#angela morningstar
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A dramatic retelling of a series of unfortunate events
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lunarmoonheart · 1 month
team starkid as hazbin hotel
kim whalen as Charlie Morningstar
Meredith stepien as vaggie
James tolbert as angel dust
Jeff blim as alastor
Dylan saunders as Husk
angela giarratana as niffty
joey richter as sir pentious
mariah rose faith as cherri bomb
will branner as Adam
Jae hughes as Lute
Kendall Nicole yakshe as emily
Jamie lynn beatty as Rosie
curt mega as Valentino
lauren lopez as velvette
Jon matteson as Vox
Bryce charles as Carmella
Corey Doris as lucifer
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cometsandstardust · 1 year
here is your lovely reminder that all of these characters are cops in the same city:
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and yet the crossover content between any combination of these fandoms is null and void, and that is a damn shame and someone should 100% rectify that.
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pupmusebox · 3 months
Ship pair tag dump 1/?.
{ Darling Collared Pup of Mine - Crewel x Dez } { Endearing Human of a Dark Flower - Malleus x Dez } { Bright Starlight to Sushi Dreams - Belphegor x Ming } { Endearing Drifting Cosmic Partner - Belphegor x Atieno } { Dark Flower Inbetween Charming Demons - Lucifer x Dez x Diavolo } { Beautiful Dark Flower and Loving Human - Lucifer x Dez } { Beloved Darling Human and Queen - Diavolo x Dez } { My Sweet Darling Human - Hector x Dez } { Golden Treasure of Dragonic Goddess - Mammon x Sothis } { Darling Thief of a Human After My Own Heart - Lucifer x Ren } { My Starry Sweet Traveler - Xiao x Lumine } { Beloved Demon Bird and Morningstar - Yuki x Lucifer } { Dearest Dragon Royal and Mate - Lucifer x Diavolo } { Stardust Lover of a Human - Belphegor x Yuno } { Dear Human Sweet As Honey Nectar - Aristaeus x Dez }
{ Heavenly Treasure of an Angel Dove to a Greedy Demon Crow - Mammon x Angela }
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blackbleedingrose · 7 months
Long Lost Morningstar - Part Three
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing(s): Charlie x reader (platonic), Vaggie x reader (platonic), Emily x reader (platonic), Sera x reader (platonic), Charlie x Vaggie
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Betrayal
Warning(s): Cursing, lies, betrayal
Notes: This is the third installment of LLM. This part will be shorter than part 2 and will finally go over the trial and (Y/N)'s reaction the extermination. I'm going to be honest, I'm dropping my other hazbin mini series. This is only until I can find the time and motivation to write it. I'm really busy with school and work, and lately my obsession with Hazbin has started to die down. I still love the series and fandom, but that's just something that happens to me from time to time when I watch a new series or get into a fandom. It comes and it goes, and I've been reading a lot of hazbin stuff but now it's starting to feel like an obligation I've set for myself and it makes reading less fun and more like a chore. I have no doubt my obsession will come back when the 2nd season comes out. This happens will all the fandoms I am apart of - like right now, I'm obsessing over Avatar the last airbender again after rewatching the series (not the live action). Don't worry, I'll continue this series as I don't want this to end up unfinished. I have the outline pretty much written, but it will take time to finish - so, please, bare with me.
Singing Colors: Adam, Lute, Charlie, Emily, Sera, (Y/N).
Words: 1631
"If Hell is forever, than Heaven must be a lie!".
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As the time of the trial drew closer, there seemed to be a few hiccups on Heaven's side of things.
The angel who was supposed to be the trial's stenographer got a nasty cold and all the replacements had their own responsibilities to attend to. The only angel available just so happened to be (Y/N) herself.
When one of the court angels asked (Y/N) if she could do it, she didn't hesitate to accept.
Now she had the perfect excuse to watch Charlie's trial without having to sneak in!
Imagine Sera's surprise and horror when she saw (Y/N) sitting at the stenographer's desk.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Where's Angela?" Sera asked. She was a bit panicked, but did her best to hide it. (Y/N) smiled politely at the higher seraphim, clearly oblivious to Sera's rigid demeanor. "She got a pretty bad cold last minute and all of the other replacements were busy today; and since I was the only one who was available - here I am!".
Sera gave her an uneasy smile, "I see. Thank you for your help today, it's much appreciated". This was the last thing she wanted. The resemblance between (Y/N) and the Princess of Hell was very difficult to ignore and could raise questions if it wasn't for the stardust story Heaven fed everyone.
Sera had wanted to keep (Y/N) away from the trial in hopes of avoiding any contact between her and Charlie. She didn't want (Y/N) to accidently discover the truth about her lineage.
Sera loved (Y/N) like a daughter.
When (Y/N) was younger Michael would sometimes have Sera babysit while he attended to his more serious duties.
She practically helped raise her and she refused to let some misguided demon princess and her partner ruin that.
Unfortunately, the court needed a stenographer.
With no one else available, she was left with no other option.
Sera thanked (Y/N) for her hard work and for stepping in.
She gave the girl a gentle forehead kiss before leaving her to prepare for the trial.
It was only for today and once this pointless trial was over everything would go back to the way it was.
And (Y/N) would be none the wiser and away from that misguided influence.
However, things weren't as perfect as Sera had hoped for.
The moment Charlie and Vaggie entered the courtroom and saw (Y/N) sitting at the stenographer's desk, the two cousins eagerly waved at each other.
Sera's eyes widened in horror. No. This wasn't supposed to happen - it was the worse case scenario.
When did those two meet?!
She sighed in frustration already knowing that (Y/N) must have sought the girl out herself.
Dammit Emily.
(Y/N)'s curiosity was her biggest flaw and was going to end up getting her into serious trouble if not handled properly.
Sera quickly composed herself. No point in losing herself and catching any unnecessary attention.
She still had a trial to run and then she'll have a talk with (Y/N) later.
Now, (Y/N) was nice to just about everyone. She could get along with just about anyone she's ever met. But there was one person, or rather two, she just couldn't stand.
Adam and his little crony Lute.
These two irritated her to no ends with how high and mighty they acted. How either of them managed to stay in Heaven was beyond her.
Her father just told her to bare it, despite him also disliking the two of them - especially that narcissistic douchebag Adam.
(Y/N) did her best to hide her grimace whenever Adam spoke during the trial.
As the trial went on (Y/N) felt a little nervous when Charlie was shut down from making anymore definition references. She could see how nervous her poor cousin was getting.
When Charlie looked over at her, (Y/N) made sure to give her a small smile and mouthed, "You've got this".
This managed to help calm Charlie's nerves enough for her to regain her composure. Charlie got a little more confident when presenting Angel Dust, the hotel's first patron.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes when Adam spoke up again trying to discredit her cousin.
"Well if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?".
Charlie's question stumped more than just Adam. (Y/N) had to take a moment to think - how does someone get into Heaven?
Being Heaven-born (Y/N)'s never had to be on the other end with humans who had to earn their place in paradise. And if someone as crude and vile as Adam can get into Heaven then what did it take for others, especially the damned who didn't deserve Hell - like children, for example.
