#rafael barba christmas
telepathicteacup · 9 months
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Merry crisis from the tired Attorney, some more Barisi memes for your stockings!
Happy seasonal greetings! Hope you guys have a good holiday despite if you celebrate or not 💖
Also all I want for Christmas is a free 🇵🇸 and 🇺🇦 😤💖
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Barisi Fandom Advent Calendar
It's December very soon, and I felt that a fanfic advent calendar was required for our dear boys, and for all of us.
If you want to join in, please tag your fics with #BarisiAdvent2023 - if you aren't posting with a link to an outside source (like an AO3 link) please use a 'Keep Reading' cut because it helps with scrolling.
Time/date conversions are hard so posting guide is to post it between 12.00am and 11.59pm your time.
Some prompts are borrowed from prompt-lists of previous years and these are tagged (or are courtesy of helpful fandom friends!)
Write one, write all, write some, write none and stalk the tag for festive fics!
So here we go!
Christmas countdown
Family invites an old crush/first love to Christmas dinner (credit: @writerthreads )
Deciding who has been naughtiest/nicest and making it a massive competition (credit: @writerthreads)
Fake dating for a Christmas party/ball (credit: @writerthreads)
The SVU Christmas party/ball is winding down, everyone’s going home or on to clubs, and Rafael and Sonny find themselves the last to leave (credit: @randomlycee)
Rafael and Sonny are on call and have to work on Christmas Day (credit: @randomlycee)
Secret Santa gift exchange
Christmas baking
Snowed in/out
“You look like you could use this.” “What is it?” “10 ounces of the best hot chocolate you’ll ever taste, and I’ll put money on that too.” (credit: @sapphire-strikes)
“You’re being awfully sarcastic for someone dangling upside-down in a mess of tinsel.” (credit: @sapphire-strikes)
“Why’d you turn the music off?” (credit: @mirclealignr)
“What are you doing?” “Making a snow angel” (credit @mirclealignr)
“Please don’t make me wear this, I look ridiculous.” (credit @mirclealignr)
Eggnog/Mulled wine/Festive drinks
Under the mistletoe
Ugly sweater party
Going home for Christmas
Christmas song inspired – Let it Snow! (any version, tell us which)
Christmas song inspired – Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (any version, tell us which)
Christmas song inspired – choose your favourite and share it with us
Embarrassing childhood Christmas photo/video
Christmas matchmaking
Christmas Eve
Opening presents
And some bonuses to end out December:
26. Christmas dinner leftovers for breakfast
27. An unclaimed present under the tree
28. It was fun, but…
29. Taking down the tree 
30. What do you want for Christmas?
31. New Year’s Eve
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choosejoyangel · 11 months
Not Another Macallan
With love, Vanessa @choosejoyangel. :) Thank you to @whoevrwhatevr for encouraging me to write. I am grateful.
Author's note: Anything SVU-related belongs to their respective owners. The original character, Christmas Grace Lennox, and everything else belong to me. I am on no other platform besides Tumblr, Vimeo, and Google/YouTube at my handle, @choosejoyangel. Enjoy, angels! :)
Just some positive goodness to brighten your day!
Soundtrack: Queen-You're My Best Friend and Dave Matthews Band-Crush <3 :)
I thought it would be more engaging for the reader to follow Rafael and Rita’s banter if it were written as a transcription. Get cozy as you imagine being in the same room as besties for life, Rafael Barba and Rita Calhoun, reflecting on an evening most likely spent alone, just the two of them starting the night at their favorite ice cream parlor over a banana split debating a case and ending the night keeping each other warm like they have always done since their Harvard Law days. Rita realizes it is time to let Rafael know how much he truly means to her, and that includes showing him he deserves to be happy with the woman he does not want to imagine his life without. Who is this woman? Is it her? Or, is Rita helping her best friend allow himself the chance at true love with someone else? 
Rita: Why are you in my kitchen, Rafi? It is your birthday, not mine.
Rafael: You know I hate surprises.
Rita: Then why are you trying to hide your smile?
Rafael: I am not smiling.
Rita: And I am 39.
Rafael: For the sixth year in a row.
Rita: I should have bought you another bottle of Macallan.
Rafael: I liked this gift better, Rita.
Rita: Speak up, babe. Did you lose your speaking voice all of a sudden?
Rafael: I liked this gift better, Rita!
Rita: I heard you the first time, but I wanted everyone still here to know how cuddly you are.
Rafael: You can take the man out of the Bronx.
Rita: But you can’t take the Bronx out of the man. I get it, Rafael. We don’t like letting our guard down. It may work in the courtroom but not in the bedroom. 
Rafael: You never had complaints about either of our bedrooms, sweetheart.
Rita: Never! 
Rafael: I trust you.
Rita: I trust you too, Rafi.
Rafael: Um, are you up to finish tonight with a bang?
Rita: I don’t think that is a good idea.
Rafael: What is wrong? I’m so sorry. I loved my party. Seeing everyone from work…um.
Rita: And home?
Rafael: Yes.
Rita: If not for her, you and I would celebrate your birthday over a banana split.
Rafael: Her?
Rita: Yes, Mistletoe.
Rafael: You mean Christmas?
Rita: Mistletoe, Christmas, who cares?
Rafael: Her name is Christmas, and yes, you do care.
Rita: Who in their right mind names their kid after a holiday? 
Rafael: It’s not important. Leave her alone. She is my friend, Rita.
Rita: Friend, eh?
Rafael: Yes, my friend.
Rita: I have known you for over twenty years, Rafael Barba. 
Rafael: And?
Rita: I have not seen that look on your face since, um, well, you know who I am talking about.
Rafael: Yelina?
Rita: Ugh! I thought I told you never to repeat her name in my presence.
Rafael: Come on! Yelina broke my heart, not yours.
Rita: Don’t say her name!
Rafael: Okay!
Rita: Christmas helped me plan your surprise birthday party. She was a big help, considering my caseload. It’s not like she has much to do besides play in her art studio.
Rafael: She works in her art studio, Rita. That is her job, and she is busy, too.
Rita: I know, Rafael. I love it when you defend her. You start blushing, and your green eyes get brighter in defense of what you call her “your friend”?
Rafael: I hate you.
Rita: I hate you too.
Rafael: She helped you?
Rita: Yes, she did. And the feeling is mutual between you and her. 
Rafael: Are you psychic now?
Rita: No, I am a woman. 
Rafael: Oh, I didn’t know.
