#raguel morningstar
hidden-in-heaven · 3 months
Are there more archangels than just the seven? Like Remiel, Raguel, and Camael?
we've previously stated the siblings themselves are referred to archangels as a title for them alone!
however like with powers and exorcist,
there is a species of archangels! which is most likey what remiel, raguel and camael are !
ok to make sense of it all
7 morningstar siblings are archangels by title
and so are the exorcist, a little complicated but angels who got the title powers but for adams platoon specifcally they're given another title which ''exorcist''
apart from them any other kind of angel is a species
a little guide to make sense of it all:
7 Siblings (Archangels Title)
***First Sphere***
***Second Sphere***
***Third sphere***
Archangel (Species)
Exorcists (Power Title)
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fanby-fckry · 11 months
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How to Seduce the Radio Demon in 6 Easy Steps
Word Count: 2,323
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (Web Series)
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Warnings: Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Kink, Implied/Referenced Cannibalism, Past Character Death
Relationships: Lilith Morningstar/Lucifer Morningstar, Alastor/Lucifer Morningstar, Alastor/Lilith Morningstar/Lucifer Morningstar
Characters: Lilith Morningstar, Lucifer Morningstar, Alastor, Brief Charlie Morningstar
Additional Tags: Romantic Comedy, Comedy/Attempt at Humor, 5+1 Things, Polyamory, Open Marriage, Lilith Morningstar and Lucifer Morningstar Have an Open Marriage, Bisexual Disaster Lucifer Morningstar, Supportive Lilith Morningstar, Lilith Mange Ships It, Aromantic Asexual Alastor
Series: Part 2 of The Unholy Trinity ( <- Prev || Next -> )
Lilith turned to her husband. “The Radio Demon?” she asked expectantly.
“Yes!” Lucifer answered.
“How did you do it?” Lilith asked, curiosity burning in her stomach like hot coals. “How did you finally tempt him?”
Lucifer walks Lilith through his foolproof, 6-step plan to seducing the Radio Demon.
Or, 5 ways Lucifer failed to seduce Alastor, and 1 way that actually worked – as told by one very patient, very supportive, and fairly amused Lilith Morningstar.
Better on AO3
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Step 1: Research
“The Radio Demon, or Alastor – he almost never refers to himself as ‘the Radio Demon’ – is an enigma. From the day he arrived in Hell, he had power like no other sinner. He commandeered Hell’s airwaves, broadcasting his brutality and instilling fear in Pride Ring denizens from imps to Overlords. And while everyone knows his name, his sadistic nature, and his taste in music, anything else about him is a mystery…”
“But not for me,” Lucifer gloated, breaking from the theatrical tone of his earlier monologue. “Because I have paperwork!”
Lucifer took a seat beside Lilith and began reading from the files he’d brought. “Alright, it says here his sins are murder – oh, murders, that’s plural – pride, wrath, vengeance – I still can’t believe they marked that one as a sin. When Raguel does it it’s fine, but Dad forbid the humans get involved.”
Lucifer coughed around the word ‘hypocrites,’ and Lilith laughed behind the glass of wine she’d conjured.
“Gluttony,” Lucifer continued. “That’s an odd addition… Oh, never mind, the next one is cannibalism, so that makes sense.”
“Died November 27th, 1933 at age 37 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Death classified as accidental. Cause of death: Gunshot wound to the head – what?” Lucifer balked. “How do you accidentally get shot in the head?”
Lilith shrugged. “Stray bullet, perhaps?”
Lucifer kept reading. “Oh yeah, it says here it was a hunting accident. He was mistaken for a deer while burying the bodies of three victims – fucking incredible!”
“Impressive, indeed,” Lilith agreed.
“Also, that explains the deer ears,” Lucifer said offhandedly.
“Are those ears?” Lilith asked. “I assumed they were part of his hair.”
“I’m pretty sure they’re ears. I think I saw one move, once.”
“Hm,” Lilith hummed and took another sip of her wine. “I suppose you’ll find out when you tempt him. Do let me know, darling.”
“Will do,” Lucifer promised. “No spouse or children, no living relatives at all, actually… Occupation: Radio host and serial killer – serial killer counts as an occupation? Damn, who wrote this?”
Lucifer flipped to the end of the sinner’s paperwork. “Oh, Gabriel. Should’ve known; he’s actually got a sense of humor.”
“But,” Lucifer said after a moment’s thought. “That could work to my advantage. Gabe still talks to me, on occasion. If he handled Alastor’s sentencing, maybe he has some information on his love life? He can be a bit of a gossip sometimes, which would absolutely work in my favor.”
Step 2: Be His Type
“So I got in contact with Gabriel,” Lucifer said, sounding not quite as pleased as Lilith thought he would’ve been.
“What did he have to say?” Lilith asked.
Lucifer scrubbed his hands over his face. “Well, uh, not much,” he told her.
“I asked him if he remembered sentencing a serial killer from New Orleans and he immediately knew who I was talking about. Good sign, right?” Lucifer asked.
