#raggedy russet
tailoroffates · 1 year
Writing tips #4 - Hair
Hey everyone! I'm here to do yet another segment of Writing Tips! Today we are going to cover the many options writers can use to describe the hairstyles of their OCs. Without further adieu, let's talk hair :P
Billowing, cut, dreads, fuzz, locks, mane, mop, strands, tendrils, tresses, tufts, wisps, wispy.
Amber, ash-blonde, auburn, black, bleached, blond, bronze, brunette, chestnut, coal black, copper, dark, dirty blonde, fair, fake, fiery red, flaxen, frosted, golden, gray, highlighted, jet black, light, pale, platinum, raven, red, russet, sandy blonde, silver, silvery, snowy white, straw, strawberry blonde, streaked, tawny, towheaded, washed out, white, yellow.
Bouncy, clean, coarse, dingy, drab, dry, dull, fine, flaky, flowing, fluffy, flyaway, frizzy, glistening, glossy, grimy, groomed, messy, neat, oily, puffy, raggedy, ratty, shaggy, shiny, silky, sleek, smooth, soft, springy, straggly, straw-like, stringy, tangled, thick, thin, tidy, trimmed, wiry, unkempt.
Buzzed, chin-length, cropped, long, mid-length, receding, shaved, short, shoulder-length, waist-length.
Afro, bangs, bobbed, bowl cut, braided, bun, buzz, cowlick, crimped, curled, curly, feathered, flattop, gelled, kinky, knotted, layered, nappy, mohawk, permed, pigtail, pinned, pleated, ponytail, ringlets, side swept, shaved, slicked, spiked, stiff, straight, teased, tussled, twisted, uneven, wavy.
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Word Search
Thanks for the tag, @aohendo, @late-to-the-fandom, and @bookish-galaxy! All snippets are from the rewrite of Bride of Loki.
mine (Bride of Loki)
"But I'm not an illusion!" She coughed at the pressure. "I'm the real Siv, I swear! The forest might be your mind but the lava is mine!" The anger in Mabelle’s face seemed to go slack. "I'm not sure how we're both here but if you're the real Mabelle and this is your mind...then you made a pact with Freyr, right? A pact that you need to complete?!" The fingers putting pressure on her throat loosened a tad and Siv took a frantic breath in. "I have a god haunting me and a pact too! We can help each other!"
might (Bride of Loki)
It might’ve been her nerves, but the office felt much, much colder than anywhere else on the planet. Posters about obedience and being a good citizen were hanging on the room's walls, matching the blue and white decor. Siv stared at the desk from behind her bangs, her heart sinking with what she knew he was going to say. “This meeting is your last warning.”
mix(ed) (Bride of Loki)
Siv let out a grunt as she was shoved behind some crates. Ready to complain, she followed the hissed instruction when she saw a platoon of guards march by. They were so close she could smell the metal of their armor. There was the disturbing scent of copper mixed with it. Siv pulled her legs up as she curled into herself. It was easier to hide that way. Plus, the ground was cold.
shred (Bride of Loki)
"Wait!” Siv grasped at Kari’s arm, looking for that shred of green. “Stop!" Siv pointed in the direction, absently noticing that her flesh had been glowing. There was Mabelle! Next to her was Miks, standing in some of kind of line. "I see them! Over there, outside, in a line!"
treat (Bride of Loki)
“No, no, I insist!” Miks gave a strained grin. “It’s my treat!” He stared at her hopefully, likely wanting her to ignore it. Mabelle sighed with a small smile.
mask (Bride of Loki)
The silence lingered as Siv considered this idea. No magic but just a mask. She finally sighed, pushing her bangs out of her face. "I'll try."
bare (Bride of Loki)
She actually did. Her hair looked like she had been dragged through a bush, but was thankfully absent from any actual plant life. The sweater and scarf she wore before were gone, her skirt was a raggedy mess, and her feet were bare of socks, but she still wore blood-stained flats. The undershirt was singed and looked like it had been torn open.
moon (Bride of Loki)
"And then you were going to leave me to die on some deserted moon..." She sounded ready to cry, shrinking into her undershirt as her bangs hid her eyes, her hair flattening back down. The glow of her skin slowly died down back to a near-paleness as her eyes slid to an almost marigold color. It was an interesting shift but unneeded.
alone (Bride of Loki)
Kari couldn't help but glare at Runa, who was dressed in a tank and jeans. As the speaker turned on, she pushed him to a small alley, divided from the rest of the auditorium by a curtain. While she was examining the area, making sure it was safe, he took the chance to look for short, dark hair. Siv was all alone.
bright (Bride of Loki)
Siv stopped. Very slowly, she turned halfway, glaring at him. Something about her had, for lack of a better word, sharpened. "Well, you know what else I am? I'm Siv." She fully turned, her face suddenly lighting up in shades of crimson and gold like magma under her skin, russet eyes turning into intense bronze as once again her hair poofed up. It was an image of anger, bright and entrancingly beautiful. "And I can't die. Got it?"
call (Bride of Loki)
Mabelle came to a stop and took a deep breath. Okay. She shouldn’t call for him. He never responded anyway. Instead, she stood and listened.
