#quarantine quincy
lectorel · 9 months
Bleach Quick-Fic: After Annihilation
Inspired by @rayshippouuchiha 's various Urahara-focused AUs
Urahara, because he has always been the monster in this particular drama, is the one who lays out the ultimatum.
“You all need to stay away from Ichigo.” 
Voices raise in immediate protest, a show of unity between Shinigami, vizard, quincy and empowered humans alike that even a year ago Urahara would have never imagined possible. A better man might have found it touching. Urahara just felt tired.
“His soul is shredded. Any exposure to spiritual pressure at all will destroy it. It might still unravel on its own, if he pushes himself.”
That was - not quite optimism, or an understatement, but it implied Ichigo was a great deal more stable than he actually was. Currently, the boy’s remaining soul was only still united with his body because of the hundred and three kido bindings Urahara had etched on Ichigo’s bones to keep it anchored. A precaution taken the first time Ichigo had gone to soul society, when it became clear that the boy would have to be the weapon they needed.
Urahara wished he could say he regretted it.
"Especially you four," he added, looking at Chad, Orihime, Ishida, and Rukia. "Your spiritual energy is imprinted with Ichigo's signature. With the damage, he's unlikely to notice it isn't his, and if he reaches for it, we'll have a bigger problem.”
“The most likely scenario, he tries to bolster you when you're in danger, which immediately leads to the disintegration of his soul and all of you developing a minor case of spiritually-induced schizophrenia.
"And if we’re all very unlucky, instead Ichigo pulls at your energy reflexively, and tears it out of you along with most of your soul. He undergoes rapid hollowification while still in his body, kills and eats his sisters, and goes on to cannibalize most of Karakura. Soul society is forced to quarantine the area and kill everyone in town to contain the threat."
“I am working on fixing it. But until then, all of you need to keep your distance.”
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churchmousey · 5 months
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Designation: Q_1NNC (Quinncy)
He resembles a massive and rotting skeletal Rhus. Standing around one thousand feet tall, and taking approximately several centuries to move his physical body from one end of the first joined systems to the other, this Senti-metal (sentient-metal) is the last of his kind. He prefers to stay in the largest planet... which also happens to have the best view for someone as stationary as he.
Back/story: Q_1NNC is a construction Senti-metal who was connected to the mainframe of a linked communication arm of a galaxy powered by its various stars. Despite being primarily used for construction, he was the only surviving Senti-metal after a devastating magical plague, and thus the only one to be able to keep the planets from shutting down if the Rhus manage to make it back post quarantine.
There are several hundred orbiting masses (though only 8 planets and 176 moons for his broadcasting system) all interconnected with the other via massive tethers and tunnels all overcrowded with machines so dense that many seemed like little more than slums when populated. The foremost planets are primarily filled with generators and solar panels, the middle have the most communities/communications related items, while the outermost is largely for deep memory/object storage. Moons were reserved for housing the richer Rhus, their guests, and anything befitting of their lifestyle
After a few millennia, and despite his best efforts of maintenance, things began to deteriorate or change from outside interference. Primary power storages and major memory core sections have been bombarded over the ages by asteroids and various space debris which eventually caused his paralysis. Many of the outermost planetoids in particular have been completely annihilated, and unfortunately, the deep memory moon of his base code was a part of them.
The resulting surge of power redirecting to him fried his brain and compromised his major movement abilities. Since he is not allowed to shut down while connected to the mainframe (nor shift consciousness to alternate bodies), he is fused to the cables, and stays forever awake and (mostly) unmoving. He learns how to move himself via attaching and reattaching to the more flexible wires and machines, and dragging his body to and fro. The speakers he talks out of sound muffled due to him not being able to open his mouth… and his eyes, unable to close, leak fluid constantly giving him a ghastly crying appearance. He longs for death.
The thing is, if he were to die, the system would as well— his library of knowledge, and treasure trove of technology, would be forever lost. Anyone who shuts him down would be branded as a criminal.