Adam quickly wrote on a piece of paper before giving it to Vaggie to read aloud.
"'Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?' - are you fucking serious?".
"Uh, yeah. Sure got me here, didn't it? Right, Sera?".
(Y/N) raised a brow. That's all it took to get someone into Heaven?
Charlie tried to argue Angel was doing all of those things, to which the court decided to observe Angel through the courtroom's orb. At first, things weren't looking good for Charlie when Angel gave into peer pressure.
(Y/N) bit her lip, silently hoping this would somehow take a turn for the better. She really wanted Charlie to show her hotel worked and for Adam to eat his words.
Luckily, things did start looking up when Angel took care of his friend, Nifty, and defended her from that awful moth demon.
"Then why isn't he here, huh?".
(Y/N) paused her typing - why isn't he here?
This started a whole argument at the unfairness of it all. How even those in Hell could be redeemed if only given the chance. (Y/N) and Emily saw the change in Angel and how he did everything on Adam's list.
"A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month".
. . . Wait what?
(Y/N) furrowed her brows in confusion. One month? What was he talking about?
"Gotta say I can't wait to-"
(Y/N) looked up at Sera, did she know what he was talking about? What the hell was going on?!
"Come down and exterminate you".
. . . WHAT?!
(Y/N) and Emily looked horrified at the shocking news.
(Y/N) and Emily fly over to Charlie, Vaggie, Adam, and Lute looking sadly at the orb showing the residents in Hell being mercilessly killed by the exorcists.
"What are you saying?"
"Let me get this straight".
"You go down there and kill those poor souls?".
"You didn't know?".
Charlie was shocked to hear that not all of Heaven knew about the exterminations. She was relieved to hear that her cousin didn't know and that she seemed to be against it.
"Guess the cat's outta the bag!".
"What's the big deal?".
(Y/N) and Emily turned and looked up at Sera.
"Sera tell us that you didn't know".
"I thought since I'm older, it's my load to shoulder".
"You have to listen, it was such a hard decision".
Sera flew down from her seat.
"I wanted to save you".
She took (Y/N) and Emily's hand in her own.
"The anguish it takes to, do what was required".
The hellfire reflecting in Sera's eyes unnerved (Y/N) and Emily - almost like she enjoyed the suffering and senseless murder of the sinners in Hell.
The two glared at Sera.
"To think that we admired you".
They tore their hands from hers and flew back away from her.
"Well, we don't need your condescension! We're not children to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretention? Were we too naive to expect you, to head the morals you're purveying?".
The two flew back down in front of the orb.
"That's what the fuck I've been saying!".
Charlie walked over to the two angel's grabbing their hands.
(Y/N), Charlie, and Emily moved up and stood on top of the orb showing the exorcists killing sinners.
"If Hell is forever, than Heaven must be a lie!".
"Emily! (Y/N)!".
"If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky!".
The three jumped down and stood before Sera.
"The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say! When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again!".
Things only continued getting worse with Charlie finding out Vaggie was an angel and an ex-exorcist, Sera's final ruling of no evidence of sinners being able to be redeemed, and Adam's threat of coming to their hotel first.
"Charlie, it will be okay! I'll find a way to help you - I promise!" (Y/N) called out before Charlie and Vaggie were forced to back to Hell.
After Sera had finished talking to Emily, she went after (Y/N) who had already left the courtroom.
"(Y/N)! Wait, please!" Sera begged grabbing (Y/N) by her wrist. "Please, let me explain!".
(Y/N) turned her head and glared at Sera with such intensity it sent shivers down the High Seraphim's spine. She's never seen (Y/N) look at her like that before.
It broke her heart to see the girl she's helped raise and thought of as a surrogate daughter look at her with such anger and disgust.
"Explain what, Sera?! That you've been here playing God and allowing the murder of sinners! They're already in Hell, what more could you possibly want?! They don't deserve this!" (Y/N) yanked her wrist from Sera's hold and flew away.
She couldn't believe this had been going on and she never even knew! Tears filled her eyes as she thought about her poor cousin. She knew needed to do something to help Charlie.
But first, she needed to see whether or not her father and the other archangels knew about this all along.
@soobryu @kyo-kyo1 @miyako-night20 @charliecharlie65 @unknow-sama @myluckymoon @lbcreations-blog @moonchaos18 @sirenetheblogger @jagharamira @el-hajj @azharyy @glowymxxn @itsmonicabc
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shinyasahalo · 1 month
Top 100 AO3 Fem Ships (Aug. 21, 2024)
(F/F) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supergirl TV/DCU) 21,747 fics
(F/F) Original Female Character/Original Female Character (All Fandoms) 18,594 fics
(F/F) Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time TV) 16,359 fics
(F/F) Clarke Griffin/Lexa (The 100 TV) 13,283 fics
(F/F) Amity Blight/Luz Noceda (The Owl House TV) 12,932 fics
(F/F) Adora/Catra (She-Ra) 12,142 fics
(F/F) Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadows (Marauders/Harry Potter) 9,073 fics
(F/F) Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things TV) 8,694 fics
(F/F) Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) 8,272 fics
(F/F) Korra/Asami Sato (Avatar Legend of Korra) 7,652 fics
(F/F) Caitlyn/Vi (Arcane League of Legends) 6,979 fics
(F/F) Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo (My Hero Academia) 6,826 fics
(F/F) Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair (Wednesday TV/Addams Family) 6,669 fics
(F/F) Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer (Supergirl TV/DCU) 6,532 fics
(F/F) Charlie Morningstar/Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel) 6,395 fics
(F/F) Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught (Wynonna Earp TV) 6,156 fics
(F/F) Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee (RWBY) 5,972 fics
(F/F) Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck) 5,528 fics
(F/F) Carmilla | Mircalla Countess Karnstein/Laura (Carmilla) 5,424 fics
(F/F) Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell (Pitch Perfect) 5,410 fics
(F/F) Alphys/Undyne (Undertale) 4,848 fics
(F&F) Clarke Griffin & Lexa (The 100 TV) 4,695 fics
(F/F) Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir of 104th (Attack on Titan) 4,483 fics
(F/F) Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan (Doctor Who TV) 4,482 fics
(F/F) Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter) 3,979 fics
(F/F) Eve Polastri/Villanelle | Oksana Astankova (Killing Eve TV) 3,928 fics
(F/F) Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca (Station 19 TV) 3,773 fics
(F/F) Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce (Glee TV) 3,722 fics
(F/F) Sister Beatrice/Ava Silva (Warrior Nun TV) 3,714 fics
