#also please excuse my english/ grammar I am not the best at it still
lhomura · 6 months
I haven't worn makeup in months after discovering radical feminism and getting into this community.
My workplace is specifically only women, which made me think they would be more accepting. While at work around two coworkers I mentioned how I haven't worn makeup in a long time and went into detail about how I feel a lot better, I have a lot less acne, I have dermatillomania and the urge to pick my face is less strong, (not my fingers tho, still working on that) and feeling less pressure about my appearance.
They both didn't seem too happy to hear this. One of them said she thought I was becoming depressed since I wasn't wearing makeup and "cute outfits". I explained that no the makeup made me depressed and feel more pressured to look different and she went on about how I seemed to be putting down women who do wear makeup. From there it turned into a huge argument.
She refused to listen to any points I made at all, overall just frustrating and I felt like there was no point even mentioning any of this irl. There seems to be no desire to even try to look at things from another angle, just immediately get defensive and deny everything.
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toniolovesfish · 4 months
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[A small introduction]
“The name is Toni, o is silent. Mh? What am I listening to? Oh it’s this podcast…you probably wouldn’t be interested in it anyway…you are? Oh…well then here we can share my headphones!”
More about me? Sure🪼
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-I’m Toniø, don’t worry about last names, we don’t have to be formal
-I’m 5’9 but I often wear boots with heals hehe, a bit of cheating i guess
-I’m 20 years old, time flies by fast, I could swear Iwas still 19 yesterday (turned 20 yesterday)….I should stop making these jokes every year….
-I’m studying Marine Biology 🧬
-My favorite animals are jellyfish!
-One of my hobbies is photography, I ove seeing the different scenery in nature! I also visit that one aquarium quite often hehe
(tw after cut -healed sh scars)
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(Please excuse that i am not the best at drawing:D)
Hello everybody, i'm Toni and this is my OC/Self insert for the Mermaid AU :)
I am gonna do a introduction on the regular AU soon too:3
They dont have a voice claim yet, but i was thinking maybe someone like Sai from naruto, a very calm voice? Sorry if there are any speling or grammar mistakes, english isnt my first language:)
Since i am a minor (even tho my character is not) i would prefer it, if there wouldnt be any nsfw stuff or questions directed at me or my oc:) Otherwise you can ask them about anything and i will answer in character. If i wont answer in character then i will probably say it.
My OC is usually very energetic and exited about most things, especially if its anything about the ocean!
He doesnt really like being touched but after some time he will get comfortable with cudles and hugs:)
Im really nervouse since this is my first time doing something like this but i am really exited to get to know you all and i hope we can have a great time together!
-Toni :3
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missthem · 2 years
Ajax Petropolus × male reader
Friends to lovers
722 words
A/n: Hii, this is my first time writing any type of fanfiction or just writing in general. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language, so please excuse grammar or spelling mistakes. I know that this is rather short but I hope that you still enjoy it. <3
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Your day started rather normally, going to class, eating lunch, and meeting friends. One friend, in particular, caught your attention today, well maybe not only today but for the last year. It was your best friend and roommate Ajax. Figuring out your sexuality and your crush on him took a long time, and you still couldn't work up the courage to just ask him out. Your pinning over him has also started to annoy all of your other friends; they think you should just tell him, but you couldn't.
You hadn't even noticed that you zoned out and were staring directly at Ajax. "Are you alright over there?" he asked looking a bit worried. Blinking yourself out of the trace you quickly answered him "What, oh yeah sorry. I was just thinking about the exam we have next week." "Don't worry about that, I'm sure you are going to do amazing" he smiled back.
In the evening when you crawled into bed it was unusually cold in the castle. It was cold most of the time but this evening even your thick blankets weren't enough to keep you warm. Since Nevermore was in an old building, the heating tended to go out from time to time. Normally, it was fine, and it turned back on after an hour or two but not this time. This time, it was out all night. Because of that, you woke up at 3 am freezing, feeling like you were going to die because of the cold. Looking over to the bed on the other side of the room you saw Ajax peacefully sleeping as if nothing was going on. He must be his own heater, you thought to yourself. Without thinking twice, worried that you might change your decision, you got out of bed and slowly, not to wake him up, walked over to his bed. As you were lifting the blanket he started to wake up. "Five more minutes" he mumbled sleepily. Since he was already starting to wake up you decided to fully wake him and at least get his consent. You started to lightly shake him and after a few shakes, his eyes fluttered open. While blinking up at you he asked "What are you doing here?". "The heating is still out and I'm freezing to death over here" you whispered back, now getting scared of asking him for cuddles. "Alright, and why did you wake me?" he wanted to know. Blushing you uttered, "You looked so warm and I wanted to ask if I could maybe get in with you so you can keep me warm." "Why didn't you just ask, come here." He said while lifting the blanket so you could scout in. Now finally getting warmer, you snuggled even closer to Ajax, seeking his body heat. Noticing this he crossed his arms around your chest and pulled you even closer to himself. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and you were able to feel his warm breath on your exposed skin. This sent shivers down your spine and you instantly craved more. But since you were a coward who can't confess to their crush, you didn't do anything and just enjoyed the moment in silence. This however was broken when Ajax quietly spoke up, "This nice you know. I have always wanted to do this, why haven't we done this earlier?" You turned around so you were facing him. "I don't know, but I have also wanted to do this for quite some time now. You know actually, I have wanted to tell you this for about a year now. Ajax I really like you, like, like like you. It's fine if you don't feel the same I just needed to say…" you weren't able to finish your speech as Ajax cut you off with a kiss, you were caught so off guard that you hesitated for a second before kissing him back. "I like you too, dummy. I have liked you ever since I met you." He whispered to your lips. Now craving more you pulled him back in by his shirt and kissed him again, this time more passionately.
Turns out that the heating being out is not always the worst thing that could happen. Not in this case anyway.
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quoththemaiden · 8 months
I highly recommend watching Good Omens in another language because we're all obsessed and it's an excuse to rewatch it because hearing it in another language 1) helps you notice things you otherwise wouldn't have, and 2) brings in so much potential for different emotional impacts based on translation choices.
With that in mind, please enjoy some choice highlights from the Japanese dub of Good Omens, Season 1, Episode 5. This post focuses on point #2 — the translation choices that were even more emotionally intense than the original. For point #1, see my companion post on general things I noticed as a result of watching more closely.
The episode picks right up with the bookshop fire, and the Japanese dub opts to go even more directly for the jugular:
English!Crowley: AZIRAPHALE! For God's— For Satan's— AGH, for somebody's sake, where are you?!
Japanese!Crowley: O God— O Satan— AGH, anyone is fine, just save him!!
Aziraphale gives us a similar sucker-punch when Crowley chokes out that he lost his best friend:
English!Aziraphale: So sorry to hear it.
Japanese!Aziraphale: What I did was inexcusable.
The change in Hastur's line after he escaped from the answering machine and ate the humans in the call center really drove home that he ate the humans in the call center:
English!Hastur: I needed that.
Japanese!Hastur: That was delicious.
Inside the burning M25, we find Crowley putting his faith into the book Aziraphale found so important:
English!Crowley: Come on. There must be a way across it.
Japanese!Crowley: I'm counting on you. There must be a way across.
Over in Tadfield, the choice of farewell the Them use to say "Goodbye, Adam" (sayounara) gives a very "goodbye forever" vibe to it as compared to the many more casual options for "goodbye" you'd normally have expected from a bunch of 11-year-olds (ja na, ato ne, etc.).
The montage of Adam's life is also quite touching, as you hear his mother naming him at his birth: "Hello, Adam <3" in English, and "You are Adam" in Japanese — a rather fitting way of saying it in the context of a scene where he's having to decide that he'd rather be Adam than the Adversary.
Over with the four Horsepeople, we find Death using informal grammar, but not in the same way demons do. He doesn't sound like a gangster; he talks with a sense of authority and like he's so done with everyone else being so much younger and more impetuous than he is.
I rather like to picture the translators having had a drinking game for every time they had to translate a joke based around blasphemy, since swear words don't have the same tendency to be religious in Japanese. Still, they managed gamely whenever the plot demanded it. Just look at this masterpiece:
English!Officer: Who the hell are you?! English!Death: I am neither of Hell nor Heaven.
Japanese!Officer: Where did you come from--?! Japanese!Death: Asking where I'm from is the wrong question.
Some lines, admittedly, made me totally crack up with their choice of phrasing:
English!R.P.Tyler: It's probably because your stupid car is on fire!
Japanese!R.P.Tyler: It's probably because your car is on fire like a fool!
That one, however, inspired a shockingly touching 1k fanfic, though, so it holds quite a special place in my heart.
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loudcreationthing · 1 month
"There is a stubborness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others."
I guess this is a well-known quote by the famous Jane Austen. But it speaks to me deeply.
I can definitely say that last year has been the worst I had so far. I've dealt with such difficult situations, I still am, and to be honest, most of them have happened because of my own stubborness.
I've learned that everybody could use some help sometimes, and we shouldn't feel ashamed if it were for somebody to help us. But I learned this lesson when it was a bit too late.
I'm not going to give too many details, but I've failed in many things that I was completely sure I would succeed in. That happened because of my poor decision-making and my certainty that the way I planned everything and the way I was only relying on myself would definitely get me closer to my goals.
It also happened because I actually hadn't planned anything, all I did was lie to myself that everything was going to be okay, that everything will fall into place once it happened.
But it made me angry. To know that the way I did things wasn't right. It was so frustrating to admit it, that I blew the most important thing that could have happened.
I now wish I had listened to the people that tried to help me. All the things I didn't want to hear were true, I knew that before and I know that now.
All because I was stubborn. Because I overestimated myself. Because I thought I was too high and mighty to accept the help of others.
Sometimes people want what's best for you and I've yet to remember that.
Hopefully I will be able to trust somebody other than myself.
(This is my first time posting here, so if it's ever going to be discovered, please excuse any grammar mistakes that I've made, English is not my first language. Also, I want to treat this page kind of like a journal, I want to pour my thoughts and feelings out and hopefully help other people understand their thoughts and feelings).
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renneiscent · 1 year
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Note: Life hits me so hard so I decided to pour it into writing. I'm not sure with this though but I will just drop it and get back as soon as I can to continue haha. Please excuse my writing and messy grammar since English is not my mother tongue. I wish you could bear it and enjoy my writing.
Summary: Three years after the Duskwood tragedy... is it tragedy though or more like one of those memories which leaving the bittersweet after-taste in your life? Living the ordinary life without the hackerboy seems the best option so far, or you want the universe to pull you back and let you drown in the unknown and bizarre event like what happened in three years ago?
&lt; Main | Next Chapter >
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Chapter 1: The Momentous Choice
It’s been three years after the incident which changed my life completely. It’s been three years after the bizarre event which is stained like a gum under my shoe that so hard to get rid of… or it’s just me who didn’t want—never want to get rid those memories of. It’s been three years after Duskwood. Three years, huh? Time flies so fast but the memories, the wounds, everything still stay the same. They said time will heal everything, but I think it depends with the condition too. Or am I the one who don’t allow my own self to be healed yet?
I’m not sure.
Three years has passed; everyone is still in the Duskwood, Phil got out from prison and Aurora is getting the popularity back. Only Rogers’ family moved out from Duskwood. Of course, it is understandable after everything that happened with their son. Hannah is also being better and better, Lily and Thomas keeps making sure with that. Hanson’s family seems like have so much sympathy after everything since they choose to let Hannah go just like that after the veracity of the story is revealed. And Jake…
“It’s time for you to let go, MC.” Jessy sips her cappuccino after saying those hurtful words. “I already buried my memories with Richy and I hope you do the same thing,” her tone is quite flat but her gaze is still showing grief. It doesn’t look like you move on already, Jess.
I can only serve her with the silence. The words I want to let out, it’s just clinging inside my throat and then disappear like thin air. She is not completely wrong and I hate the fact that she is absolutely right with this. It’s been three years already and my last interaction with Jake was kind of… not quite charming.
JAKE: MC. MC: Jake! Are you okay? What happened? Did you manage to hide? JAKE: MC. JAKE: Forget everything I just said just like how I will erase the conversation and everything between us. MC: Jake, what did you mean? This is not funny. JAKE: MC. JAKE: Take care.
I sigh, playing with the straw of my iced tea. I wonder what actually happened with him; after saying that he loved me, then in several hours he showed up just to end everything out of the blue. I want him to explain, but how could I? When his trace is no longer exist as if he’s never been here at all, as if he’s just an illusion I created to escape from Hannah’s case.
Thanks to Jessy and everyone, because if it’s not because of them that still remembering Jake… I really thought I already lost my mind by creating a hallucination which helping me to investigate Hannah. I really almost lost myself when he erased everything like it was nothing, till the point I was in the state that will do everything just to find him and ask him to explain everything, or even kick his ass so hard for leaving me like that.
I tried so hard to find his trace, hell… I tried really hard. I searched from everything just to look for the glimpse of him even it’s just as tiny as the dust. But not even a little particle could I find and reach with fingertips. What did I even think, I should realise to trace back a hacker isn’t that simple; especially when even the FBI is involved. I should just praying to God for making him still breathing well and no harm laying on him.
I chuckle and of course my sudden chuckle makes Jessy flinched, making her to look at me worriedly. “It’s just funny,” I said as I sip my iced tea; answering her question even though she didn’t say it out loud. “How a short encounter can make me stress for years.”
It’s been a while since I have long conversation with Jessy. She took her days off and begged to pay me visit and here she is, completely sleeping deeply next to me in my small apartment after we spent our weekend for whole day. After what happened with Richy, she’s been through a lot but then she still choose to keep staying in Duskwood and opening flower shop. It’s just a typical of the angst story I used to read when I was in high school, but if it’s the best for her… then I couldn’t complain.
While she is sleeping so deep, here I’m next to her staring at the ceiling above me. My mind is wandering to somewhere I shouldn’t pay attention with. It’s been so long, but why I couldn’t erase it all like he did? I get up from the bed and walk to my desk, getting something out from the drawer. I’m looking at the thing on my hand, the old scratches on its screen, I smile dryly. I turn on my old phone, the mute witness that looking at everything I’ve been through and that include with what happened in Duskwood. All of the conversations I had with them are inside here, except for Jake. Even the screenshots I took from our last conversation also gone like it’s another of my illusion.
I’m searching everything inside my old phone, checking if there is something I miss out; gallery, message, even the email… but nothing. The email I used to send to Jake is also disappeared and of course Hannah’s cloud which used to be attached on my phone, but that’s also no longer there. He is completely gone. I take a deep breath as I turn my old phone off and put it back to the drawer.
There is nothing good to stay in the past; I need to move on like Jessy said… like Jessy also tries to do. I need to put everything behind. After all, I have job to be taken care of. Life as a journalist is enough to keep me busy and put my mind away from everything.
But it’s hard when I’m walking down the street, smelling the delicious smell from the Chinese restaurant across the street. It’s hard when I’m watching the Ghostbuster’s DVD that I borrowed from my colleague. It’s hard when I find a man with black hair and hold myself to not stare at them for hoping one of them is you. It’s really hard.
It’s hard when the sun is setting and the moon is above our head; when you told me about the farewell, that day when you decided to leave that is also the day that you left with half of me. The day when the concrete of our soon-to-be-home became collapsed as easy as the ocean waves crushed the little girl’s fragile sandcastle.
“God, you might be sick of hearing this,” I snickered. The night breeze is brushing my cheeks, playing with my hair while the cold of night didn’t even bother me at all. “But I miss him so much. Jake, do you even miss me like I do?” I whispered as if hoping the breeze will take my words to the air, make it flying to every corner of this world and then reach him and to his heart.
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dracofancier · 2 years
Growing Flame - Part 2 // Draco Malfoy x OC
Summary: Dany was invited to the Quidditch world cup by the Weasleys. Of course it doesn't take long, until one of her friends gets behind her little secret.
Warnings: A bit of language
A/N: And we go on with part 2!
Little info: English is not my first language, so excuse any grammar or word mistakes!
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August 17, 1994 - The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole
At about 6:05 pm, I arrive at the burrow. As I am already expected, I am not surprised to see the familiar face of George Weasley in front of me. "Hey," I greet him friendly, and he smiles at me. "Did you get the Dany welcome duty?" I tease him. "I volunteered, Munch," he says and then hugs me.
"I missed you, big guy" I hug him too. "I missed you too, kiddo." George is one of my best friends. I can't deny that. "There you are, finally," I hear a voice behind us. I leave George and see Ginny standing there, hands on her hips. "What?" I say merrily, indignant. "I'm only five minutes late." Ginny's stern face gives way to a smile, and she also takes me in her arms. "I guess Moon retook his time that I didn't get an answer from you." I shrug innocently and grin at her.
When the general hello's are over, we all sit at the table and enjoy the meal Mrs. Weasley conjures up.
"So, how was your summer, Dany?" Harry asks me at one point. "Hell surrounded by Slytherins, I bet?" asks Ron with a grin. "Well... Slytherins surrounded me, that's true, but it wasn't necessarily hell. I didn't even get to see them most of the time. I went to Paris with my mum, which was great, but I spent most of my time in the sun," I say casually, and Harry smiles at me.
Ginny looks at me skeptically. Somehow I suspect I'm in for another interrogation in her room later. "And your dad?" Harry picks up. "Oh, he's the same as always. I say, " quite tight-lipped with me," I say and return to my plate. Harry notices that I don't want to talk about it any further. I can see Mr. and Mrs. Weasley giving each other pitying looks, but I ignore that. I've slowly come to terms with the way my father treats me. Who knows, maybe he'll grow up one day.
Later, in Ginny's room, my fears come true.
As soon as the door closes, Ginny sits in front of me. "So..." begins Ginny. "What was really going on with you?" "What do you mean?" I ask innocently. "Oh, come on, don't pretend... With the snakes?" I look at her questioningly until I can't pull myself together anymore. "All right," I admit defeat, and I can see a little triumph in Ginny's eyes.
"I've seen them quite often if I'm honest, but they haven't bothered me. At least not all of them." "Tell me. Who is it? Surely it's Bletchley, isn't it? He's kind of cute, isn't he?" says Ginny, blushing immediately but then looking at me seriously again. "Well, as long as it's not Malfoy, it's all right," she says quickly, and I lower my head.