Rita: I am trying to tell you that I don’t think it is a good idea for us to have sex anymore, Rafael.
Rafael: You and I can still be friends.
Rita: You will always be my best friend, Rafi.
Rafael: You will always be my best friend, too, Rita.
Rita: Christmas is your best friend now.
Rafael: I am allowed to have two best friends.
Rita: I know. She wants you to be happy, even if it may be you and me. I assured her that you and I are or were what young people like her call “friends with benefits.”
Rafael: She is not that young, Rita. 
Rita: You were in high school when she was born, Rafael.
Rafael: It does not bother us; does it bother you?
Rita: No!
Rafael: Will you be happy?
Rita: I am happy, and I am happy for you too. Besides, I am seeing someone.
Rafael: Really? What’s his name?
Rita: She.
Rafael: Well, okay then. What is her name? 
Rita: She is a lawyer; that is all I will tell you for now.
Rafael: Please tell me her name before you put a ring on her finger. 
Rita: Changing subjects.
Rafael: I was kidding. I do hope to meet her if that is what you want. 
Rita: You will be the first to know. 
Rafael: I think Christmas is still here. 
Rita: Of course she is. I can smell the holly from here.
Rafael: Rita! 
Rita: If you want to help in my kitchen, make some coffee for us, Rafael. 
Rafael: I don’t want to ask her to leave yet.
Rita: The coffee is for her, too, silly. If she leaves, you leave with her. You two live near each other. Oh, you have protection?
Rafael: Rita, I am not discussing my sex life with you.
Rita: She is cute. Ask her to spend the night with you.
Rafael: Rita.
Rita: I don’t want to find out you didn’t at least give her a kiss goodnight. And you know I am not talking about a chaste kiss between friends, Rafael Barba!
Rafael: You won’t, Rita Calhoun.
Rita: She and I are friends now.
Rafael: Hmm.
Rita: Rafael and Christmas sitting in a tree…
Rafael: I will meet you in the sitting room.
Rita: You better hide that blush of yours.
Rafael: Rita.
Rita: What?
Rafael: Thank you.
Rita: You’re welcome. 
Rafael: I love you, Rita.
Rita: I love you too, Rafael.
Rafael: My wish came true.
Rita: Yes, it did. Happy Birthday, Rafael. Now, get out of my kitchen.
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best-series-forever · 2 years
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orcaofmyheart99 · 9 months
All I Want For Christmas Is You
@generousobservationkryptonite Thank you for this challenge
Sonny was stressed out. Christmas was only four days away. Most of the Christmas shopping had been done, but there were a few last minute things to take care of. Work had been keeping both so busy they hadn’t had much time together. It was yet another late night when Sonny came exhausted from work. This case was particularly difficult. He knew Rafael was going to be asleep. He felt guilty because Christmas was so close and he and Rafael hadn’t spent most time together. 
As he was coming through the front door, he saw Rafael sitting in a chair by the tree which was all lit up, glowing. Sonny set down his briefcase as Rafael took his coat and handed him a steaming mug of tea.
“Tired mi amor?” 
Sonny nodded his head as he collapsed in the chair next to Rafael’s. 
After he took a sip of tea he glanced at Rafael
“I am sorry that we haven't had much time together this year. I had all this stuff planned for us. All this stuff planned for you” Sonny trailed off, staring into the tea. 
Rafael gave a gentle laugh as he reached over and squeezed Sonny’s arm. 
“Sonny, look at me. I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need. I don't care about plans and presents underneath the Christmas tree. All I want for Christmas is you” 
“Really?” Sonny said, looking up. 
“Yes. Spending time with you is all I want” 
Sonny set the tea down and leaned in to kiss Rafael.
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storywriter12 · 2 years
The 5th of December
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Olivia Benson
I feel should love the holidays she will put up a big tree in her front room singing as she does so
I feel like she will bake and be very good at it she will bake cookies and cakes and takw them to the squad room she will get comments saying her cookies are very good but I feel that people will fight and you do need to get to the cookies fast because I feel like fin and Rafael would eat them all
Christmas shopping
I feel like she wouldn't panic she actually like to shop alot she likes to go out at Christmas and see all the Decorations
I feel like she would definitely decorate the squad room and get everyone to join In they all have a little sing alone when they do the tree
She would have everyone around for dinner and she would cook after that they will all sit around and tell each other what they will do for the holidays while they exchange gifts because I feel like Olivia will do Secret santa
Coming the the day
Olivia is up bright and early cook breakfast for her son when he comes though to the kitchen she tells him that santa has been but santa has said that you need to have breakfast first before opening presents which always works she cooks pancakes and then he opens his gifts after that she goes and cooks dinner she tells the squad that they can come. Over for dinner of they like which they do because who wouldn't want to spend Christmas with Olivia Benson
After dinner
I feel they will all sit around and talk about what they got for Christmas they will all laugh and drink trying to not get to drunk
Then after the holidays they will go back to work and I feel like Olivia would leave a gift and a card on each of there desks
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ana-swritings · 2 years
Merry December 2022 - Day 21
Day 21 of Merry December
Prompt: First Christmas
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Pairing: Rafael Barba x OFC (Molly)
Words: 815
T.W.: N/A
Summary: Do you love Christmas?
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Rafael woke up that day feeling a bit blue. December was fast approaching and with it the holidays. For him, it would be another Christmas without his grandma, but there was a silver lining. He was going to spend Christmas with Molly.
They had been together for almost a year and this was going to be their first Christmas together. He already had gotten her her Christmas present, courtesy of Olivia. A beautiful necklace that he had asked Olivia to help him choose, on one of their many after-work drinks. Olivia had impeccable taste for jewelry and Rafael not so much, so it was only logical for him to enlist her help.
After getting ready, Rafael left his apartment building and the sight before him made him smile. The whole city  was decorated for Christmas. “City Hall was busy last night.”, he thought, smiling. Rafael immediately decided that he was gonna take Molly on a walk through the city to admire the decorations, after work.
The day moved painfully slow. One deposition and that was it. The rest of the time was spent taking care of his paperwork backlog that was long overdue. He almost punched one of the new defense lawyers when he made a somewhat inappropriate comment about Molly, while visiting her department, but felt avenged when he heard he had his ass kicked during their court appearance. Turns out, Molly heard it too and she knew that Rafael couldn’t just kick his ass, so she took it upon herself to do so, the best way she knew how.
