#quen of every fucking thing
xoluvx · 2 months
crushed; b.eilish
Request: I feel only you can do this justice, but may I please request a Billie angst to fluff where Billie is somewhat oblivious to reader crushing on her, so every time bil invites her around, she's always flirting with other girls (like odessa & quen) and reader always gets quiet and just isolates herself. Then billie brings reader with her for all the album press, and while recording the chicken shop date, reader finally gets so pissed she just leaves and back at the hotel they get into a huge fight, but happy ending 🥹
aweee thank you anon, i hope you love it 💖
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“Hey, thanks for coming” Billie smiled. It was the kind of smile that made your heart flutter for no good reason. A genuine smile that came from within and radiated throughout her face and instantly brought a smile to your own face. She hugged you and you melted into her warmth.
“We’re in here,” she closed the door before directing you to a room where a group of her friends were already chatting. They shot you a quick welcome before returning to the conversations you clearly weren’t a part of. It didn’t matter. You were here for Billie.
Did that sound a little desperate? Whatever, it didn't matter. So what? Should you be sued for crushing on Billie? Maybe. Considering the fact she was your best friend.
She sat next to you, talking about the new album. The voices of everyone else drowned around you as you focused on her. Her lips were so tantalizing and her eyes enchanting as she spoke with passion. You nodded feeling the fluttering feeling in your chest again. You were astonished how in a sea of people she was able to make you feel like the only person there.
That is until another girl walked up to her and sat on her lap. You hadn't even made yourself comfortable yet. You'd been here no more than what? Five minutes? And she just straight up sat on her lap in the middle of your conversation. You cleared your throat and shifted on the couch. Though Billie was still looking at you and talking to you, one of her hands was now holding the girl’s thigh and the other held her back.
Why did you come to these things again? Was your crush really worth it when it was so one-sided? Was she really so oblivious to the fact that you were crushing on her? Hard. Of course she was. You were best friends, but not like her new group of friends. There was just something about them that made you feel less than. Like you weren't the first person to be there for Billie since the beginning. Like they were worthy of all her attention and you were just "Billie's friend".
You excused yourself glancing at the girl briefly who was now whispering something in Billie's ear. Billie laughed watching as you left, but not really protesting for you to stay. Finding the bathroom, you shut the door behind you leaning against it taking a deep breath. The lack of oxygen was making you feel light headed and the previous flutter in your chest was now replaced by a deep pain. You felt like the room was shrinking around you.
Walking to the counter, you held the edge as you walked yourself through a series of deep breathing exercises. God, this girl had you in deep. So fucking deep you were in her bathroom breathing like a maniac because you were down bad.
Locating your phone, you opened up your message thread with her.
Not feeling well. Going home.
A few seconds later a reply came through.
You sure? You can rest in my room for now.
You watched the three dots pop up again, but nothing else came through. You could rest in her room, but you really couldn't stand being in her house anymore.
Thanks, but I'll see you tomorrow maybe?
Looking in the mirror, you wiped the tears you hadn't realized you were shedding and sniffled. How were you going to get through her album press tour like this? It should've made you feel special that you were the only person she invited, but really you felt like shit.
Of course she was going to take you. You were her best friend. But was that all you'd ever be?
When her press tour started, you tried really hard to bury your feelings for her. Before you boarded that plane, you made a pact with yourself. You were done with Billie. Any romantic feelings were squashed. She wasn't going to be the reason you cried anymore. And though you liked to tell yourself you were okay with that, you weren't. You really fucking weren't.
She made it so difficult. With her adorable laughs and awkwardly cute presence during interviews. You stood behind the scenes watching interview after interview. Every so often, she'd glance at you and smile like you were her home.
And you'd wonder if she was questioning how different you'd been acting. How much you'd been pulling away from her or if she just thought everything was okay and normal.
No matter how much you wanted to ignore the feelings, your heart ached each day. Especially each night when the two of you laid in bed because of course you were sharing a hotel room. And you couldn't cuddle with her like you did before these pestering feelings inhabited your heart and soul. You couldn't put yourself through that.
And it all boiled down to one moment. One moment where you couldn't hold it in. You couldn't pretend for her sake anymore.
The Chicken Shop Date.
You stood behind the cameras as she flirted her way through the interview. Her shy little awkward mannerisms making every ounce of your body tingle, but warm with envy. The sly flirty comments shot at Amelia, the glances like she wanted to eat her alive.
Fuck. It got to you. You felt so stupid. It. was. press. It wasn't real. But god you took it so personal.
Billie glanced over when she heard whispering. You were talking to someone on set. They were nodding and holding your arm. She couldn't see your face, but she furrowed her brows when you left.
“Yo, that was kinda rude.” The voice snapped you from your book. You didn’t bother looking up. You flipped the page until you heard the door slam and a pissed off Billie was standing at the end of the bed.
“Did you hear me?” She asked. Her face one of bewilderment when you looked up. “What was that about? Why’d you just leave?” She prodded lifting her shoulders like you’d done the most despicable thing.
You just shook your head bitting the inside of your lip. You were at a point of no return. If you snapped at her, it’d be done. You’d be done. You’d walk away. You’d fly home right now. You'd never talk to her again.
“Hello?” She snapped you. Oh … it was on.
“You’re fucking joking right?” Your voice cracked and you cleared your throat quickly because you weren’t going to break down right now. Not before she got an earful because she didn’t even know the half of it.
“You bring me everywhere and what? I’m just suppose to follow you like a little lap dog?” Your voice was more stern now as you tossed your book to the side not bothering to mark the page. It’s not like you’d been paying attention to the plot.
Billie furrowed her brows, her lips parting.
“Do you have any idea what it’s like being around you? Everyone loves you, everyone wants a piece of Billie Eilish and you just love it don’t you? You love the attention.” You’d gotten up by now, but you were still feet away from her and her sudden defensive stance.
“What are you talking about?” Billie asked.
“Fuck Billie. How about you put your fucking glasses on and look in front of you?” Your voice was laced with venom and you were aiming to sting and hurt just like you had. Just like the uncontrollable crying you'd done when you walked through the hotel door.
“I. Like. You."
“And you always make me feel like shit,” you whispered falling back on the bed sitting with your hands clasped between your legs, chest heaving as you tried catching your breath. Your tummy felt funny. You felt like you might actually throw up and not just word vomit. The tears were hot on your face and you leaned your head back trying to bring them back in.
Billie stood there. Silent. It felt like an eternity before she spoke.
"I didn't know," her voice was soft and she stood there like a scolded child.
"Oh my god, I'm so stupid," she added. It was like she was recalling all the times she'd invite you over just to give another girl attention. All the times she made you feel like she was crushing on you too. The hugs, the cheek kisses, the sleepovers.
"I just need you to tell me you don't like me. I need to hear it from you so I can move on," you turned to look at her slowly. She looked at your glossy eyes and tear streaked face.
"I can't," Billie furrowed her brows, her own eyes glossing over. She was awful. She'd made you feel awful and she didn't know for how long. And worst, if she'd only communicated with you then you would've known-
"I like you too," she whispered and sat next to you. Her body was still, facing forward not looking at you. Silence filled the room.
She liked you too?
"Then why," your voice cracked and you cleared your throat. "why didn't you tell me?" you asked.
"The same reason you didn't. I was scared. I didn't want things to change between us," she turned to look at you but you were still facing forward. She cupped your face and you froze. This new touch was foreign. It was filled with possibilities and second chances.
"Things were already changing between us when you started flirting with anything that had legs," you melted into her touch and Billie couldn't help but softly laugh at that. This elicited your own smile and when your eyes met you felt your heart exploding. Her watery eyes glistened. The blue piercing through your soul. The green bandana making them shine even brighter. She bit her lip before looking down at yours.
Was this really happening right now? Her body was leaning in.
"Wait," she placed your hand on her shoulder and she looked at you with confusion. "I want this, I want this so bad," you confessed.
"But?" Billie asked.
"But, I need to know you do too. That you're seriously into this. That you're not just going to run away," her eyes softened and she nodded pressing her forehead against yours. And maybe using 'run away' was a poor choice of words because that's literally what you'd been doing this whole time.
She brought you back to earth when she grabbed your hand placing it on her chest. Her heart was beating rapidly.
"Okay," you whispered.
Billie leaned in again and this time you didn't stop her. You let her lips meet yours in a tentative kiss. Your noses brushed as she tightened her grip around your hand which was still pressed to her chest.
You kissed again.
This time it was a deeper kiss. One poured with feelings and regrets and hope.
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bueckers-babygirl · 26 days
I Need You pt.2 (paige bueckers x black!reader
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Part one <3
Summary: You and Paige finally unite
Warning: Just cursing
word count: 1757
Three months. It’s been three months since me and Paige went on our “break”. 
The first month was the hardest. Just a lot of crying, bargaining, rants, and Chipotle. I sat in my puddle of despair, wondering what Paige was doing.
What she was thinking, hoping the thoughts were about me.
My worst thought was thinking that she had moved on to someone new, or someone that has always been there.
The second month was the month that I told myself to stand the fuck up.
This month had its ups and downs. I moved in with my best friend who welcomed me with open arms. She’s been more than supportive since the very beginning. She comforted me, fed me when I didn’t feel like eating, and took the remote from my hands every time I felt like turning on a UConn game (I'm healing slowly but surely).
I even picked up a hobby! I started taking a ballet class to keep my mind off of things! My bleeding feet are a VERY good distraction.
The third month is when I felt like a new and healed me. My skin was clear, my curls were popping, my body was giving. I felt better.
However, no matter what I did or how much better I thought I was…I can’t get her out of my mind.
“Come on! You’ve been stuck in this house all day! It’s getting sad Mookie” my bestie, Quenlin, says while ripping the blanket from my body.
“My dance class got canceled today and new episodes of my show came out. I just thought I could lay here and wallow all day” I moan while pulling my hoodie over my face. I turn my head to see Quenlin shaking her head.
“Girl, you smell like ten cans of ass and your hair looks a mess. You cannot let this girl get to you like this” She turns to open the curtains.
The blinding light burns my eyes as I wince and pull a pillow over my face. She rolls her eyes as she lays next to me on the bed.
“Let’s go bar hopping tonight! You love that shit” she yells as she shakes my aching body! She wasn’t wrong, bar hopping was probably my favorite activity. I lay there and contemplate whether I should get cute and have fun or lay in the imprint I have made in the bed and cry.
“I’ll buy you Chipotle” and with those four words, I hopped in the shower, got dressed, and was ready to head out the door.
9:30 Pm
Me and I were on our second bar of the night and I felt alive again. I had flashes of images of Paige in my mind throughout the night but I decided I would deal with that issue when I went home. 
“Girl, can you go order us some drinks? I gotta piss real bad” Quenlin said, doing the potty dance at her grown age. 
“Go ahead, and stop doing that shit” I laugh as she waddles off to the bathroom. I make my way up to the bar and order me and my friend vodka cranberries. 
I twiddled my thumbs waiting for the drinks, when I finally heard it.
“Hey beautiful” My body froze when I heard the voice I had longed for so much but also dreaded hearing. I slowly turned my head to see the beautiful blonde that had been occupying my mind for months.
She looked so good, but also drained.
Words tried so hard to leave my mouth but nothing came out.
“You look good. Like, good. Guess the break up was good to you” She lets out an awkward laugh as I am still in shock but gain the ability to speak.
“Eh. It was ok for me. A lot of crying hehe” I mentally slap myself, who the fuck says that. 
“Yeah, same” She looks down at her feet trying to figure out what to say next.
“Listen, can we talk, please? I wanna fix this. I-”
“Unh Unh! What are you doing here” Quenlin appears from thin air as she jumps in front of me to confront Paige. This breaks me out of my trance as I jump to defend Paige. 
“No, Quen! It’s ok! Me and her are just going to talk outside” I put my hands on my best friend's shoulders to calm her down. She turns to look at me and then back at Paige.
“Fine, but if you try some manipulative shit, it’s me and you” she pokes piage with her finger before walking away. Paige looks back at me “I never liked her. I just want you to know that.”
I laughed as I walked to the door, Paige following close behind. When we get a good distance away from the bar we stop and just look at each other.
I can tell she’s trying to find words to say, I couldn’t find any either.
We stood in silence for a few more minutes before one of us finally spoke.
“I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you feel like shit for so many months. You should have been my priority and I didn’t do that” Paige let out a shaky breath before looking down at the ground. I waited for her to continue but….she just stopped.
“Paige…that's not the only reason why I wanted to take a break. Yes, you ignoring me was a big part of it but there was so much more” She finally raises her head to look me timidly in the eyes.
I take a shaky breath before continuing. “It was the petty comments, the constant arguing, and the insecure feeling I always felt” I started choking up on my words, and the memories of me and the girl I love screaming at each other came flooding back.
“I'm sorry! I was just so stressed with basketball, the interviews, and the constant attention that I guess I got stressed” She quickly tried to defend herself, flailing her arms in the air.
“I understand how stressful that could be but…I would've been there for you. I could've listened to your rants, helped you during solo practice, and helped you calm down when you were nervous about an interview…but you shut me out and started bullshit arguments for no reason. I love you so much. I just wanted to help you” I felt a tear roll down my face.
I saw Paige’s face change from defensive to vulnerable in the middle of the conversation.
I let out a sigh as Paige drops her head, tears falling down her pretty face. “Paige, I love you so much. You’re probably the best thing that has happened to me in a long time” I take her hands in mine “but when we have an issue, you can’t just shut me out or brush it off. We need to talk. We need to express ourselves or else it’s just gonna get worse.”
Paige raises her head once more, looking into my brown eyes with her bloodshot blue eyes. “I know…I wanna be better for you baby. I will do anything to make it up to you. I just want things to go back to the way they were” She brings my hand to her lips, placing a tender kiss upon them.
