#quick avian creatures
lilacargent · 10 months
Soooo first post ever and it is because i have gone down the #humansarespaceorcs rabbit hole, and my train of thought was:
Yes humans are weird and do strange things to survive. But more specifically we do weird things to our surroundings to survive, many different things.
What if, it has been a decade or two since the humans joined what ever coalition or council of aliens that work together and as a species they are mostly well known for their ability to grow crops under the worst circumstances (soil, climate anything) ofcourse the other deathworld apex predator human traits make the rounds but over time they seem to assume we cannot surprise them anymore.
Everyone knows that if a planet is ‘owned’ by a certain species they have to pay tax to the coalition, so planets that aren’t particularly useful are undesirable.
This particular planet p-jx-5£2 has been moved around endlessly, given with trade deals to get rid of it. P-jx-5£2 is 97% water, with a very high salt level so inhabitable for all developed aliens. Even though the atmosphere is a nice oxygen base and the gravitational pull allright most for the coalition members the fast spinning moon and the planets quick pace around its sun make the water move and tides switch every 2.5 hours keeping no land dry outside of low tide.
The tall Avian alian il’trexz was elated this day was going to be great, a trade deal with the hardy humans and getting rid of a useless money drain, they didn’t have a clue what they were signing up for!
Turning towards the much smaller bipedal species standing in front of the window looking down on the blue planet that just came into their possession the strange creature mumbled something to them selves, frowning Il’trezx asks ‘im sorry what did you say, you spoke but the translator didn’t pick it up?’ The human (Steve) turned to him away from the window ‘my apologies, i was talking to myself, i said that we had to send the dutch.’ Il’trezx looked befuddled ‘the dutch? Is that some kind of animal?’
Steve threw his head back and made a series of sounds that ruffled the Avians feathers and had he not known it was a laugh it would have made him run for the hills ‘HA I’m going to tell Andreas you said that, no the Dutch is what call people from a country on earth that specialise in these kinds of climates, they’ve been begging for a challenge since they stopped the flooding on the umavi home world.’ With feathers puffed up Il’trezx wonders ‘and they are going to do what? This is an impossible planet’ immediately clasping his beak he looks a the human to see if he seemed angry at being swindled, but to his surprise Steve just looks at him ‘hm so you believe we can’t use this planet. Allright let’s make a bet.’ Interested Il’trezx leans in closer ‘what kind of bet?’ A predatory grin spreads on the bipedal aliens face ‘if we make less of this planet than the amount of tax we have to pay over it we will cover all trade costs for this quarter, insurance, travel all of it.’ Eagerly Il’trezx starts nodding ‘but’ Steve keeps going ‘if we do make more of this planet you will do the same.’
The bet is put onto paper and the higher ups of both parties also agree. In 5 years the Avians would be back and they would balance the costs to the benefits. When they departed Il’trezx says too Steve ‘you must have a lot of faith in these “dutch” ‘ the man grins teeth bared ‘ofcourse, after all they conquered water before’
The five years pass and stories have been going around of a new energy supplier from the humans, producing enough energy to run 78% of their ships and several facilities. Nobody seems to know where it is coming from but no new pollution is measured in any of these facilities. None of this bothers the Avians, after all humans come up with new things all the time.
The five years are up and Il’trezx is invited to the planet with a group of advisors and other officials, the planet which apparently they have renamed to ‘posy’ which is supposed to be short for some kind of sea god from their olden days.
On arrival the amount of coming and going baffles them massive groups of ships docking or docked and all somehow attached to wires that run into machines.
The planets change alone was awe inspiring, two cities on opposite sides of the planet and what seems like millions of weird blades attached to high poles every where. Strange wheels and long walls between towers rising from the rapidly moving waters.
This… this was their new energy source. They somehow made a battery of this uninhabitable planet and then built a home.
On the meeting place Steve is waiting with a man slightly taller than him. Spreading his arms the smaller human says ‘welcome to Poseidon, this is Andreas our main mechanic here. He has been here with planning since orbit 1.’
After the introductions were done Andreas led the group through what they called the Northern city and showed on his device the steps it took to get a foothold and how they proceeded from there, mentioning that many of these steps his home country had used thousands of year ago to gain land from sea, and energy from the movement of water and air. They specialised in this form of terra forming and it showed.
The Avians were astounded, not having realised that there was more than one kind of way the Humans had battled their environment even beating back the waters of their world.
Without a doubt the humans had won the bet and had another legend added to their name. More and more humans showed that with the right motivation they could settle right about anywhere.
So yea… my stupid little idea. Hopefully someone will enjoy it. I just liked the idea of specific cultures and stuff. specialising in certain things.
Edit: im amazed people seem to like it! If people have ideas or other cultures they think would baffle aliens, im certainly willing to try and write something
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moonstruckme · 9 months
Hey girl. I saw you were asking for whimsical!reader. The one that you did with James was so cute!!! Could we get another part to that? Also you’re one of my fave authors on here.❤️❤️
Hey babe, so honored! There are so many amazing writers on here, so I really appreciate you taking the time to read my stories :) Thanks for requesting love!
cw: hurt (not direly) animal
James Potter x whimsical!reader ♡ 846 words
“Jamie, do we have any seeds?” James hears you enter through the front door. He turns down the TV to hear you better. 
“Seeds?” he asks. “Like, for gardening? I don’t think so, love.” 
“No, like sunflower seeds.” Your voice fades as you move into the kitchen, cupboard doors opening and closing. “Or actually, kale would do. Can I use some of your kale, please?” 
“What?” He gets up to go to you. “What are you making?” 
James finds you standing in front of the refrigerator, trying to tear open his container of kale with one hand and cradling an alarmingly complaisant-looking bird in the other. 
“Sweetheart,” James says slowly. You tilt your head at him. “Is that a baby bird?” 
“Of course not.” You smile guilelessly, eyelashes kissing at the corners. “Don’t be silly, I know better than to take a baby bird away from its nest. This is a bullfinch. It’s an adult, they’re just small.” 
He nods. “And why’ve you brought it inside, lovie?” 
“Because something’s wrong with it,” you say softly, as if wary of the bird overhearing. “It flew into Mrs. Hutchinson’s window—you know, the older woman down the way? Anyway, it’s alive, but I think it’s in shock or something. See how it’s letting me hold it in my hand?” 
James says that he does. 
“It shouldn’t be doing that,” you finish somberly.
You’re telling him. 
“But I’m fairly sure you’re not supposed to touch wild birds,” he worries, fighting vigorously against the urge to take the thing from your hand. “They carry diseases, don’t they?” 
“I’ll wash my hands.” You finally get the kale open, taking out a few leaves and holding them in front of the bird. “I couldn’t just leave it, Jamie. Mrs. Hutchinson has a cat. What if it had found it all frightened like this?” 
James takes a breath and forces himself to remember that these are the things he loves about you. Though he does prefer when your kinder traits don’t come at the risk of avian disease. 
“It’s not eating,” you fret, watching as the poor thing’s reddish belly pumps with quick, tiny breaths. “Do you think we should give it some water too?” 
“Can’t hurt,” James agrees, grabbing a small dish and filling it from the tap. “Why don’t you bring our little friend outside? We can put this stuff on the ground and see if it’ll eat then.” 
He doesn’t add that despite its equanimous facade, the bird is probably scared shitless sitting in your hand like that. You take to his suggestion happily, leading the way out to James’ small porch. You set the bird down gingerly. James does his best to match your carefulness, placing the little dish of water and a few pieces of kale in front of it. 
“Come on, lovely,” you coo, voice extra soft and sweet for the small creature. 
James’ chest aches at the sound of it. If this bird dies, he’s going to have to arrange a whole funeral for your sake. 
“Let’s give it some space,” he says gently, wrapping his fingers around your waist to encourage you back towards the door. “It might be too scared to eat with us around.” 
You press your lips together as you nod. James nuzzles your hair compassionately. The pair of you sit on his doorstep in silence, you gnawing your lip raw and him reminding himself repeatedly not to hold your hand. After what feels like hours, the bird moves. 
Its head twitches towards where you sit, and then, without even touching the meal you’d set out for it, it flies off. 
Ungrateful prick, James thinks. 
The sigh that leaves you is so loud that he starts to panic before he sees the relief on your face. 
“It’s okay,” you say, not quite teary but looking dangerously close. 
“It is,” James affirms. He’s unable to keep from smiling, you look so adorably thrilled. “It may not have had much appetite, but you saved it, angel.” 
“Did you see the way it looked at us?” You’re awed, looking up at him with huge eyes. “It knew. It could tell we were the ones that helped it.” 
James isn’t sure he can get fully on board with that theory, but he’s not going to burst your bubble. 
“I’m sure it did,” he says, standing and taking your wrists in his hands. You get up too, and James holds your hands out away from you, shouldering open the door to go back inside. 
You follow him gamely. “What are we doing?” 
He leads you over to the sink, forcing you to keep your hands in front of you like a surgeon’s the entire way. “Washing your hands,” he replies. “Don’t need you falling ill from some rare bird disease.”
“I don’t think our friend would have given me any diseases,” you say, though you don’t resist when he holds your hands under the hot water, pumping soap into them. “It liked me, I think.” 
“Oh, I have no doubt it did, sweetheart. But just to be sure.” 
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tinydefector · 4 months
Optimus x human
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: death of an animal.
Saw some of the skybound comics and had to write this because the parallel between optimus and the Iron Giant is too good not to use. So this is based on this comic panel. This may become a series if people enjoy it alot.
Enjoy the Dadimus agender
Also I use Par as a gender neutral term for Parent, but pronounced as Pa.
Optimus prime Masterlist
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Optimus sighed as he finished digging the small grave, optics dimming as he gently picked up the delicate creature and nestled it into the soft earth. He had never wished harm, had faltered in these alien woods, ending a life that had merely sought to flee his unfamiliar form.
Kneeling, he carefully began restoring the soil, patting it smooth as if to apologise with each motion for the accident his bulk had caused. They hadn't suffered small blessings, at least. When at last the mound was shaped, he sat back on powerful haunches, gazing at it pensively. How many graves, both great and small, had he been forced to dig through eons defending his kind - and yet each still marked loss, whether of one or many. 