It was somewhat rhetorical, but Lilith answered, anyway. “One would assume.”
“But then I asked him about Alastor’s love life and he laughed – fucking laughed!” Lucifer threw his arms up in frustration.
Lucifer put on a fairly accurate impression of his brother, Gabriel, including body language and facial expressions. “He told me, ‘Good luck with that, brother,’ and refused to say another word about it.”
Lucifer sighed, rolled his eyes, and dropped Gabriel’s affect. “So I guess I’m on my own,” he said.
“That’s never been a problem for you before, my swan,” Lilith reminded him.
“So what will you do next?” Lilith asked.
Lucifer shrugged. “I guess I’ll just start throwing mud at the wall and see what sticks.”
“You could always just be your charming self,” Lilith suggested.
Lucifer blushed. “Yeah, I’ll try that too.”
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Lucifer flopped down onto the bed next to his wife. “I have… absolutely no idea what his type is,” he told her.
“Did you try being yourself?” Lilith asked, rolling onto her side to face him.
“Yes, and honestly I think he responds best to me when I’m, well, me.” Lucifer sighed. “But it’s not really the kind of response I’m looking for. He seems to really enjoy messing with me.”
Lilith laughed. “He’s learning how to press your buttons before you can even find his.”
“I know!” Lucifer exclaimed. “I’d actually be impressed if it wasn’t so damn frustrating. I have learned nothing, nada, zilch.”
Lucifer began to list the different ‘types’ he’d gone through thus far. “He shows no preference for women over men or vice versa; various androgynous forms have also failed. I even tried highlighting nonhuman features, angelic, demonic, animalistic-”
“You did the goat thing?” Lilith interjected.
“I did the goat thing!” Lucifer closed his eyes. “You know I hate the goat thing,” he said, sadly.
“Yes, darling, I know,” Lilith replied.
The next words were Lucifer’s, but he’d said them so many times over in the past that Lilith joined him, “Because Baphomet wears it better.”
Lucifer opened his eyes to meet Lilith’s, and they each cracked a smile.
“They really do, though,” Lucifer insisted.
Lilith rolled her eyes and kissed her husband until she was certain he’d forgotten all about the Radio Demon’s many rejections.
Step 3: Make Him Feel In Control
Lucifer came to Lilith with a focused sort of look – one that he only wore when he’d put a great deal of thought into something and needed someone to share it with.
“I think I may have figured it out,” he said.
“Do tell, darling,” Lilith replied, ready to give Lucifer her full attention.
“The murders, the broadcasts, the cannibalism: it’s all about power,” Lucifer said. “Power and control.”
Lilith watched as her husband began pacing the room, talking with his hands as he explained his observations to her.
“Even when he’s with his friends or his allies, he always maintains an element of control,” Lucifer told her. “He’s very touchy-feely with people – no sense of personal space for anyone else – but I’ve never seen anyone touch him.”
“He doesn’t let them,” Lucifer said. “I thought it was just me at first, but he won’t even let Rosie touch him anywhere but his hands.”
Lilith hummed, taking a moment to consider Lucifer’s words. She turned them over in her mind, looking at them from different angles – thinking of how she and Lucifer might handle the situation differently.
“So your plan is to make him feel like he’s in control,” she said.
“Exactly,” Lucifer confirmed. “I’ll conceal my power, shift forms, and appear to him as an unassuming, submissive demon – one he can dominate.”
Lilith said nothing. She simply stared at her husband, one eyebrow raised.
“What?” Lucifer asked, incredulously. “You think I can’t pull it off?”
Lilith resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead kissing Lucifer on the cheek. “I think you’ll certainly try.”
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“Well, I tried,” Lucifer said with a defeated sigh.
“And?” Lilith prompted. Lucifer’s tone had all but confirmed that his plan had worked exactly as well as Lilith thought it would – but she wanted details.
“It was working, or at least I thought it was,” Lucifer complained.
“We flirted for about an hour, then he leaned over and whispered” – Lucifer put on his very best smug, flirtatious Radio Demon impression, complete with a Transatlantic accent, doe eyes, and an ear-to-ear smile – “‘I know it’s you, Devil dearest. You used this form twice already.’”
Lilith stifled a snicker while her husband continued to recount this very unexpected turn of events.
“Then he clapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘Playing waif doesn’t suit you, my friend! Better luck next time!’”
Lilith hummed. “Better luck next time, darling.”
Step 4: Be Romantic
When Lucifer came home with a bouquet of roses, a box of chocolates, and a dejected look on his face, Lilith immediately conjured a glass of wine.
“I have got to hear this one,” she said, taking a sip.
“I thought that since he likes using pet names and terms of endearment that he might be the romantic type,” Lucifer said, dropping the roses rather dramatically on their bedside table.
“And?” Lilith asked.
Lucifer huffed, before answering, “And he took one look at me, made this weird, screechy, feedback noise, then turned around and left.”