Eventually, their workday ended and, after dismissing Carmen for the day, Rafael made his way to Molly’s office. Knocking on the door, he was greeted by a smiling Molly. Pulling her close, he kissed her passionately, feeling her reciprocate the kiss with as much emotion as he had put into it. Grabbing her hand, he told her that he had thought it would be a good idea to go see the decorations around the city. Molly thought it would be nice to check them out and get into the holiday spirit.
Walking around the city, hand in hand, they started reminiscing on their childhood Christmas’ and how and where they were spent. It was nice to find new things they had in common, such as their favorite Christmas traditions or their favorite Christmas foods. The city was beautifully decorated, with a lot of differences between the different locations. Some even had trees, decorated with things you would find in that part of the city. It was fun seeing the differences and guessing what each part of the city would have on their tree’s.
Rafael couldn’t stop looking at Molly and falling even more in love with her. The way her eyes would light up at each different decoration was amazing to watch. It was like watching a child seeing it all for the first time and it filled his heart knowing that she was sharing that with him by her side.
In one of the many parks that exist around the city, they decided to take a break and rest a bit. While sitting there, Rafael looked up and let out a chuckle. Just above them was a branch of mistletoe. Pointing it out to Molly, he took her in his arms and kissed her, a peck on the lips at first, but that quickly evolved into a passionate make out session.
Suddenly, they heard voices approaching. They pulled away, Molly blushing like mad and Rafael chuckling at the situation. It wasn’t like they were dating in secret, but they always made sure that they kept it respectful in front of everyone. Looking back at the people walking by, Rafael saw them glancing at them and smiling.
Once they were gone, they both laughed at the situation, with Molly saying that they were acting like teenagers. He knew it was true but he didn’t mind. He thought that he should thank whoever put the mistletoe there. Molly got up and told him that she was getting hungry, so they decided to make their way to a restaurant.
Walking through the door at their favorite restaurant, near the courthouse, he saw Molly getting stunned at how beautiful it looked. She didn’t go there for lunch, instead asking someone to bring her her lunch back to the office, so that was the first time she was seeing it. The restaurant was decorated in various shades of blue and silver, which tied in nicely with the already set-in decor of the restaurant. Rafael got them a table, watching Molly being completely amazed with the décor and losing herself in it.
Rafael couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest man in the world, just because she had chosen to love him. In that moment, he knew he would do whatever it took to make her happy and safe.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
If you'd like to give me a tip, you can buy me a coffee here. :)
For all my works, please check out my vault here. :)
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poetoflawed · 6 months
Family Man
Part 1 Word count: 947 Ok so this post is based on this previous idea I had Pls do not plagiarize Beware of Google Translate lol
3rd POV Rafeal and Y/n make their way through the airport. Y/n turns to Rafeal, “Do you really have to go?” She knows the answer. They’ve talked about this extensively. “Mi amor que estás haciendo ahora? You know I have to. This is for both of us.” He holds her face in his hands, “I have to become someone, someone worthy of you. Someone who makes a difference. Por favor entiende mi amor.” She pulls her face away, “But por qué? I know this is what you want, what you need. But why can’t you stay. Stay here with me. I’m sorry, I know i’m being selfish, but i love you.” “Don’t worry. We got this. te amo completamente.” He looks in her eyes reassuringly, picks up his duffle and moves towards the gate.
13 years later … Rafeal is a lawyer. The esteemed A.D.A Rafael Barba. The A.D.A who works with NYPD’s SVU unit. He lives a somewhat glamorous life of suits and ties. He is a man known to be notorious for being so busy his personal life is almost non existent. He is a bachelor, living a high stress busy life. One so full, relationships past the occasional hook up, are not likely. A recent case having pulled him resulted in him ordering an emergency meeting on Christmas Day, with the NYPD detectives. As the holidays progress, while going over case notes, he gets a message to contact Y/n, but, even though he remembers her, he ignores it and does not return her call.
Rafael’s POV
This case is gonna be the death of me. Hijo de puta, I’m late. My mind is full and racing. This case needs to go well, this woman, this victim. This never should have happened, and I need to help. I barely notice when I make it to the little convenience store near my building. Needing to pick up some milk I make my way inside, as I'm looking through the aisles I hear a commotion at the cash.
“I'm not gonna cash it man. It's fake!” “NO it Ain’t! Cash the fuckin ticked asshole!” “NO” “Oh yeah?” the man pulls out a handgun and my eyes widen a little “Wait!” The fuck are you doing i think to myself as the man turns to me gun at his side, “How much is the ticket worth-” I notice his face getting more irritated, “I-I’lll buy it off you.” I show the three hundred dollar bills in my hand, “Seriously, take it and cut your losses man. This isn't worth a record.” He stashes his gun back in his coat, grabs the bills from my hand, and throws the ticket on the counter as he turns out of the store. I stood there for a minute and let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I make my way outside catching up to the man from before, “Here,” I hand him a prepackaged sandwich, “I have a feeling you might want this. Do you have anywhere to go?” “I'm fine man. Leave me alone.” “Are you sure?” I might be a cynic but I still wanna help people. “Lemme ask you something man,what's missing from your life! Think about that!” “I have everything I need already.” I say, baffled. The man looks at me, annoyed and just turns on his heel and starts stalking away down the street. Baffled, I return to my penthouse and sleep.
The golden rays of sunshine hit my eyes suddenly, and then i realize its Christmas day again. I realize there's breathing coming from next to me. I roll over and am met with the (still) beautiful sleeping face of Y/n. My eyes widen and I sit up, as i'm sitting in bed confused, with my breath picking up, I see a child, a young girl, staring at me from the door to the room.
“Papi, can you make me some food please?”
I sit there baffled, Y/n slowly wakes up, “Mmmhmmm what's up baby?” she's asking, slowly waking up. As she slowly sits up in bed my confusion intensifies as I look at her, the girl I left my first year at Harvard, sitting in a bed I've never seen, pregnant. With what appears to be the second child. I look from the woman to the girl, throwing myself from the bed, “Raf?” “Papi?” As I sprint downstairs, I search for some keys as my head swims.
What the actual fuck is happening right now????