After a moment, massive fingers reached to dig up several wildflowers, arranging them with utmost care atop the fresh earth. A simple marker for one whose brief journey had crossed paths with a warrior never meant for such quiet spaces. But perhaps their essence would nourish new growth, 
Venting softly, Optimus sat beside the grave, he felt guilty, it was a chance accident, one which had hurt his spark. The sound of the forest doesn't ease his aching spark even in the bright sunlight. The birds sing and the wind rushes the leaves as if to make a song. Earth was much more lively than Cybertron ever was. Birds flutter around picking at the ground and even landing on his form as if to inspect the metal. Optimus stilled as small avians flitted unafraid about his massive frame, their delicate peeps and chirps surrounding him in a melody utterly alien yet soothing in its liveliness. optics dimming partially as if to seem less a looming threat to these curious creatures. 
After a moment, one landed upon an outstretched digit, tilting its feathered head as it studied the bright red and blue plating so unlike any perches it knew. Another joined, then more, exploring seams and transformation seem as if puzzling over this odd visitor to their domain. His spark, heavy with ages of loss, eased slightly at their curiosity. On Cybertron, all life had long fled the ravages of war - these woods teemed with it at every turn, in every trill and rustle. Their sounds wove a music this weary warrior had never known, helping him glimpse what peace might one orn bless his ancient world again.
A faint, sad smile touched Optimus 's stoic face as small wings took flight once more. Perhaps in these forests, he might find solace for his burdened spark and among these trees, he began to comprehend Earth's beauty and fragility anew.
noise in the distance spooks the birds. But Optimus doesn't move from The grave of the Doe, the noises become louder, it's small laughter echoing just off in the trees. "Baby please don't run off!" A voice calls out. Optimus froze as small steps neared the clearing, optics widening fractionally at the curious sight of tiny organics emerging where wildlife had fled moments before.
 A little child walks out into the field where Optimus sits. "Look, look Robot!" The small child calls out to their parent. Their parent is quick to grab them, hauling them up into their arms as they stare at Optimus. The child with excitement and wonder and the parent with fear. Both the older human and Optimus have a stare off neither willing to move less they spook the other. He realised, judging by similarities of form and mannerism in how they clung and shielded one another, that the larger one was the smaller creator. 
Slowly, carefully, he lowered a hand beside him upon the grass, Emitting a low, soothing rumble, cogs and gears slowly creaking as he ventilated slowly, His thoughts reached to memories of younglings in Iacon.
The younger one smiles widely and waves "hiya Robot!" They call out which makes their parent stiffen in worry. "Baby shh" they try to move backwards slowly only for their child to call out again. " But Par, robot!, like Iron Giant! From the movie, big robot! " Their child state excited. It makes Optimus chuckle lightly. "Hiya Iron Giant!" The child calls out without fear. Wrangling themself out of their parents arms. "Baby stop" they state to their child. 
Optimus himself is still quiet as he watches the child walk up to him fearlessly
Optimus could not help but vent a soft laugh at the comparison from the sparkling, a gentle puff of air that set grass and leaves dancing around them. The naive curiosity and wonder from their tiny frame spoke of no fear.
Slowly, carefully he extended a digit for the young one to grasp, wishing to show only gentleness as small hands patted over plating smooth and cool rather than textured flesh. His field pulsed calming waves as he met their bold gaze, watching tiny mouth spread in a fearless grin. At last, he rumbled in the softest volume, "hello little one." 
Optics flicked respectfully to the elder, The older human watches in worry as they freeze on the spot watching their child. The little human looks up at Optimus as they hold up their plushy. "This is Mimi! My stuffy, par made her for me, they make me a lot of things. Oh you talk too! I really like your red and blue is really pretty! Do you like rocks? I like rocks" They state as they start talking away to Optimus without a care in the world. Their parent slowly move to the ground, eyes darting and watching the large bot.
Optimus listened intently, optics softened in pleasure at the youngling's chatter and display of their favoured toy. 
"Mimi is most charming indeed," he rumbled gently in response, spark warming though his frame showed no smile. Lifting his optics once more, he dipped his head respectfully to the elder still keeping close watch. 
"You have raised a marvellous spark," he said softly to them, processors mindful of putting alien species at ease through tone, hoping honesty and calm might quell reasonable fear. "I mean your offspring no harm I swear it on my spark." he focused once more on the babbling child, granting gentle puffs of air in response to questions too swift for speech.
The older human's eyes linger on their child before flickering to bright blue optics of the large bot. " They give me a scare often when they wander off." They state as they sit and watch the large bot gently interact with their child.  "What... what are you?" They asked, they know that if it wanted to hurt them it would have done so by now but they are still cautious of the large robot. "Par He's a robot, silly!" The little human calls out with giggles.
"Indeed I am a robot," rumbled Optimus gently with a faint vibration of amusement. His optics crinkled slightly at the young one's matter-of-fact pronouncement. Turning back to their elder, his field radiated openness and trust as he answered their question with utmost care. "My name is Optimus. I was created on the planet Cybertron.” Plating shifted in a subconscious shrug. "My only wish is peaceful coexistence. I mean you and yours no harm."
The little human giggles and spins around. "Told you Par! Space Robot!" They state proudly.
optics softened as he regarded them both. "I am glad this young one remains unafraid to explore life's wonders." His tone held enduring patience. Their parent's eyes linger on the disturbed ground which had a patch of flowered grass on it. "What happened?" They ask cautiously. Optimus followed their gaze and intake a soft vent, optics dimming slightly at the memory. "Earlier I came upon this clearing, and in my haste took an innocent life by accident. A young forest dweller, unaware of my heaviness, that fled at my approach." 
Placing a gentle digit beside the flowers, he said evenly, "As all life is sacred, I took care in giving it rest, and sought to memorialise its short journey through this place.” Turning optics pained with regret, he met their gaze steadily and continued in a low rumble. 
The older ones' eyes soften lightly. They stand up and move closer. " Baby, do you mind playing over there for a second par needs to look at something," they call to their child who nods and skips off a little. The older human looks over the grave to Make sure it was deep enough to hide the deer. 
They look up at Optimus. They stand just a few steps away from him watching his expressions. "You really are like the Iron Giant, I'm sorry, it's never easy hurting an animal, it didn't suffer?" They ask softly. Optimus  blinked slowly at the question, then dipped his head in gentle affirmation and thanks for understanding shown.  he rumbled softly in response. "And no, the creature did not suffer - its journey was swift. Still I regret hastiness that cut a natural span abruptly short. But I accept also my strengths and flaws, as all beings must."
They sit down beside the large bot as their eyes watch their child play in the flowers with the butterflies. "Par, Look look Butterflies!" The little one shouts in excitement as one lands on their nose. "I'm sorry you stepped on the deer, it's horrible when you accidentally kill an animal. Thank you for burying it, it may not mean much but thank you, I don't think I would have been able to handle it if they had seen the deer like that" they state softly.
Optimus 's optics softened as he watched the youngling's innocent delight, spark warming within his frame. He pulsed a gentle field of gratitude to their elder beside him. 
"You need not apologise," he rumbled gently. "All beings strive as best they can, and errors do not diminish intent." Turning down to meet their gaze, he continued solemnly, "I am glad sparing them that sight has helped ease another incident, however slightly. Protecting innocence is important."
A faint smile warmed his stoic face as small pedes danced among blooms. "They are a joyful little spark." His field swirled sincerity. They slowly look up at him. "Are you alright?" They ask, it was the first time in a very long time that he had been asked how he felt. It makes him realise that he wasn't alright. 
He hadn't been alright for a long time. It felt strange for such a small creature to be asking him that. Optimus blinked, caught off guard by the simple question and sincere concern shining in organic eyes gazing at him. When was the last time anyone had inquired after his wellbeing? Long forgotten were those orn...
He shifted slightly, optics dimming as memory files flooded his processor - friends fallen, a world dissolved to cinders while he could only watch. His people scattered to the stars if lucky; slain without mercy if not. For so long his every function had been duty - to lead, guard, rebuild against impossible odds. But what remained of Optimus beneath it all? 
Slowly releasing a long vent, he admitted softly, "No, not truly. The burdens of many vorns sit heavy. But watching life thrive here gives solace," he gestured to the playing sparkling with a faint flicker of affection. His gaze met theirs openly. His field pulsed gratitude too deep for mere words. In such simple moments, perhaps broken things long shattered might slowly, carefully be glued back together.
Taglist: @angelxcvxc
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flowerbetweenfangs · 7 months
(This is a longer one and will be put under read more. CW: There is slavery, but the reader is looking to free/dismantle the system in their own way)
You came across the caged people in the middle of the day. There were no code words or secret passages to get to the displays. It was like any other booth at the bazaar.
Most of the cages were filled with beastmen. Unlike the creatures who roamed the forest, they would walk on two legs. Some could even speak.
Lionmen, Tigerladies, Avian Sapiens, "Not Deer", Chimera, and even a few Phoenixes all stared at you as you walked. Some grabbed the bars and strained their faces to look at you. A small flicker of danced across your eyes. Maybe a spark of hope that they would be freed.
"How long has this been going on?" You asked your companion.
"What do you mean?"
"The slaves?"
"Ah. Well, my dear blue blood..." Their voice trailed off as they stared at the cages. "Surely you heard about the market for this? They're not slaves..." They wiggled their fingers, brows furrowed as they attempted to come up with an explanation. "Merely.... Indentured servants."
"Why not put an offer up on the boards in town?" You raised a skeptical brow and ventured closer to the cages.
A walking stick slapped your chest. The impact smarted. Wincing, you stepped away to rub the sore spot.
"You shouldn't question this so much." Your companion hissed next to your ear.
"How much are the contracts?" You asked. There wasn't much left in your purse, but surely you could at least free one.
"We offer a wide variety of specimens and creatures." A well dressed figure stepped out from behind one of the cages. He ran a walking stick of his own across the bars, causing many who had come forward to retreat and whimper.
"We've broken them in ahead of time," His smile made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. "So they should already be obedient."
"Broken in?" Your brows raised more. So they had beaten or tortured these creatures into compliance?
"Don't worry, little Blue Blood." The man bowed. "We would not want a client to be harmed by the merchandise. If one does harm you or run away, we will send in our own parties to capture and return them, and give you a new one."
Your companion must have seen your scheming expression. The waling stick slammed down on the top of your foot and a quick throat clear was all the warning they could offer while being discreet.
Your eyes went to the Lionman again. They'd shorn his mane. Nicks and a few notches in his ear and surrounding fur showed how gentle they'd been. Dried blood and dirt clung to his body.
