#because trans women are women DUH
radykalny-feminizm · 4 months
Someone probably made a poll like this at some point but I'll do it anyway idgaf
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rainbowtvz · 25 days
*grits teeth*
i do not want to discourse here or anywhere anymore but it does kind of affect me as a transmasc bi person when i see shit that indirectly misgenders me and implies that bisexuality is an icky no good word and identity and you have to be bi and gay and bi and lesbian and bi and straight at the same time or support them or you're an evil stinky stinky terf like... hello where am, i
#it makes me feel othered by an otherwise inclusive community bc how dare i think that men aren't involved in lesbianism#or how dare i think that bisexuality is a whole and valid sexuality#or how dare i think that any and all nonbinary genders are included in every single sexuality by default#or that trans women are women so no fuckin g duh theyre included in lesbianism and if your knee jerk reaction to seeing:#men cannot be lesbians is to think of trans women then you are the transphobe here#or how i dare think that trans man and transmasc aren't the exact same thing#that genderqueerdyke person is also a transadrophobia geek and theyre buddies with genderkoolaid#which like. do i HAVE to say it?#IF U IGNORE THE TRANSMISOGYNY (WHICH U SHOUDLNT) THEYRE ALSO A ZIONIST HELLOW?? WHATS NOT CLICKING WHATS NOT CLICKING#OK IM KINDA MAD ABT THAT LIKE... SORRY BUT HOW ABOUT WE DONT PLATFORM IDIOTS NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEIR RHETORIC MIGHT SOUND#BC U WANT TO BE TOTALLY INCLUSIVE AND NOT GATEKEEPY#ive BEEN around the fucking block ive BEEN on tumblr when the resident terfs here coined bi lesbian#if you scrolled back far enough in certain keywords you wouldve seen that shit in the early 2010s being discussed in their circles#to mean lesbians who are attracted to trans women#you cannot reclaim that or recoin it#yes ive done the research too#i looked at every single piece of evidence of that label existing in the past 50~ years#its just bisexual women back when lesbian spaces also included them#plus like may i also fucking ssay that bisexual also used to mean being of two sexes (transsexual/gender and/or intersex?)#this close to fully believing that the pushback against bisexual being it's own whole and valid sexuality is some kind of psy op#i sound schizophrenic well Maybe I Am#i feel like im going to end up deleting this post bc i dont want to argue with people who disagree with me because there is no getting#through to any of you#tbd.
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notasocialismjoke · 4 months
fine, i'll say my two cents.
y'all know that the explanations that matt gave as to why he banned are predstrogen aren't for us, right? saying it was because of sexual content or exploding a car with hammers, or whatever. justification is irrelevant to his actions; he's an authority; metaphorically he's an abusive parent, and one of his children talked back so he hit her.
the justification isn't for us; it's for transphobes. it's for people who have already learned a predisposition against trans people, who will listen and agree that it's justified. she broke the rules! anyone who breaks the rules gets banned, duh. it's for people who won't think twice about how many trans women have been banned, censored, etc., who won't realize that this is just the latest in a pattern of attacks because, because anyone who got censored is just an individual who broke the rules.
he's telling them what to think. his words are targeted at the people who will listen to him without second guessing them.
the rules are not there to protect us. the purpose of a system is what it does. the words of the rules are not there as an explanation of their purpose; the words are the language and justification that the oppressor uses to keep their followers loyal. the rules themselves exist to keep us in line.
the explanation is not for us; the rule is.
(this post was written by a trans woman/girlthing/whatever.)
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sammygender · 2 years
sometimes i see a take and i go. hmmmm. have i thought about this long enough to get across my opinion? no? then i won’t engage. but i’m still a bit annoyed with the take. reblogging is a way to say you agree but there’s no passive way to say you disagree, or agree a little but want to make a little aside. so i just sit there like :/
#post on the tl about the patriarchy not hurting men#which. my immediate instinct is to be like…. yeah i get what you are saying obviously women are the targeted victims#but i hate hate hate the narrative that women are the only ones targeted by gender based violence which comes as a direct result of the#patriarchy#like. for one. not to be that annoying trans guy. but trans men DO exist. and i know we are hardly more than an afterthought to most people#but we are out here living life…. being pretty systemically targeted by the patriarchy i would argue….#idk maybe patriarchy as a term DOES refer to something which can never systemiacally harm men#and the type of stuff im thinking about needs a diff term#but….#like. cis queer men as a group. i would argue they’re pretty hurt by patriarchy too#and yes it comes down to misogyny cause it’s seen as ‘girly’ to be into guys & therefore bad#(huuuge oversimplication DUH but)#but like. I just think it’s a bit much to say that men as a group are not oppressed by the patriarchy#nevermind post cancelled i agree men aren’t hurt by the patriarchy#or well we can be hurt by it but we as a gender class aren’t oppressed#the patriarchy is a tool sometimes used against men but its primary purpose is not to hurt us as a gender#See. this is why i don’t reply to posts i haven’t thought about long enough. sometimes i’ll fully realise my knee jerk instinct is wrong#i’m so used to stuff that’s like…. men are not oppressed for being men…. which is obviously a stupid oversimplification like queer and trans#guys exist. and the notes of that post got my back up because someone said what about trans men and the two replied were ‘suck’ and ‘don’t#exist’#so. not great#but my knee jerk instinct was wrong#sorry people. im a fool#oliver talks
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izzyspussy · 9 months
Rating Ted Lasso Characters Based On If They'd Respect My Pronouns (Correctly)
Roy "We Stayed At GAY Til 3AM And Then We Had Crepes With Some Drag Queens" Kent: 11/10 no fucking shit. He would defend me from misgendering also, even if we weren't friends. He's the very embodiment of that guy who fought the trans guy and then fought the authority figure who scolded him for hitting a girl.