Lilith couldn’t help it, she just started laughing.
“Lili,” Lucifer whined, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes.
“Oh, there there, my swan,” Lilith said, and patted her lap. In an instant, her husband was seated atop her thighs, his head nuzzling the crook of her neck.
“We can eat the chocolates together, darling,” she offered. “Would that help?”
“Yes,” Lucifer said, still pouting and muffled significantly by Lilith’s skin against his lips.
“My precious star,” she crooned. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
Step 5: Consider Giving Up
“I think I’m going insane, Lil,” Lucifer said, apropos of nothing. “It’s been five years and I’ve gotten nowhere.”
Lilith, of course, knew exactly what – exactly whom – he was talking about.
Truth be told, Lilith felt more than a bit responsible for her husband’s struggles. After all, she’d been the one to suggest tempting the Radio Demon in the first place.
The living world had been in the midst of economic ruin and on the precipice of war, and Lucifer had needed some intellectually stimulating, low stakes entertainment. At the time, sending him off to tempt the up and coming Overlord had seemed like a wonderful way to provide that.
Now, she wasn’t so sure.
“I’m so sorry, darling,” Lilith said as she stroked her husband’s hair. “When I said I wanted to give you a challenge… Well, suffice to say, I had no idea tempting him would be this involved. You can stop, you know. If you’re not having fun…”
“That’s the thing, though, Lili. I am,” Lucifer told her.
“I’m no closer to tempting him than I was the day I first met him, he’s the most infuriating demon I’ve ever met, and he’s driving me fucking batshit, but…” Lucifer laughed. “Damn it all, I do genuinely enjoy his company.”
With a resigned smile, he said, “Maybe I should give up on trying to tempt him and just be his friend instead.”
Step 6: Disregard Steps 2-5
Lucifer burst in as he often did: loudly, dramatically, and with no regard for what might have been going on there before his entrance.
The double doors of the Morningstar’s main sitting room slammed on their hinges as Lucifer threw them both open at once.
“I did it,” he said, sounding as if he was struggling to believe the words coming out of his own mouth.
Lilith met his eye from across the room. “You did it?”
“I did it!” Lucifer repeated, triumphantly.
“You did what?” asked Charlie, looking up from the hell school homework Lilith had been helping her with.
Oh, if this was the achievement Lilith suspected it to be, Charlie should absolutely not be around to hear about it.
“Oh shit,” Lucifer cursed. “I didn’t see you there, apple pie.”
Charlie looked back and forth between her two parents, before seeming to decide she didn’t want anything to do with this.
“I’m just gonna go, uh, somewhere that isn’t here,” Charlie said, scrambling to grab her things. “Bye!”
“Bye, sweetheart! Love you!” Lucifer called out as Charlie hurried towards the door.
“We love you, starlight,” Lilith echoed.
“Bye Mom, bye Dad! Love you both, too!” Charlie yelled over her shoulder.
As soon as their daughter had left the room, Lilith turned to her husband. “The Radio Demon?” she asked expectantly.
“Yes!” Lucifer answered.
“How did you do it?” Lilith asked, curiosity burning in her stomach like hot coals. “How did you finally tempt him?”
In all honesty, she’d been starting to think the Radio Demon would be Lucifer’s white whale. It’d been six years since she’d turned Lucifer on to this little ‘challenge.’ She’d even considered attempting to seduce the sinner herself to see if he simply had some kind of supernatural aversion to Lucifer.
Lucifer folded his hands under his chin and flashed Lilith a downright sinful grin. “Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?’” he asked
“Of course,” Lilith said, sighing with the realization. “The cannibalism.”
“Mhmm!” Lucifer hummed. “I should’ve thought of it sooner – it seems so obvious now! Oh, and I was definitely barking up the wrong tree trying to tempt him with sex. He is a masochist, though.”
“Oh, good,” Lilith said. “You don’t get to express your sadistic streak often enough, my love.”
Lilith and Lucifer were no strangers to sadomasochism, but usually Lilith was the one dealing blows. They were each flexible in their roles, but Lilith had to admit, she leaned heavily towards both the Dominant and sadistic ends of the spectrum.
“I know, right?” Lucifer said. “I mean, humans tend to be submissive towards me, but they’re so fragile,” he complained. “I can’t really get rough with them, not even the hardcore masochists. It’s been a while since I had a demon sub to play with.”
“He’s a submissive, as well?” Lilith mused. “I can’t say I expected that.”
“Me neither, honestly,” Lucifer admitted. “He’s a huge brat, and I think he enjoys the struggle for control more than the act of submission – but ohhh Lili, you should’ve seen him! He begged.”
“Oh, how sweet,” Lilith cooed. She would indeed have liked to see the Radio Demon beg; she and her husband had similar tastes, after all.
“He’s so pretty,” Lucifer said dreamily. And oh stars, Lilith knew that look.
“I kind of wanna see him again.” Lucifer turned to Lilith and asked, “Would you be alright with that, darling?”