Your stomach churned at the fetid stench and sight. The sign declaring his price seemed insultingly low for another life. But considering how much the sellers had damaged the "merchandise", perhaps that was why.
You put down the coins.
The merchant slid over papers. The sloppily applied seal at the bottom hinted at their legitimacy, or lack thereof. Clenching your jaw, your eyes flicked to the top of the page. The spot next to "Name" was blank.
"He's your property, so you get to call him what you want."
"I'll... Think about it."
When you arrived home, the newcomer's nose wrinkled, sniffing his new environment.
Setting the papers down, you waved over one of the notaries, who came over with blank pieces of papers and writing tools. While you could read and write, the palace preferred the people they paid to be the ones who crossed the Ts and dotted the Is, along with minding the Ps and Qs.
"What is your name?" You asked the creature once your companion left to the servants' quarters. Laughter and cheers erupted shortly after.
The sudden noise had the Lionman's eyes wide, what little fur he had standing on end.
"They're always off by the seventeenth mark." You explained.
His eyes remained focused on the door. A chalice fell over as his thrashing tail struck it. As red wine sloshed across the table, the notary screeched, trying to save the paper.
Fabric tore and in a golden blur, the Lionman's fist slammed down on the table in front of you.
A filthy rag was clutched in his hand. And he was wearing less clothing than before.
"Forgive me." His hand trembled as he attempted to wipe up he rest of the wine.
"It's okay." You tried to keep your tone gentle as your heart became a battering ram against your chest. He'd moved so fast. Tore off his clothes, just to keep some wine off yours.
"And what is the name of my savior?" You tried again, now that you had his attention.
"I... Do not have one."
You inhaled sharply. Perhaps releasing him back into the wild wasn't the best option, just yet.
"Well... I paid a gold piece for you. You have golden fur. And you clearly are showing you will be worth every piece." You looked to the notary.
"What's another word for gold?"
"Well, an old word for gold piece was "Aureus."" The notary explained as they spread the papers across the tables.
You turned back to the Lionman.
"Is that acceptable?"
He dropped to one knee, arm across his abdomen.
"Of course, Master."
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maniculum · 11 months
Bestiaryposting: Wutugald Results
All right, time to see what everyone came up with for the Wutugald! Again, if that statement confuses you, you may find an explanation at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting . If you want a refresher on the description the artists were working with, here is the original post:
This was a pretty good creature to start with, I think; the random number generator did us a solid with this one. It laid to rest some concerns I had: will people be able to put aside their real-world knowledge of these animals and draw as if they had never heard of them? Yes, apparently -- a number of comments and notes indicated that several participants had guessed what the Wutugald was, refrained from sharing that information, and drew something that fit the description while being nevertheless a fully distinct animal. I was also concerned about some of the upcoming entries that specify a type of animal (bird, serpent, &c.), wondering if that constraint would be a problem -- but a number of people drew some Very Good Birds for this one, so I feel reassured that future entries that are Explicitly A Bird will still be material we can have fun with.
So, let's see what people created. I'm putting these in roughly the order in which they appeared, below the cut:
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@cosmic-flora (link to post here) produced this in Paint pretty shortly after the original post went up, and posted it with a brief explanation of their design decisions -- they were the first but not the last to interpret the rigid spine as spikes and the single tooth as a beak, and also to provide the creature with claws for digging.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) was also quick off the mark, posting this the same evening along with an explanation of their design process. I'm genuinely impressed by how quickly they were able to draw something so naturalistic -- this went up within like four hours of the original post. This was also the first (but again not the last) to include an apparent reference to the Wutugald's ability to change sex by including both male genitalia and noticeable teats. Also, I wonder if the coat pattern on the baby is a sneaky reference to the animal this is based on, as Silverhart does indicate that they figured it out.
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@elodieunderglass (link to post here) created this rendition, which I think does a good job at capturing the vibe in the bestiary entry, of a creature that the medieval author clearly sees as discomfiting and somewhat sinister. That is a grin that makes me worry about the critter's intentions.
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@geeoharee (link to post here) posted this along with a brief explanation of their design decisions. The human face and the speech bubble are great, I think -- it makes me smile. I think this is the first non-mammalian Wutugald, but several more come later.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) drew this with a dip pen, apparently, which is cool. Also this might be the cuddliest-looking version, but my desire to hug it probably says more about my own sense of self-preservation than anything else. That is a cute face, right? It's not just me?
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@cinqueform (link to post here) produced this wonderfully medieval-styled image. We can see here the ruler-straight spine and the depiction of the Wutugald's sexual ambiguity, as well as a human-like face for imitating speech. Also a very nice stylized letter W.
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@rautavaara (link to post here) has also done a medieval-style rendition, which is excellently sinister in presentation. That is a Worrying Creature. It's also the first (but again not the last) avian interpretation of the Wutugald, which I think really works. Also I'm not sure if this is a sneaky nod to what the animal actually is, or just a case of "great minds think alike", but Rautavaara's interpretation of the rigid spine is very similar to the one in the actual Aberdeen Bestiary illustration I will show y'all at the end of this post.
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@spontaneousmusicalnumber (link to post here) posted this along with a brief explanation of their design process. I think they're right about the side pattern being appropriate for a bestiary critter.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) did another avian rendition of the Wutugald complete with a fantastic lengthy reinterpretation of the bestiary entry through the eyes of a modern naturalist. Seriously, go check that out, it's very good.
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@fidgetyhands (link to post here) provides this image of the Wutugald along with an explanation of their design choices. They also note that limitations in terms of artistic material are probably relevant to a lot of bestiary drawings.
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@jamiethekeener (link to post here) gives us this Wutugald in the act of digging. She instructs that we should not ask why her interpretation of Wutugald ended up being so unsettling, which I cannot deny that it is. (That smile... that damn smile.) I also want to highlight the interpretation of the rigid spine as a shield-like plate along the back.
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@thewhetherman (link to post here) gives us this rather-frightening-looking creature, along with a brief commentary that definitely ups the spook factor on this whole thing.
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@bruncikara (link to post here) also went with a medieval stylization, with a very period-appropriate pose and frame. We can see again some digging claws and a nod to the animal's sexual ambiguity. Wicked-looking single tooth, also.
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@mobileleprechaun (link to post here) has given us what I think is our only invertebrate Wutugald by interpreting the rigid spine as a shell and the single tooth as a radula. Shown here with its half-lion offspring.
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@illogarithmil (link to post here) has also taken inspiration from medieval bestiary art, noting the unusual color and perspective choices typical of the genre. Note the straight tail, the skull, and the doorway in the background -- presumably into a tomb of some sort. The diamond-pupilled eye is striking.
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@qwertyprophecy (link to post here) gives us this Wutugald who manages to strike an excellent balance between "cute" and "villainous". Like, I would expect to see these hopping around to signal that the Protagonists have entered the Sinister Fantasy Kingdom, but it's also kind of adorable. I think the gemstone pupil helps with that vibe. Vulture face is for easier eating of corpses, I assume.
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@aaclysm (link to post here) provides both a final version and a "messy bus sketch". We can see the stone-like eyes, the single tooth interpreted as a beak, and the rigid spine interpreted as a carapace. Kind of griffin-like vibes, which I'm enjoying.
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@scarlettbookworm (link to post here) gives us this drawing, which has some delightful details. I like the lines on the shadow, which I assume is meant to indicate the magical effects associated with it. Also love that the Wutugald's ability to change sex is acknowledged by giving it a little trans-pride flag to wave with its tail. I believe the text in its speech bubble is intended to be word-salad, demonstrating that it imitates but does not understand human speech.
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@pachelbelsheadcanon (link to post here) gives us another very cute Wutugald. (More of these than I expected are downright cuddly.) I'm particularly delighted by the attempt to take the whole "single tooth that closes like a casket" thing at its word and make it work. They provide in their post an explanation of what's going on with that and some other interesting zoological details of their creation. I also enjoy the idea that the Wutugald talks like bot-generated spam.
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@changeinenthalpy (link to post here) has produced this fairly-intimidating-looking critter. This definitely looks like something that could dig up and eat a corpse if it wanted. Nasty claws on that beast. The shiny gemstone eyes give it an unsettling gaze also.
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@aethergeologist (link to post here) gives us this creature, which I both want to pet and also want to keep a healthy distance from because those claws look like they could mess you up. They provide an explanation for their design choices in the linked post.
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@karthara (link to post here) has added to our store of avian Wutugalds, and includes a brief explanation of their design choices in the linked post. I like how happy it seems in the side view -- all excited about its corpse-digging plans for the evening.
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@moustawott (link to post here) created this delightfully prehistoric-looking beast, and provides a detailed account of their design choices in the linked post. I think the snapping-turtle face really works here, and this is probably one of the most dangerous-looking interpretations of the Wutugald.
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@cattorneyatlaw (link to post here) has drawn an unusually porcine Wutugald. Probably one of the spookier pig drawings I've seen. They provide an explanation of their design choices -- including "why a pig" -- in the linked post.
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@curiouslyodd (link to post here) has given us a Wutugald with a very unsettling face and an interesting fur pattern. In the linked post, they not only provide an explanation of their design choices, but also a detailed and well-written reinterpretation of the bestiary entry based on the animal as they have drawn it. Go check that out.
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@treesurface (link to post here) has done an interestingly chimeric Wutugald, and includes a brief explanation of their design choices in the linked post. I like the head particularly.
And... hm. We're not going to be able to fit all of the images in one post. The limit is thirty, right? Stay tuned for a bit, I guess. The remaining Wutugalds will be in a reblog of this post, along with the reveal of the animal's identity and the Aberdeen Bestiary's interpretation of the creature.
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dailycharacteroption · 4 months
Planar Tour Guide: Positive Energy Plane part 3
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(art by The-SixthLeafClover on DeviantArt)
We’ve beat around the bush for a bit, but now it’s time to talk directly about the creatures that one is likely to encounter once one gets over the hurtle of actually surviving the plane itself.
The most prominent and well-known beings in Creation’s Forge are the jyoti, a species of bird-like winged humanoids that form spontaneously from the plane’s energies. While sometimes erroneously called phoenix-kin (though the fact that actual phoenixes do have a strong connection to positive energy on account of their self-ressurection and healing is interesting), the jyoti are their own people, and act as the guardians of the plane.