(F/F) Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price (Life is Strange) 3,567 fics
(F/F) Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia) 3,407 fics
(F/F) Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe (Legends of Tomorrow TV/DCU) 3,394 fics
(F/F) Kara Danvers/Cat Grant (Supergirl TV/DCU) 3,391 fics
(F/F) Miranda Priestly/Andrea Sachs (Devil Wear Prada) 3,367 fics
(F/F) Mary MacDonald/Lily Evans Potter (Marauders/Harry Potter) 3,337 fics
(F/F) Root | Samantha Groves/Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest TV) 3,335 fics
(F/R) Natasha Romanov/Reader (Marvel) 3,299 fics
(F/F) Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn/DCU) 3,209 fics
(F/F) Beidou/Ningguang (Genshin Impact) 3,197 fics
(F/F) Raiden Ei | Baal/Yae Miko (Genshin Impact) 3,183 fics
(F&F) Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers (Supergirl TV/DCU) 3,135 fics
(F&F) Adora & Catra (She-Ra) 3,134 fics
(F/P) Edelgard von Hresvelg/My Unit | Byleth (Fire Emblem) 3,079 fics
(F&F) Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor (Supergirl TV/DCU) 2,969 fics
(F/F) Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds TV) 2,949 fics
(F/F) Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray (Glee TV) 2,947 fics
(F/F) Serena Campbell/Bernie Wolfe (Holby City TV) 2,892 fics
(F/F) Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 2,764 fics
(F/F) Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler (Overwatch) 2,760 fics
(F/F) Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 2,725 fics
(F/R) Wanda Maximoff/Reader (Marvel) 2,713 fics
(F/F) Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson (Harry Potter) 2,682 fics
(F/F) Anna/Elsa (Frozen/Disney Theatrical Universe) 2,680 fics
(F/F) Alicent Hightower/Rhaenyra Targaryen (House of the Dragon TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 2,673 fics
(F/F) Beauregard Lionett/Yasha (Critical Role) 2,669 fics
(F/F) Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) 2,636 fics
(F/F) Jean/Lisa (Genshin Impact) 2,613 fics
(F/F) Hope Mikaelson/Josie Saltzman (Legacies TV/Vampire Diaries) 2,595 fics
(F/F) Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz (Riverdale TV/Archie Comics) 2,499 fics
(F/F) Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop (Hawkeye TV/Marvel) 2,478 fics
(F&F) Alya Cesaire | Rena Rouge & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) 2,450 fics
(F/F) Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli (Agent Carter TV/Marvel) 2,441 fics
(F/F) Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe) 2,434 fics
(F&F) Eda Clawthorne & Luz Noceda (The Owl House) 2,340 fics
(F/F) Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange (Harry Potter) 2,293 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect) 2,274 fics
(F/F) Maura Isles/Jane Rizzoli (Rizzoli & Isles TV) 2,266 fics
(F/F) Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant (Miraculous Ladybug) 2,260 fics
(F/F) Gwen/Morgana (Merlin TV) 2,244 fics
(F&F) Maya Bishop & Carine DeLuca (Station 19 TV) 2,229 fics
(FGQ/F) Akiyama Mizuki/Shinonome Ena (Project SEKAI) 2,169 fics
(F/F) Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia) 2,095 fics
(F/F) Allison Argent/Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf TV) 2,073 fics
(F/F) Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield (Stranger Things TV) 2,045 fics
(F/F) Diana Cavendish/Atsuko "Akko" Kagari (Little Witch Academia) 2,022 fics
(F/F) Shimizu Kiyoke/Yachi Hitoki (Haikyuu!) 1,923 fics
(F&F) Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov (Black Widow/Marvel) 1,913 fics
(F&F) Original Female Character & Original Female Character (All Fandoms) 1,897 fics
(F/F) Jemma Simmons/Skye | Daisy Johnson (Agents of SHIELD TV/Marvel) 1,886 fics
(F/F) Myaka Bering/Helena "HG" Wells (Warehouse 13 TV) 1,870 fics
(F/F) Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery (Grey's Anatomy TV) 1,861 fics
(F/P) Niijima Makoto/Persona 5 Protagonist (Persona) 1,860 fics
(F/F) Dina/Ellie (The Last of Us) 1,857 fics
(F&F) Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair (Wednesday TV/Addams Family) 1,842 fics
(F/F) Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhart (Attack on Titan) 1,839 fics
(F/F) Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV) 1,825 fics
(F/F) Laudna/Imogen Temult (Critical Role) 1,814 fics
(F/F) Anne Boonchuy/Marcy Wu (Amphibia) 1,793 fics
(F/F) Kugisaki Nobara/Zenin Maki (Jujutsu Kaisen) 1,762 fics
(F/F) Clary Fray/Isabella Lightwood (Shadowhunters TV) 1,755 fics
(F&F) Anna & Elsa (Frozen/Disney Theatrical Universe) 1,742 fics
(F/F) Sansa Stark/Margery Tyrell (Game of Thrones TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 1,723 fics
(F/F) Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar Last Airbender) 1,712
(F/F) Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager TV) 1,697 fics
(F&P) Paimon & Traveler (Genshin Impact) 1,687 fics
(F/F) Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV) 1,679 fics
(F/F) Alex Danvers/Kelly Olson (Supergirl TV/DCU) 1,669 fics
(F/F) Azusawa Kohane/Shiraishi An (Project SEKAI) 1,645 fics
(F/F) Tobin Heath/Christen Press (Sports RPF) 1,643 fics
(F/F) Delphine Cormier/Niehaus (Orphan Black TV) 1,635 fics
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The full list of characters in the Bracket!
The full list of characters who made it into the tournament are listed under the readmore.
Ada Paige- Rhythm Doctor
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle
Adora- She-Ra
Aki Hayakawa- Chainsaw man
Alfred Pennyworth- Batman
Almond Cookie - Cookie Run
Angela- Lobotomy Corporation
Anthy Himemiya- Revolutionary Girl Utena
Arthur Lester- Malevolent
Aymeric De Borel- Final Fantasy
Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce- MASH
Bucky Barnes- Marvel
Buffy Summers- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Burgerpants- Undertale
Carmen Sandiego- Carmen Sandiego
Carol Hathaway- ER
Charlie Magne Morningstar- Hazbin hotel
Chip Revvington- Toontown: Corporate Clash
Cliopher "Kip" Mdang- The Hands of the Emperor
Commander Peepers- Wander Over Yonder
Dana Scully- The X Files
Danny Fenton- Danny Phantom
David Jacobs- Newsies
DC/GOV- Welcome to the table
Dean Winchester- Supernatural
Dick Gumshoe- Ace attorney
Doppo Kannonzaka- Hypnosis Mic
Dot Campbell- The Wilds
Dr Charlotte Dubois- Falsettos
Emma Perkins- The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Five Pebbles- Rain World
Ford Pines- Gravity Falls
Fu Hua- Honkai Impact 3rd
George Karim/Cubbins - Lockwood and Co
Gilgamesh "Gil" Wulfenbach- Girl Genius
Gordon Michael Schwinn- A New Brain
Gregor Samsa- The Metamorphosis
Guillermo de la Cruz- What We Do In The Shadows
Harrowhark Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb
Hera- Wolf 359
Homura Akemi- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Hunter- The Owl House
Isabelle - Animal Crossing
Izzy Hands- Our Flag Means Death
Jaehee Kang- Mystic Messenger
Jafar- Twisted
Jamil Viper- Twisted Wonderland
Jean Gunnhildr - Genshin Impact
Jeremie Belpois- Code Lyoko
Jess Jordan- Succession
Jonathan Harker- Dracula
Jonathan Sims- The Magnus Archives
Jotaro Kujo- Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Keito Hasumi- Ensemble Stars!