I’ll tag, with no pressure, @acoffinwrites, @athenswrites, @athena-anna-rose, @mr-writes, @asher-orion-writes, @ashen-crest, @kjscottwrites, @scmalarky, @verba-writing, and @perasperaadastrawriting to find less, more, good, people.
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caramel-kitten1997 · 1 year
The Theif and the Sea
The boy we follow is currently sneaking around the shop. He is checking corners and marking his target. With no one around, he pounces and shoves his objective into his bomber jacket. With grace and speed, he makes his way out of the store with no witnesses. Or so he thought .
"Come back here, you have to pay for that!" screams an older man. Before the man can catch him, the boy is out the door. He runs down the block before turning a corner into an alley. He hides behind some trash bins to make sure that he's not being followed. When he is certain, he comes out to the other side of the alley where no one is and opens up a pair of beautiful russet brown wings. Two flaps and he's up in the air. Three more and he's above the buildings of the town. He sighs and soars to the edge of town. There, an abandoned sewage plant stands. He dives to the building and gently lands. Making his way in, he sees others who live there as well. Everyone from adults to toddlers, all living in this community in the sewage plant. The boy says hi to some of the people as he passes by. Heading to his section of the plant, he walks into a makeshift room. The walls are made of metal sheets and covered in fabrics of all kinds. The floor is covered in a purple shag carpet to help ease the hardness of the concrete underneath. In the far corner is a torn mattress covered in old pillows and stuffed animals. There, he sees the only one who makes this life worth living, playing with a raggedy bunny toy.
"Hey Jackson, I got a surprise for you," the boy says as he walks up to the younger boy. Jackson looks up from his toy and a broad smile covers his pale face.
"Briason, you're home!" Jackson says.
"Yeah, and you'll never guess what I got you," Briason says. Jackson rolls his eyes.
"I know you got me gummy bears. You get them for me every week," Jackson says. Brinson shrugs with a smile.
"Well, I guess you don't want these then," Briason says, holding the bag of gummy bears above his head.
"Hey, no, I do want them," Jackson laughs, reaching with only his arms. The two laugh as Briason keeps the sweet treat away from Jackson before Jackson erupts into coughs. Immediately worried, Briason kneels next to the small boy and pats his back.
"Hey, Jackson, you okay? Do you need some water?" Briason asks. Jackson nods as he coughs. Briason grabs a bottle of old water and hands it to Jackson. Coughing subsiding, Jackson chugs the water.
"Careful, Jackson. Don't want to start another coughing spree. Did you take your medicine today?" Briason asks. Jackson nods as he puts the water bottle down.
"Good. I want to make sure you're doing okay," Briason says. Once Briason is sure Jackson’s cough had calmed down, he gives the bag of gummy bears to Jackson. Beaming, Jackson tears the bag, just as Briason showed him. Briason smiles and loops an arm around the younger boy.
“So, how was your day?” Briason asks.
“It was fun! Maggie came with some of the other kids and they played with me for a little while. Then Shelby brought a turkey sandwich and some chips, the barbeque kind, you know how much I love that flavor. She gossiped with me for a bit and then she suggested I take a nap because she said I looked tired, so Fluffy and I laid down for a bit,” Jackson explains, Briason hanging onto every word.
“How was your day?” Jackson asks, eyes wide and expecting.
“My day was okay. I manage to get a few bucks from the mail company for delivering newspapers, and a lady lost her baby’s pacifier in the park, so I helped look for it. Luckily, we were able to find it, and she was really grateful for it.”
“And the gummy bears?” Jackson asks. Briason sighs.
“Well, I didn’t have enough to buy them, so I may have… stole them. BUT! I will pay the owner back tomorrow, I promise,” Briason confesses.
“You know I don’t like it when you steal the gummy bears. I could’ve waited until you had the money to buy them,” Jackson says, clearly disappointed.
“I’m sorry. What about this; I’ll pay twice the price of those gummy bears tomorrow?”