"It's not Malfoy, is it?" she asks in shock. I still say nothing and bite my lip. "No!!! Dany!" exclaims Ginny. "Shhh! Ginny, please! It doesn't have to be the whole house hearing you!" "Malfoy?" she asks again, a shade quieter. Her eyes are wide, staring at me in a mixture of surprise and disgust. "But Dany. He... He... it's Malfoy! I mean, come on. He's a dick."
I nod, slightly ashamed, and look down at the floor. "I know," I say meekly. "What are you thinking? The others are going to freak out. And George first... And Harry! Malfoy has fucked him over so many times! And besides, you know you'll probably be playing against him next year? And if I know the Slytherins, and him too, they won't stop at girls." "And that's exactly why Harry and the others won't know about it, Ginny! Besides, there's nothing to find out. Nothing happened," I try to reassure her.
Eventually, Ginny gets herself sorted out, and we go to bed. "I hope this thing with that idiot snake won't get serious," she whispers after we have already turned off the light. "Don't worry, it won't," I whisper back and close my eyes.
18. August 1994 - The Burrow, Ottery St. Cathpole / Quidditch Worldcup, Dartmoor
The following day we are woken up quite early by Hermione. "Come on, girls. Get up!" she calls, and we are awake immediately.
After breakfast, which the boys have missed, of course, we start walking. On the way, we pick up a friend of Mr. Weasley and his son. "Come on kids, don't dawdle!" calls Mr. Weasley and we hurry.
Cedric Diggory, Seeker, and Captain of Hufflepuff. Hermione and Ginny can't stop gushing. I roll my eyes and pay attention to the path.
"You're Danielle, aren't you?" someone suddenly snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up and catch sight of Cedric beside me. "Um, yeah?" I say hesitantly, but he smiles at me. "I've seen you at Quidditch for the last two years. You were really great." "Thanks, you too, I guess," I say and look back up the path. Ginny winks at me, but I just shake my head barely noticeably. Suddenly I see a boot in the middle of the field and stop short. "A Portkey," I whisper, and Mr. Weasley nods.
We take the Portkey and end up directly at the World Cup campsite. Mr. Weasley shows us the tent, and we unpack first. "Shall we have a look around before the game starts?" I ask, addressing Ginny and Hermione. They both nod. "Hey, Dad, we're going to look around a bit before the game, okay?" "Sure thing. The game starts at nine, so make sure you're back here by eight, okay?" "Sure thing, Mr. Weasley," I say, and we make our way outside.
"Are you coming, boys?" asks Hermione addressing the boys, and they immediately agree. So together we stroll through the campsite and the stalls they have set up everywhere. George puts an arm around my shoulders. "Well, Munch, isn't this a great thing?" he asks me, and I have to laugh. "Sure is!" I laugh and suddenly stop abruptly.
Standing in front of me is none other than Draco Malfoy. George and the others stop as well. "Dany," I hear Draco breathe curtly, and I can already sense the tense atmosphere. His face instantly gives way to his arrogant mask. "Malfoy," George says spitefully, taking his arm from my shoulders, and he looks back just as dismissively. "Weasleys." Suddenly we notice someone else standing next to Draco. It is his father, Lucius Malfoy.
Harry's eyes immediately narrow to slits. "Draco, come. We have to go to dinner with the Rudds. We don't have time to deal with scum." Spotting me, he looks at me slightly dismissively. "Hello, Danielle. I didn't know you were here too. I guess we'll see you at dinner later then?" he asks politely and not because he'd like it to be that way.
"Hello, Lucius. No, I guess you won't. Only my brother and my father are here together. I'm with friends," I say coldly, pointing at the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione. Lucius looks around disparagingly and then turns away. "Very well." He turns on his heel, and Draco looks briefly at me and then follows him.
"That arrogant, rich toff!" is Fred, still fretting an hour later. "Calm down, Fred, he's not worth it," George says, and Ginny gives me an 'I-told-you-so' look. I quickly avert my eyes. I know as well as Ginny, that there are better ideas than this. But my twin brother is also a snake, and they have come to terms with that. Even if only with difficulty.
I sigh and look down at the ground. My best friend must have noticed that too. "Hey, Munch, what's going on with you?" "Oh, nothing..." I say quickly and smile at George. I can see in his eyes that he doesn't believe me. "Come on, guys," Hermione saves me. "We've got to get back. Your dad must be wondering where we are by now."
We keep climbing up the stadium when I spot a drinks stall. "I'm going to get a quick drink; anyone else?" I call out to the crowd, and Ginny turns to me. "I'll come with you," she calls, and the others give us their orders and wait for us a little way off.
"Hey," someone suddenly whispers in my ear, making the hairs on my neck stand up. I turn around and see Draco standing in front of me. "Hey," I say quietly back and smile at him. Immediately I turn around again, friendly and careful that Ginny doesn't notice anything. Draco seems to realise this but doesn't hold it against me. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "But they don't take kindly to you." "Not a thing. Me neither to them," he says with a grin, and I jab my elbow into his stomach for a moment.
"How are you?" "Good... And you?" I focus entirely on Draco, and I don't notice Ginny calling me. "Dany!" she suddenly snaps me out of my gush. "Where are you off to?" When she catches sight of Draco, her expression darkens. "Malfoy," she growls, "you again!" "Weasley," he greets her arrogantly.
"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" she hisses, not even paying attention to me anymore. "Ginny," I say warningly, but she ignores me. Draco looks questioningly back and forth between her and the drinks stall. "I'm going to get a drink?" he squints one eye. Ginny snorts. "Don't they give you free drinks in the ministers' lodge?" she scolds and turns back around, thrusting our drinks into my hand and wanting to leave. "Come, Dany," she says firmly.
I look into Draco's eyes again. Then I turn and follow Ginny. Unfortunately, as I do so, I don't notice someone getting in my way. I promptly run into that someone, spilling the drink bottles on the floor and landing on my backside. "Ouch," I say, rubbing my bottom.
When I see who I ran into, it doesn't raise my spirits much. Rather the opposite. "Pansy," I growl. Pansy Parkinson stands in front of me and looks down at me arrogantly. "Well, well, well," she says spitefully. "I didn't know the family outcasts got to go to the World Cup too." If the look I give her now could kill, she would have just died at least a hundred times over.
Ginny turns around, realising something must be wrong. "Parkinson! What do you want?" she sneers at Pansy but ignores her. Suddenly someone grabs me and pulls me back to my feet. Draco helped me up and got behind me. "What are you doing, Draco? Why are you helping that blood traitor?" squeals Pansy, giving me a scathing look.
"Hey, Malfoy! Get your hands off her!" shouts George, who has appeared out of nowhere. Fred is standing right next to him. "Figures the scum would have to be around, too," Draco mutters, and I look at him in shock. He didn't have to say that now. "Leave it, Dany, it's not worth it," Fred says, pulling me away from Draco and gathering the drinks.
"Where have you been?" asks Ron as we rejoin the others. "In the snake's nest," Ginny mutters, and Harry and Hermione look at us questioningly. "Don't ask," I wave them off, and we go to our seats. Not without running into Draco and his father again, of course. I give Draco an angry look. When we reach the top of our seats, the players already arrive.
"It's the Irish!" exclaims Fred excitedly. "There's Troy!" "And Mullet!" exclaims George. "And Moran!" I also spot one of my favourite players. The Irish put on a really cool show. But this is immediately blown up by the Bulgarians. With their star seeker, which they put in the foreground, they attract everyone's attention.
The match is just amazing. The Irish lead by far, but the aggressive playing technique of the Bulgarians is also not without. In the end, Viktor Krum caught the snitch, but the Irish won the match with 170 to 160.
In the tent, Fred and George have their little party and make fun of Viktor Krum. Ron doesn't seem to find this funny at all and defends him. Suddenly we hear shouting and noise from outside. "I guess the Irish are in a celebratory mood," Fred laughs, and I grin at him, but Mr. Weasley's face tells us otherwise. "No! It's not the Irish!" he looks at us thoughtfully. "Death Eaters! We have to get out of here!"
We quickly grab our stuff and head outside. "Stay together, and everyone back to the portkey. Fred, George. You're to take care of Ginny!" As soon as Mr. Weasley says that, panic breaks out. People are running back and forth around us, screaming. I desperately try to cling to Harry's hand, but not a second later, I am torn loose and lose the others. It all happens so fast, and screaming people run past me all the time, pushing me out of the way. Confused, I try to get through the crowd, but it's easier said than done. I am pushed and shoved from all sides.
Suddenly I lose my balance and lie on my side on the floor. 'I guess this will become a habit today,' I think to myself and push myself up from the ground as two black boots come into my blink, a long black coat fluttering around them. Slowly I look up at the person and am startled. The person is wearing a silver mask and is otherwise dressed entirely in black. It is a Death Eater. Fear spreads through me. I try not to show the Death Eater my fear and continue to stare him in the face, but the Death Eater doesn't budge. Great, now it's over.
'Do something, Dany; pick up your wand or throw a rock; it doesn't matter, just do something!" I say to myself. "Go on, what are you waiting for?" I then demand. 'You stupid nut! Do you still have to goad him?" I then curse in my head. "You're lucky, you cheeky brat. If it weren't for your family tree, you'd have been dead a long time ago!" he says, sticking his wand in my face and firing a curse at me anyway. Then everything goes black.
"Dany! Dany!" I hear a male voice as I slowly regain consciousness. "Come on, Danielle!" I hear an even more resounding voice. "Dany!" Slowly I open my eyes. My head is buzzing, and my throat is scratching. "Dany! Finally!" I look up, and I see my brother's steel-blue eyes first. "Zac?" I ask, still dazed, when I spot another person next to him.
"Dad?" Standing next to my brother is really my father; I can hardly believe it. "What happened to you?" Zac asks me immediately, helping me sit up. "So let her wake up properly first. Here, have some," my dad says and holds out a bottle of water to me. "Thanks," I say quietly and drink. My throat immediately feels better. "Better?" he asks, and I nod. Then he kneels down to me.
"So, what happened to you?" my dad now asks a little more seriously. "You really care?" I ask him. "You may be... different, but you're still a Rudd and my daughter. Of course, I care if something happens to you!" "Didn't the Weasleys look after you, those idiots?" asks Zac. "Stop it, Zac. Please don't call them that. Of course, they looked out for me, but I lost them in the commotion. People were so full of panic that they pushed me around, and then I fell. There was suddenly a man standing in front of me..."
"A man, Danielle? Who was he?" my father asks. "I... I don't know. But it was a Death Eater." "What?" my father and brother exclaim at the same time. "And you're still alive?" my brother asks. "Well... He was babbling something about how I was lucky; I was only alive thanks to my family tree." My father looks thoughtful.
Then he mumbles something under his breath, absently gives me a quick kiss on the head, and disappears. Zac and I look after him. "What else happened?" I want to know from my brother. "Well, they burnt almost everything down, and the dark mark showed up," he tells me. "What, but... Harry?" "Don't worry. Your little friends are fine. They were here earlier; I told them I'd look after you and let them know as soon as you woke up." "Which you haven't done yet," I tease him. "Nope. Not my priority to run to the Weasleys either," he laughs, and I have to laugh as well.
A short while later, I run into my group of friends. "Dany," Hermione calls out immediately and falls around my neck. "You're fine," says George, who also hugs me. My brother stands a little apart. "What happened?" asks Harry, and I tell the whole story again. The shocked faces of my friends almost made me laugh, but that wouldn't be very appropriate considering the situation.
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 2 years
Heaven Tonight
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Summary: You aren't the brightest when it comes to English but Eddie is, so when your english teacher decides to play a mini game with her students...something blossoms between you two.
Word count : 6k (pretty fuckin long)
Paring: Eddie Munson x reader.
Warning: blood if you squeamish. Menstrual cycles if y'all sensitive from that (sorry if you are)
A/n: I know my grammar is shit but that happens when you aren't smart with dyslexia! Please be kind, I tried my hardest I promise! Also I am not following any story line from the show so many characters are still....alive if you day that.
Part 2. Part 3
"Partner assignment!" Your English teacher says causing a whole commotion through out the classroom. You knew how to tell a good story but trying to grasp a new one or understand poetry and you sometimes didn't know how to write it or use the right grammar, was one of your weaknesses.
"And I get to pick who!" She exclaimed making students curse and throw stuff.
"Easy, easy!" She had an evil smile on her face once she started paring people up. She had always wanted to do this. She heard from another teacher that they would pair up students who had crushes on each other or would be cute couples.
'A cute dating show! But for me' she thought.
"Munson and L/n!" She said and glanced at the two of you. You nervously looked at Eddie and he gave you a tight smile and waved. She always saw you as the one who could make the crazy metalhead geek calm down and actually settle down or he could rile you up and break out of that shell.
'Perfect! Plus y/n needs a little help with this class' she told herself and told everyone to move around and sit next to your partner.
"These packets will tell me how each pair is doing in this class..." she began handling them out and paused next to you.
"If you need help ask your partner, that's why they're there. Each week you will submit at least two of the papers front and back, if not homework over break." She gave you a gentle squeeze on your shoulder and glared at Eddie as if telling him to be respectful to you.
"Begin!" She left to her desk and the whole classroom erupted with talking.
"Okie dokie, let's see what kind of witchcraft we have here." Eddie said and grabbed the packet. He flipped it open and began going through all of it before going back to the first page.
"I do one question then you do one? How does that sound?" Eddie asked you with a small smile. You played with your pencil and wished not to be in partners. You would rather fail alone and not bring him down.
You couldn't just let him do the work if you didn't know shit.
"Can I be honest?" You shyly asked. His smile dropped and leaned towards you before he couldn't hear your soft voice.
"What is it?" He said and flickered his eyes down to your lips and your eyes. He really couldn't hear you so he relied on reading your lips.
"I, I, I'm not the best with poetry or grammar, I'm not really good at writing but I'm good with coming  up with stuff and I had to retake the class." His mouth went to  'O' shape and nodded. He took a minute for himself and looked at the teacher.
He excused himself and tripped over a few backpacks as he walked to the teacher making you worry about him falling.
He scratched his head and turned to you.
"Are you okay?" You mouthed. He gave you a thumbs up and finally got to the teacher.
"Y/n don't fuck this up. If he manages to convince her to work separately, that's fine." You mumbled to yourself and nervously tapped the end of the pencil against your chin looking at the  front.
"Are you kidding me?" You heard Eddie and you knew the answer to the two of you working separately.
'Fuck fucking fuckity fuck fuck!' You thought and began moving your knee up and down earning a glare from the people next to you.
Eddie sighed and began walking back carefully towards his seat.
"Well, um there is an option, that it's actually not an option but a request from our lovely Miss. Em." He sarcastically said making his hair move each time he spoke. You looked at him and never realized how handsome he actually is. You would always see him from a far that now you realize why some girls have a secret liking to him.
"She wants me to tutor you." You where half listening half looking at those big brown eyes which were filled with annoyance. You swallowed thickly and looked forward trying to ease your nerves and think of a way to not work with him so he could pass the class with ease.
"L/n did you hear me?" He moved in front of your view and made you look at him in a different light.
'How in the fuck is he that pretty?! And why haven't anyone noticed it or bagged him? He is the fallen angel who god sent down...and they where the most beautiful creature that god created...' that is what you thought now that you looked at him.
"Yes Eddie." You said and felt your cheeks warm up and realized that you might catch a crush on him. He looked at you for a while until he shrugged and moved back. You could see Miss.Em look at you while hiding behind a packet she placed against her face.
You frowned and she went back to work, smiling away.
'Ooh this is good!' She thought and began grading papers.
"How do you want to do this?" Eddie asked and you looked at the packet in front if you.
"I could try and convince the teach to work separately, if that makes you feel comfortable?" You said loud enough for him to hear and he frowned.
"Um. I actually ment on, I, I torturing you." He turned his body towards you and you turned your head towards him noticing how close he was.
'I don't really have friends to hang out with afterschool..only Robin and a little of Nancy but they are all caught up with their own thing to notice me and Steve is working so much these past month. I understand and that's fine' you mentally said to yourself and somewhat expected Eddie to read your mind.
"I'm free afterschool except on Thursday and Friday, my campaign are those days. I mean I come out pretty late, i don't know if you mind that..." he said and contorted his face to think about his plans.
"Sometimes on Tuesday or Wednesday I have a gig, sometimes, okay." He finished and looked at you for an answer. You licked your lips nervously and nodded before talking.
"Just let me know before school ends and I'm good." You said.
"Okay?" He awkwardly said and took the packet and opened it to the first page.
Eddie began touring you whenever he had time for you and it was very little. Each time he would forget he would run into the parking lot and see you there sitting reviewing the notes he helped you with, he felt guilty just leaving you alone waiting.
Deep down you felt like a burden interrupting his free time with school but you knew that you couldn't fail this class again. Eddie is smart but his laziness and procrastination is what made him not graduate.
"Me, I am army crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O'Donnell's..."
You remember what he said in lunch today, well kind of eavesdrop on his conversation. Robin had band so you kind of ate alone today.
Eddie wanted to be a kid  and have fun and its understanding, you also wish to have that freedom or something other than school and home. In your case it was much more difficult for that, you learned to build a safe bubble and only let certain people in.
"Hey!" Eddie took a hold of your arm and made you stand up. You accidentally dropped your notes and looked at Eddie surprised.
"Yeah?" You noticed the rain and that your shoes began getting a little wet. You quickly pick up your notes that began getting wet and Eddie kneeled down to help you too.
"Shit.." you muttered and grabbed your stuff making sure that it didn't get soaked. You were too into the small cut of Phantom of the Opera to notice the rain.
"Good think I didn't have the whole packet with me." You said and made sure that the paper was still readable.
Eddie gave you the soggy papers and looked at you struggling with your backpack.
"Here." He took your backpack and threw it over his shoulder.
"We are taking a 10 minute break from the campaign..." you listened to him still struggling.
"Why don't you come in and wait for me? It's better than staying out here in the rain." You looked up at him and made eye contact, his eyes swallowed you whole.
The way the light was pointed let him see the beautiful color in your eyes that made them sparkle, in honestly you looked cute looking up at him. He wanted to hold your soft jaw, just to know how it felt. He managed to say something and you ripped your eyes away.
"Why don't we go in? The rain is picking up." He still kept on looking at you when you began walking in and waiting for Eddie to lead the way. He mentally fought himself for thinking about holding your jaw. He didn't know what to think of you, you weren't really his type or was he interested in you...
"Eddie!" Dustin's voice echoed throughout the empty hall snapping him out of his thought. Eddie passed by you and lead you to their classroom that they always use for their campaigns.