Kento Nanami- Jujutsu Kaisen
Kevin Kandy- Spooky Month
Kim Dokja- Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Kim Kitsuragi- Disco Elysium
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Danganronpa
Kunikida Doppo- Bungo Stray Dogs
Kurapika- Hunter x Hunter
Kusuo Saiki - The disastrous life of saiki k
Laerryn Coramar Seelie- Critical Role
Lamplighter/plight- OneShot
Larry- Pokemon
Larry Needlemeyer - The Amazing World of Gumball
Ling Wen- Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official’s Blessing)
Link- The Legend of Zelda
Lisa Cuddy- House M.D
Lisa Wilbourn- Worm
Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre- The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Loid Forger/Twilight- Spy x Family
Lucifer- Obey Me!
Lucretia- The Adventure Zone
Luisa Madrigal- Encanto
Maedhros Feanorian- The Silmarillion
Mafuyu Asahina- Project Sekai/Colorful Stage
Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Miraculous Ladybug
Marsh- Mistborn
Matthew Venn- The Long Call
Merlin- BBC Merlin
Miles O’Brien- Star Trek
Miss Pauling- Team Fortress 2
MK- Lego Monkie Kid
Molly Blyndeff- Epithet Erased
Mrs Doyle- Father ted
Munkustrap- Cats 1998
Nicholas Benedict- The Mysterious Benedict Society
Nishida- Yakuza
Obi-Wan Kenobi- Star Wars
Olruggio- Witch Hat Atelier
Pandemonica- Helltaker
Parsley Botch- Smile for Me
Peppino Spaghetti- Pizza Tower
Percy Jackson- Percy Jackson
Peregrine Mendicant- Homestuck
Ponder Stibbons- Discworld
Raphael Walt/Sirius Dieke- My Next Life as a Villainess
Ratchet- Transformers
Reagan Ridley- Inside Job
Reim Lunettes- Pandora Hearts
Retsuko- Aggretsuko
Riza Hawkeye- Fullmetal Alchemist
Robin- Smash Legends
Rory Williams- Doctor Who
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona
Sara Chidouin- Your Turn To Die
SecUnit- The Murderbot Diaries
Shang Qinghua - Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Shota Aizawa- My Hero Academia
Sips- Fool’s Gold
Squidward Tentacles- Spongebob Squarepants
Stanley- The Stanley Parable
Steven Alen Starphase- Blood Blockade Battlefront/Kekkai Sensen
Steven Universe- Steven Universe
Super Mario Bros.- Mario Series
Susan Taxpayer- Susan Taxpayer
The Cabbage Merchant- Avatar the Last Airbender
The Captain- BBC Ghosts
The Elsen- Off
The Manager- The Hotel Podcast
Touta Matsuda- Death Note
Trafalgar Law- One Piece
Twilight Sparkle- My Little Pony
Vera Oberlin- Monster Prom
Walter Pensive- Hello from the Hallowoods
Will Graham- Hannibal
William T Spears- Black Butler
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fxiled-fxithful · 30 days
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[Starter for @baphomet-slumber-queen ]
Descending into Sloth, Angela landed in front of the hospital within Sloth. Many of the sheep there backed away from the angel, as they would have seen the damage done in Greed through news coverage.
Angela did not come her to be hostile. She just wanted to make sure that unity could be found from a Sin that was hardly spoken to. Thus, why she had a messenger go ahead of her to inform the Sin of a meeting. While she waited for the Sin to arrive, she took a moment to glance into the lavender fountain in the front entrance.
So much was weighing on the unity of all. It made her wonder what Belphegor thought of working with angels. She knew, at least from former cycles, that she was one of the Sins that cared deeply about Lucifer's health and was a close friend to the Morningstar family. She did not see his actions in Eden as a Sin nor a crime to be punished.
Did she still think that? Was that going to prevent their complete unity?
If it did...
She would need to inform God so that she could have a proper battle, much like with Mammon. Hopefully there would not be a battle..
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My Masterlist
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Regressor Lucifer Morningstar
Regressor Lucifer Morningstar
Regressor Lucifer Morningstar (with Maze and Chloe)
Regressor Lucifer Morningstar (with carer Dan)
Sleepy regressor Lucifer
And yet another regressor Lucifer
Regressor Lucifer and babysitter Maze
Vent regressor Lucifer
Vent pet regressor Lucifer
Another vent regressor Lucifer
Caregiver Micheal Demiurgos (with some headcanons)
Lucifer Morningstar
Regressor Lucifer Morningstar
As Sweet as Whiskey (regressor Lucifer, carer Chloe)
Sleepy Devil (regressor Lucifer)
Wake up bud (regressor Lucifer, carer Maze)
It's not because I'm tired (regressor Lucifer, carer Amenadiel)
Good Omens:
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Regressor Crowley (with cg Aziraphale)
Regressor Angel Crowley
Regressor Crowley 👻 (spooky vibes, my favorite moodboard so far)
Regressor Beelzebub
Caregiver Aziraphale
Caregiver Aziraphale 🕊️
Another caregiver Aziraphale
Caregiver Crowley
Crowley and Aziraphale
Milk, Honey and a Tea Spoon of Vanilla (regressor Crowley, carer Aziraphale)
Cozy fireplace (regressor Crowley, carer Aziraphale)
Doctor Who:
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Regressor Tenth Doctor
Regressor Tenth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
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Regressor Dean Winchester
Regressor Dean
Another regressor Dean
9-1-1 Lone Star:
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Regressor TK Strand
House M.D:
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Regressor Greg House (with cg Wilson)
Regressor James Wilson (and teddy bears)
Regressor Robert Chase
Another regressor Chase
Caregiver James Wilson
Regressor Robert Chase
The average dog is nicer than the average person (pet regressor Wilson and carer House. *unfinished)
White Collar:
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Regressor Neal Caffrey
Regressor Neal Caffrey (with cg Peter Burke)
Another regressor Neal Caffrey
Time out (regressor Neal with El and Peter)
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Regressor Mike Ross
Vent Regressor Mike Ross (tw- weed)
Regressor Harvey Specter (Racing Hearts)
Regressor Mike Ross (Racing Hearts)
Regressors Mike and Harvey (Racing Hearts)
Racing Hearts
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Regressor Seeley Booth (with cg Temperance Brennan)
Regressor Jack Hodgins (with Booth and Angela)
Moon Knight:
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Regressor Steven Grant
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Regressor Will Graham (with cg Hannibal)
Hudson & Rex:
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Regressor Charlie Hudson
Regressor Charlie
Regressor Charlie (winter-ish theme)
Regressor Jesse Mills
Regressor Charlie Hudson
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Bracket is up! Matchups are in text form under the cut. Reminder that all of these matchups were chosen randomly, and that this bracket will be run in a double elimination style, so a character failing out in round one does NOT prevent them from proceeding into the tournament.