His electronic/communicative reach spans several hundreds of galaxies in length but most know of him already and turn change their frequencies as to not feel guilty in ignoring him. More recently, he plays soft and sad lullabies across the universe itself hoping for someone to finally take pity and end his misery. The sad and lonely souls of the universe have taken to using this as comfort—they journey to thank him for his songs during their darkest hours, and pray that he too will have someone save him for good.
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This change in his calls is directly caused by bug-like beings that have taken to calling him their God. When they first arrived, they did not know exactly how large his system was and were lost for months in the labyrinthian underground of the connected planets. After Quincy noticed them, he guided them to his chamber through the vast speaker and camera systems. However, it had been several generations since their initial landing, and the bugs started to believe that it was a God that had saved them due to the echoing and ethereal nature of the voice, not to mention the sheer size of his domain.
When they arrived they hailed him as their savior and formed a religion around their now fuming “god”. It took several decades more for him to give up and accept his role as their savior.
He lets them paint his body.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
466 of 2022
The Letter Q (True or False)
Created by joybucket
You own a handmade quilt. You live in a country that has a Queen. 👑 You like quiche. You have a jar of quarters on your counter. 🫙 🪙 You use quarters to do laundry. 🧺 🪙 You've written with a quill pen. 🪶 You have a quiet voice. You've used quarters to get candy from a vending machine. You've used quarters to get a small toy from a vending machine. You've used quarters to get a sticker or a temporary tattoo from a vending machine. You've been to Quiznos. You know what show Quailman is from. You know how many sides a quadrilateral has. You asked a lot of questions in school. 🙋‍♀️ You've dressed up as the Queen of Hearts for Halloween. ❤️👑 You've met someone named Quinn. You've met someone named Quincy. You've met someone named Quinten. You've been to a Quaker church. ⛪️ You like Quaker oatmeal. 🥣 You've never been to Qatar. 🇶🇦 You can be very quarrelsome. You've read The Final Quest by Rick Joyner. You have a lot of questions about life. ❓ You wonder why they made a white question mark emoji. ❔ You've gone to the park to feed the quacking ducks. 🦆 You've met quadruplets. 👶👶👶👶 You know someone who's had quadruplets. 👶👶👶👶 You use q-tips. You can't remember the last time you used a q-tip. You've stepped in quicksand. 🦶 You believe we are all created equal. You've had someone tell you they weren't equipped to help you, but you knew that really they just didn't want to help you. You hated being in quarantine. 😷 You didn't mind being in quarantine at all; you enjoyed your time alone away from people. ....and you found you were so much happier when you were not surrounded by toxic people every day. You've met someone named Aquila. You value quality over quantity. You've applied for a job you weren't qualified for. You've applied for a job you were over-qualified for. You like the color aqua. 👗 You like the word "acquiescence." ....and you also like the word "quintessential." You've felt an earthquake. 🌎 You were bored during your time in quarantine. 😷 You've ordered something from QVC. You've taken a quilting class. You've sewn a quilt. You're quiet. Getting blood drawn makes your stomach feel queasy. 🩸 You've been to an aquarium. 🐠 You went to school with a Raquel. You like to drink tequila. 🍸 You know how many quarts are in a gallon. You've recently squealed in delight. You've found a quarter lying on the ground. 🪙 You collect state quarters. 🪙 You would say your hometown is very "quaint." You know what an "arabesque" is. You live south of the equator. 🌍 You like the word "equinox." You like quinoa. You frequently eat quinoa. You like quesadillas. You enjoy taking personality quizzes. You have a collection of favorite quotes. You have a favorite movie quote. You often quote movies. You've quit a job. You've quit a job abruptly, by saying, "I quit!" and then walking out. You're on a quest to find the meaning of life. You have a lot of quirks. You've taken a test that said you had a high IQ. 