“No, we don’t have the money for TWO gummy bears. I want you to apologize and pay the regular price for the bag.”
“Alright, I can do that. It will have to be after my deliveries though,” Briason says, ruffling Jackson’s platinum blonde hair. Jackson looks up at Briason with wide eyes and asks, “Can I come with you?”
Briason winces at the question and asks back, “Why would you want to come with me?”
“I want to also apologize to the owner and thank him for not calling the police,” Jackson says honestly. Briason looks long and hard at Jackson and sighs.
“We’ll have to ask Maggie if it’s okay,” Briason admits. Jackson smiles wide and throws his arms around Briason. Briason wraps his arms around Jackson and under his legs before double tapping Jackson’s shoulder. Jackson feels his body become lighter and Briason picks him up. He carries Jackson out of their little abode and across the sewage plant. They make their way to the room where Maggie stays during the hot days of summer. Briason pushes open the door, feeling the instant temperature drop around him. In the middle of the room, Maggie stands, bundled in winter clothes. She turns to see the two boys enter and smiles.
“Hello. My old eyes aren’t the best, but I can always tell when you two enter a room,” Maggie says. Jackson smiles and opens his arms for a hug. Briason gently sets down Jackson and Maggie walks over and hugs Jackson.
“Let's get out of here; it’s way too cold,” Maggie says. She puts an arm under Jackson’s shoulders and leads him and Briason out of the room. They head to Maggie’s tent, which is in between the room where they keep the cold food and the nursery/elders’ room. She spent most of her summer days in the food room, using her power to keep the food cold, and most of her winter days in the nursery/elders’ room, keeping it warm. Maggie helps Jackson into the tent and sets him on the padded party of the floor that she uses as a bed.
“So, what can I help you with, boys?” Maggie says, slipping out of the winter jacket.
“I want to go to town with Briason!” Jackson exclaims. Maggie raises an eyebrow and smiles.
“Well, shoot, little man, may I know why?” Maggie asks. Before Briason could say anything, Jackson says, “Briason stole gummy bears and I want to apologize to the owner!”
Maggie throws back her head and laughs.
“Well, Briason, looks like you got into a bit of trouble. Well, Jackson, since you feel up to visit the town, I say it’s okay. But you should ask Briason if he’s okay with taking you,” Maggie says. Jackson looks up at Briason with puppy dog eyes and pouts.
“Of course, I’m okay with it. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you, Maggie,” Briason explains.
“Well, he doesn’t ask to go out very often. It would be a good experience for him to go to the town,” Maggie says. Jackson smiles widely.
“Okay, you can be my helper tomorrow then,” Briason says, ruffling Jackson’s hair. Maggie walks the boys back to their little area and they enjoy the rest of the afternoon. The next day, Briason shakes Jackson awake.
“Time to get up, buddy,” Briason says as Jackson rubs his eyes. Briason holds out a pill and a bottle of water that Jackson gratefully takes. After a breakfast of stale cereal, Briason double taps Jackson and lifts half his weight. He brings Jackson outside where the sun has barely risen.
“Briason, the sun isn’t even awake yet; do you wake up this early every day?” Jackson asks.
“Of course! People love reading their newspapers in the morning,” Briason laughs. He then spreads his wings and launches into the air. Jackson gasps and holds tightly to Briason. Briason makes sure to have a tight hold on Jackson as they fly over the field that separates the town from the sewer plant. As they approach the town, Jackson notes how quiet the town is. Briason gently lands in front of the post office and carries Jackson inside. A lazy-eyed woman stands at the counter and perks up as the boys come in.
“Well, early as always, Briason! And who’s that little friend of yours?” she asks.
“Hi Lily, this is Jackson. He wanted to come to town today so I figured he could help me with delivering the newspapers,” Briason explains, Jackson waving nervously at her. Jackson hasn’t been in town since his last doctor’s appointment, which was almost a year and a half ago.
“Are you able to do your job with your friend?” Lily asks.
“Shouldn’t be too hard,” Briason says.
“Can he walk on his own?” Lily states bluntly. Jackson feels his face heat up.
“I can carry him,” Briason frowns. Lily is quiet for a moment, puckering her lips.
“How ‘bout I make you a deal; your little friend can stay here with me and help me sort out the mail for twenty bucks while you do your deliveries,” Lily offers. Jackson’s eyes grow wide and excited.
“Really?! You’ll pay me?” Jackson asks. Briason looks a bit worried.
