#racist ass democrat fucks
inkandguns · 1 year
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I’ve sold shoes, stocked groceries, shoveled snow, sold dime bags, written essays, sold housewares, cut fish, served in the Army, cleaned hotel rooms, served civil process, grown cannabis, and ran a surgical center. If I was anywhere near as bad at ANY of those jobs as Sotomayor I would have been swiftly fired.
How brainless can you be to interpret the 14th amendment as justifying race based admissions??
These people won’t stop until there’s a black person hung by the neck from every fucking tree in America.
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pulquedeguayaba · 1 month
Pretty sure a part inside Kamala Harris is lamenting running for president cos now she can't be as openly genocidal as she was before she got appointed.
P.s. whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm not arguing for the sake of the next dictator of dEmOcRaTiC aMeRiCa and the world
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littlestarlex · 4 months
hearing my political influencer roommate say "I won't promote Biden because he hasnt called for a ceasefire to the genocide, but I am still voting for him" is so genuinely tone deaf and stupid and it alone convinced me I am DEFINITELY not voting for that stupid motherfucker (I already wasn't going to, but it confirmed I was making the right call)
the sentiment I keep hearing is "as long as it isn't Trump" but it's so frustrating to think, for some people, Biden is as bad as Trump, for some people his lack of action on major policy change has altered their lives permanently in ways than will never be undone
"well Trump is going to enact a national abortion ban, doesn't that scare you?" sure, but I'm scared right now for the very real people currently unable to get the Healthcare they need because of loss of roe v. wade, for some people that ban is already in place and they're facing very real consequences of it as we speak
I'm scared for my friends, my family, myself, and all the people I may never know who are being impacted RIGHT NOW by the democratic presidency we're currently under
just because I am not currently impacted does not mean it shouldn't be a priority, just because it doesn't directly impact me doesn't mean I should just let it go
they cannot have my vote just because they're blue, just because they pacify us with small scale wins while continuing to fund the very things that keep us from being in a position of power
shit in the government can take a long time, I get it, but clearly they can move quick when it's something they all want, like ripping the power from the people and silencing voices that want genuine change
they all want the same thing, just because democrats aren't up there screaming on stage doesn't make them any less evil than republicans
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solarbird · 2 months
I have no idea what’s about to happen now – and neither does anybody else, keep that in mind. But I do know a few things:
White people: I know that a LOT of adult and older Black people are going to be INCENSED about this, and it’ll be because of Kamala. This is because the Black people I talk to in this cohort say so, it’s not a hypothetical. They see this as being BECAUSE of WHITE REJECTION of KAMALA HARRIS. In short, that it is racist as fuck.
LISTEN to them, ACKNOWLEDGE their view, be fucking RESPECTFUL and take their opinions seriously because I do think it’s one of the reasons.
As I’m writing this, Biden endorsed Harris. You want to fix item one? WHITE PEOPLE, GET HER THE NOMINATION. FUCKING DO IT. SHUT UP, AND DO IT.
White people who didn’t want this: do what way too many Bernie people did not do, and GET OVER IT NOW. It’s done. None of us can afford to carry any grudges.
Bernie people: I have talked with so many Bernie people still carrying grudges, so same goes to you: GET OVER IT NOW. It’s DONE.
Everybody: Many of you will get someone you don’t want. I don’t care, I’ve never got someone I actually want, and you can’t afford to care either. The Democrats have just thrown away more advantages than you know and the work gets harder now, not easier.
Work your asses off to get whoever comes out of this elected, no matter what.
Goddamn, we really, really do not have room for any more self-inflicted wounds. Got that?
I hate the phrase “vote blue no matter who” but I got some fucken news: Vote blue, no matter who.
This time, it really, really, really matters.
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Hey im assuming you already know about the "callout" post about you being a bot since you changed your url, but they linked to your new one in the comments :/
Is this the one that's like 3 weeks old?
What's wild is when I look up my blog the first result is a video of a young Palestinian boy holding up their phone to the camera to show my blog on their screen to prove they're real. In fact, most of what pops up under my URL are Palestinian accounts needing support who tagged me cuz I have reach.
But I hate Kamala so that means I'm a bot who needs to be removed from the site.