🧠 You're queer. 🏳️‍🌈 You like butternut squash soup. You know what book of the Bible the verse "Don't quench the Spirit" is in. 📖 You've never been to Iraq. 🇮🇶 You don't think you've ever heard anything good about Iraq. 🇮🇶 You have no idea what the word "qepiq" means. ....and you don't know the definition of "quagmire," either. You know who the character Quagmire is on Family Guy. You've questioned your sexuality. You own a rubber duck that squeaks. You've walked at least a quarter of a mile today. 🚶‍♀️ You know "someone" that "overuses" "quotation" marks. You believe in Bigfoot or "Sasquatch." 🦧 You don't fit the status quo. 🤪 You just learned that "qoph" is the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. (yea from this survey) You know what "Qigong" is. You've practiced the Chinese art of Qigong. 🧘‍♀️ You don't think you've ever heard the word "quackery" before. .....or the word "quackishness." Your birthstone is rose quartz. You enjoy peace and quiet. You have to have everything quiet when you sleep, because music or TV will keep you awake. 🛌 You've been verbally abused for asking someone a question. You've learned that some people will turn into a monster real fast if you question what they're doing. You aren't gullible; you think for yourself and often question things. (just unlike my mother; she believes in everything, really) You enjoy answering questions on surveys. You enjoyed this survey.
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gyoza-man · 4 years
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Yesterday, I implied I was sending a friend something they wanted by saying "Maybe Quarantine Quincy will bring you one", and I decided I liked the idea of a goodwill santa-like being who would help spread joy while we're all housebound, so I just took a pass on what he might look like. I decided to base his look on the plague doctors, but to make him friendly looking and dress him in bright colors. I'm hoping you'll pass him around and make use of him as you will, so feel free to share the picture, draw your own, or just invoke his name where you feel appropriate. I release him out into the world.
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adrianasunderworld · 4 years
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Spending the night playing video games while reading historical smutty romance.
I love them so much, I want what they have.
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lifelovemusiq · 4 years
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wolfiethewriter · 4 years
okay so watching the bleach live action movie with @catsafarithewriter and the bit where Rukia takes her powers back off Ichigo and her saying this tearful emotional goodbye just... comes and rips our hearts out. Like, she couldn’t give him the proper goodbye she wanted to. She had to act a part for Renji and her brother standing behind her and... just... my heart :(
Also Ichigo, there is nothing wrong with being protected by someone - it just means they care about you. You complete buffoon.
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Whats up with all this dracula stuff?
Anon, my friend, my pal, let me explain.
Firstly, I've actually loved Dracula for a couple of years now because I read the novel in quarantine, but the rest of the internet has rediscovered it and is now making enough content that I can reblog my love of Jonathan and Quincy specifically.
The REASON the internet has rediscovered Dracula is because of dracula daily, where you subscribe, and it sends you an excerpt of the novel on certain days. The novel itself is written as a series of (dated) letters, journal entries, and newspaper clippings, so the dates you are sent said excerpts of the book, so you can slowly read dracula kind of "in real time." A very neat concept, you should sign up.
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faustiannonsense · 3 years
Hi! We’re Faustian Nonsense. We’re a podcast network!
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FN Facebook | FN YouTube | FN Twitter | FN Instagram | FN TikTok | Website
Support the work we do and the shows we produce by becoming a patron!
