#radblr polls
empress-hancock · 1 year
Ladies I’m curious about the makeup of our immediate families, siblings mostly. I’ll make a poll about it
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femgoddess-hecate · 1 year
I'm referring of course to the little fat pouch on women's lower bellies.
As someone who has always been insecure about it, other women's opinions matter most to me!
Thank u for voting ❤
This is just for curiosity's sake btw! Nothing too serious :3
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
There are currently polls being done on Ovarit, so I thought it would be fun to compare to here. Please only vote for the highest level of education you have completed:
First poll (n=347)
Second poll (ongoing - includes trades and is what I roughly copied and pasted the wording for this poll from). If you have an Ovarit account, this poll was just made so you can vote if you'd like.
I'll add the same disclaimer/acknowledgement/apology that is posted on Ovarit: this is an Americanized poll. If you're from another country and know the equivalent, please feel free to vote, as I understand terminology can be different. I apologize that certain degrees or terms from other countries aren't considered - it's difficult to fit it all in under 10 options and with a character limit.
Lastly, if you have another form of education not listed, please feel free to respond in the tags.
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balkanradfem · 1 year
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riverdeities · 11 months
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overtlydinosaurian · 1 year
I don't think I totally get the concept of "reclaiming" and would like input from others. I personally do not get why you'd want a slur used more frequently and then not only that, but also strengthen the connection to the associated group? Like yes, this IS the [slur] community. I am such a [slur]!
I absolutely understand wanting to remove the sting and pain from a word, but I don't see how choosing to use more frequently it helps anyone in the long run. In my opinion, I think it's best to try and let the words fade away into forgotten history. Obviously that can't happen just because I want it to, so in those situations where it cannot fade into obscurity the use of the word by people should be challenged and criticized. It should be taboo and should have active social ramifications. But you can't have active social ramifications if you're unwilling to actually challenge the use of the word, and I don't see "reclaiming" as challenging the use of the word. I see it as begrudgingly accepting that word really does mean you.
This post isn't actually even about the word (and what I consider a slur) "qu**r." But I don't think it's exempt from this discussion either. Unfortunately, I think with the case of "qu**r" you have the word still meaning weird/odd/strange but also people are unable to see the history of it and the very real trauma surrounding it. I don't know if qu**r was successfully reclaimed or not, because we have people today who don't think it is/was a slur, and people who never knew it is/was a slur. But here's the poll to just see if I'm truly outnumbered in this opinion.
Please comment or reblog or whatever with your feelings on this topic. I am particularly interested in actually hearing from people who've had the word used against them before, and how they feel about it. But I will also be happy with any perspective offered.
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rad-polls · 1 month
what do you think is the solution to prostitution?
- the nordic model
- full decriminalization
- something else (elaborate in replies/comments/tags)
(feel free to add other options. nordic model and full decrim are the only main ones im familiar with)
Thank you Nona!
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womenaremypriority · 2 months
!redo poll!
Bisexual= being attracted to both sexes.
Please reblog for greater sample size and to get out of my tumblr orbit ❤️
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lhomura · 2 months
I haven't worn makeup in months after discovering radical feminism and getting into this community.
My workplace is specifically only women, which made me think they would be more accepting. While at work around two coworkers I mentioned how I haven't worn makeup in a long time and went into detail about how I feel a lot better, I have a lot less acne, I have dermatillomania and the urge to pick my face is less strong, (not my fingers tho, still working on that) and feeling less pressure about my appearance.
They both didn't seem too happy to hear this. One of them said she thought I was becoming depressed since I wasn't wearing makeup and "cute outfits". I explained that no the makeup made me depressed and feel more pressured to look different and she went on about how I seemed to be putting down women who do wear makeup. From there it turned into a huge argument.
She refused to listen to any points I made at all, overall just frustrating and I felt like there was no point even mentioning any of this irl. There seems to be no desire to even try to look at things from another angle, just immediately get defensive and deny everything.
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empress-hancock · 8 months
Dog Poll
If you are not currently a dog owner but have had a dog (or dogs) in the past, please pick whichever option you used with your past dog(s).
I’m curious about this because I feel like using “down” isn’t the best given that “down” is typically used for “lay down,” so that means the dog has two different commands tied to the same word, and even though one is situational, I don’t feel like it’s helpful to the dog’s understanding if the same word can mean two different things.
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radykalny-feminizm · 3 months
Someone probably made a poll like this at some point but I'll do it anyway idgaf
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feliaes · 4 months
poll because i‘ve found that the majority of women in my life including myself have struggled with eds and i feel like i am going insane bc how is this so common
reblog for a bigger sample size!!
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refusetobesilent · 7 months
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balkanradfem · 1 year
The winners of the 'Favourite Fictional Women from ANIME' are: Hotaru, Haruka, and Riza! Since it's only 3 who made it, we don't need another round of anime; instead we're turning to the gaming side of radlblr!
Gamerfems this is your time, even though I have spent countless hours playing Nancy Drew, I do not know 90% of the names on this list, I trust you who nominated them to love them and vote for them. Let the voting begin!
(Also, this is our last big culmination of polls, after this we're only having the Miscellaneous, and then the final polls.)
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riverdeities · 11 months
i've heard that using menstrual cups could weaken the muscles and i'm a bit worried since i've been using mine for over two years :c
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tedhugheshater · 14 days
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