However, due to their charge and the incursions of gods in eons past, the jyoti are extremely xenophobic, turning away and outright attacking travelers from other planes, with only a rare diplomatic few being able to make peaceful contact with them, though never truly earning their trust. This is because they firmly believe that they were entrusted with the guardianship of the plane, and view all deific interference, from the outright invasions to even support sent to aid them as an incursion in disguise and both as insults to their role.
Indeed, the only beings the jyoti seem to trust are the manasaputra and turuls, the former for their truly benevolent wisdom, and the latter for them generally having the plane’s interests at heart.
It’s also worth noting that the jyoti view their negative energy counterparts, the sceanduinar, with pity, and see a swift destruction as the only mercy they can afford them, tying into the linked origin of both planes.
While also avians, the turul are very different physically to the jyoti, though they may have a shared genesis. These colossal bird-folk intellectual and talkative, though quick to dismiss guests when they grow bored, and quick to anger when the unwanted persist. Turuls do not share the xenophobia of their smaller cousins, and are quite often interested in mortals, taking on destined individuals or entire civilizations under their patronage. However, such relationships are often more like a pet and caregiver than harboring mutual respect, and so these quasi-divine birdmen do not often intervene unless their charge is truly in trouble.
However, while the other two are well-known, it is the gliminals (introduced in Second Edition), which best represent The Furnace as an alien realm of overwhelming creation that burns up that which it creates. Gliminals resemble humanoid masses of light, and their mindset is very alien to mortals. To a gliminal, the inevitability of death is a tragic curse on mortal kind which they cannot abide, and they seek to free mortal souls from that curse by stripping them of the fleshy shells that drag them down into death and away from Creation’s Forge towards one of the outer planes… by which I mean they reenact the overwhelming effects of their home plane in miniature and overwhelm mortals until they explode with raw life energy.
Additionally, the plane, much like many others, is home to gleaming reflections of many mortal creatures. These “radiant” creatures may be echoes of the possible life forms that proto-souls can inhabit once they leave for the mortal realm (or more likely, beings that have been obliterated by the plane, but managed to stay by some fluke and gain a body of radiant light), but they do behave much in the same way as their mortal counterparts, albeit even more vibrant and alive-seeming, and with a great antipathy for the undead and negative energy.
As the source of mortal souls, the Positive Energy Plane is not a place one would expect to find souls that passed on, let alone outsiders that evolved out of them, but such is the case with the manasaputra, divine beings of enlightenment and universal oneness who have their origins in Hindu mythology. (And also unfortunately in theosophy as well, but we’ll try to distance ourselves from that as much as possible). No matter what form they take, these cosmic beings are one of the few entities not born directly of the plane that the jyoti respect, and while the birdfolk do not seek them out, their presence can often temper their xenophobia, giving mortals a chance to make their case.
Not so with the davana titans, some of the oldest titans in existence. While such titans can often be found on many planes, not just here, a good number of them do exist in The Furnace, either as leftovers of some failed incursion or sent to guard the plane in the name of the gods. However, they are universally hated by the jyoti, and have to live in isolation there in order to maintain their assigned posts and wards. Unlike other davana, most are still working on their original assignments, so are unlikely to go berserk in an effort to re-establish cosmic order the way their imprisioned kin are, though I imagine most keep a wide berth of Titan’s Prison for obvious reasons.
It’s worth noting that though they are not likely trusted by the jyoti, monadic deva angels also sometimes frequent the plane on their patrols, barely tolerated by the jyoti no doubt.
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention ravids. The one-limbed serpentine creatures called Ravids are natives to the positive energy plane that are most notable with being able invest positive energy into objects to bring them to life… And the reason you may not have heard of them is that they’re actually a D&D monster, one that was legal for Paizo to transfer into Pathfinder under the OGL… but when it came time to actually make a system and not just a setting, they never figured out how to make them interesting, and kinda dropped them from the setting, being one of the very few non-OGL-exempted monsters from Monster Manual 1 that never appeared in Pathfinder outside some pre-Pathfinder system lore books. For my part, while they may be dubiously canon, I still like to think ravids are out there somewhere, waiting for an aspiring writer to give them some good lore.
Like I mentioned before, one would not expect there to be petitioners (or their new name in 2E revisted: shades) to exist on a plane where souls primarily leave, not enter, especially since no true deity makes their home on the plane. However, those that follow the philosophies of the manasaputra obecome such shades, called The Enlightened, where they dwell in peaceful reflection until they ascend to become one of the lesser forms of manasaputra along their path to greater enlightenment.
Additionally, the plane is also home to pre-incarnated souls, akin to nebulae condensing into a new star in miniature. While non-sapient, these vague entities have a curious knack for mimicry, but truly understand nothing, having not yet lived to have consciousness or comprehension. While normally impervious to harm, overwhelming negative energy or magic could snuff them out, and so most denizens of the plane, particularly jyoti, strive to protect them from harm.
As we can see, there is a surprisingly deep ecology to a plane that otherwise scours life from it’s reality, full of possible allies but also volatile enemies. But without a reason, visiting these natives would be a moot point. As such, tomorrow we’ll be looking at adventures on the Positive Energy Plane!
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Fever - Hunter - Pt 2
I elected to go ahead and share another smaller chapter instead of making you guys wait another couple days
Part 2 of Fever - Hunter. If you're new, this all starts with Touch Starved!
Febuwhump Day 11.2
Warnings: TW: needles/injection, a single swear word (wanna guess who says it?), hay fever symptoms
WC: 2,239
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Night offered no reprieve. Sweat soaked through my blacks, pooling against my armor until my skin wrinkled and ached. I wanted nothing more than to strip the rigid plastoid and “breathable” fabric off and lay flat atop the cool soil, limbs stretched as far from my torso as possible. Instead, I squirmed to roll onto my other side in the snug embrace of the hammock, eyes closed in the futile denial that I might find some escape in a sleep that was unlikely to come.
By the time Wrecker came to rouse me to take final watch, I was fairly certain I’d tossed and turned the night away.
“You gonna be alright? Yuh look beat.” The gentle man murmured sympathetically at the little groan that caught in my throat as I struggled free of my ‘bed’.
“No worse than everyone else.” I sighed as I pulled off my helmet and stretched my neck and shoulders to work out the kinks. “Everything go okay last night?” My voice was groggier than I’d hoped, but I offered him a reassuring smile to quell his worries before hiding behind my bucket once more.
“Echo says he heard somethin’ durin’ his watch, but me an’ Cross didn’t see anything.” I could hear the exhaustion in his words and felt my shoulders sink in a quiet sigh.
“Okay, I’ll keep an eye out. Go get a bit more sleep.” He hesitated, visor absently following my movements as I performed a quick, mindless inspection of my pistols before returning them to their holsters, but, with a reluctant nod, he finally turned toward the poor substitute for the shelter strung up between two trees.
There is no graceful way to get into a hammock. I tried not to watch his clumsy shuffle to get his hips over the lip of fabric, the beat of hesitation before hopping up and struggling to maintain his balance as the movement sent him swinging, limbs flailing slightly to position himself safely in the center of the cloth, but I couldn’t fight the way my lips tensed against a grin, fully aware that I’d looked no less hopeless in my own attempts.
On most worlds, the following hour was one in which the land seemed to wake, lit beneath those first gentle rays of light, but this jungle never slept. The creatures of night loomed beyond the trees and brush with the same unapologetic chittering as the creatures of day. The dense air screamed with the relentless trill of insects, with the clap of avian wings overhead and the creak of branches shifting beneath the weight of something I could only hope had more interest in fruit than flesh.
Midway through my watch, a noise caught my attention that had no place among the chaos of jungle life. I went still; focus straining to hear it again. Mere seconds passed before that short, stifled huff sounded a short distance behind me. I didn’t need to look to know it was Hunter.
Footsteps nearly silent atop the lush soil, I crept across out makeshift camp, determined not to wake him if he was still asleep, but already I could hear the stifled coughs, the failed attempt to clear his throat, the tiny groan as he shifted sluggishly onto his side. My shoulders slumped. I hadn’t expected the meds to offer much relief beyond sedating him for the night, but he was clearly getting worse.
Just as I drew a breath to call out to him, he leaned forward in that initial movement to haul himself free of the hammock, but his limbs shifted unsteady, head hanging to his chest with no real focus granted toward the action, and, when the fabric shifted beneath his weight, was unable to make any effort to right himself, body tumbling heavily to the ground.
“Hunter!” His name barked from me in a hushed gasp, darting forward to reach him. Beyond bringing a hand up to rest shakily over the visor of his helmet, he showed no signs of even realizing he’d fallen, torso rocking beneath painfully slowed breaths just threatening to hitch beneath barely suppressed coughs. I quickly lowered myself to my knees in front of him, hand resting gently on his shoulder.
“Not feeling any better, I guess…” I murmured sympathetically. Several seconds passed before he gave a tiny shake of his head, the stiffness of even that movement clearly agonizing. “Alright, let’s get you sitting up – laying down it just going to make that pressure in your sinuses worse.” I didn’t need to ask – the way he held his hand toward his face told me everything I needed to know about the terrible stuffiness spreading through the ridge of his cheeks, beneath the broad plane of his forehead and pressing relentlessly against his eyes.
He offered no arguments as I pulled his pack toward us and, gently pulling his arm over my shoulder, hauled him upright to lean against it. His body spasmed with a pair of violent sneezes and, though his mic was still muted, I watched his body deflate beneath a quiet groan.
“Hand signs are fine if it hurts to move your head.” I told him quietly as my hand automatically slid over the back of his neck to rub at the tense muscles. “Are you having difficulty breathing?” His hand shifted listlessly in reply, as though the air was weighted about him, fighting even the most basic of motions.
“Okay, does that feel like it’s from tightness in your chest or congestion in your nose and throat?” I was careful to keep my voice low, unhurried lest my own concerns cause him to panic. He motioned toward his head. “Good.” The gentle praise left me in a whispered murmur, heart melting at the subtle way he began leaning into my touch. “I need you to tell me if that changes or gets worse. Alright?”
“Alright.” My fingers tightened slightly around the taut cords of muscle stretching down from the base of his skull before resuming the rhythmic, soothing strokes from the top of his neck down to the lip of his armor and back. “What about dizziness? Do you feel light-headed?”