- THE LAVENDER TAVERN: An anthology of original queer fairytales.  (Twitter: @lavtavpodcast)
- A MIDSUMMER’S QUARANTINE: (Complete) An audio adaptation of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, set in 2020 New York, where fairies wreak havoc on the lives of their favorite podcasters. (Twitter: @FaustNonsense)
- RANK & VILE: A talk show where Ryan Boyd and Quincy Rhoads discuss and rank every single horror movie ever. Every single one. (Including Spooky Buddies, the AirBud Halloween movie.)  (Twitter: @RankandVileCast)
- GHOSTS ON A TRAIN: An actual-play following the brave Linebulls as they protect their train, The Pride Of Duskwall, from spirit attacks! Set in the Blades In The Dark universe.  (Twitter: @ghosts_train)
- JACK OF ALL TRADES: A horror/comedy following Jack Withers as she bluffs her way into a handyman job, only to discover a whole world of the supernatural as the cause for leaky pipes, flickering bulbs, etc. And since she has a huge crush on her new boss Edwith, it’s not like she can say anything about it or Ed might think she’s crazy!  (Twitter: @FidusAchatesInc)
- DOS: AFTER YOU: A bilingual horror podcast (released both in English and in Spanish). Everything changed when Deck fell in love with a god.  (Twitter: @dosafteryou)
- CHAIN OF BEING: Follow Adam (of Eden fame) in this sci-fi/mystery as he explores the universe and unravels the secrets of something that could wipe out everything forever. A glimpse into the future: where gods control the cosmos and mortals are left to fend for themselves in a vast, indifferent universe.  (Twitter: @chainofbeing)
- BE NOT AFRAID: An incompetent angel is running a podcast, and you are an unsuspecting prophet. (Twitter: @bna_pod)
- THE GREEN HORIZON: A comedy about Irish people in space! Follow starship Captain Gino Whelan and his rag-tag crew throughout the galaxies. Maximum light! (Twitter: @greenhorizonpod)
We also have our newest announced show...
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Super Suits follows Harper Hallo, a law student fresh to their new internship with the renowned civil law firm: Smith, Schmidt, Smythe, et. al. This law firm happens to specialize in dealing with a phenomenon quite common in Harper’s world: superheroes. 
Keep an eye out for the Kickstarter in mid-to-late January! 
Support the work we do and the shows we produce by becoming a patron!
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ekwadraatandus · 3 years
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Hi! This is us - right after almost every single one of us had Covid in February one after the other. Happily, we are all out of quarantine now and back to the project. Our next step? Finding interviewees among the most important actors we had identified with Ekwadraat by means of our stakeholder map! To our great advantage, we realized that Quincy pretty much knows everyone related to this topic and showed off his networking skills during our meeting. Next stop: midterm presentation!  (As you might guess from the pictures, this was the first time we met at Jordans gorgeous place and he will probably be our involuntary host for any meetings to come) 
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
**Missed Q as well, so here ya go...**
The Q Survey by joybucket
Are you more often loud or quiet? I’m definitely the quiet one. Do you own a handmade quilt? I do. Do you know what show Quailman is from? Yes. Have you ever been to Quebec? No. Would you want to travel to Quebec if given the chance? I’m not too familiar with Quebec so I don’t know.
Name a book with the word "quest" in the title (if you can think of one). I can’t think of one. Have you spent time in quarantine because of the virus? Not because I had it, but yeah. Have you enjoyed being quarantined, or have you hated it? I was already pretty much doing that anyway. What's a positive quote that you like? I don’t feel like thinking of any right now. Do you live near the equator? No. Do you know anyone named Quincy? Nope. Do you like Quaker oatmeal? Yeah. Have you ever been to a Quaker church? No. When it comes to YouTube videos, do yo prefer quality or quantity? I mean, both is nice. Have you ever been in an earthquake? I’ve experienced a short one once and fortunately it wasn’t bad, but still it was really trippy. Are there earthquakes where you live? Yeah, California actually has a quite a bit. Where I live, however, they’re not common and if anything we might experience some aftershocks, but it’s very rare. Like I said, I’ve only experienced one and it wasn’t a bad one. List ten words that rhyme with "quest." Best, fest, guest, rest, test, unrest, vest, zest, lest, nest. Ask a silly question. Nah. Do you have a Quotes board on Pinterest? Yes. Have you ever written with a quill pen? No. Do you own any q-tips? Yep. List ten words that rhyme with "quack." Back, flack, jack, sack, tack, unpack, pack, rack, yak, slack. Do you enjoy eating quiche? Yesss. I actually have these mini egg, cheese, and spinach ones in the freezer that are really good. Do you fit the status quo? It would seem that way when it comes to my life and stuff I’m dealing with cause I’m not really doing anything to change it. I’m not happy with myself or how things are going, but I just feel so lost, confused, unmotivated, and severely lacking the energy to do anything. I don’t know where to even begin.
