#qui gon x y/n
generalkenobee · 1 year
Hello lovely! Two things: 1. GOOD LUCK SHIFTING I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. 2. Might I send in a little request? If so; Obi-Wan and Reader are both Jedi masters on the council. They just so happen to be trying to meditate together when they begin reading each other's thoughts on accident... smut ensues?
Whether you do this request or not, just know I appreciate you and everything you create -🦇 anon
Your thoughts are extremely loud
I have the biggest thing for mind reading-
You're literally the sweetest
Warnings: SMUT, inappropriate use of the force, language, pnv penetration, FEM! reader, let me know if I missed anything 🩷
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Obi Wan sat across from you, his breathing was level, his face was relaxed, and his thoughts we concentrated. You knew this because every once in a while you would peek your eyes open and look over to him.
"(Y/N)" he said when you opened your eyes to peek at him "sorry.." you let out a sigh. meditation was your thing! You were always so content and focused however ,you'd never done it with another member of the council
"something bothering you?" Obi Wan questioned with his eyes still closed
You've learned from past experiences that it's better to be honest with your peers, that's the Jedi way "it's just that I'm having a hard time.. relaxing I guess?"
"be cautious of your thoughts (Y/N), just because I'm here doesn't mean you can't meditate" how did he know that?
"Obi Wan! What have I told you about getting in my head? I have private things in there" You opened your eyes completely and stood up. You weren't actually that upset, more scared that he would find your hidden fantasies.
"I'm gonna go train. Meditation isn't working.. maybe swinging a lightsaber around will"
You faced the large rock with your ignited saber in hand thinking about what you wanted to do. You went with sokan, sokan was developed by Jedi during the great sith war..it felt right.
The glow of your (L/C) saber grazed over the rock before you yelled and ran at it with full five attacking
"Y/N), I know you're having the time of your life slashing the holy hell out of that rock, and also- why a rock? You have PLENTY of sparring partners in there"
You rolled your eyes "I need to be alone" and you did. You needed to think about all of your emotions, because you didn't want to love obi wan, you just wanted to make a legacy, a change, help people. Falling in love wasn't helpful for a jedi.
"you know talking about things like this can help"
"you don't know what's wrong so how could you help, you don't know what I think about"
"actually I do" obi wan walked over to you and you pressed the small red button on your saber to retract the blade.
"what are you talking about?"
"oh maker I want to get dicked down by him so bad right now, like for real-"
Obi Wan had said to you exactly what you thought while meditating earlier "Obi Wan.."
"I would let him do anything to me" he looked down to you and smirked "your thoughts are extremely loud"
The big chrome door slid shut while Obi Wan pushed you down to his bed. Your hands immediately flew up to your robes sliding them off while he did the same
"Obi Wan please.." that was all he needed to use the force. He slightly drew a long stripe from where his cock was slamming into you up to your sensitive clit
"let me in honey" and you did. Whenever a force user has sex it's amazing..you felt like Obi Wan was a part of you and you felt as you were a part of him. "Shit, s'so tight..I'm gonna" you looked up at Obi Wan with pleading eyes "m-me too..."
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yourneighborhoodporg · 9 months
The Guardian
Chapter 9: Ancient Implements
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, banter, medical scans/lingo, reference to injuries, exhausted Reader, descriptions of violence, anxious/concerned Obi :(
Summary: Following a rainy conversation, Obi-Wan accompanies you to the Jedi Infirmary in hopes of finding some answers about your condition from Healer Rig Nema. Consequentially, in the face of new discoveries and futile coping mechanisms, the Master Jedi is driven to finally intervene. Through an unconventional strategy, nonetheless.
Song Inspo: Broad-Shouldered Beasts — Mumford & Sons
Words: 9.4k
A/n: Hope everyone celebrating enjoyed New Year’s! Some references to events/thoughts in Star Wars: Wild Space here. No context needed, just some short moments not covered in the Prequels/TCW. So, this chapter very much sets us up for the absolute DOOZY that is the next one, so best to buckle up LOL. My bad about the delay in this one. I had to teach myself brain chemistry 🤪 (sorry to any med students reading in advance). Made up for it in length 💀
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The earth laughs in flowers — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Obi-Wan reclined, allowing his back to press against the inner glass of one of the Infirmary’s privacy dividers as he folded his arms snugly across his chest.
Internally, the Master Jedi was hoping to disguise the slight unease that crawled up and down his spine for deep concentration, furrowing his brows as if he’d entered a profound state of thought or meditation.
But no matter how carefully he postured impressions of levelheadedness in the face of your paled features, Obi-Wan couldn’t ignore the low thrum of concern that occasionally tugged on his sternum. He couldn’t help but feel the air around him thicken from newly discovering a weeks-long affliction impacting The Guardian.
Impacting you.
A being, that if ever unwell, could place a critical prophecy in jeopardy.
A being, on account of those responsibilities, he promised to protect.
It was to the point where his steadily swelling desire for some answers had languished passing minutes into what seemed like hours. All while he waited across from you for your examination to be completed.
However, once Kenobi glanced at the chronometer’s green glow on the opposite side of the observation room, he soon realized the actuality of how much time had elapsed. Obi-Wan couldn’t believe it’d only been twenty minutes since he escorted you to the Infirmary. Twenty minutes since you were both welcomed with open arms by one of the Temple’s prime physicians, Master Rig Nema, at the facility’s main entrance.
As a Healer known not to waste time, she immediately submitted an inquiry into why you were visiting. But it wasn’t until Master Nema took in your slightly sluggish form, that the doctor was quick to usher you both into a private cubicle, barely enabling the bearded Jedi to finish his symptomologicol report as he was whisked away alongside you.
Clearly, the presence of painful headaches pervading for weeks on end had stoked the Master Healer’s intrigue just as equally as it steamed Obi-Wan’s smoldering wariness. A fascination so zealous, that she pointed to and instructed the infirmary’s only two available medical droids to carry out a number of cranial scans as you all walked down the hall. Their wheeling bodies materializing by your side once the three of you entered one of the far observation rooms. Whirling and weaving to gather that first set of images before you even had the chance to sit down.
Master Kenobi couldn’t argue with the efficiency with which Master Nema accomplished her work. Nearly all of the ordered scans had been completed in a relatively short time.
But the urgency with which the doctor questioned you, while a whirlwind of droids circled your head like a pack of strike-Vultures, still had the repercussion of stoking Kenobi’s apprehension to the point of slowing down time itself. The longer Master Nema professionally fired query after query while dissonantly beeping droids traveled to and fro, the more Obi-Wan’s mind drifted to the idea that something really was wrong. And his anticipation of that theory swelled enough to knock each minute beyond his reach. As if shore waves towed sequential seconds farther out to sea.
Of course, as a broader consequence, Master Kenobi could already feel the delicate kindling of a faraway guilt emerge in his gut. Especially once he considered his delay in approaching you.
Had he spoken to you sooner, would the doctor have found her concerns to be less pressing? Would the results you were both still awaiting have proven to be more favorable?
But these thoughts only had the effect of stimulating a dull ache throughout Kenobi’s already tensed back, tightening around his spine like sentient vines as your short conversation with Master Nema reached its end.
Even as the Healer excused herself, his constant mix of disquiet and curiosity about your condition drove his eyes to follow the doctor, all the way up until her marbled head crest disappeared around the corner framing the narrowed doorway. As if her vanishing figure held the answers he sought.
Still, your mysterious affliction was not the only item that’d stoked an air of unease in the resting Jedi. Returning to the inside of the Infirmary’s borders had yanked back memories of his last dalliance with its muted decor and antiseptic aroma. The wounds he’d earned from the Battle of Geonosis were tended to by a similar set of droids in the chamber parallel to this one. A sliver of glass scarcely separated him from recollections of bruised ribs, broken bones, and an exceptionally disorienting concussion.
And, transparently, with reminders of discomfort came booming echoes of the harrowing days that bookended that medically invasive afternoon.
Memories he didn’t want to explore again.
Admittedly, in addition to masking this compounding unease, Master Kenobi had other motivations for his steadily declining posture, amplified as he leaned further back into the sturdy, sleek dividers that bordered you both. It happened to also be the only way Master Kenobi could offer you any semblance of space in such a cramped compartment. One that was so obviously designed for a single patient and no visitors.
You were tiredly perched on the infirmary bed’s side, legs dangling loosely. All while the last stubby medical droid completed a few final, even waves around your head with its hand’s built-in scanner. Yet, despite being planted in the opposite corner from the Master Jedi, the two of you still stood mere feet away from each other. A fact that was further highlighted by that same, pesky droid bumbling into Obi-Wan’s resting elbow for the fourth time as it maneuvered between you and the short wall of green luminescent data screens installed to his right.
Indisputably, it would’ve been easier to vacate these tight quarters to solve such a matter.
But Obi-Wan decided against it. He was still reticent to leave you completely alone.
Both of you knew Master Nema would be returning soon. The Healer had assured you that she’d only be gone down the hall for a few minutes to scan your results from the datapad in her private office. Yet, despite this mutual understanding, Obi-Wan immediately clocked from your shifting eyes toward the empty doorway that her brief withdrawal had fueled second thoughts about your decision to come here. This, in combination with the subtly doubting expression that stuck to your face the whole journey here, had easily convinced the Jedi Master that stepping out would’ve electrified that arch as a beacon of escape, driving you to follow those faintly perceptible impulses.
So, hence this observation, Master Kenobi decided it best to instead act as a tenuous deterrent, marking his territory between you and that sweet exit with an additional cross of his legs as he settled further into the glass wall.
The quiet beeps of scanning droids and ding of pinging monitors faded into a duller tone as Obi-Wan released his mind to wander through the events that led up to this point. It was true, that the Master Jedi had long been pondering what exactly was plaguing you in the time since you’d arrived at the Temple.
The bearded man was quite observant, first catching signs of sleeplessness during those few days on the shuttle back. And in those instances, the occasional flicker of despondency that cursorily contorted your features at the mention of his former Master’s name.
But those rare moments had never succeeded in dulling that reassuring spirit and attuned presence he’d become so accustomed to these past few weeks. It’d never challenged the composed strength that saturated your being so absolutely that it leaked from every inch of exposed skin like water from a wringing towel.
At least, not until the last week or so.
It was around then, Obi-Wan soon realized, that something had changed. And while he didn’t quite understand what exactly was occurring, he did know that some undisclosed element was uniformly snatching away threads of light from those two bright, silver eyes of yours. A physical feature that he’d recently registered as having one unintended effect:
They refreshed his senses from a mere glance alone.
Master Kenobi couldn’t deny to himself that after only a month or so of war, he’d become exhausted by not only the newly amplified duties placed upon him, but also by their militaristic, warlike nature. Missions of peace and humanitarianism had quickly devolved into defending free territories from heavily encroaching enemy lines.
The Council meetings that followed only stoked more of the same. Strategizing troop movements, assigning interplanetary campaigns, addressing casualties…
Had Obi-Wan had the ability to expose his former Padawan self to this future, he knew that young Kenobi would’ve never believed that the Jedi could ever be so entrenched in the politics and military responsibilities of a conflict at this scale.
But when he caught a flash of silver reflection from down a hall? At the corner of the refractory closest to his quarters? Near the edge of his vision in the Temple Gardens?
That weight suddenly felt just a little bit lighter.
The General wasn’t entirely sure why he became so overwhelmed with this sensation just at the mere sight of you. A sudden ease, a calmness that permeated his being in a way he’d never been able to summon on the battlefield.
Though he did have a few guesses.
You had always carried an air of serene confidence, of compassionate power, that struck at Obi-Wan’s core. Yes, these were all attributes expected of a Jedi. But your being didn’t simply carry these characteristics, Kenobi maintained. It was as if you had the artistry to will these qualities into existence from deep within your being. Like the vivid, lapping flames that encompass the entire mass of any radiant star.
And, to him, you wielded such strengths with absolute grace.
It was one such instance that Obi-Wan was still trying to wrap his head around. During your first duel with Anakin, the inclusion of one, brief conversation about his emotionally-charged behavior seemed to have knocked more sense into his impatient former Padawan than Kenobi had ever personally precipitated.
When he later inquired about the dialogue, The General readily respected your decision to keep the specifics of the exchange private. But it was when you relayed to him the vague takeaway of the power of compassion that Obi-Wan realized the reality of your statement.
That had he been in your same boots, applying that same dogma, Master Kenobi still wouldn’t have had much success.
The blue-eyed Jedi had always tried to be considerate with his former Padawan. He was hard on him at times, sure. And the two of them certainly had their many rows. But in the end, Obi-Wan always aimed to keep Anakin’s past in perspective.
He’d tried to protect him by teaching him of the importance of letting attachments go. Dispelling his fiery emotions, his ruffled history, and the people that were now a part of his past.
He tried to be a friend to him. A gentle reminder here. A reference to the Code’s importance in the life of any Jedi there. Yet still, the results were never so transformative.
And it was hard for the Master Jedi not to blame himself for that.
Though that load was slightly lifted by the hope your presence imbued.
Truly, Kenobi was thankful that one of Qui-Gon’s previous Padawans had emerged to partially aid him in fulfilling that deathbed promise he’d made to his former Master so long ago. Even if it was during a time following Anakin’s Knighthood.
Training the boy encompassed not only combat, but also the mastery of softer elements pertaining to becoming a wise Jedi capable of realizing The Chosen One prophecy. It was those latter skills that Obi-Wan never found complete success in communicating as Master to Padawan, having himself become an instructor the very same day he’d completed the Knighthood trials.
Yet, it seemed that addressing those weaknesses in his teachings came to you with relative ease. Something that made him wonder how things may have differed on the day of Geonosis had he discovered your existence earlier.
It was his inability to properly drill the importance of patience in the young boy that later led to the loss of his arm. Obi-Wan was convinced deep down, despite Anakin’s self-punishments, that in the end, it was his own fault. Kenobi’s fault for not equaling your effectiveness in addressing these matters.
Kenobi’s fault for the loss of Anakin’s arm.
Had he found you sooner, could it have all been avoided? Would you have made a connection with little Ani and trained him out of that nearly fatal mistake before he made it?
And what of the days that followed? When Anakin was recovering from that calamitous wound in this very Infirmary.
Obi-Wan vividly recalled the striking images from when he first visited his former Padawan after the battle’s devastation. He could never forget the complete agony that radiated off Anakin’s gnarled face as he stirred from a nightmare. He could never shut out from his mind those words that chestnut-haired Jedi screamed at him, red-veined eyes pulsing as he let slip his mother’s passing.
“And it’s all your fault!”
His heart clenched at the memory.
He didn’t know the details of her death, but he understood vaguely the visions which plagued Anakin in the leading days. Specters that he didn’t realize pointed to a surmounting danger.
And Anakin blamed him for it.
Would you have figured it out faster than him?
If so, then maybe, things could’ve been different.
The possibilities dashed by the delay in rescuing you from that desolate ice planet only lengthened the Jedi Master’s perceptible regret. Possibilities that would’ve become attainable through some mastery of connecting with Anakin’s being. Some familiarity so remarkable that it must’ve been willed by the prophetic elements of the Force itself long ago, Obi-Wan convinced himself.
A conclusion that left him to wonder why you were having an oddly similar effect on him.
Perhaps it was due to your separation from the war. Your lack of experience on a real battlefield freed your being from the weights chained to every Jedi who’d experienced its turmoil. Because even when news of ongoing skirmishes trickled in through visiting clones— tempering moods and gradually effervescing the bubbling anxieties among him, Anakin, and Ahsoka— you still appeared to ignite the surrounding air with sparks of anti-gravity the moment you entered the room.
When any one of them expressed concerns about the front, your soothing smile, teasing jabs, and intelligent reassurances had soon acclimatized the bearded Jedi to associate those hopeful eyes with your comforting existence, and the relaxation it imbued in him.
It was probably also why now, much like the last week in a half, Obi-Wan felt particularly disconcerted.
Without fail, he would be the first to catch on to those subtle dips in your lips in the refractory. The uncomfortable quirk of your brow in the Archives. Sometimes, even, an unexpected twitch of the nose while strolling down a Temple walkway. Always to be followed by a quiet farewell and your quick yet controlled retreat, leaving him without the opportunity to inquire about your condition without necessitating chase.
So it goes without saying that the Master Jedi was particularly relieved when Anakin approached him. Of course, not by the story of your incident in the Starfighter. But by the fact that he finally had a valid excuse to seek you out and investigate this ongoing issue. A trouble that he’d originally surmised as related to Qui-Gon before he was proven to be severely wrong.
Your reality was quite more bothersome.
Honestly, had you not been a force-sensitive being, Obi-Wan would’ve been less concerned. Headaches can be quite normal for the average individual.
But for a Jedi?
It had far more serious possibilities.
Pain in the mind could’ve pointed to an imbalance in the Force. And considering your true identity, and Qui-Gon and the Council’s reasons for hiding it, Kenobi had reason to take note.
Still though, you‘d been through a lot these past few weeks. The death of a Master. Leaving a home you’d known all your life only to be thrust into a far busier and more complicated environment. Finally facing down a dangerous legacy with galactic implications. It was an existence far more demanding than was expected of the average Jedi. Perhaps these migraines were simply a reflection of that fact, he considered.
Nevertheless, Obi-Wan wanted to make sure. He was no specialist in the medicinal aspects of the Force nor in how its energies physically manifested. And that meant the only other option was to consult someone with more expertise. Someone he equivocally trusted to make the right determination.
Qui-Gon was right. Kenobi did think about the future a little bit too much.
“Obi-Wan, if you keep staring at me like I’m about to drop dead, I’m gonna kick you out.”
Master Kenobi’s vision instantly refocused, lips parting slightly as he realized his gaze had accidentally wandered and stuck to your subtly dulled, silver orbs.
Immediately, he used his back to push off the screen, summoning a hand to check his beard’s placement in hopes of hiding the chilly embarrassment that ever so slightly crimsoned his cheeks. No matter, he doubled down, approaching you in a few steps with broad shoulders declaring self-assurance.
“You’re not getting rid of me quite that easily,” he casually quipped, dropping his arm loosely to the side once certain that brief flush drained from his ears.
At the same time, the pine-green medical droid stationed before you embraced this sudden split in the previously long-held silence as his cue. The machine wheeled around Obi-Wan, this time rudely knocking into the back of his leg in its scurry toward the screens spread out on the far wall. All the while releasing a flurry of affirmative beeps to signal the examination’s completion.
Of course, Obi-Wan’s eyes were careful not to reflect his mild agitation at the droid’s lack of spatial awareness while his gaze followed it.
Continuing to observe the green machine, Kenobi spoke, paying careful attention to its arm’s mechanical tendrils that extended into the wall’s receiver.
“I was taking the time to consider your situation.”
“What situation?” You emphasized rhetorically.
Obi-Wan’s features sobered in an effort to remind you of the potential gravity of your symptoms.
But you brushed aside his hardened brows, instead bouncing your gaze toward the uncoordinated droid as it finished retracting its arm from the console. Your vision remained locked, following its triangular head while the machine spun toward the room’s doorway, clipping the frame with an unfortunate clunk and shocked beep before reorienting itself to swerve down the parallel hall.
Even then, you extended the interval, allowing its buzzing gears and occasional clicks to grow more distant before continuing with a lowered voice.
“I went from living my life on an ice planet to now spending weeks in a much warmer climate. I’m probably not used to this environment yet. That’s all.”
The unconvinced man spied your eyes soften.
“I’d rather not be wasting medical resources for something that’s probably nothing. Especially in the middle of a war.”
Master Kenobi’s mouth twitched into a frown. “It’s not a waste if it provides the answers you’re looking for.”
“I’d agree if I believed the answers were medical,” you argued.
“This is a Jedi Infirmary,” he spotlighted. “Master Nema will be considering all phenomena that may affect a force-sensitive. Even an imbalance.”
Your brows fluttered inquisitively at this. “Is that what you think is happening? Some sort of imbalance?”
He hummed, hand reaching for his chin as his eyes drifted in thought. “I’m not quite sure. The mind of a Jedi is a complicated thing. The way in which it realizes our connection to the Force is often unpredictable. But headaches resulting from an imbalance are not unheard of,” he exhaled. “Although, I don’t feel anything strange in the space in or around you.”
Obi-Wan cocked his head, stretching out to the swirling energies around you both to confirm his observations from the last few weeks before meeting a familiar wall in the connecting strands.
“But I must admit, I do have trouble sensing your mind within the Force. So, I may be wrong.”
The nearly imperceptible sigh that escaped your nostrils drew his searching orbs back toward your lowered gaze in an instant.
“However,” he readily subsisted. “These are no ordinary scans. If these headaches are related to an imbalance, Master Nema would be the first Healer I trust to make that determination.”
But the one-sided stillness continued. The General spied your eyelids fold shut while you breathed deeply into the emptiness, kindling your despondency in such a way that it intensified Kenobi’s own discomfort. Mostly because he was growing more and more convinced that his reassurances were clearly making things worse.
“I know it’s not what you want to hear—“
“That’s ok, Obi-Wan,” you smiled at him tiredly, legs stretching as your gaze drifted toward your knees. “I heard something similar from Master Windu. If these scans don’t reveal anything, I’ll just return to those meditation sessions he suggested. They’ll have to reveal something eventually, medical or otherwise.”
Once again, Obi-Wan crossed his arms, a silent protest to the security you placed in that impractical solution. Assuming he’d properly understood your version of events from that earlier, rainy conversation, meditation had only made your migraines more unbearable.
A notion that certainly disturbed the seasoned Jedi.
Throughout his life, Master Kenobi took great comfort in connecting with the everlasting serenity that was the Force. Even as a youngling, when his imagination wandered less and less into daydreaming realms, he’d cherished these moments of silent outreach as a way to center his mind and hone his presence in the Galaxy.
But for you, in the last few days, it had only caused you pain. For you, these headaches actualized a blockade, sequestering your being from one of the most sacred acts known to any Jedi. Isolating you from peace.
And he refused to allow that to continue
Obi-Wan was dragged from his thoughts as your straightened legs limply fell back against the bedside, drawing his blue eyes toward spots of perspiration on your now stretching neck and sinking eyelids.
Seeing you like this, pushing yourself to the physical brink as a last-ditch attempt to tame these incidents, heaved upon him a draining atmosphere similar to those that weighed him down more heavily in these months of war.
Sensations he was still trying to put a name to.
But Obi-Wan didn’t need a title to know that his being was firm in at least one judgment— he didn’t want this affliction to torment you any longer.
Those words…
Name. Title.
It drudged up an abrupt thought in the ruminating Jedi. It was something you’d said. Or more, he soon realized, something Mace Windu had instructed you to do.
“Remind me,” he began with a punch, drawing your sparkling eyes toward his as he unstitched his shoulders. “Master Windu advised you to give a name to these incidents, yes?”
You nodded, eyes wandering toward the doorway as Obi-Wan continued steadfastly in his speech
“Silvey,” he called softly, drawing your attention back to him.
“What was the name—?”
“I’ve had a chance to review your scans, Silvey.”
Master Nema spoke resonantly as she materialized, carrying a polished bearing while pivoting through the open-aired doorway and toward your seated figure. Her cerulean-tinted eyelids and lips stood in stark contrast against lime-green shoulders, a distinction emphasized by bowed eyes that held affixed to the blue glow of the datapad in her dominant hand.
Regardless of the thickly sliced air, the Healer continued to evenly scroll through the device, having unknowingly cut off the previous exchange before you’d even had the chance to absorb Kenobi’s inquiry.
“And I don’t see anything of note. Just some heightened activity here.”
Obi-Wan watched as the gray-robbed Halaisi finally raised her gaze, extending the datapad toward your now curious form.
Taking the device, you scanned it quickly, eyes squinting while you mulled over some image stamped at the screen’s center beyond Kenobi’s view. Though you only mulled over the datapad for a few seconds before glancing up at the Healer candidly, a somewhat sheepish expression attempting to push through your unbending forehead.
“I’m not very familiar with the anatomy of the brain,” you admitted.
Shimming to your side without bumping into the bedside, Master Nema pointed a long, viridescent finger at the datapad. “This brighter, center portion here consists of your amygdala and hippocampus. They are responsible for several functions related to memories and emotional processing.”
She glanced at you.
“May I ask you to describe the weeks leading up to these migraines? Primarily, I’d like to know which locations you’ve visited and the activities you were engaged in.”
Obi-Wan sighed internally, biting his tongue. Even before Master Nema had finished her inquiry, the bearded Jedi was swift to realize a new issue— that your inevitable yet necessary response may undermine the accuracy of the Healer’s determinations.
And for an instant, Kenobi nearly imagined that you’d read his mind.
Not a second later, you subtly glimpsed at The General’s now very watchful stare, only to confirm with determined eyes that you knew what you needed to do.
And that he had no chance of changing your mind.
Because Master Yoda and Master Windu advised that such truths must remain hidden. As revealing your real identity could amplify the very real threat to your life. So, without their permission, your predetermined fabrication needed to become the truth to Master Nema as well.
“I’ve recently returned from a years-long mission for the Council,” you dispassionately parroted. “However, I’m unable to discuss it in detail.”
Master Nema nodded unflinchingly, having become long accustomed to the importance of discretion in most Jedi matters.
“I understand,” she relayed, retrieving the datapad from your outstretched hand. “Can you share if you’ve had any occurrences similar to these during your assignment?”
Unblinkingly, you confidently answered.
“I did not.”
“Good,” she expressed, satisfied. “Further details will not be needed.”
Lowering her arm to rest the datapad by her side, the doctor angled herself more fully toward both you and Obi-Wan as she delivered her diagnosis.
“From these symptoms and affected regions, and with no other indications of illness on your scans, I understand that you are experiencing a side effect of prolonged stress.”
Obi-Wan covertly peered at your reaction, curiously taking in the unexpected neutrality that characterized your countenance.
“Stress?” You repeated, asking for confirmation.
“Yes,” Master Nema established, unbothered by your unconvinced manner as she turned away and strolled toward the gentle green glow of busily flashing screens plastered by Obi-Wan’s side.
“It’s quite common,” she maintained, her exposed upper back greeting you both as the displays’ ceaseless stream of looping data commandeered her sight.
“But I must admit,” she noted. “I’ve only seen these cases more recently, since the war began.”
Cunningly rearranging several charts of what Kenobi saw as an assortment of disparate numbers and calculations, the Jedi Healer soon centered on a corner window before beginning the long trial of analyses inputs, gathered from the occasional glance toward her purposefully angled datapad as she expounded.
“The Jedi are involved in prolonged duties of war that they were never meant for. And without time for meditation, it has caused many to internalize these experiences. This is why the symptoms of these strains usually begin after returning to the Temple. When their bodies are given a chance to rest and connect with the Force, the effects of prolonged stress are then allowed space to materialize.”
“Materialize as headaches?” Obi-Wan questioned from his once quiet perch.
Master Nema broke away from the left screen mid-data entry, angling to face the bearded Jedi with golden-rimmed eyes and a forthright manner.
“This is the first time I’ve heard of headaches as a symptom,” she admitted. “But from the general history described, the causes appear to be the same. Also, the hippocampus and amygdala are known to respond to stress-inducing environments. And headaches are not a far stretch from the primary indicators. Lack of focus, exhaustion…”
Master Nema stretched to eye your figure thoughtfully.
“I believe you’re showing the latter.”
At that remark, Kenobi immediately noticed a chink in your impartiality as a flake of disappointment slipped past the corners of gently pursed lips.
His forehead crinkled at the trickle of confusion dripping down his hairline. Obi-Wan thought you’d be relieved to hear that this affliction was not as dire as it had the potential to be.
It appeared that the Jedi Healer must’ve noticed the same shift in expression as she offered you a diplomatic smile. Those that are often reserved by doctors for their more unfamiliar patients.
“Rest, Silvey. Meditate. Do something to take your mind off of the stresses of your mission. It’s over now.”
And, in response, you offered a simple nod.
“Thank you, Master,” you relayed sincerely, offering a flash of amicability. “I’ll try to do that.”
You pushed off the medical bed with sudden haste, toes landing on the floor gingerly as your legs briskly steered through and out the doorway. The skilled maneuverings easily drew Obi-Wan’s attention, compelling him to detect a precise shift in your most noticeable features as you passed by.
How your eyes submerged into a subtle, gray glaze, and how your jaw inappreciably tightened.
It was enough to provoke him to launch a pursuit of his own, hoping to make up for the past few weeks of mistakes in not doing exactly this. All with the intent to close the distance with your quickly departing being after exchanging a parting nod with Master Nema.
“Silvey,” he projected, pacing toward your weaving form beyond the last few cubicles that pointed to the Infirmary’s exit like an arrow.
He caught your gate slacken as you entered the connecting Temple walkway, casually pivoting toward his quick steps while you waited for him to catch up. Still, you didn’t give Kenobi a chance to finish his approach before beginning to speak unapologetically, offering a straight face and a hand on each hip as you made a particularly bold statement
“It’s not stress.”
Had he not been present in the observation room, Master Kenobi would’ve unequivocally believed your statement right then and there. From three, fearless words alone. Spoken with such sheer simplicity that it was as if you were reminding him that Coruscant’s sky was, in fact, blue.
Still, disregarding the momentary speculation your confidence imbued, Obi-Wan held onto the reality of your situation. Or, more accurately, the relative soundness of Master Nema’s diagnosis while his pace effortlessly eased by your side.
“You don’t know that,” he contested as you pivoted, carrying on your trek down the pillared and lilac-carpeted walkway while his legs seamlessly moved in sync with yours. “The history you provided may not be accurate, but that doesn’t mean stress isn’t the source. Master Nema said the scans support her diagnosis.”
“It’s not stress,” you reflexively repeated, the same, unshakable conviction as pulsing as before that locked Kenobi’s gaze onto you while you continued.
“Stress is natural. It’s our being’s way of telling us something. Reminding us to take a break. To take time for ourselves. But whatever this is,” you gesticulated into the air, hand twirling as if it was conjuring the very affliction from the surrounding pillars’ essence. “It isn’t natural. It’s different. Deep inside me, but not. Disconnected—“
From a lightning flash of sliver, Obi-Wan was temporarily taken aback as he was forced to absorb your stilled yet rich perseverance. Bleeding through eyes that whipped over to challenge his stare, drawing you both to a sudden halt.
While emphasizing each consonant, you calmly declared once more your obstinate verdict.
“It is not stress.”
For a few seconds, the Master Jedi searched your face, keeping an eye out for any inkling of a quiver in your fortitude. Any sign of withheld doubts. Any indication that there was something you weren’t comfortable sharing.
But quite immediately, The General realized that even if he’d stood there for days, all would’ve remained the same. There were no hints that you could’ve been convinced otherwise. No way for him to persuade you that stress affected the body just as mysteriously as the Force.
So, he acquiesced.
“Alright,” he acknowledged, a gentleness enveloping his tone. “For now, let’s agree that it may not be stress. You’ve been managing them with the same approaches Master Nema suggested, no?”
“I have…” you skeptically concurred. “But it’s not sustainable.”
The sound of your exhale roped Obi-Wan’s attention as you reached up to rest a palm on your eye. Your cheeks sagged in resignation, subduing your voice while you spoke.
“I guess I’ll just try to get some rest.”
Obi-Wan’s brows creased in an unpleasant recognition.
Those disjointed eyes? The carefully constructed monotonousness you’ve held since making your escape from the Infirmary?
Unfortunately, Obi-Wan was quickly becoming a master at pinpointing the signs.
“It’s happening again, isn’t it?” He delicately inquired.
You shook your head incredulously, a small smile inching out of the corner of your mouth as you peeked at him.
“Is it that obvious?”
Obi-Wan wasn’t sure exactly why he did it. Why his arms reached for your shoulders, grasping their cold frames with a pleasant squeeze. As if some foreign entity now controlled and commanded both limbs with a set of knotted strings. A mind other than his own that believed the only way you’d hear his words was through physical and visual touch alone.
For a split second, at the base of his subconscious, with eyes locked onto yours, Kenobi speculated that perhaps it was a piece of Qui-Gon left behind that commandeered his actions. You’d mentioned to Obi-Wan that your former Master believed your stubbornness to be a considerable strength, yet a ramifying weakness. Something the bearded Jedi certainly recognized as he spent more time with you in the past few weeks.
Knowing the dearly departed, your at times cloaked stubbornness on such affairs plausibly necessitated Master Quinn to rely on similar measures to finally break through.
So why not do the same?
“Let me help you. You’re not on Hoth anymore. There are beings that can assist you here,” he frustratingly exhaled. “You told me yourself that rest has done nothing. I can provide a suitable distraction, if you’d allow me.”
Kenobi’s careful gaze caught the minute disorientation that blinked from reactive brows. You clasped your hands and, for the first time since he’d known you, an air of timidness encircled your ears.
“I appreciate the offer,” you began conscientiously, displaying a thankful smile “But that wouldn’t be fair to you. I know that there are probably a number of Council tasks you’ve sacrificed to check on me, which I appreciate. But I shouldn’t keep you away from those responsibilities any longer.”
“You and I both know that the Council’s activities have laxed since the incident with the communications system,” he securely reminded you as the bud of a perfect excuse blossomed into the puff of levity that captured his voice.
“Besides, this would be more of an exchange than a sacrifice.”
“Oh?” You uttered.
Your demure smile stretched into an infectious smirk, which only amplified Obi-Wan’s gaiety through brightened cheeks.
“You seem to have forgotten your promise,” he bantered.
Your head tilted.
“My promise?”
“The Muntuur?”
The bottom half of your face instantly transformed into a broad grin.
“Ah, yes,” you exaggerated teasingly. “How could I’ve forgotten a promise as dire as that.”
