faith for the Imperial Truth that he said was espoused by the Emperor Himself and you obeyed to the best of your abilities. Not all of your fellow diplomats had - especially as there were high ranking members of the Ecclesiarchy aboard the Maccrage’s Honor who fervently believed and preached the Imperial Faith to any who would listen… When outside the hearing of the Primarch.
You were also very keenly aware of the fact that Cato had been left to fight off that monstrosity alone, while the remaining two squads of second company Ultramarines had escorted everyone who couldn’t fight such things away to safety. His military career was long and well-decorated. He had clashed with the forces of chaos and emerged the triumphant, untainted victor in the past. You clung to that thought, and -
There was a knock on the door of the quarantine room you’d been placed in, causing you to startle a little. You walk up to the door and press the intercom button, calling out “Yes, is there something else I need to do?” You were told that the Librarians were currently involved in excising the greater chaos threat from the world that Maccrage’s Honor had landed on. The excising could take anywhere between a few hours to several months to fully exercise. During that time you would have limited contact with others until your soul and mind could be properly checked for signs of Chaos Corruption.
Sargeant Leandros was on the other side of the door. He had removed his helmet, and it was clipped to its proper spot on his belt. The other’s sandy brown hair was a touch longer than regulation, but nothing out of the ordinary. You’ve spoken with him from time to time. He’s quite focused on ensuring that himself and others follow the letter of the Codex closely, rather than thinking flexibly, from what you have observed of him. But he tries hard and seems to care for his brothers greatly. “I wished to speak with you. I have spoken with the Apothecaries. You do not show signs or symptoms of infective Chaos corruption, if indeed you have been tainted by Chaos. May I come in?”
Considering the fact that you’re wearing a simple linen slip, you called out “One moment, please.” as you grabbed the provided blanket, wrapping it around yourself and sitting on the cot in the small room “You may come in. What did you want to speak with me about, Sergeant?”
The Ultramarine opened the door to the room you were quarantining in, stepping in and closing the door behind him. Leandros seemed to fill the rest of the room, huge, especially in his armor. He stared at you for several long, awkward seconds, clearing his throat before averting his gaze for a moment, before looking at you again “I… I wanted to talk to you about some of your… Interactions with Captain Sicarius and Lieutenant Titus.”
You remembered that Leandros had been serving with both Titus and Cato for centuries. You silently wondered if you were going to get a space shovel talk about being careful with the hearts of his older brothers Or Else. Leandros wouldn’t be the only Battle Brother to have stopped by to growl at you suspiciously. Captain Agemann and Sargent Numitor among others had spoken to you, asking about your intentions with Cato and Titus. You had been honest with them, and you planned on being honest with Leandros. “Oh?” You asked, gesturing for him to continue.
The sergeant fidgeted a little, looking visibly awkward and unsure as he started to speak “I am aware of the fact that you have become very close with both aCaptain Sicarius and Lieutenant Titus. They also show a concerning amount of preference towards your safety and well-being, even in scenarios where other factors should command their attention more.” Leandros shifted from foot to foot as he continued to speak “Not that you aren’t a useful member of the diplomatic team. But I am concerned that the off-duty activities you get up to with both of them is affecting their judgment and ability to prioritize objectives properly.”
Well, that’s a new angle. Previously you’d been asked - once at sword point - what were your intentions with the two of them and why you were climbing into their beds and trying to steal their hearts. “Both Captain Sicarius and Lieutenant Titus have served the Imperium as Ultramarines for centuries. Do you truly think that I am able to distract them from their duties to such a degree?” You were genuinely curious as to what his answer would be. You loved them both dearly, but had also sworn oaths as a member of the Imperial Regent’s Diplomatic envoy. You worked hard to make sure that your love life did not conflict with your duties. You were certain that Titus and Cato did the same.