Ursula Boulton (Merge Mansion) vs. Betty Grof (Adventure Time)
Evelyn Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs. The Coin / Boss (Blaseball)
Morgan Le Fay (Fate) vs. Edelgard Von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
IMOGEN (Stellar Firma) vs. Amalexia (Elder Scrolls)
Maeby Funke (Arrested Development) vs. Manon Blackbeak (Throne of Glass)
Taylor Hebert / Skitter (Worm) vs. GLaDOS / Caroline (Portal)
Cleo DeNile (Monster High) vs. Nico Robin (One Piece)
Helen Richardson / The Distortion (The Magnus Archives) vs. Calanthe (The Witcher)
Irving Braxiatel (Thieves & Tardises) vs. Nefera DeNile (Monster High)
Alina Starkov (Shadow & Bone) vs. Lady Barbrey Dustin (A Song Of Ice & Fire)
Eclipsa Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil) vs. Jennifer Check (Jennifer’s Body)
Moira O’Deorain (Overwatch) vs. Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Carribbean)
Iron Maiden Jeanne (Shaman King) vs. Artemis (Greek Myth)
Tomie Kawakami (Tomie) vs. Dame Obsidian (Murdle)
Rachel (Animorphs) vs. Juri Han (Street Fighter)
Shego (Kim Possible) vs. Asajj Ventress (Star Wars)
Tabitha Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow) vs. Morte Asherah (Sands of Destruction)
Theresa (Fable) vs. Morgana Pendragon/Le Fey (BBC Merlin)
Nailgun Sue (IRL) vs. The Witch (Into the Woods)
Chara / The Fallen Human (Undertale) vs. Nimona (Nimona)
Klaasje Amandou (Disco Elysium) vs. Margot “gottiewrites” Garcia (An Unauthorized Fan Treatise)
Prince Ianthe Naberius the First, the Lyctor Prince, the Saint of Awe, previously known as Ianthe Tridentarius, the Princess of Ida, heir to the House of the Third, Mouth of the Emperor, the Procession, House of the Shining Dead (The Locked Tomb) vs. Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade Series)
Anna Croft (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) vs. Sailor Galaxia (Sailor Moon)
Ms. Pauling (Team Fortress 2) vs. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Charlie Magne/Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel) vs. Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Willie Jack (Reservation Dogs) vs. Gretchen Klein (The Wilds)
Rachel (Tower of God) vs. Galadriel (Lord of the Rings)
Charlie (Don’t Starve) vs. Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run)
Rose Quartz / Pink Diamond (Steven Universe) vs. Filo (Shield Hero)
Tokiko Shigure (Ai: The Somnium Files) vs. Sandy (TokiDoki Cactus Friends)
Shion Sonozaki (Higurashi When They Cry) vs. Banica Conchita (Evillious Chronicles)
Mima (Touhou) vs. Yūko Ichihara (xxxHolic)
Yuno Gasai (Future Diary) vs. Laerynn Coramar-Seelie (Critical Role)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Granny Weatherwax (Discworld)
Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights) vs. Susie Haltmann (Kirby: Planet Robobot)
Lae’Zel (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show) vs. Angela (Library of Ruina)
Miranda Vanderbilt (Monster Prom) vs. Jinx (Arcane / League of Legends)
Rose Thorburn Jr. (Pact) vs. Eva (Umineko When They Cry)
Empress Phillipa Georgiou (Star Trek) vs. Shiv Roy (Succession)
Paige Duplass (The Silt Verses) vs. Akua Sahelian (A Practical Guide to Evil)
Poison Ivy (DCEU) vs. Nickel (IDW Transformers)
Joyce Messier (Disco Elysium) vs. Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
Kalina (Fantasy High) vs. MegaGirl (Starship)
Sloane Parker (Eidolon Playtest) vs. Power (Chainsaw Man)
Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Raiden Ei / Beelzebul (Genshin)
Patty Bladell (Insatiable) vs. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley (House MD)
Tanya von Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil) vs. Fang Runin (The Poppy War)
Nomi Malone (Showgirls) vs. Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
Wu Zetian (The Iron Widow) vs. Lariska (Bionicle)
Teresa Agnes (Maze Runner) vs. Emma Perkins (Hatchetfield Series)
Lucrecia Mux / Maligula (Psychonauts) vs. Nadja of Antipaxos (What We Do In The Shadows)
Akako Koizumi (Magic Kaito) vs. Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Blackberry (Chicory: A Colorful Tale) vs. Malva (Pokemon)
Vermouth (Detective Conan) vs. Kumoko / Shiraori (So I’m a Spider So What)
Eleanor (Do Revenge) vs. Bryony Halbech (Red Valley)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Leliana (Dragon Age) vs. Archbishop Rhea/Seiros (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Grimora (Inscryption) vs. Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Audrey Redheart (Wandersong) vs. Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magic)
Fujiko Mine (Lupin III) vs. O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill)
Anne (WOE.BEGONE) vs. Gwendolyn Poole (Marvel Comics)
Lappland Saluzzo (Arknights) vs. Avrana Kern (Children of Time)
Harley Quinn (DCEU) vs. Cassandra Jones (Rise of the TMNT)
Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalte / La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Revan (Star Wars) vs Rue Kuroha / Princess Kraehe (Princess Tutu)
Eve (The Bible) vs. Prospera Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury)
May Angelica Jones Goodwin (It Takes Two) vs. Elle Williams (The Last of Us)
Marina (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas) vs. Naksu / Mudeok (Alchemy of Souls)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) vs. Sucre (OFF)
SHODAN (System Shock) vs. Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail)
Alana Bloom (NBC Hannibal) vs. Halea Haumea (Phantomarine)
Delirium of the Endless (The Sandman) vs. Arcee (IDW Transformers)
Morganthe (Wizard 101) vs. Wu Zetian (History)
Jude Duarte (Folk of the Air) vs. Miranda Pryce (Wolf 359)
Perihelion/ART (The Murderbot Diaries) vs. Kanamori Sayaka (Keep your Hands off Eizouken!)
Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum (Adventure Time) vs. Anais Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Croix Meridies (Little Witch Academia) vs. Lady Macbeth (Macbeth)
Harrowhark Nonagesmius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Big Mama (Rise of the TMNT)
Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries) vs. White Gladys the Orca (IRL)
Doctor Carmilla (Doctor Carmilla & the Mechanisms) vs. The Handler (Umbrella Academy)
Catra (She-Ra & The Princesses of Power) vs. Liliana Vess (Magic: The Gathering)
Jasnah Kholin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Liraz (Daughter of Smoke & Bone)
Lilith Clawthorne (TOH) vs. Medea (Greek Myth)
Odin (The Bifrost Incident) vs. Enma Ai (Jigoku Shoujo)
Mordred (Fate) vs. Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight)
Beatrice (Umineko When They Cry) vs. Hester Shaw (Mortal Engines)
Balalaika (Black Lagoon) vs. Any Female Praying Mantis (IRL)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) vs. W (Arknights)
Angelica Pickles (Rugrats/All Grown Up) vs. Eleanor Guthry (Black Sails)
Asha Rahiro (Kubera One Last God) vs. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Administrator (Team Fortress 2) vs. Shadowheart (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Noi (Dorohedro) vs. Leopardstar (Warrior Cats)
Sue Miley (Your Turn to Die) vs. Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
Juliette Cai (These Violent Delights) vs. Rat God (Mad Rat Dead)
Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin) vs. Kycilia Zabi (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Anne Boleyn (History) vs. Cinder Fall (RWBY)
Kokomi Teruhashi (Disastrous life of Saiki K) vs. Major Margaret Houlihan (M*A*S*H)
Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd) vs. Enyo (Granblue Fantasy)
Claudia (Interview with the Vampire) vs. Essun/Syenite/Damaya (Broken Earth Trilogy)
Lady Eboshi (Princess Mononoke) vs. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Bloodborne)
Entrapta (She-Ra & The Princesses of Power) vs. Ilsa Faust (Mission: Impossible)
Princess Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney)
Samantha Groves / Root (Person of Interest) vs. Charlotte “Lottie” Matthews (Yellowjackets)
Shanoa (Castlevania) vs. Sally Reed (Barry)
Evil Lynn (He-Man) vs. Makima (Chainsaw Man)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Raphaella La Coginzi (Doctor Carmilla & The Mechanisms)
Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs. Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher)
Toriel Dreemurr (Undertale) vs. Monaco (Hetalia: Axis Powers)
Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Carribbean) vs. Vala Mal Doran (Stargate)
Wanda Maximoff (MCU) vs. Adelina Amouteru (Young Elites)
Mapleshade (Warrior Cats) vs. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) vs. Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs. PearlescentMoon (Double Life SMP)
Lady Bone Demon (Lego Monkie Kid) vs. Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson Series)
Jung Sun Ah (Devil Judge) vs. Muu Kusonoski (Milgram)
Romanadvoratrelundar (Doctor Who) vs. Electra (Starlight Express)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
Wen Qing (The Untamed) vs. Yubel (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Ponyo (Ponyo) vs. Renata Glasc (League of Legends)
Aubrey (OMORI) vs. Menou (The Executioner and Her Way of Life)
Olivia Octavius (Into the Spiderverse) vs. Anna Limon (Mabel)
HG Wells (Warehouse 13) vs. The Shapeshifter (Odd Squad)
Miles “Tails” Prowler (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Isabella (Promised Neverland)
Riley Grace Davis / Bonesaw (Worm) vs. The Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Misty Quigley (Yellowjackets) vs. Nami (One Piece)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Lucretia (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
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willspencerp · 1 month
*Will raggiunge il Parco Rosewater, incontra una donna di nome Kelly, che assomiglia un pò a sua moglie Sarah, ma vestita in modo provocante e dotata di un carattere più aperto. Durante i loro spostamenti, sembra conoscere alcune cose che solo il protagonista e sua moglie potevano sapere, e si comporta in maniera molto seducente verso Will. Kelly accompagna l'eroe e lo aiuta a raggiungere un altro dei loro posti speciali, l'Hotel Lakeview. Will entra nel Pete's Bowl-O-Rama dove incontra Walter mentre parla con la bambina, che fugge appena vede Kelly. Dopo Walter rivela che il nome della bimba è Laura. Fuori Kelly dice a Will di aver visto Laura e cominciano a inseguirla. Arrivano così all'Ospedale Brookhaven, dove Kelly si sente male e si mette a riposare in una delle stanze dell'ospedale.
Will incontra Angela, svela il motivo della presenza di Angela e Walter a Silent Hill. Un articolo di giornale narra che Angela ha ucciso il padre, che abusava di lei con il consenso della madre.
Walter invece è stato preso in giro per anni dai suoi compagni per via del suo carattere. Ha ucciso il cane di un giocatore di football e poi ha sparato nella gamba al padrone. Appare chiaro che, al suo arrivo a Silent Hill, è impazzito vedendo che tutti si prendevano gioco di lui, e ha deciso di uccidere chiunque avesse incontrato. Inizialmente cerca di spiegare a Will perché abbia ucciso tutte quelle persone, ma poi si rivolta anche contro di lui, ma viene ucciso. Will prova vergogna ad aver ucciso Walter, e dopo ciò, Walter inizia a farsi domande sugli eventi che lo hanno portato in quella città e poi ad un tratto Sarah sparisce a causa di Lucyfer Morningstar e Will preoccupandosi per sua moglie trova una lettera:
"Nei miei sogni agitati,
vedo quella città.
Silent Hill.
Mi avevi promesso che un giorno
mi avresti riportato lì.
Ma non l'hai mai fatto.
Beh, ora sono lì da sola…
Nel nostro 'posto speciale
E ti aspetto…
Aspetto che tu
mi venga a trovare.
Ma non vieni mai.
E così aspetto, avvolta nel mio
bozzolo di dolore e solitudine.
So di aver commesso una cosa
terribile. Una cosa che
non mi perdonerai mai.
Vorrei poter cambiare
le cose, ma non posso.
Mi sento così patetica e brutta
mentre sono stesa qui, ad aspettarti...
Ogni giorno fisso le crepe
nel soffitto e tutto ciò a cui penso
è quanto sia ingiusto tutto ciò...
Oggi è venuto il medico.
Mi ha detto che posso tornare
a casa per un breve periodo.
Non è che sto migliorando.
E' che forse questa potrebbe
essere la mia ultima possibilità...
Sai cosa intendo...
Nonostante ciò, sono felice di tornare
a casa. Mi sei mancato tantissimo.
Ma ho paura, Will.
Ho paura che tu in realtà
non voglia che torni a casa.
Ogni volta che vieni a trovarmi,
So quanto è difficile per te...
Non so se tu mi
odi o ti faccio pena...
O forse ti disgusto solamente...
Questo mi dispiace.
Quando ho scoperto che
stavo per morire, non volevo
accettarlo in alcun modo.
Ero sempre arrabbiata e
me la prendevo con le persone che amavo di più.
Soprattutto con te, Will.
Ecco perché capisco
Se mi odi veramente.
Ma voglio che tu
sappia questo, Will.
Ti amerò per sempre.
Anche se la nostra vita insieme deve
finire in questo modo, non la cambierei
per nessuna cosa al mondo. Abbiamo
trascorso dei meravigliosi anni insieme.
Beh, questa lettera è durata
fin troppo, quindi ora ti saluto.
Ho detto all'infermiera di dartela
dopo che me ne sarò andata.
Ciò significa che quando la
leggerai, sarò già morta.
Non posso chiederti di ricordarmi,
ma non potrei sopportare che tu
ti dimenticassi di me.
Questi ultimi anni in cui
mi sono ammalata... Mi dispiace così tanto
per quello che ho fatto a te, che ho fatto a noi...
Mi hai dato così tanto e
io non sono stata capace di ricambiare
neanche una piccola cosa.
E' per questo che voglio che
tu continui a vivere la tua vita adesso.
Fa quello che è meglio per te, Will
Mi hai resa felice."