"Right! You just hold up while I finish the campaign and we'll study." He walked behind Dustin and didn't look back at you just to see that you were still there.
"Woah woah woah! We already got a sub why is she here?" Gareth said making you stop by the door. You felt unwelcomed. You knew the feeling of someone just invading your bubble and that wasn't a good feeling.
'I invaded their safe place' you told yourself.
"She is with-" your nerves were getting shot and cut Eddie off.
"Eddie, can I have a word?" You looked at each one of them until looking at Him. He sighed and put your backpack on an empty chair before walking towards you and closing the door behind himself. He was losing his patience with you.
"What?" He said a bit rudely. You stepped back and closed your eyes and shake you fingers to relive any tension.
"You seem busy today. We can meet up on Monday when you don't have anything to do." You said trying to distract yourself by fixing the soggy papers. He ran a hand over his face and scratched his chin before looking at you.
"I know that I said that Tuesday was maybe a free day but shit got mixed up and I had to do the campaign today." He explains.
"Plus Monday is a long way." You waited for him to finish talking and looked up at him and noticed the frown he had on his face and the way his jaw tensed.
"You've had a stressful day?" Your mind spoke out loud and you bit your lip as a 'mind your own business'.
"Yep." He said. You reached up and gave him a small but comforting pat on his head. It sent him a shock through out his body and he looked down at you, you gave him a comforting look and smile. His heart skipped a beat.
"Its okay. The day is almost done." Your nosey mouth told him and walked back inside the classroom,  quickly grabbed your backpack and closing the door behind yourself. Eddie was still in the same spot puzzled by your actions. You glanced at him and began walking towards the exit. Usually you would walk to the bus stop and wait but the rain is coming hard you were going to have to call your old man to come and pick you up.
"Holy hell" you muttered when you opened the door to go outside.
'The phone booth is just across the courtyard it wouldn't be that bad to run in this weather.' You told yourself and began shoving papers into your backpack. You didn't think and ran straight to the phone booth almost slipping a couple of times.  You laughed when you felt your socks get icky and your hair damp.
'Shit' you pulled out a quarter, when a tall dark figure ran at you. You jumped and stumbled backwards almost falling but they grabbed your shirt just in time.
"L/n. The club canceled, a few parents kept on calling to tell their honeybuns to get home." You recognized Eddie's  voice and sighed in relief. You didn't want to get jumped or anything, as if something would happen to you. A cheerleader, oh hands down, but you? They would walk all over you and not bat an eye.
"We could study..." he said and made you take your hand away from the phone. You frowned at his action and pulled away from his touch, it felt as if he burned you.
"I need to call my old man to come and pick me up. I can't make it to the bus stop."you said trying to pick the phone up but Eddie butted in.
"I'll take you home!" He raised his voice, scaring you.  He grabbed your backpack again and began walking the same direction that you came from. He stopped and waited for you so the two of you could run back together.
"Run like hell!" He said and grabbed your wrist pulling you with him as he ran through the rain.  He quickly opened the door and you stumbled in.
He breathed heavily and lead you back into the hellfire room.  Eddie took off his leather jacket and began quickly drying it with his shirt, He didn't want it to get ruined.
You felt your hair pretty wet and squeezed out the remaining water and put it up in a low messy bun. Your plaid button down was soaked also, you thought about taking it off but you didn't want Eddie to feel uncomfortable.
"Eddie..." you said and he nearly missed your voice.
"What?" He didn't look up and continued with his jacket.
"Is it okay if I take off my button down?" He chuckled at told you that it was a 'free country if you believe in that bullshit'. You unbuttoned it and took it off to dry, leaving you in a black tank top. The table was still full of figures and what looked like dice and other cool stuff. You pulled out the papers and spread them out on the floor hoping they dry.
You sat on the floor and took out the page the two of you were working on.
"Ready?" Eddie asked when he looked up at you. You nodded and tried to get comfortable.
He had never noticed how you looked until now. Yes he noticed how your stomach would lightly stick out but he knew that you were soft and warm. He pinched himself and grumpily sat next to you.
"Have you read it?" He asked.
"Yes." You said and handed him the page. He quickly read it and read the question that it asked for.
"So, what do you think the meaning of the few paragraphs are about?" He questioned and you thought for a fat second until you nervously played with your pencil tapping it against your shoe.
"For me, it means that he is troubled, judged. Erik has a horrendous scar on his face but that doesn't mean that he is a monster. He seems like he is really intelligent and knows what emotions are. He isn't afraid of expressing them...he just fears what christine would think of him...looking like that." You finished and look at your shoes missing the stare that Eddie had given you. He was in awe with your simple words. It felt like of you were talking from deep down for yourself and him.
"Is that good?" You asked when he didn't say anything. You looked up and noticed how close he had gotten. You looked pretty to him, the way your damp bun let loose some pretty baby hairs or the way the tank top clung to your body in a good way...your soft jaw and eyes.
"Yeah. That's perfect." He cleared his throat and gave you the paper so you could write it down. Eddie pushed his thoughts away and was proud of himself. The tutoring was working, a few days ago you couldn't even understand what Frankenstein was about.
"How are you so good at this?" You asked when you guys had finished the paper and began packing up. It was D&D. D&D helped him so much with this class, with the story telling and the writing, just knowing what characters are feeling or just explaining.
"D&D gave me years and years of practice..." he said and walked towards the table where their campaign was being made.
"Its the only class I like, and passing, because Teach let's me express myself and dosen't judge my work." Eddie was looking over stuff and moving some things around when he felt your presence next to him seeing what he was doing.
"I, I like stories and reading but it takes me a few times to grasp the concept of it. I imagine all of these stories when she gives us prompts, but when it comes to writing them down..." you push a stray hair back and pick up a figurine that fell. He looked over to you and began noticing small things about you, again.
"My hand decides to do whatever she wants." You gave him the figurine and he puts it where it belongs.
"I appreciate what you are doing..." you said going back to grab your stuff.
"What?" Eddie went to his stuff and began packing up also turning his back on you so you couldn't see his flustered face.
"Helping me. Spending your busy time to help little ole me and my dumb noggin..." You knew he wasn't looking but you still softly knocked the side of your head.
"And tolerating my presence." You quietly mumbled. You thought that Eddie didn't catch that but he did. Half of him screamed Yes, but deep down the other half had gotten used to you. He cleared his throat again and asked if you are ready to go.
"Yeah, I'm ready." You said and followed him. He made sure that the door was locked. He looked outside and noticed that it was still raining but not as hard as before.
"Shit!" He said and turned back at you. You had your plaid shirt on your arm and peaked outside. You let off a small 'woah' and checked yourself to make sure nothing really gets wet.
"We are going to run to that van." He pointed to his rust bucket.
"Okay" you said and ran as soon as he opened the door. He ran next to you and helped you in as soon as the two of you reached his van. He went to the driver side and jumped in. You began breathing heavily and glanced at Eddie doing the same.
You let out a small laugh, you loved running and walking in the rain only when it's not pouring like earlier. Eddie turn to you and frowned.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing, I just like the rain it relaxes me." You said and flinched when you felt a pain on your lower stomach. You pressed on it to ease it but it just got worse.
"Hey are you okay?" Eddie noticed it. You took a deep breath and the pain went away.
"Yeah I think that I moved wrong." You put on your seatbelt and Eddie took it as a take me home. You gave him directions and he began driving.  His music was loud enough to be able to hear him talk.  You leaned your head against the headrest and looked outside at the dark woods. Eddie glanced at you every once in a while noticing your features again. He got distracted and almost ran a stop sign making him break pretty badly. The van skidded a little, luckily there wasn't another car and nothing happened to the two of you. You grabbed the arm rest and looked at Eddie scared.
"Are you okay?!" He asked once the van came to a complete halt. He had placed his hand in front of you and made sure that you are okay.
"Y-yeah I'm good." You stuttered and held his hand. He couldn't believe that looking at you almost got the two of them in an accident.
"I'm sorry I got distracted with something that was on the road and-" Eddie lied and began ranting but you cut him off.
"Eddie." You stopped him. He noticed the scare on your face and he apologized one more time. He tried pulling his hand away but you grabbed it tightly while looking out the window again. Your breathing was uneven when you tried calming down.  It took a few minutes to get home and you let go of his hand to grab your backpack.
"Thank you, Eddie." You said before opening the door.
"I'm sorry about the.." you nodded and looked back at your house.
"Be careful, Eddie." You said before closing the door and ran inside. He sighed and hit the steering wheel hard.
'What the hell is a matter with you' he told himself and put his van on drive and drove straight home, showers and went to bed not bothering to eat. That night Eddie had a hard time sleeping, all he saw was your scared face each time he closed his eyes or the feeling of your warm hand that held his. He looked at his hand until he fell asleep.
You on the other hand began trembling when you closed the front door. Eddie really scared you that you stood in the same spot until you told yourself that it was an accident. You managed to get clean and cook dinner for your old man before going to bed. From the exhaustive night you feel asleep when you hit the bed.
Eddie was not looking forward to see you. He felt embarrassed, angry, annoyed, nervous, a bunch of emotions flew through him. He didn't realize that he was stomping his feet until Dustin called him out on it.
"You good, Eddie. You look kinda mad." Dustin said when Eddie stopped in front of his class.
"I'm not mad, I'm perturbed, okay, not mad." Eddie said, wanting a cigarette or a beer. Dustin squinted his eyes and got closer to Eddie as if he was trying to read his mind.
"You still look mad." Eddie held his fists high ready to punch Dustin in his shoulder when he saw you walk into the classroom half glancing at him. He noticed it and followed your movements.
"Ahh-" Dustin began when Eddie slapped his hand over his mouth.
"Don't push it, Dustybun." He said making Dustin laugh and walk away. Eddie took a deep breath and walked to his seat next to you.
"Hey." You softly said  looking at his frowned face and took out the paper from yesterday.
"Hey." He said sharply and faced forward. You noticed his demeanor and decided to leave him be and try to do another page from the packet. You took a while and struggled a bit, but you managed to finish it, all you needed to do was to make sure that it was good enough.  You turn to Eddie and see him leaning his head against his fist and his eyes are closed.  You didn't want to disturb his sleep but you really needed him to check it.
"Eddie?" You whisper trying not to spook him.
"Eddie?" You called a bit louder but nothing. You use your index finger and softly rub it against the back of his hand calling him again.
He frowned but opened his eyes and looked at his hand. You pulled away and waited for him to sit up.
"Yeah." He said rubbing his eyes and yawns.
"I finished a page but I need you to check it. I didn't want anything to be wrong." You handed it to him.
'Oh my god! My plan is actually working?! Yes the other students are already in a lovey dovey mood but the two of you, man you guys are so cute!' Your teacher internally squeals and kept her eyes on the interactions of the two of you.
"Lend me the pencil." Eddie said and erased a sentence and wrote it again.
"I just reword it better, but it's good. Good job." He did the same thing that you did yesterday. He pat your head and left his hand there feeling the softness of your hair.
'OMG THIS IS GOOD' Miss.Em squeals  loudly making everyone stare at her. She cleared her throat and went back to fake grading. Her eyes wondered back to Eddie and you and he slowly moved his hand down regretting that he did that.
"Okay, I'll turn them in." You felt your cheeks become rosy. He stayed still looking at you until you got up. He quickly noticed the red stain in your pants and pulled you by your shirt to sit down, his chest was smushed against your back.
"What are you-" he wrapped and arm around under your breasts tightly when you tried getting up.
"Just stay still!" He roughly whisper making you pause. You looked at his arm and saw that he was holding on to you. His breathing was close to your ear and you felt your cheeks burn up.
'THIS IS SO FUCKIN GOOD' Miss. Em was blushing and wanting to smack her hand against the table top, but she somewhat kept her cool.
"Don't. Move." Eddie whispered in your ear and removed his arm away. He grabbed the papers and got up to turn them in. He noticed Miss. Em's red cheeks and smile that looked painful. 
"Good work, Munson." She said and shushed him away.
Eddie took off his leather jacket and walked back to his seat. He tried wrapping it around you but left it half ways so you could do it.
"Eddie, what's a matter?" You asked making him scoff. Do girls not know when their menstrual cycles are coming?! He leaned close to you and whispers into your  ear.
"You have a red stain." Once those words came out of his mouth you felt your whole world drop. You slowly look down and hid your face and prayed that the ground would swallow you.
Eddie noticed your embarrassing state and caressed the top of your head.
"I won't tell anyone if that's what you are embarrassed about." You stayed still not having the courage to look at him.  You felt yourself tear up and quietly sniffed.
This really means a lot for a girl mostly if a guy catches it.
The bell rang and Eddie got in front of you made you stand up. He finished wrapping his jacket around you and made sure that it covered everything.
'Oh no, honey!' Miss. Em caught on but when she saw Eddie helping you she knew that she shouldn't intervene.
Eddie grabbed your backpack and hand. He pushed pass everyone and got to his locker. He began pulling out clean clothes. They were his gym clothes but he never wears them because, well, who gives a shit about Gym.
"Here" he handed it to you and pulled you to a girls restroom and waited outside.  You cried for a minute and began trying to clean your underwear and pants. You were lucky enough to bring some feminine stuff in a small cosmetics bag. You pulled out a clean underwear and a pad.  Once you took out the stains you squeezed out the extra water and looked for a empty clean trash bag and put your clothes into them shoving them into your backpack making it look chunky. You put on the shorts that Eddie lend you and noticed that they were a bit tight and stopped halfway your thigh.
You took a look at yourself and wanted to jump off a bridge.  Your stomach and love handles somewhat stuck out and the shorts looked like if they would become underwear once you started walking.
"Y/n are you okay?" The bell rang long ago and you didn't think that he would wait for you. He opened the bathroom door and peaked inside. He saw you looking at yourself as you tried pulling the shorts down enough to cover your thighs. The way you moved your body so you could see the back made your thighs and butt look so grabbable.
"Eddie!" You said shocked and tried covering yourself with his jacket.  He panicked and closed the door.
'What the hell!' He cursed at himself and wanted to pick on a jock so they could punch him. You opened the door and saw Eddie ball up his fist and shake in frustration.
"Um the shorts are a little to short on me." You said covering your legs. Eddie tried his best to not look at your legs but kept on going back at them.
"Yeah they are. But that's all I have on me." Eddie looked up trying to keep himself from looking at you.
"Mind if I keep your jacket for a while?" You asked
"Yeah that's fine." He said. You mustered up your guts and gave him a hug as a thank you. He looked at you and swallowed painfully. You felt warm, so warm that he was going to return the hug but you pulled away.
"I'll see you later." You said and walked away. His eyes followed you and he felt heat rush to his ears. A few classes pass and then it was lunch time.  Eddie sat on his table and pinched the bridge of his nose tightly. He kept on thinking about your legs. How they would look so pretty around his-
"Eddie! Hello!" Gareth clapped his hands in front of him.
"What?" He said and sat up straight. His club looked at each other and then back at him. They noticed how Eddie changed from one day to the next.
"Are we finishing the campaign today or tomorrow?" Mike asked. Eddie nodded and lifted his hand as if he was going to say something, but groaned when he remembered you and tutoring.
"Motherfucker!" He yelled making everyone turn towards the Hellfire table.
"Yes! The campaign is today all the way to Friday, but we are going to have to end it earlier because I've got shit to do, okay? Now I'm not in a mood so can we not talk to me, yeah?" Eddie said and they all looked at each other once more before talking about D&D plans.
"Wait, what happened? Why are you in Gym shorts? We already had gym like three semesters ago." Robin said curiously. You looked at your full plate and felt uncomfortable with what you're wearing, Eddie's jacket was draped over your legs trying to cover up any skin.
"I had an accident and a guy  helped me out" you said quietly. Her eyes opened and shook Nancy who was trying to finish her story. You really didn't want to throw Eddie's name out there because knowing the two of them...
"Nancy, did you hear that?! Nancy!" Nancy pushed Robin away and noticed you trying to hide your embarrassed face.
"Shut up, Robin!" She shut Robin's rant and focused on you. Nancy and Robin became concerned about you that Nancy grabbed your hand and softly rubbed it. You felt a few tears slip out and looked at her. You were so embarrassed that you just wanted to go home.
"What happened?"
"Um, I was going to get up to turn in some papers and they.." robin interrupted you.
"Do we know who this guy is?" She said earning a glare from Nancy.
"Yeah kind of... he pulled me back on my seat and wrapped his arm around..." you motioned how he moved his arm underneath your breasts. They looked at each other and somewhat smiled and giggled.
"He whispered to me not to move and-" Robin and Nancy let out a small squeal. You missed what the excitement was about and continued telling what happened.
"He told me that I had stained myself, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around me and then he lend me his gym shorts but they fit a little tight and really short." You said in discomfort and pulled the ends a little down.  The two laughed at your gullibility. The both wanted you to find a girlfriend or boyfriend but you never  thought about any of that, only to pass that damn class.
"Can I ask something?" Nancy questions and leaned forward, you nodded.
"Do you find them..." she cleared her throat and wiggled her eyebrows.
"Attractive?" She finished and you glanced at  Eddie who was sitting and biting his nails.
"He is...handsome." you told them, they smiled and you asked them, why?
"Just wondering. Well, I gotta go and so do you the last time I heard the band director yelling at you."  She pulled Robin's ear and said goodbye. After a while you began feeling like shit and Robin noticed.
"You okay?" You shook your head.
"I'm going to call my old man to come and pick me up." You said and tossed your tray before getting your backpack. You might have not noticed but you had an audience looking at you and your bare legs.
"Okay I'll call you when I get home." Robin gave you a hug and moved a stray hair out of your face.
"Will do" you began walking out of the cafeteria and looked at Eddie. He noticed you and made eye contact with you. You gave him a small smile and he just stares at you.
Once you turned his eyes began roaming down your body. He felt his hands sweat and his breath got caught in his throat.
"Damn, I didn't know she had that in her." Gareth commented also roaming his eyes. Eddie felt a twinge of anger when Gareth said that, but he pushed it away and closed his eyes trying to ease down.
"That's y/n from yesterday..." Dustin said.
"The one who walked in with Eddie and you got all pi-."
"Well forgive me, I admit iwas a dick, but damn I wanna give her m-" Eddie slammed his hand on the table and stood up.
"Well, kids, I will be heading off to class since all you think about is fucking." Eddie said grabbing his lunchbox and walking towards your direction. Eddie felt uneasy with how he spoke about you that it angers him more. He wanted to see you, talk to you, feel your hug one last time. Fuck he needed you.