As I run outside I realize i'm not in New york anymore but rather suburban New Jersey. As I drive frantically back to the precinct I make my way inside, desperate and only in my pajamas and winter coat, I walk up to the front desk. “Jenny, I need benson.” i’m panting and confusion flashes in my eye when she frowns at me, “And who are you sir?” “Jenny… what… you know me…” my brows crease. “Sir how do you know my name?” she asks nervously. My confusion turns to anger now, “Jenny i was at your baby shower a year ago, your sons name is Grant, he went through a phase where he only ate cheese. Please, PLEASE. You know me!” Her eyes are wide now, fear evident. Slowly she reaches for the phone on her desk “Ok sir,” She nods over to a uniform and nudges my way “this is officer Kapal, he’ll show you to a room where you can wait for the detective.” “Thank you, finally” i let out a breath of air, and follow the officer to one of the rooms.
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gemstone-roses · 10 months
I will be closing CHRISTMAS requests on Friday.
If you want anything written for your fav that is Christmas themed then time is running out!! So far I have
Hannibal: 1
Patrick Jane: 1
Bucky barnes: 1
Reminder of the original post that I would write TWO fics per character that’s Christmas themed and this does not affect ordinary requests and you can still request non Christmas themed fics as well.
Eddie Munson
Sam Wilson
Bucky barnes
Bruce banner
Patrick Jane
Geralt of rivia
Olivia benson
Aaron Hotchner
Rafael barba
Otto Octavius
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daddydoddsjr · 2 years
hey! :) could you do some rafael barba fluff, please? 'tis the holiday season. perhaps, something Christmassy? 🌟💌
thank you so much. 🫶🏽
Holiday Season - Ficlet
Pairing || Rafael Barba x GN!Reader
Contents/Warnings || none, just christmas fluff 🎄
Authors Note || sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, i am writing this at almost 3am lol
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You had had a pretty rough day at SVU, but it ended in an arrest which was good news for the squad. Though you weren’t feeling particularly great that day, you were looking forward to going home to Rafael.
You unlocked the front door and kicked off your shoes and took off your snow covered coat. You sighed with content as you entered the living room, smiling at your lit up Christmas tree in the corner. It was mostly just for you, but Rafael was happy to help you set it up— he was happy to do anything for you.
You wandered into the kitchen where you found Rafael standing at the island, taking a sip from one of his many coffee mugs.
“Mi amor,” He greeted you with a small smile, “How was work?”
“Stressful as per usual,“ You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his stomach and resting your head on his chest. He set his mug down and ran his hands up and down your back, “Do you want me to make you hot chocolate? And I bought those candy canes you like today.”
“That sounds great.”
“Go take a warm shower and I’ll bring it to you on the couch when you’re done.”
“I love you,“ You leaned up and kissed him before heading to the bathroom.
After you showered and changed, Rafael brought out a cup of hot chocolate and a candy cane for you along with his cup of coffee. He sat on the couch with you and the two of you snuggled up to each other. You leaned against him and rest your head on his shoulder. This was definitely your favourite part of the day— snuggling up with Rafael on the couch after a long shift. What made it especially nice was the bright lights coming from the Christmas tree and the sight of snow through the window that was gently hitting the glass.
“I love this, you know,“ You spoke quietly.
“The silence, the snow, you.”
Rafael tilted his head and rested it on top of yours, “I love you too, estimado. “
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homerjacksons · 7 months
what are your top 5 fave fanfics you've written?
Oooh thank you for the question! It took me a bit to like...actually decide? I have 120 published works on AO3 and while an awful lot are Not Good, there's also quite a few I am fond of.
Still I See You, Celestial - Law and Order SVU - Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi
This is the biggest fic I've ever written. It was a nanowrimo project and tbh I haven't reread it in so long and I'm terrified it's actually awful but the fact that I wrote that many words into a cohesive story is something I'm proud of.
Blue Christmas - Law and Order SVU - Sonny Carisi/Peter Stone
idk why but I actually think about this one a lot and I reread it semi-regularly which may be embarrassing to admit but I don't care
That Old Feeling - Law and Order SVU - Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi
It had been so long since I'd written for Barisi and then I wrote this and it still stands out in my mind as one of my best, if not my actual best, Barisi fics.
sunlight, sunlight, sunlight - Law and Order SVU - Kat Tamin/Amanda Rollins
LOOK. It's rare that I find f/f potential in my dumb shows cos unless I'm specifically seeking out f/f content, I so often find that female characters and female relationships on screen are just so poorly written that I am never inspired (and I'm a big weirdo who almost never feels inspired to write fic for canon ships???). So when these two inspired me???? When I had a canon bi on my fave show??? I had to. And I am still so pleased with how sweet and soft this turned out.
the feeling of audible cracks - Ripper Street - Homer Jackson/Edmund Reid
This is a very very recent one and I probably could have found better. But this one is also just...very personal to me. I've always shied away from sharing fics like this one because people like to attack those who write them and I'm an insecure baby. But this fandom is teeny and I give less fucks than I used to, so I wrote this one for me and shared it for anyone who may wish to read it.
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svuholidaygiftexchange · 10 months
Gift Request master list
SVUHGE2023-1: fic, Gen or Barisi, max rating Teen. Hurt poor Rafael all you want but don’t kill him, or any of his friends. Prompt: Rafael Barba doesn’t turn up for court when he’s supposed to.
SVUHGE2023-2: barisi, Prompt: Sonny catches Rafael singing in the shower, not realizing that Rafael sings incredibly well. (Maybe Raf is a little shy about it) :)
SVUHGE2023-3: Art or Edit, Rafael Barba, Gen, Prompt: Rafael in a Harvard sweater
SVUHGE2023-4: fic, any rating, Barisi, Prompt: rushing to get ready one morning Sonny & Rafael accidentally swap some clothing item. They don’t notice until others do.
SVUHGE2023-5: art or edit, barisi, Rating: any, Prompt: Sonny wearing Barba’s Harvard sweater & Barba wearing Sonny’s Fordham sweater. Sonny’s sweater is too long in sleeves & body for Barba, and because Barba had his Harvard sweater altered to fit his shorter shape, it’s too short everywhere on Sonny
SVUHGE2023-6: fic, Character/pairing: Rafael Barba, any, Rating: Gen or any, Prompt: Rafael is spending Christmas Day alone. For some reason he couldn’t go skiing in Europe as usual. He hasn’t told anyone and it’s fine. Really. But someone finds out and makes sure he’s not alone. This can be Gen, friendship or any ship. Just make Barba not sad & lonely on Christmas Day.
SVUHGE2023-7: fic or art, Characters/pairing: Rafael Barba/Female reader, Rating: Gen, Prompt: Rafael x female reader pairing celebrating Christmas underneath their Christmas tree together, exchanging gifts and laughter. It is their first Christmas together as a couple.