I genuinely fucking hope everyone sharing that post kills themselves. There are a million better ways they can be spending their time (and honestly more valid complaints to make about me) and instead their time is spent trying to get my blog deleted when I already planned on deleting it this year ANYWAY
This is literally why I'm deleting it. I'm sick of Tumblr. It used to be cool and left and anti-capitalist. But then I got pregnant and had a life and when I came back in 2020 Tumblr was full of liberal ass losers who thought buying 40 checkmarks in a row from Tumblr was somehow a dunk on Elon musk. And now tumblr accuses ANYONE further left than a Swiftie girlboss Democrat of being a psyop??? And those posts Actually gain traction????
There is a psyop on this site in my opinion and it's my opinion that it's using fear mongering and paranoia to target leftists and get us deleted.
This is not the same Tumblr I was on in 2012 at all.
People used to be politically involved.
The amount of PowerPoint type educational posts about things like systemic racism or being trans or accepting LGBT people was wild. I remember Gaza trending here in 2014 and that's how I learned about Palestine, my newborn on my arm at the same time. I remember seeing posts being shared that linked vine accounts where you could See what was happening and that proved that the media wasn't covering it correctly, where you could see Actual people on the ground explaining. Radfeminism spread so fast cuz fucking everyone on the site was a feminist who said "fuck men" back then. EVERYONE.
that's another thing, in 2014 if you weren't politically literate you were shamed for it. Like I said there were PowerPoint style posts that allies were making to educate people. Nobody gave a shit about your mental health back then, if you were racist or sexist or homophobic then there was literally no excuse for it. I saw white liberals bully racists off this site, I'd even say that was a normal occurrence. It's honestly part of why radfems are so nasty, their platform was built during an era where it was The Thing to be unapologetically hostile to oppressors.
Because in 2014 Tumblr understood that was the only correct way to treat an oppressor.
In 2024 liberal tumblrinas are targeting me and trying to get removed from the site for *checks notes* saying Kamala should be held accountable for supporting genocide.
.....like I said I planned on deleting this anyway.
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mugiwara-lucy · 8 days
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I am so fucking pissed right now.
It wasn’t enough that deranged old man known as Donald Trump repeated Laura Loomer’s (one of her MAGA cultists who even MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE called out. Let that sink it) fucked up lies about Haitian Immigrants eating animals (the officials came out and said it was bullshit) but JD Vance repeated them and as a result the schools in Springfield Ohio have been evacuated, the government has been shut down and two of their hospitals have been shut down due to BOMB THREATS.
All this because Trump’s pathetic, washed up, Epstein Files 34 Convicted Felon ass can’t handle Kamala’s popularity going up DAILY along with her owning her.
Ordinarily, I laugh at his stupidity but this is NO laughing matter. Because of his lies, the KKK and the Proud Boys were parading around Springfield repeating racist, hateful rhetoric. If you all remember, this is NO different from the hate crimes Asian Americans suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic because of him referring to it as the “China Virus” along with the hatred Mexican immigrants got because of the disgusting dribble he said back in 2016.
And the icing on the cake? He offered NO apologies about this and doubled down on it. And as far as I’m concerned, if any Haitian gets hurt or or worse, KILLED; him, JD Vance and that Laura Loomer cunt (who had the balls on Twitter last night to call it a “joke”) ALL should go to jail for slander, defamation and inciting destruction. Because they KNEW what they said were lies and they did it to cause race riots.
I will say; if you in anyway like or support Donald Trump or MAGA; UNFOLLOW AND BLOCK ME. I wanted nothing to do with him or his fans already after January 6th but after last night? I REALLY want nothing to do with that group. ESPECIALLY since this is the THIRD DAY of Ohio being terrorized because of him.
And as for that Erika Lee bitch, she should charged too. She KNEW the ramifications of what she said and how MAGA would react and she did it anyways. Her having a biracial child and her being biracial does NOT absolve her in ANY WAY for the damage and destruction she caused and her “apology” means nothing since the damage has been done.
One more thing, for the vocal minority of people who are bitching about Democrats and Palestine Genocide, guess what? Kamala is vocal about helping mend that genocide whereas Trump is bloodthirsty and on a witch hunt and if we don’t get her, we get his demented, dementia riddled, rapist ass. So not only will the Palestine Genocide get WORSE with Trump; America will turn even MORE into a hell hole. ESPECIALLY with all the Christian Nationalists he aligns himself with.
For those sick and tired of Trump and his MAGA Cult, PLEASE VOTE BLUE all the way across the board because if Trump gets in, he’s not leaving office until he dies.
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odinsblog · 8 months
I just found out about Jasmine Sherman and they look really cool. Like, the policies that they say they’re going to do? The fact that they have an audiobook option for people to listen to what the policies say on their platform? (If people don’t have JAWS or screen readers on their devices, JAWS for computers.) I really hope they get far enough in the presidential race. Although Cornel West is my next choice should he get far.