I felt my skin turn hot as her lips connected to my skin, it’s kind of funny how we were together for so long and she still managed to make me nervous.
“I know it seems like an empty promise but I swear I will do everything that I can to make it up to you. I’ll communicate better and I will make sure to do everything that I can to remind you that you're the love of my…I can’t fucking lose you again y/n” she wraps her arms around my body, leaving another kiss on the top of my head.
On instinct, I wrap my arms around her to as I close my eyes to breathe in her perfume.
I was still angry with her but somehow I knew deep down that she was serious about wanting to be better for me. 
She pulls back to look into my eyes before she places an unexpected but loving kiss on my lips. I felt like I was floating on air as my lips touched the ones that they have been craving for three months. With this simple act, she knew that I forgave her 
As we pull away she rests her forehead on mine. 
“Can we just start over please, I miss you so much” Paige giggles while also sniffling. 
I let out a snort as I placed my hand on her cheek “Well we got a long way to go until we are back to the same place but, I think we’ll be ok”.
2 days later
“Ok! I think that’s the last of my shit” I let out a sigh of relief placing the last bit of my clothes back into me and Paige’s shared closet. I fell back into our bed, missing the smell of our sheets. 
I let out a grunt as Paige ran into the room and jumped on top of me. “Jesus Paige! I think you broke one of my ribs” I try to push her off of me as I let out a laugh.
Paige keeps her position on top of me as she puts her face into the crook of my neck. “I'm sorry, baby. I'm just happy you're back” she sighs as she kisses my neck.
“Ew, can yall wait to fuck until after I leave,” Quenlin says as she brings me some more of my stuff in from the car. I laugh as Paige finally rolls off me with a dramatic groan.
I walk over to Quenlin take the box of stuff from her hands and place it on the floor. “Thank you for letting me stay with you,” I say as I hug her.
“Of course, anytime! However, if this shit happens another time me and Paige are gonna have to tussle. You hear me” she yells towards Paige.
“I love you too, Quen” Paige blew a kiss to her.
Quen rolls her eyes before giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving. 
“Why must y’all fight over me”
“Because you’re the most important thing to us, baby” Paige leaves another kiss on my lips before hopping back onto the shared bed that I will never leave again.
Y'all I am so fuckin sorry this came out so late! But here yall go <3
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br4ttyeilish · 2 months
You dont really need a break .. (Wanna see what you can take.)
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Summary: Jocelyn and Billie have been dating for a little over a year now. They accidentally plan their tours to be during the same time which means they werent able to see each other in person for nearly 3-4 months. They both decided to agree on going on a "relationship break" until they get off tour. Which means both Billie and Jocelyn get full freedom to do whatever they want with other people. But what happens when Jocelyn fully uses that to her advantage?
Authors note: not my first ever smut fic but my first ever Billie fic on tumblr so eee !! I’m excited to share my writing with the Billie community so I hope you freaks like it :)
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Today was the first day in nearly 4 months that Jocelyn and Billie had seen each other in person. 
They had both gone on tour at the same time and only talked to each other a little bit on call and through text while they weren't busy. 
Even though Billie and Jocelyn had a very committed and healthy relationship they both agreed to go on a relationship break a few days before they started their tours. Jocelyn was the one who brought it up. Mainly because for some reason she was scared of the fact that Billie would be away for so long and the thought of Billie cheating really scared her. So if she just asked to take a break, she had no reason to get mad if she saw videos online of Billie with other people. 
Billie wasn't too happy about the idea but she knew they were gonna be busy anyways so she agreed. She didn't mind. 
The thing is, Jocelyn took this 'break' thing a little .. too far. With the tour being so stressful and overwhelming, she needed a stress reliever. And Billie was her stress reliever. After a hard day at the studio, Billie was at home waiting for her so she could help her. Lay her down, massage her, eat her out, fuck her, whatever she did it really calmed her down. Especially the fucking part. So with Billie not being there, she needed someone. More.. than just someone. 
Jocelyn started hooking up with random people. Nothing more than hooking up. She wouldn't even let the people do foreplay or even kiss her or touch her in certain ways. Just casual sex. 
Jocelyn's best friend, Quen, decided to go on tour with Jocelyn because Quen had been wanting to travel more and she knew Jocelyn needed some company. 
Quen knew about everything that was happening. Jocelyn would blab about it every night to her. Quen has a big mouth and she also happens to be good friends with Billie. So she ended up telling Billie every detail. 
The people she was fucking, when and how often she was fucking them, and everything. 
Of course, Billie was a bit jealous, even a tad bit hurt. But she knew they had an agreement. And Billie knew when Jocelyn came back she would put her in her place anyway.
Billie and Jocelyn met up together at the LA airport. They were both extremely excited to see each other. Jocelyn ran into Billie's arms with a big kiss. and Billie returned it. Snuggling into her neck and holding her tightly. Billie showed no sign of being mad or upset. In fact, she was being joyful around her. Even in the car ride home Billie had a good conversation with her. Billie kept it all in until they got home.
Jocelyn opened their shared room and put her bag down. "God I'm so glad tour is over. It was amazing but I really did miss our room." Jocelyn admitted. Billie smiled, "Yeah I missed it too. I was pretty homesick most of the time." she said setting her bag next to Jocelyn's. Jocelyn began to take her belongings out of the bag and put them up. Billie doing the same. 
Jocelyn sighed, finally finishing and zipping her suitcases up. She plopped her back onto the right side of their bed with a loud huff. Billie walked over and laid down next to Joc, facing her. Jocelyn was facing the ceiling. 
"So joc, what was the most exciting part about your trips?" Billie asked getting the conversation started. Jocelyn continued to look at the ceiling. "Uhmmm I liked the vip q&a sessions. I liked being able to talk to the fans and-" Billie cut her off. She turned Jocelyn face to face hers. Her blue eyes piercing into Jocelyn. 
"No baby, that's not what I meant. Outside of the tour." Jocelyn furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh uhm.. well. Me and Quen went sightseeing a lot and stuff and that was fun. we even went to an-" Billie cut her off once again. This time pushing her back down on her back. A gasp escaping Jocelyn's lips at the sudden shift. Billie gets on top of Jocelyn aggressively and wraps her hands around Jocelyn's neck. Jocelyn's eyes go wide. Billie's silver rings make Jocelyn shiver. 
"Stop fucking acting dumb. You know exactly what I'm talking about." Billie aggressively said into Jocelyn's ear. 
That's when it hit her. nothing left Jocelyn's lips, she was stunned. "Let’s talk about all the people you fucked on tour huh? I mean I know we were on a break, but, wow. You really are a fucking slut, Jocelyn. SEVEN people!" Billie spoke, still on top of her. 
Billie began to unbutton Jocelyn's shirt with her other hand. Jocelyn would be lying if she said she wasn't loving this. "Well... if you wanna act like a slut Jocelyn.. let's treat you like a fucking slut." and with that, Billie tore off the rest of her shirt. Throwing it somewhere across the room. 
Billie began to leave harsh kisses all down Joc's neck. Shaky moans try to leave Jocelyn's closed-up throat. Her eyes rolled back. Jocelyn's perky tits were on full display for Billie. She began to trail from her neck down to them. Placing kisses and bites on her nipples. Jocelyn was in pure bliss. Not for long though. 
Billie looked up at Jocelyn. Her eyes were soft. Billie took her hand off Jocelyn's neck and placed them down on the side of her. Rubbing both her hands up and down Jocelyn's body. Jocelyn looked down at her in awe. Billie was being so ... gentle with her? It confused her. 
Then suddenly Billie’s eyes went cold. She harshly grabbed onto Jocelyn's hips, sure to leave marks from Billie’s uncut nails, and flipped Jocelyn over. Having her ass up and her head down into the soft mattress. A loud moan leaving her pink lips. 
Billie takes her left hand and slaps Jocelyn's clothed ass harshly. A yell being heard from the girl under her. Billie began to take her shorts off swiftly. Billie rested both her hands on her ass and rubbed her way up her back. Billie grinded her metal belt against Jocelyn's ass, placing her mouth above her ear. "Bet nobody on tour did it as good as me, hm." she spoke cockily. Jocelyn got the balls to say "You might have some competition with Ruby." Ruby being one of the girls she fucked. That made Billie's mood switch extremely. 
Billie knew deep down Jocelyn didn't mean that. Billie knew she wanted to get to Billie's head. And that she did. Jocelyn looked back with a smirk. That smirk only made Billie's face light up red. 
Billie grabbed a fist full of Jocelyn's hair and yanked it down into the mattress more. Making Jocelyn's face covered up. It hurt Jocelyn a lot, even cutting out most of her oxygen. But god, it made her so much more turned on.
Nothing left Billie's mouth. She had nothing to say. She took her other hand and placed her fingers in her mouth getting them wet. They left her mouth with a pop. She took them and roughly placed them at Jocelyn's hole. She then slammed into her with 2 fingers at once. That made Jocelyn's thighs squeeze together and she moaned into the bed. Her eyes rolling back once again. 
Billie immediately spread her legs open. Her other hand still placed in her hair. She took the fist full of hair and brought her back up. pulling her head back. still roughly pounding in and out of her with her fingers. Jocelyn was panting like a helpless puppy for Billie.
"Look at you. God, you look fucking pathetic." Billie growled. All Jocelyn could reply with was moans and pants. Billie took her hand out of her hair and slapped her ass again. "I know damn fucking well nobody had you like this. Let’s be realistic princess," Billie stated. and she was right, nobody did. Nobody could. 
"B-Billie'm so close please.." Billie immediately took her fingers out. Making Jocelyn groan and gasp . "No. No. No. Billie no." Jocelyn desperately spat out. 
Billie flipped her back on her back. Her legs spread, all on display for her. Billie crawled in between her. her face met hers. inches apart. "Go ahead. Admit that im better. Admit that nobody can fucking do what I do." Billie demanded. Her iconic cocky smirk plastered all over her tan face. Jocelyn rolled her eyes. She always hated this. 
Billie noticed her attitude. Billie took her hand and grabbed Jocelyn's jaw. Jocelyn's eyes go wide. "Fucking say it whore." Billie spat. Their foreheads were touching. Jocelyn was once again quiet, but out of shock. Billie’s grip tightened on her face. 
"Fucking say it or I will sit here all fucking night and make you cum until you fucking pass out." Billie once again demanded. 
Jocelyn's eyes only grew wider and wider. "Yes Billie fuck oh my god your better. Nobody even fucking comes close to you. M-mommy please.. please make me cum please I haven't had anything as good as this in months." Jocelyn finally admitted. Everything coming out all at once now. Her eyes were watering, tears stained her pink cheeks. Billie let go of her jaw and grinned happily. 
Finally getting what she wanted. 
Billie crawled back and rested her face down to her pussy. She placed her hands on her knees so she could spread her more. She made direct eye contact with Jocelyn and lowered her face down on her. Swirling her tongue on her clit. Her crystal clear siren eyes making this so much hotter. Moan began leaving Jocelyn's mouth.
Billie began to eat her like there was no tomorrow. Her tongue going in circles over and over again. Occasionally fucking her tongue in and out of her. Jocelyn rested her hands in Billie's hair, pushing her more and more down on her. Jocelyn's back arched. She was in utter fucking bliss. "p-please im so close.." she told her. Billie continued. She wanted to get her off. 
Jocelyn finally came down from her high and her legs began to shake. Her thighs closing in on Billie's face. shoving her even farther in her. Her white liquids coating all over Billie's pretty face. Billie moaned on her. 
Billie didn't even try to lick up her cum, instead, she whipped it off her face, and off Jocelyn's pussy onto her fingers. Jocelyn watched as she did this. thinking that she would just lick it off her fingers.
But no. 
Billie took her cum coated fingers and stuck them back inside Jocelyn. Jocelyn's swollen and overstimulated cunt ache. Making Jocelyn let out the most pornographic moan of her life. Billie forced her cum back deep inside of her. Jocelyn watched her in shock. That had to be the hottest thing she had ever seen Billie do. 
Billie began to get up, slapping her wet clit one last time. 
"So, princess, mind reminding me who does it best?"
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TAGLIST (dm,inbox,or comment to be added!) : @muchloveforhacker @chrissv4mp @mseilishmwah @chrissfawn @dev-sturns
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Ways to Woo - Aloy x Seyka fanfiction (ch 4)
“Aloy,” Alva’s bright voice echoed through her focus. “Is now a good time?”
Aloy was knee-deep in mud, swallowing a grunt as the snapmaw’s jaw gears creaked against the metal pole she’d wedged in its mouth. It still pressed against her, razor teeth dangerously close to flesh, driving her deeper into the lake. Not good—she didn’t like her chances in the water with this thing.
“Ah—” Her voice was strained. “Just a little busy.”
“I’ll be fast.”
Sure, why not, Aloy thought, but she didn’t voice it.
After all, Alva rarely called these days. The Diviner was spending every free second in the ruins of San Francisco, reuniting the two halves of the Quen fleet. They’ve begun construction on a new set of ships to return home, but there were ridiculous arguments cropping up in the meantime. Arguments that required a Diviner’s guidance to solve.
It sounded exhausting. Aloy found any reason to steer clear.
But that meant she hadn’t spoken to Alva in weeks. Even just hearing her friend’s voice perked Aloy’s mood.
The pole in the snapmaw’s mouth was bending.
“There’s a party tonight, to celebrate the first boat’s completion. Fireworks, floating lanterns, wine.”
Aloy repositioned her grip on the snapmaw’s jaw, fumbling for her spear. “O-kay.” The second half of the word came out as a wheeze, lost with the air in her lungs as she slipped in mud. It gave the snapmaw a window.
The machine snarled—then bent the pole in half with one vicious chomp.