SVUHGE2023-8: Fic, Teen & up, Characters/pairing: Barisi. Bonus Sonny & Fin friendship and/or Rafael & Amanda friendship , No MCD, Prompt: Hurt/comfort with a happy ending based on the song Good Grief by Leanna Firestone.
SVUHGE2023-9: Fic or edit, Teen & up, Characters/pairing: Barisi. Bonus Sonny & Fin friendship and/or Rafael & Amanda friendship, no MCD, Prompt: Hurt/comfort with a happy ending based on the song I Lose to You by Madds Buckley.
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orcaofmyheart99 · 9 months
Christmas Day brought everyone to Amanda and Olivia’s house. Sticky buns and coffee were enjoyed by all while presents were handed around. 
“Here open this one” Rafael requested handing Sonny a rectangular object.
Sonny opened it up revealing a collage of photos showing past Christmases with his family. 
“Oh Raf. This is so sweet. I love it” Sonny said, leaning over to kiss Rafael’s cheek.
“You’re welcome mi amor” Rafael responded.
“Alright. Amanda’s turn!” Olivia announced.
Olivia walked in front of Amanda who was perched on the armrest of a chair which Sonny was sitting in. She handed Amanda a small square box. Amanda took off the sparkly wrapping paper disclosing a dark blue velvet box. Olivia knelt down in front of Amanda as she opened the box. Inside the box was a rose gold ring with five small amethyst stones surrounded by six tiny diamonds. Amanda looked up at Olivia with tears of happiness in her eyes. 
“Olivia…” Amanda began.
“Amanda, I fell in love with you the moment we met. I knew on our first date that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we have only been dating six months. But I love you and want to marry you. So, will you marry me?
“Yes, yes, of course. Olivia I love you too.” 
Olivia slipped the ring onto Amanda’s finger. 
Everyone congratulated the couple on the engagement. 
Rafael raised his cup of coffee. 
“To Amanda and Olivia. May your love shine ever bright like Christmas lights” He said nodding towards Amanda and Olivia who were now standing embracing each other. 
Amanda and Olivia beamed back at him. 
This was a Christmas all would remember fondly. 
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pascalispretty · 2 years
Law and Order: SVU Masterlist
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Rafael Barba x Reader x Frederick Chilton! Verse
Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​): One (ao3). Two (ao3). Epilogue (ao3).
Love in the Time of Chestbursters (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
See You In the Morning Time (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​). One (ao3). Two (ao3).
Like Lovers Do (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). Three (ao3). 
I and Love and You (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
Your Happiness or Mine (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) 
Pink Peonies and Shenanigans (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). 
Heavy in Your Arms (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
"Use Your Words" Prompt (ao3)
Sonny Carisi x Reader
Softly, Slowly, Sweetly (ao3)
You’re My Dream Girl (ao3)
Tell Me What You Want (ao3)
The View From Above (ao3)
Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi
Better Late Than Never (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi (ao3)
Just A Taste (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi (ao3)
Late Night Study Session (ao3)
"You Can Do Better Than That" Prompt (ao3)
Rafael Barba x Reader
Breathe Me In (ao3)
Nick Amaro x Reader
Mutually Beneficial (masterlist here)
Mafia AU
Bruised Knuckles and Bare Thighs (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader
Good Soldiers Follow Orders (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader x Frederick Chilton
A Wonderful, Awful Idea (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader x Frederick Chilton
How the Reader Got Involved with the Boys HCs
Keeping Young Talent Coming Our Way - A Law School AU:  
I Could Ruin You (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). Epilogue (ao3). Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun
The Audition (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba
A Dirty Trick (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader
An Early Christmas Present (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun
Tempting Tan Lines (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba
Misc. Law And Order: SVU Pieces 
Shades of Black and Blue (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader x Sonny Carisi. One (ao3). Two (ao3) Three (ao3). Four (ao3). 
An Acceptable Occasion to Manspread (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader x Sonny
Seventeen Little Diamonds (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader (ao3)
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twobruhsinahottub · 2 months
Meet the Parents (Ch1)
A Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun fanfiction
Read below cut
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TW: transphobia, deadnaming, cancer, implied past sexual abuse, terminally ill parent, conversion therapy, religious training/abuse
AN: doesn't take place in the same universe as my other barhoun fic, since that wouldn't really work with Rita having had an abortion in the other fic, and her being transfeminine in this one.
Rita took a deep breath and turned the handle of her family home's front door. Rafael could see the tension radiating off of her and gave her a hand a reassuring squeeze. Rita hadn't seen her family in years, not since her cousin Lorna's wedding, which was a disaster. Her family had never been very supportive. Whether it was as trivial as her taste in music, or as important as her gender identity. She had been kicked out of home when she came out to her parents. She was told she was to either go to the therapist at the family's church and 'sort this shit out', or else she had an hour to be packed and gone. She couldn't bear the thought of seeing that therapist. She knew what he was like. An old friend- girlfriend, of hers, Delilah, had been sent to see him after she had come out to her family as not only transgender, but as a lesbian as well. After just weeks of sessions with that "therapist" (who was really just a priest), she was going round preaching that she had been saved from sin, that she was a good Christian man now. She had even slapped Rita when she confronted her about it. That was the end of that, and there was no way in hell Rita would allow herself to be put through what that poor girl had gone through. So she left. She had used every last penny in her wallet to rent a room by the hour. It was an awful place but it put a roof over her head until she found somewhere to stay more permanently. Eventually, a man, who she assumed was some John looking to get some at the hotel she was staying at, had offered her a room. That was worse than the hotel. He didn't charge her cash, but of course, nothing in life was free.
She had begged her family to let her come home, but they refused. They told her it was her own choice. That if she wanted this "lifestyle" she had to make her way on her own. Now though, she was at their door. They still lived in the same house in the Hamptons, though, it seemed, it had been renovated a few times over the years. Three months ago she had received a call from her mother. Her cousin, Lorna, had given her her number, and apparently also informed her of her recent engagement. Mrs. Calhoun was overjoyed shockingly enough, and had invited Rita and her fiancé to stay with the family over Christmas. There was of course a catch, and that was that the real reason Mrs. Calhoun had called, was that Rita's father was sick. A brain tumour. That was the only reason Rita accepted the invitation. She loved her father. Despite the hatred he had shown her when she came out to him, she loved him dearly, and it broke her to think she would be loosing him sooner rather than later.