Nate "Genius (Code for Autistic)" Shelley: 11/10 are you kidding. If only quarantine had happened in his universe he'd have pronouns too. Also his girlfriend obviously already does.
Jamie "Prettyboy" Tartt: 11/10 duh. No, he doesn't know off the top of his head what part of speech a pronoun is, but only because nothing in the universe could matter less. And much like Roy, if he saw someone else being contrarian for the purposes of being a prick for absolutely no earthly reason, he would be eager to do something about it.
Keeley "Just The Tip" Jones: 11/10 did you see her. Never have I personally received more solidarity than from (butches and) full tilt Barbie Girl femmes like Keeley. She may be cis and she wears "women's" clothes, but she's still doing drag every day. She gets it.
Colin "Right by This Pink Triangle?" Hughes: 11/10 obviously. He would be so good at not making a big deal out of doing it correctly himself or correcting others, because he knows what it's like to just want to live your authentic life without being a spectacle.
Coach "You Should See Him In Drag" Beard: 11/10 which you should've guessed. Look at him. Look at him with your heart. You know he has pronouns you've never even heard of that he takes out for special occasions.
Ted "We Don't Not Care" Lasso: 11/10 why is this even a question. Practically the entirety of Ted's goals in life are to be respectful and kind and help others do the same. Sometimes that's hard and he fucks it up, but this is easy. C'mon.
Sam "Social Justice Warrior" Obisanya: 11/10 like. Obviously. I have nothing else to say, like. Obviously. Obviously.
Bumber-"Impending Class War"-catch: 11/10. If anything, given the opportunity, he would encourage me to have more pronouns.
Dani "Joy" Rojas: 11/10. These are getting very simple now, and require less and less explanation. He promotes joy. What else do you want.
Rebecca "Ask Your Daughter What It Means" Welton: 11/10. She's a cutthroat and a genuine feminist. She doesn't care if a bunch of freaks are scared of strangers' genitals, and she's certainly not going to let something so petty get in her own way.
Jan "I've Run Out of Fun Epithets For Everyone And He Wouldn't Mind This Unfun One That's Blunt About That Fact" Maas: 11/10 of course. There's no logical, moral, or social reason not to, and there is a wealth of evidence supporting gender affirming behavior.
Isaac McAdoo: 11/10. And he would (unnecessarily) instruct all the other lads to do it too. He might struggle with it at first if we had known each other previous to my transition, but not out of malice or negligence, and once he got on track he'd stay there for life.
Leslie Higgins: 11/10. He's a jazz musician with ten thousand gen Z children. He knows at least as many trans people already as any natural member of the queer community.
The Rest of The Lads: 11/10. We all know this to be true. Next.
Georgie Tartt: 11/10. Have you seen her son. She's prepared for this.
Sharon Fieldstone: 11/10. Have you seen her do her job. She's good at it.
Dottie Lasso: 9/10. Her heart's in the right place and that matters! She is inescapably Midwestern in both the good ways and the bad ways, though.
Jake: 8/10. Have you seen him do his job. He's bad at it.
Rupert Mannion: 6/10. He's a trans inclusive misogynist lmao. He also will treat correct pronoun usage as a privilege if he gets butthurt enough.
James Tartt: 3/10. He'd respect a trans man who performed masculinity to his standards, but he is definitely afraid of girlymen and women who are better than him (most women).
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nerdygaymormon · 5 months
Bishops Council
In my stake, twice a quarter the bishops get together with the stake presidency. I typically do not attend this meeting, but stake president invited me to come since one of the bishops had added "counsel with LGBT youth" as an agenda item.
The stake president has a gay son and is fully capable of speaking to this, but I appreciate that he wanted to include the point of view of someone who is queer.
When we got to this topic, the stake president shared a few slides I had sent him earlier based on some research done at Utah State University.
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The stake president then spoke about things he has learned as the dad of a gay child. Primarily that it is his job to love, and his son is going to have his own journey. The things he has learned as the parent of a queer child has helped him be a better stake president.
One of the bishops shared that when he was newly called three years ago that I sent him an email with 10 suggestions. He keeps that email bookmarked and has referred to it several times over the years. It helped him understand his role and that he could be confident in meeting with queer individuals and help them feel seen, loved, and valued. Then he read the list while wiping away tears, and I also was moved to tears to hear him share how impactful these suggestions were for him
David's list of 10 suggestions for bishops
All LGBT members need a trusted adult in their life who loves, supports and sustains them, no matter which path they choose.