“Of course, dearie, you’d be helping me with my job, and Briason can do his job without worrying about you,” Lily says. Jackson looks at Briason with big eyes.
“Well, we could use the extra money,” Briason gives in. Jackson smiles widely and Lily escorts him to the back of the post office, leaving a worried-looking Briason. Lily comes back with the bag of newspapers and hands it to Briason.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him,” Lily reassures. Briason manages a small smile before heading out for his journey around town. It only takes him a total of three and a half hours, which was full of worrying about Jackson. Briason knows that Lily would take good care of Jackson, but it is still worrisome. He makes it back to the post office, relieved to find Jackson and Lily chatting in the front of the store.
“Briason! Did you know that Lily has a healing power like Shelby?” Jackson asks excitedly from the counter. Briason immediately feels like his worries were silly.
“It’s not great, but it’s good for small injuries, like cuts and bruises,” Lily smiles, looking sheepish.
“Thank you for taking care of him,” Briason says, grabbing Jackson off the counter.
“Wait a moment, I still need to pay you,” Lily stops them. She pulls out fifty-eight dollars and fifty cents and places them in an envelope.
“Wow, that’s a lot of money,” Jackson says, looking into the envelope.
“Thank you, Lily, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Briason waves as he takes Jackson outside.
“Do you make this much everyday?” Jackson asks.
“Not on Sundays; that’s my day off. But we also have an extra twenty because of you,” Briason explains. Jackson thinks for a moment and then asks, “How much are gummy bears?”
Briason is quiet and Jackson asks again. With no answer, Jackson says, “You didn’t need to steal those gummy bears, did you?”
“I technically didn’t need to, but I’ve been saving up for something,” Briason admits.
“Briason! What is so important that you had to steal gummy bears?” Jackson accuses. Briason is quiet as they walk towards a new building. Jackson sees the sign, but doesn’t know how to read it.
“What’s that place?” Jackson asks.
“It’s a pharmacy. That’s where we get your pills,” Briason explains as he walks in. He brings Jackson down the aisles before stopping and showing Jackson a product sitting in the back.
“W-what is that?” Jackson asks, wanting to make sure of what he was seeing.
“It’s a wheelchair. I was hoping to get you one for your birthday, but it’s like two hundred dollars. I’ve been saving as much as I can so you are able to start going places by yourself, and I have just enough to buy it and still pay for the gummy bears,” Briason explains. Jackson covers his mouth to stop himself from sobbing, but silent tears are rolling down his face.
“You- you were wanting to buy this? For me?”
“Well, yeah, you’re getting to the age where you can start doing stuff yourself and I figured that I’d give you that chance, in case you ever chose to.”
Jackson wraps his arms around Briason’s neck and gives him a hug.
“You’re the best, Briason.”
“I try. Now, let's get this baby,” Briason says, grabbing the wheelchair box carefully. He double taps the box, because it is much heavier than he imagined it would be. Briason carefully puts Jackson on his feet so he can walk with Briason’s help and carry the wheelchair in the other hand. Together, they make their way to the cash register.
"Do you need any help with that?" the cashier asks.
"I got it," Briason says, placing the box on the counter. The cashier gives the two boys a curious glance before scanning the item.
"That'll be 250 dollars. Is that all right?" the cashier asks.
"Yes ma'am, it is. Just give me a second. Jackson, I gotta set you down for a second," Briason says as he gently lowers Jackson to the ground. Jackson nods and smiles. Briason then pulls out an old plastic bag out of an inside pocket in his bomber jacket. In the bag is a bundle of cash containing mostly tens and twenties. He quickly adds up the amount of cash he needs and finds he has just ten dollars over.
"Here you go! This should be enough," Briason says as he hands over the cash. The cashier takes the money and double checks the amount. Once she is done, she smiles and says, "Will you need help assembling it?"
"I think I can handle it," Briason says as he picks Jackson up off the floor and takes the box. They shuffle outside where Briason takes the next ten minutes reading the instructions and putting the wheelchair together.
"There, that should do it," Briason says when he's finally done.
"Put me in it!" Jackson squeals in delight.
"Alright man, here we go!" Briason says as he picks Jackson up. He gently sits Jackson into the wheelchair, and Jackson immediately starts messing with the wheels. He takes a little bit to experiment with the wheelchair before rolling forward.
"So, buddy, how is it?" Briason asks.
"It's perfect!" Jackson says with a smile on his face.
"That's great! Do you think you can get yourself to the grocery store?"
Jackson wheels himself a bit before saying, "I think I can, but I might need some help."