He spotted you getting in a truck and tried catching up to you but you speed off. You didn't even see him.
"Fuck!" Eddie yelled and went back inside defeated.
"Hey old man?" You asked your dad making him hum.
"Yes baby girl?" You feel the smoothness of Eddie's leather jacket.
"A boy helped me today..." you glanced at him and he had this confused look on his face.
"Helped you?" You nodded and remembered how Eddie's arms wrapped around you and how his breath made your body tingle.
"He saw a stain on my pants and he covered me up pretty fast. He also lend me the shorts that's why they are so tight on me and his jacket." You smiled thinking how sweet it was.
"It wasn't..."
"Fuck no!" You said earning a glare from your old man.
He hated hearing you curse. 'Only I could curse' type of thing.
"No it wasn't him...it was someone else. It's the one who has been helping me with that class that I had to retake."you looked up at him.
"He is some what nice to me" those words were comforting for your old man. He grabbed your hand and kissed it.
"You like him?" You never really thought about until now. Did you like him?
"I don't know..." you answer. The question began picking at your brain. He made you feel so many things but you looked foward being with him.
'She does' your dad thought and somewhat smiled but scowled knowing that another boy is in her line of liking.
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harrytpotter · 4 years
A 100 Years of Love — One-Shot
Plot: James Potter asks Y/N - his best friend - for advice on how to impress a certain girl he fancies, unbeknownst to him that she was hopelessly in love with him.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
A/N: Here i am twice in the same day with a new James imagine, because that’s how obsessed with him I am! Hope you guys like it, and please keep in mind that English isn’t my mother language, hence any probable grammar mistake. :)
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Being a sixth year at Hogwarts was bittersweet. As much as you were happy that studies were almost over and so were the anguish concerns about exams, grades and graduating, you were also undeniably sad as you could feel the end of it all approaching at a fast pace. To think you soon wouldn’t be able to wander through the castle’s hallways after curfew with your friends, feeling the thrill of not knowing whether you’d be catched or not; to think you wouldn’t party hard with them at the Gryffindor tower after a Quidditch win; to think you wouldn’t be surrounded by your friends 24 hours a week; and, lastly but most importantly, to think you wouldn’t be seeing him often, it just... hurt. Not that seeing him every single day didn’t hurt at all. Specially since the gossip that he fancied one of your best friends had spreaded like wildfire through the school about a year ago. Sighing heavily, you close your book and set it aside as you leant against the thick trunk of a three, staring at the sunny sky above you.
“Y/N L/N, just the person I’ve been looking for!” An overly-confident male voice shouted from behind you. You didn’t have to look to know who it was, feeling his arrogant smirk radiating through the air.
“What now, Potter? Lily isn’t here, in case you haven’t noticed,” you tease your friend, a grin on your face trying to mask the twinge of sad that hit your heart as you said that.
“I may wear glasses but it doesn’t mean I’m blind, you know?!” He shrugs, a grimace stamped on his face as he sat in front of you. “Would you help a friend out, love?” He adds with a wink.
“Well, I’ll regret saying yes to you, won’t I?” You frown with conformity. It’s not like you could say no to him anyway.
“Excuse me? Since when saying yes to me gets you in any sort of trouble, darling?” He smirks sneakily at you, his hand in his chest in mock offense.
“Aren’t you a complete arse, James Potter?!” You roll your eyes at him, but can’t stop a grin from taking over your lips.
“Oh, please, you know you love me,” he winks at you, causing you to get all flustered. That was the problem with James: he was a flirt by nature. That’s just who he was, he couldn’t help it. It was simply a trait of his personality. He would flirt aimlessly without even noticing he was doing so. He couldn’t be blamed. Still, it didn’t help to ease the effect it — and he — had on you.
“Just say what you bloody want already,” you sigh.
“So, there’s this girl I’ve been trying to impress for quite some time now but, bugger me, she doesn’t seem to give a single shite about me at all,” he starts, staring intensely into your eyes.
“Have it occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, she’s not that into your arrogant self?” You tease, cutting him off.
“Merlin’s beard, would you let me finish before judging, woman?” He rolled his eyes at you. “As I was saying, I need to win her over before a git gets in the way of our love story.”
“Love story? Seriously?” You laughed even though you didn’t feel an ounce of amusement in your body. “James, look, i don’t mean to discourage you or anything, but are you sure it’s not the time to give up?” You shoot him a sympathetic glance. Lily really didn’t seem to care about him at all, just like he said. Of course you couldn’t know it for sure, since you were so bloody afraid to ask her if she liked him back, but you knew your best friend. She would’ve sent him signs by now if she too was interested. At least that’s what you hoped, since the last thing you wanted was to be head over heels for the same guy your best friend was smitten with.
“I’m not known to give up that easily, love. Besides, I can’t seem to back away from this, and believe me, I’ve tried,” he stated, his eyes distant as he was lost inside his own head.
You feel a sudden anger at him. Despite your deep infatuation for James and the friendship the two of you shared, Lily was your best friend and you didn’t like the sound of what he just said. “Oh, so that’s what it’s all about to you? A challenge? Some kind of game?”
“No! Y/N, no...” he quickly exclaims, snapping back to reality. “She’s much more than that. She’s... she makes me feel things, you know?! Things I’ve never even known that were possible to feel. She annoys me, teases me, makes me go mad of desire and despair every time she smiles at me and... Merlin, that smile! I swear to you that it’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Every time she walks in it’s just like... I’m staring at the sun, she makes everything so much brighter. She makes life so much brighter. She drives me nuts. Damn, I’m in love!” He blurts out, his face filled with devotion, admiration and a burning passion.
Every word that got out of his mouth was like a stab right into your heart. Hearing he say those things hurt more than you ever thought it would. This was the first time he had ever admitted his feelings towards Lily to you, even though you were his best friend. You stared at the grass whilst taking a deep breath, cautiously making sure you’d be able to hide the hurt in your voice and eyes before you could look at him or speak again.
“Well, sounds like you’re serious about her,” you smiled softly at him. It didn’t reach your eyes but you made sure he wouldn’t notice that. “Orange petals lilies,” you add after a while. “In some muggle cultures lilies are tied to 100 years of love. They are also tied to good luck. Plus they mean infatuation, attraction and admiration. Pretty much what you just said you feel. I think it’s very suitable,” you managed to squeeze his arm reassuringly, showing him he had your support. Afraid that you would be unable to keep repressing the sadness that threatened to take you over, you get up and start walking, leaving a thoughtful James behind.
“Thank you, L/N!” He shouts.
“Anytime, Potter,” you answer without turning back to face him, quickening your pace as the tears began to flood your eyes.
After your conversation with James, it looked like he and Lily were everywhere you went. Whispering secretively, giggling together in the corners of the castle. Painfully reminding you that you weren’t the one for him. Like now. You couldn’t stop but staring at them, not sure whether to feel happy or bitter.
“Seeing anything interesting?” Sirius snook up on you, whispering into your year, causing you to jump in fright.
“Merlin! You scared me, you daft dimbo!” You slap him in the head with the book you had in your hands.
“Ouch! I’m not the one you’re mad at, should i remind you!” He exclaimed vigorously, protecting his head with his arm.
“I’m not mad at anyone!” You shoot angrily, hitting him again with your book.
“Would you stop hitting me, for Merlin’s sake?”
“What’s going on here?” Lily asks. When you turn around to face her, you’re met by hers and James’ inquisitively stares.
“Just a little PDA, right Black?!” You smirk ironically at him, leaving before anyone else could say anything.
“What just happened?” Remus asked intrigued whilst approaching the little group of friends, joining Sirius, Lily and James in watching you disappear into the castle.
“That, my friend, is what jealousy can do to a person,” Sirius shrugged, a grimace on.
“What do you mean by that?” James asks, frowning in confusion.
“I mean that she was staring at you and Lily, mate,” Sirius winked at his best friend.
“But why would she be jealous at all?” He shrugged, even more confused.
“Boys can be so stupid sometimes,” Lily rolls her eyes at him, clearly amused at his obliviousness.
As James continued to look confuse, Remus intervened: “The rumors. About you and Lily.”
“Oh!” He opened his mouth in realization, soon looking confused again. “But these rumors just started because Lily and I were spending more time together as she was advising me to act on my feelings and confess them to Y/N!” He shrugged.
“But she doesn’t know that, does she now genius?” Lily smacked the back of his head with her hand.
“WAIT!” James shouts suddenly, gaining a frown from the little crowd. “Does- does it mean she... likes me?” He asks, his eyes twinkling with hope.
“Prongs... what have we been telling you for the past year, you idiot?” Remus shook his head in disbelief at his friend.
“Well, I assumed you were all just saying that so I could grow the courage and ask her out,” he shrugged.
“You’re more stupid than people give you credit for, do you know that?” Lily crossed her arms in front of her chest, rolling her eyes and smiling.
James stood there for a few seconds before speeding off towards the near mirror that held a secret passage to Hogsmeade behind it.
“Where exactly are you going?” Remus shouted at his friend.
“To secure myself a 100 years of love!” He shouted back, a wide grin shining on his face.
“Has he gone mental?” Sirius asked Remus and Lily, a brow furrowed.
“Hasn’t he always been?” Lily retorts, causing all three of them to explode in a laughter.
“Oi! L/N!” James shouted from behind you and you slowed your pace so he could catch up with you.
“Don’t you have someone else to torture?” You ask him, playfully rolling your eyes, once he was walking beside you.
“Probably, but I choose you,” he winks and stops in front of you, both of his hands rested on your shoulders.
“Lucky me!” You raise your brows ironically.
“Always so sweet, huh love?” He laughs and you can feel your knees trembling. “Anyway, just wanted to let you know that today is the day!” He winks at you suggestively before turning around and leaving you.
You stare at him in confusion and shrug before continue to walk to your destination. He could be quite weird sometimes.
As you approached the door of the dorm you shared with Lily, Marlene and Alice, your eyes spot a beautiful vase full of orange lilies inside. “Just wanted to let you know that today is the day!” James’ words crept back to your mind as you stared at the beautiful flowers. This was it. The day he would finally confess his feelings to Lily and ask her out. With your eyes filled with tears, you duck a little and pick up the vase, getting inside the dorm. You let out a sigh of relief as you realized it was empty, putting the flowers carefully on top of Lily’s nightstand and locking yourself into the bathroom, finally allowing the tears to fall violently down your face.
Casting a silencing spell so no one could hear you, you stare at your broken self in the mirror. “This is the last time you’ll ever cry for him. The last time you’ll allow yourself to feel anything other than friendship for him. He’s smitten with Lily and they deserve to be happy together,” you say to your reflection before prepping yourself to get into the bath to take a relaxing and long shower.
After changing into your pajamas and making sure you looked presentable and your eyes weren’t swollen of puffed, you remove the silencing spell and unlock yourself out of the bathroom. Lily was sitting in your bed waiting for you, the flowers and a card in hand. You pressed your lower lip between your teeth to suppress the wave of sadness forming inside of you once again. Of course she’d want to tell you that James had finally asked her out and talk about it, you were her best friend after all.
“Nice flowers,” you say whilst sitting by her side and pulling your pillow into your lap.
“I do think they’re nice myself, I just don’t understand why would you put your nice flowers on my nightstand,” she frowns with a smirk.
“I’m sorry? My flowers?” You ask her, confused.
“Well, aren’t you Y/N L/N?” She offers you the card.
“Yes, but... these are not for me! James sent them to you!” You raise your hands in denial, not even bothering to pick up the card nor look at it.
“Merlin help me! If you bothered yourself to look at the bloody card you’d see it doesn’t say Lily Evans on the envelope,” she rolls her eyes, swinging the card in front of your face.
Reluctantly, you grab the card from her hand and look at its envelope. It had your name in the back of it, written in James’ calligraphy. Your heart started pounding furiously inside your chest as you opened it in shock. Inside of it, there was a little note from him. You start reading it out loud so Lily could hear it, noticing the curious glare she was sending you.
“Hello, my little private sun!
If I, by any chance, make your life as brighter as you make mine, please meet me on the top of the Astronomy Tower at twelve o’clock sharp. I really hope you can make it, love. There’s something I need to properly tell you.
Yours and yours only, Prongs.”
You stood there staring at the parchment, your mouth wide open. Did it mean he liked you? What about Lily? What about the gossiping?
“Well...” Lily swing her head inquisitively. As you continued to stand still, staring at the note with a dumbfounded look, she adds impatiently, “just go, woman!”
Glancing at the watch on your nightstand, you jump out of bed. 11:50 pm.
“Damn you, Potter!” You exclaim before speeding off the dorm, hearing Lily’s screams of excitement behind you.
You ran through the castle’s hallways as fast as you could, as if your life depended on it. The paintings and portraits on the walls shouted words of annoyance as you passed by them in a blur with your wand lit up, but you couldn’t care less. You couldn’t care about being caught. You couldn’t care about Filch or McGonagall, let alone the detention you’d be rewarded with by her if any of them surprised you out of bed at this late hour of night. All you cared about was getting to James. He was always all you cared about.
James glanced at his wrist and let out a sigh, it was 00:05 am and you still haven’t showed up. Sitting on the floor, he stares at the stunningly starred night sky. He felt a tightening in his stomach. What if all of your friends were wrong and you only saw him as a friend? Before he could torture himself any longer with his despairing thoughts, he hears the door crackling open and gets up, turning around to face a breathless Y/N.
“You came!” He exclaims softly, gazing at you with relief.
“Where else would I be you idiot?” You frown happily at him, closing the door behind you and taking a look at your surroundings.
The walls had been enchanted by James to look like the night sky outside, a similar spell seen in the ceiling of the Great Hall. Stars were twinkling brightly all around you and the floor was covered in orange lilies.
“Wow, Potter, you really outdone yourself here, didn’t you?” You looked amazed at him.
“I might have had a little help from Flitwick and Minnie, you know, us being their favorite students and all...” James joked teasingly as he started to walk slowly towards you.
“I guess being the teachers favorites really has its perks,” you frown playfully, slowly walking in his direction as well. “I believe you have something you need to properly tell me?”
“Oh, yes! About that, I wanted to thank you for your help with the girl I’m madly in love with. It worked out smoothly!” He winked, causing you to laugh.
“‘m always happy to help you! Hope she‘s worth the trouble.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, she totally is! In fact, she’s so worthy that there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to win her over.”
“And why all of this determination in winning her heart? If I’m allowed to ask,” your narrow your eyes, that held a burning fire inside of it.
“Because she’s all I can think about and all I care about. She’s in my head when I wake up and still is in my head when I go to sleep. She’s bloody stubborn and challenging and annoying and... Merlin, I love her,” he says playfully and tenderly as you finally are in front of each other, faces merely inches apart. He rested his hands on your waist, tightening his grip as he did so.
“That’s good to know,” you whisper, staring at his eyes, breathing unsteadily whilst landing your hands on his chest.
“And why is that?” He asks, his eyes swinging from your eyes to your lips.
“Because she can’t stop thinking about this arrogant, overly-confident stupid boy either. And she also loves him, so much it consumes her,” you answer, staring at his lips hungrily.
“Are you being serious right now? I mean, are- are you sure? I don’t wanna pressure you or-,” he starts, looking into your eyes nervously with a longing frown. Not even resembling the self-assured Quidditch team captain and most popular guy in Hogwarts.
You chuckle lightly at his adorable worried face and bite your lower lip whilst smiling sweetly at him.
“Of course I’m sure, you blind daft! Just kiss me already, for Merlin’s sake!” You exclaim, pulling him by his shirt collar into a passionate kiss.
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rallamajoop · 3 years
How (not) to say ‘fuck’ in Etruscan (and other things I cannot believe I spent so much time tracking down for a throwaway joke in a Witcher slash-fic)
Buried in chapter 4 of my fic Something Nice is a joke which, as much as it amused me, no-one else is going to get unless I explain it. So here we go.
For the last few people in this fandom who haven't heard yet: The Witcher 3's vampire-language is Etruscan. To my knowledge, there's never been an official statement from CDPR to confirm this, but the evidence (ie. that basically all the vampire vocab can be found in online Etruscan sources) seems pretty solid. To explain why this made me go oooooh that's so NEAT, we need a little context.
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The Etruscans (in my admittedly far-from-expert understanding) were a people who lived in Italy back before the Romans got around to conquering-slash-assimilating the rest of the peninsula, and the language they spoke is one of the most frustratingly mysterious of the ancient world. Most dead languages are at least related to something modern linguists have a decent handle on, but Etruscan seems to have been related to almost nothing else spoken – it may even have pre-Indo-European roots (a whoooole other tangent I am in no way qualified to cover).
Surprisingly, we do owe our modern Latin alphabet in part to the Etruscans, since the earliest Roman alphabets were adapted from the Etruscan (who got it from the Greeks, who got it from from the Phoneticians, and so on). The Etruscans may even be the reason we're stuck with so many weirdly redundant K-sounds (not only K and C, but X and Q, which are really just 'ks' and 'kw' with an overblown sense of superiority).
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But being able to sound out every surplus K-word from an Etruscan inscription isn't much help nowadays when there are no surviving Etruscan dictionaries to tell us what it actually means – not even a decent Etruscan Rosetta stone to give us a push-start. So while modern linguists may rattle off Ancient Greek fluently or puzzle out Egyptian hieroglyphs from thousands of years before the Etruscans even had an alphabet, the Etruscan vocabulary available to us nowadays remains embarrassingly limited. Bits have been figured out from context or thanks to loanword exchanges with their neighbours (plenty of ancient Greeks and Romans certainly spoke Etruscan, even if they failed to write it down), but a lot is still as mysterious to the experts as it would be to you and me.
So why to I love the idea of using Etruscan as the Witcher’s vampire-language so much? Basically, if you want a language that will sound both old and reliably alien to anyone listening to it – be they the mainstream English-speaking market or the original Polish-language audience – Etruscan is a damn good call. You're not going to have much vocabulary to draw from, but it's not like there's a lot of vampire-chatter in the game anyway. It's a cool little easter egg for fans nerdy enough to try and figure out what they're saying.