“Fair to assume headache, fatigue, and sore, itchy eyes and throat all apply, too?” His helmet tilted up slightly at the sympathy in my light teasing, and I could clearly picture the weak glare hidden behind that dark visor. Letting out a deep sigh, I glanced around to the still sleeping figures nestled in cocoons of dark grey cloth strung up between the surrounding trees.
“I’ll get our gear packed up. Try to sleep for a bit longer if you can.” I whispered, pushing myself to my feet. He drew in a breath as though preparing to speak, and I knew perfectly well what excuses and reassurances vied for that air, but then he let it out in a resigned sigh, and my heart twisted in the wake of his suffering.
Echo was the first to wake. I’d just finished tucking the freshly rolled hammocks into my pack when he groggily tumbled to his feet. He allowed himself barely a moment to stand up before turning his attention to where Hunter had set up his shelter, and I could see the weight settle atop his shoulders. With a final glance behind me to confirm the barely conscious Sergeant had yet to try moving, I stood up and tread quietly to the arc.
“How bad?” He asked, feigning no pleasantries to soften the coming news.
“It’s not life-threatening, but there’s nothing I can do for him out here.” I answered, arms crossing over my chest as I turned back to look at the slumped form. “I need to get him back to the Marauder – away from whatever it is he’s reacting to.” Echo turned to look at me, and he didn’t need to speak those next words for me to know what he was thinking.
“He’s not going to like that.” Shaking my head with a weary shrug, I let my gaze wander to the stunning network of life flitting between the sea of leaves overhead, managing to catch only the occasional flash of a wing or twitch of a tail before whatever creatures dwelled above vanished from sight.
“He can’t fight like this.” I stated simply. “Hell, he can barely move like this… Do you think you’ll be able to finish the mission without us?” He was quiet for a long moment.
“Yeah… yeah, we’ll be fine. Do you think you’ll be able to get him back safely?” He asked, turning back to me. My teeth worried over the inner flesh of my lip, dreading the coming trek.
“It’ll be rough,” I admitted, “But he’s only going to get worse the longer he’s out here… and going back should be easier since the path is already cut.” I added, but the façade of hope in those final words did little to fool either of us. Echo was kind enough not to draw attention to that.
“I’ll get the others up – fill them in. Good luck convincing him.” I could hear the faintest hint of a smirk in his voice as he turned to rouse Tech. Drawing a deep breath, I started back toward the desolate figure before me.
“You awake?” I called softly, lowering myself to a knee beside him. He’d just begun calling some motion into his shoulders before abandoning the movement with a shuttered exhale.
Yes. His hand gave a weak flinch in response. Jaw grinding, I quickly snatched my own bag and dug through the supplies.
“Injection or pill?” I asked and granted him mere seconds to grasp some meaning behind my words before adding, “‘No’ isn’t an option.” He offered no response for a moment longer before his shoulders sank in resigned acceptance. When he tilted his head just enough to grant access to his neck, I grabbed the auto-injector and kneeled beside him.
“Good choice - this will help faster.” I murmured warmly, fingers carefully easing the tight fabric down enough to touch the applicator flush against the gorgeous bronze of his skin. He tensed slightly as the medication went in but offered no further complaints. Tossing the device back into my pack, I gently rubbed at the injection sight both in the hopes of easing the lingering hurt and to help the anti-inflammatory diffuse faster.
“Alright, so this is what’s going to happen,” I started, shuffling slightly to sit in front of him, “We’re going to give that a few minutes to take the edge off – get some food and water in you, make sure the others have everything they need; then you and I are going back to the Marauder.” Instantly, his attention snapped up to me. The threat of anger in the suddenly heavy breaths churning within his chest did little to deter me.
“Hunter, you know this is the right call.” I continued, voice dropping into a whisper. “The longer you’re out here, the worse you’re going to feel. You really want to try to convince me that you can fight? That you trust yourself to watch their backs?” His head tilted forward just enough for me to know he was glaring.
“Really don’t feel like pulling punches today?” He grumbled with a quick scoff, and my heart twisted at the hoarseness of his voice.
“Nope.” I chirped back but offered an apologetic sigh before pushing myself to my feet. “Do you still have water?” His hand fluttered listlessly about his waist in search of the container and, giving it a small shake, nodded. “Make sure you rinse your face after you eat – especially your eyes.” The slow tilt of his helmet perfectly illustrated the deadpan stare hiding beneath, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Uh-uh. You want to be trusted with common sense for your own wellbeing? Next time, you tell your medic when this” I pointed vaguely toward him, “first starts.” I could hear the sigh just as clearly as I heard the rushed attempt to stifle the coughing fit that threatened to seize through him, but he managed to regain control of himself.
Snatching my pack, I walked the short distance to the others. Based on the dark expression on Wrecker’s face, I safely assumed Echo had already told them of Hunter’s declining health.
“Doc, you sure it’s a good idea to take him back by yourself?” The gentle man asked, mismatched eyes glancing between me and his brother.
“I’m not totally helpless, Wrecker.” I retorted with a smirk before adding, quieter, “We’ll be fine… and we technically haven’t traveled very far, so we can stay in contact the whole time.” As soon as I said it, Crosshair’s shoulders slumped.
“That doesn’t mean you can flood the damn coms.” He snarled before Wrecker could reply, threat clear in his voice, but I merely chuckled at them.
“Alright, who has room for some supplies – if I’m not with you, I want to make sure you guys still have whatever you might need if things get rough.”
After divvying up bandages and medications, and grimacing at Hunter’s strained voice as he drilled them on the plan again, we finally parted ways. No one gave the Sergeant any grief for turning back, and I found myself silently thanking them each for the unspoken understanding. The coming days would be difficult enough without them adding to his guilt.
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Dialogue Prompt
4 - John & Cobalt-Team (pick your straight-man)
13 - Kelly & Fred
From these prompts - please, anyone feel free to throw me some more!
4 - "Could you not be a show-off while we're trying to stay alive!"
(Set in the Silver timeline)
Cobalt Team were among the highest-performing Spartan teams. They had been hardened into a cohesive unit since they were six years old, and it showed. Ice water ran through their veins. They were efficient, they were precise, and they were deadly. Unfortunately, even the best of the best had bad days.
This was a bad day.
They'd been scouting ahead for an extraction detail - yet another in a long list of embarrassingly meaningless tasks ever since Silver Team had dropped the ball and made the entire SPARTAN program a liability in the eyes of the Powers That Be. For this particular mission, Silver Team was even sent along. No one knew why not one but two Spartan fireteams had been assigned babysitting duty, but then... they weren't the type to question orders. They'd leave that to John and his band of misfit toys.
Cobalt had just split off to check a new NAV marker when they came under fire. It took only a matter of seconds for the grizzled soldiers to realize that they were well and truly surrounded - and in deep trouble to boot.
"Elite, nine o'clock," Cobalt's leader, Val-015 called out stoically. He put a three-round burst into the towering alien's center-mass. Its shields flared brightly, then cracked. Yaz-112 put a single round from her DMR through the creature's skull, its dark blue innards spraying outward in a fine mist.
Val shifted his aim. "Cobalt Three, half a dozen jackals creeping up the right flank."
"I see them, I see them!" Karim-002 barked. He distracted the vaguely avian creatures with a few burst from his battle rifle before lobbing an M9 fragmentation grenade over top of their shields. A second and a half later, their angry squawks were silenced permanently.
Cobalt were good at what they did. Quick. Efficient. Deadly.
As Val consulted the dozens of incoming enemy contacts on his motion tracker, it suddenly dawned on him that it wouldn't be enough.
"Where's Silver when you need them?" Karim asked no on in particular as he knocked down a trio of Grunts with a few well-placed shots. "John's always around to act like he's the be-all end-all of hardcore soldiers, but when you actually need him? Something better always-"
Whatever Cobalt Three had been about to say was lost in the violent report of a Condor's chin-gun. The dense foliage around the fireteam erupted into shrapnel and neon-colored plumes of blood as the UNSC dropship rose seemingly from nowhere and began to burn down the encroaching enemies.
The carpet-fire was enough to give Cobalt a brief reprieve - and then the Condor was spinning around, its gangplank hanging open and waiting to receive them. Karim groaned audibly when he recognized John-117 standing on the lowered ramp, one arm outstretched heroically.
"Come on!" the Spartans' squad leader bellowed, firing an M6 into the woods.
Cobalt scrambled onto the Condor, both Val and Yaz allowing the Chief to help them aboard. Karim stiffly refused the other Spartan's help, opting to fling himself into the hovering dropship under his own power.
Once the troop bay was sealed tight and they were headed back to their carrier, John made his way to Karim's side.
"Are you injured, Spartan?" he asked, his voice surprisingly gentle for the man who had become so synonymous with warcraft that the UNSC had all but painted him as their mascot.
"I'm fine," Karim snapped. Then he sighed heavily, staring at his boots. Finally he lifted his eyes to glare at John's visor. "Just... could you not be a show-off while the rest of us are trying to survive?"
John stared at him in silence, the small twitch of his head the only indication that Karim's annoyed request had any effect on him. "Sorry," he finally said, his tone heavy-laden. "I'll try not to in the future."
From the cockpit, Vannak-134 and Riz-028 laughed loudly.
13 - "I would rather be kissing you right now."
The UNSC Infinity was the greatest warship the UNSC had ever constructed. She was sleek, she was fast, and she was just as powerful as the most impressive weaponry the Covenant had ever managed to bring to bear.
Not the least impressive attribute of the Infinity was her Spartan Deck. S-Deck, as it was known by the ship's crew, was stocked with enough Brokkr System machines and training materials to keep an entire company of Spartans happy... and Blue Team was certainly taking advantage of that.
Kelly-087 in particular was enjoying herself immensely. With the Infinity's 'War Games' simulator, the fastest of all Spartans had finally found herself a worthy challenger: a training relay that combined all of the thrill of a life-and-death combat scenario with all of the competitive triumph of being able to run simulations over and over again until her need for perfection was finally satisfied.
"This is incredible," Kelly said excitedly between rounds. Blue Team had just sent Fireteam Boxer to the showers, thoroughly humiliated with their poor showing against the veteran Spartans. Next up on the chopping block was Grindstone. She couldn't wait to rub the upstarts' faces in her own squad's superiority.
"I couldn't imagine a better way to spend our day," she continued, jabbering excitedly. "Teaching these kids how real Spartans operate, only to line them up and knock them back down the very next day."