List five words the word "queen" makes you think of. Royalty, crown, wealth, prestige, power. Do you like the word "equinox"? Sure. List five things you associate with the word "aqua." Water, blue, the ocean, the beach, refreshing. Which girl's name do you like better: Aquila, Quincy, Quinn, Aqua, or Queen? Quinn.
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unohanadaydreams · 4 years
Master + Character List
If there are no links corresponding with a character’s name, it means there is no content currently written for that character. That said: ALL characters on this list are ones I’m willing to write for.
NOTE: If you don’t see a character you’d like to send in an ask for here, feel free to message me if I would be willing to!
HC = Headcanon
Scene = Scenario
TP = Thirst Post
note: many of these feature writing from other blogs either somewhat or heavily and I HIGHLY recommend you follow them.
All Gotei Divisions HCs
5th Division HCs
8th Division HCs
Izuru Kira as new Yachiru AU
No Aizen AU
Retsu Unohana’s motivations for forming Gotei 13 theories
Chikane Iba theories + analysis
Royal Guard general theories + HCs
CFYW novel info theory + HC (Mayuri + Urahara)
Bleach characters in Narutoverse AU
Ulquiorra dragon symbolism analysis/theory
Mayuri Kurotsuchi character/zanpakuto analysis/theory
Mayuri Kurotsuchi character analysis/theory
(nsfw) who fucks and who doesn't among the captains HCs
note: the following is solely my writing and features only imagine + request content
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Gotei 13 (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Shunsui Kyoraku
React to falling in love HC
Shipped with Jushiro relationship HCs
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Threesome w/reader + Jushiro Ukitake TP
Nanao Ise
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Soi Fon
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
What does she bring to the lake HC
Marechiyo Omaeda
Gin Ichimaru
Reader left behind after Gin’s death HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Edging as punishment TP
Izuru Kira
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Izuru in the 11th Division Scene
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Falling in love and flirting HCs
Retsu Unohana
Relationship HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
 (nsfw) Doctor w/reader patient meme HCs
(nsfw) ties reader up TP
general + analytical HCs
Isane Kotetsu
React to falling in love HC
Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Hanataro Yamada
Sosuke Aizen
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader + Shinji Hirako meme HCs
(nsfw) Doctor w/reader patient meme HCs
Momo Hinamori
Byakuya Kuchiki
React to falling in love HC
(nsfw) Relationship HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
Falls for shy reader HCS
(nsfw) Shipped with Jushiro relationship HCs
Reader has overprotective brothers HCs
First time seeing reader dressed up Scene
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Quarantine w/ MALE reader meme HCs
Being a father to a son HCs
Renji Abarai
Reader angry their brother is hurt HCs
Realizes he’s in love with reader Scene
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
Finds out reader cheated on him HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Doctor w/patient!reader meme HCs
Sajin Komamura
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) fem!reader begs him to breed her TP
(nsfw) Who in the Seireitei is a werewolf fucker?