Translations and Sources
You aren’t going to find a lot of great Etruscan language sources on the web – few of the easily-discovered online sources on Etruscan vocab appear to have been updated within the last ten years, and lord knows how consistent some of these are with current scholarship (let alone how sure linguists can be about anything with a task like this). All the same, have some links you may find useful:
Etruscology – Brief, but more readable than most
Lexicons.ru Etruscan Glossary – Probably one of the best collections of many terms in one place
Maravot.com Etruscan Language pages – Hard to navigate, but gosh there are a lot of vocab here I have not seen elsewhere
Old, Tripod-hosted Etruscan Glossary – I think these are mostly just the same terms from the Lexicons page, but in harder-to-use format
Etruscan word search – Decent, but not the most extensive vocab
Introduction to the Etruscan Language – Looks to be from Maravot.com, but in pdf format
Paleoglot.com’s Etruscan tag – Blog by an actual linguist who regularly discusses Etruscan material, and who even created their own translation applet! – which was, unfortunately, in flash, and is thus no longer usable. (There is a certain irony that even the tools available online to help you understand Etruscan are written in a language that is now no longer supported or understood by any modern browser.)
Not that translating what’s in the game is going to be easy, oh no. Take, for example, the oh-god-please-don't-kill-me ceremonial greeting Geralt has to offer to the Unseen Elder to survive that meeting – "Eclthi, lautni ama".
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'Eclthi' is apparently a "demonstrative (locative)" (’here’, ‘there’, etc). "Lautni" is trickier – it means a freed slave, but may also imply a familial relationship or a client of sorts, while the root “lautn” apparently designates simply “possession.” House slaves in the ancient world were often considered part of the family, and freed slaves were an important class in many ancient cultures, who often maintained relationships with their former masters, so you can see the internal logic, but what sense was the Witcher using it in? It’s hard to know.
"Ama" is possibly worse – most translations seem to have taken it as "to be", but sometimes also “to love”, or even "now" or  "meanwhile." Then you hit the question of Etruscan grammar, and I have no idea where I’d even start. So, with a little creativity, you could probably translate that phrase as anything from "take this and consider me a friend" to "meanwhile, this is family" to "a demonstration of love from your slave." I mean, you've got the same general theme going there regardless, but there's a lot of ambiguity in the inflection.
For what it's worth, I feel garasham's translation efforts are easily the most convincing I've seen – they have the above line as “Here I am a slave / a friend / kindred” FWIW. (Mind you, given the wiki doesn't even try to do more than offer you one possible meaning for each word, there's not exactly much competition out there).
So, bringing this all back to that fic and how to say ‘fuck’ in Etruscan...
I've already gone to the web's Etruscan dictionaries once while I was writing Forget-Me-Not, seeking inspiration for a 'real' name for "the Queen of the Night" from the first Witcher game. Neither 'queen' or 'night' got me far, but the Etruscans did apparently have a goddess of the moon called 'Aritimi, Artume or Artames', which worked pretty well. If anything it's almost too close to the better-known Greek goddess Artimis, who was obviously a relative (ancient cultures bleed into each other even when they're not bleeding all over each other, nothing new there), but I'm not going to be picky.
However, being a) a giant nerd, who b) writes a lot of smut, and c) is no more mature deep down inside than the rest of us, I couldn't resist seeing if I could find some slightly more obscene vocabulary. Did the Etruscans have a word for, say, 'fuck'?
Alas, if they did (and I mean, they totally did, c'mon), the web wouldn't tell me about it. Nor could I find much else relating to sex or genitalia (male or female), or even a decent word for 'thrust'.
On the flipside, there were a couple of different terms meaning 'plough'. And anyone who's played – well, any of the games, but especially Witcher 2 – would probably realise exactly why that filled me with so much glee.
Speaking of which, here, have a picture which is in no way related:
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The fact that the various Etruscan terms meaning ‘plough’ could also apparently be translated as things like “to worship“ or “to act through movement, including ritual acts,” or that an important mythological figure was “a prophetic child who sprang from a freshly plowed furrow” was in no way discouraging.
The word I ultimately picked was 'esari'. Admittedly, variations on the prefix ‘ar-’/‘ara-’/’aras’ were much more consistently attested to throughout the various online Etruscan dictionaries as ‘terms meaning plow’, but figuring out how to convert an Etruscan prefix into a satisfying word is officially where even my enthusiasm for all this nonsense gives out. Esari was, by comparison, already a much more solid-sounding term, so let’s go with that.
Why go to all this trouble anyway? Well, the honest answer is “entirely for my own amusement”, but the nominal excuse comes right back to “so I could give Regis and Geralt this little exchange during a sex scene.”
"Unless you have any particular objection," said Regis, moving to straddle Geralt's body, "I thought we might engage in some esari... hm, what was the equivalent term in your language again?" The vampire leaned in close to Geralt's ear as he made a show of remembering his answer, "Ah, yes—I thought I'd fuck you."
Never let anyone tell you you never learnt anything from porn!
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hongnanglen-arina · 4 years
The Ulzzang Project - Part 1 | Jeon Wonwoo
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Read part 2  
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Genre: Fluff, crack (maybe explicit content in the next chapters)
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x female reader
Warnings: none
Words: 2.6k
A/N: Hello there! Here’s part 1 of my mini series of you and Wonwoo, the next ulzzang stars hahaha :3 I’d be happy to know your thoughts about it. I’m already working on part 2. I might spice it up in the upcoming chapters. If you don’t like that, scream at me and I will stop hehet. So, have fun! And as always, please remember that English isn’t my first language so excuse my grammar ♡
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You sat in Wonwoo’s apartment. It was one of those Saturday nights where you two would order greasy food, have competitive game sessions and cuddle together on his couch or in his huge bed. You’ve known each other ever since your mothers went to driving school together. Both got married to their significant other and soon you two were born, making them joke that you two should end up together when you get older. That didn’t happen obviously. Instead you grew up like siblings, spending nearly all of your free time together, fighting over stupid little things but always making up quickly after. Even studying together, entering the same university and sharing the same group of friends. You two were kind of inseparable. 
“Wait, why is the bucket of fried chicken already empty???” You shot a shocked look at the boy beside you who wasn’t paying attention to you but bobbed his head to the music of the band in the youtube video which was playing on his tv screen, licking his fingers clean to get another slice of pizza. Before taking a bite, he gave you a rather emotionless answer, his face dead ass serious. “Dunno. Maybe we ate it?”
You scoffed at his words. Oh Jeon Wonwoo.
More laughing, more jamming to music and more teasing until you were full, halfway lying on the floor while you talked about the new annoying professor at uni that scolded Dokyeom on his very first day and was on bad terms with him from that day on. 
After a while you cleaned up and started to play Dead or Alive to ‘relieve some stress’. You two had mastered this game for years now, resulting in you and Wonwoo winning and loosing the same amount of times. While you stick to one character, he switched to different ones but even though you two were always close, you would never grow tired of this game and those competitions with him. 
When he left for using the bathroom, you unlocked your phone and scrolled through Instagram, stopping at a specific post of a couple who uploaded a suggestive photo of them without revealing much of their person. You cocked your head to the side and Wonwoo noticed it when he came back. “What are you looking at, y/n?” He sat down beside you and you showed him your phone. “Look, they aren’t doing much and the photo has quite a bad quality - maybe on purpose - but it is still good that I understand why people push the like button. Effortless aesthetic.” 
Wonwoo made an annoyed grimace at your words and you raised an eyebrow. “What?” “Anyone can do that.” “Why do you think that?” Your best friend thought for a moment and pulled out his own phone, unlocking it and going through some apps until he held it in front of the two of you. Before you could ask what he was doing, he got closer to you and took a photo. You noticed that the room was silent. Only some faint noises from outside the window could be heard when he showed the photo to you. It was a photo of you two next to each other but other people wouldn’t recognize you two. The photo showed only your lips, chin, neck and a little bit of your shirt. You looked up at him and saw his grin. Wonwoo moved a little so that it seemed like he was going to kiss you. Slightly panicking, you automatically covered your face, asking him what the hell he was doing when you heard the shutter of his phone once again, signalizing that he took another photo.
The room was quiet when you removed your hands, a soft blush on your cheeks when he turned the screen, giving you a better look of the new photo. Wonwoo used a filter that gave your photo a nice vintage look. Blinking, you were kind of impressed. If you didn’t know better, you would say that it was a photo of a famous ulzzang couple from Instagram. Noticing Wonwoo’s pleased smirk, you hit his chest. “Yah, what was that all about, huh?? You can’t just-“ “I’m going to open a new account. I’m curious how many followers and likes we can get in a month.” 
You had a hard time to follow, squinting your eyes and opening your mouth like a fish without saying anything. He tapped on his phone happily, completely ignoring your confused state. “W-wait, what did you say? What do you mean? A new account? Followers? What?” You tried to have a better look on his screen but he turned around, chuckling a little so that his round glasses slid down the bridge of his nose a bit in the process. “Jeon Wonwoo! Answer!” 
Fighting you off his shoulders, he took his sweet time to do whatever he was doing on his phone and you whined, asking for answers but not getting one at all. Sighing, you gave up after a while, giving his broad back a death glare as you turned around and took your own phone, opening the previous app and pouting while scrolling through the already seen posts. You were facing the other direction, sitting back against back. Hearing Wonwoo chuckle from time to time or giving a thinking noise, he always got your attention but since he never explained what he was doing, you took some selfies, sticking out your tongue and pointing at the boy behind you. After editing it a little more, you uploaded it on your Instagram site with the single word ‘idiot’ and tagged him. Giggling to yourself, you didn’t notice the shuffling noises and the warmth behind you disappearing when Wonwoo literally shoved his phone in your face. Your groan got stuck in your throat when you finally got your answer.
Taking his phone out of his hand, you took a better look. It was a seemingly new Instagram account with one content, zero followers and zero following. Your eyes widen when you click on the only photo in this account. It was you two. The photo from before. You were covering your face while the photo was cut, only showing Wonwoo’s grin against your hands. Your eyes travel lower, silently reading through the hashtags he had added. #cutecouple #shy #ulzzangcouple #saturdaynight and 18 more. It didn’t take long until the first stranger liked your photo and you blinked in disbelief. That’s when you noticed the user icon. It was the sunflower you got Wonwoo when he moved into his apartment. The very first day. You remembered the moment when he stopped you in his door and took a photo of you. Although he cut it, you could still see your hands holding the flowers plus a part of your white dress from that day.
Another notification. Another 3 likes. You turned to Wonwoo, who was awaiting your opinion. Pointing at his phone and the still open app, you asked “Are you serious?” “Totally.” His short remark wasn’t convincing enough and the way Wonwoo continued talking showed you that he understood. “It’s like a little experiment. We take some photos together, upload it and wait. As I said, I’m curious how famous our little site can become. We can delete and close it after a month if you want.”
He watched your face patiently until you met his gaze. “Okay. Fine for me. But I have a question.”
“Go ahead.”
“Are we going to upload cute photos only or.. uhm… other photos also?”
“What do you mean with other photos?”
Oh Jeon Wonwoo don’t play dumb, you thought to yourself but lifted your arm, pulling your collar down a bit to reveal more of your neck and collarbone. “This.”
“Sexy?” Wonwoo smirked at you and you rolled your eyes, giving him a hard push so that he rolled onto his back, laughing at your reaction. 
You pouted and crossed your arms in front of your chest in an attempt to distract yourself from the blush on your face. You have seen it often enough. Accounts like that. And you would lie if you say you didn’t like them. Many of them showed their strongly edited faces but some didn’t show their faces at all and you guessed your site would be like the latter. If you are going to include more revealing or suggestive photos, you would care less if no one could see who it actually was. 
That’s how you agreed.
The whole night the two of you brainstormed. You collected ideas for your next photos and had lots of fun with it. Even lying in his bed together, giggling about the most common couple poses and making gagging noises when looking them up. At around 3 am you yawned and Wonwoo put his phone and glasses on the little night stand, opening his arms for you to crawl in as you always did. You just loved to sleep in his arms. It was some kind of habit since you were little. You loved his scent and his warmth and sometimes you even found yourself at your own home unable to fall asleep because he wasn’t there. 
The warm and bright sun woke Wonwoo up. He wanted to turn around and get some more sleep but decided to open one eye instead, noticing that you weren’t there anymore. So he stretched his limbs in all directions and put on his glasses. After grabbing his phone and getting out of bed, he waddled to the living room and found you in the small kitchen corner, humming a song he knew while preparing breakfast - or according to the time on the clock, lunch.
He was about to join you when he stopped in his tracks and unlocked his phone, quickly taking a photo before putting it away again. 
“What is my baby making?”
Facing him, you shot him your infamous death glare. “Baby? Really?”
Wonwoo laughed at your unamused voice and joined you, stopping right behind your small form and looking over your shoulder. “Do you know how I like my omelette?” Snorting loudly, you threatened him with your balled first that he quickly ran to the dining table and took his seat. Like the good and obedient boy that he could be. Sometimes. 
He was silent while you added your finishing touches to the late breakfast but when you started to set everything on the table Wonwoo was waiting at, he took another photo, a smile plastered on his face. "What did I do to deserve you, hm?"
You were about to take the first bite of omelette when you stopped in your tracks, fork just inches away from your lips. "Okay, what's going on, Wonwoo? You are super strange today?"
"Is that a surprise to you?"
"Not really... but today you're super super strange so tell me."
He grinned at you and took a sip of the orange juice. "I'm just happy to be with my baby, that's it."
"There!" You pointed at him with your fork. "What is that all about, huh? Since when am I your baby?? Did I miss out on something last night or what??"
The dark haired boy in front of you chuckled as you tried to squeeze an answer out of him, with no success. Slowly worry crept up your spine. "Wait.. I didn't do anything to you, right? Or, I didn't say anything uh... strange, right? I know we had alcohol but... Wonwoo, tell me." 
You saw him wiggle with his eye brow at you. "What do you wish did happen between us?"
"Yah! Jeon Wonwoo, I- .... I saw you naked more than one hundred times! I know all your secrets! I know you better than you know yourself! I.... I am just not your baby!"
He leaned back, crossing his arms in front of his chest while watching you pout. "Chill. I'm just trying to get into the mood."
"For what?"
"For sexy photos."
"For what?!"
"For s-"
"I heard you!!"
"Then why are you asking?"
The piece of omelette had fallen down from your fork a long time ago and you weren't sure what was more important in this very moment. The only thing that you were sure about was the fact that your cheeks were burning like fire. "I... why the heck do you want sexy photos?!"
"You wanted sexy photos for our experiment and here I am. The bestest friend that has ever existed is willing to take some with you. Shouldn't you feel all giddy or so?"
"Says who?" You mirrored him, crossing your arms as well, trying to remember your exact words from the day before. You thought you did ask about more revealing photos but it was just a question about the content of your shared Instagram, your little experiment or how Wonwoo had called it. You just wanted to be sure. Never have you imagined to take some with him a day later, today.
"Forget it. I'm not going to do that."
"Now I'm sad."
Snorting, you rolled your eyes, sure he said it only to sound funny. 
You sat with your friends from uni, poking your lunch with your chopsticks in such boredom that you were more than sure nothing could grab your attention nor lighten up the mood. But you were wrong. Seungkwan hit your shoulder and you were ready to start a fight when he showed you his cellphone screen. "Y/n, what do you think? Yesterday I started a couple Instagram with my girlfriend. It was something I've been thinking about for a while but yeah. How do you find our first post? Pretty nice, huh? We already got 217 likes!"
One chopstick fell out of your hand in surprise but you quickly nodded at your friend. Your own site was a secret. There was no way you would ever tell your friends about it especially if - one day - you would really post less child friendly content. No way. Also, where was Wonwoo?
"W-wow, 217 likes after a day is pretty impressive!"
"To be exact, it's been 20 hours and..... 32 minutes."
When Seungkwan turned around to the other friends to show them his site, you secretly opened your own with Wonwoo, scrolling through the amount of likes you got until now. That's when you saw the 2 new posts. A photo of you standing in front of the stove, dressed in an oversized white shirt from Wonwoo, bare legs and one from when you set down the food in front of him. Both photos from that morning. Your own face couldn't be seen but they were edited similar like the first post. 
Your eyes flew over the texts Wonwoo had added to each of them.
G'morning baby.
My baby is the best.
Looking around, you quickly made sure that your friends didn't notice what you were doing and you tried to get rid of the warm layer that was covering your cheeks. He wrote baby.
Then you remembered the real reason you opened the app. You wanted to see how many likes you got until now. The newest of the food had 7. The one of you cooking breakfast had 38. And the first one from last saturday had 305 likes. Although you had more than your friend, you wanted the gap to be bigger.
Without noticing, your competitive personality came out. You didn't want to lose to Seungkwan and his girlfriend. Opening Kakao Talk, you wrote Wonwoo a message with a lot of cute shouting emoticons you once bought.
[Y/n] We need more photos - today. I'll be at your place at 7. It's urgent.
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅
This gif is literally Wonwoo right before he came up with his genius idea lol
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honeybomb4thebear · 4 years
“The Lord Who Obeys Me”
Setting: Non-Despair AU, after graduation (characters are +18)
Gundham’s fem-dom S/O who is in love with him and also likes to praise and tease him a lot decides that it’s time to give the boy what he deserves- so she takes his virginity.