When someone “comes out” they should be greeted with love, validation and hope, not a lecture on repentance or reminder of the Church’s stance on same-sex marriage  
Create a safe culture for the LGBT person. This could include speaking to youth and YSA about what sort of conversation their bishop would have with them if they come out, that it’s okay if now is not the right time to come out, and there is no shame to the person or their family if they are gay/trans. There's a good chance there's some LGBT people in your ward, even if you don't know who they are.
Don’t use words like “struggling” or say they’ll be “fixed” in the resurrection
Our Heavenly Parents love their LGBT children, we should give them unconditional love and support and recognize they will bless the lives of others
LGBT individuals are more likely to be the victims of bullying and violence than any other minority group in the USA. Be on the lookout for youth or young adults who may be doing & saying unkind things.  
Know the signs of suicide and depression. LGBT people are at much higher risk. It’d be a good idea for youth leaders to have some training in this.
Encourage them to pray and ask if God loves them as they are 
Especially before or after lessons about marriage, say something like “I know there are people in this ward who cannot be married because of same-sex attraction or other reasons. I love you, and the Lord has a plan for you.”
Know that studies show that being active in the LDS church is often detrimental to the mental health and quality of life for LGBT people. For a person’s well-being, they may decide they need a break. Make sure they know they’re welcome to come back.
I then blurted out, "I'm gay, just in case anyone didn't know." A counselor in the stake presidency said, "Duh, we all know you're a happy guy."
Another bishop shared that he has a child who recently came out as trans and is in their first semester of college. This child hasn't fully discussed this with the family but is using this time away to experiment with what feels right to them. He loves this child and wants them to be their best and to be comfortable with themselves and it's taking some adjustments for him to understand and change his dreams for them.
Then my bishop shared that I had given him the same 10 suggestions when he was first called and he feels it has helped him be successful as a bishop to queer youth. He shared an incident that happened recently which involved a young women leader overhearing part of a conversation between two teens. He didn't share the specifics of the discussion other than it was about being gay. The leader was uncomfortable with what she heard and spoke about it at ward council.
Another bishop commented, "Oh yes, ward council, that's the right place to discuss that" as he rolled his eyes.
The stake president said a better approach would've been for the leader to ask the girls to share more with her, to be open to a conversation with them, rather than run to the ward council to share how shocked and uncomfortable she was.
I thought it was a good discussion even though I wound up saying very little. I had prepared some thoughts ahead of time that I could use as reference, and I sent them by email to the bishops (see below).
There are queer individuals who attend our congregations, many of whom aren't out to everyone, and so you speak to queer people even if you don't know who they are.
We are children of God, we deserve to hear good news, to have hope, to feel loved. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen often enough in church settings. People who interacted with Christ left feeling uplifted and that would be a good goal for us.
In 2019, the former stake president said this in Bishops' Council: LGBT individuals are some of the most patient people you’ll ever meet. They’ve heard more hurtful words than most any of us will hear in our entire lifetime. That doesn’t mean they’re immune to the words. There are LGBT members who come to church and they deserve to hear good words, to be welcomed and loved and be strengthened in the gospel.
Handbook 38.6.15 The Church encourages families and members to reach out with sensitivity, love, and respect to persons who are attracted to others of the same sex. The Church also promotes understanding in society at large that reflects its teachings about kindness, inclusiveness, love for others, and respect for all human beings.
Handbook 38.6.23 Transgender individuals face complex challenges. Members and nonmembers who identify as transgender—and their family and friends—should be treated with sensitivity, kindness, compassion, and an abundance of Christlike love. All are welcome to attend sacrament meeting, other Sunday meetings, and social events of the Church
When my bishop was first called, a member of the ward asked me if I thought the new bishop would be safe to meet with and share his orientation. I sent the bishop an email to find out and received this beautiful response:
David, Thank you for sharing this with me. I hope that the Spirit can guide me to treat LBGTQ members and investigators with love and respect. I’m not sure what your journey has been, but I would guess that it has included anguish, heartbreak and innumerable unintentional and even some intentional wounds. As far as I am aware, I am the only person called to be a judge in the ward, and I believe that office is to help everyone come to Christ, not send any away. I may not fully appreciate how or which traditions and traditional phrases may carry messages of exclusion, but I am open to learning a better way. I hope that I can “make the pathway bright” for LBGTQ members and friends. In hope, Bishop
One of the scariest parts of coming out is not knowing how the other person will respond. The previous stake president at a youth fireside shared how he would react if a person met with him and shared that they are LGBTQ.
I would thank you for trusting me enough to share this with me.
If you're willing, I'd like for you to share with me some about your journey up to this point.
I would offer to give you a blessing.
Regardless of whether you accepted or declined the offer of a blessing, I'm a hugger so I'd ask if I can give you a hug.
I'd invite you to come see me again when you want to talk some more.
Questions many LGBTQ+ members would welcome from their church leaders (these come from the fourth option)
What does being LGBTQIA+ mean for you at this time?
What has been difficult about being an LGBTQIA+ member of the church? What's been fulfilling?