Yeah, sorry but Hell NO.
I’m all for audiobooks and JAWS readers, but I’ve never heard of Jasmine Sherman before and as far as I’m concerned, Ms. Sherman is just another throwaway vote. She has the same chance of winning the next election as a randomly picked name from a hat. Same goes for Cornel West and for 🤡 RFK Jr., and same for Marianne Williamson, and in fact, same for anyone who isn’t named (I honestly cannot believe that EYE am saying this, but here we are) Joe Biden.
Look, in 2020 I went through the same journey that I think a lot of voters are going through right now: I swore up and down that I wasn’t going to vote for Biden because he had (and still has, tbqh) a lot of conservative policies that I vehemently disagree with—LOL, don’t even get me started on Title 42, okay? But at the end of the day, I carried my Black ass into that voting booth and I begrudgingly did what I had to do.
All I know is, I do not want Donald fucking Trump in the White House. That’s it. Not “lesser evilism” not “he’s the next LBJ” not anything else, except for I’m voting for the person who has the best chance of beating Trump and keeping his racist ass out of the White House. THAT’S just about my only motivation here. Dassit. Periodt. I can deal with everything else later.
And I can live with myself with that vote.
But yeah, I’m Black and I gotta live not only with myself, but I also gotta live in this world and look other people in the eye. People who don’t even have my extremely limited level of privilege.
I’m not gonna go into detail about how a Trump presidency would make literally everything worse than it already is—and yes, sadly that includes Palestine, Ukraine, transphobia, homophobia, immigration, and whatever else is allegedly important to disproportionately ☭ white, online “leftists” 🙄 who keep telling people not to vote, or keep telling people to vote for candidates who cannot win.
As far as I’m concerned, Trump getting back into the White House is an existential threat to everything I hold dear. So no, anon, I will fucking not be throwing my vote away on some random ass person I’ve never heard of before, who has no mf chance of ever winning.
And yes, I still have problems with Biden. Like, a lot of problems. Like, a LOT, lot. But he’s the best chance we got at stopping Trump, and Trump needs to be stopped. That, plus I desperately want to see Trump pay for everything he’s gotten away with so far. Voting for Biden is the best way for me to give that a chance.
So yeah, I am deathly afraid of a second Trump term. And a big part of what is driving that fear is the fact that Joe Biden is vulnerable and super beatable. Like, his winning the next election is not a guarantee—did Hillary Clinton’s completely preventable loss teach you nothing at all??
Anyway, I’m not tryna write a book here. I think I’ve made my thoughts clear on Jasmine Sherman and whoever else is the flavor-of-the-day that can’t and won’t beat Trump. Biden is really fucking up and making himself even more beatable by unconditionally supporting Israel, and if he wins he might continue to fuck up, but I promise you that Trump will do unimaginably worse to Palestinians—and that’s not hyperbole.
Lastly, I really debated long and hard about whether or not to make this post rebloggable. PLEASE don’t make me regret that decision, OKAY??
Like, I know that a lot of people who unconditionally LOVE Joe Biden (that’s not me, btw) and the Democratic Party will be tempted to add, “VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!” to this post, but I am begging you to please resist that urge, okay? I don’t know how to precisely put it into words, but unless you’re already convinced and have decided to vote for Biden, there’s just something about adding that braindead slogan that is incredibly off putting. It’s like an annoying ad that you want to skip and ignore on YouTube; it’s vapid; it’s old + tired; it’s lowkey offensive, and it tells people that you haven’t really given a lot of thought to anything and you’re just another insipid Blue MAGA sycophant blindly hopping on the bandwagon. Please find a better more intelligent way to express your support of Biden, okay?
ALSO, if you just search for Jasmine Sherman on Tumblr, you get a lot of anonymous asks like this
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And sorry, but having lived through the 2016 and 2020 interface elections, yeah, it just smells fishy af. Chipping away at Biden votes is another way to help get Trump re-elected. And Trump supports Putin and Netanyahu
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 7 months
Republicans Betray The United States
Republicans failed the United States miserably when they wiped their nasty asses with their Oaths of Office as they refused to fulfill their Constitutional duties to protect our nation and its citizens.
The Legislative branch of the US government is empowered to enforce the checks and balances against the Executive branch. Republicans refused to hold Trump accountable for anything when they all knew he was an incompetent self-serving corrupt low-life sleaze bag.