Female Reader x Gundham Tanaka
Genre: n//fw, sm/t
Gundham's hot and flushed face did excite Y/N quite a bit. He seemed to be struggling super hard- but seemingly not as hard as he was down there. Deciding to tease him, Y/N grinded against his crotch slightly; making Gundham let out a muffled breath. This made Y/N giggle, which drove Gundham even more crazy; making him buckle up to her, albeit his face still very much red. "Are you playing games with me, woman?" Y/N nodded then looked at his lips, while biting her bottom lip. "Y-you dare to challenge me, huh? I, G-Gundham Tanaka, will not lose to a dirty feeling that is l-lust-" His words were cut with a groan caused by Y/N's hand on his crotch, stroking his manhood slowly. "Are you sure about that?" Y/N teased, making the breeder even more of a blushing mess. With a mischevious grin, the H/C haired girl looked at her boyfriend, who seemed to be barely containing himself from jumping on her. She wanted to push his limits even more. She wanted to see his submissive face even more. So she hopped off of his lap and got on her knees. While her hands were still tracing his erected penis, she said something that she knew that would drive him completely crazy: "Let me pleasure you, my lord." Even though he was shivering because of her words, Gundham tried to look cool and composed as always: "D...Do what you will, you... You... Succubus..." With his permission, Y/N leaned into his cock and unzipped his pants. She obviously wouldn't expect Gundham to not wear any underwear, so was taken aback by his huge dick that almost hit her face. After his secret was revealed, Gundham couldn't help getting embarrassed. This didn't seem to bother her, though, it even seemed like she was pleasantly surprsied. "Oh, I didn't know that," Y/N said, while staring at Gundham's penis with a contented smile, "so you don't wear any underwear?" "Of course I do!" Gundham protested, "you just... Can't see it..." "Hmm," Y/N's innocent smile turned into a more devilish one, "so... You can't feel it directly when I do... This?" Without a warning, Y/N started to plant kisses on Gundham's manhood, one after another. She couldn't help giggling when she heard Gundham moan a bit. "You are so pure, aren't you," she teased. "Me? I-I am.... Supreme Overlord of Ice, not... anything like..." "Your persona is quite ironic you know? You are maybe the nicest person I know, no, you ARE the nicest person I know. Yet you act like you are some sort of villain," she said, while stroking his cock and watching him get more hot and bothered as she talked, "but maybe... You aren't that pure after all. I mean, look at how hard you are!" she laughed. "Whose fault is that..." Gundham murmured, "you are too powerful, Succubus of the Dark Forests. Even a powerful being such as I cannot help surrendering to your incredible power... You just know how to seduce me, with that... Sweet mouth of yours." "Only my mouth? Is that it? Or did you specifically said my mouth because you really want me to use it right now?" "...I want you to use it." Y/N grinned at his helpless expression once more. "What do you want me to do with it?" "S...suck..." "Please be more clear, my lord." "I want you to suck it..." "Suck what?" Even though he was still very much embarrassed, Gundham buckled up to her lips. "...My m-manhood." "Good boy- I mean... Whatever you wish for, my lord," she said, right before taking all of his cock in her mouth. Gundham moaned at the sensation, it was the first-ever blowjob he was receiving and he didn't expect that it would feel this good.. He had to hold himself back from face-fucking her, he didn't want to choke her because damn- he was huge. Soon enough (right after managing to control her breathing), Y/N started to bob her head slowly. She was slow enough to torture Gundham who was dripping with pre-cum already. "Y/N... Haah... Q-quicker for me... Please... Ah..." Y/N put her hands on Gundham's inner thighs and started to rub them to pleasure him more. She still didn't pick up the pace, though. She was still slow and steady. "Y-Y/N... Why must you torture me like that? If you keep your pace this low, I will not be able to control mysel-" Sensing the danger, with an erotic pop, Y/N pulled her head back and grinned at him. "Maybe I like it this way?" Gundham frowned a bit in frustration. "...Such a wicked soul... As expected from Succubus of the Dark Forests, I suppose." "I am wicked, huh? I guess I am. I have a hard time controlling myself when I see you like this, you know, helpless and completely at my mercy. So I apologize... But, you know," Y/N said, before standing up and lifting up her skirt, revealing her panties which were getting darker in color as it went down, right at where her pussy was. "I am so, so turned on right now." Dazed and tongue tied, Gundham looked at her underwear, his mouth agape and his breathing quickened. He couldn't even deny her words of him being "completely at her mercy", he was basically speechless now. "Oh? You are interested?" Y/N teased, once again. Gundham closed his mouth and nodded silently. "That's nice," she said, pulling her underwear down, showcasing her pussy to him. "Come to me, Gundham," she then extended a condom to him. Gundham gulped, then wrapped the condom around his manhood. He then walked over to Y/N, suddenly putting his hand behind her head and slamming her onto wall. "Oh my," Y/N said with a surprised expression. "Guess I pushed your limits too much..." "Yes, indeed you did, my queen," he said, before lifting her leg slowly and planting kisses on her knee and inner thighs, making her gasp in pleasure. "Ah... It's alright, I don't mind-ah!" Suddenly, Gundham's dick was inside Y/N. Y/N was wrapping around him real tight, almost like pulling him in, wanting to taste every single bit of him. She wanted all of him. And he wanted all of her. "Tight, hm?" "Haah... I can't help it... I think you are the hottest person to ever exist..." Even in this position, Y/N didn't give up on her dominance and once again managed to make Gundham blush hard, causing him to bury his head on the crook of her neck. As he started to pump into her, he didn't have much patience- she teased him too much. So even when he tried to slow down, he just couldn't- his hips went on faster and faster, their moans mixing together as they held onto each other. "I love you," Gundham whispered, his head still on the crook of her neck, sending her slight vibrations with his deep voice. "Gundham... I love you too... I really do... You are the best..." He blushed once more, yet was more confident this time: "Yes, I am. I am the best for you, my queen. Exactly like how you are the one and only for me." "I am yours... And you are mine..." Y/N said, her arms wrapping Gundham's body tighter. "Indeed... I am..." Suddenly, Gundham pulled Y/N to the nearby couch, making her sit on his lap while he still thrusts deeply into her. Y/N being the Y/N she is, also rode him with her shameless expression and loud moans. "You... Wanted me to ride you, didn't you?" No answer, only both of their moans mixed together. "Well, I don't mind it... It was my original intention anyways, but I thought you would like to be on top..." Gundham averted his eyes. "You like being topped, don't you? Maybe you are more submissive than I had initially thought after all!" "Y/N..." "You like the attention, don't you," Y/N  was barely able to talk right now, the more she talked, the more her words got more and more breathy. "Ahh, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, really..." she said, hugging him while still riding him, "I like giving you attention... Because I... Love... Ah, fuck!" With that, she let out a long and loud moan, her back arched and her head swung back. She has reached her climax. What a sight that was to be seen! Seeing her all messed up for him and him only was too much for Gundham that was already been tortured by Y/N for a while now. Gundham has never been turned on that much before, so it was only natural that he came with a loud grunt right away. They stayed in each others' arms for a while like that. Then Y/N got up from his lap, and unwrapped the now filled-with-semen condom of his, throwing it to the nearby trash can. "T...Thank you," Gundham said, his chest still visibly going up and down. "For what," Y/N asked with a tired smile. Gundham's expression turned into one that seemed distant and... Painful. Y/N's heart ached a bit. "Why the long face?" she asked, visibly worried. "I do not recall anyone calling me such words as 'gentle' or 'nice' before. Even though I am exactly the opposite of such descriptions, you... Are kind to me. It is you that is gentle, my dear." "It's upsetting to hear you say that, Gundham. The things I had said, I meant every single word of them. I do think you are the kindest person I have ever known," she held his hand and gazed lovingly into his aloof eyes. "You are the kindest, coolest and well- most evil person I have ever known." She had finally managed to get a little smug snort out of him. "Your words contradict each other, you are aware of that, yes?" "Yes I am. Now, come on, let's go shower, okay?"
Please excuse my grammar mistakes, if there is any, for English is not my first language. Also, I don’t write smut often, so I apologize if I made you cringe.
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Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reyes younger sister!reader.
Anon asked: what do you think about writing a bishop losa x reader, where you are angel and ez little sister and you are in love with him and he’s in love with you, and you two start dating secretly because you don’t want your brother to find out just yet.
Thanks to my beta reader: @chibsytelford 💘
Word count: 2.5k
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. Gif credits to @thedevilsmoonshine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou @sammskellington @arvedua 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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It started with some random texts. Bishop got your phone because he was needing some meat from the carnicería for a party. He also invited you, but you had to decline it because you should work the next day. Even so, that night you kept talking about how everything was going in your life for hours till you fell asleep with a ‘good night, sweetie’ from him.
After a few weeks, the texts became more constant, even you found some excuses to visit the clubhouse and share a beer with the guys. You knew that it became something more serious the night you kissed.
You went to the clubhouse because your father gave you a bag with clothes that Angel asked for. The place was empty, going inside in silence. You left the bag on the bar and took a seat on the nearest sofa. Whenever you were bored, you used to read the last messages that Bishop sent you with a goofy smile, disabling the wifi to avoid being hunted.
The phone flew off of your hands, hearing the loud laughs of Bishop. When you saw your phone with the screen down, you frowned at him.
“If it's broken, I swear I'm gonna kick your old ass”.
“If it's broken, I'll buy you a new one. Dammit, (Y/N), you should have seen your face”. He teased you in laughs, while you were bowing to take it back. Nothing happened to it.
“You're like five years old, Obispo”. You growled when the man took a seat next to you, leaving an arm on your shoulders.
“Yeah, but you like it”.
Whenever he was close to you, you couldn't avoid to getting nervous. You've never had a boyfriend before, and he wasn't, but he seemed so. He gave you a kiss near your lips on purpose. He knew about your zero experience with men. You kissed three guys before, but that was all. He thought, and told you, it was lovely to have some innocence around.
“You know that Angel and EZ are coming, right?”
“Yea', but we're not doing anything. Are we...?” He raised an eyebrow joking on you, looking at your lips for a moment.
You left a heavy sigh, rubbing your eyes before laying your head against the back of the sofa. He got closer taking your chin with two fingers, approaching to kiss you. You turned your body a little to be more comfortable under his arms, while your lips moved as if they were dancing. It was a slow kiss, enjoying the moment, taking your time with no pressure. Till you heard the engine of Angel's motorbike.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
The MC have been out of town for almost two weeks. Bishop was texting you the whole time, whenever he got some free minutes. So, when he told you they're gonna have a party when they arrived, you got a little mad. Your idea of spending that night with him went to the trash when you read the message. But you were invited, so at least, it was something.
With a tight black dress, a comfy pair of shoes and a leather jacket, you drive to the clubhouse parking the car at the beginning of the alley between the car scrapping and the front yard. EZ is the first that notices you, running towards you holding you in the air in a warm hug.
“Look at you! You got pretty to see your brothers, uh?”
“Of course!” You leave some loud kisses on his cheek, before you hear Angel's angry voice.
“Hey, hey! It's my fockin' sister too!” He says frowning, till he's able to punch EZ's arm. He hugs you harder as the good older (and jealous) brother he is. “I missed you, pain in the ass”.
“I missed you too, assholes. My life without saving your shitty asses of pops is kinda boring”.
They laugh and tousled you, before going back to the clubhouse. It's cold outside, so the warm place seems like it's receiving you with open arms. The same place that gets loud with whistles and the uproar of the crew, who always is joking to you 'cause they feel that you're their little sister too. Especially Coco, who knows you since ever.
“Did you miss us?” Taza hugs you, giving you a kiss on your temple.
“Of course not! I came to see if someone kicked your ass, so I could laugh”. You replied, looking with your eyes for Bishop. “Where's the prez, hm…?”
“Warehouse, doing god-knows-what.” Tranq says falling on a couch.
“Ok. I have a lot of beer in my car. You take it, and I'm going to the bathroom in the meantime”.
It's not your best excuse, but it's enough to have some intimacy with the man. You surprise him counting the guns they took for the past weeks. He forgets his task after he turns to you. Supporting his waist against the table cross-armed, he licks his inner lip.
“You like what you see?” You ask raising both eyebrows, opening the jacket and turning on your feet to give him a complete look. “I bought this dress yesterday, thinking that maybe my boyfriend could enjoy taking it off. In his bed. Before showing me what he is capable of. Because I felt so lonely those days you were away and maybe… just maybe, I thought it could be the perfect moment to fuck me for the first time”.
“You're the fucking devil”.
“Oh, no, no, no. My boyfriend is the devil. 'Cause he thought it would be a better idea have a par…”
You can't finish the word, when he lifts you up, forcing you with his arms to put your legs around his waist. Your back against the wall, and his lips devouring yours with need and despair. Even after seven months being secretly together, every kiss feels like the first. The same nervous feeling in your stomach, the same illusion when you're close.
He's hard, very hard actually, and you can feel it between your legs moving his waist slightly. You drown some moans in his lips, biting yours with some fury.
“So… you touched yourself thinking it was my hand…?” He asks you against your mouth. You nod in silence with your eyes on his. “What a ba…”
Angel, EZ and Coco are still at the door. Your oldest brother's face flushed, and an incredulous gesture on the other's faces. You put your feet on the floor slowly with a “it's not what it seems” in your trembling throat. “I can explain it”. You add.
EZ pushes Angel away to avoid a fight, but what has to happen, happens. The oldest Reyes punches him with all his strength focused on his right fist. The president of the Mayans defends himself, punching him back. You start to cry, trying to hold Angel's shoulder and the guys, alerted by noise, come to the warehouse.
Finally they put them away while you run next to Bishop to see if he's ok.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Angel?!” You shout at him with anger and tears in your cheeks.
“With me?! You're the one who is fucking my boss! Almost thirty years older than you! Could be your fucking pops!”
“You did what?” Taza asks raising an eyebrow crossing his arms.
“WE DIDN'T”. You reply. “Yet”.
“Watch your mouth, boy. I'm not gonna let you talk to her like that”. Bishop points Angel with a finger, breaking free.
“Are you fucking telling me how the fuck I should talk to my sister? How many times you've been betraying me, ah?”
“Angel…” You walk towards him.
“We will talk at home”. EZ interrupts, offering you a hand. “Lets take your stuff, we're leaving”.
You can't look at Bishop, nodding just one time while you hold his hand like a beaten dog and your head down.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
It's been five minutes since you sat down in front of your brothers in silence. You're not sure what you can say and it's killing you.
“How did it started?” EZ is the first one to talk.
“The fuck, man?”
“Shut up, Angel!”
“He asked me for an order for a party, eight months ago”.
“Shit, man…” Your oldest brother frowns laying on the couch.
“Could you please shut the fuck up? I'm fucking virgin, asshole. He respects me!” You reply a little bit louder than you actually wanted. “We were texting for almost one month, then we… simply started a… kind of relationship. That's all! I'm twenty-three, I'm not a fucking child”.
“Well, you look like”. Angel's attacks opening his arms to highlight every word.
“Angel, stop”. EZ gives him a fist on the shoulder. “Why didn't you tell us?”
“Seems pretty obvious, EZ”.
“Ya' know what? Fuck this shit, man!” Angel walks outside, while the other tries to stop you to go after him.
“Baby, please…”
“I have to talk with him”. You shake your head before following his steps.
He is in the backyard smoking a cigar. He hears your steps, but doesn't turn. You swallow looking for the strength you need to walk closer.
“Leave me alone, (Y/N)”.
“Please, listen”.
“What? What I have to listen, uh?” Then, he turns at you. He's furious and disappointed. “The fucking Bishop, (Y/N)? Really?”
“It just happened”.
“You know why I am more pissed off? 'Cause you didn't tell us before. It's supposed there's no secrets between EZ, you and me”. Here it is. The problem isn't your boyfriend. This is what he was referring to when he said you betrayed him.
“I was scared. I told Bishop to keep it a secret because of you, Angel”. You make the confession walking another step closer. “I'm sorry”.
“I thought you were different, you know? Mi pequeña hermana. But you're like everyone else”.
“Angel, please…”
“Go to see your fucking boyfriend. He needs you. I don't”.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
It takes him only two seconds to open the door, 'cause he knew it was you. You're crying and when you see his face your tears turn more unconsolable. He sighs leaving you some space between his body and the door to let you in. You don't even know if he's mad at you.
“I'm sorry, Bish…” You try to say a bit choked, raising a hand to the cheek it that wasn't kicked. He holds it with another one, leaving a kiss on the back of it with his eyes on yours.
“I'm fine, mi amor”. He shakes his head, closing the door before hugging you wanting to comfort you at all cost. “'You ok?”
You don't know what to say, shrugging in silence while the man cleans your tears with his fingers, giving you some kisses on your forehead. The last months he has been an anchor, your best friend, your confidant. He heard you every time you got angry with pops, EZ or Angel. And also gave you some advice when you needed it. Felipe used to talk with the ashes of your mother, and your brothers don't talk and also they're not at home mostly. So, you were practically alone. Bishop saved you in some way.
“I love you”. You whisper with your eyes closed.
“I love you too, querida”. It's the first time you two pronounce the magic words. And it worth every punch Angel gave him earlier that night, because now he really knows what you feel. “'Wanna stay here tonight, uh?”
You nod with pursed lips, 'cause there's no place you want to stay in more than Bishop's house. He gives you one last kiss, walking towards his room to find some shirt you can wear instead of the dress you bought for him.
You fall asleep between soft laughs and loving kisses, remembering the first text you two shared, with Obispo's strong arms around your body pushing you into his. But when you wake up he's not in the bed. You watch the time on your phone being sleepy. Twelve in the morning. You've been sleeping for almost ten hours. Unbelievable. And you have the feeling that he has gone to talk with Angel. EZ is not a problem. He would accept you even if you try to kill him.
You hear the front door being opened and closed. Rubbing your eyes with your knuckles, you drag your bare feet on the floor towards the living room. Your face and hair are a mess. Your eyes are a little bit swollen and you have some red freckles around your cheek and nose because the effort when you were crying last night. Raising your face you find Angel next to Bishop. They fought again. Your lips tremble and you're about to cry again.
“(Y/N), it's ok. We were in the ring, fixing things as Mayans do. Now, we're gonna talk, baby”. The last word your brother says makes you feel better, nodding, doubting about if you can hug him or not. He sighs, opening his arms and moving his fingers for a moment trying to tell you that you're allowed to do it.
So you practically run next to him, colliding with his body and making him walk away one step. He hugs you instantly, supporting his chin on your head. Angel is more taller than you, so his hugs have always been the most warmest.
You take a seat on the sofa by Angel's side and Bishop in front of you. The oldest Reyes is holding your hands, looking for the correct words to say.
“I'm… ok if you're happy, pequeña”. He starts, licking his inner lip nervously. “You know… That shit ain't easy to anyone… Little sister, older brother… Shit, seems like it was yesterday when I first held you in my arms. And now you… you… Well, you know what I want to say”.
You know Bishop is trying not to laugh, and you're about to punch him in the face.
“I'll only have two rules to let you continue with this creepy-dirty-old-man”. You smile for a moment, looking at the oldest while he shrugs. “First one. No touching in my presence. No kisses, no hugs, no nothing. It's fuckin' weird and makes me wanna puke”.
“Ok”. You nod. God, your trying hard not to laugh.
“Second one, and most important…” Angel highlights every word gesturing with a hand while he talks. “I'm the most fucking important man in your life. You love me more than him.”
“Ok, weirdo…”
“No, no, no”. He shakes his head, Bishop laying against his chair covering his eyes with a sigh. Angel's jealousy will always be a pain in the ass for him. “You have to say it”.
“It isn't…”
“For fucking god's sake, say it, (Y/N)”.
“Sweet Jesuchrist… You're the most fucking important man in my life. And I love you more than Bishop”. Angel's proud smile turns to his boss.
“You heard her? She loves me more than you. Don't forget it”.