Although Blue Team held immense respect for the Spartan-IVs, it was undeniable that they all got a very real sense of satisfaction from knocking down the younger generation down a few pegs from time to time. While John and Linda smirked and nodded their concurrence, Kelly noticed that Fred merely cocked his head to one side curiously, and said nothing.
Curious herself, the Spartan leaned closer to the man. "Something wrong?" she asked quietly enough that only he could hear, studying his expression. They were close - close enough for her to feel the heat radiating off his unhelmeted head and to count the flecks of blue pockmarking the green of his eyes. Close enough that she could smell his breath, still minty from his toothpaste, and could see each tick and shift in his familiar face.
Fred glanced over at her and grinned, dimples forming small valleys in his cheeks. "Not a thing, Rabbit," he said with a twinkle in his eye that he seemed to reserve only for her, in moments like these when no one else would notice. "I was just thinking that there's at least one thing I could be persuaded to do instead of this."
Kelly shot back a grin of her own, raising her eyebrows in surprise. "And what might that be, LT?" she prodded.
"Nothing too important," Fred answered, his smile slowly transitioning into a smirk. "But I'd rather be kissing you right now."
With that, the Spartan slid his helmet back into place. "Time's up," he called out, turning his back on Kelly and slinging an MA5D over his shoulder. "Grindstone's waiting for us to show them up yet again... I'd hate to disappoint."
Kelly watched him confidently march away, her jaw dropping open ever-so-slightly in shock. Then, mustering all of her will-power, she closed her mouth with a click of her teeth and resolved to focus on the upcoming simulation. It wouldn't do her any favors to waltz in unprepared. But, she promised herself, she was definitely going to take Fred up on that offer.
Sooner than later.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
According to Chris Wyatt, Playgor Cardquest isn't a member of the Gamer Geeks in the BotBots cartoon, but is instead a member of a squad of BotBots from a tabletop gaming store. Could you tell us more about Playgor's squad and its other members?
Dear Tabletop Talker,
Playgor Cardquest's fellow BotBots who also came to life in the board game store are:
Player the Handbook, a mischievous sort who'll push the rules to their limits to gain an advantage.
Monster Manuel, a hefty tome who enjoys pretending to be all kinds of fantasy creatures.
Snuzzlebeard, a plush wizard whose soft demeanor hides the fact that he's a rigid follower of the rules.
Snippy Clippy, a fastidious set of modeling sprue clippers, whose perfectionism could cut other bots to the quick.
Unit Mover, the squad's self-proclaimed ruler.
Dicebird, who believes in following the spirit of the rules over the letter. Curiously, her ursine/avian hybrid robot form resembles another universe's beast warrior, and her alternate form resembles the AllSpark—though I'm struggling to place the Cybertronian dialect of the symbols carved into its faces.
After the Goldrush Games, they were joined by D.M. Gold, who's constantly coming up with new games and challenges for everyone to join in with.
The squad has gone through several editions—calling themselves the Fantasy Force, the Dice Division, the Rules Lawyers—but they increasingly join the Gamer Geeks in gatherings, ever since the video game store diversified into general nerd-oriented products, such as tabletop games, action figures, and novelty bobbleheads of popular characters.
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kariachi · 1 year
Thought on Flights Inspired by Other’s Post: Okay, stay with me guys and consider- Flights are generally treated in canon as this big ‘let me prove I am the biggest and baddest’ and the bronzes catch everyone because they’re awesome, yadda yadda, but. But.
Flights as where the ‘males compete for female affection’ meets ‘avian courtship dances’.
Stay with me! Especially with the golds being as possessive as they are over ‘their’ bronzes, Flights being in part a sort’ve ‘do as I do’ aerial dance of sorts ahead of everything wouldn’t be so impossible. Doubly so when you consider that dragonkin are telepathic, so this isn’t just testing physical prowess, but possibly also the strength of the bond between Chaser and Riser. Triply so when you consider fuckers are out there getting hurt chasing greens, implying that it’s not just a matter of outpacing fuckers but of keeping up. You’re more likely to hurt yourself trying to mimic a barrel roll than you are having to do a quick turn, especially when you’d have been training in the latter for Fall.
So, the concept goes, the Riser will be doing acrobatics while the Chasers mimic them. While doing this, the Chasers 1) have to avoid colliding with each other, and 2) can respond more quickly and fittingly if they have a stronger bond with the Riser due to telepathy adding a bit of insight into what they’re going to do (on top of any ‘I know they like to do this’ that may come from knowing each other well). The Riser then chooses from amongst their Chasers based on who can keep up (and in a perfect world also whose rider their own is down for a round with)- either able to last for the less intense but far longer Flights of the rankers or able to keep up with the shorter but far more intense Flights of the small chromatics.
Does it perfectly fit something we’d see on Earth? No, not really. Does the fact these are literally alien creatures with alien abilities, 2/3 of the species of which are genetically engineered abominations against God[affectionate], give us some wriggle room there? I think so.
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liladydarkwolf · 5 months
We all know being a teenager can be tough, but did you know that it’s particularly hard for some birds? Unfortunately this lack of awareness is responsible for a large portion of avian surrenders; If your looking at getting a bird is important to remember that, unless you’ve adopted an adult, you will experience puberty.. bird style. Not gonna lie, it can suck but they do grow out of it! Learn about hormonal shifts, work on redirection, environmental management and behavior modification… Be patient and you’ll get through it! There’s support and assistance, find an avian vet, reach out to experienced bird owners, find a pet bird club. Submit things here or YouTube, bird people are usually pretty open to lending a hand. That being said, let’s jump from the serious to the hilarious with a snippet of my own novice bird days!
So I got a cockatiel…
They are so sweet they said…
So quiet and docile they said…
So cuddly they said…
So easy to work with they said….
I’m repeating this in my head as I duck and weave, trying to avoid being shanked by my 1 year old, Tawarri, as he indulges in a little territorial rage brought on by the onset of adolescence. The cat has unknowingly shown some serious balls by daring to dart past me into HIS room…Oh make no mistake, it’s his… He just lets me lurk at the edges occasionally. I, as a conscientious bird owner (read justifiably paronoid) darted after her; Only to find myself standing where she is supposed to be as she yowels, drops to her stomach and shimmies across the floor for the very dubious safety of under the bed.
He… It’s just he at this moment, that’s not Tawarri, it’s some blood thirsty ballistic missile with feathers… has dropped onto the poor cat’s back and is apparently attempting to recreate the blood eagle in real time. I have realized that the cat has teleported and launch myself after her, just in time to fall flat on my face and be treated to the sight of a 8 r oz bird chasing the cat out from under the bed and out of his room.
Vaguely… as he flaps and struts in front of the door with all the jubilation of a Roman emperor celebrating a public triumph… I recall that I had started chasing the cat out of concern for my tiny, floofy cuddle bug; yet somehow I’ve face planted while trying to rescue the 10 pound cat from this ungodly creature of darkness intert on reviving a mythic fate worse than death.
None of which seems all that important after about 3 seconds of Tawarri’s victory dance when he suddenly makes eye contact with me still partially lodged beneath HIS bed…. My philosophical daze brought on by suddenly shifting neural connections processing this absurd reality immediately turns into a desperate scramble to make my face less accessible to the monster barreling toward me at speeds I didn’t even think the awkward bird body could reach! Pure instinct has kicked in and suddenly I’m feeling very vulnerable, much like prey.
Fun fact about me, I never really wanted a lip piercing, even in my rebellious teen years; I guess fate was not particularly interested in my opinions about holes in my face that weren’t stock.. Because I face planted again in my panic and failed to make a clean getaway. To Tawarri’s credit, his aim was immaculate! Perfect center of my lower lip and I really could have put a ring through that hole. If you’re going to have unplanned body modification, it does help if it’s symmetrically aligned. And because the Gods have a sense of humor in line with your average serial killer, I got about 4 months before his younger flock mate, Bella, decided to get in on the fun. Of course, as with many species who are sexually dimorphic, being the female of the species meant a whole new range of teenage shenanigans! You learn quick! But a warning would have been nice, just saying … And yeah, it stocked for awhile…
But hey, this is what I got when I pushed through…
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Wip Files tag
Was tagged by @sleepyowlwrites in this post! Thanks!!
Real quick tagging @squarebracket-trick @words-after-midnight @winterandwords
Mine is going to be far less comprehensive then Sleepy's, lol and like walking into a giant mess
Pretty sure the rules are something about looking at the file names or folder names of your WIPs and I can't remember if it has to be one specifically or not so...here's file/folder names for stuff in my writing-related GDrive.
Nanowrimo -HollyPine
Rod AbracadabraONLINEEDIT The Three Copy of Abracadabra RODATT#2 ROD CH13 POS Quet prophetic ROD Rod happenings
Manuscripts&StoryStuff Kashi halfblood Kashi HalfBlood Ipob2 Kashi -- FINAL COPY Breakdowns- Elewna WIP Layla's Moment Two moons (revised 2012) (1) Two moons (revised 2012)
(Imma use a Readmore here because it's about to get LONG)
The Purple World SketchesDocs -Elewna --There is a folder for each of the ten clans of Elewna plus a folder titled 'AGeneral Planet&Clans' and under each one the exact same set of subfolders: Mythology//Playthrough//Stories//Rules&Regs//Linguistics//Environment alongside concept sketches. The ones that are different are: AGeneral Planet&Clans - There are six cycles in the system that count as 'seasons' and each cycle has a folder dedicated to it The Clan Folders are titled: BAHAAT(TK)//UMATOE(SABER)//FAROAE(LMD)//ORIEIIFIO(FOX)//KAMARE(EQUINE)//ONISRAERI(WOLF)//DEVEOL(AVIAN)//Nainona[Ubli](HYENA)//SATI(BEAR)//MUAGJIA(MOOSE)
And in all honesty if you want the file names of anything in those folders just ask me and I'll do a seperate post of them, lol
List of attributes for Light and Dark -FiveChildren -Elkien Elkien; Earth and Order -Phoric --FAE --WEATHER -Elemental Ecconi Atmu Fusions and Denizens WolfWRITING Rules2 Notes2 (1) Physics_nature Notes2 Weather Brainstorming morality Universes2 2019 universe history_background Cards Brainstorming_Keystones Untitled document ELEMENTAL NOTES_NEXT GEN _Air_Light, Fun, Trickster, Amoral; Passion & Instinct Story engine idea Water is the universal currency FAUNA; Silke Spider CATEGORY CHANGE-IDEA LayviaATT1 Gemstones and Representational meanings Game Notes_Order Game Notes_Knowledge Game Notes; Air Worldbuilding Wensday Water; Magic&Skills Class_Profession Game Notes_Fire Game Notes_Chaos Game Notes_Magic The StarCrash Event NATURAL RESOURCES_MATERIALS; PONDERA NATURAL RESOURCES_MATERIALS;PHORIC NATURAL RESOURCES_MATERIALS; ELKIEN (1) NATURAL RESOURCES_MATERIALS; ELKIEN WORLDBUILDING POEM_Three to Eight Game Notes_Earth Basic Dreconai_ Worldbuilding notes on temples and artifacts Maps Music Fonts Elewnai world dynamics and events Domain Supply Lists1 StarCrash Event Elewna Sati overview Hyena overview Elkien overview Planentary Worldbuilding Notes Domain Supply Lists Braindump - Clans and Metaphores Fox fighting styles: RESOURCES OF DOMAIN Elk overall resources Elkish brainstorming (various images of maps all zoomed in to specific regions with various info) DomainStory Veil Resources Frostfall_ManedWolf Collection of Kamare prophecies ShadowHollow_AfricanWildDog Underhoard_DireWolf BaHaat Resources Skybirth Resources HangingEdge_Jackal (more concept art of various elemental gods and a rotoscope I was playing around with) Story of Anri, The Branded (clump of creature concept art) (clump of linguistic symbols and corresponding letters for each of the Elewnai clans) ElewnisWorldTheme(a sound recording)
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Coldfire Trilogy Daemon!AU Headcanons
Alright, let’s do this. 