As the door handle turned, Rita could hear the squealing of children inside, and the hushing of their mothers- her sisters, she assumed. She walked in, still holding Rafael's hand in an attempt to soothe some of the fear pounding at her chest. She was immediately bombarded with attention from the loud children, supposedly her nieces and nephews.
“Move Lachy! Let your Uncle ##### in!”
Rita couldn't even process who had said that. All that was swimming through her mind was the fact that now Rafa knew. He knew what her family called her. The name she had finally gotten rid of for good when she started anew at Harvard, or so she thought anyway. Of course her family would still be calling her that. Her mother had said the name a million times during their phone call, no matter how many times Rita had corrected her.
Rafael squeezed her hand yet again, and gave her a look of sympathy. The kid who had been at her feet, Lachy, was now staring at Rafael, clearly assuming he was ######, and not Rita. Rafael gave the kid an awkward smile and the kid ran away, likely to join his siblings and cousins in the other room.
Rita too another long, deep breath, and looked at Rafael, and, with his reassurance, turned to face the person who had just revealed her deadname, her sister, Andrea.
“It's Rita, Andrea” Rita said in a cool, calm manner, despite the anxiety bubbling in her chest.
Andrea simply rolled her eyes and stepped aside, telling Rita and Rafael to come in.
The rest of the day went about as smoothly as the start. Rita had to correct family members on her name and pronouns more times than she could count, and she couldn't help but notice the not-so-subtle looks her mother gave Rafael, almost daring him to say something so she had an excuse to hate him. From the moment they had entered the Calhoun family home, Rita knew this trip wouldn't go well, and she was entirely right.
Christmas day quickly approached, and from the moment she woke up, Rita knew this was going to be the day it all went wrong. At breakfast, her mother had brought up the topic of going to a Christmas service at the family's church. Rita immediately refused, saying she had no desire to even step foot in that church after hearing of the things they had put people like her, namely, her ex-girlfriend Delilah, through. Her mother had reassured her that that priest was long gone, and there was a new one now.
“Father John died years ago, ######, theres no need to get all worked up about what he supposedly did or didn't do! The new priest is wonderful, a nice young man you grew up with! Father #### is his name” Mrs Calhoun had said. It took Rita a moment to realise what name she had said and put the pieces together, but she quickly realised that father ##### wasn't just 'a nice young man she had grown up with' but was in fact Delilah. Tears immediately welled up in her eyes, thinking about the time she had spent with Delilah, when they were happy being themselves, and how awful Delilah must feel now, hiding herself away and pretending to be someone she's not. Rita had tried that for a while. It made her so damn miserable she had tried to end her own life. That's when she realised she was better off living as the degenerate sinner her family thought she was than dying a lonely, miserable death at their hand.
“Why on earth are you crying ######? Goodness it's not that terrible to ask you to come to church!” Mrs Calhoun snapped “You can't just do one nice thing for us, for your father, for his last Christmas?!”
Usually, at such a downright wrong, hurtful statement, Rita would have snapped, she would have lost her shit at whoever dared say such a thing. She always had a way of winning arguments such as these, even when they got personal. She was a lawyer after all. But no, this morning she couldn't. Not when her hateful mother had used her dear, dying father to further her own cruel point. She burst into tears on the spot. She had been wanting to cry since the moment Rafael had pulled their shared car into the driveway of the Calhoun home in the Hamptons. This was the final straw.
Rafael had been silent the entire trip, speaking only in hushed tones to his fiancée when necessary, or when they were alone. It was unusual for the sarcastic, quick witted lawyer to not have anything to say, but something about Rita's family deeply unsettled him. When he sat down for dinner with the Calhoun's the first night of the trip it became clear to him why. That look Mrs Calhoun had given him was one many an upper middle class white woman had given him throughout his life. A look of disgust. Rafael knew better than to make a scene. The last thing he wanted to do was make matters worse for Rita, who was clearly miserable about the situation. But that changed when Rita burst into tears at her mothers cruel words. He knew Rita wouldn't snap. Much like how he would never snap at his father when he had said similarly cruel things to him as a child. So he took it upon himself to deal with Mrs Calhoun and get the two of them out of there.
The sound of a chair scraping against hard wood floors accompanied the outburst. “What the FUCK is wrong with you?!” Rafael yelled at Mrs Calhoun, standing from his chair as he did so “Do you seriously think it's okay to sit there and berate your own daughter and use her dying father, your HUSBAND, as a manipulative strategy to get her to go to some pointless church service?!” Rafael turned to Rita and lowered his voice “let's go mi corazon” he said lovingly, taking her hand in his and turning towards the exit. Yells could be heard halfway down the street, but Rita and Rafael ignored them, heading towards their car to get the hell out of that place.
Before they left, Rita wiped her tears and turned to her father, who was sitting silently in his wheelchair, unable to take part in the argument due to having lost his speech weeks prior.
“Love you daddy” Rita said, placing a kiss on her father's cheek “I'm sorry”She hugged him, and quickly left before the screaming got to be too much and she burst into tears again.
In the car, Rita lost it. Screaming, crying, and hitting the glovebox in front of her. She was unsure whether she was feeling pure rage, depression, or a mix of both. Rafael sat in the drivers seat, yet to put the keys in the ignition. He leant over to the passenger side and pulled Rita into his chest, running a hand through her long, soft hair, and kissing her head. He said something, but Rita wasn't listening. She was beyond grateful to have a man like Rafael. Someone who loves her unconditionally, and who will hold her as she cries.
On the drive home, they decided to spend the evening at Rafael's mothers place, knowing that having a loving parental figure around, rather than spending the night alone, would be much better for both of them.
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svu-barisi · 10 months
Sonny's Gift Wrapping Fiasco 2023
Compliant with my fanfic novel. The final version will appear on AO3 soon. This is an excerpt from an upcoming chapter that is a dream Rafael is having...enjoy some absurd craziness and an ending of smut.
Rafael and Sonny are spending the day before Christmas (their first Christmas as parents of triplets [Raúl, Peter, and Emilina]) at their respective office parties at the DA's office and the precinct. Whether it's the Christmas Party at the precinct or at the DA's office, out shopping, or at Barisi's apartment, Sonny creates gift wrapping mayhem everywhere they go. Rafael seems to be the most frequent victim.