"No worries, just tell me when you need help," Briason says. They start to make their way to the grocery store, Briason walking next to Jackson. On the way, Jackson needs help with getting off the sidewalk and back on it, but Braison is happy to help. Jackson is pretty proud of himself, and Briason couldn’t be any prouder himself. When they finally arrive to the store, Briason stops Jackson in the front.
“Hey, are you sure you want to go in with me? The guy will be pretty mad about the whole ‘stealing gummy bears’ thing,” Briason asks.
“Of course I want to come in with you! It would only be fair for me to also apologize since I’m the reason you stole the gummy bears,” Jackson pouts. Briason sighs and says, “Okay, but I get to push you in.”
Jackson nods his head and Briason starts to push him in, swallowing nervously. Sure, he’s always had a rocky relationship with the store owner, but it had gotten a lot better since Jackson convinced him to stop shoplifting. But actually coming back and apologizing? He’s never done that. Along with that, the owner doesn’t know about Jackson; they’ve never met before. What if Briason ruins a potentailly good relationship by bringing Jackson in with him? Briason nearly turns heel when he sees a cashier, but Jackson takes over and heads in the cashier’s direction. Briason quietly admits defeat and follows.
“Excuse me,” Jackson says as he rolls up to the cashier. The cashier looks at him and smiles before he sees Briason behind him. The cashier’s smile falters for a second but he ultimately smiles brighter.
“Hello young man, how can I help you?” the cashier asks.
“My friend here has something to tell the owner. Are you ther owner?” Jackson asks with doe eyes.
“I’m sorry, I’m not. The owner is busy today, but I can get a manager for you.”
Jackson looks back at Briason in confusion and Briason nods.
“Yes, that would be nice,” Jackson says. The cashier presses a few buttons on his register and says, “Hopefully she’ll be here soon.”
It takes a minute, but a small lady comes to the register.
“Yes, what do you need?” she asks.
“These boys apparently have something to say,” the cashier says, pointing to Jackson and Briason. The manager’s face stays neutral as she looks at them.
“What can I help you with?” she asks. Jackson looks at Briason with expectant eyes.
“W-well,” Briason starts, and Jackson’s smile encourages to keep going, “I stole some gummy bears yesterday and I wanted to pay for them today. I’m very sorry that I did it and I promise it will never happen again.”
Both the manager and cashier look bewildered by this confession and apology. There’s a pause of silence, and Briason thinks that they’re going to throw the two boys out.
“Well, I have to say, that takes a lot of courage to admit that. I have to say, I’m very proud of you,” the manager says, cracking a small smile. Jackson’s face breaks into a smile and Briason lets out a breath of relief.
“To be honest, if it weren't for my friend here, I wouldn’t have,” Briason admits.
“I don’t blame you,” the manager laughs, “how about this? We’ll check you out for those gummy bears and everything will be cleared up, okay?”
“That’d be great! Thank you so much,” Briason says. The cashier starts to ring them up for yesterday’s stolen gummy bears when Jackson starts to cough.
“Hey, buddy, need some water?” Briason asks. Jackson continues to cough while nodding.
“Yeah, man, get a bottle of water, there’s some right there,” the cashier says, pointing to a little fridge. Briason grabs a bottle and stops when he’s about to open the bottle.
“Don’t worry, as long as you pay for it, it’s fine to open,” the cashier reassures him. Briason nods and hands the opened bottle to Jackson. Jackson takes the bottle and begins to chug the bottle.
“I guess it’s time for your meds. Lets get those for you,” Briason says, patting his pockets. When he doesn’t feel the pill bottle, Briason’s heart drops. He quickly pats Jackson’s pants pockets, but to no avail.
“Shit shit shit,” Briason panicks.
“Hey, what’s up?” The cashier asks.
“His pills, I can’t believe I forgot his pills,” Briason says.
“Hey, no worries, the pharmacy is down across the street,” the cashier tries to calm Briason.
“I have no money,” Briason says.
“Hey, if you need the money, I can let you pay tomorrow.”
“His meds are like one hundred dollars,” Briason cries out. Jackson’s coughs turn to gasps and he’s clawing the air.
“What do his pills do?” the cashier asks, gaining concern for Jackson.
“HE’S A MERMAN!” Briason yells before picking up Jackson and running out of the store. Outside, Briason immediately takes flight and heads to the sewage plant. Jackson is turning blue as Briason carries him close to his chest. Briason can feel Jackson’s legs fighting the pants he’s wearing, the only thing thast is keeping Jackson’s legs as is.
“Hang on man, we’re almost there,” Briason begs. He barely stops as he lands in front of the building and runs inside. He passes by Maggie.