“Yes,” Lilith answered, truthfully. She kissed her husband and listened as he went on and on about his encounter with the Radio Demon. Perhaps she should start calling him Alastor… She had the sneaking suspicion that this little ‘challenge’ was here to stay.
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angelicswagsummit · 1 year
Bracket Reveal!
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I arranged the bracket with a random number generator, so any strange or unbalanced pairings are to be blamed entirely on the random number generator. I'm going to stagger when I put out the polls- I'll put out section A on monday (5/8), section B on tuesday, etc. I tried to make who was who as clear as I could on the bracket, since there are ten Lucifers and ten more Gabriels (give or take), so the matchups are below the cut! May the swaggiest angel win.
Section A
CA Cupid (Ever After High/Monster High) Vs Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Lucifer (Megami Tensei) Vs Gabriel (Shaman King)
Gabriel (Christianity) Vs Islington (Neverwhere)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer) Vs Lucifer Morningstar (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Gabriel (ultrakill) Vs Michael (Granblue Fantasy)
Kaworu Nagisa (Evangelion) Vs Erika (Welcome to Night Vale)
Gabriel (Mandela Catalogue) Vs Skellig (Skellig)
Angel of Death (Prince of Egypt) Vs Manny (Constantine)
Section B
Crowley (Good Omens) Vs Raguel (Murder Mysteries)
El/Eru (Shugo Chara) Vs Sandalphon (Granblue Fantasy)
Finn Fish (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) Vs Guardian Angel (Adventure Time)
Winged Girl (On Your Mark) Vs Angemon (Digimon)
Michael (Michael (1996)) Vs Gabriel (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Michael (Stan for Salvation) Vs Uriel (Shaman King)
Shachath (American Horror Story) Vs Angela (Marvel Image Comics)
Rosie (Wizards of Waverly Place) Vs Sera (Marvel)
Section C
Gabriel (The Bible) Vs Lucifer Morningstar (The Sandman)
Aziraphale (Good Omen) Vs Allison Angel (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Gabriel (Supernatural) Vs Wedding Peach (Wedding Peach)
Ryo Asuka (Devilman Crybaby) Vs Courtney (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Simeon (Obey Me) Vs Gabriel (Stan for Salvation)
Uriel (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Vs Zauriel (DC comics)
Barbella Sasparilla Gainglynn (Dimension 20) Vs Pit (Kid Icarus)
Castiel (Supernatural) Vs Lucifer (Obey Me)
Section D
Venus (We Know the Devil) Vs Whis (Dragon Ball)
Amenadiel (Lucifer) Vs Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking)
Fingers (Dead End: Paranormal Park) Vs Panty Anarchy (Panty and Stocking)
Access Time (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) Vs Kohaku (Wish)
Exandroth (Just Roll With It) Vs Hanekoma Sanae (The World Ends With You)
Uriel ( The Dresden Files) Vs The Angel (The Mechanisms)
Ithuriel (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) Vs Corona Andromede (Oceanfalls)
Lynn (All Saints Street) Vs Galacta Knight (Kirby)
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kokoiep · 7 months
Raguel and Jophiel are so cute! But regarding Raguel is he one of the major achangels like Jophiel is or is he a subdivision of Archangel that micromanages other things in heaven but still is considered an archangel?
Raguel is considered just An Archangel
As we stated in a post in Ross’ account, we have two types Archangel (As in The Morningstars) and then we have Archangels as a type of Angel!
That’s where Raguel enters!
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Angel Network - SpinnerDolphin
Oh I very quickly got into this series, it’s so compelling and well-crafted!
Lucifer/Good Omens/Neverwhere/Supernatural/Murder Mysteries: Crowley, Lucifer, Aziraphale, Chloe, Trixie/Beatrice, Mazikeen, Castiel, Dean, Raguel/Rags, Sam, Watchie/Watchdog (a Hellhound), Islington, Linda, Ella, Belial (OC?), Adam Young, Jack, misc characters 11+ works; 111+ chapters; 500,000+ words. ~ Aziraphale keeps a list. Islington, caged beneath London (Check the locks upon leaving). Raguel, LA (be certain his rent is paid). Michael, Heaven, but adores Earth (keep away from bulls). Castiel, alternate universe (don't ever go to that horrid place). and, lately, Lucifer Morningstar, LA, who seems the sanest of the lot. It's all very confusing. Amenadiel, LA, is also on the list, but Aziraphale reported to Amenadiel in the Rebellion and, well, some things are too strange for him even to tolerate. Crowley's just tired of flying over the Atlantic. And turns out his boss? Well, he's kind of alright. ~ Warning: footnotes, food/alcohol, violence/murder/gruesome bodily injury, dead/mangled bodies (human & otherwise), various minor character/animal deaths, off-screen kidnapping, decapitation, non-graphic discussion of people being eaten/loss of limbs/skinning, discussion of sex, (Lucifer canon-typical) police, brainwashing/memory tampering, kids in danger, seizures/medical scares, magical compulsion/threatening plants, misnaming/mispronouned, possession, excrement/sewers/unsanitary, “brat” (affectionate), brief animal abuse/car crash/insects/fire, various isms/phobic language, micro-penis jokes, (brief) gambling/drugs/theoretical incest/metaphorical beastiality/necrophilia/pedophilia/slavery/native genocide/suicide/vomit/rape mentions, minor confusing typos ~ Podfic Available - Hope4Tomorrow ~ Note: though the following canons are not necessarily largely relevant to the overarching story they are still featured: BBC Sherlock, Pirates of the Caribbean, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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ao3feed-deckerstar · 1 year
The Dark Was Never Truly Empty
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rosKDGn
by Meeklyopinionated
It's been almost two years since the battle at the coliseum. Lucifer is God and married to Chloe. Now they are expecting a child. All should be happy and good. Michael is still in hell. But what about the other angels? What truths will be uncovered? A truth that could change everything and turn it all on it's head. It's always been said that history has a life of it's own. It consumes and lays waste to all it effects. The victors, the villains, and those caught in between. But what if those effected never knew of the truth to begin with? What hidden secrets will be uncovered and what will they wrought on those who barely survived it already? things are not what they seemed to be and what is may not be what was intended. This is my first posted Fic. Please bare with me. I'm just winging it. Ha!