Get over here, Kaley *grabs @straysinfiltrator by the collar and yanks* This is all your fault, so come look at what you’ve wrought. XD 
This is a post speculating on what daemon each character from the Coldfire Trilogy would have in a crossover/fusion with His Dark Materials. I’ve put in some general headcanons for the crossover ‘verse and then listed out each daemon’s name, species, gender, some of the symbolism of those choices, and the character they’re associated with. 
I do not have time to start yet another WIP, so instead you’re all getting this massive headcanon dump for the hypothetical fusion fic that I’ve had floating around the back of my head for a couple years. A quick disclaimer: I haven’t actually read His Dark Materials yet, I’m familiar with daemons through fandom and other AUs I’ve read as well as a quick spoiler-free trawl of the HDM wiki, so if the series has specific meanings for certain animals I’m unaware of them. I’m just having fun and going off the animal symbolism I know from general mythology and/or Google. 
This got absurdly long so I put it under the cut.  
General headcanons: 
Most people have daemons that take the shape of Terran animals; lots of Earth's animals are only known to Ernan science due to someone, somewhere, having their daemon take that form. Some of these animals are obscure enough that they’ve been given new names, because by the time the daemon settled in that form, no one knew what that animal had actually been called on Terra. Adepts, on the other hand, always see their daemons settle into an adult form of a mythical creature (as if there wasn’t already enough setting adepts apart). 
Rakh do not have daemons. This is not because they don’t have souls, but because they don’t repress major parts of their psyche to the point that they manifest in an external form. Hesseth gets very smug about this at least once and refers to Enmesarra as Gerald’s “feathery mental issues”, which both the adept and the phoenix take great offence at. 
Avian daemons are exceptionally rare on Erna. Guess what family line tends to have them, though (spoiler: it’s the Tarrants). 
Same-sex daemons are still a bit of an oddity, but tend to be more common with adepts or those with a great deal of innate sorcerous talent. This is sometimes held as a point of pride, and Senzei has a moment of serious bitterness when he realizes that Ciani’s new Church boyfriend has a male daemon and still chose to dedicate his life to the eventual eradication of sorcery, while Senzei is stuck with his own tellingly female daemon. It’s not a hard and fast rule, though, and there are plenty of sorcerers and even adepts that have more typical opposite-sex daemons. 
I believe I read somewhere that daemons in His Dark Materials get their names from the daemons of their human’s parents, but I’m running with the idea that Ernan daemons name themselves sometime during childhood or adolescence - pulling from the knowledge of their human’s subconscious for a name, which predisposes them to having names that are thematically appropriate for their humans. They might also go through multiple names, much as they will try out multiple forms, until they settle into their permanent shape and name. 
List of Daemons:
Gerald Tarrant - a phoenix, no question. Literally the first thing that I thought of when I heard about daemons and started thinking about Coldfire. Male, which was seen as particularly odd during the Revival, when very little was understood about daemons and what affected their manifestations. The phoenix’s name is Enmesarra, after a Sumerian god of the underworld. Phoenixes of course symbolise immortality and rebirth, but also cycles of change and the reinvention of the self; nothing could be more appropriate for a man who has lived under so many identities through his unnaturally long life. 
Damien Vryce - a male cougar named Solomon, after the Biblical king. Cougars have a lot of symbolic meanings, but some of the ones that come up most often are protection, adaptability, secrecy or hidden depths, and confidence. Damien’s mother was quite excited about his daemon being male, thinking that he would turn out to be a very powerful sorcerer, and it only made the split in the family more bitter when Damien joined the Church. Not only do I feel like the symbolism of the cougar really fits Damien, I also find it low-key hilarious to have Gerald with a bird daemon and Damien with a cat. 
Ciani - a kitsune named Raijin, after the Shinto god of thunder. Kitsune are archetypal tricksters, inhabiting a certain moral grey area, and are usually seen as representing intelligence, cunning, and magical knowledge. They also carry associations of commerce and wealth, which I think fit quite nicely with Ciani’s business as a loremaster. Raijin only has five tails, as opposed to the nine that kitsune are said to be able to obtain when they reach the height of their powers, implying that he still has room to grow - and symbolising that Ciani’s quest for further knowledge is never finished. 
Senzei Reese - a female squirrel monkey named Atropos, after the third Fate from Greek mythology. Atropos’s name means ‘the unalterable’, reflecting Senzei’s inner despair that, no matter how hard he tries, he can never change his fate; he can never become an adept. Monkeys of all varieties are held to represent intelligence and mischief in many cultures, but also greed, with their habit of taking things that do not always belong to them. This reflects some of Senzei’s positive qualities, while also hinting at his fatal flaw, the obsession for something he cannot have and tries to steal with lethal consequences. 
Jenseny Kierstaad - a female amphisbaena named Kadru, after a Hindu goddess known as the ‘mother of a thousand serpents’. Kadru is the creator of the naga race and a goddess associated with cleverness and trickery, preferring to outsmart her opponents with riddles rather than facing them in combat. Amphisbaenas represent unique vision, evolution, and the merging of opposing ideas; the perfect representation of Jenseny’s unique powers. (Plus, I couldn’t resist the symmetry of giving Jen a serpentine daemon as a foil to the Undying Prince, and foreshadowing her defeat of him through a very well-played deception.)
Rasya Maradez - a male tiger named Khan. While this name originally comes from a title used for the chieftains of many tribes in the Eurasian Steppes, I think that Rasya first encountered it as a child in the works of the Terran novelist and poet Rudyard Kipling, which her father often read to her. Those writings inspired her desire to be an adventurer, and fairly directly led to her later career as a ship’s navigator. Tigers symbolise strength, independence, and grace. 
Lio Rozca - a female mastiff named Alexandra, a name which means ‘defender of man’. Dogs in general symbolise loyalty and companionship, and mastiffs in particular are renowned for their stubbornness and ferocity when challenged. In Christian culture particularly, dogs represent protection and are even likened to priests, defending their flock from threats. A good companion for a stubborn old seaman who kept his crew safe for decades and eventually converted to the faith of the One God. 
Narilka Lessing - a male horse named Arion, after the talking horse born to Demeter and Poseidon in Greek mythology. Horses typically represent freedom, courage, loyalty, and triumph, as well as being prized symbols of wealth and nobility. I like to think that people who instinctively underestimate Narilka because of her delicacy and beauty are often confused by her daemon, not understanding why she has such a large and formidable creature instead of something that matches her aesthetically like a small bird or butterfly - and that those people eventually figure out the hard way why Arion settled in the form of a horse. 
Andrys Tarrant - a female raven named Jezebel. Believe it or not, this name is not just me slut-shaming Andrys (though I’ll admit that I do think that potential subtext is hilarious); it’s also because Jezebel is maligned in the Bible as the ‘enemy of God’s prophet’ for her scheming against Elijah. Her name has come to be associated not only with wickedness, but also power and defiance, since she is one of only a handful of female rulers named in the Bible and Elijiah initially fled from her wrath. Ravens, likewise, are frequently considered ill omens; however, they are also associated with grief and wisdom, as well as prophecy. I have a half-formed thought that Jezebel had already mostly settled in the form of a raven but was going by a different name when Gerald slaughtered the rest of the family, and Jezebel renamed herself in opposition to him, while Andrys was busy falling apart. 
Andir Toshida - a female white deer named Flidais, after the Irish goddess of the hunt. White deer have long been used to symbolise the connection between royalty and divinity, with the White Hart gaining fame as the personal badge of King Richard II. In a broader context, white stags are associated with the god Herne, and represent purity and heavenly favour. I think that this became something of a self-fulfilling prophecy; Toshida’s ambitions for the Church led Flidais to settle in the form of a white deer, which convinced Toshida that his ambitions were divinely sanctioned and made him even more dedicated. 
Jaxom - a female Amarok named Augusta, after the title given to Roman empresses. Amaroks are creatures that are initially all but indistinguishable from ordinary wolves, save that they are solitary and never form packs; they are also far more intelligent and vicious than any natural wolf. They are associated with wariness, cunning, and pride. Despite Augusta’s size, as far as Jaxom or anyone else was concerned for many years, she was just a particularly large and imposing grey wolf. 
Iso Rashi - a female boa constrictor named Astarte, after the Canaanite goddess of fertility and war. Serpents carry an incredible weight of symbolism, both positive and negative, but the associations I was leaning most on here are immortality, power, destructiveness, and secrecy. I also just flat-out love the potential narrative juiciness of Jenseny and the Undying Prince being the only two major players in the series with serpent daemons. 
The Master of Lema - a male crocodile named Fafnir, after the dragon in Norse mythology. Fafnir was originally a dwarf who transformed into the shape of a dragon through his own greed and cruelty, which I think speaks for itself. Crocodiles are frequently associated with hunger, viciousness, and deceit, though they were also revered as symbols of power and strength in ancient Egypt, a dichotomy that I found quite appropriate. 