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btsmakesmehappy · 4 years
Broken Vase | 1
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Genre: Enemies to lover, Angst, Fluff, possible light smut in the future
Pairing: Agent!Namjoon x Agent!reader
Rating: 18+ (Mature Content)
Warning: cursing. public display of affection.
Word count: 5,6k
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4  completed
Series Masterlist: The Company
Summary: You are one of the best agents in the Company, and so do Namjoon. After your last mission with him, you hate him and so do Namjoon. Suddenly, you assigned again with him as a married couple. How can you handle the mission, Kim Namjoon, and your emotional wound?
a/n: Hello! This is my second fiction! After a few considerations, I finally decided to write this! I realized that my grammar is not perfect because English is not my first language. But I hope you understand the main idea of the story. You can also (pleaseee) tell me if I have the wrong spelling or grammar. I will be very grateful <3 Oh and please let me know if you wanna be in the taglist!
edited: 26/05/2020
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          You walked faster to your boss’s office. You got a mission this morning on the way to the Company, without any details. Well, it’s not that weird as this is your tenth year working in this field area. But you got a feeling that this mission is weird. You knocked on the door and when you heard the permission, you excused yourself to enter. In that office you find Jimin, your handler, who shared you a smile. And as you turned to your right, you found Namjoon and his handler, Jin.
           “Hello, agent L/n. Fancy seeing you here.” Namjoon smirked. “Tardy as always?” He scanned your body from top to bottom. Your hair tied into a messy bun, you only used a tint on your lips, and your collar is a mess inside your black blazer. Your black pants –which you wear for 3 days- have a faint ketchup stain from yesterday’s lunch in your thigh. Well as he said, you definitely need to use more time after waking up to do your make up and pick a more appropriate suit.
           “Mind your own fu.. business, Agent Kim” You almost cursed in front of your boss, lucky to you, Jimin stepped your feet before you said anything you would regret. “I am sorry I am late, boss.”
           “The important thing is that you all are here.” Your boss cleared his throat. “So, this Company knows that Agent L/N and Agent Kim are both magnificent agents, maybe the best in this Company.” He sighed. “ So you both are assigned in the next mission.”
           “wha-“ you frowned. All of the people in The Company knew that you and Namjoon are rivals. You both have never be assigned in the same mission for the last five years. Both of you two specialize in a different field, Namjoon in the strategical field which usually involves in political things while you usually work in the more aggressive field which involves fighting and guns. And only God knows why your junior and even the higher up in the company always keep comparing both of you. The last time you both worked together, you ended in a very bad fight with him. Even though the mission ended quite well, the emotion and the fight are still there until now.
           “What is the mission?” Namjoon asked. You studied his face at glance. He is also uncomfortable with the thought of working with you. But this is work. You must be professional.
           “I’ve already sent the details to your handlers. In short, there is a threat aimed at minister Lee. It said that it will disclose this nation’s confidential data to the public next week if the minister doesn’t cooperate.”
           “What is the confidential data? And what does the cooperation even mean?” You questioned the insufficient data. “Is the source trusted?”
           “The threat sent to This company, and even the Blue house. At first, we thought, it is not trusted. But if such a threat sent to the most secure places without traces, the higher-ups think that it would be dangerous and could happen. And the ambiguous thing about data and the cooperation are still unknown.” You and Namjoon shared a glance with a furrowed brow. There is nothing you can do with this amount of data, it is basically nothing. The boss continued his explanation. “In a few days, Minister Lee is going to a Tour with his wife in Hawaii. And we assumed that the cooperation should be done at that time. Because we don’t know what that is, we assigned the both of you to join the tour. You know, in cover.”
           “Why should we be on a cover? We can use the security protocol for bodyguards as always.” Namjoon is unsatisfied with this mission and so are you. It is awkward enough already to be in the same room with him or even the fieldwork. But in disguised? That’s terrible. If it’s in your usual fieldwork, you wouldn’t bother to talk to him and just talk with others, but this? You will and only talk with each other. The thought of that only makes your hands go clammy.
           “Because we ONLY have that amount of data so we can’t be careless! So that’s why we decided to do it naturally. We choose both of you because you are the best in this company and we can’t afford to tell many people so we decided to use fewer agents as possible. Even the minister should have no idea about your identity. I hope you will understand.” Your boss looked at both of you apologetically. “I know that you both are not in the great term, but this is work and I hope you can get along well and be professional. Your jobs are to protect Minister Lee and his wife and seek the meaning of the threat. Every clue you got should be sent to the company and we will take care of the rest. Do you both understand?”
           You took a deep sigh. “Yes sir.”
           Namjoon also nodded. “We will try.”
           “Good. You are all dismissed and good luck.”
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          “I can’t believe I will work with him again!” You threw your bag in your desk angrily. Jimin, who was following behind you, startled with your sudden anger.
           “You said that you don’t mind!” He angrily sat on your chair.
           “wha- What do you mean? I never said anything.”
           “A few minutes ago, in front of the boss. And you said that you are not mad of him or whatever.” Jimin took out a binder from his bag and put it on your desk. “And besides, It’s not that I can choose who will work with you! You know that I don’t have that authority!”
           You sighed. Jimin is right. There’s nothing you can do for now. The only thing you can do is work this case as fast as possible. You opened the binder and study it. You will be joining the 5 days-tour in Hawaii as Jung Nara, 28 years old. You will go to Hawaii as a honeymoon. You just married a week ago to a man named Jung Yoon Hyung, a businessman overseas of Jung enterprises, specialized in art exportation, aged 29 years old. You knitted a brow. “Jung Yoon Hyung? Who? Don’t tell me that he is-?”
           “Yes. You are going to be Namjoon-hyung’s wife. Well, rich wife if I may add. Maybe this is going to be your luxurious assignment ever, Y/n!” Jimin said, tried as positive as ever with cautious eyes. Jimin has been your handler for 3 years now and so far, he is the only one who always stays in your anger situations and other frustrations. You always listen to him, and if he insists you do this job, you just can’t refuse. Well, not that you can’t refuse in the first place.
           You shook your head in disbelief. This can’t be happening. It is not that you hate him. It is just that you don’t want to be with him. Is it the meaning of hatred?
           Sure he is excellent in his job. He always thinks maybe 10 steps ahead with every different route as a back-up plan. He is the type of guy who is great at negotiation, the best. Namjoon always wants to be in a safe place. He doesn’t want to take a risk. While you are more of an ambush type of agent. That’s why he is different from you. You are a fire, while he is water.
           So after the mission 5 years ago, you both always assigned in different missions. You asked-begged, to not work with him. Yes, you hate him. You hate how calm he was. You hate how he stopped you before. You hate how he told you to trust him. You hate how he ended make you disappointed. You hate how he never apologize to you. You hate how he just talked to you after like nothing happened. You hate how he looked at you. You hate him.
           You sighed. But it is in the past. It is your job. And you have to do it, like it or not.
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           “Come on, Joon! It can’t be that bad! You see.. 5 night in a 5-star hotel in Hawaii with all expenses included, you should think of it as a holiday!” Jin tried to calm his friend, who became a huge pile of a mess after reading the binder.
           “You saw her eyes, hyung! How could we look like a couple when her eyes show that she wants to murder me!” he was walking back and forth in his small office, almost knocked down the furniture in the way. Even though he is one of the best agents in the company, it still can’t hide the fact that he is a clumsy guy. So God is fair after all, Jin thought.
           “Firstly, that’s because you always work her up. Just once, for god sakes stop trying to get on her nerves! And secondly, it’s been five years! Why are you still mad with her?” Jin folded his arms across his chest.
           “I just.. We just think differently, and it’s tiring to talk with a hot-headed woman like her.” He sat on his chair, opening his binder again.
           “Well, just suck it up. That hot-headed woman will be yours for 5 days, and please for the love of God, stop the childish bickering. It’s tiring not only for you but for me and Jimin.” He put his hand through his hair in desperation. “And this is just once okay. The higher-ups are also desperate because we don’t any clue whatsoever. It’s not that they want to put two-people-who-want-to-rip-each-other-heads-off in the same mission.”
           “Hey! It is her who wants to rip my head off, not the other way around.” Namjoon yelled.
           “You know what. I don’t fucking care if you want to rip her head, her arms, or even her suit. Just fucking study that. I’m outta here” Jin said as he slammed the door of Namjoon’s office. Namjoon has never seen Jin that worked up since the last 7 years they worked together. The last time Jin’s that mad is when Namjoon complained about how he got wet wipes and beef jerky as christmas present.
           He took a deep breath. Does Namjoon hate you?
           That thinking has been disturbing his head for a while now. He always thinks you are a wonderful agent. You are strong and fast even to him. He has never won if both of you go through sparring in the past. You always have a way to use your small figure to your advantage. He respects you and how you are so passionate about this job.
           But after that mission,- incident- 5 years ago, somehow he lost all of that feeling.
           He hates you. He hates how you are always so emotional. He hates how you insisted to go. He hates how you didn’t trust him. He hates how you made him disappointed. He hates how you never want to talk to him again. He hates you.
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           After many heated discussions, the day has come. You both forced to sit with each other in the luxurious car, as Jin was driving you to the airport.
           “I thought you’re rich, why are we in a commercial airport?” you asked sarcastically.
           “Well, I only have an overseas business, not a goddamn country, princess.” Namjoon replied. “and even if I have, I’d rather not sit in the plane with you.”
           You snorted “Like I want to. Just shut the fuck up.”
           “Hey, you started it first.” he gawked in disbelief. “So, shut the fuck up.”
           “For the love of God, please stop this unimportant childish squabble, I am trying to drive here.” Jin sighed and parked the car in the drop off area. He then poked his head to the passenger seat. “I don’t fucking care. As soon as you stepped out of this car, you both are encouraged, hell, forced to act like a lovey-dovey couple, if you want to keep this job.” He eyed Namjoon.
           “Fine, hyung” Namjoon sighed and then stepped out of the car.
           “That warning goes to you too Y/N. Even though I am not your handler, I still can get your ass kicked if you choose not to follow this order.” Jin warns.
           “But-“ your eyes trained to Jimin who sat beside Jin.
           “You should go out too, Y/N, Jin-hyung is right. I wish you very good luck.” Jimin smiled, his eyes turn into a crescent. You finally gave up and go out of the car, as your door opened by Namjoon.
           “Come on babe, let’s go to our honeymoon” Namjoon reached out your hand. His dimple shows as he smiles at you, a smile which you have never seen in the entire time you work with him. At some point you feel the urge to punch him in the face and also want to put your finger in his dimple. And what do you do? The second one. If this is the type of fighting he pursues, you want to make sure that he knows too. Game on.
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           It is not the first time for you to act. You always enjoy watching k-dramas and movies. You act while you’re daydreaming before you go to sleep every night. Hell, you have worked in this field for 10 years. You have acted, be in cover, for many times. Yet, this still feels weird for you. Maybe if you kissed with Jungkook when you worked in Macau or danced with Hoseok in governor’s ball bomb incident, you will be glad if those were weird. But Noooo. It is now the strangest, weird, awkward feeling you have ever experienced.
           You have already checked in and put your baggage. So you walked in duty-free shops with Namjoon as he holding your hand. He sometimes looked to you with such loving eyes which makes your knees go weak. How he did this so easily? And why you couldn’t do the same? Why you felt so nervous around him? You despised him, but why this feels right?
           Namjoon used his free hand to put your hair behind your ear. “What are you thinking?” He smiled, not the smile you often see back in the company. But it is the smile who makes you, well, for now, nauseous. You don’t even realize that you are already in the waiting room.
           “Is this necessary though?” you asked softly. Your eyes wandered, never meeting his gaze. Is this affection necessary? Basically anyone who sees us now has nothing to do with the mission.
           He tilted his head to the side and smile, “This honeymoon? Yes, it is necessary since it is maybe the only time we can go on holiday now. And it’s already paid for. And I just want to have a holiday with my beautiful wife.” He kissed your temple softly. I know what you’re feeling. I, too, don’t want to do this as much as you. But we can’t be bothered to have people questioned our roles.
           “Fine.” You sighed as you release his hand, and you wrap your hands on his waist, buried your head in his chest from the side. He smiled and patted your hair. “I just hope Hawaii is nice.” God. If you resigned from this job, later on, you would be accepted to Broadway.
           He chuckled, “I promised babe, and even Hawaii isn’t nice, we just need to spend our time in the hotel, right?” He winked as you hit his shoulder coyly. Your face grew hotter and you swore in your heart you will kill him after this mission.
           “Oh you are going to honeymoon in Hawaii?” A short haired-woman interrupted you. “You are going to love it! Hawaii is a great place!” You studied her face, and you almost shocked as you recognized her in instant. She is Minister Lee’s wife.
           “See babe? Even she agrees with me.” Namjoon laughed, his eyes twinkled. See, this Y/n? “My wife here actually wants to go to Jeju. But I wanted to go somewhere special for our honeymoon.”
           “I just want to be with you, I don’t even care wherever we go.” You pouted as you fixed your gaze to him. You feel him tensed a bit and you smile as you happily knew that he is taken aback with what you’re saying.
           “Oh my God, why are you so cute! You made me remember about my honeymoon too. So how long have you been married?” She asked. Her eyes showed pure curiosity.
           “We’ve been married for a week.” You beamed your most happy smile to her. “Are you going to Hawaii too?”
           “Yes, my husband and I are having a holiday too, so we decided to go to Hawaii.” She then nudged his husband, Minister Lee, and the three of you just bowed your head as a gesture. The boarding announcement rang then she and her husband stood up to go to the gate. “Well, say hi if you cross path with us! Nice to meet you!”
           You waited for some minutes for them to walk away before you squinted at Namjoon. “You saw her before, didn’t you?” Namjoon just gathered your carry-on and shrugged.
           “I don’t know what do you mean, babe. I’m hurt that you questioned my sincerity, you know.” He laughed while took your hand in his, gesturing you to the gate.
           This motherfucker
, how can you survive this 5 days with him?
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           If you find Namjoon annoying, then you will find his handler, Jin, is annoyingly annoying. Jin somehow has contacted the stewardess in the plane to give you a 1-week-anniversary cake from your husband who literally had no idea and had to pretend to know. Jin also specially requested the stewardess to make it like a big celebration that ended in you and Namjoon to share a kiss with everyone around you clapped like a seal. You almost screamed and gagged at how this is so fucking cheesy and embarrassing while you needed to act like you are the luckiest woman in the earth, and it is tiring you. You believed that embarrassment will cost you 5 years of your life. And when you whispered this in Namjoon’s ear, he just laughed and kissed your forehead lovingly. Jerk.
           Minister Lee’s wife, who ‘coincidentally’ sits across you always gave a huge smile in her face in that chaotic celebration. It seems that she is a hopeless romantic woman and you amused at how deep Jin and Namjoon investigated her and it gave you goosebumps. Even though they both are a pain the ass, they are still one of the best teams in the company.
           You glad that you got a first-class seat, which made you and Namjoon have a nice amount of distance for yourselves. After an hour, you found Namjoon has already fallen asleep. You, as his wife, casually put his blanket and stroked hair while looking at his face. Namjoon’s snores are getting better, you thought. You remember 5 years ago when you trying to sleep in the same room with him for several days. ‘trying’ as you ended couldn’t sleep because the snores are just so bad. After you thought that was an appropriate amount to act as a loving wife, you lazily picked any movies you saw in your mini-TV.
           “That was so sweet of him! You are a lucky woman.” Minister Lee’s wife said happily.
           “Yes, I think I am. He is a great guy” You laughed shyly. “But sometimes I don’t think if he will do the same 10 years, 20 years later. You know? But that’s not the problem for you I assumed? You go on holiday alone with your husband is just as romantic. It is just like a second honeymoon!”
           “Really? Well my husband isn’t a romantic type of guy. But being asked for a holiday just the two of us, I think is kinda romantic.” She thought. “But I don’t know about the second honeymoon thing. He tells me he is going to work there.”
           “Oh, I see. But it still a nice gesture!” You smile assuringly. “So your husband is a businessman too?”
           “He works at the ministry.” She smiled. “I assumed you don’t live here often?”
           You acted to be as awkward as possible. “Ah, yes kinda. We just came here to get married. But we live in Canada. Well, because of my husband’s job, we are rarely at home too.” You laughed.
           “That’s fun too. Because you are both still young. So what does he do?”
           “He works in art exportation, so we often go to one museum and another. But actually.” Your voice quietened. “I have no idea what he is doing. Whenever he talks about his works, I just nod along.”
           She laughed. “I know your feeling! But my husband rarely talks to me about work. So that’s why I don’t really know why we came to Hawaii. I only knew he wanted to meet his college friend there.”
           College friend. Maybe I will search for it. “Oh my bad, I haven’t introduced us to you properly. I am Jung Nara, and my sleeping husband there is Jung Yoon Hyung. It is really nice to meet you.”
           “Oh my, I didn’t even realize it. I talked to you like a long lost friend you know. I am Lee Dahee and My husband there is Lee MyunSoo. Nice to meet you too.”
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           It has been not that long since you came to Hawaii. You loved the ambiance and the salty air of Hawaii. You loved summer since you are a kid, but since your mission two years ago, you just hate it. And this time, with your enemy beside you, you have been nothing but a ball of anxiousness when you first set your foot on this island. Your hands became clammy, and the sun doesn’t help. It is a different mission, you will okay. You always nailed it. You muttered to yourself, a habit you have picked since you got the job in the company. After all, this type of job is full of uncertainty and danger, and the only thing you have is yourself.
          In the arrival, you and Namjoon searched for your names’ placard. When you found it, you realized the one who held the placard is the one you worked with before. As you literally walk faster- almost running to hug the man. “Hey I miss you so much Yoongi!”
           “Hush. No saying real names, Jung Nara ssi.” As he hugged you tighter. “I am happy to see you this fine.”
           The picture of you hugging the other man isn’t a pleasant sight for Namjoon. Namjoon then interrupted “Hi, I am Jung Yoon Hyung. Nice to meet you!”
           “Hi, Nice to meet you too. I heard about you so much.” He said while showing his gummy smile. “Let’s talk in the car then.” Yoongi then took your baggage and walked to the parking spot. Namjoon walked beside you as he put his hand behind your waist to guide you. After you loaded all of the baggage in the car and buckled up, the car started moving.