Words: 6885, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Lucifer (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: Multi
Characters: Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker, Mazikeen, Eve (Lucifer TV), Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Ella Lopez, Carol Corbett, Michael (Lucifer TV), Dromos (Lucifer TV), Beliose, Skwee, multiple OCs, Gabriel (Lucifer TV), Jophiel (Lucifer TV), Zadkiel (Lucifer TV), Azrael (Lucifer TV), SaraQuael (Lucifer TV), Haniel (Lucifer TV), Raphael (Lucifer TV), Ariel (Lucifer TV), Raguel (Lucifer TV), Mum (Lucifer TV), Pops Lucifer TV), Trixie Espinoza, Aurora Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Remil OC, Yuri OC, Harrow OC, Zepha OC, Luda OC, Rendolyn OC, William Kinley (Lucifer TV), Caine (Lucifer TV), Gromos (Lucifer TV), Charllotte/Mum
Relationships: Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar, Amenadiel/Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Eve/Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Carol Corbett/Ella Lopez, Amenadiel & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Pops/Mum, Mum/Angels, Lucifer/Pops, Michael/Pops
Additional Tags: angst with happy ending, Lucifer needs hug, Michael redemption of sort, Violence, Non con/con, Torture, demons have had enough, angels have had enough, Lucifer has had enough, back story, season six who?, Pops A+ parenting, NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS, Truth hurts, Michael is a Little Shit, Smut, Lucifer Morningstar BAMF, Dark, Gabriel BAMF, Raphael BAMF, Hell, History has razor sharp teeth and no mercy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rosKDGn
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nightmaretherabbit · 2 years
Unwilling listeners
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Michael is pissed off at all of them
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tarysande · 6 years
So, the other day @w0rdinista and I were talking about random Lucifer meta (as we do) and suddenly she was like, “WAIT, have you never read Neil Gaiman’s short story ‘Murder Mysteries’?”
I had not. Having since rectified that situation, um ... it’s so great. And, of relevance to Lucifer (show) fans, it’s Silver-City-Lucifer, and provides some just lovely insight.
I’m going to throw my favorite bit(s) under a cut because they’re SPOILERY and you may want to hunt down the story first. It’s in the Smoke and Mirrors collection. Evidently, it was also made into a graphic novel, but I feel like you’d lose some of the perfection of the prose that way.
It’s a story within a story, and the narrator of the Silver City story is Raguel, Vengeance of God, whom Lucifer calls to his function when an angel, Carasel, dies. Raguel is charged to find and punish the perpetrator.
“Lucifer walked over to the place on the silver floor where Saraquael had once stood. He knelt, stared desperately at the floor as if he were trying to find some remnant of the angel I had destroyed, a fragment of ash, or bone, or charred feather, but there was nothing to find. Then he looked up at me.
“‘That was not right,” he said. ‘That was not just.’ He was crying; wet tears ran down his face. Perhaps Saraquael was the first to love, but Lucifer was the first to shed tears. I will never forget that.
“I stared at him impassively. ‘It was justice. He killed another. He was killed in his turn. You called me to my function, and I performed it.’
“’But ... he loved. He should have been forgiven. He should have been helped. He should not have been destroyed like that. That was wrong.’
“‘It was His will.’
“Lucifer stood. ‘Then perhaps His will is unjust. Perhaps the voices in the Darkness speak truly, after all. How can this be right?’
“’It is right. It is His will. I merely performed my function.’
“He wiped away the rears with the back of his hand. ‘No,’ he said, flatly. He shook his head, slowly, from side to side. Then he said, ‘I must think on this. I will go now.’”
It turns out that God, in disguise, has been present for this entire exchange. Raguel figures out who He is and they speak.