What do you want your future to look like?
What do you believe or want to believe?
What revelation have you received, if any, about your path in life?
What's on your mind related to your sexuality or gender identity and faith?
How has being queer influenced your relationship with Christ?
How can we best support you?
Do you feel safe in our congregation? What can we do to make it safer?
Has anyone said or done anything to make you feel unwanted in the ward?
From what you've observed so far, how can we improve as a ward?
How would you like to be involved in the ward?
What callings would you feel comfortable with?
What skills would you like to use to contribute to our ward? 
What else would you like me to know?
Things ward & stake leaders can do (also from the fourth option)
Pray for guidance on how to make your ward safer and more inclusive for LGBTQIA+ members (out or not)
Call LGBTQIA+ members to callings in a range of auxiliaries
Invite LGBTQIA+ members to share their experiences in fifth Sunday lessons, firesides, ward councils meetings, etc
Encourage your stake to call an LGBTQ fellowship coordinator
Speak to LGBTQIA+ members over the pulpit and in lessons (move away from the "use vs. them" mentality; show that we're part of every ward, out or not)
Include LGBTQIA+ members in discussions about ministering and and outreach
Regularly check in with us to see if anyone is making us feel unsafe
Get to know us personally
Wear a rainbow pin or similar thing to indicate that you're an ally
Speak in support of LGBTQIA+ people and help others remember that we are children of God
Ask your ward or stake to start a support group for LGBTQIA+ members, families, and allies (volunteer to help if possible)
Pray for guidance on how to best minister to LGBTQIA+ individuals in your ward
Pray for God to reveal more about His plan for His LGBTQIA+ children
Correct people when they say uninformed or hateful things
Listen to our stories, sit in our pain, celebrate our joy
Studies show that on average gay men (and I suspect this is true of queer people in general) are more creative, have higher IQ’s and higher emotional intelligence, have more compassion and are more cooperative and have less hostility. Of course someone with these qualities is going to bless the lives around them.
We have a stake group for LGBTQ members, and their family, friends and allies, which meets about every other month. For more information, contact me.
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radfem-rage · 3 months
do you ever think about how emotionally immature TiMs and TiFs are? Everything I see them hung up on as been stuff I dealt with when I was 12-18. Yet they're out here hung up on it despite being 23+. Stuff like being obsessed with having followings, treating trivial things like it's their personality (gender, pretending their bad habits makes them cool, etc), being a mindless consumer (they all act like teens- wanting all this junk and being equally bad with money), not wanting to work because it's soooo unfair, being mad at the way SoCiEtY is (in regards to trivial things), etc.
It's honestly kinda creepy seeing TiMs in their 40s sounding the same way as 16yr TiMs, since literally most trans people sound and act the same fucking way. Its so uncanny, but it's due to their sheer lack of personality. They then turn into little "clusters" of appearance. Are you an it/itself/pup *posts pictures of furries and bdsm* trans or are you a they/them *posts pictures of cottagecore* trans? Don't even get me started on their physical appearance, because yes they even look alike physically and there's sets of "clusters" in regards to style. Are you the kidcore-esc dyed hair still feminine they/them girl or are you the porn-addicted dead-eyed blond twink trying to mimic an e girl? Or are you Chris Chan? lolol
When I see how they all function, especially with how I had plenty of friends who transed out.... It makes me conscious of how much I matured over the years. I wonder if I would be less mature if I wasn't actually dealing with systemic issues? Like abuse, homelessness, discrimination, etc. I went from "youre so mature for your age" to feeling like a "child within an adult body" to now feeling like my actual age. Progress! Yet with these people, there is no progress. They all come across as children in adult bodies.
Holy shit, yes!
What scares me is how the trans community has no problem telling the mentally ill youth that if their pretend identity isn’t affirmed at all times or if their insane demands are not being accepted immediately, it is a valid reason to threaten to commit suicide or shoot yourself. Things like:
• Demanding your parents never call you your “deadname” again out of nowhere
• Parents being forced to forget about how their child used to be before they got mentally ill and when they obviously struggle (because duh, a woman that gave birth to a girl will obviously struggle when that now teenage girl pretends she is a boy) they’re evil
• Tattoos of deadnames must be covered up or “fixed” to have the TiP’s new name or be removed all together
• Genital mutilation surgery the moment they want it and if the parents refuse or want to wait they’re evil transphobes who deserve to die.
• Never being allowed to share news articles about Trans pedophiles or rapists because “transphobia”
• TiF’s invading gay bars and TiM’s invading lesbian bars and then act confused when no one wants them around even though they have been shown multiple times no one wants the opposite sex in gay bars.
Trans people are indeed like children in adult bodies. They have never been told the word “no” and can’t accept it, either. They are stuck in a trans hug-box all day long that will affirm their bullshit and lie to them at every second of every day, they will only depend on other trans people because everyone else is transphobic and slowly lose connections with sane individuals. Then the moment they realize they were never born in the wrong body after all and underwent FGM/MGM for nothing the trans community will backstab them and tell them to k!ll themselves.