“Then you agree?” He quickly inquired. “You instruct me on how to use the device, and you can be confident that I will ask enough questions to keep your mind occupied.”
“I believe you may be on the better side of this deal,” you poked.
Kenobi watched as your eyes wafted toward the far-reaching Temple ceilings in thought. And in pondering his request amidst the absurdity of this exchange, Obi-Wan was fortunate enough to just barely catch your attempt to stifle a laugh.
“Alright,” you feigned defeat, silver orbs flickering as you glanced at him.
“I agree.”
Kenobi drifted deeper into his settled posture, legs folded in angled balance as he extended his deliverance into the swirling energies of the Force. Straightening his back, his focused mind welcomed the omnipresent stream to encircle him in the empty training dojo, never to be hindered by its milky white walls nor wood-bordered panels.
Wherever he was, The General sensed this to be true. That the Force would always be with him.
Rationally, Obi-Wan knew that any second, you’d be strolling through those two gray sliding doors to join him, Muntuur in hand after retrieving it from your quarters per his request. Yet still, Kenobi found that even in the most cursory of moments, meditation proved to always be a feasible endeavor. Despite sometimes having only a few seconds to fully connect with his surroundings, Obi-Wan found that stretching into the constant flow would still center his mind in a manner that could last for hours. Perhaps days, if he’d found particular focus.
But he hadn’t always had the aptitude to enter those cavernous reflective states so rapidly. Especially as a Padawan, when his mind took a little bit more tugging to wrench it away from concerns of the future so to focus on the here and now. It was a realm he always had to strive toward. A speedy existence he’d been further compelled to master had he any hope of engaging in such comforts during the ceaseless activities of war.
A lifestyle he knew he’d be returning to soon.
From the final review of the Temple’s security system this morning, it was ultimately discovered that there had, in fact, been a leak in the communications system. Specifically, an exposed transceiver code. And, of course, of the many technical specialists and machines tasked with rooting out the issue, Artoo, Anakin’s prized blue-and-white droid, was the one to discover it.
Due to Count Dooku’s formerly wide access to sensitive Temple data, Master Yoda had decided to alter all related security measures so to ensure that the Separatists were not given a tactical advantage after The Battle of Geonosis. That included identifying and deactivating the extensive array of transceiver codes that Dooku was aware of.
But, unfortunately, it seemed that one was missed. A single line of digits once only privy to Council transmissions during Dooku’s short stint as a member, long before Obi-Wan’s time. An easy mistake that proved to have significant consequences, setting back the Republic’s stance by forcing the Jedi off the battlefield as clone battalions temporarily took command.
And just after they’d finally gotten one step ahead of the Separatists following the Republic victory on Christophsis, no less.
Either way, The General understood that he’d soon see the damage himself once given his first return assignment. A mission that would include you, considering Master Yoda’s decision to separate you from Anakin on the battlefield for the time being.
But there wasn’t time for such considerations any longer. No more musings about what the future held. Not in a time when he should’ve been blending his mind with the rippling stream.
A time cut short.
The whoosh of an automatic door releasing tickled his ears, followed by a cool gust of creeping air that further drew Obi-Wan out of his concentrative state. A quick wrench akin to similar interruptions by Commander Cody during those off-world campaigns in the months prior.
His eyelids peeled open at the new, subtle presence before him. And in the moments that followed, it didn’t take long for Kenobi to take note of your more upbeat figure, revitalized by the prospect of the coming distraction in the form of teaching a lesson on ancient implements, Obi-Wan hoped. A divertissement to be governed by The Muntuur whose glint caught the bearded Jedi’s eye.
“Excellent,” Master Kenobi expressed, raking his gaze over the half-circle metal headpiece that hung loosely from your fingertips while he untangled, placing a hand on his knee to help him stand. “Now tell me how it works.”
Obi-Wan spotted a quirk in your brows as you steadily approached, a token of entertainment at his eagerness, no doubt.
You hummed flippantly. “It would be easier to just show you, you know.”
And Master Kenobi wholeheartedly agreed, but that wasn’t why he was doing this. He couldn’t deny that he’d been ardently waiting since you told him about The Muntuur to put the apparatus to the test. But, right now, he had more important matters to address than his budding curiosity.
To focus your mind on easier topics. On the intricacies of a long-lost Jedi device. And on the concentration required to explain it to him.
And that meant putting some skin in the game.
“I’d much rather hear it from your own voice,” he contended, nonchalant gaze somewhat lowering to meet yours as your shorter, slightly amused figure stalled within arms reach of his chest.
And with your quick-beat response, it was clear to Obi-Wan that you’d in some measure caught on to his ruse.
“Well, how could I deny such a charmed request?”
A tickled smile crawled across Kenobi’s features at your faintly sarcastic tone. An expression that persisted fervently despite noticing a sincerity wash away your brief masquerade.
“I must warn you, Obi-Wan. What I’ve learned about this device was through significant trial and error. Not even Qui-Gon really understood it.”
Still, the Jedi Master’s encouraging regard never quivered. A long-held desire to grasp and digest your knowledge radiated from his being. Strong enough, it seemed, to persuade you to continue as you held up The Muntuur for easy viewing.
“If you have the imagination, and the specifications, you can program it to simulate virtually anything. Any drill or duel you can imagine. Any environment. Any foe. As long as you know the strengths, behaviors, and appearances involved in your desired program, then it can be created by inputting them here.”
Obi-Wan adjusted as you turned your back toward him to display the device’s rear. Specifically, the small, anciently designed input panel whose miniature screen emitted an amber gleam between your secured fingers.
He craned his neck farther over your shoulder, the fragrance of star jasmines wafting from your loose hair and into his nostrils as he strived to take a closer look.
“My holobooks often provided enough information for me to recreate their contents for training purposes,” you continued to explain. “Honestly, I’ve used The Muntuur so much that I still have a number of designations memorized. Including…”
Master Kenobi scrutinized the tiny display as your fluttering fingers tapped away, making selections and adjusting parameters so expeditiously that it was as if an invisible memory bank of numbers and terms were stored in your wrist. You readied the device so expertly, in fact, that the brief trailing off of your voice was smoothly picked up following the short, concentrative pinch.
“…this little guy.”
He watched while your thumb danced to the small, circular black button resting in the panel’s corner, pressing and holding it down until a startling beep cheered from the device. An unexpected noise that swiveled your figure back toward the Master Jedi, arm outstretched in offering as a barely hampered enthusiasm elevated your features.
However, with an undetermined inspection narrowing on the instrument, Obi-Wan suddenly felt hesitant to accept.
He often found comfort in understanding the more nuanced aspects of unknown technologies before diving right in, unlike his former Padawan. Consequently, The Master Jedi had honestly been anticipating a more detailed explanation. But from the rapid fire of input codes and language specifications that manifested from your exceptional proficiency, Obi-Wan now realized that, even with your guidance, such in-depth adroitness was sure to take weeks if not months.
Time he, unfortunately, did not have.
“Don’t worry,” you brightly assured, arm still extended with the gleaming metal headpiece. “The safety protocols are engaged. It won’t bite.”
Kenobi’s stare snapped toward yours as he cautiously took the device.
“Safety protocols?” He inquired, turning over the cold metal in his palms as he observed its ornate craftsmanship. “I’ve never heard of a simulation creating a safety issue.”
“It’s more than a simulation,” you elucidated, jutting a thumb toward his grasp. “Notice how there’s no visor?”
Obi-Wan flipped the device, realizing the accuracy of your statement as his befuddled eyes met its rather barren fore.
“It functions by triggering the electrical impulses in your neurons. Because it creates the simulation with your mind, certain programs need to be active to prevent the more subconscious parts of your brain from confusing artificial injuries with reality.”
“That is…quite fascinating…” Obi-Wan uttered, taking one last scan of the unique instrument before glancing at your intrigued features, captivated by a typhoon of ruminations on the device’s remarkable functions, he assumed.
“So I won’t feel pain?”
You shook your head heartily, emphasizing each word that followed. “No, you’ll certainly feel pain. But you won’t receive any grievous injuries.”
And the General’s spine stiffened from shock at this. Eyes wide as he searched your matter-of-fact countenance for clarification.
“Silvey, are you saying this device can cause real-world harm?”
“Only if the safety protocols are off,” you undauntedly reminded before your voice relaxed into a fonder, more reminiscent timbre.
“I learned that piece of programming the hard way,” you chuckled. “Qui-Gon almost threw the whole thing away after I nearly bled to death from a stab to the shoulder. A fairly treatable wound in the likes of Coruscant, I’m sure. But when you have no choice but to work with a few, expired bacta pads, it can become a little dicey.”
Master Kenobi’s once intrigued disposition had slowly devolved into a frown.
He knew this implement was old. Likely used by ancient Jedi who followed a widely contrasting set of rules in a lawless world of dark adversaries. But he never predicted that their training equipment would allow for such risk in the name of growth. There was a reason younglings learned on training sabers. So that they need not face the same life-threatening dangers that you seem to have faced every day at their age. Whether through an unpredictable apparatus or the nature of your icy asylum.
Obi-Wan barely noticed the thickening of a faintly simmering temper, mixed with frustration and confusion as he finally considered the reality of your upbringing. The bearded Jedi cared for his former Master deeply, and he clearly understood that Qui-Gon had done his best to protect you under severe circumstances. But the auburn-haired man couldn’t get over the sheer recklessness that characterized his decision-making as your custodian.
Had he not checked this device thoroughly before handing it off to a child? That didn’t sound like the wise man he’d known for all his life. Though Qui-Gon did have many responsibilities on top of your secret existence. Most of which likely prevented him from imparting the same thoroughness and circumspect to which he gifted Obi-Wan.
Still, it was no excuse.
And the longer he sat with that realization, the more your recollection ruffled Obi-Wan. Especially when your cavalier attitude proved your innocence to the underlying issue that Kenobi was so peeved by.
A reaction that you just seemed to notice, but failed to correctly attribute.
You spoke gently, reaching out a cold, comforting hand to rest beneath his, providing a little extra lift in supporting the gadget’s portable weight. His eyes followed your arm, naturally landing on the two, strikingly silver orbs that relaxed his tensed muscles and unsettled thoughts with mollifying memories of uncomplicated talks and silent company.
“I promise you, you’re not gonna get hurt. I would never have agreed to share The Muntuur with you had I believed for a second it would cause serious harm.”
And there it was again. Those gentle, sparkling features that cozily blanketed Obi-Wan’s line of vision with honest poise. Accompanied by relieving words that freshly astounded him in every instant they fell from your lips.
Your life. Your upbringing. Devoid of connection and saturated with harsh dangers in an inhospitable habitat. Yes, a Jedi was expected to forgo all attachments, but this isolation had been to an extreme.
Yet every day. In every moment he had the chance to grace your presence. To get to know you. You’d shimmer like a being who’d known unconditional love from the galaxy, and was simply acting as a conduit to relay that benevolence onto others.
But that wasn’t your reality, Obi-Wan reminded himself. Besides Qui-Gon’s disbanded guidance, you had only known the cold.
Still, even that jarring refuge was likely more enticing than the prospect of facing a dark nemesis too soon.
You’d only known struggle, yet diffused compassion.
You really were something.
“I trust you,” Master Kenobi finally spoke, raising The Muntuur to secure its chilly, rigid form atop his head.
While his hands lowered, Obi-Wan felt a slight dig as the device morphed to fit his skull’s dimensions. A low, mechanical purr was followed by strange tingling sensations that danced across his temples like docile Endorian ants.
But after a few, stagnant seconds, in which a stillness recouped the air, nothing else occurred.
The Jedi Master knew that you’d intended for some program to run, yet he saw nothing. Just the dojo’s durable, cream-tinted walls supported by pillars of hickory brown wood.
“How do I know if the simulation has begun?” Obi-Wan questioned, eyes glancing toward your figure as you purposefully ambled backward to grant more clearance to the focused Jedi.
A delighted smirk tugged up at your countenance from chin to ears as you slowed to a halt about twelve meters away.
“Oh, trust me. You’ll know.”
A deep, guttural roar bellowed from behind, provoking a somewhat startled Master Kenobi to detach his lightsaber mid-whirl as he faced the blare with the blade’s instantly ignited, blue glow.
Coiled into a stalking pose at the opposite wall was the brown-gold body of a particularly irate Nexu. Its four, beady red eyes pierced Kenobi’s senses, drawing considerable attention to the broad set of dagger-like teeth that stretched across half its face as the beast soon began to circularly prowl. The inchmeal movements of its sharp claws and flicking tails quickly compelled Kenobi to step into a cautious counter, sidestep after sidestep so to avoid closing that precarious gap.
“I believe we have different definitions of what qualifies as a ‘little guy!’” Obi-Wan sarcastically called out, his readily extended saber maintaining the standoff while he kept a slow, methodical distance.
“I think he’s kinda cute!” You gushed.
Obi-Wan’s head whipped to stare at you in utter disbelief, hoping to communicate his complete disagreement with such a statement. In fact, he manifested with his eyes alone the question of whether you were truly seeing the same ghastly brute as him.
But any answer he sought would have to wait, it appeared. The momentary glance at your chuckling figure was cut short by the beast’s consciousness of Kenobi’s brief distraction.
Its paws struck the ground with a sharp crack, signaling the Nexu’s powerful charge toward Obi-Wan as the latter’s attention snapped back toward the rapidly closing-in creature. One, he now noticed, whose approach could be viscerally sensed, further persuading the Master Jedi to poise himself for the coming strike that he felt through the surrounding flow.
“I can feel its movement within the force!” He called out while dodging a quick slash of the right set of claws. “How is that possible?!”
“It’s part of the programming,” you leveled candidly while Obi-Wan sprinted for a better vantage point toward the far wall, slithering beast on his tail.
“I think that’s why Qui-Gon assumed it was built for the Jedi,” you continued. “Never could figure out how that part worked.”
Drawing on the stream around him as he reached the dead end, Kenobi leapt onto the wall, maintaining his momentum while he followed its architecture around the training room.
Still, the slobbering huffs of the Nexu stayed close behind, especially once the creature’s biting claws lodged into the same partition, empowering it to launch into a rather slippery chase while its talons fought against the smoother sectionals.
However, the agile Jedi persisted, formulating a plan as his eyes locked onto an abruptly nearing corner.
With the blustering beast just a few steps behind, Kenobi broke away toward the opposite intersecting wall. Then, with cold air resisting against his face, Obi-Wan exercised the boost to reach and thrust against this new push-off point, barreling into a flip back toward the growling beast that still struggled to skitter across this raised vantage point.
Swiftly, while the Master Jedi glided midair, Kenobi brought down his blue luminescence to slash at the Nexu’s back. It was in that instant, that he successfully severed several of its sharp quills, a pink ooze soaking the creature’s fur while it wailed out in agony.
Embracing the Force to cushion his descent, Obi-Wan partially floated to the stone floor, toes centering his landing as the beast once clawing across the dojo wall writhed into a short plummet, striking the floor with a boom just meters beyond his feet.
Kenobi watched on while the Nexu pitifully rolled to its side, emitting a flurry of pained squeaks and whimpers in its parade to expose its underside, a symbol of surrender.
But that white flag wasn’t what prompted Obi-Wan to abruptly unfasten The Muntuur from his skull and end the program, leading the now docile Nexu to fade into nothingness as the device hummed through its deactivation.
Instead, the slightly panting Jedi’s attention was seized by a sudden burst of laughter from the far corner, flinging his bewildered yet slightly curious gaze toward your bent-over form leaned against the dojo’s gray doors.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh. It’s just, this is the first time I’ve seen someone use The Muntuur from an outside perspective and I’m—” Another fit of giggles poured out of your gut, squeezing Obi-Wan’s brows to raise in delight at the sound.
“I’m just now wondering how Qui-Gon kept a straight face! With nothing there for me, it just looks like you’re running around in circles, and—“
Another howl of laughter colored the air, touching his chest with a strangely familiar sensation. One that he couldn’t quite clearly recall, but knew still that it had been something he’d experienced a couple times a year as a young Padawan.
On those few evenings in the fall when his training had ended early for the day, young Kenobi would run off to the Glitannai Eslpanade to experience the Festival of Stars. And while he appreciated the joy of dancing beings and the artistry of performative acrobatics, he’d only really had one motive for sneaking off with a nut brown robe tightly concealing his Jedi identity amongst the bustling crowds.
It was to gawk at the falling Ithorian rose petals, flung from the sky like euphoric tears at each year’s parade on Coruscant.
A sight he could never drag his eyes away from, no matter how hard he tried.
This wasn’t exactly what Obi-Wan had planned when he decided to focus your mind on matters separate from those stress-induced headaches. But he certainly wasn’t going to complain about finding success through other means. The undeniably beaming expression on your face meant that something he did had lessened the headache that’d emerged following your infirmary visit, at least.
Perhaps that was what gave rise to his inner appreciation for your enlivened state. Because when he heard your laughter spring throughout the room, it confirmed for him that he’d finally taken a little bit of your pain away.
And that idea alone tugged fiercely at his facial muscles, coaxing him to give rise to a smile.
But Obi-Wan shoved that down, instead adopting a rather unimpressed gaze as his voice oozed with sarcasm.
“I’m pleased you find my defensive techniques so amusing.”
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and-loth-cat · 2 years
A Dyad in the Force (Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader) - Chapter 1
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~Chapter 1~
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
The engines roared as the Nubian Royal Starship flew across the stars. They were rapidly approaching a large, desert planet, one that laid far beyond the outskirts of the Trade Federation.
"That's it. Tatooine... there's a settlement," The young man with the long braid said, looking out at the planet they were approaching. He was dressed in tan robes, with a brown cloak around his body. The rest of his hair was tied back into a ponytail, resting on the back of his head.
A taller, older man with long brown hair looked at the boy, speaking in a low, coarse voice, "Land near the outskirts. We don't want to attract attention."
The ship slowly entered the planet's atmosphere, proceeding to make its landing in the desert. As the ship steadily landed on the sand and the engines' roars died out, the young man suddenly felt something, as if an invisible force was tugging from inside of him. Just as he was about to question it, the door suddenly opened and the older man, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, walked into the room. He quickly dismissed his thoughts and looked up at Qui-Gon, "The hyperdrive generator's gone, Master," the young padawan, or Obi-Wan, spoke, "We'll need a new one."
Qui-Gon let out a soft sigh, "That'll complicate things," he looked in the other direction before looking back at his padawan, "Be wary. I sense a disturbance in the Force." Obi-Wan perked up a little, realizing that it wasn't just him who felt the shift, "I feel it also, Master." Qui-Gon nodded in response, "Don't let them send any transmissions." And with that, the Jedi Master left, leaving the young man to deal with the ship.
Obi-Wan nodded softly and took a few steps back, trying to figure out what exactly to do next. While his head said to continue checking the ship, his heart was saying something different. He felt the Force calling him to something, but what? He tried to ignore it and keep working, but the call was too much to bear. After a moment of hesitation, Obi-Wan sighed in defeat and walked around the ship, trying to find a decent spot to meditate in. He hoped that by clearing his mind he would find peace and would be able to continue his work.
Obi-Wan soon found himself a small closet, sitting cross-legged on the ground with his hands resting on his thighs. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing as he felt the Force around him. He slowly began to levitate off the floor as he ventured deeper into the Force. He began to see glimpses of his Master, the handmaiden, the Gungan, and the droid as they walked around Mos Espa, trying to search for a shop that had their needed parts.
"The few spaceports like this one are havens for those that don't wish to be found."
"Like us."
The young Jedi aimed to continue watching, but suddenly he felt a very strong call in the Force. The images suddenly changed from those of his Master to those of an unknown figure. Darkness began to surround him, and he levitated higher off the ground.
Obi-Wan walked over to the mysterious silhouette, readying his lightsaber just in case. He slowly approached, saying only one thing, "Who are you?"
The person quickly turned around and snarled at him, revealing themselves to be a beautiful woman with golden eyes. She quickly drew her red lightsaber and struck at Obi-Wan, with him just barely countering the attack. He strained softly as he pushed against the lightsaber, "You're.. You're a sith!" He growled softly and looked into her eyes, and suddenly everything stopped.
The woman disappeared, leaving Obi-Wan alone. He looked around and saw images of someone who appeared to be an older version of him, along with a girl who looked oh so similar to the Sith he just fought.
Future Obi-Wan held the girl in his arms, "Starlight...promise me you'll be safe, ok? I couldn't-"
The image quickly whisked away into another, one of him sitting across from the girl, "Y/n, look at me. You can do this. You can find the-"
Just like before, the vision went away before he could see the full moment. Obi-Wan looked around, extremely confused, "Wait..who is she?-"
"Obi-Wan.." A female voice called out, "Obi-Wan..."
Obi-Wan looked around, desperately trying to find the source of the voice, "Hello??"
Obi-Wan's eyes shot open as he plummeted to the ground, barely catching himself with the Force. He panted as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead, looking around him. Who was that woman? And why was he with her? Attachments were forbidden by the Jedi Code, so why did he appear to be close to her?
Obi-Wan shook his head as he stood up, walking out of the closet and going outside, trying to rid his mind of the non-stop questions. Once out of the ship, he took a deep breath as he looked around him, "Sand...some buildings...more sand...sand again..." The young Jedi sighed, "...not sure why I came out here, honestly. It's just sand."
As he prepared to turn around and head back inside, he felt it again- the tug within the Force. He quickly scanned the area, stopping when he felt it again. Obi-Wan bit his lip and looked back at the ship, hesitating for a moment before he began to run, following where the Force was beckoning him to go.
You suddenly froze as you felt something tight in your chest. Dropping the pieces of metal you were sorting, you immediately run outside of the dusty, old shop, and look out on the street. Breathing heavily, you take a look around, unable to shake the tug which is relentlessly pulling from inside of you. That was the second time you had felt that strange sensation today. As you were trying to focus on the feeling, you sensed a familiar presence coming from behind you. You furrowed your brows as you heard him approach.
"Y/n, get bata tah work! Mee did nopa give u permission tah leave do post!," The shop owner said to you in Huttese, in the ever threatening tone he always spoke in.
You growled softly, your eyes hueing into the yellow shade of gold without you knowing. You snapped your head back at the owner, "I'll be there when I'll be there!" You breathed heavily as you could feel your anger rising.
The shop owner wasn't having it. He simply glared at you and said, "Noah, ateema! Mo else u won't get do portion che do week!"
You looked down, your anger growing as you realized you couldn't win. You swiftly stormed back into the shop, your eyes glowing brighter and deeper with each second. How you longed for the day when you could get out of there; burn that dusty old shop down to the ground and leave. As many times as you planned to attempt that, you always remembered the one crucial fact keeping you from fulfilling your dream: you had a tracking device inside of you. All the slaves had one. And you knew that even if you were able to execute your revenge, you would be blown up in an instant.
Hating the very meaning of your existence, you went back to your work station and continued sorting the pieces of scrap metal, the darkness only growing inside of you. The other slaves could only cower in fear and move stations as the gold in your eyes shimmered, seeming so light but yet exuding so much darkness.
Obi-Wan continued to run into the town, his cloak flapping as he quickly followed the Force. "Hot," he grumbled, "Why does it have to be so hot??" He stopped for a moment to breathe, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he looked around. Just as he was about to continue running, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a small store that sat on the corner of the street.
"Obi-Wan.." He heard a voice say from inside his head.
Obi-Wan breathed heavily as he started walking towards the store.
The Force beckoned the young Jedi towards the store. With every step he took, Obi-Wan could feel another tug within his heart. As he finally entered the shop, a shiver went down his spine as he immediately sensed the darkness coming from nearby. As the shop owner approached him, Obi-Wan quickly dismissed him before moving towards the back of the store, searching for the source of darkness, of which the likes he had never felt before.
In a moment of pure connection, Obi-Wan suddenly felt a Force signature wrap around his, and he realized that it was the one of the girl in front of him; you. He took a deep breath and approached you, not standing so close as to avoid startling you, "Excuse me, miss?"
You had sensed a strange presence ever since he had entered the shop, but you were struggling to put your finger on exactly what it was. Within a moment, you felt as if a part of your soul had just been intertwined with another. Before you could even question the sensation you just experienced, you heard a voice coming from behind you.
Annoyed that you were disrupted from both your work and your thoughts, you snapped your head towards him, and your deep yellow eyes met his soft blue ones.
The moment the two of you locked eyes, it was as if the entire galaxy had suddenly stopped. As if life itself had ended, and was reborn with the two of you. You hadn't the slightest idea of what was truly going on, but you felt a light inside of you. One that wasn't there before.
Obi-Wan, on the other hand, could sense the sheer darkness coming from you. Out of pure instinct, he reached for his lightsaber, wanting to rid of this evil for the good of the Force. However, the Force itself quickly stopped him, calling him to focus on you. As he truly looked into your eyes once more, he noticed how the color was changing.
As you felt the warmth and light inside of you, the yellow in your eyes indeed began to fade. It wasn't long before they were the beautiful shade of y/c that they always were. The ones that shined as bright as the twin suns you saw each day.
Obi-Wan let his hand pass by his lightsaber and he quickly cleared his throat, smiling softly, "Hello there."
You gave a small smile back, "Hello.." This was the first time you truly had a chance to take him in. Your eyes immediately caught on to the long braid hanging over his right shoulder; you had never seen anything like it. You followed the braid up and soon found yourself looking into his eyes again. You had seen thousands of eyes in your lifetime, but never any as beautiful as the ones right in front of you. Never in your life have you seen such a beautiful shade of blue.
Obi-Wan noticed you staring, and he chuckled softly, causing you to quickly look down and go back to your work. The young Jedi stood next to you, looking at you with a warm smile, "So..what's your name?"
"Y/n," You replied, not looking up from your work. Did you actually wanna be working? Absolutely not; but it was better than embarrassing yourself again.
Obi-Wan sighed softly, "What's your last name?" He paused, waiting for your answer only to be waiting for nothing. He looked at you, "..you know you can look at me, right? I promise I don't bite."
You took a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before turning to look at him, "I don't have a last name. It's just Y/n."
Obi-Wan had a softer expression on his face, "Really?" He looked down as you nodded in response, "I see...so, where are you from?" Was he trying to get information to give to the council? Yes, yes he was. It was his duty as a Padawan and a Jedi. Although honestly. he also wanted to get to know you for himself. He was so intrigued by you, and just by being at your side, he was feeling something he had never felt before.
You sighed, "You're really asking me every question possible, aren't you?"
"I'm sorry, I could-"
"No, it's fine." You said, "But just to warn you, I'm not that interesting."
Obi-Wan knew that was a lie, but he continued to listen to you nonetheless.
You took a deep breath in, feeling a little defeated, "I don't know where I'm from, ok?"
"Well..what about your family?"
"I DON'T-" You groaned before taking a deep breath, trying to stay calm, "I don't have a family, got it? For as long as I can remember, it's always been me." You looked down as you remembered the few small glimpses you had of your childhood. You don't recall a father ever being there, but you do remember your mother. She was beautiful and kind, but she was weak. She couldn't protect herself against the dangers of Tatooine. As much as she 'tried' to protect you by hiding you away, you sometimes wished she would've kept you with her. That you wouldn't have been found and that you never would've become a slave. You curled your fists, your eyes beginning to turn yellow again as you felt the darkness come back.
Obi-Wan could sense your emotions and pain through the newly formed bond, but he knew better than to read your mind and find out what was troubling you. So, he decided that he would try to comfort you. He stepped closer, but before he could say anything, the shop owner came back over, glaring at Obi-Wan, "U ya! Why are u talking gee myo shag! She sa supposed tah be working! Ateema either bedwana something mo leave myo shop!"
The young Jedi looked back at him, raising his hand, "You will-"
"You will leave us alone!" You looked at the owner, your eyes glowing yellow. As you spoke, you suddenly felt a strong sense of power rush through you. You smirked softly as you let the darkness consume you for a short moment.
The shop owner spoke back, "Mee will leave u solo." He turned and walked away without saying a word more.
Obi-Wan simply looked at you, stunned speechless after what you had just done. More importantly, he could sense the immense darkness coming from you, and it worried and terrified him at the same time.
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mp0625 · 1 year
ISO Looking For a Fic I saw
UPDATE: @secretsthathauntus found it! It's called "Broken attachments" by heavenlyevil.
Pretty sure it was Anakin Skywalker x reader with an age gap. It had at least 3 parts from what I saw maybe more. It started with Plo koon taking you from your family and then you at the Temple running around the place with an olive green Twi'lek (I think). And the last part I got up to before I lost it was the reader running into Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-wan.
It maybe had something along the lines of abandon Jedi in the name not sure.
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marierg · 2 years
Of Light and Darkness: Phantom in the Dark 2
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!:  DARTH MAUL (A warning in and of himself), Death, injuries, loss and sadness. AAANNNNGGGSSSTTT!!!!!  Ok we all know what’s coming but it’s still gonna hurt!
A/N: I don’t own any rights to the story or characters in Cannon Star Wars.  There are a few portions of the dialogue within this chapter.  This is a Loving tribute and work of Fan fiction, with a few tweaks and twists of my own!  If you haven’t ever read the novelization there’s a few things that I tossed in there, highly recommend the read.  As a kid I thought that the Baddies were more greedy than evil, but after reading a little and watching clone wars I tweaked this to fit more how I thought it should go.  Hope you all enjoy! 
PS- This is gonna be VERY picture heavy, because I'm not always confident in my ability to write without giving a visual. Sorry....
Picture Credit: Pinterest/ Lucasfilm LTD
Word Count: 4700
MASTERLIST Next Part (3)
Upon jumping out of hyperspace it became apparent that the blockade was over with only one control ship remaining in orbit.  None the less your craft was surely detected and time was precious.  That the Nubian cruiser landed on the planet in one piece completely solidified your opinion that this was indeed a trap.  Queen Amidala seemed to have a plan in mind to garner support and possibly an army from the neighboring Gungans.  Enlisting the help of the exuberant Jar Jar Binks your small force was to make their way to the underwater capitol Otoh Gunga.  Having found the city deserted Jar Jar surmised that the Gungan populace had probably sought refuge in their sacred temple. 
You made plainly clear that you didn’t like the idea of dragging a child into a warzone to Master Qui Gon.  Unfortunately, there really wasn’t anywhere safe to put Anakin till this blew over.  He was a spitfire though. Having reunited with his friend Padme he insisted that he could help her protect the Queen.  Not wanting to give away the surprise you kept your big mouth shut and smirking. 
It was during the negotiations with the Gungan leadership that Queen Padme Amidala finally dropped her façade.  You and the men knew of course, but you still had to give credit where it was due.  Padme had managed to avoid capture and assassination from this well played deception.  Not only was she resourceful, but humble and brave. 
She made an impassioned speech before Boss Nass and his council, stating that though the two did not always see eye to eye the two groups would always be united by the planet they called home.  Humbling herself before them, Queen Padme begged the Gungans help to save her people and their shared planet.  It was this act of faith that sealed the pact with the Gungans, even though it was likely that many of them would be killed in this little war. 
After the recon team returned from Theed and the last of the strategy had been completed you stepped away to clear your head.  Obi Wan was needed to help work with the pilots, but you needed to think away from the cacophony of preparation.  Taking a stroll into the woods a ways, you found a clearing.  Naboo was a beautiful, vibrant world so teeming with life.  You sat meditating for a long while, til small footsteps approached you.  “Miss Y/n?”
“Yes Anakin?”  you kept your eyes closed, not moving.
“Um … can I sit with you for a while?” His voice seemed tired for a youngling.  
Opening your eyes, you studied him.  It was clear that he was anxious, but about what was the question.  Patting the grass next to you, he took the offered spot.  Looking at how you sat he tried his best to imitate.  You had to straighten him out a little though.
“Here, chin up. Head tall, no slouching.  Master Windu always says that the better the posture the sharper the mind.  Just breathe and listen to what’s around you.”
“All I here are speeders and animals dragging things?”  Anakin's small face was scrunched in concentration.
Laughing a little, knowing that you were going directly against your own Master’s directive, you thought how best to put it.  “Try…filtering it?  Listen beyond to what’s going on in the woods.  Then hold onto that and just breathe, kind of let go of everything?”
Obi Wan had finally apologized to Master Qui Gon about his attitude of late towards the boy.  You had caught him earlier doing a slight of hand trick causing Anakin to laugh.  Once he had gotten past his initial dislike and territorialism Obi Wan had actually found that Anakin wasn’t so bad as he thought.  The boy couldn’t help that he had gotten attached to Qui Gon, or that the Master had become fond of the boy as well.  Anakin was a sweet kid and very easy to like.    
“Now feel for something warm like…a blanket on a cold night.”  Looking at Anakin’s face again you could see the calm settle over it.  “Good job buddy.  Why don’t you keep practicing, I’ll send Master Qui Gon over, Huh?”
Peeking one eye open, he smiled, “Ok!  Thank you, Miss Y/N!”
“You can just call me Y/N, Ok Ani-Man?”  The boy smiled brightly and you set off to find the Master in question.  As it would happen he wasn’t too far off.
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                Qui Gon Jinn had been a Jedi Master and instructor for many cycles and had the opportunity to watch others as they taught.  Some had patience, some were strict, and some were just naturally in tune with children.  His own apprentice he could see one day being a wise and patient master.  You he saw as more of a guide, working with students and letting them lead, but also letting them learn from failure.  Both you and Obi Wan complimented each other in those respects. 
Qui Gon did worry about the bond that the two young Jedi had with each other.  Not for a second did he believe that either of you wouldn’t uphold the spirit of your vows as Jedi or let it interfere with your duties.  No, his concern was that one of you may be lost one day, and that the other would face what he had.  Together though you and Obi Wan were perfectly paired.  He never told Obi Wan that he knew about the relationship, giving that small piece of privacy.  He suspected that Mace was unaware, or the two of you would have been separated immediately.  Stepping out of the shadows he called out.  “Y/n, have you seen Anakin?”