“He was speaking to me gently, almost teasingly, as an adult would pretend to make conversation with a tiny child. ‘Why should anyone have “pulled the strings,” Raguel?’
“’Because nothing occurs without reason; and all the reasons are Yours. You set Saraquael up: yes, he killed Carasel. But he killed Carasel so that I could destroy him.’
“‘And were you wrong to destroy him?’
“I looked into His old, old eyes. ‘It was my function. But I do not think that it was just. I think perhaps it was needed that I destroy Saraquael, in order to demonstrate the Injustice of the Lord.’
“He smiled, then. ‘And whatever reason would I have for doing that?’
“‘I ... I do not know. I do not understand---no more than I understand why You created the Dark or the voices in the Darkness. But You did. You caused all this to occur.’
“He nodded. ‘Yes. I did. Lucifer must brood on the unfairness of Saraquael’s destruction. And that---amongst other things---will precipitate him into certain actions. Poor sweet Lucifer. His way will be the hardest of all my children; for there is a part he must play in the drama that is to come, and it is a grand role.’
“I remained kneeling in front of the Creator of All Things.
“‘What will you do now, Raguel?’ He asked me.
“‘I must return to my cell. My function is now fulfilled. I have taken Vengeance, and I have revealed the perpetrator. That is enough. But---Lord?’
“‘Yes, child.’
“‘I feel dirty. I feel tarnished. I feel befouled. Perhaps it is true that all that happens is in accordance with Your will, and thus it is good. But sometimes you leave blood on Your instruments.’
“He nodded, as if He agreed with me.”
Anyway. I love this. Basically? Headcanon (Neil-canon?) accepted.
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aziraphales-library · 4 years
For the person looking for "Lucifer"/"Good Omens" crossover recs, I would suggest "Joining forces with the devil? It's more likely than you think." by NotaChicken and the "Angel Network" series by Spinner Dolphin.
Thank you, dear!
Joining forces with the devil? It's more likely than you think. by NotaChicken
It's been six years since the Apocalypse failed to happen and Aziraphale and Crowley are enjoying a happy life together in Soho. But then Crowley suddenly disappears, leaving a very worried angel behind.
Meanwhile Lucifer's working on a new case and is very determined to solve it. The last thing he expected was to run into the two infamous traitors while he did so.
Angel Network by SpinnerDolphin
Aziraphale keeps a list.
Islington, caged beneath London (Check the locks upon leaving).
Raguel, LA (be certain his rent is paid).
Michael, Heaven, but adores Earth (keep away from bulls).
Castiel, alternate universe (don't ever go to that horrid place).
and, lately, Lucifer Morningstar, LA, who seems the sanest of the lot. It's all very confusing.
Amenadiel, LA, is also on the list, but Aziraphale reported to Amenadiel in the Rebellion and, well, some things are too strange for him even to tolerate.
Crowley's just tired of flying over the Atlantic. And turns out his boss? Well, he's kind of alright.
~Mod P
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sayuricorner · 4 years
Lil’ Lucifer au and Forsaken au x Miraculous Ladybug crossover! Bio!Dad archangels and Lucifer one-shots series: General concept
Bio!Dad Lucifer: She’s my WHAT?!
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing!
Warning 2: This AU content salt don’t like don’t read!
So while awaiting the part 3 of the “Amnesiac Michael, Journey to the west crossover” story details here a new idea I got from the miraculous ladybug “Bio!Dad AUs”.
This is going to be series of one-shots about “What if one of the archangels or Lucifer from the lil’ lucifer and Forsaken AUs were Marinette’s bio dad?”
Each one-shots serie will focus on a archangel and Lucifer as Marinette’s bio dad, each one-shot series will be on a subject.
This part will present the general headcanons of the one-shots’s concept.
Lil’ Lucifer AU and Casino Cups belong to @brightgoat
Forsaken AU belong to @camodielsart
Cuphead belong to Studio MDHR
Miraculous Ladybug belong to Thomas Astruc and Zag
-Archangel Gabriel will be simply named Gabriel and Gabriel Agreste will be named M. Agreste or Gabriel Agreste.
-So Sabine become pregnant after a one night stand before she meet Tom.
-If it was with Lucifer: they meet each other at a party, spend the night together and after that they simply part ways.
-If it was with one the archangels: this happen ‘cause God was curious about what could happen if a Nephelim was still around so while some of his archangels were in the mortal realm he put one of them in a trance state and make them seduce a mortal(Sabine) to create a Nephelim and after they part way he areased the memories of this night from the archangel’s mind and when Sabine was officialy pregnant God give some readjustments to the fetus so like this when Marinette was born she is a mortal with the wings of her bio father and the powers of a Nephelim.
-Marinette’s birth if she’s Lucifer’s child: After the one night stand God find out Lucifer make a mortal pregnant, he become curious about what could happen so he decided to make some “readjusments” to make the baby look the most mortal possible with the same wings her bio dad had when he was still an angel.