If a scenario came up where they had to choose between you or their duties - even if it meant your death or worse, you fully expected both of them to choose their duties. This thought did not upset you, you were well aware of the fact that the Angels of the Imperium had very serious and rigid duties that they tended to. It was an honor that they’d let you in so close, and you would not betray their trust and care.
“Not yet, but I am concerned that if this… If this flirtation and indulgence in carnal activities continues, they may be swayed when you are put in danger again. And it is a certainty that as long as you are a diplomat for Lord Father, that you will be put into danger regularly, much as we do our best to keep the dangerous element from reaching you and the other diplomatic mortals.” Leandros answered, slightly less tense as he explained himself. “From what I observed, you were the one to make the first… Overt moves, yes? Due to the potential power imbalance between yourself, the captain and lieutenant.”
“If you’re asking if I was the one who confessed feelings first and initiated the conversation about where things were to go, if anywhere in our personal relationships? Then yes. I was.” You respond, tilting your head a little as you look him over searchingly, trying to figure out what his angle was. This didn’t feel like a space shovel talk. You weren’t sure what this was, but it didn’t feel like a nosy younger Astartes trying to gather gossip, or trying to figure out how to woo a mortal he was interested in by going to a mortal in a relationship with older Astartes. Your conversation with Titus had been easier as Cato was… Cato was really bad at figuring out how he felt and hid his softer emotions with rage and aggression. He was getting better about that, but could still become quite aggressive when he felt vulnerable. “But the… Personal interactions I have with Captain Sicarius and Lieutenant Titus in our shared off-time is allowed.” You’d checked before initiating the conversation with Titus in the first place.
You hadn’t wanted to potentially either get him or yourself into trouble for pursuing him romantically. You and Titus had been dating for several months before Cato had stumbled his way into confessing his true feelings. That had been the first of several conversations about wants, needs and expectations.
“Unless it conflicts with their duties. And as you were the one to initiate… If you were the one to… Perhaps put a pause on the.. Off-duty interactions for a little while, to allow them to remember their duties and proper priorities, I feel that it would be for the best.” Leandros informed you, looking at you expectantly.
“You. You want me to what?” You sputter, startled by his audacity. What business was it of his what his superior officers got up to in their free time, as long as it was legal, safe, sane and consensual?
Leandros sighed, shaking his head a little before saying “If you are asking me to be plain, I shall be. I am surprised that you need me to say it directly, given your career of choice. I want you to step away from them socially and physically in your off time that you have been sharing with them. I would rather you not mention that this was requested of you by a Brother for their own sakes as-” the Sergeant hesitated for a couple of moments, clearly trying to pick his words with care “Captain Sicarius in particular is known for being volatile and quick to anger. Lieutenant Titus and I have a fraught history with one another, but I truly only mean the best for them both.”
That admission caused you to narrow your eyes a little up at him. You’d been taken aback by the sargeant’s request to break up with Cato and Titus, but had thought that he was doing so out of a misguided attempt to help his brothers, or protect them from the inevitable heartbreak, given that you were a baseline human and would live to maybe two hundred years or so with longevity treatments and space marines - unless they were killed in battle or stricken with chaos-fueled infections - could live for over a thousand years. But now you weren’t so sure if this wasn’t some sort of attempt at social sabotage.
A fairly clumsy attempt at social sabotage for an Ultramarine. You’d watched a group of Ultramarines run diplomatic circles around more than a couple of stubborn and haughty inquisitors during your time serving alongside them.
But outright saying no to him while in this confined space and it being your word against his if anything did happen… You let out a long sigh, affecting a thoughtful and sad expression on your face as you say “I will think carefully about your advice, sergeant. Thank you for coming to me with your concerns. I’m sure that you have much to do, and should get back to them.”
Leandros smiled brightly at that, reaching out and patting you lightly on the shoulder. “I am glad that you listened to my concerns, miss. I do hope that you make the right decision.” With that he turned and left your quarantine room, leaving you to your thoughts.