“Oh Master Qui Gon!  Yeah, he’s meditating over by the pond.  Did you need something?”  You were not expecting him to pop out of the blue, normally being able to sense those around you far sooner.
“Actually, I hoping for a word with you.  I’m sorry that you got pulled into all this.”  Qui Gon looked sadly at you.  There were days that your youth was dimmed and the toll of life was evident within your eyes.  Today he could well see the map of every battle in your past and felt the apprehension within you, it well matched his own. 
“I feel that it’s less anything you did and more Master Windu testing me yet again.” Your eyes rolled, but there was no spite in the statement. Disagree though you often did, you cared deeply for your Master.
“Just the same.  I did want to ask, do you believe this to be a foolish venture?” Qui Gon folded his arms leaning against the nearest tree.
“Freeing a people from oppression and pain is never foolish.” You said with ease and confidence.  “I do however feel that going into occupied territory, in broad daylight, in large numbers… that might be a little foolhardy.”
Qui Gon chuckled a little under his breath.  “Well, I can’t argue that wisdom.  Unfortunately, time is not on our side this time my young friend.”
“Is it ever?” You sighed gazing out as if to see a portent of the events to come. 
“No, I suppose it’s not.”  Smiling he turned towards Anakin, who by now was fast asleep having meditated too deeply.  The boy’s future was in the air as much as any of theirs.  While Qui Gon knew that Obi Wan was now more amicable towards Anakin, you had developed a small friendship with him as well.  “Y/n?”
“Yes Master Qui Gon?” you quirked your brow up, turning to face the older Jedi better.
  There was an odd tone in his voice, one you weren’t used too.  Cocking your head to the side you looked at Master Qui Gon, really studying him.  He seemed far too tired; stressed from the mission and the Council’s decision regarding Anakin’s training.  In a way he appeared to have aged rapidly in the last few days.
“I need you to promise me something.”  He saw you nod in acknowledgement, though he also saw the suspicious look in your eyes.  Smiling a bit to himself he thought about what Melri would have thought of all this, knowing that this was similar in action to the path she had put he and Mace on years ago.  “Keep an eye on them for me.”
“Two, if I can.”  You winked at him.  Your face grew serious then. "Is everything alright Master?”
                He tried to relax his expression, smiling confidently at you despite his own wariness.  He knew that you too sensed something was amiss.  “Everything will be fine.  I think Obi Wan was looking for you though.”
Again, you had kept your expression a schooled neutral, though Qui Gon noticed a very small blip in your signature.  He often wondered if maybe he noticed these small nuances because he had spent so much time with you and perhaps Mace hadn’t?  Taking a few steps forward he gave you a genuine smile and your shoulder a gentle nudge in the direction he knew you wanted to follow.    Perhaps you and Obi Wan would avoid the pain of loss.
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The two small assault forces infiltrated the capitol of Theed with little trouble.  While the second group, led by Captain Panaka, distracted the plaza guards the other went for the main hanger.  That’s where all farking hell broke loose between a platoon of droids raining blaster fire down on you and trying to get the pilots to their ships and away.  As the fight intensified you had seen Anakin duck into one of the fighters.  As the joint assault force finally took out the last of the droids, the hanger seemed secure for the moment.
“Your Highness are you alright.” You asked the young woman from across the bay.
“Yes, thank you.  My guess is that the Viceroy is in the throne room.”  She straightened an errand hair, checking her blaster.
“I agree,” Master Qui Gon was already scanning the bay for anything out of place.  Seeing Anakin trying to get out of the fighter eager to rejoin you all he raised a hand.  “No Ani, you stay there, stay right where you are.”
“But I…” Anakin was cut short.
“Stay in that cockpit.”  Qui Gon’s voice was firm, it was the end of the discussion.
“Don’t worry Ani-Man, we’ll be back in no time.  But keep your head low, Ok?” You shouted to the young man before making your way to the end of the bay, giving him a small smile.  He’d be ok, you hoped.  If nothing else the ship provided ample cover and concealment.
Your lightsaber was tucked into your boot, out of sight but within reach.  You had opted instead to use a blaster like the others so as to not look out of place.  Suddenly you felt something, something cold.  It was as if you had been dropped in a vat of liquid nitrogen, the hairs on your neck stood straight up.  Grabbing young Padme, you pulled her back… from what you weren’t sure.  She looked at you startled, “Y/n what are you…”
The bay doors opened revealing not a man, but a monster of legend.  The dark figure dropped his cloak, revealing a head of black and red markings crowned by jaundiced horns.  The eyes of the creature though, they glowed yellow like the fires from the depths of Perdition.  Like many others as a youngling you’d heard the stories of the Sith, had a few nightmares about them too.  But none of that compared to the sight in front of you.  Stepping between Padme and this creature your first instinct was to grab for your blade.
“We’ll handle this,” Master Qui Gon and Obi Wan had already moved to engage.  Nodding to them you understood that your job was now to stay with the Queen and end the fighting on the planet.  Giving both of them a glance you sent them a final wish.  “May the Force be with you.”
Padme had already switched gears, “We’ll take the long way.”
                Heading through the maze of hallways and up a grand staircase the group was soon overtaken by a squad of battle droids.  Split down the middle of the hall you were all taking heavy fire.  Looking around there wasn’t any real cover, just exposed tall windows.  You looked to the Captain, “Any way we can bypass those stairs?”
Panaka nodded his head then blasted the window closest. “One.”   
A six-flight ascent by grappling, and yet another blasted window later you were within reach of the objective.  However, a detachment of destroyer droids and the Viceroy had other plans.  After being captured you were brought before Viceroy Nute Gunray and his second in command Rune Haako in the throne room.  Haako sneered at the Queen, raising a hand to strike her.  Knowing there was no time to block the blow properly you moved between the two, taking the hit instead.  It was made with enough force that you were knocked back onto the floor. 
Haako laughed, smiling at his own cruelty, “You should teach your handmaid some restraint.”
“Rune there will be time for that later.  Your little insurrection is at an end your Highness.  Time for you to sign the treaty and end this pointless debate in the Senate.”  Gunray was pacing on the opposite side of the ring of chairs.  Haako was still towering over both you and Padme.
“Maybe we shouldn’t kill them after all.  Both would bring a fair price on the slave markets.”  He ran a lascivious finger down the young Queen’s arm.  To Padme’s credit if looks could kill, Haako would have been an ashen pile on the floor.    
The Nemoidian was already counting his credits, judging by the look he was giving all of you.  Captain Panaka had helped you back to your feet, offering you a sleeve to wipe the blood from your lip.  The droids had taken all the blasters but had failed to find your saber.  Placing yourself again between the Queen and harm, you swatted away Haako’s hand.  He raised his arm once more to strike you, but was interrupted by a commotion in the hall.    
Gunray and Haako looked down the hallway shocked at seeing what appeared to be the Queen in her full garb, armed guards in tow.
“YOUR REIGN OF TERROR IS AT AN END!”  Sabe blasted a few of the droids for effect. Her group then dashed down an opposite hall.
Viceroy Gunray wasn’t silent for long, gesturing wildly. “AFTER HER!  This one’s a decoy!”
As some of the droids marched out Padme used the distraction to perfection.  Retrieving a set of small blasters hidden in her throne, she tossed one to the good captain.  Running forward you went into a slide under the remaining droids as they tried to blast you.  Rising with your blade in hand you sliced through the clattering machines.  You turned again, pressing the control panel on the wall bringing down the doors, effectively locking everyone in.  The Nemoidians were stunned, but weren’t about to surrender yet.  Padme turned to the two jaw set, “And now Viceroy, we will discuss a new treaty.  This is the end of your occupation here.”
Gunray scoffed haughtily, “Don’t be absurd.  There are too few of you, even with a Jedi.  It won’t be long before hundreds of destroyer droids break into this room and rescue us.”
At that moment you doubled over in agony, the feeling one you had only experienced once before.  It wasn’t an injury to you, but as if someone dear to you had been.  It was soon followed by another wave of both sorrow and anger.  The Force itself was rippling from the shockwaves.  You recovered as quickly as you could, knowing that the enemy would look for any opening to make an escape attempt.  Re leveling your saber at the Viceroy and his man you glared and stood your ground. 
Haako sneered, “Our Lord's plaything has finished your friends, and soon he will finish you all.”
Maker but what if he were right?  What if Master Qui Gon & Obi Wan were gone?  No, you had to focus.  The first priority had to be the mission and the people in the room.  You lowered your blade infinitesimally, narrowing your eyes.  Haako was far too over confident for the situation he was in.  Even Viceroy Gunray had begun to sweat a little.  So what was the other Nemoidian playing at?
You stared down, or up as the case was, the Trade Federation Skughole. "Not if I have anything to say about it."
     Captain Panaka must have had a suspicion of his own, slowly coming to stand nearly in front of the Queen on her throne.  The moment happened so fast though, thinking back on it.  You saw Haako pull a knife from below his robes and leapt towards Padme.  Panaka kicked him, sending Haako back but not disarming him.  Sprinting the second the initial threat had appeared you moved again to face the Nemoidian.  His red eyes boring into yours with abject hate.  “I’m not waiting for Maul to come.  I’ll finish you both myself for the trouble you’ve caused!”
                Raising his arm he swung the knife to land a blow that would end you.  Master Windu often said that it was never about rising to the occasion, but falling back to the level of your training.  Simply put you didn’t think about the actions as you took them.  Spinning quickly into Haako to close the distance you grabbed the arm with the knife.  Twisting and with a great pull you flipped him forward. But as the Nemoidian fell his cloak twisted around, causing him to fall at an awkward angle.  This pulled you forward to roll with him. as you both landed Haako slashed your arm and kicked the saber across the room.  
Haako had regained the upper hand, kneeling over you.  He simultaneously kept a stranglehold on your throat and with his other hand was trying to jam the blade into your chest.  It was enough of a struggle that you were barely preventing the blade from doing more than superficial damage.  Padme raised her weapon to fire but Captain Panaka stayed her hand, “No! you might hit the girl.” 
You were struggling against his superior physical strength and loosing air rapidly.  Closing your eyes you focused on using the Force bringing one of the throne room chairs flying across the floor.  Like a bug in front of a speeder the chair careened into Haako, and then into the marble wall.  Both landed with a deafening thud.  Padme kept her blaster leveled at Gunray, “Don’t even think about it.”
Sitting up you coughed, throat finally able to pull in air once more.  Something was wrong though, you could sense it.  Moving cautiously to where your opponent had fallen you looked down in horror.  The knife that had almost ended you was now embedded into Rune Haakos chest.  He must have died on impact, near instantaneous.  Not even the sacred crystals in the Halls of Healing could have brought him back.  Bile rose in your throat, stumbling back you wretched your guts upon the floor. 
Your mind reeled,  “What have I done?”  
“What you had to do.”  Captain Panaka had come to stand behind you.  He pulled you up by your arm and handed your lightsaber back to you.  “It was him or you.  Make no mistake he wouldn’t have regretted killing any of us.”
Your mind became a torrent, not wanting to accept that your hands were now stained with this Nemoidian's blood.  What kind of Healer…what kind of Jedi were you?  The logical part of yourself knew that the Captain was right of course.  That is had you not acted then you and or Padme would be dead.  Staring at the body one last time you asked Panaka to ensure that Haako’s family be given the body for burial. He may have been a fallen enemy, but you could at least ensure that courtesy.  There were no tears to shed, only the feeling of hollowness and cold.   
The word came down that the control station destroyed and the war over.  The reports from the field were still counting the Gungan injured and dead, casualties mercifully still less than initially expected.  After securing the Viceroy and his remaining staff you went in search of your friends.  Tracing your way back to the hangar you found Anakin who, as asked hadn’t left the cockpit of the spacecraft.  He had however flown said craft straight into the dogfight above and been the one to blow up the control ship.  You had crushed the boy to you upon finding him, relieved at his safety.  That was one accounted for at least.
Placing him in the care of the other pilots you continued your search.  The power station below the capitol was deep and winding.  You had to reach with the Force to find an exact location, focusing with all that you had left.  The signatures weren’t distinct initially and one faded as you were making the descent, snuffed out of the world like a flame in the wind.  When you came at last to the pit, you were both relieved and saddened. 
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Obi Wan cried out like a wounded animal, cradling the body of his fallen Master.  There was no sign of the Sith.  Making your way to them you had to fight the bile rising in your stomach again.  Slowly you knelt next to Obi Wan, not wanting to jolt or startle him.  You tried to reach your signature to his,  whispering to him, moving cautiously. “Obi?”
He didn’t hear you, so again you called to him, placing a gentle hand to his arm.  “Obi Wan, are you hurt?  Is that thing still here?”
Tear-stained eyes looked at you, so lost and in pain that it tore your heart to absolute shreads.  His signature finally flickered against yours, wrapping tightly.  “Y/n?”
 “I’m here, I’m Here.” You voice cracked.    
Your hand moved to rest on his cheek turning him to look at you, thumb swiping away the tears.  Looking down at Master Qui Gon you could see the evidence of what had befallen him.  The tears you were holding back threatened to break loose and join Obi Wans.  Master Qui Gon had to have felt something within the Force, that was the only explanation you had for all of his odd behavior leading up to this.  Falling back to your training once more, you reached out to see if Obi Wan was indeed uninjured.  His gaze was far away, tolerating your examination with little acknowledgement.  His gaze passed from Qui Gon to the Pit, then finally back to you.  “I killed him.”
Your hands paused their work, looking into his bleak eyes.  “Who did you kill Obi Wan?”
“That thing, I killed him.”  His voice cracked. 
Obi Wan finally blinked, coming back to himself.   It was as if he was finally seeing you; that until then you had only been a part of the ether.  Obi Wan glanced to your face, then to your neck.  The bruising was starting to form dark purple marks, the cut on your lip very apparent.   Anger rose within him again, threatening to set loose on whomever had done this to his woman.  Raising his hands he turned your chin, seeing the full extent of what had happened.  Then he noticed the cuts on your chest where your dress had been blood soaked from the struggle with the knife.  Rage crossed his features, no longer only from the loss of his Master and mentor. 
"Who did this?" Obi Wan's voice took on a distinctive growl. "Who?!"
“Obi I’m alright.  I promise I’m alright.”  You had never seen him like this, it frightened you.  Reaching further you felt something terrible within his signature, trying to get out.  No, you wouldn’t lose him, not to the darkness... not like this! 
"I'll kill the bastards..."
“Obi Wan look at me…  Its over, it’s over!  Please, let it stay over.” Your pleas high pitched but soft spoken. Stroking his face you prayed to whichever higher being was present to aid you.   “Obi please…  Stay with me love? Please stay please....”
                Obi Wan saw the tears in your eyes finally fall, twin trails marking your battered face.  He felt your signature calling for his own to be calm, to find peace.  Was it not enough that his Master had been killed this day, was it not enough that he was now responsible for a young man’s future?  Was the Universe itself trying to beat him down, crushing him beneath its weight?!  But Obi Wan knew that he could not give into these feelings of fear, of anger, of despair.  No, he would not abandon the light, not abandon all that Master Qui Gon had taught him.  Most of all he would not abandon you.
You saw it, the minute that it was over for him.  When the light returned to his eyes and he pulled you into his arms, kissing your forehead gently.  Obi Wan held you tightly, as if you too would disappear.  You clutched him just as tightly, crying like you hadn’t in years for the losses of this day, true wracking sobs.  The tension within you began to uncoil, you gazed into his clear blue eyes again. 
“I’m so sorry Obi Wan.  I’m so very sorry...”
“I know love,” pressing his forehead to yours, pressing a ghost of a kiss to your lips, “I know.”
The two of you brought the body of Qui Gon Jinn back to the hanger, from there the pilots took him to their chapel nearby.  A gesture of kindness and respect.  Anakin was with Padme, having insisted that he protect her until your return.  As he saw you and Obi Wan enter the room his young face fell in sorrow, Padme held him as his tears fell. 
Obi Wan wasn’t sure how to comfort Anakin, but he had made a promise to his Master and it would be done.  He moved to kneel in front of Anakin, Padme and her escorts let you three have the room, she informed you that both the new Chancellor and members of the Jedi Council would arrive soon. There was a river of unwept tears behind the Queens eyes, for her people and the Gungans and for the Jedi. In the years following Padme would observe the anniversary of the victory in the Naboo Temple, deep in prayer for the souls of who gave all their tomorrows for the peace of today.  
Using the sleeve of his robes Obi Wan tried wiping the tears away, giving a sad smile.  At first he though what would Qui Gon do, but there was still too much pain there for an answer.  So, Obi Wan looked at you, now kneeling next to him and thought what would Y/n do?  That answer came more readily, he pulled both of you to him in a hug.  It was brief but it seemed to help you all, a little balm on such a large wound. 
“It’s alright to feel sad Anakin, we miss him too.”  Your own eyes threatened to cloud over again.
“Why…Why did he have to die?”  Anakin’s eyes held just a touch of anger behind them. 
Obi Wan swallowed thickly, “Qui Gon was a protector of the light, at times that means making a great sacrifice so others may carry on.”
 “I’m sorry mister Obi Wan, for your loss.  You don’t have to worry about me.”  Anakin stared at the floor, trying to figure out what he would do from there.  “Maybe… Maybe I could stay here instead?  Or one of the pilots could bring me back to my mom?” 
“Anakin, look at me.”  Obi Wan was firm but still used a soft tone with the boy, not wanting to upset him further.  “I promise we will talk with the Jedi Council, you need not worry.”
  “Ok.”  It was a soft, small reply.  The young man looked from Obi Wan to you.  “Do you promise?”
It was not an easy question to answer.  From experience you knew that it was never a good idea to make a promise that you may not be able to keep.  Once given your word was your bond, but it would seem that you were already bound to these two men.  Extending your hand Anakin took it.  “You have my word, Anakin Skywalker, we will see this done.”
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sollis-occasum · 2 months
you think i'm gone 'cause i left - anakin skywalker/darth vader x fem!jedi!reader (part 1 of 3)
summary: After failing to save you from a painful death, Darth Vader remembers his past with you and realizes why he can never completely leave Anakin Skywalker behind.
warnings: angst, no use of y/n, reconstructive surgery, blood, mentions of major character death (or not who knows), darth vader is his own warning
word count: 3.8k
a/n: First of all, I must say that English is not my native language. Also this is my first x reader format fanfiction. I'm pretty sure I made some mistakes but I hope you don't mind guys. I am always open to your suggestions ♡
part 2
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Darth Vader, the master of the dark side of the Force, the legendary lord of the Sith, the tyrannical leader who terrorized the galaxy, remembered very well the moment when he swore to dedicate his worthless life to Lord Sidious, his lord and savior.
While his body, burned and torn apart by the lava, was trying to be fixed by the health droids, he was writhing in despair and moaning in a painful voice. The wave of pain spreading from his lungs to the rest of his body with each breath showed him a type of physical pain he had never experienced before, and even the cold metal hands touching his burned skin were insufficient to alleviate his pain.
"He should be unconscious by now," he heard a distant and very deep robotic voice, which he thought belonged to one of the medical droids. Yes, the pain he felt at that moment would be enough to kill another human being and maybe even drive them insane, and God knows that's what Anakin wanted with all his heart as he lay on the operating table screaming. But how could this be possible when he sees your lifeless body over and over again every time he closes his eyes?
In fact, he had calculated all the possibilities down to the smallest detail while making his plan. There was no war he wouldn't fight, no enemy he wouldn't face to create a future that included you. He was ready to turn his back on the entire galaxy just to see you smile one more time. Moreover, Palpatine had made a promise to him. He said that contrary to popular belief, it was possible to resist death and that he knew how to do it, and that he would help Anakin in trying to save you. All he had to do was accompany him to the dark side. Anakin had done everything he was told. He had given up on who he was, accepted the name his new master had given him, brutally executed separatist leaders, and led thousands of clone troopers in attacking the Jedi Temple he once called home. Even killing those little children who looked at him with admiration with the lightsaber they saw as a symbol of peace was not important to him. Of course, he wasn't proud of himself for betraying what he believed in in his past, but he also knew that what he did was a small price to pay to save you. So why didn't what he did work? Why couldn't he prevent the scene he had seen many times in his nightmares from happening?
He gripped the operating table tightly with his mechanical hand and mumbled your name in a voice only he could hear. He kept saying your name over and over again, as if he was drawing strength from you, as if you could come and save him if he said it enough times.
He closed his eyes tightly and tried to focus on something other than your pained facial expression and bloodied body. If he wanted to survive, if he wanted to rise up and take revenge for what was done to you, he had to find a way to endure the pain he suffered, and what was there in this life that gave him as much strength as you? He tried desperately to remember the moment you first met.
Nearly a month had passed since Qui Gon Jinn's death, and during this time his new master Obi Wan Kenobi had begun training him to become a Jedi. He was grateful for the opportunity given to him and did not want to be ungrateful. However, there were so many moments during his training that he despaired and wanted to return to Tatooine... First of all, Obi Wan Kenobi was not the person he imagined. Yes, it was an undeniable fact that he was a powerful Jedi. He was also smart, very smart. Anakin knew there was a lot of thing he could learn from him. However, it hadn't been long since he had ended his life as a padawan and Obi Wan had obviously not yet fully figured out how to be a good master for his young student. There was no distance or formality between them that there should be between a padawan and a master. They were more like two brothers who fought often. Obi Wan was pushing Anakin very hard to teach him basic things as soon as possible, and Anakin was always managing to drive Obi Wan crazy with his smarty-pants attitude.
He could also sense how the younglings at the temple felt about him as he began to learn how to use the force. Although none of them were directly mistreating him or making a rude remark, Anakin would sometimes catch their gaze. There was displeasure in those looks, obviously his presence disturbed them. A child who appears unexpectedly becomes a padawan without training in the temple and becomes the center of attention of the entire Jedi council... The other younglings must have felt unfair. But one day, he met a young girl who looked at him differently than others: You.
With your bright smile that could light up the whole galaxy and your compassionate gaze, you extended your hand to him and introduced yourself, telling him that he could always come to you if he needed anything. They said you were 9 years old like him, but it was so hard for him to believe it.
You were different from all the other children Anakin had met at the temple, with your confident demeanor and room-filling presence. Your surprisingly mature attitude and wisdom gave those who saw you the impression that you never made mistakes and that you always knew what was right, causing them to respect you.
Moreover, you were beautiful, very beautiful. Even your messy hair waving in the wind, your face dripping with sweat, and your loose-fitting uniform couldn't prevent Anakin from seeing this beauty. When his eyes met your beautiful, understanding eyes, he immediately looked away and wanted to run away. There was no doubt that you were the angel the pilots who came to Tatooine were talking about. However, he could not find the courage in his heart to admit this to himself or to tell you. He felt so small, so helpless in front of the being that he wanted to get away from it as soon as possible and think about what this warm feeling that filled his heart that he had never felt before was.
Yes, he wanted to run away from you when your eyes met. But ironically, this was the first time he didn't want to return to Tatooine to his mother.
For the 3 years after you met, you had no communication other than chance encounters at the temple and furtive glances at each other. Even a life form without eyes could easily understand that you wanted to be closer to each other, but you had neither the time nor the courage to do so. You were very busy with your studies. In the future, you wanted to be a female Jedi as respected as Shaak Ti, or even more so, and you were working very hard to achieve your goal. Anakin, on the other hand, began to go on missions given by the council with Obi Wan, and the difficulty of these missions was increasing. You were so close to Anakin, yet he felt like you were hundreds of light years away from him. You were unreachable to him.
Anakin heard that you were accepted as a padawan by Plo Koon when you turned 13. According to rumors in the temple, the Jedi knight from Dorin noticed your great potential and volunteered to train you. Maybe you weren't as good at using a lightsaber as the other padawans, you might not have been as strong or as durable, but you were smart, very smart. Your dangerously high intelligence level, combined with your composure, easily compensated for your other weaknesses, making you a promising Jedi knight candidate. Even the council had high hopes for you. That's why they didn't interfere with Plo Koon's training style and allowed him to take you out early on missions that could be considered at least partially dangerous.
It was thanks to one of these missions that you came together again. The Senate thought that a small newly established weapons factory on one of the republic's planets was making some irregularities and put pressure on the Jedi to resolve this situation. The council assigned you and Plo Koon to inspect this factory.
It didn't sound that difficult, actually. You would make a short journey to reach the planet in question, tour the factory, talk to the engineers, examine some documents and intimidate the managers.
What could go wrong with such a simple task? To be honest, you weren't known for being lucky, and as usual, trouble had found you.
Anakin and Obi-Wan didn't even need to contact Plo Koon to realize that the Senate was right about the factory producing weapons for Mandolorian terrorists. Less than a day after you arrived on the planet, you reached the council and reported that the factory was completely abandoned, saying that you were trapped and surrounded by thousands of droids and asked for help. The council also assigned Obi Wan and Anakin, who had returned from a mission to a nearby planet, to support Plo Koon and you. Anakin still remembered Mace Windu's explanation word by word when he explained the urgency of your situation to his master Obi-Wan. And how those words filled his little heart with fear.
"You must reach the weapons factory as soon as possible, Master Kenobi." Mace Windu said in a stern tone. "Or it might be too late to save them."
Even if these words had not been spoken, the more serious expression than ever on Mace Windu's face would have been more than enough for even the most primitive creature in the galaxy to understand the situation.
As the spaceship they were on made a sudden return to your planet by order of his master, Anakin was wondering why he was so worried about a girl he had only talked to a few times. While he could keep his cool even during missions where his own life was threatened, why did the idea of ​​you in pain make his heart beat faster and his head spin? He was trying to breathe to calm down, but even his breathing was so irregular that Obi Wan felt the need to turn to him and reassure him that everything was okay. How could Anakin explain to his master that he was afraid for you, not himself? Would he understand if he told him?
While the young padawan was in these thoughts, the ship entered the atmosphere with a sudden jolt and landed near the factory. As the deafening noise of explosions and droid weapons filled his ears, he got off the ship and started running without waiting for his master's command. He could hear Obi-Wan calling to him to stop, but he didn't have the time or patience to wait. This was not a scene they were unfamiliar with anyway. When all this nonsense was over, he would happily hear Obi Wan's scolding and humbly accept his punishment, but right now wasn't the right time to think about that. The only thing that mattered at that moment was saving you, and he was going to do it no matter what it took. Because it was his heart, not his brain, that told him to do this, and Anakin was not mature enough to resist his heart. With a swift move, he pulled out his lightsaber and sliced ​​the first droid he encountered in half.
When he heard the sound of your footsteps mixing with the sounds of the battle droids, he realized how close he was to them, but he didn't even slow down for fear of being late for you. He was destroying all the war machines in front of him, clearing the way and moving towards the direction where he sensed your presence.
When he and his master, who finally managed to catch up with him, arrived at the production facility where you were fighting the droids, he started looking around for you, without even bothering to check how Plo Koon was doing. Plo Koon was one of the most powerful Jedi, someone like him could survive without the help of a padawan, but not you. He could feel with all his being that you needed help, but no matter how much he looked around, he couldn't see you.
While Anakin was looking around the burning production facility to find you, he saw two silhouettes in the smoke. One of these silhouettes, the one leaning on the ground and cowering against a wall, belonged to a young girl. The other was the silhouette of an armed droid, as tall as a human but as skinny as a skeleton. Moreover, this droid's gun was pointed at you and was about to be fired. Anakin knew his feelings were not wrong. You were in a difficult situation and needed his help.
He was sure that he wanted to run towards you, save you by smashing that droid into thousands of pieces, and then kick its ugly metal head and throw it to the farthest corner of the galaxy. But he knew he didn't have time for that. So he did something even he didn't expect and threw his lightsaber towards you, hoping you could catch it in time. He knew that this move was madness. What kind of maniac would give up the only weapon he had among thousands of battle droids and leave himself defenseless? Especially if he doesn't know the other person well?
But Anakin had never regretted what he had done, not even for a moment. He saw you pull the thrown lightsaber with force and catch it, then slice the droid in half before he could fire to you. Yes, you were safe, but that safety was only for a brief moment. He had no time to relax, otherwise he knew you would be open to attacks from other droids. Without wasting any time, he followed the green lightsaber shining among the smoke and reached him. You were finally in front of him.
To be honest, your situation wasn't looking so bright. You were seriously injured and your body was covered in blood. Anakin had knelt down next to you and gently held your face between his fingers, afraid of hurting you even more. He could feel the warm drops of blood running down your face, flowing from his fingers to his wrists, but he didn't care about anything other than your safety at that moment. "Are you okay?" he asked, trying to hide how worried he was. Just by looking into your eyes, he could see how much the conflict you were experiencing had worn you out, but you put on a brave and determined expression and nodded, trying not to let the pain you were feeling reflected in your voice, "I'm fine." you muttered. "I'm fine, but I think my legs are stuck and I can't move them."
"Don't be afraid, I'll find a way to get you out of here."
He could see a shattering mass of metal pinning your legs. He took the lightsaber from your hand, carefully opened it, and held it up to the metal plate. "I'll try not to cut off your legs," he said, trying to smile to calm you down, and then added. "At least one of them."
You must have liked Anakin's little joke, too, because your lips turned slightly to the side despite your helpless situation. "Don't worry." you said, laughing. "They will break off on their own anyway, even if you don't cut them."
After receiving a sarcastic approval from you, he began to cut and separate the metal pieces with great patience. He made every move carefully and attentively, afraid of hurting you. When your legs were finally free, he took a deep breath and looked at your face again.
"It's not safe here. We have to get out of here."
"But my master is still fighting." Even though you tried to object, Anakin did not accept it. "He can take care of himself, and the support sent by the council is on the way."
His tone and expression were so determined that you gave up and surrendered to Anakin. You didn't have the strength to resist even if you wanted to. He wrapped his arms tightly around your body, stood up and started walking towards the factory exit. To be honest, you were a little heavier than you looked, and your blood was staining his clothes, but as long as you could rest your head on his chest and he could feel the warmth of your body, nothing else mattered.
Your next meeting was in the infirmary at the Jedi temple. 3 days had passed after your unfortunate duty at the factory and you had just regained your consciousness. During this time, Anakin began to help Jocasta Nu in the archives, upon his master's orders. It could not be said that he was very happy with his situation, but he still considered himself lucky that the punishment for his disobedience during duty was so small. Besides, even though organizing the archives was a tedious task, it kept his mind busy, and he definitely needed it.
Every moment he wasn't busy with something, he was thinking about you and what happened at the factory that day and trying to make sense of what he was feeling. That strange feeling that he thought he had forgotten years ago was back. Why did his heart beat faster and his face turn red every time he thought of you? Were these normal? His master had told him that a Jedi should not become attached to anything, but he should also be compassionate. Anakin could not understand this contrast. He was also afraid of being attached to you. But this was very illogical. Could one person become so attached to another person in such a short time? All these questions confused little Anakin more than ever. Finally, he realized that he could not bear these questions any longer and decided to visit you in the infirmary at the end of the 3rd day. Besides, he also had something that belonged to you, and he had to return it to you as soon as possible.
When he came to you, he saw that you were much more cheerful than he expected. You still looked very weak and you were obviously going to be in the infirmary for a while longer. Still, without letting this demoralize you, you were patiently waiting for your recovery, and in the meantime, you were trying to pass the time by reading the war history texts you took from the archive.
Still, you smiled so widely when you saw Anakin that he was convinced you were glad to see him, too. Trying to suppress the uncomfortable feeling he felt in his stomach, he put on a confident expression and quickly walked over and sat on your bed.
"You look better." he said with the light of hope appearing in his eyes.
You smiled warmly at him. "Thank you, Anakin." you said. "I feel better too."
After a brief hesitation, he pulled a lightsaber from under his cloak and handed it to you, "I think this is yours." he said. "I found it at the factory."
Just seeing the familiar blue color of the lightsaber brought peace to your soul. You happily took the saber from Anakin's hand and began to examine it. "God, thank you so much Anakin. I thought I had lost it."
"My master always tells me that the lightsaber is a Jedi's life and they must protect it at all costs."
Even though you lost your lightsaber for reasons beyond your control, what Anakin said made you a little embarrassed. "Of course, I'm not trying to justify my irresponsibility, but what happened that day was unexpected. I must have dropped it during that chaos."
"To be honest, I've lost my lightsaber too many times."
The confession of the padawan in front of you made you smile a little. Actually, what you should have done was to politely thank Anakin for saving your life, and when the time comes, pay him back at all costs. However, owing your life to him placed such a heavy burden on your shoulders that you felt crushed under this weight, no matter how humble the attitude of the boy in front of you. Before you even thought, the words were coming out of your mouth. "Master Kenobi says that our lightsaber is our life, right? So, according to the master's logic, you entrusted your life to me in the factory, and you also saved mine by finding my lightsaber."
Anakin looked at you in surprise, not knowing what to say at your words. Yes, your reasoning based on his master's words was correct, however, he did not expect you to approach the subject from this perspective. Fortunately, you continued talking without a long pause, and he was spared the trouble of finding an answer to give you.
"I am grateful to you for saving my life, Anakin, and I swear that one day I will repay you. Please give me your lightsaber until that day, and you can take mine."
"So you want us to surrender our lives to each other?" Anakin asked with mixed emotions. Wouldn't this agreement create a commitment between you? Anakin could not comprehend the depth of this devotion.
You nodded decisively in response. "Yes. So we can remember this promise between us for the rest of our lives. These sabers we exchanged will be a symbol of our friendship and trust in each other, and one day I will repay my debt to you. Until then, I want to remember the promise I made to you every time I look at your saber."