I used to have 2 TiM friends. Both were addicted to porn and thought women lived life on easy mode. They were acting extremely feminine and like a sexist stereotype, because they thought that was all a woman was, the moment I stopped affirming their bs and told them women aren’t regressive stereotypes or “feminine people” but adult people of the female sex, they dumped me as a friend. I never once regretted it because truth deserves to be spoken and I got nothing to be ashamed of. I too, changed a lot over the years and became more mature and outspoken, and grew & improved myself a lot, from libfem to radfem, and I love that about myself. ✌🏻
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remember-digimon · 16 days
Since it's pride month and I'm a lonely queer person I decided to do a quick rundown of my hc for the DigiDestined's identities. This is disregarding the epilogue bc to heck with that let these kids be queer in peace
Now I don't like to discuss the sexuality of young children purely bc they are children and I am an adult and that's weird so I'm basing this on what little knowledge I have of them in Tri alongside what I know from 01. This is them as adults ok? ok here we go
(also um. I'm a dumb millennial that lives in a corn field so uh. If I get something wrong please correct me orz)
Tai: bisexual. As if there was any other answer. Something about him just gives off 'bisexual guy' vibes. Maybe because I think he'd be a total golden retriever boyfriend and those types are usually bi
Sora: non-binary. Her upbringing kind of forced her into being feminine when she really just doesn't want to participate in gender at all
Matt: I'm gonna say pansexual bc to him it literally does not matter. He likes who he likes. Also demisexual and possibly demiromantic. He has to have a strong connection for feelings to develop
Izzy: Ace all day babyyyy. To him, sex is for making babies, but not in a religious way. He isn't sex-repulsed, it's just not a priority
Joe: the cis-hetero ally of the group. You know he's the designated driver to all the Pride events
Mimi: LESBIAN LESBIAN LESBIAN She's a high femme lesbian and she likes other femmes, butches, chapstick lesbians, just WOMEN. and she beats up TERFs bc trans women are women DUH
TK: doesn't wanna put a label on it right now, man, he's into what he's into and he'll figure it out later, my guy. A few months later he realizes he's bi and has to call Matt at 3am bc he's having a crisis, he got an iced latte that day and the male barista smiled at him and now he's having his first Gay Panic
Kari: also bi, the Kamiya family makes bi people like they have a quota to meet. She hooked up with Yolei once and it was fun. Now they listen to Chappell Roan together ❤️
Davis: the hyperactive gay guy of the found family. Falls in love at least once a month. Is terrible at hitting on guys but they always think it's endearing
Yolei: trans girl, lesbian. The others will line up to absolutely obliterate any transphobes that give her problems. She wants an idyllic lesbian romance with absolutely no children
Cody: aro/ace and unbothered by everyone else's romantic life. Don't bring the 'Tai and Matt used to make out all the time in high school' gossip to Cody, he literally does not care lol
Ken: he is gay and hopelessly in love with Davis. He sighs dreamily as Davis tries to do parkour and smacks into the ground like a wad of wet paper
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sapphos-catpanions · 2 years
if you’re like me, you’ve thought “if they’re putting trans women in women’s prisons, where are they putting the trans men?”
in women’s prisons, duh. the following are quotes from sagal sadiq, a trans-identified female inmate at the central california women’s facility, about the trans-identified male transfers that she is forced to live with. california, remember, does not require that a male inmate take any legal or medical transition steps before being granted transfer to a women’s prison.
“Under SB 132, these ‘trans-predators’ as I call them… they are just here to try and have sex with the women.”
“Even if it is true that they are at risk of violence in a men’s prison, this is just trading one victim set for another.”
“I submitted a [formal complaint] to housing staff. The officer asked me why I was documenting it and I said this behavior was inappropriate and was I believed that it was going to escalate.”
“Sometime after this, this predator I reported decided to retaliate against me. We were in the kitchen and he ‘shoulder-checked’ me, which means when he walked by me he hit me with his shoulder super hard … in an effort to bully me and dissuade me from carrying on with the [grievance] I had filed,”
“We were thoroughly frisked and put in a cage. I felt I was being kidnapped. They claimed that it was for our protection, but if they really wanted to protect us they would address the predatory behavior of this man, not lock up the whistleblowers.”
“When women complain [or] when they feel threatened … they are just moved. From bed to bed, room to room, and eventually yard to yard. And if you complain a little bit too long … you are put ‘in jail’ [solitary confinement].”
“For me, as an African refugee and civil war survivor – this triggers all my PTSD. You know what happens to women in wars and situations of strife… I don’t want to see that mirrored here. I came to America to be safe. To see this happening, even on a minor level, to my sisters here is very triggering to me.”
“Nobody thought too far into the process of how these ‘trans women’ are being vetted. You can’t just self-declare when you look like a 400-pound linebacker. These people clearly are not [transgender], they’re here for other reasons,” Sadiq says, “But because SB-132 is the law, everyone has a hands-off approach.”
“SB-132 is to protect trans rights, but trans men don’t have these rights. The patriarchy is protecting itself. You’re a biological woman? Stay in your place. You have no right to demand anything. But if you’re a biological man, you can be whatever you want. It’s encouraged. If you want to [be moved] here to prey on these females — who cares?”