“So, I was thinking you might like to come. Well, everyone. But especially you.”
The snapmaw lunged. Aloy twisted in the mud and it sailed over her, crashing into the water, which was both good and very bad. It recognized its element and lazily spun, testing its newly-freed jaw… and fatal biting power.
Sopping wet, covered in mud, Aloy scrambled to her feet. She unhooked her spear, her words breathless. “Cheating on Federa, huh? I’m flattered.”
“Ancestors, no,” Alva snorted. “She might sic Compliance on you out of spite. For your safety, it’s best we remain friends.”
“Noted,” Aloy said drily, a hint of a smile on her face.
The snapmaw sailed towards her. She counted seconds, facing off with her spear at the ready.
“Although… the lantern lighting is typically done with a partner.”
“It leans towards romantic.”
“I think Seyka will be there, is all.”
Aloy missed her shot. The snapmaw was inches from her face before her instincts kicked in. She barely catapulted out of the way. Fuck. That was sloppy. She gasped, twisting into a roll just as the snapmaw’s massive claws slammed the mud where she’d landed.
Enough of this. Aloy pivoted on her heel, leapt into the air, and buried her spear into the machine’s thick skull. The wicked point cut into it with ease, but she held it there until the vital circuits severed, until the light in its eyes dimmed and vanished.
The creature went limp, sinking into the mud.
“Aloy? You there?”
“Ah—” Aloy muted her focus, heaving for breath. She pressed a boot to the skull and wrenched her spear free, watching in mild satisfaction as the snapmaw’s metal carcass slid back towards the lake. Slightly more composed, she unmuted and said, “Sorry. I’m here. Seyka wants me there? Did she say that?”
She sounded like a lovesick kid inside the Embrace. Embarrassment made her cheeks flush, her body hot. She couldn’t find the energy to mind.
She never really did when Seyka was involved.
“Well, originally Seyka asked me for dating ideas, since apparently matchmaking is ‘my hobby.’” Alva’s voice dripped sarcasm. “I’m very busy. A Diviner, for the ancestors’ sake. Just because I set up two couples on the trip out here—”
Aloy had tuned her out, too distracted by the idea of Seyka asking the Diviner for dating advice.
A dark part of Aloy wondered if it was for someone else—but that’d be stupid, with what she and Seyka had. Or… didn’t have. Or had, unspoken? Aloy couldn’t tell anymore, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to ask for clarification. Not when she herself didn’t have an answer.
She just liked Seyka around.
That’s all.
Alva had shifted to exasperation. “—told Seyka to figure it out, and she spent three hours pacing around camp like she was possessed. People are getting nervous, Aloy. Our lead carpenter heard her muttering about luring a fireclaw into camp. That’s her idea of a date, apparently.”
That could be fun. Well, the fireclaw fight, not the collateral damage. Aloy wiped mud from her face, flicking it onto the ground. “She wouldn’t actually do that.”
“We can’t risk it. I talked her down to lighting a lantern tonight. So. Get your ass to our camp before sundown—or any fireclaw injuries are on your hands.” A pause. “Great to talk to you. Miss you lots. Don’t make me ask twice.”
Alva cut the feed before Aloy could reply.
Aloy contemplated her grimy outfit, the machine grease in her hair, the blood on her arms. A quick glance at the sun’s position proved she only had a few hours of flying time left—and that was without changing.
Maybe Seyka would find it attractive.
With a heaving sigh and a fluttering heart, Aloy whistled for her sunwing.
(Read it here on Ao3!)
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shiroi---kumo · 10 months
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Morality Meme || Accepting
@ l/ady-quen asked:
Something he hasn't been asked before (as much): 💋: How easily is he tempted? (Absolutely does not have to be in *that* context. Think material gain, favors, etc)
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Buckle up, this is gunna be long and a RIDE.
The trick is when it comes to Kumo on the topic of "tempted" (and not that as you said) is there are two sides to this ->
The idea of tempting or the idea of giving into temptation.
Considering the original question doesn't specify which side we're going to, we're going to go with temptations.
And there are a lot of them and if you want to view things like candy, sugar, indulgences, etc - Kumo gives in often and easily.
The thing about it is though, is, that it's entirely riding on an outsider's perspective of Kumo's actions and if someone like, say Kaze, were to just let Kumo be and react to situations for a week however he so pleases and then judged him on how he reacted over that week -> through an outsider's lens it would appear that Kumo caves to temptations at nearly every turn.
But we're not going from an outsider's perspective. We're going from Kumo's perspective and that is an entirely different situation. This is also why the boys clash so often because the outsider's perspective simply doesn't know / understand why Kumo is doing what he's doing.
In Kumo's mind, he almost never caves to temptations and when you look at the world from his eyes - he's right.
It's taken over two years - real time - for Kumo to dance in front of Kaze (dance in general) totally carefree and to just move, DESPITE the fact, his body tingles and his skin prickles whenever he hears the sound of any form of tune. Kumo hears sound with his entire body but he hasn't combusted yet with his overwhelming full body urge to just move. And when he wanted to sing, he removed himself from what he assumed was Kaze's earshot because he did not want to nor did he feel comfortable doing so in front of the man. He made himself smaller instead of just caving to the urge and singing regardless of whether or not anyone could hear him.
He resists the urge to just flip himself upside down more often than not because he knows it annoys his Other to no end when he does so and he hasn't taken to the sky to just go exist inside a cloud for thirty minutes because of a previous threat to shoot him down if he flew ahead.
Kumo needs to be in the air to breathe properly but yet he has remained mostly grounded due to his extreme fear of angering Kaze. And I do mean extreme.
In Kumo's mind, he doesn't act outside of the boundaries that have been set for him, to the point of even denying his own needs to an extent, if only to keep the peace.
An Outsider's perspective would lead them to tell you that Kumo is a spoiled child that gets whatever he wants, whines and cries to achieve that and lives of sugar and candy that sleeps all the time.
Kumo's perspective would tell you, he is a terrified abuse survivor who is slowly dying due to a curse that is killing him little bits at a time so he sleeps as much as possible because he's running out of energy, who only eats what sugar they can afford and deemed acceptable despite needing it to literally function, drinks half the water he needs because of lack of storage issues, and only cries when his emotions become too much and he can no longer control them. The emotions only come out when the bottle holding them cracks.
An Outsider's perspective would tell you "Spoiled Royal."
And Kumo would even resist the temptation then to tell that person to go fuck themselves because spoiled is the last thing he's ever been. Those two words rub him raw enough to make him bleed but he won't say that either because causing confrontation is improper and he has an aversion to fighting and yelling so he avoids them at all costs.
How often and easily does Kumo give into temptation? He doesn't.
And I say this for a multitude of reasons but mostly that when Kumo "gives into temptation" for something, he's not giving in at all actually. He's been given permission to do something, so he is acting on that permission.
As a prime example, in Kumo's mind, his relationship to Kaze (not with. TO) functions solely around the sentence "I obey you." Because that is how he feels about that man at its root core. He loves him. He cares about him and one might think that his vision is being deluded by his feelings towards Rorahm, but Kumo told himself to come to terms with the fact that Rorahm was dead many months ago.
He no longer sees Kaze as that man. He sees the essence of Rorahm the person as dead but the name Rorahm remains as simply a name and that is why Pilvi and Seejvariil will still use it. But at the core of it, that's where Kumo's mind sets "I obey you." so he would never dare defy someone like Kaze - someone he holds extreme fear in even if "giving into temptation" is doing something is literally a basic need for his survival.
And he's been like this his entire life so whether Kaze is aware of it or not, Kumo was built with a foundation that tells his mind to obey before all else and that includes giving into any form of temptation that could be for his own benefit. Even at seven, Kumo would ask his teachers "Could we maybe color?" instead of just simply coloring as a seven year old should.
Even as a child, he was asking for permission before he did something and that includes: coloring, singing, dancing, drawing, painting, napping, cuddling, eating his favorite foods or really anything at all.
Kumo doesn't give into temptation because he defaults to permission before all else. Even in a relationship type context, Kumo didn't even haul off and kiss Kain. His brain absolutely thought 'I would like to kiss him' but instead of just doing so - Kumo proceeded to ask Kain "Would it perhaps be acceptable if I kissed you?"
Kumo is obsessed with the concept of consent and he means that by way of his own AND everyone else's. He does not just do things to do them. He will check to make sure he's not inconveniencing anyone by doing something. Even if that thing is a nap. He will tell someone he is going to take a nap before he does so. He will also tell that person they can wake him for any reason if they require him even if sleep for him right now is literally life saving.
Kumo's body has become a shattered broken mess of spreading soul scars because he won't fall to temptations of any kind for any reason. He will not prioritize himself for anything and his childhood had a lot to do with it. His current day issues also are what's causing this because having events like:
the 12 years of torture and abuse of all kinds in Gaudium,
Kaze's use of aggressive force, degrading language and dismissive attitude (using his body to intimidate, putting Orthrus flush to his neck to intimidate, back handing him with Orthrus for breaking eye contact, " you foolish boy"/ "spoiled royal" / "spoiled brat", calling him a liar when kumo said he loved him, telling kumo he needed to throw away his love because he was a sword, and an all around lack of general care or concern for Kumo's well being),
and the recent recapture by Anarchy
has only worked to solidify his belief that he needs to inconvenience those around him as little possible and that his existence and needs are things that can inconvenience others.
He doesn't function for material gain either. Ever. He didn't haul off and just go buy the Makea Meloni. No, he begged Kaze for it. (He asked for permission) Even with his goals to take the throne and become King of Wonderland aren't for material gain. He's literally doing this to heal the pain and turmoil in Wonderland to starve out Chaos - therefore weakening their enemy so they can stand in the face of it without causing so much death and destruction.
He's literally aiming for that seat, not for material gain or power. He's a Misterican Royal - they serve their people, not the other way around - so he's doing it to enlist himself into service of the people of Wonderland and therefore the Universe and he won't just declare himself King, even though the seat is currently empty. He is working to get Wonderland's approval before he does so.
Because at the end of everything, no matter what the situation is - Kumo operations on permission before all else.
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thessalian · 4 months
Thess vs Regalla
Well, first there was the Stuff at Base to deal with.
Poor Erend. He tries to brush off the squishy stuff but he is just this ... big dumb loyal marshmallow wrapped in steel and I just want to hug him.
I do love the viewpoints and moods we get from this group. Zo is ... I have a suspicion about a thing, but overall she's ... maintaining. Alva ... is probably not used to this level of setback, just because of how setbacks are dealt with among the Quen, so obviously she's entirely at sea about how to bounce back. Kotallo is moving on to the next battle because he can't mourn the dead until all the battles are done, just so he knows how many of the dead to mourn - and besides, that's his people. And Erend ... see above re: big dumb loyal marshmallow.
Zo wants to speak to me before I can do anything else? Okay. So now I get to confirm why she's so relatively calm, because that kind of thing is generally--
...okay, first? There is so much beauty in this game, even in its saddest moments, and I will bask in this until--
Yep. Relatively calm because she carries a piece of him, literally. It'll be interesting to see how that little one is raised. (And as a friend of mine pointed out, Sona's lost both of her children now. Though I guess she probably accepted that she lost Varl when he left the Sacred Lands. That's still kind of a Nora thing.)
Also like I was telling this friend of mine? It did have to be Varl, not only for thematic reasons, but for narrative ones. We needed Kotallo, Zo, and Alva as anchors to the current part of the world we're in. We still need Kotallo because we still have things to deal with as regards the Tenakth. Alva will not only be needed in terms of information about the Ancestors, but may also serve as a link to follow in the next game (assuming there will be one, but this doesn't feel like it's going to be over when we punt the Zeniths off our planet; nothing's that simple in this series). Zo ... well, narrative aftercare at minimum, since she's carrying Varl's child. And Erend? Well, he was a possibility, but he was too obvious a possibility, to start with. I mean, come on; he's a beatstick who deals with problems by charging headfirst into them. He's learning a bit of strategy now, but his death wouldn't have the same narrative weight because it's kind of expected from someone who goes into melee with Bristlebacks and who you know would die for you without a second's hesitation. Varl? He's been with Aloy since nearly the beginning. He taught her so much. He wasn't just a Rost for Beta - he was what Rost should have been for Aloy; Rost just didn't know how to be that. He tried to get Aloy to embrace life with the tribe, but he thought the only way was to separate himself from her entirely. Varl spent the last two games walking the line between "what tradition demands" and "what my friend needs", and choosing the latter every time. His world became so vast when he left the Sacred Lands. There were few enough places with narrative weight left for him to go. I've read at least one review that said they wanted to see more of Varl's character arc and that only annoys me because a) we saw a lot of it anyway and b) the only way we could have seen more of it was if it had been him as the main character and not Aloy.
(Yeah, it felt like half the reviewers at minimum would have very much preferred that Aloy be male. They don't like how bossy she is, they think she isn't likeable ... all these things that just get a pass when it's male characters being like that. I hate it.)
Okay. Let's see if flying on a Sunwing will ease my pain.
(I mean ... it really kinda does.)
I should take a break but ... no. No, I am going to finish off those rebels. I'm done.
Ooooooooooooohohohoho this is awesome.
Okay, what now?
Melee combat with minimal space, that's what. Oh, get fucked.
Right. A little more space. Not much, but...
...You know what? You don't deserve precision or clean shots. For you, Regalla? I'm bringing out the very well upgraded legendary hunter bow. And the fire arrows. BURN!
It is so satisfying watching her be on fire.
Soooooooooo ... I get to throw her at the Zeniths? Really? Yes. Okay. I will do that. Kotallo can keep her honest, and that's what she wanted to do anyway, thanks to Sylens--
Oh. Speaking of. Message from these Prometheus people, which meeeeeeans...