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kreachvera · 1 year
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there’s something so wrong with them
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ariapmdeol · 8 months
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tierlist update! Played Project Kat and LOVE TAKE BACK, and got one ending of hitonotokoyume!
Project Kat was really good!!! We got all of the endings. I love how the intro immediately uses your perceptions of classic rpgmaker puzzles against you,, the endings are all REALLY different from each other-- I think it's really really cool!! We somehow got the true end on our first try. We'll play Paper Lily next week, so i'm really excited for that <3
LOVE TAKE BACK and hitonotokoyume are two halves of the same collab; Marutoku base and Nemurita both made games using the same characters. This is one of several similar collabs, and I love the tone contrast between them?? LOVE TAKE BACK is soooo silly and cutesy,, a very short and fun in-browser experience that is so charming. Hitonotokoyume is a visual novel with multiple endings! We only got one, which is why it's still in 'currently playing'. There's something so interesting about how two games around the same siblings can end up so completely different.
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desperatepleasures · 1 year
well I've still got all these potatoes and onions. omce I finish this batch of soup there is simply nothing stopping me from going to the store and buying more leeks and parsley and stock and making More potato leek soup...
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 6 months
Once they lemme outta my room im gonna be so fucked I’ve been in here one (1) day and have completely forgotten how to mask my clinical insanity
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voidfeather · 1 year
finished playing the coffin of andy and leyley and gonna throw out my theory that i'm sure other people have already thought of
i think that the parasite emergency is just a front and that the government is actually wanting to starve out and sell the blood and organs of "undesirable" people en masse, not sure why they're targetting AB-types specifically rather than say O-types considering AB blood is the universal receiver while O blood is the universal donator but it'll probs be answered when the full game comes out...whenever that is
as for why i think that they're several apartments worth of "undesirables" is mainly because all the people that have been shown so far are, as few as they are, aren't really the types that are "acceptable" in society:
ashley seems to have ASPD or at the very least something similar, has repeatedly been described as being someone who other people find annoying, and is highly codependent with her brother to the point of (technically just being an accessory to) murder and possibly even to the point of covert and/or overt incest
andrew has PTSD (that he seems? to hide relatively well) in addition to his codependence (even if it's not as prominent as ashley's, except in extreme circumstances such as when she's in danger...or when she mentions sleeping with another man lol) and while he's charming enough to have a gf that doesn't really matter when ashley harasses them
the cultist is...well, a cultist (it's clearly something he was interested in long before the quarantine judging by the front door sigils and the fact he has all the materials ready) also maybe it's just the desperation but the fact that he apparently has no problem blasting his loudass music may indicate traits that have lead to people casually wishing his death
the girl from 302, a hardcore hikkikomori and while her beauty may make her a bit more appealing that doesn't change the fact that she's functionally agoraphobic and doesn't want to provide for herself
ahley and andrew's parents are clearly pretty neglectful but the timing is just. a little too convenient y'know? like I'm pretty sure they knew this was happening, and the fact they were so ready to get a new apartment as well like we don't really know when in the timeline that happened but the fact that they're just so ready to move on like that is so suspicious
idk how the lady who got in an ambulance fits into all this though, there's just far too little information about what happened to her for me to say -- i don't think she's getting her organs harvested though, the ambulance wouldn't be in such a hurry if she was
now it is possible that the parasite problem is real and the infected apartment are just really unlucky or really neglected by the government, however, with the whole selling organs thing it just doesn't seem all that likely to me considering yknow nobody wants infected organs
a possibility is that the government is starving the apartment dwellers for the purpose of inducing starvation ketoacidosis which may kill the parasites somehow??? before they harvest the organs, not sure why the blood type would matter though if that were the case
now, since demons do exist in this world, it could (and most likely) be some other secret third thing but with all the information we have right now this is all i can really come up with
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weirderscience · 11 months
every day i remember the horrible quirk of one of my old homestuck trolls and smile
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That all looks so scary to go through... Did you have anyone there to comfort you?