-God in both paths after Marinette’s birth: After Marinette’s birth he keep an eye on her for a time to see if she do something interesting or if something happened but nothing intriging happened so in the end he grew bored and stopped showing any interest to Marinette and stopped to keep an eye on her.
-Marinette’s eyes are blue either because she got them from her bio dad(Lucifer or one of the archangels who got blue eyes), either because of God’s “readjustments” when Sabine was pregnant.
-Some times later the “Forsaken AU” events happen.
-The story offialy begin 3 years after the events of “Forsaken AU”, tensions between Mike’s and Gabriel’s groups cooled down, Raziel’s plan to create a war between both groups was found out and Lucifer’s relationship with his siblings seemed to had improved.
-The first meeting between Marinette and her bio dad, whatever it’s Lucifer or one of the archangels, happen she was bring to the casino by Gina when she was 3.
-Sabine and Tom died in a tragic accident some times ago and because of her lifestyle Gina isn’t able to take care of Marinette so she think the best solution was to find Marinette’s bio dad.
-After many research, Gina was able to track Mari’s bio dad which bring her and Marinette to the casino.
-After many shocked reactions, mental breakdowns and angry, or angry confused in the archangels case if one of them is the bio dad, reactions against God, Lucifer and the archangels discussed with Gina about what to do about this “hidden daughter situation”.
-If the bio dad is an archangel from Gabriel’s group Michael will contact them to tell them to come to the casino for an emergency and after that explain to them the situation.
-After a long talk and hesitation whoever is Marinette father decide to accept to take custody of his daughter.
-In the Dupain-Cheng couple’s will they asked Marinette to be schooled in France which isn’t a problem at all with Lucifer’s portals.
-So after many administration processes Marinette Dupain-Cheng become officially “Marinette Morningstar”(Michael:Really Lucifer? ; Lucifer:SHUT UP!)
-The first times were akward Lucifer or the archangel who is Mari’s father having difficulties to learn how to be a father to the little girl.
-But the biodad eventually manage to raise Marinette correctly with the help of their acquaintances and also the help of Gina who asked to be still present in Marinette’s life.
-The one-shots series will be about the following subject:
->First meeting
->Growing up
->Finding out about your daughter’s hero persona
->Akumatized Marinette
->School problems/Parents-teacher meeting
->Meet the friends
->Meeting the boyfriend
-Others subjects can be add if I have new ideas.
-Other than Lucifer, the archangels who will be the “biodad” in their one-shots serie are the following:
->Archangel Michael
->Archangel Gabriel
->Archangel Raphael
->Archangel Barachiel
->Archangel Uriel
->Archangel Azrael
->Archangel Zadkiel
->Archangel Raguel
->Archangel Chamuel
->Archangel Raziel
->Archangel Selaphiel
-Depending on who her biodad is Marinette will got a personality trait and a hobby specific in addition to her canon character, for example, if Michael is her bio dad Mari will got a serious and meticulous side like when she do a work she’s working very hard to make it the most perfect possible and she had a liking for ballet.
-The one-shots serie will content class salt, Bustier salt, Lila salt, Adrien salt: some one-shots series will have redemptions, sugar and some will not.
-The ship for those one-shots series will be lukanette.
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thornfield13713 · 4 years
A question.
Would it be a cheap cop-out to use Sabrina’s canonical, but Antichrist-related ability to resurrect the dead to save Linda in the next instalment of Morningstar Family Values? As Amenadiel is sadly somewhat busy dealing with a side-plot involving the Archangel Raguel.
On the one hand, this is a truly insane amount of power for a character to have.
On the other, these powers are strongly linked to the End of Days and every miracle Sabrina performs brings the apocalypse one step closer, so at least in theory this could still be used to create dramatic tension, especially if Sabrina herself isn’t quite sure how the power works and thus can’t reliably use it.
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ao3feed-goodomens · 5 years
Our Homeward Step (was just as light)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/355zLio
by SpinnerDolphin
Aziraphale wants to go home. This is far too much stress for someone still struggling with some rather terrible aftereffects.
But there is yet another escapee from Nightmare World on the loose in LA (And he doesn't precisely blame Lucifer, but--let's be truthful - the holes are in Hell, after all, and Lucifer has yet to close them). It's in connection with one of Detective Decker's cases, wherein the snakes are behaving terribly oddly and-- truth be told--he is quite worried about Crowley.
Crowley insists that he is fine. He is not fine.
Words: 3035, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Angel Network
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Lucifer (TV), Murder Mysteries - Neil Gaiman
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Chloe Decker, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Ella Lopez, Dan Espinoza, Raguel (Murder Mysteries), Adam Young (Good Omens), Watchdog the Hellhound
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar
Additional Tags: Aziraphale POV, He's still recovering from Naomi, casefic, Azirapahle hates cases, he just wants to go home
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/355zLio
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brightgoat · 6 years
What are all the angels angels of? I think you said before but I've forgotten and can't find it.