Hi, Sylens. How's the everything? Your plans went tits-up? Yeah, good, because yours were made of dickhead. AGAIN. You want APOLLO? You follow my plans. Because I have them, yes. And I finally, finally know more than you do.
So I am going to get everybody - friends, foes, annoyances - into my base and we're going to do this shit. But to give everybody time to get there ... I have a couple of flight-related side quests to deal with.
Ah, there are those assholes who attacked Tide's Reach. One just wants to ... die on a tiny spit of rock, okay.
Okay, raider rebel jackasses, what building did you climb--?
Oh, this is going to suck for my usual methods of combat...
Melee combat, on a very tiny ledge, with a very long drop I HATE THIS SO MUCH.
Well, I got through it anyway. Now to that one last shelter I couldn't get because I needed flight--
Now is a good time to take a proper break. I have one more side quest and then I think endgame. I can wait for NG+ for anything really to do with the arena etc.
Yeah, I require an actual meal, and bath, and all that good stuff. But ... lots of thoughts, lots of feels, and holy fuck I forgot how much I love flying mounts.
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holodaxy · 1 year
Okay so stay with me as I've been having thought...mostly Hawk and Thrush Thoughts...sort of...
Is there a fic (and there isn’t because I’m about to get oddly specific – maybe this is more of a cry to write this because I won’t) where somebody has inadvertently gotten close to Beta (on purpose seems a bit cruel and horrible) as an Aloy replacement?
In my head it’s Talanah – in some way this seems wrong and a touch out of character, but you know those oddly specific details? Well yeah, she works for those oddly specific details so stick with me here…
So Talanah crosses paths with Erend and naturally they get on about Aloy and he mentions that she’s spending a lot of time helping reunite the Quen Fleet and rather innocently makes a joke about how Aloy is more interested in spending time with a Quen Marine than reuniting the fleet (because of course the GAIA Gang have been gossiping about Aloy and Seyka – not to mention they’ve got an inside source! Alva is right there!) Talanah isn’t impressed by this information, though doesn’t know why (Erend has a good idea, but he’s already opened his big mouth once so he’s not doing that again).
How Talanah makes her way to the base I’m not sure (I can’t work it all out!) and cue an awkward first meeting with Beta because of course Aloy didn’t mention that there’s this anxious identical ‘twin’ wandering around. So Talanah is about to leave (because this wasn’t on her ‘Life with Aloy’ bingo card) when she discovers Beta doesn’t know how to use any weapons and really, how could Aloy be so careless as to leave her twin sister all alone in the base with no way to defend herself? Anybody could walk in! As evident by the fact Talanah had just walked in – that’s her argument and she’s sticking to it, she won’t hear any objection from Beta about how the base security was likely programmed by Aloy to let Talanah in because she's been there once before.
So Talanah sticks around to show Beta how to use a bow (or any weapon really) and Beta totally isn’t her Thrush because that would just be weird (not that the whole situation isn’t weird to either of them, but its just a little nice for Beta to have company and for Talanah to be away from the stress of the Hunters Lodge). And I can totally see Beta being the one to tell Talanah everything – about Nemesis, about Zero Dawn and Elisabet Sobeck, about how she and Aloy are clones (again, none of this was on Talanah’s ‘Life With Aloy’ bingo card). She’d also give her a Focus (because Beta doesn’t understand why Aloy isn’t handing these out like sweets to people!) and shows Talanah how to use the Focus and oh look! They’ve taught each other things and that’s nice.
So one day they decide to venture out of the base (again, I don’t know, I really don’t know why) and who do they stumble across? Well Amadis of course (because every story needs a villain – that was harsh, he’s not actually going to do anything wrong this time). He doesn’t get a close look at Beta and just thinks Aloy has drastically cut her hair and changed her clothes (she did it like three time the last time he met her, where is she hiding those armour sets???) and he passes comment about how both he and Talanah were using each other to get over other people the whole time. Talanah has an ‘oh fuck’ moment and Amadis goes on his way again not realising he's caused total turmoil again.
So Talanah’s ‘oh fuck’ moment hits home that she’s drawn to Beta because of Aloy and she’s done exactly what she never wanted to be and made somebody her second choice. And deep down I think no matter how close the two of them were getting, Beta knows she’s an Aloy replacement and her self esteem is so far in the ground that she’s just pretty much ‘that’s just it for me, I’ll never be anything other than the inferior copy’ (and my poor baby Beta, I want to hug her) so she’s just kind of clung to somebody being nice to her even if it’s possibly (keep possibly in your mind) not meant for her in the first place.
I didn’t say this wasn’t angst – I mean, my opening summary of this didn’t indicate there wasn’t angst!
How this ends I’m not sure – I have two options, again…stick with me…
Aloy returns to the base right in the aftermath of the ‘oh fuck’ moment and is totally confused about what Talanah is doing there, but she’s kind of grateful that Talanah was looking after Beta. Then she finds out how close the two have gotten and is not impressed because how dare Talanah go near Beta! And Aloy totally won’t admit to being jealous and what Quen Marine? She’s be reuniting the Quen Fleet!
The two then have a long overdue heart to heart and all their feelings laid bare, happily ever after Hawk and Thrush. This ending seems a bit harsh on Beta who I don’t think deserves that so from stage right enter some unseen original character who has never, ever laid eyes on Aloy and knows nothing about her so they can like Beta for being Beta.
Option 2 goes totally the opposite way, enters rare pare mode and Talanah realises Beta is a totally different person to Aloy and while the original reason she spent time with Beta was Aloy (and was totally wrong) she’s actually rather drawn to Beta’s totally different personality and quirks. Cue Aloy returning to the base with Seyka and being totally confused about what’s going on – and has Beta just stolen her moment? She was about to introduce her girlfriend to the gang and now Beta and Talanah are a thing and…well…typical sibling bickering.
Of course there’s hidden option 3 which is everybody is miserable and unhappy, but that seems a bit bleak even for me.
Well thanks for sticking with me for this long…whatever this is – I don’t know what this is. I’m going back under my rock now, I’ll keep these wild idea to myself as this got out of hand 😁
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cursedfortune · 6 months
In a free-for all between all your muses with no outside help allowed, but full access to all their abilities (such as interlaced with cosmic beings) who would win, do you reckon? :)
This is ROUGH.
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Eugh eugh eugh, Quen whhhhy. I'm not going to mention older blogs I have on hiatus at the moment and just focus on the ones I've been either consistent or semi-consistent with since 2020. That's mainly because I wrote my main and overarching villain for years alongside a fandom muse on a separate blog. While the latter is fallible despite being a Problem. My main villain (as you know Quen) would clear the fucking board. Despite Nestor and Mortem being the prime individuals to set the plan in motion and get it far, without the rest of those players they'd just be fucking erased.
That's not very fair so 2020 and onward it is with the blogs I've maintained. Blogs included are this one, Nestor (major crimes and supernatural agent), Marie (journalist and cult hunter) and the fandom WORM (a stitched up curse) briefly mentioned.
Going under a read more cause this may get lengthy.
So first off it comes down to technicality. Marie has the Leviathan fragment within her - it's a sentient being that acts on its own accord. However, Marie doesn't know about it because whenever it shows itself it ends up killing her (if an outside thing doesn't do that already). Without the Leviathan, she's dead - and the entity doesn't consider itself a player in the game (that's not a game). If it so much as opens an eye chances are the vessel (Marie) and whatever its focusing on are getting got.
So if Marie doesn't know about it (due to the resetting factor it scars her soul with every time), can she actually utilize it in a competitive field like this? Answer is: She wouldn't even know to. If the Leviathan acted on its own agency, she's still likely going to die despite it recovering her right after. Which is very canon of them.
In a free for all, Leviathan wins. But I'm not sure I can count them as a muse when they are more just a passive bystander. Since Marie can't be separated from it, though, by default she wins. She just... dies a wakes up to everything being dead already once its inconvenienced enough.
I say Marie because even with Mortem's spell of (constant/endless) regeneration, she's still able to tire out. She can't withstand the damage the Leviathan can do to her. And I don't mean to her body - it's to her soul, no living thing can. Mortem's spell has a failsafe, which I've never really used or talked about. If her soul is destroyed, the residual energy condenses and becomes hostile against whatever destroyed her until it burns out. This was designed into her spell because if something killed her (or worse, she ceased to exist) the remaining energy her soul emitted could attack something that was no doubt posing a problem to the natural cosmic balance. Mind you, she has a lot of energy reserved and the spell engraved into her chest kept an open channel to all energy. So when she goes, that doesn't just cut off. It tapers off, meaning there's a fuckton that condenses and becomes rabid.
Mortem could absolutely clean house with everyone by default either with her combat experience or endurance thanks to her regen spell. However, she can't overcome the cosmic tool that is the Leviathan, which exists to make sure all things mortal and immortal get recycled. It's eco-friendly.
If the entity didn't act, yeah of course she'd freaking break Marie over her leg no issue.
Everyone with her fae patron nothing would really work. Her fae patron serves the same purpose as Mortem, but he leaves heavily into entropy whereas she life. His creation was influenced by the Leviathan's existence, he acts like smaller piece of it that was meant to stay within one territory vs roaming the cosmos. Safe to say, he'd get got too.
Nestor is just human. Even later in her story, when her body is mostly mechanical because she has sustained so much damage over the years, she's still limited by comparison. Sure, she has Anthony (I joke he's God because it's not a joke, he technically half of my canon's God-adjacent figure) but he's a side muse at best and I can't really rope him into this. If I said Anthony got a pass like the Leviathan could, then he wins. Leviathan? No. Mortem? Nope. Technically Nes wins, too, cause they are bffs. But no, he's competitive, everyone loses. Eat it.
Without him, however, she stands no chance. And that isn't because she isn't competent, girl very much is. She will find a way to fight and defy even if her body is riddled with damage. If she wasn't so soul weary, she'd probably create a new witch bloodline she's so fucking willful. But there's a difference between surviving out of duty and surviving because you want to be alive.
Would she give someone like Mortem a run for her money? In a strictly hand to hand or weapon vs weapon scenario, yes. If Mortem doesn't utilize magic and just relied on her core abilities (including enhanced senses and strength) then yeah. Nestor could take her head off and fight back very competently. She's an efficient executioner when need be. Doesn't change the fact Mortem can outlast her.
Against just Marie? Nestor wins. Her pseudo-family member isn't combat efficient. She'd make it quick and painless. With Mortem, she couldn't afford to drag it out either even if she didn't have a choice, knowing the endurance levels aren't even on the same planet. ...But she'd have a little fun, admittedly. Feel that adrenaline that gives her some life back.
If I have to bring a particular Worm into this, he can end the humans easily. He'd probably throw the Leviathan off a little with his technique - even if the entity could and would crush him for the audacity. Against Mortem? His technique wouldn't be effective much. He'd have to burn her through her energy reserves and I believe he'd do a great job with it. But she could unravel him, at the same time with entropy and targeting his soul. I think they'd have a super fun time fighting and learning one another, though.
These two absolute freaks share some fun overlaps when it comes to how they approach an encounter, what they can get out of it and their abilities. And Mortem knowing he could come back in her lifetime would make ending his fucking career all the more amusing to her, tbh. Would be a very fun fight for them to adapt to.
It's hard to conclude a winner with the technicalities. Excluding outside help, Anthony, Leviathan and the fae patron are all cut I think. Mortem takes the crown for mentally present fighter to outlive them, but Marie will probably just be face down in the mud until the Leviathan reactivates her.
With the exclusion of the Leviathan being outside help (even though it's inside), Marie wins on that technicality even though it isn't her own ability that gets her through to the finish line.
Nestor just stares into the camera because you made me pit her against some of the freaks of her canon. Thanks, Quen. xD
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
my thoughts on burning shores if anyone was interested (spoilers obvs, also loooooong, so long and rambling, don’t feel like you need to read it lol):
first of all - that final fight with the horus was EPIC. i LOVED the multiple sections that basically take you through all the game mechanics - stealth, ranged, climbing, swimming, platforming - all just really cool. SO AMAZING and FUCKING CREEPY to see a horus crawling/walking around. also props to sam witwer to being a great over-the-top villian lol. the final fight with londra in the head section felt a bit cramped and it took me a few cycles to understand what to do (like it took me too long to realize i could shoot the mines yikes i’m dumb) but once i did i liked the design of it. (although i felt aloy should have been more terrified of the horus waking up? she and seyka seemed pretty chill and jokey throughout the whole thing considering the situation - i feel like she should have been more scared, at least at first?)
second of all, little complaint - the sounds of the waterwing are EXCRUCIATING to me. really, honestly awful. well not from a sound design perspective, they're fine as... sounds... just not sounds i have to listen to frequently. but i'm very sensitive to noise and i have misophonia, so... maybe that's why. i wish it would just stop making noises. so many noises. all the time. in my mind steve (my sunwing) flew off to hang out with some burning shores sunwings and the moment i go back to a sunwing site i will recognize him and override him again and then we will go back to adventuring together and i will abandon the waterwing unless i need one again. also they added a noise to the barrel roll on the sunwing and that is not cool, don't like, i would like steve to be quiet(er) again pls.
third, an issue - i can't complete cauldron theta because every time i kill the bilegut my game crashes. TT-TT i go through the whole fight, aloy says "it's done!" and the game closes and i get an error. i have fought that bastard three times now and i WILL NOT be doing it again until i have reason to believe it’s fixed lol. the rest of the cauldron was pretty cool tho!
other things:
GILDUN! OMG. i loved that whole quest. i felt bad but i listened to all his commentary behind the door before opening it :D i also felt bad because he's so friendly and optimistic and his delving partner was a jerk, and while i didn't want to lie to him i chose the heart option for aloy's response, and i don't think i could choose the others. and he gets a focus and a hug! AHHHHHH it was great. you’re our friend gildun! (i did get him talking on aloy's focus once when i went back to the main game, so i wonder if there will be random comments like that sometimes? v cool)
NORA LOOKOUT ARMOR! holy crap i forgive them for not giving us the banuk sickness eater bc i did not expect to get the lookout. AMAZING. i will have to do a run with her wearing the lookout the whole time. the quen armors are pretty great too (and lots of dyes, but still only four dyes for the oseram armors? like, why? why didn't the oseram armor get the ng+ dye? WHY GUERRILLA)
ZENITH WEAPON! i was ambivalent about this idea before bc i wasn't sure how zenith weapons would work with the others we have, but i honestly love it. i also like the little clinky noise it makes when she puts it on/stows it :D some of the new weapons (like the shredder) in hfw felt kind of ratchet-and-clank-y, which i loved bc i *adored* r&c growing up. the zenith gauntlet also feels a bit like r&c and i’m digging it. now aloy just needs a topiary sprinkler lolololol (just kidding).
