#quick life update
whats-k-popping · 8 months
haven't seen you in a little bit. I hope everything is okay! I hope you had a good holiday season and are staying warm~
Hi anon! 💚 Thank you for checking in! 😁 The holiday season was pretty stressful and I really do not like cold weather. But I'm surviving. Haha
Yes, I'm still here, and doing okay for the most part. Sorry I haven't been active recently. It's been a time. But thankfully, my life seems to finally be taking a turn for the better. And I even have an ateez fic nearing completion!!! It's a request from months ago at this point, but something is better than nothing, right?
Here's a quick life update if you're interested?
So a few months back I announced I'd be taking a supervisory roll at my full-time job. And let me just say I grossly underestimated how demanding that role would be. I had fallen so far behind, and I felt like I would never dig my way out of it. (I just recently turned in a bunch of work that was due in October) But I'm proud to say that I'm finally adjusted to it, and it's not as bad as it was. My stress level with that is way down.
On top of that, my friend and I have been hustling to launch our business. We wanted to launch in time for the holiday season. But we just didn't have enough inventory for it. So we re-estimated our launch to March. And we don't want to postpone again, so that's been keeping me pretty busy. But once we launch, we'll get a break as we wait for orders.
So that's what going on with me irl? I'm still writing here and there. And I'm constantly coming up with new ideas and tropes that I jot down in the hopes of one day writing them.
I'll try to be more active on here! Maybe sharing some of my ideas while I'm finishing up my fics.
🧡 Aki
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sl1tcl1t · 11 months
Life Update: Idk where else to write down my thoughts and experiences for almost the past year.
To get myself caught up with the last post I made from last year, it was my final year in HS and I never wanted to leave that rancid hél/hø\e so damn bad. I finally graduated and got into college. This freshman year is the absolute worst. On top of that, I couldn't get a dorm room, which is expected according to the hierarchy of classmen. But anyway, this year's schedule has been extraordinarily harmful to my physical and mentally. Since I don't have a dorm, I gotta commute to my classes every single day. In my case, I must drive all the way from the south to the city (1hr 30min on avg.) This is not a bad drive, unless u wanna beat the I-75/I-85 9 - 5 traffic. Which ALSO MEANS I gotta wake up at 4:00 am and leave the house by 5 if I want to arrive in time for my 8 and 10 am classes. Additionally, my last class during Mon,Weds, and Fri ends at 5pm. I don't get home till about 7. AND on top of all that, Tue and Thurs is when I work my part time shift. The latest my shift can end is at 7:30pm and it takes me at least 30 mins to get home. If I want to get the most sleep possible, I gotta be in bed by 9. My sleep schedule bc of this is incredibly fùçk3d up. Luckily, me and my friend made a little room for me to sleep in my car. Which is also another problem. Bc Im too damn sleep deprived, I oversleep multiple times and end up missing classes. Classes where I can't easily get a PowerPoint w/readily available info to write. I feel incredibly behind.
My mental and physical health has gotten progressively worse since I moved outta my mom's house. I really don't wanna get into grave detail abt my family, but TLDR; both parents are complexly problematic, but one's more flexible than the other. But, Jesus Christ Almighty, living with this man is insufferable. Nothing but complaining, guiltripping, nonchalant shaming, and being plain irritating. He brings a wave of negative energy anytime he enters a room. Granted, there are things that he complains about that are justified, but he's getting more and more senile everyday. So he just gets mad at anything now. It pisses me off but also makes me sad. Another thing is that work is overexerting my well-being whilst giving me such a low pay. For context, I work in a warehouse now. Lifting boxes every other day that are half the size of you will give you nausea. My feet have blisters and my hands are cramping. My calves burn, my entire arm is aching, and my head pounds harder than ever. My friend suggests that I might have burn out, and I believe it with every bone in my body. Working at a place that accepts newly hs grads, ofc there would be å$5h0lés my age and worse. The smell has gotten worse since I moved in w dad. He essentially lives in a white trash neighborhood, so the smell outside is horrendous. This smell has affected the inside of my house and now I reek. And the ppl at work love to remind me abt my smelly ass despite trying my hardest to mask it. I seriously cannot stand other day in there and hopefully I can get a new job this upcoming summer.