“Hey, what’s the rush?” Maggie asks as Briason rushes by her, but he has no time. Jackson is motionless in his arms as Briason enters their room and places him on the bed. Jackson’s face is deep purple and Briason can see the scales peppering him, blue in color. Briason struggles to finds the pills for a second but spots them next to the bed. He grabs the bottle and hurriedly opens it, begging that it isn’t too late. Pill in hand, he coaxs the pill into Jackson’s mouth and down his throat. When it doens’t seem to help, Briason grabs the water bottle full of old water and begins pouring it into Jackson’s mouth. Briason tips Jackson’s head back and rubs his throat, just like the doctor taught him in case of emergency.
“Come on man, don’t do this to me,” Briason begs and holds Jackson close to him, tears pouring out of his eyes. He shuts his eyes and cries into Jackson’s shoulder. Briason almost lost all hope when he hears a gasp and feels Jackson’s chest expand.
“Jackson! Jackson, you’re okay! You’re okay, man, you’re okay,” Briason sobs, patting Jackson’s back. Jackson coughs for a moment and gasps, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
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devlunar · 3 years
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woah new clandy kid dropped. 
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Canonically and established in Sansa's very first AGoT chapter, Arya absolutely loves flowers. She goes out of her way to pick some (though they turned out to be poisonous and rash-inducing) for Ned:
Dense thickets of half-drowned trees pressed close around them, branches dripping with curtains of pale fungus. Huge flowers bloomed in the mud and floated on pools of stagnant water, but if you were stupid enough to leave the causeway to pluck them, there were quicksands waiting to suck you down, and snakes watching from the trees, and lizard-lions floating half-submerged in the water, like black logs with eyes and teeth.
None of which stopped Arya, of course. One day she came back grinning her horsey grin, her hair all tangled and her clothes covered in mud, clutching a raggedy bunch of purple and green flowers for Father. Sansa kept hoping he would tell Arya to behave herself and act like the highborn lady she was supposed to be, but he never did, he only hugged her and thanked her for the flowers. That just made her worse.
Then it turned out the purple flowers were called poison kisses, and Arya got a rash on her arms. Sansa would have thought that might have taught her a lesson, but Arya laughed about it, and the next day she rubbed mud all over her arms like some ignorant bog woman just because her friend Mycah told her it would stop the itching. (Sansa I, AGoT)
and tells Sansa that she counted thirty-six different types of flowers that she had never seen before:
Arya shrugged. "Hold still," she snapped at Nymeria, "I'm not hurting you." Then to Sansa she said, "When we were crossing the Neck, I counted thirty-six flowers I never saw before, and Mycah showed me a lizard-lion." (Sansa I, AGoT)
There's a Jon chapter where he looks at the scenery in the Skirling Pass and describes the environment partially like so:
Yet even so, Jon Snow was not sorry he had come. There were wonders here as well. He had seen sunlight flashing on icy thin waterfalls as they plunged over the lips of sheer stone cliffs, and a mountain meadow full of autumn wildflowers, blue coldsnaps and bright scarlet frostfires and stands of piper's grass in russet and gold. (Jon VI, ACoK)
Jon is obviously no fool, and very far from clueless, but I do have a sweet headcanon - that Jon and Arya snuck out to the wolfswood (or, even simpler to explain, into Winterfell's glass gardens) and Arya taught Jon the names of some flowers - which is how he knew the names of the scarlet frostfires, the blue coldsnaps, and the piper's grass he saw beyond the Wall. Arya's enthusiastic about plants and they've spent a lot of time together anyway lol
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whitedusks-purpose · 3 years
Starting this blog off by designing the current allegiances! All the characters will be tagged so just look up names if you need. Will make clan charts when I finish.
