ace-king · 14 days
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I couldn’t help is I’m weak to animals.
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kuri-kushmia · 3 months
Help, why is my 56 y old teacher like this????
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Tacos and yo-yo??? TACOS AND YO-YO??? 😭😭😭
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haadiyah7 · 2 years
QUIZIZZ ! I recently came to know about this great online tool. Quizizz is actually a fun app for you as students to do homework. The latter will be in quiz and you can be awarded marks too ! Click on the link to gain access to my personalized quiz, which is in regards to sports of course !
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quizizz's memes are no longer user generated and are now a set of 62 (23 wrong, 39 right) images all created using imgflip
link to wrong meme 23: https://cf.quizizz.com/join/img/wrong_meme/wm23.jpg?w=600&h=600
link to right meme 39: https://cf.quizizz.com/join/img/correct_meme/cm39.jpg?w=600&h=600
all one needs to do to access any number is change the "23" and "39" to other numbers.
it counts up like a human would.
also, there are no leading zeroes. wrong meme 0 is "wm0" instead of "wm00"
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littldolli · 1 year
I ATE 😍😍😍
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ikerdv · 1 year
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Gem of an image I got from a school quizziz.
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marinelleelnar · 11 months
Empowerment Technology: Learn What You Need
Modern society relies heavily on technology because it is already a part of practically everything we do. We are now reliant upon it. As a member of Gen Z, I can state that at this age, I still don't understand what terms like network, internet, and other terms they use mean. I only know that we use it now because it is a product of technology. But after our teacher clarified it, I felt like everything made sense. Now, I can use the appropriate term without a question.
Empowerment Technology was added as one of our studies in the 12th grade because there was so much to learn. And during the course of the many months that our teacher taught us, I gained more understanding about technology, social media, networks, the distinctions between various programs, their functions, and other topics.
I've acquired a variety of crucial abilities that I think will enable me to succeed academically, professionally, and socially. I've learned how to use many programs and websites successfully and efficiently to complete duties like making aesthetically appealing presentations, generating reports, and data analysis. As a result, I am now more cautious while using databases, spreadsheets, and graphic design programs like Canva, Adobe Photoshop, and Illustrator. Along with software skills, I've learned how to use social media platforms to incorporate technology and how to make professional accounts on sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. My understanding of how effective digital networking may be has improved as a result of my social media usage education.
One of the pleasures was learning how to use technology and websites to conserve paper and ink. Our instructor for Empowerment Technology showed us how to utilize the Quizziz website so that we could respond to her quizzes and other exams or tests. It's great and enjoyable.
There is a ton lot discover about Empowerment Technology. I now know how to use the internet responsibly and safely, which is important in the current digital era. I learned how technology can be a potent weapon for enacting social change via Empowering Technology, which emphasizes the proper and constructive use of technology. It also provides knowledge about additional topics that we were previously unaware of. Overall, this course has played a significant role in influencing how I view technology, and I think the abilities and information I have acquired will be crucial for a successful future in the digital age.
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chickennugget5226 · 2 years
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isfoodasinv3 · 22 days
★ Wtorek, 09/04/2024 ★
Waga: ???