They intentionally aided and abetted a con-man who was impeached twice - the first time in American history - and took advantage of the Office of the Presidency to enrich himself, his family and his goon squad of seditious, unqualified sycophants and enablers.
Republicans had the chance early in Trump's time in office to stand up for the United States and its citizens or stand up for Trump and the Republican party. They chose the latter and unleashed a thieving lying monster who instigated an insurrection and won't shut the fuck up and go away.  
Republicans are no longer legitimate participants in our democratic processes and are now the seditious destructive MAGA party. An exclusively white organization based on extreme right-wing deceit, division, bigotry and racist tenets. Their only goal is to destroy our democratic constitutional republic and install a white male christo-fascist authoritarian government.
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hertwood · 14 days
"I do find it interesting that ppl will ignore the many many times Taylor Swift has publicly supported democrats just because she was friendly to her boyfriend's coworker's wife"
the "many many times" in question being an entirely self-serving activism kick in 2019 and 2020... she hasn't even spoken up about this year's (arguably more consequential) election Imao if normal ass people can cut off their own relatives for being bigoted then white woman of the year can certainly avoid snuggling with a loud and proud racist. i'll also remind you that the "political arguments" in question that occur between trumpies and normal people directly affect the lives and safety of millions of people both in the States and abroad but okay! sure! not everyone has enough empathy to care about that! whatever!
if you want to believe taylor swift is a bad person, or not progressive enough, or a performative activist thats fine!! you don't have to like her and you also don't need to justify it with any "good enough" reason!!! you can just hate the bitch you're allowed!!!
the point i was trying to make is it is weird as hell to be making polls and speculating if she's a republican when she's endorsed joe biden in 2020 and many other democrats since 2018, it really seems like a bad faith fucking conversation to me 🤷 i think the people who are having these discussions have already decided that she's a bad person and are discounting very significant data points to present their opinions like they're reality. if you think it was self-serving activism, that is actually just your opinion :) that you are allowed to have but that does not change the objective truth that she has never been vocally anything other but liberal in her political views.
i also think its fucking weird that people who hate her so much won't shut the fuck up about her TBH!!!!!!!
also acting like i, a disabled nonbinary dyke don't know how politics affect real people?????? bitch i'm one of them. and you're right, not everyone has enough empathy to care about everything wrong with the world all the time. not everyone has the capacity to argue with every bigot they meet 100% of the time without getting burnt the fuck out. it is not sustainable and also not very effective to do! most of these crazy assholes are not gonna have their minds changed with an argument. caring for vulnerable members of our communities is a far more valuable way to spend your energy. getting young leftist people registered to vote is gonna be a much more viable strategy for change than arguing with trumpies.
i have also, for the record, been kind to bigots. so fucking cancel me too i guess. i've said hey i'm not gonna start an argument bc my siblings deserve a christmas without all that. i've heard coworkers say bigoted things and said hey i'm exhausted from the work day i dont have a capacity to deal with this right now. and if you think i'm a bad person for that? dont worry you can unfollow me i will still sleep easy at night :)
i also think it's worth mentioning that taylor swift recently had to cancel a show bc of a real terrorist threat. i personally think it's very likely she's being advised not to say anything in order to not increase risk of another tragedy like the manchester ariana grande attack. if this is true and you still think that taylor swift prioritizing the safety of herself and her fans dying over speaking up politically, thats your right to think so!! but i don't expect my faves to be activists 24/7 personally, for any reason. i dont think thats fair to expect of people who aren't politicians.
but that's just me!!!
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ca-suffit · 5 months
to all the ppl wanting receipts on maven, let me explain this to u.
racism isn't just slurs and some single "gotcha" moment. especially when it comes to white women. racism is hidden behind several layers of "nice" when it comes to them because whiteness and womanhood protect them from certain judgments and being more easily seen as "victim" than "abuser." why do u think anne rice even had a career. u think a black or brown woman could have done all that and still got paid? hell no. shit, u think even a black or brown *man* could have done that either? double hell no. that shit is only reserved for white ppl.