But apart from all this, the cherry on top of this shit show was today after work. I got off early and wanted to visit this little gravesite around in my area to take pics and upload on here. I chickened out. It's too damn dark for me to take any so I walked around, contemplating life per usual. I decided to go inside the convenience store. I asked if there were any sleeping pills/melatonin and the guy had asked a question that made my mind go blank,
"Are you homeless?"
Never in life would I hear those words issued to me, but if I'm gonna be completely honest, I live at my dad's house, not paying any bills or insurance (yet), I sleep in my car majority of the day, and I have the worst pay to labor ratio. So technically, Imma borderline broke ass freeloading bum. But anyway, I was even more in shock when he rang my items. I forgot my wallet in the car and told him I was going to run out n grab it, but he just gave me the bag with an empathetic, "it's okay". And now I feel like a piece of shit to completion. Bc in hindsight, Im not HOMELESS, but it damn sure feels like I am.
I can't believe Im turning into every person I've met in the workforce. Ppl who just live paycheck to paycheck and just let the days past by; not doing anything but working. I use to make fun of those ppl at my last job as a cashier while in HS, but seriously, I got the realest reality check of my life. I really cannot live a life like that for 30+ years if I can't figure something out by graduation. Else I'm better off with maggots in my eyes and my skin wilting in the ground.
I'm done ranting, I need some sleep.... GN and happy Halloween ✌🏽
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marbleheavy · 2 years
pregnancy test: negative
blood: taken
eyeballs: touched
chipotle: promised
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kukos-satellite · 4 months
Trying to be active on this blog and er gooo! Uh howdy everyone, I have been writing fanfics, posted a shitty edit on YouTube and also I’ve been learning Italian!
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strudeldoodlearts · 1 year
Hell-o week incoming QwQ
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But before I ramble about that, here’s this week’s piece featuring a generous glass of wine along with an opinionated onlooker!
Such is the price to pay when you’re a freelancer who has a bunch of events and travel plans coming up by the end of the month! The perks of a flexible schedule are balanced out by the need to plan ahead in order to free up time.
Naturally, this will also impact the usual time I set aside to make art. I’m trying to get as much done as possible this week and the week after that. Wish me luck.
Thankfully I have hella instant coffee, meal bars, and supportive haus mates to check in on my well-being...
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dappercapricorn · 2 years
Thanks to a very sweet, generous bean last night, my immediate toiletry needs were met this morning. Just got back from the store (had a nice lil’ walk and saw so many colorful leaves) and managed to get what I was almost out of and some of the other items I’ve had a hard time keeping up with. Thank you so so much.
Until I finally manage to fix my current situation, will still very much be in a financial hole. But my current highest concern was dealt with. I’m still doing my best to hang in there friends.
May everyone’s October go as well as possible.
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shrimpricebowl · 9 months
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3-aem · 6 months
help my cat maybe!
okay I was told to just do this even though i hate it.
but as some of you know i lost my job a while back and it happened at the same time that my cat began semi-frequent vomitting like once every other week to multiple times a week. he appears fine otherwise but it has continued on for the last few months and at this point I don’t think i can continue pretending like he is alright.
the bill for a proper scan and diagnosis is around 780 total which is sadly not affordable.
If it is possible kofi donations would be greatly appreciated so I can bring him in for an ultrasound and blood tests 🙏 the lnk is in my pinned
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theredconversegirl · 7 months
~2024 Update
Hello my dear 🍅🌸 friends,
I hope you all had a great 2023 and happy 2024! ✨
It’s been so long - just over a year, I know. 😲 I miss you and being here a lot. I’m still fighting more battles than I can handle, but while fighting them, I realized that I also deserve some small mercies. 🥰
I love reading, I love SS, I love writing, and I love helping you guys, so while I’m not fully back here or active every day like I used to, I’ll start to indulge in small visits here and there. 🥳
I don’t want to create any expectative or promise anything that I can’t deliver, so I created a FAQ page to address common questions, and to outline my plans for sharing content in future interactions.