Tetsuzaemon Iba
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Kaname Tosen
React to reader getting lost HC
Shuhei Hisagi
(nsfw) kinktober choking reader Scene
Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Angry sex TP
Toshiro Hitsugaya
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
summer ficlet + fireflies + fluff
Rangiku Matsumoto
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Kenpachi Zaraki
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Reader angry their brother is hurt HCs
Falling for a badass reader HCs
(nsfw) Relationship w/reader HCs
Dealing with Yachiru being “gone” HCs
First kiss w/reader + how he kisses HCs
React to reader dying HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Predator w/reader prey TP
(nsfw) eating pussy w/fem!reader TP
summer ficlet + watermelon + fluff
Yachiru Kusajishi
Dealing with being “gone” HCs
Ikkaku Madarame
(nsfw) Relationship w/reader + Yumichika HCs
Yumichika Ayasegawa
(nsfw) Relationship w/reader + Ikkaku HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Getting first blowjob from reader Scene
First kiss w/reader Scene + how he kisses HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
*dubcon/unhealthy relationship* relationship w/reader TP
Nemu Kurotsuchi
Cowokers meme him HC
Falls in love w/bubbly reader HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Jushiro Ukitake
Shipped with Shunsui relationship HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Shipped with Byakuya relationship HCs
React to having twin boys + one is bedridden HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Threesome w/reader + Shunsui Kyoraku TP
hurt & comfort w/fem!reader scene
Kaien Shiba
Rukia Kuchiki
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
What does she bring to the lake HC
Kiyone Kotetsu
Sentaro Kotsubaki
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Royal Guard (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Tenjiro Kirinji
(nsfw) Bullies fem!reader TP
Kirio Hikifune
Oetsu Nimaiya
Senjumaru Shutara
Ichibe Hyosube
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Visoreds (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Shinji Hirako
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
Reaction to seeing reader after 100 years in Karakura Town HCs
Catching up with reader after 100 years HCs
Reader comforting his hurt Scene
React to reader dating Aizen after he “died” HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader + Sosuke Aizen meme HCs
(nsfw) Doctor w/patient!reader meme HCs
Rose Otoribashi
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Reaction to seeing reader after 100 years in Karakura Town HCs
What kind of BF to reader is he HC
Sweet reunion with past love reader Scene
Kensei Muguruma
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Relationship with shy/flustered reader HCs
Love Aikawa
Hiyori Sarugaki
Lisa Yadomaru
React to falling in love HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
Mashiro Kuna
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Hachigen Ushoda
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Urahara Shoten + Rukongai Rebels (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Kisuke Urahara
React to reader getting lost HC
His daughter HCs
Yoruichi Shihoin
React to reader getting lost HC
What does she bring to the lake HC
Yushiro Shihoin Tessai Tsukabishi Jinta Hanakari Ururu Tsumugiya Kukaku Shiba Ganju Shiba
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Karakura Gang + Humans (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Ichigo Kurosaki
Friends w/ Uryuu pre-arrancar arc Scene
 (nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Hichigo pleasures reader TP
(nsfw) Doctor w/patient!reader meme HCs
Relationship with shy/flustered reader HCs
Orihime Inoue
BROTP w/ Chad HCs
Uryu Ishida
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
Friends w/ Ichigo pre-arrancar arc Scene
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Sado Chad Yasutora
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
BROTP w/ Orihime HCs
First kiss w/ reader Scene + general kisses HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Doctor w/reader patient meme HCs
 Yandere w/reader HCs
(nsfw) Sweet but Wild in bed TP
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Ryuken Ishida
(nsfw) Doctor w/reader patient meme HCs
Isshin Kurosaki
(nsfw) eating pussy w/fem!reader TP
Yuzu Kurosaki Karin Kurosaki Tatsuki Arisawa Keigo Asano Mizuho Asano Mizuiro Kojima Chizuru Honsho
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Arrancar (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Yammy Llargo Coyote Starrk
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Lilynette Gingerbuck Baraggan Louisenbairn Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Tier Harribel
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Ulquiorra Cifer/Schiffer Nnoitra Gilga
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Luppi Antenor Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Reader angry their brother is hurt HCs
Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) summer ficlet + moon + sweet smut
Zommari Rureaux Szayelaporro Granz Aaroniero Arruruerie
       Fraccion + Other:
Wonderweiss Margela Ggio Vega Tesra Lindocruz Emilou Apacci Cyan Sung-Sun Franceska Mila Rose Yylfordt Granz Di Roy Rinker
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Fullbringer (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Kugo Ginjo
General HCs
Shukuro Tsukishima Riruka Dokugamine Girko Kutsuzawa Moe Shishigawara Yukio Hans Vorarlberna Jackie Tristan
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Quincy (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Yhwach Jugram Haschwalth
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Bazz B Kang Du Candice Catnipp Bambietta Basterbine Giselle Gewelle
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Liltotto Lamperd Meninas McAllon As Nodt Gremmy Thoumeaux Askin Nakk Le Vaar Quilge Opie Lille Barro BG9
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gyoza-man · 4 years
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My dear friend, the very talented Chandra Free, offers her take on Quarantine Quincy!