           Yoongi started as he looked at both of you in the rearview mirror, “So, we decided to put your room a few rooms beside the Minister’s room, because if there are dangerous situations you can act faster. But the thing is, the hotel itself has very tight security, that even Tae couldn’t install our devices in that room. And we couldn’t tell them about the threat because it is still unknown even to us.”
           “Wha- Tae is involved in this?” You gasped. “I thought he is still on leave.”
           “Well technically he is, but when I told him that you were coming here, he flew right away from his leave to Hawaii.” He laughed.
           “Really?” You touched. “Aw.. I miss hi-“
           “So if you couldn’t install our device then what can we do?” Namjoon interrupted. From the sound of his voice, he seems not happy with your little reunion.
           Yoongi turned to his work mode again. “That’s why I need to talk to you. Tae and I didn’t get permission to approach the target. So we hope you can find a way to install it. That’s your first mission.”
           You frowned, thinking. “So have the targets arrived in the hotel?” you asked.
           “No, Tae is the one who picks them up and I think, they are still on the way, behind us.”
           Your eyes twinkled. “Great. You should step on the gas then. I got an idea”. Your gazed fall to Namjoon. His eyes showed both curiosity and confusion. “Do you trust me?”
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           By the time Minister Lee and his wife arrived at the hotel’s receptionist, you and Namjoon hop off the elevator and went to the receptionist. “Excuse me miss?” Namjoon called.
           The receptionist then signaled Minister Lee and his wife for a moment, “Yes can I help you?” You also nodded and wave to Dahee who is excited to see you.
           “Yes, actually we just checked our room, but it seems that our room has twin beds. We just want to ask you if by any chance you can change our room to a double bed?” Namjoon asked apologetically.
           The receptionist then looked into the computer to check. “I am deeply sorry sir, The hotel is all booked so I am afraid I can’t change your room.”
           Namjoon continued, “Really, can’t you do something for us? We are on our honeymoon so we hope to sleep in one bed but-“
           “Babe, that’s okay. You can’t do anything if the rooms all booked.” You held Namjoon’s hand. “Thank you miss, for checking.” And as you walk away from the receptionist you waved at the couple. The receptionist then gave the key to Dahee and gestured them to the elevator.
           Namjoon held you close from behind, with his chin propped on your head, as you both waiting for the elevator. When the elevator arrived, you both walked in. You pushed hold button when the couple going inside the elevator. “Oh Dahee ssi, what floor?”
           “We are on the third floor, how about you?” she answered.
           “Same with us, we are also on the third floor” You smiled. Your eyes were glassy, and Namjoon just caressed your shoulder to calm you. You wanted Dahee to notice this. When you arrived on your floor, you walk slower behind the couple in silence.
           As Dahee open her room, she called you “Nara ssi! Do you want to trade a room? I got a double bed. You don’t mind trade with them right, dear?” she asked her husband. Myunsoo just nodded and smile.
           You asked warily, “Really? It means a lot for us, but we really don’t want to bother you on your holiday.”
           “That’s okay! Besides we are friends now. Here.” She handed you her key. “You should bring your baggage in now.”
           Namjoon then dashed to your previous room to gather your things. While you stayed with Dahee. “Thank you. Thank you so much! Please let us repay you. Maybe dinner?”
           “It’s okay!” she laughed while dragged her baggage with her to her new room, her husband was following behind her. “You should have a nice honeymoon!”
           The couple and you went to the new rooms. After the room closed. You locked your door, while Namjoon opened the device from the baggage. He plugged the headset and listen to it. After some time, he then gave you a thumbs up. You pulled your work phone to call Yoongi.
           “It’s installed” you said proudly.
           “I literally hope so. If you failed then I will send you the bill of seventeen 5-stars-hotel rooms that you told me to book.” He almost yelled “Alright then. The plan will be continued as before. Have a rest and prepare yourself. I know acting can be tough.”
           “Alright Yoon. See you soon!” you turn your phone off. “Hey, can I wash up first? The cheesiness from before is making me sticky” Namjoon chuckled and nodded. As you went to the bathroom, he continued to listen to the earphone.
           His mind was wandering to the plan you made. The one where you installed all your spying devices in your previous room and made Dahee exchange the room with you. It is impulsive, but it is so you. You always use the power of your friendliness in your job. You really believed that Dahee will give up her room to you. And it is fascinating fo him how you befriended her so fast. If he wasn’t with you, he will just go with the next plans to the next one.
             But you are different. You always try so hard so the first plan is succeeded. For you, changing a plan is losing and failure. Yes, you are that stubborn. Maybe he will put that stubborn thing into the list of what he hates about you. But rather he grew another respect for you. Oh and that glassy eyes in the elevator? He didn’t want to admit to himself that it made him want to pull you in his arms.
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           Namjoon and you decided to have dinner in the hotel’s restaurant to follow Dahee and Myunsoo. You put a beautiful summer dress on which Jimin picked for you and for the purpose of your cover, it is definitely an expensive one. Your baggage is full of designer clothes which you don’t recognize. Well, your closet in your apartment back home is full of formal shirts and suits for work, maybe some dresses in the corner. You look yourself from the mirror. The color red matches your skin tone perfectly, and the cutting of the dress accentuates your body curve. You put on makeup thinly and curl your hair into soft curls. It has been a long time since you dressed up like this. You always caught with works so you never hang out with friends.
           You heard a knock from the bedroom, “Y/N, let’s go I am hungry” Namjoon called. You look into the mirror once more and nodded. As you go out of the bathroom, your body collided to Namjoon. You wanted to yell at him but you stunned. Namjoon’s hair styled to the back, as you noted to yourself that it is your favorite hairstyle. He wore a blue shirt with khaki shorts. You always see him with a suit so this is definitely a new sight for you. He looks good. “Ready?” he asked as he grabbed your hand interrupting your daydreaming.
           When you finally sat down on your table, you waved to Dahee from across the room. Again, it is amusing to Namjoon. He watched you enjoying live music. “What?” you asked sweetly, turning into Jung Nara mode.
           He grabbed your left hand and kiss your knuckles. “Nothing.” He smiled sheepishly. “You look beautiful tonight.” His eyes looked to you, unwavering. As you felt your face grew hotter, your eyes trailed away from him. Namjoon laughed at your antics.
           “Shouldn’t we pick a closer seating?” as you glanced at the couple.
           “Do you want to sit closer to me? You should just say so.” He smirked. You kicked his leg and pouted.
           You both then eat silently while you subtly glanced at the couple and to the person in front of you. After you ensured that the couple has already returned to their room, you relaxed a bit. Namjoon excused himself to pay, and you took a walk in the lobby.
           You turned your head to the source of the sound. You found a couple with two kids, the younger ones in the sling, and the older one held the woman’s hand. The man, you assumed is the father clumsily gathered the things he dropped. The pregnant woman, you assumed is the mother wanted to help him, but it seems with her big tummy she couldn’t bend over. You walked to them to give them a hand. But as you gathered, you felt a sharp sting in your back of your neck.
           Cautiously you walked back as fast as you could. Your hand touched the throbbing pain in your neck. Then you saw her smirked at you. You followed your instinct to run away from them. Your legs went weak, and your breath shortened. You felt your throat constricted. Still, you tried harder to run back to the restaurant.
           Luckily to you, Namjoon exited the restaurant and he called for you. “Babe, I am looking for you everywhere. Where have y—“ his words stopped as you fainted just a few meters in front of him. His eyes widened, showing shock and terror. “What- hey Y/N. not funny okay?” he whispered as he shook your body, but you didn’t even flinch. Fuck. He then carried you in his arms, told all of the spectators that you drank too much. He hurried to go back to your room.
           He opened and closed the door harshly, and put you in the bed. His minds went panic as he examined you thoroughly, your pulse’s weakening, your hands, and feet went cold, and your breaths became irregular. Namjoon is no doctor, but after training and work in this field for a long time, he somehow knows one or two things. He then searched for syringes in your bag, after checking the name and sure about it, he lifted your dress up to show your bare legs and injected the drug in your thigh. After a minute, you’re getting calmer. Namjoon reached your wrist and checked your pulse and sighed in relief. He calmed himself as he waited for you to awake.
           “-Joon.” You cried, your forehead’s sticky from sweat. As you control your breath, you reached his hand. He then helped you to sit and sat beside you. His eyes still showed worries. “Someone attacked me.”
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blueorchidrp · 3 years
Heya lovely people <3
(Brace yourselves, this is a long one! :D)
Recently, I've found myself in the mood to RP again after losing motivation during the beginning of the pandemic so I'm really hoping this ad will appeal to someone out there and I might find one or two new people to write with! :D
I'll go into detail about what I'm looking to RP in a second, but first of all, a little about me:
I'm female, 21+ and my time zone is GMT+1 (Central Europe). I'm an experienced writer and roleplayer of 10+ years. I exclusively write in 3rd person/past tense and would prefer for you to do the same.
English isn’t my first language but I’m pretty comfortable with it and I always try to keep mistakes to a minimum. Despite that, I hope you will excuse the occasional mistake! I would really prefer for you to have good spelling/grammar as well, but of course I’m not super pedantic about it and don’t mind typos from time to time. Nobody’s perfect, after all!
Usually I go for slower-paced RPs with longer replies since I'm not the fastest writer but recently I've really been in the mood for some faster-paced RPs and consequently, shorter replies. I usually aim for 300-1,500 words per reply but for this I would like to keep replies on the shorter side (at least on average and with no pressure from your side to conform to this, of course).
Obviously the length of the reply would still rely on what is happening in the RP - starters will naturally be longer than replies that heavily depend on how the other character will react.
I'm fine with having a short-term RP although I do enjoy plotting and also some occasional world-building (although admittedly I sometimes need a while to really pitch in with my ideas unless I'm already comfortable with my partners!) so long-term partners would be great!
I love chatting OOC, not only to discuss plot-related stuff but also to get to know who I am RPing with but it’s not mandatory and if you’d rather not that’s A-okay!
I prefer character-focused RPs, I’m not too good at writing action scenes and I tend to get bored of those rather quickly. I’d rather concentrate on my character’s feelings and his interactions with your character and focus on exploring their dynamic and thoughts.
I love conflict/tension in my RPs and I also love exploring more “philosophical” themes in them. I'm a huge fan of angst, (emotional) hurt & comfort, slow burn and similar genres but overall I do want an eventual happy ending. Occassional fluff is cute and more than fine as well, I just need some "meat" to the RP to keep me interested :D
Now, let’s go to what I’m craving the most right now:
I would very much like a RP that focuses on a (consensual) Dom/Sub relationship. I only do MxM pairings. I would prefer to play the dominant character for this.
I would prefer to involve at least some smut for this one (but we could also fade to black if preferred!) but overall I would really like to focus more on exploring the non-sexual aspects of the dynamic between our characters.
In general when it comes to smut, my characters tend to be switches who mainly top but if they do bottom they’re more along the lines of "power bottoms". In any case, they won’t just lie there and need your character to do all the work for them. (Obviously I can adjust that if you prefer to play the more dominant character)
For the D/s stuff I would ask that we discuss this more in depth in private, but in general I don't think I'm super kinky (I would rather not include too many "out there" ones) and my limits are pretty "standard" as well.
Broadly speaking my limits include: age play, bodily fluids, extreme kink/fetishes, mpreg, A/B/O, large age gaps, degradation.
Some key words of stuff I really enjoy (I'll try not to go overtly sexual):
- Devotion
- Obedience
- Praise Kink (!!)
- Collars/Leashes
- Kneeling
- Spanking
- Titles of Respect
- Terms of Endearment
- Begging
- ...
Some dynamics I enjoy (none of these are a must, of course! This is just to give you a general idea of what I might be looking for):
- the sub being a badass outside of the relationship and only being vulnerable around the dom
- the sub being physically stronger/bigger than the dom (!!!)
- the sub being rather shy/timid
- the dom being a little uncertain of what he wants in the beginning/needing to find himself as a dom
- also the dom in general also getting to be vulnerable
- the sub being super devoted/eager to please
- the sub taking care of the dom
- or: the dom taking care of the sub
- both being really in love with each other
These are the kinds of ideas I'd like to explore (Of course I'm also open to other scenarios/pairings as well, if you have something else in mind!):
Crime Boss x Right-Hand Man:
I'm really craving this one right now! I'm imaging this powerful mobster and his faithful right-hand man who is hopelessly devoted to his boss and willing to do whatever it takes to make sure his boss stays on top. I would prefer for the boss to be the dom and the right-hand man to be the sub.
Son of Crime Boss x Bodyguard:
Celebrity x Bodyguard:
For the first one I'm imagining that the son would be trying to make a name for himself and get out from under his father's thumb (and the bodyguard helping him). For the celebrity one I would imagine the celeb maybe being an actor or some sort of pop/rock star. I would prefer for the bodyguard to be the sub.
Royal x Servant, Royal x Knight:
This can be fantasy/historical (European/East Asian) or even modern. I'm imagining the servant/knight and the royal having been childhood friends and the servant/knight being raised with the knowledge that he would have to protect the royal once he grows up. I really enjoy the idea of one character swearing to serve another for the rest of his life. I would prefer for the knight/servant to be the sub and the royal to be the dom.
Elder Vampire x Fledgling Vampire:
Vampire x Human:
For the first one: Maybe the fledgling vampire was abandoned by his sire and the elder vampire finds him and decides to show him the ropes. For the second one: Maybe the human is a sort of ghoul (like from Vampire: the Masquerade) or human servant or maybe he's just someone the vampire stumbled across while out and about. I would prefer for the (elder) vampire to be the dom and the fledgling/human to be the sub here.
Best Friend x Best Friend:
I got the idea of these college-age guys that slowly discover that they like each other. Maybe they're childhood friends or maybe they've met in college. I’m happy to hear what ideas you might have for this pairing, of course, but a personal favourite of mine is to pair a more stoic (or even grumpy) leaner smart/sarcastic guy with a more jock-like/buff guy who is perpetually happy and optimistic who follows character A around and eventually endears himself to him through sheer persistence.
I love exploring soulmate AUs, I’m a sucker for all variations of this trope but I’ve been thinking about an idea for a society that places each member of a bonded pair in one of two categories, and members of one category are treated as lesser in society/expected to serve their other half. For this I would definitely like to do some more world-building and really exploring the philosophy of this world as well! It would also be cool to have our character maybe fight against the expectations set by this society but I'm definitely open to other ideas as well!
Apart from that I enjoy a lot of different variations of the soulmate trope but my favourite is the classic idea that involves soulmates having a sort of mark on them that helps them identify who their partner is <3
Make a suggestion!
I don't have an pre-made OCs so I would come up with a character once we've decided on a plot but of course you can use whatever character you want! I usually don't use FC and just describe what I imagine my character to look like but if you can point me to some good FC ressources I would be willing to look for one if it's important to you! The ages of my characters depend on the plot/dynamic we're going for but they mostly tend to be around 20-45!
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Supernatural, Dragon Age, Detroit: Become Human, Vampires: the Masquerade, Marvel/Avengers, DC, Batman/Joker, Merlin (BBC), Shameless (US). 
At the moment I really enjoy the pairing of Roman Sionis x Victor Zsasz (they're the inspiration for the Crime Boss x Right-Hand Man idea) so if anyone is up for that pairing as well, let me know! I also really enjoy the pairing Mickey x Ian (Gallavich) from the show Shameless, if anyone is interested in that one!).
I would prefer not to RP anything involving child abuse, underage characters in sexual situations, incest and similar themes. (I’m fine with these things being part of your character’s back story and your character dealing with the after-effects of them but I don’t want to actively RP them!).
I’m also exclusively looking for MxM pairings, so please don’t contact me if you’re looking for someone to RP a MxF plot with! And please be at least 18+. I don’t feel comfortable RPing with anyone younger, even if the RP doesn’t have any smut in it.
I mostly RP on Discord these days, but I'm also open to other mediums, mainly E-mail, tumblr or GoogleDocs!
I would prefer for you to already have a plot in mind (or at least a vague idea of what you want to roleplay) before contacting me!
Thank you for reading all of this! Have a great day & stay safe and healthy!
Discord: blueorchid [hashtag] 8092
E-mail: blueorchid.roleplay [at] gmail [dot] com
Or message me here on tumblr! :D
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groggy-mittens · 4 years
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G’day wonderful person
(excuse my grammar, English is not my native language owo)
I thought it would be fun and perhaps even helpful to post my own process on how i make a page!
I start with a messy draft on what i want to show in each panel, i ignore placing of speech bubbles for now. Its more to get myself on the right track.
Next I want to create a more clear base line on the positions, angles and facial expressions. sometimes it matches with the draft, often then not i realize i should shift a bit to fit what i want to show. I place a few speech bubbles here and there to help visualize the page more.
I LOVE line art. So when i start with that it takes a long while before its done. I play around with shadow drops (accurate or not, as long as it looks nice), thick to thin lines, and just all around detailed as much as the canvas allows me to be.
I have a sheet saved with all the textures! some are from online sources, some are my own. Im not good with making them so complex textures i leave up to the experts! I throw them in one by one, cut em out and move on. Also, please remember that people of color have lighter palms/feet! there are a lot of tutorials online who go into it a lot better then my white ass can ever do. For the comic i add brightness to the areas.
Speech bubbles come when ive placed all of the dialogue and i know what size the bubble needs to be. I kinda look around what would be the best place for them, as you hide whats under the bubble and cut away parts of your art. In this phase I go around time and time again to check the details, did i forget gordons glasses again, has benrey the shadowdrop, did i make typo’s etc.
Then post and hope people will like it haha. Sometimes i still spot like, a typo bc my dyslectic ass likes to fuck itself, i panic, breathe and fix it in like 2 sec and replace it with the correct page.
I am in no means an expert (i can already see faults in my word the moment i post them) and to be honest ive never made a comic this large. But i wanna share a few tips.
Never stick to your first draft, dont dedicate yourself to it, allow change if you see better options (as you can see happening in this post).
This is a common mistake, place your text in the middle and try to even out the corners of the text bubble. Like, the distance of the right corner from text to bubble be the same as those of the other 3 corners!
Try to avoid boxes. You can use them and please do, but get a bit more playful, draw a box in a different angle or dont use one at all.
Push yourself to poses that you are not used to draw and/or comfortable with. Tracing is okay! trace a pose, memorize it and draw it by yourself. Dont copy it of course, its more to help you understand whats happening, for your brain to remember how the pose works. It will look wack first time, so please do not get discouraged! keep on going!
I hope this might help some folks who, just like me, are new to this! thx for reading, sorry its so long pff
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