ZENITH FACEPAINTS! ok i would not wear these full time but they are honestly beautiful with the gold. also didn't expect these. and some new quen ones and the new valor surge one and the pangaea one. (are there more? i haven’t finished the delver’s trinkets or the aerial vantage points) i have my work cut out for me for my facepaint series!
i'm... not sure how i feel about aloy and seyka. as an ace girl who was hoping (however foolishly and vainly) for at least the choice of ace girl rep in aloy, it didn’t hit for me the way i’m sure they wanted it to. (i realize she still could be ace, just not aro, but to me it didn’t feel like they were telling an ace story, if that makes sense.) and i like seyka but she wasn't as immediately endearing to me as many of the other side characters - altho maybe my opinion will change on a second playthrough.
but i *am* glad that aloy is 1) letting herself be emotional/vulnerable around others 2) is more relaxed and happy after hfw’s whole story and 3) actually voiced aloud how her early life as an outcast impacted her ability to form friendships. (or wait... was that only in the brain flashpoint dialogue, which is the one i picked? idk) so anyway not mad about it even if i wasn’t really feeling it, and i’m happy for the ppl who wanted aloy to be canonically into the ladies. (which imo it always seemed like she was)
the map is beautiful and the clouds are too. the sky in the new map omg!!! the color of the sky/clouds is definitely unique from any of the other areas. it does feel a biiiiiit too bright in places tho. several times the environment or aloy was completely blown out, highlights-wise. i didn’t change any settings on my game or tv from before, so i don’t feel like it’s on my end, but maybe i need to check.
speaking of sky have you flown up into the cloud layer? like it's a small thing i guess but it is BEAUTIFUL, it literally looks like one of the luminist paintings they said they were inspired by, but it's 3d. so, so pretty.
i did feel it was a bit short/fast especially compared to how the frozen wilds felt, but i may have just rushed it bc i was able to sit down and binge and i wanted to avoid spoilers.
why no tallneck? :( the frozen wilds tallneck was so great...
the jurassic park references made me laugh :D
the whole thing londra was doing to the quen, and the conversation with nova, was extra gross and creepy. also i thought we'd get nova as an AI ally like CYAN but oh well.
again the horus fight was amazing 10/10 boss fight v cool. the only thing i would have added was somehow shooting from the waterwing before gliding down to the ground. with two riders one can shoot and one can steer right?
but the side quest with the three waterwings on the island? HHHHHOLY fuck that was annoying. i used practically all my resources to kill those bastards. "weak to fire" my ass. they have like mile-wide aoe attacks and they are FAST and i kept missing their bodies while my ammo was going through their wings... super, super annoying, did not like, 0/10.
i hope they un-mirror the ammo selection, i was constantly picking the wrong arrows lol.
i walked up on some sandpipers on a beach and i scared them off and it was so REAL i just stood there and watched them fly away. and then they landed further down and started doing their little sandpiper-y thing again. SO COOL.
LEGENDARY SPIKE THROWER WITH DRILL SPIKES! thank u gildun i love it and will cherish it forever.
i'm not sure about the aerial vantage points (whatever they're called) bc i haven't finished them yet but the ones i have done are more emotionally along the lines of the original vantage points, so that's cool.
i did the stormbird in the cloud before i had the waterwing override and the stormbird KILLED STEVE so i reloaded a previous save where steve was alive and waited to do that until i was riding a (super-noisy and annoying) waterwing lol.
i am SAD that all our companions have left the main map. :( i mean they didn't do anything besides stand there in the same spots but... they were there...
sylens, ahhhhhh. that final convo made me tear up a little. i wish aloy had said something before she walked away, even a sarcastic "thanks" would have felt better imo. he didn't see her smile and he didn't hear the comment she made later. just considering the real-world stuff with lance reddick, oof.
also, visiting varl’s grave T_T
aaaaaaanyway i personally felt it was *well* worth $20 and i’m sooooooo excited to see what guerrilla does in the future!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Alpha bf????? What are people even talking these days?
Jikook are real people, please anons stop such weird narratives. Cringe.
My favorite Alpha Boyfriends post because you gave me the excuse!
Charles Cornick - Alpha & Omega by Patricia Briggs
"Anna gave Charles a shy kiss on the cheek and strolled out of the room without a backward glance. Until she reached the doorway, and then, in full view of the curious who'd had the courage or discourtesy to linger in the auditorium after he'd dismissed them, she kissed her palm and blew it to him.
And despite... or because of their audience, he caught it in one hand, and pulled the hand to his heart. Her smile dropped away, and the expression in her eyes would feed him for a week. And the expressions on the faces of the wolves who knew Charles, or knew his reputation, would make him laugh as soon as no one was watching."
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Adam Hauptman - Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs
"It's only fair to warn you that you sealed your fate tonight. When you knew you were in trouble, you came to me. That makes twice, Mercy, and twice is almost as good as a declaration. You are mine now.... Ben says you might run. If you do, I will find you and bring you back. Every time you run, Mercy. I won't force you, but. .. No more excuses, Mercy. You are mine, and I am keeping you."
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Clayton Danvers - Bitten by Kelley Armstrong
What’s this?” Nick said. “Bedtime?”
No one answered him. I kept my eyes closed.
“You look positively content, Clayton,” Nick continued, thumping down on the floor. “That wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that Elena is cuddled up with you, would it?”
“It’s cold in here,” I murmured.
“Doesn’t feel cold.”
“It’s cold,” Clay growled.
“I could start a fire.”
“I could start one, too,” Clay said. “With your clothes. Before you get them off.
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Ox and Joe - Wolfsong by TJ Klune
"It’s not destiny, Ox. You’re not bound by this. Not yet. There’s a choice. There is always a choice. My wolf chose you. I chose you. And if you don’t choose me, then that’s your choice and I will walk out of here knowing you got to choose your own path. But I swear to god, if you choose me, I will make sure that you know the weight of your worth every day for the rest of our lives because that’s what this is. I am going to be a fucking Alpha one day, and there is no one I’d rather have by my side than you. It’s you, Ox. For me, it’s always been you.”
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Trent Kalamack - The Hollows series by Kim Harrison
"The want for that kiss had shocked him more than the interruption, and he fell back into the chair, cool and nonchalant as Quen came in with his questions and demands. He wasn't sure if he believed he'd really helped, but one thing was very clear. He wanted that again, that feeling of standing with her against all odds and succeeding. He wanted it so bad, he was going to risk destroying everything he and his father had worked for. He should walk away. Right now. But as she was ushered out the door under David's arm, all he wanted to do was follow her. What the hell was he doing, falling in love with her"
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Andrew Minyard - All For The Game by Nora Sakavic
"Andrew had nearly killed four men for assaulting Nicky and would have broken Allison's neck for hitting Aaron, but when it came to crimes against his own person Andrew couldn't care less. He held his life in less regard than he did anything else. Neil hated that with a ferocity that was nauseating."
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Scarlet & Wolf - Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
"Wolf, are you asking me to be ... your alpha female?"
He hesitated.
Scarlet couldn't help it - she burst into laughter. "Oh - I'm sorry. That was mean. I know I shouldn't tease you about this."
Still grinning, she made to retract her hand, but he was suddenly gripping it, refusing to relinquish the touch. "You just look so scared, like I'm going to disappear any minute. We're stuck on a spaceship, Wolf. I'm not going anywhere."
His lips twitched, his nervousness beginning to ease away, though his hand stayed tense over hers.
"Alpha female," he murmured. "I sort of like that."
Beaming, Scarlet gave a mild shrug. "It could grow on me."
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Percy Jackson - PJO series by Rick Riordan
"Very slowly, using only two fingers, Annabeth drew her dagger. Instead of dropping it, she tossed it as far as she could into the water.
Octavian made a squeaking sound. “What was that for? I didn’t say toss it! That could’ve been evidence. Or spoils of war!”
Annabeth tried for a dumb-blonde smile, like: Oh, silly me. Nobody who knew her would have been fooled. But Octavian seemed to buy it. He huffed in exasperation.
“You other two…” He pointed his blade at Hazel and Piper. “Put your weapons on the dock. No funny bus—”
All around the Romans, Charleston Harbor erupted like a Las Vegas fountain putting on a show. When the wall of seawater subsided, the three Romans were in the bay, spluttering and frantically trying to stay afloat in their armor. Percy stood on the dock, holding Annabeth’s dagger.
“You dropped this,” he said, totally poker-faced"
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It can be fun when it's fictional 😍🥰 Jimin and Jungkook aren't actually fictional though. They DID stare in 2 fictional stories though. HYYH BU and 7 fates: Chakho. And yes, all these recs above (except the last 2) have some toxic energy to them. Lol
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ohgodsalazarwhy · 2 years
lambskel almost freezing to death
One of the suggestions from kind anon.  Sorry I’m rusty but it felt good to write again.  I’ll probably do some of the other ones too.
He was late.
He was fucking late because he was fucking greedy and needed just one more contract before heading North.  Lambert shielded himself with a held Quen but it wouldn’t be long before the blizzard overcame his sign.  He needed shelter and he needed to wait out this initial storm to finish his trip up to Kaer Morhen.  Geralt and Eskel were probably already there, drinking mulled wine and eating freshly baked bread while this blizzard pounded on the gates.
Those miserable sons of bitches.
Lambert grit his teeth, feeling blood trickle from his nose as he forced himself to continue holding Quen.  His signs had never been as strong as Eskel’s, or even Geralt’s, and it was taking everything he had to maintain even this measly barrier against the onslaught of snow and freezing wind.  Without it he would almost certainly die.  Lambert slogged through the deep snow bank, leaving the road and taking a chance on a cave he thought he remembered in the area.  It was his last chance.
His jaw hurt from clenching it, his mouth and chin were covered in blood as his nose continued to drip.  Lambert imagined Kaer Morhen.  He pictured Eskel laughing as he played cards, a wry smile stretching the scars on his face.  He pictured the hearth chasing away the merciless cold, the smell of food cooking in the kitchen.  Even Vesemir scolding him for some bullshit.  Lambert had never asked to be a witcher, and he’d swear up and down every day that he’d rather be dead than live this miserable life.
Yet he couldn’t give up, either.  One foot in front of another.  Each step more laborious than the next as Quen sucked up all his strength and left him trembling from exhaustion.  There was shelter ahead, he was sure of it, he just needed to reach it.  Eskel was at Kaer Morhen.  Eskel would give him a hard time for setting up the mountain so late, he’d say Lambert you moron you should have stayed away, spent the winter elsewhere.  But for all his bitching and moaning, Kaer Morhen was where Eskel was, so it was where Lambert always returned.
The wind howled like a wolf and the violent gust shattered Quen and sent Lambert crashing into the snow.  It almost immediately began to bury him, but the breaking of his sign had been the final blow.  He stared blearily up into the darkness, the snow almost hypnotizing.  No witcher ever died in his bed, but this wasn’t how Lambert had pictured himself dying.  So close to the only home he’d ever known.  So close they’d probably find his body as they returned to the Path in the Spring.
Fuck he wouldn’t wish that on them, but he was so tired he couldn’t bring himself to get up.  The cold was seeping into his bones, his armor growing wet and heavy.  The snow was so soft under him... his eyes drooped.  Lambert thought he heard a snort but the storm was so loud it was probably his imagination.  The last thing he felt before he gave up consciousness was something brushing his forehead and a soft whinny.
Cold.  So fucking cold it was like being stabbed with a thousand knives.  Lambert flinched away as he was grabbed and a familiar, deep, voice swore and said, “Hold still!”
“Eskel?” Lambert slurred it out, his lips felt frozen shut and when he tried to open his eyes he realized they were iced shut.  He shakily reached up to rub the ice away and saw Eskel leaning over him with a scowl.  
“What the hell, Lambert?”
“What the hell yourself!”  Lambert tried to sit up but his wet leathers were stiff and frozen and he struggled to fight against them.  Eskel didn’t let him, shoving him back into the dirt and angrily undoing belts and ties to start stripping him naked.  Lambert didn’t fight him, didn’t really have the energy.  He wiped at the tacky blood on his mouth and chin, smearing it into his beard and over his hand.  
“I wasn’t even going to go up the mountain until I saw your tracks!” Eskel said, when he was really furious he would lower his voice.  It made him sound like thunder in a summer storm.
“I thought you were already up there,” Lambert said defensively.  “And I didn’t know this fucking blizzard was rolling through.”
Eskel glared at him, tossing aside Lambert’s jacket.  “It’s too late in the season, you would have died if I hadn’t followed you.  You don’t even have a fucking horse!”
“Horse died, didn’t bother to get another one.”  Lambert felt a little nauseous, overusing his signs did that to him.  Being hungover without any of the fun.  Eskel got him naked and wrapped him up in a woolen saddle pad and only then did he leave Lambert’s side to pile up some dry wood stacked in the back of the cave and hit it with an Igni.  It flared up into a powerful fire in an instant.  In another lifetime perhaps Eskel would have been a sorcerer.