a lot of white women in this fandom don't think they're racist at all because they vote democrat and don't say slurs and also watch the interracial vampire show. but u don't talk to real ppl. and then u do all kinds of shit bts to black and brown ppl otherwise because u feel justified about it as a white person. u see ppl criticize whiteness in lestat and u say but he has trauma too, how dare u say this! and you come down episode 5 style on everyone and say "see this is what u deserve" without *any* self awareness. maven's videos say harmful shit throughout them, which are made more harmful because she looks and sounds so fucking stupid. Her weird stans rely on that to come after anyone who says "what the fuck is this" (in regards to what she's actually saying) and say "why are you abusing this white content creator who does nothing but this silly dance to entertain us, what do u do with ur life!" Just like u all love when white men on the show are some kind of funny drag queen cunty slay yasss mother as they outright look to slaughter black and brown characters physically or emotionally, so also do u love to say don't criticize this woman, it's not that serious. or don't judge anne rice, she was soo CrAzY (affectionate), old and/or dead now. "ur so mean!!!!!" u never want it to be serious because u never want to have this conversation. that's what's real. fragile fucking bitch ass egos of urs. we're having this fucking conversation now. Maven creates a safe space for racists by being a popular, uncritical white book fan who associates with other racist book fans. she has witnessed racism happening in this fandom for years and years and never once used her big platform to talk about it (or learn about racial topics in general before opening her dummy mouth about the show). she is a spineless, basic ass white woman who only cares about herself and her own white attachment to these books. inaction against harm u know is happening around u and lack of speaking up is racism. creating a safe space for racists is racism. making white fandom comfortable with u is racism. for the quickest test of whether someone is promoting white fandom shit or not, see how many black and brown fans will recommend that person or thing. nobody here can stand maven except white fandom (and white fandom is not just white ppl, it's any person who promotes the idea that talking about race is harmful and we should remain colorblind except for supporting white ideals and values). there's ur fucking answer by itself.
this is not done out of malicious focus from what white fandom would have u believe is "jealousy" over popularity (another tactic meant to distract from talking about the criticisms themselves). this is done out of real concern of who tf is gonna cause harm or not. maven does not create a safe space except for white fandom and her ignorance to that is her issue at this point because it's LONG been documented. not everyone who isn't supporting u is some general "hater" for no reason and ur fucking dumb if u don't ever examine the reasons ur being criticized. wake tf up, bitch.
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grumpycakes · 11 months
OCTOBER 18 2023 • DAY 2 VOTE 2 • 11:30am
< Previous (day 1)
McHenry, interim Speaker, doesn't slam the gavel so damn loud for once!!!!
They have the Chaplin lead the house in a prayer. And like, she seems lovely, the prayer was fine. But the fact that we have a CHAPLIN SAY PRAYER BEFORE THE HOUSE COMMENCES A VOTE. WHEN WE HAVE A WHOLE ASS RULE ABOUT SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
They are lead in the pledge of allegiance like goddamn children in US schools.
They do the WHO'S HERE, vote/buzz in to make sure they have a Quorum (aka enough ppl here to hold a legit vote of the majority of congress). There's a timer for the vote but it always runs out and sits at 0 for a few mins before they call it. It's strange.
433 are here, 212 Democrats, 221 Republicans, 217 votes for a majority, (Jordan can only lose 4 votes)
McHenry gives the SIDDOWN IT'S NOMINATING SPEECH TIME command. He had to call for the tellers like an annoyed teacher when the students they're calling aren't coming up. He is condescending and annoying to me.
Mic Cole Republican Representative from Oklahoma
Talks about how he'd said the people who did this would cause chaos and uncertainty. And that he was proven right (loll you fucking said it dude)
He talks about how this garners finger pointing/blame/badmouthing between the aisle but that HE'S not going to (Very big of you, ur so good/s)
He's friends w Jim Jordan and goes into telling us how great and superspecialawesome Jordan is
When he mentions that Jordan has great personal integrity there are GROANS from the house. Damn
Says being the speaker takes a spine of steel (lolll idk if he's meaning this as a jab at McCarthy and spinelessness, but I love it)
Bullshit about Dems not helping out but that they shouldn't have to rely on them and that if you're a republican your choice should be easy (IT SHOULD, SO WHAT DOES THAT SAY)
Standard Republican BS on spending, border wall lies, racist dog whistles about illegal border crossing. Bad time all around
LOLL I realized Border Security is also BS so that's fitting
Says no one has done more for Border Security than Jordan ( first off, doubt it. Second that is NOT A GOOD THING)
Goes into Israel guilt trip
Says it's Israel's right to respond forcefully and gets a goddamn standing ovation (please stop glorifying war)
Calls on all Repub.s to use they're narrow majority to get them a speaker
Jim Aguilar Democratic Representative of California
Starts by saying he's here to nominate Hakeem Jeffries (bratty dems cheer about it lol)
Promises to make speeches shorter if this gets as ridonk as last time (can we start it now tho???)