Content Warning: Medical procedures (specifically a thoracentesis here), needles, bodily fluids, and healthcare workers flirting like weirdos.
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Volume 1: Isolation
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And the "How Redheart Got TB" flashback arc is finally finished! There's a couple of asks from folks that fit more as an "after story Q&A" so a good chunk of the next couple of posts will be answering those.
Quite a few posts in this arc generated quite a bit of interest in the blog so I also wanted to take this time to thank everyone who's been along for the ride so far! I've mentioned that this is very much a labor of love, especially now that I'm officially a third year medical student currently on rotations. It means a lot that folks are interested in this ask blog, even with my fairly garbage upload schedule aka "it'll be done when it's done." Thanks again everyone!
Ask from @ask-wizard-sunburst
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templeofshame · 2 years
while i obviously agree with the concepts of sustainable foraging, i can't really personally get behind the idea that if there's poison ivy around, something(?) is telling you not to harvest, and like totally go by that if that's your spirituality belief but i don't really think that's an ethical issue. and then i also take issue with saying if there's just one mushroom it's already sad, don't kill it, cause... i think we all know at this point that picking the fruiting body doesn't kill the mushroom. to me that seems like perpetuating misinformation?
i think there are good reasons not to take all of things. i also think it's hard if not impossible to make solid blanket rules like that because... we're only there when we're there, seeing what we see. if i see one hedgehog mushroom in an area where it grows all the time, it could be the only one, but it also could not? and like 90% of the time you need to pick a mushroom just to ID it and I don't think there's anything wrong with that as long as you're not hurting the mycelium.
i think it's important not to be greedy about foraging but also to be conscious of where you are, whether it's frequently foraged, and what you're picking and whether other creatures rely fully on it. it's easy to fall into a false narrative of scarcity foraging too. and I think if you've never found a beefsteak polypore and you find a little one in a low-traffic forest with a wide variety of food for mushroom-eaters... it's ok to cook and enjoy it.
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vivisect · 2 years
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you’d think that if you were going to do a close up of an extra’s hand, you wouldn’t give it to the person with the coke nail 🤷🏻‍♀️
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thatlovelydove · 7 months
some random tumblr user: dont be ashamed to talk about something that makes you happy!!! share those headcanons! post that fanart! PUBLISH THAT FANFIC!!!! this is TUMBLR of all places you're meant to indulge in fandom and be cringe!!! CRINGE CULTURE IS DEAD!!!!
*2 posts down*
another random tumblr user: here are all the reasons why all the stuff that makes you happy is wrong and you're a bad person for it. why should YOU be happy when people are DYING?!
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fireboos99 · 9 months
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HAHAHHAHAHHA I DID IT I FILLED EVERY SPACE and almost all of them are coloured :D
template source
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cryptidmomochi · 1 year
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a silly :3
Vikky here's got problems, the least of which being his mad scientistry. and also his inexperience as a doctor because his ass did NOT go to medical school. yeah no those are probably some of his smallest problems and i'm serious.
i've posted him a few times before i think but he recently got a bit of an update. like. the topmost image is from september 23rd this year and as of literally the day after (the 24th) that design was rendered obsolete lmfao.
i might try to post more abt my ocs but im honestly not easily sure what to tell about them. so uhm. ive got asks open i guess? if anyone wants to ask abt them? i dont know lol. i have no idea where ppl even begin w talking abt their aus and ocs and junk on here and youd think id have a handle on it bc ive actually been here for a wwwhile but ig not.
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maneaterwithtail · 1 year
"When it was decided to serialize "Fish and Water," I thought, "I want to depict how I gradually fall in love with someone without realizing it," and the song "Unknowingly" by Downtown Boogie Woogie Band came to mind. You can find it and listen to it if you like 😉."
-Gengoroh Tagame
Well rounded man. Sad smoking at his age
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