Then you added timidly, "If you want too, of course."
Anakin thought for a few seconds, then without a word, he handed you his lightsaber and accepted this pact that would bind your hearts and bodies together forever. Thus, a very special bond was formed between you that will never be broken again. Who knew that this innocent bond established between two children would one day bring disaster to the galaxy...
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queenie-official · 2 months
Part One Of Summer Love: ‘Camp Wookiee’
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series masterlist celebration event camp logo
pairing: Modern!Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader
word count: 11.4k Next part
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in hindsight, you probably should have been listening to what the camp director, Bail; was saying. in your defense no one else was, which you would later find out was because they've all heard the same speech, rules, and warnings a dozen times already.
you were busy scanning over all the faces on the screen- well the ones who had their cameras on anyway. each person you'd seen so far was shockingly attractive, a few people in particular caught your eye. A girl, Padme Amidala. A boy, Ben Kenobi. and lastly the executive director who was simply watching Bail speak to make sure it was done correctly, Qui-Gon Jinn.
the only thing that snapped you out of your admiration was the sound of your phone pinging, thankfully you were muted. glancing at your phone you saw the contact belonging to your best friend Honey and made the instant decision that she was far more important than what was happening on the Zoom call.
so you not so secretly reached for the mouse and clicked the camera button off, relaxing when you knew no one could see you anymore.
'how's the call going?' her first message read, followed by 'anyone cute on the staff 👀' making you snort.
you lean back in your chair while you type back 'i think it may be a requirement to be at least an 8/10 just to get hired’ you watch as three dots appear on the corner of the phone screen.
'well it's a good thing you're absolutely stunning 😚' you read when her message finally sent and you can't help but smile big. you loved this girl, she always knew what to say to make your day brighter even on an already sunny day.
you're about to text back when the Camp Director's words finally get your attention "And i think that's everything you'll need to know! now if you have any questions feel free to message me or Qui-gon Jinn privately. though i would like to remind you all, most of the basic information you need can be found directly on the Camps Website." shit you really should have been paying attention, they were supposed to went over the different roles that would be at the camp more in-depth during this call.
like hell you'd reach out to either of them privately and admit you weren't listening though, you bite your lower lip and slink back into your chair. "We look forward to welcoming you all to Camp Wookiee in person, see you in two weeks" Qui-Gon says right before ending the Zoom call leaving you staring at your computer screen blankly. fuck.
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in the end it was Honey who had helped you calm down from the freak out you had after the Zoom call, and two weeks went by faster than you thought it would.
you still had a day before you had to be at the camp but because of how far you lived you planned on leaving within the next couple of hours.
"i think you need to calm down" Honey says from where she's sat on your bed, she'd been watching you run around her and haphazardly chuck things into your suitcase that you knew you'd need based on the email that was sent out last week on what would be supplied for you at the camp.
"i'm calm" you rush out while running a hand through your hair, pushing down the slight panic you felt in your chest. man you really should have paid attention on that call.
"you're going to be fiiiine, i doubt they'll kick you out of the camp for something as small as not paying attention during a Zoom meeting- that wasn't even mandatory by the way" to her credit she makes some good points, however the zoom meeting was highly encouraged for newcomers and you fall in that category.
“it's not like they're going to quiz you y/n" you let out a groan at her words whilst shoving the last of the items you needed in your suitcase and zipping it up.
"i know, i know- i just don't want to seem irresponsible" you huff while plopping down on the bed next to her. "or embarrass myself because i probably missed a massive amount of information" definitely missed a massive amount of information more like- the call was an hour long…
"whatever they told you in the call they'll definitely go over again at the Camp, we've been over this." Honey reaches over and lightly pinches your arm making you laugh as you pull away. "and before you say 'we don't know that for sure' we do know that for sure because it's supposed to be a staff of forty and only fifteen of you were actually on the call" she raises a pointed brow and you let out a sigh knowing she's right.
"okay, i'll try my best to not panic the whole ride to the camp" you say with a half smile, standing up and stretching. "i should probably leave now if i wanna get there on time tomorrow" you mumble glancing at the time on your phone, 8:30 pm.
"are you sure you don't want me to drive you? i just don't think it's wise to be driving all night and then be exhausted for the actual first day there" she'd already offered at least ten times and you'd already declined what felt like a dozen more.
"i'm sure, worst case i'll be a little sleepy but it's not like i'll be taking care of the campers the first day. staff has to show up a week before to get more comfortable in their roles" you say confidently, it was the one piece of info you did learn from the Zoom call before you started drooling over how attractive each member of the staff was.
"mhm, well i'll carry your pillow for you" she said while making a kissy face at you jokingly.
"awww thanks, how generous of you to leave the heavy stuff for me to carry" you say with a roll of your eyes as you begin to lug your suitcase down the stairs.
"really? no thank you kiss" Honey feigns hurt before snatching your pillow off your bed and quickly catching up to you.
"all of my kisses are reserved for my future love" you joke, and Honey purposely bumps into you with her hip before you can get to the door making you sway ever so slightly.
"lame, no boy deserves your love- they all suck" fair point you had to admit, honestly you only signed up to work at the camp for the social interaction. the most you plan is to have a hallway crush on one of the staff members just to save you from boredom and then forget about said crush as soon as you return home in the fall.
you pop the trunk of your car while Honey locks up your shared house. she was going back home for the summer to visit family, not wanting to be left completely alone for months on end and become a statistic. her words, not yours.
"i guess this is goodbye" she says with a finality to it, putting on her best sad voice. you laugh as she throws the pillow she was holding in the trunk and closes it.
"you make it sound like i’m dying or leaving forever" the drama from this girl, it’s not like you’re much better though. she fake sniffles and places a hand on her forehead putting on her best damsel in distress performance.
"my love is going off to war and she jokes as if she isn't leaving me for two months" there’s a smile peaking through as she speaks and you can't help but laugh, throwing your arms around her in a hug.
"i love you so much, i don't know how i’m going to survive without you" you say half joking as you go along with her antics. truth be told, you really don't know how you're going to survive without her. you both spend just about every second of every day in each other's company and even when you aren't you message so much you might as well be hanging out in person anyway.
you checked the Camp's Website before you applied and know that they do have wifi for staff and the kids mostly in case of emergencies, but just because there is wifi doesn't mean it's good wifi. it's the middle of the woods after all, you'll be lucky if photos even go through.
you both pull apart with matching toothy grins on your faces. "text me when you get to the camp?" Honey asks and you nod knowing she just wants to make sure you get there safe.
"of course, text me when you get to your parent's house?" you watch her smile grow wider while opening the car door.
"always" she responds while you climb in and buckle. "see you in two months" she shouts once the door is closed, you roll the window down and she pokes her head and arms through so you can both share one last slightly awkward hug.
"see you in two months, don't forget me while i'm gone" you say with an exaggerated pout as she pulls out of the window, standing a few steps back from the car so you can pull out of the parking lot properly.
"how could i forget a face like that" you hear her say as you roll the window back up, blasting the air conditioner.
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the actual drive to Camp Wookiee wasn't too bad, you know excluding the fact you were up all night. but every negative has a positive, the positive of this being you managed to make it to the camp an hour before you needed to be.
turning onto the gravel road sent a chill up your back, a mix of excitement and nerves. the yawn that exited your mouth showing the exact opposite of that though and the closer you get to the end of the drive the more tired you realize you are. you make a mental note to take a nap once you've parked.
pushing down another yawn as you pull into the staff parking area you immediately do a double take and decide against a nap not even a minute later. there were five cars already parked side by side, and a group of people standing in front of one just chatting.
you only recognized one of them because he was on the Zoom call, Ben Kenobi at least that's who you think it was. It'd been two weeks so maybe you were mixing up names. either way, you avoid making accidental eye contact with any of them making sure to focus entirely on parking in a straight line.
now to sit in the car and pretend like you hadn't been seen or to get out and greet the four men? you ask yourself with your hand hovering over the keys, debating whether to turn off the engine.
you look at your side mirror taking in the three men you didn't recognize. all tall- one of them was bald, another with a blonde buzzcut and lastly a boy with curly sandy blonde hair, you couldn't see his face though.
he was turned completely towards the man who you were pretty sure was Ben. after weighing your options you decided staying inside the car seemed like the best option compared to meeting four men at once.
you'd rather run into four bears, after all you didn't know what kind of people they were and you certainly didn't want to find out by yourself. maybe when more staff got here you'd be braver, in the meantime you shift your hand from hovering over the keys to the volume knob. turning up the music ever so slightly to drown out any chatter you may hear and leaning back in the seat, unbuckling yourself just to be a little more comfortable.
you look out the windshield taking in the beauty of the forest, the green from the trees reflecting slightly onto your car thanks to the sun. it was serene but short-lived as you jump from someone knocking on your window.
"sorry didn't mean to startle you" Ben said carefully as you rolled down the window. "we saw you pull in and realized you must be the new girl" he said while pointing his thumb over his shoulder, clearly referring to the three men he was originally standing with.
"new girl… like singular?" you blink confused, wouldn't there be other new girls- oh no what if you were the only new girl and the rest of the new staff were all guys?? you felt a bubble of panic begin to brew in your stomach.
"well new worker in general, everyone else working this year are returning Staff from last year." well that's almost worse, at least if it was only guys you'd still have a chance to befriend people. the staff all already knowing each other meant they'd already formed their clicks leaving you to fight for a way in. so much for joining the camp for social interactions, looks like the most educated conversation you'll be having is with some 10-year-old about whatever cartoon they're into.
you press your lips into a thin line before forcing a small polite smile. "my name is y/n" you extend your hand to him and he shakes it with a somewhat firm grip.
"Ben Kenobi, don't suppose you want to come with us onto the actual campgrounds?" you knit your brows together in confusion, turning to the clock thinking your car might have fucked up again and given you the wrong time. Ben seems to read your mind though, letting out a soft laugh before speaking up. "you're not late if that's what you're wondering. Windu is one of the camp directors, he's been setting up since 7:00 o’clock this morning along with Jinn. as long as they're here we're allowed on campgrounds even before the official start time."
okay so maybe Honey’s gotten into your head with all of her true crime stories. you relax at his explanation, reaching over and turning off your engine. "yea i'd appreciate that because i have no clue where i’m supposed to go in all honesty." he nods, taking a step back so you can climb out of the car. it felt nice being able to finally stretch out your legs after the long drive.
"i'll introduce you to everyone. Come on, oh and you can leave your stuff in the car for now. you won't know which cabin to put it in until later anyway." you give a small hum of acknowledgment and lock the car behind you before following after him.
as soon as you came to a stop in front of everyone all eyes were on you, maybe it was the height differences but you honestly felt like a little kid. "this is Windu, one of the camp directors" Ben introduces and when he politely offers you his hand with a somewhat stern look you shake it.
"don't let him scare you, he's nicer than he looks. his face is just stuck like that" you turn your head to whoever made the jab; the boy with sandy blond hair. his eyes are a beautiful shade of blue and he wore a smug smile on his face- he was probably the prettiest boy you'd ever seen.
you want to laugh but aren't sure if it'd be appropriate considering the man he was making fun of was your boss, but when Windu just rolls his eyes with a sigh you get the idea that this is a normal occurrence around here.
"I'm Anakin" he introduces himself and sticks out his hand for you to shake, you shyly take it and his hand engulf yours. there was a confidence to him you noticed or maybe an arrogance but who were you to judge someone you just met?
"ignore him y/n, he's an idiot who'd probably turn up late if he hadn't carpooled with me" Ben interjects pulling your attention away from Anakin, your hands slipping from each other in the process.
"hey i'm never late" He denies but judging from the smile on his face and the lack of actual sincerity in his voice you could tell he didn't even believe himself.
"yes you are and the only times you're not is when i drive you" Ben says with a roll of his eyes and Anakin throws his hands up in defense. you can't help but smile, holding back a laugh as you watch the two interact. it was clear just how close the two were from how they bantered but the fact they carpooled together confirmed it for you.
"I'm Rex" the last man spoke up, he had a small smile on his face, one that seemed endearing like he too enjoyed watching Anakin and Ben's dynamic.
"like a T-Rex?" you ask jokingly, it felt like the natural thing to do. if they all could tease each other who's to say you can't either; when Anakin let out a snort followed by a few snickers which then morphed into genuine laughter when he saw Rex's disgruntled face you felt like you'd made the right choice.
Rex rolled his eyes but smiled after shoving Anakin away. "looks like you're gonna fit right in here y/n" he said while crossing his arms, and you couldn't help but beam.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
so much for fear of having to fight a way in, you'd spent the last hour just getting to know Ben, Anakin and Rex. Windu had to go back to actually helping prep with Jinn and Bail.
throughout the hour more people had shown up and made their introductions to you, and as it turns out everyone got along with each other. well in their own way, there was definitely some not-so-secret animosity between some people but they didn't let it interfere with the general welcoming feel of the whole camp.
eventually, the introductions stopped and the only reason you got anyone's name was because Ben whispered them over to you.
"good morning everyone!" the chatter throughout the room quickly died down as Qui-Gon Jinn's voice echoed throughout the Log Hall. "i'm going to make this brief since all of you have heard this speech before" you felt your stomach drop, right everyone working this year was returning staff besides you.
so much for Honey's 'remain calm because they'll go over it again for the people who didn't show up on the call' advice. despite the fear you couldn't wait to text Honey and say 'i told you my fears were valid' the second you got to the room you'd be staying in.
"Today is all about settling in, so don't get too worried that we're putting you to work immediately." he said with a smile and teasing tone. if only it had the calming effect he'd intended it to have.
"Mace Windu has posted all of the info about where you will be staying, who you'll be bunking with, and which cabins you'll be responsible for on the wall over there" He motions to where Windu is standing on the opposite end of the lodge and Windu waves back.
it was pretty clear that most of this speech was meant for you and you alone given the fact that everyone else was on their phones or having hushed conversations. it made your cheeks flush slightly but you were internally grateful.
"additional camp roles are next to your names on the roster as well, and remember campers will be arriving Monday morning next week. in the meantime relax, enjoy yourselves, get used to the environment and we will see you for dinner at 5:00" he finishes with a clap of his hands, and the room erupts into loud chatter again.
"i wonder who y/n will be partnered with, she's the outlier" Rex questioned out loud, you angle yourself in his direction and he begins to clarify himself. "we've had the same partners for the last two years." you quirk a brow wondering how that's going to work, with you here there was an odd number of counselors.
"they're putting us counselors in groups of three this year" Ben states, he seems to always manages to answer your unasked questions. "i asked Jinn a few weeks ago when i heard they were hiring a new staff member."
Anakin rolls his eyes from his seat beside you, why he chose to sit there instead of spacing out more like Rex and Ben did you weren't sure; but the small heat radiating from his thigh onto yours and the tickle of his skin every time his arm brushed against you kept you from wanting to voice the question out loud.
"of course you asked, honestly i don't get why you don't just apply for a position as Camp director yet" Anakin huffed and you bit back a smile.
"if i did that you'd be out of a ride, Camp directors arrive even earlier than counselors." he retorts.
"aww you really care about me" Anakin joked, putting a hand over his heart and laying it on thick. you couldn't help the giggle that bubbled out of you and could only wonder if this is how people felt when watching you and Honey interact with one another.
Anakin turned towards you looking happy just to have made you laugh. you could get used to his attention on you that's for sure, looks like you found that hallway crush for the summer.
"i think you're partnered up with Padme" Ben says effectively interrupting whatever moment you and Anakin were having. you remember that name, she was the girl you had admired on the Zoom call- natural beauty that's for sure.
you had a feeling you two would get along, what you didn't like however was the feeling you got when you noticed Anakin light up more than you thought humanly possible just at the mere mention of her name. shit.
"oh here he goes" Ben says as Anakin begins to rant about just how gorgeous and amazing Padme is, Anakin just continues like he didn't hear him say anything at all. "he's had a crush on her since his first year working at the camp" Ben says directly towards you, the information not news to Rex.
this just served as another reminder that you were the only new person working at the camp this year, what a shame too. you could get over it though, you'd only known Anakin for what? a little over an hour maybe. at the very least you two had a good connection so friends it was.
you hadn't noticed but you started to resign yourself from the conversation as Anakin went on and on about Padme making Ben and Rex tease him even more. voices blurred together and you found yourself completely tuning out the world around you- maybe this was going to be a little harder than you thought.
a tap on your shoulder tethered you back to reality, you turned completely to see who was trying to get your attention.
had she somehow gotten even prettier in person? Padme stood behind you with her long curly brunette hair pulled back into a ponytail to keep it out of her face and off her neck. she was wearing her camp Issued T-shirt already, it was cream-colored with the Camp Wookiee logo right in the middle.
"hey! I'm Padme" she says with a smile extending her hand. her smile was perfect and made you feel guilty somehow, how could you feel negative about someone who seemed as sweet as they were beautiful? you shake her hand whilst mirroring the same smile on her face.
"i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you" all you could think was that her and Anakin certainly would make the most stunning couple. if he had a crush on her since his first year did she just not realize or not care.
the latter made your heart flutter with hope which you quickly shoved down with disgust at just how quickly you managed to crush on him. Honey would be so disappointed in you or eat up every second of this, probably both knowing her.
"sorry if this is kind of random but i just checked the roster and saw that we were partnered up. well you, me and Jasmine but she's already headed to the cabin we'll be staying at and responsible for." she spoke with a sugar-sweet tone, not the kind that made you feel sick to the stomach; when she spoke it was genuine kindness not a single ounce of malice to be found. "i was going to head there now but figured you might want to walk with me since i'd be easier than finding it yourself. trust me the signposts can get confusing quickly."
"that would be amazing, thank you so much" you say while standing up. you hadn't noticed the silence coming from the three boys until Rex and Ben finally spoke up to say their goodbyes to you.
Anakin seemed a bit awestruck by Padme's presence alone, it was kind of funny to see. you give him a knowing look while simultaneously pushing down that nasty taste that began to cling to the back of your throat. he smiled thankfully not noticing any changes in your behavior and gave you a soft goodbye of his own.
"come on, i'll help you carry your stuff from your car." Padme said and began leading the way out of the hall.
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a groan of relief leaves your body as you finally plop down on the bed in the cabin. your spine burns with pain before melting into comfort as you relax all the muscles in your body.
the part of the cabin you were staying in wasn't super spacious but it was cozy, there were two bunk beds and to your surprise, Padme and Jasmine chose separate bunks. maybe they weren't close but you still figure they'd rather bunk together than with a stranger or maybe they both just wanted the top bunk and that's the actual reason they didn't choose the same one, you didn't bother asking.
you went with the bottom bunk of Padme's, you may not know either of the girls but at least she'd gone out of her way to help you find the cabin and explain how everything was going to work.
according to Padme, there are a bunch of different cabins all with different names. the one you'd be staying at was called Naboo, Anakin and Ben were at the Coruscant cabin, Rex was staying at the Alderaan cabin.
each cabin has the same layout; there's the staff cabin room where the counselors stay which is directly connected to the room where the campers will be staying because it's easier to supervise them that way. then there's a bathroom with multiple stalls and a shower room for everyone in the cabin to use. simple really but not like you needed anything fancy.
the staff cabin room itself has two dressers to be shared amongst whoever's staying there, you and Padme were sharing one and Jasmine had the other dresser too herself. you didn't mind, both you and Padme were pretty conscious about the space you took up so you both managed to fit everything you brought into one out of the two long drawers.
you turn your head to look over at Jasmine, she was beautiful. she had fine long black hair and hazel eyes that seemed to lean more green in the shitty cabin light. your joke with Honey about being at least an 8/10 to be hired was not really feeling like a joke anymore. speaking of Honey, you really should text her.
just as you're about to pull out your phone Padme walks back into the room; she'd left to use the bathroom after helping you settle in. you smile at her when you both make eye contact and she's quick to plop down on the edge of the bed next to you.
Maybe you were imagining it but there felt like a small tension in the air, not between you and Padme but between her and Jasmine. perhaps it was the way Jasmine furrowed her brows the second Padme entered the room or the way she turned to face the wall and focus extra hard on her phone but something was definitely off- lots of puzzle pieces you itched to put together.
"so y/n" she started and you sat up to make more room on the bed before she continued. she happily took up the silent offer, moving to sit properly in the middle so you guys could face each other criss-cross applesauce. "what brings you to Camp Wookiee?" ah so this is going to go the 21 questions route, sorry Honey looks like you're not getting updates anytime soon.
"i just thought it would be fun and a good way to meet new people" plus the pay at this camp in particular was extremely good but you weren't going to say that out loud.
"well good news the people here are great" you swear she mumbled 'some more than others' at the end of that.
"anybody you'd recommend i avoid?" you ask unable to brush it off.
"i-" you watch as her eyes briefly flutter over to Jasmine before she clears her throat and locks eyes with you again. "i'm not sure that's my place to say, but i can say you've done a pretty good job so far of choosing who to hang out with." that was genuine and so was that tension you sensed earlier.
"Anakin, Ben and Rex you mean?" she nods while leaning back onto her hands a bit, letting whatever negative thoughts she held towards the third person in the room roll off her shoulders.
you and Padme clicked pretty quickly after that, and throughout your talk you learned what you'd be in charge of once the campers arrived. you'd be partnered with Anakin and Rex at the arts and crafts center which you were a little bit more excited for than you'd care to admit. she was in charge of the zip line course this year along with Ben, the three camp directors deemed them both the most responsible which seemed to check out.
time seemed to fly talking with her, she had an easygoing air about her that made conversation flow naturally- what on earth could Jasmine have done to make someone like that not like her? weird.
you decided that you'd make it your mission to find out after you discovered she shared the same favorite dessert with you, followed by your favorite book. after all someone with as good a taste as that has to have a valid reason not to like another person.
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you both kept chatting while walking side by side to the Log Hall for dinner with Jasmine not far behind. when you enter the Hall you're flagged down by the boys almost immediately.
"you can go sit with them" Padme said after realizing where you were looking.
"you don't wanna sit with them?" you ask curiously as you both move into the food line.
"i don't mind it.." she trails off while grabbing an apple to put on her tray.
"but you'd rather not." you finish her sentence for her. "i thought you said they were good people?" she hands you a pudding cup with a reassuring smile when she reads the confusion and worry on your face.
"they are, i'd just prefer to spend my time with my friends" she says while pointing with her chin to a group of girls on the opposite side of the hall. "you're welcome to join me, i just figured you'd want to be with them." she shrugs her shoulders, the choice was up to you.
you go through the rest of the line stuck in an internal debate as your tray fills up. it's not that you didn't want to sit with the boys, just you really wanted to sit with Padme and maybe you'd get along well with her friends; but then again the boys clearly wanted you to sit with them.
already having to pick sides and you're not even a full day in yet, you had to fight off the urge to audibly sigh.
"any chance your friends would move tables?" the question tumbled out of your mouth before you could think twice. was it rude to ask that? too late now.
"maybe tomorrow" she offered, and you couldn't help but frown. it was a perfectly reasonable answer just not the one you were hoping for.
"no it's okay actually, i'll just sit with you guys." this time she frowned.
"y/n i promise i won't be offended if you wanna go sit with them instead of me" she said with a laugh half teasing half sincere.
"i knoooww, but i wanna sit with all of you guys" you grumble, ever the indecisive person and always the people pleaser.
"okay then how about the boys come sit with us" you raise a brow as she turns to them, waves and then points to her table. they get the idea and stand up with their trays, you feel a little guilty for having them move but they didn't seem to mind at all.
there's a bit of an awkwardness at first as both groups learn to navigate around each other. you notice pretty quickly how almost polar opposite the boys are from Padme's friends. her friends were as calm and easygoing as her, the boys were full of energy and teasing- well Ben and Rex seemed to be able to reign it in a lot more than Anakin. which to be fair they already had calmer vibes than him anyway.
"she's great right?" Anakin asked you quietly with a nudge of his elbow. he chose to sit next to you again, there was plenty of space for him on the bench to scooch down but it didn't seem like he was aware of that. more likely he was and simply put just didn't care. you raise a brow, "Padme" he added quickly before you could ask.
there's that taste again. you push it down, taking a scoop out of your pudding cup as you nod "yea she is, we get along well too" you answer honestly making sure to sound more enthusiastic than you felt.
the blinding smile he gives you at the confession makes you wish you'd chosen to just sit with the girls alone. pitiful. "what're you two whispering about?" Padme asks with a smile and a look in her eyes that you couldn't decipher.
"just about how great it's gonna be working in the crafts center together, Rex is going to hate us by the end of camp" Anakin answers for the both of you, the lie rolling off his tongue naturally.
"going to? who's to say i don't already" Rex says with a cross of his arms and Anakin rolls his eyes.
"hey what'd i do?" you frown and Rex smiles.
"the first thing you did was compare me to a T-Rex" he defends his prior statement.
"i did no such thing!" you say through a laugh.
he points at you accusingly before saying "like a T-Rex?" in a high-pitched tone mocking you, you can't even take offense because he sounds so unserious.
"i don't sound like that Rex" you snicker only for Anakin to cut in.
"you're right, you sound more like this" he says while pinching his nose to sound nasally and you punch him in the arm. "ow, she hit me!" he says in artificial pain acting like you truly wounded him as he rubs the spot you punched.
"i definitely don't sound like that" you huff and Padme backs you up.
"hmm i'm probably mixing it up with Rex's voice then" he says smugly and Rex kicks him from under the table, judging from the wince he lets out it must have truly hurt unlike your punch.
"no kicking" Ben chastises Rex and Anakin decides no one is safe as he mocks him in a nasally voice too. "oh real mature Anakin" Ben rolls his eyes but there's no real fire behind it as you all poke fun at each other for the rest of dinner.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
"do you have a crush on Anakin?" you whip your head towards Padme blinking rapidly confused and trying to process if you heard her correctly. she didn't repeat herself nor back down.
bold of her to ask that when the man she's talking about is not even five feet away; you had all split up heading in opposite directions towards your respective cabins. "no i don't have a crush on him, why?"
she purses her lips in thought "it seems like he likes you and vice versa" you laugh loud and abrupt, this time she's the one staring at you confused.
"wait you're serious?" you stop in your tracks but she continues walking. well that crushes your hopes of her knowing about his crush and just not reciprocating.
"you'd make a cute couple" she says with a shrug of her shoulders, the absolute irony.
"i just met him today" you say; speeding to catch up with her again. she just smiles and gives you that look she gave you in the log hall again. "i'm serious Padme!" you've grown more defensive than you needed to be.
"so am i" Unbelievable. This wasn't just ironic, it was cruel. you frown and resist the urge to roll your eyes at your own rotten luck.
"i'm too tired for this" half-truth. you were tired, you'd been up all night driving and managed to power through the day without truly resting. however you definitely were not going to be able to get to sleep once you did settle down, instead you'd be replaying every interaction from today in your head.
you did just that after changing into your pajamas and brushing your teeth; groaning softly into your pillow once you finally crashed onto your bed. Padme and Jasmine had their headphones on so you were thankfully in the clear.
the feeling of your phone vibrating next to your head was what pulled you from the self-inflicted torture of your spiraling mind. it took you a few minutes to motivate yourself to even lift your head, which felt ten times heavier than usual. probably due to exhaustion.
'don't tell me you died 😱' you can't help the grin that grows on your lips as you read Honey's message, and then you notice the notification wall of 15 other messages from her. oops. you turn onto your back and open your phone to respond.
'die and leave you alone in life? i would never' you type out quickly before reading through her other messages. 'just landed' followed by 'my parents decided to throw me a surprise party sos' and then a string of updates while the party happened.
most people would think Honey is a pretty social person based on how she is when she's with you, most people would be wrong. Honey has the social battery of a grape. she also requires at least a full day by herself in her room with hot chocolate and a book to recharge properly.
'my love has returned from war 🥹' you giggle not realizing how much you missed her until now and that's when you begin to feel homesick. Honey was your home as corny as that sounded. sisters in another life Platonic soulmates in this one; at least that's what you both always said.
'i've got so much to tell you abouutt' where to even start- i'd be easier to just send a voice message but you didn't feel comfortable enough to venture anywhere on your own yet and find somewhere to update her.
'i'm sat' from the beginning it is then.
you spent the next fifteen minutes just debriefing with her and when you finished she found the Instagram accounts of every person you mentioned.
'oh wow he is cute, no wonder you like him' she says after sending a post from Anakin's account. Ben was in the photo and it looked like it was Anakin's 19th birthday judging by the candles on the cake he was holding.
'i don't like him…' you defend but then remember who you're talking to and add 'yet- besides he likes someone else!!'
'someone who doesn't like him back' she sends back just as quickly and you stick your tongue out at her through the screen even though she can't see it.
'she never specified that, and either way i can't change the fact he likes her' you argue and Honey thankfully lets up.
''would it be weird if i followed Ben's account?' beautiful subject change Honey, you couldn't have done it better yourself.
'Ben really 😏?' you smile as you hit send liking being on the opposite end of the teasing.
'you're right too weird 😔' she replies and you two go back and forth for a while before finally calling it a night.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
the sunlight peeking through from the lack of blinds is what woke you up, but rather than opening up your eyes to start the day you just groaned and turned towards the wall; burrowing your face into your pillow hoping for even just a few more seconds of sleep.
there's a muffled giggle from behind you that reminds you there are two other people in the room with you. poking your head up and turning towards the sound you see Padme staring at you with an amused smile while she brushes her hair back into a ponytail. she gets it on the first try too, unfair. you have to rage quit at least three times before your ponytail is even remotely smooth enough to gaslight yourself into thinking it looks good.
"good news you don't have to be up for another hour" she says while looking at the built-in wall mirror, checking to make sure her hair looks good you guessed.
"well i'm up now" you rasp out and she laughs while you clear your throat, stretching out fully before sitting up and rubbing the crud out of your eyes.
"you're not a morning person are you?" she seems very entertained by the beast you wake up as. Honey once compared you to a bear coming out of hibernation when you woke up the first time you guys had a sleepover, you couldn't deny the accuracy.
"not really…" you trail off while fighting back a yawn. there's a small silence while Padme squirts sunscreen into her hands and begins to apply it on her face and arms. you take the moment to look around the room, Jasmine's bed is empty. evidently, you were the only non morning person here.
"do you want me to walk you to the crafts center?" you hum in thought at Padme's question while you clumsily stumble out of your bed.
"don't we have breakfast first?" you question while pulling out your clothes for the day, including your own Camp Wookiee Shirt.
"yea but it's probably a smart idea to figure out where you'll be heading to afterward" she answers, turning around to give you privacy while you change.
"won't i be able to walk with Rex or Anakin?" you ask, and she shrugs as you zip up your shorts and give her the okay to turn back around.
"Rex probably, Anakin no." you raise a brow and she hands you her sunscreen, before you can refuse her she gives you a look you’d only seen your mom give you when you weren’t listening. you don't bother arguing as she was not going to take no for an answer. "Anakin isn't a morning person either- he never shows up to breakfast. which is probably why he always steals Ben's lunch."
"and Ben lets him?" you snort and Padme nods.
"they grew up together, really close families. he sorta takes care of Anakin like an older brother i suppose." you smile at the thought of a young Ben taking care of an even younger Anakin.
"where's Jasmine gone? i haven't gotten the chance to speak to her at all." Padme doesn't bother to hide her sour expression, guess she trusts you enough now to let her true feelings show or she always did but didn’t want to do anything while Jasmine was in the room.
"Jasmine doesn't talk to anyone, she keeps to herself." you frown, Padme doesn't seem like the type of person to hate someone just because they're a loner- and if she was you didn't wanna be friends with someone like that.
"so what's exactly going on between you two anyway?" you needed to know if this friendship was going to continue.
"it's a long story, but let's just say Jasmine isn't a good person.. like at all and she's a liar who got caught pretty much instantly. and when she got confronted rather than owning up to her actions she got defensive." well now you were even more interested but she wasn't in the mood to get into details. you'd have to ask the boys about it at breakfast if you remembered, provided they didn't sit at the same table as Padme's friends.
"honestly i was shocked to find out she came back this year, i figured they hired you because she left" interesting, whatever she did must have happened just last summer then.
"does no one like her?" you don't mean to keep berating her with questions but couldn't resist the nagging curiosity.
"trust me when i say it'd be more surprising if anyone did like her" what the hell did this girl do to become the social piranha of an entire camp?
you push down the rest of your questions for now, letting there be a peaceful silence as you both exit the cabin.
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you both go on a stroll together before heading to breakfast. Padme took the time to show you around more of the Camp pointing out what each building was and where each path leads, it was still a little confusing but you at the very least wouldn't get lost if you ended up by yourself at some point.
Ben and Rex were sat at the table they initially sat at yesterday. they gave you a wave when you made eye contact and you smiled in return.
"i'm gonna sit with just the boys is that okay?" you ask while turning to Padme who's digging through the bin of fruit snacks looking for the purple pack instead of the blue. you don't blame her everyone knows the purple pack is superior.
"you don't have to run your decisions by me y/n" she teases and you nudge her with your elbow in response. "besides we sleep in the same cabin, you can't get rid of me that easily" she jokes.
"you're right, guess i'm stuck with you for the entirety of camp against my will" this time Padme nudges you causing you both to burst out laughing.
"i'll see you later y/n" she says and gives you a little wave as you split off in separate directions.
"well good morning, i'm surprised you're not tired of us yet" Rex says in greeting as you plop down next to Ben.
"mmm i'd say i'm bordering on just tolerating you guys at most" the banter was instinctive at this point.
"ah i see we're one in the same then" Ben chuckles then takes a big bite of hash. his plate was loaded compared to yours and Rex's, that's a lot considering how much you love to eat. it does however make more sense on why he doesn't seem to care about Anakin stealing his lunch.