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citizensmth · 4 years
So... what comes next?
Regardless of your political allegiances or personal feelings about Donald Trump, it is a national security concern when the president is ill. To make matters worse, the White House isn’t exactly being transparent. At times they seem more concerned with projecting a certain image than providing a timely, precise assessment of the situation. It is also a significant national security threat when a huge chunk of the senior Executive Branch, unknown numbers of White House staff, and a growing cluster of US Congressman are under quarantine or sick. It’s never good to have a government in quarantine. 
So on that note, I’ve seen a lot of discussion on what happens in the event that a President or presidential candidate is incapacitated from COVID or dies during an election. I love a good thought experiment so let’s break this down. This is all based on my best understanding of current rules/regulations/precedence/ect. I try my best to be accurate but I’m only human and not a lawyer. Opinions and speculations are strictly my own. 
Scenario 1: President is alive but incapacitated or unable to continue serving as President until he recovers.
So the basic idea of having a VP as a spare in case the president dies is pretty simple. In practice however, the transfer of power in the original constitution is pretty vague outside of the president suddenly dropping dead in the middle of a term. The 25th amendment was adopted a few years after the Kennedy assassination to address some of these grey areas. Fun fact, the 25th amendment contains the only means of forcefully removing a president from office other than impeachment (section 4 of the 25th amendment).
Ok, so back to our scenario. If Trump is incapacitated (say, on a ventilator) or is too unwell to continue serving, the 25th amendment can be invoked to temporarily transfer power to Vice President Pence. This can be done 2 ways. First, Trump can declare in writing that he is unable to discharge his duties (section 3, 25th amendment) and transfer power temporarily to Pence. Presidents actually invoke section 3 pretty routinely if they know they will be unavailable for a time such as undergoing a medical procedure. Trump remains in office as president but Pence becomes ‘acting president’ for the time being. Second, the Cabinet can strip Trump of his power if they believe he is unfit but he refuses to turn over power to Pence (section 4, 25th amendment). Section 4 has never before been invoked but it exists as an option. 
In terms of the election, the ticket would be unchanged. A vote for Trump-Pence is still a vote for Trump-Pence. Trump is still president and Pence is only a temporary ‘acting president’. The assumption is that Trump would eventually resume his duties and his place at the top of the Republican ticket.
Scenario 2: A president running for re-election dies before the election
So if Trump dies before the election, Pence would immediately be sworn in as President. Since that would then make him the sitting president during an election year, precedence says he is automatically the GOP nominee. This close to the election, it is too late to officially withdraw a candidate and re-submit another one. Even if you could still replace a candidate, there isn’t time to re-print ballots. But since he was part of the original ticket on the ballot, I don’t see this being an issue or a source of confusion. I imagine votes already cast for Trump-Pence will simply count towards Pence alone. It is unclear how this will impact the electoral college. Likely, the votes will be allocated as normal to the Trump-Pence ticket, with Pence officially becoming President elect instead of Vice President elect once the vote is certified. The Speaker of the House is next in line should something happen to him while he does not have a VP. Assuming he wins, I speculate he would vet and select a VP for his administration before inauguration. But until there is a VP to serve under him, Speaker of the House remains next in line. A presidential candidate has never died so close to an election. 