Bonus wild speculation about characters that don’t technically appear in the series proper: 
King Gannon - a female jackal named Kali, after the Hindu goddess of destruction. Kali is a goddess not only of power and destruction but of rebirth and protection as well. Jackals, likewise, carry many conflicting associations; they are sometimes seen as ill omens and guardians of the underworld, but also as intelligent, resourceful and brave. A good fit for a man that Gerald must have once respected, but who betrayed him in the end. 
Almea Tarrant - a male otter named Taliesin, after the legendary bard of Welsh mythology. I headcanon Almea as having had a deep appreciation for songs and poetry, and that being one of the things that she and Gerald bonded over. Otters are representative of cleverness, friendship and playfulness, and frequently appear as symbols of good luck. (They are also associated with love and motherhood, because of how protective they are of their young, and I will not cry I will not-)
Bonus bonus, have one for my OC as well. 
(If you’re still reading this far into the post then I love you and I am handing you a warm fresh baked good of your choice, straight from the oven of my appreciation.)
Jessa Thorson - a male pine marten named David, after the Biblical king of Israel who defeated Goliath as a boy. Pine martens are symbols of good luck, bravery, determination, and skill in hunting. They are also disarmingly adorable while simultaneously being quite deadly, so there’s that. I haven’t gotten to writing this part of the Escape!AU yet, but in the backstory for that setting Jessa and Damien met and became friends before Ciani was attacked and Damien left Jaggonath to go hunting Dark Ones, and if they became friends similarly in this AU it would absolutely be funny as hell to both of them that Jessa’s daemon is named David and Damien’s is named Solomon (father and son respectively, according to the Bible). 
That’s what’s in my head for now, I think I have successfully divulged all of my current thoughts. XD I may continue to share ideas about this AU if they come to me, in a desperate attempt to continue purging it from my brain and keep it from distracting me. If I forgot a character, feel free to poke me and I’ll happily do additional daemon-assigning in a follow-up! 
(I don’t think that Iezu have daemons, but I might also do a follow-up about what daemons they would create illusions of when they’re trying to blend in with humans, because showing up with no daemon would be a surefire way to out themselves as faeborn immediately. Technically they could have a different daemon every time, but I feel like they’d have ‘favourite’ daemons just like they have ‘favourite’ forms, and I could definitely hammer out what those are for the Iezu we see most of in the series - that being Karril, Calesta, Riven, and Saris.)
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redstainedglasses · 7 months
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With a final firm tug of the string to ensure it was properly fastened, Vertebrae stepped back and admired her newest bone assortment. They were in a peculiar arrangement but one that seemed to satisfy the clown. With a wide grin she turned to the small bird watching her from his perch nearby. Curiosity present in his wide unblinking red eyes as it looked at the hodgepodge of remains. 
“Ok it’s done!” Vertebrae stretched both hands toward her creation. Nodding the bird hopped down from its perch and onto the table for a closer inspection. 
“Go on, do it! It has to work, it’s perfect!” Glancing at Vertebrae Scythe showed none of her excitement but still gave a slight nod before lunging toward Vertebrae as he shifted into his weapon form. 
Quick hands caught his handle with ease and the jester waited patiently. It didn’t take long after the transformation before they made their appearance. Soft hues of blue and green lights shimmered faintly nearby as the hidden lost souls emerged in the presence of Scythe’s true form. 
They often tucked themselves into various nooks and crannies as they waited patiently for their turn to be reaped. With a quick twirl of the weapon’s staff Vertebrae easily hooked one of the souls that approached and in the same motion flung the spirit toward her creation. 
As the soul merged with the bones she watched wide eyed. Her hold on Scythe tightening as the pile on the table rattled softly. Releasing Scythe the weapon returned to its avian form and the duo approached the mass of bones as it slowly twitched and gained reanimation. 
The process was slow but seemed promising at least to the jester. The grim’s tool started at the abomination with doubt and uncertainty. 
Blue light shone in the once empty socket of the once feline skull. The signs of life, or at least what Vertebrae believed as she clapped her hands excited and encouraged her creation. 
“Yes yes yes! Wake mijo! wake up!” The bones shifted as the creature struggled to find its footing, trembling on the awkward appendages it now had. Its loosely hanging head turned this way and that, seeming to grow more and more desperate as its consciousness grew. 
There was a strange strangled ghastly noise emanating from it now, as it attempted to communicate with no voice. The cautions movements now erratic as it seemed to panic with its increasing awareness. 
No more was Vertebrae excited; her smile had vanished as she watched her beloved family tremble and shake. It was unhappy, but…how? She’d listened and she'd followed the order of the bones. Why wasn’t this working? 
Carefully she reached out, her pale hand stroking the frantic skull head as gently as she could. 
“Estas bien mijo, estoy aqui.” She attempted to comfort but the creature lashed out at her touch. Gnashing its teeth and a strangled screech tearing from its permanently open maw. A voice so different from the she’d heard that had guided her. Pulling away she watched as the frantic creature lashed out more, flailing its limbs as it struggled with itself. 
Tears broke free and Vertebrae waved to Scythe. She couldn’t watch this anymore, she had to stop it. This wasn’t right.
Scythe quickly stepped forward and slashed his sharp beak across the bone monstrosity's skull. The blade seemed to swipe through it as it hooked the soul and pulled it free again. The pale blue spirit fled away as Vertebrae hovered over her now still creation. 
The bones…they seemed so quiet now. She stared at them silently as she wept but despite her tears she reached out and slowly began to disassemble and rearrange the pile once again.
She’d get this to work. She will. 
Scythe looked up at her for a moment but nothing more before hopping back to his perch. 
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pomellon · 1 year
you might have answered this but what is the nature of the relationship between punznap in the centaur au? is it romantic or platonic or some mix of the two?
It's romantic, but can be seen as a mix of the two! I think I've mentioned it before but the centaur au, and honestly most of my aus, is a huge poly soup.
Most of the creatures in the au are not monogamous like most humans tend to be. Centaurs will usually have between 1-3 romantic partners, mostly since they come as a package deal with their life partners, and demons like to form tight loyal packs of romantic and intimate partners. So Punz and Sapnap are most definitely more than platonically involved!
Their relationship is a bit confusing for both of them when it moves into a more intimate and romantic direction because they don't really talk about it or make it official. Since they share an empathic bond they do know they pretty much feel the same about each other, but the reason they keep dancing around it is Karl.
Punz has no clue how demon relationships work but he's fully aware Sapnap has a boyfriend that he's desperately searching for. While Punz also has a partner that he's separated from, he's convinced himself he won't see Foolish again, meaning the other centaur isn't an obstacle to Punz and Sapnap's budding relationship. Karl is tho, because Punz doesn't know if Sapnap will lose interest in him when or if he finds him.
He eventually grows frustrated enough not knowing where they stand, having been in a similar situation with Foolish before he was taken, and just asks Sapnap what they got going on. Sapnap is then quick to assure him that their relationship won't change at all when Karl rejoins the picture, officially confirming he and Punz and in fact romantic partners too.
And to clear up the other relationships in the au! Punz is of course also romantically involved with Foolish, and eventually casually with Dream. Sapnap is deeply in love with Karl and casually dating George and Dream, mostly because I like to make George aro leaning and Avians (Dream) tend to have many casual partners instead of strictly settling down with just a few. Foolish and Karl also become romantically involved as they travel together, and poor Sam pretty much has big fat crushes on Dream, Punz, and Foolish that he doesn't know what to do with.
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
You have no idea what you have just unleashed... How do you think others would react to finding Dream freezing to death during the winter (Punz, George, Quackity, Sam, Tommy, Ranboo, hell even Fundy (the interactions that seem harder to imagine or could have many different little amazing details))
-Gremlin Anon
Sorry for answering so late! I got distracted
I do also need to point out: Dream goes into blob form when very relaxed, or when his body senses it’ll be better to be smaller (in this scenario, a smaller form could squirm into a tree burrow easier, but it makes it so much harder to stay warm). Another thing: blob Dream is not as small as shrunken Dream; while shrunken Dream is roughly the size of someone’s middle finger or palm, Blob Dream is the size of someone’s whole hand. So some people without experience have a harder time getting him down.
Punz is an avian hybrid! If he finds Dream out in the snow, borderline freezing, you bet your ass he’s helping his friend out. Dream wouldn’t have been stored by Punz before that point, I think. He’d unintentionally revealed his avian traits when he landed in front of the blob, concern turning his wings downwards, feathers brushing against the snow. After that, it doesn’t take much convincing and Dream gets a warm spot to relax while Punz takes him back to his base.
Quackity as an avian is in a similar boat, but while Punz has a harder time getting blob Dream down, Q doesn’t because he has experience with Karl’s true form. He can’t help but tease the other a bit until he’s reminded that he is also cold-blooded, and Q rushes them to his house so Sapnap can warm them up.
George would be with him, when he begins to shiver and then when he goes into blob form. In this situation, George would have gotten better about noms despite having not stored his blob form before, he’s damn well gonna try to to save his friend. He’s holding Dream in a way that completely covers whatever can’t fit in his mouth, trying to help warm him up so he’s easier to get down.
Sam literally stores Dream at his normal height all the time, he’s got no problem storing him and warming him up, but he also scolds him for not taking better care of himself and make sure he’d be okay.
Tommy can’t store people without the purple potion, and it’s not something he just has laying around in his inventory. He scoops Dream up off the ground, holds him close to his chest and tries to block out the wind as much as possible, and bolts to Phil’s home.
Ranboo doesn’t know much about Dream, let alone this form of his, but he does know a thing or two about cold-blooded creatures and knows he needs to get Dream warm pretty quick. If Dream is still shivering, Ranboo will take his chances and carry Dream to Phil or to his and Tubbo’s home. If Dream isn’t shivering anymore, Ranboo wastes no time storing him and racing to the closest house.
Fundy is out in the arctic begrudgingly, and running into Dream is a surprise. But he’s not dumb; Dream wasn’t shivering, and the axolotl ears on his blob form told him he was cold-blooded. He won’t swallow him, it’s not safe for him to, but he does hold him in his mouth and continues to Phil’s at a faster pace than before.
With some of them he’ll turn back instantly, somewhat ashamed to be caught at such a vulnerable moment. Others? He stays a blob for a good while, making them realize just how much he trusts them.
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