"i know we have the rest of the week to ourselves before campers get here, so what exactly are we going to be doing at our jobs if there's no one to perform them for?" you wonder out loud for either of them to answer.
"nothing really, it's just the camp's way of allowing us to hang out and still get paid for it." you give Rex a 'are you serious?' look and he smiles "what? our Camp directors actually like us believe it or not. i'm sure if there were more newbies like you it would be us learning the jobs. but since it's almost always the same people every year this is what it's turned into."
"so this is like a retreat for you guys?" Rex finishes his last bite of food before responding.
"as much of a retreat as you can get with 100 gremlins running around" you nearly choke to death on your food. Ben rubs your back in support as you catch your breath while laughing. note to your future self don't eat around Rex, it's a dangerous game to play.
"drink some water y/n" Ben says in between laughs, him and Rex are both loud enough to garner the attention of the whole lunch room. you're not exactly a shy person but you can't help the heat in your cheeks or the way you slink down hiding your face behind the water bottle you drink out of with just about everyone's eyes on you as they try to decipher what happened.
thankfully it doesn't take long for them to lose interest and carry on in their individual conversations but you still fight the urge to kick both boys for embarrassing you like that.
"i hate both of you" they just smile with matching cheesy grins and you roll your eyes.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
the walk to the crafts center with Rex is just as good bad as you both kept fooling around to see who could make the other laugh harder. it doesn't die down even when you both see Anakin waiting out front of the lodge for you two with his arms crossed and an annoyed face.
Qui-Gon gave Rex the keys to open it because he was the more responsible one, but you had a feeling he'd have given it to you if he knew you a little better.
"what're you two on about?" Anakin grumbles as you both come to a stop in front of him, wiping tears from your eyes and stifling your laughter which only seemed to worsen his mood. he really wasn't a morning person wow.
"Rex just said something funny" you shrug; truth be told nothing you two had said within the last ten minutes made any sense but for some reason that made it all the more hilarious.
Anakin's brows creased and you bite your bottom lip when the urge to reach over and smooth it out with your thumb manifests out of nowhere. it was almost laughable. you let your fingers twitch at your sides instead.
Rex gets the door open with a creak which effectively pulls your attention away from the disgruntled boy in front of you.
the inside was plain, there were multiple picnic benches and some empty corkboards on the walls. you took note of the supply closet in the back and the cleaning supplies that rested beside the door.
"alright Jinn messaged me this morning and said that our only real job for this week is to clean and decorate this place for the campers." you give him a simple nod and walk toward the back of the room.
"does he prefer to be called Jinn or is that only allowed for people he's close with?" Rex takes a minute to consider your question like he'd never really thought about it before. you hand him the broom while you wait.
"i think he prefers Jinn but lets us decide what we're more comfortable with calling him" Anakin answers with a annoyed tone of voice after deciding Rex was taking to long.
"i'm gonna take the mop bucket out back to fill it with water from the hose" he says while turning his baseball cap around. you suddenly feel very warm, and it's not from the heat outside. you swallow before nodding and grabbing the container of Clorox wipes to clean off the dust from the tables.
as soon as Anakin exits the lodge Rex speaks up. "well he's in a pissy mood" you look at him incredulously.
"Padme told me he wasn't a morning person?" your voice is laced with uncertainty now unsure whether to believe that bit of info she'd given you.
"oh he's not, but it's also not usually this bad. then again i shouldn't be too shocked he's more emotional than a hormonal teenage girl" you deadpan at him and he immediately backtracks "not that i'm saying all teenage girls are emotional it's just-" he stops when he sees your lips twitch. "you're pulling my leg aren't you."
you break character instantly and burst out laughing "you should have seen the panic on your face oh my gosh" it's a laugh straight from your core one that makes Rex look like he may just smack you with the broom he's holding.
"okay seriously what am i missing? Rex is not that funny" Anakin huffs when he enters the lodge again, sounding like a pouty little kid who's not getting what they want.
"hey man she made herself laugh, i'm just an innocent victim" Rex defends while sweeping everything that was on the floor into a small pile.
"i was just messing with him" you smile; looking down as you continue the task you started.
"that i can get down with" he says with a smile letting the tension drop from his shoulders as he places the bucket down and goes to grab the mop.
you bite your tongue at the need to question what's going on with him and just finish wiping down each bench. you didn’t feel like you had the right anyway.
the three of you work together to finish cleaning the lodge. the clock on the wall showed it was now 11:00 am and lunch was at 12:00 pm so you had an hour to start working on decorations.
you all plop onto a shared bench and get to work. Anakin made a few star banners while you cut out and tapped a bunch of letters to the wall just below where the cork boards hung, they spelled out 'creativity' and 'imagination'. Rex was apparently the least creative out of the three of you so he was just busied himself with laying out all the crafts supplies so only the extra stuff was in the closet.
"if we finish all of this today, what do we do for the rest of the week?" you ask from the top of the stool you stood on. Anakin was behind you in case you fell while you hung up his banners.
he had offered to be the one to do the hanging but you insisted on being useful to which he replied 'oh yeah because you haven't been already' with the sassiest tone you'd ever heard from a man. to be fair Anakin was proving to be the leader of the sassy man apocalypse so you shouldn't have been shocked.
"we are gonna finish today, and that just means we get to chill for the rest of the week and test out projects for the kids to do" he answers and you see his hands flinch forward when the stool wobbles from you moving onto your tiptoes to get the height right for the banner. it shouldn't make your heart flutter the way it does after all he was quite literally just making sure you didn't bust your ass.
"wow Rex wasn't joking earlier then" you look down at him and there's that furrow in his brows again, it's gone when you blink making you think it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
"wait you didn't believe me?" the question comes from the opposite side of you as Rex seems to spawn out of nowhere. last you checked he was on the complete opposite side of the room organizing the construction paper by color and shade, who'd of guessed he was so particular about stuff like that.
"i was a little busy choking on my food to really process what you said" you rolled your eyes and he snorts nudging your leg with his shoulder which in turn makes the stool wobble and Anakin glare at him.
you ignore the way Rex and him have a wordless conversation and finish taping the last part of the banner.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
the rest of the day went by fast, which wasn't the least bit astonishing. what was however; to both you, Padme and just about every other staff member it seemed was seeing Anakin at Breakfast the next day.
he wasn't eating. he barely even looked conscious, but there he was directly across from Ben and Rex. he was half asleep fully leaning into the palm of his hand, the two boys watching him looked dumbfounded.
"am i hallucinating?" Padme pinches you and you yelp.
"doesn't seem like it" she says while you glare.
"i said hallucinating not dreaming" she throws a small pack of graham crackers at you and you both giggle.
"well if you're hallucinating so am i, and probably everyone else in here" she clapsback and gives you a weird smile that makes you wanna hide, it was like she saw right through you. you didn't think anyone other than Honey and your mom could do that.
"i'll see you later" there's a sparkle in her voice that you choose to ignore, waving goodbye and heading to the table the boys were sat at.
"are you even alive right now?" Anakin blinks awake at your question, rather than responding he scoots closer to you invading your personal space like he'd been doing since you first met the other day.
this boy clearly has something against there being any type of distance between two people when he sits next to them.
"i'd argue he thinks he's dreaming" Ben teases then snickers when he receives a kick under the table. you do your best to hide your confusion and focus on the food in front of you.
"how can you even eat right now?" Anakin mumbles from beside you.
"uhhh because it's 7 in the morning and i'm starving??" he makes a disgusted face that baffles you.
"the idea of eating this early is nauseating" he says through a yawn.
"that's because you're never awake this early" Rex snides. Anakin doesn't defend himself just grumbles incoherently, you think he might of mocked him but it was really hard to tell.
"you're disrupting the natural way of the world Anakin, next we'll find out there was a hurricane in Antarctica" you're about to comment on how that's not scientifically possible but then realize that's exactly why Ben said it.
"haha you're so very funny Kenobi" as much as Anakin was grumpy it was not nearly as bad as the grumpiness he greeted you and Rex with yesterday. not that you didn't believe Rex when he said he wasn't usually that bad but now that you were experiencing it yourself you understood a lot more.
"ooo Kenobi, we're using last names now. you must be pretty upset Skywalker' Ben teases, completely unafraid of the consequences he might have from teasing a sleep-ridden bear.
ah, you're seeing the whole hibernating bear thing now. poor Honey; if you'd known this is what she was dealing with in the morning you'd have started locking yourself in your room till you felt like a decent human being to confront the world.
after the bickering dies down there's a comfortable silence as everyone just enjoys their food, well besides Anakin who's more or less in his own world. it was nice and you let yours eyes travel around the room before landing on your cabin mate who's still not even given you so much as a greeting not to mention was sitting completely and utterly alone. there wasn’t even anyone sitting at the tables near by her.
"what's up with Jasmine?" the question startles the group. probably because to them it was out of nowhere, for you however it's been a burning topic just waiting to be discussed. "i've just noticed she doesn't talk much, and Padme said she lied or whatever but didn't tell me any actual details….i figured you guys might know" you cringe inwardly at yourself when they still don't say anything.
you shouldn't have asked, there was probably a good reason why Padme didn't want to get into details about what happened and now you've just ruined everyone's morning.
your internal monologue of despair was cut short by Rex. "she did some fucked up shit. mostly she spread a bunch of rumors around about people, and she lied about pretty much everything. it's honestly shocking the Directors didn't catch wind of anything." Well that's not good but it can't be that bad?
it very much was that bad. the biggest thing she did was out one of the older campers who felt so uncomfortable they left camp early. that was the turning point when everyone decided to confront her and she got defensive starting her lone wolf act.
Jada was the little girl's name and everyone loved her; she was apparently really sweet with short blonde hair paired with rosy cheeks and a subtle southern accent if you listened close enough.
her parents were super conservative so it's no wonder she'd feel uncomfortable with something like that floating around the camp. especially considering Parent week had been coming up at the time.
she also lied and spread rumors about several of the other girls at camp that were pretty damaging. one of the lesser rumors was about a girl she said was a slut who slept around with all of the guys on camp.
needless to say you understood everyone's opinions on her now, talk about violating on so many levels. how on earth was she still allowed to work here? everyone loved the camp directors and they didn't seem like people who would let something like that slide.
"Padme told me she was shocked that Jasmine even came back this year" you were shocked too now that you knew the extent of what had been done. "but how has no one complained about her directly to the directors?"
"we all sorta came to a unanimous decision to just pretend she doesn't exist." Ben answered while pushing his food around on his plate.
that didn't sit right with you, this is one of those times you speak up not stay silent. "why though?"
"well even though Jinn, Windu and Bail would believe us we'd still have to supply them with evidence for the big guys upstairs….which in turn would mean they'd have to contact everyone involved" he added that last part when he noticed it wasn't clicking in your head. it took a few moments before you let out a quiet oh.
Jada would have to be contacted. which would mean her parents would have to be contacted and since she's a minor they'd have to be told everything. so everyone was staying silent to protect her.
you felt a wave of newfound respect for every single person who worked here as well as a burning hatred for Jasmine. fuck her honestly. there was a long awkward lull in the conversation before it started back up again.
Rex was the one who managed to switch subjects. you ended up on the topic of how Ben and Padme were doing with the zip line course. to no one's surprise Padme was a natural at it, Ben said she got the hang of it after Windu explained it once whereas he had needed a few extra pointers. they also had to do a safety briefing then take a test to make sure they knew everything they would have to for the campers to be allowed on it.
talk about getting off easy on your end, a brief cleaning session followed by decorating a room hardly classified as work compared to what they had to do. not like you'd complain, this just meant you'd be spending the summer doing art. well that and looking after kids, you had a pretty natural affinity with children though so it wasn't a real worry on your end.
Your mom always said it was because you were as childish as them, you preferred carefree and whimsical but a win was a win.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
"that looks like shit" Rex is leaning over the table watching Anakin as he weaves bracelet strings together.
"you look like shit but i don't say anything" he quips, very obviously annoyed.
"did you even follow the directions?" Anakin ignores Rex at first but when he builds on the initial question with "because it doesn't look like you did" he gives him a deadly glare.
"i glanced at them and i got the basic idea" Rex looks ready to disagree with him and Anakin looks ready to shove every bead in the bowl next to him down his throat.
you don't say anything, holding your breath so you don't burst out laughing and end up the next target. although it's not like they could say anything about your bracelet as it actually looked like the picture, besides a few color changes.
"well look at yours! what even is that?" Anakin gestures to the bracelet if you could even call it that in Rex's hand, it looked like he hadn't even started.
"it's shit as well but at least i can admit that" He says pointedly and Anakin throws his half-finished attempt of a bracelet at him in response.
you can't hold it in any longer practically bursting into tears from how hard you laugh. both boy's heads snap toward you, Anakin wears a frown and Rex just looks stunned as if he'd forgotten you were there entirely.
"you two are utterly ridiculous" you wheeze and fight back snorting like a pig each time you gasp for air.
it's been like this all week as you guys experimented with different projects to do with the kids, getting to know each other way more in the process. the guys were pretty transparent from the beginning so it wasn't much of a shock when you discovered Anakin was in fact consistently childish and a bit moody but despite that he was extremely loyal and very kind.
he hides most of his real feelings with humor, your guess was he gets awkward when things get too serious so he keeps the mood light. and if that talk a few days ago at breakfast has anything to say it was safe to conclude he also resigns himself from conversations entirely when he's unsure what direction it will go.
Rex was generally a calm person, he could be serious when he needed to but prefers to joke around. which would explain why he always messes with Anakin so much. he's also extremely loyal and although he doesn't verbally express his emotions as much as Anakin does, he wears them all on his face.
Ben was the peacemaker but could be a shit stirrer too. As far as he was concerned Anakin was his brother and he had no problems arguing with anyone who said otherwise. overall the boys were all pretty similar but had their differences, it was nice to be a part of their group.
out of everyone you'd gotten the closest to Padme, sharing a room probably helped with that. but so did the fact you both shared similar interests, and even on the things you disagreed with you both still let the other gush as much as they wanted.
it was a nice little home away from home. you've kept Honey updated about everything any chance you got, but there was only so much you both could share from a distance and you couldn’t help but miss her badly. at the very least you could count on the fact camp would go by fast thanks to how fun it's been so far which meant you'd see Honey just as quickly.
that same thought made you feel a little glum but you never dwelled on it for too long, it was just the beginning after all and Campers would be arriving tomorrow morning.
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Camp Wookiee T-shirt visual aid:
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tag list: @anakinskwkler @anakinstwinklebunny @divineani
a/n: ITS HERE 🎉🎉🎉 everyone say thank you @munsondjarin who inspired me to write this fic 🤭
i can’t believe how much i actually wrote for just this one part, but it also makes sense considering im essentially just writing out the whole story and splitting it up by beginning, middle and end compared to a bunch of small individual chapters ✨
anyway i hope you all enjoy see you next week for Part 2 💋💋
have a good day Huns Xx <3
242 notes · View notes
sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
I was wondering if you could do a fic with Mike Schmidt x fem!reader and the quote “can I stack donuts on it?” I apologize in advance 😭
Cherries & Cream
Mike Schmidt x AFAB!Reader
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Summery: It's a modest holiday. Spent indoors, soft music on the cassette player... oh, and a collection of bad ideas snowballed into a day of sticky situations
Tags: No use of Y/N, author has fucking lost it, comedy, Valentine's Day fic, mentions of failed masturbation attempts, mentions of inappropriate use of lightsabers and water snakes (I SAID AUTHOR HAS FUCKING LOST IT- DONT ASK, JUST READ, IT AINT THAT BAD!), sex toys, handcuffs, sex dice, pre-established relationship, food sex, blowjob, facial, Mike gets restrained like we all know he wants to be.
Notes: I'm not apologizing for shit.
"These are ridiculous questions."
"Oh, come on. Don't be a sourpuss," I say. Cards are scattered around the small box on our bed, both of us long deciding we'd clean up later.
"What does it say?" I ask him, leaning forward. I'm straddling his chest, my arms crossed against mine, dressed in nothing but one of his shirts. His hand on my hip is halfway under the black material, his pointer finger twisting the old cotton around his digit. His other hand holds a dark purple card that he rolls his eyes at before shifting them to focus on me towering over him.
"It doesn't even apply to you," he says.
"And how do you know?" I say smugly.
"Because I've sucked your dick and it's not big enough to apply," he says
"What? Give me that." I snatch the card from his hand, ignoring his laughter as he shifts his hand to rest on my other hip, rubbing soothing circles into my skin while I read.
'What's the weirdest thing you have ever stuck your dick in?'
A short laugh escapes me, a bit louder than it should be with Abby sleeping peacefully down the hall.
"I'm waiting," Mike jokes, smiling up at me with his lips twisted into a smug expression of sarcasm.
"I mean, I stuck a toy lightsaber up my snatch once," I say casually.
"What?" He bellows, descending into a fit of laughter so grand his chest is rattling underneath of me, making my face bloom with blood in embarrassment.
"I was fourteen!" I say quickly in my defense. This doesn't help my case, making him cackle loud enough I grab a pillow to shove onto his face to muffle his fit. He grabs my wrists before it can descend, holding them up as he wheezes.
"Oh, Qui-Gon Jin! You're my only hope!" He relaxes his grip slightly, allowing me to stiffle his incessant noise.
"That was Obi-Wan, and I liked Darth Vader!"
His hands shove the pillow away from his red face, eyes teary and judgemental.
"He's burnt!"
"It was the vibe! Mysterious, dark, and that voice!" I protest. Mike makes a pitiful attempt at the sounds of Vader's breathing through his mask, muddled with spit from his laughter. "James Earl Jones has a handsome voice!"
"It's just so hot," Mike cackled.
"Nothing can hold a candle to it."
"Makes me go-" a crude imitation of lightsaber noises is the last thing Mike can communicate before I'm slamming the pillow down on him, making him laugh harder and block his face from my playful blows as he begs for mercy.
"You're a dick!"
"You'd stick yours in one of those- those-" as he regains his breath and I lessen my attacks, he snaps his fingers, one hand slapping gently against my thigh for thought.
"Oh, you know. One of those fucken- the uh..." He makes a jerking motion with his snapping hand, his eyes rolling up to the ceiling like the answer is written on the spot where some poster used to be.
"A hand?" I ask, crossing my arms and glaring down at him.
"No. One of those toys that had like water in them and you could like- I don't know what the point of them was, some sensory thing. There was like water, maybe fish or sparkles stuffed inside," he describes, gesturing his hand as he speaks.
The image begins to click together in my mind. "Oh yeah. Water snakes?" I ask. He slaps my thigh, snapping his fingers and pointing at me with wide eyes.
"That's the fucker. Yeah, you'd stick your dick in that," he says confidently, nodding and relaxing in satisfaction with his statement.
"Okay, but you can like slide those things in and out so honestly that's kind of genius," I say.
"That plastic burns like a motherfucker though. And it's got those seams for the plastic so lube doesn't help," Mike says, one arm curled above his head and his other hand once more rubbing my hip.
"That's descriptive," I say with narrowed eyes. I lean forward, my face hovering above his. His relaxed hazel eyes widen slightly, but only by a hair. His rubbing stutters. His body language is still casual, but has stiffened enough to betray him.
"Just a thought."
"How old were you?"
"I did not- fifteen."
It's my turn to snicker now, picking my pillow back up and smacking him once more in the head.
"Okay, okay. Teenagers are idiots. Next card, next card," he says laughing, hand now searching for a new card from the deck. "Oh my God. What food item would you use during sex- babe, where the fuck did you find this game?"
"It was some dirty Santa gift, got it a couple years ago," I say with the wave of my hand. "Anyways, it's my turn to ask the question."
"Oh right. Pick a new one," he says, flicking the card away.
"Well, hang on now. On the topic of poor sexual choices and food, what would you use for that?" I ask, smirking and crossing my arms across my chest once more. He glares at me, lips pressed firmly together as he narrows his eyes. There's a long silence, neither of us speaking as we decide who's going to break it.
"Donuts," he finally says.
"Yeah. They have the hole," he adds as if it explains everything.
"Uh huh."
"Okay, you used a fucking lightsaber, you cannot-"
"I was fourteen, you are twenty-eight. What happens if you squeeze the thing too hard and you've just got crumbs and frosting all over you?" I ask.
"I wouldn't fuck the damn thing. I'd, like, stack them," he clarifies. "Do it like one of those really cheesy porno bits like 'did someone order some food?' And just rip open the trenchcoat to reveal several donuts stacked on my dong."
"Michael, you've put a weird amount of thought into this."
"It's the fucking question!"
"Okayokayokay- so hypothetically," I begin.
"If I brought home a box of donuts-"
"Nice ones. Krispy Kreme or some shit, I'm not getting sugar in my shit if it's cheap," he insists.
"...glad to know. If I brought home a box of overpriced donuts and a trench coat-"
"Take the coat out, that was a bit."
"Will you let me finish?"
"That'd be the preferred outcome," he interrupts again. "But like, before the donut thing. If it was like, y'know." He thrusts his hips into the air slightly, not to be arousing but to clarify. Because that's the part he can't say out loud. "'Cause you can't get sugar in your snatch."
"You can't get sugar in your snatch," I repeat slowly, blinking.
"Don't ask."
"Right. So if I brought home the Kreme-y goods, you would present yourself to me with a donut dick?" I ask. He rolls his eyes, suppressing a smile.
Valentine's Day. A day for kids and new couples, mainly. And since this household is aging out of both of those demographics, Mike and I had decided to go smaller this year. Not that we went huge every year before, neither of us feeling quite like blowing a shit load of cash on the day. But usually we booked a reservation at a decent restaurant, put on some nicer clothes, and spent the holiday just having a nice family dinner. But Abby was old enough she was itching to attend some sleepover at a friend's house for the holiday, and Mike and I felt fine just ordering in and playing a card game that we usually thumbed through while bored.
"Do 12 year olds even get valentines?" Mike asks, sprawled upon the bed the night before.
"I don't know, I didn't," I shrug. "She's just visiting her friends and wearing pink so they can gorge on chocolate, sounds like a good holiday to me."
He considers this, scratching his jaw as he continues staring at the ceiling.
"Valentine's Day alone. What trouble we could cause," he teases.
"What food are we ordering in for the trouble, anyways?" I ask, looking up from the box of my things I'd been unpacking, hanging up pictures and placing knick knacks around the room and new desk we'd shoved in earlier that evening.
"Chinese?" He asks.
"Gas for Valentine's Day, I'll love that," I say. He laughs. "How about Italian?"
"Makes me bloated, you'll be top," he says. "What are we doing in that department? I mean, we probably should do something."
"You say that like sex is a chore," I say with a raised brow, looking up at him for a moment from the box.
"Oh, hell no," he says. "If that's a chore than it's my favorite."
"Chores typically bring you closer to God."
"Than I'm smokin' it with Jesus, fuck yeah."
At that I laugh, tossing a small box at him that rattles with something inside. He catches it, laughing and pulling it open out of curiosity.
"Oh ho! What are these?" He asks, holding up a small, hot pink cube.
"Oh Jesus, I thought I lost those. They're-"
"Sex dice!" He laughs. "You whore!"
"I'm not a whore, I just went to college!" I laugh defensively. His eyebrows raise.
"Fuck off," I groan. "My ex bought those, I just kept them."
Mike rolls the dice in his hands, actually sitting up and crossing his legs on the bed before sending them flying across the quilt.
"Suck toe," Mike reads. "That's disappointing."
"We never used toe, we always just picked a different spot," I say.
"Like?" He asks.
"I don't know, it varied. I guess it was kinda a pick your poison spot," I say. "You wouldn't believe how often it lands on toe."
"The universe is trying to tell you something," he says.
"The universe can suck it," I say. Mike rolls one of the dice again.
"Tit. Nice. I'll be acting as ambassador for said universe sucking-"
"You'll be acting as helping me unpack these dresses," I say, setting the box on the bed in front of him. He stands with a sigh, hands on his hips as he awaits his work. I take out a few dresses and lay them in his arms before returning to my work of organizing the closets.
"Hold 'em," I say.
"Just hold them?"
"You made me get up for this?"
"Before you find the handcuffs in there? Yeah," I say.
"Handcuffs? We've been together for three years, you're moving into my house and now I'm finding out you have handcuffs?" Mike asks incredulously.
"I didn't know that would upset you," I say honestly, shrugging.
"Upset? I've been deprived! You're a freak and haven't taken it out on me!" He says overdramatically. I roll my eyes but smile.
"I'm not a freak, I've only slept with like, two other guys. That's it," I say.
"So the guys were freaks," he says.
"I mean, I wasn't saying no," I admit.
"So you're a freak when asked?"
"You sound like a teenager."
"I sound like a guy who's gonna be home alone with his girlfriend and sex toys tomorrow, yeah, I sound like a teenager," he says.
"Oh, so we're ordering in and banging all night?" I ask, raising a brow in amusement.
"Was that not the plan already?" He asks.
"I wasn't gonna say it, but if you want to."
The night was spent laying out plans of debauchery. After dropping off Abby in the early afternoon at her friends the next day, Mike and I made a slight detour before heading home, where the items were laid out before us.
Whipped cream. Donuts. Handcuffs. Dice. And some cheap, bottom of the $5 bin collection of 'Top 100 Sexy Songs for Valentine's Day' cassette tape that Mike had grabbed from a local music store during our trip.
"Do you ever question the things we do while bored?" Mike asks, staring at the ceiling, butt naked and handcuffed to the bedframe while I straddle his thighs, trying to figure out how exactly I'm gonna do this.
"Do you?" I ask, pinching his soft tip between my fingers.
"I'm starting to," he says, glancing at the can of whipped cream that was starting to sweat on the bedside table beside us. "I had questions before I shaved my junk for this, but I wasn't gonna say anything."
"Good. Keep that philosophy, I think I figured it out," I say, finally leaning for the box of glazed donuts we'd hardly been able to act mature about buying while going through the drive through. We're not seeing the gates of heaven.
"Shouldn't you get me hard first? It's just gonna grow," he says in questioning, trying to look down at what I'm doing.
"No, because then I'll have to keep you hard and that's gonna deflate quickly," I say. He nods in agreement, satisfied and sighing in slight boredom as I begin my task, trying to get the first donut on without breaking.
"Ow! Are- are you trying to fucking fold my shit?" He asks, his voice slightly higher than it was a moment ago.
"You're bigger than the hole, it's gonna break the donut! It's soft, isn't it?" I ask.
"Not that soft!" He says a bit frantic.
"Okay, what if I stretch it out like this?" I ask, tugging his dick upwards.
"I'm gonna ask you not to!" Mike says. His thumbs find the latches for the handcuffs, undoing one so he can reach down himself. "Jesus Christ- you're gonna break me!"
"This is my job," I say amused, giggling as I cover my mouth with my hand.
He ignores me, examining himself and the donut before glaring at the corner of the room, sighing.
"Motherfucker, I've been blessed, goddammit," he groans.
"What a humble statement," I say, trying not to laugh.
"This is humbling enough. Do what you will, I guess," he says, flopping back onto the bed, donut in hand and taking a bite from it as he crosses his ankles beneath me.
"I need that," I say.
"There's eleven more, this is my consolation prize," he says through his mouthful, returning his glare to the ceiling.
"You gonna redo the handcuff?" I ask.
"I'll redo your fucken dad," he snaps, but shoves the rest of the donut in his mouth as he fiddles with the handcuffs once again, groaning as I start on my work.
It takes half an hour, four donuts and a ridiculous amount of whipped cream, but the deed is done. Stepping off the bed, I behold my work of a restrained, glaring, donut stacked and cream covered Mike with a proud smile.
"This was exponentially hotter in my head," he mutters, looking down at himself.
"You don't like it?" I ask.
"I didn't say that, I'm just not drooling over- where are you going?" He asks. I quickly dart out of the room, racing to the kitchen as a series of 'babe?' Rings throughout the house. I open the fridge quickly, find the box of cherries and race back into the bedroom, holding it up as though it were a crown jewel.
"Ohh, my fucking God," Mike loudly drawls, rolling his eyes.
"I almost forgot," I say with malicious glee.
"I wish you had," he says, staring at the ceiling. "You're sick in the head."
"This was your idea."
"I'm sick in the head, I repent, I repent."
Placing a fat cherry carefully on top of the fluffy tip, I smile in true satisfaction.
"Perfect," I say, hands working to undo my house robe, shrugging it off and leaving me in simple lingerie instead.
"Now you faceplant into my dessert dick. Delicious," he deadpans.
"Mike, if you really don't wanna do this-"
"I'm gonna get a fucking UTI, just fulfill the high school fantasy already. I'll have no shame once I'm hard," he spits out quickly, jerking against the restraints slightly in impatience.
Well, that's true enough.
I lean forward, trying to figure out where to start, deciding between bottom or top.
"Babe, this is mortifying, just do some- oh-kay," Mike groans, his hips shifting slightly as I gently suck one of his freshly shaved balls into my mouth, my tongue swirling around it as I grip his thighs. The stack shifts slightly, Mike moaning as he thrusts against nothing.
My mouth works his sack for a little bit, one of my hands trailing down to between his legs to press against the spot behind his balls, making him keen into my touch as he moans loudly, the handcuffs clicking against the frame of our bed as he squirms. When I'm sure he's hardened properly underneath, I remove my mouth, making him whine as I glance up at him, smiling.
"Doing good?" I ask sweetly, pressing my fingers harder into the spot between his legs.
"Still mortifying, just keep going," he moans shamelessly, his cheeks red as he keeps his eyes closed in embarrassment.
I lean down once more, licking at the melting whipped cream on the tip of his cock, his moans growing louder as my tongue finds contact with his cock, his skin cold and wet underneath of the cream. I'm barely able to reach his actual tip, my tongue sticking down far in the hole of the top donut. I begin biting into the food, quickly tearing away at my work in eagerness of what awaits.
There's probably a special place in Hell reserved for the two of us for doing something like this and enjoying it, but I promise you, if you could see the look on his face right now, blushing wildly and trying to hide behind the bulk of his large arm, it would be worth it.
Once the first two donuts are gone I take off the cherry from the top, dangling it over his mouth in teasing.
"Want some?" I ask. He just groans in response, his cock twitching from neglect. I chuckle, tossing the fruit away and quickly taking him into my mouth, drawing a sharp, high moan from him as I suck eagerly, admiring the taste of his skin mixed with the sweet sugar from the food.
Yeah. Definitely worth it.
Pre-cum shoots into my mouth as he rolls his hips into my face, my hand still working against him as I swirl my tongue around his tip, sucking harshly as I watch him. His back arches against the bed, his head thrown back in pleasure as he loses himself in the feeling of my mouth against him.
"Go deeper," he begs, his voice soft as he bucks into my mouth, his arms straining against the handcuffs. "Holy shit, please go deeper."
His hips buck harshly against my face, smashing the two other donuts and an annoying amount of cream into my face, covering me in a facial I didn't ask for.
I pull away from him, stopping my hand and just staying still for a moment to allow him a proper look at my face.
"... I do not like this," I deadpan. I'd blink if I could open my eyes right now.
Small whines escape him as his hips continue moving, questions being voiced then everything ceasing all at once as I guess he takes a good look at me. There's a moment of silence, then he bursts out laughing at the sight, loud and obnoxious.
"It's in your hair!" He exclaims, probably wishing he could point at me as I blindly search for the hand towel nearby.
"I hope this was worth it," I say flatly, suppressing my own giggle.
"Oh, the feeling is awful, but you're doing great," he says sweetly, still chuckling as he watches me wipe at my face, groaning at the stickiness of it all.
"Jesus, I'm a mess," he says, looking down at himself. "Can we just take that off and-"
"Yeah, normal blow job, on it," I finish for him, quickly taking off the other two, very smushed donuts and discarding of them inside the box. "You have horrible ideas "
"You wanted us to try new shit, this is not on me," he laughs, smiling at me. "But thank you for answering a decade old question."
"You're weird," I say.
"Just fuck me," he says back.
Quickly I take him back into my mouth, deepthroating him and encouraging him to fuck my mouth, focusing on my breathing as he does with blind obedience. His thighs press against the sides of my head, squeezing slightly as his tip rams into the back of my throat, all gentleness off the table. My tongue slides against his prominent vein, feeling how he throbs, his cock stiff and twitching from the stimulation. He pants loudly, whining when I press my tongue harder into his vein, a loud 'snap' echoing from near his head.
His movements cease for a moment, his chest heaving as realization crosses his face.
"... the handcuffs weren't expensive, right?" He asks inbetween gasps, holding up his hands to show the cheap cuffs now hanging uselessly around his wrists.
My eyebrows raise in surprise, my head beginning to lift off of him when one of his hands comes down on my head, suddenly gripping my hair as he begins to fuck my mouth with new vigor, tearing lewd sounds from my throat as I gag sharply around him.
"Fuck it, I'll buy another pair," he decides, slamming quickly into my throat as he pulls my hair sharply, his pre-cum beginning to thicken in my mouth. "It's not like you mind, right, sweetheart?" He asks, propping himself up with one arm to watch as I swallow his dick eagerly, one of my hands dipping down to play with my clit. He tugs sharply at my hair, making me whine as his other hand smacks quick and gentle against my hollowing cheek before pointing at me.
"No," he says sharply. "I'll deal with you after."
His hand strokes my cheek as he continues fucking my face, his thumb trained on my chin, keeping my mouth open wide for him. His eyes are glazed over in pleasure as he watches me, my spit dribbling down my chin as I take him, my legs pressed tightly together as I grab blindly at his thighs, admiring the thickness as I gag on his cock.
"Fuck- you're so pretty," he moans, his cock twitching in closeness. "And kind." I moan appreciatively around him, eager to feel his cum down my throat as I dig my nails into his thighs. "Don't know how I got so lucky."