Lambert shivered and tried to snort congealed blood out of his nostrils.  Eskel’s horse was standing towards the back of the cave, tail swishing lazily.  They were in the middle, couldn’t be too far back with a fire and couldn’t be too far forward without freezing.  Snow was piled high at the front of the cave and they’d no doubt need to keep at least some part of the entrance dug out to prevent the smoke from the fire asphyxiating them.
Eskel was soaking wet as well, his expression stormy as he dug through his saddle bags, pulling out dried meat and fruit.  Lambert thought about asking if he had any booze but thought better of it.  Contrary to what they all thought, he did know when to keep his mouth shut.  He usually just chose not to.
“Can’t believe you,” Eskel was muttering under his breath, Lambert could hear him clear as day.  “Going up here this late.  You know better.”
“Oh shut up and take your clothes off before you freeze in them.”
Eskel curled his lip but Lambert was right and they both knew it.  He angrily stripped and stormed over to sit next to Lambert, dropping the food at his feet.  “Eat.” he said curtly.  “And keep your mouth shut.  I’m furious.”
Lambert unfolded the woolen saddle pad and it just barely covered both their shoulders as they were forced to huddle in close.  Eskel’s skin was cold where it met his but as the fire crackled and Lambert devoured the fruit and meat, he could feel himself, and Eskel, warming.  Only once he’d finished all the food did Lambert speak.
“The storm’ll clear, we’re passed the halfway point in the valley so we’ll be fine.”
The look Eskel gave him told Lambert that his seemingly diplomatic statement had somehow been the worst thing to say.  He preemptively bristled defensively, preparing for a blow out fight only for Eskel to deflate and look away.
“You were dying.  A few moments later and maybe...”
“...and maybe a dragon would have swooped down and carried me back to its lair.”
“I’m being serious,” Eskel snapped.
“So am I!” Lambert snarled, lips pulled back from his teeth which were stained red with his own blood.  “For fuckssake, Eskel! Pull yourself together!  Maybe this, maybe that, blah blah blah! I’m fucking fine because you followed me.”
“You’re such a piece of shit,” Eskel growled.  He dropped his head into his hands and gripped his hair tightly.  Lambert could tell he was one push away from starting a fight.
“You like that about me,” Lambert taunted, leaning in until his lips were brushing Eskel’s ear.  He slid one arm around Eskel’s waist, fingers trailing along a scar on his hip.
“No one likes that about you,” countered Eskel, turning his head so their noses brushed, foreheads pressed together.  “I should have left you in the snow.”
“But’cha didn’t.” He grinned and closed the distance, kissing Eskel just like he’d dreamed of doing since they’d parted ways last Spring.  Every year he fought to survive and it was because of this big bastard.  
Eskel groaned into the kiss and in a second Lambert was shoved down, the pad trapped beneath him as Eskel pinned him.  He was so fucking strong, even for a Witcher.  Lambert didn’t care that he felt like shit, didn’t care that he’d nearly died; he had Eskel’s naked body draped over him and that was all that mattered.  The kiss broke all too soon, and when Lambert tried to sit up for more a hand on his throat pinned him down.  Eskel’s expression was serious, only the slightest flush over his cheeks.  
“We’re only going to sleep.”
“To hell with that,” Lambert growled, sliding one leg up between Eskel’s thick thighs.  “I’ve waited all fucking year for you-” he grunted as he was rolled onto his stomach and pinned down by Eskel’s greater weight.
“You’re exhausted and so am I from following your dumbass up the mountain in a blizzard.”  Eskel leaned down and nuzzled gently against Lambert’s temple.  “Please,” he whispered.  Eskel wasn’t fighting fair.  Lambert had a hard time denying him when he got all vulnerable and honest and shit.
“Fine.” He huffed and turned his head to the side, looking at Eskel from the corner of his eye.  “Let me up, I’ll be a good boy.”
Eskel’s expression was wry as he pushed himself up just enough to let Lambert roll onto his back again.  He settled down against him, their warmth and the warmth of the fire chasing away the deadly chill.  Lambert shifted until he had his head pillowed on Eskel’s chest, listening to his slow heartbeat.  This was home to him.  He’d made it.  Survived another year despite himself.  He fell asleep to the sound of Eskel’s gentle breathing and steady heartbeat.
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gingeraleluke · 3 years
𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: vinnie hacker x influencer!fem!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: you and vinnie try to keep your relationship under wraps throughout a wild game of real life among us.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: swearing, (it’s among us, so ✨murder✨) anxious reader, pure fluff
𝗔/𝗡: this was requested by @morganwilliams !! i hope i did this request justice!
THIS IS A LONG ONE!! really really hope you guys like it :)
this is based off of james charles’ among us in real life 2 video
whenever someone asked you about your career, you were never a hundred percent sure what to say. “i stand in front of a camera and make shitty jokes for a living” just didn’t have a nice ring to it.
you often found yourself settling on the term influencer, but it was hard to see yourself as someone who influenced people.
sure, you’d talk about things you enjoy doing and maybe sprinkle in some opinions or two, but the idea of you having the power to form someone’s day or perspective on life was draining. you never saw your content as a job, yet it was the only income of money in your life.
the bottom line was, you were grateful for living such a rare and unique lifestyle.
your boyfriend was too.
you weren’t close with a lot of content creators, but you did end up forming a bond with dixie d’amelio and her sister charli.
the three of you got along really well and would film tiktoks whenever you were together. while you already had a following, your view count skyrocketed after being featured on the sisters tiktoks. it was overwhelming, but they helped you through it.
dixie was always there for you whenever you needed a break and someone to lift your spirits, while charli was always there for you when you needed to rant or a shoulder to cry on. the two girls knew you better than most, and when they invited you to join them in a james charles video, you were extremely nervous. even more nervous when they told you that james insisted to have you join.
you wanted to say no, but after them promising you that it would be fun, you decided against it. you had never met james, despite him being close with the sisters, and you were really excited to finally meet him and whoever else would be there.
you were in a groupchat with dixie and charli, the three of you discussing the event. everyone was bringing dates, except james, meaning that there would be eleven people in total if y/n went.
dixie was bringing noah, her boyfriend who you had only talked to through facetime when he called her while you were with her. he seemed nice on the phone and you were sure you’d get along since you were close with dixie. charli told you that she was bringing larray, someone you had never met in real life either. you knew james would be there, obviously, but that was it.
you decided to reach out to james and let him know that you were nervous, but excited to meet him. the two of you chatted through dms and he informed you on who was scheduled to be there. he wanted you to bring a date too. anyone, as long as they were an influencer of some kind, and you immediately thought of your boyfriend. so you texted vinnie, who was down with the idea.
the only people you knew there were dixie, charli, and vinnie. you weren’t good with first impressions and vin knew that.
“i will be there with you the whole time! and it’s gonna be really fun, i know it.” he kisses your temple and rubbed your shoulders. he always had a way with reassuring you.
when you arrived, you were met with a grinning james. he gave you and vinnie hugs before opening the door and letting you in. he wanted the reveal to be a suprise so he lead the two of you to a guest room with suits and accessories laid out on a bed. james was already in gear, a white space suit on his body.
you and vinnie were the last ones to arrive, leaving three colors left to choose from. the rest of the crew mates were waiting in a living room.
“okay, so these are the options left, and we have little accessory thingys to choose from, so i will leave you guys here and you can pick between these and when you are done just meet me at the bottom of the stairs and i’ll introduce you to everyone. okay?” james rambled as you and vinnie looked over at the items left.
“okay, cool. sorry we were late!”
“no, no! don’t be, it’s okay!”
before walking out, he pulled you to the side. “i just wanted to say, dixie told me about you guys and i promise not to say anything about y’all’s relationship, i get it. and don’t worry if something gets caught on film, okay? i can edit it out, just have fun!” you whispered a quick thank you and he gave you another hug before closing the door, leaving you and vinnie to get changed.
“what color do you want?” you asked.
there was brown, black, and pink left.
“i call black!” you reached out and grabbed the suit, holding it up to your body.
“hey, i wanted black!”
“too bad, it’s mine.”
“fuck, i guess i’ll take pink then..”
you ripped off your shirt, leaving you in a bra before zipping up the suit. it was hot as fuck outside and you knew you’d melt if you wore something heavy underneath. you and vinnie made slight eye contact every few seconds, while jumping into your costumes.
“pink looks good on you, babe.” you giggle.
he smiles and picks up a headband with horns on it.
“ooo!” you zipped up the jacket before running over to look at the options. a gasp left your lips once you saw the fuzzy cat ears and you swiftly placed them on your head.
“lovey, look it!” you turn to vinnie with a smile on your face as you point to you cat ears.
“aww.” vinnie coos, wrapping his arms around your back.
“in all serious babe, we need to make sure we keep this under wraps.” you state.
“keep what?”
“oh..” his mouth lowers into a slight frown as he plays with your hair. “yeah, i know.”
“we don’t want to start any drama and i don’t want either of us to get hate, so just… i don’t know- keep your distance today.”
“oh.. okay. i see how it is.” he crosses his arms, a charming expression resting on his face.
“no- not like a big distance! just ya know… try and look platonic.” he simply nods at your words before you both walk down the stairs to meet james.
“ahh!! you look so good, oh my god!” he gushes before leading you two to meet the rest. as you step through the house, voices louder and louder. you were already overwhelmed by the amount of people you could here. you turned a corner and was met with eight people, all sitting around a couch, chatting. lights were set all around them, illuminating the bright colors they wore.
you gulped and felt vinnies hand interlock with yours. he lightly squeezed before letting go, his way of letting you know that he was there.
i hope no one saw that.
after meeting everyone, we all settled down and stood around a table, a black backdrop behind us. you tried to keep some space between you and vinnie and decided not to stand next to him, but to stand next to james and dixie instead. charli stood behind you while vinnie stood behind james. you turned your head to the right and was met with vinnie who was already looking at the back of your head. he was still close by, but far enough to go unnoticed. he smiled at you and you smiled back, before quickly turning around as james started his introduction.
you were too nervous to comprehend fully what he was saying, but snapped out of it once it was time to introduce yourself.
“quen, purple.”
“nas, cyan.”
“dixie, blue!”
“charli, green.”
“y/n, black!”
“james, white.”
“nai, orange.”
“vinnie, pink!”
“larray, red.”
“chase, lime.”
“noah, yellow.”
we cheered before gathering to the table. you and charli both picked the cat ears and gushed over how you guys matched. you tried to act natural, but you’ve never been in such a foreign setting and the fact that you had to keep your relationship with vinnie a secret, didn’t help. the only people who knew you two were dating was charli, dixie, noah and james. everyone else had no idea.
you stayed with charli, chase on the other side of you as you guys waited to get your cards. vinnie was talking to charli about something, so you decided to be brave and spark a conversation with chase.
“so.. was like your first choice?” he looked over at you, a phone in his hand ready to film.
“huh? oh, no, not really.. i didn’t mind though.” you just nodded.
“hey, you and charli match!” he smiled, pointing at your headband with cat ears on it.
“oh, yeah!”
“that’s so cute!” he giggled, looking down at his feet. he shifted forwards in the line.
“yeah.. what do you have?” you reached out to grab whatever was on his head.
“oh, it’s a leaf.” he bent his head down so his hair was on full display, showcasing the headpeice.
“how cute!” vinnie couldn’t help but overhear the conversation. he knew chase was single and that you were his type on paper. he wouldn’t have to worry about him hitting on you, if he knew y’all were dating, but he didn’t.
you nodded, looking down at the table in front of you. you found yourself wanting to continue the conversation with him.
“so, did you- where you in the last one?” he looked into her eyes, “the last james among us video, i mean.” you chuckle awkwardly.
“oh! yeah, no i wasn’t. this is my first time.” you both made eye contact before making your way to the other side of the table and grabbed your cards. you looked up to see vinnie across from you. you gave him a small smile and he looked at you with a straight face. for a quick second, you were sure he was upset with you, but then he sent a sly wink your way, causing you to suppress a chuckle.
charli placed her hand on your shoulder. “you’re gonna be alright, right?”
“yeah! yeah, i think i’ll be okay..” you nodded.
“okay, i’m gonna be here if you need me, just come and find me okay? if you get overwhelmed, let me know and we can talk to james about it.”
“thank you, charli.” you hugged her and she kissed your head.
“now go have fun!” charli made her way outside.
you held your camera before walking towards the back of the house where the asteroids were. you opened your card and showed it to the camera.
“im innocent, y’all!” you exclaimed before looking over your tasks.
1: fix the wires
2: bell grab
3: ball toss
4: puzzle
seems easy enough
“alright, y’all! i don’t know… where the fuck i am.” i walked out of the room and made my way into a hallway. i didn’t notice chase walking behind me until he spoke up.
“where you off to?”
“JESUS! oh my god, you scared the fuck outta me!” you playfully hit his arm before turning around and continuing your way through the house. “i don’t know, honestly. i have to fix the wires though..”
“oh, cool.” he nodded, his camera recording him and the girl walking.
noah started to approach them. “oh hey.”
“oh hey!” chase said.
“hey huddy.”
“hi noah..” you smiled and reached your hand out. noah high fives it before saying a small “hey y/n..” and walking by you and chase. you found the room with the wires and you and chase went your separate ways.
when you entered the room, you were met with a bright pink jumpsuit.
“hey, pretty girl.” he smirked. they were alone, the red light illuminated their faces.
“you are so lucky im holding the camera…”
“what?” he shot her a puzzled look, causing her to stare.