“All humans have inherent rights imbued within us, and the idea that a new law was created not to protect, but to elevate a class of individuals above an entire gender, serves only to marginalize women.”
her sworn statement:
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Freak.. (Vox x transmasc reader, Hurt/Comfort)
I look my mom in her eyes. Her previous words ringing in my ears. 'you're what?.. trans? you're taking my little girl away?.' tears build up in both our eyes. "You're killing my little girl.. you.. murderer" tears run down her face. Shes shaking. "Killing her? I'm saving her.. your little girl was drowning and I saved her" I say while my mascara starts to run. "N-no.. you're taking my child from me." she starts to sob quietly, shes trembling now. "Mom-" i start to say "Don't.. call me that" she cuts me off. "I still am your child.. all thats happening is i'm saving myself" I try to reason, but its no use.. "You.. have taken my child away from me. Get out. Get out of my house.." She starts to scream. I flinch at the yelling. "You're taking away my family and home from me..?' I wipe away the tears. "No.. I'm saving myself from you .. the murderer of my child.." she says coldly. She starts to raise her hand to hit me. I run. Out of that house, my "home". Run into the rain. I don't know where i'm running. All I care about is getting out
➢ ﹔୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ➢ ﹔୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ➢ ﹔୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ➢ ﹔୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ➢ ﹔୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ➢ ﹔୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ➢ ﹔୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ➢
That was years ago now. While running I got hit by a car, I bet she felt sorry after that. I ended up in hell. I'm not entirely sure for what.. all I know is that when I first ended up here I was distraught. I soon end up working under voxtech. Rising up the ranks to end up being vox's personal assistant. Ever since the incident with my mom I repressed me being trans. Everyone in hell was under the impression I was a women. It was its own mini hell inside of the already existing one. "(Fem Name)" Vox calls. Snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes sir?" I call out as I walk towards him. He looks... concerned.. its strange, He doesn't look like that much. "Are you trans?" He asks. My heart drops. How did he know. How could he have figured it out? I bite my tongue to repress tears. "What makes you ask that?" I ask in a hushed tone. "Well.. you always seem uncomfortable with feminine terms and pronouns, and you seem to hate being called by your name" He says, with a strange amount of concern. I try to read what he'd get out of this. Why would he support me? Of all people stealing his dear assistant away from him.. "Yeah.." I mumble. Bracing myself for the screaming. But he doesn't.. "What are your new name and pronouns" he asks with sincerity in his voice. I'm confused.. why would he care? I'm a freak, not someone to be respected.. "(preferred name) and (preferred masc pronouns)" I mumble. He nods. "Okay.. why do you look like you're about to cry" he raises an eye brow, his sadistic nature creeping into his voice. "You.. support me?" I ask confused. "Well no duh? Your name and pronouns are the least of my concern" He waves his hand dismisivly. "You.. see me as a man?" I question. "And you don't?" He retorts, That takes me aback. Of course I don't.. I'm a freak. And yet here he is supporting me nonetheless.. Tears slowly start to fall. He looks up at you with a confused look. "Has.. no one supported you before?" He asks. I shake my head. No. I was rejected the one time I tried to admit it to the person I thought I could trust most. He stood up from his desk and wipes away my tears with his clawed finger. "Don't cry.. Its the bare minimum." He says.. and..and then, he kissed me. I kissed him back. The kiss full of a range of emotions. It was passionate and full of meaning. I don't care what this means.. Because its him
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Here's my unwanted opinion on some witchcraft books
This is a list of opinions I have on some popular witchcraft, occult and practitioner related books. I don't talk about anything I haven't read myself.
This is in no way stopping you from reading them yourself, it's just what I think of them as an experienced practitioner and pagan.
I now have a Goodreads account you can look at if you're curious what else I've read but it's a mess and I've just added my bookshelf on in bulk.
Lisa Lister - Witch
To get this out of the way. It's bio essentialist crap and we all know this by know but it bears repeating. This is an example I've used in my grimoire of how transphobia seeps into spiritual spaces and goes unchecked under the guise of feminism and women empowerment. Arguing that a witch's power comes from her womb as a bowl of nature and creative magic. If that's what you like to draw from then all power to you, I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is that Lister directly infers that the title of 'witch' is exclusive to this specific demographic of women.
I find her statements gross and dehumanising to women and her argument falls apart completely when you remember that not every woman has a womb, big duh moment I know. It correlates with TERF ideology that certain women are inherently more powerful because of a female reproductive system as opposed to women as a whole being powerful because of their autonomy as human beings. "But if that's true then what's stopping cis men, trans and nonbinary people from being practitioners?" LITERALLY NOTHING!
Sky Alexander - The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book and The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire
Very simple. Pretty cover. Overall they make for ok resources for beginners but once you're out of the beginner phase they really fall flat. Alexander doesn't provide much context when referencing certain tools and practices and tends to confuse witchcraft with wicca.
The Farrars - A Witches' Bible
Dated. Uses the G slur. Their books are all mislabelled wicca which makes sense because these books have been around since the 90's when there wasn't much of a difference and you can tell. They do not hold up to today's standards. They are a good example of how practices have historically been conflated in pop culture.