LEADER Nightstar - A silver and black she-cat with heterochromia
DEPUTY Soulwhisper - A silver and gray tom with deep blue eyes
Willowshard - A darling calico molly with piercing emerald eyes
WARRIORS ( toms and she-cats without kits )
Moonshadow - A silver and black she-cat with green eyes
Darkpool - A black tabby tom
Talonshade - A gray and black tabby tom
Apprentice, Lightningpaw
Hunchedrain - A squatty Light brown marbled classic tabby tom
Darkclaw - A black tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Pumpkinpelt - A cream she-cat with orange tabby splotches
Doefur - A dusty brown she-cat with amber eyes
Dawnmist - A cream she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Spottedpaw
Greyfrost - A gray and white tom with green eyes
Tallpine - A lanky brown and black tom
Applewing - A stunning calico she-cat with green eyes
Timberfall - A light brown tabby tom
Autumncloud - A tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Bearstomp - A large, cream tabby tom
Winterrose - A solid white tom with a deep navy-blue gaze
Brambleflower - A fluffy, dark brown tabby she-cat
Peachstorm - A cream she-cat with pale green eyes
Hawkstride - A brown tabby tom with white spotting; green eyes
APPRENTICES ( More than 6 moons old, in training to become warriors )
Spottedpaw - A tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
Lightningpaw - A black tom with yellow eyes
Sprucepaw - A dark brown tabby tom with a white underbelly
QUEENS ( she cats expecting or nursing kits )
Tawnyclaw - A dull tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Lightstep - A charcoal mottled she-cat with amber eyes
Virgoswirl - A black-and-white she-cat with soft yellow eyes, mother to Mothkit, Solidkit, and Ravenkit
Uniquetrip - A blue-gray she-cat, mother to Puddlekit, a blue-gray siamese tom.
ELDERS ( Former warriors and queens, now retired )
Doveheart - A pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
Whitepatch - A raggedy white tom with black patches and pale
green eyes
LEADER Fernstar - A brown tabby tom with a white undertail and green
DEPUTY Sunnystride - An orange and cream she-cat with green eyes
Leafwhisker - A round black and white tom with yellow eyes
WARRIORS ( toms and she-cats without kits )
Birchblossom - A tortoiseshell molly with green eyes
Hollytail - A black she cat with a white tail-tip, green eyes
Owltail - A brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Longear - A pale tabby tom with green eyes
Mistystream - A pale, blue-grey she cat with blue eyes
Flutterpaws - A calico she-cat
Mountainstag - A gray-brown, giant tom with grey eyes
Eaglestrike - A large brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
Valleystreak - A light brown tabby tom with blue-green eyes
Russetscar - A huge russet colored tom with amber eyes and many scars
Orcacry - A large black and white tom with blue eyes
Sagefang - A dilute torbie she-cat with pale green eyes
Mudtail - A solid brown she with brown eyes
Apprentice, Bubblepaw
Brooksong - A blue, brown, and cream torbie she-cat with brown eyes
Apprentice, Lilypaw
APPRENTICES ( more than 6 moons, training to become warriors )
Bubblepaw - A blueish she-cat with blue eyes
Lilypaw - A cream she-cat with brown tabby spots
QUEENS ( she-cats expecting or nursing kits )
Crowflight - A black cat with low white spotting and hazel eyes;
mother of Whitekit, Blackkit, Moonkit, and Ravenkit
ELDERS ( former warriors and queens, now retired )
Briarleg - A brindled tortie she-cat with brown eyes and a grayed
LEADER Tidestar - A blue-grey tom with blue eyes
DEPUTY Ebonystride - A black she cat with yellow eyes
Pebblewhisker - A pale gray mottled she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Daisypaw
WARRIORS ( toms and she cats without kits )
Maplestream - A beautiful long-furred torbico molly with green
Adderscratch - A burnt orange tabby tom
Featherdream - A pale cream tom with blue and brown brindled splotches and heterochromia
Mushroompelt - A brown tom with lighter patches
Apprentice, Cobrapaw
Bluefin - A blueish tom with pale eyes
Sundrift - A cream tom with brown tabby splotches and a gentle amber gaze
Pikefur - A black molly with protruding fangs
Brightcove - A white she-cat with yellow eyes
Oakwhisker - A brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Spoutpaw
Frogleap - A green-tinted grey tom with brown eyes
Nettleskip - A dark orange tom with brown eyes
APPRENTICES ( more than 6 moons, in training to become warriors )
Spoutpaw - A solid pale brown tom
Cobrapaw - A leopard spotted tom with amber eyes
Daisypaw - A small tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
QUEENS ( she cats expecting or nursing kits )
Greenheart - A gray tabby she-cat with dull green eyes, mother to
Tawnykit, fostering Taigakit
ELDERS ( former warriors and queens, now retired )
Graydawn - A light gray she-cat with blue eyes
LEADER Sorrelstar - A calico she-cat with brown eyes
DEPUTY Swiftclaw - A brindled bicolour tom with amber eyes
Rabbitstub - A mottled brown and cream tom with pale hazel eyes
WARRIORS ( toms and she-cats without kits )
Swallowsnap - A senior tan tom with lighter and darker shades
Rabbitbound - A senior, dark-tan pelted she-cat
Brindlecloud - A gray tabby she-cat with pale green eyes
Heatherpelt - A cream she-cat with pale green eyes
Bluestripe - A blueish tabby she cat with yellow eyes
Tundrafang - A solid blue-gray tom with blue eyes and a gray
Houndsnarl - A white tom with brown spots
Grassthroat - A tabby tom with many scars
Hareleap - A solid dusty brown tom