His hand roughly drags my head up by my hair, forcing me off of his cock and making me whine as I try to take him back into my mouth. His hand wraps around his length, pumping quickly as he watches me.
"Keep your mouth open, pretty girl," he commands softly. I obey, sticking out my tongue slightly, eager to please. He smiles at the sight, his lashes fluttering shut once more as he fucks his hand quickly, using my thick spit as lube, beginning to lose rhythm.
"I'm gonna cum," he warns breathily. "I'm gonna- fuck!"
His words stutter as he gasps, his hand squeezing roughly at his cock as his cum hits my face, warm and thick against my skin. We watch each other as the first few ropes cover my face, admiring the other in a hazy cloud of desire and satisfaction. Then he shoves his cock back into my mouth, his hand pumping me up and down his length again as he finishes shooting his load down my throat, admiring my new look.
"I'm just- gonna do this for awhile," he gasps, his cock still stiff in my mouth as his flow of cum begins to slow, his hips still quick in contrast.
I moan around him, my cunt clenching in want.
"Don't worry," he says, reaching for something in the nightstand, pulling open a drawer and revealing his new gift for me. "You'll get some fun too."
When I tell y'all this motherfucker somehow found a dildo shaped like a fucking lightsaber.
Goddammit, I'm gonna marry him.
You heard me.
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 @jhutchissupercool . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
how would y'all feel if I told you the title was a pun from that old 'berries and cream' meme
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talkfastwalkfaster · 7 months
Serenity ~ Ben Kenobi x Reader
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A/N: this is set about 5 years after rots. reader is about 27 & obi-wan is 43. i was going to make a valentine anakin fic but that plan moved so enjoy my other love, hermit obi-wan. this is my first time writing smut so it might not be the best. also, if you have any feedback, it's welcomed & appreciated :)♡ WC: 3,041 Warnings: MDNI, smut, some angst
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Tatooine was known for its extremely warm temperatures, but today was worse than ever. Ben was drenched in sweat the entire day, making him wish they could afford a cooling system to install within their home. 
He noticed you never seemed to sweat as extensively as he did. He assumed it was because you were a native of the planet. 
“(y/n), are you certain that our animals will survive this weather?" Ben called out from the entrance of your home. His thoughts were consumed by his trusted stead, Eopie may have been able to sustain this weather in previous times, but that didn't ease his worries.
Ben headed into your house and over to the kitchen where you had been for the past few minutes. 
He rested his hand on your lower back and peered over your shoulder to watch you chop up some vegetables for dinner. If he was honest, he was a little envious that this heat was seemingly not affecting you as it was him.
Your mouth formed into a small smile as you continued cutting vegetables, “I’m certain, Ben, they’ve survived hotter weather than this before. They’ll be fine.”
He exhaled, his shoulders deflating as he continued to gaze at you. He knew his worries were futile, yet his concerns wouldn’t falter. “I know, I know. I just can’t help but worry for them.” 
This was his life now, he had accepted becoming a farmer ages ago, but there was still a lot more that he would have to come to terms with; he was still haunted by memories of the war, watching Anakin fall to the dark side, watching Qui-Gon die, watching Satine die, watching his beloved Commander and battalion turn against him in the blink of an eye…
He rubbed the back of his neck, attempting to shake the weight that always seemed to be weighing him down. “I suppose it’s just the heat getting on my nerves. It feels as though the heat of a hundred suns is shining down. I don’t know how you’re acting all nonchalant, I feel like I might as well be burning and yet you’ve barely broken a sweat.”
You glanced over your shoulder to look at him, “Well I have lived here all my life, I’m used to the heat.” The truth was that the heat always did manage to bother you a little, but you had grown up in the scalding temperatures, you were, unfortunately, accustomed to them. It made no sense for you to complain about it. 
“I don’t know how you do it if it’s not the heat that’s unbearable, it’s the awful sandstorms that are always passing through here,” Ben complained. Despite having lived on Tatooine for a while now, it seemed as though no matter what he did, he could never get used to the heat. His mind digressed toward Anakin and his hatred toward this planet, and he finally seemed to understand his point of view. But Ben quickly pushed that thought away as his heart ached each time his mind brought up his former student. 
He was brought out of his trance by the sound of your voice. “You’ll get used to them. Sure, they might not be ideal but Tatooine isn’t as bad as it could be. I mean the war never came here and the Empire has little interest in this planet. The weather may not be perfect and there are always things that could be improved here, but i can’t think of living anywhere else,” You mused. You knew that Ben got stuck in his head easily and you’ve known him long enough to see the signs of it. 
His brow always started to furrow and he stroked his beard, seemingly without even realizing it. You’ve figured out that the best way to bring him back to the present was to talk about where you are. Even though you’re not necessarily fond of praising Tatooine, he needs it, and that’s all that matters to you. 
“I wish I had as much patience as you do, my dear,” he sighed, taking in another deep breath. 
It all seemed so normal, this was a conversation that any couple could have. To any outsiders, you two would be seen as a regular husband and wife, like any other married couple in the galaxy. Ben was slowly starting to feel content with his life here, he could almost forget everything that happened five years prior. He could almost pretend that he did not come to Tatooine because of his failure, that he didn’t have to go into hiding, and that his life didn’t completely spiral because of one order.
Your face softened, knowing how difficult it’s been for Ben. It always seemed as though he was unable to completely move forward, despite his best attempts, because of whatever happened in his past. “Well, you've only been here what, 5 years? You have to give yourself time to adjust, sweetheart."
A faint smile stretched across his lips when you called him ‘sweetheart’. It was the most endearing pet name you had ever given him and he felt a warmness throughout his chest whenever you used it. It made him feel normal, he didn’t have to worry about his former life as Jedi Master and General Obi-Wan Kenobi anymore, he could just be Ben, your husband.
He chuckled softly, watching as you began to cook the vegetables before wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. “I know, darling, I know��” he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and sighed, breathing in the scent of you, something that always relaxed him.
As you cooked, your mind briefly wandered to Coruscant, Ben had once mentioned that he was born and lived most of his life there. You wondered if the planet was anything similar to Tatooine or if it was the complete opposite. You had always wanted to ask him more about his past, what he was like before you met him 3 years ago, and yet, for some reason, you could never bring yourself to give in to those desires.
However, as the two of you stood in the kitchen, you believed that now would be a better time than any to ask him, seeing as this was the first time in a while that he was truly beginning to relax. You hummed softly, attempting to keep the peaceful environment that had been created, “You said you were from Coruscant right? Is it very different from here?”
Ben stiffened slightly from his position behind you before forcing himself to relax, he knew you had no ill intent with your question. If this was any other time, he would have avoided your prodding, but for once, he decided to indulge you, even if only slightly. “It’s very different from here, my dear.” he held you tighter and kept his head resting in the crook of your neck, your familiar scent had always given him a sense of peace and calmness, something which he craved, wishing he could forever be engulfed in it.
“Coruscant makes Tatooine look like a ghost town. It’s full of large buildings and many different levels. You could always hear the buzzing of speeders and people clamoring to numerous places,” Ben paused for a second, wondering how much more he should tell you, before ultimately deciding it’s best to keep it brief, “Let’s just say there was never a dull moment there, my love.”
You decided to push your luck, desperately wanting to know more about your husband. You murmured, as if trying not to startle Ben with your next question, “Do you ever miss it?”
His heart immediately constricted at the thought, though he quickly dismissed it. There was no reason for him to start dwelling on what-ifs, this was his life now, and there was no changing the past. “My life there? No, not at all,” he replied quickly, the lie coming out easy. 
This has become a type of dance for him, every once in a while you would try to inquire about his past and he would always find ways to avoid giving too much detail. He would only ever respond vaguely enough to not make you suspicious while also satisfying your curiosity. He couldn’t bring himself to tell you what his past life actually entailed, it was still too raw, too painful. He didn’t want you to worry either. He knew that he couldn’t hide who he once was from you forever, but he couldn’t tell you today, not now. 
Ben rested his chin on your shoulder and muttered “I wouldn’t want to go back.” A half-truth, he’s not as fond of the planet as he used to be, but it still holds some sentimental value to him. It’s not that he would never want to go back to Coruscant, it’s that he can’t. If he ever tried he knew the Empire would be on him as soon as he was even remotely close to the planet’s atmosphere. 
You finished cooking the vegetables and raised your eyebrows slightly surprised, not expecting that answer from him. “Never?” you inquired, feeling slightly bewildered. “You’d really never want to go back? Was it that bad?”
Ben held you tighter and exhaled, that part of him died years ago. To him, Obi-Wan died the moment he left Anakin to die on Mustafar — he had been, in a way, reborn as Ben. He was just Ben Kenobi, a simple farmer, and your husband. Nothing more, nothing less. “It was fine, nothing particularly interesting happened to me when I lived there,” he lied again, giving you a soft kiss on the side of your neck hoping that this topic of discussion would die out soon.
You sighed at his words and murmured, “Dinner’s ready.” You decided to let the topic drop, knowing that he wasn’t exactly telling you the truth, but you hoped that one day he would trust you enough to let you completely in. 
The two of you ate dinner in silence, both of you seemingly lost in your thoughts. Ben had intrigued you from the start. You had met him at a market in Mos Espa, and he immediately stood out to you. From the way that he held himself to the way he talked. He looked like someone who had seen the galaxy, who had actually experienced life, something you had always wished to do but never had the luxury. His eyes — his beautiful, entrancing sapphire grey eyes that were like pools of sorrow. They showed a variety of complex emotions, something that made you want nothing more than to break down his highly built-walls and see who he truly was. 
Ben was never one to speak much while eating, he felt there was no need to fill the silence with meaningless chatter — he wanted to just enjoy being with you, you were everything to him. 
He had never thought that he would be able to have this, that he’d be able to feel happy again. For the first two years that he had lived on Tatooine, he had expected that he would be alone forever, that he had deserved to live a life of isolation. But then you came along and completely wrecked all those painful thoughts. 
Ben hadn’t realized that he was being completely quiet, he was still processing that he was married and a farmer — he never thought this was how his life would turn out. “Thank you for the dinner dear,” he remarked appreciatively. 
The corners of your mouth turned upward and your eyes brightened ever so slightly at his gratitude, “You’re welcome. I’m sorry though, I know it’s not much-”
He interrupted, “Don’t worry yourself, it’s perfect… You’re the best, you know that?”
You held back a smile, unable to resist teasing him a little. “Am I now?”
Ben brought your hand up to his lips and kissed the palm gently, “You certainly are, my dear. You are the best thing to happen to me in years and I wouldn’t have it any other way."
You leaned forward and kissed him, deciding that no words would be able to encapsulate how you felt towards him.
His heart fluttered as you kissed him, it was so tender and he was more than willing to return it. Your lips were soft and inviting, and he couldn’t resist pulling you into his lap, his hands gently caressing your face. In response, you wrapped your arms around his neck, desperately wanting to be closer to him.
You couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss, your body was reacting to his and you were so comfortable being in his arms. He was all you needed in life, there wasn’t anything else that mattered. His hands slowly drifted down and began rubbing small circles on the small of your back. 
Your heartbeat quickened as the two of you pulled apart, the feeling of kissing him was intoxicating. You started to subtly grind your hips down, desperate for any type of friction. 
Ben gasped softly at your ministrations and quickly connected your lips again. The kiss between the two of you was full of love and passion. Your hands were everywhere, one wrapped behind his neck and your other around his shoulder, as if you were trying to entangle yourself with him.
Ben deepened the kiss, his tongue darting out and exploring your mouth. He couldn’t take it anymore and picked you up, heading straight for your shared bedroom. Your arms were tightly wrapped around his neck and you kissed all over his face and neck as he took you to the room. 
Once you reached the bedroom he gently laid you down on the bed and slowly made his way on top of you, wanting to savor each moment. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at you with an expression that could only be described as pure, devoted love before lowering himself and kissing you again, this time slower and more intimate than he had previously. 
Without breaking the kiss, he started to tenderly remove your tunic from your body, revealing your naked top to his gaze. The rest of your clothes were quickly removed and thrown off the bed as Ben began to kiss you everywhere — your neck, your shoulders, your chest, anywhere he could get his lips on. His hands slowly made their way down your chest, squeezing and massaging your breasts before finally heading towards your neglected pussy. You were completely entranced by his touch, his hands were sending shivers throughout your entire body, making you tremble with anticipation.
You whimpered in pleasure as his hands moved downward and he inserted one finger into your dripping folds while lightly rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb.  You hastily tugged on his own tunic, stripping him until both of you were naked on the bed. You grasped his shoulders and spread your legs open wider, inviting him to come closer. Ben slotted himself in between your thighs and hovered on top of you, his arms caging you in. 
Ben shifted slightly, slipping one hand in between your bodies to grasp his cock. He dragged the tip of it through your folds a couple of times before finally sinking into you. You moaned as he pressed himself closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist as you adjusted to the size of his cock. 
You gripped his shoulders tighter, nails digging into his skin as you begged, “Ben, please, move.”
He slowly began to rock his hips, not wanting to rush this moment. The love between the two of you was palpable, your bodies fit together perfectly as if you were made for each other.  He moved his head to your neck, pressing soft kisses into the crook of it. He knew right then that everything he went through was worth it if this was his fate. All of his struggles and hardships faded away as if all that mattered was you and him. 
Your moans grew louder as he gradually picked up his pace, the wet squelching sounds of your skin meeting filled the room. Your nails raked down his back, pleasure completely filling your senses, the only thought on your mind was Ben. 
As your lips met again, the kiss was tender yet rough, a juxtaposition that seemed to also perfectly describe your husband. You could feel your orgasm looming, squeezing his cock and pulling him deeper into you. He moaned into the kiss, his hips stuttered, spilling inside of you, coating your insides with his cum. His orgasm triggered your own, whining loudly as you spasmed around him, your whole body trembling as you rode out your high.
The two of you laid there for a while, basking in each other’s presence before he slowly pulled out of you, the mixture of your cum slowly running down your pussy and thighs. 
You leaned up and gently kissed the side of his mouth, “I love you, Ben.”
A soft smile grew on his lips, his heart was overflowing with his love for you. He had never felt like this with anyone but you — you were his person and he was yours, you were perfectly suited. He had no doubt in his mind that you were his soulmate, and he’d thank the Maker that the Force led him to you. “I love you too, my dear.”
You looked up at him lovingly, knowing that this was where you were meant to be, everything seemed right, everything made sense, when you were with him and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You knew in the back of your mind that you still had ways to go with Ben, but in this moment, none of that mattered, you’d have him in any way you could.
He exhaled and pressed his forehead against your shoulder — leaning against you in this way felt very nice. His body, mind, and soul felt rejuvenated just by being in your presence.
The two of you shifted so that you were laying your head on his chest and your legs were intertwined. Slowly you and Ben drifted asleep, your bodies, minds, and souls forever entwined.
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hereticpriest · 7 months
Mercy Chapter 4: Anakin
Rating: Explicit 18+
Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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To begin with, some warnings about this story: A/B/O Dynamics, Female Alpha, Male Omega, Some chapters may involve messing with the whole 'alphas are always dom and omegas are always sub' because I think nuance exists even in A/B/O dynamics, Fucking with the timeline (this is a blend of Canon, Legends, and original lore), Minimal use of Y/N (Explained in the first chapter), Reader is an alien species of my own creation and thus has a physical description, Familial bonds explored heavily, Clone rights explored heavily, Violence is more graphic than canon-typical however any graphic descriptions will be noted, AFAB reader, Not beta-read so I apologize for any mistakes.
Chapter warnings: Lots of fluff, discussion of Anakin's mistreatment as a slave, canon-typical violence, mild medical descriptions (I tried to keep it very vague to avoid making anyone uncomfortable), Qui-Gon's actions and their affect on Obi-Wan are discussed, canon divergence goes real hard here. If you think I've missed anything, please do feel free to let me know!
Read on AO3
Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three
Chapter 4: Anakin
The Halls of Healing begin with an open, peaceful reception area. Large windows provide natural light, filtered in the evening to avoid distractions. Triage lays beyond the reception area, leading into countless private rooms. There is a room with several bacta tanks and a bacta bath, along with tables for massage to relieve the pain of old injuries. Operatories lay towards the back of the Halls, loaded with medical droids to assist the healers. The Halls were mostly led by Healers who hadn’t made it through their own Jedi training, either by choice or because their skillset lay outside of that of the Jedi, however there were several Jedi Knights and Masters who worked in the Halls either part-time or full-time.
The Halls have been home to you for many years, and you enjoy the peace, interspersed with bouts of excitement. Your commlink beeps sharply, and you answer it with a serene smile on your face. You got to spend your morning doing the younglings first healer visits, and your heart was full from their youthful energy. You were knighted the year prior, passing your trials with little difficulty, and you were excited to take on a Padawan of your own, though you knew you wouldn’t be ready for several years. Nothing could possibly bother you today.
“Mercy, I have a young boy who needs to have a physical.” Obi-Wan’s soft voice chimes over your commlink, and you perk up.
“You always bring me the best gifts, Kenobi. I’m in the Halls. Room 23.” You click off your commlink, attaching it back onto your belt, then head into the pharmacy you’d only just left. Luckily, you hadn’t put away the small basket of vaccinations. As you head back to your room, you open a new chart on your datapad and set it down on the counter. You refresh the bed, pulling the downy-soft blanket you used to comfort younglings from the sterilizer and folding it across the bed. It doesn’t take long before Obi-Wan opens the door to your room, gesturing for a young boy with sandy-blonde hair to go in ahead of him.
“Anakin, this is Mercy. She’s a Jedi Knight, and a Healer.” Obi-Wan introduces you, “Mercy, this is Anakin Skywalker. Master Qui-Gon picked him up on Tatooine.”
You smile kindly, taking in Anakin’s obvious interest in the lightsaber at your hip, and the tail swaying calmly behind you. You pat the top of the bed, “Would you mind hopping up here?”
Anakin does as he’s asked, and Obi-Wan stands in the corner of the room, out of the way to allow you room to work. You go through the basics with Anakin, filling out his chart as best as he can recall. The boy allows you to take a blood draw, eased by the gentle flow of the Force to make it painless, and you find him severely lacking in several nutrients, and even more vaccinations. When you explain in child-friendly terms that he needs a couple of vaccines to keep him safe, he doesn’t protest, though he asks you half a million questions throughout the process. How do you make it painless? How do you heal with the Force? Can all Jedi heal? What does it feel like when you heal someone?
It’s as you’re doing a physical examination to determine the depth of his malnutrition that you feel a hard piece of metal under the boy’s skin, near the back of his neck. You freeze, and Anakin makes eye contact with you briefly, nervous about your reaction. You take a soft breath, crouching in front of Anakin with your hands on his knobby knees.
“Would you like me to take it out?” You ask, and Anakin’s clear blue eyes widen with wonder at the idea.
“Can you do that?” He asks, glancing back at Obi-Wan for confirmation. You nod, and he grasps your arm with his little hand, nodding eagerly, “Please.”
It’s not a particularly difficult procedure, and it's easy enough to heal the wound as quickly as you create it. The slave chip is subsequently destroyed, and you look at Obi-Wan seriously over the boy’s head as you wipe away the tiny drops of blood left over after healing. Your friend looks older, wiser and more serious than he had the last time you saw him. It’s been months. Every time you return home from a mission, he and Qui-Gon have either just headed out on their own, or are leaving shortly after. It didn’t surprise you - Qui-Gon was a sought after Consular, and you were quickly becoming one as well, making your own mark upon the galaxy.
“He needs to see someone. Talk about his feelings.” You say as you pull Obi-Wan to the side while Anakin occupies himself with your datapad.
“Qui-Gon will-”
“Qui-Gon won’t. Neither will the Council. They mean well, but even Qui-Gon in all his rule-breaking wisdom doesn’t deal with his emotions properly. This boy has not been raised among the Jedi - he doesn’t know anything but the world he was raised in. You should’ve told me he was a slave, Obi-Wan. He needs extra care. Stars, I can’t believe - has Qui-Gon told him that he thinks he’s the chosen one? The weight of that on his little shoulders…” You dig your palms into your eye sockets, then take a deep, calming breath.
“He hasn’t yet, though Qui-Gon told him he was going to be a Jedi, against my cautioning. The Council will never allow it.” Obi-Wan explains, his gaze drifting over to where the boy was unscrewing the back cover of your datapad. You notice, but allow it. You’ve got more than one, and Anakin needs the distraction.
“His training is not my concern, Obi, I care only for his well-being. He’s only nine. He shouldn’t be raised with the fate of the galaxy on his shoulders, whether he’s the chosen one or not. He’s just a boy who misses his mother.” You sigh, leaning your shoulder briefly against Obi-Wan’s, then part from him to approach the youngling.
“You’ll be leaving soon, Anakin. Would you mind putting that back together for me, sprout?” You ask gently, and he gives you a smile bright as the sun. You’d felt his flicker of nervousness that you would reprimand him, and his instant relaxation when he realized you weren’t upset. He begins to put the datapad back together, and you smooth his hair back out of his eyes as you pass him to get a couple of nutrient-rich meal bars and shakes from your cupboard. You hand them over to Obi-Wan, who hesitates as he takes them.
“He needs to have either a bar or a shake with every meal. Three meals a day minimum, with at least two healthy snacks. He needs to put some weight on. Tell Qui-Gon that if Anakin hasn’t gained 6 kilograms by his next physical, I will hold him personally accountable.” You insist, hands sternly on your hips. Obi-Wan smiles fondly at you, and you flick your ears with irritation, cheeks hot. You’re torn from your embarrassment by thin arms wrapping around your waist, and your tail curls automatically around Anakin as he hugs you, holding him protectively to ensure he doesn’t fall. You smooth his hair back again, then poke the tip of his nose.
“Be good. Listen to Obi-Wan more than Qui-Gon - he’s the sensible one of the two of them. Unless he’s being boring, in which case you can certainly listen to Qui-Gon instead.” You tease playfully, “I’ll see you soon for a follow-up, sprout.”
Anakin hides a smile at the nickname, moving to Obi-Wan’s side and holding onto the edge of his robes as they leave the Halls of Healing together. You watch them until they’re gone from your sight, then sigh, closing your eyes to lean into the embrace of the Force.
“Take care of them for me.” You whisper into the ether, unaware of the interesting future before you.
“He set me aside.”
His hair is too short to run your fingers through properly, but you do your best, gently massaging his scalp. You’re curled up on the settee in the living room of your chambers, Obi-Wan’s head in your lap, his fist clenched in the fabric of your robes. His emotions are warring, but here in the safety of your room, he can allow himself to feel and process them without judgement.
“He said I was ready for the trials. I-I felt ready until he said it. He does not put me forward for the trials because I am ready, but rather, so he can train the boy. The chosen one.”
It’s said bitterly, and halfheartedly. Obi-Wan has slowly been cooling off in your embrace, the gentle weight of your tail curled around his stomach helping to soothe him. Your left hand rests in his hair, your right clasped with his, wrist-to-wrist. You haven’t held him this close since you were children, and it eases an ache in your heart you didn’t even know you had.
“You are ready for the trials, Obi-Wan, however it should have been a decision you made with Qui-Gon, not a decision made without your input. Qui-Gon made a mistake, as all Masters do. I’m sure he will apologize when he realizes the error of his ways.” You murmur, tracing your finger along the shell of his ear. He sighs, rolling over to face you and burying his face in your stomach.
“We leave for Naboo tonight. The Queen means to reclaim her homeworld, and we’ve been instructed to go with her to protect her.” Obi-Wan mumbles into your tummy. You hum, tracing your fingers over his Padawan braid and watching him shiver at the attention. It was surprisingly intimate to touch someone’s Padawan braid, and you expected him to reprimand you, but he only leaned into your touch.
“Would it make you feel better to know that I’ll be joining you to Naboo?” You ask, and you feel Obi-Wan stiffen in your lap, his Force signature bright as a star.
“Truly?” He asks as he sits up, and you laugh softly, nodding.
“I asked my old Master, and he convinced Master Yoda and Master Windu that I would be an asset for my healing ability if nothing else. What would you do if the Queen were injured, after all?” You grin conspiratorially, and Obi-Wan gives a happy sigh, pressing his forehead to yours.
“It’s almost time. I should get ready to go.” Obi-Wan says with a hint of whine to his voice, drawing another chuckle from you.
“Go on, dear. I’ll see you soon.”
You feel him melt against you at the term of endearment, and vow to use it more often if that’s the effect it's going to have.
Naboo is a beautiful planet. Green and lush and full of life. You feel full of the Force here, even as the impressive - but in your opinion, far too young - Queen Amidala leads you through the streets of her capital city. Droids and despair line the streets like a plague. You’re furious to find Qui-Gon appears to intend to just bring Anakin along and hope he doesn’t get shot, though you know the Jedi Master would protect the boy with his life. You’re being overly critical, defensive in the wake of Obi-Wan’s pain.
Together, you make swift work of the droids in the hangar, and the pilots fly off in their fighters. You hesitate to leave Anakin alone in the fighter, but you tell him to close the cockpit and crouch down if anyone comes in, the Force whispering at your back to have faith. The doors to the rest of the palace open, and before you stands Darth Maul, the Sith Obi-Wan had encountered with Qui-Gon on Tatooine. He’s a red-skinned Zabrak with black markings, and you wonder briefly if the Sith specifically sought him out because he looked evil, and if he would have even had the propensity for evil if he hadn’t been born looking the way he did. Was it nature or nurture that made Maul who he was?
You launch yourself forwards, the Makashi opening coming so naturally to you you barely even realize you have reverted to your old form. Your blade catches Maul’s as it is about to slice Obi-Wan’s thigh, and you growl at the Sith, baring your sharp canines at him in a threat display you hadn’t used since Daiyu. He clashes with Qui-Gon, then back to you, and your riposte makes him swirl away from you to gain distance. Obi-Wan fills that gap, and you continue to drive him back together as a triad. Between two Ataru wielders, your Makashi form finds purchase, until you hear a clanky rolling sound.
“Droidekas.” You curse, force pushing Maul back, then spinning on your heels to face the new threat and protect your allies, “both of you, stay in one piece while I take care of them.”
Separated, you do your best to keep their force signatures in mind as you face off against the countless droidekas that have rolled into the room on various platforms. You feel Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s struggle through the force, only feet away from you, but you are useless to help them at the moment. You have the advantage over the droidekas in such a tight space, but they have numbers, and two on higher floors harrang you from above, keeping you on the defensive.
Ray shields.
Your spine stiffens, and your ears twitch as you feel the pull of the Force against you, and swing your head to see Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul approaching a long corridor. Obi-Wan is further back, and he gets caught in between the last ray shields while Maul stands in the wider chamber beyond the corridor, and Qui-Gon kneels patiently one shield behind him. You force push a droideka off the platform it’s on when it nearly gets you in the hip, batting away blaster fire as you watch your companions desperately.
Something hangs in the balance here. You have an awful feeling deep in your gut, and you can’t look away. The ray shields open one by one, and Qui-Gon meets Maul’s sabre with ease. Obi-Wan runs, and you see it happening - the ray shields are closing, and Obi-Wan will be cut off. As skilled as Qui-Gon is, no one has faced a Sith in a thousand years, and Ataru is not necessarily the best form for lightsaber to lightsaber combat. Qui-Gon will face the Sith alone, and he will not be able to do it by himself. Qui-Gon will face the Sith alone, and he will die.
No, he won’t.
You reach out, grasping at the shield generator on one side of the corridor as Obi-Wan races towards the circular chamber at the end. A roar rips its way from your throat as a blaster bolt tears its way through your side, but you focus on your goal single-mindedly, and you rip the shield generator open long enough for Obi-Wan to get through. You clutch your side with your left hand, swirling your lightsaber around your hand, then leap across to the nearest platform. Close-combat is not the speciality of a droideka, and you rip your way through them now, fueled by the sound of blood rushing in your ears, and a rightness in the Force with what you’ve done.
“No!” You hear Obi-Wan shout, but you don’t have time to turn and look. No one is dead, and that’s enough. You can work with ‘not dead’. You were about to begin to heal yourself as you tear the last droideka apart, but instead choose to save your strength. You’ll need it for whatever injury Qui-Gon has sustained, and it wouldn’t be the first or the last time you fought injured in order to heal someone else.
In a rush, the blackness seeping through the Force rushes away, and you jump back down to the platform leading into the ray shield corridor. You catch yourself when you stumble, clutching your side a little tighter as you approach your fellow Jedi.
“Very impressive, my young Padawan.” Qui-Gon praises shakily, and you smile at the relief on Obi-Wan’s face as he clutches his Master in his lap. There’s a slice into Qui-Gon’s hip, and you frown as you approach, clipping your lightsaber to your hip.
“I told you to stay in one piece, Qui-Gon Jinn.” You scold the older man, and he smiles weakly, brushing his fingers across Obi-Wan’s cheek.
“Technically, I am in one piece.” He replies, and you roll your eyes, crouching beside them.
“Barely.” Your retort is soft, and you place your hand against his hip, closing your eyes. The Force comes to you as readily as it always does when you wish to heal, and you knit flesh and Force together, encouraging Qui-Gon’s cells to repair the damage. The stiffness in his frame eases, and he relaxes into Obi-Wan’s arms, breathing out a sigh of relief. It will take time to fully heal, but you’ve eased his pain and begun the process. You slip a bacta patch from your med pouch and apply it carefully, then grab another for yourself, pulling your cloak out of the way to expose the ragged tear in both your robes and your torso.
“Mercy-” Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon begin to scold you in unison, but you cut them both off with a look as you apply the bacta patch to your skin.
“A thank you will suffice.” You retort, getting to your feet and holding out your hand to Qui-Gon, “Together, Obi-Wan. We should find our way to the Queen.”
You’re met with a glare, but he helps you lift his Master, and the three of you begin to make your way back through the halls of the palace. The sound of cheers reaches your ears, and you puff out a sigh of relief, silently thanking the Force for guiding you to this moment. In the hangar, you find Anakin clambering out of a fighter with carbon scoring and hints of blaster fire.
“Stars above, I’ve been saddled with keeping three menaces alive.” You grouse, and both Master and Padawan sheepishly laugh beside you, “Sprout! Are you alright?”
Anakin beams when he sees you all, though his face falls in concern when he notices you holding Qui-Gon up. He races to you, clearly failing to see you were also injured as he slams bodily into you, arms locking around your waist and face buried in your stomach. You bite back the wince, allowing Obi-Wan to take more of Qui-Gon’s weight so that you can put your arms around the boy.
“Are you okay Master Qui-Gon?” he asks, and the older Jedi reaches out a hand to ruffle the boy’s hair fondly.
“I will be fine, Ani. Tell us all about your adventure while we find the Queen.” he instructs, and you walk together as the boy begins to weave a wild tale of starfights and flying inside of an exploding battleship. You think you have at least one heart attack by the time the story is done, and Obi-Wan doesn’t look much better.
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generalkenobee · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to request some headcanons if thats okay :]
How would Kylo, Obi and Qui Gon act if their s/o hugs them all of a sudden? Like, they're working or meditating and their s/o just hug them from behind or something. Would they hug back inmediately? Comfort? Froze?
I hope this makes sense, tysm and have a nice day<3
This is so cute!!
I also want to point out that this is my first request for obi wan?! Like what so it's much appreciated baby booboo bear 🩷
Tw: just fluff
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•he honestly gets defensive and pushes you away at first
•when he realizes it's you he apologizes and hugs you back
•" I'm sorry, you know you can't be here right now. You'll distract me"
•when you don't move Kylo lets out an irritated sigh but doesn't force you to leave
•you would watch him as he meditates, his entire face at rest and he just looked too good
•so you would walk up to him and crawl into his lap again
•"(Y/N).." his tone was unwavering and more less a warning
•when you refuse to leave his lap, he just continues with you there while you play with his fingers
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•"hello there" he said hugging you back
•he'll let you sit in the same room as him while you read
•you would look over at obi wan every so often and just couldn't control yourself
•you stood behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, head rested on his shoulder with steady breathing
•"you're impossible, I can't seem to get away from you y'know that?"
•you looked up at him disappointed and slightly sad, thinking he wanted you to leave
•"oh no sweetheart, I love having you with me while I meditate. It helps me concentrate"
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•very similar to Obi Wan
•gentle with you, always
•would immediately drop what he was doing and hug you back, rubbing light circles on your back
•"aw does my baby want attention?"
•when you look up at him and nod your head he would squeeze you tighter
•you guys would stay like that for a while before he went back to his meditation
•he has no issue with you staying with him
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weixuldo · 1 year
Will You Stay// ch 2
Bi!Padme x F!Reader
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(a/n: finally updating this one haha, im still deeply in love w padme, but most of the demand is for the ani stories 👀)
your arrival on Coruscant brings new faces, old memories, and familiar danger
Warnings: Cannon typical violence, cursing
Years later, you and Padme became inseparable, you loved her and she loved you.
She grew to be a beautiful woman, her brown hair growing longer and her features sharpening; though, her beauty marks remained.
You were to accompany Padme to a meeting with the Jedi Council on Coruscant. You saw that she was rather excited to be in the governmental capital once more. You loved how passionate she was for democracy and freedom.
On the way, she told you the Jedi who helped her when she was stranded on Tatooine all those years ago would be there. You could tell she was looking forward to meeting him again.
Her memories of the jedi, Qui-Gon and his apprentice Obi-Wan were much more exhilarating than your memories of that time.
During that period, you had been sent to the planet Aalderan as a decoy for the Queen, that was one of the few times you had ever been separated from her. 
The elevator ride up was silent but she made sure to squeeze one of your hands for comfort.