Does discuss ritual nUdity (they call it skyclad) and includes pictures. I wanted to mention it here to not surprise anyone in case any of you aren't comfortable with it.
Rachel Patterson - Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch
A book about kitchen witchcraft that doesn't include any kitchen witchcraft. It's more like a basic beginners grimoire. Very repetitive.
Features a chapter on hoodoo which I'm unsure about. I don't know anything about hoodoo or rootwork but I'm assuming it's a practice exclusive to the black community in America due to it developing during the period of enslavement in the US. I'm also assuming that Patterson isn't a part of this community due to being white and British. If I'm wrong and Patterson is genuinely part of the practice and can honestly speak on the topic please correct me.
Scott Cunningham - Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs
A good resource for correspondences, easy to digest but Cunningham focuses on wicca (again) using wiccan practices like complementarianism and gendering nature which to me makes no sense (I know about the law of polarity but I do not agree with it). The pictures of plants are nice but the folklore provided for them is pretty minimal. You can find all the same info for free online.
Judika Illes - Encyclopaedia of Spirits
Honestly not that bad. There's a lot of information and it's pretty consistent throughout. It's a huge book though, it can be kind of overwhelming but they take from multiple sources when discussing the mythos of deities which is a plus. The pages are very thin and delicate which can make it hard to read the text.
Joey Hulin - Your Spiritual Almanac
it's eh in the broadest sense. I liked the folklore and the eco action sections but I didn't really absorb any of it. a lot of the corresponce lists was information I already knew about. It felt very repetitive. Would have loved to have seen more detailed information about the changes happening in nature each month.
Rachel Pollack - Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom
Pollack is very informative, and honestly a great resource for tarot work, she knows her shit and isn't afraid to info dump. The only thing I didn't really like is all the mentions of dualism like of mother v father, male v female but that's entirely my issue and it's the nature of tarot to be dualistic, It just isn't a necessity to me and my practice. Still a great book.
Aleister Crowley - Magick
A great example of what not to do. Appropriates dharmic practices and Jewish mysticism. When he wasn't stealing from other cultures or being a massive contrarian Crowley was writing about sex magic and it's discussed here in uncomfortable detail.
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This is a genuine question: I know you enjoy lady whump as you have some characters that are female and are whumpees. I enjoy it too, sorta. Truth is that I feel guilty.
I know it’s kinda problematic to see lady whump as taboo and immoral but I can’t help but feel like it’s wrong, I come from a country that HATES women (shocker all countries hate women but I mean mine has a huge femicide problem) and I know how stupid I sound “I can’t feel but it’s wrong” like duh it’s whump! But I honestly don’t know how to get over those feelings, it hits too close home.
My question here is did you ever got those feelings of guilt and if you did, how did you get over those?
It's understandable to feel guilty at times, especially when creating or enjoying dark content (and especially if it's something that hits close to home)
Initially, I had some reservations about lady whump, since in mainstream media, violence against women tends to be a sensationalized thing that exists for shock value or to motivate the male lead in some way
(it's worth noting that the media has a history of doing this to trans, gay, and otherwise queer characters and non-white characters as well)
Initially I was squicked out by the idea of lady whump because I was so used to seeing it through that lens (not to mention, as you've said, the real-life examples)
However, I've seen again and again that whump as a genre tends to handle that material well (with all genders, not just females). Instead of the shock value, whump focuses a lot on the emotions, how the harm affects the character being harmed, and more often than not gives that character a fulfilling recovery arc
Personally, that's what shifted my opinion on it
Even then, if it's something you're uncomfortable with, you're not at fault for avoiding or disliking it. It all comes down to personal preference, and whether you'd like to explore it more or just stay away, it's your choice, and you shouldn't need to explain yourself (/gen)
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boreal-sea · 9 months
You're being incredibly rude to a fellow trans person, when all I've done is try to explain the way terms harm us, and as a trans woman who's dealt with misogyny, I very much do experience more misogyny than what a trans man experiences, because, duh, trans women are women. us trans women experience all sorts of bigotry, so to make a mocking post about me? with the recent pools of hate and genocides happening? Fuck you, you don't understand how it feels being looked at as a predator when I enter the women's bathroom, and changing rooms. They think my genitalia is gross, so I have to get changed in stalls.
You're being a bad fucking ally, I'm not throwing anyone under the bus, you're the one spouting terf talking points about sex oppression when thats a new coined term for facists.
I am being rude to an asshole who tried to claim trans men don't face as much misogyny as trans women. To be frank, the instant you tried to claim ALL trans women face more misogyny than ALL trans men, I knew there was no point saying anything more to you.
You're wrong. Your beliefs are wrong. You think trans men magically obtain cis men's privilege or something, which is an incredibly transphobic, sexist, misogynistic and harmful belief that directly damages trans men.
You do not experience more misogyny than me. You and I face the same fucking amount of misogyny, because I do not pass as a fucking man. We are both viewed as women. Therefore, we both experience the same amount of misogyny.
And guess what? We ALSO both face the same amount of transphobia! Because we are both trans! Trans women do not experience more transphobia than trans men.