Zjedzone: 407kcal
Spalone: 588kcal
Bilans: -181kcal
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Całkiem okej dzisiaj, chociaż fizycznie z dnia na dzień jest coraz gorzej i wpływa mi to na psychikę trochę, ale bardziej wpłyneło by mi zjedzenie normalnie. Trochę stresu. Zrobiłem za to dużo kroków, kupiłem nowe buty, ale mało wypiłem. Dziwne. Straszne upały ostatnio, a mi się nie chce pić. Zważyć się rano nie mogłem, bo matka w domu. Do szkoły wstałem ledwo. Niemiecki, prawie spałem. Geografie mam odwołali na ostatnią minutę(jak to moja szkoła zawsze), więc okna mieliśmy dwa, bo nie chodzę na religię. Kolejna matematyka, nie wiedziałem co tam się dzieje. Na urządzaniu pisaliśmy. Na biologii sprawdzian, na szczęście na quizziz. Potem 3 pracownie, a raczej dwie, bo daliśmy radę w 2 godzinach się zmieścić. Były dni otwarte i dwie grupy do nas przyszły. Zrobili mi zdjęcie jak kroję paprykę na stronę szkoły...Boże..Nie mogliby o zgodę pytać czy coś? Przecież ja wyglądam obrzydliwie. Robiliśmy dzisiaj dipy i co? M dzisiaj nie było i musiałem z K robić wszytsko XDD. Ciekawe czy ona zdaje. Mam nadzieję, że nie, bo widać, że jej nie zależy wcale. Dipy jako same sosy są dosyć kaloryczne, ale warzywa do nich nie. Wybrałem ten mniej kaloryczny sos, bez majonezu, bo robiliśmy dwa. Jadłem i trzęsłem się. Jadłem powoli, zakrywałem twarz. Bałem się. Oni wszyscy na mnie patrzeli. Sami też jedli, ale...Ja nie zasługuję na jedzenie, nie to co oni...Było mi bardzo wstyd. Zjadłem tylko dwa ogórki, jedną rzodkiewkę i jedną paprykę, lekko maczając w sosie. Policzyłem kalorie i wyszło 76kcal. Niestety musieliśmy zapakować jedzenie pozostałe do domu. Wymyśliłem więc, że wyrzucę je po drodze, żeby matce powiedzieć, że jestem najedzony. W domu jednak zjadłem obiad, bo po prostu mogłem. Stwierdziłem, że kalorie się zgadzają, a wizualnie zjadłem całkiem dużo. Przynajmniej dla matki. No bo, jadłem na gastro "dużo", potem zupa, a po spacerze zjadłem kanapki z jajkiem i warzywami. Ale dużo! A tak naprawdę kalorie mówiły co innego. Pewnie myślała, że jadłem jakieś 2500kcal XDD. Później poszedłem się myć, zrobiłem skincare, spakowałem się i na koniec wleciał krórki koncert.
Jutro mam zaplanowane 490kcal. Na gastro akurat przerabiamy warzywa, a nie są bardzo kaloryczne i jutro robimy leczo, które okazało się, że wcale takie kaloryczne nie będzie. Mama mi dzisiaj kupiła oreo, no i mam jeszcze jakieś proteinowe batoniki więc stwierdziłem, że wezmę je do szkoły i oddam koledze jutro. Do tego, mam jeszcze proteinowe szejki i wymyśliłem, że zrobię jeden rano i wyleję do toalety, żeby matka myślała, że wypiłem. No i tak jak widać, matka ma na 5, a więc widzę się jutro rano z wagą!!! Mam nadzieję tylko, że nie przytyłem.
Wypite: 1249ml
Fast: 19h
Kroki: 21567
Trening: ❌️
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sunnytrivia · 1 year
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have you studied your bird law? kept your psychological dossiers updated?
@emodennis and @sunnyontheside present: THE ALWAYS SUNNY TRIVIA CHALLENGE
put your highly specific knowledge to the test with our made-for-sunnyblr always sunny trivia competition! megan's questions were too easy, so we've cranked up our hot plate to present you with a real challenge.
we'll keep all trivia information and updates on this shared blog so be sure to follow and turn on notifications (if you'd like). please message or DM us here with any questions, ideas, or requests. feel free to use the tag #sunny trivia challenge on posts you make about the competition!
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Signing Up
we will be using the platform quizizz to host the competition.
you must sign up and create an account to make sure you only take each quiz once.
enter your url as your name. you'll have to split it between the first and last name sections. if your URL has dashes in it, please send us a message letting us know so we can tag you properly in the leaderboards. dashes are not allowed in your name on quizziz.
there will be 3 rounds: easy (1), medium (2), and difficult (3)
the difficulty is relative. these aren’t trivia questions for any casual jabroni fan. these are for the sunny fans. sunny fans are brutal.
points are doubled in round 2 and tripled in round 3.
each round will have 30 trivia questions.
once you start each quiz, it will take you 10-20 minutes to finish it (must be completed in one sitting).
you will have 6 days to complete each round.
there will be 4 days between each round for us to score your answers.
round 1: Dec 3rd-Dec 8th.
round 2: Dec 13th-Dec 18th.
round 3: Dec 23rd-Dec 28th.
final results posted: Jan 3rd.