I tried to be honest with myself as I wrote the page. Essentially, it covers questions about Asks, Reading/Writing, and what I can do online now without overwhelming myself and my life (health/family/work). 🙏😅
You can check it here: FAQ 💬
I've also updated our beloved MASTERPOST. There were a few broken links that weren't opening in the app. And I changed the blurb on the top with current info.😉
Besides this quick update, I wanted to thank everyone for sticking around and for all the kind messages sent my way. 🤗 You guys are awesome! You all make my day and warm my heart with your kindness. 🥰 I really appreciate all of you, thank you so much!! ❤️
I hope everyone has a great week, sending lots of love! 💕
Stay Safe,
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samuraikuraima · 13 days
Do you have any favorite sweets, Kuraima?
И что ты думаешь о русских и о других азиатов(Китайцы, корейцы, калмыки и т.д.)?
"I like Carmel apples!"
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"Я думаю, что все люди одинаковы, какими бы они ни были! Если ты человек, то и относиться к тебе нужно как к человеку! Так что я думаю, что они замечательные!" (Translation: "I think all people are the same, no matter what they are! If you are a human, you should be treated as a human! So I think they are great!")
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dailypearldoodles · 1 year
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[day 317] posca test with everyone’s FAVORITE final girl! manifesting a back to back pearl life series win for real
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sl1tcl1t · 2 years
I need to out of this school.
There's nothing worth stressing over when there's only one month and a half left. These past few weeks I've been going nowhere, especially after getting a night shift job at Dollar Tree. "A job's a job, there's will be lazy ä$$hats galore so you gotta deal with it." But I'm sick of that motto. I'm sick of my dad saying this same degrading shït over and over again. I'm sick of these fūçkwåds at school being overdramatic anytime I walk past them cuz I got acne (aka ugly) and ig I stink now (yes. I'm self conscious abt that and figuring out how to stop it). And I physically, mentally, and emotionally can't deal with this. Say what u want. I can brush this crap off but for how long? It's draining and exhausting. Just like how ppl don't like me and can't deal me, I can't deal with them. But ig I'm the problem when I say that ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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girlbenson · 6 months
just dropping by to say that I GOT THE JOB!!!
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tierras · 2 years
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my miu miu harness boots ⋆୨୧˚
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afterartist · 1 year
Human Sans (Sam) from my fanfic Killer Ants
He hasn’t showed up in the fic yet but he will, just wanted to get his design down first
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Also sorry for bad quality, did this using only my finger and phone while I was in the middle of getting my arm tattooed
When creativity strikes you’ve got to seize it
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haneys · 2 months
hi guys, life update:
I got accepted to university. I didn't think I'd stand a chance, yet I got in ALL the ones I applied to. I still can't believe it. I sent my applications for forestry in Cracow and Lublin, environmental protection in Cracow. Past these months I've been also thinking teslly seriously about going I to ohysical therapy instead of forestry, and I decided to give it a shot at Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Cracow. I got in. Out of the 995 people applying, I got 10th place on the list. This is one of the most important unis in Poland, and also one of the oldest unis in the Europe overall. It genuelly doesn't feel real, I thoight there was some sort of a mistake, I checked everything to make sure I didn't somehow mess up and it's all a fluke, but no. I'm in.
It's been 3 years and hoenstly I kinda lost hope that if ever go to uni at this point. I also had no idea I would give up forestry for physio but here we are? I'm gonna miss Warsaw so much, I reslly fell in love with this city. I've been here for almost a year and a half, and it still feel so magical and special to me. I don't like Cracow, but it'll be very close to my town, my family, a lot of my friends. I'm gonna miss my job here at subway so terribly tho, I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I'm not ready to be done with it... Working there has brought me so much joy, made me feel accomplished and proud of myself. And the people there are special too. Also, all of the friends I've made here, especially the girls I've been living with... Lord.
Things are kinda really grim when it comes to things like my parents jobs, healths, things in my family overall, a lot of difficult things have been happening, and still happen as we speak, so it's not easy sailing from here at all, but I just really wanted to share the college information because!!!!Wjat the fuck! I've been a busy bee, working hard and it's been an uphill battle non-stop, so I'm barely ever on here anymore but to all friends and mutuals: I miss you guys :) I hope everything is well with you all. Wish me luck with the college thing. Whatever happens, I'm still a tumblerina at heart ❤️
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