Despite Sonny Carisi being from a huge family and being the very domesticated type, Rafael learns his husband's dark secret concerning the holidays.
Will they get their kids' gifts wrapped before Christmas morning?
Will there be anyway to salvage the holidays?
Did Casey spike the eggnog with more than just alcohol?
At the Christmas Party at the SVU DA's Office, Novak had slipped some of her boss's Scotch into the eggnog (which she did well aware that Barba had been watching her pour it in the punch bowl). Normally, Barba would have been furious, but it was Christmas. Plus, he knew that someone was bound to gift him a new bottle today or tomorrow, so it wouldn't be an issue. After exchanging smirks, he approached Novak and ladled them both a shot glass of eggnog. Barba and Novak clinked their glasses 🥂 together and toasted to a slower holiday period (which never would happen, but they could wish, right?).
A few minutes later, Barba noticed that the gift exchange had started. He really didn't know what he and his husband got anyone, he was just relying on Carisi's expert knowledge of people hoping that they had got their assigned people something nice. Otherwise, he'd have to make it up to them later.
Barba had been standing next to Carmen as she unwrapped a gift, and that's when it happened. Before he knew it, he was staring at red and he heard his husband's voice apologizing.
"Sorry Rafi!"
Must have had too much eggnog already, Barba thought to himself.
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After fumbling through the tangle of a ribbon, Carisi notified everyone that he, "Found Barba!"
Barba put his shot glass of eggnog down on Carmen's desk. He had no idea how he missed getting wrapped up a ribbon like a gift.
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The holiday party at the DA's office was immediately followed by the one at the precinct. Barba was feeling slightly unnerved and a little off his game being caught up in the ribbon fiasco at the DA's office. On the way to the precinct, Barba had given a lot of consideration as to how he had missed the events leading up to be tangled up in gift ribbon. He had decided that Novak may have put too much alcohol in the eggnog. He was considering laying off of the alcohol, but he didn't want to be a downer, so he opted to only have one shot of something that he was accustomed to; the Scotch Benson kept in her office just for him and their after hours chats.
Carisi's attempt at gift exchanging with some fellow squad members, Amaro and Rollins, somehow resulted in more mayhem that somehow sucked his husband in, too.
Again? Barba thought in astonishment.
Carisi apologized, "Sorry, Sweetheart!"
I am not this drunk. How does this keep happening? He was just giving Amanda gifts for her girls. How? What the...? Barba thought as he stepped out of the ribbon. He was now committed to not consuming any more alcohol today. He laid his shot glass down on Fin's desk.
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Now Carisi had Amaro and Huang cornered. At least he'll be giving them their gifts at home, Barba thought in a sense of both sarcasm and relief.
Then mayhem happened yet again.
I didn't even see any fuckin' gifts this time! Where is all this ribbon coming from? Barba wondered as he found himself fighting his festive red restraints. It doesn't even match my tie! The indignity...the injustice! After dropping the ribbon to the floor, he thought, maybe Casey spiked the eggnog at the office with more than just my Scotch. He felt so horribly confused.
Carisi apologized, "Sorry again, Rafi."
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Minutes later, it happened yet again. Amaro, Rollins, and he had fallen victim to the festive ribbon again. At least Barba was not gagged by the ribbon this time, but Rollins was.
"Sorry 'Manda!" Carisi apologized.
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The party at the precinct didn't last much longer. Before everyone started parting ways for the evening, lots of photos were taken. While posing for a group photo with some of the squad, Barba heard his husband's voice again.
"Sorry Captain!" Carisi apologized.
Muffled by the ribbon, Benson replied, "It's okay, Carisi. It's...uh...festive."
Fin groaned despite the smile on his face.
What the fuck? There were no gifts! Where did the fuckin' ribbon come from this time? Barba wondered.
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On the way home, Barba and Carisi had stopped off at a store to pick up the last few gifts that they had on layaway. They were walking to the subway when Barba felt himself being pulled close to his husband.
"Sorry, Rafi."
"Eh, at least you're keeping me warm." Barba thought that Carisi was just trying to be romantic in a holiday way while prolonging the joke of however he kept managing to be captured in gift ribbon alive.
Barba laughed it off and they continued home.
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At Barisi's Apartment:
The other couple were already at home. Huang and Amaro volunteered to help Carisi wrap Barisi's triplet's presents. Barba was sipping at a mug of hot cocoa when heard, "Sorry George."
Barba looked up and sure enough, Amaro and Huang were both tangled up in gift ribbon with Huang being the gagged one this time. What the fuck?
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Amaro and Huang ditched Carisi's Gift Wrapping Armageddon in favor of making dinner. When they went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, Rafael took over trying to help Carisi, who was absolutely adamant about wrapping his own children's gifts. Barba wasn't going to take away such a cherished task from his husband, but he was going to help or this would not be done before their children outgrew Santa.
Again, Barba was blindsighted despite knowing it was bound to happen.
"Sorry, Rafi!"
"Por favor, por el amor de dios (Please, for the love god), tell me that your parents helped you wrap your siblings gifts."
"Nah. They sort of saw it as free childcare as long as no one else got tangled up in the ribbons with me."
"I was talking about even as an adult."
"So was I. Until we started dating, it was still free child care for them."
"Bless your parents."
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Another gift wrap attempt later, it happened again and again Barba had gotten gagged by the ribbon.
"Sorry, Rafi, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of this," Carisi said.
"Don't fall for it Rafael!" Amaro called from the kitchen.
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Carisi was about to lower his husband's festive gag when he asked, "How about I just apologize now before we wrap all of these? Think a hundred times will be enough?"
"How many more fuckin' gifts can there be?"
"Well, technically, we haven't wrapped a single one yet and we do have triplets, so a lot."
Screw not drinking. I don't have the patience for this. Barba sighed and then said, "At least let me get a shot of Scotch before the next attempt."
"Like you could do any better!"
"Watch me!"
Carisi huffed playfully and walked away.
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Barba had nearly wrapped the first gift when suddenly Carisi appeared and it happened yet again!
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Intertwined tightly with his husband, Carisi gazed into Barba's eyes with the I told you so expression on his face.
"It would have worked if you would have stayed in the kitchen. Mi amor, you're just cursed by the holiday spirit."
"Fuck you!" Carisi said in a somewhat seductive whisper making Barba smirk at the implication. "At least we can grind."
"Just get us to the bedroom and then you can unwrap all of me," Barba said, his words going straight to Carisi's dick.