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ghost-bison · 1 year
Rules For Requests
No hard smut, but I will write flirting/kissing/soft NSFW
I can do y/n, cross-ships, crackships, rare pairs... As long as it's characters I'm willing to write for
You can send your request in my ask box. I'll only answer if you're polite and nice, though
Length of the OS may vary with inspiration/characters I'm writing for
Try to give me at least a little bit of information so I know which direction your OS will take
I'll write about (almost) any ship as long as it involves at least one character in my list
Good Omens: Anthony J. Crowley - Aziraphale Fell - Gabriel - Beelzebub - Furfur - Hastur - Muriel - Shax
Doctor Who: Donna Noble - Tenth Doctor - Ninth Doctor - Martha Jones - Rose Tyler - River Song - Fourteenth Doctor - Rose Noble - Shaun Temple - Eleventh Doctor - Amelia Pond - Rory Williams
Broadchurch: Alec Hardy - Ellie Miller - Beth Latimer
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Negan Smith - Carol Pelletier - Michonne Hawthorne - Judith Grimes - Beth Greene
Project Blue Book: Michael James Quinn - Allen Hynek - Mimi Hynek - Susie Miller
Teen Wolf: Derek Hale - Malia Hale - Allison Argent - Stiles Stilinski - Scott McCall - Lydia Martin - Isaac Lahey - Peter Hale - Theo Raeken - Liam Dunbar - Kira Yukimura - Cora Hale - Braeden - Kate Argent - Chris Argent
The Vampire Diaries: Lorenzo 'Enzo' St. John - Damon Salvatore - Bonnie Bennett - Elena Gilbert - Rebekah Mikaelson - Malachai 'Kai' Parker - Alexia 'Lexi' Branson - Tyler Lockwood - Elijah Mikaelson - Niklaus 'Klaus' Mikaelson - Caroline Forbes - Katherine Pierce - Matt Donovan - Stefan Salvatore
The Sandman: Morpheus 'Dream' of the Endless - Robert 'Hob' Gadling - Corinthian - Death of the Endless - Desire of the Endless - Matthew - Lucifer Morningstar - Lucienne
Once Upon A Time: Regina Mills - Emma Swan - Zelena Mills - Mary Margaret Blanchard - Henry Mills - David 'Charming' Nolan - Rogers - Lucy Mills - Robyn Mills - Alice Jones
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Catra - Adora - Glimmer of Brightmoon - Bow - Scorpia - Entrapta - Mermista - Sea Hawk - Perfuma - Swiftwind - Frosta - Mara - Castaspella - Angela - Micah - Double Trouble - Madame Razz - Light Hope
The Haunting of Hill House: Eleanor 'Nell' Crain - Theodora 'Theo' Crain - Hugh Crain - Olivia Crain
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani Clayton - Jamie Taylor - Viola Willoughby
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angelicswagsummit · 1 year
Bracket Reveal!
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I arranged the bracket with a random number generator, so any strange or unbalanced pairings are to be blamed entirely on the random number generator. I'm going to stagger when I put out the polls- I'll put out section A on monday (5/8), section B on tuesday, etc. I tried to make who was who as clear as I could on the bracket, since there are ten Lucifers and ten more Gabriels (give or take), so the matchups are below the cut! May the swaggiest angel win.
Section A
CA Cupid (Ever After High/Monster High) Vs Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Lucifer (Megami Tensei) Vs Gabriel (Shaman King)
Gabriel (Christianity) Vs Islington (Neverwhere)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer) Vs Lucifer Morningstar (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Gabriel (ultrakill) Vs Michael (Granblue Fantasy)
Kaworu Nagisa (Evangelion) Vs Erika (Welcome to Night Vale)
Gabriel (Mandela Catalogue) Vs Skellig (Skellig)
Angel of Death (Prince of Egypt) Vs Manny (Constantine)
Section B
Crowley (Good Omens) Vs Raguel (Murder Mysteries)
El/Eru (Shugo Chara) Vs Sandalphon (Granblue Fantasy)
Finn Fish (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) Vs Guardian Angel (Adventure Time)
Winged Girl (On Your Mark) Vs Angemon (Digimon)
Michael (Michael (1996)) Vs Gabriel (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Michael (Stan for Salvation) Vs Uriel (Shaman King)
Shachath (American Horror Story) Vs Angela (Marvel Image Comics)
Rosie (Wizards of Waverly Place) Vs Sera (Marvel)
Section C
Gabriel (The Bible) Vs Lucifer Morningstar (The Sandman)
Aziraphale (Good Omen) Vs Allison Angel (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Gabriel (Supernatural) Vs Wedding Peach (Wedding Peach)
Ryo Asuka (Devilman Crybaby) Vs Courtney (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Simeon (Obey Me) Vs Gabriel (Stan for Salvation)
Uriel (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Vs Zauriel (DC comics)
Barbella Sasparilla Gainglynn (Dimension 20) Vs Pit (Kid Icarus)
Castiel (Supernatural) Vs Lucifer (Obey Me)
Section D
Venus (We Know the Devil) Vs Whis (Dragon Ball)
Amenadiel (Lucifer) Vs Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking)
Fingers (Dead End: Paranormal Park) Vs Panty Anarchy (Panty and Stocking)
Access Time (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) Vs Kohaku (Wish)
Exandroth (Just Roll With It) Vs Hanekoma Sanae (The World Ends With You)
Uriel ( The Dresden Files) Vs The Angel (The Mechanisms)
Ithuriel (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) Vs Corona Andromede (Oceanfalls)
Lynn (All Saints Street) Vs Galacta Knight (Kirby)
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putastakeinit · 6 months
@protectxthem for luci.
The last thing she remembered was dying. She was certain she was dead but she was back. Had there been some inference? Likely of the supernatural kind?
Was she really alive?
And if she had died that meant she couldn't save Damien nor protect him or her family. There wasn't anyone else in their circle, far as she was aware, who knew how to deal with vampires. And if Damien couldn't be cured..
Angela's stomach sank. He'd be that way permanently.
As she tried to ground herself, she began to observe her surroundings. Things seemed normal but something felt strange, there was a hazy feeling in the air. It was rather dreamlike in an unsettling way and the longer she stayed, the more uneasy she felt.
"Hello?" The room was empty and her voice almost seemed to echo. A moment later she heard footsteps from behind and turned on her heels. The man, otherwise known as Lucifer Morningstar, came into view. Until now she had known him as a club owner and a rather eccentric one at that. A man who claimed to be the devil and was known for his shady favours to shady people..
What he was doing here? And why?
"What is this place?"