“yeah, ‘oh.’ vinnie, you need to be careful…”
“i know, i know… im sorry. from now on, we barely know eachother.” he placed his hand on his chest and you shot him an uncertain face before nodding and fixing the wires. you both kept your cameras out, making sure to edit this conversation out later.
all of a sudden, a body was reported.
“oh, shit..” vinnie stated. you both looked at eachother in suprise. “someone’s dead!” you walked quickly to the main room. “already??” you asked your camera.
when the couple entered the room, larray walked by and started talking to james who was playing dead on the floor.
“james is dead, you can’t talk to him.” vinnie stated.
“couldnt care less!” larray replied, causing y/n to laugh.
the group started conversing and chase admitted to finding the body.
“okay, you were at the puzzle.. y/n, where were you?”nas asked.
“i was fixing the wires with vinnie.”
stay cool, y/n. stay cool.
“where were you, nas?” you asked.
“i was outside by the vent thing.”
“BY THE VENT THING?!” charli yelled. you immediately started cracking up and grabbed charlis arm to keep yourself steady.
“WHY WERE YOU BY THE VENT?!” you two were cracking up and everyone else started yelling at nas.
“he came up to me, and was trying to kill me!” larray shouted over the noise.
while nas shared his defense, nai cut everyone off.
“should we skip!? should we skip? we have thirty seconds, should we skip or are we voting?” larray stood next to her, nodding his head as everyone decided to skip.
“okay guys…” y/n spoke into the lens, “i have to try not to die, because clearly, there is a murderer on the loose.”
you turned around at the sound of your name being called. charli waddled up behind you in her green suit.
“hi, i’m scared and don’t want to be alone.” she explained looking into her camera, causing you to laugh.
“no, because same! what task do you have?”
charli pulled out her card and you scanned it.
“i have the bell grab too! i think it’s over here.” you pointed as charli followed behind you.
“hi, charli!” noah greeted, walking by you two. you both said hello before finding the bell grab station.
“oo! okay, so i have to jump and try and grab the bell.”
charli went first, starting off in small bounces on the trampoline.
“you’ve got this!”
her hair blew in her face as she laughed breathlessly, reaching her arm out to hit the bell. she kept jumping until you heard a light ring.
“i did it!” she jumped off and wrapped her arms around you, causing you to almost drop your camera. “that was harder, than i thought it’d be!” she was out of breath as she watched you step on the trampoline.
you hit the bell in the first try, charli’s mouth agape. “no way!”
“i can’t believe i did that!” you angled your camera to show the two of you in shock.
charli moved into the house, while you walked to the other side of the backyard to the ball toss.
an emergency meeting was called before you could get there. you and noah entered the meeting last, you both stood to the side of the table. you looked up at your boyfriend who was trying his best to stay cool despite how cute you looked with your hair all messed up from jumping and your cat ears.
“what happened?” vinnie shrugged.
“you called this shit?” quen asked looking at charli.
charli explained that quen reached for her knife while they were alone doing asteroids. the group was now trying to figure out who was lying as the two girls yelled at eachother. dixie walked up to noah, now standing next to you. “do you think charli is lying?”
“i can’t tell..” you said, before slamming your hand on the table. “WAIT! guys, listen.” people continued to talk over you, making vinnie scream ‘shut up’ at the top of his lungs. everyone’s eyes were on vinnie.
“y/n has something to say.”
“thank you! okay, so i almost forgot, me and charli did the bell grab together, and she never tried to kill me, so i don’t think it’s her..”
“right, but you two are close, right? so she wouldn’t kill you.” nas explained.
before you could answer, quen added, “yeah, how do we know you aren’t the imposter? it’s probably you and charli!”
it was time to vote and it was a tie, meaning no one got ejected.
“okay, bitches.” you were out of breath from walking around the house, but you had to make your way to the basketball court. “i still have to do the stinkin ball toss…” your sneakers hitting the ground and the conversations from afar was the only thing you could hear. “so… i see nothing but trees and tiktokers… life is crazy!” you held the camera up and made a fuckboy face before doing the ball toss and making your way back to the house.
“hey guys!” you smiled as larray and nai walked by you, heading towards the station.
“hey, y/n! don’t mind me, just chilling with my bestie!” larray responded.
you looked at your camera with wide eyes before mouthing ‘sus’.
a few minutes later, while you were working on a task, an alarm ran off and it was declared that the round was over and that the imposters won. quen and larray admitted to being the imposters.
“no way!! did you kill nai when i went by you guys?”
“yes, i killed her. i was like ‘oh, fuck, y/n is gonna see us’ so i waited for you to leave!” you all erupted in laughter before being handed your second card.
“let’s see….” you opened the note with your fate on it and sighed contently. “thank god, i don’t want to be imposter!”
1: who’s the imposter challenge
2: ball toss
3: shooting asteroids
charli walked by you as you headed towards the first station. you both said hi before she claimed to be going to security upstairs. you filmed her walking up the stairs before moving the camera back to your face. “not sure if i trust that, but okay.”
you stayed in a fairly large group of people when the alarm went off. charli reported james dead body.
“poor james! he’s died first every time.” you frown at your camera. vinnie walked up behind you and instinctively put his hands on your waist before quickly removing them.
dixie had to leave, so mario replaced her and next to nas. vinnie tried his best to nonchalantly stand beside you.
“i’m skipping..” vinnie mutters, scratching his neck.
“me too.” you nod your head as the majority vote was revealed. most people skipped, meaning no one was ejected.
“hey, boo!” you spotted lil nas dribbling a basketball infront of his tripod.
“hey!” he greeted and gave you a hug. the two of you hit it off before the game started. you both did the ball toss together, his hands on his camera with yours laced in your hair.
“ugh, look at us!”
the light hit the two of you in a way that made you look godly. you both had your arms extended and filmed the lighting on your faces.
“love that!”
“yes… oh my god i would do me. i would do us, honestly.” you both laughed when the alarm went off.
“okay, girl, you can back me up here! i swear, i think it’s quen, because she was looking at me weird as fuck dude..”
“oh my god, make sure you say something during the meeting!”
“i will.” you both walked into the room to see everyone yelling. vinnie stood in the corner, his face soft like a lost puppy. she could tell he was confused.
the group voted out quen who turned out to be innocent and continued their tasks. you spent the next round doing asteroids and were alone the whole time when another meeting was called. nai and charli were exposed as imposters.
“okay, i don’t know what the fuck happened.” you felt someone lightly tap your side and turned to see your boyfriend.
“i have no fucking clue, i was banging my head on the bell.” you bursted out laughing and he shushed you while the group commerced.
“i got that on camera!”
what a weirdo. i love him so much.
“god, if you love me, please don’t give me imposter that is just too much work..” you placed your hands on your knees and took a deep breath before opening the card.
you smirked at the camera and pointed. “i’m a finesser, i swear…”
1: puzzle
2: fixing wires
3: shoveling snowballs
“time to go do the puzzle!” you singsonged before you felt something round knock you in the back. vinnie stood there with a finger to his lips.
“what are you doing? is that a snowball?”
“yeah, i took it from the station, don’t tell james.”
“what do you want?” you giggled. the two of you were alone without any cameras.
“you just look really cute with your cat ears and i wanted a kiss..”
“oh, my god no!”
“you are gonna try and kill me!” you shouted. “no i won’t!” you knew you would regret this if he killed you, but a kiss is a kiss.
“vin, i swear to god, if you kill me-“
“i won’t.” he pressed his lips to yours and you quickly wrapped your legs around him, your fingers pulling lightly on his locks. you broke away from the steamy kiss and picked your camera back up.
“pleasure doing business with ya..” you shook his hand, when an alarm went off.
james and nas found mario’s body and the group interrogated the two. charli handed you a bag of m&ms. “you doing okay?” you smiled and nodded.
what a sweetheart.
they skipped and continued completing their tasks. you popped an m&m into your mouth and began to talk to your camera. “i honestly am so proud of myself for not dying! like, damn… i did that.”
after completing the puzzle, noah’s body was discovered by nai. “okay, it’s definitely y/n and vinnie!” james yelled, everyone’s eyes were on the couple.
“what?! no, why me?”
“no, okay, it’s definitely james. there’s no way- james has died first every round and now that he’s imposter, he’s not dead and goes upstairs with noah, leaves and noah’s dead? that’s not a coincidence, and it’s not nai because i doubt she got it twice in a row, come on.” james started to call vinnie a liar.
“what- why- why, do you think its y/n?” vinnie asked.
“sister y/n was following me at the start of the round!”
james what the fuck.
the group ended up with 4 votes for james, 1 vote for quen, 1 vote for vinnie, and 1 vote for nas.
“it’s definitely vinnie, his girlfriend is just backing him up, i swear.” nas mutters.
did he just call me his girlfriend?
fuck… they are onto us
future james, please don’t use that footage.
“i’m fixing my wires! fixing my wires!” you sang, the tripod standing before you. “fixing these motherfucking wires- okay i’m done.” you walked downstairs and heard a meeting called.
nai was found dead and chase and vinnie were accusing nas and larray.
“i know it’s not me!”
“okay, it’s y/n!”
“what? i just said it’s not me nas, what the fuck!”
the group tied between chase and nas.
“guys this is so fucking stupid! stop tying..” you groaned and heard vinnie shout ‘i agree’ before making your way to the christmas tree to shovel the snowballs.
vinnie walked up behind you and started shoveling with you.
“are you going to kill me?”
“what? no, y/n.. i don’t even have this task.” he giggled, his face turning a crimson shade.
“why are you here than?” smiling up at him but keeping your distance, you felt your knees start to weaken at his smile.
“i just wanted to make sure you aren’t dead.”
as if on cue, an alarm was rung and everyone voted for larray, making nas and james win.
“imposters win!” james squealed.
nas walked up to you and gave you a hug. “bestie, what happened?!”
“sorry, i had to keep them off of me, i was starting to look sus!” everyone started making small talk and you decided to ask him what was on your mind.
“so, who told you about me and vinnie? was it james?”
“what? no, i could just tell. i get that it might be difficult, but you guys are really cute together- honestly.”
he walked away before you could answer and you could feel a smile work it’s way onto your face.
everyone got together to film the outro, y/n standing next to vinnie. while james was talking, she took a deep breath and grabbed the sides of vinnies face, pulling him in for a kiss. nai turned and saw, putting her hand over her mouth in shock. no one else noticed since they were in the back row. when she pulled away he smiled at her, before they regained their composure.
after the cameras turned off, y/n walked up to james who was eating m&ms.
“hey, you are gonna see something in the background of your outro..” james nodded.
“leave it in.”
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corpusdekay · 2 years
speak of the morrismith fic
Oh boy anon, here we go
So it's a murder mystery type thing that takes place in college. Not every character will show up, but the general idea is that most of the killers are professors (excluding, the Pig, and the members of Legion for sure. They're students.)
Frank throws a party and invites Quentin, who he's kind of been friends with for a while but hasn't brought around the others yet. Of course this is ruined when a body is found. The first of many.
I'm going off the idea that Quentin gets some kind of power/sixth sense from his time stuck in the dream realm with Freddie, and he uses it to try and solve these serial murders. At this point every member of Legion is either thinking, "fuck yeah, let's get some vigilante justice" or, "oh, god, this dude is gonna get himself killed if we don't help." So they all end up working together and becoming pretty close friends in the process.
Somewhere down the line Frank realizes he's developing a big fat crush on Quentin, so there's gonna be a lot of puppy-eyed Frank following Quen around while Quentin is too caught up in things to notice that he's also developing a big fat crush on Frank. (That all comes to a head when Quentin ends up in some serious trouble and Frank comes to his rescue.)
I haven't quite figured out who I want the killer to be yet, but I've got the first few chapter planned out!
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
Woah hey, calm down. We know your art is as amazing as your writing. Like, believe me. We see how talented you are. You're so creative and we all witness it every time to write or draw or even share a thought. Quen, calm down!! You're amazing and so is everything you make. Chaos can't even handle your creations. Everything you contribute is brilliant and beautiful and I am humbly begging you for more always.
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[ ⬆️ Real footage of the floodgates of my love for u opening tf up]
[BUGGGGG YOU CANT JUST KEEP DOING THIS AAAAA MY FEELS ARE GONNA GET WRECKED but jokes aside ;__; omg. Thank you. I'm endlessly grateful I got to be friends with someone like you, and witness all that amazing creativity too. Listen, I love your art too. And your writing. Soooo much. You come here and say these things about me but you know I WILL Uno reverse it. Bcuz it's true. I'm happy I can call you a friend, and always will be 💜]
[Don't worry - you ask for more and more you shall receive >:)) ]
Kaze, suddenly appearing and staring at Mortem:
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"The Witch can humbly beg me for more... anytime."
[Shameless bastard, I'll get Kiri's ghost to put you in a box. You can just admit you're smitten and will break character enough to shittily flirt just for her. That's how fucking awesome Bug's OC is.]
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thessalian · 4 months
Thess vs Important Side Quests
Playing a little bit of catch-up.
Back to base. I guess there are worse ways to wake up than morning coffee and cutscenes.
Aww. Erend. You and Kotallo are getting along. (No, really; you are. You would know if you weren't; trust me.)
One thing I've been asking - and I don't know if I can ask GAIA about ... I mean, we have reasonable prosthetics even in our now; they must be better in this version of the future, if they can create whole machine creatures. Can we not ... get ... Kotallo a prosthetic arm, or something? If he wants one?
Varl and Zo are so cute. ...Okay, who's gonna die?
No, but seriously, Varl ... you can't just tell someone to throw out their gods and build new ones. We will fix their gods.
Hi, GAIA. Here's AETHER. How're we doing on--?
Beta. I ... kind of get why everyone's a little side-eyeing you, but I guess the person who finds the "this will not work" in every plan does help refine the plan. Still, could you please give some positives--?