Mothflutter - A soft golden she-cat with ice-blue eyes
Crowfoot - A gray-black tom with blue eyes
Apprentice, Honeypaw
Brackensnap - A golden tom with amber eyes
Flamestripe - An orange tabby tom with one blind eye
QUEENS ( she cats expecting or nursing kits )
Mallowfeather - An orange tabby she-cat
APPRENTICES ( over 6 moons, in training to become warriors )
Honeypaw - A pale golden molly with copper eyes
ELDERS ( former warriors and queens now retired )
Crimsonfleck - A dark red tom with black flecks
Saharatail - A tan she-cat who lost her sight
Eagleswoop - A black and white tom who lost his sight
Kerosene - A black kitten with one white ear and yellow eyes
Quilly - A black she-cat with gray streaks
Rasputin - A very dark orange tabby tom with brown eyes
Tundra - A silvery tabby cat with blue eyes
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devlunar · 3 years
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A bunch of monster related AUs. A lot of people inspired these but the first one is an AU @closeted-calliope and @redthornzzz are working on. The second is redthornzzz’s round lil bat boy. Third and forth are my own thing but heavily inspired by @titzfitz and @kind-little-fella
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devlunar · 3 years
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Posting two moomin things at once. First ones a fan character, I think I’ll name her Daisy but it may change. The seconds a Raggedy Ann AU.
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devlunar · 3 years
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Russet and Renard summarized in two images
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devlunar · 3 years
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Despite being younger, Renard is very reminiscent of the mean older brother. He cares a lot about Russet but rarely shows it. Most of the time he’s being stinky.
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devlunar · 3 years
I'm still just looking out the window thinking for hours so heres how Russet came to be:
I'm gonna pretend Clem existed offscreen in the movie and that he and Andy already had an established relationship. A few years after the events of the film, Marcella's parents bring home a baby boy named Richard (based off Gruelle's irl son). The toys would sneak around at first to see this new kid that the family was talking about but soon Marcella would have to share her plush toys with him and they'd get to see more of Richard up close. Andy's happy that theres a boy around that will play with him when he's older but he and Clem are also fascinated by the idea of creating a new family member. It seems that humans who love each other want to raise children together and they wonder if they could ever do the same thing. They're not sure how biological creatures reproduce but they know how dolls are made so they get to work finding everything they need to put a new doll together. The other playroom toys who heard of their effort express doubts that a doll can make another doll, or at least a living one. It was unknown what exactly gave them life and it was possible that only the toys made by human hand could become a person. Though unsure of what would happen, Andy and Clem finished putting their doll together and were thrilled to see it slowly come alive as if it was waking up from a deep sleep.They were so caught up in just making the doll and hoping it'd work that they didn't even pick a gender so Russet remained androgynous. 
My theory for what makes an inanimate object come alive is this:
-It must resemble a living thing to some degree but can still be abstracted.
-Someone must genuinely view it as another living being. Children tend to treat their toys like real companions, so it's their imagination that gives it life. 
EDIT: ok i forgot i also think a doll can "die" by being forgotten by the person/people that treated it like a living being.
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devlunar · 3 years
Please tell us a little about russet <:)
They were a little artist from the moment they could hold onto a crayon though this was a problem for their parents who couldn't let the humans see their drawings scattered across the floor or on the walls. Russet loves paint but it's kinda forbidden because of the mess it makes and how hard it'd be to hide. Still, that doesn't mean they don't use it secretly.
I rarely get asks so this was a pleasant surprise. Asks are always open!
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devlunar · 3 years
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I said I might make an annette kid and I did. After I finished drawing him it took a whole extra day just to name this dude hhh. 
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devlunar · 3 years
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hairy baby
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devlunar · 3 years
Mmm dunno bro, Ragdoll ocs? Tell me about them?? Please???
I have like 9 that ive actually drawn and more that just exist in the head. There's Samson Port, The Seapups (Chanty, Manty and Shanty), Raggedy Annabelle, Russet, Renard, Bailey, and Miles.
Ive never posted about the last two. Bailey is a little dog that was a baby toy before his owner moved on. Miles is an androgynous doll that had many different owners that kept changing their name and clothes leading to a bit of an identity crisis.
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