You wanna make this the oppression Olympics? I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna stoop to your level. Trans women are not more oppressed than trans men. Period. We are not in competition against each other for "most oppressed".
There might be individual trans women who, when compared to individual trans men who happen to completely pass, MIGHT at that current moment experience more misogyny than the trans man. But that ignores all the years before he came out, and before he passed, when he WAS facing misogyny. It also ignores the misogyny he faces every time he's outed at trans, and when he goes to the doctor, etc etc etc.
But that's a comparison of two very specific people, and you CANNOT GENERALIZE THAT TO ALL TRANS MEN AND ALL TRANS WOMEN.
The fact is that trans men face misogyny CONSTANTLY, and we face just as much misogyny as trans women and cis women.
And that's not even getting into nonbinary, genderqueer, and agender people.
Your beliefs are absolutely fucking dangerous to ALL other trans people besides binary trans women. You're not just throwing us under the bus, you're telling the driver to speed up.
PS: you still haven't cited anything to back up your claims.
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monstraduplicia · 19 days
trans women are women, duh, so I really don't see how any critique against MEN makes someone transphobic like just because someone isn't all uwu men suffer too uwu men you're valid and we love you!!!!!!! doesn't make them a fucking terf
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trans-cuchulainn · 2 months
i keep having dreams about being trans. i had one a couple of nights ago that involved having to go to court about an unrelated issue but a major cause of stress was the fact that my paperwork all listed me as female but dream me had been on T long enough that this was likely to cause problems (inc people accusing me of pretending to be a woman so if I went to prison it would be a womens prison even though nobody was expecting me to go to prison). and i was having to repeatedly explain to people in the dream that i literally could not update my paperwork because there is no legal acknowledgement of nonbinary people in this country, it didn't matter whether I wanted to or not, it was simply not possible even if i did, etc. and they were like 'but surely you want a GRC if you're actually trans' and i was like. well. no. but also the point is i couldn't get one even if i did !!!
and then in last night's dream i was talking to another trans person about my unwanted facial hair, which was much more copious in the dream than in reality, and they were helping me to shave it, and somebody saw us and assumed i was a trans woman shaving to pass and was banging on about this deception, which was wild bc it meant they'd been calling me he/him as an attempt to misgender me but they'd got the wrong end of the stick. anyway something came up like 'why would you need period supplies' or something like that, idr what but it was something gendered, and dream me yelled 'because I'm a trans man you nitwit'. and then had to explain what that meant to a kid who had got the words muddled around. but the whole time dream me was internally going 'except I'm not, am I?'
and yes dream me did specifically call them a nitwit. i wasn't allowed to swear in this specific environment. there were children there
anyway i think i'm experiencing some Gender Anxiety
it's also really stupid anxiety because i spend a lot of time going "shit i must be wrong and i'm not a trans guy after all" and then three seconds later i go "well duh i never said i was a trans guy in the first place, that's literally what being nonbinary means". like my gender might be none gender left boy but somehow I kept forgetting the none gender part and focusing on the left boy and wondering why that didn't feel right. like no shit buddy that's not your fucking gender 🤦🏻
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stuartsspot · 1 year
URGH I loved your tags under my post! Do you have any more t4t Murdoc/2D headcanons you want to share? I'd be interested now!
OMGG tysm !!! <3 ofc ofc i love talking about t4t 2doc
here are some trans hcs for the two of them :3
Murdoc has bottom surgery, and got it done before gorillaz formed (but AFTER the burning sensations poster was made, where you can clearly see his packer; so between 94’ and 97’)
Murdoc however DOESNT have top surgery, and kept his natural chest
2D is the opposite, he hasn’t had bottom surgery and doesnt plan to
2D however HAS had top surgery, and got it using his earnings from the first album sometime between phases 1 and 2 (which is why he’s shirtless in the dirty harry mv, cause he can show off his flat chest finally!)
The women who claim 2D got them pregnant are scamming him, but he pays the child support anyways (partly so he won’t be outted, and partly because he has enough money to do so)
Murdoc helps 2D inject his T since 2D isnt the biggest fan of needles, and only has steady hands when playing the piano
2D came out to Murdoc in early phase 1 when they first moved in together, to which Murdoc replied “I know, I took care of your comatose body faceache, who do you think kept giving you your t-shots?” and then added on “btw me too” like its nothing
Murdoc stole the money for his operation (duh) and has been on T since he was 15 (lord knows how he got it, but i know he has his ways)
Hannibal and Murdoc aren’t on good terms by any means, but he still respects his brother’s gender identity
Murdoc’s dad, however, is not supportive (his coming out was a large part of why he first left home)
Rachel Pot was confused at first but learned to accept it, and as a nurse did what she could to support him (getting him T AND painkillers woo hooo)
David Pot took longer to understand, but eventually was just happy to have a son to bond over sports and electronic instruments with
Murdoc and 2D both being trans played a big role in why they bonded and got attached to each other so fast, because even though theyre different in a lot of ways, theyre also crazy similar too
lmk if yall have any other hcs !!! id love to hear them
thanks again leo for sending in that ask <33
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