Two men dressed in classic jedi robes came sauntering towards where you and Padme were waiting. One had longer orange-ish hair, a beard, and kind eyes, that must be Obi-wan. The other stood a bit taller and sported a shorter cut with a padawan braid tailing from the back. He looked a little younger than the latter and his eyes were filled with ambition. 
You noticed something you didn’t particularly appreciate about the younger jedi… his wandering gaze as he looked upon Padme.
He appeared enchanted, ravenous, and held a sense of longing, almost as if he was in love. 
As you examined the man further you had to admit, he was handsome.
His shoulders were broad and his jawline sharp. His deep blue eyes, a sea of emotion. You hated to admit it, but he had a beautiful face; the prettiest you had seen on a man.
As much as you hated how he looked at your lover, you hated the look on her face even more. You had seen that face before… the face of a woman who was intrigued.
After introductions you followed behind her into the lounge room, “I have a bad feeling about that one” you whispered into her ear.
You hoped it was just jealousy, but there was something a little off with that jedi.
Soon after the initial formalities, Padme and you finally retired to her suite. You proceeded with the normal duties of a handmaiden; undoing her dress, helping her take off her headdress, wiping the makeup off her face, all the while staying noticeably silent.
Her soft brown locks fell around her beautiful face as you undid her hair.
“Something’s troubling you, what is it my darling?” her sweet voice called as she rested a polished hand against your blushing cheek. 
Her warm brown eyes calms your nerves and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 
“I’m sorry m’lady, I’m just a little wary of the jedi men… there was something…off about the younger one.” you said, taking her hands in yours.
“Little ani?” she asked before letting out a small giggle. “He is harmless, I assure you he only means the best”. 
Not quite comforting for you…
She sighed as she noticed your rigid form, she placed a gentle hand on the side of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. 
“Y/N… It will be ok” she whispered against your lips. 
Though you may not have been completely at ease, her comforting aura calms your nerves. 
“Ok, Padme” 
Night fell upon the city of Coruscant and the bright neon lights of the bustling city lit up the streets. Outside the windows of the high rise speeders of all colors and sizes zoomed around the designated lanes below. Padme had returned to her room for the night, she had a busy schedule this week after all. 
You were alerted of the guards posted all around the building to hopefully capture the assassin that was rumored to be after Padme. You didn’t have total faith in the guards, but you let them carry on with their jobs. 
You wandered the halls of the penthouse for a final check of your own, before you would retire back to your lady.
You walked past the large room everyone had gathered in earlier that day, the young jedi and his master stood in the middle of the dark room. 
“I don’t like just waiting for something to happen” you heard “ani” say. 
Muffled voices spoke more until you heard the young one’s voice again.
“I don’t think she likes me watching her,” he said, referring to the surveillance cameras in her room.
“Nor do I” you interjected, emerging through the shadows. 
The two men shifted their gaze to you, you were no longer in your usual handmaiden garb, instead you sported a nightgown similar to Padme’s, just less decorative.
You felt the energy in the room shift.
“Excuse the intrusion, but I don’t think we ever officially introduced ourselves, I am Y/N, Senator Amidala’s personal handmaiden” you bowed to the men in front of you.
The younger one stared intently at you, you wondered if he could sense your distaste for him. You met his icy stare before turning to the bearded man. 
“My apologies, madame. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker. We are honored to serve your lady and provide as much security as necessary”
“It is nice to make your acquaintance, I appreciate your dedication to M’lady, but I do agree, I do not think she appreciated fairing under your watchful gaze” you narrowed your eyes at the younger man who was still staring at you.
He blinked a few times before straightening his posture, “Well, It’s not like I really needed to see anything, I can sense everything going on in that room” he said arrogantly with an annoying smile. 
“Are you so sure?” 
“Oh, I am very sure.” Anakin smirked. 
“What is M’lady feeling right now then?” you inquired deviously.
“That is classified information” he responded, looking too proud of himself.
“I can sense something too” you perked up
“And what would that be?”
“Well…I don't exactly have to be a Jedi to sense your strong feelings for her”. 
He jerked his head back and his master looked over at him with wide eyes. You knew Obi-Wan already had an idea, because you overheard their conversation to Jar Jar after the initial meeting today. But neither of them expected to hear you say that out loud.
“I thought part of your code was not to form attachments, seems to me you should work on that instead of trying to sense Padme’s every feeling” you said making your exit to check up on the guards downstairs. 
You knew it was a little too informal to refer to her as “Padme”, that was not a handmaid's place; actually, no one was supposed to know that you and her had such a relationship, it was forbidden.
But your protectiveness over her flared when the padawan began speaking of her as if he knew her like you did.
He really had the audacity to insinuate he could feel her through his “force”, for makers sake, he was a fucking padawan!
You walked off the thoughts as you went downstairs to check on the post in the lobby. Though soon, you heard the sound of a saber igniting. You ran back up to Padme’s room and prayed that the saber was not giving a blow to her. 
You turned the corner to see Anakin on top of her with his saber and Obi-Wan crashing through the window to chase a droid. 
“Padme!” you exclaimed as you hurried to her side. 
Before you reached her you exchanged a dirty look with Anakin, “So much for sensing everything” you spat. And he narrowed his eyes before running out to chase his master and the assassin.
If his “sense” was as strong as he boasted, he would have known there was a droid ready to deliver danger to Padme, before it even touched the window. 
Padme had barely woken and was utterly confused. Her eyes were wide and her heart was racing; everything in your body told you to hold her, but there were too many people around. Instead, you took one of her polished hands and looked into her eyes, “M’Lady”.
“Senator, Are you alright?” someone spoke.
“Yes, I’ll be just fine. I just need to collect my thoughts. May I have a moment alone” she said, trying to get everyone to leave the room.
“I’m afraid we cannot allow you to be alone without protection” 
“Y/N will stay with me, she is my handmaiden after all and each of my maidens are trained in defensive combat” she argued.
The officials in the room decided it best to keep the senator happy, and they all heard the stories of Senator Amidala's faithful handmaidens. Once they showed her to a fresh room and left, you pressed the sliding door closed and met her on the bed. 
“Padme, my love, are you alright?” you held her head to your chest and kissed the top of her head. 
Her heart was beating relatively quickly but it was starting to slow, “Yes, my dear, I am alright. Not like we haven't all had a failed assassination or two” she quipped. 
Even in these times she reminded you how brave she was, she was barely phased at the fact that she could have died. You let out a small laugh before hugging her to your chest.
“I was just so worried… when I saw him on top of you with his lightsaber… I just didn’t know..” 
Her face softened, she knew how protective you were of her, “oh, y/n, It’s alright, I’m alright” she smiled pulling you into a loving kiss. Her beautiful brown locks tickled your cheeks as you smiled into her. 
“Shall we go to sleep? Or would you like to stay up” you asked.
“Let’s rest, we have a big day tomorrow and maker knows they are going to make a big deal of tonight” she sighed, pulling the covers of the new bed back. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Let me enjoy sleeping with you in this beautiful city for one night”  she said, beckoning for you to join her.
And of course, you couldn’t resist your Lady. 
A/N: i wanna thank you guys again for being so patient w me!! life has been craaazy
Taglist: @xxx-pearl @calamitousvader @wtf-andys @raccoonsaregay @jar-of-moondust
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yourneighborhoodporg · 11 months
The Guardian
Chapter 4: Arrival (Part 1)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Warnings: mention of slavery, mention of character deaths, reference to life-threatening danger, sleep deprivation, sorrow, angst, stern Mace, fluff, banter, some reader/Anakin bonding :) and worried Obi :(
Summary: The days leading up to your arrival have been cumbersome for both you and Anakin— the two of you struggle together with these life-altering changes thrust in front of you by the Galaxy. As the group reaches Coruscant, new revelations are made that further urge Obi-Wan to meet with The Council as soon as possible: to discuss your discovery, and its consequences.
Song Inspo: Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up) — Florence + The Machine
Words: 6.1K
A/n: Ahhhh!! You all are so lovely. Hope you like this chapter. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments (and message if you'd like to be on the taglist!)
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Hibernation is a covert preparation for a more overt action — Ralph Ellison
“A war…”
Anakin’s hand loosely tilted a throttle lever to the right as the shuttle approached Coruscant only a few thousand kilometers away. Its spherical body crept into the viewport like a loth-cat poised for attack while your voice filled the cabin.
The peaceful lull of space gave the young Jedi a moment to glance back at the conversation taking place. He looked beyond Ahsoka, who was cozied up in the shuttle seat directly behind him, legs thrown over an armrest and a Datapad resting comfortably against her knees. As she typed away, you sat beside her quizzically, eyes fixed in an aimless direction with a cheek resting gently on your fingertips in thought.
You’d inquired twelve hours into the trip about galactic events that occurred during your last ten years of total isolation, and it took the remaining two days for Obi-Wan to provide you with a very abbreviated version. The wise Jedi spent much time on The Order’s growth throughout the years and various blips in the peace, like the Invasion of Naboo. Only in the last few hours did he arrive at the topic of the Separatist war. Your shock at being for so long completely unaware of the galactic battles taking place was palpable.
Anakin delved deeper into his memories of the last few days in this cramped, rickety shuttle as it traversed from the Outer Ring across the galaxy. Specifically, those late nights in which he chose to keep the ship off autopilot and fly it manually, long after Master Kenobi and Ahsoka had fallen asleep in the back.
In the dimmed lighting, his mind still rushed with questions about your discovery. He had anxiety about what your sudden appearance in his life meant, and frustrations from not being informed of your existence. So Anakin decided it would be easier to manipulate the bird’s mechanisms himself. To keep his mind from wandering too far into further misgivings.
On both such quiet evenings, he recalled your restlessness. You shuffled aimlessly in the rear cabin, from your back to your side, and after a few seconds, to your stomach with a defeated plonk. Eventually, after many noisy readjustments, he’d hear an exasperated sigh before you’d roll over and rise to your feet. He’d sense you quietly sneak up behind the co-pilot’s seat and, each night, you’d unceremoniously plop down beside him, leaning back with arms crossed and staring out the viewport as if it was just the lullaby you’d needed.
He’d peer at you, noticing your subtly sunk in eyes, before once again making the same comment.
“Can’t sleep?”
And after a few drawn-out moments filled with only the silent hum of the shuttle’s engines, he’d ask a question. Nothing grandeur or serious. Just anything to lead to a conversation. To pass the time.
“Have you ever thought about where you’d want to visit? After leaving Hoth?” He spoke lowly.
And your head cocked with an imaginative gaze stuck ahead before answering with a small smile.
“I’ve always wanted to play grav-ball, and I’ve heard Nubia has some of the best teams. So probably there.”
Anakin nodded approvingly. “Coruscant has them too.”
And your smile widened as you twisted toward him. “Really?”
Then your interest was piqued. And you’d continue the conversation or make some completely unrelated, lighthearted query. Either way, the two of you would talk for hours during those calm nights in the old, decrepit shuttle.
It was during these late-night talks, that Anakin had the chance to uncover more of who you were. He brushed away at your sentiments, uncovering your interests like hidden gems while simultaneously sharing his own. The both of you seemed to have a great deal in common.
And that helped ease his mind.
Anakin turned back to the controls to prepare the shuttle for approach as it neared the planet’s gravitational pull, shutting off the main ion drives.
“And the Jedi as Generals? Controlling an army of clones?”
He watched as you shook your head and sighed, pressing your lips together as if mourning a memory.
“I always thought The Order was built to preserve peace in the Galaxy. Qui-Gon always made that clear. The Jedi were protectors, not stokers of conflict.”
“The Jedi have always been and will prevail as keepers of the peace.” Obi-Wan clarified.
His stance held firm behind the co-pilots seats, leaning against it with arms crossed as he analyzed your reactions carefully.
“We act in this war to do just that. The cohesiveness and strength of The Republic would be destroyed if The Separatist Alliance remained. You know as well as most from your studies that an existence like The Old Republic would act as an open cut to agents of the Dark Side.”
Anakin noticed as your eyes misted over in a dazed fashion.
“Forces like Maul…” You murmured.
Exhaling soberly, Anakin digested your solemn expression. Watching your mind struggle to process this newfound mountain of information was bringing back his own troubling memories from his youth. He never was the strongest enthusiast for change, and some of the most extreme adjustments he’d made involved similar exposure to newly dire circumstances. Whether that be learning he’d be hungry for another day, or of some plan to sell him off to another slave owner like cheap merchandise.
As a boy, he found himself best distracted from these circumstances by a new tinkering project, or by those rare moments of frivolity in such tumultuous times.
Yet here he was, already focusing his mind on fiddling with the outdated shuttle in front of him as he had done for the past few days. An expression of levity seemed to be the next logical step, he thought.
“Well, remember?” He grinned at you lightheartedly. “You don’t need to worry about him anymore. Master Kenobi put him in his place.”
Anakin observed as the corner of your mouth twitched upwards, stirring his own to take a wider stance. The momentary lift in your spirits was short-lived, although, as your lost eyes lifted from the floor, disoriented by your mind.
“It’s almost poetic.” You mused, a rueful chuckle falling from your lips. “The very beings my Master protected me from destroyed him in the end.”
Anakin glanced at Obi-Wan who stroked his beard inquisitively as he mulled over your words in profound concentration. His narrowed gaze briefly met Anakin’s as if searching his irises for an answer to some distant, dubious puzzle.
The former Padawan raised a brow at his Master’s countenance, silently asking what he did to warrant such an expression. Then, Obi-Wan’s lips abruptly parted in realization as he spun back toward you. Anakin took that as his cue to refocus his energy on the rapidly approaching planet whose gravitational field pulled them forward, marking the bird at only a hundred kilometers away.
“Qui-Gon did protect you…” Obi-Wan suspired earnestly as if hearing his own words for the very first time.
He gesticulated with a hand. “His final moments, his face, is forever etched into my mind.”
Kenobi’s sentence broke off. The pensive Jedi opened and closed his mouth a few times while he formulated his thoughts, as if questioning the significance of each word.
“In the thousands of times I’ve gone over his death, I was always taken by the complete peace, the confidence, with which he entered The Force.”
He paused once more, lips tugged upward and eyes glossed in wonder.
“It was because of you.”
Anakin spun fully around, facing the two of you as Obi-Wan dotted that final claim. He noticed your head shoot up at them from its lulled position.
“What do you mean?” You inquired, your eyes adrift in a sea of perceptible perturbation.
“Yeah, what do you mean?” Anakin piped up bewildered.
He prayed to the Maker that his former Master wasn’t in any way implying that you had anything to do with his Qui-Gon’s death.
Yet Obi-Wan was undeterred by the assortment of sentiments swirling around him.
“When he first discovered that Maul was a Sith.” He began excitedly. “He must have realized the threat to you. Yes, he was protecting you from the Sith for most of your life, but The Order hadn’t encountered them for a thousand years. And yet, he appeared before Qui-Gon on Tatooine, and then…Naboo.”
Obi-Wan exhaled, letting his arms fall to each side as you leaned forward, watching him intently with hands now clasped firmly beneath your jaw.
Anakin could tell that your silver stare intimated even his former Master. He watched as the Master Negotiator not so subtly eyed the hull’s roof to escape your gaze.
“It is possible, that tracking you down was part of Maul’s mission. He may have discovered your connection to Qui-Gon.”
Kenobi sighed, stroking his chin. “Our former Master likely came to the same conclusion.”
Anakin saw as Obi-Wan’s eyes fell to connect intensely with yours, a smile lingered on the bearded Jedi’s features as his eyes creased in tranquility.
“You should find solace in the fact that you made his final moments most comforting. His death ensured that the Sith would never discover your whereabouts. I’m sure that gave him peace.”
For the first time today, Anakin registered a twinkle in your radiantly silver eyes as you silently thanked the older Jedi with a lift in your cheeks, leaning back into your seat comfortably.
The Chosen One glanced between the two of you as the gaze held. He knew Qui-Gon’s death weighed heavily on Kenobi’s soul. It strongly influenced his choices on the battlefield, and stuck to him like Chewstim during meditation sessions. Yet Anakin rarely heard Obi-Wan discuss the experience. Let alone with serenity blooming from his features like a Tarisian rose that had just escaped a long, winter hibernation.
Your mutual connection to Qui-Gon seemed to help heal these old wounds, and Anakin was grateful for that.
“Enough with the sappiness, Master,” Anakin exclaimed with a lively lilt, breaking the tension as he spun back toward the shuttle’s controls.
Obi-Wan shot Anakin an annoyed look. The teasing Jedi pushed a throttle lever down before programming the shuttle for atmospheric reentry on the left control set.
“I think Silvey would much rather take in our arrival.”
Anakin didn’t need to reach into the force to sense your amused brow’s rapid surge upwards. Obi-Wan stepped around the co-pilot’s seat, shaking his head in surrender as he settled into the chair, smoothing out his robe on either side.
“You sure know how to ruin a moment, Sky-Guy.” Ahsoka pipped up.
Her gaze remained fixed on the Datapad. Yet her comment only amplified his mischievousness.
“Silvey?” Anakin heard you question with feigned indignation as he entered the final commands into the shuttle interface, engaging the secondary thrusters.
The spirited Jedi snatched the navigational lever, pushing it down to lead the craft into Coruscant’s exosphere before glancing over his shoulder at your postured displeasure. He smirked as your eyes met, forcing a dampened smile to surface on your own countenance.
“Hey, don’t blame me! I could spot your silver eyes from a million parsecs away. It’s only fitting.” He defended.
Then, a particularly tantalizing observation entered his thoughts.
“Would you prefer Shorty?”
You chucked darkly, squinting at The Chosen One with a challenging glare as he brought the shuttle’s nose into a deeper dive.
Your lips pursed upwards. “If looks could kill, Anakin. If looks could kill…”
The pilot beamed at your playful remark. “Well, at least take a break from stabbing me with those freakishly sparkly things.” He quipped, waving you away. “You’re missing the view.”
Out of the corner of his focused stare, Anakin observed your head rise. You were immediately taken by Coruscant’s giant mass, a faded blue and gray planet with billions of lights forming golden circles that were interconnected like a geometric map. Your mouth loosened in astonishment with each glossy orb stuck to the viewport. He noticed you lean forward, as if pulled by some unknown force, resting your elbows on each knee with your chin fitted on clasped hands.
Satiated by your raised spirits, Anakin refocused on the throttle, pushing it down further to bring the shuttle into Coruscant’s baby blue troposphere. The ship began to quiver as the hull took the brunt of the friction.
For a few turbulent seconds, his vision was blocked by the vast array of rounded, white clouds. The cabin’s heat intensified as the edges of the viewport started to burn a fiery red.
But soon, the shuttle broke through the white veil’s final wisps, displaying the towering cityscape, which rolled like jagged hills and consumed the viewport. The sun was beginning its final crawl to dusk, filling the sky with a deep orange fire whose smoke billowed into dark blues and purples. The streams of light illuminated the busy skylanes, resembling the endless march of Endorian ant colonies. They brought life to Coruscant’s still landmarks.
“It’s beautiful.”
Anakin covertly peaked at you, registering the astonishment plastered on your face. He assumed for a being that’s only known endless snow banks and harsh winters all their life, that this experience would be terribly intimidating, terrifying even.
He thought back briefly to ten years prior. When he first came to Coruscant, he was petrified. Scared of this new environment. Of this added drastic change to his life.
But he was mostly afraid for his mother. For her fate back on Tatooine. Under Watto’s thumb, only to be bought by Lars, and then…
It permeated his being. Haunted him for years. Pulled at his heart with the constant mass of a planet, swinging like a pendulum with each reminder, each ache. And, still, he carries it with him today. But now, with a deeper anger. A stronger guilt.
But you seemed to take it all in with grace.
And Anakin admired that.
The Temple swiftly grew into view as the shuttle descended. The heat surrounding the hull began to recede. Anakin rolled the lever, bringing the shuttle in for a curved landing. He aligned the ship with one of the protruding hangars, the whole of which he believed resembled an upside-down lollipop. At least when he was a youngling.
After thumbing a few buttons on the control panel to release the landing gear, Anakin pressed the lever down, encouraging the craft to speed to the circular platform nose first. He turned the throttle once more to the right, slowing the ship by aligning its door with the hangar entrance, allowing for a slow, final descent.
The ship jostled slightly as it met the landing pad, signaling Anakin to begin a systems-wide power down, staring at the main control panel.
Another happy landing.
As he flicked off the last switch to power down the engines, Anakin felt an audible rumble from within, compelling him to focus on the sudden ache in his stomach.
It had been a while since he had a good meal with the back-to-back missions and low stock of ration bars. Not that he ever considered that bantha fodder food.
Usually after a long away mission, he would grab a speeder from The Temple and take a quick trip to the Senate Building. He’d roam the halls nonchalantly, chest puffed to signal an air of importance, like he had a very official reason to be there. Then, he would ‘aimlessly’ stroll to Padmé’s office.
Once he arrived with a covert knock at the door, Padmé would welcome him inside with a warmhearted smile. He would then spend some time resting on one of her guest seats meant for senatorial colleagues, attempting to entertain himself with the mechanisms of his saber’s hilt. But it wasn’t long until he began to distract Padmé from her work, eventually convincing her to call it an early night. The two of them would grab a meal in her spacious Coruscanti apartment that overlooked The Temple from a few miles away. But he was never intrigued by that view. His eyes remained fixed on her.
Yet despite all this daydreaming, Skywalker knew his wife was still on Naboo, managing the consequences of donating a vast array of medical supplies to another planet. Her responsibilities on her home world exponentially swelled in the last few months, so he wasn’t entirely sure when he’d next see her.
No one knew when they’d see each other next during wartime. Or if they would ever meet again.
If these musings indicated anything, it was that Anakin eagerly hoped to spend some downtime with the people he was closest to. No war planning. No cargo transports. No battle charges. Just a nice meal and entertaining conversation. And he knew just who he wanted to spend that time with.
Anakin stood, stretching his arms into a spin just in time to witness the very person he hoped to talk to swing her legs back over the seat they were sprawled out on before jumping up and charging for the door.
“What’s got you in such a rush?” He called after Ahsoka as she jostled the shuttle door open.
The orange light of the setting sun invaded the ship with a jolt, casting large shadows on the scattered groups of hangar workers, the closest of which approached the ship to take it off Anakin’s hands once the final three passengers exited.
She leaped out, landing delicately on the tips of her toes before turning into a backward jog.
“If I don’t finish this physics paper by midnight, Master Plo Koon is gonna kill me!” She yelled, shaking her datapad in the air. “Catch you later!”
Anakin’s gaze followed her sprinting form down the hangar’s walkway until she disappeared into the inner bay behind a small cruiser.
“Ok.” Anakin huffed before facing the two remaining Jedi with a grin. “At least the three of us can grab dinner.”
He rubbed his hands together in anticipation.
“I’m afraid the two of you will have to enjoy without me,” Obi-Wan admitted as he glanced at Anakin. “The Council likely planned an emergency meeting concerning the recall of the Jedi from the front lines. I need to check in immediately.”
Anakin’s smile faltered. He inwardly groaned at Kenobi’s resolute dedication to rules and regulations. He was sure The Council could have waited half an hour, but Anakin knew Obi-Wan’s mind was set.
Obi-Wan twisted on his heels to face you. “I will also inform them about you.”
“Shouldn’t I be there then?” You questioned.
All hope of eating with one of his traveling companions drained from Anakin’s spirit. Maybe he could meet with one of them later instead, he thought. He supposed he could put off food for a bit, perhaps continue on that pilot droid project he hadn’t had a chance to work on for a while. But then he’d probably need to take a quick trip to Level 1782. Last time Anakin checked, he was low on spare parts.
“No,” Obi-Wan claimed.
Skywalker’s ears perked at that.
“That will not be necessary. They will likely need to confer without your presence for now.”
You silently agreed as Anakin internally sighed in relief.
Obi-Wan nodded to the both of you before turning to the hangar walkway, hurriedly traipsing toward his exit.
Anakin took a more leisurely pace in the same direction as you followed behind. An uncomfortable silence took hold as he guided the both of you into the inner hangar. The bustling noise of your surroundings amplified the awkwardness as the two of you closed in on the larger groups of hangar workers, barking out loud commands and using various tools, like sonorously whirring drills, to update or fix the conglomerate of crafts that idly scattered the zone.
Anakin felt his nose begin to tickle, perhaps from distant smoke. But he was too worried that it may prolong the uncomfortably fresh turf between the two of you if he tried to scratch it.
“So…” You spoke somewhat unsure of yourself. “What is there to do that’s fun around here?”
Anakin’s whole body froze, stopping dead in his tracks from eager surprise as if he were caught in a carbon-freezing chamber. He spun toward you, immediately seizing your shoulders with a steady clasp.
“What did you say?” He asked intently, excitement radiating up his spine and diffusing to his fingertips.
He observed your figure stiffen slightly at his agile animation. You raised a questioning brow as you opened your mouth with a hesitant pause, seemingly unsure if you should ask again.
“Do Jedi raised in The Order…not do anything….leisurely?”
The confident Jedi chuckled coolly while throwing an arm around your shoulder as you both exited the hanger into The Temple, pivoting to stroll down the hall opposite from Obi-Wan’s trail.
“I think we are going to get along very well, Silvey.” He hummed self-assuredly.
You rolled your eyes. “Not if you keep calling me that.”
“I promise you, you’re not gonna mind that nickname after I show you one of the most leisurely activities on all of Coruscant.” He assured.
You glanced at Anakin with lifted features. “But I thought you were hungry.” You teased
Anakin scoffed. “Food can wait. Now, tell me, Silvey.” Anakin dreamed as he patted your shoulder. “Did Qui-Gonn ever tell you about the Wicko District?”
General Kenobi maintained his nimble gait down the primary walkway to the High Council Chamber. His robes billowed as he passed an abundance of lounging Jedi, some conversing to the sides or keeping a moderate pace as they made their way to an unknown destination on either side of him.
Soon into his journey, Obi-Wan crossed paths with his old mentor Master Cin Drallig, followed by a group of twelve rowdy younglings whose voices bounced off the temple walls. Maybe they were asking questions, or telling a story, but the bearded Jedi couldn’t tell. Each utterance overlapped like a cacophony of crashing speeders.
Yet almost immediately, they noticed his presence, twirling away from each other to respectfully greet one of their long-held role models.
“Hello, Master!”
“Hello, younglings.” General Kenobi smiled.
He looked back to Master Dralli, catching his tired, yet fulfilled stare. They each exchanged a dutiful, yet brisk nod before continuing on their respective paths.
Obi-Wan always felt dwarfed by the massive olive-gray pillars that buttressed The Temple’s lofty ceilings. As a youngling, the golden archways seemed to stretch out endlessly in each direction, giving the effect of an infinite mirror when he passed under them. When he aged, however, Obi-Wan learned to better understand the structure’s finite nature, yet he was still taken by its capacious essence. Each hall resembled a palace built thousands of years ago by Mandallian Giants, specifically constructed for their wide gates and broad shoulders. And it would coax his imagination into its unyielding grasp.
He remembers spending too much time simply sitting crossed in these halls during his youth. The youngling would rest his eyelids to visualize the giants’ roaring tramps shake the coral- and lilac-marble floors in succeeding thundering booms.
As Obi-Wan turned a corner, tread crossing onto the ocean blue carpet of the inner Temple, he reminisced about the time Qui-Gon caught him red-handed in the middle of one of these fantasies. It was many years before the late Jedi took him on as a Padawan.
Qui-Gon would always engage with the younglings when possible. He had a habit of outwardly encouraging all initiates in their studies, especially those who struggled with their training and emotional discipline. But he would also silently approve those rare moments in which a young Jedi took a moment to themselves. Whether that be exploring the Coruscanti entertainment district, playing Sabacc, or Obi-Wan’s respite of choice, daydreaming.
With eyes shrouded in darkness, he could almost smell the sweaty towering creature. Its footsteps sounded like cracks of lighting, and he could feel the room’s imperceptible rise in temperature from the creature’s sudden presence. If he really focused, its colossal, green-muscled foot would nearly breach the void in his sight, creeping from the corner of his left eyelid. The hair on his arms prickled at the beast’s sudden proximity.
“Meditating are you?”
The young Kenobi’s eyes sprung open, cheeks reddening as his eyes locked with the wise Jedi before him.
“Uhh, yes…Master.”
And Qui-Gon simply smiled.
Obi-Wan’s worries momentarily lifted at the memory, delight gracing his features. But that instant disappeared from his mind as quickly as it arrived. The Jedi refocused on the task ahead, passing one of the large Sage Master statues that shined like freshly polished copper to his right as The Council meeting room entered his vision.
Just outside the Chamber door stood Master Windu, leaning with his arm against the wall beside him as he continued his deep discussion with Master Yoda, who rested in his flying chair. The two of them spoke softly, and from Windu’s creased brows, General Kenobi could tell that it was serious. A few groups of Jedi Masters similarly congregated around the door, talking lowly. Kenobi could sense heightened anxiety trailing the air.
As he approached, Obi-Wan caught the corner of Mace’s eye. He turned to General Kenobi, offering a curt nod at his arrival as Yoda reoriented his seat toward the newly arrived.
“Late you are, Master Kenobi.”
“I apologize for the delay.” Obi-Wan relayed sincerely. “Our shuttle experienced some unexpected complications.”
Yoda hummed deeply at Obi-Wan’s words, indicating his acceptance of this explanation to Mace before taking his chair on a measured stroll down the walkway, back in the direction from whence Obi-Wan came. Windu and Kenobi shortly followed in step.
“The Council has already met to discuss the issue of recalling the Jedi.” Master Windu began as the trio ambled down the hallway. “We have suffered a communications incursion by the Separatists.”
Obi-Wan was astounded, brows furrowing in confusion as he absentmindedly rubbed his jaw.
“A breach in our secure transmissions…How is that possible?” He exclaimed.
“Unsure, we are,” Yoda answered. “Investigate, our specialists will.”
Mace addressed the troubled Jedi. “A number of troops stationed in obscure outer regions of multi-planetary battle sites were ambushed in the last few weeks. The only way they could have been discovered would be if their COMMs were tapped into. It is possible that the Separatists have somehow obtained some of our transmitter codes or found some other flaw in the communications system. Because we cannot use our wrist comms or holopads to send sensitive information to communicate this development, we’ve recalled the Jedi.”
“Continue the battles, the clones will. Send out Jedi temporarily with verbal directions for troops, we must.
“Until communications are secured.” Windu clarified. “The 212th and 501st have already received new instructions for a less critical mission on Aleen.”
Obi-Wan hummed in contemplation. “And how long do you believe this situation will last?”
Mace exhaled. “We won’t know until technicians look further into the issue. But it may be weeks, months.”
Obi-Wan stroked his beard as he ruminated about this concerning development. He trusted Commander Cody with his life, but still knew it would be difficult for the 212th to address more delicate missions in the near future without timely information from The Temple or even inter-troop comms.
“Concerned, we all are,” Yoda reassured, likely sensing General Kenobi’s unease.
“The Council will be informing all active Jedi in the Great Hall tomorrow morning. Make sure Anakin and his Padawan are present. And here.”
Windu reached into the right pocket of his robe, pulling out what Obi-Wan thought was a wrist comm, yet it seemed bulkier. An extra layer of wiring was hidden in an additional panel stuck underneath the control layer. Most notable was the thin, silver line of steel that encircled the device, something the General hadn’t seen on a comm before. He took it, feeling the mass in his palm. It felt cold, heavy, with a rusted button and weak indicator light.
He thought it ancient.
“It’s a comm from the old Temple emergency system. It’s completely separate from our current communications system so messages from these devices to regular comms will be secure. There are only enough for one per council member.”
Obi-Wan thanked the Master as he switched his current wrist link with the replacement, placing the former in his robe’s pocket.
“Still careful, we must be.”
Mace added. “Only use it to ask for meetings, not to share sensitive data.”
Obi-Wan nodded. “On the topic of sensitivity, I must inform you of a development.”
He breathed deeply, exhaling in a short burst as he gathered his complicated memories about you to present to The Council leaders.
“In our delay, Anakin, his Padawan, and I were on Hoth for a short time, where we met a being living alone on the planet’s surface.”
The two Jedi Masters listened intently as he continued.
“I discovered them to be a Gray Jedi, trained by Master Qui-Gonn himself. They claim to be The Guardian, a figure that is a part of The Chosen One prophecy, but was expected to be trained outside The Order. They are tasked with Anakin’s protection and guidance so that he may achieve his destiny. Their journey begins when dark forces threaten this fate.”
Mace’s eyes narrowed. “This is a bold claim, Master Kenobi. If anything, it sounds like a Separatist trick.”
Then, as soft as their nimble footfalls, Yoda uttered your name under his breath.
Obi-Wan’s head swiveled toward the Grand Master. “You know them?”
The shorter Jedi sighed, leaning back in his chair as his eyes glazed over in deep reflection.
“Gone, I thought they were, a long time ago.”
Mace’s brows raised as he turned to Yoda. “You know of this individual, Master?”
He nodded gravely, a light grunt resonated from his esophagus.
“Discovered them as an infant twenty-five years ago, I did. Kept a close eye on them, I had.” He sighed. “Killed by a dark power a year later, their parents were. Believed they died as well, I did.”
The Grand Master eyed General Kenobi carefully, as if the bearded Jedi made a mistake in his recollection.
“Interested to learn they are alive, I am.”
“A dark power…” Obi-Wan mused. “Master, do you believe a Sith may have been responsible? I have been theorizing that Maul’s presence on Tatooine could have had more than one motive.”
“Discovered their presence, you believe he did?”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan confirmed. “And their connection to Qui-Gon.”
He paused, counting the years in his head.
“But Maul would have been too young when their parents passed.”
“The rule of two…” Mace hummed.
“A Master, then.” Yoda declared.