Carisi got so excited by the sexual invitation that he fumbled and knocked them both over.
*Curses from two entangled grown men on the floor*
*Sounds of three babies crying a few rooms away*
"Nick and I got them!" Huang called from the kitchen.
"Thanks!" Carisi called back.
Still on the floor, Carisi frantically freed his arms and unraveled the ribbon and bows from him and his husband. He immediately tugged Barba's sweatpants and boxer briefs off and then removed his own sweatpants and boxers.
"Not in the living room," Barba complained despite instinctively spreading his legs for his husband. Just as the ribbon had kept surprising him all day, Carisi's fingers were suddenly inside of him. "Fuck!"
"Don't worry. When we hear the crying die down, we'll wrap things up."
"Ha ha, very funny. Sonny, we haven't even got a single one of their presents wrapped yet!" Barba protested as he felt Carisi's tip at his hole.
"Don't worry, Sweetheart. We've still got eight hours," Carisi said as he plunged forward causing Barba to gasp.
They could be caught by the other couple. They could be caught by ANY of the three other couples living with them. Where are they anyhow? Barba wondered, but Carisi delivering a jolt to his prostate short-circuited what was left of Barba's brain and he no longer cared. For all he cared, all the couples could walk in on them having sex and he wouldn't mind. Barba wrapped his legs around Carisi pulling him closer and urging him to keep going despite his once rational brain's protest, but much to his throbbing dick's approval.
Carisi set a grueling pace as he took custody of his partner's hot cock. The couple got lost in each others' eyes as they made passionate love. Carisi still managed to get themselves wrapped in a tangle of ribbons laying on the floor, but nothing even remotely neat or bow-like. They rolled over the wrapping paper swapping positions for only a minute before Carisi rolled Barba back to the floor. Ten minutes later they were both covered in cum and are recovering on the floor nestled against each other.
"You just had to trip us and prevent us from making it to our comfortable king-sized bed, didn't you? This is going to hurt like hell in the morning," Barba complained.
"I love you, too, Rafi."
"Te amo, tambien." After a quick kiss, Barba added, "Despite the fact that you can't wrap gifts." Carisi playfully smacked Barba in retaliation. "Lucky for me, you are a much more competent lover than a gift wrapper."
Carisi smiled, but then he suddenly realized, "Fuck! They aren't crying anymore!"
Barba and Carisi scrambled to their feet collecting their underwear and sweatpants from the floor. Carisi managed to get tangled up in the ribbon yet again, but Barba somehow managed to keep the detective from falling.
"Let's get a quick shower!" Barba suggested as he fled the room.
Carisi, who was quick to follow, said, "We'll have hot cocoa afterwards!"
Huang and Amaro were standing at the corner of the living room staring in disbelief at what they had just caught a glimpse of. It was more than a glimpse, though. They had actually seen the couple laying and recovering from their orgasms before they had fled the living room.
Amaro finally managed, "We should wrap their kids' gifts while they're in the shower."
"Yeah. Although, we probably should use the gift wrap from our closet," Huang advised.
"Good call," Amaro agreed looking at the soiled and crinkled gift wrap on the floor. Then the detective added, "You know, we could have thrown some glitter on them, too."
Huang laughed and remarked, "The ultimate gift."
Thirty minutes later, Barba and Carisi had returned to the living room wearing matching fleece pajama pants and t-shirts. Huang and Amaro were patiently sitting on one of the loveseats, each holding a mug of eggnog in their hands. There were two more mugs waiting on the coffee table near the other loveseat.
Barba and Carisi slowly took their seat on the next loveseat and began sipping at their mugs. They both slowly surveyed the living room which was now lit by only the lights on the Christmas tree. There were nearly thirty now-wrapped gifts under the tree. The mess of soiled and crinkled gift wrap paper and the tangled ribbons had been disposed of.
Finally, Huang said, "Rafael, for being such an intelligent man, Harvard-educated at that, you are so stupid."
Barba looked up from his mug and asked in a tone of indignation, "What?"
"No one is that hopeless of a holiday wrapper. He was trying to lure you into sex," Amaro contributes.
Barba looked to Carisi. "What? You did that on purpose? All of that? All day?"
Carisi shrugged. "It worked."
Barba put his hand to his forehead, but then he panicked as he realized, "Wait! What? You saw us?" he asked the other couple.
"Every last detail," Huang answered calmly, quietly, matter of factly, as he struggled to take a very controlled-seeming sip.
"Well, just from the waist down," Amaro quips.
"Nick suggested covering your dicks in glitter," Huang added.
"I didn't say those exact words," Amaro refuted.
Carisi was amused and wearing a grin, but Barba's cheeks are ablaze with embarrassment.
"So, are you two interested in a threesome or foursome?" Carisi joked.
Amaro and Huang playfully look at each other as if they were actually considering the invitation causing all four of them to start laughing, even the embarrassed DA.
"Why don't we go somewhere more comfortable," Carisi suggested in a seductive tone continuing the joke, but when he looked at his husband, Barba was already on his feet and extending his hand to Carisi.
"Is this really happening?" Amaro asked as he and Huang stood up.
"Suppose there is nothing wrong with experimenting. I was too busy at Harvard studying to find the time to...experiment," Barba said casually.
"He's fuckin' with you," Huang told Amaro.
"It's the holidays and there is eggnog," Barba refuted.
"Raf?" Carisi asked now looking at Barba in perplexed astonishment. Carisi had had his fill of sexual experimentation in his college days (and they were fun), but he was madly in love with his husband who didn't seem like the type to experiment. He had only been kidding when he mentioned the idea to the other couple.
"I'd like to try it. We're all adults and if we all consent--" Barba began.
"I consent!" Amaro and Huang exclaimed in unison.
"Wow, uh sure," Carisi said sounding completely and utterly unsure.
"And since they wrapped the gifts, we do owe them a thank you," Barba tried to convince Carisi.
"Ah, you're not fuckin' with 'em. You're fuckin' with me, aren't you?" Carisi asked suspiciously.
Barba shook his head. "It's cute that you would think that, but I'm serious." Barba turned to the other couple, "But it has to stay about consent. Anyone doesn't like something, it stops. No questions. Got it?"
Amaro and Huang agreed.
As the couples began walking towards Barisi's bedroom (because they all knew they had the bigger bed), Carisi asked, "Rafi?"
Barba pressed a kiss to Carisi's cheek. "I'm absolutely sure."
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