Points out that Jim Jordan has had secret meetings and probably made back deals to get speakership
Points out that Jeffries has 212 votes, not technically a majority, but more than any Repub
Points out that Jordan denies the election of 2020, hasn't ever actually made legislation, or done like basic lawmaking shit
Warns of Jordan's extreme agenda of stripping abortion rights, gutting social security and medicaid/care, and his apparent willingness to not go after Jan 6 perps.
Calls out the Repubs for putting us through 15 days of chaos, and that 15 days is enough
Gets to boast about how united Dems are (very nana nana boo boo lol)
blahblahblah Jeffries, Dems get shit done standard shit
(key: * change in voting from yesterday | + same vote as yesterday)
Bacon - McCarthy + (Poor clerk has to pause to write McCarthy in)
Bilirakis - Actually votes today! Jordan *
Buchannon - Donalds * (OH he voted for Jordan yesterday!!! mmmmm two more and Jordan loses)
Buck - Emmer +
Chavez Deremer - McCarthy + (Lots of murmuring as I'm sure everyone is aware that Jordan has now lost)
Conolly - Says something about election deniers, votes for Jeffries, sounds like the Republicans didn't like it
D'Esposito - Zelden +
Diaz-Balart - Scalise +
Ellzey - Mike Garcia +
Garbarino - Zelden +
Gimenez - McCarthy +
Gonzalez (Tom) - Scalise +
Granger - Scalise +
James - Candance Miller of Michigan * (new suggestion, but he didn't vote for Jordan yesterday either)
Jeffries and Jordan get applause when they vote for themselves (rolls eyes into oblivion)
Kelly of PA - "Former Speaker of the house John Boehner" * (voted for Scalise Yesterday. Also that's how you spELL BAYNOR???)
Kiggans - McCarthy +
LaLota - Zelden +
LaMalfa - JORDAN * (Gets cheers for falling in line eugh)
Lawler - McCarthy +
Lee of NV - Jeffries but people cheered about it??? +
McCarthy - Jordan (Still gets applause about it but it's less than yesterday lololol)
Miller-Meeks - Granger * (NEW DEFECTOR WEEWOO)
Payne - MIA/Jeffries on recall but he gets claps about it??? +
Pelosi - Jeffries + (We... we don't gotta cheer for her every time do we???)
Rutherford - Scalise +
Scalise - Jordan (loll love that he's just like "I do not see it")
Simpson - Scalise +
Spartz - MIA/Actually Votes today on recall!! Jordan * (they clap about it)
Stauber - Westerman * (WHO THE FUCK?? New defector wee w-)
Tlaib - MIA/Votes Jeffries on recall +
Trone - MIA/Votes Jeffries on recall + (hey T Dems, get it together!!!)
Womack - Scalise +
433 Present • 217 votes to win
199 votes for Jordan (OH SHIT U LOST GROUND)
212 votes Jeffries (Dems just gotta cheer about it like the petty assholes they are and deserve to be)
5 McCarthy (HA HA)
3 Lee Zelden
7 Scalise
1 Byron Donalds *
1 Mike Garcia
1 Candace Miller *
1 John Boehner *
1 Kay Granger *
1 Bruce Westerman *
(Some new names on there!)
No majority, no speaker has been chosen.
McHenry must be scarred from the back to back voting in Jan and AGAIN IMMEDIATELY calls the house into recess and the feeds cut.
As stated before NOTHING can happen EXCEPT to vote in a new Speaker without a Speaker appointed. And they're fast approaching the deadline for needing to have the budget done. So the Republicans basically have 2 choices.
1 Pick a different Nominee. Problem here is that there's enough far rights to stop the election of a Moderate/wiling to COMPROMISE AND WORK WITH OTHERS candidate. And there are enough moderates to stop the election of a super far right candidate.
Wee could be in a hellish limbo
2 Make a resolution w the help of Democrats to empower McHenry, Intnerim (Pro Tempur) Speaker, allowing him to oversee the budget shit and LET CONGRESS DO SOME GOVERNING.
Jordan got 4 votes to go to him he didn't have before, but LOST 5 VOTES at the same time. Jordan left everyone with the impression that he would be gaining votes. If he were a less power hungry fart, he'd step down, but he refuses.
Speaker of the house is 3rd in line to the presidency (so if Prez and Vice Prez get axed the Speaker becomes president). So it does make sense that some are fighting very hard to not vote in Jordan. However, trump and the MAGA bs has such a chokehold on the Republican base that the Moderate Republicans don't want to vote for a candidate not backed by trump. But like, what in the dystopian hell.