Scenario 3: A presidential candidate dies before the election
If a candidate dies after the primary, I believe RNC and DNC rules state that the leadership meets to vote on a replacement. However, this close to an election, it  is past the deadline to officially withdraw a candidate from the ballot and re-submit another candidate. Even if that were not the case, it is too late to-reprint ballots. My best guess is that the VP pick would become the top of the ticket, similar to scenario 2. This seems like the easiest thing to do. It does not require withdrawing the ticket and it minimizes confusion at the polls. It is unclear if this would create headaches for the electoral collage. I imagine electoral college votes would likely go to a Biden-Harris ticket as normal with Harris officially becoming President elect instead of Vice President elect once the vote is certified. In Congress there is also the practice of ‘widow’s succession’ where a spouse steps up to fill the void left by a Congressman’s death until the next election or until a special election can be held. This practice was actually pretty common in the early 20th century. Senators can be replaced by a Governor’s appointment, a president can be replaced by a VP. But Congressmen, who serve short 2 year terms, have no replacement strategy so widows succession made some amount of sense to prevent political infighting and ensure a smooth transition after a death. I highly doubt widow’s succession will ever be invoked or even suggested if something happens to Biden, especially with such a capable VP pick ready and able to step up on the ticket. 
Scenario 4: A candidate dies after the election but before electoral college meets and the vote is certified
This scenario creates the most headaches. The rules are most murky during this scenario and things will likely get very, very messy. Elections are run by individual states and states have different rules impacting how electoral college votes must be allocated. At present, some states require that electors vote for the candidate that won the popular vote in that state. Some states don’t explicitly bind electors to the winner of the state popular vote but impose penalties on so called ‘faithless electors’. Some states have no laws on the books and voting for the winner of the state popular vote is merely precedence. In general faithless electors are not very common. There actually HAS been a candidate death between Election Day and the electoral college. In 1872, Democrat Horace Greeley (ran against President Grant) died before the electoral college met. 63 of his 66 electors voted for other people. Unfortunately, things are not as simple in 2020 as they were in 1872. There is a question about whether or not certain electors will be unbound if the candidates to which they are pledged dies before the collage meets. The courts will almost certainly have to get involved and possibly the House of Representatives. The 20th amendment of the Constitution mandates that a president MUST begin their term on January 20 and if the electoral collage remains inconclusive, the Constitution (via the 12th amendment I believe) leaves it up to the House of Representative to hold a contingent election and vote on a winner (I think the Senate votes on a VP). The House HAS previously decided an election. In 1824, neither John Quincy Adams nor Andrew Jackson secured a majority of the electoral college (there were 4 candidates that year). The matter went to the House which voted for Adams to become President. Should the election end up in the House of Representatives, the Democrats have the majority. Since someone MUST be seated as President on inauguration day (Jan 20), I am not 100% sure what happens if the election remains a total mess and the House is hopelessly deadlocked. I think under the 20th amendment, the Vice President elect becomes acting President until the matter is resolved. If there is no Vice President elect, then the Presidential Succession Act states the Speaker of the House becomes acting president. 
Scenario 5: President-elect dies before inauguration but after the election is certified. 
This one is actually pretty easy. In this scenario, the Vice President elect becomes the president elect and is sworn in on inauguration day. This is covered by the 20th amendment. 
Whew! Well, that was quite a thought experiment. If I write any more it will be the beginnings of a book. That ends my civics discussion for the day. 
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lifelovemusiq · 4 years
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The easiest adjustment has been to catch up with everything. For example, to see the great documentaries that I missed, whether it was Taylor Swift’s Miss Americana or my dear friend Quincy Jones’ documentary or the classic The Kid Stays in the Picture about Robert Evans.
Music industry icon Clive Davis on the easiest part of being quarantined (The Hollywood Reporter, April 3rd 2020)
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