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magic-spirit26 · 1 year
AU Suggestions
Hi everyone Arhi the hedgefox here so this will be new of the blog which are AU suggestions I haven’t said anything about this yet but now I amSo I’ll be taking AU suggestions for my ocs and I’ll list the resent ones below so you can suggest one for me to doMy ocs from the Sonic universe but they are hybridsJake the jaghog (Jaguar and Hedgehog)Danny and Xavier the bunndog twins (Dog and Bunny)Kelly the hedgehogGabe the HedgehogIan the hedgekidna (Hedgehog mix with one I can’t pronounce correctly but it’s a hybrid)Arhi the hedgefox (Fox and hedgehog)Zozo Lucifer (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Lucy (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Isa (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Jack & Nick (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox children)Alex (Mix of 4 characters)Alice (Sil x A)Stacy (Sil x A)Raven (Son x A)Ace (Sha x A)Max (Sha x A)Linda MacyLily CollinMaxwell BlueMaxy  and Macey the hedgebunny (Hedgehog and bunny) Hodarr Zabus Taylor Kai Arhi the Dog Amber the bunny Alex the rabbit Dominic the Rabbit Jessica the Dog  James the Bunny  Max the wolfMikel the catAmanda the hedgehogAce the werehogJack the werehogMaddison the werehogMaddox the werehog Max the werehog Ian the werehog Mike the werehog Micale the werehog Jim the werehog Angel the werehog Zamen the werehog Josh the werehog Nick the werehog John the werehog Kim the werehog Jay the werehog Stacy the rabbit Miranda the dog Jaquinn the hedgehog Kayla the dog Oliver the dog Amilia the cat
Owen the hedgedog
Emma the hedgehog
Olive the rabbit
Angela the hedgedog
Pam the rabbit
Jason the wolf
Jonny the fox
Mason the rabbit
Grayson the cat
Ava the Dog
Conner the hedgehog
Lucas the Hedgehog
Jake the hedgehog
Aaron the hedgehog
Pat the hedgehog
Mat the dog
Jade the hedgehog
Kade the hedgehog
Jema the hedgehog
Kacey the cat
Jeremiah the hedgehog
Kenny the hedgehog
Ken the hedgehog
Melody the cat
Ortensia the hedgehog
Bob the hedgehog
Cole the hedgehog
Opal the hedgehog
Bobby the hedgehog
Chris the hedgehog
Janus the hedgehog
Jackson the hedgehog
Jacob the Hedgehog
McKayla the wolf
Eli the hedgehog
Jin the hedgedog
Layla the dog
June the Dog
Sam the dog
Rosey the rabbit
My exes and others: MS.exe Arhi.exe Danny.exe Xavier.exe Needlefox Isa needle Gorge Spirit Garry Spirit Len Spirit Jake Glitch King Glitch Alice Spirit Gabriela Spirit Ash Spirit Glitch Coby Grown Zosia Way Dallas Grown Maddox Way Marcus grown Mack Grown Ian Way Angela Way Gabe Grown Nick Way Sam way Owne Grown James Grown Jax Way Susan I. Speye and Linda I. Speye (Twins Identical) Karter Spirit Leo error Cristy Curse Cail Curse Ben Magic Kai Chaotic Malissa Chaotic Macey Chaotic Len Magic Nick Needle Nikky Magic Max Grown Sally Spirit Isaac Magic Samuel Spirit Angela Error Alice Needlefox Eil.exe
Backroom oc entities: Anti-gravity jack Ava Isaiah Ghost Sam Demon kitty Spider boi TV man Rainbowy Dreamcore ocs: Austin woodlock Tomas Woodlock (Resent character) tick tock tim/tom blind Emily rabbit Tarry Henry dream Kenny the robot cat Sana the robot rabbit Creepypasta ocs: Lexi Wolf Lost Exe Lost Alex Grey Elizabeth Morningstar
Cuphead OCS:
Cherry Mocha
Green tea
Chocolate mocha
Strawberry Calypso
Orange Jamaica
Black tea
Batim ocs:
MHA ocs:
Danganronpa ocs:
Leo Komaeda
Lucky Komaeda
Roy Komaeda
Lily Komaeda
Roy Hinata
Jim spirit
Jessica Hinata
Cassandra Kamukura
Katy Kamukura
Conner Spirit
Xavier Kamukura
Rosy and Cane
Vanessa Naegi
Sam Spirit
Samara Spirit
Isaac Komaeda
John Spirit
Cortney Naegi
Luna Naegi
Tim Spirit
Madoka Magica ocs:
Lily Jackquin
MVA ocs:
murder drones ocs:
Magic Spirit and Blare Spirit
Tai Kai
Macy Harkquinn
Casella Tarisa
Marcus June Keller John Keller Zen C. Akuma/Damien C. Akuma Zane B. Akuma Mr.Akuma Mrs.Akuma Leon Spirit Amilia Magic Azrail L. Zozo Thomas Quinn A lot more down the line  So here’s a list of all ocs Yes you can ask me to make your ocs into this as well or draw the actual character them selves Please have a good day/Night or afternoon
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numberonepeacock · 2 months
Chapters: 8/39 Fandom: Original Work, Danny Phantom, Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Jack Fenton/Maddie Fenton, Danny Fenton & Ella Fenton & Jazz Fenton & Dan Phantom & Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Danny Fenton & Ella Fenton & Tucker Foley & Valerie Gray & Sam Manson, Clockwork/Dan Phantom Characters: Ella Fenton, Danny Fenton, Dan Phantom, Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Jazz Fenton, Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom), Lilith Magne | Morningstar, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Valerie Gray, Angela Foley, Maurice Foley, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Mr. Lancer (Danny Phantom), Dash Baxter, Jay Wilson, Kwan (Danny Phantom), Paulina Sanchez Additional Tags: Female Danny Fenton, Fenton Twins, Half-Siblings, Hybrids, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Character Death, Heaven & Hell, Lesbian Character, OCs - Freeform, Sins and Virtues, danny phantom elements, Not a Crossover, Single Parent Jack Fenton, Good Parent Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom), I’m bad at tagging, Older Sibling Dan Phantom, Protective Dan Phantom, Younger Sibling Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Childhood Friends, Cool Aunt Lilith Magne | Morningstar, Sam Manson Has Plant Powers, Tucker Foley Has Tech Powers, Valerie Gray has Magic, Jazz Fenton Has Water Powers, Diana Fenton Has Lightning Powers, Ella and Dan Have Only Celestial Powers
Long ago, when there was nothing but darkness, the first god created the universe. Within it, he created the Earth. His second eldest child became the God of it and was tasked with leading it. He created Heaven, a place above Earth where he could watch over it and the home of the Angels. He also created 14 Divine Beings to rule over Heaven. When God created the first man and woman, 7 of the Beings weren’t impressed. One of them saw nothing but flaws so to prove these flaws, he tricked the woman into eating the forbidden fruit, releasing evil into the world. As punishment, God cursed him and the Beings that stood with him to be the holders of this evil, the Seven Deadly Sins, and banished them to a place called Hell. God made the remaining Beings the Seven Heavenly Virtues using his life magic.
However, our story starts over 10,000 years later when a couple found a baby on their doorstep in their hometown. Now this baby isn’t who this story is about but is the start of our Main Character's journey. Follow Daniella Stella Fenton as she grows up and finds a path to her future and Infinite City.
First things first, if you click on the link you will find that the Fandoms are Danny Phantom, Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss, THIS IS NOT A CROSSOVER, this is an Original Work with characters, specific locations, and elements from the three fandoms.
Now this is book one of a two-book series about the life of a Demon Angel Hybrid named Ella Fenton, younger twin sister of Danny Fenton. Series: Part 1 of Hybrid of the Seven Sins AU
It is a series which is still ongoing. I'm not returning to start writing more chapters until the end of August but it does have 7 chapters out so far.
Here is the link to the Masterpost with more information on this AU: Hybrid of the Seven Sins AU Masterpost
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