Jordan, to be taken seriously as a candidate, would have PREFERABLY won back votes. And while he kinda did, he kinda also lost one MORE than he gained. Amazing you failure party.
YES TECHNICALLY either 10 REPUBLICANS vote as present and let Jeffries get elected OR 5 DEMOCRATS vote themselves present adjusting the needed vote to 215 (which Jordan is still not getting). Again, Political Suicide, not going to happen.
Republicans were going to have a meeting at about 1 30PM EST.
A spokes person for Jordan said he's not STEPPING DOWN AND IS READY FOR A 3RD ROUND OF VOTING! (for the love)
Next vote to probably be held tomorrow about midday EST
Next Day 3 >
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One for the blocklist https://www.tumblr.com/flowerpottlady/758738316360302592/america-be-like-ohhh-im-so-pro-life-we-need-to
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bombing civilians is just like abortion bans I am a very smart white american feminist who totally not racist and projecting _OP
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but she supports Kamala
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and hates Biden
So black woman president good, white man president bad, gross and racist but whatever gets your ass to the polls
so is it fuck democrats or is vote blue because it's kamala uwu?
the antisemite doesn't actually believe anything they just hate
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elijasz · 10 months
A part of Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt) now requires you to vow that you agree that Israel has the right to be a state to be allowed neutralization.
The official argument for that is that they want to keep antisemitic people out of the country. An article (its only in german) describes that the naturalization is impossible if immigrants follow ideals that defy the basic democratic order. It states that such ideals include "antisemitic crimes and denying Israel's right to exist"
Denying the holocaust, a mass genocide, is considered an antisemitic crime and is strictly punished in Germany.
Yet in the same sentence they compare said crimes to denying Israel's statehood, a country which has been trying to ethnically cleanse Palestinians, thereby committing genocide.
Basically they are saying: you're excluded from naturalisation if you deny the genocide that happened in Germany, or point out that a state that is currently commiting genocide shouldn't exist.
The fucking audacity to protect Israel because you feel bad when you think about criticising people who your ancestors ethically cleansed...I cannot believe this. Germany is assisting, promoting and encouraging Israel in commiting genocide. This isn't exclusively because of guilt or fear of being on the wrong side of history. Its the result of the rising arabphobia in this shitstain of a country that has been happening for YEARS.
Germany is incredibly racist and the german government is abusing the pain Israel has caused Palestinians and arabs in general to justify denying arabs, who fled to europe, shelter and safety in a country that is already incredibly hostile towards them.
I am ashamed to be born in this fucking country. My grandparents didn't come to this country to work their fucking asses off just so I could be threatened by the state to shut my mouth on this topic. I'm not allowed to protest a GENOCIDE. The german government is breaking their own constitution to deny other people basic human rights, to deny protection to those who need it most and to further the racist political ideologies in Germany even further.
Here is an article in English by the Washington Post
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realjaysumlin · 2 months
As a scholar, he's charted the decline in religion. Now the church he pastors has closed its doors
Everyone around the world can see how Christians behave like they don't fear their own god because they break every law regarding their own religion and can hate on people who don't believe in their sick and evil cult. Apparently they don't believe in their own shit religion as well.
Look at the Christian people who support Donald Trump for starters. A rapist, adulterer, pathological liar, racist, fascist, thief, and they say their god hates liars but they say their god picked Trump to lead our world. Christians and people who are believers have our prison system full and people who are not believers don't really have a traffic ticket compared to those who believe in some fake religions.
Christianity attacks the Islamic faith and calls their god Allah fake and terrorist even though Christianity has committed the greatest genocides of all religions in earth's history and they can call someone else terrorists. You just can't make this bullshit up.
Black Indigenous People globally follow this shit religion and for the likes of me I can't understand this at all. A religion that has a mission to reduce your history to perpetual slaves isn't a religion I would want to be associated with personally. These shit people talk about hating gays, lesbians, trans people but they rape the innocent girls and boys when their god call these innocent babies The Lamb of God.
I don't care who you are, if you can hurt innocent children you are lesser than shit and you shouldn't be allowed to take another breath of air. The disheartening truth that doesn't make sense is that some fake ass monster that they call Satan is going to punish you for breaking the same laws she or he did instead of throwing one hell of a party for all the Christian people who disobeyed their god laws.
Some shit god who supposedly created the heavens and earth couldn't give humanity the ability to write until 10,000 years ago even though humans have been around for over 250,000 years? You have to be the dumbest mother fucking people on earth to believe in this shit religion of creationism.