Ummmm ok so –
Michael is the angel of… battle basically? He’s the captain of Heaven’s armies, and leads battles against demons and all that. Angel of protection I guess?
Gabriel’s the angel of revelations and communication. He’s the main messenger. 
Raphael’s the angel of healing.
Uriel is the angel of wisdom and truth.
Raguel is the angel of justice and will.
Selaphiel is the angel of prayers.
Zadkiel is the angel of mercy.
Barachiel is the angel of blessings, also leader of guardian angels?
Ariel is the archangel of nature.
Chamuel is the archangel of relationships and love.
Jophiel is the angel of beauty.
Raziel is the angel of mysteries and secrets.
Azrael’s the angel of death.
Lucifer never really got to be an angel of anything, he was just the morningstar, if he grew up to have a proper role, his job would just be to do stand there and look pretty. Honestly it would bum him out.
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ao3feed-deckerstar · 2 years
The Return of Michael
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0CEVMPK
by VictoriaAnnCunningham
When Lucifer was sentenced to Hell he was under the impression that it was Michael's doing. What if the truth finally came to light? What if everything we knew about Chloe's 'miracle' status was nothing more than another lie? What happens when the Demiurge finally come back together?
Words: 23640, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Lucifer (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker, Ella Lopez, Michael Demiurgos, Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Eve (Lucifer TV), Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Trixie Espinoza, Dan Espinoza, Raguel (Lucifer TV), Gabriel (Lucifer TV), Jophiel (Lucifer TV), Zadkiel (Lucifer TV), Saraqael (Lucifer TV), God (Lucifer TV)
Relationships: Michael & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar, Ella Lopez/Michael
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0CEVMPK
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nightmaretherabbit · 2 years
My floof babies! (Cuphead Lost Ones au. Lucifer's/Devil's brothers and sister)
Tumblr media
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aziraphales-library · 4 years
Lucifer/GO crossover fics: 'Joining forces with the devil? It's more likely than you think.' (T) by NotaChicken, 'Angel Network' (6 part series, T) by SpinnerDolphin, 'If the Sky Comes Falling Down For You' (3 part series, T) by grayscaleTestimony, 'twitterverse' (5 part series, T) by doctormissy, 'Hell Hath No Fury' (M) by goldenwatcher, 'Caring for your new Snake 101' (G) by BartyJnr, 'Good omens plotbunnies that won't leave me alone' (not rated, chap 3+4) by myrskytuuli
Oh wow, thank you, dear!
Joining forces with the devil? It's more likely than you think. by NotaChicken
It's been six years since the Apocalypse failed to happen and Aziraphale and Crowley are enjoying a happy life together in Soho. But then Crowley suddenly disappears, leaving a very worried angel behind.
Meanwhile Lucifer's working on a new case and is very determined to solve it. The last thing he expected was to run into the two infamous traitors while he did so.
Angel Network by SpinnerDolphin
Aziraphale keeps a list.
Islington, caged beneath London (Check the locks upon leaving).
Raguel, LA (be certain his rent is paid).
Michael, Heaven, but adores Earth (keep away from bulls).
Castiel, alternate universe (don't ever go to that horrid place).
and, lately, Lucifer Morningstar, LA, who seems the sanest of the lot. It's all very confusing.
Amenadiel, LA, is also on the list, but Aziraphale reported to Amenadiel in the Rebellion and, well, some things are too strange for him even to tolerate.
Crowley's just tired of flying over the Atlantic. And turns out his boss? Well, he's kind of alright.
If the Sky Comes Falling Down For You by grayscaleTestimony
twitterverse by doctormissy
Good Omens... but on Twitter. With the occasional appearance of other fandoms and one Doctor Who spin-off.
Hell Hath No Fury by goldenwatcher
Mazikeen is sent to collect Azirphale and Crowley to Los Angeles for less-than-clear reasons. Lucifer seems delighted by the pair; everyone else is waiting to see how it all goes down. It all seems like a typical attempt by Lucifer to do a 'good deed', heedless of whether or not anyone wanted the deed to be done or how much it stresses out the Armageddon-defeating duo.
Something has been waiting for Crowley to reunite with his Master. Someone has been wrongly punished, and they want their revenge.
Caring for your new Snake 101 by BartyJnr
They need a period of adjustment during which they can get comfortable with their new surroundings. The length of time required varies, but most people who deal with snakes agree that it generally takes 5 to 7 days.
During the adjustment period, you should make every effort not to disturb or otherwise stress the snake.
Good omens plotbunnies that won't leave me alone by myrskytuuli
a collection of plotbunnies for Good Omens that won't leave me alone, but won't develop into real stories either. Crossovers aplenty, etc.
chp. 1 Azi and Crowley mentoring Castiel and spn!Crowley chp. 2 Harry Potter is the antichrist... or is he? chp. 3 Lucifer knows that the fugitive Crowley is THE most dangerous demon around chp. 4 continuation for chp. 3 Somehow it gets even stupider
~Mod P
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