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anyone can participate! the only requirement is that you have a tumblr account. no troll toll required.
no working with others.
no googling.
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most questions ask about content from an episode of the show, which will be provided [example: In The World Series Defense, for how many days was the gang stuck in the linen closet?].
there are also some meta questions about the show as a whole [example: Which five episodes contain "Mac and Charlie" in the title?].
content warning: some questions use canon-typical adult language and/or reference drugs, alcohol, or sex.
almost all questions are open-ended, similar to the format of the podcast trivia questions.
there are also a few fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, and re-order questions.
you will have 20-30s to answer most questions. for questions with longer answers, you will have 45s-1 min. this is to avoid potential googling.
you do not gain/lose any points for taking less/more time, as long as you answer within the allotted time frame.
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questions will be auto-scored by the system when there is a limited amount of correct answers. your answer only has to contain the correct answer to be marked correct. extra words will not impact scoring.
questions are manually scored by us after you submit the quiz if they have many possible correct answers or have multiple answers.
questions that ask you to list multiple items will either be "all or nothing" (you must get all answers correct to get any/all points) or "point for each" (you get a point for each correct answer).
IMPORTANT: if you make a spelling or formatting error that auto-scores a correct answer as incorrect, you will have a chance to let us know at the end of the quiz. please keep note of these questions as you go along. if you forget to include any, you can message or DM us (sunnytrivia) with additional questions for review. we will change your score if we agree that you got the answer correct.
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we will post leaderboards after each round.
the person with the most combined points at the end of round 3 wins!!!
again, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions, and most importantly, have fun!!
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Apps & Websites For Students
If you would like to suggest an app, please leave the app’s full name, the category it fits into, and where it is available at (iOS and/or Android).
Google Calendar
iCalendar (iOS)
myHomeworkPlanner (iOS, Android)
To Do Lists
Do! - Simple To Do List (iOS)
Google Docs
Google Keep
Kilonotes (iOS, Android)
CollaNote (iOS, Android)
GoodNotes (subscription available, one-time price)
Notability (subscription available)
Google Slides
FlashCardsGo (iOS)
Calculate84 (iOS)  
Mental Math Cards Games & Tips (iOS)
Simple Wikipedia
TimeGlass (iOS)
Now Then Time Tracking (iOS)
Binaural (iOS)
Tide: Sleep. Focus. Meditation
Google Drive
CamScanner: PDF Scanner App  (iOS, Android)
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ace-king · 11 months
Cause when I was younger, I watched Tokyo mew mew. It was one of the first few animes I found. I didn’t find princess tutu until a couple years later but I never did find a site or anything to watch it on. I’m super sad. Does anybody know where I can watch princess tutu actually?
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peachbooks · 7 months
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Want to be effective? Maybe using Quizziz or the flash card maker.
Set some goals that will surely help you
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voiceless-people · 2 months
It's always so silly when people call me by my ao3 username in comments like "fr kibty!!" I think being called kibty is RLLY funny. I do get whiplash when my teachers call me it tho (kibty is originally what I put into like kahoot and quizziz 4 my username)
Ram, Soysause, Kibty, what's next?
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feathertru · 6 months
Fun project over the next few weeks
So I'm in sixth form college and my teacher every week gives us a Quizziz at the beginning of each lesson and she lets us pick our names for the quiz. And I was messing around with names I came up with an idea- since I got back into Hatchetfield, let's name myself each of the Lords in Black in the quiz each week and see how I do. I name myself the full name of the lords in black, and try to the best of my ability to make my avatar look like the lords in Black though customisation is VERY limited.
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Week 1- Wiggly
Yes this was what I meant when I said customisation is limited. That shirt was the greenest one I could find.
When it came to the game though, I didn't do as well as usual. I ended up in the Bronze rank of the league. However, this was the first time this game has ever given me the avalanche power-up, which is the only power-up which disrupts the entire class. I waited so long after watching others use it to finally get it this week.
So Wiggly- didn't get a good score but I got what I wanted- an avalanche.
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gimmethatmarker · 1 year
If someone beats me at quizziz one more time imma blooket to your moms house and kahoot her cooch
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