Let's really be honest with your religion, if a Democrat had done everything that the Donald Trump presidency did, would they behave and support the Democratic president the same way they do Donald Trump? Please let this sink in.
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pissingonmonarchy · 3 months
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🤡🤣 I'm not a democrat, Boomer Cultist. I used to be a GOP conservative until MAGA came along and clarified just how bigoted the party is. Trouble is, I've always had a mind particularly attuned to facts and logic-- something the MAGA GOP cannot stand.
I'm very confident that ALL of the convictions will hold, because NO ONE is above the law. (Don't forget, Steve Bannon's going to jail TOMORROW for his crimes. And rightfully so.)
I also don't give single fuck about Hunter Biden, because he's not a politician. If he committed a crime, he should be punished. What about that is so difficult for you cultists to understand? No one is above the law. Or are you no longer backing the blue?
Here we have another fine example of MAGA using the Gish Gallop to try and derail. Nothing this deranged cult member says is based in fact.
Firearms should be banned. Our children should have more rights than you idiot cultists, and our founders never intended for 2A to be used the way these MAGA morons intend. I hope they come take your guns first, Grandma. Clearly you're not smart enough to own them. In 1996, Australia suffered a single mass shooting of schoolchildren, and they immediately banned ALL firearms not regulated for use by farmers. They've been fine. I think we'll be fine too.
Eat the Rich. Millionaires and Billionaires are a pox upon society. I think we should go a step further and tax anyone making over 300k/year at 90%. Ol' Joe has my vote and many more if he keeps his promises (unlike Whiny Dementia Donald who is still plummeting in all the polls).
You wanna make America Great again like it was in the 1960's then I guess it follows logic that we should use similar tax codes too. Or were you just referring to the racist, misogynistic parts? Erasing 80 years of progress just cause your little old man feelings are hurt 🤡 Pick up a history book, cause you come up here with this weak ass sauce I am going to dismantle you piece by piece like the uneducated cult member you are. Diaper Don the Convicted Felon is going to prison next week and there's nothing you can do about it because MAGA is on its way out for good.
Make Accountability Great Again. Biden 2024
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"nothing changes if you don't vote"
"republicans vote"
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They also do active work towards their political goals that go further than just screeching at people to vote. Like running for office so people can vote.
I can not express how much of Every election Ever is not voters fault, but the fault of every capable liberal and leftist who sits around telling us to vote/read theory but never actually uses their privilege to do any active part of dismantling racism or anything else they pretend to care about, including the actual bare minimum of getting blue votes which isnt voting, but running for office so people can vote blue.
Non-voters aren't the problem. The people to blame are the same fucking people that are always to blame throughout all of history. People who see awful things happening around them and still sit around doing nothing but feeling guilt and fear they might be treated the same way. So they choose to follow the fucked up laws and status quo of a government that doesn't give a shit about them, meanwhile finding ways to blame the Actual victims of the government so they can feel better about protecting themselves instead.
A fairy tale for liberals who don't wanna confront the reality that they don't have any power over their lives.
My executively dysfunctional, depressive, disabled, unstable ass sure doesn't. Couldn't run for office even if I wanted to. Relying on EBT and racist federal workers. Relying on others to run for office with my best interest in mind. I rely on on this government and it's people to take care of me and people like me but look where that got me. You think that was my choice? That I voted for this life? Did you vote for me to struggle like this?
No, you didn't.
But I am. Lots of people are. Because voting doesn't work. Because our problems are systematic and the things influencing us are systematic. They aren't things you vote for or would be ever put up for a vote in the first place. You can't vote blue without a Democrat that isn't on your ballot, for example. And lots of us can't fix things ourselves through normal political means like running for office cuz every branch of the US is inaccessible to us in a very racist, queerphobic, ableist, and classist way.
Voting isn't enough, it never was. It's not even the bare minimum. The bare minimum is doing something. Protest, burn something down, participate in mutual aid, run for office yourself, become a journalist that's Honest and unbought. But just saying "yeah I like this one" and coloring in some boxes every 2-4 years isn't fucking it. It never was. And thinking otherwise is exactly why I'm looking at ballot with no fucking democrats, progressives, or leftists on it.
I'm fucking begging you all to do more than vote and scream at everyone else to vote. Begging. Please fucking do more than that. And don't "we are" me because I'm looking at a ballot in one of the most progressive states in the country and objectively no you're fucking not.
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