Ah. Okay. Yes. Thank you. No, don't worry, I can can deal with the Quen. I made friends with the Tenakth, didn't I?
...Can we? Now? Fix the land-gods?
Ah, Kotallo already asked about prosthetics! Great! I will definitely help with that!
Side quests ahoy but with all the cutscene, I don't have a lot of time. So over to Cinnabar Sands to free a land-god.
Aaaaaaaand hunting. No big.
...Is ... is that Burrower literally hiding from me? Instead of the other way around? It will not come out from behind that rock. Oh well. Climb rock. Silent STRIKE. And done.
(Like, literally; need to get to work.)
Right. To that little pond where I did sort of free that land-god, but before I had the reboot code--
Aaaaaaaaand there's a Snapmaw.
And ... you will ... apparently stay in the water while I POONK all your weak spots. Win!
I'm loving the little bits of lore Zo's giving about the festivals to the various land-gods. I'm a sucker for world-building.
Aaaand over to Plainsong and-- Huh. Fane. Hi. Ah, dumping seed pouches from Kel and her apprentice because they can't be allowed to grow in Plainsong again. Sucks, but I can see the necessity.
Hi, Zo. I know, finally, right? I've been waiting to do this for ages and--
...Awwwwww. This is ... actually really beautiful. And I like the whole thing where ... I guess Elizabet Sobeck insisted that GAIA (and by extension the subfunctions) be ... at least somewhat human. GAIA didn't just build machines, but machines that look like creatures, because ... c'mon, wouldn't we? We anthropomorphise everything anyway. And if the Plowhorn land-gods have to have a reboot sequence? Have it sing; why not? Utilitarianism isn't the be-all and end-all, and what's life without a little joy, even in the supposedly utilitarian things?
Right. Onward to helping Kotallo pick up prosthetics bits.
If he decides he prefers the challenge of only having the one arm, I ... will respect his choice but be a little miffed at having to fight Spectres and things for him.
...Then again, I wouldn't want him to feel obligated to keep it if he's uncomfortable with it, even if I did go to a lot of trouble.
Right. I'mma let him go back to Base and ponder. Thornmarsh or Tide's Reach? Thornmarsh or Tide's Reach?
*checks quest log*
Thornmarsh. I have hints of issues in Thornmarsh, but no actual quest. I at least want the quest active in my journal.
Hrm. Poisoned water. I have time.
Dam made of machines, and more rebels? Gods, where do they all come from? I took out so many camps!
Hangiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing... Stupid Fireclaw.
Right. Fireclaw goes first.
Oh, pity's sake, I am standing right here, rebels. Does my hair blend into the yick in the river? What.
Theeeeeere we go.
Well. All of this is just plain gross. Rebels are assholes.
Teamwork! ...And I can boot up my work machine while I wrap stuff up!
I ... don't even have time to check what my reward for this was; I gotta get to work fast!
Right. Yes. Worktime. Ugh, they've left the long shit for me again. I hate my colleagues.
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thearvariblues · 4 years
So, About The Pockets...
The third and final part of my little “Jaskier is obsessed with pants” series. I’m sorry to say that this part doesn’t really focus on the pants or Jaskiers, uhm... unorthodox fashion research. But it’s there, I promise.
You should definitely read part 1 and part 2 before this one.
Tagging  @lottelorelei, @likecastle, @stinastar and @kalikatze, because you might want to read the last part, too. :D
“I’m feeling kind of nervous about meeting Jaskier this spring,” Geralt says to the man who’s walking with him through the streets of Oxenfurt.
“Finally grew some balls and decided to ask the bard to rearrange your insides?” his companion smirks. “I swear, Geralt, if you don’t offer your ass to him, I will have to sacrifice mine.”
“Lambert!” Geralt groans.
“What? Poor boy apparently didn’t fuck a Witcher last year.”
“Because I asked him not to. Well, not to fuck any Wolves, at least.”
“Jealous prick.”
“The worst thing is, he really didn’t! Or so it seems,” Geralt sighs.
“I can see the problem. He’s a fucking idiot.”
Geralt grunts.
“And what are you doing here, anyway? Sticking around just to annoy the shit out of me?”
“Meeting a friend,” Lambert smiles.
“A friend? You?” Geralt blinks, pausing. “Another?!”
“You make it sound like some sort of a miracle. I assure you, I’m fully capable of making friends.”
“Hm,” Geralt nods. “And this friend, he’s a… what? Another Witcher?”
“He’s a… bard.”
“A bard.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Lambert frowns.
“Like what?”
“Like you don’t believe a single word.”
“I don’t believe a single word,” Geralt smirks. “So what’s his name?”
“Aid… Fuck,” Lambert grunts.
“So, Aiden. Now tell me, Lambert, this wouldn’t happen to be the Aiden I helped you avenge last autumn, would it?”
“No. It’s a completely different Aiden.”
“Am I really supposed to believe that you found two friends, both named Aiden, and both willing to put up with your bullshit?”
“In my defense,” Lambert says, grumpily kicking a nearby stone, “I really thought he was dead when I asked you for help. Met him like… a week after you and I parted ways afterwards. Thought I finally managed to turn my brain into mush with all the drinking, but it turned out that Cats really do have nine lives. He lost an eye and tends to mess up his signs a lot, but nobody’s perfect, eh? And hey, turns out that Igni works against pretty much everything.”
“And you didn’t tell me for the whole winter because…”
“Because you’d probably kick me down from the balcony?”
“Damn right I would,” Geralt growls. “So where’s this Aiden of yours?”
“Don’t know. Somewhere here in the city.”
Geralt stops dead in his tracks, gaping at Lambert.
“Here? In Oxenfurt?!” he asks. “With Jaskier?!”
“Well, he needed a safe place to spend the winter, and you know Vesemir isn’t a fan of Cats,” Lambert shrugs. “Come on, it’s a big city. I’m sure they haven’t even met each other. The city’s still standing, after all.”
“You don’t understand. Jaskier–”
Geralt doesn’t even get to finish the sentence when he sees a young man leap from the window of a nearby building and land with a perfect roll that only comes with years and years of practice.
“Melitele’s tits,” he mutters under his breath while making sure his pants are properly fastened. “Nobody’s ever told you it’s impolite not to let a man finish?!”
“Hey, Geralt,” Lambert snorts. “Found your bard.”
Jaskier, hearing his words, turns his head and beams at the Witchers.
“Geralt! Lambert! So nice to see you! Would one of you mind Yrdening the fucking door for me?”
“I swear to Melitele, Jaskier, one day I am going to let you suffer the consequences of your actions,” Geralt smirks, stepping closer to the door and using the sign on them. “How was your winter?”
“Very amusing,” Jaskier smiles just as the doorknob rattles uselessly. “How about yours?”
“Drafty,” Lambert says. “Hey, you didn’t happen to see Aiden, did you?”
“Aiden?” Jaskier repeats, his eyes darting over to the door of a tavern on the other side of the road. “Well, that’s quite a funny story, actually…”
There is a loud crash from within the tavern, followed by a roared: “Cheating Witcher scum!”
The door open and a lean blond man with an eye patch over his right eye runs out, looking around frantically.
“Jaskier!” he yells when he spots the bard. “We need to go. Now!”
“Did you try to Axii your way out of cheating again, kitty?” Lambert smirks, takes a few steps forward and casts an Yrden on the door.
“Lambert!” Aiden yells and throws his arms around Lambert’s neck. “You’re here, puppy!”
“So what did you cast?” Lambert smirks, hugging him tightly.
“Aard. Not that bad.”
“It’s better than the Yrden last week,” Jaskier comments. “The guy really wasn’t happy about having to spend the night in his seat. And there was, of course, the tiny incident with Valdo Marx and Igni two days before that…”
“I’m sure they haven’t even met each other. The city’s still standing, after all. Well, what a fucking miracle,” Geralt snorts, turning to Lambert, only to realize that he is currently kissing Aiden passionately. “Oh, fuck. Jaskier?”
“Yes, dear?” Jaskier smiles.
“They’re not just friends, are they?”
“What gave you the clue?” the bard chuckles.
The shutters on a window of a house Jaskier was running away from crash open and an angry man starts to climb out, even though he can barely fit through.
“Uhm, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news…” Geralt starts, but then Jaskier grabs his hand and he promptly shuts up.
“Yes,” the bard nods. “We’d better fucking run.”
Jaskier puffs out his chest and frowns at the fat man in front of him – the man who, as Geralt realizes, was the one climbing out of the window of the house where Geralt met Jaskier about an hour ago, right before their hurried escape to Jaskier’s rooms in the university buildings.
“Are you suggesting, my dear sir,” Jaskier says in his best offended noble voice, “that I, a respectable professor at this university, have, as you said yourself, canoodled with your wife?”
“I saw you. With my own eyes!” the man growls.
“Impossible. I spent my afternoon here, with my dear friend Geralt of Rivia. Is that true, Geralt?”
“Hm,” Geralt nods solemnly, trying not to spit out his wine.
“But this… friend of yours was there, too!” the man tries.
Jaskier gasps for breath and places a hand on his chest dramatically.
“Did you…” he whispers. “Did you just dispute the words of Geralt of Rivia, the mighty White Wolf himself? My dear sir, this man is a Witcher! The legendary savior! Slayer of bruxas…”
“Bruxae,” Geralt murmurs.
“… strigas…”
“Didn’t actually kill the striga.”
“… ghouls…”
“There’s really nothing exciting about those.”
“… and… and nekkers…”
“Every respectable Witcher wants to be known as a slayer of fucking nekkers.”
“And drowners!” Jaskier yells after the man who’s already turned on his heel and left.
“I see you’re running our of monsters again,” Geralt chuckles when Jaskier slams the door shut.
“Oh, shut up,” Jaskier mutters, sits into his armchair and grabs his goblet of wine. “Did I get rid of him or not?”
“You annoyed him into leaving, yes,” Geralt nods. “That, or he realized that Witchers tend to have two very big and sharp swords.”
“And I have three Witchers,” Jaskier smiles just as they both hear Lambert’s high-pitched scream from the next room.
“Sweet Melitele. How much longer is it going to take them?”
“Come on, Geralt. They didn’t see each other for the whole winter.”
“I didn’t see you for the whole winter, and you don’t hear me moaning your name like a cheap whore.”
“Yes, and isn’t that a shame?”
Geralt nearly chokes on his wine.
“What?” he wheezes.
“Nothing, dear,” Jaskier says quickly and gets back to his feet to refill their goblets.
“Hm…” Geralt hums, cocking his head. “Are those new pants?”
“They are. Thank you for noticing.”
“What happened to the tighter ones?”
“An accident,” Jaskier sighs. “I keep saying it, yours are only held together by some sort of dark magic!”
“They aren’t.”
“Fine, is it Quen, then? Are you constantly Quenning your fucking pants?”
“I am definitely not Quenning my pants, no.”
“Then explain how it’s possible that your mighty ass doesn’t rip them in half!”
“I don’t know. I suppose you will have to take a look at them yourself.”
“Geralt, I’ve been looking at your pants ten times a day ever since I met you, I don’t think one more look will change… What are you doing?”
Geralt downs the rest of his wine and stands up.
“I was thinking about a… closer look,” he murmurs. “I mean… for research purposes, of course.”
“Geralt of Rivia,” Jaskier says, his eyes going wide. “Are you seriously suggesting… what I think you’re suggesting?”
“That there is one Wolf Witcher you haven’t fucked yet, yes.” For someone who’s just a little taller than Jaskier, Geralt is sure good at towering above the bard. “So if you wanted…”
“For research purposes, yes?” Jaskier asks as he wraps his arms around Geralt’s waist. “I should warn you, though. I’m afraid it’s gonna have to be a very thorough research. Probably gonna take at least a year.”
Geralt smirks and brings their lips so close together that they almost – but only almost – touch.
“Works for me,” he murmurs right before Jaskier kisses him.
“Did you know Cat Witchers have pockets on their pants?” Jaskier asks much later, when they’re lying side by side in his bed, naked and satisfied.
“Mhm,” Geralt hums because he was just about to fall asleep. “That’s nice.”
“I mean, not for me, they would absolutely ruin my silhouette, obviously,” Jaskier continues. “But for you, they might be quite handy, right?”
“Did you… Did you have to research with Aiden to find out?”
“Well, yes. You see, winter nights tend to get boring,” Jaskier grins. “But fret not, dear heart, you won’t have to spend the rest of your life protecting me from your angry brother. They have quite an open relationship.”
“Bold of you to assume that I would protect you,” Geralt sighs, burying his face in Jaskier’s chest.
“I know you will always protect me, dear,” Jaskier smiles and presses a kiss in Geralt’s hair. “So, about the pockets...”
“Tomorrow. I want to sleep.”
“But you promised I could take a look at your pants.”
“Mhm, I didn’t specify when, though. So shut up and let me sleep.”
“Geralt...” Jaskier whines.
“Jaskier,” Geralt chuckles.
“Ugh, fine. But I like you a lot less now, I hope you’re aware of that.”
“I’ll make it up to you. In the morning. I might even be willing to go with you to that tailor of yours.”
“Really. But first I have to ask Aiden about the… pockets thing…”
Geralt falls asleep, snoring slightly, even though he’s assured Jaskier a million times that Witchers absolutely do not snore.
“Knew you were gonna like that idea,” Jaskier smiles and closes his eyes. “Good night, my dear Wolf.”
The next morning, Jaskier grins at the tiny tailor who’s studying Geralt’s pants with interest while the Witcher just stands there with his ass barely covered by his shirt.
“Truly an excellent bottom.”
“I can see that,” the man grins back.
“You are so,” Geralt snarls, “so paying for this, bard.”
“Oh, my dear,” Jaskier laughs. “With pleasure.”
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