“Then The Guardian’s presence suggests that Maul may not be the last Sith,” Windu revealed. “If it’s true that their appearance suggests a new threat from the Dark Side.”
“During the Battle of Geonosis, discovered that Dooku may be a Sith, I did.” Yoga established. “Great darkness, I sensed in him.”
“Then he is the Sith Lord?” Mace speculated.
Obi-Wan agreed. “He would have been quite capable of taking their parents’ lives over two decades ago.”
“It would also explain The Guardian’s survival, if Dooku’s late Padawan discovered his plans and partially thwarted them before they were carried out,” Mace suggested.
“Informed The Council, Qui-Gon would have, if believed Dooku was a Sith, he had. Much we still do not know, there is.”
Windu exhaled, placing his middle and index finger against his right temple and thinking deeply about his next words.
“I would like to meet this Guardian myself.” He gestured to Kenobi. “Tomorrow in the Sparring Arena after the Great Hall announcement. It is important for The Council to determine whether they have the necessary physical and mental abilities, and the appropriate connection to the Force, to be a Jedi Knight. To join The Order. Otherwise, leaving them outside the purview of The Order could have dire consequences. That is if they are even prepared to fulfill such a destiny after nearly a decade of isolation.”
“Of course, Master.” Obi-Wan acknowledged. “But from what little I’ve seen, they seem quite capable of holding their own.”
Windu’s stare held firm. “Respectfully, Master Kenobi, I will be the one to determine that.”
Obi-Wan’s gaze fell. “Understood.”
He didn’t take the Master’s tone personally. Windu’s conformist nature and deep dislike for any Jedi activity conducted beyond the domain of The Council likely made his discovery of The Guardian prophecy an unwelcome one. Obi-Wan only hoped that Master Windu would still treat you as any other Jedi when testing your abilities. He remembers the wise Master’s negative reaction to Anakin’s discovery, due to his age at the time Qui-Gon requested that he be trained. You were much older than 10-year-old Ani, so he was convinced that would pose a problem for the talented swordsman.
And this was not the best time for you to be meeting resistance from The Order that you trained your whole life to serve so to continue its millennia-long mission of preserving the peace through light. The Master Negotiator didn’t need to employ his strong conversation skills to discern how the past few days’ overwhelming changes had been affecting you. That, in addition to learning of your Master’s passing, had made you restless on the journey here. It was hard to ignore, even while he settled in repose each night, your twisted form which struggled to sleep.
He empathized with you deeply.
The General was also, in some measure, apprehensive about the inevitable clash of personalities. He found you kind, considerate, but also unafraid to speak your mind, or express your inner sentiments. He admired Master Windu since he was a boy, but his no-nonsense approach? His uncompromising mental discipline and austere lessons? It would surely cause a collision of temperaments.
“A different name, they must go by,” Yoda announced.
Obi-Wan’s gaze rose curiously at this. “Master?”
“Know they are alive, Dooku cannot.”
“Nor any other actor of the Dark Side. Nor the Separatists.” Windu interjected. “Their existence could pose a significant weakness to the Republic’s image of enduring peace and light. If Separatist forces discover The Guardian’s identity and purpose from their birth name, they may believe that the destruction of a specific Jedi could leave us vulnerable.”
He paused, turning to Yoda to verify his conclusions, who languidly blinked in concurrence.
Mace’s peer twisted back toward Kenobi. “If dark forces found them once through their birth name, they can again.”
The Grand Master nodded in agreement. “Destroy The Guardian, they may otherwise try.”
Obi-Wan’s heart dropped at the notion. It was clear that your identity needed to be protected from these powerfully dark forces, lest you meet the same fate as your parents.
If your mission was to guard and guide Anakin, his former Padawan, and dear friend, then the determined Jedi believed it to be his personal assignment to aid you in that destiny. Now he knew that hiding your identity to the best of his ability would be part of that task. The side of the light needed you, and Obi-Wan’s deep connection to it and his cavernous desire to continue Qui-Gon’s decades-long efforts meant only one thing— he needed to protect you too.
“Anakin gave them a nickname.” The General recalled, head tilted and eyes scanning up an idle column as he thought back. “Silvey, if memory serves.”
Windu's brows raised, unsurprised.
“Then Silvey they’ll remain,” he concluded.
Yoda hummed, his disconcertion bubbling to the surface with lips creased in a downward turn. “Their true name, only the three of us, Anakin, and little Ahsoka will know. Kept secret, their identity must be. Inform The Council of the prophecy, we shall, once communications are refortified. But within the council, it must stay.”
Master Windu mumbled in unanimity. “We must not entertain any notion of emerging Sith. Not among the Jedi, nor publicly.”
“I understand the delicacy of the situation and will act accordingly,” Obi-Wan assured.
The bearded Jedi halted, turning to the elders before leaning into a slight obeisance. The other Masters slowed to a halt.
“If you will excuse me, Masters, I hope to find my travel companions before they divulge any information about The Guardian’s identity.”
“May the Force be with you, Master Kenobi,” Windu stated as he bowed adieu, Yoda following suit from his floating chair.
And with that, Obi-Wan turned away to begin his search for you, Anakin, and Ahsoka.
As the General quickened his stride down that long, colossally immortal walkway, he wondered where he might find the three of you. Ahsoka was probably in the Jedi Archives around the corner, assuming she was continuing her work on that paper for Master Plo Koon. So he decided to start there. He assumed you and Anakin were stationed in the refectory closest to the hangar, remembering the previously mentioned dinner plans,
Or maybe it would be better to try the refractory first, Obi-Wan thought. If experience served true, Anakin would not stay silent about your discovery for long. He hastened his pace while mumbling these plans under his breath.
“Yes, the refractory first.”
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and-loth-cat · 2 years
A Dyad in the Force(Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader)- Chapter 2
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~Chapter 2~
The canon timeline in this chapter IS ALTERED, however ever so slightly! It’s just to help my story flow better! The canon should be back on track after this chapter though! Thank you for understanding!
“Do..do you know what you just did?” The young Jedi looked at you in shock. He had never seen anyone other than a Jedi perform a mind trick before, especially not someone who never was trained in the ways of the Force. As he awaited your response, he noticed that the darkness wasn’t fading, “...Y/n?” he panicked slightly, “Y/n???”
Obi-Wan’s voice quickly broke you out of your trance, and the yellow in your eyes vanished once more, “H-Hm..?” You fluttered your eyes as you snapped back into reality, turning to look at the young man beside you.
“Y/n…do you know what you just did?“
“I..I’m not sure..,” You spoke softly, feeling the darkness lingering inside of you.
Obi-Wan looked at you with concern, “..Tell me, how are you feeling right now?”
“Why is that any of your concern?” You furrowed your brows at him, “Look, I don’t know what happened, ok? All I know is..” you suddenly spoke in a softer tone, your frustrated expression dropping, “is that I feel something inside of me. Something that I’ve never felt before..”
Obi-Wan nodded, “Right..” he thought for a second before giving you a small smile at you, “If you would excuse me-“ he quickly left the shop and turned the corner, finding a spot in an alley before grabbing his comlink.
You watched cluelessly as the young man suddenly left, feeling dejected when you realized that he probably wasn’t coming back. 
“..And you’re sure there’s nothing left on board?” Qui-Gon’s voice spoke through the comlink.
“A few containers of supplies, the Queen’s wardrobe, maybe,” Obi-Wan did his best to remember what was on the ship, “But not enough for you to barter with. Not in the amounts you’re talking about.”
“Alright. I’m sure another solution will present itself. I’ll-”
“Excuse me, Master?” Obi-Wan interrupted, “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but there is something you should know.”
“What is it, my Padawan?” Qui-Gon replied, “Is everything alright?”
“..Master, do you remember that disturbance in the Force that we sensed earlier?”
“Yes..go on, Obi-Wan.”
“Well, I believe I found the cause of it.” The young Jedi took a deep breath, “I met this girl, Master.”
“A girl?"
“Yes. And she is..she is strong with the Force, but not in any way I’ve seen before. Her powers have this sense of darkness with them, and I could feel the darkness surrounding her within the Force.”
Qui-Gon thought for a moment, “Hmm..was there anything else?”
“Yes, Master. She, well I believe she performed a mind trick on another lifeform. When I questioned her afterwards she didn’t know what she had done, which leads me to believe that she has never been trained in the ways of the Force.”
“..Tell me, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon took a deep breath, “Did her eyes glow a shade of yellow?”
“Why yes, Master. They did actually,” Obi-Wan’s expression turned serious, “..what does it mean?”
“The yellow eyes..I’ve heard legends about them before,” The Jedi Master recalled, “The legends say they belong to the Sith, users of the Dark Side. However, the Sith have been extinct for a millennium. But if this girl knows her powers, then it’s possible they’ve just been hiding under our noses for all these years..”
“If I may, Master,” Obi-Wan said, “I have reason to believe that she doesn’t know her powers. Why, with the proper training, we could help her! I could- I mean, we could teach her the ways of the Jedi! Help her find the light! If we could do this, she would become a very powerful ally.” He smiled at the thought of getting to see you everyday. He envisioned waking up each morning and meeting you at breakfast, training with you by the waterfall, and reading together in the Archives. And although he didn’t want to admit it to himself, in the back of his mind he envisioned the two of you alone together, enjoying each other’s company and strengthening your bond.
“My Padawan, be mindful,” The Jedi Master spoke in a serious tone, “Bury whatever feelings that are arising deep down, they will not serve you well.”
Obi-Wan quickly shook his head, trying to center himself, “Yes Master, I apologize.”
“Either way, Obi-Wan, we cannot afford to get sidetracked. We have a mission, and that should be our only priority. And..and there’s something about this boy.”
“A boy?”
“Yes,” Qui-Gon looked back in the direction of Watto’s store, “Now go back to the ship and wait for my return. I’ll check back in later.” And with that, Qui-Gon turned off the comlink, ending the communication with Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan sighed, “...Yes, Master.” He hung his comlink on his belt once more before leaning against a wall, taking a deep breath, “Cmon Kenobi, you’re better than this.”
After a moment of hesitation, Obi-Wan got up and walked out of the alley, looking at your shop once more, “..I’m sorry..” he turned around and headed back to the ship without saying another word.
Obi-Wan looked into the distance as the wind began to pick up. He held his hand over his face as the wind whistled, watching as the giant cloud of sand began to approach. His cape fluttered in the breeze as the Captain came over to him. The Padawan lowered his hand and glanced over at the Captain, “This storm will slow them down.”
Captain Panaka nodded in agreement, “Looks pretty bad.”
Obi-Wan tensed up at his words, his anxiety growing. He was concerned for his Master, but most of all, he was concerned for you. He knew you were special, and even though Qui-Gon had ordered him too, he could not get you out of his mind. When he had attempted to meditate after returning to the ship, the same visions kept appearing in his mind- it was as if the Force was forcing him to think about you.
The young man’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he heard the Captain’s comlink go off, watching as he answered it.
“Panaka,” The Captain answered.
Obi-Wan leaned closer to the comlink, listening as the voice on the other side said, “We’re receiving a message from home.”
Captain Panaka quickly replied, “We’ll be right there.” He began to turn around and walk back to the ship, stopping when he noticed that Obi-Wan wasn’t following him, “Sir? Are you coming?”
Obi-Wan kept looking out into the distance, feeling something inside of him. Was it his heart? Was it the Force? He wasn’t sure. “Umm..I have something I must do,” he looked back at the Captain, “Whatever it is, send no reply. It could be a trick.”
“It would be wise for you to take shelter in the ship, Kenobi. We don’t know how dangerous this storm will become.”
“Exactly,” Obi-Wan mumbled under his breath before speaking at a normal volume, “I must go. I will return soon.” The young Jedi quickly took off, letting the Force guide him back to wherever you were.
“Agh, sandstorms! U can always rely on hoohah tah ruin do poonoo!” The shop owner grumbled as he watched the cloud of sand form in the distance.
“Actually, I love it when they ruin your business,” You mumbled under your breath. Though you hated feeling trapped inside your quarters, you were looking forward to leaving the shop. You needed time to ponder everything that had happened earlier. As much as you tried, you couldn't get that young man out of your head. There was something about him, something that called you to him, although you didn't know what. Then, there was the darkness you felt- a sensation that you couldn't wrap your head around. And how the shop owner obeyed you? You couldn't understand why or how that could have possibly happened. He seemed to have no recollection of the event, which led you to believe that you had just imagined it all. However, that had to mean that you imagined the boy as well.
“It had to have happened..it was so real..” You thought to yourself, “I can still feel him..”
Though you couldn't explain it, you did indeed feel another soul linked onto yours. That was a feeling so real that you couldn't have imagined it…right?
Shaking your head, you placed your cloak over your shoulders and pulled the hood over your head as you walked out of the shop and onto the street.
The winds were unforgiving. Sand blew in every direction, limiting your field of vision to just a few feet in front of you.  The sounds of the civilians seeking for shelter were leveled out by the roars of the storm, leading you to pull down your hood tighter in hopes of quieting your surroundings. 
Everything went silent as you heard a voice inside of your head. 
“Y/n…” The voice clearly wasn’t your own. It was a man’s voice, and it spoke in a soft accent.
A chill went down your spine, “W-who’s there?” You took a step back and looked around, watching as the world moved around you. No one paid you any mind.
You gulped and continued walking ever so cautiously, trying to get back home as soon as possible.
You immediately panicked and began to run, trying to escape whatever entity was speaking with you. Trying not to get blinded by the sand, you kept your head down as you quickly moved through the shopping district. With your vision limited, you relied on your instincts to lead you home.
Soon, you came to a grinding halt in front of what you believed to be your quarters. You took a shaky breath and looked up, shocked when you realized that you were in a different place. “What..my instincts always serve me well,” you muttered softly. It is true; ever since you were young you have had incredible instincts. You could always sense things around you, and you could rely on them to get you to where you needed to be. Your instincts never let you down; well, until now.
However, even though you didn’t realize it, your instincts truly did lead you to where you needed to be.
You groaned softly and looked around, stopping when you felt the familiar presence. You perked up as you felt the light return, and you began searching for the source. After a few moments, you were drawn to a figure laying face-first on the ground.
“Y/n..” The voice spoke to you once more.
You took a deep breath and kneeled down beside the figure, gently pulling the hood off of their head. You gasped as you noticed a braid hanging to the side of them, “You..”
Obi-Wan had relentlessly pushed through the sandstorm in hopes of finding you. Although common knowledge told him that you would know what to do in the storm, his heart was telling him to keep you safe. However, the extreme heat and the harsh winds caught up to him within time. With his body not regulated with the environment, he eventually passed out on the ground, unable to continue pushing through.
You helped turn him on his back, your Force signatures wrapping together as you laid your hand on his chest to try and feel for a heartbeat, “He’s still alive,” you sighed in relief, “I have to get you indoors.” 
You quickly stood up before lifting Obi-Wan up, throwing him over your shoulders to carry him. You were honestly surprised you were able to hold him on your own. Somehow, you felt stronger than you did before. As if someone was giving you strength. You took a deep breath and started making your way home, taking the unconscious man with you.
“Yes, darling?” An older Obi-Wan held the girl in his arms.
“I’ve been feeling it again.” The girl admitted, looking down at the ground.
Obi-Wan looked at the girl with concern, knowing exactly what she was talking about, “Oh darling…” he gently lifted her chin so she was looking at him, “For how long?”
The girl didn’t make eye contact with him as she mumbled, “A few weeks now..”
“Oh starlight,” Obi-Wan kissed her head and pulled her closer, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I…I was doing so well and I..I didn’t want to let anyone down..” The girl sniffled, “I wasn’t sure if I should say anything, especially with the war-”
“The war is not a reason not to say anything, y/n,” Obi-Wan spoke firmly yet softly, “You’re struggling, and-”
Obi-Wan’s Force vision suddenly broke as he jolted awake, trying to catch his breath as he took in his surroundings. That was when he realized he didn't know where he was. He panicked slightly and immediately checked to make sure he still had his lightsaber, sighing in relief when he felt it latched onto his belt. 
The young Jedi took a deep breath and tried to think about how he could’ve gotten here, and slowly he began to remember what he was doing beforehand. The aggressive sandstorm, his search to find you- you! He worried slightly, realizing that he never found you before the storm.
Just as his anxiety began to appear, he was suddenly calmed by a Force signature interacting with his. He smiled softly as he realized whose it was, and he looked over at you as you walked into the room.
“You’re finally awake!” You said, walking over to him, “I was wondering when you would wake up.”
“How long was I out?” Obi-Wan asked, “Also..where am I?”
“You’ve been out for a few hours. I found you in the sand as I was coming home, so I brought you here for shelter. You’re welcome.”
Obi-Wan chuckled softly, “Well, thank you very much. It’s y/n, right?”
You nodded, “That would be correct. What about you? I never got a name from you.”
“Oh! Yes, terribly sorry about that. I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi.” He smiled, “Pleasure to meet you again.”
You gave a polite smile back and nodded softly, “...so, what brings you out here to Mos Espa? You obviously aren’t from here, and no one would come here for a vacation, so what’s your deal?”
“Um..I’m here for-” You gave Obi-Wan a look as he struggled to come up with an excuse. “Alright, I can sense that nothing gets past you. We are trying to get to Coruscant, but our ship got stranded here. My Master is working to get a new hyperdrive for the ship, but it seems to be a struggle so far.”
“Mhm...you’re a Jedi, aren’t you?”
“...what gave it away?” Obi-Wan chuckled nervously.
“Well, for one, I saw the weapon attached to your hip. I’ve..I’ve seen those before. For two, you’re wearing Jedi robes, that’s a dead giveaway. And lastly, you just referred to someone as your Master, and you’re obviously not a slave, so it would have to be a Jedi Master.” You smirked softly, “Am I wrong?”
“No, no, you got me. You’re absolutely right.” Obi-Wan smiled, “You really are smart.”
“Thanks, I guess?”
“Sorry- of course you are smart and you don’t need me to say-”
“Obi-Wan, it's alright.” You smiled softly, “Really.” You handed him a cup of water and sat down in a chair across from him.
“Oh, thank you.” Obi-Wan took a sip of the water, “I needed this- it’s so hot here.”
You chuckled, smirking slightly, “I thought a Jedi could withstand the heat.”
Obi-Wan snickered, “Well, I’ve never been in a sandstorm before. They don’t exactly train you with weather simulators at the temple.”
The both of you laughed softly, smiling as your eyes met once again. There truly was something there, something that neither of you fully understood. But in that moment, everything seemed to be at peace. There was light in the galaxy, and it came from the two of you.
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annwrites · 1 month
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—written in the stars
oh, written in the stars. a million miles away. — qui-gon jinn x princess!reader x obi-wan kenobi ; ✩┈
a/n: i've watched the skywalker saga, along w/ solo, rogue one, & obi-wan kenobi, & i've also played a bit of fallen order. however, i'm not well-versed in star wars lore, &, as such, will be taking great liberties with this fic in regards to it.
this is essentially an au w/ broad strokes—me just playing with the characters as i wish to make my fic work how i want.
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"And this is Princess Y/N," Qui-Gon states, softly settling his large palm against the small of your back.
You stare up at the young man before you with a smile. "Hello."
"And this, Princess, is Obi-Wan Kenobi, my apprentice."
Obi-Wan smiles warmly at you, carefully taking your hand within his own—you note how it shakes—before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
Qui-Gon raises a disapproving brow, but the young Padawan pays it no mind as he smiles warmly at you. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess. I look forward to our time together."
He blanches, shaking his head. "I only meant my time here on Naboo, that is."
You slide your hand from his grip, smiling at the man beside you that you've missed so dearly for so many years—your previous protector—who still yet holds your heart, then back to Obi-Wan. "My sister and I are pleased to have you."
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synopsis under construction.
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qui-gon used to be her body guard some years ago.
he & obi-wan have now returned to naboo following some events of episode 1.
reader is younger sister to padmé (i intend to age the two of them up).
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fromasgardandback · 1 year
My Promise To You
Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
description: She promised never to leave his side, which means following him to the dark side.
word count: 3.0k
warning: semi-fix-it fic. mentions of death, murder, suffering, pain, fluff, and some quotations not written by me.
note: should i write a part 2?
masterlist | oneshots
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She met Anakin when he walked into the Jedi temple on Coruscant. She hid behind her teacher peeking out to lightly wave at him, to which he waved back with a smile. He was kind and friendly with everyone. Although it did come with its challenges being new to a planet you’ve never been to, leaving behind your only family to follow a gift you were born with, and not to mention people you just met and are forced to trust. Just a week prior to Anakin’s arrival, Obi-Wan found Y/N crouching in fear in the back of some random bar on Coriella. Her parents weren’t in her life and the woman who cared for her couldn’t take care of her anymore. Even in her horrible situation when she was found, Y/N would give her life to the nameless bartender, if it weren’t for that woman, she’d be good as dead.
After Anakin was accepted into the Jedi teachings, he was assigned a partner to learn with. And although they would mostly pair them with the same genders, there weren’t enough to go around, so she became his partner. They sat together in the dining hall, read the same books in the cozy chairs in the library, and lived a few rooms down from one another. They were inseparable. He would sit with her when she had a nightmare of her childhood. Anakin normally wrapped his arm around her shoulder to give her comfort while he told her everything would be okay. She reciprocated when he was missing his mom. One day it was so bad that she had to help him breathe again. It never got that alarming again. Anakin took Qui-Gon’s death hard, and Y/N was there with him. She understood his pain, although she didn’t know him as well as Anakin, she hurt just as much. Obi-Wan begged the council to teach them both but was denied that request until they were older Padawans. 
She was Master Billaba’s Padawan. Learning from a strong woman definitely had its perks. When they would spar with each other, she maneuvered in a way that a flexible body can bend. Master Billaba taught Y/N that along with meditation, flexibility would get her many places. It serves to be true on one mission she grabbed the pipes above the control panel of an Imperial ship, swung her legs around a droid, and took them all out in one turn. Y/N was glad to have a female Jedi Master for her younger and coming-up years, but with the stories of Obi-Wan, she could hardly wait to become his Padawan as well. She would walk past a training, heading to the dining hall when she heard Master Kenobi talking with the younger children about one of his adventures. She watched the children’s eye beam with excitement when he told them the ship blew up and all the bad guys were no longer. Quietly she giggled to herself as one kid screamed happily.
“What are you doing spying on Master Kenobi?” Anakin whispered into Y/N’s ear, peering over her shoulder and looking into the room. She nearly jumped a foot up in the air.
“Anakin! You scared me. Don’t do that again.” She chuckled, lightly hitting his upper arm.
“My apologies princess, didn’t mean to cause you to be in fear. Here, I can help the bad guys go away.” Anakin dug his fingers into her side, tickling her to no end. She laughed loudly, remembering where she was, and quickly covered her mouth sliding down the parallel wall and kicking her legs at him to stop. Anakin laughed quietly at her stature with a wide smile on his face. To her ignorance, his eyes shined with love and adoration for the teenage girl under him on the hallway floor. 
“Stop, stop. I can't breathe.” Y/N panted while continuing to giggle.
“Alright. I’ll stop. Shall we head to dinner?” He smirked.
“Can I catch my breath first? Geez Ani.” She chuckled, getting off the floor. 
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A few months later Y/N stood before the Jedi Council and was transferred over from Master Billaba to Master Kenobi. She tried her hardest not to show strong emotion in front of the council, but the minute she left the room she jumped up and down happily holding Anakin’s hands. They laughed carefreely and practically ran to an empty training room waiting for Obi-Wan to finish his meeting with the council. 
“Do you even know how to spar? I mean I know we did as kids, but do you remember? It’s kind of tricky, here I’ll show you the correct way.” Anakin smugly mocked her.
“Haha. Very funny Ani, put your saber up.” She quipped back at him. 
They spared for what felt like twenty minutes waiting for Obi-Wan to return. Both of them fought exceptionally well. Every turn she made, he followed suit. Every twist he made, she was quick with it. Y/N twisted her torso, lowering herself down to s squat, and kicking his legs out from under himself. She used this advantage to take his lightsaber and extinguished it. Smiling down at his surprised expression she remarked back at him.
“Do you mean this kind of sparing because from what I can clearly tell you still have lots to learn about the element of surprise? Master Billaba was right in teaching flexibility. Seems like you could use it.” She smirked, handing him his lightsaber as he stood up. Anakin was about to respond when Ob-Wan entered the room.
“Both of you are still learning and lack experience. But from what I saw, I can confidently say that you two will become great Jedi someday. Now, to the basics.” Obi-Wan smiled, walking into the room and standing before them with his hands behind his back.
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Summertime came quickly on the planet of Courscant which meant the stars were visible from the highest balcony in the Temple. Nights were spent sneaking up to the observation balcony with Anakin overlooking the city in all its glory and the sky in all its beauty. On certain nights you could make out different constellations. 
“Anakin look, there Orion.” She pointed it out above his left shoulder. She smiled wide in bewilderment. “The stars are breathtaking tonight.” Y/N leaned against the railing looking up above.
“You’re breathtaking every night. The most beautiful creature in all the galaxy and I’m grateful to be with her here.” Anakin commented, turning her around to face him, eyes not leaving hers.
“Oh, Ani.” She blushed harshly. “You know we can’t. What if we get caught?” She gently placed her hands on his chest.
“Then so be it.” He held her close. “I have fallen in love with you since the day we met as children. You took my heart and I wouldn’t want anyone else to have it. It’s not right they won’t let us form attachments. Attachments are human nature and make us focus more on our jobs to protect others. It gives up gumption and spirit. If we’re forced to leave, I’d want it to be with you.” Anakin poured his heart out.
“Oh, Ani. I want to be with you too. I want us together and I want to live our lives in peace and harmony. I’ve felt the same way for you since we were young. I should care about the Jedi code, but right now with you, I only care about us.” Y/N wrapped her arms around his next, pulling him closer to her. As their lips touched, they felt a push in the force as their hearts and spirits intertwined. 
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Senator Amidala was a good friend of Obi-Wan and Anakin. She’s met Y/N a few times, but the girls grew closer when there was a threat to the Senator’s life. The three Jedi were sent to protect her and the friendship grew closer. Whenever Padme was on Coruscant the young Jedi Knights would go out or go to dinner. So when they heard she was going to be in town to vote in the Senate, they couldn’t pass up their opportunity to talk with Padme. 
“C’mon Padme. Can you please do this for us?” Y/N practically begged her.
“Why so you and Anakin can be together? Y/N you know my job is much more important than just your needs.” Padme said looking over documents. That comment stung in her heart, but she also knew that it was selfish to ask.
“Padme. I did come with selfish intentions, but this is for the good of the Jedi Code. We can’t form attachments. What the hell kind of code is that? We are taught to be fearless and that fear leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side. Well, fear is what brought that code together. The fear of losing, hurting, or seeking vengeance for a loved one instills emotions we aren’t supposed to have. Therefore, the code of attachments is completely bogus. We should celebrate the fact that we care so deeply to want a relationship with people to better the republic. Do you not see that too?” Y/N sat down next to Padme’s desk looking at her friend. Padme slowly turned to look at her. She was right. The act and right of attachments should be allowed. Not everyone would be subject to fighting, change, and the stereotype of only being a Jedi for the ones you love.
“Fine. Put together a reasoning and valid points with at least fifty signatures and I’ll look it over and debate it at our next meeting.” Padme said gently placing a hand on her friend's arm, “But I cannot promise you anything.”
“I thank you for even listening.” The girls hugged and Y/N sneaked herself out of the Senate offices back to the Jedi Temple.
Anakin and Y/N spent the next few days working on getting signatures from others in the temple in hopes they would see their cause. Although, they had to be discreet about it because if the Council got wind of this “uproar” happening, it would not go well for either of them.
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Anakin asked sitting on her bed in her room.
“We can only hope, Ani. Padme said no promises. All we have to do is have faith.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, rubbing his back soothingly, and laying her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, kissing the top of her head. 
“All I want is to live the rest of our lives together. I don’t care how that looks. If we have to sneak around and stay Jedi or leave the Order and find sustainable jobs, then so be it.” Anakin whispered softly into her ear.
“I feel the same Ani. I just want to be with you.” Y/N leans up and kisses his jaw.
That night, Anakin slept in Y/N’s room with her, cuddling close. He proposed that it made him calmer and it was “practice” for when they were married. To which the comment made her giggle. Anakin tossed and turned most of the night. Sweat beading down his body and hairline. He shot up quickly panting, hands shaking, and fear running through his body. The vivid imagery was fresh in his brain. He got up, putting his robe on walking to the small balcony that connected to his girl’s room. He took in the fresh crisp early morning air, steadying his breath and looking over the city. ‘She can’t die. I refuse to let her die. Y/N is my life. I will do anything to protect her.’ 
“Ani?” Y/N asked walking onto the balcony and rubbing his upper back soothingly. “I felt you leave the bed. What’s troubling you?” She kisses the back of his head.
“Nothing.” He grinned lightly, enclosed his arm around her waist, pulling her into his lap. She obliged, looking deeply into his eyes for reassurance.
“I know you’re not telling me the truth. Talk to me Anakin. I’m right here.” She caressed his cheek.
“I had a dream. A nightmare where I lost you.” Anakin didn’t turn to look at her. “You died before me. I couldn’t save you, Y/N.” He lifted his head. “Like my mother. I won’t let this one become real.” Anakin held her closer.
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise you, Anakin. I won’t leave your side.” She rubbed his back holding onto him ad he rested his head on her chest. 
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“You're fulfilling your destiny, Anakin. Become my apprentice. Learn to use the dark side of the Force.” Palpatine spoke softly to Anakin. Anakin breathed out heavily for a moment, looking up at the man before him.
“I will do whatever you ask.” Anakin sighed. “Just please help me save Y/N’s life. I can’t live without her.” Anakin pleaded with Palpatine.
“To cheat death is the power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith, you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...Vader.” Palpatine spoke to a knelt down Anakin.
“Thank you, my master.” Anakin bowed his head. 
Y/N was with Master Yoda when they both felt something in the force move. She looked down at the Jedi Master, nervous about what she felt. It couldn’t have been what she felt.
“A disturbance in the force, I feel. Come, go we must.” Yoda said, leading Y/N back to the ship. They were soon picked up by Obi-Wan and Senator Organa. They were told of a mass murder at the Jedi Temple but Y/N didn’t pay attention after that. All she could think about was her love. Where was Anakin? How was he? Is he safe or is he hurt? Did they get him, even though he is the chosen one, and fought back against everyone? The moment they landed she ran off the ship scouring the dead bodies, tears running down her face as she passed the people she once had a close bond with. 
“Y/N, slow down. We don’t know if who did this is still here.” Obi-Wan scolded her.
“I’m sorry Master. I was looking for someone. I will obey and stay close behind.” She answered, still scared to find Anakin’s dead body. But it wasn’t until they saw the security tapes that her heart shattered. Her beloved Anakin killed all the Jedi, and the one part that broke her most was the younglings. The ones they swore to protect and share wisdom with. The ones they would tell stories to of adventures. The younglings that had looked up to them and he just went at it. Slaughtering them like animals on a farm.
“This can’t be,” Y/N whispered.
“I can’t watch anymore.” Obi-Wan shut off the hologram.
“Destroy the Sith, we must. Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone, he is, consumed by Darth Vader.” Yoda looked up at Obi-Wan saddened. “You will join him, Jedi Knight. Go before it’s too late.” Yoda looked at Y/N.
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Y/N and Obi-Wan sought their feelings and found Anakin on the planet Mustafar. He stood there in the control panel, running through the small building to the landing port. She ran down to Anakin wrapping her arms around his neck. Anakin lifted her off her feet, holding her body close to his.
“Y/N, my love. What are you doing here?” Anakin scanned her face carefully.
“Me? Ani, what are you doing here? I’ve come to take you back home. You can walk away from this. Please don’t do what you’re planning to do.” She pleaded with him, raising her hands to hold his face.
“There is no going back, Y/N. I have this new power that will save you. You will not die. I can save you.” Anakin looked at her seriously.
“Ani… You killed younglings.” 
“I did that for us.”
“For us? We said we would fight to be together and if not, leave the order. This wasn’t what we talked about. Why wouldn’t you tell me your fear got this bad?” She tried hard to blink away the tears but failed feeling the salty water rolling down her cheeks. By this point, Obi-Wan walked down from the ship towards them.
“I love you, Anakin. I’m begging you, please don’t do this.” She tried to hold onto him. He stepped back from her.
“I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire,” Anakin stated, eyes darkening.
“Your new empire?” Obi-Wan chimed in.
“Don’t make me kill you.” Anakin reached for his lightsaber.
“Anakin, my allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!” Obi-Wan reached for his lightsaber.
“If you are not with me, then you are my enemy.” Anakin stepped closer.
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.” Obi-Wan stepped closer.
“You will try.” Anakin ignited his lightsaber, raising it up. Obi-Wan following suit.
“NO!” Y/N stood between them. “Please Anakin, don’t fight Master Kenobi. I will follow you. I will join you. Please don’t fight him.” She pleaded.
“Y/N.” Obi-Wan sternly said.
“I promised I wouldn’t leave you. I promised I would stick by your side. I’m not lying, and I am not leaving.” Y/N gently placed her hand on his left cheek. “Just do me this one favor and not kill him. You know Obi-Wan. You love him like a father and a brother. Please remember.”
Anakin contemplated looking between the love of his life and his master. The internal fight could be visibly seen by both the two people he loved most. Anakin placed his lightsaber back on his belt loop, leading Y/N to his ship, refusing to look at Obi-Wan.
“Y/N. Do not leave with him.” Obi-Wan yelled.
“I promised him, Obi. I love him, I’m sorry.” She smiled sadly at her master, leaving with the love of her life.
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